EBI R610.1 ID - Guide
EBI R610.1 ID - Guide
EBI R610.1 ID - Guide
Release 610
Document Release Issue Date
800-00443 610 - 6.1 1 June 2021
This document contains Honeywell proprietary information. Information
contained herein is to be used solely for the purpose submitted, and no part of this
document or its contents shall be reproduced, published, or disclosed to a third
party without the express permission of Honeywell S.r.l.
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate,
Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written
agreement with and for its customer.
In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any direct, special, or consequential
damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to
change without notice.
Copyright 2021 – Honeywell S.r.l.
Training classes
Honeywell holds technical training classes on Enterprise Buildings Integrator.
These classes are taught by experts in the field of building control systems. For
more information about these classes, contact your Honeywell representative.
To obtain applicable EU compliance Declaration of Conformities for this product,
please refer to our website, https://extranet.honeywell.com/HBS/EBI/EBIHOME/
For any additional information regarding the compliance of this product to any
EU-specific requirements, please send email to [email protected]
Related documentation
For a complete list of publications and documents for Enterprise Buildings
Integrator, see the Enterprise Buildings Integrator Overview.
2 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
1 Introduction 7
Related documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Intrusion 19
Plants display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Open the Plants display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Plants - Main tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Plants - Security tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Plants - Feedback tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Plants - Supervision tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Plants - Alarm Settings tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Plant duplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Credential Types display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Open the Credential Types display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Reading technologies managed by intrusion detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Define the credential type for intrusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Intrusion Zones display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Open the Intrusion Zones display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Intrusion Zones - Main tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Intrusion Zones - Arm/Disarm tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Zone management types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Intrusion Zones - Test tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Intrusion Zones - Others tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Intrusion Zones - Supervision tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Intrusion Zones - Alarm Settings tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Logics display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Open the Logics display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Logics - Main tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4 Hardware Configuration 43
TemaServer display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Open the TemaServer display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Configure a TemaServer for intrusion detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
LonWorks ring connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Overview of ring configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Inserting RTUs into the ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
.................................................................. 50
Memory Formatting display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Open the Memory Formatting display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Configure memory formats for intrusion detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Default intrusion database format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
RTUs display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Open the RTUs display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Configure an RTU for intrusion detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
RTU types managed by the intrusion detection module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Miniterminals display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Miniterminal types and composition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Open the Miniterminals display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Miniterminals - Main tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Miniterminals - Activation tabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Miniterminals - Supervision tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Miniterminals - Alarm Settings tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Detectors display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Open the Detectors display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Detectors - Main tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Detectors - Detector Type tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Description of detector types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Detectors - Behavior tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Detectors - Feedback tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Detectors - Supervision tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Detectors - Alarm Settings tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Save data for several detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Intrusion Digital Output display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Open the Intrusion Digital Output display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5 Administration 77
Typologies Configuration display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Open the Typologies Configuration display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Typologies Configuration - Main tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Typologies Configuration - Status tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Typologies Configuration - Alarm tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Typologies Configuration - Command tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Create a custom typology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Peripheral profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Open the Peripheral Profiles display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Peripheral Profiles - Main tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Create a new peripheral profile starting from a default one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Peripheral operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Open the Peripheral Operators display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Peripheral Operators - Main tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
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Related documentation
In addition to this guide, you may consult the following manuals provided with
the Temaline Interface subsystem (of which the Intrusion Detection module
constitutes an integrated, optional module):
• MT Display – User Manual—Help on using the Man-Machine Interface of the
Intrusion Detection Module
• Temaline Access Control Configuration Guide—Provides easy-to-follow
examples and tutorials on configuring functions for the access control, time
and attendance and security system
• Temaline Interface – Installation Manual—Provides instructions on installing
the subsystem
For further information on using the station and on managing the alarm list, see
the documentation that is provided with EBI Enterprise Buildings Integrator.
10 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Intrusion configuration
overview 2
The Intrusion Detection (ID) module is an option integrated into the Temaline
Interface subsystem. It is used to configure, via the Temaline Interface's displays,
the Tema ID panels which manage the intrusion detection peripheral devices, i.e.
detectors, actuators, and all Man-Machine Interface peripheral devices.
This module allows the enhanced management of the Intrusion Detection matters
and provides many different modes for arming /disarming of the zones; it also
enables you to create correlations between detectors so that an alarm can actually
be raised (logics).
This chapter provides information on the supported intrusion architectures, and
how to access and work with the configuration displays for intrusion detection.
Topic See
Intrusion subsystem architectures page 12
Access the intrusion configuration displays page 15
Work with configuration displays (common operations) page 17
Tema ID architecture
The figure below illustrates the peripheral architecture using the TemaServer ID.
• You can use two types of connections for communication with the supervision
center (LAN for the primary connection and modem connection as a backup
• By default, the Tema ID panel is equipped with 16 inputs and 16 configurable
outputs, plus two outputs whose behavior is preset (general alarm relay and
general failure relay); it also enables you to connect other I/O devices or
interface devices using a LonWorks network.
• You can also connect the I/O devices to the ID Panel using a ring (see
“LonWorks ring connection” on page 47).
12 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
• Tema SEC enables you to connect I/O or interface devices using a Lonworks
14 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
EBI toolbar
1 From the EBI toolbar, select Menu > Configure > Temaline Intrusion
Detection >...
2 Select the desired grouping: Hardware Configuration, Intrusion, or
3 And finally select the desired display.
Navigation pane
Once you open an intrusion detection display as described above, an Intrusion
Configuration navigation pane appears on the left from which you can access all
the intrusion detection displays.
1 In the navigation pane, expand the desired grouping (such as Hardware
Configuration or Intrusion).
16 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
18 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
The Intrusion group comprises displays for the logical configuration of the
Intrusion Detection module.
Plants display
The term Plant, or more specifically, Intrusion Detection Plant, refers to the
portion of the intrusion detection subsystem controlled by a Tema ID Panel.
From the physical point of view, the plant is composed of detectors and actuators,
concentration and feed devices, and human-machine interfaces. (For further
information on using the peripheral interface, see the MT Display – User Manual
which is provided the Temaline Interface Intrusion Detection module.)
From the logical point of view, the plant is made up of various zones subjected to
control, which therefore allows for a global management.
Furthermore, the plant allows for the performing of operations that affect all
objects making up it.
Field Description
20 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Brief The brief name of the plant (max. 4 characters). It is
used for the duplication of the whole plant.
It defines the rule to follow while assigning the
acronym to the objects that make up the plant to be
duplicated; i.e., the brief name of the plant must also
be part of the acronym of each object. For further
information, see “Plant duplication” on page 24.
Acronym The unique identifier for the plant. The acronym can
be made up of a maximum of 8 alphanumerical
characters (letters from A to Z, or numbers from 0 to
9.) If a Brief name has been assigned to the plant, the
acronym starts (first 4 characters) with the Brief
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Point ID The identifier of the point used in the EBI
environment. It is automatically filled with the value
of the Acronym field and then, if required, you can
modify it (up to 40 characters). This field must be
Description A description of the point (up to 132 characters). Only
32 characters are sent to the peripheral level.
Free note Free notes on the plant.
TemaServer The TemaServer ID or TemaServer SEC controlling
the plant
Calendar The peripheral calendar used by the plant. See:
• Temaline Access Control Configuration Guide,
section Configuration Displays Reference >
Access Control Definition > Peripheral
Calendar display.
Operative note The operative note associated with the plant. See
“Operative Notes display” on page 41
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item.
Field Description
Duress Password The password used to log in to the plant when under
Duress feedback The feedback that is activated in case of login to the
plant when under threat.
Duress profile The profile associated with the operator to log in to
the plant when under threat.
Auto logout after The timeout for automatic session closure (logout) of
the peripheral miniterminal (expressed in minutes).
(See “Miniterminals display” on page 58.)
Field Description
Plant in alarm fbk, The feedback that is executed if at least one alarm has
not been acknowledged by the operator in a zone of
the plant.
Return The feedback that is executed when all alarms have
been acknowledged in all zones of the plant.
Plant in tampering fbk. The feedback that is executed when a tamper or
failure situation is detected within the plant, for
example, a cut or short of a detector, or a failure of
other devices.
Return The feedback that is executed upon return of all
failure situations in the plant.
Armed The feedback that is executed when all zones in the
plant are armed.
Disarmed The feedback that is executed if at least one zone in
the plant is in disarmed status.
Maintenance start The feedback that is executed when the maintenance
work mode has been set for the plant, meaning the
mode that is used while installing or maintaining the
Maintenance stop The feedback that is executed upon the end of the
maintenance work mode for the plant.
22 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Start running test fbk. The feedback that is executed when the general
testing mode has been set for the plant, meaning the
mode used when you test the whole plant after
installing and configuring it.
Stop running test fbk. The feedback that is executed at the end of the general
testing mode for the plant.
For further information on the possible work modes
for the plant, see Point Detail display - Plant.
Plant duplication
This function allows you to duplicate simultaneously all of the objects that belong
to the plant. A copy of all records, as well as all related references and
associations, is created.
To do this, you must first assign to the plant a unique brief name which identifies
it as a model. You must then integrate this brief name in each acronym assigned to
the objects that make up the plant (i.e., detectors, digital outputs, zones, logics,
miniterminals, RTUs, operative notes, and feedbacks).
This is essential for the duplication to work properly. In fact, the system creates a
copy of all records that relate to the objects making up the plant by replacing the
brief name currently on the acronym, or reference, with the new brief name that
identifies the new plant.
The system verifies the uniqueness of the brief name of the plant, then it creates
the new plant using the old plant as a model. To duplicate the objects that belong
to the plant when you are creating an identical new plant, the system replaces the
brief name in each acronym with the new brief name of the new plant;
consequently, it updates all references and associations, setting both the new
belonging plant and the new TemaServer ID.
If a problem arises during duplication (for example, if an object exists whose
acronym does not contain a brief name to be replaced), an error message is
• You have configured a TemaServer ID for managing the new plant.
• You have assigned a unique brief name to the plant to be duplicated.
• You have entered the brief name of the plant in the acronym of all objects that
belong to the plant to be duplicated.
To duplicate a plant:
1 Select the plant to be duplicated, then click on Duplicate.
By default, the Only this record option is selected. This option allows you to
duplicate only the plant record, without duplicating its objects.
2 Select The whole plant.
3 In the Brief box, type in the new brief name (4 characters) which identifies the
new plant. This name will be used to replace the brief name that is currently in
the acronym of the objects that belong to the plant being duplicated.
4 Complete the Acronym of the new plant. The brief name has been
automatically entered in the acronym.
24 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
For a detailed description of the fields in this display, and full instructions on how to
configure them, refer to:
• Access Control Configuration Guide, section Configuration Displays Reference >
Access Control Definition > Credential Types display.
To open this documentation from the EBI station help:
• In the EBI menu select Help > Temaline Reference > Access Control Configuration
Guide > Configuration Displays Reference > Access Control Definition >
Credential Types display.
26 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
This display can also be accessed directly during configuration of the module,
that is, from any displays allowing selection or association of a zone, by double-
clicking on the box.
To learn about Go to
Open the Intrusion Zones display page 29
Intrusion Zones - Main tab page 29
Intrusion Zones - Arm/Disarm tab page 30
Intrusion Zones - Test tab page 32
Intrusion Zones - Others tab page 34
Intrusion Zones - Supervision tab page 34
Intrusion Zones - Alarm Settings tab page 35
28 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym The unique identifier of the zone within the system.
The acronym can be made up of a maximum of 8
alphanumerical characters (letters from A to Z, or
numbers from 0 to 9).
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Point Name The identifier of the point used in the EBI
environment. It is automatically filled with the value
of the Acronym field and then, if required, you can
modify it (up to 40 characters). This field must be
Description A description of the point (up to 132 characters). Only
32 characters are sent to the peripheral level.
Plant The plant to which the zone to be configured belongs.
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
Field Description
Zone management type The drop-down list contains the five modes for
arming the zone:
• Manual
• Automatic
• Automatic with manual disarm
• Semiautomatic
• Confirmable
“Zone management types” on page 31 summarizes
the functioning of the various modes and indicates the
fields on the display used for their relative settings.
Arm Delay Timeout, in minutes, that elapses between the arm
command and the effective change of status for the
zone. This allows the person who has armed the zone
to exit the controlled areas.
Schedule grid
Start The start time of the first time period for disarming
the zone.
Stop The end time of the first time period for disarming the
zone, following which the zone is re-armed.
Resume The start time of the second time period for disarming
the zone.
End The end time of the second time period for disarming
the zone, following which the zone is re-armed.
Day Framework Allows you to select the days on which to schedule
the arm/disarm operation; that is, the days of the week
(from Monday to Sunday), the holidays, and the
special days. To select a day type, click the
corresponding box.
Alternate Schedule Allows you to define an alternative schedule program.
This is composed of two time periods and start and
end dates, which define the interval of days on which
to apply the given time period.
30 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Break overtime Allows you to set the overtime for the zone, meaning
to prolong the instance Stop of the planned time
periods which are used for disarming the zone,
expressed in minutes. If, for example, the time period
starts at 08:00 and stops at 13:00, and you enter in this
field a value equal to 15, the zone is automatically re-
armed at 13:15 rather than at 13:01.
End overtime Allows you to set the prolonging of the instance End
of the planned time periods used for disarming the
zone, in minutes.
Max time for manual disarm The maximum duration of the manual disarm,
expressed in minutes. Once this amount of time has
elapsed, the zone will automatically be rearmed.
• Used for Manual and Automatic with manual
disarm arming modes.
Time window for disarm The time, in minutes, within which the manual disarm
must be performed or confirmed.
• Used for Semiautomatic and Confirmable
arming modes.
Field Description
Automatic test before the arm of Enables/disable automatic test on the zone, that is, on
the zone all detectors associated with that, before arming it.
32 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Arm the zone also if test is failed Enables/Disables the zone arming even if the test has
not been passed.
The figure below illustrates the various scenarios in
which at least one detector in the zone is in alarm
status, in accordance with the settings of the two
fields above:
Test start feedback The feedback when the test on the zone begins.
If desired, you can double-click these fields to open
the display to configure a feedback.
Test end feedback The feedback when the test has been completed.
Test failed feedback The feedback if the test does not succeed (i.e., if at
least one detector is in alarm status and the option
Arm the zone also if test failed was not selected).
Test OK feedback The feedback if the test succeeds and if the option
Arm the zone also if test is failed is selected.
Field Description
Max number of detectors The maximum number of detectors associated with
simultaneously disabled the zone that may be simultaneously disabled.
Parameter 1 General parameter for classifying the zone.
Parameter 2 General parameter for classifying the zone.
Operative note The operative note associated with the element. If
desired, you can double-click this field to show the
Operative Notes display display (see page 41), which
allows you to configure them.
If desired, you can double-click these fields to open
the display which then allows you to configure a
Detectors in alarm feedback The feedback when there is at least one detector in the
zone in an alarm status.
Return detectors in alarm The feedback upon return of all alarm conditions in
feedback the zone.
Detectors in failure feedback The feedback when there is at least one detector in the
zone in a fail/tamper status.
Return detectors in failure The feedback upon return of the fail/tamper status for
feedback detectors in the zone.
Arm notice feedback The feedback when the zone arming starts if an arm
delay has been set for this zone (see Arm Delay
Arm Feedback The feedback when the zone is armed.
Disarm Feedback The feedback when the zone is disarmed.
Prealarm Feedback The feedback when there is at least one detector in the
zone in a prealarm status.
Prealarm Return Feedback The feedback upon return of all prealarm conditions
in the zone.
34 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Logics display
A logic is a procedure that correlates the statuses of several detectors with time
(logical correlation) and thereby provides a logical filter for the alarms generated
by the system, to reduce the number of false alarms.
In fact, if the detectors are associated with a logic, they do not directly generate
alarms, rather, they refer them to the logic to which they pertain. This latter
utilizes the criteria defined on this display to manage the emission of alarms.
This display allows you to:
• associate a maximum of 240 detectors with the logic;
• specify the number of detectors within the given logical correlation that must
be in alarm status, either simultaneously or not, to cause an alarm status for
the logic;
• specify the time to be utilized for the correlation.
The acknowledgment of a logical alarm produces the alarm return and resets the
logic status. To manage the alarms, the Logic must be armed and the associated
zone, if any, must be armed.
36 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym The unique identifier of the logic within the system.
The acronym can be made up of a maximum of 8
alphanumerical characters (letters from A to Z, or
numbers from 0 to 9.)
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Point Name The identifier of the point used in the EBI
environment. It is automatically filled with the value
of the Acronym field and then, if required, you can
modify it (up to 40 characters). This field must be
Description A description of the logic (up to 132 characters). Only
32 characters are sent to the peripheral level.
Plant The plant to which the logic to be configured belongs.
Typology The logic typology, meaning the possible statuses,
events, and commands for the object.
All objects have a default typology, and this may be
customized for the case of detectors and logics. The
default value is LOGIC (that is, the default typology
for logics), but the drop-down list contains the custom
configurations, if any (see “Typologies Configuration
display” on page 78).
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
Field Description
Time window The time, in seconds, that must elapse between the
first and second alarm signals before the alarm status
for the logic is generated.
Detectors focused Number of detectors that must be in a state of alarm,
even not simultaneously, to generate the alarm status
for the logic.
Available This area shows the acronym and description for the
detectors configured for the plant. To insert a detector
into the logical correlation, select it, then click .
To remove it, click .
Assigned This area shows the acronym and description for the
detectors that are considered for the logical
Field Description
Feedback on alarm The feedback when an alarm is generated.
Feedback on alarm return The feedback upon return of the alarm condition.
Zone The zone to which the logic is associated. The alarm
conditions detected by the logic become real alarms
only if this zone is inserted.
To configure zones refer to “Intrusion Zones display”
on page 28.
Operative note The operative note associated with the element. To
configure them, refer to “Operative Notes display” on
page 41.
38 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
40 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym The unique identifier for the operative note within the
system. The acronym can be made up of a maximum
of 8 alphanumerical characters (letters from A to Z, or
numbers from 0 to 9.)
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Note The text of the operative note.
Plant The plant for which the operative note is being
Sites Select a valid plant to see the default site
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
42 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Hardware Configuration
The Hardware Configuration group comprises displays for configuring the
physical devices that make up the Intrusion Detection system.
To learn about Go to:
TemaServers display page 44
Groups/Lines display Temaline Access Control Configuration Guide,
section Configuration Displays Reference >
Hardware Configuration > Groups/Lines display.
Memory Formatting display page 51
RTUs display page 55
Miniterminals display page 58
Detectors display page 63
Intrusion Digital Outputs display page 72
TemaServer display
This display allows you to perform the physical configuration of the
TemaServers, the peripheral controllers that are responsible for managing the
field devices of the intrusion detection subsystem.
You can:
• define channels and connection modes to the Supervision Center;
• configure the connection modes with RTU components;
• define the time zone to be used;
• set visibility parameters on the TemaServer ID or TemaServer SEC for system
For a detailed description of the fields in this display, and full instructions on how to
configure them, refer to:
• Access Control Configuration Guide, section Configuration Displays Reference >
Hardware Configuration > TemaServer display.
To open this documentation from the EBI station help:
• In the EBI menu select Help > Temaline Reference > Access Control Configuration
Guide > Configuration Displays Reference > Hardware Configuration >
TemaServer display.
44 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
• You properly set the installation parameters of the TemaServer (IP addresses,
groups, LonWorks domain, and so on) using the TEMA Virtual Monitor. See
Access Control Configuration Guide, section Configure a Temaline System
> Configure the TemaServers > Configure the TemaServer1.
1 Select Intrusion Configuration > Hardware Configuration > TemaServer.
2 Enter the Acronym and Description for the TemaServer.
3 From the TemaServer Type drop-down list, depending on the desired
configuration (see “Intrusion subsystem architectures” on page 12), select one
of the following:
• TS ID01 - TemaServer ID.
• TS SE01 - TemaServer SEC.
4 From the Group drop-down list, select the group that you set using the TEMA
Virtual Monitor. The selected group determines the connection mode (LAN
and/or PPP dial-up) used to communicate with the Supervision Center.
5 Select the Communication enable check box.
6 Select the Networking tab.
7 Under Ethernet, enter the IP address of the TemaServer. This is the same one
that was set using the TEMA Virtual Monitor.
8 In the LonWork area, specify the type of connection to be established
between the TemaServer and the peripheral RTU devices. There are two
possible options:
• Bus Typology—Normal Echelon connection type (default setting).
• Ring Typology—(available only for TemaServer ID) Connection between
the TemaServer and its RTUs utilizing an FTT LonWorks ring bus. The
connection between the TemaServer and its RTU devices can be
maintained even when there is a short circuit or a cut in the cabling.
9 If you selected the Ring Typology option, the Ring Configuration button is
enabled. This allows access to a window where you can configure the RTU
components to be inserted into the ring.
• For instructions see “Inserting RTUs into the ring” on page 50.
10 If the Group selected in the Main tab used PPP as the primary or backup
connection, a Dial-up tab appears, which enables you to configure the PPP
dial-up connection between the TemaServer ID and the Supervision Center.
• For instructions refer to the Access Control Configuration Guide, section
Configuration Displays Reference > Hardware Configuration >
TemaServer display > TemaServer - Dial-up tab.
11 Select the Behavior tab.
12 From the TemaServer DB Formatting drop-down list, select Intrusion. For
more information about this format, and how to customize it, see “Memory
Formatting display” on page 51.
13 Configure the remaining fields as required. For details refer to the
documentation referenced above.
Note: Control Zone Groups, Maintain Cardholder zone after failure, Feedback
on startups and antipassback are not used for intrusion detection.
14 Click Save.
46 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Cut condition
During polling, one or more RTUs may not respond, but these may be reached
when the TemaServer changes direction on the ring. Because of this, it is possible
to identify a cut in the ring even preceding the first RTU that did not respond:
In this example, RTUs 3, 4, and 5 are reached normally, while RTUs 1 and 2 do
not respond. These are reached, however, when the TemaServer changes direction
on the ring.
48 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Short condition
Upon detecting a short condition, the RTUs open their internal switch.
50 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
For a detailed description of the fields in this display, full instructions on how to configure
them, and information about other database formats, refer to:
• Access Control Configuration Guide, section Configuration Displays Reference >
Hardware Configuration > Memory Formatting display.
To open this documentation from the EBI station help:
• In the EBI menu select Help > Temaline Reference > Access Control Configuration
Guide > Configuration Displays Reference > Hardware Configuration > Memory
Formatting display.
52 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
54 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
RTUs display
The RTU components are the base modules (readers, displays, keyboards) that
make up the miniterminals and the peripheral devices for the intrusion detection
You can use this display to select the modules that are to be configured and to set
their operating modes. To do so, information requested from the peripheral level
will also be used.
Note that RTU A10/A11 components, that is, I/O modules, can be used to manage
field points and output devices, and as anti-intrusion devices (for example,
volumetric sensors).
For a detailed description of the fields in this display, and full instructions on how to
configure them, refer to:
• Access Control Configuration Guide, section Configuration Displays Reference >
Hardware Configuration > RTUs display.
To open this documentation from the EBI station help:
• In the EBI menu select Help > Temaline Reference > Access Control Configuration
Guide > Configuration Displays Reference > Hardware Configuration > RTUs
56 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Miniterminals display
The miniterminals are the peripheral devices that make up the Man-Machine
Interface for the Intrusion Detection Module. The table below lists the four types
of miniterminals.
Operators who are enabled may use the miniterminals to manage the plant and to
perform specific operations on controlled objects. (For further information on
how to use the miniterminals, see “MT Display - User Manual”.)
You can use this display to configure the miniterminals and to specify the relevant
RTU components. When you are configuring a miniterminal, note that the
selection combo box and all selection lists display only those elements that are in
accordance with the operator’s enterprise model.
58 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
MT Display-MT Reader
Composition—RTU K00 – Reader based on keyboard
Description—Peripheral activation device protected by a
secret operator password. Allows you to execute the
feedbacks associated with this, and it may be used for
MT Keyboard arming/disarming a plant or zones, or for executing
commands on devices.
Composition—RTU BOx – Reader module using several
read technologies
Description—Peripheral device for general use that reads
the operator’s card code and allows the executing of the
MT Reader feedbacks associated with it; it may be used for arming/
disarming a plant or zones.
Field Description
Acronym A unique acronym that identifies the miniterminal
within the system. The acronym can be made up of a
maximum of 8 alphanumerical characters (letters
from A to Z, or numbers from 0 to 9).
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Field Description
Point name The identifier of the point used in the EBI
environment. It is automatically filled with the same
value as the Acronym. If required, it is possible to
change it. It can contain up to 40 characters and it
must be unique.
Description A description of the miniterminal (up to 132
characters). Only 32 characters are sent to the
peripheral level.
Type The type of miniterminal to be configured. You have 4
• MT Display—Graphical Display
• MT Keybpad —Reader based on keyboard
• MT Reader—Reader module
• MT Display-MT Reader—Display with a reader
Once you have selected a miniterminal type, the
display shows the tab(s) (depending on which
miniterminal type you have selected) that allow you to
configure both its composition and behavior.
Plant The drop-down list contains the plants that are already
configured. The miniterminal must be associated with
a plant. For further information, see “Plants display”
on page 20.
This area allows you to select the RTU component(s) that make up the miniterminal
Image An icon that represents the type of RTU component.
RTU The drop-down list lets you select one of the RTU
components configured in the system
Description These fields are automatically filled in, in accordance
RTU Type with the RTU selected.
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
60 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Activation 1 tab
This tab appears for MT Keypad or MT Reader type miniterminals only. It allows you
to configure activations triggered by:
• A valid card transaction (in the case of MT Reader)
• Entry of a valid activation code + password (in the case of MT Keypad).
The activation code is required only if more than one activation was set for the
Note: You can configure either a feedback activation or a zone arming/disarming
activation, but not both.
Activation Feedback 1 Use these fields to configure a feedback activation.
Activation Feedback 2 Each time there is a valid activation trigger (card
reading for MT Reader, or password/code entry for
MT Keypad) the miniterminal will toggle between
executing the feedbacks 1 and 2 configured here.
For example you can use these feedbacks to switch a
device on and off, or to activate its LEDs.
Zone associated Use this field to configure a zone arming/disarming
Each time there is a valid activation trigger (card
reading or password/code entry) the miniterminal will
toggle the status of this zone (if it is armed, it will be
disarmed, and vice versa), also based on the
management type and the time scheduling that have
been set for the zone
Denied feedback The feedback that is executed by the miniterminal if
the activation is denied, due to:
• Invalid card transaction, for MT Reader.
• Invalid code or password, for MT Keypad.
Field Description
Activations 2 - 8 The feedback that is executed when the operator types
both the corresponding activation code and a valid
password. The number (2 to 8) is the activation code
to be typed.
Zones 2-8 The zone that will be armed/disarmed depending on
its current status (e.g., if it is armed, it will be
disarmed), and based on the management type and the
time scheduling that have been set for the zone. The
number (2 to 8) is the activation code to be typed.
62 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Detectors display
The detectors, or the intrusion detection field points, allow the subsystem to
acquire the digital values measured by the field devices. They are controlled by
RTU A10/A11 components which communicate status changes of the detector to
the TemaServer ID responsible for managing associated actions.
The connection is effected by means of balanced inputs, so that, besides the
normal status and the alarm, the system is capable of detecting short circuits, cuts,
and tamper events.
The detectors may be associated with a zone and/or a logic, and in such a case,
they will inherit the corresponding status thereof (armed/disarmed).
For further information on how to manage detectors via the peripheral interface,
see MT Display – User Manual, section Introduction > Detectors.
Field Description
Acronym The acronym that identifies the detector within the
system. The acronym can be made up of a maximum
of 8 alphanumerical characters (letters from A to Z, or
numbers from 0 to 9).
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Point Name The identifier of the point used in the EBI
environment. It is automatically filled with the value
of the Acronym field and then, if required, you can
modify it (up to 40 characters). This field must be
Description A description of the point (up to 132 characters). Only
32 characters are sent to the peripheral level.
Plant The plant to which the detector belongs.
Physical Configuration
RTU The identifier of the RTU component to which the
detector is linked and which determines how it is
obtained. The drop-down list contains the RTU A10/
A11 components (intrusion type I/O modules)
belonging to the TemaServer ID that manages the
selected plant.
Detector Address The address of the detector within the RTU
Normality Value The normality value that determines whether the
status of the detector is active or inactive. The
physical status of the detector is as follows:
• 0—contact closed (default)
• 1—contact open
If the normality value is 0 and the detector has a value
of 1 (contact open), the device is active. If the
normality value is 1 and the detector has a value of 0
(contact closed), the device is inactive.
64 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
Field Description
Detector Type From the drop-down list, you can select one of the
detector types that are supported by the intrusion
detection module.
The Check Time and Activation Time fields are
automatically filled with the default values for the
selected detector, but you can enter a different value.
For more information see “Description of detector
types” on page 66.
Check Time The delay utilized by the detector to manage the
emitting of alarms (expressed in seconds). You may
specify a value between 1 and 3600.
Activation Time Sets the delay utilized by an Alarm After Reset
detector type to manage the emitting of alarms
(expressed in seconds). You may specify a value
between 1 and 3600.
Test fields
The test feature involves activating the Test Output associated with the detector, verifying
the alarm condition, deactivating the output, and then verifying the normal condition for
the detector.
(Not available for Key or Reset Key detector types)
Enable Test Enables/disables the test feature for the detector,
meaning the capability of performing the active test
described above.
Field Description
Reset fields
The reset feature allows the detector to be returned to its normal status utilizing the
associated Reset Output. The reset can occur when the Acknowledge command is
executed (it can either be received by the Supervision Center, or performed manually at
the peripheral level)
(Not available for Key detector types)
Enable Reset Enables/disables the Reset feature for the detector,
meaning the capability of returning the detector to its
normal status utilizing the associated Reset Output.
Reset Output If Enable Reset is selected, this drop-down list
contains all Reset type outputs configured for the
plant. From here, you can select the output to be used
for performing a reset of the detector.
For digital output configuration see “Intrusion Digital
Output display” on page 72.
Typology assignment
All objects have a default typology, which determines the statuses, events, and commands
that are possible for that object. The typology may also be customized for the case of
detectors and logics. See “Typologies Configuration display” on page 78.
Typology Sets the typology for this detector.
The default value for detectors is IDINPUT, but the
drop-down list will also contain any available custom
66 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Zone The drop-down list allows you to associate with the
current detector one of the intrusion zones configured
for the plant. The arming/disarming of this zone
determines the arming/disarming of the detectors that
are associated with it.
Logic (1 to 4) Read-only fields that indicate which logic(s) are
associated with this detector. (See “Logics display” on
page 36.). A detector may be associated with 4 logics
simultaneously. If the detector is associated with a
logic, it does not send alarm signals directly, rather it
refers the signal to the pertinent logic.
Alternate Behavior Allows you to specify for the detector the use of an
alternate behavior (provided that the detector has been
associated with a zone); this allows the detector to
emit alarms, even when it is disarmed (useful, for
example, for an anti-theft button in a bank branch).
A detector with alternate behavior, in fact, can
manage two different types of alarms, according to its
current status (armed/disarmed):
• if the detector is armed, it takes on the status of
Active/Deactivated, generates the pertinent alarm
and performs the related feedback, if any. The
alarm indicates that the detector has been activated
while in the armed status;
• if the detector is disarmed, it takes on the status of
Alarm/Normal, generates the pertinent alarm and
performs the related feedback, if any.
Alarm Repetition Allows you to set the management of the alarm
repetition for bi-stable alarms based on their
The behavior is as follows:
• A detector sends an alarm and then returns to a
normal status: an alarm in entered in the alarm list
which needs to be acknowledged;
• The same detector goes into alarm more times
before the alarm is acknowledged: in these
occasions, no new alarm is generated, because this
already appears in the alarms list;
• Once the alarm is acknowledged, the original
situation is reset.
68 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Auto disable Allows you to set the automatic disabling of the
detector if it is still changing from the alarm status to
the normal status, based on the time interval and the
number of repetitions that have been set.
Auto disable time period This text box is only enabled if the Auto disable
option has been selected.
Specifies the time period, in seconds, for the detector
to auto disable.
Auto disable number of repetition This text box is enabled only if the Auto disable
option has been selected.
Specifies the number of repetitions that must occur
within the time period defined before the detector is
For example, if
• Auto disable is selected;
• Auto Disable Time Period is set to 120; and
• Auto Disable Number of Repetitions is set to 5,
the result is that if a given detector goes into alarm 5
or more times within a period of 2 minutes, the
detector is disabled. The detector then must be re-
enabled using a manual command (via the
miniterminal or the supervision center).
Operative Note The drop-down list allows you to associate an
operative note to the current detector. Operative notes
are string messages containing information that the
operator can see at the miniterminal display when
managing the plant. See “Operative Notes display” on
page 41.
Field Description
Short-circuit Alarm Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a short circuit of the detector.
Short-circuit Alarm Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
Reset a reset of the short circuit of the detector.
Cut Alarm Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a cut status in the detector cabling.
Field Description
Cut Alarm Feedback Reset The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a reset of the cut status in the detector cabling.
Pre-Alarm Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a pre-alarm status for the detector.
Return Pre-Alarm Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a return of the pre-alarm status.
Alarm Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a logic alarm of the detector.
Return Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a reset of the detector alarm status.
Tamper Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a tamper alarm of the detector.
Tamper Return Feedback The feedback executed if the RTU component detects
a reset of the detector tamper alarm.
Feedback on Start Test The feedback performed upon startup of the detector
Feedback on End Test The feedback performed upon completion of the
detector test.
Activate Feedback The feedback executed when the RTU component
detects that the detector has been activated while in
armed status. It only applies to detectors with
Alternate Behavior.
Deactivate Feedback The feedback executed when the RTU component
detects the de-activation of the detector. It only
applies to detectors with Alternate Behavior.
70 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
72 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym An acronym that identifies the digital output within
the system. The acronym can be made up of a
maximum of 8 alphanumerical characters (letters
from A to Z, or numbers from 0 to 9.)
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Point ID The identifier of the point used in the EBI
environment. It is automatically filled with the value
of the Acronym field and then, if required, you can
modify it (up to 40 characters).
Description A description of the point (up to 132 characters). Only
32 characters are sent to the peripheral level.
Plant The plant to which the output belongs. (See “Plants
display” on page 20.)
RTU ID An acronym that identifies the RTU component to
which the output device is linked. The drop-down list
contains the RTU A10/A11 components (intrusion
type I/O modules) belonging to the TemaServer ID
that manages the selected plant.
Output Address The address of the output device within the RTU
device (1 to 4).
Output Type The drop-down list allows you to set the type of
output to be configured:
• General Purpose Output—Configure a device
for general purpose activations (default value).
• Test Output—Configure a device to manage the
test on detectors.
• Reset Output—Configure a device to manage the
reset of detectors after the alarm acknowledgment.
For information about the Test and Reset features, see
the Test fields and Reset fields in the table “Detectors
- Detector Type tab” on page 65”)
Field Description
Normality Value The normality value that determines whether the
status of the output device is active or inactive. The
physical status of the output device is as follows:
• 0—contact closed
• 1—contact open
If the normality value is 0 and the output device has a
value of 1 (contact open), the device is active. If the
normality value is 1 and the output device has a value
of 0 (contact closed), the device is inactive.
Starting Value The value assigned to the output at system startup. If
the starting value is 1 and the normality value is 0, the
output will be active when the system starts up.
Length of Operation The length of time for which the output device is set
to a given value (expressed in seconds). If this value is
0, execution is bi-stable, i.e. the output device will
remain active until a specific command places it in
inactive status.
Operation Type A combo box containing two options:
• Fixed
• Intermittent
The former option generates a fixed response; for
example, if a light is turned on for a certain period of
time. Alternatively, an intermittent response
corresponds to a flashing light.
Associated Zone The drop-down list allows you to associate to the
output one of the zones configured for the plant. The
arming/disarming of this zone determines the arming/
disarming of the digital outputs that are associated
with it.
If desired, you can double-click to view the Intrusion
Zones display display, which allows you to configure
Restorable It allows you to enable/disable the capability of being
restorable for the output, that is the capability of
blocking the relevant actuation following a specific
plant command. This option is available only if the
output type currently selected is General Purpose
Output restore on communication It allows to specify if the Starting Value of the output
failure must be automatically restored when communication
between the RTU and the TemaServer ID is
74 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
76 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
The Administration group comprises displays for configuring various functions
relating to rights, storage and utilities. Some of these displays are specific to the
intrusion detection module, while others are in common with access control.
Field Description
78 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym The unique identifier for the typology. The acronym
can be made up of a maximum of 8 alphanumerical
characters (letters from A to Z, or numbers from 0 to
9.) If a Brief name has been assigned to the typology,
the acronym starts (first 4 characters) with the Brief
To modify an existing acronym, double-click in the
Description A description of the typology (up to 132 characters).
Only 32 characters are sent to the peripheral level.
Brief The brief name of the typology (max. 4 characters). It
is used for the duplication of the typology.
Field Description
EBI area
This column shows the statuses as they appear on the Supervision Center side.
Default string The string that describes this status in the Point Detail
New string Here you can enter a different string to change the
default one
TemaServer area
This column shows the statuses as they appear on the Miniterminal--that is controlled by
the TemaServer.
Default string The string that describes this status on the
New string Here you can enter a different string to change the
default one.
Field Description
EBI column
Configures how the alarm is managed by the Supervision Center.
Default string The string that describes this alarm on the Supervision
Center side.
New string Here you can enter a different string to change the
default one.
Enable Select the check box alongside those items that you
want to be treated as alarms. These will be included in
the event list and in the alarm summary
Priority For each enabled item, you can set the desired alarm
priority from the drop-down list:
• For Low, High, or Urgent, the system displays the
event in the alarm summary, with order of
precedence urgent > high > low, and allows
operators to manage it. The event is also stored in
the event file.
• For Journal, the system stores the event in the
event file, but does not display it in the alarm
Subpriority Here you can enter a value between 1 and 15, that
determines the precedence for alarms having the same
TemaServer column
Configures how the alarm is managed at the miniterminal level.
Log The event is stored in the event file.
Alarm The event is displayed in the alarm summary.
Sound Sets whether an audible alarm is issued, and its
duration. Options are:
Always, Short, or Never.
Field Description
Default string The string currently used to describe this command.
80 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
New string Here you can enter a different string to change the
default one.
82 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Peripheral profiles
This feature enables you to define the rights of operators who are enabled to
manage the plant from the Intrusion Detection module miniterminals, that is, via
peripheral devices.
In particular, the peripheral profiles define the access rights to the management
features that are available from the miniterminals. Each operator may be assigned
a different profile, and, consequently, different rights in relation to these features.
The operator profile is specified at the time of accessing the miniterminal. (For
further information, see MT Display – User Manual, chapter “Introduction”,
section “Operators”).
The Temaline Interface Intrusion Detection module is provided with four default
profiles, to which different rights to the features are associated:
• Manager
• Operators
• Service
• Supervisor
In particular, the Service profiles allow you to access the maintenance and
general testing functions of the ID plant using the MT Display miniterminal
which provides the peripheral interface for the Module.
You may create new profiles, or you may use the default profiles for creating
customized profiles.
Field Description
Acronym The unique identifier on the system of the peripheral
Description A description of the peripheral profile.
Function tree The tree lists the functions available from the
• Functions are shown grouped. Click the + sign to
expand a grouping (for example Zones) and show
its secondary functions (for example Zones list,
Zone commands, etc.)
• The check box alongside each function indicates
its current status (enabled or disabled). To enable
or disable a function, select or deselect the check
boxes as needed.
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
84 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Peripheral operators
Peripheral operators are those who have access to the plant management
functions via the Man-Machine Interface of the Intrusion Detection module, that
is, the miniterminals (see section “Miniterminals display” on page 58 in this
manual and the manual for use of peripheral devices, MT Display - User Manual).
Using miniterminals, operators can manage the plant in terms of:
• managing the login passwords and validity dates for operators
• displaying controlled objects and performing commands upon these (zones,
logics, detectors, plants)
• feedbacks execution
• acknowledging and managing alarms
• maintenance and general testing of the ID plant.
The access rights for these features depend upon the profile associated with the
operator. For further information, see “Peripheral profiles” on page 83.
Field Description
Operator The unique identifier for the operator on the system.
Description A description of the operator.
Field Description
Plant The plant(s) for which the operator is enabled. All of
the plants that are configured will be displayed in the
pane. A check mark indicates the selection.
Profile You can select one of the default peripheral profiles
from the drop-down list, or one of the profiles
configured using the Peripheral Profiles display. The
operator will then have the access rights to the plant
management features defined in the selected profile.
Starting Password The password to be attributed to the operator, which
allows him/her to access the plant management
features via the MT Display or MT Keyboard
miniterminals. (For further information, see the MT
Display – User Manual which is provided the
Intrusion Detection module.)
After you enter the password, the Confirm text box
appears. You must type the password here a second
Status The password status. There are two possible options:
Enabled and Disabled.
Start Date The beginning date of the period of validity of the
End Date The ending date of the period of validity of the
The validity dates for the password assigned to the
operator may be modified using the MT Display
miniterminal, provided that the operator profile is
configured for this feature. (For further information,
see MT Display – User Manual, chapter “MT
Display”, section “Operators List > Operator Data
Reset password button If necessary, you may reset the operator’s password to
the one given during configuration, for cases where it
was later modified. The Reset Password button
enables you to re-establish the Start Password as the
current password for the operator
Card Code The code for plant management via the MT Reader
miniterminal, made up of a maximum of 20
alphanumerical characters.
Edition The edition of the card. Applies only to reader
86 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Facility Shows the reference to the Facility model item (up to
255 characters). Used for segregation purposes. You
can also fill in the field manually with an enterprise
model item. (In this case the item has to be written as
an existing complete path.)
88 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Point detail displays - ID
This chapter describes the point detail displays specific to the intrusion detection
Heading See
Using Point Detail displays page 90
Point Detail display - TemaServer page 91
Point Detail display - Plant page 96
Point Detail display - Miniterminal page 98
Point Detail display - Detector page 100
Point Detail display - Output Device page 102
Point Detail display - Zone page 104
Point Detail display - Logic page 106
For information about other point detail displays (e.g RTUs, Feedbacks,
Summary Points) which are shared between ID and Temaline interface, refer to:
90 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym The acronym which identifies the TemaServer.
IP Address The network address of the TemaServer.
Group The group to which the TemaServer belongs.
Alarm relay disabled This command allows enabling/disabling the alarm
general relay that is connected to the Tema ID Panel.
Tamper relay disabled This command allows enabling/disabling the tamper
relay that is connected to the Tema ID Panel.
Failure relay disabled This command allows enabling/disabling the failure
general relay that is connected to the Tema ID Panel.
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Field Description
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
The buttons on the right-hand side of the display, which allow you to run specific
commands, are described below.
Send date/time Forces the time and date on the TemaServer.
Reset CTU
Reset database Deletes the contents of the database on the
TemaServer and prepares it for a new download
Information request This field allows you to enter information regarding
the TemaServer configuration in the supervision
center database.
Status request This field allows you to establish the current status of
the object, i.e. the status as displayed in the face plate.
Configuration request This field allows you to send a request to the
TemaServer for a list of configured RTU components,
together with the Neuron ID and the Program ID of
each. For further information, see “Configure an RTU
for intrusion detection” on page 56.
Binding request This field allows you to request execution of the
binding procedure.
Enable Telnet connection Enables the Telnet connection to the TemaServer.
Disable Telnet connection Disables the Telnet connection to the TemaServer.
92 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Group by TemaServer Groups the displayed objects by the TemaServer that
controls them. (default)
Group by Type Groups the objects by type
Print Lets you print a report of the data shown in the point
detail display
94 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Acronym The acronym that identifies the plant
TemaServer The TemaServer ID that manages the plant.
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
Status Request This field allows you to establish the current status of
the object, i.e. the status as displayed in the face plate.
Test all Zones Runs the test on all zones of the plant and on all
Overtime booking Books the overtime for all zones of the plant.
Armed Arms the plant and all zones that make it up after
running the test,
96 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Disarmed Disarms the plant for all zones that make it up.
Restore Interrupts all feedbacks in progress and restores all the
restorable type outputs of the plant.
Set to maintenance Sets the maintenance working mode for the plant
Set to Trying-out Sets the general testing mode for the plant.
Set to Operational Restore the operational working mode at the end of
the maintenance and general testing modes.
Alarm list Acknowledge Acknowledges the peripheral alarm list for the plant.
Alarm list deletion Deletes the peripheral alarm list for the plant.
Reset Plant Arm Status Restores the armed status for all zones of the plant.
Field Description
Acronym The acronym that identifies the miniterminal
Type The miniterminal type:
• MT Display
• MT Display-MT Reader
• MT Reader
• MT Keypad
Plant The intrusion detection plant to which the
miniterminal belongs.
Status Request It allows you to send a request to the TemaServer for
information regarding the current status of the
Miniterminal, i.e. the status as displayed in the face
98 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
Field Description
RTU The RTU component that manages the detector.
Zone The zone associated with the detector.
Detector Address The address of the detector within the RTU
Detector Type The detector type:
• Detector
• Key
• Detector with test
• Detector with reset
• Detector with test and reset
Plant The plant to which the detector belongs.
Alarm Repetition If this check box is selected, the management of bi-
stable alarms repetition is enabled for the detector,
before they are acknowledged. (See “Detectors -
Behavior tab” on page 68).
100 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Disabled This is a command. To disable the detector, select the
check box. The detector will no longer generate
Disarms This is a command. To disarm the detector, select the
check box. The detector will no longer generate
enable/disable events. It will only generate technical
events (such as cut and short circuit).
Status Request This button allows you to send a request to the
TemaServer for information regarding the current
status of the detector, i.e. the status as displayed in the
face plate.
Test It allows performing the test on detector. Only applies
to detectors with test capability.
Reset It allows restoring the normal status for the detector.
Only applies to detectors with reset capability.
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
Field Description
RTU The RTU component responsible for controlling the
output device.
Zone The zone associated with the output device.
Disable This is a command. To disable the output device,
select the check box. The output device will no longer
generate events.
Disarm This is a command. To disarm the output device,
select the check box. It will not transmit enable/
disable events. It will only transmit events of a
technical nature (cut, short circuit).
Activate This is a command. To activate the output device,
select the check box.
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
102 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
Status Request This command button allows you to send a request to
the TemaServer for information regarding the current
status of the field point, i.e. the status as displayed in
the face plate.
Field Description
Zone management type Indicates the zone management type: Manual,
Automatic, Automatic with manual disarm,
Semiautomatic, Confirmable.
Plant The plant to which the zone belongs.
Disable This is a command. To disable the zone so that events
are no loner generated, select the check box.
Disarm This is a command. To disarm the zone, select the
check box. The detectors associated with this zone
will no longer generate enable/disable events and will
only generate technical alarms (cut and short circuit).
It will not be possible to execute commands on output
devices associated with the zone.
Status Request This command button allows you to send a request to
the TemaServer for information regarding the current
status of the intrusion zone, i.e. the status as displayed
in the face plate.
104 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Field Description
Test It allows launching the test on the zone
Overtime booking It allows booking the overtime for the zone
Reset Zone Alarm Stats Restores the armed status for the zone; the zone will
be re-armed based upon the schedule plant for arming/
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
Field Description
Zone The zone to which the logic is associated.
Plant The plant to which the logic belongs.
Disarm This is a command. Select the check box to disarm the
logic and all detectors associated with it.
Status Request This command button allows you to send a request to
the TemaServer for information regarding the current
status of the logic, i.e. the status as displayed in the
face plate.
These fields are read-only here. They are set in the configuration display for the object,
under the Supervision tab.
Associated display The name of the page associated with this object.
Alarm instructions display The name of the display with the instructions for
managing the alarms associated with the object in
106 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
108 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Statuses, Commands, and
Events 7
This chapter provides the complete list of statuses, commands, and events
associated with all the objects managed by the Intrusion Detection module of the
Temaline Interface subsystem. This information is organized by object, as
Statuses and commands described in this chapter constitute the default typologies,
that is the ensemble of the statuses, commands and events for each object
controlled by the Intrusion Detection module. However, for detectors and logics,
you can create customized typologies that you might associate with individual
objects during their configuration, for their behavior to match your specific needs.
For further information, see “Typologies Configuration display” on page 78.
Objects whose typology is shared between the Intrusion Detection module and
the Temaline Interface subsystem (i.e., RTUs, Feedback, Summary Point, and
System) are not described within this section; for further information, see the
Temaline Access Control Configuration Guide that is provided with the
installation kit, chapter “Temaline Point Parameters.”
TemaServer statuses
TAMPER ALARM 3 The TemaServer is open.
LAN FAILURE 5 The Supervision Center cannot
communicate with the central unit using
the LAN. In case of dial-up, the
communication on the switched line
may be also interrupted. This status is
Yellow set by the Supervision Center.
RESET DB 6 Following a specific action, the
REQUIRED download to the TemaServer of the
database is required. This status is set
by the Supervision Center.
110 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
DOWNLOAD DB 8 Database download is in progress from
the Supervision Center.
Sky Blue
DB UPLOAD IN 9 The database upload is in progress. This
PROGRESS operation allows the Supervision Center
to receive a TemaServer DB content.
Sky Blue
BINDING 10 Binding of RTU components in
UNDERWAY progress.
PRIMARY VOLTAGE 12 A power failure was detected on the
FAILURE network.
NO ELECTRICAL 13 The electrical supply to the TemaServer
SUPPLY has been interrupted.
RING CUT 14 A cut has been detected in the ring; it
only refers to RTUs in ring connection.
FUSES GENERAL 16 Alarm on the power supply fuse of the
ALARM ID panel.
BATTERY DEAD 17 The internal battery is dead.
BATTERY LEVEL < 18 The level of the internal battery is
25% below 25%.
BATTERY LEVEL < 19 The level of the internal battery is
10% below 10%.
LAST DIALUP CALL 22 The dial-up call towards the
FAIL Supervision Center has failed. This
status is set by the Supervision Center.
DIALUP IS 25 The modem dial-up connection between
WORKING the TemaServer and the Supervision
Center has been activated. This status is
set by the Supervision Center.
112 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
TAMPER RELAY 27 The tamper on the ID panel is disabled.
DISABLE PANEL 28 The failure relay on the ID panel is
NORMAL 26 The TemaServer is functioning
BAD POINT - Insignificant value. The chain of
applications/communication devices
used for status display has been
temporarily interrupted.
114 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Event Description
Drilling alarm An alarm has been detected on the drilling protection of
the central unit.
General fuse alarm Alarm on the power supply fuse.
Modem fuse alarm Alarm on the modem's power supply fuse.
Tamper alarm The TemaServer has detected an attempt to open the
Battery dead Level of internal battery is approaching 0%.
Battery 1 failure The test on the battery 1 did not succeed.
Battery 2 failure The test on the battery 2 did not succeed.
Battery 3 failure The test on the battery 3 did not succeed.
Dialup fail The last attempt to establish a dial-up connection failed.
Binding error An error occurred during the binding procedure. Binding
was unsuccessful for some RTU components.
LAN failure Interruption of communication with the Supervision
Primary voltage failure The Supervision Center cannot communicate with the
center using the LAN. In case of dial-up, the
communication on the switched line may also be
Table name error Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
Block sequence error Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
Out of order Interruption of communication with the Supervision
Acronym incongruity Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
Data incongruity Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
Node incongruity Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
TemaServer begin defrag The database defragmentation started.
Dial-up established The dial-up connection is on (EBI).
Dial-up interrupted The dial-up connection has been interrupted.
Battery level < 10% Level of internal battery is below 10%.
Battery level < 25% Level of internal battery is below 25%.
Event Description
Battery low level Level of internal battery is low.
No electrical supply Event related to an error on the electrical supply.
Primary voltage failure A power failure was detected on the network.
Disable panel alarm relay The alarm relay on the ID panel is disabled.
Disable panel failure relay The failure relay on the ID panel is disabled.
DB Reset The reset of the TemaServer database has been
Reset DB required The Supervision Center required the DB download on the
TemaServer reset The TemaServer has been restarted and the database reset
has been performed.
Ring short A short circuit has been detected in the ring connection.
Switched off The ID panel has been switched off due to a power failure
on the network and the battery failure.
Table size exceeded Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
Ring cut A cut has been detected in the ring connection.
Disable panel tamper The tamper on the ID panel is disabled.
Telnet enabled The Telnet connection has been enabled.
Timeout to receive ACK Inconsistency caused by the database alignment
procedure on the TemaServer.
Upload not allowed The TemaServer has not been prepared via Telnet, so it is
not ready for the upload.
Upload failed An error occurred during the upload procedure. This
event is generated by the Supervision Center.
116 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Plant statuses
GENERAL TESTING 5 The General Testing working mode
has been set for the plant.
IN TEST 2 The test on all zones of the plant is in
DISARMED 1 At least one zone of the plant is
disarmed. It will not send any alarm
to the Supervision Center.
ARM/ NORMAL 3 The plant is armed and operating
BAD POINT - Insignificant value. The chain of
applications/communication devices
used for status display has been
Gray temporarily interrupted.
Event Description
Disarmed The plant has been disarmed. No events will be sent to the
Supervision Center.
Test OK The test succeeded. An event is raised only if the test on
the plant is run manually (not when arming the plant).
118 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Event Description
Test failed The test on one of the zones of the plant did not succeed.
Modify password validity The password validity dates for an operator have been
Password reset The starting password of the operator has been reset.
Start maintenance mode The maintenance working mode has been set for the plant.
Start general testing mode The general testing mode has been set for the plant.
Miniterminal statuses
OUT OF SERVICE The miniterminal is out of order.
Communication between the
TemaServer and the RTU
Yellow components that make up the
miniterminal has been interrupted or
the RTU detected a tamper condition.
BAD POINT - Insignificant value. The chain of
applications/communication devices
used for status display has been
Gray temporarily interrupted.
120 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Event Description
Out of order Interruption of communication with the TemaServer.
User Login The miniterminal has been logged on.
User Logout The miniterminal has been logged out.
Wrong Password A wrong password has been specified.
User expired The operator validity dates are expired.
User disabled The operator attempting the login has been disabled.
Login under duress An attempt has been made to force the login.
Change Password The password that allows the operator to access the
miniterminal has been changed.
Activation OK It only applies to MT Readers and MT Keyboards: the
execution of the activation was successfully performed.
Activation Not OK It only applies to MT Readers and MT Keyboards: the
execution of the activation failed because the operator
does not have the required rights.
Detector statuses
Sky Blue
DISARMED 4 The detector has been disarmed. It will
no longer send activate/deactivate
events; it will only send technical type
events (cut, short circuit).
DE-ACTIVATE 8 The detector is surveyed, enabled and
armed, and no alarm condition has
been detected.
PRE-ALARM 9 The detector is in pre-alarm.
122 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
CUT ALARM 3 The link between the detector and the
connecting device has been cut.
SHORT CIRCUIT 2 The detector has detected a short
ALARM circuit condition.
UNDER TEST 7 The test on the detector is in progress.
ACTIVATE 10 The device has been activated. This
state is used for detectors with
Alternative Behavior and indicates
that the detector has been activated
while in armed status.
BAD POINT - Insignificant value. The chain of
applications/communication devices
used for status display has been
temporarily interrupted.
Commands on Detectors
Event Description
Out of order RTU component that manages the detector is in failure.
Disabled The detector has been disabled. No event will arrive from
the terminal during this phase.
Enabled It is used to keep the “Enabled” event (that is, the return
event for the “Disabled” emission alarm) within the alarm
list even if the emission alarm has been acknowledged.
124 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Event Description
Disable failed The disable command failed because the max. number of
detectors within the zone that may be disabled has been
Disarmed The detector has been disarmed and will not transmit
enable/disable events. It will only transmit events of a
technical nature (cut, short circuit).
Active The detector has been activated. This alarm is used for
detectors with Alternative Behavior to indicate that the
detector has been activated/deactivated while in armed
Alarm The detector is in alarm.
Pre-alarm The detector is in pre-alarm. This event applies to
detectors that are configured for pre-alarms management.
Cut alarm Indicates that the detector connection has been cut.
Short circuit alarm Indicates a short condition for the detector.
Tamper alarm An attempt has been made to open the device.
Test OK The test on detector succeeded. This event is raised only if
the test has been run on an individual detector; it will not
be raised if the test has been run on the associated zone or
on the plant.
Test failed The test on detector did not succeed.
Output device
Sky Blue
DISARMED 2 The output is disarmed. It will no
longer send activate/deactivate events;
it will only send technical type events
(cut, short circuit).
ACTIVATE 3 The output is activated.
DE-ACTIVATE 4 The Output is enabled, armed and
126 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Event Description
Out of order The RTU component responsible for controlling the
output device is in failure.
Disabled The output has been disabled. No event will arrive from
the terminal during this phase.
Enabled It is used to keep the “Enabled” event (that is, the return
event for the “Disabled” emission alarm) within the alarm
list even if the emission alarm has been acknowledged.
Disarmed The output has been disarmed and will not send enable/
disable events. It will only send events of a technical
nature (cut, short circuit).
Event Description
Activate The output has been activated.
Alarm The output is in alarm status.
128 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Intrusion Zones
Sky Blue
DISARMED 6 The zone is disarmed. The detectors
and output devices associated with the
zone will not send activation/
deactivation events.
UNDER TEST 2 The zone is under test.
WAIT CONFIRM 5 Waiting for the operator to confirm.
For semi-automatic or confirmable
OVERTIME BOOKED 4 The overtime for the zone has been
- Insignificant value. The chain of
BAD POINT applications/communication devices
used for status display has been
temporarily interrupted.
130 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Event Description
Disarmed The zone has been disarmed.
Disabled The zone has been disabled. No event will arrive from the
terminal during this phase.
Enabled It is used to keep the “Enabled” event (that is, the return
event for the “Disabled” emission alarm) within the alarm
list even if the emission alarm has been acknowledged.
Max disabled detectors The maximum number of detectors that can be disabled in
a zone has been reached.
Test OK The test on the zone succeeded. This event is raised only
if the test on the zone has been run manually (not when
arming the zone or the plant).
Test failed The test on the zone did not succeed.
Logic statuses
DISARMED 2 The logic is disarmed. All detectors
that are associated with it will not send
any activation/deactivation signal.
ARMED 3 The logic is armed and is working
BAD POINT - Insignificant value. The chain of
applications/communication devices
used for status display has been
temporarily interrupted.
132 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Commands on Logics
Event Description
Disarmed The logic has been disarmed.
Alarm The logic is in alarm status.
134 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions
Conformity to the CEI 79-2
Rules 8
This chapter describes the special requirements to which the Tema ID Panel must
comply in order to be compliant with the CEI 79-2:1988 Rules.
The following table summarizes the objects to which the Rules refer, together
with the relative section within the Guide, and the requirement/restriction to be
applied, otherwise the relevant IMQ-SECURITY SYSTEMS Certification will be
136 www.honeywell.com/buildingsolutions