Vivek Kohli Plant Clinic Attachment

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Plant Clinic Attachment
(AGR 406)

Submitted by
Name: Vivek Kohli
Registration Number: 12010900

Under supervision of
Dr. Nikita Khoisnam

School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University,

Phagwara-144401, Punjab, India


I hereby declare that the report presented herein is an authentic record of my work
carried out under the Plant Clinic Attachment at Kalal Majra Village, Haryana
as a requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Agriculture,
under the guidance of Dr. Nikita Khoisnam, Assistant Professor, Department of
Agriculture Economics and Extension and no part of this has been copied from
any other sources.

Vivek Kohli

(Registration No.12010900)

Supervisor Name: Dr. Nikita Khoisnam

Designation: Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture Economics and


I extend my deepest thanks and profound appreciation to all those who provided
me with immense support during my academic journey.

My profound gratitude goes to Dr. Nikita Khoisnam, my supervisor at the

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension within the School of
Agriculture. Under her insightful guidance, particularly concerning village
attachment, she provided invaluable direction, enabling me to achieve significant

I am grateful for the unwavering backing, motivation, ethical counsel, and

endorsements received from every faculty member at the School of Agriculture
throughout my academic pursuit. Their consistent aid has played a crucial role in
my personal development and accomplishments during my graduation.

The assistance and guidance from my mentors and professors, especially

Dr. Nikita Khoisnam, were of immense help in completing my Programme. The
enduring support and motivation from the School of Agriculture faculty were
invaluable in shaping my academic journey, and I deeply appreciate their guidance,
which has been pivotal in my academic growth and achievements during my tenure

Vivek Kohli

(Registration No.12010900)
Insect Pest Clinic
Diagnosis of damage made by different pests

Sl. Crop Damage Symptom Diagnosis Control measure suggested

Stages of Pest name Group &
pest order of pest
1 Rice Laying eggs Larvae tunnel into Adult Yellow Lepidoptera Destroy the affected tillers. Set
on the surface young paddy stems, Stem borer up light traps to kill the moths.
of the leaves. leading to a 'dead
Spray quinalphos 25 EC 1000
heart'; in mature
plants, infestation ml/ha
causes 'white ears'.
2 Rice chewing on Irregular feeding on Adult Grasshopper Orthoptera Adult grasshoppers can be
leaves, stems, seedlings and leaf picked directly from the
and even
blade. Cutting of stem foliage. Dusting the methyl
entire plants
at panicle stage parathion. Dusting malathion
5% @ 20 kg/ha.
3 Sugarcane piercing and Leaves become Adult Leafhopper Hemiptera Spraying any one of the
sucking sap yellow, covered with following insecticides
black sooty mould, top
from the Quinalphos or Carbofuran.
leaves get dried up
leaves. and lateral buds
4 Mung chewing Larvae skeletonize Adult Beet Lepidoptera Weeds serve as hosts; remove
Bean mouthparts, leaves, create webs, webworm webs, crush larvae; utilize
devouring and drain chlorophyll, moth
leaves and causing dryness
5 Rice piercing- Stylet sheaths pierce Adult Rice Hemiptera Crop Rotation, natural enemies
sucking rice husks, grain stinkbug like predators and parasites
mouthparts, feeding marks, altered
help control populations
causing plant fertilization signs
6 Bajra sucking sap Leaf stippling and Adult Four- Lygaeidae Use seeds treated with
from the yellowing, reducing spotted sap insecticides. Treat seeds with
leaves, pods, plant Vigor and yield beetle imidacloprid 70 WS. Plow
and tender in crops. soon after harvest. Remove and
shoots destroy stubbles. Set up
fishmeal traps
7 Capsicum piercing leaf injury is stippled Adult Brown Pentatomidae Hand-picking, Trap crops,
mouthparts to areas approximately Marmorated Natural enemies, “Attract and
suck plant 1/8 inch in diameter Stink Bug kill” traps, Stink bug
juices from around feeding sites pesticides: Bifenthrin,
fruits, seed Cyfluthrin, Deltamethrin,
pods and nuts Dinotefuran are effective.
8 Castor chewing Leaves develop water- Adult Castor hairy Erebidae Destroy egg masses and
Bean mouthparts soaked spots, turn caterpillar caterpillars, monitor with traps,
on foliage yellow, and dry; spray recommended solutions,
stunted growth, and handpick larvae, remove
fruit shedding infested parts regularly

9 Rice folding Larva folds leaves, Larvae Leaf Folder Pyralidae Apply Trichogramma chilonis
leaves and and scrapes green thrice, avoid excess nitrogen,
feeding on tissue, causing a maintain clean bunds, Use
the green whitened, dry Insecticides: Phosalone,
mesophyll appearance, scorching Chlorpyriphos, Acephate, or
tissue Carbosulfan in specified
10 Rice rolling leaves Leaves folded Adult Leaf Roller Pyralidae Rotate crops, skip ratoon
longitudinally longitudinally and plants, weed removal, optimal
and scraping larvae remain inside density, balanced fertilization,
the Insecticides: Lambda
mesophyll cyhalothrin, Fipronil,
contents of Carbofuran, Alpha-
fresh leaves cypermethrin, Abamectin,
Cartap hydrochloride

(10 Samples- Photographs)

1. Name of the Student: Vivek Kohli

2. Regd. No.: 12010900

3. Name of the village: Kalal Majra

4. District and State of Village: Kurukshetra, Haryana

5. Insect Pest identified: 10

Yellow Stem Borer Grasshopper

Sugarcane Leafhopper Beet Webworm Moth

Rice Stink Bug Four-spotted sap beetle

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Castor Hairy Caterpillar

Leaf folder or leaf roller Leaf Roller (Adult)

Plant Disease Clinic

Diagnosis of damage made by different causal organisms

Sl. Name of Fungal/ Symptoms Diagnosis Causal Classification of Suggested

No the crop Bacteria/ of Disease organism casual Organism management of
Viral etc. up to genus species disease
Disease (Taxonomy)

1 Sugarcane Fungal Red rot inside the Red Rot Collectotrichum Order: Melanconiales Setts treatment with
Disease stalk; red area falcatum Family: 0.25% Agallol or
traversed by white Melanconaceae Aretan(1:100)
band Genus: Colletotrichum Solution; avoid
ratooning; Heat

2 Rice Fungal Irregular greenish- Sheath Blight Rhizoctonia Order: Cantharellales Use of resistant
Disease grey spots develop, solani Family: varieties; Proper
expanding in size. As Ceratobasidiaceae crop nutrition; Avoid
they grow, their Genus: Rhizoctonia water stress. Apply
centers turn greyish- Hexaconazole
white, surrounded by 5%EC, Carbendazim
an uneven border in 50%EC.
shades of blackish-
brown or purple-
3 Rice Fungal Infected kernels False Smut Ustillaginoides Order: Monililaes Hot water treatment;
Disease transformed into a virens Family: Dematiaceae Spray Copper
large velvety, yellow- Genus: oxychloride and
olive green. Infected Ustillaginoidea Propiconazole; Seed
grains covered with treatment with
powdery spore mass. Carbendazim.
4 Mango Fungal Dark Brown spots Anthracnose Colletotrichum Order: Glomerellales Spray 1%
on the leaves and gloeosporioides Family: Bordeaux mixture
Disease twigs. Glomerellaceae or Metalaxyl
5 Capsicum Fungal lower leaf wilting, Fusarium Fusarium Order: Hypocreales Seed Treatment
Disease progressing upward; Wilt oxysporum with Captan or
affected leaves Family: Nectriaceae Thiram. Nursery
yellow, desiccate, bed treatment with
Genus: Fusarium
stems display brown Formalin.
stunting growth,
eventual plant wilt.
6 Cauliflower Bacteria Yellow 'V' spots Black Rot Xanthomonas Order: Seed treatment
Disease spread, blackening campestris pv. Xanthomonadales with Aureomycin.
the stalk, and campestris Family: Drenching the
causing leaf loss in Xanthomonadaceae nursery soil with
infection. Genus: formaldehyde
Xanthomonas 0.5% Application
of bleaching
7 Sugarcane Fungal Spots with red- Ring Spot Leptosphaeria Order: Pleosporales Utilize calcium
Disease brown borders result sacchari Family: silicate slag to
as a symptom ring Leptosphaeriaceae improve the soil.
spot Genus:
8 Potato Virus Disease Upward curling of PLRV Potato leaf roll Order: Sobelivirales Utilize healthy
the leaf. Stunted virus Family: Luteoviridae plant seeds, choose
growth. Genus: Polerovirus resistant types,
control weeds
9 Capsicum Fungus Ground-level stem Collar Rot Sclerotium Order: Hypocreales Treat seeds with
rots, plant withers, rolfsii Sacc Family: Trichoderma,
Disease dies in fruiting Sclerotiniaceae spray Mancozeb,
phase due. Genus: Sclerotium and remove
diseased parts for
10 Bottle Fungus White/brown Powdery Erysiphe Order: Erysiphales Choose resistant
gourd growth weakens Family: crops, practice
Disease plants severely Mildew cichoracearum Erysiphaceae sanitation, sow
during intense Genus: Erysiphe timely, spraying
infestations Wettable sulphur

(10 Samples)

Name of the Student: Vivek Kohli

Regd. No.: 12010900

Name of the village: Kalal Majra

District and State of Village: Kurukshetra, Haryana

Disease identified: 10

Red rot of Sugarcane Sheath Blight of Rice

False smut of Rice Anthracnose of Mango

Fusarium Wilt of Capsicum Black Rot of Cauliflower

Ring Spot of Sugarcane Potato leaf roll virus

Collar rot of Capsicum Powdery Mildew of Bottle Gourd


Sl. No Name of the crop Symptoms Diagnosis of deficiency Suggested management of disease

1 Bottle Gourd Calcium-deficient bottle gourd Calcium Apply liquid foliar fertilizer with
showing blossom-end rot calcium chloride and calcium nitrate
2 Cauliflower Cauliflower often faces Boron Application of borax or sodium
browning, turning the stem borate @ 20 kg per hectare.
hollow and curd brown, bitter-
3 Bitter Gourd Lack of magnesium yellows Magnesium Add magnetite or dolomite to
older leaves, starting between deficient soil, foliar spray fortnightly
veins, reducing yields.
4 Paddy Irregular necrotic spots, rusty Potassium Potassium sulfate or chloride applied
brown spots, and poor grain to soil or foliage
5 Guava Plants exhibit slow growth, Phosphorus Foliar spray of DAP 2% at
and older leaves turn blue- fortnightly intervals.
green, affecting development.
6 Brinjal Boron deficiency causes cup- Boron Application of borax or sodium
shaped leaves in affected borate
plants' foliage
7 Guava Older leaves show interveinal Magnesium Foliar spray of MgSO4 2% at
chlorosis, turning yellow, fortnightly interval.
bronze, or reddish; veins
remain green.
8 Turnip Pinkish turnip leaves might Phosphorus Use bone meal for quick
signal low phosphorus levels, phosphorus, check soil pH, add
crucial for growth. wood ashes, apply regular NPK
fertilizer, and add sulfur for sandy
9 Banana Yellowing leaves, brown Potassium Apply natural mulch under plants;
spots, and weak stems in mist leaves with 1% potassium
potassium-deficient banana sulfate solution or potassium
plants. chloride spray.
10 Cauliflower Insufficient nitrogen in soil Nitrogen Apply small amounts of nitrogen
leads to the onset of buttoning. (20-30 lbs/acre) before planting or at

(10 Samples)

1. Name of the Student: Vivek Kohli

2. Regd. No.: 12010900

3. Name of the village: Kalal Majra

4. District Place of Village: Kurukshetra, Haryana

5. Nutrient Deficiency identified: 10

Calcium Deficiency in Bottle Gourd Boron Deficiency in Cauliflower

Magnesium Deficiency in Bitter Gourd Potassium Deficiency in Paddy

Phosphorus Deficiency in Guava Boron Deficiency in Brinjal

Magnesium Deficiency in Guava Phosphorus Deficiency in Turnip

Potassium Deficiency in Banana Nitrogen Deficiency in Cauliflower


Sl. Weed Scientific Family Characteristics Crop Suggested

No Identified Name management

1 Congress Grass Parthenium Asteraceae Invasive, resilient, Potato Hand Weeding, Spray
hysterophorus fast-growing weed Chlorimuron ethyl
2 Bermuda Grass Cynodon Poaceae Drought-tolerant, Sugarcane Hand Weeding,
dactylon invasive, fast-growing Mulchers, Spraying
turfgrass with Glyphosate
3 Little Iron Cyanthillium Asteraceae Small, herbaceous, Rice Cut with rotary cutters,
Weed cinereum yellow-centered, and apply herbicide
daisy-like flowers specifically to marked
4 Nut Grass Cyperus Cyperaceae Invasive, perennial, Rice Crop Rotation, Hand
rotundus grass-like, rhizomatous Weeding, Spraying
weed with Glyphosate
5 Slender Amaranthus Amaranthaceae Tall, green, leafy, Rice Rotate crops, space
Amaranth viridis prolific, nutritious well, use Butachlor
pre-emergence, 2,4-D
6 American black Solanum Solanaceae Herbaceous, invasive, Potato Hand Weeding, Crop
nightshade americanum small white flowers rotation, spraying with
glyphosate, Apply 2,4-
7 Bathua Chenopodium Amaranthaceae Edible, invasive, Rice Mulching, Application
album annual broadleaf weed of Ascochyta caulina
as a microbial
8 False Amaranth Digeria Amaranthaceae Edible weed, red or Spinach Crop Rotation,
muricata green leaves, Mulching,
nutritious, drought- Use herbicide like
resistant, prolific glyphosate
9 Periwinkle Catharanthus Apocynaceae Cancer-fighting plant - Manual Weeding,
roseus with pink flowers and Mulching, Glyphosate,
glossy leaves or pre-emergent
herbicides are
10 Billy goat-weed Ageratum Asteraceae Purple flowers, Sugarcane Hand removal,
medicinal uses, mulching, or selective
conyzoides invasive, fast-growing, herbicides: glyphosate,
aromatic foliage dicamba, 2,4-D

(10 Samples)

1. Name of the Student: Vivek Kohli

2. Regd. No.: 12010900

3. Name of the village: Kalal Majra

4. District Place of Village: Kurukshetra, Haryana

5. Weeds identified: 10

Congress grass Bermuda grass

Little Iron Weed Nut Grass

Slender Amaranath American Black Nightshade

Bathua False Amaranath

Periwinkle Goat Weed

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