Psych Assessment Test

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Many psychological tests are designed to draw inferences

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statement carefully and select the best about underlying attributes or characteristics.
answer. a. Only A
b. Only B
c. Both A&B
1. Which of the statements below is more likely a description of Standard d. None of the above
a. It gives an index of how widely the scores are dispersed about 8. Andy who is a Psychology student decided to do research on the
the mean following variables: Socio economic status of the prisoners, Religion and
b. The standard deviation is actually the square root of the the level of subjective well-being. In her variables, religion is under what
variance. scale of measurement?
c. The larger the standard deviation, the more widely scattered a. Ordinal
the scores b. Interval
d. All of the above c. Nominal
d. Ratio
2. All of the statements are correct regarding Test Reliability, except for
one: 9. Winnie obtained the following scores she conducted on her research 28,
a. Refers to the accuracy or consistency of measurement or the 10, 5, 3, 31, 35, 7, 2, what is the range of the data?
degree to which test scores are consistent, dependable, a. 33
repeatable and free from errors or free from bias. b. 12
b. test reliability indicates the extent to which individual c. 25
differences in test scores are attributable to “true differences in d. 17
the characteristics under consideration”
10. Teacher Angel plot the scores of her students in the line graph, the line
c. The goal of reliability theory is to estimate errors in
graph shows that the tail end is concentrated on the right side of the graph,
measurement and to suggest ways of improving tests so that
what could the graph below means? (Image A)
errors are minimized
a. the test is difficult
d. Despite optimum testing conditions, a test is a perfectly reliable
b. the test is easy
c. the test is neither easy nor difficult
3. Malou is one of the participants in a research study conducted in her d. the test is not valid
company, during the month of June she was given a test measuring Job
Image A
Satisfaction. After one month, the Human Resource Office who conducted
the study, administered the same set of test to her. What kind of reliability
method is described in this item?
a. Split-Half Reliability
b. Concurrent Criterion Related
c. Test-Retest
d. Parallel Form

4. It is defined as set of items that are designed to measure characteristics

of human beings that pertain to behavior.
a. Psychological Assessment Tools
b. Psychological Test
c. Psychological Testing
d. Psychological Assessment

5. He devised a series of tests for evaluating emotionally impaired persons

a. Emil Kraeplin
b. Sigmund Freud 11. Tyler is a Grade 12 student who decided to pursue his college degree
c. Francis Galton in CLSU, in order for him to be admitted to the university, he must pass the
d. Lewis Terman cut-off score of 75 set by the university admissions office. Identify what is
being described in the situation.
6. The evidence that psychological testing already started (though not a. Norm-referenced test
formal) can be traced back to b. Criterion referenced test
a. developed and administered competitive examinations for c. Standardization
governmental jobs in America d. Grade norms
b. public service examinations in China
c. way of measuring strength and ability to work in ancient 12. Which among the following is NOT considered an affective instrument?
Babylon a. Career test
d. None of the above b. Attitudinal test
c. Perceptual test Kase a vision siya
7. A. psychological constructs are really theoretical abstraction, d. Temperamental test
they cannot be measured directly
13. Rory is a Psychometrician who works in an educational setting; she visits every 2 months for the past year. Which level of measurement is
was tasked to create a test on the college entrance exam to foresee the being described in this situation?
1st semester grade point average of the students. What type of Validity a. Ordinal
should she utilize? b. Interval
a. Content Validity c. Nominal
b. Criterion Validity d. Ratio
c. Construct Validity
d. Predictive Validity 21. The students’ test scores obtained from their preliminary examination
in Understanding the Self are the following: 45, 28, 75, 58, 96, 30, 88, and
14. Psychological test is a standardized measure of a sample of behavior. 62, what is the mean average of their score?
It is a measurement instrument that has three defining characteristics a. 43.5
except: b. 70
a. a sample of behaviour c. 60.25
b. it can yield different test scores on the same test across time d. 55
c. the sample is obtained under standardized conditions
d. There are established rules for scoring or obtaining quantitative 22. An instructor of Physics who works a part time job in 2 universities
information from the behavior sample. gives a physics test to students in both University. Scores of students in
University A were compared to the scores of students in University B
15. An item in the test you are constructing scored .03 in discrimination having the same chosen program and year level. What describes this
index. This means that: situation?
a. The item has a high reliability a. Norm-referenced test
b. The item has a high validity b. Criterion referenced test
c. The item must be removed c. Standardization
d. The item must be place in the beginning of the test format d. Grade norms

16. On what year and where did Wundt establish the first psychological 23. Gina and her group is conducting research on their Filipino Psychology
laboratory that marked the foundation of psychology as “science”? subject about “Lakas ng loob”, her group consulted the faculty members of
a. 1879; Vienna, Austria Psychology and Social Science to help them identify whether the items
b. 1869; Leipzig, Germany they created and the definition of Lakas ng loob represented the universal
c. 1879; Leipzig, Germany meaning in the Filipino context. What type of Validity they employed?
d. 1869; Vienna, Austria a. Concurrent Validity
b. Criterion Validity
17. Delle is a Guidance Counselor who wants to create a test which c. Construct Validity
measures the career interests of the Grade 12 students, in the d. Content Validity
classification of tests what kind of behavior domain will it measured?
a. Psychomotor instrument 24. It is concerned with determining the extent to how some things (such
b. Affective instrument as traits, abilities or interests) are related to other things (such as behavior
c. Cognitive instrument or intelligence).
d. Physiological instrument a. Descriptive Statistics
b. Inferential Statistics
18. Mia is a Psychometrician who is working in a BPO company, her c. Correlational Statistics
superior asked her to conduct a Draw A Person test to one of their d. both b and c
employees who is having conduct problem in their office. What should she
do? 25. From the statements below, which are more likely not true about the
a. Conduct the test as what her superior said, since she is characteristics of good items?
already a Psychometrician a. phrased in a manner that produces immediate identification or
b. Conduct the test, but she will not give the results to the rejection
supervisor b. free of excessive levels of social desirability
c. Will not conduct the test since Psychometrician only conduct c. simple in form, affirmative in direction
test under the Level A qualifications. d. suitable for the general population not all tests are
d. Mia will pass her resignation Valid
26. Which of the following is arguably the core element of the test
19. In industrial setting, psychological test can be used in the following development process?
except: a. The reliability of the test
a. Selection of new employees b. The validity of the test
b. Evaluation of programs and products c. The establishment of the norms
c. Assessment of consumer behaviour d. The standardization process
d. Evaluation for clinical assessment

27. How to assess the reliability of a test through alternate forms of parallel
20. Princess owns a dog, one day she decided to go to her pet’s clinic to forms?
ask for her dog’s medical records and counts the number of times they a. Make a correlation of the two halves of the test
visited and see her dog’s Veterinarian for the past year. She recorded 3 a. b.Use cronbach's alpha
b. Make a correlation between equivalent form of the test that has b. Items that do not yield a score among test takers do not
different items contribute to the measurement of the construct
c. d.Make a correlation between scores obtained on two c. Both a and b
occasions d. Neither a nor b

28. Refers to the percentage of persons in the standardization sample who 35. As your requirement in Psychological Assessment subject, you are
fall below a given raw score. task to develop a test, what will be your first step in test construction?
a. Population a. Generate pool of items
b. Percentile b. Determine the format of your measurement
c. Mean score c. Identify construct or attribute
d. Norms d. Review the pool of items

29. A. Psychological tests can be used across various settings: 36. Item difficulty refers to the ‘difficulty level’ of each item in the given
education, clinical, industrial, and even in research grounds. test. Why is it then important to consider in developing a test?
B. Psychological assessment cuts through almost all fields of a. For the comfort of the test takers, thus contributing to a higher
psychology. score
a. Only A is true b. A good test must have a succeeding difficulty to ease test
b. Only B is true taking
c. Both A and B are true c. Both a and c
d. Neither A nor B is true d. Neither a nor b

30. You are a newly registered psychometrician; and a company who sells 37. In writing items for test construction, which of the following is arguably
psychological tests leveled you as “A”. This means that: best to consider?
a. She’s leveled incorrectly, because no qualification is needed a. The socio-demographic characteristics of the intended test
for the said level given to her takers
b. She’s a graduate of an allied health profession that is why she b. The appropriateness of the format to the construct being
can purchase ‘some’ psych tests measured
c. She has a 4-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited college c. The reliability and/or validity of the test
of University d. None of the above
d. She can purchase most psych test available at the center
excluding projective tests 38. Determine the format of measurement given the image below (Image
31. It is the first structured personality test developed during World War I a. Likert Scale
a. Stanford Achievement Test b. Guttman Scale
b. Draw - A -Person Test c. Thurstone Scale
c. Woodworth Personal Data Sheet d. Semantic Differential Scale
d. 16 PF Image C

32. Psychological Measurement is Less Precise more likely because of the

following except?
a. psychological tests measure only a sample of the behavior or
property under study.
b. psychological tests use a more limited scale.
c. Psychological test measures the exact psychological
constructs it supposed to measure.
d. psychological measurement is more easily affected by
extraneous variables.

33. After the scoring of the year-level achievement test, Sally's percentile
score in Math is 45, and the group’s mean score in the subject is 38. On
the other hand, he scored on the 77th percentile in English with the mean 39.Why is it important to have an item pool for your test?
score of the group in 84. What could be the possible conclusion/s in this a. So that there are variations of questions for the test
case? b. To serve as a reservoir in case items are discriminated from
a. Jher performed better in Math than English relative to the the test
overall groups’ performance c. An item pool secures a good reliability and validity alike of the
b. The group are better in speaking and/or writing in English than test
solving mathematical equations d. All of the above
c. The test constructed for English is a lot easier as compared to
math 40. Which is the proper flow of stages of Test Development according to
d. All observations above might be true Cohen, Swerdlik, & Sturman (2013)?
a. Conceptualization – Construction – Try-out – Analysis –
34. What is the basic premise behind Item Discrimination Index? Revision
a. A good item must discriminate between high and low scorers
b. Construction – Conceptualization – Analysis – Revision – Try- a. Numerical coefficients of constructs
out b. Test score or series of test scores
c. Conceptualization – Construction – Analysis – Try-out – c. Evaluative descriptions of referred behavior
Revision d. Comprehensive data from various sources
d. Analysis – Try-out – Revision – Conceptualization –
Construction 46. Ellen is a psychology student and one of her requirements is to
construct a test. What is the first consideration she should take in order to
41. A Psychologist uses Thematic Apperception Test, as an examiner what comply with her requirement?
kind of administration procedure will should he/she employ? a. Search for a standardized measure and contextualize it in her
a. Self-administered tests setting
b. Group Test b. Conceptualize of a valid construct to be measured and read
c. Individual test pertinent literatures
d. Computer interactive testing c. Identify the population intended to be administered for the test
and design the format of the test
42. Determine the format of measurement given the image below (Image d. None of the above
a. Likert Scale 47. As a psychology-practitioner, your objective is to answer referral
b. Guttman Scale question, solve a problem, or arrive at a decision through the use of tools
c. Thurstone Scale of evaluations. Which of the following then should you use?
d. Semantic Differential Scale a. Psychological Testing
b. Psychological Assessment
Image D c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

48. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Psychological Assessment is the gathering and integration of
psychology-related data for the purpose of making
psychological evaluation.
b. Psychological Assessment and Psychological Testing are both
use in psychological inquiry because of their combined utility.
c. While Psychological Assessment and Psychological Testing
may be similar in their utility, they vary in process.
d. Psychological Testing is the process of measuring psychology-
related variables by means of devices or procedures designed
to obtain all behaviors.

49. A company that has the practice of promoting rank and file employees
to higher supervisory and managerial positions should give high
consideration to _____ of the test they are using for promotion.
a. Content Validity
b. Concurrent Validity
c. Predictive Validity
43. In reviewing the pool of items that were generated, this statistical tool d. Construct Validity
will tell if you are successful in discarding poor items and retaining the 50. In a test that is designed to measure mathematical ability among
good ones. preschool children, what criterion might be the most relevant and valid?
a. Item-total correlation a. Parents feedback on the mathematical ability of their child
b. Spearman Brown formula b. Previous record of the child
c. Coefficient Alpha c. Child’s ability to count numbers
d. KR-20 d. Teacher’s perception on the mathematical skills of the
44. Which among the following can be best argued as the most important preschoolers
use of psychological assessment and psychological testing? 51. A. Mental ability tests are classified under tests of maximal
a. Both provide a gauge of the psychological functioning of an performance.
individual or group B. A test which has high validity for one purpose will also have
b. Both use sophisticated statistical design that enables one to high validity for another purpose.
understand the intricate psychology of an individual or group a. Only A is true
c. Both are the beaconing tools of the behavioral scientist to b. Only B is true
investigate psychological-related phenomenon c. Both A and B are true
d. Both provides objective descriptions of the phenomenon d. Neither A nor B is true
52. Which among the following is NOT a principle of Standardized Test?
45. Compared to psychological assessment, what is the typical outcome of a. Reliability
psychological testing? b. Validity
c. Test Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation 61. Based on the psychological assessment you conducted with your client
d. Test Conduciveness Eva, a 13-year-old girl who is a student in the school where you work, she
tends to have a strong suicidal tendency. What should you do best?
53. Part of the standardization property of psychological test is that a. Inform her parents or guardian about the possibility to prevent
a. Instructions are adjusted to suit the examinees’ comprehension whatever untoward incident may happen
level b. Keep the results between you and Eva because that is a
b. Carefully converting raw scores into meaningful and confidential matter and instead focus on helping her
appropriate norms c. Discuss with Clarence the results of the assessment and
c. Scores are flexible depending on the examinees’ potentials encourage her to seek further professional help
d. None of the above d. Refer her to a psychiatrist for a drug prescription to lessen the
54.Prof. Jose has been teaching General Psychology for 18 years and she possibility of suicide
has created so many tests (midterms, final, quizzes) for the entire course. 62. In extending the test interpretation results to any client, the
This collection or item bank is considered as ____ tests. psychometrician should always consider which of the following?
a. Standardized a. Be thorough, loyal and accurate with the date
b. Non-standardized b. Use words and descriptions that are non-stigmatizing and
c. Speed test easily understandable
d. Power test c. Have a clear understanding of the mediating effects of other
55. A. Assessment aims to obtain some gauge, usually numerical in nuance variables to the test results
nature, with regard to the ability or attribute. d. Be concise and direct to the point with no sugarcoating
B. Testing aims to answer referral question, solve a problem, or 63. The parent of Bart, one of your client (18 years old ) requests to see
arrive at a decision through the use of tools of evaluations. the results of the psychological tests of her son. The test results however
a. Only A is true do not include any information that requires immediate action. Which of the
b. Only B is true following should you do best?
c. Both A and B are true a. Tell the parents to seek approval from the principal's office to
d. Neither A nor B is true see the test results
56. The RPm board exam can be best described as a: b. Explain that the test results are absolutely confidential and her
a. IQ test request is not possible
b. Achievement test c. Ask the student's consent to share his/her results with his/her
c. Aptitude test parent
d. All of the above
d. Let the parent know the test results on the spot, she's the
57. A test developer ran a cronbach’s alpha after an initial dry-run of student parent anyway
administering his test. This is to ensure that:
a. Items are difficult 64. During test administration, the examiner should always follow the
b. Items are able to tell who is most likely to pass or fail instructions in the test manual in verbatim
c. Items are able to measure the same construct as well as with a. True, it is imperative
other exams b. False, not always necessary
d. Items are homogenous and are closely related to the construct c. True, but modification can be done as well
being measured d. False, you can be creative in administration

58. The ultimate responsibility for the appropriate test use and 65. Alyza is a Registered Psychometrician and she intends to give her
interpretation resides in the test: client a battery of projective tests. What can you draw from her intentions?
a. User a. She can select which ever projective test because they are all
reliable and valid
b. Publisher
c. Author b. DAP, TAT and Rorschach should be part of the battery test
d. Developer because they are popular
c. Seek the opinion of her colleagues who are Registered
59. Which of the following indicates strong positive correlation? Psychometrician as well
a. More hours of reviewing, lower score in a test d. She is not allowed to administer, score and interpret projective
b. Higher score on a test, average hours of coaching tests
c. Less hours of reviewing, lower score in attest
d. Less hours of coaching, higher scores on attest 66. You are a newly hired psychometrician and you are tasked to give
psychological tests to students but you are not familiar to various
60. Item or content sampling, as a source of error, may be more observed psychological tests. What is the best thing that you should do?
in: a. Read the test manuals to get acquainted with the tests to be
a. Alternate/Parallel Form administered
b. Split Half b. Suggest to the administration to hire a psychologist
c. Test-retest c. Seek the assistance of the senior psychometrician in
d. Inter-rater administering the tests
d. Administer the test because the test takers are even more
unfamiliar to those tests
67. Andrea is a psychometrician in a clinic, she was tasked by the d. Test takers must know what information from their assessment
psychologist to come up with a psychological profile of one of their clients. will be released and to whom
However, Andrea failed to notice that the psychological test results of the
client are already more than a year old. What ethical standard has been 74. Because the test takers have the right to be informed of their test
violated by Andrea? findings, the following are true Except for...
a. Interpreting test results a. The client should be allowed to view the clinician's notes
b. Explaining the test results regarding the client's statements and behaviors during the
c. Obsolete and outdated test results examination
d. All of the above b. There should be an available qualified professional to answer
the client's concerns on the test results even if the assessment
68. The ultimate responsibility for the appropriate test use and has ended
interpretation resides in the test c. The client's results should be given as non-technical as
a. Author possible
b. Developer d. The client has to be informed on the limitations of the test and
c. User the reservations the assessor has regarding interpretations
d. Publisher
75. As a professional in psychology, which of the following is TRUE when
69. What would you do if a parent of a preschool child requests that she be doing public statements
present in the testing room while her child is taking the exam? a. Demeaning jokes on certain variables such as culture,
a. I will allow her but advise her not to disturb the procedure disability, social economic status etc. are justifiable as long as
b. I will allow her to sit in the area far from her child the professional did not mean it
c. I will not allow her presence may disturb the procedure b. We may recommend our own services over another's
d. I will allow her if she promises not to interfere in the process psychological services if it benefits the client
c. We do not offer refund of money to dissatisfied users of
70. During your test scoring, you noticed that one of the test takers did not psychological services
answer a significant number of items in the personality test you previously d. We do not state how we are representing ourselves to avoid
administered. What should be done best in this case? confusion
a. Do not proceed with the scoring and ask the test taker to 76. According to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests
complete the test, if ever possible and Manuals, the responsibility for the use of psychological tests is that of
b. Score only those items that are answered a. a.professionals with the highest academic degree in
c. Get the grand mean of the domains of the test which has psychology.
unanswered item/s and use it as a substitute to the b. b.professionals with the necessary training and experience.
unanswered items c. c.professionals who have state certification to administer a
d. None of the Above particular test.
71. Psychology practitioners shall obtain their client’s informed consent d. d.professionals who are employed by duly accredited
prior to conduct of any assessment EXCEPT in which of the following institutions and organizations.
instances? 77. In general, test takers have the right ...
a. a.When mandated by law a. to know why they are being tested.
b. b.When the purpose of the assessment is to determine the b. to know the results of the test they took.
c. to know how the test data will be used.
individual’s decisional capacity
c. c.When implied such as in the conduct of routine educational, d. all of these
institutional, and organizational activity 78. The matter of having test findings held confidential by psychologists is
d. d.When the purpose of the assessment is to determine the a. a.a matter of professional ethics.
individual’s delusional capacity b. b.a right upheld by case law.
72. In instances where the test taker is incapable of giving informed c. c.a right cited in legislation.
consent, written consent must be given either to the parent or legal d. d.All of these
representative. This written consent may contain the following except for... 79. A test is considered standardized if the manual for the test includes ...
a. General purpose of assessment and testing a. a.clearly specified procedures for administration.
b. Instruments used in administration b. b.clearly specified procedures for scoring.
c. Specific reason why testing is undertaken c. c.normative data
d. Previous test takers who underwent the test d. All of these
73. The following are true for the right to informed consent except for.... 80. "What's a good test?" In part, a good test is one that ...
a. Test takers have the right to know why they are evaluated and a. a.trained examiners can administer with a minimum of
how their data will be used difficulty.
b. Test takers have the right to scrutinize the types of instruments b. Is useful in the sense that it yields actionable results.
used before assessment c. will ultimately benefit individual test takers or society as a
c. Test takers who cannot give informed consent on their own will whole.
have to have a parent/legal representative who gives it for d. All of these
81. Which of the following statements most likely involves using data in a c. Typically; the psychologist; while the client has the right to
way that is not valid? inspect the contents of the record
a. University data indicate that the highest paid professors have d. Typically; the client; while the psychologist has the right to
the most publications inspect the contents of the record
b. Students who can type more than 80 words per minute will
receive a typing award 89. When providing services to a person legally incapable of giving
c. All of the faculty interviewed described the dean as informed consent; the psychologist consider the following except?
"outstanding" a. Seek the person’s approval
d. The Psychology teacher does not assign students a grade less b. Consider the person’s preferences and best interest
than "3" c. Obtain permission from legally authorized person
d. Refer him/her to other practitioner
82. Complete this analogy: Laws is to rules and ethics is to:
a. Rules 90. A. The examiner should ignore unusual conditions or problems
b. Demands that occur during testing
c. Principles B. Memorizing the exact verbal instructions is important but is
d. Codes not a must in good testing.
a. Only A is true
83. Fernando is inappropriately out of his seat for 56 minutes per morning b. Only B is true
session." A statement like this is most likely to appear in a report using c. Both A and B are true
which tool of assessment? d. Neither A nor B is true
a. Behavioral observation

b. Role play 91. A. Tests should be introduced only when needed and when the
c. Interview client is ready.
d. Portfolio B. In general, children are more susceptible to examiner and
situational variables than adults.
84. A client you know owns a gun and has a history of violent behavior a. Only A is true
tells you he is planning to shoot his ex-girlfriend. You should: b. Only B is true
a. Keep it confidential, there is no ground for disclosure c. Both A and B are true
b. Instruct the ex-girlfriend about the plan of his ex-boyfriend d. Neither A nor B is true
c. Terminate your duties immediately because your life is in
danger 92. Because assessment is an integral part of counseling, it is crucial that
d. Tell to your client to surrender the gun practitioners become competent in this area. These competencies can be
coalesced into two major themes: (1) knowledge of the test and its
85. Refers to the obligation of psychologists/psychometricians to protect limitations and (2) accepting responsibility for the competent use of the
clients from unauthorized disclosure of information revealed in the context test. Which specific skills a psychometrician should learn concerning
of the professional relationship: accepting responsibility for the competent use of the test?
a. Debriefing a. Staying abreast of assessment issues
b. Confidentiality b. Skills related to competent assessment and to know the limits
c. Informed consent of their own competency
d. Concealment c. Psychometricians should never administer an assessment
instrument without the necessary knowledge and training
86. A client who is HIV+ claims that s/he has been engaging in casual d. B and C
unprotected sex with various partners. Is this sufficient ground to break
confidentiality and notify the authorities? 93. A. In interpreting a test, a psychometrician must always consider
a. Yes, there is an identifiable 3rd party who is at risk random variations that could contributed to the test score B. Interpreting
b. No, it is not your business as professional test results to a client together with his/her friends are okay
c. Yes, the 3rd party is unaware that s/he is at risk a. Only A is true
d. No, there is no enough reason permitted to disclose b. Only B is true
c. Both A and B are true
87. A. Computerized interpretive reports are legitimate and valuable; and d. Neither A nor B is true
they tend to be good substitutes for a clinician's own impressions. B.
Psychologists can base assessment/intervention decisions or 94. A person was bragging that he has a “genius level” intelligence; as a
recommendations on tests; measures; data; or test results that are psychometrician, what step should you do to verify such claim?
outdated or obsolete a. Request the person to prove it by solving difficult problems
a. Only statement A is true b. Undergo him to your own psychological assessment to
b. Only statement B is true prove/disprove the claim
c. Both statements are true c. Know what test (e.i., WAIS or SB5) he has taken and what his
d. Both statements are false scaled scores are
d. Ask the person what are the psychometric properties of the test
88. Regarding client records; who is the owner of the physical record? he has taken
a. Both psychologist and clien
b. Solely the client has its own right 95. A. The testing environment should be one of the least
reasonable considerations in test taking
B. Appropriate test interpretation must follow immediately after 102. After the test interpretation, your client refuses to accept the results
the exam and insisted that the test is “fake” and it is presenting him in a way that
a. Only A is true makes him feel uncomfortable. What should be the best course of action
b. Only B is true then?
c. Both A and B are true a. Respect his opinion and let him believe what he wants to; but
d. Neither A nor B is true the test results would remain valid anyhow, with or without his
belief and approval of the test results
96. Jenny is a psychometrician in a psychological clinic; he was tasked by b. Explain that psychological tests yield no absolute data but
the psychologist to come up with the psychological profile of one of their rather only infer sample behavior and that his feelings are
clients. However, Jenny failed to notice that the psychological test results noted and considered
of the client are already more than a year old. What ethical standard has c. Refer him to the Registered Psychologist for psychotherapy
been violated by Jenny? because his refusal might be a symptom of a deeper
a. Interpreting test results psychological maladjustment
b. Explaining test results d. Subject him to a more in-depth psychological assessment to
c. Obsolete and outdated test results further appraise his results
d. All of the mentioned
103. As a wholehearted Psychometrician, you would like to know how
97. One problem with interest inventories is that the person often tries to rigorous the newly constructed standardized psychological test before you
answer the question in a socially acceptable manner. Psychometricians administers it to your client. Which of the following step should you take
call this response style as: then?
a. Standard Error a. Check the psychometric properties of the test
b. Social Desirability b. Consult the test developer
c. Cultural Bias c. Perform a validation study of the test
d. Acquiescence d. Do all of the above
98. “Ara is inappropriately out of his seat for 56 minutes per morning 104. You administered a battery of test to your client and there seems to
sessions”. A statement like this is most likely to appear in a report using be conflicting information based on the psychological tests results. Which
which tool of assessment? of the following should be best done?
a. Behavioral observation a. Give the client more tests, more projective test perhaps
b. Role play b. Get more information through other means (e.i, anecdotal
c. Interview records, etc.) to co-validate test results
d. Portfolio assessment c. Refer your client to other professionals (e.i, counselor or
99. What would you do if a parent of a preschool child requests that she be psychologist) because they might shed some light on the
present in the testing room while her child is taking exam? conflicting results
a. I will allow her but advise her not to disturb the procedure d. Talk to the client about how he/she finds the tests and its
b. I will allow her to sit in area far from her child results to better assess the discrepancies
c. I will not allow her as her presence may disturb the procedure 105. You are tasked to give a psychological test to a group of students and
d. I will allow her if she promises not to interfere in the process the school administration reckoned that it is highly important that you pass
100. During your pilot testing, one of your participants argued that some through this task ASAP; but the students are very vigilant, nervous and
items are unsuitable and thus refused to complete the test. Which of the unwilling to participate. As a psychometrician, what should be best done?
following best describe an appropriate measure to follow? a. Build the rapport with the test takers to arouse their interest in
a. Explain to the participant that the test has a high reliability and taking the test
validity b. Insist to the school administration to reschedule the test until
b. Allow the test be unfinished and refer the participant to an they are ready to do so
Assessment Psychologist to enlighten him/her c. Both a and b
c. Let him be and take into consideration his/her opinions and try d. Neither a nor b
to integrate it to the later revision of the test 106. During your test scoring, you noticed that one of the test takers did
d. Let the participant do as he/she pleases and pay him/her not answer a significant number of items in the personality test you
utmost respect for his/her opinion previously administered. What should be best done in this case?
101. You are a newly hired psychometrician and you are tasked to give a. Do not proceed with the scoring and ask the test taker to
psychological testing to students but you are not familiar to various complete the test, if ever possible
psychological tests. What should you best do? b. Score only those items that are answered
a. Read the test manuals to get acquainted with the tests to be c. Get the grand mean of the domains of the test which has (an)
administered unanswered item/s and use it to substitute the unanswered
b. Suggest to the administration to hire a psychologist item/s
c. Seek the assistance of the senior psychometrician in 107.In interpreting the over-all results of the psychological assessment
administering the tests procedures you conducted, which of the following should you best
d. Administer the tests anyhow because the test takers are even consider?
more unfamiliar to those tests anyway a. The reliability and validity of the tests you included in the
b. Your various observations during which the psych tests were d. Psychological assessment
c. The readiness of the client to the interpretation of the results 114. When I administered a test in English to my students at the beginning
d. The cultural background of the client and other related of the school year to find out what are the areas that need to be reviewed,
variables that may impact the interpretations of the results I am using a/an:
a. Achievement test
108. Based on the psychological assessment you conducted with b. Paper and pencil test
Clarence, a 15 yr. old girl and a client of yours in the school you’re c. Diagnostic test
working, she tends to have a very strong suicidal tendency. What should d. Mental ability test
you do best?
a. Inform her parents or guardian about the possibility to prevent 115. A. Psychological tests vary in their types and classification
whatever untoward incident to happen even though it is designed to do one thing: infer from a sample of behavior
b. Keep the results between you and Clarence because that is a B. Projective tests do not have a much-grounded psychometric
confidential matter and instead focus on helping her. properties compare to its counterparts
c. Discuss with Clarence the results of the assessment and a. Only A is true
encourage her to seek further professional help b. Only B is true
d. Refer her to a psychiatrist for a drug prescription to lessen the c. Both A and B are true
possibility of suicide d. Neither A nor B is true

109. A parent of one of your client requests to see the results of the 116. A. Test users should protect the security of test materials
psychological tests of her son. The test results however do not include any B. In emergency situation, test administrators may not follow the
information that requires immediate action whatsoever. Which of the standardized procedures for administration and scoring specified by the
following should you best do? test publisher
a. Tell the parent to seek approval from the principal’s office to a. Only A is true
see the test results b. Only B is true
b. Explain that the test results are absolutely confidential thus her c. Both A and B are true
request is not possible d. Neither A nor B is true
c. Ask the student’s consent to share his/her results with his/her 117. A. Interpretability states that a psychological test must convey
parent information individual that can be understood reliably by various users
d. Let the parent know the test results spot-on, she’s the student B. Stability of a psychological test refers to its balanced
parent anyway. correlation between the scores and the attribute being measured
110. n extending the interpretation of the test results to any client, the a. Only A is true
psychometrician should “always” consider which of the following? b. Only B is true
a. Be thorough, loyal and accurate with the data: c. Both A and B are true
b. Use words and descriptions that are non-stigmatizing and d. Neither A nor B is true
easily understandable 118. A. During test administration, a psychometrician must memorize
c. Have a clear understanding of the mediating effects of other the test manuals and booklets. not need na memorize
nuance variables to the test results naman
B. In testing, the psychometrician must always state the
d. Be concise and direct to the point with no sugarcoating purpose of the test.
111. During test administration, the examiner should always follow the a. Only A is true
instructions in the test manual in verbatim. b. Only B is true
a. True, it is imperative c. Both A and B are true
b. False, not always necessary d. Neither A nor B is true
c. True, but some modification can be done as well
d. False, you can be creative in administration 119. Why does alternative forms of assessment is considered an integral
112.Rapport is best defined in the testing situation as: to the overall psychological assessment?
a. ensuring total objectivity a. Psychological tests alone will not yield a complete picture of an
b. arousing the examinee’s interest and cooperation individual
c. making special efforts to motivate those students who do not b. Psychological tests are prone to bias thus alternative
show normal interest assessment is needed
d. being especially friendly with the examinees c. Alternative assessment compliments numerical data derived
from the psychological tests
113. Charlie administered a battery of tests to the grade level assigned to d. All of the above
him as a school psychometrician. He chose 2 intelligence tests and a
sentence-completion test that measures attitude towards life. He further 120. What is Mental Status Examination (MSE)?
did observation of the pupils during their Religion and P.E. classes. a. Obtains information to make an accurate diagnosis
Essentially Charlie’s procedures are called: b. A mean of assessing the person's current thought processes,
a. Psychological testing emotions, and interpersonal qualities
b. Evaluation c. Can also provide clues to areas that may need to be
c. Psychological measurement addressed in follow-up sessions or outside referrals
d. All of the above
121. Subtest of the DAT that measures ability to reason with words, to 129. Why does alternative forms of assessment is considered an integral
understand and use concepts expressed in words. to the overall psychological assessment?
a. Word Fluency a. Psychological tests alone will not yield a complete picture of an
b. Verbal Ability individual
c. Verbal Reasoning b. Psychological tests are prone to bias thus alternative
d. Verbal Comprehension assessment is needed
c. Alternative assessment compliments numerical data derived
122. Mark scored a percentile score of 60. He then belongs to what from the psychological tests
percentage of a ‘normal distribution’? d. All of the above
a. Upper 34.13%
b. Lower 34.13% 130. What is Mental Status Examination (MSE)?
c. Upper 13.59% a. Obtains information to make an accurate diagnosis
d. Lower 13.59% b. A mean of assessing the person's current thought processes,
emotions, and interpersonal qualities
123. Which among the following test do NOT detect random answering c. Can also provide clues to areas that may need to be
among test takers? addressed in follow-up sessions or outside referrals
a. 16PF d. All of the above
b. BarOn EQ-i:s
c. EPPS 131. A student was administered the OLSAT; he obtained a score
d. SSHA equivalent to 60 percentile. It means that his mental ability as measured by
OLSAT with high school students as the local norm is:
124. Which of the following tests did use factor analysis in its construction? a. Below average
a. EPPS b. Average
b. DAT c. Above average
c. 16PF d. High Average
132. He proposed the Psychogenic Needs and Environmental Presses
125. Nick seems to be intellectually-advanced student but perform poorly which argues that it is the continuity of functional forms and forces
on his academics. He is also observed to be easily angered with little manifested through sequences of organized regnant processes and overt
provocation. To further assess his overall functioning, which of the behaviors from birth to death.
following psychological test is more appropriate to subject him into? a. Harry Stack Sullivan
a. SSHA, 16 PF, CFIT and COPS b. Erich Fromm
b. MD5, BarOn EQ-I:S and SAMS c. Otto Rank
c. COPS, WAIS-IV, 16PF and SAMS d. Henry Murray
d. All of the above
133. It is defined by Guilford (1959) as any distinguishable, relatively
126. Elle is a Registered Psychometrician and she intends to give her enduring ways in which one individual varies from another.
clients battery of projective tests. What educated opinion can you draw a. Traits
from Elle’s intention? b. Types
a. She can select whichever projective test because they are all c. States
reliable and valid d. Personality
b. DAP, TAT, and Rorschach should be part of the battery test
because of their utility and popularity alike 134. Shangela scored at the 89th percentile in a mental ability test. This
c. Seek the opinion of her RPm colleagues which projective tests means that:
best fit her client given her clients’ presented concerns a. She scored better than the 89% of the population who took the
d. She is not allowed to administer, score, and interpret projective same test
tests b. She has a High Average to Above Average range of intellectual
127. A psychometrician at the campus mental health center administered c. She could easily perform tasks that requires higher cognitive
an empirically derived personality test to diagnose an emotionally troubled functioning
student. Which test did the psychometrician most likely administered? d. All of the above
b. Rorschach 135. A. Crystallized abilities (Gc) are biologically determined
c. TAT B. Fluid abilities (Gf) are acquired skills and knowledge
d. The Locus of Control Scale influenced by cultural, social, and educational experiences
a. Only A is true
128. Charlie has superb social skills, manages conflicts well, and has great b. Only B is true
empathy for his friends and co-workers. Nick and Tao would probably say c. Both A and B are true
that Charlie possesses a high degree of: d. Neither A nor B is true
a. G Intelligence
b. Social Intelligence 136. The test is asking you to rate your dislike or like from a 5-point scale.
c. Practical Intelligence What item format is being used?
d. Emotional Intelligence a. Likert Scale
b. Guttman Scale
c. Semantic-Differential Scale d. Reserved, detached, cool, impersonal
d. Thurstone Scale
145. What was the first name of the famous Wechsler Adult Intelligence
137. Which of the following is NOT considered a guideline in writing and Scale?
evaluation test items? a. Wechsler Intelligence Scale
a. Define clearly what you want to measure b. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults
b. Generate an exact amount of items needed c. Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale
c. Avoid exceptionally long items d. Wechsler Scale of Adult Intelligence
d. Keep the level of reading difficulty appropriate for those who
will complete the scale 146. He introduced the term “mental quotient” or “intelligence quotient”.
a. Terman
138. A client scored a percentile score of 87% in the impression b. Stern
management scale of 16PF. What does it mean? c. Binet
a. The client has a well-versed personality profile d. Binet and Simon
b. The client was malingering in answering the said test
c. The client has presented himself in an excessively positive 147. A counseling test consists of 300 forced response items. The person
light taking the test can take as long as he or she wants to answer the
d. The client was inconsistent in answering the test, thus it’s questions. This is most likely a/an
invalidated a. Projective measure
b. Speed test
139. Which among the following is NOT considered an affective test? c. Power test
a. Career test d. Invalid test
b. Attitudinal test
c. Perceptual test 148. A client who takes a normative test:
d. Temperamental test a. Cannot legitimately be compared to others who have taken the
140. Current intelligence tests compute an individual’s intelligence score b. Can legitimately be compared to others who have taken the
as: test
a. The ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100 c. Could not have taken an IQ test
b. The ratio of chronological age to mental age multiplied by 100 d. Could not have taken a personality test
c. The amount by which the test taker’s performance deviates
from the average performance of others of the same age 149. RuPaul made a psych test that aims to measure the results or impact
d. The ratio of the test taker’s verbal intelligence score to his or of the training a specific group has. What kind of psychological test did he
her nonverbal intelligence score make?
a. Mental Ability Test
141. He is one of the founding theorists in intelligence testing and has b. Aptitude Test
proposed 7 interrelated factors of intelligence. c. Achievement Test
a. C. Spearman d. Career Test
b. L. Thurstone
c. J.P. Guilford 150. Who developed the Thematic Apperception Test?
d. F. Galton a. Muray and Morgan
b. Terman and Merill
c. Stanford and Binet
142. A person was bragging that he has a “genius level” intelligence; as a d. Murray and Bowen
psychometrician, what step should you do to verify such claim?
a. Request the person to prove it by solving difficult problems
b. Undergo him to your own psychological assessment to ANSWER:
prove/disprove the claim
c. Know what test (e.i., WAIS or SB5) he has taken and what his
scaled scores are
d. Ask the person what are the psychometric properties of the test
he has taken

143. Who proposed the Big 5 Model of personality?

a. R.B. Catell
b. Catell-Horn
c. Sheldon and Stevens
d. Costa and McCrae

144. Jynx scored a sten score of 9 in the Liveliness scale of the 16PF
inventory. This means that she tends to be:
a. Enthusiastic, cheerful, heedless
b. Serious, prudent, sober, taciturn
c. Impractical, absent-minded, unconventional

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