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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11(2): 176-188 (2020)
The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

Araştırma Makalesi / Research Paper

Performance Analysis of Double Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bar

Faults in Outer Cage
Asım Gökhan YETGİN 1

1Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Burdur-Turkey

Geliş Tarihi (Received): 20.06.2020, Kabul Tarihi (Accepted): 14.08.2020

Sorumlu Yazar (Corresponding author): [email protected]
+90 248 2132778 +90 248 2132704


Induction motors are one of the most commonly used motor in the industry. For this reason, a fault (electrical or
mechanical) inside or outside of the motor can cause the motor to go out of power and even cause the production
losses inside the factory. Although there are many studies on single-cage induction motor failures in the literature,
double cage motor failures are not a frequent subject of study. Therefore, in this study, it was investigated how the
outer cage slot faults in a double cage induction motor affect the motor performance. Analyses were performed using
Finite Element Method (FEM). 1, 2, 3 and 4 outer cage broken bars in the rotor slot were investigated. Rotor currents,
magnetic vector potential values, magnetic flux distributions, current densities, radial forces and torque-speed graphs
of the motor models were obtained and compared for both healthy and failure motors. The results show that as the
number of broken bar in the rotor increased, a significant reduction was observed in all three torque (starting, maxi-
mum and nominal) values. It has been observed that the starting torque decreased by 13.77% for the 4 broken outer
cage rotor bars motor according to the healthy motor.

Keywords: Broken bars, finite element method, induction motor, outer rotor cage fault, performance analysis

Dış Kafesinde Kırık Bar Arızası Olan Çift Kafesli Asenkron

Motorun Performans Analizi

Asenkron motorlar endüstride en sık kullanılan motorlardan birisidir. Bu nedenle, motorun içinde veya dışında bir
arıza (elektrik veya mekanik) motorun gücünün kesilmesine ve hatta fabrika içinde üretim kayıplarına neden olabilir.
Literatürde tek kafesli asenkron motor arızaları üzerine çok sayıda çalışma olmasına rağmen, çift kafesli motor arıza-
ları sıkça araştırılan bir konu değildir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada, çift kafesli bir asenkron motorun dış kafes oluğundaki
hataların motor performansını nasıl etkilediği araştırılmıştır. Analizler Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi (SEY) kullanılarak
yapılmıştır. Rotor oluğunda 1, 2, 3 ve 4 adet dış kafes kırığı olan motor modelleri incelenmiştir. Motor modellerinin
rotor akımları, manyetik vektör potansiyel değerleri, manyetik akı dağılımları, akım yoğunlukları, radyal kuvvetler ve
moment-hız grafikleri elde edilmiş ve hem sağlam hem de arızalı motorlar için karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, rotordaki
kırık çubuk sayısı arttıkça, her üç moment (yol alma, maksimum ve nominal) değerinde önemli bir azalma meydana
geldiğini göstermiştir. Sağlam motora göre, rotor oluğunda 4 kırık bulunan motorun yol alma momentinin %13.77
oranında azaldığı görülmüştür.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kırık çubuklar, sonlu elemanlar yöntemi, asenkron motor, dış rotor kafes arızası, performans

Asım Gökhan YETGİN, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3971-0504

Yetgin 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

INTRODUCTION and the likes (Gyftakis et al., 2012). The double cage ro-
tor is an effective technique that improves the starting
The three phase squirrel cage induction motor is now performance of induction motors (Yamamoto et al.,
one of the most reliable, efficient and cost effective elec- 2017), which provides high starting torque and low start-
tric machines which is the largest electrical energy con- ing current (Guru et al., 2013). Double cage rotors are
sumer in the industry (Tudorache et al., 2006; Wang et characterized by the large outer (starting) bar resistance
al., 2018). Induction motors have many advantages and large inner (running) bar leakage inductance, as
thanks to their easy and robust construction. This type shown in Figure 1. The high starting torque is obtained
of machine is extensively used in many industrial appli- by confining the current to the high resistance outer cage
cations (Nakamura and Mizuno, 2013; Roubache et al., during the startup transient at high slip when the induc-
2016; Brooks et al., 2018). In general, induction motors tive impedance is dominant over the resistive imped-
are manufactured in two ways with squirrel cage and ance as shown in Figure 1 (Lorenzani et al., 2012). In
wound rotor. Although the single cage structure in the the figure, Vs is voltage, Is is stator current, Ir is rotor cur-
industry is used more and more, the double cage rotor rent, Rs is stator resistance, Xs is stator reactance, Xm is
structure has a few applications (Lorenzani et al., 2012). magnetization reactance, Rr1 and Xr1 are outer cage re-
Some of these applications can be given as follows: con- sistance and reactance, Rr2 and Xr2 are inner cage re-
veyors, crushers, mixers, compressors, loaded pumps sistance and reactance, s is slip value and Im is magnet-
ization current.

Figure 1. Induction motor double cage equivalent circuit

Double cage induction motors can be divided into two

categories depending on the structure of the rotor cage.
If both, the outer and the inner bar, are from the same
material, they are short circuited to the same end-ring
and the rotor has one cage, similar to the standard “A”
class induction motor. On the other hand, if the two bars
are from different materials, then the outer bars are short
circuited independently from the inner bars and the rotor
is manufactured with two cages. Usually, when two dif-
ferent conducting materials are implemented into the ro-
tor, the material of the greatest resistivity, forms the
outer cage, in order to improve the motor's starting be-
havior. Furthermore, since the cost of production in-
creases with the double cage structure, special attention
should be paid to the design process not only for the
electromagnetic properties of these motors but also for
their general behavior (thermal, vibration, etc.) and their Figure 2. Magnetic flux in the double cage
reliability (Gyftakis et al., 2012). The flux distributions
that occur during starting and operation of a double cage
The geometries used in induction motors as double
induction motor are given in Figure 2 (Jahic et al., 2015).
cages are given in Figure 3. It is seen that the outer and
inner cage geometries are generally preferred for the cir-
cle and rectangular slot types. In this study, the structure
of Figure 3 (i) is used for the rotor slot geometry.

Performance Analysis of Double Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bar Faults in Outer Cage

Figure 3. Double cage geometries in different structures (Bernatt and Bernatt, 2013; Boughrara and Ibtiouen, 2014;
Jahic et al., 2015; Preez, 2016; Yamamoto et al., 2017)

In the literature, it is seen that single cage rotor struc- whereas that of off-line standstill tests is not influenced
tures are generally used for rotor fault analysis of three for broken outer cage bars. In the Gritli et al.’ (2014) pa-
phase induction motors. These failures are usually 1, 2 per, a discrete wavelet transform-based method is pro-
or 3 broken rotor bars or end ring failures (Hamdani et posed for the detection of outer cage faults in Double
al., 2008; Xie et al., 2012; Pezzani et al., 2014; Ishikawa, Cage Induction Motors (DCIMs) operating under transi-
2015; Xie et al., 2018; Yetgin, 2019). There are publica- ent load conditions. An experimental study on a custom
tions in the form of comparison of faulty conditions and built copper double cage rotor shows that the proposed
healthy motor, and there are a limited number of publi- approach offers good diagnostic capability compared to
cations related to double cage rotor faults. the existing techniques for DCIMs used in speed-varying
applications and solves some of the previous problems.
In Boughrara and Ibtiouen (2014) studies, they have pro-
vided an analytical method for calculating the magnetic In this study, the effects of broken bars on motor perfor-
field distribution, electromagnetic performance and mance were investigated in detail by performing an anal-
equivalent circuit parameters in the case of a healthy ysis of the outer cage faults which may occur in a double
and broken rotor bar with double cage rotor induction cage induction motor. Healthy motor and 1, 2, 3 and 4
motor. Munteanu et al. (2012) used a three phase induc- outer cage broken bar motor models were analyzed with
tion motor used in the mining industry to obtain the min- FEM. Magnetic vector potential, magnetic field, flux dis-
imum current and maximum torque using a double cage tributions, inner and outer cage rotor currents, torque-
rotor slot structure. In the Daviu et al.’ (2011) paper, con- speed graphs analysis were obtained for each motor
sidering that the influence of the faulty outer cage is model. In this study, it contributes to the literature be-
strong at startup due to the large outer cage current, de- cause it investigates the effects of double layer broken
tection of outer cage faults under the startup transient is rotor bar failures on the motor instead of single layer bro-
investigated. A Discrete Wavelet Transform-based ken rotor bar failures, which is the subject of many stud-
method is proposed as a viable solution to detection of ies in the literature.
outer cage faults for double cage motors. The aim of
Gyftakis’s (2013) paper is to compare and evaluate dif- Induction Motor Faults
ferent diagnostic tools for defining broken bar failure in
delta connected double cage induction motors. The Induction motors are the most preferred electric motors
study is performed with FEM. Lorenzani et al. (2012), in the industry due to their robust construction and not
were derived and verified a dynamic model for double easy failure. However, for unexpected reasons, faults
squirrel cage rotor induction motors with outer cage that may occur inside or outside of the motor prevent the
faults. It was shown in the paper that parameter identifi- operating efficiently. There are several methods for de-
cation is a critical part of the dynamic model. This is not tecting faults that may occur in induction motors. Thanks
a trivial or straightforward procedure for double cage ma- to these methods, the motor can be deactivated without
chines, and an accurate finite element analysis can be failure.
very helpful for representing parameters accurately un-
der different operating conditions. In the Park et al.’ Detection of motor faults in the initial phase is important
(2010) paper, the detectability of broken outer cage bars because it leads to increased reliability and low failure
in double cage motors for the most commonly used rotor time. Motor failure could not be determined in the first
bar test methods is evaluated. A finite element and ex- step can lead to disaster and induction motor can be se-
perimental study show that the sensitivity of on-line mo- riously damaged (Kathir et al., 2012). Induction motor
tor current signature analysis is significantly decreased, faults are divided into electrical and mechanical faults.

Yetgin 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

General failures in inductions motors can be given as  Other faults: 10%

follows (Alsaedi, 2015; Huang et al., 2016):
Rotor Bar Faults
 Stator faults resulting in the opening or shorting of
one or more of a stator phase winding. The broken bars cause, a strong dissymmetry of the
 Abnormal connection of the stator windings. magnetic field into machine air gap which creates the ro-
 Shorted rotor field winding. tate flux harmonics. In this situation, the machine con-
 Broken rotor bar or cracked rotor end rings. sumes a lot of reactive power and this becomes pres-
 Eccentricity (Static and/or dynamic air gap irregu- ently dominant than the active power, which conducts to
larities). reduce the torque capabilities of the motor (Said, 2004).
 Bent shaft. Cracked or broken rotor bars and end rings failure are
 Bearing and gearbox failures. common faults in the three phase squirrel cage induction
motors. Generally, 1, 2, 3 or more broken rotor bar are
The percentage of failures in induction motor component generated in the rotor bars for the single cage induction
is as follows (Alsaedi, 2015): motor (Pezzani et al., 2014; Ishikawa, 2015; Hamdani et
al., 2008; Miceli et al., 2014; Gritli et al., 2013). This is
 Bearing related faults: 40% shown in Figure 4.
 Stator winding faults: 38%
 Rotor related faults: 10%

Figure 4. Healthy rotor and rotors with one, two and three broken bars (Pezzani et al., 2014)

The temperature rise around the cracked bars may Rotor faults are caused by a combination of various
eventually break the bars and the electric arc occurs stresses acting on the rotor. These stresses can be elec-
around the broken bars. This may damage the lamina- tromagnetic, thermal, residual, dynamic, environmental
tions of the rotor body close to the broken bar region. and mechanical. However, induction motor rotor faults
The following reasons can lead to cracking or breakage usually start from a small break in the rotor bar or from a
of the rotor bars (Faiz et al., 2007): high resistance point. When such a fault increases, the
magnetic field becomes increasingly asymmetrical due
 Thermal stress due to over-load, non-uniform heat to the absence of induced currents in the broken rotor
distribution, hot spot and arc. bars. This leads to local saturation and disproportionate
 Magnetic stresses due to electromagnetic forces, magnetic distribution in the stator and rotor teeth near
magnetic asymmetry forces, noises and electro- the broken bars. The increase of high harmonic compo-
magnetic vibrations. nents can trigger several electromagnetic events, such
 Residual stress from the fabrication process. as the development of inverse magnetic field, torque
 Dynamic stress due to rotor axial torque and cen- pulse, and unbalanced magnetic attraction. All these
trifugal forces. events are not desirable because they reduce the relia-
 Circumferential stress due to wearing and pollution bility of the induction motor. The resistance of the broken
of rotor material by chemical materials and humid- bars is very high compared to the value of the healthy
ity. rotor bars. This is very likely to cause disproportionate
 Mechanical stress due to mechanical fatigue of dif- distribution of rotor currents. The parts of rotor currents
ferent parts, ball-bearing damage, loosens lamina- that are not flowing in the broken bars due to high re-
tions etc. sistance flow in the bars next to the broken. This results

Performance Analysis of Double Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bar Faults in Outer Cage

in an increase in the value of these bars. Although the These regions must be enclosed by air to get accurate
broken bar currents flow in adjacent bars, the sum of the results of the torque. The electromagnetic torque is com-
rotor currents is lower than in the healthy rotor. Very high puted by a volume integration of Maxwell’s stress tensor
current density causes overheating in the bar (Vaimann over the selected area. An average valued torque (or
and Kallaste, 2011). It can cause torque and speed fluc- weighted torque) is calculated in the time-harmonic sim-
tuations, noise and unstable stator currents, reduce av- ulations. The Maxwell’s stress tensor is used to calculate
erage torque (Maouche et al., 2014). the radial air-gap forces (Fr) in Equation (2) (Wilow,

In recent years, finite element method has been used Fr 

2  0

Bn2  Bt2  (2)
frequently in the analysis, simulation and modelling of
electrical machines. The simulation results are sensitive
to the quality of the Finite Element (FE) model, thus crit- Where Bn and Bt are the radial and tangential compo-
ical parameters for FE model have to be specified care- nents of the magnetic flux density, µ0 is the magnetic
fully (Han et al., 2010). permeability of free space. The electromagnetic torque
is determined by integration of T over the stator and rotor
In this study, finite element method was used for the surface (Faiz and Ebrahimi, 2009). In Equation (3), r0 is
analysis of the healthy motor and the outer cage broken the radius of the contour and l is the length.
bar motor. Finite element analysis is a computer based
numerical technique for calculating the parameters of r0  l
electromagnetic devices. It can be used to calculate the T
0  Bn  Bt  ds (3)
flux density, flux linkages, inductance etc. In the finite el-
ement method, the large electromagnetic device is bro-
ken down into many small elements. The equations de- The model of four outer cage broken bar motors used in
scribing the behavior of the individual elements are this study and the mesh structure are given in Figure 5.
joined into an extremely large set of equations that de- 87393 nodes and 174625 elements are produced in the
scribe the whole device. The computer can solve this modeling. Aluminum material with an electrical conduc-
large set of simultaneous equations. From the solution, tivity of 34.45 MS/m is used in the rotor slots (URL-1),
the computer extracts the behavior of the individual ele- magnetic material with permeability µx and µy values of
ments. Finite element methods of analysis have 7000 is used in the stator and rotor core parts and in the
emerged in the past decades as the useful numerical shaft section. Analysis of electrical machines using the
methods for magnetic field analysis of electrical ma- finite element method requires a closed model. For this
chines (Sudar et al., 2012). reason, the outer diameter of the motor must be defined
as zero (for boundary condition) in order to keep the
Magnetic field waveform contains full information about magnetic fluxes in the motor. Since the full geometry is
the stator and rotor positions and mechanical parts of addressed in the modelling, the homogeneous Dirichlet
the motor. Distribution of the magnetic flux density (B) is boundary condition is defined at the stator outer bound-
calculated from the magnetic vector potential (A) as fol- ary. FEM analyzes were performed in the Finite Element
lows in Equation (1) (Faiz and Ebrahimi, 2009). Method Magnetics (FEMM) program (Meeker, 2014).
The motor has 24 stator slots and 18 double cage rotor
B   A (1) slots. Motor voltage is 380 V, frequency is 50 Hz, rotor
speed is 2850 rpm, the connection is star and the motor
In order to calculate the force in induction motors, a cir- power is 800 W.
cle must be formed in the middle of the air gap section.

Yetgin 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

Figure 5. 4 outer cage broken bar motor model and mesh distribution

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ture and the effects on the motor performance are ex-
plained. Table 1 includes the flux density at different lo-
In this section, the results of analysis of the faults of the cations of the stator and of the rotor at nominal operating
outer cage of the induction motor with double cage struc- conditions (sn = 0.05) for healthy and 4 broken motor

Table 1. Average flux values in different regions for healthy and 4 broken bars motor models
Position Healthy [T] 4 broken bars [T] % Difference
Stator yoke 0.852 0.996 + 16.90140
Stator tooth 0.639 0.764 + 19.56181
Rotor yoke 0.650 0.801 + 23.23076
Rotor inner cage 0.639 0.735 + 15.02347
Rotor outer cage 0.934 0.995 + 6.531049

When the Table 1 is examined, the average magnetic maximum flux density value obtained from the healthy
flux density values of the 4 broken motors at the deter- motor is 1.68 T, while the value obtained from the 4 rotor
mined points indicate that the values of the motor have bar broken motor is 1.92 T. In order to understand the
increased significantly according to healthy motor. This difference between the magnetic flux densities given in
situation explains that 4 broken motors have saturation the figure, the lower bound value of the scale is set to
at these points according to healthy motor and have a zero and the upper bound value is set to 1.95 T. When
negative effect on motor performance. the figure is examined, it is seen that the flux density val-
ues obtained from 4 broken motor models are higher.
Figure 6 shows the magnetic flux distributions obtained This figure also shows that the obtained results which
from healthy and 4 broken motor models. The flux distri- consistent with the average flux density values in Table
butions of the healthy motor are given in Figure 6(a), and 1.
the 4 broken motor model is given in Figure 6(b). The

Performance Analysis of Double Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bar Faults in Outer Cage

Figure 6. Magnetic flux distributions a) healthy motor b) 4 broken motor

Figure 7 (a) and (b) show the current density distribution slots. It is seen that the current density values in the in-
of healthy and 4 broken motor models respectively. Cur- ner cage bars in the slots with broken rotor bars in-
rent density scale is taken the same for each model. Bro- crease.
ken rotor bars are shown as bars 3, 4, 5 and 6. The bro-
ken bars are formed only in the outer cage of the rotor

Figure 7. Current density distribution a) healthy motor b) 4 broken motor

The current density values for healthy and 4 broken mo- bars. This is due to the current accumulation in the bars
tor models are given in Figure 8. There is a balanced around the broken rotor bars. In the healthy motor, more
current density in the non-broken rotor bars and current balanced current density values are obtained.
density values are seen to increase gradually in broken

Yetgin 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

4 Broken Motor
Healthy Motor

Current Density [MA/m2]


Bar 1 Bar 2 Bar 3 Bar 4 Bar 5 Bar 6 Bar 7 Bar 8
(1 (2 (3 (4
Broken) Broken) Broken) Broken)

Figure 8. Current density graph for healthy and 4 broken bar motor (bar 1-8)

Figure 9 shows the change in average and maximum healthy motor. Average current values were obtained
current values obtained from healthy and broken motor close to each other.
models. When the figure is examined, it is seen that as
the number of broken rotor increases, there is an in-
crease in the maximum current value according to the

Average and Maximum Current [A]



Average Current
Maximum Current



Healthy 1 Broken 2 Broken 3 Broken 4 Broken

Figure 9. Average and maximum rotor current graph

The change in rotor currents in each rotor slot are shown The simulated results of the rotor current magnitude for
in Figure 10. It is seen that the currents change in an each inner and outer cage bar for a faulty rotor with 4
unbalanced manner in the broken rotor parts. In the broken outer bars are shown in Figure 11. While the cur-
other parts, it is seen that the currents are obtained close rent values of the broken rotor bars are zero, it is seen
to each other. It is seen that the currents in the broken that there is a large increase in the current values in the
bars 3, 4, 5 and 6 show differences, and the flows are inner cage of the same bar.
affected by the broken structure in the slots on the right
and left sides of the broken bars. Other rotor bars have
a balanced current distribution.

Performance Analysis of Double Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bar Faults in Outer Cage



Rotor Current [A]





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Broken Number of Rotor Slot
Bars Healthy 1 Broken 2 Broken 3 Broken 4 Broken

Figure 10. Rotor current graph

Inner Rotor Bar Outer Rotor Bar

Rotor Bar Current [A]




4 Broken Bars
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Number of Rotor Bar

Figure 11. Inner and outer cage rotor current graph

Figure 12 shows the variation of the magnetic vector po- Figure 13 presents the magnetic flux distributions in the
tential occurring in the air gap of the induction motor. In air gap obtained from healthy motor and broken motor
the section where the broken bars are deformed, the re- models. When the shape is examined, it is seen that the
sults obtained in the other parts seem to be equal. This flux density values change in the broken parts.
situation also affects the flux distribution negatively.

Yetgin 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

Figure 12. Magnetic vector potential graph

Figure 13. Magnetic flux distribution graph

The forces obtained in the radial direction is given in Fig- more force and this increases the probability of breaking
ure 14. Variations in magnetic vector potential and B val- in broken bars.
ues caused an increase in radial force values. This situ-
ation indicates that the broken areas are exposed to

Performance Analysis of Double Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bar Faults in Outer Cage

Figure 14. Radial force graph

Figure 15. Torque-speed graph

Figure 15 shows the torque-speed curves for each motor same way, significant differences were obtained in max-
model. It is seen that the most important difference is at imum torque values. As the number of broken rotor bar
the starting torque. It is observed that the starting torque increased, the torque values decreased. Torque values
obtained from 4 broken motor models leads to a de- obtained from healthy and broken motor models are
crease of 13.77% compared to the healthy motor. In the given in Table 2.

Yetgin 11(2): 176-188 (2020)

Table 2. Torque values for healthy and broken rotor motors

1 broken 2 broken 3 broken 4 broken
Parameters Healthy
bar bars bars bars
Starting torque [N.m] 14.8775 14.4562 13.2249 13.0423 12.8282
Maximum torque [N.m] 16.6097 16.1395 14.7648 14.5600 14.3216
Nominal torque [N.m] 2.6618 2.5865 2.3661 2.3335 2.2952

CONCLUSION phase squirrel-cage induction motor. Progress in Electro-

magnetics Research (PIER) 68: 53–70.
In this study, faults in the outer cage slot of a double Gritli, Y., Lee, S.B., Filippetti, F., Zarri, L. (2014). Advanced di-
cage induction motor are investigated unlike existing sin- agnosis of outer cage damage in double squirrel cage in-
duction motors under time-varying conditions based on
gle-cage induction motors rotor bar fault in the literature. wavelet analysis. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applica-
Healthy and faulty motor models were analyzed by FEM. tions 50(3): 1791-1800.
The effects of faults occurring in outer cage slot on motor Gritli, Y., Tommaso, A.O.D., Miceli, R., Filippetti, F. (2013). Vi-
performance were investigated. The obtained results bration signature analysis for rotor broken bar diagnosis in
show a significant increase in the current values and cur- double cage induction motor drives. Proceeding IEEE 4th
rent density values in the healthy bars around the broken International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy
bars. In addition, these imbalances caused on the motor and Electrical Drives. Istanbul, Turkey, 13-17 May, 2013,
to become saturated in areas with broken parts. Unbal- 1814-1820p.
ance occurred in magnetic flux distributions. This has led Guru, N., Mishra, S.K., Nayak, B. (2013). Indirect vector control
of multi cage induction motor. International Journal of Com-
to the deterioration of the magnetic vector potential that puter Applications 68(2): 25-32.
should be sinusoidal. In addition, obtained radial forces Gyftakis, K.N., Athanasopoulos, D., Kappatou, J. (2012). Study
were larger in the areas with broken parts. However, as of double cage induction motors with different rotor bar ma-
the number of broken bars increased, the starting, max- terials. Proceeding XXth International Conference on Elec-
imum and nominal torque values decreased. It has been trical Machines, Marseille, France, 2-5 Sep., 2012, 1450-
determined that the starting torque obtained from 4 bro- 1456p.
ken motor models leads to a decrease of 13.77% com- Gyftakis, K.N., Athanasopoulos, D.K., Kappatou, J. (2013).
pared to the healthy motor. Similar decreases were ob- Evaluation of different broken bar fault diagnostic means in
served in maximum and nominal torques. double-cage induction motors with fem. Proceeding 9th
IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric
Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (SDEMPED), Va-
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