The Digital Transformation of Mental Health Care and Psychotherapy - A Market and Research Maturity Analysis

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Healthcare of the Future 2022 63

T. Bürkle et al. (Eds.)

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The Digital Transformation of Mental

Health Care and Psychotherapy – A Market
and Research Maturity Analysis
Alexander M. SCHMIDa,1 and Mascha KURPICZ-BRIKIb
Digital Technology Management, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern, CH
Applied Machine Intelligence, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Biel, CH

Abstract. Digital technology trends for mental health, instantiated with only emerg-
ing use cases or already established applications, offer significant potential to im-
prove clinical therapy and care. In this paper, we identify five major trends,
mHealth/eHealth, telehealth, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and biosen-
sors/wearables; describe seven specific technology use cases for mental health care
and psychotherapy; and provide an overview of their maturity in practice.

Keywords. augmented intelligence, blended therapy, digital mental health, digital

technology use cases, transformation, technology trends

1. Introduction

Digital transformation of mental health brings new opportunities and challenges to the
sector. Emerging digital technology applications and use cases promise new treatments,
diagnostic means, and management capabilities for mental disorders.
The evolution of digital technologies has the potential to reduce the prevalence of
mental health disorders, for both individuals and populations as a whole [1], and to dis-
rupt health care systems and their related policy-making efforts around the globe [2].
However, the speed of innovation adoption in the highly regulated sector of mental health
care and psychotherapy is slow compared to the fast and fluctuant technological progress.
In this study, we investigate what technological trends and applications are emerging
and assess their associated levels of market and research maturity. We aim to answer the
following research questions: a) Which major digital technology trends impact mental
health interventions?, b) Which exemplary use cases are available for the use of digital
technologies in a clinical setting?, and c) What is the maturity of evidence and adoption
for the efficacy of available digital technology products/services?
We have identified five major technology trends from technology studies and re-
search in general healthcare with particular relevance for mental health [3–5]: mobile
and electronic mental health (mHealth/eHealth), telehealth, artificial intelligence (AI),
big data, and biosensors/wearables. Table 1 characterizes those trends in detail and out-
lines their transformative potential for mental health care and psychotherapy. Trends in
digital technology innovation are hardly fully discernible from one other, as they are

Correspondence: Alexander M. Schmid, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Brückenstr. 73, CH-3005
Bern, Switzerland; E-mail: [email protected].
64 A.M. Schmid and M. Kurpicz-Briki / The Digital Transformation of Mental Health Care

often intertwined with varying degrees of progress elements. Categorizations therefore

can only be tentative.
Based on our investigations, we describe exemplary use cases for these technology
trends and propose a map to illustrate their market and research maturity. We contribute
an overview of use cases and assess their maturity, informing stakeholders – including
mental health professionals, researchers, entrepreneurs, and patients – in technology-
adoption decisions and policy-making.

2. Research Design

This report compiles the findings from a pragmatic, exploratory, qualitative multimethod
inquiry. During the data collection and analysis process, we followed a semi-structured
approach. We gathered intelligence from market reports; searched literature databases
from fields such as healthcare, information systems research, medical informatics, and
computer science; and conducted interviews. For the data analysis, we iteratively aggre-
gated the artifacts from each of the three data collection streams and synthesized the key
findings into our results, as documented herein.
We interviewed 21 stakeholders of mental health care transformation using a semi-
structured protocol that covered five main themes: i) technology trends, ii) use cases, iii)
economic and regulatory developments in the industry, iv) state of research and practice
in digital mental health, and the v) impacts of digitalization on therapeutic practices and
institutions. We documented the interviews with field notes.
In the market research stream, we took a technographic approach. We focused on
specific segments of the global market, including diagnostics; behavioral mental health;
and IT for therapy, care, and treatment. Based on case studies, use case descriptions,
technology trend monitors, and the observation of mental health tech startup pitches, we
synthesized vignettes of digital technology in use in the given context.
Furthermore, we conducted an exploratory literature research about two core topics:
i) verification of digital technologies in therapy and self-help applications, and ii) AI
technologies in diagnostics.

Table 1. Digital Technology Trends with Transformative Potential for Mental Health Care and Psychotherapy
Name: Description Transformative Potential
AI: The use of algorithms for the intelligible so- Evidence-based decision-making in mental health care
lution of complex decision problems. Comput- can be drastically strengthened through complementary
ers can efficiently and accurately analyze vari- or automated data analyses with computers. This trend
ous data formats, including images, videos, au- transforms mental health because it enables new and
dio, text, and statistics. These algorithmic anal- more effective means of diagnosis (early detection and
yses enable machine learning and the synthesis accuracy), prognosis (reference comparison), and treat-
of models for correlations in the data and the ment (tailoring), both at the individual and whole popu-
prediction of conditions. Accordingly, the trend lation levels [6,7]. The findings gained through AI re-
is accelerated through data accruing from search on mental health data and management can also
mHealth/eHealth, bio-sensors, and big data. inform better policy-making for health systems.
Big Data: The analysis of large data sets that are An important and growing source for mental health data
too complex to be handled manually or with tra- is the electronic health record (EHR). The trend prom-
ditional software. Sources encompass clinical, ises unprecedented potential for scientific exploration;
biological, administrative, or imaging data. It descriptive observation; hypothesis generation; and pre-
closely integrates with AI, as large data sets are dictions in clinical, research, and mental health manage-
a prerequisite for machine learning. ment [8,9].
A.M. Schmid and M. Kurpicz-Briki / The Digital Transformation of Mental Health Care 65

Biosensors/Wearables: Analytical devices that Sensors allow the identification of behaviors/conditions

track physiological, behavioral, or biochemical as consequences of underlying physiological alterations
body signals. Sensors can be integrated into related to mental health disorders [10]. This trend trans-
wearables, that is, devices worn on the body forms mental health by making continuous monitoring
(e.g., as extensions to phones or watches, or in of patients and medical states possible. Data provide un-
clothes). The accumulated information fuels big precedented insights for research and make therapeutic
data and AI and integrates with mHealth. just-in-time/tailored interventions possible.
mHealth/eHealth: The delivery of mental Patients get broad access to resources and services, in-
health resources and services (information, cluding information and therapy plans, fostering self-
treatment, management, etc.) by digital means help. Devices and apps continuously generate data for
via the internet using a variety of devices, in- research, diagnosis, and customized treatment, which
cluding smartphones, tablets or personal com- enables monitoring and connections with peers, thera-
puters, and remote monitoring devices. mHealth pists, and care professionals. Offerings become more
feeds into AI and improves accessibility to ser- scalable than on-site, and in-person resources/ services,
vices, tailoring, adherence, and the flexibility of fostering patient autonomy with complements to tradi-
all parties [11]. tional patient–therapist relationships.
Telehealth: The remote delivery of clinical and Digital devices mediate the relationship between thera-
non-clinical mental health services, via audio, pists and patients, allowing decentralized service provi-
video, or text. It can be synchronous or asyn- sioning. Through the developments in mHealth/
chronous. Telehealth has been established for eHealth, telehealth often blends into web and mobile
decades but has become considerably more ver- therapy applications and care management platforms. It
satile with the diffusion of the internet, includ- decouples service provisioning from geographical re-
ing e-mail, smartphones, and video-chat sys- strictions, simplifies the match-making of patients with
tems. Telehealth closely blends with therapists and care workers, and offers important esca-
mHealth/eHealth. lation pathways for mHealth/eHealth treatments.

3. Results

3.1. Digitally-Mediated Provisioning of Mental Health Care and Therapy

Use cases (UC) for mHealth/eHealth applications have gained considerable attention
among the general public in recent years. Larger, mostly US-based companies such as
BetterHelp, Talkspace, and Ginger offer full-service, online, and app-based mental
health care services (UC1). Offerings encompass self-help programs and monitoring
functionalities as well as telehealth functionalities, including peer support, guided ther-
apy through professional coaches, or direct interaction with licensed therapists. In Eu-
rope, smaller companies, such as Minddistrict, GAIA, Selfapy, and the like, offer similar
services, but these are mostly focused only on specific diagnoses (UC2). Such offerings
are provided through smartphone applications via app stores or other online platforms.
Many mHealth/eHealth and telehealth applications are backed by academic evi-
dence indicating their efficacy for the treatment of various disorders [e.g., 12], making
them candidates for inclusion in clinical guidelines [13]. Accordingly, and although the
process is relatively slow, regulators in Western countries are certifying a growing num-
ber of such applications as medical devices, rendering them eligible to be prescribed and
expenses for their use to be covered by health insurers [14].2
Beyond treatment and therapy, mHealth/eHealth and telehealth applications are also
popular for patient management, including health data management, the coordination of
treatment pathways in clinics, or recovery journeys in general (UC3). Applications can
Germany, for example, lists mHealth/eHealth and telehealth applications that are treated as certified medical
devices (Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen DiGA) in a web catalogue:
66 A.M. Schmid and M. Kurpicz-Briki / The Digital Transformation of Mental Health Care

be used for the management of both inpatients and outpatients [e.g., 15]. While such use
cases do not require certification because they do not include therapeutic elements, they
are an important element of integrated mental health care and therapy. Such applications
can be used to store and manage EHR, therapy plans, and so on. Those functionalities
allow for seamless integration with UC1 or UC2 applications and feed into the trend of
big data.

3.2. Therapy Support and Self-Help Using Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs that allow patients to interact with applications. They
can address different purposes, such as therapy, training, and screening, and can be dif-
ferentiated by their rule-based or machine learning approaches. A recent survey showed
that most chatbots are rule-based (UC4); only 4 out of 41 solutions used technologies
from the field of big data and AI such as machine learning (UC5) [16], though they
demonstrated promising results regarding the processing of human language.
In chatbot use cases based on machine learning, AI is used for different purposes:
virtual counseling for brief alcohol interventions with a smart virtual agent [17], the
Wysa chatbot supports patients’ mood management [18], the Tess chatbot engages in
brief conversations for mental health support [19], and SimCoach provides an empathic
“virtual human” (i.e., computer-generated characters) that provides information about
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression to veterans [20].
Rule-based chatbots (UC5) can be seen as an extension of UC2. However, transition
and overlap between UC5 and UC4 are continuous (e.g., such as with Woebot).

3.3. Diagnostics with Natural Language Processing

In the field of natural language processing, different works have investigated how social
media posts or online support forums (OSF) can be used to detect mental health disorders
or syndromes (UC6). A recent survey identified 29 studies investigating depression de-
tection in OSFs [21]. A survey from 2017 reviewed mental illness detection methods on
social media [22] and showed that mentally ill users were distinguishable from the con-
trol group and identifiable based on screening surveys, their public sharing of their diag-
nosis, or by their membership in an online forum.
In recent years, this subject has been further explored (e.g., to connect social media
data to offline depression patients [23]). While these technologies could be valuable for
clinical practitioners, scant research exists in the field of connecting these innovative
technologies to clinical data and/or clinical trials. One first attempt to use interview data
from burnout patients to train a machine learning model to detect burnout delivered
promising results [24].

3.4. Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis Support through Wearable Sensors

The analysis of data generated by biosensor/wearable devices provides wide-ranging

insights into mental health indicators such as emotions, mood states, stress, activity lev-
els, and the like. In addition to wearable sensors, the use of smartphones has spread rap-
idly in the last decade, making their sensors—e.g., accelerometers, gyroscopes, ther-
mometers, microphones, cameras, GPS, etc.—useable for tracking not only physiologi-
cal and behavioral but also environmental parameters [10]. Through these capabilities,
such use cases may integrate with UC2.
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Coupled with the relevant analytical capabilities, such as those provided by AI and
big data applications, use cases of biosensors and wearables serve to detect and monitor
mental disorders and provide complementary insights into self-report instruments (UC7).
For example, the unobtrusive measurement of activities of daily living and social rhythm,
and even voice signals detected through sensors, can inform health care providers about
the state of patients’ chronic diseases, including depressive symptoms or bipolar disor-
ders [e.g., 25–27]. Further studies suggest accurate monitoring opportunities for stress
and anxiety, schizophrenia, and PTSD [10].

4. Discussion and Conclusion

Along with the emergence of digital technology use cases and evolving evidence for the
effectiveness of their application in mental health care and therapy, bold promises are
made while reservations linger that such applications might replace therapists or care
workers. However, as appealing automation might appear from a naïve economic and
techno-optimistic stance, the findings of our maturity analysis suggest that this scenario
is unlikely to unfold.
According to the primary and secondary evidence we studied, a more realistic sce-
nario for maximal diagnosis and treatment effectiveness and efficiency is the blending
of human capabilities with digital technology application offerings, so-called augmented
intelligence. Our findings also suggest that the use cases for these blended therapies and
care applications vary significantly in their research and market maturity. While use
cases of mHealth/eHealth and telehealth exhibit mature evidence for their effectiveness
and certified market offerings, use cases of AI, big data, and similar applications are only
now emerging technology trends, at most in a stage with promising experimental evi-
dence (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Maturity levels of the described digital technology use cases (UC1–7).

Our research provides an overview of the state of innovation for the application of
digital technologies in mental health. Decision- and policy-makers should carefully ob-
serve the emerging evidence and offerings to continuously harvest the potential of these
digital technology use cases and make them available for public use.


We are thankful to our interviewees. Furthermore, we acknowledge the valuable

contribution of Dr. Markus Wyss to the data collection and selected parts of the analysis.
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