Fluid Mechanics Theory Worked Examples Problems - Lowe H. C - 1979
Fluid Mechanics Theory Worked Examples Problems - Lowe H. C - 1979
Fluid Mechanics Theory Worked Examples Problems - Lowe H. C - 1979
HC Lowe
Theory, worked examples and problems
H. C. Lowe
Principal Lecturer,
Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering,
North Staffordshire Polytechnic
(c) H.C. Lowe 1979
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission.
Preface vii
Characteristics of Fluids
Dimensions and Units
Surface Stresses
Laminar and Turbulent Flow
Thermodynamic Concepts
Properties of Fluids
Equation of State WH
eee Velocity of Propagation
Infinitesimal Pressure Disturbance
Flow Fields
Flow Lines
W Conservation
WWW of Mass and the
Continuity Equation
The Stream Function
Circulation, Vorticity and Rotation
Velocity Potential Function
NWW of Flow Patterns
Conservation of Momentum
Equations of Motion
The Bernoulli Equation
The Momentum Theorem
Angular Momentum
Conservation of Energy
HAH Relationship between the Euler, Bernoulli
o 1 Pulsating Flow
oe 2 *Quasi-Steady Flow ;
9.3 Flow with Significant Acceleration Forces
Je 4 Flow with Significant Elastic Forces
The level is suitable for first and some second year fluid mech-
anics work on degree and diploma courses in mechanical and civil
engineering. The book should also be userul to students preparing
for CEI examinations.
examples. Scalar equations are always given, in addition to vector
equations, and the majority of the examples are solved using scalars.
Stafford H. C. Lowe
May 1978
|>> area (vector}
linear acceleration
radius of circular cylinder
sonic velocity
width of liquid surface
breadth of weir, spillway, etc.
a constant
Chézy coefficient
contraction coefficient
drag coefficient
discharge coefficient
mean skin coefficient
20 lift coefficient
ie) velocity (celerity) of wave m/s
local skin friction coefficient
specific heat at constant pressure kJ/kg K
specific enthalpy
depth below free surface of liquid
a constant
isentropic bulk modulus
isothermal bulk modulus
surface roughness height
natural logarithm (i.e. to base e)
9Q logarithm to base 10
total mass kg
Mach number u/a
mass kg
mass flow rate kg/s
strength of source or sink (Q/27T) m2/s
rotational speed rev/min
rotational speed rad/s
frequency of vortex shedding
Manning roughness coefficient
polytropic index
wetted perimeter m
power W
pressure Pa = (N/m?)
atmospheric pressure Pa
Ea) piezometric pressure (p + pgz)
flow per unit depth (source or sink)
quantity of heat
heat flow rate
heat per mass
characteristic gas constant
Reynolds number puL/u
hydraulic radius (A/P)
radius (vector)
slope of channel bed
slope of liquid surface
slope of energy line
control surface
specific entropy kJ/kg K
thermodynamic temperature K
toraue N m
thrust N
time s
free stream velocity m/s
body velocity (vector) m/s
fluid velocity (vector) m/s
mean fluid velocity m/s
a fluid velocity m/s
RK fluid velocity component
ecc({celecetrHn4nu (x-direction)m/s
us axial component of velocity m/s
Up relative velocity m/s
uw, radial component of velocity m/s
Us fluid velocity relative to control m/s
Uy tangential component of velocity m/s
Uy fluid velocity relative to control m/s
U, whirl component of velocity m/s
Vv a volume m3
V control volume
V volumetric flow rate m3/s
Vv fluid velocity component (y-direction)m/s
U specific volume m3/kg
W work J
We Weber number uv (pL/y)
Wy shaft or electrical work J
WwW work per mass J/kg
WwW fluid velocity component (z-direction)m/s
x coordinate m
y depth of liquid (channel flow) m
y coordinate m
zZ, height above arbitrary datum m
Z coordinate m
Greek symbols
a (alpha) angle
a kinetic energy correction factor
B (beta) isobaric expansivity (thermal K-1
coefficient of cubical expansion)
B momentum correction factor
T (gamma) circulation m/s
Y ratio of specific heats or bulk
moduli te oy = K/Ky)
Y surface tension N/m
A (delta) difference in value
) a very small increase of
6 thickness of boundary layer m
Ou displacement thickness of m
boundary layer
€ (epsilon) kinematic eddy viscosity m?2/s
o (zeta) vorticity si
n (eta) efficiency
"iy hydraulic efficiency
1 overall efficiency
8 (theta) an angle
8 temperature on arbitrary scale nG
d (lambda) temperature lapse rate (-dT/dz) K/m
r friction factor = 4f
u (mu) dynamic viscosity Pa s = (N s/m)
v (nu) kinematic viscosity (u/p) m2/s
It (Goyh)) dimensionless parameter
0 (rho) mass density kg/m?
i (sigma) summation
(of normal stress Pa
t (tau) shear stress Pa
Es shear stress at boundary Pa
o (phi) a function of
) velocity potential function m/s
W (psi) stream function m2/s
w (omega) angular velocity rad/s
c ermencall
d delivery
R relative to
iS suction
S relative to control surface
V relative to control volume
ay Wen component of vector quantity in x, y, z directions
fe) stagnation conditions
ihe at inlet or outlet of control volume or machine rotor
at a large distance upstream from body
The density o of a fluid is the mass per unit volume under continuum
The specific volume v is the volume per unit mass (vu = 1/p).
F= Mx LT = MLT~2
mass kilogram kg
length metre m
time second s
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
elect ricmeuntene ampere A
luminous intensity candela ced
amount of substance mole mol
In the section on dimensions it was shown that force and mass are
related by Newton's second law of motion. Force is defined by
F = ma (ie)
Ivoee, Werght
Wiis lS
1.3.3 Surface Tension
o =
7:lim a hes
sa > sat (A, 8
Shear stress is defined
: 6Fy 6A
Tt = lim ae (1.4)
6A > oar WA Figure 1.1
A ele eressure
. Shear stress ms rc ee
rate of shearing strain du/dy (1 .6a)
and Tt = Moy (1.6b)
ul (Qho)
Papureg 22
(a) In laminar flow, the fluid particles move along parallel paths
and there is no transverse velocity component. An injected filament
of dye retains its form without diffusion,
Se ere
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
ct llrede vs (1.8)
Q vy fivia
“se VSTEN “
/ (ri | me CONTROL ae
ee j-Boundary Lae NOQUUME” )
collection Fae 7 ns 3 2
Ve (time t+ at) é fixed region /
of matter)
in space vA
ee Spd
oe : Pa
yi ) Re
— — Boundary (Dew se
(time t) SCORES
(a) ¢ Pigure 1,5 (d)
1.6.3 Work, Heat and Temperature
We = pu (@uauels)
The temperature of a substance is usually related to the level of
molecular activity with higher temperatures corresponding to higher
levels of molecular activity. The definition of temperature is
abstract and it is sufficient to sav here that in practice, empiri-
cal temperature, @, is measured using an arbitrary Celsius scale,
but in calculations the thermodynamic temperature, T, measured in
kelvin units must be used,
15 Bs =
ae + Ep a
aoe = W
(@ aes)
and h = e + pv (1.14b)
Q-W=E - Fy (1.15a)
and da = de + dw (13S
This statement is the first law of thermodynamics. If external
effects are taken into account we have
De-sWa-e ((Eas
Ki E+
Py E ode=* = ((G3,k, Meee P} east 1) lis)
In the above equations heat transfer to a system and work trans-
fer from a system are both positive.
and ds = —— Ge lGb)
u “
From the definition of entropy (equation 1.16b) and the first law
(equation 1.15b), applied to a reversible process (dw = p du), we
T ds = de + p du = dh - vu dp Ge)
“py =
_ (2h)
. dh
os dT
Ratio of specific heats y
Va + (constant for a perfect gas) (2s20)
[a}Dds 52
(a0P 1 jodp
Isothermal bulk modulus of elasticity K
Kp Seees
nee de s Fae
22 (1.22)
HY a
Isentropic bulk modulus of elasticity K,
ree: [e) * 0] ie?3)
s du} EJe)
Ss S
Ratio of bulk moduli y
Vis ass
a = A (G224)
pY = mRT (1 25a)
Dp D
= constant (G26)
Pil, Polo
This law may be simplified for isothermal (T = const) or isobaric
(p = const) processes.
Pl Po
vot erie constant @e27))
Py P2
P) aes ee.
D> = = (= i> (1.28)
a = “(dp/do) (1.29)
The velocity a is frequently called the sonic or acoustic velocity
because sound travels with this velocity. The propagation occurs
under isentropic conditions.
For a gas
a = V(yRT) (1.30)
For a liquid
a= V(K/0) (i383
For a gas
gn aero Bf
¥(yRT) Sa
The flow may be described as subsonic (M < 1), sonic (M=1),
or supersonic (M> 1).
Example 1.1
(a) By definition
6F a 3
p= 2 acy
In mass dimensions
MLT. site
The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (symbol Pa). Pressure may
be expressed in terms of Pa or N m2,
(b) By definition
c FL -2
In mass dimensions
-2 -2 ~
Example 1.2
ms ms kg | [102 cm] cm s
ke ee lb] [0.3048 m] _ 1b
and ie S mS (O4S50 kelp | tee | DO eee
Note that dynamic viscosity in lbf s/ft2 and 1b/ft s units will
not have the same numerical value because lbf and lb are not related
by an absolute system of units.
Example 1.3
against a load-carrying piston in a large cylinder (figure 1.7).
It is assumed that velocities are low and there is no energy dissi-
pated in heat.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.7
pea 10°
Displacement work done by small piston
= 28.
For pistons at the same level’, p; = po, and equations (i) and (ii)
Example 1.5
The space between two flat and parallel walls 21 mm apart is filled
with water of dynamic viscosity 1.12 mN s/m*. A flat plate 200 mm’
square and 1 mm thick is pulled through the space in such a manner
that one surface remains parallel at 5 mm distance from the wall.
Assuming that the velocity profiles between plate and walls are
linear, determine the force and power required to maintain a plate
velocity of 125 mm/s. Neglect the resistance to motion on the
edges of the plate.
Y2 U
Figure 1.8
For laminar flow the shear stress at any point in the fluid is
given by equation 1.6b.
t =u (du/dy)
Assuming Couette flow the velocity profile in the fluid is linear
and the shear force on the upper surface of the plate is
Py tore u(U/y2) A
F =F, + Fo
=p= At+yp—
U A=
pe nee bee ' pUAJ—I, + =A
ra -=e salWyap SalKG, -3 x5 LOA er onlOPE 2.51 0) 57)
0.005, * 0.015
0.005% 0.015
a5= 0.0015 N
This is also the rate of energy dissipation.
Example 1.6
Fe = a 19.
Ro— x 2eRyL
ee eel ie
The second flow regime occurs in the gap between the ends of
the inner and outer cylinders. The tangential surface velocity
now varies and, at any radius R, it is given by U = wr. Assuming
zero pressure gradient in the direction of flow between concentric
streamlines distance dR apart, we may apply the simple Couette
flow equation to find the tangential force acting on an elemental
ring of radius R and thickness dR on the bottom of the inner cylinder.
The torque associated with the tangential force is
Ry uwmR 14
Tp == f RP aR =O (ii)
y | Figure 2.10
F Fortin
Ww barometer
If the torricellian vacuum is assumed to be a true vacuum there
will be no vapour pressure exerted on the water meniscus.
(Note that this example can also be solved using the equations of
fluid statics in chapter 2.)
Example 1.8
From a mathematical theorem in calculus
i 3 “4 10 3
= -10° x 2 x 10 (100 - TS) a aS On (100 - 1)
-12 kg/m°
Example 1.9
on the applicability of this result to bulk compression of gases.
Thus the net density change is the sum of the contributions from
pressure change and temperature change. Adiabatic bulk compression
produces increases in both pressure and temperature and the relative
importance of the density change due to temperature to the total
density change is given by
eb dT ‘
Ss do (Gis
dq = de + p du = de - (p/p) dp
For adiabatic bulk compression dq = 0. Also cy = (de/dT) from
equation 1.18. Therefore
O = cy dT - (p/p*) do
o2c dT
dp = —“— (ian)
r=- SP (iv)
dp = (p/Ky) dp (v)
It may be deduced that the temperature rise is negligible for
adiabatic compression of a liquid.
neglect the temperature rise which occurs during adiabatic com-
Example 1.10
a = v¥(dp/dp) (i)
The disturbance is propagated under isentropic conditions.
(1) For gases the law for an isentropic process (equation 1.27)
p/pY = constant
dp/p = y(dp/p)
dp/dp = yp/p
Substituting in equation (i)
a = Y[(yp)/o]
The equation of state for a perfect gas (equation 1.25c) gives
p = pRT
Substituting in equation (11)
a = v¥(K./p)
For liquids the numerical difference between the isothermal and
isentropic bulk moduli is negligible. Therefore a single value of
K for liquids is usually quoted
“a < oun 4ex 10ST 1460 m/s
5S Determine the mass lifted and the.work done by the large piston
of the hydraulic jack in example 1.4 when the large piston is ini-
tially 800 mm below the small piston (i) by considering the poten-
tial energy change, and (ii) by evaluating Jp du when p> = py, + p&gy
[518.kg, SOnSa om
a forced lubrication system which maintains a film of 011 of uniform
thickness 0.25 mm between the surface of the collar and the bearing.
The external and internal diameters of the collar are 150 mm and
100 mm. If the kinematic viscosity of the oil film is 4 stokes, find
the power absorbed in the bearing when the shaft rotates at 300
rev/min. Density of oil is 850 kg/m?.
3 3 p)
aie a” Apr, BGOe ean° (208)
or grad p + kpg = O (232)
iT} t D
ite) (2.3)
It follows that the pressure gradient in a fluid at rest is dir-
ectly proportional to the density. Conversely, since dp/dz does not
vary horizontally, the density is constant at all points in a hori-
zontal plane.
Paso Sz: +. C
P = pgh + p, (2.4b)
p = Pgh (2.6)
(Pg)y = PmBh - ys (2, - 22) (27)
If fluid A is a gas, the term O,8(Zy - Zo) is usually neglected.
ip = Pg * 982 (2.8)
ae ee t ee = a
Po Ty To
Above the troposphere to a height of about 20 000 m is the strato-
sphere in which region the temperature is constant at 216.7 K.
Combining equation 2.3 with the equation of state p = p/RT and inte-
grating between stations 1 and 2, we obtain
an( 2] = - ee (22 =< 21) (2.10)
dz ay
aes eee (2512)
force, ma_, due to centrifugal effects. Analysis gives the pressure
at a point as
p= (S - gz] +c (2.13)
dr g (2.14)
and “z= 2g ap 4G (2.15)
AY = f (b dy)y
ae =
J (b dy)y 2
The total force on the surface is
x |
Ha puree 2;..0
F_, exerted on the body, equal in magnitude to the weight of the
volume of fluid displaced. The buoyancy force acts at the centre
of buoyancy, B, which is the centroid of the displaced body of fluid.
Example 2.1
Example 2.2
From equation 2.4 and the fact
that the pressure is constant at
all points in a horizontal line
xx in a continuous fluid we have
PA + Pgha + Pogho
= Pp + oghg + Pwehy
Example 2.3
dp = (og/A) dT (i)
We are given
b Re ee
ip [2] - b (p : Po) 2 2ietint
pale he
Res Wye
o = (p/RT)(1 - p/b)
= [(15 x 103)/(500 x 112)][1 - 15 x 103/3.2 « 10°]7! = 0.269 kg/m9
P= Tae Nz
Example 2.4
density 850 kg/m3 to a depth of 2 m (figure 2.9). Determine (i) the
maximum uniform acceleration to the right for no spillage from A,
and (ii) the pressure at A if the acceleration is 8 m/s* to the right
when A is shut and B is open,
Figure 2.9
(1) When the liquid level reaches A, the geometry of the surface
gives z} = 3m and zo = 1m. Equation (ii) gives
a ss
dx L g
eiz. = 29) 4
2 2 = ee 9.81(3 - 1) = 3,92 mn/s2
26 L 5
dx L g
5 X18
mes | 9.81 =74,03 m
Se -4.08
Also ae a, -0.816
$(BG)2/0.816 = 5 x 1
BG = 2,856 m
Zy = 2, - BG = 3 - 2.856 = 0.144 m
p= -p (a,x Se (eA) ae (C
Note that the gauge pressure, (Pada Any woe ee 10.2 kPa, could
also be obtained by applying the hydrostatic law to a head of oil
Zs = 1.224 m obtained by the imaginary extension of the free surface
Example 2.5
dx EWS
e ‘
Therefore the free surface is
horizontal ee
= 258.9 kPa
(11) Let F be the accelerating force on the rocket and m the initial
mass of the rocket. From Newton's second law
F = saa (ii)
Oo7n)a, (iii)
Example 2.6
When z = Leg OLS ta O. Therefore sc ="0
tof eles
= r9*(y - d)
4g 1 1
es 4gro*(y - d)]* _ |4.% 9.81_* 0.952
0.057(0.2 3= 0.15)) ; geen
w2 48.52
W'Ty 2 nod
s _ 48.5% * 0.038 7
LA i Meecagrsard. 0 rene aI ET es
The pressure at any point within a rotating cylinder of liquid is
given by equation 2.13
p= aE2 — - 22| +c
When r Die 2 dam Be IE Theretore ch= Pa
Pg =P - Pa = o( —- z7| (iv)
F = n(rp* - r)7) oe (Pet) 20,79. - 082s] vi
103 x 48.52
a#(0.05%*- 0.0387) 4
(0.052 + 0.0382) =.
Example 2.7
YD =i
oe + -——
3 16Y
Note that the centre of pressure always lies below the centroid.
The hydrostatic force acting on the valve is given by equation 2.16
Figure Zeal
-08 (i):
If the depth below the top edge of the duct is denoted by h we have
From equations (i) and (ii) the gauge pressure at any depth h is
given by
p = fog dh (iii)
From the density distribution diagram, the density at any depth h
is given by
eam y+ (62 ~ o,)/D (iv)
From equations (iii) and (iv)
p= fglo, + h(o2 - 1)/D]dh = gloyh + a5 (02 - 01)]
The hydrostatic force F on the valve of width B is
D h2 ie 32
F ={pB dh = f g[oih + = (o2 - 91) ]}dk = ae (2o9, 4 2) (v)
meet. xee
0.2 « 0327 BOeetoecil ele 3 xe0.53)
6 See CTBT a a 2
ae tS ieiis 223)
=—57 N m
Example 2.9
A sluice gate is formed from sheet metal such that the internal
boundary of the section satisfies the relationship z = 4x2, The gate
is pivoted at point A and its centre of gravity is at G as shown in
figure 2.14. When the water surface is level with the pivot A, de-
termine the magnitude and direction of the resultant pressure force
on the gate and the turning moment required to open the gate, The
gate is 1 m wide and has a weight of 19 KN.
Figure 2.14
Using the method outlined in section 2.4.2, we must consider the
vertical and horizontal forces acting on the gate. From equation
2.19, the vertical force, F,, is equal to the weight of the water
displaced over the gate width L. The force F, acts at the centroid
of the area A of the section, distance X from the z axis. Consid-
ering the moment on an element of area dA = (1.5 - 4x2)dx and in-
tegrating, we obtain
fx aa le x(1.5 - 4x2)dx
faa i (1.5 =-4x2)dx
0.612 2
rs ‘i x(a Axe) dix 0.14
X = = ——— = 0.23 m
0-61 0,612
ie Ces - 2
sl ii}
V(F,2 + Fy2) = ¥ 2 + 11.942) = 12.57 kN
R it) tan™!.(F,/Fx) =stanT+2(6/11,
06 )e="28a 50
M+ FLX = Fy¥p + W x S
Note from example 2.9 that for a vertical rectangular surface, with
its upper edge coincident with the water surface, Yp = 22/38
Example 2.10
Let the original depth of immersion of the cylinders be h and the
height of the centre of gravity, G, of the platform be L above the
water-line. Consider the incremental volumes of the vertical
cylinders that are moved below or above the water-line as the plat-
form tips. For simplicity, consider these incremental volumes to
be in the shape of right circular discs whose top and bottom sur-
faces are parallel.
Fy = 49g¢n07h
The moment due to the movement
of the centre of buoyancy from
B to B' is given by
Mt = BB! x Fy,
ogmD2hBB! (i)
par = RO
_ R2 4 x dnn2R2 SS
Ch, ae Se v)
Where Igg is the second moment of area of the water-line plane
about 00 and V is the volume of liquid displaced. (A more rigorous
proof is obtained by considering a small element of area a in the
water-line plane, distance x from 00, and integrating.)
Example 2.11
Figure 2.16
From equation 2.16, the hydrostatic force on the gate after the
surface level rises is
The moment about hinge 0 is also equal to that produced by the in-
crease in buoyancy force due to the displaced water (buoyancy due to
displaced air is neglected).
= 1.5402 kN m (ii)
7= Iss
«bad ah
eee lel
5 ee 0.0625 m
Now consider the float with the retaining wire attached (figure
2,16c), The buoyancy force, F,, is equal to the sum of the weight
of the float, mg, and the wire tension, Fr.
Tss aD /64 12
Beaty,=m =
(wie/ah; =
lex 1.2
————— =
The float is stable since Mt > Mp.
0.4 m —
a lm
7 In the lower part of the earth's atmosphere the temperature T may
be considered to vary with altitude z according to the linear rela-
tion T = To - Az. Prove that the variation of pressure is given by
the relation
Dp nz )8/AR
Do z [2, afe)
where g is the gravitational constant (9.81 m/s*), R is the charac-
teristic gas constant for air (287 J/kg K) and dT/dz = -\d is the
temperature lapse rate (0.0065 K/m). Assuming that dp = -og dz, de-
termine the density of air at the bottom of a mine shaft 800 m below
sea level and compare your calculated value with that obtained from
the 1.S.A. tables. Assume sea level conditions of po = 1.0132 bar
and To = 288.15 K.
[1.3244 kg/m3]
OZom fs
10 kN
Preure 2521 Prouncs2 322
Figure 2.23 Figure 2.24
Flow over an aircraft wing of finite span is truly three-dimensional
(figure 3.3a) but the wing may be considered to be an aerofoil sec-
tion of infinite length and a two-dimensional analysis made (figure
Prgucrens. ©
Figure 3.4
a line which shows the direction of the velocity vector at any ins-
flow path 7”
Steady flow
(a) (b)
Enicauass S55)
For steady flow the local acceleration 3u/dt = 0,
Prsure 5),.0
The rate of mass decrease within
V with respect to time is
- $e My p dv
Jf purdA = 0 (3.4)
3.4.1 One-dimensional Flow
For the simple case of steady flow in which the velocity and density
are assumed uniform across finite areas at entry and exit, the con-
tinuity equation simplifies to a one-dimensional situation (figure
3.8). Then with mean velocity u perpendicular to A, we obtain
Palnhy - py
uy Ar = 0
and m = pu Ay = 09 Up Ap (375an)
Figure 3.8
re oe 9 (3.7a)
In polar coordinates
a 6
oes (uyr) ba nae = 9 (3.7b)
u = oy (3. 8a)
v=-s 2 (3.86)
uy = os (3.9a)
ug =-s (3.96)
The existence of Y¥ im-
plies continuity and vice
Figure 3.9
versa. Every physically
possible two-dimensional, steady flow must have a stream function,
Thus, ¥ exists for possible real flows as well as ideal flows.
dr = (u cos a)ds
= (u sin @)ds
: a
[3 4]
ov _ du
ee av: au
As the element shrinks to a du
point we may define the vorti- y sei! ay °Y
eity, Gy.at that point as the ig
ratio of the circulation round er p
an infinitesimal circuit to the 2 M V+ sy Ox
area sOtechatecircutt. .
c = Limit ér -| u
6x dy + O {6x 6y,
Bow, du
8x SG by. roo) Figure 3.11
ata —
Ea ae ;
Bi gure 5.12
3 N i] wt
For three-dimensional flow rotation is defined in vector form
im terms) Ofsthe vorttertva vector. .curileu,
a Figure 3,13
et ey =? (3.15)
aye 5° or VAY
> = ()
iz *826 _ g x v26 = 0
Zz 2
By? (3.19)
Any function of ¥ or 6 that satisfies the Laplace equation must re-
present a possible incompressible, irrotational flow. The Laplace
equation is linear therefore the principle of superposition applies
and the combined flow, ¥, of two flows ¥j and Yo is given by
WY =¥, + ¥2. Similarly, ¢ = $1 + $2. Lines of constant ¥ and ¢ for
a given flow are orthogonal therefore the flow may be represented by
a mesh of ¥ and # lines.
Y = uy - vx
ur sin (6 - a) (3.26)
@ = ux + vy
= ur cos (6 - a) (S521)
=iaa ilnire=:
¢ = iy Be EF OY metthey oe (3.23)
Vi=" 30
6 = ae (3325)
(iv) Doublet
yo -E Sane
6 = ee (327)
Figure 3.17
Example 3.1
Determine (i) the unsteady flow pattern, and (ii) the steady and
unsteady velocities at the point 6 = 45°, r = 55 mn, for a cylinder
of diameter 40 mm moving at 10 m/s through a stationary fluid.
u -(Ua2/r2) cos 6
2 2
(u), = uf 2 = Jcos 9 = 10 [2. 2c | cos 45 = 4.76 m/s
a r2 352
2 2
= -U ]1 + 2 |sin 9 = -10 [1 + 22 2 |sin 45 = -9.38 m/s
Dl = tan!
= (9.38/4.76) = 63.1°
Us ue Ua2
aia si
See: ae 10 x
x 202 x in
sin 45 he aike
72 352
Example 3.2
Frugures S.ch9
u = 0,05w (sin 6 + 0.1 sin 26) = 0.05 x 30(sin 45 + 0.1 sin 90)
and —+ = — — = 0.05w2(cos 6 + 0.2 cos 26) (i)
At any station in the flow where the area is A and the velocity
is u, we have
pee Os Aj ae
oa =
gare =
6 + 0.2 cos 26) — Gi)
i - 2 60s (5 - 40x)
< = Se = 0.05 x 302(cos 45 + 0.2 cos 90) = 31.82 m/s2
DE OLoZ a: #2
[5-5 A0 p4oSy) ay
Boer | 6 xk 51.82” A
Seon) G 40% 0.1, Seis
Example 3.3
Ae MFuel See !
. ae -—- poe le Figure 3.20
a a
oe Set ee =
pAu : _ {pAu
[Pat] be ASRS s [Pat
air gas
“3 2 hs
1.52 x 50 LOL PXE 10s xt XxsO art
10° x a x g
287 x 4 x 285 6 ERS 790 x» 4 x 800
Uy = 650 m/s
Example 3.4
UW =O y, at VOX
== [u+ du
Bsx} 6y + [v+ 6v
& sy]ox
and 9du . oy
res ov 6) 5
(i) * +
Figure 3,21
u = x*y + y2 v = x2 - y2x
du _ OV
oer 2xy by * -2xy
2xy - 2xy = 0
Zee 3
f(x) + Cy (ii)
y= Se+2-
£'(x) = -x?
and ffx) = - tone Co
ipeexty + y* = 22 x 3 + 32 = 21 y
v = x? - yx = 2? - 32 x 2 = -14
u= ¥(u2 + v2) = Y[212 + (-14)2] v=
= 25.24
Example 3.5
Show that both of the flow patterns are real and irrotational
and obtain the stream function for the combined flow pattern. De-
termine the circulation for the combined flow pattern about a closed
rectangular path defined by the cartesian co-ordinates (0, 0), (0, 1),
(Zeeland Ce Ole
For real flow, equation 3.7 must be satisfied and for irrotational
flow equation 3.14 must be satisfied. Alternatively, the conditions
for real, irrotational flow are satisfied by the Laplace equations
v2¥ = 0 and v2 = 0. For the given flow patterns
ie 2y xs - -4
Now $5 = 2x* - 2y
ap _ oe Oe!
ny hen ae ae
oo u & oY
oa by gine a oi aX
Now u = ors 4x
Yo = 4xy + f(x) + Cy
outs ' i;
and Sty) EL Ome ay
Vo = 4xy + C3
u == es
iv eeVX 2 Set OX
nM eeb 3 2xy - 6y
and v
b € d a
La " fv dy + fu dx + fv dy + fu dx
a b e d
f(-2y) dy + fa = X°\ +. 6x), dx
0 Fa
+ Pi-6y) dy + J (-x* + 6x) dx
= 0
Raoume =3), 25
Example 3.6
or ele)
anced =) C
The strength K of the vortex is def- Irrotational vortex
ined K = 27C = 2mugr.
Figure 3,24
Now u_ = O = ==
Se ——
188 aes
te or r 06
. oe ov
oa) viaste 7 wor
o = u,rée ee
* -) Ko dr. iS
and ¥ = - fu, dr = - oe in;
T = u,gds = u, 2Tr = K Q.ERDE
0+(C0+0-CA=0 Q.E.D.
These results and example 3.5 confirm that the circulation around
a closed curve in an irrotational field is zero except where the
curve encloses a singular point. In this example, the origin or
core of the vortex is the singularity. At a singular point, the
velocity or acceleration is theoretically infinity or zero and
vorticity exists at the point.
Example 3.7
For uniform flow parallel to the x axis, equations 3.8 give the
velocity components as
=e — = my
ox iM
—__—__—___—_____s JJ
and u = ese & U ae
(a) uniform flow
Vien Uys ta G
= Uy
0 ae
bh) source
Figure 3.25
Let ¥Y = O when 6 = 0. Thenc = 0, and
bd Y) + ¥o = -Uy + mo
oy : Bee
and Uy a. U sin 6 (iii)
O = -Ur sin 8 + mé
6 5 4 3 2
y= -4
y=Q -6
8 pe
eee ee)
sar fy)
Figure 3.26
Example 3.8
Sketch flow patterns for different values of Tf, clearly marking the
position of the stagnation points. Hence determine the position of
the stagnation points when a cylinder of diameter 150 mm is rotated
at 87 rad/s in an airstream of velocity 8 m/s perpendicular to the
cylinder axis. Assume p = 1.2 kg/m?.
reine Ure) + oe)
a2 sin 6 + oe
ceo a
f= I < 4nau Tr = 4nauU T > 41aU
Figure 3.27
pu, ds 2mnau
ean ote ro 8 — BIOX0.075. 0.1178
47auU 4nau 2DOAS
300 rev/min in a uniform air-stream of 15 m/s.
[up = 13.49 m/s, 24°, u = 6.12 m/s, 64°]
u=y* - x
We=a2xy + X
6 (a) Working from first principles show that for steady incompress-
ible flow
Ce ee
oxe. faye” 4
flows are real and irrotational and determine the stream function
for the combined flows, What will be the velocity at the point
x = 3, y = 4 in the combined flow?
[Y = 3x2 - 3y? + 2x + 2xy + y + ChRSamee
8 The x and y components of velocity in an ideal, two-dimensional
flow are given by u = 3x? - 3y* and v = 6xy. (i) Show that the flow
is both real and irrotational, and (ii) determine the circulation
around a rectangle which is formed by straight lines joining the
points (1, 1), (1, -1), (O, -1) and (0, 1) lying in an x-y plane.
[r= Oj
9 A vortex pair consists of two vortices of equal strength, K,
but opposite sign. Obtain expressions for the stream and velocity
potential functions. Hence, show that, in the unsteady-flow pattern,
both vortex centres move in a direction perpendicular to the line
joining their centres, distance, d, apart, with velocity v = K/2nd.
Sketch the unsteady and steady flow patterns.
Y = qg0/2n + (T/2n)ln r
where q is the flow per unit depth (m@/s) and lf is the circulation
(m?/s) equal to the strength of the vortex K = 2mu,r.
In this chapter the forces and energies involved in fluid flow will
be considered. The conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy
form the basis of solution for all problems in fluid dynamics.
This law is not a true conservation law in the sense that momen-
tum is conserved under all conditions but if ZF = O then momentum
must be conserved.
The sum of the surface and body forces acting on a fluid element
may be equated to the rate of change of momentum to obtain the
equations of motion.
1 op iz du du du. du
Meee x ) Gy 7“ G2 * ot eee)
1 op e dV OV ov ov
oy, ae Y Gy * “ Bz * 3t Sige)
1 op = ow oW OW OW
Me ee oxcke seby fi" Bz." St ey
where X, Y and Z are the body forces per unit mass.
fo) y
aes eas oa cen aed e ee
p ot
For steady flow (ap/dt = 0) situations in which the sole body force
is that due to gravity (weight), Z = -g and X = Y = 9. Therefore
cP u du + g dz = 9 (4.6)
1 Ee S
——— + +2) =—+ + Zo =H (4.7b)
pg 2g pg 2g
where Ho is the Bernoulli or total head
_The Bernoulli equations 4.7 may be used for total flow through
a finite flow area. In this case a mean velocity u may be used
although to be strictly accurate a kinetic energy correction factor
should also be applied. Equation 4.7a becomes
Pl 2 Po e
= + tu,* + gzy-= Fe bio? + gz = ey (4.7d)
dr g dr r g ce
ad ar r (4.9)
dp* = Q .
dr g dr ie
Ol 02
and p2* - p)* =o —_—_ - — (4.12)
a Tr”
dH u, }du u 2
OF OR ice reg eee (4.13)
dr fj Wahe xB g é
tube. The pressure drop is almost constant.
24 2
Po = Pi + }puy? (4.16)
| it
tay Pitot tube (b) Pitot-static tube
Figure 4,2
manometer the dynamic pressure is measured directly and for a fluid
of known density the velocity can be calculated, Equation 4,16 gives
iP2 = x! pu dV + feee
eee u(pu-dA)
ae (4.18)
I | =. ie) ¢ janet ot
— & Qa.r=}
For steady flow, the first term disappears and, if the flow is
now restricted to single entry and exit stations 1 and 2 (figure
4.4a) with uniform properties at each station, we obtain
Se Lele 7
NaN Ege OP aya xe
2 -p
(a) Pid (b) esA (c)/ anes
Figure 4.4
ZF is the summation of all the forces acting gn the control
volume i.e. surface forces (pressure and shear) and body forces.
If the control surface is chosen as the fluid boundary, S consists
of the inside surface of the duct and the entry and exit planes, as
shown in figure 4.4b. The pressure and shear forces exerted by the
duct on the fluid internally are difficult to evaluate and may be
represented by a single resultant force F__. The body force is F,.
Therefore pe =
ee ee 2. = le - i) (4. 20a)
or Fs = m(ug = u,) ot P1Ai + P2A2 - BR (4.20b)
For a moving control volume, equation 4.18 applies but the vel-
ocity associated with mass: flow rate refers to velocity relative
to S and will be written Ung: Hence
iG —+ , veRv dv + ip
rs Sas
-dA) (4.23)
The first term on the right hand side is the product of the mass
of the whole control volume (solid and fluid) and the acceleration
of this mass. The other terms are similar to those in equation 4.18
for a stationary control volume but with velocities relative to
volume and surface, respectively.
The linear momentum equation 4.18 may be modified for angular mom-
entum or moment of momentum by introducing a radius vector r from
the origin to the point of application of the force. The forces
acting on a system produce a net torque T,
d= 0 * (4.25)
= R
With uniform properties and single mean values for the fluid veloci-
ties at rotor entry station 1 and exit station 2 we obtain
The rate of energy transfer between rotor and fluid is
For a turbine
da dE, dw
dt dt dt
or Q= =f ep dV + f e_(puedA) + W (4.30)
ty S ee
The first term on the right hand side is the time rate of change
of energy within the control volume and the second term is the time
rate of net flow of energy across the control surface. W consists
of the time rate of flow work § , (P/p) (ourdA) on the control sur-
face and the rate of shaft work W,. The control surface is chosen
so that there is no fluid shear work. Hence
For unit mass
It was shown in section 4.3 that the terms in the Bernoulli equation
represent 'mechanical' forms of energy. These terms also appear in
the steady-flow energy equation together with terms representing
'thermal' forms of energy. It is now necessary to consider how
these equations are related for duct flow and turbomachinery.
dq = de + p dv + v dp + u du+ g dz (4.33)
et eS du + g dz = dq - T ds (4.34)
The Euler equation 4.6 states that the left hand side of this
equation is zero for ideal or reversible flow in which case
da, = T ds,as predicted by the second law of thermodynamics (equation
1,16b). If the flow is adiabatic and reversible dq = 0 and ds = OQ.
If, however, the flow is adiabatic and irreversible dq = 0 but T ds
is finite and positive. Thus, T ds represents a dissipation or loss
of mechanical energy into thermal energy due to frictional effects.
For incompressible, adiabatic, irreversible flow in ducts, equation
4.34 can be integrated hetween stations 1 and 2 to give
bie Po :
— + hu)?
1 + gzy ih = —\+ fp?
22 + gz + J T ds (4.35)
ie) p 1
knowledge of the nature of flow (see chapter 7).
Pl ss p2
= ;— + jup* + gzo + (ep - ey) (4.36)
- — + hu)? + gz)
P = p =
ee = = - fu, 2 + z21| = = + Lune - g22| (4.39)
(Mp a W (4.41)
ppt er (4.42)
Example 4.1
Note that absolute pressures are used in figure 4.6 but energy
and piezometric lines are frequently based on gauge pressures.
p P Pep
ae +O + Z, = ia ae +23
pg og
Applying the continuity equation
Pa P2 a2
— +O + Zj] =— + >—-+ Zo
og og
Example 4.2
Figure 4.7 shows a venturi mounted with a vertical axis and arranged
as a suction device. The throat area is 0.00025 m* and the outlet
area is 4 times the throat area. The suction pipe joins the throat
at a point 0.1 m above the outlet and the surface of the sump is
1 m below this point. The venturi discharges to atmosphere and the
free surface of the sump is also exposed to atmospheric pressure,
Neglecting viscous effects, calculate the lowest steady volume rate
of flow through the venturi at which flow will occur up the suction
From continuity
2524 b 1
Flow will commence in the suction pipe at the instant that the
pressure difference across the ends of the pive is fractionally
greater than the hydrostatic pressure difference. This occurs for
any flow sreater than the condition p,* = po*. Therefore for mini-
mum flow
i= il
i 0.00025 [3- 1] [2 x 9.81(1 - 0.1)]? = 0.00109 mye
Example 4.3
(a) Show that, for a given flow rate through a pressure differential
flow meter, the difference in pressure level registered by a mano-
meter connected to the inlet and throat séctions is independent of
the angle of inclination of the flow meter.
Pl e+ p2 es
eG ts fre Be ara h ot s U*+ 8290
a ee a ci ae) 5
and (up? - u,2)? =|—————— + 2g(z] - 22) (i)
From the continuity equation 3,5a
m =P, A,u, = P2A0U2 (Li)
and uj= rr ts,
ee ug es
. Neey)i2 -3 2
m = ceo) < | pest + 2g(z1 - :a| (v)
Figure 4,8
fies Ag)2]3 Pm : *
m = CqgpAa]1 - Ky 2y 18 race 1 (vii)
This expression for mass flow rate depends only on the manometer
reading and is independent of the angle of inclination of the flow
Pa D2 BY Ohne oe e ot)
I 780 x 0.662 x 9.818 - Nie 780 x 9.81 xsOmZ
84.8 kPa
Example 4.4
dp : Fjigure
eee du = 0 (1) 4,9
Au = V (ii)
In A + in a= In ¥
a. M.o (iii)
Combining equations (i) and (iii) we have
dp = pu? 77 (iv)
dA = -}7(0.102 - 0.167x)0.334 dx (vi)
Water is pumped at the rate of 0.2 m?/s through the system shown
in figure 4.10. Neglecting all losses calculate the power required
by the pump.
Energy line
POE SOE a ara i
Evoure 4 5 10)
|a ti
x x
For frictionless, adiabatic flow the steady-flow energy equation
4.38 reduces to
Pd een oy ae,
Beem eh ot 822) > |Gateee2” + 822 (i)
P Jou,2 tayo( 2 9
v[pear Pkg
1)) \= iA
soe Ren tianhoe
Enc, De on)
P = -16.85 kW
Example 4.6
(a) Actual flow (b) Idealised flow
Figure 4.11
(1) The streamline pattern for flow over the weir is shown. At
section 1 a one-dimensional situation exists with a hydrostatic
pressure distribution. The gauge pressure at A' is pgy,. At any
other point, C, in.the flow field, (p-/pg + Ue /2g) may be deter-
mined from the point and energy line but u, must be known before po
can be calculated. In the plane of the weir plate, the pressure
distribution can he predicted qualitatively. At the base, a stag-
nation point occurs at A'' with pressure (ogy; + pu,*/2) and at the
free streamlines AA and BB the pressure is constant, with zero gauge
pressure. The curvature of the streamlines in the vicinity of the
plate produces non-uniform positive pressure distributions as
shown. Downstream from the weir, the pressure within the nappe
becomes uniform and zero (gauge) as the flow approaches the one-
dimensional situation.
(ii) In the idealised flow it is assumed that the free surface re-
mains horizontal, there are no viscous or surface tension effects
and the pressure throughout the nappe is atmospheric. At section
1 the velocity is uniform (u, = const) and the hydrostatic law
applies. Hence p)/pg + z} = H. At section 2, po = 0, and the vel-
ocity, Ug, at any point is found by applying the Bernoulli equation
along a streamline
up = ¥[2g(H - zo + uy*/2g)]
The discharge through an elementary strip of width B is u9B dz»
and the total discharge is given by
Vv BY (2g) f ‘hs oe le u,2/2g)? dz
u,2)1°5 al
2\ aes
= By (2g) nee i (ii)
2g 2g
In practice, a discharge coefficient, Cg, must be introduced
u,2)1-5 u,2)2.5
Ws = Bc, /(2g) | |H + ay es cake
2g 2g
1.91 m3/s
2 1-5
ees i ees
«0.61 x ¥(2 x 9.81) o-s * JESRa|
ON Pel
= 1.96 m9/s
Example 4.7
Ba guar 74)le
c= 14 1
pe. ho
ro? r3?
P3 Pp 2
uae pel Wi a ied Gla | aE
oe e : 23| pe 22| 2.25 is = Ge
Assuming a sharp transition between the forced and free vortices,
we may use the po/pg = 0,715 m value obtained earlier, Also
C= CE 102*.0.15°*="09225imc fs: Substituting values in equa-
tion (ii) we have
r3 = 295 mm
Example 4.8
In both cases, assume that after impact the jet flows over the sur-
face of the plate.
LG 2% Z x
G ~
\ xX
Figure 4.13
Consider a control volume enclosing the plate, as shown in figure
4.13a. The free jet and the surroundings are at atmospheric press-
ure, therefore there is no net pressure force on the control volume.
Let a retaining force, R,, be applied to the bottom of the plate to
Keepetnceplate vertical and let Fy be the force exerted by the plate
on the fluid at the point of contact of the jet. Taking moments
about the hinge point
FxL/2 = Rxb
Fy = 2Rx GD
Sey mo = uy)
Seer Ai (0 — ux.) = $Oe ee 0.02- x15 (0 — FS)
F, = 70.5 N+
R, = F,/2 = 70.5/2 = 35.25 N
Note that, by Newton's third law, the force exerted by the fluid
Giminemplate. 1s equal-and Opposite to Fy, i.e. 70.5 N =.
FL _ _mgl sin 0
ZaCOsed 2
=F = "ogAr uy (0 tru, = pyar(O smn seds. a) (111)
From equations (ii) and (iii)
Example 4.9
(b) If the vane now moves in the direction of the initial jet
with a velocity of 15 m/s, determine the net force on the vane in
the direction of motion.
Figure 4.14
90 : ¥
Ai Be - Ura = m(-Uuy cos B - uj)
= 1.352 kN
From Newton's third law of motion, the force exerted by the fluid
on the vane is equal and opposite to Fe i.e. 3.62 kN\
(b) Consider now the case where the vane moves to the right with
velocity U. A stationary observer will see a jet of water of velo-
Clevo) entering the vane and a jet of water of velocity uy leaving
Eicavane.s Ine Velocity of the entering’ jet relative to the vane,
up}, is easily obtained as u, - U, because the water and vane velo-
eietess occur in the same direction. It is assumed that-the jet
follows the contour of the vane, therefore the velocity, ups, and
the angle, 8, of the leaving jet are known. The velocity of the
leaving jet, uy, is found by adding vectorially the vane velocity,
U, to the relative velocity, up).
For a moving control volume, and steady flow, the momentum equa-
tion 4.22 reduces to
The same result is obtained using relative velocities in equation
4.23 or by imposing a velocity U to the left on the whole system to
give a steady flow situation (see example 4.13).
Example 4.10
Water flows over the spillway shown in figure 4.15 at the rate of
15 m?/s per metre length. If the upstream depth is 5 m, determine
the magnitude and direction of the force exerted on the spillway.
Energy line
Figure 4.15
a)? ip?
Nav “ip AE Dont ae Ke?
a2 2
or ere ee cee e
The continuity equation gives
\2 y2
BO ce apie
2gy1 2gy2
152 152
See Sh ee
A 2) Bil x 52 Zax OSI vee
yet) 1.760
= ® Googe
Up V 1S 8.523 m/s, agit eS 2
uj, = == 3 m/s
Peete 9), 815%°5° =F, = } x 103 x 9,81 x 1.762
TO. x 15(8.523 = 3)
F, = 24.46 N
The force exerted by the fluid on the spillway is equal and opposite
to Fy, i.e. 24.46 N to the right.
Example 4.11
Az cos 6 Pa ae
Total projected ie se
area A
ei, Pi
Figure 4.16
Consider a control volume enclosing the nozzle i.e. the control
surface consists of the outside surface of the duct and entry and
exit planes, A, and Aj, respectively. The momentum equation 4.19
The pressures, p; and py, acting on areas A, and Aj, are abso-
lute pressures. There is an external force, Fe, acting on the
nozzle and also a force, Fp» due to atmospheric pressure, Pg.
Foy =p, = Ay) = palA «= Ap cos 6) =" patAz cos’ o-- Ay)
F, = m(u, cos g - u,) - (py - Pa)A, + (Po - PaJA, cos @ =(aamy
Note that equations (iii) and (iv) could be obtained directly from
the vector equation 4.21.
ge a ey In,
p 2 p
Po = Py - p(uo* = uy)/2 = 5-* 10°-< 900028 44.57. ee
163 kPa
ufo, = (1 - ‘x2YR2)
Figure 4.17
ZF = fe u(pu-dA) (i)
ete the external force acting on the engine be F,. The pressure
forces acting on the entry and exit planes, A, and Aj, and atmos-
pheric pressure, pg, acting on the external surface of the engine,
may be accounted for by replacing absolute pressures, p, and py, by
gauge pressures as shown in example 4.11. Applying equation (1) to
flow in the x direction
is u = u,(1 - r2/R2). Considering flow through an element of area
dA = 2nr dr, we have
R 2
f u(pu dA) fou 7 - r2/R2) x 2nr dr
Ao 0
(pamR*u*)/3 (iv)
Substituting equations (iii) and (iv) in (ii) and rearranging, we
{su di = 1.015], pu dA
e pul r2/R2)2ur dr = 1.015p,A)u4
m _ 1.015pigD2uj
4 42,7}
0.829 kg/m?
Substituting values in equation (v), we obtain
0.829 x m x 0.252 x 5002
E Xx (1 = 1:015)10° x Ja > 0575°% 3
96 =<
Example 4.13
The engine of an aircraft moving through still air at 150 m/s deli-
vers 2500 kW to an ideal propeller 3 m diameter. Determine (i)
the slipstream velocity, (ii) the velocity through the propeller
disc, (iii) the thrust, and (iv) the propulsive efficiency.
On4e oe 1.2 3
Pi + jou,” = po + fou
and p3 + $opu> = py + pu,” (iv)
Combining equations (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) and using p; = py = p
we obtain
The useful power output from the propeller is the thrust power,
Po? defined as
The input power, P;, is that required to increase the velocity of
the air in the slipstream from u; to ux. From equations 4.39 and
Pg me, = Im(uy? - u,*) = m(uy, - uj)u (vil)
n Oemrr P
Pp iid
Substituting values in equation (vii)
Example 4.14
dU ;
a eee
Roh Gee ae JPvey lis {ups ( stps* aA) ee
The sum of external forces =F consists of a gravitational hody
98 =
force, “Fy and a pressure force, 5 = 0; - Palys and a drag
force, Sia on the rocket due to air resistance. Therefore
eo us Rs Figure 4,19
at Jovry ahi) = 6) (iii)
Term 3 is the momentum flux. For a rocket the inlet area is zero.
Assuming uniform flow at exit from the nozzle we have
° = aes é s iv
Lups(? suas dA) = 0 - pjuj Aj Hy Qj (iv)
Aaoeste == (hoe
(mn uu. Hop. — Pad = MNS Ven
Example 4.15
a Rie ange |
flow ney ee |
| |
Figure 4.20
LF = f} u(purdA) (4)
100 Ir
Applying the continuity equation 3.5b to multi-stream, incom-
pressible flow
uy, = 13 m/s
03 3
10015 25rae | Eek
Ge 132)|
dE = 198 W
Example 4.16
; Figure 4,21 Uy
The useful energy transfer to the water is given by equation 4.59
Pa == ue _— :
en = a + pu? + m4 |iv + bis? + 82. (i)
Pp ie 2 i)
Sed) 3 gs eeee esiiet CZ ea eat
ie) p ie) p
Pa Pig oe.
Sheek eee ae Fepay (ii)
p p
102 =
See = = 9 81[19 - (-3)] = 215.8 J/ke
_ Water power _
pVe 1 ie
10° 260.2% 215.8 .
n = = = 66.4%
o shaft power
From equation 4,29a the energy transfer between impeller and fluid
per unit mass of fluid is
an Dyoue (iv)
No 2 = = Volumetrici flow rate V_ OZ0.2 _
¥ “ro “re discharge area 21rgb eal ee
and Uo = ook =
2 *
aX 120 Oe = 18.8 m/s
Example 4.17
Bucket section
Figure 4.22
pe OS 75 peas
Pee al et
4fLu2 (i)
The Bernoulli equation 4.7c for ideal flow, applied across the
nozzle gives
Pp u2 ay ur” Pi
be Dal eB tee oe + Z, (ii)
Pp =p mee 4
or (aj) = ¥(2g)} ——= + = (iii)
The losses in the nozzle can be accounted for by the use of a
nozzle coefficient, Cy. Thus the actual) jet velocityeis
= Pp aA DP ake
uy = = Grey
Cv (2g)| ———S8 3 (iv)
From continuity
104 <
‘ 4 x 0,005 x 2000 x u,2)?
a 1
u,; = 71 m/s
E = pect -u wll2)
For a Pelton wheel the tangential velocity U is constant. Therefore
from the velocity diagram
E = mT
7 - —- = mall
J Ce: +u cos @)
Now om = Bop? UR, =u;- U and uj = uj. Hence
2 Prove the following expression used for metering the mass flow
rate of air to an internal combustion engine using a British
Standard orifice
. h p
nn. = Cap adv
[28 100 =
where h is the pressure head across the orifice in cm water, A is
the area of the orifice and pg and py, are the densities of air and
water, respectively. Explain why the orifice is usually used with
an air tank.
The air consumption of a 4-stroke petrol-engine is measured by
means of a circular orifice 40 mm diameter. The pressure drop
across the orifice is 135 mm water and the coefficient of discharge
is 0.6. Calculate the air consumption in kg/h. Ambient conditions
are 758 mm Hg and 25 °C.
[151.9 kg/h}
20 mm ig f
106 =
respectively. The velocity distribution in the pipe is known to be
of the form u = Upax(1 - r/R)!/7. The density of the air is
1.2 kg/m3. Determine the maximum velocity and the discharge in the
[45.07 m/s, 1.388 kg/s]
controlled by means of a conical valve which may be moved axially.
The form of the flow at a particular setting is shown in figure 4,25.
The pressure in the cylindrical duct just upstream of the conical
valve is 105 kPa and atmospheric pressure is 1 bar. Neglecting
frictional effects, determine the axial force exerted on the cone.
[3.47 kN]
of 10 m/s. The depth upstream of the gate is 6 m. Assuming that
the velocity distribution in the channel is uniform, and neglecting
frictional losses, determine the force exerted by the water on the
sluice gate.
[441.5 kN]
PU Oe Oe 050 ad aD (5.1)
110 7 a
bles involved in the problem, If relevant variables are omitted,
an incomplete solution will be obtained. If irrelevant variables
are included, unnecessary Pi-groups will be added to the solution.
This tends to defeat the object of the analysis which is to obtain
the minimum number of independent parameters required for correlation
of experimental results.
F; = ma « pL? (LT~2)
From the above six forces it is possible to form fifteen inde-
pendent dimensionless parameters from ratios of the forces, taken
two at a time. Of these, the six most common are
Reynolds number ayes Inertia force _ puL
Viscous force. u
Pulepenunnes Fu = Pressure force _ Ap
Inertia force 2
= 2
Cauchy number Ca = lmertia force _ ut_
Elastic force K/p
The square root of the Cauchy number is the Mach number, which is
a ratio of velocities since the speed of sound a = Vv(K/p).
4 2
Weber number We = Inertia force aye L
Surface tension force Y
We = in
Froude number Bxisy
Gravity force’ gL
Fr =
V (gL)
Stokes number sx = Pressure force _ (Ap)L
Viscous force yu
following.forms of similarity must be satisfied when applied to a
flow situation e.g. flow normal to a cylinder as shown in figure 5.1.
SK coeeeeeeeeeeeeemee
cane Prototype
ayegbes) Biol!
Gayt2).. = (Li/L2) ,
True geometric similarity implies similarity of surface roughness
in which the ratio of the equivalent roughness, k, to a character-
istic length, L, is the same in both model and prototype. Thus
(K/L), = (K/L),
(b) Kinematic Similarity: this is similarity of motion in which the
flow pattern is the same for both model and prototype. This implies
that the ratio of velocities (and accelerations) at any two points
in the model is the same as the ratio of the velocities (and accel-
erations) at corresponding points in the prototype. Thus
Vi iess
= EVEdy
It is clearly necessary for the directions of action at corre-
sponding points to be the same.
departure from true flow results with river and estuary models
where the direct scaling down of depth could result in surface ten-
sion or viscosity effects in the model which are not present in the
prototype. Under these conditions it may be necessary to use dis-
torted models to produce realistic flow behaviour.
Example 5.1
y = Ki6
Be POSTE ed By, 82 peoe p82
d 6°24,
where each term has the same dimensions as y, and Kj, Kg are
numerical coefficients.
y= K of po ie 9
For T -2c - 2d = 0
y= Ko? Ro 79 g? 0° = ER jee) e°
This is as far as we can go with dimensional analysis. In order
to obtain a more useful end result, experimental information is
necessary such as the fact that y « 1/R. This gives a = -l. Hence
MY = K—~
eR 06
Example 5.2
The shear stress, to, at the surface of a pipe through which fluid
is flowing under incompressible conditions is thought to depend upon
the mean velocity, u, the pipe diameter, D, the surface roughness
height, k, and the fluid properties density, p, and viscosity u.
By application of the Rayleigh method of dimensional analysis, derive
a non-dimensional expression for the shear stress in terms of the
other variables.
to = o(u, D, k, p, iw)
Applying the Rayleigh method
to = kK ut p? Ke ao 7
Forming equations for the indices of M, L and T we have three
equations and five unknowns.
For M ave: = 1
For -T -a-e= -2
To = ogu 2-e..b
a e-b
Dik ke
re) of u
e =
K pu val (=
pater 5 palp>
or Oud. 4[ek fe
ou2 u D
The parameter Taiou- is usually written in the form To/ $pu* and
called a pipe friction factor, f. The Reynolds number puD/y is an
important parameter and its value determines whether flow in the
pipe is laminar or turbulent. The parameter k/lD indicates the rela-
tive roughness of the pipe surface.
( \
Thus f = —— = #]Re, 4
It is now necessary to carry out experimental work on flow in
pipes to determine the relationship between f and Re for different
k/D values (see chapter 7).
Example 5.3
In order to determine the frequency of vortex shedding, tests are
carried out on a geometrically similar bank of tubes, 25 mm diameter,
using air at 300 K and 1 bar.
For M a=0
FOr -b = 0
there is no combination of the given variables that can give a di-
mensionless parameter, and the variables selected are independent.
nots n ss TaA
1 ee ee
Berea ai-2)
4(aT 2)"
Equating indices
For M ey 0)
Forel -3a+b+t+c=0
Foret -b = -l
Hence a = O, b = 1, c = -1 and
_ 5D)
ly Aaa
Ip = ae eeML~}T71ee
e@ue ps
a 3)2n7r-2y? 1°
Equating indices
For M a=]
For 7 -b = -l
Hence a = 1, b = 1, c = 1 and
= ouD
SS eee
I o(z, M3)
oe nD_
= (gfowd
ae y|
From the gas law (equation 1.25c)
Pair = e| = = 1.16 keine
sane MEZ87s xeSOO
Phyd ~ E| - HO * 10 = 0.606 kg/m
hyd 4124 x 400
ae u
ee model prototype
ae Da pitm a= 00255
+ P05 he UG eae eae
.9 Hz
p DU 0.050 x 26.6
Example 5.4
2 ,(ev(gH, e(gHH L k
V (gH)H? u ioe tat wee
The relationship between the variables may be expressed by
V= (HH, L, k, nu, 0, Y; 2)
V a L k u Y
">> eee ) T°? H > T >
V (gH)H 2 og? H3/2 2
V i isn e(gH)H Lk
aid.+: |a > an eS er oe |S H 3 H
¥ (gH) H? u Y
In the present problem, we are told that viscous and surface ten-
sion effects may be neglected. This is a reasonable assumption
except for low heads. We are also told that surface roughness eff-
ects are absent. Thus, for kinematic similarity, we omit the Reyn-
olds number p/(gH)H/u, the Weber number p(gH)H/y, and k/H from the
list of significant parameters, and state
a oF]
Y (gH) H2 4
yi? rs
¥ (gH)H model tHe prototype
yd /2 _ (ve
“model prototype
and La = a —
5 2 p 0.25)!
100 x 55 = 1.19 = 4
Note that for true kinematic similarity the model should be op-
erated under a head given by Ho = Pw This criterion is not
too important if end effects on the spillway can be neglected.
Example 5.5
ae? VaR/o)
Discuss the significance of the non-dimensional groups obtained
and state any difficulties that might arise in obtaining dynamic
similarity when testing scale models of high speed aircraft in a
wind tunnel.
uc he
Et a
It is possible to maintain both Re and M constant for model and
prototype if a compressed air wind tunnel is used. The necessary
tunnel pressure for model tests may be determined as follows
feat) (elu) -
Y Jmodel . “prototype
and u | u Gn
(K/o) model (K/o ) prototype
Mach number can be written in the form u/Y(yRT) and in the present
problem a 4, and - = Ls: It follows that equality of Mach number
is obtained. The given value of K is superfluous.
Pm! p Hn Mp] |p
Pppm ee ae a
p m m
Py Li
Pa Dee
aus E model pad prototype
2 a Pp
eto. 1c) mt m
ia | fm
Py Lo 0.8
ol Ge Pee 107 2002 2kN
Pan m 8
Example 5.6
The groups R/pu2L? and puL/y are recognisable as the drag coeffi-
cient and Reynolds number, Re, respectively. The group u?/Lg (or
u/V(Lg), as it is usually written) is the Froude number, Fr. For
dynamic similarity
and at e = (ii)
Y Jmodel : prototype
a Pee on (iv)
hoeth.. +R (v)
and Oe prototype # 4 9
Ze Ay x 1.4 X25,.(6 1-9 x 4 x 2 92 = 5959 kNki
From condition (v) the residual resistance for the model is given by
= - = . = Bo AI c= Sie SiN
Ryn Ri : Beye ad :
Ry Ry
and s = a
i model fob prototype
3 ep \ u.2rL_\2
P 1025 x 5.62 x 202 x 37.33 S07 (KN
a ey Fi i) pe rrr
TP Pmt {8m} fem) =~ ™ «1000 x 1.252 x 1
The total resistance of the actual ship is
Example 5.7
Ideally if the above three criteria are met there will be complete
dynamic similarity between the two machines. It is usually imposs-
ible to simultaneously satisfy conditions (2) and (3) but in the
highly turbulent flow encountered in rotodynamic machines, variations
in efficiency and values of other parameters with Reynolds number
(scale effect) is small. Thus condition (3) may be relaxed. If
the above criteria are met then the other dimensionless parameters
will have the same values for the two machines, and
gH oH
= = Head Parameter
N2p2 N2D2} 5
P = P = Power Parameter
pN3D5} 1 eN3D*} 5
bel oer”
a model
nD ‘prototype
Nm yess)
2 , 1200 ;1 3 3
or ve =
Ny .
ae oe
ii =
aS =
0.383 m°/s
The scale, fluid properties and flow rate are now fixed for the
model pump and it may be impossible to satisfy condition (3). The
flow Reynolds numbers for model and prototype must be evaluated and
0.38 x 1.2
3 en 4
fs 2) pth CDI AE ate a. 10
(Re), =
1075 m
‘ m Din Ki 8 x
950" 10225)4 x 10
hei = iz
V a Wyo |
Pp Du eT een
p Pp Pp
The pump diameters are not given in the problem so the actual
Reynolds number values cannot be determined. The ratio is
Thus, the flow Reynolds number is the same for model and proto-
type and complete similarity is obtained if the air flow in the
model is incompressible. For complete similarity
N,) 3(D
Pee ele) Piel (sso. * [4]°200 = 13.5 MW
on the diameters d and D, on the viscosity u and density p of the
fluid, and on the pressure drop Ap between the upstream length of
pipe and nozzle throat. By application of the Pi-theorem, derive
a relationship between the variables.
discharge of 0.1 m3/s. The full-scale Pelton wheel is required to
work under a head of 400 m and to run at 500 rev/min. Determine (i)
the speed of the model for dynamically similar conditions, (ii) the
power developed by the full-scale turbine.
[790 rev/min, 26.5 MW]
Pee (CheeDe pu
ee mee
(b) A half-scale model airscrew is tested in a compressed-air
wind tunnel which operates at twice ‘sea-level density. The test con-
ditions are those which are dynamically similar to operation at an
altitude of 10 000 m where the density is 0.34 that at sea-level and
the dynamic viscosity is 0.82 that in the test.
Determine the ratios of the power absorbed and the thrust devel-
oped by the model airscrew to those of the actual airscrew at an
altitude of 10 000 mn. ;
[0.1055 Onze
F a as :
tad |B ; 5 =< epee
——RAWNW Fee ptt,
2 Rie et AO e np — As
In laminar flow, all fluid particles move in parallel paths and there
is no transverse velocity component. The flow is stable against
disturbances due to wall roughness or obstacles because viscous
forces predominate and damp out any tendency for random motion. In-
dividual fluid molecules may have irregular motion but such motion
only influences viscosity. Newton's law of viscosity t = yp du/dy
may be used to calculate shear stresses,
component in the x direction, we may write u. = u+u!', Similarly
f al P
Vv; =v +v' and wi =w+w'. A typical recording of uj, taken with
a hot wire anemometer, is shown in figure 6.la.
(a) ie (b)
Ruiabuerey Hoye,If
As real (viscous) fluid flows past a body (figure 6.2) fluid parti-
cles on the surface remain at rest and a high velocity gradient is
set up near the boundary. This causes large viscous stresses and
a region of retarded flow known as the boundary layer. The boundary
layer grows in thickness along the body in the downstream direction
and forms a wake, The wake mixes with the free-stream flow and is
eventually dissipated some distance downstream. Inside the boundary
layer and wake, flow is frictional and rotational, but outside these
regions frictional effects are negligible and the flow pattern
approximates to that for irrotational flow.
Edge of
(a) (b)
Fipure 6.2
6.1.4 Separation
The wake is small for a streamlined body but a bluff body may produce
a large wake. This wake region is not as orderly as that due to the
retarded flow in the boundary layer but is irregular in character
due to flow separation from the surface. Separation usually occurs
in an adverse pressure gradient situation (dp/dx > 0) where the solid
surface falls away from the preferred fluid flow direction. This is
shown in figure 6.3 where the energy degredation in the boundary
layer is accompanied by an increase in pressure, The fluid slows
down and is eventually brought to rest at the separation point S
after which there is some flow reversal. Orderly flow breaks down
and is replaced by eddying. The streamline of discontinuity, A,
sometimes becomes a free streamline, along which the pressure is
Figure 6.5
6.1.5 Cavitation
creases the pressure decreases. This relationship is restricted for
liquid flow because, if the pressure falls below the saturation
pressure corresponding to the liquid temperature, the liquid will
boil and pockets of vapour will form. This phenomenon is usually
called cavitation. If the bubbles of vapour move to a high pressure
region they collapse and produce high instantaneous forces. This
can cause an efficiency drop and noise, vibration and mechanical
damage. A special case of the free streamline, discussed in 6.1.4,
can occur with liquid flow. If a cavitation zone exists behind the
body then the constant pressure imposed is the vapour pressure.
F = pU*L7o(Re, M) (6.1)
If we restrict the analysis to incompressible flow, we may omit
the Mach number effect and define a coefficient C = $¢(Re). Re-
placing L? by a characteristic area, A, equation 6.1 may be applied
to the lift and drag forces and written
Fy = $0U2CpA (6.2)
and F, = $pU*C)A (6.3)
6.2.1 Drag
The drag on a body is due to the boundary layer effect and to flow
by flow separation and wakes (figure 6.5).
Figure 6.5
Total or Profile drag, F.,Dp? is the sum of the friction and form drag.
Se laminar turbulent
ee transition laminar
fa) (b) sub-laver
Figure 6.6
in character but a thin laminar sub-layer exists next to the surface.
The Reynolds number of flow, Re,, is a variable with the character-
istic length taken as the distance, x, from the leading edge. The
critical Rey value for transition is usually taken as 5 x 10°.
Ce ~ 7iRe.) (6.7)
For 5 x 10° < Re < 2 x 10” the velocity profile in the turbulent
region is of the form u/U = (y/6)/7 and the following relationships
x Re Over2 (6.9)
‘ee 0.074
£ Rey 0-2 (6.10)
For Re > 2 x 10’ the velocity distribution deviates from the 1/7
power law and the Karman-Schoenherr equation then applies
AN IbSS Wkoyes (Re, x Cy) (GALL)
This formula is complex and an empirical interpolation formula by
Prandtl-Schlichting may be used up to Re = 1o2,
3 SE (omy
[log Beyl- > °
Onaede SLiet
(a) (b) (c) vortex
Figure 6,7
The same phenomenon causes the transverse vibration and 'singing'
of telephone wires in a cross-wind. The alternate vortex shedding
from the rear of the wire causes circulations of changing sign to
be set up around the wire itself and this imposes an alternating
transverse force. A rotating cylinder in cross-flow also experiences
anaee force:
Lift may be explained in terms
of the pressure distribution around
the body. The crowding of streamn-
lines on the upper surface of the
aerofoil of figure 6.8 indicates an Pe 7A
increase in velocity and a decrease
in pressure, On the lower surface, +1
the pressure increases. Thus a net lower
upward force is exerted on the aero-
foil. The pressure on the aerofoil
may be expressed in terms of a pres- Co
sure coefficient, Cp, defined
; upper
oo =, eres om ay
Fisure 6.8
Example 6.1
In each case, equation 6.2 gives the drag force, Fp = SoU2ACe, The
value of Ce is determined by the Rex value which is 5 x 10° for both
laminar and turbulent layers up to Xc. At the end of the plate, the
Reynolds number is
Rents UNE Os EG oeeey 1.99 x 107
Therefore, equations 6.7 and 6.10 may be used to calculate the drag
coefficients for the laminar and turbulent boundary layers, res-
Figure 6.9
TE = J, u(purdA) a)
Assuming zero pressure gradient both inside and outside the boundary
layer (dp/dx = 0 = dp/dy), the only force acting on the fluid within
the control volume is the drag force Fp. Fluid enters the boundary
layer, through surface AB, with main stream velocity, U, and flows
through face BC with a velocity, u, which varies with distance, y,
from the plate, Equation (i) gives
6 5 ae
-Fp = i. u(pu dy) - mU (Sici9)
Consider an elemental strip dy wide and of unit depth. The mass flow
rate through the element is pu dy and that through face BC (width 6)
is given by
ih = F pu dy (iii)
From continuity, the mass flow rate is constant through the control
volume. Substituting equation (iii) in (ii) we obtain
dFp =—7
ple J dé (vi)
To = 2uu (viii)
Example 6.3
layer analysis.
(b) A honeycomb straightener is formed from flat strips of metal
150 mm long and 20 mm wide to give hexagonal passages of side length
20 mm. Water of kinematic viscosity 10-© m2/s approaches the
straightener with a velocity of 2 m/s. Neglecting the metal thick-
ness and secondary flows, determine the pressure drop in the passage.
Bpt-2.”) Actual Ideal
Penac/ flow flow
ph Uy
houd Pe 1 a
ee AEA)
us* = f (U - ujdy
Re pe Wiles
The boundary layer is laminar, therefore, equation (ii) applies.
Mele eti tsi zie Xx OLS
6* = 7(the,) RD
"©ee 0.472 mm
Now consider a flow situation in which fluid enters the honeycomb
with uniform velocity, U,, and leaves with ideal flow velocity, Uo,
through an area reduced by the displacement thickness on each plate
(figure 6.10). :
Pl p2
— + 4,2 = — + hy?
ie) p :
(a) Describe the flow vattern for flow normal to an infinite circu-
lar cylinder as the flow velocity is increased from zero to a high
(b) A screen in a 10 m wide stream, 2.5 m deep, consists of a number
of vertical 25 mm diameter bars, spaced 0.1 m between centres. If
the upstream water velocity is 2 m/s, estimate the drag force on
the screen and the pressure loss coefficient. How do the screen
conditions differ from those for infinite cylinders?
v = 1,2 x 107© m@/s, p = 1000 kg/m,
(a) Refer to figure 6.11 which shows the flow patterns for diff-
erent values of Reynolds number.
(i) For Re < 1, inertia forces are negligible and the streamlines
close behind the cylinders giving a flow pattern which is similar
to that for ideal flow.
(iv): For 250) <"Re <=) 2) x 19°, the frequency of vortex shedding in-
creases until ultimately, at high Re values, the regular vortex
street breaks down into random turbulence at the rear of the cylin-
der. At this stage, the boundary layer up to the point of separa-
tion is essentially laminar and this givesa wide wake and high
form drag.
(v) For Re = 2x 10°, the boundary layer becomes turbulent and the
separation point moves further round the cylinder surface giving a
narrow wake and low form drag. Hence, Cp drops suddenly in this re-
gion. Note that the turbulent boundary layer can be triggered off
for lower Re values if the surface is roughened e.g. by sand parti-
cles, dimples or trip wires.
= 16.88 kN
The pressure loss coefficient, (Cp)L> is defined
p Fp/A
D 6.88 x 103
(Con fgets Foil fox 103°x 227%. 10 «2.5 Oe das
= ‘ = = L z =
The C, values given in figure 6.12 are those for an infinite cyl-
inder, The actual flow differs because of end effects on the cylin-
der. At the junction with the stream bed there will be a non-
uniform velocity distribution due to the boundary layer in the water
near the bed. At the water free surface, wave effects may be
Example 6.5
when Re = 2 x 10°.
(a) Figure 6.12 gives the Cp-Re graph for a sphere. The change
in flow pattern with increasing Re values is similar to that for flow
normal to an infinite cylinder described in example 6.4, Initially,
the curve follows Stokes' law Cp = 24/Re for laminar flow. Then
separation starts, followed by vortex shedding. For Re > 3 x 103
a laminar boundary layer exists on the front surface of the sphere
and Gp) =)constiee ror Re =n 2.x 10°, the laminar boundary layer changes
to a turbulent one and the width of the wake reduces, causing a
fall in Cp.
Figure 6.12
(b). The forces exerted on the balloon are the gravity force, F >
pee go Fp = 0
From equation
Fp = }eU7CpA
2FD 2.x 43.3
etic dialseni02 <4 12 Oe
1 = = ee eee
The Cp value can also be obtained from the Cp-Re graph (figure 6.12)
OUR 1425 x 40-0 3
Re = ie) ietaeeecalcss
py SRS eee eS eS LO 6
Figure 6.13
Example 6.6
where u is the velocity at any point y from the centre line of the
wake and U is the free stream velocity.
If the wake is 200 mm wide and the free stream velocity is 40 m/s
determine the drag on the wing section per metre of span and the
drag coefficient. Assume the pres sure in the wake to be equal to
the free stream pressure and the air density constant at 1.2 kg/m? 5
Consider a control volume ABCD, sufficiently far away from the
wing section for transverse velocity gradients to be negligible,
For steady flow, the momentum equation 4.18 reduces to
EF = f u(purdA) (i)
The fluidpressure is uniform on the control surface and the only
force acting on the fluid within the control volume is Rx. The flow
is restricted to single entry with uniform velocity U and a single
exit with variable velocity u. Considering unit length of wing,
equation (i) gives
Example 6.7
P + $pU? = pg + sou”
The pressure at point, 4, taking the upstream pressure, p, as refer-
ence and substituting Ug = 1.5U sin 8, is given by
dF = (Pg - p) cos 6 dA
Figure 6.15
The total force on the upstream face, defined by 0 < @ < 0), is
For 6 > 6; the pressure on the surface of the sphere is constant at
the value for 6 =6,. From equation (i)
ae es ae
= }pU2nR2(sin? 6;- 1.125 sin* 9, - sin? 6, + 2.25 sin* 6)
= IoU2aR2(1.125 sin* 64) (ii)
Example 6.8
(a) Sketch typical curves of lift coefficient and lift-drag for var-
ious values of angle of attack for an aerofoil section. Indicate on
the curves the point of best efficiency and the stall point. Also
give the reason for the fall-off of lift beyond the stall point.
Soe Se
i. ee
is ae)
Stall =
Figure 6.16
Fy, = }pU2CLA
ma O8104 —.1.48 x10704 (iii)
U = 49.7 m/s
From equation (ii)
Example 6.9
L ee
Fp3 \
PLgure G7
ey Ds 109
© = RE = 27% 25 * 1-22 kg/m
The drag and lift forces on the aerofoil are calculated from equa-
tions 6.2 and 6.3
150 =
The form drag is given as
Fp, = 450 N
Now the total normal force Fy between the car wheels and the road
surface is equal to the sum of the car weight and the downward 'lift'
force of the aerofoil
P = FU = 1959 x 50 = 98 kW
Example 6.10
(b) The peak velocity of flow over the bracket supporting the hydro-
foil is 1.5 times the velocity remote from the arm. If the peak
velocity occurs at a point 3 m below the water surface, determine the
vessel speed at which cavitation can be expected to occur at a water
temperature of 10 °C. Assume the sea water to have the properties of
fresh water. pg = 100 kPa.
Figure 6.18
(a) (i) The 1ift force on the hydrofoil is given by equation 6.3
50 m?. This corresponds to a weight, mg, given by
(b) Assume that the peak velocity occurs at a point, q, and that
there is no degradation of energy between a point upstream and point
q. Applying the Bernoulli equation between the two points we have
P + 30U? = pg + 2p
Now at depth, h, the pressure p = pq + pgh. The saturation pressure
at 10 °C is pg = 1.227 kPa. Cavitation will occur when Pq = Ps:
Also, we are told Ug. = TesUr
1 Find the ratio of the drag in water to the drag in air on a thin
flat plate of length 1.2 m at zero incidence in a stream flowing at
5 m/s. The density and kinematic viscosity are to be taken as
1000 kg/m? and 1.1 x 107® m2/s for water, 1.2 kg/m3 and
14.9 x 10°§ m2/s for air.
A streamlined train is 110 m long, 2.75 m wide and has sides 2.75 m
high. Assuming that the skin friction drag on sides and top is equi-
valent to that on a flat plate 8.25 m wide, calculate the power re-
quired to overcome the skin friction when the train moves at 160 km/h
through air of density 1.2 kg/m? and viscosity 1.79 x 1075 N s/m?,
Use may be made of any of the following formulae. In the laminar
boundary layer, the total force F between the boundary layer and the
plate, per unit width of plate is F = 2pU26/15, where 6 is the bound-
ary layer thickness at distance x from the leading edge of the plate
and U is the free stream velocity. The boundary layer thickness is
given approximately by § = 5.48x/Re,°°>. In the turbulent boundary
layer, F = 7pU26/72, and 6 = 0.37x/Re,°*2.
[68.4 kW]
It may be assumed that for flow over a flat surfa¢e laminar flow
exists when Rex < 5 x 10° for which 6* = 1.721x/(Re)2. The area of
a hexagon is 2.6L? where L is the side length. The drag coefficient
for flow perpendicular to a cylindrical wire may be assumed equal to
that for flow over an infinite cylinder for which a Cp-Re graph is
Bevem(tioure 6.12). pair = 1.2 kg/m?; uair = 17:7 x 107° N s/m2.
[0.49, 0.83]
5 (a) Describe briefly the nature of the flow about a sphere at (i)
very low and (ii) very high values of Reynolds number.
(b) At very low Reynolds number the drag of a sphere of diameter
D in steady motion is given by Stokes' law. Cp = 24/Re. A small
spherical water droplet is observed to fall through the atmosphere
at a constant speed of 50 mm/s. Calculate the diameter of the drop-
Het. .
(c) A 5 mm diameter spherical air bubble rises at. constant velocity
through water. Determine the bubble velocity. Assume Pa = 1:2 ke/m?,
feeemiOoG ke/m?, wa = 1.82 x 10-5 Pas, pw= 11.2 x 1077 Pas.
{0.02 mm, 0.372 m/s]
where U is the free stream velocity and u is the velocity at any
point distance y from a line through the cylinder centre. Assuming
that the pressure in the wake is equal to the free stream pressure,
determine the drag coefficient for the cylinder. If the cylinder
is enclosed in a wind tunnel what effect would this have on the flow
and the method of analysis?
12 m/s Be ©) .
Velocity shail
to ship
area 40 m2 is required to sustain a weight of 20 kN at a height of
3000 m where the air pressure is 70.12 kPa and the temperature is
+4.45 °C. Determine the relative air velocity required if the angle
of incidence of the aerofoil is 3°.
[195 m/s]
11 A flat kite has a surface area of 0.5 m2 and mass 0.45 kg.
During a test flight it was noted that the air temperature was 15°C,
the pressure 1 bar and the air speed 10 m/s. The tension in the
anchor cord was 25 N when the cord was inclined at 45° to the hori-
zontal and the kite inclined at 10° to the horizontal. Determine
the coefficients of lift and drag for the kite. Rair = 287 J/kg K.
[0.744, 0.594]
Entry length L
— Laminar
-—— Turbulent
it 2
| e Laminar To
Figure 7.1
156 r
the entry length is about 120 diameters and for turbulent flow about
50 diameters.
eb AP Lu2 (7.2)
f=—°-= k
o |e, a (75)
pu?/2 De,
The equivalent diameter, Ne, is defined
ee 4 x Cross-sectional area of duct _ 4A (7.4)
€ ~ Wetted perimeter of duct P ‘
Sq19 el
OF Gir. esPet*=)Apy (7.5b)
Pl p2 ey)
See 4 25 +. Ces)
pg pg ee
7.2. Friction Factor for Constant Diameter Pipes
For laminar flow (Re < 2000), the exact analysis of Poiseuille
is possible, leading to the relationship
For turbulent flow (2 x 10° < Re < 10°), the empirical relationship
of Blasius applies
oe 9
0.0791 7.7)
For turbulent flow (Re > 10°), the Karmdn-Prandtl empirical relation-
ship applies
1 B aea ai126
Beene 98 15 Rev (h) (7.9)
These results are superimposed on the f-Re diagram of figure 7.2
resulting in a composite graph sometimes referred to as the Moody
The f£-Re diagram shows that for high Re values f becomes constant
and is a function of k,/D alone. This region is known as the turbu-
lent rough zone for which the following empirical relationship
ibe os n
V(f) = 4 log [3.7 2 (7=ELO)
Pipe friction losses and minor losses may be evaluated if the flow
rate is known, In actual pipe systems, however, the flow rate is
determined by the resistance of the pipes and fittings and by the
form of the pipe combination (figure 7.3). The problem is evalua-
tion of the total flow rate, or the flow rate in the individual
pipes of a multiple pipe system.
Series Parallel Branched Network
Figure 7.3
p au 2 p site
u e
ee: +2, + 2(4] (7.11)
px 2g pg ag :
2j—] = =
4 flu? ap
Ky? is the sum of pipe friction and
g 2gD 2g
minor losses for the flow path considered,
This equation must be applied for each possible flow path a fluid
particle can take between A and B. Note that this form of the energy
equation is frequently referred to as the Bernoulli equation (with
losses) in engineering literature.
The specific kinetic energy, e,, is expressed in terms of a kinetic
energy correction factor, a
fz(eu dA)u?2 ?
ene (7S
i pu dA
Example 7.1
oe [22 r (i)
For laminar flow t = -p(du/dr). The negative sign is introduced
because u decreases with increasing r. Substituting for Tt in equa-
tion (i) we have
respect to r we obtain
u Bete
au PAD)
| re 2.2 AeA
i= am (2 fee 423 ey
Thus the velocity profile for laminar flow in a pipe (axially symn-
etric Poiseuille flow) is a parabola in section and the true three-
dimensional velocity profile is a paraboloid. When r = O, u = umax.
p2 A
mmax = 16, I
From the properties of a paraboloid, or from the use of equations
7.13 and (ii), the mean velocity u is
eax Sypu dA Seb ee]
ie a 9 Bei ee)
Now consider the shear stress at the wall. When r = D/2, t = To.
Therefore from equations (i) and (iii)
book D
Miewurictton tactor, £, defined by equation 7.3, is
Aspihee Sswu/D > 16
pu2/2 = pu/2
(1) Consider flow through the pipe. For laminar flow, Re < 2000.
Therefore the maximum flow rate is determined by (puD/y) = 2000 and
pey2000u = 2000 x 05285 _ 6 a7,
Do 0.1 x 950 &
Vie= ul 1D = expel = 0.047 m3/s
Ap =
Sepia _ 32x 0.285 x 50 x 6 _ 274 kPa
De 0.1?
Im a horizontal pipe, Ap = 274 kPa, is the drop in static pres-
sure due to dissipation or loss of mechanical energy (equation 7.5a).
In an inclined pipe, the loss is given by the drop in piezometric
pRessure, Py" - Po* = Po, - Pg2 = 274 kPa, recorded by gauges moun-
ted on the same Roragontal line (figure 7.5b). The difference in
static pressures, pj - P2 = Pg] - Pg2, is given by gauges mounted in
line with points 1 and 2, respectivély. This difference can be a
drop or a rise in pressure. From equation 7.5a we obtain
Pr-- p2 = Ap, - pg(zy - Za)
274 x 103 - 950 x 9.81 x 50 sin 30 = 41 kPa
Fxample 7.2
Show that for steady parallel laminar flow of fluid, a force halance
on a small element of fluid yields the relationship
u(d?u/dy2) = dp/dx
A piston 100 mm diameter and 150 mm long has a mass of 10 kg.
The piston is placed in a vertical cylinder 102 mm diameter contain-
Ing OLU Oraviscosity Of25 ePaesi. Calculate the time taken for the
piston to fall 100 mm. It mav be assumed that the piston and cylin-
der are concentric throughout the piston motion.
Refer to figure 7.5 which shows laminar flow of fluid between two
parallel surfaces of infinite width normal to the plane of the dia-
gram. The lower surface is stationary and the upper surface moves
with velocity U.
FLeuren 7a
viscous pressure
dt dp :
dys bind (i)
Newton's law of viscosity t = u(du/dy) may be applied to parallel
laminar flow. Substituting in (i) we obtain
dy ay
_ dp
due 124 +
or dy 7. u ae (11)
Now consider flow in the annular gap between a piston and a cylinder
(figure 7.6). If the gap is small compared with the diameter, the
flow can be treated as flow between parallel flat surfaces.
| b |
Poiseuille flow
Fipures7 6
dev 1 {d
dx2 ~ {dy
v= _ oT (Cees
se) (x
xb) b
The velocity equation consists of two parts. The first term gives
Poiseuille flow upwards through the annular gap due to the pressure
gradient dp/dy. The second term gives Couette flow downwards due
to the piston motion. The velocity profiles for the individual and
combined flows are shown in figure 7.6b. The volumetric flow
through the annular gap of width m)D is given by
5 5 1_ {dp 2 ; x dx
V= fvap dx = 7) f + {| (x* - xb) dx - 7) re
0 0 0
ae edaS se ee
or) SD: 3 Ub
The volumetric flow rate through the annular gap and the pressure
gradient are determined by the displacement of the piston. There-
v = inD2u (v)
Gy 22 Shp a mel ae - . : 2 d
and yo || 7 (-ve in flow direction) (vi)
U 0.900109
Example 7.3
PL gUre 7a
ZFyiscous + 4Fpressure = 0
(t + dt)2m(r # dr)dx - t20r dx - (p + dp)2nr dr + p 2nr dr = O
Neglecting the product of small quantities this reduces to
u= Ber
a cp) re .2 +
($2 A in x + 8B
O=Peau Riise 2
2)| pn, eee ne Ra ete
1 d Fig
and: 0 = x (el Ro* + A ln Ry +B (ii)
Example 7.4
the pipe centre line. Derive an expression for the average wall
shear stress, to, in terms of p, g, R, u, L, and the pressure drop,
tf | I" Figure 7.9
a ogAL ||
AT Titan
Consider the control volume ABB'A' (figure 7.8). For steady flow,
the momentum equation 4.18 reduces to
LF = ie u(purdA) (i)
PALI b -2u a
dp - => - eee
2 ie y2/7(R - y)dy- |
_ _ eV a
Ap R ‘al ogL x 144 PUp Su ipu (11)
m ie pu dA = punR2 (iii)
and m= f uedAg= fr Um(1 - r/R)1/7 2ar dr =
A, ® pane ® be
720 Um mR2 (iv)
Example 7.5
Ag = 2A1A3/(A, + A3)
Neglect frictional losses and interference effects due to the
intermediate pipe.
A R 1 2 3
— -1 S eee
a ee eae | |
a =~). 1 NS ae
—2 : | |
i ee |
A' net
fa) (b)
Figure 7.9
Consider the control volume ABB'A' (figure 7.9) and assume that
the pressure just after the enlargement is equal to that just before
i.e. py = py. For steady flow, the only forces acting on the con-
trol volume are pressure forces and viscous forces. Neglecting the
viscous forces over the short length of pipe and applving the mom-
entum equation 4.19 we have
pe 2g pe m 2g ee
where k ya */2g) is the mechanical energy loss (head loss) due to
the enlargement based, by convention, on the kinetic energy in the
approach pipe. From equations (i) and (ii) we obtain
- 2
uy Ay 2 uy fyi
= (1 = aa (cid)
k= Gl = Ay/Ap)? (iv)
Note that for a pive discharging into a large tank Ay = © and kp = 1.
Y= Ay Uy = Ap Uy = A303 (vii)
P3 - Pp S| 1 , 1 elie Giaest))
28 EL SP Ek oe Sia Sie
The pressure rise (D3 - p,) is a maximum when d(p3 - p,)/dAy = 0.
fe )
d(p3 = Pp , as 72 a
dA ee Cie Fa oes
1 2 = pou) =
_ 2A1A3 :
A> = Ay * Ay (Gigs)
d2(p3 =p)WO
Nie STi. se aesasl" eg
Cae Z
dA? ps AVA3 Loh Wy See tee
The pressure rise is a maximum.
Example 7.6
Air flows at 1.9 m3/s through a 50° conical diffuser from a 159 mm
diameter pipe to a 300 mm diameter pipe. The value of k in the
pressure loss term fou,2k{1 - (Ay/Ap)]% is 1.134. The velocity dis-
tribution may be assumed uniform at entrv to the diffuser and at
points downstream greater than six pipe diameters but at exit from
the diffuser the velocity profile is given by u = 2u (1 - r2/R2).
Determine (i) the diffuser efficiencv, and (ii) the friction head
loss between diffuser exit and the station downstream where the sta-
tic pressure is equal to the. static pressure at diffuser exae.
Assume incompressible flow with p = 1.2 kg/m.
(a) (h)
Figure 7.190
oot a| el— 5 i{ ah
P2 - 2PU) E e e fa
2 Peres
¥ Pil = Ae (ii)
Roe Sept 12 12 ;
SEs”s 32)...
eth) (ota? /2)
Gouge [tes (Ai/Ag) 2 7] nv
i aaa
» ae (v)
pr =
t pu;*/2
Substituting values in equation (ii)
ae 2 x 576 x w2 x 0.15" ae
D2 120% 42 (1, = 0.154/093")
Applying the Bernoulli equation with losses between stations 2
and 3 and including kinetic energy correction factors
P2.+ faz0u2* = pz + sa3puz? + Ade
or D3 - P2 = $puz*(az - 03) - Ape (vi)
For uniform flow at station 3, a3 = 1 and for a profile
u = 2u (1 - r2/R2) at station 2 we have from equation 7.15.
fi (eu dAju?
ee =
————————_ a
=_ 3.03swe
. if pu dA
Suf(1 - r2/R2)3 2nr dr
a =e
Example 7.7
(a) Describe the ideal and actual nature of flow through a 90° bend
in a rectangular duct.
_(b) A horizontal curved duct, 1.2 m square, has a mean radius of 4 m.
Determine the mass flow rate of air at 1.1 bar and 290 K if the diff-
erence in pressure between the inner and outer walls is 15 mm H90.
Assume frictionless, free vortex flow conditions with negligible
change in density. Ragir = 287 J/kg K.
Buoume s7. 11
The pressure between the inner and outer walls is given by the mano-
meter reading, hy.
ee ee
= a7 300 = 1322 ke/m 3 43
Example 7.8
lies 1 m~below the water level in tank A. The difference in water
levels between tanks A and B is 8 m. Determine (i) the volumetric
flow rate, and (ii) the absolute pressure at a point 35 m along the
300 mm diameter pipe. Sketch the energy line and hydraulic gradient
for the pipe system. Assume a roughness height, ky = 0.33, and com-
plete turbulence in both pipes. The minor losses, obtained from
reference 2, are as follows: pipe 1 entry 0.43 u,?/2g, sudden con-
traction 0.37 u,*/2g, pipe 2 exit u,*/2g. Atmospheric pressure is
I bax,
=) Gee i ee
—-—2 NE Ener gy line
\ Hydraulic gradient
! Datum 1
Figure 7.12
(i) Applying the energy equation 7.11 between points on the water
surface in tanks A and B we have
=e ae = ay
Les + aes iA = rs + uB + Zp + 5S + a |
pe 261, ees 23D 2g
Pa Pa iy 4f,L,u,2
and) = 6 0 ine OR eee OL a +
pg Dg B 2g 2gD,
ae Te
Pa va ee ae aL (i)
28 2gD2 g
The continuity equation 7.12 gives
Vo = uyAy = ugAs
u,*(0.43 + 4 x 0.005 x 70/0.3 + 5.92 + 64 x 0.006 x 35/0.15 + 16)
= 2 9682-x 8
u, = 1.14 m/s
V = ujA, = 1.14 x 7 x 0.152 = 0.0805 m3/s
(ii) To determine the pressure at point C, 35 m along pipe
1, we must apply equation 7.11 between a point on the water surface
in tank A, and point C.
a Qt.
2A ees
os a
-u,2 t Zc + O2435
Sets AEs 28D,
VikaLy, tye
tO Wie)
Note that the absolute pressure, pc, falls as the elevation of the
crest increases. In extreme cases of low pressure (2.337 kPa at
20 °C) a vapour lock can form and prevent flow.
The energy line must fall continuously due to the various losses
but the hydraulic gradient may rise at enlargements of section. The
‘usefulness of the hydraulic gradient is that it indicates the press-
ure variation in the pipeline and if the hydraulic gradient falls
below the pipe centre line at any point the pressure is below atmos-
pheric pressure. Thus, the hydraulic gradient can be used for
stressing purposes or to predict the formation of vapour locks.
Example 7.9
(a) Discuss the Nikuradse experiments on rough pipes and explain why
the rough pipe curves on the Moody diagram differ from those obtained
by Nikuradse.
(jetieeds required to AE! ventilation air through a 750 mm square
duct at the rate of 120 m’/min. The duct is 200 m long and includes
four mitred bends, each of which causes a head loss of 0.4u2/2g,
a butterfly valve which in the fully open position causes a head loss
of u*/g and an inlet filter which causes a head loss of 2u2/g. The
outlet point is 5 m above the inlet and the pressures at inlet and
outlet are equal. (i) Determine the power required to circulate the
air. (11) Due to faulty maintenance the inlet filter develops a
leak which reduces its head loss to u*/2g but which allows contamina-
ting particles to be drawn into the ducting system. These encrust
the inner surface of the duct and give an effective relative rough-
ness of k</D = 0.001. Determine the fan power required to maintain
the original air flow. For air assume p = 1.2 kg/m? and
uw = 18 x 107° N s/m?.
(a) Nikuradse carried out his work on pipes artificially roughen-
ed with sand grains of uniform size k. He obtained results for six
values of k/D ranging from 1/30 to 1/1014. The test data produced
a series of smooth curves on a f-Re graph as shown in figure 7.13a.
It should be noted that (i) the laminar portion is unaffected by
roughness, (ii) above a certain value of Re, for each k/D value, f
becomes independent of Re and (iii) as k/D increases, departure from
the smooth pipe curve occurs for decreasing Re values.
me Low Re values
ra Thick laminar sub-layer
ct eee Whee LOFT 7ZLhe
Smooth 1014 High Re values
pipe Thin laminar sub-layer
= curve
0.0025 —4 + =
103 10" 10° 10&
(a) (b)
Freures /215
Now in the Nikuradse experiments, all the roughness elements were
the same size and so they were exposed simultaneously to the main
stream flow. This produced a fairly sudden break away from the
smooth pipe curves and inflexion points occurred.
Figure 7.14
(b) (i) For incompressible, adiabatic flow with work transfer, the
energy equation 4.32b gives, in head units
Mee a Cg 2p 2 ep, og Cg gQ
overcome the frictional resistance of the pipe and fittings.
Nig’ ptycethe ples Cry ba Oans =" OL 5s im
hehe ois Ax 0.15
For a smooth duct, the f-Re chart (figure 7.2) gives f; = 0. 004.
The fan power P = Wx is obtained from equation (iii)
Py = oVgHean
"Ai? x 120
O88 of5 +
+ 4 IS
x 0.004
x 200/0.75)
60 (0.757)2 x 602 x 2 x 9.81
= 3135 W
(ii) The fittings' losses now change and in addition the friction
factor for the duct increases due to encrusting. From the f-Re
chart, for ks/D = 0.001 and Re = 1.78 x 10°, we obtain®f> =s0sQ0as.
P5 2 = pVg|
ue. 4flu* ———
“U2” 4 yO. 4ae ee
oV (22
Liane, 1) + ——
resis aeee wrens ORR a bee ley
= 288 W
Example 7.10
Frgure™ 7. 15
(i) Applying the energy equation 7.11 between points on the water
surfaces in tanks A and B we obtain
Pa Pa AfL,u;2 — 4£Lou52 .
— + 0+ Zpa = —+O0+ ZR+ ed Pee?
pg a pe BY Zed) 28D2 oy
Substituting u, = V/A, and uy = V/A» and rearranging
= 0.207 m3/s
(ii) Let q m?/s of water per metre of pipe be drawn off uniformly
frommeneesecond pipe. Let the flow in the first’pipe be V,. At a
point, P, distance x from entry to the second pipe, the water velo-
city is given by
se Niece Ox
From the Darcy equation 7.2 the head losses in pipe 2 are
Bea dx V - qx .
iL)dx = 26D, oe
Af — Roi
and Srey ea ea - qx)* dx
iF 2g(m/4)7D2°
See f Lo = qlo
25Vy uF
Applying the energy equation 7.11 again between points on the water
surfaces in tanks A and B we obtain
Zp = Pa ) Zz 4fL1Vy" 4fLoV4* Me
Pa, O +
pg Seco 2g (0/4) °D1> * Ie(n/4)2D5> x 48
y= 28(0/4)?
((ZA_2 2B) 2
Di44(0,/D,> + 3715/4805)
2 KI
two pipes in (i). Assume an entry loss of 0.5u2/2g and a friction
factor f = 0.008 in each case.
Fi cures ie ko
Path ab Pa
Pos 0+ zy= _ PaP+ 0+ 2p + 0.5 ag
So _ fa?
ZgDy +0 eae Cae
0) Fak a
Path cd = +OTe ZA e= ra TON zp ae Oo we AT + re (ii)
(ii) Applying the energy equation 7.11 for flow through a single
pipe of diameter D
ae W pee?
Pa Pa U27) fle u3*
iets Une ei lee a TTT oe
ore) 0.5 +
Ds +
1 =224 oven
fee) 008) x 350) 8 x 2 %.9.81 x 0.252 x 42 xD"
ce D; 0.03492
Sw ~ 10')2> =.1.5 Dz ~ 0.96 = 0
Note that the head loss at entry is greater for the 100 mm diameter
pipe than for the 50 mm diameter pipe (u, > uy). Thus the hydraulic
gradients show that the friction loss must be greater for the small-
er pipe’.
Example 7.12
Figure 7.17
Refer to figure 7.17 which shows the configuration during the di-
version. There are now four possible flow paths a fluid particle
may take, viz. aeb, aed, ced and ceb, of which aed and ceb are
essentially the same when minor losses are neglected. Applying the
energy equation 7.11 between points on the water surfaces in tanks
A and B for each possible flow path we obtain
Path aeb
4£(2L)u,2 , afb?)
2gD, 22, Aes 8
2u;2 . uz? _ g(za - zp) f
Dy D> 2£L (4)
Path aed
Aflu,? =
, 4flu32 ak 2
| 4flup* 5 _
2gD, 2gD>5 2gD5 A B
eee) (ii)
Det Ds a 2£L
uy? 5, Oye oe
Path ced
= z
4f(2L)uz* | 4fLug? _ ee
2gD> 2gD>
Example 7.13
the flow in each pipe. Neglect minor losses and assume a friction
factor f = 0.01 for all pipes.
Fieures 7218
This problem may be solved by use of the energy line. Neglecting
minor losses, the head loss in each pipe is given by the Darcy equa-
tion y7 2.
DAfLut | 4£L
Hy, aap ee
2eD Ss |\72 = KV72
The value of K may be evaluated for each pipe.
_ {4 x 0.01 x 16 x 103 age 4y2
ats Ss 5 x 9.81 x (n/4)2 O75, Vitesse santo)? V
mela 0-01 x 9.6 x 102 em eyo
ie Be 9.81x (n/4)2 ee ae.
_ (4 x 0.01 x 8 x 103 Plea a 5 y2
i, . i x 9.81 x (1/4)? x sas] STE AE ei
Energy lines may be drawn for the three possible flow cases
and the energy and continuity equations applied. The junction of
the energy lines, denoted by 0, is at elevation Zp above datum. The
value of zo is determined by the flow case.
AD 2, - 2, = 2.176 x 10 v2 (i)
feta tp = 5.5 x 104 Vp2 (ii)
DC Zo - 2¢ = 3.48 x 105V32 (iii)
eV, + Vs (iv)
ascecmettow AD, DC. Zero flow an DB (Energy line (ii) —-—-— )
Vie ws (vii)
Case 3. Flow AD, BD, DC (Energy line (iii) ———--—— -—)
Vi * Vv, = 1; (xi)
Consider case 2 (Zg = zp = 180 m). Equations (v) and (vi) give
V = 12708] TOR 2
0.0643 m3/s
LS WG see
(180 = 150 2
V3 in
= ee — 0.00928 3
There are four equations, (i) to (iv), and four unknowns, V,, Vp,
V3 and z), but algebraic solution is very difficult. It is preferable
to use an iterative method in which a value is chosen for Zo and the
values of V,, Vy and V3 evaluated from equations (i) to (iv). Sub-
stituting values for z we obtain
Ve 6a
When V, = Vy + V3 the correct value of zo has been assumed. It is
convenient to carry out the iterations in the form of the table given
Assumed Zo V1 Vo V3 Vo cf V3
184 —
2 <A centrifugal pump is used for pumping oil from a tank at the same
level as the pump inlet to the bottom of a header tank, whose liquid
level is 20 m above the pump inlet. The shaft driving the pump im-
peller is 20 mm diameter and is supported by the motor bearings. The
shaft passes through a simple metal-to-metal. seal, 40 mm long in the
pump casing, the clearance being 0.1 mm. Calculate the leakage rate
through the seal when the pump is not operating, there being a non-
return valve at the pump inlet. Assume the oil density is 900 kg/m?
and the viscosity is 10°2 N s/m@. When the above pump is running at
1500 rev/min the casing is so designed that the pressure at the gland
is the same as at the pump inlet. Calculate, from first principles,
the power lost in the gland.
(29S2e~ 107% m?/s, 0.62]
F = 2npLU/1n(1 + 2C/D,)
(b) Show that the error involved in the value of F, by assuming
a linear velocity distribution across the annular space, is less than
1% when 2C/D, is less than 2%.
Weegee(i x)= x = x2/204 x2/3 e xt/4i4... ]
Pee Wee: ieee) em Ro
Wi Aid Ro Paar In(Rp/Rj) gh.
(b) Calculate the error involved if the kinetic energy per unit
mass in the above pipe is taken to be u2/2.
[u = (Ap/L)(D2 - 4r2)/16p, r = D/(272), a = 2, 50%]
11 Fluid of constant density flows through an abrupt enlargement
from a horizontal pipe of radius R; to a concentric horizontal pipe
of radius Rp. At exit from the smaller pipe the velocity at a dis-
tance r from the axis is given by u = Upax(1 - r/R))!/7. At a down-
stream section 2, the velocity is given by u = umax(1 - r/R2).
Derive an expression for the head loss between the exit from the
smaller pipe and section 2. Neglect friction effects.
[H, = u,7[0.66(R,*/Ro*) - 2.04(R,*/Ro7) + 1.06]/2g]
(b) The pump is now stopped and it is found that oil leaks back
through the pipe against the pump internal resistance which is equal
to 28 m head of oil. Assuming that leakage occurs under laminar flow
conditions for which f = 16/Re, determine the leakage rate in m3/s.
Voi = 300 mm2/s, Poi] = 950 kg/m?.
[2 MW, 0.0032 m3/s]
15 Determine the total ventilation pressure and the fan power re-
quired when air flows at the rate of 150 m3/s through the mine shown
in figure 7.19.(i) when the rectangular airway has steel girders on
timber legs and f = 0.031 (mining data), and (11) when the rectangu-
lar airway is smooth concrete lined and f = 0.0062 (mining data).
For case (ii), determine the percentage difference between the fan
power obtained using the friction factor, f, from mining data, and
that obtained using a value of f from figure 7.2 with k, = 1.3 mm
for concrete ducting. Assume a natural ventilation pressure of
25 mm H»0, assisting the flow, and a constant density 1.2 kg/m3,
paeril.8 2910 Sea ise
[889 kW, 162 kW, 89.6 kW, 45%]
Upcast shaft
800 m
8 m diam.
£2 =" OMO0rZS
10 000 m o6mx 4m
eaieyuas) (7/18) Figures7 20
ce Tranquil
The flow can also be laminar or turbulent but it is almost in-
variably turbulent in cases of practical interest.
The Bernoulli equation for duct flow (equation 7.1) may be modified
for channel flow as shown in figure 8.2. In a channel, the water
surface coincides with the piezometric line. The energy line lies
one velocity head above the free surface, Sie and the slope of the
energy line is called the hydraulic slope, S = Hj/%, where Hj, is the
dissipation or loss of mechanical energy and & is the distance
measured along the channel bottom. Thus, between sections 1 and
2 in channel flow
uy 2 U2
abe oR cena ie Spe as 2) (8.1)
2g 2g
Contours of
constant velocity
Figure 8.2
The general expression for the profile of the water surface is
dy _ 5 aks
as We u2B
the cross-section is constant in shape and area, and the liquid sur-
face is parallel to the channel bed. Flow in natural streams is
rarely uniform and the equations for uniform flow give results which
are only approximations.
S.2eteeuneschezy Equation
The basic formula for the determination of uniform (or normal) flow
is the Chezy equation
i= CY(R,S,) (8.3)
c = Y(gy) (826)
Area of cross-section o A (8.7)
wherey = Width of liquid surface B
These expressions are based on the fact that the hydrostatic law
for pressure variation applies i.e. the streamlines are straight and
The total head must always decrease in any real flow but the
specific head may increase or decrease in non-uniform flow. |In the
case of uniform flow Hs remains constant. Substituting u = V/A in
equation 8.9 we obtain
La 4
He =ayee Ig (8.10)
Ug = v(gy) (8.11)
(Hs) Is . .
(a) Figure 8.3
(b) “max
Thus, at the critical depth, H, is minimum for a given discharge
and V is maximum for a given specific head. The actual relationship
between H, and y, depends upon the section shape.
The form of the surface profile for varied flow is given by equation
CeecUniace protales are categorised in terms of bed slope, So, as
follows: Sa eo. esteep); 5, = S, (critical), S$, <\S, (mild),
So = O (horizontal), So < O (adverse). The profile also depends
upon the water depth relative to both normal (yg) and critical (yc)
depo Yq > yo, the profile is of type 1, if yo > y > Ye it
ismuypemezeand1t Yoi> Yo > y it is type 3. There are twelve possible
surface profiles, three of which, based on a mild slope, are illust-
rated in figure 8.4.
Mild slope
Figure 8.4
Example 8.1
pg dx dy sin 6
AAS ty
pg dx dy cos 8
Figure 8.5
tFy = p dx = -
[p+ By ay] dx
op =
og dx dy cos 6 =
a - pg cos 6
p = -Pgy cos 8 +A
: chs
IF, = pg dx dy sin 6 + : + ay] dx TST dx. = 0)
ChE :
dy -pg sin 6
m—e-ory sin 6 + B
u :
May = eg(b - y) sin 0 - T.
Meaugesin © b° | Wts} :
7 3u Van (iv)
= 0.0262 m3/s
Exemple 8.2
Using the Chezy formula (a) show that for maximum discharge in a
trapezoidal channel the channel should be proportioned to give a
hydraulic mean depth equal to half the central depth of flow, and
(b) show that the most efficient of all trapezoidal sections is
half a regular hexagon.
A = by + y? tan 6 (i)
2s Zaneet 2 ae
Now P
ara ar wan vl
ase ee = eRe? (x)
dP A 2 “
ae son = re tan 0] @)
= = (vi).
Thus, for maximum efficiency, a trapezoidal channel. should be pro-
portioned to make the hydraulic mean depth equal to half the criti-
cal depth of flow, It should be noted that for a rectangular
section, @ = 0 and equation (iii) gives A = 2y%, But A = yb there-
fore b = 2y.
ape 2.'Sin Cl ae
d6 cos26 cee are
Ou 50)
or we
ae= Ee) @
Example 8.3
(a) Show that for a circular duct of diameter, D, and fixed slope,
S, the velocity of flow will be a maximum when the depth of liquid,
y, in the duct is about 0.81D. Use the Chezy formula and assume a
constant value of C.
i (0)
(a) Figure 8.7 (b)
(a) Refer to figure 8.7a in which the liquid surface subtends
an angle 26 at the centre. For any depth, y, the area of the cross-
section of liquid is given by
(Dp D i D
‘k= lz] Ox 21 x > x sin 6 x z * cos 6
A =1D2(6 - } sin 26) (i)
p=2x 20 = De (ii)
The Chezy formula gives
u = CV(R,S)
dRy f :
and ‘ PAN 2 PR 2 (COS PA Pw UN |
Sag 2500 . qa2 |= 0
28 = tan 20
Example 8.4
Derive expressions for the critical velocity, ug, and the critical
depth, ye,
in a rectangular channel. Hence show that for critical
flow H, = 3y,/2.
whether the flow is rapid or tranquil and hence determine the alter-
native depth.
1 (v2 y
He Vere sali c
itecnecadischarge, V;, is a |
constant, critical flow occurs x
when Hg is a minimum i.e. when H = Sy /2 H
dH./dy = 0 4
Figure 8.8
Wl 3 ae
ve = | (ii)
eeiS BY
2 = Saf? Q.E.D.
s2 1/3
Vices Gals a = Oe2o4 mn
The actual depth of flow is 0.5 m which is greater than the cri-
tical depth. The flow is tranquil as confirmed by figure &.8. For
constant H,, there are two alternative depths, y, and yz. Therefore
any iY
Ya + eee
2¢ = ¥2 + oS g
y2 2
1.52 A A Te52
2x 32 x 0.52 x 9:81 72 2%. 32 x yoo = Suen
0.551 yo* = yo° ¥*.0.0127
Y2 0.186 m
Example 8.5
(a) Show that the bed slope required to produce uniform flow at the
critical depth, yc, in a rectangular channel is given by
Sc = 9.8lygn?R,74/3, where the Chezy coefficient C = n~!R,//®
Hence determine the critical slope of a rectangular channel, of
width 1 m, to maintain a flow of 1.2 m3/s. Assume n = 0.02.
(b) Sketch the nature of flow (i) when a mild slope changes to a
steep slope, and (ii) when a steep slope changes to a mild slope.
Uc = V(g¥¢) (i)
The Chezy formula for critical flow conditions is
Ue = CY (RyS,) (ii)
and Ry, = Be
BYdye bbs
exonsaen: 0.256 m
against the oncoming current. A large amount of energy is dissipated.
This phenomenon is known as a hydraulic jump or standing wave. The
physical explanation for the hydraulic jump is that the change in
specific head from a super-critical depth y,; to a sub-critical depth
Yo cannot occur by following the y-Hs curve without the addition
of specific head from outside. This is not available due to the
uniform slope of the channel in the region of the jump and so a dis-
continuity occurs with the depth jumping from y, to y» as shown in
figure 8.9b. The loss in specific head due to turbulence is ulti-
mately dissipated to thermal energy. The hydraulic jump is a use-
ful energy dissipator and is used to reduce high flow velocities and
prevent excessive scouring of the channel walls.
Nreritiea |
Figure 8.9
example 8.6
forces. .It is reasonable to neglect wall viscous forces therefore
the momentum equation 4.19 gives
Figure 8.10
(b) The energy dissipated in the jump per unit mass of water, is
given by
or s
A@€c. = *08O'y ei
= Yad rage
spy ayo L3|
oA a eRe (Oe
(v)? (yo?
- 2)
Eliminating (V/ B)2 between equations (i) and (ii)
_ Og
= yy)?3 _san 9.81Fearn& (1.2 = 0.5)33 |
oP sa aan Avene
Note that yp > y,, otherwise Ae, is negative, implying an inc-
rease in Hg (and mechanical forms of energy) across the jump.
Example 8.7
A broad channel carries a flow of 2.75 m3/s per metre breadth, the
depth of flow being 1.5 m. Calculate the rise in floor level req-
uired to produce critical flow conditions. What is the correspond-
ing fall in the surface level?
H =
py” en aS +
Ss Gl 2g Y1 2gy 12
a 2.752
ee ? eta
V = 1.7(H, - D) 3/2
een. — (V/1.7) 2/32.= 1.671 - (2.75/1.7)
2/3 = 0:293 m
The fall in water level, Ay, is given by
pet 2Hs
es OD
ie 125) 2 x =L..071, - 0.293
3 = 0.288 m
Example 8.8
(a) Describe the action of a venturi flume, used for measuring the
discharge of a stream, with and without the formaticn of a hydraulic
jump. Derive an expression for the discharge in each case.
(b) A venturi flume with a level bed is 12 m wide and has a throat
width of 6 m. Calculate the free-flow discharge when the upstream
depth is 1.5 m. Assume Ca = 0.95 and solve by successive approxi-
c N u
Y[2g (H. = yo)]
y= Boyoy [28 (H. - y9)]
Introducing a discharge coeffi- 4% § § 9) cee
cient Cy
y= =H (ii)
and “c =] sas
We (aay)
a u o‘=I “<
By = 1.705C4B2H,°/* (iv)
V = 18.85 m3/s
Example 8.9
The normal depth, y_, occurs when the flow is uniform. For uni-
form flow the Chezy equation 8.3 may be applied.
u = CY(R,S)
. ‘. S 5
or Pats.
si Cy
‘eae <4
B ai
ie oO
Sy 4
8 )
¥5 (5 + 2y_,) 4000
Slope at Backwater
" Pas
mean depth curve Ag
1 , |
1AM) 4 m 1.934 m
Fisure 8.13
(4) The mean depth of water is (1.4 + 3)/2 = 2.2 mo) Agethemmean
ae Ses ez
= 1.17 m
hi Saale
wuu ==ocy
¢ (RLS)
dy ©1 CY
S59. eae
222 a
¥ Qo .66 x10
ae 1.84 x 107+ m/m
y(m) Average y(m) A(m2) P(m) R,(m) u(m/s) u2/gy
Figure 8.15
Figure 8.14
(i) the radius of the central channel, and (ii) the approximate maxi-
mum flow rate that can be contained if the water level is to be
0.5 m below the top of the flood banks in order to allow for waves.
Determine also, from first principles, whether the flood flow is
sub-critical or super-critical.
[5.96 m, 172 m3/s, 0.67 m sub-critical]
9 Water flows at 5 m3/s under a wide sluice gate into a long rect-
angular channel 3m wide. The slope of the channel is 0.001. A
hydraulic jump is formed with the ratio of upstream to downstream
depths 0.5. Determine the value of the constant n in the empirical
formula u = n7!R,2/3s1/2,
12 A venturi flume witha level bed is 13 m wide and 1.6 m deep up-
stream and has a throat width of 6.5 m. Calculate the discharge if
Cg = 0.94. Successive approximations or any other suitable method
may be used to solve the equation.
[22712 me/s]
13. A venturi flume 1.3 m wide at the entrance and 0.6 m at the
throat has a horizontal bottom. Neglecting hydraulic losses in the
flume, calculate the flow if the depths are 0.6 m and 0.55 m at ent-
rance and throat respectively. A hump is now installed at the throat
of height 200 mm so that a standing wave is formed beyond the throat.
Assuming the same flow as before, show that the increase in upstream
depth is nearly 80 mm.
[0.355 m?/s]
14 The bed of a river 16 m wide has a uniform slope of 1 in 14 000
and the Chezy constant C = 90. A dam across the river has a spill-
way across the top in the form of a broad-crested weir, the height
of the sill being 4 m above the river bed. Assuming that the whole
of the river flow passes over the spillway, Cq = 0.9, find the afflux
at the dam (i.e. the increase in river depth caused by the dam),
when the depth of the river well upstream is 1.6 m. State fully the
assumptions made.
[Seoe mi
The true mass flow rate at any section of area A is, for in-
compressible flow
m = Ky(Ap)
(4p) true
= C(u,)? (9,2)
and the mean pressure drop across the flow meter, taken from the
manometer is
Bp = Cu,? (9.3)
Equations 9.2 and 9.3 do not give the same result therefore it
is inherently inaccurate to use the mean manometer reading to find
mass flow rate in a turbulent pulsating flow.
However, for laminar, pulsating flow the pressure drop due to area
change is
te rc x Cu, en (9.4)
In some situations with a long pipe, the inertia head can be very
high and the actual value of py may fall below the vapour pressure
e.g. in the suction pipe of a reciprocating pump.
This phenomenon, which can lead to noise and vibration, is known as
water hammer, although its effects are not restricted to water; any
compressible fluid may be involved.
es p -, 4p
oo 0 b,O,0 0.0.8
DO 6 OO {bible
u u
- —————_» ¢
——~ curve
The pressure rise, Ap, associated with the water hammer effect is
Ap = puc (9.5)
This pressure rise can be large enough to fracture the pipe. In
hydro-electric installations, surge tanks are frequently used to
minimise the water hammer effect.
Example 9.1
(a) Derive expressions for the velocity distribution and the volu-
metric flow rate for two-dimensional laminar flow between parallel
(b) Air flows through a viscous flow meter which consists of 100
parallel rectangular ducts normal to the flow, each 150 mm by 1 mn,
The length of the meter is 200 mm. Neglecting end effects and
assuming laminar flow through each duct determine the mean pressure
difference recorded by an alcohol manometer (S.G. = 0.8) for a pul-
sating flow in which the volumetric flow rate varies between
0.15 m3/s and 0.175 m3/s. Assume p = 1.2 kg/s and
u =-1.8 x 10°75 N s/m2.
Section XX Flow through
individual passage
Figure 9,2
(a) The general expression for laminar flow between parallel sur-
faces was derived in example 7.2
u = + (| y2 + Ay +B (1)
v = u(wb) (iv)
v--4, (2 b2 | (v)
The negative sign in the expressions for velocity and volumetric
flow rate indicates that the pressure gradient dp/dx is negative
in the flow direction,
yy SS nes Ww dp b3
Neh Mia tak
dp _ _ 12uv
1 wb5N
~ HW
ee = :
The pressure drop across the meter fluctuates between Ap, and Apo
as the flow fluctuates between V; and Vo. Thus
129x128 10= bo Oneeon Ons
4P1 = 9.15% 13 x 10-9 ® 10 Sea
Apo = J8e ee = 504 Pa
In section 9,1 it was shown that for laminar flow the mean Ap gives
a correct mean V, Therefore, neglecting the response of the mano-
meter itself (i.e. wave action in the manometer connecting leads
and manometer liquid damping) the mean difference in liquid level
in the manometer is
aye= Ap. —= "(50402 4325/2 = 59.6mn
og 800% 9.81 abt
The assumption of laminar flow should be checked (i.e. Re < 2000).
Re = Bue _ p [Apb2) (4wb
u wy eae 2(w + b)y
Water flows over a 60° triangular notch from a storage tank in which
the surface area is 20 m*. Find the time for the surface level to
fall from 500 mm to 100 mm above the bottom of the notch. Derive
any formulae used. Assume a constant discharge coefficient of 0.6.
Figure 9.3
The first step is to derive an expression for idealised flow
through the notch under steady conditions (refer to example 4.6).
At section 2, in the plane of the notch, the pressure is atmospheric
throughout and the velocity, u,, at any point is found by applying
the Bernoulli equation along a streamline.
Da u,? Pp
Sinker |
aan hy + ohne GN wpe oe nz)
ug =)¥[2g(H -z)]
From continuity, the discharge through an element of area
2z tan @ dz is given by
dV = -A dH
Example 9.3
4£L/D28 + 25 : (i)
V = = tn? 2g
4f#L/D + 2.5 pe (ii)
Also (iv)
11 WW
DEN 285.
| )
+ Ay/Ap) wD 2 2
4Ay 4fL/D 2S, e
(1 + Ay/Ag) nD?
1 i
(1 + 9/4)
4 x }T x 32
x 0.12
| 4% 0/01
i Be Slirsto3s
x4 50/ OMI So
x 300
Bigure 9 34
Refer to figure 9.4. As the level in tank A drops by an amount
y, the level in tank B rises by (A,/Ap)y-
Pip yt Hg + (A,7A5)y
Example 9.4
Geet EE
Paoume OR
At any surface level, z, relative to the centre line of the ori-
fice, the area of the water surface, As, is given by
Pp pep nu.
ae QO Z = sy s + O
eg i es
u, = v¥(2gz) (iii)
Introducing a discharge coefficient, cae the actual discharge is
V = CgAguy = CgAoY(2gz) (iv)
From equations (ii) and (iv)
» (6:420"2 "Sz OS dz
ed ite Rov Cg)
1 2 x 0.421°5
3 , a 1 Beles
Ca ttoe wit lee V (2g)
oO Z1
: 0.5
Cg x 10 x 60 = Tx 0.0252v(2 * 9.81) [0.2672 Lae 2.42 0.5 iP
Cy = 0.65
From the coordinates of the water jet at the two points of impact,
velocities of the jet at the vena contracta are given by
\2 2
ec, 55 =e x [525s| = fae4 m/s
1 1
(Uy eS x28,
: =i “(55s
Cy ee =S445 m/s
Cy = a 232 = 0.98
ae Ge a 4.52 m/s
i jo) Ww ry co eS
Example 9.5
an PAA ‘ 4flu,
=e Li P, /
ae: Aas
pg A 2gD eg . 2g 3
a 2¢Hl 2 {2 * 9.81 x 8 a
a aaa 4x 0.008 x 100, ,| ~ 1.9 m/s
D 0.07
Pt eotal-
2 t=... 1-* 1,9 = 0.95 m/s
At any instant during valve closure the net force which tends to
decelerate the liquid column is equal to the net piezometric force
(pi* - p2*)A and the resisting force due to pipe and fitting resist-
ance Ap, A.
du ,
(pPi* - p2*)A - Ap,A = pAL - ee (i)
AtiLa> du
[(P, + 9g21) - (Pg, + 9822)] - PE —oA- = -PL aE
Neglecting changes in pressure at entry to the pipe
= ve du if
[og (zy = 21) + pez, = oe = P8221 Piao = pers (ii)
Pao AfLU2 du
oot wit, Gh sleeieoen & dt
— H- H+ Hy (iv)
fee. ,,| 4.
ee B
Pp. u
iE, du
ce) itfe} D gq
| gq
ae (v)
Example 9.6
6 m long by 0.1 m diameter with a friction factor of 9.006. The
barometric pressure head is 9.8 m of water, and the minimum allow-
able water pressure head is 1.8 m,
(b) (i) Applying the Bernoulli equation between the reservoir surface
and the pipe connection to the pump we have
p =n!
4fLou, Ds -9 Ls
a - u , du :
ee +o) + O° aoeer = a + PS + Zs + oe ae ; (i)
abe 2
aa 0,225w* cos wt
The acceleration of the water in a pipe of area a is
Bayeg Rar 0.225L.D2w2
pg ean sae dg
0.225 x 6 x 0,152w?
ae ee eetee OEY
ON= oR LaLeass
ie = Big 4%s 4£L s Shad
68 0g 92g i Pe | ae oo
For a double-acting pump the velocity of flow in the pipe is
= PG ne, OP 2a tose 2904s 2 :
Bets 25, a Ae reie eae a
Substituting values and combining equations (iii) and (iv)
‘a 0.3227w 4 x 0.006 x 6 z
9,8 = 1.8 + S20 | apne |+ 3.6
w = 18,47 rad/s
Example 9.7
Figure 9.8
In unit time the pressure wave moves a distance c from the valve
and the increase in density of the stationary fluid of volume Ac
is due to an increase in mass due to fluid inflow pAu. Therefore
69 Ac = pAu (1)
K =
Now give the whole system a velocity c to the right (figure 9.8h)
so that the wave is stationary relative to coordinate axes moving
with the wave. Applying the momentum theorem to the control volume
tF = mus - u))
mesh oe
Substituting for c from equation (ii)
to ice)Ww
c = ¥(K/p) (v)
Thus the velocity with which a wave is propagated relative to the
pipe, c, is equal to the speed of sound in an infinite fluid. The
velocity relative to the liquid is (u + c) but since c >> u the
relative and absolute pressure wave celerities are virtually the
same. Combining equations (iv) and (v)
ee tee Be
Substituting for Ap from equation (iv) we have
But pu2/2 is the kinetic energy per unit volume of the liquid moving
with initial velocity u. Thus all of the original kinetic energy
of the liquid is transformed to strain energy and none is degraded
into heat by the pressure transient. In practice, however, some
degradation will occur due to pipe friction.
Example 9.8
cl= d
o(1/K + D)xE
determine the pressure rise in a straight steel pipe, 1000 m long,
300 mm diameter and 20 mm wall thickness, when a valve at the outlet
end) as closed in a time of 1.3 s. At the instant of valve closure,
water is passing through the pipe at a velocity of 2.5 m/s.
pe ie = 2.14 GPa, ey = 200 GPa.
Pov = plaD4.
b= 4 —4 (iii)
The strain energy in the pipe wall per unit mass of water is ob-
tained by substituting equation (iii) in (ii)
_ {ApD) wDx{ 4 ~ (Cap)
4D :
(Ey, , [see| oper ~ 20xE Cae,
From example 9.7, the strain energy in the liquid per unit mass
is (Ap)?*/2pK [equation (vi)] and the kinetic energy per unit mass of
liquid is u“/2 [equation (vii)]. Substituting in equation (1) we
(ip) (4p)? Dp . v2
20K 2oxE 2
i 2
E” Soleil Ree (vay
’ = 1 2 -
( 1 2
[ToT 14 x 107) + 0:37 (0.02 x200. x 107]| “ee mis
<1 = 5 = 1.47 s
The actual closure time of 1.3 s is less than 2L/c' therefore the
valve closure may be treated as instantaneous
226 ~~
orifice, situated in the base of the tank, needed to empty the tank
in one hour. Assume Cg = 0.6.
[48.8 mn]
5 A vertical plate divides a tank of cross-sectional area 4.4 m?
into two compartments with an area ratio of 3 to 1. The water level
in the larger compartment is initially 5 m above that in the smaller
one. What time will be required to raise the level in the smaller
compartment by 3 m if flow between the compartments takes place
through a 50 mm diameter orifice in the base of the vertical plate?
Assume Cg = 0.6.
[391 s]
The author has included problems and ideas from a variety of sources
and it would be impossible to list them all here. The following
books have proved particularly useful in the preparation of this
text and the student is referred to them for further reading-and
derivation of the relationships quoted in the theory sections.
228 =
The purpose of this book is to present the fundamental laws of fluid mechanics
and illustrate them by application to a wide range of worked examples and
problems. &
The level is suitable for first- and some second-year work on degree and diploma
courses in mechanical, civil and aeronautical engineering. The book should also
be useful to students preparing for CE! examinations.
The author attaches great importance to the link between certain topics covered
in both fluid mechanics and a parallel course in thermodynamics. For this reason,
thermodynamic concepts are summarised in chapter 1. The principle of conserva-
tion of energy is treated in chapter 4 and the important relationship between the
Bernoulli equation and the steady-flow energy equation is discussed in detail.
In some chapters, the general, three-dimensional flow case is treated, even though
the subsequent discussion and examples are restricted to one- or two-dimensional *
flow. This general treatment is deemed necessary for students who are proceeding
to an advanced study of fluid mechanics.
Vector methods are used in certain topics, particularly those in the chapter on
the dynamics of fluids. However, scalar equations are always given, in addition
to vector equations, and the majority of the examples are solved using scalars.
The inclusion of a final chapter on unsteady flow reflects the author’s view that
students should be able to deal with simple time-dependent flows, even at an
elementary level of study.
. =v
ISBN 0 333 24023 5 “ Wi
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