Fluid Mechanics Theory Worked Examples Problems - Lowe H. C - 1979

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Fluid 7


HC Lowe
Theory, worked examples and problems

H. C. Lowe
Principal Lecturer,
Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering,
North Staffordshire Polytechnic
(c) H.C. Lowe 1979
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission.

First published 1978 by

London and Basingstoke
Associated companies in Delhi Dublin
Hong Kong Johannesburg Lagos Melbourne
New York Singapore and Tokyo

Printed in Hong Kong

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Lowe, H C
Fluid Mechanics.
1. Fluid mechanics
fe Gate
B52 QC145.2
ISBN 0-333-24023-5

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Preface vii

Symbols and Units


Characteristics of Fluids
Dimensions and Units
Surface Stresses
Laminar and Turbulent Flow
Thermodynamic Concepts
Properties of Fluids
Equation of State WH

eee Velocity of Propagation
Infinitesimal Pressure Disturbance


2.1. Pressure Distributions in Static Fluid

Systems 24
2.2 Pressure Distribution in a Fluid of
Variable Density
2.3 Pressure Distribution in an
Accelerating Fluid System
2.4 Forces on Solid Surfaces Immersed
“in Fluids
2.5 Buoyancy Forces


Flow Fields
Flow Lines
W Conservation
WWW of Mass and the
Continuity Equation
The Stream Function
Circulation, Vorticity and Rotation
Velocity Potential Function
NWW of Flow Patterns

Conservation of Momentum
Equations of Motion
The Bernoulli Equation
The Momentum Theorem
Angular Momentum
Conservation of Energy
HAH Relationship between the Euler, Bernoulli

and Steady-Flow Energy Equations


5.1 Dimensional Analysis

5.2 Significance of Pi-Groups
5.3 Similarity and Model Testing
5.4 Similarity from Basic Differential


6.1 Characteristics of Real Fluid Flow

6.2 Incompressible Flow Around Bodies


7.1 Characteristics of Flow in Circular Pipes

7.2, ~Frictien Lossessin Ducts
7.3 Minor Losses
7.4 Pipe Systems
7.5 Effect of Non-Uniform Velocity


Characteristics of Flow in Open Channels

Uniform Flow
Velocity of Propagation of a Surface Wave
Specific Head
Bed Slope
© Surface Profile


o 1 Pulsating Flow
oe 2 *Quasi-Steady Flow ;
9.3 Flow with Significant Acceleration Forces
Je 4 Flow with Significant Elastic Forces



The purpose of this book is to present the fundamental laws of fluid

mechanics and illustrate them by application to a wide range of
worked examples and problems.

The level is suitable for first and some second year fluid mech-
anics work on degree and diploma courses in mechanical and civil
engineering. The book should also be userul to students preparing
for CEI examinations.

The presentation is based on a logical teaching order in pref-

erence to grouping the examples under convenient topic headings.
A feature of the book is the: rigorous treatment of fundamentals in
the introductory theory to each chapter. This is necessary because
of the wide range of principles involved in fluid mechanics and my
belief that the assumptions, on which the principles are based,
should be examined. It is also important to consider the range of
validity of derived relationships before they are applied to the
worked examples.

The actual derivation of the relationships is not considered

appropriate in this book and the practice of deriving basic theory
in the examples is generally avoided, although there are occasions
when it is desirable to link a particular aspect of derived theory
with numerical work. It is assumed that the reader will cover the
derivations in the lectures of an engineering course, or refer to
the books listed in the bibliography.

I attach great importance to the link between certain topics

covered in both fluid mechanics and a parallel course in thermo-
dynamics. For this reason, thermodynamic concepts are summarised
in Chapter 1. The principle of conservation of energy is treated
in Chapter 4 and the important relationship between the Bernoulli
and the steady-flow energy equation is discussed in detail.

In some chapters, the general three-dimensional flow case is

treated, even though the subsequent discussion and examples are
restricted to one or two-dimensional flow. This treatment is in-
cluded for the benefit of students proceeding to an advanced study
of fluid mechanics.

Vector methods are used in certain topics, particularly those

in the chapter on the dynamics of fluids. Vectors are now taught
at an early level and a modern book on fluid mechanics should include
vector treatment where appropriate. However, the reader who is un-
familiar with vectors, or the student who prefers to avoid them,
should have little difficulty in following the theory and worked

examples. Scalar equations are always given, in addition to vector
equations, and the majority of the examples are solved using scalars.

It is customary in books to denote vector quantities by bold-

face type. This is impossible in the present work and vector
quantities are denoted by an underscore. For example, F denotes a
scalar force and Fdenotes a vector force.

The notation adopted for velocity is particularly important

because it is necessary to distinguish between resultant vector
velocities in two and three-dimensional flow, and mean velocities
used in one-dimensional flow. The symbol used for velocity,
throughout this book, is u. The resultant vector velocity at a
point is u, with u, v and w as velocity components in the x, y and
z-directions, respectively. The mean velocity in duct or channel
flow (V/A) is denoted by u. Other velocities are defined by an
appropriate subscript e.g. uy and ug are radial and tangential
velocity components, respectively.

The symbols used in this book conform wherever possible to the

recommendations of the British Standards Institution and the Royal
Society. All problems are set in SI units and the general method
of numerical solution involves the substitution in physical equa-
tions of base SI units (i.e. kg, m, N, etc.) and multiples of ten.
This method obviates the need for any special techniques such as
the Stroud convention.

My thanks are due to the Director of the North Staffordshire

Polytechnic and the Council of Engineering Institutions for per-
mission to include questions from their examination papers. I
accept sole responsibility for the solutions to the questions.

I wish to express my gratitude to Mrs Kay White for her expert

typing of the manuscript and her patient interpretation of my rough

Finally, I wish to thank my wife and children for their encourage-

ment and help during the writing of the manuscript.

Stafford H. C. Lowe
May 1978


g5 ie) i Quantity Preferred Units

|>> area (vector}
linear acceleration
radius of circular cylinder
sonic velocity
width of liquid surface
breadth of weir, spillway, etc.
a constant
Chézy coefficient
contraction coefficient
drag coefficient
discharge coefficient
mean skin coefficient
20 lift coefficient
ie) velocity (celerity) of wave m/s
local skin friction coefficient
specific heat at constant pressure kJ/kg K

specific heat at constant volume kJ/kg K

equivalent diameter (4A/P)
differential operator
internal energy
kinetic energy |
potential energy
specific internal energy kJ/kg
force (vector)
drag force
lift force
Froude number u/V(gL)
friction factor
frequency of vortex shedding
acceleration of free fall
enthalpy is
Bernoulli head (p/pg + u*/2g + z)
‘specific head (u2/2g + y)

specific enthalpy
depth below free surface of liquid
a constant
isentropic bulk modulus
isothermal bulk modulus
surface roughness height
natural logarithm (i.e. to base e)
9Q logarithm to base 10
total mass kg
Mach number u/a
mass kg
mass flow rate kg/s
strength of source or sink (Q/27T) m2/s
rotational speed rev/min
rotational speed rad/s
frequency of vortex shedding
Manning roughness coefficient
polytropic index
wetted perimeter m
power W
pressure Pa = (N/m?)
atmospheric pressure Pa
Ea) piezometric pressure (p + pgz)
flow per unit depth (source or sink)
quantity of heat
heat flow rate
heat per mass
characteristic gas constant
Reynolds number puL/u
hydraulic radius (A/P)
radius (vector)
slope of channel bed
slope of liquid surface
slope of energy line
control surface
specific entropy kJ/kg K
thermodynamic temperature K
toraue N m
thrust N
time s
free stream velocity m/s
body velocity (vector) m/s
fluid velocity (vector) m/s
mean fluid velocity m/s
a fluid velocity m/s
RK fluid velocity component
ecc({celecetrHn4nu (x-direction)m/s
us axial component of velocity m/s
Up relative velocity m/s
uw, radial component of velocity m/s
Us fluid velocity relative to control m/s
Uy tangential component of velocity m/s
Uy fluid velocity relative to control m/s
U, whirl component of velocity m/s
Vv a volume m3
V control volume
V volumetric flow rate m3/s
Vv fluid velocity component (y-direction)m/s
U specific volume m3/kg
W work J
We Weber number uv (pL/y)
Wy shaft or electrical work J
WwW work per mass J/kg
WwW fluid velocity component (z-direction)m/s
x coordinate m
y depth of liquid (channel flow) m
y coordinate m
zZ, height above arbitrary datum m
Z coordinate m

Greek symbols

a (alpha) angle
a kinetic energy correction factor
B (beta) isobaric expansivity (thermal K-1
coefficient of cubical expansion)
B momentum correction factor
T (gamma) circulation m/s
Y ratio of specific heats or bulk
moduli te oy = K/Ky)
Y surface tension N/m
A (delta) difference in value
) a very small increase of
6 thickness of boundary layer m
Ou displacement thickness of m
boundary layer
€ (epsilon) kinematic eddy viscosity m?2/s
o (zeta) vorticity si
n (eta) efficiency
"iy hydraulic efficiency
1 overall efficiency
8 (theta) an angle
8 temperature on arbitrary scale nG
d (lambda) temperature lapse rate (-dT/dz) K/m
r friction factor = 4f

u (mu) dynamic viscosity Pa s = (N s/m)
v (nu) kinematic viscosity (u/p) m2/s
It (Goyh)) dimensionless parameter
0 (rho) mass density kg/m?
i (sigma) summation
(of normal stress Pa
t (tau) shear stress Pa
Es shear stress at boundary Pa
o (phi) a function of
) velocity potential function m/s
W (psi) stream function m2/s
w (omega) angular velocity rad/s


c ermencall
d delivery
R relative to
iS suction
S relative to control surface
V relative to control volume
ay Wen component of vector quantity in x, y, z directions
fe) stagnation conditions
ihe at inlet or outlet of control volume or machine rotor
at a large distance upstream from body


Fluid mechanics is the science which deals with the application of

the fundamental principles of general mechanics to fluids at rest
and in motion.


Substances exist as solids or fluids. A solid can withstand both

normal and tangential stresses without continuous motion taking
vlace. The characteristic of a fluid is that it is continuously
and permanently deformed by a shear stress no matter how small the
stress may be. Thus a shear stress cannot exist in a static fluid.

1.1.1 The Continuum

In fluid mechanics we are concerned with macroscopic behaviour and

average values of properties. We therefore suppose that a fluid
is a continuum or a continuous distribution of matter with no voids,
This supposition is valid in most engineering situations where the
molecular mean free path is small compared with the smallest signi-
ficant length in the problem being studied. It would be invalid in
situations such as high speed, high altitude flight or vacuum work.
In such cases kinetic theory must be applied.

1.1.2 Density and Specific Volume

The density o of a fluid is the mass per unit volume under continuum

The specific volume v is the volume per unit mass (vu = 1/p).


Properties and forms of energy in transition can be described in

terms of fundamental measurable quantities called dimensions, For
example, length and time are mutually independent primary dimensions
denoted by symbols L and T, respectively. These two dimensions to-
gether with a third selected from mass (M) or force (F) are suffi-
cient to describe all quantities of interest in fluid mechanics.

Units are numerical standards selected to give an indication of

the magnitude of a quantity described qualitatively by dimensions.
Systems of units are chosen quite arbitrarily. A given auantity
will always have the same dimensions but the numerical value of the
quantity in terms of units will differ according to the system of
units used,
1.2.1 Dimensions

For convenience, a dimensional equation will be designated hy use of

the symbol (=). For example, distance = 1, simrly means that distance
has the dimension length, Similarly

Area = L?, Volume = L?, Velocity = LT7!, Density = ML7?

The relationship between force and mass is given by Newton's
second law which states that force, F, is proportional to the pro-
duct of mass, m, and acceleration, a. Therefore F< ma, We may now
apply the principle of dimensional homogeneity which states that the
dimensions of every term in an equation must be the same,

F= Mx LT = MLT~2

With this relationship any quantity having dimensions F, L and T

can be expressed in terms of dimensions M, L and T. For example

Work = FL = MLZ T~2

1.2.2 The International System of Units (SI)

In SI units the magnitudes of seven physical quantities have been

arbitrarily selected and declared to have unit value. The seven base
units are listed below.

Quantitu Name of unit Unit symbol

mass kilogram kg
length metre m
time second s
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
elect ricmeuntene ampere A
luminous intensity candela ced
amount of substance mole mol

The units of all other quantities encountered in fluid mechanics

are derived from the base units.

Physical Name of Symbol for Definition Equivalent form

quantity SI unit SI unit OF GSma iG of SE uniێ

energy joule dh mn“) kgs? Nm

force newton N m kg s~2 Jm!?!
pressure pascal Pa m=! kg sre Nem@2 6 J m73
powe> watt W mt kprisre J et
freouency hertz Hz ee

Some named non-SJ units which are decimal multiples of SI units,

and are still in use, are given below.
Physical Name of Sumbol for MNefinition of
quantity unit unit unit

volune litre 2 10-3m3 = dm3

mass tonne t 103kg = Mg
Celsius degree °¢ K
temverature Celsius
force dyne dyn 107 5N
pressure bar bar 105Pa
energy erg ergs 10773
kinematic P -h 9
viscosity stokes St 1G Gers =i)
d He : os
ets poise 1B 1071Pa s
viscosity :


In the section on dimensions it was shown that force and mass are
related by Newton's second law of motion. Force is defined by

F = ma (ie)

The unit of force is derived using this equation. The newton

is that force which gives to a mass of one kilogram an acceleration
of one metre per second per second.

152) Body. Forces

It is necessary at this stage to distinguish between a body force,

which normally acts at the centre of mass of a solid or fluid body,
and a surface force which can act on anv element of area on the sur-
face or within the body. Examples of body forces are weight, cen-
trifugal and buoyancy forces. Examples of surface forces are pres-
sure force and viscous force. Any problem involving static or
dynamic equilibrium is solved by a consideration of body and surface

Ivoee, Werght

Weight is a body force exerted by a gravitational field and it must

be expressed in force units i.e. newtons. The local acceleration due
to gravity, g, is a variable quantity depending on location (lati-
tude and altitude). At a given locality the weight, F,,, is found
using Newton's law (equation 1.1).

Wiis lS
1.3.3 Surface Tension

At a liquid-gas or liquid-liquid interface, the binding force bet-

ween molecules results in a force which is tangential to the surface
and normal to an imaginary line drawn on the surface. If the ima-
ginary line has a length 6L, which is small enough to make the line
straight compared with the surface curvature, and the line force is
6F,, the surface tension Y is defined
Ve SL (bea


Consider a small element of area drawn in a substance (figure 1.1).

A force of magnitude SF is exerted across the area due to molecular
effects and this force mav be resolved into two components: a
normal force SFy and a tangential or shear force SFr.

Stress is defined as the limit of 5F/S5A as the area A approaches

SA', the smallest area for which the substance can be considered a

Normal stress is defined

o =
7:lim a hes
sa > sat (A, 8
Shear stress is defined
: 6Fy 6A
Tt = lim ae (1.4)
6A > oar WA Figure 1.1

These stresses may exist in a fluid or at a solid-fluid interface,

A ele eressure

The normal stress in a fluid is called pressure p. Pascal's law

states that under continuum conditions the pressure at a point in
a fluid is the same in all directions. Pressure is constant at all
points in a horizontal line in a stationary continuous fluid.

1.4 Absolute and Gauge Pressure

The absolute pressure of a fluid is that measured relative to a

perfect vacuum. It is usually measured by the height of a vertical
column of mercury supported by the pressure. If atmospheric press-
ure is measured by this method then the device is called a baro-
meter. The gauge pressure of a fluid is that measured relative to
atmospheric pressure. Note that a vacuum gauge reads a negative
gauge pressure,

Pabs = Pgauge + Patm Gie5))

1.4.3 Shear Stress and Viscosity

A shear force tends to cause one layer of fluid to move relative

to another, In a real fluid this relative motion is resisted and
the resistance is attributed to the viscosity of the fluid.

Viscosity is defined as the property which causes the variation

in velocity between adjacent layers or laminae moving parallel to
one another, by setting up shear or viscous stresses between the
layers. Dunamic viscosity u is defined

. Shear stress ms rc ee
rate of shearing strain du/dy (1 .6a)
and Tt = Moy (1.6b)

Equation 1.6b is known as Newton's law of viscosity.

It is important to note that eauations 1.6 apply only to parallel

(laminar) flow and to a point in the flow. A fluid which obeys
equations 1.6, and for which the viscosity is independent of the
rate of shear, is known as a Newtonian fluid, Substances which
satisfy the definition of a fluid, but not eauations 1.6, are known
as non-Newtonian fluids, Note that fluids will flow with a very
small shear stress but solids and plastics require a large shear

For normal pressure variations, viscosity is independent of pres-

sure for both liquids and gases. For liquids, viscosity decreases
with increase in temperature. For gases, the viscosity increases
with temperature.

In many fluid flow problems the ratio u/p is involved, Kinema-

tic viscosity v is defined

ul (Qho)

1.4.4 Viscous Stresses at a Solid Boundary

Viscous stresses cannot exist in an ideal or frictionless fluid and

if relative motion occurs between an ideal fluid and a solid surface
a slip condition§will exist (figure 1.2a).

If relative motion occurs between a real fluid and a solid boun-

dary, a velocity profile is set up next to the surface, and viscous
stresses occur (figure 1.2b). This is because it is impossible for
a fluid to slip over the surface (except under very low pressure
conditions) due to irregularities which are large compared with the
size of fluid molecules. Hence, some fluid is trapped and some held
by adsorption. If the main body of fluid were to slip over the
trapped fluid, then an abrupt change in velocity would occur and
du/dy and t would be infinite. Clearly, this is impossible and the
fluid velocity must change continuously, over a finite thickness of
fluid known as the boundary layer.

Papureg 22

Flow can be either laminar or turbulent. Reynolds (1883) carried

out experiments in which a filament of dve was introduced into water
flowing through a glass tube (figure 1.3)

(a) In laminar flow, the fluid particles move along parallel paths
and there is no transverse velocity component. An injected filament
of dye retains its form without diffusion,

(b) In turbulent flow, fluid particles do not remain in layers, but

move in an irregular manner, The disorderly motion of the particles
is superimposed on the main flow causing a continuous mixing of the
fluid. An injected filament of dye rapidly diffuses throughout the

Newton's law of viscosity cannot be applied if the flow is turbu-

lent because the effective viscosity of the fluid is increased by
momentum transfer due to the random motion of fluid particles
(aggregates of molecules).

Se ere

(a) Laminar flow (b) Turbulent flow

Figure 1.3

1.5.1 Laminar Flow with Linear Velocity Distribution

A velocity gradient will exist in the fluid between a stationary

and a moving surface (figure 1.4).



Figure 1.4

If the distance between the surfaces is small the flow may be

assumed laminar and the velocity distribution linear. At any point
within the fluid the shear or viscous stress is given by

ct llrede vs (1.8)

The moving surface produces fluid flow in the direction of motion.

This type of flow is sometimes called simple Couette flow. The
flow rate per unit depth of plate is
V = bUu/2 (1.9)

The study of fluid mechanics requires a basic knowledge of thermo-

dynamics. In this section some important concepts will be summar-

1.6.1 The Thermodynamic System

A system is a fixed collection of matter enclosed within a specified

boundary (real or imaginary) which separates the system from the
surroundings (figure 1.5a). The shape and position of a system may
change with respect to time.

1.6.2 The Control Volume

A control volume is a fixed region in space through which matter

flows. The boundary or envelope enclosing the control volume is
called the control surface (figure 1.5b). The shape and position
of a control volume are fixed relative to the observer.

Q vy fivia

“se VSTEN “
/ (ri | me CONTROL ae
ee j-Boundary Lae NOQUUME” )
collection Fae 7 ns 3 2
Ve (time t+ at) é fixed region /
of matter)
in space vA
ee Spd
oe : Pa
yi ) Re

— — Boundary (Dew se
(time t) SCORES
(a) ¢ Pigure 1,5 (d)
1.6.3 Work, Heat and Temperature

Work, W, is defined as any action whose sole effect external to a

system could be reduced to the rise of a weight. This definition
covers the cases encountered in mechanics (i.e. product of force
and distance moved) and also cases such as a rotating shaft or elec-
tric-current carrying conductors crossing a system boundary. Work
is not a fluid property but a form of energy transfer.

Displacement work occurs when fluid pressure is exerted on a

moving piston. For frictionless, fully resisted conditions the work
done between end states 1 and 2 is given by
Wo = fp du E10)
Flow work occurs when fluid enters or leaves a control volume,
If the pressure at any entrv or exit point is p, and the correspond-
ing specific volume is v, the specific flow work, wr, required to
cause flow is given bv

We = pu (@uauels)
The temperature of a substance is usually related to the level of
molecular activity with higher temperatures corresponding to higher
levels of molecular activity. The definition of temperature is
abstract and it is sufficient to sav here that in practice, empiri-
cal temperature, @, is measured using an arbitrary Celsius scale,
but in calculations the thermodynamic temperature, T, measured in
kelvin units must be used,

For practical purposes

EHO 2 SoS: (1.ta

Heat, Q, is energy transferred across the boundary of a system by

virtue of a temperature difference. Heat, like work, is not a fluid
property but a transient quantity which can only be identified as
it crosses the boundary. A process in which there is no heat trans-
fer (Q = 0) is called an adiabatic process.

1.6.4 Conservation of Energy

The principle of conservation of energy states that in the absence

of nuclear reactions energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Applying this principle to mechanical forms of energy it can be

shown that the kinetic energy, E}, = Imu2, and the potential energy,
Ey = mgz, of a rigid body or fluid particle of mass, m, are each
interchangeable with mechanical work, Therefore

15 Bs =
ae + Ep a
aoe = W
(@ aes)

If we now exclude kinetic, potential and other external forms

of energy, we may argue that when work, Wa, is done on a system under
adiabatic conditions, it will incréase the imternal energy, E, of
the system. Thus, the change in internal energy is defined by the
relationship, Ep - E,; = W, without having to identif the nature of
internal energy. However, for fluid‘systems, it is possible to use
molecular theories of matter to show the relationship of internal
energy to molecular motion and intermolecular forces.

At this stage it is useful to introduce enthalpy, H, which is

a composite thermodynamic property with energy units. By definition

RTS Seon (1.14a)

and h = e + pv (1.14b)

1.6.5 The First Law of Thermodynamics

If a system is subjected to heat transfer, Q, and work transfer, W,

we may state

Q-W=E - Fy (1.15a)
and da = de + dw (13S
This statement is the first law of thermodynamics. If external
effects are taken into account we have

De-sWa-e ((Eas
Ki E+
Py E ode=* = ((G3,k, Meee P} east 1) lis)
In the above equations heat transfer to a system and work trans-
fer from a system are both positive.

1.6.6 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The first law is simply an energy relationship and gives no indica-

tion of the preferred direction of energy transfer or transformation
in real processes. There are several statements of the second lav
of thermodynamics but in this text we are mainly concerned with the
concept of reversibility and the conceptual property entropy. A
reversible process is one which can be stopped at any voint and its
path reversed so that the system and surroundings return through
their original states. Real processes are irreversible due to fric-
tion, unresisted expansion or heat transfer across a finite tempera-
ture difference. In fluid flow, we are mainly concerned with ir-
reversibility due to fluid friction (viscosity) which causes a degra-
dation of mechanical energy to thermal energy. Therefore, friction-
less (ideal) flow is described as reversible. The property entropy
can be defined in terms of the probability of finding a system in a
particular state of order or disorder, In real (irreversible) pro-
cesses there is an increase in disorder and the entropy change of
the system plus surroundings is alwavs positive.

If Qp denotes the heat received or rejected reversibly, the change

in entropy, S, for any reversible process between end states 1 and
2 is given by
Bes, dQ
= f2°XR (1.16a)

and ds = —— Ge lGb)
u “
From the definition of entropy (equation 1.16b) and the first law
(equation 1.15b), applied to a reversible process (dw = p du), we

T ds = de + p du = dh - vu dp Ge)

Equations 1.17 are applicable to both reversible (frictionless) and

irreversible (real) processes.

In fluid mechanics we are particularly interested in adiabatic

processes. A reversible adiabatic process is also an isentropic
(s = const) process but the converse is not necessarily true,


Substances can exist in three different phases: solid, liquid, and

gaseous. The term fluid describes substances in either the liquid
or gaseous phases. A substance in the gaseous phase may be described
as either a vapour or a gas according to its temperature and pres-

Evaporation, or boiling, is a bulk liquid-vapour phase change

which occurs when corresponding saturation temperature and satura-
tion pressure values are reached; either by increasing the tempera-
ture or decreasing the pressure. This phase change is responsible
for cavitation and vapour lock in liquid flow.

The term evaporation is often used to describe a surface effect

whereby molecules at the liauid surface gain sufficient energy to
escape. In a vessel containing liquid (e.g. a bottle of liquid pet-
roleum gas), the rate at which the molecules escape is balanced by
the rate of return. The space above the liquid then becomes satura-
ted with vapour and the partial pressure exerted is known as the
vapour pressure. If there are no other gases present in the space
the vapour pressure is the total pressure and the space is called a
torricellian vacuum. Vapour pressure is equal to the saturation
pressure at the given temperature. It is independent of the volume
of the space.

Effects similar to boiling occur if a liquid contains dissolved

gases. As the pressure reduces the gases are liberated in the form
of bubbles. This is sometimes called gas cavitation.

I7.1 Specific Heat and ©@ompressibi lity

It is now necessary to define some derivative properties.

Specific heat at constant volume c,

Cy = ae = 1 (1.18)

Specific heat at constant pressure Sp

“py =
_ (2h)
. dh
os dT

Ratio of specific heats y
Va + (constant for a perfect gas) (2s20)

Isobaric expansivity (coefficient of cubical expansion) 8

[a}Dds 52
(a0P 1 jodp
Isothermal bulk modulus of elasticity K

Kp Seees
nee de s Fae
22 (1.22)
HY a
Isentropic bulk modulus of elasticity K,

ree: [e) * 0] ie?3)
s du} EJe)
Ss S
Ratio of bulk moduli y

Vis ass
a = A (G224)

All matter is compressible to some extent. Hence, the bulk mod-

uli values are important for compressibility effects in both liquids
andwadses. bom liquids y= 1. Except in high accuracy work, it is
not customary to distinguish between either the bulk moduli or the
specific heat values of a liquid.


An equation which defines the state of a substance in terms of prop-

erties is called an equation of state. For liquids and vapours, the
equation of state can only be expressed in terms of tabular or graph-
ical data. For gases, a mathematical equation may be used. The
equation of state for a perfect gas is

pY = mRT (1 25a)

Or ypu = RIE C2259)

Ore ap = PRT (L225¢)

where R is the characteristic gas constant (287 J/kg. K for air).

1.8.1 Gas Laws

Equation 1.25c may be applied to any process between end states 1

and 2 to give the combination law.

Dp D
= constant (G26)
Pil, Polo
This law may be simplified for isothermal (T = const) or isobaric
(p = const) processes.

For an isentropic process

Pl Po
vot erie constant @e27))
Py P2

Equations 1.26 and 1.27 may be combined for an isentropic process

to give

P) aes ee.
D> = = (= i> (1.28)


A small vressure disturbance in a compressible fluid is propagated

as a wave of increased (or decreased) density and pressure. The
wave travels at a finite velocity or celerity, a, given by

a = “(dp/do) (1.29)
The velocity a is frequently called the sonic or acoustic velocity
because sound travels with this velocity. The propagation occurs
under isentropic conditions.

For a gas

a = V(yRT) (1.30)
For a liquid

a= V(K/0) (i383

The value of the propagation velocity varies from a = 340 m/s

for atmospheric air to a = 1490 m/s for water. For a truly incom-
pressible fluid, a =»,

1.9.1 Mach Number

During fluid flow, property changes (e.g. density) are influenced

by the bulk velocity but this velocity in itself is insufficient
to determine the nature of flow. It is the ratio of bulk velocity,
u, to propagation velocity, a, which is important. The ratio, u/a,
is called the Mach number and is denoted by M.

For a gas

gn aero Bf
¥(yRT) Sa
The flow may be described as subsonic (M < 1), sonic (M=1),
or supersonic (M> 1).

1.9.2 Incompressible and Compressible Flow

It is necessary at this stage to distinguish between incompressible

and compressible flow. All fluids are compressible but the term
incompressible flow is used to describe flow which is essentially
constant density. Thus, liquid flow is always described as in-
compressible (except when considering 'water hammer' effects) and
gas flow is treated as incompressible for M& 0.2.

Example 1.1

Determine the dimensions of (a) pressure, p, and (b) dynamic vis-

cosity, uw. Suggest appropriate units.

(a) By definition
6F a 3
p= 2 acy

From section 1.2.1

f= ML

In mass dimensions

MLT. site

The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (symbol Pa). Pressure may
be expressed in terms of Pa or N m2,

(b) By definition
c FL -2

In mass dimensions
-2 -2 ~

We= (MLT )TL A e

Dynamic viscosity may be expressed in force or mass dimensions.

In an absolute system, p» will have the same numerical value expres-
sed in FTL~2 or ML~!T-! dimensions.

The SI unit for dynamic viscosity is the pascal second (symbol

Pa s). Alternative SI units are Ns m2 and kgm! s-1!. The cgs
unit for dynamic viscosity is the poise (symbol P). Alternative cgs
units are dyn s cm? and g cm7! s7l.

Example 1.2

Define unity brackets and by their use determine the conversion

factors for dynamic viscosity in SI units to cgs and FPS units.

Unity brackets are formed from the known numerical relationships

between quantities which have the same dimensions. In the SI system
all unity brackets involve powers of ten. The most useful unity
brackets for conversion between SI and FPS units are given below,

Length Mass Force Energy

lpiettes cl lees =hh J LTE | iP aa

[0.3048m | 0.4536kg | [4.448N ] [1.055kJ J

Unity brackets can be used as multipliers to rationalise the

units in a numerical equation.

Multiply dynamic viscosity in SI units by unity brackets which

convert to cgs units or FPS units.

ms ms kg | [102 cm] cm s

ke ee lb] [0.3048 m] _ 1b
and ie S mS (O4S50 kelp | tee | DO eee

Note that dynamic viscosity in lbf s/ft2 and 1b/ft s units will
not have the same numerical value because lbf and lb are not related
by an absolute system of units.

Example 1.3

Determine the height of the liquid column that forms in a 1 mm dia-

meter vertical tube due to capillary action when the tube is dipped
into water. Assume y = 74 mN/m and an angle of contact of 5°,

When a liquid-gas interface meets

a solid wall, as in a tube, the men-
iscus becomes curved and is either
convex upwards (mercury) or concave
upwards (water). Surface tension
exerts a force along the axis of the
tube equal in magnitude to the pro-
duct of the surface tension and the
length of the line along which it
acts. This action causes the capil-
lary cise (om fall lots daqucder ma
tube (figure 1.6).
Figure 1.6
Pressure is maintained constant along any horizontal line in a
stationary continuous fluid i.e. atmospheric pressure pq along line
SS (or pressure pg + pgh along line XX). Therefore the column of
water is supported by a surface tension force.

Surface tension force = Gravity body force on column

2mRy cos 6 = o gy TR?

2» 2Y¥iCOS On mance ea lO;2 ¥coseS

=2 50. Le iim
102 %.9.31.x 0.5 « 102°
Example 1.4

A force F of magnitude 500 N is applied to the small piston in an

hydraulic jack. If the area, A, of the small piston is 103 mm? and
the area, Ao, of the large piston is 10* mm?, determine the magnitude
of the mass lifted and the work done by the large piston when the
small piston moves 100 mm. Assume that the pistons are at the same
nominal level throughout their travel.

The concept of displacement work is used in the hydraulic jack

whereby an incompressible fluid (oil or water) is displaced by a
piston acting in a small cylinder and the displaced fluid acts

against a load-carrying piston in a large cylinder (figure 1.7).
It is assumed that velocities are low and there is no energy dissi-
pated in heat.

(a) (b)
Figure 1.7

Mean pressure on face of small piston

Pl = ‘ = Sl ee = Soo kPa (i)

pea 10°
Displacement work done by small piston

Wy, = pyA1xX,= Fx, = 500 x 0.1 = 50 J

Mean pressure on face of large piston

= 28.

For pistons at the same level’, p; = po, and equations (i) and (ii)


For Ay > A; a small force, F, can raise a large load, mg.

-pr 104 ze ANG,-6 x 500 = 510 kg
i 10? x 10-8 9.81
For an incompressible fluid

BeAGxT "10° eX 10° * Of 10.

et ection
doses yt yT
Displacement work done on large piston

Wo = PoAoXo = 500 x os ee 10 xt 10360 0,01 =.50 J

Thus the work done on the large piston is equal to that done by
the small piston if the pistons are nominally level. To be strictly
accurate, the change in potential energy of the displaced volume
of fluid should be taken into account since this affects both the
work done on the large piston and the mass lifted. It should also
be noted that, in practice, po differs from p; because of the
difference in elevation, y, of the piston faces.

Example 1.5

The space between two flat and parallel walls 21 mm apart is filled
with water of dynamic viscosity 1.12 mN s/m*. A flat plate 200 mm’
square and 1 mm thick is pulled through the space in such a manner
that one surface remains parallel at 5 mm distance from the wall.
Assuming that the velocity profiles between plate and walls are
linear, determine the force and power required to maintain a plate
velocity of 125 mm/s. Neglect the resistance to motion on the
edges of the plate.


Y2 U

Figure 1.8

For laminar flow the shear stress at any point in the fluid is
given by equation 1.6b.

t =u (du/dy)
Assuming Couette flow the velocity profile in the fluid is linear
and the shear force on the upper surface of the plate is

Py tore u(U/y2) A

Similarly the shear force on the bottom surface is

FUSE thre u(U/y) A

Total force on plate

F =F, + Fo
=p= At+yp—
U A=
pe nee bee ' pUAJ—I, + =A
ra -=e salWyap SalKG, -3 x5 LOA er onlOPE 2.51 0) 57)
0.005, * 0.015
0.005% 0.015
a5= 0.0015 N

Power to maintain motion

P = FU = 0.0015 x 0.125 = 0.000187 W

This is also the rate of energy dissipation.

Example 1.6

A rotating cylinder viscometer is shown in figure 1.9. The space

between the two cylinders is filled with the liquid under investi-
gation and the viscosity is determined by rotating the outer
cylinder at angular speed w and measuring the torque T required to
hold the inner cylinder stationary. Assuming that the clearances
b and c are very small compared with the cylinder radii, derive an
expression giving the dynamic viscosity in terms of the other

It is assumed that the flow

streamlines are circular and the
clearances b and c small enough
for simple Couette flow to occur.
Interference effects at the
junction of the base and the
cylindrical surfaces are neglec-
ted. There are two distinct flow
regimes in the viscometer and
they must be treated separately.

The first flow regime occurs

in the annular gap between the
rotating outer cylinder and the
stationary inner cylinder. The
tangential force acting on the
surface of the inner cylinder
is given by
E2oure so
Fe = TOA = T 2m Lb

Substituting for t, ie) from equation 1.8

Fe = a 19.
Ro— x 2eRyL
ee eel ie

The torque associated with the tangential force is

7; ts FR ae per
x 27Ry
2i (i)

The second flow regime occurs in the gap between the ends of
the inner and outer cylinders. The tangential surface velocity
now varies and, at any radius R, it is given by U = wr. Assuming
zero pressure gradient in the direction of flow between concentric
streamlines distance dR apart, we may apply the simple Couette
flow equation to find the tangential force acting on an elemental
ring of radius R and thickness dR on the bottom of the inner cylinder.
The torque associated with the tangential force is

dT, = t) dA R = to 2nR? dR= 4wR 2nR? dR

The total resisting torque on the end of the inner cylinder is

Ry uwmR 14
Tp == f RP aR =O (ii)

Total resisting torque on inner cylinder

TST Seer, Beeig he SeSeals CL — eae


mR, 2w(4RoLce + Ry*b)

Example 1.7

A Fortin barometer is contaminated by water on the mercury meniscus.

If the height of the mercury column is 735 mm when the atmospheric
temperature is 20 °C determine the true barometric pressure. What
percentage error is involved if the torricellian vacuum is assumed
to be a true vacuum? Neglect surface tension effects.

The toricellian vacuum is not a true vacuum. The space above

the water meniscus will be saturated with water vapour and a vapour
pressure pc will be exerted on the meniscus. The vapour pressure is
equal to the saturation pressure at the temperature of the water.
From tables (e.g. reference 6), at 6 = 20 °C, saturation pressure
Ps = 0.02337 bar. The partial pressure of the mercury vapour is


y | Figure 2.10
F Fortin
Ww barometer


The pressure is constant and equal to atmospheric pressure Pa

along a horizontal line coincidental with the free surface.

Equating forces acting on the cylindrical column of water of

cross-sectional area A

PaA = psA + PgAy

Pa = Ps + Pgy = 0.02337 x 105 + 13.6'% 10° « 9.81 * Oy7ae

1.004 bar

If the torricellian vacuum is assumed to be a true vacuum there
will be no vapour pressure exerted on the water meniscus.

Pa’ = egy = 13.6 x 10° x 9,81 x 0.735 = 0.9806 bar

_ 1.004 - 0.9806 :
Error Sg TOO" =" 2.352%

(Note that this example can also be solved using the equations of
fluid statics in chapter 2.)

Example 1.8

The density of water at atmospheric conditions of 15 °C and 1 bar

may be assumed to be 1000 kg/m?. Determine the change in density
if the pressure is increased to 100 bar and the temperature to 100 °C.
Assume 8 = 2 x 10°* K! and Kp = 2 x 10* bar.
Assume an equation of state of the form

From a mathematical theorem in calculus

do= {0p/0T),, dT + (80/ap)y dp

Substituting for isobaric expansivity 8 and isothermal bulk modulus
do = -p8 dT + (e/K,) dp
Integrating between initial (suffix o) and final conditions
T 2
= - f 8 av+f* (o/Kp) dp
) To Po
The first integral is at constant p and the second at constant T.
For liquids the density changes are small therefore we can assume
P = Po in the integrations and also assume constant or mean 8 and
Kp values over the temperature and pressure ranges involved. There-

Pas Po —Po8 (T a To) oF (Po/Kr) (p T Po)

i 3 “4 10 3
= -10° x 2 x 10 (100 - TS) a aS On (100 - 1)

-12 kg/m°

Note that in this probiem the liquid is simultaneously heated and

compressed and the decrease in density due to temperature increase
is larger than the increase in density due to pressure increase.

Example 1.9

Show that for adiabatic bulk compression of a liquid the contribution

of temperature change to the density change is negligible. Comment

on the applicability of this result to bulk compression of gases.

From example 1.8 the change in density due to bulk compression is

given by

dp = -pg dT + (0/K-) dp (i)

Thus the net density change is the sum of the contributions from
pressure change and temperature change. Adiabatic bulk compression
produces increases in both pressure and temperature and the relative
importance of the density change due to temperature to the total
density change is given by
eb dT ‘
Ss do (Gis

The first law of thermodynamics (equation 1.15b) gives

dq = de + p du = de - (p/p) dp
For adiabatic bulk compression dq = 0. Also cy = (de/dT) from
equation 1.18. Therefore

O = cy dT - (p/p*) do
o2c dT
dp = —“— (ian)

From equations (ii) and (iii)

r=- SP (iv)

Consider the special case of water at atmospheric conditions for

which g = 2 x 1074 K-!, cy = 4.186 kJ/kg K, p = 10° kg/m? and p =
100 kPa. Numerically
oe LO -4 x 100 3
1027 5 210-6
4.186 x 103 x 103
Thus the contribution of temperature change to density change is
negligible for adiabatic bulk compression of a liquid and equation
(i) reduces to

dp = (p/Ky) dp (v)
It may be deduced that the temperature rise is negligible for
adiabatic compression of a liquid.

Consider now the special case of air at atmospheric conditions

for which g = (1/300) K~?, eh TT skes Ki, ouerkee kg/m? and
p = 100 kPa. Numerically
100 x 103 ae0c4
i 300-% hi tee
This result indicates that for a gas it is completely unrealistic to

neglect the temperature rise which occurs during adiabatic com-

Example 1.10

Determine the velocity of sound (i) in air at a temperature of 20 °C

and (ii) in water of bulk modulus 2.14 GN/m*. Hence determine the
bulk velocity for which each flow may be assumed incompressible.
HormatreRe=—257 J/kg Ko vy = 1.4.

The velocity of propagation of an infinitesimal pressure disturb-

ance in an infinite fluid (velocity of sound) is given by equation 1.29.

a = v¥(dp/dp) (i)
The disturbance is propagated under isentropic conditions.

(1) For gases the law for an isentropic process (equation 1.27)

p/pY = constant

Taking logs and differentiating

dp/p = y(dp/p)
dp/dp = yp/p
Substituting in equation (i)

a = Y[(yp)/o]
The equation of state for a perfect gas (equation 1.25c) gives

p = pRT
Substituting in equation (11)

ceeer(yRT) = (1.4 x 287 «x 293:15) = 343 m/s

If it is assumed that flow of air is incompressible for M < 0.2 we

have from equation 1.32

u = M/(yRT) = 0.2/(1.4 x 287 x 293.15) = 68.6 m/s

Thus the flow of air at 20 °C may be assumed incompressible (constant

density) for bulk velocities less than about 70 m/s.

(ii) For liquids the isentropic bulk modulus of elasticity is given

by equation 1.23,
Sly (22 be

Substituting in equation (i)

a = v¥(K./p)
For liquids the numerical difference between the isothermal and
isentropic bulk moduli is negligible. Therefore a single value of
K for liquids is usually quoted
“a < oun 4ex 10ST 1460 m/s

For all bulk velocities of liquids encountered in practice it is

customary to treat the flow as incompressible (refer to chapter 9
for 'water hammer' effects).


1 Determine the dimensions (M, L, T) of the following quantities

and suggest appropriate SI units. (i) kinetic energy (ii) power
(i111) kinematic viscosity (iv) surface tension.
[ML2T-2, J =Nm, ML2T3, w =Js-1, L2T-1, m2s-1, MT-2, N m1]

2 Determine the conversion factors for (i) kinematic viscosity in

SI units to cgs and FPS units (ii) pressure in pascals to 1bf/ft2.
[1 m2/s = 104 cm2/s = 10.76 ft2/s, 1 Pa = 2.089 x 10-2 1bf/ft?]

3 Determine the depression of the meniscus when a tube 2 mm diameter

containing mercury is immersed in an open bath of mercury. Assume
y = 480 mN/m and an angle of contact of 45°.
[5.088 mm]

4 Determine the internal pressure in a spherical droplet of water,

diameter 1 um, which is subjected to an external air pressure of
2 bar. Assume y = 74 mN/m.
[4.96 bar]

5S Determine the mass lifted and the.work done by the large piston
of the hydraulic jack in example 1.4 when the large piston is ini-
tially 800 mm below the small piston (i) by considering the poten-
tial energy change, and (ii) by evaluating Jp du when p> = py, + p&gy
[518.kg, SOnSa om

6 A square plate of mass 3 kg and side length 750 mm is placed on

a flat plate inclined at 20° to the horizontal. An oil film exists
on the plane and it is observed that the square plate slides down
the plane at a velocity of 100 mm/s. If the thickness of the oil
film is O.1 mm determine the viscosity of the oil in poise.
[0.179 P]

7 A piston 100 mm diameter and 100 mm long slides in a cylinder

101 mm diameter. The space between the piston and cylinder walls
is filled with oil of kinematic viscosity 280 mm2/s and density
950 kg/m Determine the axial force required to maintain a velo-
city of 15 mm/s.
[0.25 N]
8 The thrust of a shaft is taken by a collar bearing provided with

a forced lubrication system which maintains a film of 011 of uniform
thickness 0.25 mm between the surface of the collar and the bearing.
The external and internal diameters of the collar are 150 mm and
100 mm. If the kinematic viscosity of the oil film is 4 stokes, find
the power absorbed in the bearing when the shaft rotates at 300
rev/min. Density of oil is 850 kg/m?.

9 Discuss the significance of the following statements in terms of

saturation pressure and temperature or vapour pressure. (a) A
vapour lock can form in the crest of a syphon and prevent flow
(b) a pressurised engine cooling system is preferable to a thermo-
syphon system when driving in mountainous country (c) caravanners
use bottles of butane liquified petroleum gas in France and propane
LPG in Scandinavia.

10 Calculate the temperature to which the water in a pressure

cooker would have to be raised before a blow-off valve set to
1 bar would operate. Atmospheric pressure is 1 bar.
[120520 °C]

11 Show that density change due to either isothermal or adiabatic

bulk compression of a liquid is given by the same expression
do = (p/Ky)dp. Hence determine the density of sea-water at the
bottom of an ocean at which point the absolute pressure is 110 MPa.
It may be assumed that the density of sea-water at sea-level is
1026 kg/m? and atmospheric pressure 100 kPa. K = 2.4 GPa.
[1075 kg/m?]
12 Assuming that a fluid can be called incompressible when its
change of density with pressure under isothermal conditions is less
than 0.2%, determine the maximum pressure change possible for water
to be called incompressible. K = 2.14 GPa.
[2.8 MPa]

13. Liquid is pumped through a rigid pipe 200 mm diameter until a

blockage occurs at some unknown point. A piston is inserted in one
end of the pipe and is forced without leakage through a distance of
100 mm. If the pressure in the pipe increases by 200 kN/m? determine
the position of the blockage relative to the piston end of the pipe.
Assume a constant modulus of rigidity for the liquid of 1.4 GN/m?.
[700 m]

14 An aircraft flies at an altitude of 10 O00 m where the pressure

and density are 0.265 bar and 0.41 kg/m? respectively. Determine
the aircraft speed for a Mach number of 1.7. Assume y = 1.4.
[511 m/s]

15 A valve at the end of a water pipe 25 m long is closed suddenly

causing a 'water hammer' effect in which a pressure wave is pro-
pagated along the pipe. Determine the time for the wave to be pro-
pagated to the end of the pipe and reflected back to the valve.
K = 2.14 GPa.
[0.0342 s]


In a static fluid system there is no relative motion between fluid

particles hence there are no shear surface forces. The only forces
present are normal surface forces due to pressure and body forces
due to gravity. The relationships obtained for a static fluid also
apply to a system moving with constant velocity because there are no
additional forces involved. If the system is subjected to constant
acceleration then the relationships are modified due to inertia body
forces but again there is no relative motion between fluid particles.


The forces acting on a rectangular element, within a body of fluid

which is stationary or moving with constant velocity (a = 0), are
normal forces due to pressure and a body force due to gravity (figure
Dio Leyes

Ratourem 2 al Figure 2,2

Resolving forces in the x, y and z directions and applying Pascal's
law, it can be shown that

3 3 p)
aie a” Apr, BGOe ean° (208)
or grad p + kpg = O (232)

From the condition 3p/dx = 0 and dp/dy = O, it follows that the

pressure must be constant at all points in a horizontal plane ina
continuous fluid.

The condition dp/dz + pg = O may be expressed in ordinary deri-

vations since p is not a function of x and y. Hence

iT} t D
ite) (2.3)
It follows that the pressure gradient in a fluid at rest is dir-
ectly proportional to the density. Conversely, since dp/dz does not
vary horizontally, the density is constant at all points in a hori-
zontal plane.

2.1.1 Pressure Distribution in a Fluid of Constant Density

For a fluid of constant density (e.g. a liquid) integration of equa-

tion 2.5 yields

Paso Sz: +. C

Consider now the case of a liquid with a free surface exposed

to pressure, Po: When z = Te FE aD ss Hence

pe. -2) > 2. (2.4a)

If the depth below the free surface is denoted by h

P = pgh + p, (2.4b)

The difference in pressure hetween two points (figure 2.2) is

Po - Py = pgths - hy) (2.5)

2.1.2 Pressure Measurement

The basic relationship between pressure, density and elevation, given

by equation 2.5, may be used as a primary standard for measuring

(a) absolute pressure (hb) gauge pressure (c) piezometric

Figure 2.3

A barometer (figure 2.3a) is used for measuring absolute pressure.

It is conventionally used for measuring the absolute pressure of the
atmosphere but it can also be used for any absolute pressure. Neg-
lecting vapour pressure

p = Pgh (2.6)

A U-tube manometer (figure 2.3b) is used for measuring gauge

pressure. If (Pg), is the gauge pressure of fluid in a vessel A

(Pg)y = PmBh - ys (2, - 22) (27)
If fluid A is a gas, the term O,8(Zy - Zo) is usually neglected.

The U-tube can also be used as a differential manometer by con-

necting each leg to a pressure source €.g. to measure pressure loss

A piezometer tube (figure 2.3c) is used for measuring liquid

pressure. The length, h, of the liquid column is often referred to
as the pressure head and if the tube is open to atmosphere, the
corresponding pressure is the gauge pressure Pe: ogh. The sum of
the pressure head and the elevation above a chosen datum (h + z) is
constant in a continuous static fluid and is referred to as piezo-
metric head. The corresponding piezometric pressure, p*, is defined

ip = Pg * 982 (2.8)

The piezometric pressure can also be evaluated at any point in a

fluid in motion but it will only be constant for constant area,
frictionless flow.

The sensitivity of any of the above devices may be increased by

inclining the tube. The vertical height of liquid, h, which measures
the pressure, is unchanged but the column length, L, increases with
inclination and can be more accurately read.

Pressure can also be measured with non-fluid devices such as

bourdon-tube gauges, aneroid-barometers, and transducers. These de-
vices must be calibrated, usually against a known fluid pressure
e.g. in a dead-weight tester.


For a fluid of variable density it is necessary to know the relation-

ship between p and p under equilibrium conditions before equation 2.3
can be integrated. Such cases must be treated on the basis of given
information but some special ones in connection with the atmosphere
will be considered here.

It is desirable to specify an International Standard Atmosphere

for many purposes especially in connection with aeronautical engin-
eering. From the surface of the earth to a height of about 11 000 m
lies the troposphere in which region the temperature decreases
linearly with increase in altitude i.e. (dT/dz) = const = -\ where
\} = 0.0065 K/m is the temperature lapse rate. Combining equation
2.3 with X = - (dT/dz) and integrating between the datum z = 0, where
P = Po and T = Ty, and a second elevation z, where p = p and T= T,
we obtain

ae ee t ee = a
Po Ty To
Above the troposphere to a height of about 20 000 m is the strato-

sphere in which region the temperature is constant at 216.7 K.
Combining equation 2.3 with the equation of state p = p/RT and inte-
grating between stations 1 and 2, we obtain

an( 2] = - ee (22 =< 21) (2.10)

Above the stratosphere, up to an altitude of 32 000 m, the temp-

erature increases by 11.8 K and from then on there is a succession
of changes which is beyond the scope of the present work. A model
atmosphere of special interest in meteorology is one with an adia-
batic lapse rate i.e. p;/po = (T,/T2)(V-)/’.


When a body of fluid is accelerated as a whole without relative

motion between fluid particles there are no shear stresses present.
Thus, a static analysis may be made if the additional inertia forces
are taken into account.

2.3.1 Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration

For linear acceleration consider the forces acting on a rectangular

element within a body of fluid being subjected to constant accelera-
tion a in the zx plane (figure 2.1). The acceleration a may be re-
solved into two components, ay and az, and Newton's second law
applied. The only forces acting are normal surface forces (pressure)
and body forces due to gravitational and acceleration effects.
Analysis gives the pressure at a point as

Peee-pla,x + (a, + 2)z] + C (ea

For a line of constant pressure, equation 2.11 may be differentiated

to give

dz ay
aes eee (2512)

If there is a free surface it is a line of constant pressure and

its slope is given by equation 2.12. Lines of constant pressure are
parallel to the free surface and the resultant acceleration is normal
to the free surface.

2.3.2 Rotational Motion with Uniform Angular Velocity

For rotational motion it is more con- a

venient to use cylindrical coordinates.
Consider the forces acting on a seg- na
mental element rotating at constant =
angular velocity w (figure 2.4). The
only forces acting in the radial dir-
ection are pressure forces and a body
Fipure 2.4

force, ma_, due to centrifugal effects. Analysis gives the pressure
at a point as
p= (S - gz] +c (2.13)

For a line of constant pressure

dr g (2.14)

and “z= 2g ap 4G (2.15)

which is the equation of a parabola symmetrical about the z-axis.

The pressure at all points on a free surface is constant. Therefore,
if a cylindrical body of liquid is rotated about a vertical axis,
the free surface is a paraboloid.

A fluid rotating with constant angular velocity and having the

characteristics described is known as a forced vortex because an
input torque and energy are required to maintain the vortex. A
more accurate name for the motion is solid body rotation.


The equations derived in the previous sections can be used to deter-

mine the pressure at any point in a fluid. If there is a solid
surface in the fluid then the pressure, p, exerted on each element
of area, dA, on the surface produces a normal pressure force, dF.
The total force on the surface, F, may then be determined from know-
ledge of the pressure distribution and the geometry of the surface.
Only liquids of constant density are dealt with in the following
analysis because the changes in pressure in a gas are normally
negligible over surfaces of practical interest.

2.4.1 Forces on Plane Surfaces

Consider a plane surface immersed

in a stationary liquid (figure
2.5). The total area of the sur-
face is

The first moment of area about

the free surface is

AY = f (b dy)y

The second moment of area about

the free surface is

ae =
J (b dy)y 2

The total force on the surface is

F = fdF= fp(b dy) = f pgh(b dy) = f pgy cos @(b ay)

ee A A A
F = pgYA cos @ = pressure at centroid x area of surface (2.16)

The force, F, acts at a point, P, known as the centre of pressure,

distance, Y,, from the liquid surface, measured in the plane of the
solid surface. Taking force moments about point S

i ane Ios _ 2nd _moment of area 2.17)

Pp AY lst moment of area ce

2.4.2 Forces on Irregular Surfaces

On any curved or warped surface, the forces acting upon different

elements of area vary in direction (figure 2.6). However, horiz-
ontai and vertical components may be used to simplify the analysis.


x |

Ha puree 2;..0

The force on the element of area dA is given by dF = -p dA and

the components of the force in the x and z directions are

dF, = -p(-dA-i) = p dA,

and dF, = -p(dA-k) = -p dA,

The total forces are

Pe = Sp dA, = fogh dA, (2223)

and F, = -Jp dA, = -Jogh aa, (2.19)

Hence, the horizontal force, Fx, acting on any irregular area is
the force acting on the projection of the area on a vertical plane
and may be evaluated as in 2.4.1. The vertical force, F,, is the
weight of the volume of liquid above the surface, mg. The magni-
tude and direction of the resultant force, F, may now be determined.


If a body is immersed in a fluid there is an upward buovancy force,

F_, exerted on the body, equal in magnitude to the weight of the
volume of fluid displaced. The buoyancy force acts at the centre
of buoyancy, B, which is the centroid of the displaced body of fluid.

A completely submerged body is in stable equilibrium only if its

centre of gravity, G, lies below the centre of buoyancy, in which
case any angular displacement produces a couple which restores ‘the
body to the equilibrium position.

A floating body can be in stable equilibrium even if its centre

of gravity lies above its centre of buoyancy. This is because the
centre of buoyancy can move, causing the line of action of the buoy-
ancy force to cut the axis of symmetry at a point M. If M lies
above G an anticlockwise couple restores the body to the equilibrium
position but if M lies below G a clockwise couple produces over-
turning. The distance GM is known as the metacentric height.

Example 2.1

Determine the Soca en on pressure gauge - shown in figure 2.7,

Assume hey 1000 kg/m, peti 13 600 kg/m?

From equation 2.4, the absolute

pressure recorded by the gauge is

Py = Pweh, + Pp, (4)

The pressure of the air in the
container is recorded by the
cee rT WATER
Pair Pme"m * Pa (G33)

From equations (i) and (ii) the Figure 2.7

reading on pressure gauge A is

(Poa oh he alse eye es met

= 103 x 9,81 x 2.5 - 13.6 x 10° x 9,81 x 0.15 = 4.5 kPa

Example 2.2

A sensitive manometer is formed from a U-tube with a reservoir at

the top of each limb (figure 2.8). The cross-sectional area of —
reservoir is 20 times that of the tube, Oi1 of density kg/m?
occupies part of one limb and water of density 1000 kg/m? occupies
the other. Initially, the difference in pressure, Da - Pp, between
the two vessels is 200 Pa. Determine the increase in the pressure
difference applied across the two free surfaces in the reservoirs
if the surface of separation between oil and water is caused to rise
through 20 mm, (a) when vessels A and B contain petrol of density
780 kg/m? , and (b) when the vessels contain air of density 1,2 kg/m? ‘

From equation 2.4 and the fact
that the pressure is constant at
all points in a horizontal line
xx in a continuous fluid we have

PA + Pgha + Pogho

= Pp + oghg + Pwehy

PRe=- PAY = (poghy + © o8hg)

- (epghg + pyghy) (i)

Let the pressures change to pa' Figure 2.8

and pg', and let the corresponding movement of the meniscus be y.
The pressure along line x'x', must be constant. Therefore

Pee Poth, - y/20) + oggth, - y + y/20)

eern * pethe + y/20) + pyg(h, - y - y/20)
pp’ - Pa’ = (ogha + Pogho) - (oghp + owghw) - 55 Posy
2 21 oe
- 39 ©8Y * 59 Pw8Y (ii)
From equations (i) and (ii)
: aan 19 2 mal ome
Pp’ - Pa' = (PB - Pa) + |- aq POBY - BQ PBY + ZH PwSY| (411)
The second group of terms on the right hand side of the equation
is the increase in pressure difference between the two vessels.

(a) When vessels A and B contain petrol

Dat - Pal = 2 102 + “S54[-19 x 880 x 0.05 - 780 x 2 x 0.05

= 2151107 4% 50.05]
ix 103 + a (-836 - (28+ 1050)
= 200 + 66.7 = 266.7 Pa

The increase in pressure difference is 66.7 Pa

(b) When vessels A and B contain air

Pp? = Pa’ = 2x 102. + 28+ (-836 - 1.2 x 2 x 0.05 + 1050)

= 200 + 105 = 305 Pa

The increase in pressure difference is 105 Pa. The contribution

of the column of air is negligible.

Example 2.3

A model atmosphere is to be investigated in order to predict the drag

on a space vehicle. The atmosphere in question follows the gas law
pv = RT(1 - p/b) where R is the characteristic gas constant and b is
a given constant. The absolute temperature, T, decreases linearly
with increase in altitude i.e. (dT/dz) = -\ where } is the tempera-
ture lapse rate.

Derive an expression for T in terms of Ty, p, Po, b, R and g

where the subscript o refers to datum conditions and g is the gravi-
tational constant. Hence determine the density of the atmosphere
and the altitude where the pressure is 15 kPa.

Assume Po = 300 kPa, Ty = 200 K, b = 3.2 MPa, R = 500 J/kg K;

gS 15 m/s, AS O,O0ls iyi

Combining equation 2.3 with dT/dz = -i we obtain

dp = (og/A) dT (i)
We are given

v = 1/p = (RT/p)(1 - p/b) (ii)

From equations (i) and (ii)

b Re ee

ip [2] - b (p : Po) 2 2ietint
pale he

AS*< 10? | eer .§ eo 16ts 15 ca {<

ie oo Ae 0.006 x 500 200

Res Wye

o = (p/RT)(1 - p/b)
= [(15 x 103)/(500 x 112)][1 - 15 x 103/3.2 « 10°]7! = 0.269 kg/m9

P= Tae Nz

and 2 = (T) - T)/A = (200 - 112)/0.006 = 14 667 m

Example 2.4

An oil tanker has atmospheric vents at A and B and contains oil of

density 850 kg/m3 to a depth of 2 m (figure 2.9). Determine (i) the
maximum uniform acceleration to the right for no spillage from A,
and (ii) the pressure at A if the acceleration is 8 m/s* to the right
when A is shut and B is open,

Figure 2.9

For horizontal acceleration only, equations 2.11 and 2.12 give

p = -p(a,x + gz) + C (i)

ds ay fs
and tie z (ii)

(1) When the liquid level reaches A, the geometry of the surface
gives z} = 3m and zo = 1m. Equation (ii) gives

a ss
dx L g

eiz. = 29) 4
2 2 = ee 9.81(3 - 1) = 3,92 mn/s2
26 L 5

(ii) When vent A is shut and the tanker is accelerated at 8 m/s2

the slope of the surface is given by

dx L g
5 X18
mes | 9.81 =74,03 m

Se -4.08
Also ae a, -0.816

Area of triangle FBG = }FB x BG = $(BG)*/0,816

For no spillage

Area FBG = Area ABCD

$(BG)2/0.816 = 5 x 1

BG = 2,856 m

Zy = 2, - BG = 3 - 2.856 = 0.144 m

From equation (i)

p= -p (a,x Se (eA) ae (C

At point G, x = 5m, z = 0.144 m, p = Pac Hence C = p, + 35.2) Os:

pls> =6 (acres) SP eve ay 3

At point A, x = 0, z= 3m, p= Pays Therefore

Pa - Py = ~850(8 x 0 + 9.81 x 3) + 35.2 x 103 = 10.2 kPa

Note that the gauge pressure, (Pada Any woe ee 10.2 kPa, could
also be obtained by applying the hydrostatic law to a head of oil
Zs = 1.224 m obtained by the imaginary extension of the free surface

Example 2.5

The cylindrical fuel tank of a rocket is 3 m diameter and its axis

is parallel to that of the rocket. The tank is pressurised to
200 kPa and the initial depth of fuel is 3.5m. (i) If the take-off
acceleration of the rocket is 10 m/s?, determine the fluid pressure
at the bottom of the tank immediately after firing. (ii) If the
net accelerating force on the rocket remains constant, determine
the pressure at the tank bottom when 40% of the fuel has burned
the total mass of the rocket is 70% of its initial value and the
acceleration is 20 m/s*. p¢ye] = 850 kg/m.

For vertical acceleration a,

only, equations 2.11 and 2.12

p==pla, + ges Ca)

dx EWS
e ‘
Therefore the free surface is
horizontal ee

(i). when z = 3.5 m, p = 200 kPa

Therefore, from equation (i) Figure 2.10

C2 Ds plas eS] 2e= 200. * 103 + 859(10 + 9.81)3.5 = 258.9 kPa

The pressure at the bottom of the tank (z = 0) is

Py -p(a, + g)z + 258.9 x 103 = -850(10 + 9,81)0 + -258.9 x 103

= 258.9 kPa

(11) Let F be the accelerating force on the rocket and m the initial
mass of the rocket. From Newton's second law

F = saa (ii)

When the mass reduces to 0.7m for constant F, we have

Oo7n)a, (iii)

From equations (ii) and (iii)

peat = = 28.57 m/s

en of the fuel burns the level of fuel drops to (0.6 x 3.5)

Zs Assuming that the tank is pressurised as in case (i)
= 0 kPa when z = 2.1 m.

C = 200 x 103 + 850(28.57 + 9.81)2.1 = 268.5 kPa

Pp = -850(28.57 + 9.81)0 + 268.5 x 109 = 268.5 kPa

Example 2.6

A cylindrical tank 100 mm diameter and 300 mm high is open at the

top. When stationary it is partly filled with water to a depth of
150 mm. If the tank is now rotated about its vertical axis deter-
mine the maximum angular speed in rad/s for the water to be retain-

The tank is now sealed by a 100 mm diameter disc placed parallel

to, and 200 mm above, the bottom of the tank. If the tank is rota-
ted at the speed determined in (i) determine the upthrust on the

From equation 2.14 the profile of the free surface is dz/dr =

w2r/g which is the equation of a parabola symmetrical about the z-
axis. From the properties of a paraboloid, the volume shown hatched
is equal to half that of the enclosing cylinder (figure 2.11la).
Equating liquid volumes before and after rotation we have

m™r27Z + dnro2(zo - 24) = 1r9*d

Zz, = 2d - z2 = (2 x 150) - 300 = 0

Thus the free surface just touches the bottom of the tank.

From equation 2.15 we have

7g +c (i)

When z = Leg OLS ta O. Therefore sc ="0

At the top edge of the tank z5= 300 mm, r= 50 mm

1 1
28Z5\2 2
Gs -= 6 2 = 2x 9.81 x 0.3 = 48.5 rad/s


tof eles

Faounen2 > Jal

When the tank is sealed by a disc and rotated at 48.5 rad/s, the
profile of the free surface is as shown in figure 2.11b. Equating
liquid volumes before and after rotation, we have

a(ro% = ry7)zy + $9rq22z) = mro*[d

- (y - 2)]
bry *z1 = 927 = @) (ii)
Taking datum at point 0, we have from equation (i)
a) = (ims)
From equations (ii) and (iii)


= r9*(y - d)
4g 1 1
es 4gro*(y - d)]* _ |4.% 9.81_* 0.952
0.057(0.2 3= 0.15)) ; geen
w2 48.52
W'Ty 2 nod
s _ 48.5% * 0.038 7
LA i Meecagrsard. 0 rene aI ET es
The pressure at any point within a rotating cylinder of liquid is
given by equation 2.13
p= aE2 — - 22| +c
When r Die 2 dam Be IE Theretore ch= Pa

Pg =P - Pa = o( —- z7| (iv)

Equation (iv) gives the gauge pressure at any radius r acting on

an annular element of area 2nr dr. The net force on the wetted a
face of the disc is EA
i FES a by wr
Cone a
= [py Pg2tr dr = 2nof [oe - s2| x dr

F = n(rp* - r)7) oe (Pet) 20,79. - 082s] vi
103 x 48.52
a#(0.05%*- 0.0387) 4
(0.052 + 0.0382) =.

ai005-.- (0.038-} (107 -*.9.81_*) 0.173) .=.2.06.-N

This force is equal to the hydrostatic force on the disc due to
the imaginary extension of the free surface line,

Example 2.7

A vertical butterfly valve closes a circular hole of 1.0 m diameter

in the side of a tank and is hinged about its horizontal centre
line. The tank contains water whose surface is 1.5 m above the top
edge of the gate. Calculate the moment about the hinge line which
is required to keep the valve closed.

ihe position of the centre

of pressure, measured in the
plane of the valve, is given
by equation 2.17.
a (i)
a shy
From the parallel axes theo-

fees ice. + AY* (ii)

Therefore, from equations

(i) and (ii)
I Figure 2.12
Wer= Y + ao3 i
~ AY
Homa, circular plate, I,., = m*/64 and A = 1D2/4, Therefore

YD =i
oe + -——
3 16Y

Note that the centre of pressure always lies below the centroid.

The hydrostatic force acting on the valve is given by equation 2.16

F = pgYA cos 6 = 103 x 9,81 x 1 x 1x }a% x 12 = 7.705 kN

The moment about the hinge line is

ns 2N2 = 3 2
My cGy eA) tm eee
— = Ai Sat 482 ig
P 16Y a
Example 2.8

A horizontal square duct, 200 mm by 200 mm, conveys a salt solution

to evaporating pans. The end of the duct is closed by a vertical
square flat valve hinged about its horizontal centre line, The duct
normally conveys a salt solution of density 1200 kg/m? but, after
the valve is left closed for a long period, the salt settles with
the result that the density varies linearly from 1100 kg/m? at the
top of the duct to 1590 kg/m? at the bottom. Working from first
principles, and assuming that the pressure exerted by the solution
at the top of the gate is atmospheric, determine the moment required
to maintain the valve closed.

Figure Zeal

At any elevation z, the pressure gradient is given by equation 2.3

-08 (i):
If the depth below the top edge of the duct is denoted by h we have

and dh = -dz (a5)

From equations (i) and (ii) the gauge pressure at any depth h is
given by

p = fog dh (iii)
From the density distribution diagram, the density at any depth h
is given by

eam y+ (62 ~ o,)/D (iv)
From equations (iii) and (iv)
p= fglo, + h(o2 - 1)/D]dh = gloyh + a5 (02 - 01)]
The hydrostatic force F on the valve of width B is
D h2 ie 32
F ={pB dh = f g[oih + = (o2 - 91) ]}dk = ae (2o9, 4 2) (v)

The moment M about the top edge of the valve is

D 3
M = {[pB dh h = [gBfpyh? + a (02 - p1)]dh
BD? ;
= ya (501 + 3p2) (vi)
y = Mq (gBP3/24)
(Sey + 302) _ DCS) + 392) (vii)
poe oF (gBD“/6) (20; + 02) 4(2p1 + 02)

Note that for a constant density fluid, p, = 09 =p, and for a

rectangular surface with its top edge coincident with the liquid
surface, y, = 2D/3.

The moment about the hinge point is given by

past 2 =
ee0 (20) + v2)|pen en) |
ee TN 4(2p1 * 02)
M = (G » =

meet. xee
0.2 « 0327 BOeetoecil ele 3 xe0.53)
6 See CTBT a a 2
ae tS ieiis 223)
=—57 N m

Example 2.9

A sluice gate is formed from sheet metal such that the internal
boundary of the section satisfies the relationship z = 4x2, The gate
is pivoted at point A and its centre of gravity is at G as shown in
figure 2.14. When the water surface is level with the pivot A, de-
termine the magnitude and direction of the resultant pressure force
on the gate and the turning moment required to open the gate, The
gate is 1 m wide and has a weight of 19 KN.

Figure 2.14
Using the method outlined in section 2.4.2, we must consider the
vertical and horizontal forces acting on the gate. From equation
2.19, the vertical force, F,, is equal to the weight of the water
displaced over the gate width L. The force F, acts at the centroid
of the area A of the section, distance X from the z axis. Consid-
ering the moment on an element of area dA = (1.5 - 4x2)dx and in-
tegrating, we obtain

fx aa le x(1.5 - 4x2)dx
faa i (1.5 =-4x2)dx

The given relationship is z = 4x2. Therefore, when Z = 1.5 m,

X = 0.612 m.

0.612 2
rs ‘i x(a Axe) dix 0.14
X = = ——— = 0.23 m
0-61 0,612
ie Ces - 2

From equation 2.19, the vertical force, Fz, is given by

F, = mg-= pgLA = 103 x 9,81 x 1 x 0.612 = 6 kN

From equations 2.16 and 2.18, the horizontal force, Fx, is the
force acting on the projection of the curved surface on a vertical
plane BC.

Py = pel (Zh) = 108x981 & fe 1S) x 15 oe =

The magnitude and direction of the resultant force are given by

sl ii}
V(F,2 + Fy2) = ¥ 2 + 11.942) = 12.57 kN
R it) tan™!.(F,/Fx) =stanT+2(6/11,
06 )e="28a 50

The anticlockwise turning moment, ", required to open the gate is

given by

M+ FLX = Fy¥p + W x S
Note from example 2.9 that for a vertical rectangular surface, with
its upper edge coincident with the water surface, Yp = 22/38

M= 11.04 7107 =X 1,5 + 10% x 0.4 - 6 x 103 x 0.612

=e SAN

Example 2.10

A floating platform for drilling oil wells in deep water is constru-

cted as a square floor supported at the corners by vertical cylin-
ders to provide buoyancy (figure 2.15). MPetermine the condition for
neutral stability about an axis parallel to AA. .

Let the original depth of immersion of the cylinders be h and the
height of the centre of gravity, G, of the platform be L above the
water-line. Consider the incremental volumes of the vertical
cylinders that are moved below or above the water-line as the plat-
form tips. For simplicity, consider these incremental volumes to
be in the shape of right circular discs whose top and bottom sur-
faces are parallel.

When the platform tips

through a small angle 6 = AA't/R
the weight of the volume of
water displaced by the cylinders
remains unchanged. Therefore
the buoyancy force remains at

Fy = 49g¢n07h
The moment due to the movement
of the centre of buoyancy from
B to B' is given by

Mt = BB! x Fy,
ogmD2hBB! (i)

The weight of the volume of water displaced by the length of

cylinder AA' is equal to that due to the length of cylinder CC'.
Therefore, the total moment due to the altered displacement is also
given by

M, = 4pgtnD2AA' x R = pgnN?R2e (11)

Fauating (i) and (ii)

par = RO

The metacentric height is GM

2 }
GM =.BM - BG = — Dimes (iv)

For neutral stability the metacentric height M coincides with the

centre of gravity G i.e. GM = 0. From equation (iv), the condition
for neutral stability is therefore


Note that if GM is negative (i.e. if M lies below G) the platform

is unstable.

A more general expression for BM may be deduced from equation


_ R2 4 x dnn2R2 SS
Ch, ae Se v)
Where Igg is the second moment of area of the water-line plane
about 00 and V is the volume of liquid displaced. (A more rigorous
proof is obtained by considering a small element of area a in the
water-line plane, distance x from 00, and integrating.)

Example 2.11

The level of water in a container is to be controlled by the arrange-

ment shown in figure 2.16. A plane gate, 0.5 m square, is hinged
about its upper horizontal edge, 0. The arm 0S is rigidly attached
to the gate at © and its other end S is connected to the float F by
means of the wire SA. In the condition shown, the surface level in
the container is 2 m above the hinge line 0 and the length of the
wire has been adjusted so that it is straight but free from tension.
The float is a vertical circular cylinder, 1.5 m long, of mass
785 kg. It is required to be just sufficiently large to open the
gate when the surface level rises through 0.2 m, Determine the dia-
meter of the float and check if the float is stable for all condi-
tions. The centre of gravity of the float is at the mid-point of
the axis.

Figure 2.16

From equation 2.16, the hydrostatic force on the gate after the
surface level rises is

F = pgYA = 10° x 9.81 x 2,45 * 0.52 = 6,01 KN

From equation 2.17, and by application of the parallel axes theo-

rem, the position of the centre of pressure is
I ss 2 3 2
Y= —= BUNS SBN {22 2 assy Se = 2.46 m

The moment about hinge 0 due to the hydrostatic force is

M = F(Y, - 2.2) = 6,01 x 103(2.46 - 2.2) = 1.556 KN m (i)

The moment about hinge 0 is also equal to that produced by the in-
crease in buoyancy force due to the displaced water (buoyancy due to
displaced air is neglected).

M = F,0S = pgimD¢yOs = 103 x 9.81 x imD* x 0.2 x 1

= 1.5402 kN m (ii)

Equating (i) and (ii)

_ (1.556) k*_
Bie = |Foal
Initially, the wire is free from tension and exerts no force on the
float (figure 2.16b). The buoyancy force, Fy, is equal to the
weight, mg, of the float. Therefore
mg TO 4
LY pg inb2 As Tae
103 x qx 12 Baie

BG = z- a = 0.75 - 0.5 = 0.25 m

From example 2.10 (equation v) we have

7= Iss
«bad ah
eee lel
5 ee 0.0625 m

GM = BG - BM = 0,25 - 0.0625 = 0.1875 m

Thus, the metacentric height, GM, is negative (M below G) and over-

turning would occur for any inclination of the axis. The float is

Now consider the float with the retaining wire attached (figure
2,16c), The buoyancy force, F,, is equal to the sum of the weight
of the float, mg, and the wire tension, Fr.

Fy = mg + Fe = 785 x 9,81 + 1,556 x 10% = 9,257 KN

femeeny + O12 = 1+ ).2,= 1.2 m

BG = AG - he = 0.75 - 0.6 = 0.15 m

Tss aD /64 12
Beaty,=m =
(wie/ah; =
lex 1.2
————— =

GM = BG - BM = 0.15 - 0.0521 = 9.0979 m

Consider moments about G when the float is displaced through an

angle a from the vertical (figure 2.16c). For stability, the re-
storing moment, M+, due to wire tension must be greater than the
overturning moment, Mp, due to the buoyancy force.

Mt = Fe x AG sina = 1.556 x 109 x 0.75 sina = 1.167 sina KN

Mp = Fh x GM sina = 9.257 x 103 x 0.0979 sina = 0,906 sin a KN

The float is stable since Mt > Mp.


1 <A \J-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure of kerosine

in a pipeline A (figure 2.3b). The manometer fluid is mercury and
the recorded head, h, is 500 mm. If the mercury-kerosine interface
is 750 mm above the pipe centre line determine the gauge pressure of
the kerosine. If conditions in the pipeline now change so that the
mercury-air interface falls 80 mm below the mercury interface with
no change in manometer position, determine the absolute presea in
the pipeline. Atmospheric pressure is 1 bar. Px,= 820 kg/m’,
Pm = 13 600 kg/m?.
[73 kPa, 97 %6SeKiPaw

2 <A mercury manometer is used to measure the pressure difference

between two pressure vessels. For the arrangement and readings
shown in figure 2.17, determine the piezometric pressure difference
Pa* - Pp* when the Vessels A and B contain (i) water and (ii) air
of density 1.5 kg/m?.
[49.38 kPa, 53.36 kPa]

0.4 m —

a lm


(Pabeauee! Ze ky Figure 2.18

3 Determine ue cogs on ees gauge A in figure 2.18.

Pw = 1000 kg/m3, Pp = 780 kg/m?, Pa = 1.2. kg/m’.
[29.89 kPa]

4 In a chemical reactor 65 m tall the density p of a fluid mixture

in kg/m? varies with distance z in metres above the bottom of the
reactor according to the relationship p = 1 - (z/150) + (z/300)*
Assuming the fluid mixture to be stationary determine the presse
difference between the bottom and top of the reactor.
[509 Pa]
5 Show that, for an adiabatic atmosphere p/p'= const
. ( ; e.) el
g(Z - Zp) = RT1 at

where subscript o refers to the reference state.

6 Determine the air density at an altitude of 15000 m in the In-

ternational Standard Atmosphere, The stratosphere may be assumed
to commence at 11000 m at which point the pressure is 0.227 bar.
[0.1942 kg/m9]

7 In the lower part of the earth's atmosphere the temperature T may
be considered to vary with altitude z according to the linear rela-
tion T = To - Az. Prove that the variation of pressure is given by
the relation
Dp nz )8/AR
Do z [2, afe)
where g is the gravitational constant (9.81 m/s*), R is the charac-
teristic gas constant for air (287 J/kg K) and dT/dz = -\d is the
temperature lapse rate (0.0065 K/m). Assuming that dp = -og dz, de-
termine the density of air at the bottom of a mine shaft 800 m below
sea level and compare your calculated value with that obtained from
the 1.S.A. tables. Assume sea level conditions of po = 1.0132 bar
and To = 288.15 K.
[1.3244 kg/m3]

8 The petrol tank in a car is basically a rectangular: box 750 mm

long, 400 mm wide and 300 mm high. The tank is mounted horizontally.
in the car with the long side parallel to the axis of the rear axle.
A fuel level sensor is positioned 50 mm above the bottom face and
150 mm from both the front and nearside faces of the tank. When the
petrol level drops below the sensor a fuel warning light comes on.
Assuming that when the car is stationary the level in the tank is
60 mm above the bottom, determine the linear acceleration of the car
when the light just comes on. Assume Pp = 700 kg/m? .
[1.962 m/s?]
9 Derive an expression for the variation of pressure in a fluid in
relative equilibrium, A thin-walled, open-topped tank in the form
of a cube of 2 m side is initially full of oil of relative density
0.88. It is accelerated uniformly at 5 m/s* up a long, straight
slope at tan-!(1) to the horizontal, the base of the tank remaining
parallel to the slope, and the two side faces remaining parallel to
the direction of motion. Calculate (a) the volume of oil remaining
in the tank when no more spilling occurs, and (b) the pressure at
the lowest corners of the tank.
(4. Ou? 16s 75 okPa sce 77akPal

10 A cylindrical vessel 600 mm and 300 mm high is open at the top

except for a lip 50 mm wide all round and normal to the side, It
contains water to a height of 200 mm above the bottom and is rotated
with axis vertical. Calculate the rev/min at which the water
reaches the inside edge of the liv and the total pressure force
against the underside of the lip.
[90.8 rev/min, 53.2 N]

11 A novel form of angular speed measurement is shown in figure 2.19

where a float connected to a displacement transducer moves with the
water level at the cylinder axis. Derive (i) a relationship between
the float movement and angular velocity w, and (ii) the maximum
value of w the instrument can record and the corresponding initial
depth of water.
fh = 255 x 107m? m, 20 rad/s]

OZom fs
10 kN

Figure 2.19 Figure 2.20

12 A circular opening in the sloping side of a reservoir containing

water is 0.8 m diameter. It is closed by means of a circular gate
which is hinged about its top edge. The gate is kept closed against
water pressure partly by its own weight of 10 kN and partly by a load
of W acting on a horizontal lever arm of length 0.6 m (figure 2.20).
Calculate the value of W such that the gate will begin to open when
the water level is 1.2 m above the top of the gate.
[391 N]

13 A rectangular tank length L, width B and depth D is used for

storing liquid. Determine the magnitude and point of action of the
force on (a) the face of width B and depth D and (b) the bottom face
of length L and width B when the tank is half full of liquid of
density p;, and half full of liquid of lower density 09, the liquids
being clearly separated. Would the position and magnitude of the
forces vary if the two liquids are thoroughly mixed to give a uniform
density of (9; + p2)/2?
[BD*g(3p2 + p1)/8, (D/6)(1lo2 + Sp1)/(3p2 + pi),
(gDBL/2)(p1 + 02), (a)Yes, (b)No]
14 A circular opening of radius R is situated in the vertical side
of a tank containing liquid of density p. The opening is sealed by
a pair of semi-circular doors with the split-line along the vertical
diameter of the opening. The hinge-line of each door is vertical
and a distance (1 + x)R from the split-line. The liquid free sur-
face is a distance 4R above the top edge of the opening. Show that
the moment about the hinge required to keep each door closed is given
SpgR*[(1 + x)n/2 - 2/3]
15 Figure 2.21 shows a vertical section through a tank of rectan-
gular plan, fitted with a gate hinged at 0. The gate section shown
is a circular arc of radius R, subtending an angle of 90°. The tank
has an open top and is filled with liquid of density p to a depth H,
The gate is kept closed by the application at P of a horizontal force
F, Determine (a) the magnitude of the horizontal force F required to
keep the gate closed, and (b) the horizontal and vertical components
of the reaction at the hinge 0, for values H=5 m, R= 1m. Neglect
the weight of the gate, and consider a gate width of 1 m.
0 = 1000 kg/m? [44.1 KN, R, = 0, R, = 46.9 KN]

Preure 2521 Prouncs2 322

16 The face of a dam shown in figure 2.22 is curved according to

the relation y = x2/24, where y and x are in metres. The height of
the free surface above the horizontal plane through A is 15 m,
Calculate the resultant force due to the fresh water acting on unit
breadth of the dam and determine the position of the point B at which
the line of action of the force cuts the horizontal plane through A.
[2.164 MN, AB = 10.08 mj
17 A fuel tank of triangular cross-section floats in a fresh water
lake such that the base of the tank is horizontal and its top corner
is in the free surface. The tank is 6 m long and has sides of 2 m.
Determine (i) the magnitude and position of the force acting on each
triangular end of the tank, (ii) the magnitude and position of the
forces acting on the other sides, and (iii) the upthrust exerted on
the tank by the water.
[22.6 KN, 3.3 m, 120° KN, 1.732-m, 102 KN]

18 <A hydrometer uses the principle of buoyancy to determine the

specific gravities, S, of liquids. It is constructed as shown in
figure 2.23 with a vertical constant-area stem and a weighted bulb
to ensure stable equilibrium. The hydrometer sinks to different
depths in different liquids and the specific gravity is recorded by
graduations on the stem. If the hydrometer is calibrated in water
show that the distance y obtained when the hydrometer is immersed
in a liquid with S #1 is given by y = V(S - 1)/AS where A is the
cross-sectional area of the stem and V is the submerged volume for
hc lke

19 A conical space capsule is designed so that when it returns to

earth it floats on the sea as shown in figure 2.24. Determine the
value of 0G for neutral equilibrium. psy = 1025 kg/m,
[5 m]
Calibration f| 1]
mark y

Figure 2.23 Figure 2.24


In this chapter the motion of fluids will be discussed in terms of

displacements, velocities and accelerations without reference to the
forces that cause the motion.


A flow field is a region in which the flow is defined in terms of

space and time coordinates, Steady flow is constant with respect to
time whereas unsteady flow varies. Turbulent flow is usually treated
as steady provided the time-average flow is constant.

In this text the Fulerian method of analysis is used. Thus, the

motion is described in terms of the velocity, acceleration, etc., at
a particular point in the flow field instead of considering the
motion of an individual fluid particle (Lagrangian method). The
position in the field and the velocity, u, are specified by either
cartesian (figure 3.la) or cylindrical (figure 3.1b) coordinates.

Figure 3.1 (b)

Real flow problems require a three-dimensional analysis for com-
plete solution but in many cases, e.g. flow in parallel planes, a
simplified analysis may be adopted to yield results of acceptable

Flow in a circular duct is two-dimensional (figure 3.2a) but if

average velocities are used, a one-dimensional analysis may be made,

(a) PaUguresS.2 (b)

Flow over an aircraft wing of finite span is truly three-dimensional
(figure 3.3a) but the wing may be considered to be an aerofoil sec-
tion of infinite length and a two-dimensional analysis made (figure


Prgucrens. ©

When considering moving hodies, it is necessary to select a frame of

reference. Velocities are measured relative to earth or relative
to the moving body.

Figure 3.4 shows an aerofoil moving with velocity U, relative to

earth, through a fluid which is stationary except where disturbed
locally by the aerofoil. Point P is fixed relative to the aerofoil
and also moves with velocity U. Fluid passing through point P has
velocity u, relative to earth, and velocity u,, relative to the
aerofoil. Velocity Up is given by the vector difference


Figure 3.4

The point P is fixed relative to the aerofoil therefore a stationary

observer would see a succession of P points and a flow pattern based
on u which is unsteady. An observer moving with the aerofoil would
see a steady flow pattern based on up. It is possible to superimpose
a velocity -!J on the whole field to cause the fluid to flow over a
stationary aerofoil and give a steady flow pattern. This principle
is used in wind-tunnel testing.


The nature of fluid flow in a particular situation can be shown pic-

torially by the use of streamlines (figure 3.5a). A streamline is

a line which shows the direction of the velocity vector at any ins-

At every point on the line the velocity is tangential to the line.

Thus, there can be no flow across a streamline, A number of adjacent
streamlines may form an imaginary flow passage known as a streamtube
(figure 3.5b) and if the cross-sectional area is small enough for the
velocity to be considered constant the flow passage is called a
stream filament.

A pathline is the line of motion traced out by an individual fluid

particle in a finite time,

A streakline is a line of fluid: particles, all of which passed

through the same point in the flow field at a previous time. In ex-
perimental work, streaklines are obtained by injecting dye, smoke or
particles into the moving fluid and observing the subsequent flow

Streamlines, pathlines and streaklines are identical for steady


For the aerofoil of figure 3.4, streamlines can be drawn for

steady flow based on up and pathlines for unsteady flow based on u.
The resulting patterns are shown in figure 3.5.

flow path 7”

Steady flow

(a) (b)
Enicauass S55)


In general, the velocity, u, of a fluid particle is a function of

both position and time. Mathematically we may state °
u = uls,t)
au du
and du =—ds + —dt
he Exe at
Du du du
Accelierat loneae=s-——= (S219)
yee) OO RS hs



For steady flow the local acceleration 3u/dt = 0,

Now consider two-dimensional flow along a curved streamline. The

components of acceleration are tangential (as) and normal (an) to
the streamline. Referring to figure 3.6 we obtain
Le se ds
ee (3.2a)
Bete ot) 8s) (Ot ‘TT
dun dun u2 dun
= ——— et Se Secale 3
eee ie aeCCES+ PP)
For steady flow ap = u2/r as obtained in
Séeeuon 2.552.

Prsure 5),.0


The principle of conservation of mass states that in the absence of

energy-mass conversion matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
Figure 3.7 applies this principle to fluid flow through a control
volume V having control surface S. The volumetric flow rate through
the surface element dA is obtained using the normal component of the
velocity which gives u-dA = u cos 6 dA and the mass flow rate puedA.

The total flow rate over the

whole surface is

The rate of mass decrease within
V with respect to time is

- $e My p dv

Conservation of mass gives the

continuity equation
Fisure 3.7

ff jeurda + FeSfJy e dv¥= 0 (5.3)

For any steady flow or incompressible (© = const) unsteady flow the

time dependent term disappears.

Jf purdA = 0 (3.4)
3.4.1 One-dimensional Flow

For the simple case of steady flow in which the velocity and density
are assumed uniform across finite areas at entry and exit, the con-
tinuity equation simplifies to a one-dimensional situation (figure
3.8). Then with mean velocity u perpendicular to A, we obtain

Palnhy - py
uy Ar = 0
and m = pu Ay = 09 Up Ap (375an)

where m is the mass flow rate,

Figure 3.8

For multi-stream flow through control volume

m= 2 (uA)ry = E (QUA) opp (3.5b)

3.4.2 Conservation of Mass at a Point

In order to obtain a relationship for conservation of mass at a

point, equation 3.3 is applied to a cubic element which is then
allowed to shrink to a point. This analysis gives a solution in
the form
3 a a : ele)
seen et oy Cav) P+ 15— Ow) ts Ga Sou = aes (3.6)

For two-dimensional, incompressible flow this reduces to

re oe 9 (3.7a)

In polar coordinates
a 6
oes (uyr) ba nae = 9 (3.7b)


For incompressible, steady flow a stream function, Y, may be intro-

duced to describe the flow pattern algebraically. For two-dimension-
al flow, streamlines are given by the function ¥ = ¥(x, y). Each
streamline has a particular constant value ¥ = c and the algebraic
difference Y> - ¥; between two streamlines ¥,; and Yo (say) repres-
ents the constant volumetric flow rate between those two streamlines
with the sign convention for Y¥ chosen such that Y increases to the
left looking downstream. The velocity vectors may be found by diff-
erentiating the stream function.

u = oy (3. 8a)

v=-s 2 (3.86)
uy = os (3.9a)
ug =-s (3.96)
The existence of Y¥ im-
plies continuity and vice
Figure 3.9
versa. Every physically
possible two-dimensional, steady flow must have a stream function,
Thus, ¥ exists for possible real flows as well as ideal flows.


In section 3.4 the normal component of velocity, u cos ®, on a con-

trol surface was used to obtain the fluid flow. The tangential
component of velocity, u sin 6, will now be used to obtain the fluid
swirl. The swirl is measured by the circulation, T, defined as the
line integral of the tangential component of velocity around a clo-
sed curve fixed in the flow. Figure 3.10 shows the two-dimensional
case. The angle of intersection, a, between the curve and the
streamline is used in preference to ® By convention, the line in-
tegral is evaluated in an anti-clockwise direction because circula-
tion is measured positive clockwise along a positive x, y or z axis.


dr = (u cos a)ds

= (u sin @)ds

ieee $. (u cos ajds (3.10a) / Closed

curve c
Ora |= $. urds (3.10b) ¥
Figure 3,10

Circulation is an important concept in the theory of aerofoils,

fans, etc. Note that it is not necessary for individual fluid
elements to travel the circuit. The circulation round a large
circuit equals the sum of the circulations in all the component
small circuits, e.g. M, We may now determine the circulation around
a small rectangular element, M, using mean velocities along the sides
(figure 3.11).

: a
[3 4]
ov _ du

ee av: au

As the element shrinks to a du
point we may define the vorti- y sei! ay °Y
eity, Gy.at that point as the ig
ratio of the circulation round er p
an infinitesimal circuit to the 2 M V+ sy Ox
area sOtechatecircutt. .

c = Limit ér -| u
6x dy + O {6x 6y,
Bow, du
8x SG by. roo) Figure 3.11

Now as a fluid element moves it may undergo distortion, rotation or

both (figure 3.12). Rotation is defined as the average angular vel-
ocity, w,, of any two mutually perpendicular line elements in the
plane of flow, e.g. aa and bb.

ata —

Ea ae ;

Rotation Distortion Rotation

No distortion No rotation and distortion

Bi gure 5.12

It can be shown that

rotation Wy, = [2 - a (3.12a)

From equation 3.11 it follows that the relationship between rota-

tion w, and vorticity @ is

3 N i] wt
For three-dimensional flow rotation is defined in vector form
im terms) Ofsthe vorttertva vector. .curileu,

w = $(iw, + jwy + kwz) = 5 curly (3.13)

For irrotational flow the vorticity is everywhere zero, Therefore

du :
TicetkahY aha (3. 14a)
In polar form
dU, 1 duy
iz fu, —— Aas (3.14b)

It should be noted that the concept of rotational or irrotational

flow applies to individual fluid elements and not to the motion of
the fluid as a whole which can be in a curved path (figure 3.13).

a Figure 3,13

Rotational flow Irrotational flow

Rotation is due to the action of shear (viscous) forces. Thus the

flow of an ideal or frictioless fluid must be irrotational if no
rotation is present initially.


For irrotational flow a velocity potential function, $, is introduced

whose derivative with respect to the flow direction gives the velo-
city in that direction. For two-dimensional flow

et ey =? (3.15)

Beer ce? Ur Gr (3.16)

For three-dimensional flow, velocity is defined in vector form in
terms of the gradient of the velocity potential,
u = grad @ = Vo (Saws)

The stream function, ¥, and the velocity potential function, 4, may

be combined to form the Laplace equation.

aye 5° or VAY
> = ()

iz *826 _ g x v26 = 0
Zz 2

By? (3.19)
Any function of ¥ or 6 that satisfies the Laplace equation must re-
present a possible incompressible, irrotational flow. The Laplace
equation is linear therefore the principle of superposition applies
and the combined flow, ¥, of two flows ¥j and Yo is given by
WY =¥, + ¥2. Similarly, ¢ = $1 + $2. Lines of constant ¥ and ¢ for
a given flow are orthogonal therefore the flow may be represented by
a mesh of ¥ and # lines.

It must be stressed at this stage that stream function is valid

for any physically possible flow, whether rotational or irrotational.
Velocity potential is valid only for irrotational flow.


Solutions to particular flow patterns can be obtained by analytical,

graphical, numerical methods and by analogies. In the analytical
method the flow pattern is obtained by the combination of ¥-functions
for simple flows. Some basic patterns are given below.

(i) Uniform flow y g-lines \

Y = uy - vx

ur sin (6 - a) (3.26)

@ = ux + vy

= ur cos (6 - a) (S521)

(ii) Source (and sink)

¥Y-lines 4 ¥ = £Q
The strength, 9, of a source is de- b-lines
fined as the total flow per unit time
per unit depth. =9
Q =
T= 3-0 = mé (3.22) be =0

=iaa ilnire=:
¢ = iy Be EF OY metthey oe (3.23)
Vi=" 30

(iii) Irrotational vortex Figure 3,15

For an irrotational vortex Ugr = G _-Y-lines

Strength of vortex K = 2mugr = 2C
(+ve )) Be

Wis i 0s Ifa se (3.24) ae - $-Lines

6 = ae (3325)

(iv) Doublet

For a doublet of strength u

yo -E Sane
6 = ee (327)

Figure 3.17

Example 3.1

For a cylinder of radius a, moving at steady velocity, u, through

a stationary fluid, the steady flow streamline pattern is shown in
figure 3.18. The velocity components relative to the cylinder are
a, = U0 - a*/r2) cos 6 and (ug), = -U + a2/r2) sin 6.

Determine (i) the unsteady flow pattern, and (ii) the steady and
unsteady velocities at the point 6 = 45°, r = 55 mn, for a cylinder
of diameter 40 mm moving at 10 m/s through a stationary fluid.

The steady flow pattern shown is

based on velocities, up, relative
to the cylinder, and would be seen I< @
by an observer moving with the
cylinder. The unsteady flow pat-
tern is based on velocities, u,
relative to earth and would be
seen by an observer at rest. It
may be deduced by superimposing
a velocity, -U, on the steady
flow pattern, The uniform flow
part of the velocity components
is nullified and the given ex-
pressions for (udp and (ug )p
reduce to

u -(Ua2/r2) cos 6

and u, = -(Ua2/r2) sin 0

Hence it can be shown that

b) Unsteady flow
Me -Ua2 sin 6/r

This gives the steady flow | Ue

pattern shown in figure 3.18b. :
It is of interest to note that Fieure 3.18
this pattern is that of a doub- ‘
let outside the cylinder. Sub-
stituting values, we have

2 2
(u), = uf 2 = Jcos 9 = 10 [2. 2c | cos 45 = 4.76 m/s
a r2 352
2 2
= -U ]1 + 2 |sin 9 = -10 [1 + 22 2 |sin 45 = -9.38 m/s

up = ¥(4.767 + 9,387) = 10.52 m/s

Dl = tan!
= (9.38/4.76) = 63.1°

Ua? 6 10 x 202 x cos 45

u,. a= age oeky i Me ONS PERO A aS Si iM m/s
r2 352

Us ue Ua2
aia si
See: ae 10 x
x 202 x in
sin 45 he aike

72 352

Woy (2.5o "+ 2.51") ase ys

o@ = tan”! (2/31/2.31) = 45°

Alternatively, the values u and a could be obtained from the vel-

ocity vector diagram shown.

Example 3.2

In the reciprocating pump shown in figure 3.19, water is delivered

from a cylinder of cross-sectional area A,, through a valve, to a
pipe of area Ap. The flow contraction, of length 100 mn, may be
assumed to follow the law A = (5 - 40x) 10-2 m2 where A is the cross-
sectional area at a distance x m from commencement of contraction.
The velocity of the piston is v = 0.05w (sin 8 + 0.1 sin 26) where
w = 30 rad/s is the angular velocity of the crank and 6 is the angle
measured from the outer dead centre position.

When 6 = 45°, determine the instantaneous acceleration of the

water (i) in the cylinder, (ii) at a point in the contraction where
x = 50 mm, and (iii) in the delivery pipe. Assume one-dimensional
flow throughout.

Frugures S.ch9

The mean velocity, u of the water in the cylinderis equal to

ches pis COMmMchOCI
Ey VE hnene Lore

u = 0,05w (sin 6 + 0.1 sin 26) = 0.05 x 30(sin 45 + 0.1 sin 90)

and —+ = — — = 0.05w2(cos 6 + 0.2 cos 26) (i)

At any station in the flow where the area is A and the velocity
is u, we have

pee Os Aj ae
oa =
gare =
6 + 0.2 cos 26) — Gi)

From the continuity equation 3.5a

Meenas =) 0) (52-940x,) 10° = 1,21 x-S 10°° =.6.05 x 107% m3/s

At any station in the flow contraction

i - 2 60s (5 - 40x)

a = 6.05 x 40 (5 - 40x )72

ana a se myENOS? = 40.(5 — 40x)7? = 1.464e% 10° (5 °- 40x) 73. (413)

From equation 3.1, the acceleration at any point is

In the cylinder 3u/8x = 0. Therefore from equation (i)

< = Se = 0.05 x 302(cos 45 + 0.2 cos 90) = 31.82 m/s2

In the flow contraction, where x = 50 mm, equations (ii) and (iii)


Uy. a+ A Sue fheGat enTOM ps2 - AGS OYOS)=I 9

DE OLoZ a: #2
[5-5 A0 p4oSy) ay

In the delivery pipe 3u/3x = 0. Therefore from equation (ii)

Boer | 6 xk 51.82” A
Seon) G 40% 0.1, Seis
Example 3.3

Air enters the 1.5 m diameter circular inlet duct of a stationary

jet engine at 50 m/s with temperature 285 K and pressure 100 kN/m?.
Fuel is consumed by the engine at the rate of 1.2 kg/s. If the
exhaust gases leave the 0.7 m diameter exhaust jet pipe at the design
pressure of 101 kN/m? and temperature 800 K determine the gas exit
velocity. Ree = 287 J/kg K, ee SZ OOM) Moke

Assuming one-dimensional flow and applying the continuity equa-

tion 3.5b to flow through the jet engine (figure 3.20) we have

Ae MFuel See !
. ae -—- poe le Figure 3.20
a a

oe Set ee =

Mair * ™fuel = Mgas

or (PAU) air + Mfuel = (PAU) gas (i)

Substituting p = p/RT in equation (i), we obtain

pAu : _ {pAu
[Pat] be ASRS s [Pat
air gas
“3 2 hs
1.52 x 50 LOL PXE 10s xt XxsO art
10° x a x g
287 x 4 x 285 6 ERS 790 x» 4 x 800
Uy = 650 m/s

Example 3.4

Derive the equation of continuity for a two-dimensional, incompress-

ible steady flow and determine if the flow field, represented by
velocity components u = x*y + y? and v = x? - y*x, satisfies con-

Write down the velocity components, u and v, in terms of partial

derivatives of the stream function ¥ and hence determine (i) the
stream function for the flow, and (ii) the velocity at the point
XWS 2 VR= a's

Consider the flow through a y

rectangular element of unit ?
depth (figure 3.21). The av-
erage velocities are shown. For
an incompressible fluid, volu-
metric flow in equals that out.

UW =O y, at VOX
== [u+ du
Bsx} 6y + [v+ 6v
& sy]ox

and 9du . oy
res ov 6) 5
(i) * +
Figure 3,21

The given velocity components are

u = x*y + y2 v = x2 - y2x

du _ OV
oer 2xy by * -2xy

Substituting in continuity equation (i) we have

2xy - 2xy = 0

Therefore, the given flow field satisfies continuity,

(i) The velocity component, u, expressed in terms of ¥ and (x, y) is

feo 9 yt Ya

Zee 3
f(x) + Cy (ii)
y= Se+2-

gee — xy? + f£'(x) (iii)


Now v= - alge x* = y2x (iv)

Therefore from equations (iii) and (iv)

-x? + y2x = xy? + f'(x)

£'(x) = -x?
and ffx) = - tone Co

Substituting for f(x) in equation (ii)


(ii) At the point x = 2, y = 3 the velocity components are

ipeexty + y* = 22 x 3 + 32 = 21 y
v = x? - yx = 2? - 32 x 2 = -14
u= ¥(u2 + v2) = Y[212 + (-14)2] v=

= 25.24

6 = tan (14/21) =-33.7 Figure 3.22

Example 3.5

A flow pattern is obtained by the superposition of two flow patterns

1 and 2 defined as follows.

¥, = y3/3 - x2y + 2xy and $5 = 2x2 - 2y?2

Show that both of the flow patterns are real and irrotational
and obtain the stream function for the combined flow pattern. De-
termine the circulation for the combined flow pattern about a closed
rectangular path defined by the cartesian co-ordinates (0, 0), (0, 1),
(Zeeland Ce Ole

For real flow, equation 3.7 must be satisfied and for irrotational
flow equation 3.14 must be satisfied. Alternatively, the conditions
for real, irrotational flow are satisfied by the Laplace equations
v2¥ = 0 and v2 = 0. For the given flow patterns

Ware ye [Bc xe ey Oxy. $o = 2x2 -2y2

ie 2y xs - -4

eee. ee == (@) al. = O

Therefore both flow patterns are real and irrotational.

Now $5 = 2x* - 2y

ap _ oe Oe!
ny hen ae ae

oo u & oY
oa by gine a oi aX

Now u = ors 4x

Yo = 4xy + f(x) + Cy
outs ' i;
and Sty) EL Ome ay

Therefore f'(x) = 0, f(x) = O and the stream function for flow 2 is

Vo = 4xy + C3

For the combined flow, superposition of flows 1 and 2 gives

Y= W,) + Yo = y3/3 - x*y + 6xy + C

The velocity components for the combined flow are

u == es
iv eeVX 2 Set OX
nM eeb 3 2xy - 6y
and v

b € d a
La " fv dy + fu dx + fv dy + fu dx
a b e d
f(-2y) dy + fa = X°\ +. 6x), dx
0 Fa
+ Pi-6y) dy + J (-x* + 6x) dx

= 0
Raoume =3), 25
Example 3.6

Given that the equation for vorticity, expressed in polar co-ordi-

nates is
dU, l ( du,
C= Se ae

or ele)

determine expressions for the stream function, ¥ and the velocity

potential, ¢, for an irrotational circular vortex in terms of the
strength, K, of the vortex. Hence, show that the circulation, Ir,
is equal to K for a streamline of an irrotational vortex and equal
to zero for any closed curve which does not enclose the axis of the

For an irrotational vortex

For a circular vortex the streamlines

are concentric and Oh = Q. Hence

anced =) C
The strength K of the vortex is def- Irrotational vortex
ined K = 27C = 2mugr.
Figure 3,24
Now u_ = O = ==
Se ——
188 aes
te or r 06

. oe ov
oa) viaste 7 wor

o = u,rée ee

* -) Ko dr. iS
and ¥ = - fu, dr = - oe in;

From equation 3.10 the circulation around a streamline is

T = u,gds = u, 2Tr = K Q.ERDE

The circulation around the path 1-2-3-4-1 (figure 3.24) is

2 3 4 1
r f oar + fue 72 de + f 0dr e 1%") dé

0+(C0+0-CA=0 Q.E.D.
These results and example 3.5 confirm that the circulation around
a closed curve in an irrotational field is zero except where the
curve encloses a singular point. In this example, the origin or
core of the vortex is the singularity. At a singular point, the
velocity or acceleration is theoretically infinity or zero and
vorticity exists at the point.

Example 3.7

Starting with the velocity components in terms of the stream func-

tion, derive an expression for the superposition of a source and
parallel flow of an ideal, incompressible fluid. Hence, determine
expressions for the position of the stagnation point and the stagna-
tion streamline. Sketch, in good proportion, the resulting stream-
line pattern.

For uniform flow parallel to the x axis, equations 3.8 give the
velocity components as
=e — = my
ox iM
—__—__—___—_____s JJ
and u = ese & U ae
(a) uniform flow

Vien Uys ta G

Let ¥ = O when y = 0, Then c = O,. and

= Uy

For a source of strength, Q, defined Q_

as the total flow per unit time per uy, = 0 Uae
unit depth, equations 3.9 give
and u eA fee at
Pr or5300 2nr


0 ae
bh) source

Figure 3.25

Let ¥Y = O when 6 = 0. Thenc = 0, and

For a combination of a source and uniform flow (-ve right to left)

bd Y) + ¥o = -Uy + mo

Ot ae Ml -Ur sin 6 + mé (i)

‘The velocity components for the combined flow are

1 oy 1 ee
Lae 56 7 =) el cos 6 + m) (ii)

oy : Bee
and Uy a. U sin 6 (iii)

A stagnation point, 9, occurs where the fluid is brought to rest and

the velocity components uM and u, are both zero. Therefore, from
equations (ii) and (iii), the stagnation point occurs at 6 = O and
r= m/U.

The streamline ¥ = O gives the stagnation streamline and the body

shape. Equation (i) gives

O = -Ur sin 8 + mé

From this equation the stagnation streamline is the x axis (8 = 0)

and a body of shape r = mO/U sin 6,

The combined flow may be sketched bv superimposing a source of

strength 0 = 16 (say) with uniform flow as shown in figure 3.264,

6 5 4 3 2

y= -4
y=Q -6
8 pe
eee ee)
sar fy)

Figure 3.26
Example 3.8

The superposition of a circulation of strength, -T, on uniform flow

of velocity, U, normal to a circular cylinder of radius, a, produces
a streamline pattern represented by the stream function
a2 é I
Y == U(r aS ) sin Cen
Ta yr

Sketch flow patterns for different values of Tf, clearly marking the
position of the stagnation points. Hence determine the position of
the stagnation points when a cylinder of diameter 150 mm is rotated
at 87 rad/s in an airstream of velocity 8 m/s perpendicular to the
cylinder axis. Assume p = 1.2 kg/m?.

The given stream function is formed by the combination of (i) a

uniform flow, (ii) a doublet and (iii) an irrotational vortex having
circulation -f. Note that » = Ua-.
~ a Za : if
Ne ey Aly Ge = ) sinners a Me ge

reine Ure) + oe)
a2 sin 6 + oe

At a point on the cylinder surface r = a. Therefore

Us 9 fe ae = -2U sin 9 - Ita

At a stagnation point Uy = Op Le On nerecomre

; _ B
sin 8 oT te Frau

The positions of the stagnation points for different values of T

are shown in figure 3.27. Note that the condition I = O corresponds
to flow normal to a cylinder, (Combination of uniform flow and

ceo a
f= I < 4nau Tr = 4nauU T > 41aU

Figure 3.27

pu, ds 2mnau
ean ote ro 8 — BIOX0.075. 0.1178
47auU 4nau 2DOAS

6 = 186.76° and 353.24°


1 For a cylinder of radius a, rotating with angular velocity

in a uniform fluid flow of velocity U, perpendicular to the cylinder
axis, the velocity components relative to the cylinder axis are
(up = -U (1 - a*/r*) cos 6 and (ug, = -U (1 + a2/r2) sin 8 = wa*/r.
Determine the steady and unsteady flow velocities at the point
9 = 30°, r = 40 mm for a cylinder of radius 25 mm rotating at

300 rev/min in a uniform air-stream of 15 m/s.
[up = 13.49 m/s, 24°, u = 6.12 m/s, 64°]

2 A venturi meter, inserted in a pipe of diameter 100 mn, consists

of a converging conical section of included angle 60°, a parallel
throat section of diameter 50 mm and a diverging conical section of
included angle 10°, Determine the acceleration at the mid-points of
the convergent, throat and divergent sections at the instant when
the flow is 0.01 m/s. Assume (i) steady-flow conditions and (ii)
unsteady-flow with an acceleration in the 100 mm pipe of 40 m/s*.
Assume one-dimensional flow.
[157.4 m/s*, 228.5, 0, 160 m/s*, -23.9 m/s*, 47.2 m/s7]

3. Water flows at 5 m/s through a 200 mm diameter pipe. The pipe

then branches into two pipes of diameters 100 mm and 150 mn, res-
pectively. The mass flow rate through the 100 mm pipe is found to
be 50 kg/s. Determine the velocity of flow in the 150 mm pipe.
Assume p = 1000 kg/m°,
[6.06 m/s]

4 A two-dimensional field is described by

u=y* - x

We=a2xy + X

Show that this field satisfies continuity and is also irrotational.

Find the stream function.
Pee iy cet 72> xP / 2° Cl
5 Draw the streamlines for the field represented by ¥ = xy for
Vatues ote = "0, 1',92,°3. Find the corresponding potential, ¢, if
one exists and draw the equipotential lines. Show that the ¥ lines
and @ lines are orthogonal. What actual flow pattern might this
fo = x-/2 - y7/2. ¥ G) Flow at 90° corner]

6 (a) Working from first principles show that for steady incompress-
ible flow

Ce ee
oxe. faye” 4

where @ is the velocity potential.

(b) Show that the velocity potential 6 = 2(x? = y?) represents a

steady motion and find a corresponding expression for the stream
function. Show approximately a few of these streamlines, What
would be the magnitude and direction of flow at the coordinate (4, 2)?
(De Se Abo, AAO. S27
a |

7 Two flow patterns are superimposed, One flow pattern is described

by the stream function ¥ = 3x? - 3y2 + 2x and the other is described
by the velocity potential o = x2 +x - y2, Show that the individual

flows are real and irrotational and determine the stream function
for the combined flows, What will be the velocity at the point
x = 3, y = 4 in the combined flow?
[Y = 3x2 - 3y? + 2x + 2xy + y + ChRSamee
8 The x and y components of velocity in an ideal, two-dimensional
flow are given by u = 3x? - 3y* and v = 6xy. (i) Show that the flow
is both real and irrotational, and (ii) determine the circulation
around a rectangle which is formed by straight lines joining the
points (1, 1), (1, -1), (O, -1) and (0, 1) lying in an x-y plane.
[r= Oj
9 A vortex pair consists of two vortices of equal strength, K,
but opposite sign. Obtain expressions for the stream and velocity
potential functions. Hence, show that, in the unsteady-flow pattern,
both vortex centres move in a direction perpendicular to the line
joining their centres, distance, d, apart, with velocity v = K/2nd.
Sketch the unsteady and steady flow patterns.

10 Sketch, in good proportion, the streamline pattern for the super-

position of a source and sink of equal strengths, a finite distance
apart, and a uniform flow.

11 A cylinder of liquid rotates with an angular velocity of

10 rad/s. Determine (i) the circulation for a curve enclosed by
radii 0.75 m and 1.2 m and included angle 30°, and (ii) the circu-
lation for a curve enclosed by a circular streamline of radius 0.75 m.
[4.595 m2/s, 35.35 m/s]

12 Assuming two-dimensional flow, the stream function for the vane-

less diffuser of a centrifugal pump is given by the combination of
a source and an irrotational vortex. Hence

Y = qg0/2n + (T/2n)ln r

where q is the flow per unit depth (m@/s) and lf is the circulation
(m?/s) equal to the strength of the vortex K = 2mu,r.

(i) Determine the expression for the velocity potential, $, and, by

obtaining equations for ¥ = O and ¢ = O, sketch the flow net
(ii) The two-dimensional vaneless diffuser of a centrifugal pump
has entry and exit diameters of 500 mm and 800 mn, respectively.
Water enters at a velocity of 10 m/s and an angle of 60° with a
radial line. Obtain a numerical expression for the stream function
in terms of 9 and r and calculate the magnitude and direction of
the exit velocity.
[> = = Inr- 5, ¥ = 1.250 + 2.165 In r, 6.247 m/s, 60°]


In this chapter the forces and energies involved in fluid flow will
be considered. The conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy
form the basis of solution for all problems in fluid dynamics.


The law of conservation of momentum is embodied in Newton's second

law of motion which states that the rate of change of momentum of
a given mass is equal to the net force acting on the mass i.e.
IF = ae (mu) (GD)

This law is not a true conservation law in the sense that momen-
tum is conserved under all conditions but if ZF = O then momentum
must be conserved.


The sum of the surface and body forces acting on a fluid element
may be equated to the rate of change of momentum to obtain the
equations of motion.

If shear or viscous forces are neglected we obtain the £uler

equations of motion for an ideal fluid,

1 op iz du du du. du
Meee x ) Gy 7“ G2 * ot eee)
1 op e dV OV ov ov
oy, ae Y Gy * “ Bz * 3t Sige)

1 op = ow oW OW OW
Me ee oxcke seby fi" Bz." St ey
where X, Y and Z are the body forces per unit mass.

These three equations may be expressed in vector notation as

-—grad p+S
=— (43)
s RE
where S = iX + jY + kZ and u = iu + -jv + kw

The Euler equations of motion are valid at any point in a flow

field for the unsteady, three-dimensional, compressible flow of an
ideal fluid.
If shear or viscous forces are included we obtain the Navier-
Stokes equations of motion for a real fluid.
- ~ grad Ditton = = grad div u + 34 u=— (4.4)

The equations of motion are not amenable to complete solution

and for integration over a finite region simplifying assumptions
have to be made.

4.2.1 Irrotational Flow and Flow along a Streamline

Throughout the whole of an irrotational flow field or along a

streamline in any ideal flow the Euler equations 4.2 reduce to a
single integrable equation

fo) y
aes eas oa cen aed e ee
p ot

4.2.2 Steady-state Euler Equation of Motion

For steady flow (ap/dt = 0) situations in which the sole body force
is that due to gravity (weight), Z = -g and X = Y = 9. Therefore

cP u du + g dz = 9 (4.6)

This is the steady-state Euler equation of motion which is

strictly valid for the flow of an ideal fluid but it may be applied
to real fluid flow if there are no significant velocity gradients
due to eddies or solid surfaces. Integration is possible for in-
compressible flow where p is constant or for compressible flow where
eo is a known function of p (e.g. isentropic flow p/pY = const).


For constant density fluid, equation 4.6 may be integrated between

two stations 1 and 2 in the flow to yield

— + tu? + <Ce aera uy? + g22 = constant = e, (4.7a)

This is the Bernoulli equation which strictly applies to the

steady frictionless flow of a constant density (incompressible)
fluid, along a streamline, or the whole field of irrotational flow.
Each of the terms has units of specific energy N m/kg (= m*/5")9
therefore the Bernoulli equation is also an energy-equation. It
expresses conservation of 'mechanical' energy since each term is
based on force quantities. Alternative forms of the Bernoulli
equation are

1 Ee S
——— + +2) =—+ + Zo =H (4.7b)
pg 2g pg 2g

where Ho is the Bernoulli or total head

and p, + 3puj* + pgz = pp + pu” + pgzo = Po (4.7c)

where Po is the stagnation or total head pressure,

_The Bernoulli equations 4.7 may be used for total flow through
a finite flow area. In this case a mean velocity u may be used
although to be strictly accurate a kinetic energy correction factor
should also be applied. Equation 4.7a becomes

Pl 2 Po e
= + tu,* + gzy-= Fe bio? + gz = ey (4.7d)

4.3.1 Pressure Variation Across Curved Streamlines

It is usually assumed in flow problems that the pressure normal to

the flow is constant. This assumption is not always valid and it
is necessary here to consider the effect of flow curvature on the
pressure variation across the flow.

If r is the radius to the centre of curvature of a streamline

in a curved flow it can be shown that

dr g dr r g ce
ad ar r (4.9)
dp* = Q .

Equation 4.9 may be used to predict the variation in piezometric

pressure across a curved flow if the velocity variation is known.
For vortex motion, where there is a single centre of curvature,
equations 4.8 and 4.9 can be integrated.

(i) Free or Irrotational Vortex

For an irrotational vortex, defined in section 3.8, the vorticity,

G, 1S zero. Therefore

dr g dr ie

Thus u,r constant = C (4.10)

and a. = constant (4s)

This is a special case of circular flow with the Bernoulli head, H

constant over the whole region of flow. It follows that for
two points 1 and 2 in an irrotational vortex

Ol 02
and p2* - p)* =o —_—_ - — (4.12)
a Tr”

(ii) Forced or Rotational Vortex

For a rotational vortex, defined in section 2.3.2, all the fluid

particles move with constant angular velocity w = ug/r = dug/dr.
The vorticity is finite at all points in the flow but there is no
relative motion between particles and no frictional effects. There-
fore the Bernoulli equation may be applied

dH u, }du u 2
OF OR ice reg eee (4.13)
dr fj Wahe xB g é

Integrating between two points 1 and 2

Hy, "a Hoy Bare)

w* (ro aie |re
eee :

and po* - py* = pw2(re* - r,7)/2 (4.15)

In the theoretical irrotational vortex, the relationship ugr = C

implies that ug >~ as r +O. Ina real fluid, viscosity causes
a central core to rotate as a solid body and ug increases linearly
from zero at the axis to a finite value some distance from the core,
when there is a transition from the rotational to the irrotational
velocity distribution. This is a closer approximation than the
simple irrotational vortex to the motion of air in tornadoes and
behind wing tips, and of water in whirlpools and at propellers and

4.3.2 Applications of the Bernoulli Equation

No flow is ideal but there are many practical applications where

the Bernoulli equation may be used as a basis of analysis.

Consider the terms in the Bernoulli equation. The potential

energy term gz increases linearly with elevation and the kinetic
energy term u*/2 increases with decreasing area (V= uA = const).
Thus in ideal, incompressible flow the pressure of the fluid de-
creases with increase in elevation or decrease in flow area. The
two effects are independent.

Venturi meters, orifice plates and nozzles (figure 4.la) are

flow meters which depend on the measurement of the variable pressure
drop between an upstream station 1 and a throat station 2. The
areas are constant,

A rotameter (figure 4.l1c) depends on the measurement of a variable

flow area by means of the position of a float in a tapered glass

tube. The pressure drop is almost constant.

(a) Venturi meter (b) Orifice plate (c) Rotameter

24 2

The pressure p in the Bernoulli equation is the static pressure

which determines the internal state of the fluid. It is measured
by means of a small hole in the boundary wall normal to the fluid

The stagnation or total head pressure, Py, is that produced when

a fluid is brought to rest (strictly under frictionless, adiabatic
conditions). It is measured by means of a pitot or total-head tube
which is simply a circular tube with its open end facing the flow.
The fluid is brought to rest at a stagnation point, 0, on the nose
and the stagnation pressure, po, at this point is recorded on a
pressure gauge or manometer. Applying the Bernoulli equation be-
tween stations 1 and 2

Po = Pi + }puy? (4.16)

The stagnation pressure, Po: is the sum of the static pressure,

p, and the dynamic pressure pu2/2.

| it
tay Pitot tube (b) Pitot-static tube
Figure 4,2

A pitot-static tube consists of a pitot tube surrounded by a

concentric tube having a circumferential ring of small holes to
measure static pressure, If the two tubes are connected across a

manometer the dynamic pressure is measured directly and for a fluid
of known density the velocity can be calculated, Equation 4,16 gives

u- = 7/2 (p, = 71) 70) (4.17)

It should be noted that equation 4.17 is strictly valid for in-
compressible flow. If the flow is compressible (e.g. gas flow)
equation 4.17 becomes increasingly inaccurate with increasing
velocity (increasing Mach number).

Free-surface flow (e.g. channels, streams) is normally measured

by means of a weir. The Bernoulli equation can be used to obtain
a relationship and other techniques are available (see chapters 5
and 8).


The Euler equations may be integrated over an irrotational field to

give the pressure forces on the boundaries of a finite system. This
solution is restricted to ideal fluid flow. For the flow of a real
fluid, Newton's second law may be applied in a more general form to
give the momentum theorem.

Consider the fluid which is con-

tinuously entering and leaving a sta-
tionary control volume V bounded by
control surface S (figure 4.3).

From Newton's second law

iP2 = x! pu dV + feee
eee u(pu-dA)
ae (4.18)

I | =. ie) ¢ janet ot
— & Qa.r=}

a Soe Figure 4,3

The first term on the right hand side is the time rate of change
of momentum within the control volume and the second term is the
time rate of net efflux of momentum across the control surface.

For steady flow, the first term disappears and, if the flow is
now restricted to single entry and exit stations 1 and 2 (figure
4.4a) with uniform properties at each station, we obtain

EF -=om (uz = uy) -P2Ao (4.19)

-p dA ae 2, Fe P2A2
Sa P » Soe
t dA ON kak
ts u2
/ ~——

Se Lele 7
NaN Ege OP aya xe

2 -p
(a) Pid (b) esA (c)/ anes
Figure 4.4

ZF is the summation of all the forces acting gn the control
volume i.e. surface forces (pressure and shear) and body forces.
If the control surface is chosen as the fluid boundary, S consists
of the inside surface of the duct and the entry and exit planes, as
shown in figure 4.4b. The pressure and shear forces exerted by the
duct on the fluid internally are difficult to evaluate and may be
represented by a single resultant force F__. The body force is F,.
Therefore pe =

ee ee 2. = le - i) (4. 20a)
or Fs = m(ug = u,) ot P1Ai + P2A2 - BR (4.20b)

It is sometimes desirable to draw the control surface outside the

duct and areas Aj and Ag. In this case, there must be an external
force a acting on the duct to hold it in place (figure 4.4c). In
addition, there is an external force Fy acting on the duct due to
pressure and drag forces. %

For a stationary control volume, Ft consists solely of forces due

to atmospheric pressure, pg, which cancel, except on areas Aj, and
Aj. Hence

pee Us U1) + (Pi -)P,) Ay + (P2 - pi) Aa - FL (4.21)

Note that Fe is the external force exerted on the fluid inside

the control volume. By Newton's third law, the force exerted by
the fluid on the duct is Fa = af

For a moving control volume, equation 4.18 applies but the vel-
ocity associated with mass: flow rate refers to velocity relative
to S and will be written Ung: Hence

a call py dV + fu (Pcp. sdA) Cases

This equation is valid for a control volume having linear velocity
Urelative to earth. The velocities Ue and uy are also relative to
earth. Therefore uc = U + Ups and uy = U + Upy where upy is vel-
ocity relative to V. Equation 4.22 may be expanded and modified
to give

iG —+ , veRv dv + ip
rs Sas
-dA) (4.23)
The first term on the right hand side is the product of the mass
of the whole control volume (solid and fluid) and the acceleration
of this mass. The other terms are similar to those in equation 4.18
for a stationary control volume but with velocities relative to
volume and surface, respectively.


The linear momentum equation 4.18 may be modified for angular mom-
entum or moment of momentum by introducing a radius vector r from
the origin to the point of application of the force. The forces
acting on a system produce a net torque T,

Terex = f xn ave f (Ux xr)(oup-da) (4.24)

V S ;

The most important application of this relationship is steady

flow through turbomachinery e.g. pumps, compressors, turbines.

Consider figure 4.5 which shows

flow through the rotor of a pump.
All velocities are in the plane of
rotation. The velocity of a point on
the rotor periphery relative to the
casing is U = wr. The velocity
of the fluid relative to the casing
is u and that relative to the rotor
is Up.

The relationship between the

velocities is given by

d= 0 * (4.25)
= R

The velocity u can, in general, Figure 4.5

be resolved into three perpendicular
components: one axial uj, one radial UL. and one tangential ui.

Applying the momentum equation we may state

(1) The change in magnitude of us produces an axial thrust Foe From

equation 4.19

x ae OulP =m(u. -u_) (4.26)

a pressure ao aj

(2) The change in magnitude of UL. results in radial journal loads.

(3) The change in magnitude of wu results in the torque 7 onwege

rotor. Rotation is about the rotor axis rather than a point, and
flow is steady. Therefore equation 4.24 reduces to the scalar

7 : fu, 7te eT dA) Se fut dm: (4.27 )

With uniform properties and single mean values for the fluid veloci-
ties at rotor entry station 1 and exit station 2 we obtain

T= m (ure = us 74) (4.28)

Ww W 1

The rate of energy transfer between rotor and fluid is

Ea Ty = ee is aoa = we? = Bao (4.29a)

For a turbine

E = mu, Uy - u,,U2) (4.29b)

Equation 4.29b is sometimes called the Euler turbine equation.


The principle of conservation of energy was stated in section 1.6.2,

This principle is embodied in the first law of thermodynamics (equa-
tion 1.15) which may be written as a time rate equation for the fluid
which is continuously entering and leaving a stationary control
volume (figure 4.3).

da dE, dw
dt dt dt

or Q= =f ep dV + f e_(puedA) + W (4.30)
ty S ee

The first term on the right hand side is the time rate of change
of energy within the control volume and the second term is the time
rate of net flow of energy across the control surface. W consists
of the time rate of flow work § , (P/p) (ourdA) on the control sur-
face and the rate of shaft work W,. The control surface is chosen
so that there is no fluid shear work. Hence

he a ep dV + Je (purdA) + f (p/p) (purdA) + W, (4551)

This is the unsteady-flow energy equation (U.S.F.E.E.). For steady
flow, time rate terms disappear and equation 4.31 reduces to

Q= f (e, + p/p) (ou-dA) + W,


where eee + lu* + gz is the stored specific energy of the fluid.

Q= f[ (© + p/o + due + gz2)(ourda) + W (4.32a)


This is the steady-flow energy equation (S.F.E.E.).

If the flow is now restricted to single entry and single exit

with uniform properties at each station, f opu-dA = m and we obtain
the form of the S.F.E.E. most commonly used in thermodynamics.

Q + m(e; + py/p + $u,? + gz1) = Wy + men + p2/p2 + $U2” + gz2)


For unit mass

q + €; + pi/p, + Hy? + gz] = wy + 2 + po/p2 + BQ” 2 + Bao


In differential form putting v = 1/p

dq = dw. + der) pedul+ wedpee- vu du edz (4.32d)

Note that enthalpy h = e + p/o may be substituted into equations

A S2.



It was shown in section 4.3 that the terms in the Bernoulli equation
represent 'mechanical' forms of energy. These terms also appear in
the steady-flow energy equation together with terms representing
'thermal' forms of energy. It is now necessary to consider how
these equations are related for duct flow and turbomachinery.

4.7.1 Incompressible Flow in Ducts

The steady-flow energy equation 4.32d applied to duct flow (dw. = 0)


dq = de + p dv + v dp + u du+ g dz (4.33)

For any process, T ds = de + p dv (equation 1.17). Also vu = 1/p,


et eS du + g dz = dq - T ds (4.34)

The Euler equation 4.6 states that the left hand side of this
equation is zero for ideal or reversible flow in which case
da, = T ds,as predicted by the second law of thermodynamics (equation
1,16b). If the flow is adiabatic and reversible dq = 0 and ds = OQ.
If, however, the flow is adiabatic and irreversible dq = 0 but T ds
is finite and positive. Thus, T ds represents a dissipation or loss
of mechanical energy into thermal energy due to frictional effects.
For incompressible, adiabatic, irreversible flow in ducts, equation
4.34 can be integrated hetween stations 1 and 2 to give

bie Po :
— + hu)?
1 + gzy ih = —\+ fp?
22 + gz + J T ds (4.35)
ie) p 1

This equation is sometimes called the Bernoulli equation with

losses because ie ds = ey; represents the dissipation or loss of
mechanical energy. For flow in ducts, ey; may be predicted from

knowledge of the nature of flow (see chapter 7).

The steady-flow energy equation 4.32c for the same conditions


Pl ss p2
= ;— + jup* + gzo + (ep - ey) (4.36)
- — + hu)? + gz)

Therefore, from equations 4.35 and 4.36

Pidg = f= (eo - e1) (4.37)

Thus, for incompressible, adiabatic irreversible flow in ducts

the loss in mechanical energy due to dissipation appears as an in-
crease in internal energy.

For ideal or reversible flow Ne ds =e, = (€2.= €;) = 0 and both

equations 4.35 and 4.36 reduce to the Bernoulli equation 4.7d. Thus
the Bernoulli equation can be obtained from the Euler equation, de-
rived from momentum concepts, and the steady-flow energy equation,
based on energy concepts. A single statement of the Bernoulli equa-
tion satisfies both concepts. This is not true for compressible
flow where density changes are significant and the momentum and
energy equations must be considered separately.

4.7.2 Incompressible-flow Turbomachinery

In the case of adiabatic, incompressible flow with work transfer

(e.g. hydraulic turbines or pumps or fans) the steady-flow energy
equation 4.32c gives

ee — tu? + g1| - [Pe hug* + @Zz9| = (€7,- €)) (4.38)

For adiabatic, irreversible flow, equation 4.37 gives (eo - e))

=e,. Therefore the internal energy change is due to the dissipation
of mechanical energy due to friction and eddies and serves no useful
purpose. The useful energy transfer is that associated with the
change of mechanical energy, ey, of the fluid defined

P = p =
ee = = - fu, 2 + z21| = = + Lune - g22| (4.39)

Therefore, from equations 4.38 and 4.39

Ww. =e - (eo - e)) (4.40)

x m

The efficiency of energy conversion between fluid and rotor for

an incompressible-flow machine is the hydraulic efficiency, Thy» de-
fined as follows for a pump

(Mp a W (4.41)

For a turbine, the available mechanical energy, ey', is referred

to a datum of zero energy at the level of the turbine discharge or
tail water level

ppt er (4.42)

Example 4.1

A siphon has a uniform circular bore of 75 mm and consists of a

bent pipe with its crest 2 m above water level and its open end dis-
charging into the atmosphere at a level 4 m below water level. Find
the velocity of flow, the discharge and the absolute pressure at
crest level, if the atmospheric pressure is equivalent to 10 m of
water. Neglect losses due to friction. Determine also the maximum
permissible crest height for water at 29 °C.

The Bernoulli equation 4.7d Enerev line


Sat poe (i)

2g Piezomet-
Tic whine
For frictionless flow, the total
head, Hj, 1s constant and may be p
represented by a total head line —
(or energy line) parallel to the ig
datum line (figure 4.6). A
piezometric or hydraulic grade
line may also be drawn based on
(p/pg + z). The piezometric
line is useful because the verti-
cal distance between it and a
point on the pipe centre Tine
represents the pressure p/pg in
the pipe. Thus the possible on-
set of cavitation may be predicted. Figure 4.6 ri

Note that absolute pressures are used in figure 4.6 but energy
and piezometric lines are frequently based on gauge pressures.

For free discharge to atmosphere, p3 = Dae

a Applying the Ber-
noulli equation (i) between points 0 and 3 (u = constant in pipe)

p P Pep
ae +O + Z, = ia ae +23
pg og

u = v[2g(z, - z3)] = Y(2 x 9.81 x 4) = 8.85 m/s

Applying the continuity equation

V =A = {a x 0.0752 x 8.85 = 0.039 m3/s

Applying equation (i) between points O and 2

Pa P2 a2
— +O + Zj] =— + >—-+ Zo
og og

Boge (Pe (2y-- 22)-- jou* + p_ (4)

Pe exeoeel (-2)0-)4 x 10°°x 8.85 * 102°* 9.81 x 10
iT} 39.38 kPa

The height of the crest above the water surface is restricted

because the absolute pressure pz falls with increasing crest height
and can drop below the saturation pressure, causing a vapour lock.
For a saturation pressure 2.337 kPa at 20 °C, the maximum height
(Zp - z,) is given by equation (ii)
i, = 12 ae 2
re ee 0.7 ia

Example 4.2

Figure 4.7 shows a venturi mounted with a vertical axis and arranged
as a suction device. The throat area is 0.00025 m* and the outlet
area is 4 times the throat area. The suction pipe joins the throat
at a point 0.1 m above the outlet and the surface of the sump is
1 m below this point. The venturi discharges to atmosphere and the
free surface of the sump is also exposed to atmospheric pressure,
Neglecting viscous effects, calculate the lowest steady volume rate
of flow through the venturi at which flow will occur up the suction

Applying the Bernoulli equa-

tion 4.7d, in head units, hetween
venturi throat and exit we have

From continuity

V = UdAp = U3A3 (ii)

From equations (i) and (ii)

Fissure 4.7

2524 b 1

View m2 e (~2| |eet s2g(Z4.- “=| (iii)

3 p

Flow will commence in the suction pipe at the instant that the
pressure difference across the ends of the pive is fractionally
greater than the hydrostatic pressure difference. This occurs for
any flow sreater than the condition p,* = po*. Therefore for mini-
mum flow

Pr P27 = pot Pez2

Or t2Pi ip P2 og (2t— 27) (iv)

From equations (iii) and (iv) and p, = p3 = P, we obtain
: 2
ee pe ies: 1
= E (3 | [2g(z3 - 21)]°

i= il
i 0.00025 [3- 1] [2 x 9.81(1 - 0.1)]? = 0.00109 mye

It should be noted that the pressure at a throat can drop below

the saturation pressure and cause cavitation. In this problem the
throat pressure, po, can be evaluated from equation (i) or equation
(iv). Cavitation does not occur at ambient conditions.

Example 4.3

(a) Show that, for a given flow rate through a pressure differential
flow meter, the difference in pressure level registered by a mano-
meter connected to the inlet and throat séctions is independent of
the angle of inclination of the flow meter.

(b) A 75 mm diameter orifice-plate is situated in an inclined pipe

150 mm diameter as shown in figure 4.8. The throat (D/2) pressure
tapping is 200 mm above the inlet (D) tapping and Cg = 0.6. Petrol
of density 780 kg/m? flows through the meter at the rate of
0.04 m?/s, By application of the Bernoulli equation determine (i)
the pressure difference in kPa between inlet and throat and (ii)
the difference of level which would be registered by a vertical
mercury manometer, the tubes above the manometer being full of

(a) Applying the Bernoulli equation 4.7d between pressure

tapping stations 1 and 2 we have

Pl e+ p2 es
eG ts fre Be ara h ot s U*+ 8290
a ee a ci ae) 5
and (up? - u,2)? =|—————— + 2g(z] - 22) (i)
From the continuity equation 3,5a

m =P, A,u, = P2A0U2 (Li)
and uj= rr ts,
ee ug es

Combining equations (i), (ii) and (iii)

2 1 1
=e 2 2
g ay
tite (Pi =. po) *
m+eheoretical ea Ln) 0 a 2pCZ) = “|

This equation is based on frictionless flow. In practice,

frictional effects are accounted for by a discharge coefficient,
Cg, and the actual mass flow rate is given by

. Neey)i2 -3 2
m = ceo) < | pest + 2g(z1 - :a| (v)

Figure 4,8

Consider now the reading on the manometer. Equating pressures

on line xx, we have

Pie ee, * Y) = Po + og[(zo = 21) + ¥] * p_gy, (vi)

* p
besa a g(2, a Zo) = ees = = i

Substituting equation (vi) in (v)

fies Ag)2]3 Pm : *
m = CqgpAa]1 - Ky 2y 18 race 1 (vii)

This expression for mass flow rate depends only on the manometer
reading and is independent of the angle of inclination of the flow

(b) Substituting values in equation (vii) we have

EiJ |1
0.04.< 0.6 x $n x 0.07541 - 4 ye er le A
54 m oe |
= 662 mm

From equation (vi)

Pa D2 BY Ohne oe e ot)
I 780 x 0.662 x 9.818 - Nie 780 x 9.81 xsOmZ
84.8 kPa

Example 4.4

Air flows through a converging conical nozzle. The nozzle is of

length 305 mm and its diameter changes linearly from 102 mm at the
entry to 51 mm at the throat. At a section half-way along the
nozzle a pitot-static tube is mounted on the centre-line. The pi-
tot-static tube shows a dynamic pressure of 614 Pa. Assuming
frictionless flow calculate the velocity of flow at this section
and also the longitudinal gradient of static pressure.
ee. = 1.42 Zuikg/m oF

The velocity recorded by the pitot-

static tube is given by equation

ui = y[2 (pop) /0)

v[2 « 614/1.42]

=" 29)54. m/s

For frictionless flow the Euler

equation 4.6 may be applied. For x
gas flow, dz = 9, hence bi

dp : Fjigure
eee du = 0 (1) 4,9

The continuity equation for incompressible flow may be expressed

in differential form as follows

Au = V (ii)

In A + in a= In ¥

a. M.o (iii)
Combining equations (i) and (iii) we have
dp = pu? 77 (iv)

From the geometry of the nozzle, the cross-sectional area, A, at

distance x from the nozzle entrance is

A = {nD? = $n(0.102 - 9,167x)? (v)

dA = -}7(0.102 - 0.167x)0.334 dx (vi)

Combining equations (iv) and (vi) we have

dp -0.334pu2 -0.334 x 1.42 x 29,42

Bees Osloix)= 10.102" 0.167 & 0.152) Pee KPa/m
Example 4.5

Water is pumped at the rate of 0.2 m?/s through the system shown
in figure 4.10. Neglecting all losses calculate the power required
by the pump.
Energy line
POE SOE a ara i

Evoure 4 5 10)
|a ti

x x
For frictionless, adiabatic flow the steady-flow energy equation
4.38 reduces to
Pd een oy ae,
Beem eh ot 822) > |Gateee2” + 822 (i)

Multiplying throughout by the mass flow rate, m = pV,.to give the

power, P, required by the pump and rearranging, we have

Pee. = eV [1 + tou,* + ogzi] - V[p2 + }pu2* 2 + pgz2] (ii)

At point 1 the static pressure, pi, is recorded and at point 2 the
pitot tube records the stagnation pressure ES Oe toun* (equation
4,16). Equating pressures in line xx of manometer

Pi + pg(zy - y_) + P,By., = P2 + 32” + pgze

or p) + pgz, - (po + }u2* NEAL OE OC eM) (iii)

Substituting equation (iii) in (ii) we have

P Jou,2 tayo( 2 9
v[pear Pkg
1)) \= iA
soe Ren tianhoe
Enc, De on)

ez[ hx 102,22 = 42/ (n2~ O15. )e+ 9.81% 1.20 --13,6)10°]

P = -16.85 kW

Example 4.6

The two-dimensional flow-rate of water over a sharp-crested weir

is shown in figure 4.lla. Sketch the streamline pattern and the
pressure distribution,

Assuming the idealised flow condition of figure 4.1lb, determine

the discharge over the weir. The weir is 3 m wide and the dis-
charge coefficient is 0.61.

ui?/2g - Po/Pg + Uc?/2g Energy line



(a) Actual flow (b) Idealised flow
Figure 4.11

(1) The streamline pattern for flow over the weir is shown. At
section 1 a one-dimensional situation exists with a hydrostatic
pressure distribution. The gauge pressure at A' is pgy,. At any
other point, C, in.the flow field, (p-/pg + Ue /2g) may be deter-
mined from the point and energy line but u, must be known before po
can be calculated. In the plane of the weir plate, the pressure
distribution can he predicted qualitatively. At the base, a stag-
nation point occurs at A'' with pressure (ogy; + pu,*/2) and at the
free streamlines AA and BB the pressure is constant, with zero gauge
pressure. The curvature of the streamlines in the vicinity of the
plate produces non-uniform positive pressure distributions as
shown. Downstream from the weir, the pressure within the nappe
becomes uniform and zero (gauge) as the flow approaches the one-
dimensional situation.

(ii) In the idealised flow it is assumed that the free surface re-
mains horizontal, there are no viscous or surface tension effects
and the pressure throughout the nappe is atmospheric. At section
1 the velocity is uniform (u, = const) and the hydrostatic law
applies. Hence p)/pg + z} = H. At section 2, po = 0, and the vel-
ocity, Ug, at any point is found by applying the Bernoulli equation
along a streamline

H + uj2/2g = 0 + up*/2g + zo (i)

up = ¥[2g(H - zo + uy*/2g)]
The discharge through an elementary strip of width B is u9B dz»
and the total discharge is given by
Vv BY (2g) f ‘hs oe le u,2/2g)? dz

u,2)1°5 al
2\ aes
= By (2g) nee i (ii)
2g 2g
In practice, a discharge coefficient, Cg, must be introduced

u,2)1-5 u,2)2.5
Ws = Bc, /(2g) | |H + ay es cake
2g 2g

As a first approximation, the velocity of approach, u,, is neg-

Teeced ea therefore

if . EBC) /(2g)HI*5 = Ae 3 x 0.61 x (2 x 9.81) x 0.51°5

1.91 m3/s

The velocity of approach may now be estimated

_ a ee
een 2 je 0.425 m/s

Substituting values in equation (iii) we obtain

2 1-5
ees i ees
«0.61 x ¥(2 x 9.81) o-s * JESRa|

ON Pel
= 1.96 m9/s
Example 4.7

An impeller, 300 mm diameter, rotates at 10 rad/s about a vertical

axis in a concentric cylindrical casing containing water. Inside the
impeller, the motion is that of a forced vortex but between the im-
peller tip and the side of the casing the motion is that of a free
vortex. If the pressure head at the centre of the impeller is 600 mm
and that at the side of the casing is 800 mm, determine the radius
of the casing.

The impeller rotates a central core of water, of radius r, , with

constant angular velocity, w. From equation 4.15

po* - pi* = pw*(ry* - r17)/2


Ba guar 74)le

If a horizontal reference plane is taken then the pressure at any

point in the plane is related to a point vertically above it in
the free surface by h = p/pg. Taking a datum line through the
impeller (z,} = Zz = 9) and substituting values in equation (i) we
Le P2 ee PR 2
10=(O.15—)=) 0) =
ho = are 0.6 + 7x 9.81 = 0)0715) mn:

Outside the impeller, a free vortex exists for which u,r = C.

Assuming free vortex conditions between radii ro and r3, equation
4.12 gives

c= 14 1
pe. ho
ro? r3?

P3 Pp 2
uae pel Wi a ied Gla | aE
oe e : 23| pe 22| 2.25 is = Ge
Assuming a sharp transition between the forced and free vortices,
we may use the po/pg = 0,715 m value obtained earlier, Also
C= CE 102*.0.15°*="09225imc fs: Substituting values in equa-
tion (ii) we have

r3 = 295 mm

Example 4.8

A square plate of uniform thickness is hinged about its upper edge,

which is horizontal. The length of each side is 0.4 m and the plate
weighs 100 N. A horizontal jet of water, 0.02 m diameter, impinges
on the plate at a point 0.2 m below the upper edge so that when the
plate is vertical the jet strikes it normally at its centre point.
The jet has a velocity of 15 m/s. Determine the force which must
be applied at the lower edge in order to keep the plate vertical.
If the plate is now allowed to swing freely, find the inclination
to the vertical which the plate assumes under the action of the jet.

In both cases, assume that after impact the jet flows over the sur-
face of the plate.

LG 2% Z x
G ~
\ xX


Figure 4.13
Consider a control volume enclosing the plate, as shown in figure
4.13a. The free jet and the surroundings are at atmospheric press-
ure, therefore there is no net pressure force on the control volume.
Let a retaining force, R,, be applied to the bottom of the plate to
Keepetnceplate vertical and let Fy be the force exerted by the plate
on the fluid at the point of contact of the jet. Taking moments
about the hinge point

FxL/2 = Rxb

Fy = 2Rx GD

Applying the momentum equation 4.19 and continuity equation 3.5a

and adopting the sign convention for the x-y coordinate system shown

Sey mo = uy)
Seer Ai (0 — ux.) = $Oe ee 0.02- x15 (0 — FS)

F, = 70.5 N+
R, = F,/2 = 70.5/2 = 35.25 N
Note that, by Newton's third law, the force exerted by the fluid
Giminemplate. 1s equal-and Opposite to Fy, i.e. 70.5 N =.

If the plate is now allowed to swing freely to an equilibrium

position the moment produced by the impinging jet is balanced by the
moment produced by the weight of the plate (figure 4.13b). Let Fy,
be the force, normal to the plate, exerted by the plate on the
fluid. Taking moments about the hinge point

FL _ _mgl sin 0
ZaCOsed 2

Fx, = mg sin ® cos 6 (ii)

Applying the momentum and continuity equations and adopting the

coordinate system shown (x axis normal to the plate)

=F = "ogAr uy (0 tru, = pyar(O smn seds. a) (111)
From equations (ii) and (iii)

= 10° = Iw x 0:02" 81S"

sin Ayuy*
6 = ey ee 100 = 0.707


Note that the jet is assumed to flow parallel to the surface of

the plate after impact and Py = 0.

Example 4.9

(a) A horizontal jet of water flows smoothly on to a stationary

curved vane which turns it through 135°. At the initial point of
contact with the vane, the jet is 40 mm diameter and the velocity is
40 m/s. As a result of friction, the velocity of the water leaving
the vane is 38 m/s. Neglecting gravity effects, determine the net
force on the plate.

(b) If the vane now moves in the direction of the initial jet
with a velocity of 15 m/s, determine the net force on the vane in
the direction of motion.

Figure 4.14

(a) Consider a control volume enclosing the vane, as shown in

figure 4.14. The volume of fluid within the control volume is V.
The free jet and the surroundings are at atmospheric pressure, there-
fore there is no net pressure force on the control volume. Let a
resultant external force, Fg, act on the vane. Applying the momen-
tum equation 4.19 in the x direction

IF, = m(Ux., eee )

where Fx is the sum of the forces acting on the fluid. In this
case, the only force is the x-component of Fe. Therefore

90 : ¥
Ai Be - Ura = m(-Uuy cos B - uj)

FL = 103 x !n x 0.042 x 40 (38 cos 45 + 40) = 3.36 kN

Applying the momentum equation in the y direction

4 z y see Fy - ~ipgV * aL 2 Uys

Neglecting gravity effects, pgV = O, and we have

Fy = m(uy sin g - 0) = 103 x ta x 0.042 x 40(38 sin 45)

= 1.352 kN

ies): iT} ie 24 F Nein V(3.362 + 1.3522) = 3.62 KN

ne con l(E JF Setanwe

(l 9552/5256) = 2 9°

From Newton's third law of motion, the force exerted by the fluid
on the vane is equal and opposite to Fe i.e. 3.62 kN\

(b) Consider now the case where the vane moves to the right with
velocity U. A stationary observer will see a jet of water of velo-
Clevo) entering the vane and a jet of water of velocity uy leaving
Eicavane.s Ine Velocity of the entering’ jet relative to the vane,
up}, is easily obtained as u, - U, because the water and vane velo-
eietess occur in the same direction. It is assumed that-the jet
follows the contour of the vane, therefore the velocity, ups, and
the angle, 8, of the leaving jet are known. The velocity of the
leaving jet, uy, is found by adding vectorially the vane velocity,
U, to the relative velocity, up).

For a moving control volume, and steady flow, the momentum equa-
tion 4.22 reduces to

EF = fuc(o cs dA) (i)

Let the external force acting on the vane be F, as shown in figure
4.14b (negative in the direction chosen). The net pressure force on
the control volume is zero. The velocity, associated with mass
flow rate refers to velocities relative to aRS controls surtace ape!
eR =u, - U. Applying equation (i) in the x direction

jt. m(Ux,, - Ux) = pA(u, - U)(uy cos a - uj) (Gan)

From the velocity diagram at exit, uy cos 4 = U - up, cos 8 where

Up? = keup;- Equation (ii) gives

Fx pA(u, - AA cos B - U + uj)

10° $0-O.042(40 - 15) 35* beMeos M15 LES*+ 10)

In S31 SKN

The same result is obtained using relative velocities in equation
4.23 or by imposing a velocity U to the left on the whole system to
give a steady flow situation (see example 4.13).

Example 4.10

Water flows over the spillway shown in figure 4.15 at the rate of
15 m?/s per metre length. If the upstream depth is 5 m, determine
the magnitude and direction of the force exerted on the spillway.

Energy line

Figure 4.15

It is assumed that frictional effects are negligible and that at

upstream and downstream stations the flow is one-dimensional with
a hydrostatic pressure distribution. The Bernoulli equation gives

a)? ip?
Nav “ip AE Dont ae Ke?

a2 2

or ere ee cee e
The continuity equation gives

V= uA) = UpA (Gay

From equations (i) and (ii)

\2 y2
BO ce apie
2gy1 2gy2

152 152
See Sh ee
A 2) Bil x 52 Zax OSI vee

yet) 1.760

= ® Googe
Up V 1S 8.523 m/s, agit eS 2
uj, = == 3 m/s

Let the force exerted on the fluid by unit length of spillway be

F_ in the direction shown. The force due to hydrostatic effects
is given by equation 2.16 i.e. F = logy*. Applying the momentum
equation 4.19 between stations 1 and 2, we obtain

EF = dogyi” - F, - dogy2* = m(ug - Uj)

Peete 9), 815%°5° =F, = } x 103 x 9,81 x 1.762

TO. x 15(8.523 = 3)

F, = 24.46 N

The force exerted by the fluid on the spillway is equal and opposite
to Fy, i.e. 24.46 N to the right.

Example 4.11

Determine the magnitude and direction of the force required to hold

the stationary nozzle shown in figure 4.16 in position when oil
flows through it at a rate of 50 kg/s. The absolute pressure at
station 1 is 500 kPa and the interior volume of the nozzle is
0.005 m3. Neglect the head loss in the nozzle due to fluid friction
and the effect of difference in elevation between entry and exit.
D, = 100 m, Dy = 50 mn, 6 = BO, ey eS SOO kg/m, Pa = 100 kPa.

Az cos 6 Pa ae
Total projected ie se
area A

ei, Pi



Figure 4.16
Consider a control volume enclosing the nozzle i.e. the control
surface consists of the outside surface of the duct and entry and
exit planes, A, and Aj, respectively. The momentum equation 4.19

BFe=m(uo - uj) (1)

The pressures, p; and py, acting on areas A, and Aj, are abso-
lute pressures. There is an external force, Fe, acting on the
nozzle and also a force, Fp» due to atmospheric pressure, Pg.

Applying equation (i) in the x direction, and using mean velo-

cities (u = V/A), we obtain

PiAi - p2Az cos 8 + Fp + Fy = m(Ux, - Ux,) (ii)

Now from figure 4.1l6a, the force, Fp ys is given by

Foy =p, = Ay) = palA «= Ap cos 6) =" patAz cos’ o-- Ay)

Substituting for Fox in equation (ii), and rearranging, we obtain

F, = m(u, cos g - u,) - (py - Pa)A, + (Po - PaJA, cos @ =(aamy

Applying equation (i) in the y direction and including a verti-

cal body force, Fp, = pgV, due to the weight of the fluid inside the
control volume, we’obtain

Fy = m(uy.sin @ - 0) - 0 + (py - pa)Ap sin © - pgV (iv)

Note that equations (iii) and (iv) could be obtained directly from
the vector equation 4.21.

Applying the continuity equation 3.5a

- m 50
Ut ehh UUs al en ee
= Se! nS 50 a:
Se NER rm le
Applying the Bernoulli equation 4.7d to assumed frictionless flow
through the passage, we obtain

ge a ey In,
p 2 p
Po = Py - p(uo* = uy)/2 = 5-* 10°-< 900028 44.57. ee
163 kPa

Substituting values in equations (111i) and (iv), we obtain

F, = 50(28.4 cos 30 - 7.1) - (5S - 1)10° x $n x 0.12

+ (1.63 - 1)10° x !m x 0.052 cos 30

=. -2.165. KN (2.6. Fsacts<)

Fy =-50° © 2814 sinesO = (ls6s5— 1)TO° x in x 0.05% sin 30

- 900 x 9.81 x.0.005

= -816 N (i.e. Fy ACtESmt |)

ae ¥(21632 + 8162) = 2.31 kN‘

a = tan"? (Fy/F,) = tan") (816/2163) = 20.6°

Note that F, and Fy are negative. This means that the original
directions chosen are opposite to the true directions. Fe is the
external force required to hold the nozzle stationary. By Newton's
third law, the force exerted by the fluid on the nozzle is equal
and opposite i.e. 2.31 kNN.
Example 4.12

During a static test on a turbo-jet engine, air enters the 750 mm

diameter intake with a uniform velocity of 75 m/s, temperature 15 °C
and pressure 1 bar. The engine is fitted with an exhaust nozzle of
radius R = 250 mm and during the test it is found that the distribu-
tion of exhaust velocity is closely approximated by

ufo, = (1 - ‘x2YR2)

where u is the velocity at any radius r and up, is the

maximum gas
velocity which, in this test, is found to be 500 m/s.
The nozzle
discharges at its design back pressure. If the increase in mass flow
rate due to fuel addition is 1.5%, determine (i) the density of the
exhaust gases, and (ii) the thrust of the engine. Assume atmospheric
pressure 1.015 bar. R, = 287 J/kg K.

Figure 4.17

Consider a control volume enclosing the engine i.e. the control

surface consists of the outside surface of the engine and the entry
and exit planes, A, and Ay, respectively. The momentum equation
4.18, for steady flow, gives

ZF = fe u(pu-dA) (i)

ete the external force acting on the engine be F,. The pressure
forces acting on the entry and exit planes, A, and Aj, and atmos-
pheric pressure, pg, acting on the external surface of the engine,
may be accounted for by replacing absolute pressures, p, and py, by
gauge pressures as shown in example 4.11. Applying equation (1) to
flow in the x direction

(P] - Pa)Ay - (P2 - Pa)Ap - Fx = f u(pudA) - f u(pu dA) (ii)

Ap Ay
Air enters area A, with uniform velocity, u,, and density, pj,

J u(pu dA) = pyu,2f dA = 5, u,2A, (iii)

Ay A,
The exhaust nozzle discharges at its design back pressure i.e.
without shock. Therefore p> = pa. The velocity at any radius, r,

is u = u,(1 - r2/R2). Considering flow through an element of area
dA = 2nr dr, we have

R 2
f u(pu dA) fou 7 - r2/R2) x 2nr dr
Ao 0

(pamR*u*)/3 (iv)
Substituting equations (iii) and (iv) in (ii) and rearranging, we

Fy = (Py - Pa)Ay - (po mR2ug?)/3 + pyu,7Ay (v)

Applying the continuity equation between entry and exit planes

A, and Aj, and including a 1.5% increase in mass flow rate due to
fuel addition, we have

{su di = 1.015], pu dA
e pul r2/R2)2ur dr = 1.015p,A)u4

m _ 1.015pigD2uj
4 42,7}

1.015 x 10° x 0.752 x 75

P20” Dix Oncs2exnis00 xu2s7Tixecse

0.829 kg/m?
Substituting values in equation (v), we obtain
0.829 x m x 0.252 x 5002
E Xx (1 = 1:015)10° x Ja > 0575°% 3

10° x 75% x mw x 0.752

287 Pee a

I SalisSy MIND MERE re acts: =)

The negative sign indicates that the external force exerted on

the engine, to hold it stationary, is 11.23 kN to the right. By
Newton's third law the force exerted by the fluid on the engine is
equal and opposite i.e. the thrust of the engine is 11.23 kN to the
left. Note from equation (v) that the thrust consists of (1)
momentum thrust due to the change in momentum flux of the fluid
between entry and exit, and (ii) pressure thrust due to pressure
forces acting on the entry and exit planes. (See also example

96 =<
Example 4.13

The engine of an aircraft moving through still air at 150 m/s deli-
vers 2500 kW to an ideal propeller 3 m diameter. Determine (i)
the slipstream velocity, (ii) the velocity through the propeller
disc, (iii) the thrust, and (iv) the propulsive efficiency.
On4e oe 1.2 3

Let the propeller move at velocity

Uqeconche left through still air of
pressure p, (figure 4.18a). At some
distance ahead of and behind the pro-
peller, the pressures p, and p, are
equal to pg. The pressure on the
slipstream boundary is also pg. Across
the propeller itself the mean pressure
increases from pp to p3. We may ob-
tain a steady state analysis by im- Pi © P2 p3 Py
posing a velocity, u,, to the right \ | |
on the whole system as shown in figure |
4 l8be) This gives a stationary con- Uy
trol volume V.

The force, F, exerted by the pro-

peller on the fluid is obtained by
applying the momentum equation 4.19, Figure 4.18
between stations 1 and 4,

F = m(ug - uj) = ouA(uy, - uj) ; (ay)

where u is the mean velocity through the propeller (u =‘up = u3),

Applying the momentum equation between stations 2 and 3

F + (po - p3jA = 0 (ii)

Applying the Bernoulli equation between stations 1 and 2 and
between stations 3 and 4 we obtain

Pi + jou,” = po + fou
and p3 + $opu> = py + pu,” (iv)
Combining equations (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) and using p; = py = p
we obtain

u = (u, + u,)/2 (v)

The useful power output from the propeller is the thrust power,
Po? defined as

os = Fu, = m(uy - uj)uy (vi)

The input power, P;, is that required to increase the velocity of
the air in the slipstream from u; to ux. From equations 4.39 and
Pg me, = Im(uy? - u,*) = m(uy, - uj)u (vil)

The propulsive efficiency of the propeller is given by

n Oemrr P
Pp iid
Substituting values in equation (vii)

2500 x 103 = } x 1.2 x 2x 3? [us: =) (wy? = 15029

uy, = 162.1 m/s

Weise Wi ay| ESOS oyAal
S ul
9) ara
=— 56) mys

The thrust, T, is given by

T= =F" puA(un = uy) = -1.2 *1se « 7% 32(162.1 =a

= -16 kN
Fu, | TOMS 1508 8 on
nF Dar Me seSOGeLOS opie
Se el 5
or nN = nal EG 96%

Example 4.14

A rocket, of total mass 800 kg, is travelling vertically at an

altitude where the pressure is 0.6 bar and the gravitational accel-
eration is 9.6 m/s*. If the nozzle expands 19 kg/s of combustion
products with an exit velocity and pressure of 1500 m/s and 0.85
bar, respectively, determine the thrust and acceleration of the
rocket. The nozzle exit area is 0.25 m*, The air resistance is
estimated to be 1.5 KN,

The control surface is taken as the outside of the rocket itself

and the plane of the nozzle exit. The rocket moves vertically up-
wards with velocity U relative to earth. The exhaust gases leave
the nozzle at velocity uj relative to the nozzle. In general, the
absolute pressure at exit from the nozzle, Pj> is greater than
atmospheric pressure, Pg (i.e. the gas is underexpanded). For a
moving control volume, equation 4.23 gives

dU ;
a eee
Roh Gee ae JPvey lis {ups ( stps* aA) ee
The sum of external forces =F consists of a gravitational hody

98 =
force, “Fy and a pressure force, 5 = 0; - Palys and a drag
force, Sia on the rocket due to air resistance. Therefore

YF = -Mvg + iP; = ae - Fy (a5)

Term 1 on the right hand side of the

equation represents the acceleration of
the rocket. Note that My is the instant-
aneous mass of the rocket and fuel.

Term 2 is the change of momentum in

the control volume. fo dV is the instant- =
aneous mass of the rocket and upy is the
velocity relative to the contro] volume.
For solid or liquid fuel, upy is zero
and for steady flow of the gases its time
rate of change is zero. For unsteady
flow the mass of gas in negligible.
Therefore Pan

eo us Rs Figure 4,19
at Jovry ahi) = 6) (iii)

Term 3 is the momentum flux. For a rocket the inlet area is zero.
Assuming uniform flow at exit from the nozzle we have

° = aes é s iv
Lups(? suas dA) = 0 - pjuj Aj Hy Qj (iv)

where a is the mass flow rate of propellant.

From equations (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) we obtain

[mou. + (p. - p_)A.] - (Myg + F,) =M

fees aj a Vatay (v)

The first term in brackets is the thrust, T, of the rocket. The

second term is the resistance due to weight and drag and the diff-
erence is equal to the product of mass and acceleration of the

Substituting values in equation (v)

[10 x 1500 + 105(0.85 - 0.6)0.25] - [800 x 9.81 + 1.5 x 103]

21.25 x 103 - 9,35 x 103 = 800 a

du/dt = 14.875 m/s?

Aaoeste == (hoe
(mn uu. Hop. — Pad = MNS Ven

Example 4.15

The principle of a jet pump is shown in figure 4.20. Fluid is in-

jected with high velocity along the axis of a pipe and the jet en-
trains a secondary fluid stream flowing through the pipe. The jet
and secondary flows are thoroughly mixed at section 2.

In a particular jet pump, a jet of water of area 100 mm2 and

velocity 25 m/s is directed along the axis of a pipe of area
500 mm*. The jet entrains a secondary stream of velocity 10 m/s.
Neglecting wall skin friction and assuming one-dimensional flow,
determine (i) the average velocity of flow at section 2, (ii) the
pressure change between sections 1 and 2, and (iii) the rate of
mechanical energy dissipation in watts. It may be assumed that the
pressure of the jet and the secondary stream are the same at sec-

a Rie ange |
flow ney ee |
| |

Figure 4.20

Consider a control volume enclosing the mixing region between

stations 1 and 2. Skin friction is neglected, thereforewthercmrs
no external force acting on the control volume. The momentum equa-
tion 4.18, for steady flow, gives ;

LF = f} u(purdA) (4)

piA2 - PoAy = f u(pu dA) - J u(pu dA) - f u(ou da)

Assuming one-dimensional flow, mean velocities (u = V/A) may

be used

(Pi - P2)Ag = pUz7Ay - puy*A, - pUj7Aj (ii)

100 Ir
Applying the continuity equation 3.5b to multi-stream, incom-
pressible flow

u,A, + UGAs = UDA,

10%% 400'x 1076 + 25 x 100 x 10-6 = u, x 500 x 1076

uy, = 13 m/s

Substituting values in equation (ii)

(om, ) 2~500: x 107%

= 103[132 x 500 - 102 x 400 - 252 x 100] x 10°76

Pi- p> = —36 kPa

Applying the energy equation 4.36 between stations 1 and 2, we

have for the jet flow

Peay = 2 + ju? + (ep - 29) (414)

and for the secondary stream

pert = + tuy*+ (ep - 2) (iv)

The rate of energy dissipation is given by
ae. F
aes males -_e4)...+ m,;(ep 64) (v)

From equations (iii), (iv), and (v) we have

|dEdt m, an + 4(u,2 - tin”) + nj [P= Pen 4 (uj? v4 w”)|


103 x 400 x 10 (-36 x 103 > oral

106, = CER eee Sd BOY

03 3
10015 25rae | Eek
Ge 132)|

dE = 198 W

Note that the efficiency of a jet pump may be defined

_ mechanical energy out _ on po dE/dt

p mechanical energy in ° :
MP9, e iP o5

Example 4.16

A centrifugal pump discharges 0.2 m?/s water when running at 1200

rev/min and the required shaft power is 65 kW. Gauges mounted on a
horizontal line are connected to points on the suction and delivery
pipes close to the pump and read 3 m below and 19 m above atmos-
pheric pressure, respectively. The pump impeller has an outer dia-
meter of 300 mm and a discharge area of 0.1 m*. The blades are
bent backwards so that the direction of the outlet relative velocity
makes an angle of 145° with the tangent drawn in the direction of
impeller rotation. The suction and delivery pipes are the same
diameter. Determine (i) the overall efficiency of the pump, and
(ii) the hydraulic efficiency assuming that water enters the impell-
er without whirl.


; Figure 4,21 Uy
The useful energy transfer to the water is given by equation 4.59
Pa == ue _— :
en = a + pu? + m4 |iv + bis? + 82. (i)

From the hydrostatic relationship, the readings on the pressure

gauges are related to the actual pressures by

Pp ie 2 i)
Sed) 3 gs eeee esiiet CZ ea eat
ie) p ie) p

Pa Pig oe.
Sheek eee ae Fepay (ii)
p p

Therefore, if the pressure gauges are mounted on the same hori-

zontal line the difference in the gauge readings Pgd - Pgs is
equal to the difference in piezometric pressure across the pump
Pd* - ps*. The suction and delivery pipes are the same diameter,
therefore ug = Use From equations (i) and (ii) we have

102 =
See = = 9 81[19 - (-3)] = 215.8 J/ke

The overall efficiency, no? is defined

_ Water power _
pVe 1 ie
10° 260.2% 215.8 .
n = = = 66.4%
o shaft power

From equation 4,29a the energy transfer between impeller and fluid
per unit mass of fluid is

=u_ Up - Mav (ia)

The water enters the impeller without whirl (U1 = 0) hence

an Dyoue (iv)
No 2 = = Volumetrici flow rate V_ OZ0.2 _
¥ “ro “re discharge area 21rgb eal ee

and Uo = ook =
2 *
aX 120 Oe = 18.8 m/s

From the exit velocity diagram (figure 4.21)

Uys = Ud - Uy, cot 6e=(18.8 =—-—2 cot s5 = 15.94 m/s

From equation (iv)

e = Oy, U2 = 15.94 x 18.8 = 300 J/kg

Assuming no mechanical friction losses, the energy transfer be-

tween impeller and fluid, e, is equal to the shaft work w._. From
equation 4.41 the hydraulic efficiency, ny, is given by

Example 4.17

A Pelton wheel is situated 500 m below the water surface level in

a reservoir. The connecting pipe is 600 mm diameter and 2000 m long
and the friction factor may be assumed to be f = 0.005. The nozzle
has a coefficient of velocity of 0.96 and the issuing jet diameter
is 200 mm. Assuming that the buckets deflect the jet through 165°,
that they run at 35 m/s and that the relative velocity at exit is
15% less than the relative velocity at inlet, determine (i) the
water flow rate in m?/s, and (ii) the power developed. Assume that
the head loss due to friction in the pipe is given by H, = 4fLu2/2gD.

Bucket section

Figure 4.22

Let the mean velocity in the supply pipe (penstock) be u. The

Bernoulli equation with losses (equation 4.35) applied between point
A on the reservoir water surface and point B just before the nozzle
gives, in head units (see also equation 7.11)

pe OS 75 peas
Pee al et
4fLu2 (i)

The Bernoulli equation 4.7c for ideal flow, applied across the
nozzle gives

Pp u2 ay ur” Pi
be Dal eB tee oe + Z, (ii)

Pp =p mee 4
or (aj) = ¥(2g)} ——= + = (iii)
The losses in the nozzle can be accounted for by the use of a
nozzle coefficient, Cy. Thus the actual) jet velocityeis
= Pp aA DP ake
uy = = Grey
Cv (2g)| ———S8 3 (iv)

From equations (i) and (iv) and Z, - 2p = H we have

~ sft}
ui; = C7 (2g) H - a | (v)

From continuity

Substituting values in equation (v)

104 <
‘ 4 x 0,005 x 2000 x u,2)?
a 1

Mitte 0.96/ (2 x 9.81) 590 - Wee et G0. G x oes Oo

u,; = 71 m/s

i* 0.2% = 2.23 m3/s

The Euler turbine equation 4.29b gives

. . s

E = pect -u wll2)
For a Pelton wheel the tangential velocity U is constant. Therefore
from the velocity diagram

E = mT
7 - —- = mall
J Ce: +u cos @)
Now om = Bop? UR, =u;- U and uj = uj. Hence

E = oVU(uj - U)(1 + k cos @)

meaGoexn 2223 x. 35(71 - 35):(1+ 0.85 cos 15) = 5.2 MN

This is the rate of energy transfer from fluid to rotor. If bearing

losses are neglected, E is also the output shaft power.

Note that for a Pelton wheel the hydraulic efficiency is

U(up + Up cos 8)
1, = — + (based on jet kinetic energy)
Il — 2
ejay 2
U(up + Up, COS 6)
0 (including nozzle efficiency)
g{ll - 4fLu2/2gD]


1 Determine the upward mass flow rate of water through a vertical

venturi meter having inlet and throat diameters of 100 mm and 25 mn,
respectively, when the difference in level registered by a mercury
manometer is 100 mm. Cg = 0.96.
[2.348 kg/s]

2 Prove the following expression used for metering the mass flow
rate of air to an internal combustion engine using a British
Standard orifice
. h p
nn. = Cap adv
[28 100 =
where h is the pressure head across the orifice in cm water, A is
the area of the orifice and pg and py, are the densities of air and
water, respectively. Explain why the orifice is usually used with
an air tank.

The air consumption of a 4-stroke petrol-engine is measured by
means of a circular orifice 40 mm diameter. The pressure drop
across the orifice is 135 mm water and the coefficient of discharge
is 0.6. Calculate the air consumption in kg/h. Ambient conditions
are 758 mm Hg and 25 °C.
[151.9 kg/h}

3 A horizontal, open-circuit wind tunnel draws in surrounding air

and then passes it through a contraction to the working section of
cross-sectional area 0.25 m2. A manometer connected to the working
section reads 25 mm water vacuum at a particular operating condition.
Determine the airspeed through the working section and the mass flow
rate. $y4y ST 2key ee.
[20.22 m/s, 6.065 )ke7si

4 A circular orifice, of diameter 50 mm is made in the vertical

side of a large tank mounted on rollers so that horizontal movement
only is possible. Water enters the tank at the top, with negligible
horizontal component, and maintains a head of 1.52 m above the centre
of the orifice. The jet issuing from the orifice falls 3S05¢mmeum
a horizontal distance of 1.22 m and the measured discharge is 7 kg/s.
Determine the coefficients of discharge, velocity and contraction
and the horizontal force required to maintain the tank in a hori-
zontal position.
(0.653, 059, 0.728) soa

5S Calculate the maximum crest height, z, and the minimum throat

diameter D that will allow cavitation-free flow of water through the
Syphon shown in figure 4.23. The pipe diameter is 50 mm. Assume
frictionless flow. = 100 kPa, = 2ekPare
oe ny [6.49 m, 36.7 mn]

20 mm ig f

FilpUuGe 425 Figure 4.24

6 Water flows adiabatically through the rotodynamic machine shown

in figure 4.24. Determine the direction and magnitude of power P.
Neglect frictional effects. p = 1000 kg/m?. ;
[-247 W, i.e. pump]

7 A pitot-static tube is used to determine the maximum velocity

of air-flow in a 200 mm diameter pipe. At a radius of 50 mm, the
total head and static pressures recorded are 2 bar and 2.01 bar,

106 =
respectively. The velocity distribution in the pipe is known to be
of the form u = Upax(1 - r/R)!/7. The density of the air is
1.2 kg/m3. Determine the maximum velocity and the discharge in the
[45.07 m/s, 1.388 kg/s]

8 An impeller 300 mm diameter, rotating concentrically about a

vertical axis inside a closed cylindrical casing 1 m diameter, pro-
duces vortex motion in the water with which the casing is completely

Inside the impeller the vortex motion is forced, while between

the impeller and circular side of the casing the vortex is free.
The pressure head at the side of the casing is 13 m water and the
pressure head at the centre of the casing is 1.3 m water. Obtain
the speed of the impeller in rev/min.
{698 rev/min |

9 A 150 mm diameter jet of water is deflected through 30° by a

curved plate. Determine the magnitude and direction of the result-
ant force on the plate (i) when the plate is stationary, and (ii)
when the plate has a velocity of 15 m/s parallel to and away from
the jet. Assume a constant jet velocity of 20 m/s.
[SaOGRKNE Sie e229 NS 759]

10 A pipe bend, whose axis lies in a horizontal plane, turns the

direction of a flow of water through an angle of 30° while at the
same time increasing the water speed by 50%. The bend discharges
freely to atmosphere with a jet of 80 mm diameter and a flow rate of
0.04 m3/s. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resulting
force exerted upon the bend due to the motion of the water.
[7S eOeNemoCr oa

11 A horizontal tapering pipe is used to convey sea water of den-

sity 1030 kg/m? from a pipe 100 mm diameter to another pipe 200 mm
diameter in a desalination plant. Calculate the magnitude of the
Pomeemexcnted by the fluid om the taper if the flow rate is
5 x 10° kg/h and the pressure at entry to the taper is 5S bar.
Energy losses in the taper may be ignored. Assume one-dimensional
[14.48 kN]

12 Repeat problem 10, assuming uniform flow at entry to the taper-

ing pipe and a velocity distribution of the form u = umax(1 - r*/R*)
ZL Geller
[14.38 kN]

13 A jet of water issues horizontally from a pipe and impinges on

a stationary vertical flat plate. The velocity distribution in the
jet is of the form u = umax(1 - r/R)1/7. Determine the percentage
error involved if the thrust on the plate is calculated assuming a
uniform velocity in the jet.

14 The discharge of water from a cylindrical duct 1 m diameter is

controlled by means of a conical valve which may be moved axially.
The form of the flow at a particular setting is shown in figure 4,25.
The pressure in the cylindrical duct just upstream of the conical
valve is 105 kPa and atmospheric pressure is 1 bar. Neglecting
frictional effects, determine the axial force exerted on the cone.
[3.47 kN]

Figure 4.25 Figure 4.26

15 Show that the thrust, F, of a turbo-jet engine moving through the

atmosphere with velocity, U, is given by

F=m(uj; - U) + (pj - PalAj

where m is the mass flow rate of fluid through the engine (assumed
constant) and uj is the jet velocity relative to the engine. It may
be assumed that the intake pressure is atmospheric and the discharge
pressure pj > Pa.

16 Air enters the circular inlet of a stationary jet engine with a

velocity of 100 m/s, temperature 290 K and pressure 1 bar. The
exhaust gases leave in the form of a jet of circular cross-section
with an average velocity of 700 m/s, temperature 850 K and pressure
1 bar. If the jet inlet diameter is 1.2 m and it is assumed )thac
the increase in mass flow rate due to fuel addition is 2%, determine
(i) the diameter of the exhaust jet, and (ii) the thrust produced by
the engine. Ra = 287 J/kg K, Rg = 293 J/kg K.
[0.792 m, 83.44 kN]

17 The thrust reverser fitted to the jet engine of an aircraft con-

sists of two plates which, in the closed position, deflect the jet
of exhaust gases from the engine back through 150° as shown in fig-
ure 4.26. During engine tests, while the aircraft is standing still
on the ground, the thrust reverser is moved into its operational
position. Assuming the engine operating conditions are as in prob-
lem 16, and that frictional losses are negligible, determine (i) the
thrust on the reverser itself and (ii) the net thrust on a two-engine
[181.1 kN, 195.3 kN]
18 A sluice gate is used to control the flow of water in a hori-
zontal rectangular channel, 5 m wide. The gate is lowered so that
the stream flowing from under it has a depth of 1 m and a velocity

of 10 m/s. The depth upstream of the gate is 6 m. Assuming that
the velocity distribution in the channel is uniform, and neglecting
frictional losses, determine the force exerted by the water on the
sluice gate.
[441.5 kN]

19 A desk fan of 300 mm diameter has air flowing through it at

60 m3/min. If it is required to keep the fan stationary on the
desk, calculate the least weight of the fan if the coefficient of
friction between the base and the desk is 0.1. Assume that the air-
stream area in front of the fan is 10% greater and the downstream
area 10% smaller than the fan circle area. p = 1.2 kg/m.
[34.3 N]

20 A jet of incompressible fluid of velocity 2u and area A is direc-

ted along the axis of a pipe of area 2A. The jet entrains a second-
ary stream of velocity u. After mixing, the velocity of the fluid
is.uniform. Neglecting wall friction, show that the rate of energy
degredation is 0.375pAu~.

21 A lawn sprinkler is fitted with two arms each fitted with a

nozzle 20 mm diameter at 150 mm radius. The nozzles discharge tan-
gentially and horizontally. Water enters along the axis of rotation
at a rate of 0.003 m?/s. Determine (i) the net torque on the rotor
when it is held stationary and (ii) the power required in order to
overcome air and bearing resistance when the sprinkler rotates at
T2 oS nl SS TAA

22 The water surface in a lake supplying a Pelton wheel is 500 m

above the wheel and the pipeline is 1000 m long and 500 mm diameter.
The turbine is to develop 1.5 MW at 600 rev/min with an overall
efficiency of 85%. The buckets deflect the jets through 165° and
run at 0.46 jet speed and the relative velocity is reduced by 12%
due to friction. Determine (i) the volumetric flow rate required,
(11) the wheel diameter, and (iii) the hydraulic efficiency. Assume
Gy 4.98, f = 0.01.
[1.964 m3/s, 610 mm, 92%]

23 A centrifugal pump has an outer diameter of 500 mm and a dis-

charge area 0.05 m*. The blades curve backwards 135° from a tangent
drawn in the direction of impeller rotation. The suction and deli-
very pipe diameters are equal at 200 mm. Pressure gauges are con-
nected to inlet and exit points close to the pump and when the pump
is delivering 0.3 m°/s of water the readings on the gauges are 7 m
of water below atmosphere and 36 m of water above atmosphere res-
pectively. The gauges are situated on the same centre line 1.5 m
above the water level in the supply sump. If the given water deli-
very occurs when the pump is running at 1000 rev/min and the required
shaft power is 150 kW, determine (i) the overall efficiency, (ii) the
hydraulic efficiency assuming no whirl velocity at entry to the
impeller but a reduction of 10% in the theoretical whirl velocity
at exit, and (iii) the friction head loss in the inlet pipe.
[84.5%, 89.5%, 0.82 m]


In chapter 1 it was shown that any physical quantity may be ex-

pressed in terms of dimensions M, L and T. This forms the basis
of dimensional analysis which is an extremely useful technique in
situations where exact mathematical analysis is difficult or im-
possible. In this chapter, dimensional analysis will be introduced
and its use in experimental work and the formulation of similarity
laws will be considered.


The physical relationship between the variables involved in any

problem must,be such that the governing equation is dimensionally
homogeneous. Dimensional analysis is a method of obtaining a rela-
tionship between the variables without an exact mathematical analy-
sis. This method is invaluable in complex fluid flow problems.

The relationship between the variables is not expressed in the

form of a mathematical equation but in terms of dimensionless para-
meters, called Pi-groups, which may have physical significance. A
dimensionless parameter is any quantity, physical constant or group
of quantities formed in such a way that all the units identically

Dimensional analysis is based on the fact that if a physical

relationship between the 'n' variables a], a2, 43 ... 4p involved
in a problem can be expressed by

PU Oe Oe 050 ad aD (5.1)

then the relationship can be expressed in terms of Pi-groups as


o(M,, M2, M3 ... Mp-~) = 9 (5.2)

where k is the largest number of variables contained in the original
list that will not combine into any dimensionless parameter. In
most cases k is numerically equal to the number of independent di-
mensions required to define dimensionally all the variables involved.

The two main methods of dimensional analysis are the Rayleigh or

Indicial method and the Buckingham Pi-theorem, These methods are
described in the worked examples.


In dimensional analysis, it is first necessary to select the varia-

110 7 a
bles involved in the problem, If relevant variables are omitted,
an incomplete solution will be obtained. If irrelevant variables
are included, unnecessary Pi-groups will be added to the solution.
This tends to defeat the object of the analysis which is to obtain
the minimum number of independent parameters required for correlation
of experimental results.

A certain amount of experience is necessary before dimensional

analysis can be applied to its best advantage. This is because the
solution may be correct but expressed in terms of Pi-groups which
have no recognisable physical significance. It may then be neces-
sary to combine the Pi-groups to obtain new groups which have signi-
ficance. For example, it is valid to take a solution of the form
>(ili, Mo, M3, M,) = O and rewrite it in terms of four other recogni-
sable Pi-groups, obtained by combination of Il], Ig, Ig and Il,, say
o(l, (1, x M2), (2/13), (My/m12)] = 0.
It is useful at this stage to identify some important Pi-groups
which can be obtained by logical deduction, the general principle
being that any ratio of like quantities must form a dimensionless

5.2.1 Shape Parameters

Any ratio of lengths of a body or system will express a geometrical

relationship and imply that the shape is important rather than the
size. For example, in pipe flow the ratios (length/diameter) and
(surface roughness/diameter) are dimensionless shape parameters.

5.2.2 Method of Similitude

In this method, the forces important in a particular problem are

identified and then expressed in terms of the parameters of the prob-
lem by physical or dimensional arguments. For example, the inertia
force F; exerted on an element of fluid may be expressed as follows.

F; = ma « pL? (LT~2)

The velocity, u, has dimensions LT! therefore Fj can be expressed

There are five other forces encountered in fluid mechanics and

these are named below and then expressed in terms of relevant prop-
erties and a linear dimension L.

Viscous force Fy = tL? « y(u/L)L? « pub

Pressure force Pp (Ap)L2

Elastic force FL = KL?

Surface tension force F, =< yL

Gravity force is a ogL?

From the above six forces it is possible to form fifteen inde-
pendent dimensionless parameters from ratios of the forces, taken
two at a time. Of these, the six most common are
Reynolds number ayes Inertia force _ puL
Viscous force. u
Pulepenunnes Fu = Pressure force _ Ap
Inertia force 2
= 2
Cauchy number Ca = lmertia force _ ut_
Elastic force K/p

The square root of the Cauchy number is the Mach number, which is
a ratio of velocities since the speed of sound a = Vv(K/p).

Mach number M = 175) = >

4 2
Weber number We = Inertia force aye L
Surface tension force Y

The square root of this number is also referred to as the Weber

numb er

We = in
Froude number Bxisy
Gravity force’ gL

The square root of this number is also referred to as the Froude

numb er

Fr =
V (gL)
Stokes number sx = Pressure force _ (Ap)L
Viscous force yu


It is necessary to consider the conditions under which different

systems are physically similar to one another. The concept of simi-
larity is important because it is the basis of model testing where-
by tests are carried out on a model in order to predict the behaviour
of a prototype which is a full-size ship, aircraft, river, estuary,
pump, turbine or other device.

5.3.1 Mechanical Similarity

Similarity has precise meaning in geometry where figures can be simi-

lar although they differ in size and position. In any situation
involving dynamic behaviour, however, similarity of shape is an in-
sufficient condition for complete physical similarity and it is
necessary to consider all types of similarity. Two systems are said
to be physically similar if the ratio of the magnitudes of like
quantities at corresponding points in the two systems is constant
for all like quantities at all points. For this to be true the

following.forms of similarity must be satisfied when applied to a
flow situation e.g. flow normal to a cylinder as shown in figure 5.1.

SK coeeeeeeeeeeeeemee
cane Prototype


ayegbes) Biol!

(a) Geometric Similarity: this is similarity of shape in which the

ratio of any two dimensions in the model is the same as the ratio
of the corresponding dimensions in the prototype. Thus

Gayt2).. = (Li/L2) ,
True geometric similarity implies similarity of surface roughness
in which the ratio of the equivalent roughness, k, to a character-
istic length, L, is the same in both model and prototype. Thus

(K/L), = (K/L),
(b) Kinematic Similarity: this is similarity of motion in which the
flow pattern is the same for both model and prototype. This implies
that the ratio of velocities (and accelerations) at any two points
in the model is the same as the ratio of the velocities (and accel-
erations) at corresponding points in the prototype. Thus

eee UID), and (ai/a2), = (ai/a2),

Since velocities and accelerations are vector quantities it is
clearly necessary for the direction of motion at corresponding points
to be the same. Kinematic similarity can only exist if the geometric
similarity condition has been satisfied (except where scale effects

(c) Dynamic Similarity: this is similarity with respect to the

forces acting in a system. Dynamic similarity exists if the ratio
of forces acting at any two points in the model is the same as the
ratio of forces acting at corresponding points in the prototype.

Vi iess
= EVEdy
It is clearly necessary for the directions of action at corre-
sponding points to be the same.

The flow pattern is determined by the forces which are acting.

Therefore, if dynamic similarity exists in a situation where geo-
metric similarity exists then the condition of kinematic similarity
must be satisfied. Thus the condition of dynamic similarity is
identical with that of physical similarity, if only mechanical
aspects of flow are of interest.

The forces acting on any element of fluid may be due to viscosity,

pressure, compressibility, surface tension or gravity. Therefore,
the conditions for dynamic similarity may be expressed as

i), Opp » epee a meee

Gy, MEN CG), (es eee
If the magnitudes and directions of the component forces acting on
a fluid element are known then the resultant force may be determined
from a vector diagram. Since the resultant force is the inertia
force we may write

Fin? epitetonted sits horses

—— SS
a, bi
P; Fy Fy fy F
It was shown earlier that the ratio of any two forces can give
a non-dimensional quantity expressed as a named Pi-group. Hence
we may write

where K,, Ko, K3, etc. are dimensionless coefficients.

It follows that for physical similarity the numerical value of

each Pi-group must be the same for both model and prototype.

However, it is not always possible nor desirable to maintain the

same value for each Pi-group for model and prototype, and there is
a departure from complete similarity. This is known as scale

First of all, it may not be possible to obtain the necessary

degree of smoothness for the model surface i.e. (k/L) # (k/L)p-
Also, exact scaling down in size may result in a change in the nature
of flow in the model. For example, in situations where the movement
of solid particles is of interest e.g. sand deposits, scaling down
of the particles would result ‘in a fine powder whose behaviour is
very different from the actual particles. A more pronounced type of

departure from true flow results with river and estuary models
where the direct scaling down of depth could result in surface ten-
sion or viscosity effects in the model which are not present in the
prototype. Under these conditions it may be necessary to use dis-
torted models to produce realistic flow behaviour.

Once the geometric scale factors have been resolved, it is

necessary to consider dynamic similarity factors which determine
flow pattern. If a flow situation involves several different types
of force it may not be possible to simultaneously satisfy equality
of different Pi-groups. For example, in subsonic flow conditions
it is usually considered that equality of Reynolds number is a suff-
icient requirement for dynamic similarity. However, for situations
where a free surface is present, the Froude number is important and
it may not be possible to maintain the same Reynolds number for the
model. In supersonic flow the Mach number becomes more important
than the Reynolds number. These points of conflict will be dis-
cussed in detail in the workéd examples.


If the basic differential equations governing a problem may be

written down then it is possible to obtain the Pi-groups which
govern the flow conditions. This method has much to commend it
because it enables a more rigorous statement of the problem to be
made and leads to an appreciation of the physical nature of the
problem. This is basically more useful than an arbitrary grouping
of physical variables (without understanding) which occurs sometimes
when using the Rayleigh or Buckingham methods. However, the diff-
erential equations for many flow problems are extremely complex and
it is not easy to obtain the relevant Pi-groups.

Example 5.1

By application of the Rayleigh method of dimensional analysis,

determine the height to which a liquid rises in a capillary tube.
It may be assumed that the height, y, depends upon the density of
the liquid, p, the radius of the tube, R, the surface tension of
the liquid, y, the angle of contact, 8, and gravitational accelera-
tion g. i

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

teeeoto, KR, yy; 2, 9)

With the Rayleigh method, it is assumed that this relationship sig-

nifies a series

y = Ki6
Be POSTE ed By, 82 peoe p82
d 6°24,

where each term has the same dimensions as y, and Kj, Kg are
numerical coefficients.

Selecting a typical term we have

y= K of po ie 9

Substituting the dimensions for each variable, we may form a

dimensional equation

LSM 3yo tre?) aie

Note that ® is itself a dimensionless parameter and does not
appear in the equation,

Forming equations for the indices of M, L and T, we have three

equations and four unknowns.

For M aCe = 40)

For L =oa), +) b ot de= ol

For T -2c - 2d = 0

Expressing each of the unknowns in terms of index 'a!' (chosen

arbitrarily) we obtain b = 1+ 2a, c = -a, d =a. Theretore

y= Ko? Ro 79 g? 0° = ER jee) e°
This is as far as we can go with dimensional analysis. In order
to obtain a more useful end result, experimental information is
necessary such as the fact that y « 1/R. This gives a = -l. Hence
MY = K—~
eR 06

It is of interest to compare this result with the mathematical

solution obtained in example 1.3.

Example 5.2

The shear stress, to, at the surface of a pipe through which fluid
is flowing under incompressible conditions is thought to depend upon
the mean velocity, u, the pipe diameter, D, the surface roughness
height, k, and the fluid properties density, p, and viscosity u.
By application of the Rayleigh method of dimensional analysis, derive
a non-dimensional expression for the shear stress in terms of the
other variables.

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

to = o(u, D, k, p, iw)
Applying the Rayleigh method
to = kK ut p? Ke ao 7

The dimensional equation is

ML~T-2 = ¢iT71) 1> i cmi73)% (wi-1771)°

Forming equations for the indices of M, L and T we have three
equations and five unknowns.

For M ave: = 1

For L at+tb+te- 3d-e=-l

For -T -a-e= -2

Expressing each of the unknowns in terms of b and e (chosen arbi-

trarily) we obtain d = 1-e,c=-e-b, a=2-e, Therefore

To = ogu 2-e..b
a e-b
Dik ke
re) of u
e =
K pu val (=
pater 5 palp>

or Oud. 4[ek fe
ou2 u D

Thus, dimensional analysis has simplified the problem by reducing

the six variables to three Pi-groups. However, the Pi-groups are
not in the best form because it is customary, in problems on pipe
flow, to use a Reynolds number based on diameter, D, rather than
surface roughness, k. It is valid to change the form of the Pi-
groups by the simple manipulation described in section 5.2.

tom © ouk Dake = fouD k)

ales at; £]- 6 D)

The parameter Taiou- is usually written in the form To/ $pu* and
called a pipe friction factor, f. The Reynolds number puD/y is an
important parameter and its value determines whether flow in the
pipe is laminar or turbulent. The parameter k/lD indicates the rela-
tive roughness of the pipe surface.
( \
Thus f = —— = #]Re, 4
It is now necessary to carry out experimental work on flow in
pipes to determine the relationship between f and Re for different
k/D values (see chapter 7).

Example 5.3

A bank of tubes is immersed in a stream of fluid. The frequency, n,

at which vortices are shed from the cylinders depends upon the velo-
Ciuiyeiieeor the fluid, the cylinder diameter, D, the centre spacing,
y, of the cylinders and fluid properties, dynamic viscosity, yu, and
density, op. By application of the Pi-theorem, show that

In a particular heat exchanger, hydrogen at 400 K and 10 bar is

to be used as the cooling fluid. The hydrogen flows at 15 m/s past
a bank of tubes each 50 mm outside diameter.

In order to determine the frequency of vortex shedding, tests are
carried out on a geometrically similar bank of tubes, 25 mm diameter,
using air at 300 K and 1 bar.

For velocities up to 30 m/s the experimental data satisfy the


Determine the frequency of vortex shedding in the hydrogen-cooled

heat exchanger.

Ra 287 J/kg K, R, = 4124 J/kg K, wg = 1.846 x 10-5 N s/m2,

Uh 10.87 x 10-© N s/m2.

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

n-= ¢(u, p, vw, D, y)

There are six variables in this problem, all of which may be ex-
pressed in terms of three primary dimensions M, L and T. Therefore,
there will be 6 - 3 = 3 dimensionless parameters or Pi-groups in
the solution.

Applying the Pi-theorem, it is first necessary to select three

primary variables which between them include all the primary di-
mensions (M, L and T) involved. It is then necessary to show that
these cannot be combined into any dimensionless parameter.

It is customary in fluid mechanics problems to select a character-

istic length, as an indication of geometric similarity, a velocity
or acceleration, as an indication of kinematic similarity and a
variable including M as an indication of dynamic similarity. However
this simple rule has exceptions and when thermal effects are present
the selection of primary variables is more arbitrary. In the present
problem we may select D, u and ep as primary variables.

We first assume that the variables can be combined into a di-

mensionless parameter pFub pe and attempt to evaluate the indices
by dimensional reasoning. We may state

o*u pe Begs for ye ie

: M°L°7°
Equating indices of M, L and T, we have

For M a=0

For L Er: Lay as (0) E508)

FOr -b = 0

Hence a = b = c = O and the solution is p 0, 9p0 : This means that

there is no combination of the given variables that can give a di-
mensionless parameter, and the variables selected are independent.

Each of the remaining variables is now taken in turn and used to

form a dimensionless Pi-group as follows

nots n ss TaA
1 ee ee

Berea ai-2)
4(aT 2)"
Equating indices

For M ey 0)

Forel -3a+b+t+c=0

Foret -b = -l

Hence a = O, b = 1, c = -1 and
_ 5D)
ly Aaa

Similarly, taking the variable u

Ip = ae eeML~}T71ee
e@ue ps
a 3)2n7r-2y? 1°
Equating indices

For M a=]

For L =sa + b + c,= -]

For 7 -b = -l

Hence a = 1, b = 1, c = 1 and

= ouD

Similarly, taking the variable y

SS eee

ee (uy? Gers Pane

Applying the above technique or by inspection

The solution may be stated in the form

I o(z, M3)
oe nD_
= (gfowd
ae y|
From the gas law (equation 1.25c)
Pair = e| = = 1.16 keine
sane MEZ87s xeSOO
Phyd ~ E| - HO * 10 = 0.606 kg/m
hyd 4124 x 400

Geometric similarity conditions are satisfied i.e.

1) eae OP nae ere A oa ‘it one
(y/ Ueto Dror ot pe Dynamic similarity conditions demand
equality of Reynolds number i.e.

ae u

PHY p 0,606 x 0.05 x 1.846 x 1075 x 15

Un = a Bn Meal = aes phge ite. a = 2656 m/s
m-mép 1,16 5OO.025-5910.87 = 40%
Thus for dynamic similarity the tests in air must be carried out
at 26.6 m/s. The actual tests were carried out at velocities up to
30 m/s therefore the given equation for frequency, n, is valid. Sub-
stituting values we obtain

m= 42.25 S425 XeZose = 1S: Mz

If similarity conditions are satisfied then the Strouhal number

nD/u will be the same for model and prototype, ie.

ee model prototype
ae Da pitm a= 00255
+ P05 he UG eae eae
.9 Hz
p DU 0.050 x 26.6

Example 5.4

The volumetric flow rate, V, of water over a spillway depends upon

the height, H, of the water surface above the crest of the spillway,
the length, L, of the spillway, the mean roughness height, k, of
the concrete and fluid properties viscosity, u, density, p, and sur-
face tension, y. The acceleration due to gravity, g, is also an
influencing variable, Show that the relationship between the vari-
ables may be expressed by

2 ,(ev(gH, e(gHH L k
V (gH)H? u ioe tat wee

A spillway having a length of 30 m is required to discharge

100 m3/s of water. A model is to be tested and the rate of flow
available in the laboratory is 0.25 m3/s. Calculate the length of
the model spillway assuming that the influence of surface roughness,
viscosity and surface tension may be neglected.

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

V= (HH, L, k, nu, 0, Y; 2)

The Pi-theorem method is preferable to the Rayleigh method because

of the large number of variables. This method involves the selection
of three primary variables and it is logical to choose H as a geo-
metric term, g as a kinematic term and p as a dynamic term. Note
that there is no velocity term in the variables, but in a free flow
device the Bernoulli equation gives u = ¥(2gH). It follows that the
selection of H and g as primary variables is equivalent to choosing
a velocity term. The quantity /(gH) will then appear in the analysis.
Applying the Pi-theorem we obtain

V a L k u Y
">> eee ) T°? H > T >
V (gH)H 2 og? H3/2 2

Note that the functional relationship is unchanged if the Pi-

groups are inverted or rearranged. Thus

V i isn e(gH)H Lk
aid.+: |a > an eS er oe |S H 3 H

¥ (gH) H? u Y
In the present problem, we are told that viscous and surface ten-
sion effects may be neglected. This is a reasonable assumption
except for low heads. We are also told that surface roughness eff-
ects are absent. Thus, for kinematic similarity, we omit the Reyn-
olds number p/(gH)H/u, the Weber number p(gH)H/y, and k/H from the
list of significant parameters, and state

a oF]
Y (gH) H2 4

yi? rs
¥ (gH)H model tHe prototype

= | model maee prototype

Combining the above groups for constant g we obtain

yd /2 _ (ve
“model prototype

and La = a —
5 2 p 0.25)!
100 x 55 = 1.19 = 4


Note that for true kinematic similarity the model should be op-

erated under a head given by Ho = Pw This criterion is not
too important if end effects on the spillway can be neglected.

Example 5.5

Assuming that the resistance to motion, F, of a body moving in a

compressible fluid is a function of a characteristic dimension, L,
of the body, the velocity u of the body and fluid properties density,
p, viscosity, py, and bulk modulus, K, show by dimensional analysis
Bis ou2L2¢ ouL u

ae? VaR/o)
Discuss the significance of the non-dimensional groups obtained
and state any difficulties that might arise in obtaining dynamic
similarity when testing scale models of high speed aircraft in a
wind tunnel.

A prototype aircraft is to fly at 500 m/s in air of pressure 0.8

bar, temperature 250 K and bulk modulus 1.12 x 10° N/m*. Determine
the pressure at which a compressed-air wind tunnel must be operated
in order to obtain complete dynamic similarity for tests at proto-
type speed on a one-tenth scale model of the aircraft. If the drag
on the model is found to be 200 N, determine the drag of the proto-
type aircraft. It may be assumed that the temperature of the air
in the wind tunnel is 250 K and that viscosity is independent of

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

[FP o(L, u, PP; U; K)

Selecting L, u and p as primary variables, as justified in example

5.3, and applying the Pi-theorem, we obtain

uc he

Et a


is sometimes referred to as the drag coefficient,

Cy, and written in the form F/ipu2A.

The group puL/u is the Reynolds number, Re, which is a criterion

of dynamic similarity when viscous and inertia forces are significant.

The group u//(K/p) is the Mach number, M, which is a criterion of

dynamic similarity when elastic and inertia forces are significant.

For complete dynamic similarity, Re and M should be the same for

model and prototype. This is impossible if the fluid properties are
the same for both. Therefore, Re is usually maintained constant for
subsonic flow conditions and M maintained constant for supersonic

It is possible to maintain both Re and M constant for model and
prototype if a compressed air wind tunnel is used. The necessary
tunnel pressure for model tests may be determined as follows

For complete dynamic similarity

feat) (elu) -
Y Jmodel . “prototype

and u | u Gn
(K/o) model (K/o ) prototype

Mach number can be written in the form u/Y(yRT) and in the present
problem a 4, and - = Ls: It follows that equality of Mach number
is obtained. The given value of K is superfluous.

For equality of Renolds number, equation (i) together with the

gas law p = oRT gives

Pm! p Hn Mp] |p
Pppm ee ae a
p m m

In the present problem u. =u. and T =T_. It follows that

os Pp ie 12
since viscosity is temperature dependent, Hts Hy Therefore

Py Li

BOP ap (Lp!1,) = 9-8 10 = 8 bar

For dynamic similarity between model and prototype

Pa Dee
aus E model pad prototype

2 a Pp
eto. 1c) mt m
ia | fm

Py Lo 0.8
ol Ge Pee 107 2002 2kN
Pan m 8

Example 5.6

By application of the Pi-theorem show that the resistance to motion

of a surface vessel is given by
si 212 puL u2
R = putL oP , |

where it is assumed that the resistance, R, is a function of the

vessel velocity, u, and length, L, and fluid properties density,
pp andavaiscosity, 1).

A model of a ship made to 1/20 scale, with wetted area 4 ni, is

to be towed under test conditions in a tank of fresh water. The
actual ship speed is to be 5.6 m/s. From tests carried out at the
corresponding speed it is found that the measured resistance on the
model is 46.6 N. From tests carried out on a thin plate of the same
eras as the model the skin resistance is found to be 1.5 u!:9°
N/m“ of surface area. Assuming the skin resistance of the actual
ship to be 1.4 u!-9 N/m* determine the resistance of the ship in
sea water at the design speed of 5.6 m/s. p sea water = 1025 kg/m3.

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

Rese (uy Lye pln 5s)

Gravitational acceleration, g, is introduced as a variable be-

cause it is known that gravity forces are important in surface wave
formation. It is assumed that capillary waves are insignificant
therefore surface tension is not included. Selecting L, u and p as
primary variables and applying the Pi-theorem, we obtain

The groups R/pu2L? and puL/y are recognisable as the drag coeffi-
cient and Reynolds number, Re, respectively. The group u?/Lg (or
u/V(Lg), as it is usually written) is the Froude number, Fr. For
dynamic similarity

teleLg model te!Lg prototype


and at e = (ii)
Y Jmodel : prototype

Now, if the corresponding speed of the model, une is determined

from condidion (i) it follows that

Ws up’ (L/L) (iii)

However, towing tests on surface vessels are usually carried out

in water and the density and viscosity for model and prototype will
be the same. Condition (ii) will then give

a Pee on (iv)

It is clearly impossible to satisfy both conditions (iii) and

(iv) simultaneously therefore Froude devised a method of dealing
with the problem as follows.

(1) The corresponding speed of the model, ui is determined from

condition (i) which ensures that dynamic similarity for wave-making
resistance is obtained. Thus

ares u,Y (L/L) = 5.67(1/20) = 1.25 m/s

(2) The resistance to motion, R, is composed of (a) resistance due

to skin friction, R,, and (b) residual resistance due to eddy-making
and wave-making, Ry.

hoeth.. +R (v)

Resistance due to skin friction is a function of Reynolds number

only and may be determined from flat plate data, which yields a
formula of the form Re CAu", From the given information

ye ce) A 1.5 u, 1.95 Retna) F Sahu 25 1.95 eel te

a aO 227 N

and Oe prototype # 4 9
Ze Ay x 1.4 X25,.(6 1-9 x 4 x 2 92 = 5959 kNki

From condition (v) the residual resistance for the model is given by

= - = . = Bo AI c= Sie SiN
Ryn Ri : Beye ad :

Now if the residual resistance is a function of Froude number but

not of Reynolds number

Ry. = pu2L? $(Fr)

Ry Ry
and s = a
i model fob prototype
3 ep \ u.2rL_\2
P 1025 x 5.62 x 202 x 37.33 S07 (KN
a ey Fi i) pe rrr
TP Pmt {8m} fem) =~ ™ «1000 x 1.252 x 1
The total resistance of the actual ship is

R_ = (R fp - (Rr), = 59 + 307 = 366 kN

Example 5.7

The performance of incompressible-flow rotodynamic turbines and

pumps may be expressed in terms of the following variables: Power,
P, volumetric flow rate, V, specific energy change, gH, impeller
diameter, D, characteristic flow passage dimension, B, surface rough-
ness, k, impeller speed, N, fluid density, p, and fluid viscosity, u.
By application of the Pi-theorem determine the dimensionless para-
meters involved and state the significance of each in terms of the
requirements for similarity.

A centrifugal pump is required to run at 660 rev/min and deli-

ver 13.5 m3/s of oil of density 950 kg/m and viscosity 0.125 N s/m2,.
In order to test the design, experiments are to be carried out on a
quarter-scale model, at 1200 rev/min, using air of density 1.2 kg/m?
and viscosity 1.8 x 10-5 N s/m2, Determine (i) the volumetric flow
rate through the model for similarity conditions, (ii) the flow Rey-
nolds numbers for model and prototype, and (iii) the power required
to drive the actual oil pump at 660 rev/min if the power absorbed
by the model at 1200 rev/min under similarity conditions is 100 W.

The relationship between the variables may be expressed by

de By kN, V5 coy ston gig Pee

Selecting D, N and p as primary variables and applying the Pi-theoren,

we obtain
Bk V oND gH P
0) Dee D gr = > Sia epeeae = 0
ND& N2D2.—s p NS D9

Consider the conditions for similarity of flow in two machines.

(1) The first requirement is that of geometric similarity and for
rotodynamic machines this means that, in addition to similarity of
runner shape, all entry and exit passages which are integral parts
of the machine must be the same shape for both machines. The relat-
ive roughness of solid surfaces must also be the same. Thus the
shape parameters B/D and' k/D must be maintained constant.
(2) The second requirement is that of kinematic similarity and this
means that the velocity vector diagrams, at entry to and exit from
the runner, must be the same shape for both machines. A typical
mechanical part velocity is ND since the runner tip velocity is mDN.
A typical fluid velocity is V/D2 since all passage areas are prop-
ortional to one another and to D?. The ratio of these two velocities
is V/ND?, which must be maintained constant for both machines for
similar vector diagrams.
(3) The third requirement is that of maintaining similarity of flow
in the various passages. This means that a constant value of flow
Reynolds number must apply to both machines. Using V/D2 as a typical
fluid velocity Re = Vo/Du. In the dimensional analysis, Reynolds
number appeered in the form pND2/y but this group may be combined
with V/ND to give the flow Reynolds number Vp/Du.

Ideally if the above three criteria are met there will be complete
dynamic similarity between the two machines. It is usually imposs-

ible to simultaneously satisfy conditions (2) and (3) but in the
highly turbulent flow encountered in rotodynamic machines, variations
in efficiency and values of other parameters with Reynolds number
(scale effect) is small. Thus condition (3) may be relaxed. If
the above criteria are met then the other dimensionless parameters
will have the same values for the two machines, and

gH oH
= = Head Parameter
N2p2 N2D2} 5
P = P = Power Parameter
pN3D5} 1 eN3D*} 5

Note that the head parameter may be modified to give a pressure

coefficient (Ap/pN2D2) by the substitution Ap = ogH.

A quarter-scale model pump is used in the tests therefore condi-

tion (1) for geometric similarity is satisfied. In order to satis-
fy condition (2) we have

bel oer”
a model
nD ‘prototype
Nm yess)
2 , 1200 ;1 3 3
or ve =
Ny .
ae oe
ii =

aS =
0.383 m°/s

The scale, fluid properties and flow rate are now fixed for the
model pump and it may be impossible to satisfy condition (3). The
flow Reynolds numbers for model and prototype must be evaluated and

0.38 x 1.2
3 en 4
fs 2) pth CDI AE ate a. 10
(Re), =
1075 m
‘ m Din Ki 8 x

950" 10225)4 x 10
hei = iz
V a Wyo |
Pp Du eT een
p Pp Pp

The pump diameters are not given in the problem so the actual
Reynolds number values cannot be determined. The ratio is

Pee) eet «56 X10" 2

(Re), 1f),.24, 10"

Thus, the flow Reynolds number is the same for model and proto-
type and complete similarity is obtained if the air flow in the
model is incompressible. For complete similarity

N,) 3(D
Pee ele) Piel (sso. * [4]°200 = 13.5 MW


1 The velocity of propagation of waves in a liquid with a free sur-

face is assumed to be a function of the wave length, A, the depth of
liquid, d, the density, po, and surface tension, y. If the accelera-
tion due to gravity is g show by application of (i) the Pi-theorem
and (ii) the Rayleigh method, that

2 When liquid flows through a vee-notch set in the side of a rect-

angular tank the volumetric flow rate V is assumed to depend upon
the head of liquid, y, measured relative to the bottom of the notch,
gravitational acceleration, g, the included angle of the notch, 6,
and on fluid properties surface tension y, density p, and viscosity
u. By application of the Pi-theorem, determine the relationship
between the variables,

The flow of water Lone a model vee-notch of included angle

45° is found to be 0.005 m°/s under a head of 100 mm, Determine
the flow of water through a geometrically similar vee-notch operating
under a head of 1.5 m. Assume that the influence of surface rough-
ness, viscosity and surface tension may be neglected.
[4.36 m3/s]

3 It is desired to carry out model tests simulating the entry of a

torpedo into the surface of the sea. The principal object of the ex-
periments is to determine the maximum force F, applied to the torpedo
during the deceleration, and it is known that the factors which
influence this are the length L of the torpedo, the speed u of entry,
the density p of the water, the mean density p;, of the torpedo, and
the acceleration due to gravity, g. Derive three independent non-
dimensional groups from the six variables.

In a particular experiment it is required to model the entry of

a torpedo of length 4.3 m entering the water at 24.0 m/s. The model
is 1.1 m long. Determine the speed at which it should enter the
water. The value of Fy, measured on the model is 11.1 N. Calculate
the corresponding value of F, for the full-scale torpedo.
Fs = ¢ ee i = 12.2 m/s, 660 N |

4 A fluid flows at volumetric rate V through a nozzle of diameter

d located in a pipe of diameter D. The volumetric flow rate depends

on the diameters d and D, on the viscosity u and density p of the
fluid, and on the pressure drop Ap between the upstream length of
pipe and nozzle throat. By application of the Pi-theorem, derive
a relationship between the variables.

The flow of water through a nozzle of diameter 0.075 m in a pipe

of diameter 0.15 m is 0.015 m?/s when the pressure drop is 10% N/m.
If air of density 1.20 kg/m? and viscosity 1.8 x 10°75 Pa s flows
under dynamically similar conditions through a nozzle and pipe of
half the linear scale, determine the pressure drop and the volume
rate of flow. Assume the viscosity and density of water to be
1.2 x 10-3 Pa s and 103 kg/m*, respectively.
[7.5 kPa, 0.0938 m3/s]

5 A circular cylinder rotates at N rev/min in a uniform normal

stream of fluid of velocity u m/s. Assuming that the power, P,
required to maintain rotation depends upon N and u and upon the cyl-
inder diameter, D, and fluid properties viscosity, u, and density, 0,
obtain a dimensionless relationship between the variables.

Tests are to be carried out on a 50 mm diameter cylinder, rotating

‘in a water ‘stream, in order to predict the power required to rotate
a 200 mm diameter cylinder in an air stream of 40 m/s. If the cylin-
ders have the same length/diameter ratio and the tests are carried
out under dynamically similar conditions, determine (i) the ratio
of the rotational speeds for the cylinders, (ii) the water stream
velocity, and (iii) the ratio of the powers required to rotate the
two cylinders.
pemeiptike/m ji, = 917.7 x 1076 Pa s, p,, = 1000 kg/m,
ieee ti2 * 107° Pa-s
< (0.822, 12-2 m/s, 1.465]
6 A motor vessel, 10 m long, is driven by a reaction jet at 90 m/s
in such a manner that the viscous resistance is negligible compared
with wave making resistance. A similar model of the vessel, 150 mm
long is found to require a force of 0.85 N to drive it over the water
at the corresponding speed. What is the corresponding speed and what
thrust is exerted by the jet?
{11 m/s, 252 KN]

7 A multi-stage centrifugal pump, required to run at 1500 rev/min

and pump water, consists of four identical impellers in series, each
having a diameter of 300 mm. Tests are carried out on a single stage
pump fitted with a geometrically similar impeller of diameter 150 mn.
It is found that this pump delivers 0.01 m?/s of water against a head
of 20 m at maximum efficiency conditions which occur at a speed of
500 rev/min. Assuming dynamically similar conditions for the two
pumps, determine (i) the head the multi-stage pump will run against
at maximum efficiency, and (ii) the discharge of water under these
[2880 m, 0.24 m3/s]

8 A one-fifth scale Pelton wheel model is tested under a head of

40 m and the maximum overall efficiency is found to be 85% for a

discharge of 0.1 m3/s. The full-scale Pelton wheel is required to
work under a head of 400 m and to run at 500 rev/min. Determine (i)
the speed of the model for dynamically similar conditions, (ii) the
power developed by the full-scale turbine.
[790 rev/min, 26.5 MW]

9 The time, t, of formation of liquid drops is to be studied experi-

mentally by an apparatus in which liquid at pressure, p, is forced
through a capillary tube of diameter, D, and \length, L. The relevant
fluid properties are dynamic viscosity, uw, density, p, and surface
tension, y. Assuming the formation time, t, to be the dependent
variable, show by dimensional analysis that

tv (p/ se) $ V(pp) Ds ae PL

D U ~ je) 30)

In a particular test on water at 250 Pa, the formation time is

1.5 s. Using the same apparatus, determine the required pressure
for tests on benzene and the corresponding formation time. Discuss
any difficulties in maintaining complete dynamic similarity. Assume
the following property values. wy = 10.1 x 1074) Pars Owes 103 kg/m?
Yw = 0.073 N/m. wp, = 6.56 x 107+ Pa s, pp, = 880 kg/m,
Yp = 0.029 N/m.
[99.3 Pa; 223mei)

10 (a) An airscrew absorbs a power P and develops a thrust F. It is

suggested that P and F depend upon the airscrew diameter D, the
blade chord C, the number of blades B, the angular velocity N, the
dynamic viscosity yp and density p of the fluid and the velocity U
at which the airscrew moves through the fluid. By application of
the Pi-theorem show that

Pee (CheeDe pu
ee mee
(b) A half-scale model airscrew is tested in a compressed-air
wind tunnel which operates at twice ‘sea-level density. The test con-
ditions are those which are dynamically similar to operation at an
altitude of 10 000 m where the density is 0.34 that at sea-level and
the dynamic viscosity is 0.82 that in the test.

Determine the ratios of the power absorbed and the thrust devel-
oped by the model airscrew to those of the actual airscrew at an
altitude of 10 000 mn. ;
[0.1055 Onze

F a as :
tad |B ; 5 =< epee

——RAWNW Fee ptt,
2 Rie et AO e np — As

Previous chapters have been devoted to the study of fluid properties

and to the statics, kinematics and dynamics of fluids. The general
equations for conservation of mass, momentum and energy have been
derived and applied to real flow situations in which viscous effects
were present but not fully understood.

It is now necessary to discuss the nature of real flow taking

into account the viscosity of the fluid which is largely responsible
for all observed phenomena.


It is customary to categorise fluid flow into two main classes for

convenience in treating practical problems.
(1) Flow around bodies i.e. external flow around some object fully
immersed in an otherwise unbounded fluid.
(2) Flow in ducts i.e. internal flow bounded by solid surfaces.

In fact, fluid behaviour is basically the same in both situations

and is based on two concepts introduced in chapter 1. The first
concept is that the flow may be laminar or turbulent in character.
The second is that a flow field may be divided into (a) a region in
which viscous effects are negligible and an ideal flow pattern
assumed, and (b) a region in which viscous stress effects are sig-
nificant because of the presence of a boundary layer.

6.1.1 Laminar Flow

In laminar flow, all fluid particles move in parallel paths and there
is no transverse velocity component. The flow is stable against
disturbances due to wall roughness or obstacles because viscous
forces predominate and damp out any tendency for random motion. In-
dividual fluid molecules may have irregular motion but such motion
only influences viscosity. Newton's law of viscosity t = yp du/dy
may be used to calculate shear stresses,

6.1.2 Turbulent Flow

In turbulent flow, fluid particles do not remain in layers but move

in an irregular manner. The particles move in aggregates of vary-
ing sizes known as eddies.

At any point in the flow, the velocity fluctuates about a temp-

oral mean velocity, u, which may be ‘resolved into mean components
u, v and w. The irregular effect of turbulence may then be included
by superimposing fluctuating velocity components u', v' and w' on
the mean velocities. Thus, if u; is the instantaneous velocity

component in the x direction, we may write u. = u+u!', Similarly
f al P
Vv; =v +v' and wi =w+w'. A typical recording of uj, taken with
a hot wire anemometer, is shown in figure 6.la.

(a) ie (b)
Ruiabuerey Hoye,If

The instantaneous resultant velocity, uj, for bulk flow in the

x direction is composed of the vector sum of u and the fluctuating
components u' and v' (say) shown in figure 6.1b.

The intensity of.turbulence is expressed in terms of these fluct-

uating components, For flow in the x-direction, we define intensity
as Y[(u')2] and relative intensity as /[(u')*]/u. Relative inten-
sity varies from about 9.02%, in a low-turbulence wind tunnel, to
about 3% in turbulent pipe flow, to about 50% in an air jet mixing
Wa thy stacleleaase

The scale of turbulence is measured in terms of the size of tur-

bulent eddies. Large eddies are of the same order of size as a
characteristic length in the flow and are clearly identifiable e.g.
the eddies in the wake behind a cylinder (figure 6.3). On a small
scale, individual eddies are difficult to identify and the tern,
eddy, refers to motion which is coherent over short distances.

Turbulence tends to decay in the absence of an external source

of energy. This is shown in figure 6.3 where large eddies interact
with one another and dissipate into a succession of smaller eddies
which ultimately dissipate into energy at a molecular level i.e.
internal energy.

Newton's law of viscosity cannot be used to calculate the shear

stress in turbulent flow because the effective viscosity is now
dependent on the turbulence itself. The shear stress at any point
is given by t = u(du/dy) + pe(du/dy) where pe is the eddy viscosity.
Other models of turbulence have been suggested to account for eddy

6.1.3 Boundary Layer

As real (viscous) fluid flows past a body (figure 6.2) fluid parti-

cles on the surface remain at rest and a high velocity gradient is
set up near the boundary. This causes large viscous stresses and
a region of retarded flow known as the boundary layer. The boundary
layer grows in thickness along the body in the downstream direction
and forms a wake, The wake mixes with the free-stream flow and is
eventually dissipated some distance downstream. Inside the boundary
layer and wake, flow is frictional and rotational, but outside these
regions frictional effects are negligible and the flow pattern
approximates to that for irrotational flow.

Edge of

(a) (b)
Fipure 6.2

6.1.4 Separation

The wake is small for a streamlined body but a bluff body may produce
a large wake. This wake region is not as orderly as that due to the
retarded flow in the boundary layer but is irregular in character
due to flow separation from the surface. Separation usually occurs
in an adverse pressure gradient situation (dp/dx > 0) where the solid
surface falls away from the preferred fluid flow direction. This is
shown in figure 6.3 where the energy degredation in the boundary
layer is accompanied by an increase in pressure, The fluid slows
down and is eventually brought to rest at the separation point S
after which there is some flow reversal. Orderly flow breaks down
and is replaced by eddying. The streamline of discontinuity, A,
sometimes becomes a free streamline, along which the pressure is

Figure 6.5

Boundary layer and separation effects also occur in duct flow.

6.1.5 Cavitation

In any flow it is important to remember that as the velocity in-

creases the pressure decreases. This relationship is restricted for
liquid flow because, if the pressure falls below the saturation
pressure corresponding to the liquid temperature, the liquid will
boil and pockets of vapour will form. This phenomenon is usually
called cavitation. If the bubbles of vapour move to a high pressure
region they collapse and produce high instantaneous forces. This
can cause an efficiency drop and noise, vibration and mechanical
damage. A special case of the free streamline, discussed in 6.1.4,
can occur with liquid flow. If a cavitation zone exists behind the
body then the constant pressure imposed is the vapour pressure.


When relative motion of velocity, U, occurs between an immersed body

and its surrounding fluid, a force, F, is exerted on the body. This
force may be resolved into two components (figure 6.4).

(a) A force component, Fhe parallel

to the relative motion, known as the

(b) A force component, Fie perpendi-

cular to the relative motion, known
aSmUNC mma.

From the dimensional analysis of flow

over a body (example 5.5) we obtain Figure 6.4

F = pU*L7o(Re, M) (6.1)
If we restrict the analysis to incompressible flow, we may omit
the Mach number effect and define a coefficient C = $¢(Re). Re-
placing L? by a characteristic area, A, equation 6.1 may be applied
to the lift and drag forces and written

Fy = $0U2CpA (6.2)
and F, = $pU*C)A (6.3)
6.2.1 Drag

The drag on a body is due to the boundary layer effect and to flow

Viscous or Friction drag, (Fr) ¢- is due to tangential viscous

forces acting on the body surface because of the boundary layer
Gigurer62 5)

(Foleg= fr dA sin a (6.4)


Form or Pressure drag, (F,)_, is due to the normal pressure forces

acting on the body surface. The pressure distribution is influenced

by flow separation and wakes (figure 6.5).

(Fh), = J p dA cos a (6.5)

. A

(a) (b) Friction drag (c) Form drag

only only

Figure 6.5

Total or Profile drag, F.,Dp? is the sum of the friction and form drag.

Fees Fp) ¢..* Fy)» (6.6)

6.2.2 Characteristics of Boundary Layers

The boundary layer thickness, 5, is difficult to determine precisely

because the velocity within it approaches the free stream velocity
asymptotically. For convenience, 6 is defined as that distance from
the body surface where the velocity differs by 1% from the free
stream velocity, U. i.e, 6 is the value of y when u = 0,99U (figure

Se laminar turbulent

ee transition laminar
fa) (b) sub-laver

Figure 6.6

The boundary layer on a flat surface in a parallel fluid stream

(figure 6.6b) grows slowly from zero thickness at the leading edge
and is initially laminar in character (even if the free stream is
_turbulent). There is then a flow region which is unstable in chara-
cter and which marks a transition in the nature of the boundary
layer. Downstream of the transition the boundary layer is turbulent

in character but a thin laminar sub-layer exists next to the surface.
The Reynolds number of flow, Re,, is a variable with the character-
istic length taken as the distance, x, from the leading edge. The
critical Rey value for transition is usually taken as 5 x 10°.

The laminar boundary layer may be analysed approximately by a

momentum-integral method proposed by von Karman. This involves the
assumption of a particular velocity distribution and the calculation
of the drag coefficient, C,, and the boundary layer thickness,é.
An exact mathematical analysis has also been performed by Blasius
giving the following relationships.

Ce ~ 7iRe.) (6.7)

ms ike) (at u = 0.990) (6.8)

The turbulent boundary layer cannot be analysed exactly and semi-
empirical solutions must be used.

For 5 x 10° < Re < 2 x 10” the velocity profile in the turbulent
region is of the form u/U = (y/6)/7 and the following relationships

x Re Over2 (6.9)
‘ee 0.074
£ Rey 0-2 (6.10)

For Re > 2 x 10’ the velocity distribution deviates from the 1/7
power law and the Karman-Schoenherr equation then applies

AN IbSS Wkoyes (Re, x Cy) (GALL)
This formula is complex and an empirical interpolation formula by
Prandtl-Schlichting may be used up to Re = 1o2,

3 SE (omy
[log Beyl- > °

6.2.3 Separation and Form Drag

The existence of the boundary layer in an adverse pressure gradient

leads to separation from bluff bodies and the formation of a wake.
It is difficult to estimate the contribution of form drag alone,
unless certain simplifying assumptions are made (see examples).
In practice, it is more convenient to use C, - Re graphs, obtained
by experiment, for bodies of specified shape. In order to reduce
drag it is necessary to prevent boundary layer separation by stream-
lining or by boundary layer suction or blowing.

Onaede SLiet

In fluid dynamics, we are particularly interested in shapes which

yield high lift and low drag values e.g. aerofoils, hydrofoils and
circular arcs. All these sections have in common the characteristic
that the lift force increases as the angle of inclination (or angle
of attack) to the fluid stream increases. There are, of course,
limitations on the maximum angle in practice. The lift on an aero-
foil may be explained in terms of the Kutta-Joukowsky theorem which
demonstrates that a circulation, IT, and a fluid velocity, U, are
both necessary to produce a lift force (Fy = pUr). As the aerofoil
moves from rest, the circulation is zero and the irrotational flow
pattern tends to be set up (figure 6.7a). This pattern, which in-
volves tortuous flow around the sharp trailing edge, cannot be main-
tained in a real fluid due to separation. Therefore the flow pattern
of figure 6.7b forms. In the process, a circulation,-I, develops
around the aerofoil and a starting vortex, of equal strength and
opposite sign, is formed and then shed downstream (figure 6.7c). The
circulation around the aerofoil and the lift are maintained.


(a) (b) (c) vortex

Figure 6,7
The same phenomenon causes the transverse vibration and 'singing'
of telephone wires in a cross-wind. The alternate vortex shedding
from the rear of the wire causes circulations of changing sign to
be set up around the wire itself and this imposes an alternating
transverse force. A rotating cylinder in cross-flow also experiences
anaee force:
Lift may be explained in terms
of the pressure distribution around
the body. The crowding of streamn-
lines on the upper surface of the
aerofoil of figure 6.8 indicates an Pe 7A
increase in velocity and a decrease
in pressure, On the lower surface, +1
the pressure increases. Thus a net lower
upward force is exerted on the aero-
foil. The pressure on the aerofoil
may be expressed in terms of a pres- Co
sure coefficient, Cp, defined
; upper
oo =, eres om ay
Fisure 6.8

Example 6.1

A smooth rectangular plate, 600 mm wide by 25 m long, moves at

12 m/s in the direction of its length through oil. Determine (i)
the length of the laminar boundary layer, (ii) the total drag force
on the plate, and (iii) the thickness of the boundary layer at the
trailing edge. Assume u = 0.0128 Pa s , p = 850 kg/m? ,

(i) Refer to figure 6.6b. Transition from a laminar boundary

layer to a turbulent one occurs when Rex = 5 x 10°. Therefore
0.0128 x 5 x 10°
Se ou (5 x" 102) BEN 1D = 0.625 m

(ii) It is inaccurate to assume that the turbulent boundary layer

grows from zero thickness at the transition point. In order to esti-
mate the total drag force Fp on a flat surface, the following exp-
ression. should be used,
Fp for turbulent Fy for turbulent Fp for laminar
Fp = | B.L. on whole =| BOL. up to xe +| BL. up to Xe

In each case, equation 6.2 gives the drag force, Fp = SoU2ACe, The
value of Ce is determined by the Rex value which is 5 x 10° for both
laminar and turbulent layers up to Xc. At the end of the plate, the
Reynolds number is
Rents UNE Os EG oeeey 1.99 x 107

Therefore, equations 6.7 and 6.10 may be used to calculate the drag
coefficients for the laminar and turbulent boundary layers, res-

Fp = [foU2Ay x 0.074 Rey~°-*] - [20U7Ax x 0.074 Rex7?-?]

+ [}oU2A, x 1.328 Re amass

acon 1 x 25 x 0.074 0.6 x 0.625 x 1.328

(1.99 x. 107) 9-2 (5 x 10°)9-5
0.6 x 0.625 x ES] x 42
(5 Se Os):

= 4713 - 246 + 86 = 4.55 KN

Note that if a wholly turbulent boundary laver is assumed,

Fp = 4.713 kN

(iii) :Assuming a turbulent boundary layer on the whole plate,

equation 6.9 gives
SOLSTIL ae S79 25
Example 6.2

Using the momentum-integral method of houndary layer analysis, deve-

lop expressions for the drag coefficient, Ce, and the boundary layer
thickness, 6, for the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate assu-
ming that the velocity profile is given by u/U = [2(y/6) - (y/6)*].

Figure 6.9

Consider a control volume ABC bounded by the edge of the boundary

layer and the surface of the plate. For steady flow through the
control volume, the momentum equation 4.18 reduces to

TE = J, u(purdA) a)
Assuming zero pressure gradient both inside and outside the boundary
layer (dp/dx = 0 = dp/dy), the only force acting on the fluid within
the control volume is the drag force Fp. Fluid enters the boundary
layer, through surface AB, with main stream velocity, U, and flows
through face BC with a velocity, u, which varies with distance, y,
from the plate, Equation (i) gives
6 5 ae
-Fp = i. u(pu dy) - mU (Sici9)

Consider an elemental strip dy wide and of unit depth. The mass flow
rate through the element is pu dy and that through face BC (width 6)
is given by

ih = F pu dy (iii)
From continuity, the mass flow rate is constant through the control
volume. Substituting equation (iii) in (ii) we obtain

Pp = f° (pu dy) - ie u(pu dy) = . pu(U - u) dy (iv)

Substituting the given velocity distribution

Fp f, pN[2(y/6) - (y/5)?7][U - UCy/5) + UCy/S)7]dy

a. pUZ6 (v)

dFp =—7
ple J dé (vi)

The shear stress at any point in the laminar boundary layer is

fy sd 2y a a Dye ANY ar
Bree al co uz = uU 3 52 (vii)

At the surface, T = Tg when y = 0. Therefore

To = 2uu (viii)

The drag force on an element of surface dx wide and unit depth is

dEna=et or dae (ix)

Combining equations (vi), (viii) and (4x), rearranging and integra-

ting, we obtain
Ie dé =_ dee x
Me dx
6 5.48
and ee = 7 (Rex) (x)

The general expression for drag force (equation 6.2) gives

Se =
Py Lisi?
spU AC.

and dF, = 19U2 dx Ce Gay

where Cp is the local drag coefficient.

Combining equations (viii), (ix), (x) and (xi), we obtain

Aes ONZS (xii)
ie V(Re) *

The total drag force on a plate of length L and area (L x 1) is

Fy =ay deur zz Lc, ;

where Ce is the mean drag coefficient

F fr thy. tabs
€.= Dy aketeo ck
Z0U*L = $pU*L
Substituting equations (viii) and (x) we obtain
én sof! 2uUY(pUx/u) dx _ 1.46
f 0 5 .48x ri Re

Example 6.3

(a) Define the term displacement thickness, 6*, used in boundary

layer analysis.
(b) A honeycomb straightener is formed from flat strips of metal
150 mm long and 20 mm wide to give hexagonal passages of side length
20 mm. Water of kinematic viscosity 10-© m2/s approaches the
straightener with a velocity of 2 m/s. Neglecting the metal thick-
ness and secondary flows, determine the pressure drop in the passage.

Bpt-2.”) Actual Ideal
Penac/ flow flow

ph Uy
houd Pe 1 a
ee AEA)

Actual flow Idealised flow

Figure 6.10

(a) The boundary layer thickness may be defined arbitrarily, as in

6.2.2, or in terms of its effect on the flow. The displacement
thickness, 6*, is the distance the solid boundary would have to be
‘displaced to give the same flow rate if the fluid were ideal i.e.
the displacement thickness is the thickness of a stagnant layer with
the same integrated velocity deficit as the actual boundary layer
(figure 6.10).

us* = f (U - ujdy

tind. F . ¥ bay (i)

The displacement thickness at any distance x from the leading edge
can be obtained by assuming a velocity distribution and integrating
equation (i) as in example 6.2. For laminar flow (Re < 5 x 10°),
an exact solution by Blasius gives
Ped. 721%
~ Vex) fas
(b) Assume the flow through the honeycomb to be the same as that
over six individual flat plates of length L and width 2.

Re pe Wiles
The boundary layer is laminar, therefore, equation (ii) applies.
Mele eti tsi zie Xx OLS
6* = 7(the,) RD
"©ee 0.472 mm

Now consider a flow situation in which fluid enters the honeycomb
with uniform velocity, U,, and leaves with ideal flow velocity, Uo,
through an area reduced by the displacement thickness on each plate
(figure 6.10). :

V.= AyU) = Up * 2.622

i Wee cee ets is 2tx12°.6 4G, 02"
2 Ke SR Os26h2=-6580)
2.6 x 0.022 - 6 x 0.472 x) 10c= sme
i} Deven S

In the idealised flow situation assumed, we may apply the Ber-

noulli equation 4.7 between entry and exit of the honeycomb.

Pl p2
— + 4,2 = — + hy?
ie) p :

Die paeaelotlae ie ee ;0) (2.122 - 22) = 247 Pa

Example 6.4

(a) Describe the flow vattern for flow normal to an infinite circu-
lar cylinder as the flow velocity is increased from zero to a high
(b) A screen in a 10 m wide stream, 2.5 m deep, consists of a number
of vertical 25 mm diameter bars, spaced 0.1 m between centres. If
the upstream water velocity is 2 m/s, estimate the drag force on
the screen and the pressure loss coefficient. How do the screen
conditions differ from those for infinite cylinders?
v = 1,2 x 107© m@/s, p = 1000 kg/m,

(a) Refer to figure 6.11 which shows the flow patterns for diff-
erent values of Reynolds number.

(i) For Re < 1, inertia forces are negligible and the streamlines
close behind the cylinders giving a flow pattern which is similar
to that for ideal flow.

(141) For Re = 2-30, the boundary layer separates symmetrically at

points S and two eddies are formed, For increasing Re, the eddies

(iii) For Re ~ 40-70, a periodic oscillation of the wake occurs and

for Re > 90 the eddies break away alternately from the cylinder and
are washed downstream. (This causes vibration and 'singing!' of
telegraph wires in a cross-wind,)

(iv): For 250) <"Re <=) 2) x 19°, the frequency of vortex shedding in-
creases until ultimately, at high Re values, the regular vortex
street breaks down into random turbulence at the rear of the cylin-
der. At this stage, the boundary layer up to the point of separa-
tion is essentially laminar and this givesa wide wake and high
form drag.

(v) For Re = 2x 10°, the boundary layer becomes turbulent and the
separation point moves further round the cylinder surface giving a
narrow wake and low form drag. Hence, Cp drops suddenly in this re-
gion. Note that the turbulent boundary layer can be triggered off
for lower Re values if the surface is roughened e.g. by sand parti-
cles, dimples or trip wires.

(iv) Preune Oe bl (v)

(b) The variation of drag coefficient, Cp, as a function of Re may

be plotted on a graph similar to that for a sphere (figure 6.12).
The graph refers to an infinite cylinder,
Re =ee * Zo
lox 1076 44d 7x UO 4

From figure 6.12; Cp = 1.55. Note that the boundary layer is

laminar. From equation 6.2 the total drag on the bars is

BE) yea = ROUSCAN =. 41 3e.10%4% 24 x (1.55.%12.5.*, 0,025 x 100

= 16.88 kN
The pressure loss coefficient, (Cp)L> is defined
p Fp/A
D 6.88 x 103
(Con fgets Foil fox 103°x 227%. 10 «2.5 Oe das
= ‘ = = L z =

The C, values given in figure 6.12 are those for an infinite cyl-
inder, The actual flow differs because of end effects on the cylin-
der. At the junction with the stream bed there will be a non-
uniform velocity distribution due to the boundary layer in the water
near the bed. At the water free surface, wave effects may be

Example 6.5

(a) Sketch a graph of the variation in drag coefficient with Reynolds

number for flow normal to a sphere. With reference to the nature of
flow around the sphere, explain the reason for the sudden drop in Cp

when Re = 2 x 10°.

(b) A spherical balloon of mass 0,82 kg and diameter 2 m ascends at

a constant speed of 10 m/s through still air. Determine the drag
coefficient. If the balloon is now tethered to the ground in a
20 m/s horizontal wind, determine the tension and angle of the re-
taining cable. u, = 128 *110e° Pa sjio4 = leche ms

(a) Figure 6.12 gives the Cp-Re graph for a sphere. The change
in flow pattern with increasing Re values is similar to that for flow
normal to an infinite cylinder described in example 6.4, Initially,
the curve follows Stokes' law Cp = 24/Re for laminar flow. Then
separation starts, followed by vortex shedding. For Re > 3 x 103
a laminar boundary layer exists on the front surface of the sphere
and Gp) =)constiee ror Re =n 2.x 10°, the laminar boundary layer changes
to a turbulent one and the width of the wake reduces, causing a
fall in Cp.

Figure 6.12

(b). The forces exerted on the balloon are the gravity force, F >

the buoyancy force, Fp, and the drag force Fp. 4

F_ = mg i= 0.82 x 9,81 = 8.04 N

Fy = ee mR3 = 1,25 x 9,81 x z* nx 13 = 51.4.N

For ascent at constant velocity, =F = 0. Therefore

pee go Fp = 0

Fp = 51.4 - 8.04 = 43.3 N

From equation

Fp = }eU7CpA
2FD 2.x 43.3
etic dialseni02 <4 12 Oe
1 = = ee eee

The Cp value can also be obtained from the Cp-Re graph (figure 6.12)
OUR 1425 x 40-0 3
Re = ie) ietaeeecalcss
py SRS eee eS eS LO 6

At Re = 1.39 x 10®, Cp = 0.22. The boundary layer is turbulent.

When the balloon is tethered, Uy = 20 m/s.

Legis) oP PAO Ss
Be a es 2.78 x 106, Cp, =a Cal 2

Fy, = 4olg*Cy A SP 6°91 1251202 022°! gf & “12 = 1728 N

The cable tension is equal to the resultant force on the balloon

(figure 6.13).

Fy = V[(Fp - Fo)?+ Fp?]= ¥(43.3% + 172.82) = 178 N

@ = tan?! [(F, - Fg)/Fp] = tan”! (43.5/172..8) 02714.1°

Figure 6.13

Example 6.6

During a test on a 150 mm chord wing section in a wind tunnel the

velocity distribution across the wake of width 2Y, is represented by

w= U[O.75 - 0.25 cos (my/Yo)]

where u is the velocity at any point y from the centre line of the
wake and U is the free stream velocity.

If the wake is 200 mm wide and the free stream velocity is 40 m/s
determine the drag on the wing section per metre of span and the
drag coefficient. Assume the pres sure in the wake to be equal to
the free stream pressure and the air density constant at 1.2 kg/m? 5

Consider a control volume ABCD, sufficiently far away from the
wing section for transverse velocity gradients to be negligible,
For steady flow, the momentum equation 4.18 reduces to

EF = f u(purdA) (i)
The fluidpressure is uniform on the control surface and the only
force acting on the fluid within the control volume is Rx. The flow
is restricted to single entry with uniform velocity U and a single
exit with variable velocity u. Considering unit length of wing,
equation (i) gives

-Rx = 2 fYY,? pu® dy - 2pu7y,

‘ Be

The flow rate through the control volume is

V = 2UY; = f’2 u dy (444)


Substituting equation (iii) and the given velocity distribution in

(ii) we obtain

Rx iT} 2pf%? u(t - u)dy

= 20f*2|1 [0.75 - 0.25 cos(ny/Y2)] x

(Up OR7sU SS 0n25URcos ery/2) lay |

= 0.125pU2 x 2.5Y> = 0,125 x 1.2 x 40% x 2:5 * Ogee

The force exerted by the fluid on the wing section is equal and
opposite to Rx i.e. 60 N to the right.

From equation 6.2

Fp = $pU2ACp = -Rx (v)

From equations (iv) and (v)

$pU2ACp = 0.125pU2 x 2.5Y5

eA aU NA Be PARE cesta AO gi!
Cp = Bisuecl = 0.416

Example 6.7

A fluid of constant density,p, flows with velocity, U, over a sphere

of radius, R. The magnitude of the velocity, Ug, at a point, q, just
outside the boundary layer, is given by ug = 1.5U sin 9 for
O < 6 < 6; where the angle 6 is defined by the radius to point q
and that to the front stagnation point. For 6, < 6 < m the pressure
on the surface of the sphere is constant and equal to that at
9 = 6,- Determine the drag coefficient when 6, = 90°.

In this problem, the velocity, ug, applies to a point just out-

side the boundary layer. Therefore, there is no degradation of
energy between a point upstream and point q and the Bernoulli eaqua-
tion may be applied.

P + $pU? = pg + sou”
The pressure at point, 4, taking the upstream pressure, p, as refer-
ence and substituting Ug = 1.5U sin 8, is given by

Dapp = 4pU- - Jp(1.5U sin @)* = JpU2(1 - 2.25 sin? 8) (4)

Now consider the pressure force, in the direction of flow, exerted
on an element of area dA subtended by a cone of semi-angle 6 (figure

dA = (2nR sin 6)R dé

The pressure force on the element of area is given by

dF = (Pg - p) cos 6 dA

= 49U2(1 - 2.25 sin? 6) cos @ 27R* sin © dé

= 19U22mR2(sin 6 cos 6 - 2.25 sin? 6 cos 6) dé

= 1oU22mR2(sin 6 - 2.25 sin? 6) d(sin 6)

Figure 6.15

The total force on the upstream face, defined by 0 < @ < 0), is

Fy) = $0U*27R2 ee ot (sin 6 - 2.25 sin?@)d(sin 6)


= }pU2mR2(sin* 6; - 1.125 sin® 61)

For 6 > 6; the pressure on the surface of the sphere is constant at
the value for 6 =6,. From equation (i)

Pq - P= $pU2(1 - 2.25 sin? 03)

The pressure force on an element of area for 6 > 6, is

dF = }pU2(1 - 2.25 sin? 6,)cos 6 2nR2 sin 6 do

= }0U22mR*(sin © - 2.25 sin* 6, sin: 6) d(sin 6)

The total force on the downstream face defined by 6, < 6 < m is

Fy = 1 oU22TR2 fa es @ - 2.25 sin? 6, sin 8) d(sin 9)

= LpU2mR2(-sin? 0] + 2.25 sin* 61)

The net force on the sphere is given by

ae es ae
= }pU2nR2(sin? 6;- 1.125 sin* 9, - sin? 6, + 2.25 sin* 6)
= IoU2aR2(1.125 sin* 64) (ii)

From equations 6.2 and (ii)

Fp = 40U2CpA = ipU2nR2(1.125 sin* 6,)

Substituting A = mR? and the given value 6, = 90°

Cho = 1.125,-siint (90), =a3.105

Example 6.8

(a) Sketch typical curves of lift coefficient and lift-drag for var-
ious values of angle of attack for an aerofoil section. Indicate on
the curves the point of best efficiency and the stall point. Also
give the reason for the fall-off of lift beyond the stall point.

(b) An aeroplane weighing 100 kN has a wing area of 45 m2 and a drag

coefficient (based on wing area) Cp = 0.03 + 0.04Cy?. Taking the
density of air to be 1.2 kg/m? calculate for horizontal flight the
speed and power when minimum power is required.

(a) Figure 6.16 yives typical performance curves. As the an-

gle of attack increases, the circulation round the aerofoil and the
lift force increase, The adverse pressure gradient near the tail
on the upper surface also increases and separation occurs from the
upper surface. As the angle of attack is increased further the sepa-
ration point moves forward and the wake becomes wider with an incr-
ease in drag. The value of q at which the maximum value of lift co-
efficient Cy, occurs is known as the stall point and the flow separ-
ates from practically the whole of the upper surface.

Soe Se

i. ee

is ae)

Stall =

Figure 6.16

(b)eErom equation 6.3, the lift force, F,; is given by

Fy, = }pU2CLA

Meee FL 2 x 100x103 | 3.7 x 10°

emiglek 1.2u2 x45 E U2
Now Cp = 0.03 + 0.04C,2 = 0.03 + oe (i)
From equation 6.2, the drag force, Fp, is

Fp = $pU2CpA = $pU2A(0.03 + 5.48 x 10° x U-*)

The power, P, is given by

Reena = 1 x 1.2 x U2 x 45(0.03 + 5.48 x 10° x U~*)

= 0.81U3 +-1.48 x 107"! (41)

For minimum power dP/dU = O

ma O8104 —.1.48 x10704 (iii)

d*P = © x 0.81U + 2x1

quz a545 x 107U7y7 3 (iv)
Equation (iv) is positive for all values of U, therefore dP/dU = O
for minimum power. From equation (111)

Sox 0.8102 - 1.48 *-107U"2 = 0

U = 49.7 m/s

From equation (ii)

P = 0.81 * 49.7% + 1.48 x 107 x 49,77! = 397 kW

Example 6.9

A racing car is fitted with an inverted aerofoil inclined at 10° to

the horizontal. At this angle Cp = 0.35 and Cj = 1.4. The length
of the aerofoil is 1.5 m and the chord is 1 m. The car length and
body surface area are 4.5 m and 12 m@ respectively, and the skin
friction coefficient is given by Cf = 0.0741/Re,9-2 where Rey is
based on car length. The car weight is 12.5 kN and the rolling re-
sistance is 40 N per kN of normal force between the tyres and the
road surface. Assuming that the form drag on the car is 450 N,
determine the power required to maintain a constant velocity of
50 m/s. Assume ambient conditions of 10 kPa and 285 K.
R =) 287 J/kg Kk, u = 17.5 * 10° N s/m2>


L ee
Fp3 \

PLgure G7

The density of the air is given by equation 1.25c

ey Ds 109
© = RE = 27% 25 * 1-22 kg/m
The drag and lift forces on the aerofoil are calculated from equa-
tions 6.2 and 6.3

Fp, = $0U2AgCp) = 0.5 x 1.22 x 502 x 1.5 x 1 x 0.35 = 80205 0N

Fr = 20U2AgCy, = 0.5! x 1.22 x 504 x 1/5 x 1 440° =eee

The drag force on the car body due to skin friction is given by

Fp, = 2pU2ABCD, = 2oU2Ag x0.0741 Repy-9-2

= $pU*Ap * 0.0741 (pUL/y)~°-2

. 1.22 x 50° 2. x 12 x 0.0741 - 78N
2[1.22 x 50 x 4.5/(17.5 x 1075)]9-2

150 =
The form drag is given as

Fp, = 450 N

Now the total normal force Fy between the car wheels and the road
surface is equal to the sum of the car weight and the downward 'lift'
force of the aerofoil

Fy = Fy + mg = 3203 + 12500 = 15.71 kN

The rolling resistance is given by

Fp = 40Fy = 40 x 15.71 = 628.4 N

The total resistance to motion is

eh? Fp * Fp, + FR = 802.5 + 78 + 450 + 628.4 = 1959 N

The power required to maintain a velocity of 50 m/s is

P = FU = 1959 x 50 = 98 kW

Example 6.10

(a) A surface vessel, fitted with an underwater hydrofoil, displaces

50 m3 of sea water when stationary. When the vessel is in motion the
hull partly rises out of the water due to lift on the hydrofoil. De-
termine for a vessel speed of 10 m/s (i) the volume displaced by the
vessel, and (ii) the power (MW) required to propel the vessel if the
hull drag is twice that of the hydrofoil. Hydrofoil details:
eeereeoem, chord 2m, Cy ='1.2, Cp = 0.2, psy = 1025 kg/m.

(b) The peak velocity of flow over the bracket supporting the hydro-
foil is 1.5 times the velocity remote from the arm. If the peak
velocity occurs at a point 3 m below the water surface, determine the
vessel speed at which cavitation can be expected to occur at a water
temperature of 10 °C. Assume the sea water to have the properties of
fresh water. pg = 100 kPa.

Figure 6.18

(a) (i) The 1ift force on the hydrofoil is given by equation 6.3

Fy = $pU2CLA = } x 1025 x 102 x 3 x 2 x 1.2 = 370 KN

The volume of water, V,, displaced by the stationary vessel is

50 m?. This corresponds to a weight, mg, given by

mg = 50 x 1025 x 9.81 = 502.8 kN

(ii) When the vessel is moving, the net downward force, F, is

=mg - Fy = (502.8 - 370}10° = 132.8) KN

The volume displaced by the moving boat, Vo, is given by

Mes hesFei 2,lh as
OO seo ees 3
Vo =
De 1025 ed Glee
The drag force on the hydrofoil is given by equation 6.2

= JoU*CyA = } x 1025 x 10? x 3 x 2% One = Ol oake

The total drag on the vessel is

Fp,Dees = 3 FD, &

="(Fp. FD, + FEDee

The power required to propel the vessel is

P = Fp, U = 3 x 61.5 x 103 x 10 = 1.845 MW

(b) Assume that the peak velocity occurs at a point, q, and that
there is no degradation of energy between a point upstream and point
q. Applying the Bernoulli equation between the two points we have

P + 30U? = pg + 2p
Now at depth, h, the pressure p = pq + pgh. The saturation pressure
at 10 °C is pg = 1.227 kPa. Cavitation will occur when Pq = Ps:
Also, we are told Ug. = TesUr

(Pa + pgh) + 4pU? = ps + }p (1.5U)*

105 + 1025 x 9.81 x 3 + § x 1025 x U2

= 1.227 x 103 + 4 x 1025 x 2,25u2

U = 14.3 m/s


1 Find the ratio of the drag in water to the drag in air on a thin
flat plate of length 1.2 m at zero incidence in a stream flowing at
5 m/s. The density and kinematic viscosity are to be taken as
1000 kg/m? and 1.1 x 107® m2/s for water, 1.2 kg/m3 and
14.9 x 10°§ m2/s for air.

2 Contrast the development cf a boundary layer on a flat plate with

that inside a circular pipe.

A streamlined train is 110 m long, 2.75 m wide and has sides 2.75 m
high. Assuming that the skin friction drag on sides and top is equi-
valent to that on a flat plate 8.25 m wide, calculate the power re-
quired to overcome the skin friction when the train moves at 160 km/h
through air of density 1.2 kg/m? and viscosity 1.79 x 1075 N s/m?,
Use may be made of any of the following formulae. In the laminar
boundary layer, the total force F between the boundary layer and the
plate, per unit width of plate is F = 2pU26/15, where 6 is the bound-
ary layer thickness at distance x from the leading edge of the plate
and U is the free stream velocity. The boundary layer thickness is
given approximately by § = 5.48x/Re,°°>. In the turbulent boundary
layer, F = 7pU26/72, and 6 = 0.37x/Re,°*2.
[68.4 kW]

3 Develop expressions for the coefficient of drag Cp and the bound-

ary layer thickness for the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate
assuming that the velocity profile is (a) of the form u/U = y/6é, and
(b) of the form u/U = sin(my/26).
[1.155Re~1/2, 3.464xRe,-1/2, 1.31Re71/2, 4.789xRe,- 1/2]
4 An open-return wind tunnel is fitted with a honeycomb straightener
and a wire mesh screen at a station where the velocity is 5 m/s. The
honeycomb straightener is formed from flat strips of metal 50 mm long
and 10 mm wide to give hexagonal passages of side length 10 mm. The
mesh is formed from vertical and horizontal interwoven wires 0.4 mm
diameter with 800 wires per metre. Determine the pressure loss co-
efficient Ap/!ipv* for (i) the honeycomb, and (ii) the wire mesh

It may be assumed that for flow over a flat surfa¢e laminar flow
exists when Rex < 5 x 10° for which 6* = 1.721x/(Re)2. The area of
a hexagon is 2.6L? where L is the side length. The drag coefficient
for flow perpendicular to a cylindrical wire may be assumed equal to
that for flow over an infinite cylinder for which a Cp-Re graph is
Bevem(tioure 6.12). pair = 1.2 kg/m?; uair = 17:7 x 107° N s/m2.
[0.49, 0.83]

5 (a) Describe briefly the nature of the flow about a sphere at (i)
very low and (ii) very high values of Reynolds number.
(b) At very low Reynolds number the drag of a sphere of diameter
D in steady motion is given by Stokes' law. Cp = 24/Re. A small
spherical water droplet is observed to fall through the atmosphere
at a constant speed of 50 mm/s. Calculate the diameter of the drop-
Het. .
(c) A 5 mm diameter spherical air bubble rises at. constant velocity
through water. Determine the bubble velocity. Assume Pa = 1:2 ke/m?,
feeemiOoG ke/m?, wa = 1.82 x 10-5 Pas, pw= 11.2 x 1077 Pas.
{0.02 mm, 0.372 m/s]

6 A cylinder of diameter 50 mm is placed with its axis normal to

an air stream of velocity 50 m/s. It is found that at a point where
the width of the wake is equal to three cylinder diameters the velo-
city distribution is given by
2ny |
u =U/0.8 - 0.2 cos 30 |

where U is the free stream velocity and u is the velocity at any
point distance y from a line through the cylinder centre. Assuming
that the pressure in the wake is equal to the free stream pressure,
determine the drag coefficient for the cylinder. If the cylinder
is enclosed in a wind tunnel what effect would this have on the flow
and the method of analysis?

7 A circular flat plate, radius R, is.held in a uniform fluid

stream, velocity U. The plane of the plate is perpendicular to the
direction of the flow. The velocity just outside the boundary layer
on the upstream face of the plate is given by u = 1.34 U(r/R)2 where
r is the distance from the centre of the plate. Assuming that the
pressure on the downstream face of the plate is uniform and equal
to that at the edge of the upstream face, show that the drag co-
efficient aor the pllatel) basedvon! frontal sarcagas ieee

8 A long, horizontal cylinder of semi-circular cross-section is

mounted with its plane face vertical and its curved surface facing
an airstream of 30 m/s which is normal to the plane face. The velo-
city ug of the air immediately outside the boundary layer is given
by ug = 1.5U sin 6 where U is the velocity of the undisturbed air-
stream and 9 is the angle between the radius and the original flow
direction. If the cylinder diameter is 100 mm, determine the
resultant force acting on unit length of the curved surface.
p= 1.2 kg/m: [13.5 N]

9 (a) The superposition of circulation of strength I on uniform flow

of U normal to a circular cylinder of radius, R, gives the velocity,
ug, at a point on the cylinder surface as ug = -2U sin 8 -T/27R
(see example 3.8). Show that the lift force per unit length of
Cy landers Ollie
(b) A Flettner ship is propelled by means of two rotating cylind-
ers, each 2 m diameter and 5 m high (figure 6.19). The profile drag
cocificient of the hull, Cy, is 3:5 % 107? based on a wetted surface
area, A, of 100 m?. The drag of each rotor is equal to 1/¥3 of the
"lift' force produced by it.. The velosity of the wind relativemes
earth is 12 m/s. Assuming that the wind>-velocity relative to the
ship is due north, determine the angular speed of the rotors, in
rev/min, required to propel the ship at a linear speed of 6 m/s, in
the direction of the resultant force on the rotors.
[87.5 rev/min]
6 m/s \

(e) Figure) 6.19

12 m/s Be ©) .

Velocity shail
to ship

10 Wind tunnel tests on an aerofoil show that for small angles of

incidence, a, the lift-.coefficient, Cy, is equal to 5.50 where @ is
measured in radians. A geometrically similar aerofoil having an

area 40 m2 is required to sustain a weight of 20 kN at a height of
3000 m where the air pressure is 70.12 kPa and the temperature is
+4.45 °C. Determine the relative air velocity required if the angle
of incidence of the aerofoil is 3°.
[195 m/s]

11 A flat kite has a surface area of 0.5 m2 and mass 0.45 kg.
During a test flight it was noted that the air temperature was 15°C,
the pressure 1 bar and the air speed 10 m/s. The tension in the
anchor cord was 25 N when the cord was inclined at 45° to the hori-
zontal and the kite inclined at 10° to the horizontal. Determine
the coefficients of lift and drag for the kite. Rair = 287 J/kg K.
[0.744, 0.594]

12 Modern ships are being provided with stabilisers which substan-

tially consist of a pair of underwater wings protruding from the
hull. Calculate the righting moment and drag of a pair of stabili-
sers fitted to a 200 MN displacement passenger ship travelling at
a speed of 10 m/s. The stabiliser wings have 2 m chord and are pro-
truding 4 m from the hull, where the width across the ship is 20 m.
Assume Cy, = 1.0, Cp = 0.1. Density of sea water is 1000 kg/m?,
yea tle) mam;/s'.
[9.6 MN m, 80 KN]

13 A racing car, of length 4 m, surface area 12 m2 and frontal area

1 m2, is fitted with a single aerofoil at the rear 1.5 m long and
two aerofoils near the nose each 500 mm long. The aerofoils have
the same section and chord length 500 mm, but the angle of attack
toecimrerent in each case. ~The lift and drag coefficients for the~
rear aerofoil are 0.4 and 0.03 respectively, whereas the coeffic-
ents for the nose aerofoils are 0.45 and 0.035 respectively. The
skin-drag coefficient C¢ may be taken as 0.455(log Rey) ~2°58 where
Rey, is based on car length, and the profile drag coefficient
Cp = 0.4 based on frontal area. Determine (i) the power required to
propel the car at 40 m/s, and (ii) the increase in normal force be-
tween the wheels and the road due to the aerofoils. Assume
eeeteto kg/m, yoir = 1.8-x 10°75 N.s/m*.
‘a irc [4.37 kW, 495 N]
14 Tests are carried out at the corresponding speed in fresh water
on a 1/9 scale model boat fitted with an underwater hydrofoil. The
length of the model is 1 m and the wetted surface area and projected
area are 0.5 m2 and 0.1 m2, respectively. The model hydrofoil is
300 m long and 150 mm chord with lift and drag coefficients 0.3 and
OpOsmrespectively. :the skin friction coefficient is given by
Ce = 0.455(log Rez)~2-58 and the form drag coefficient based on pro-
jected area is 0.05. If the total force exerted on the model boat
is 300 N determine, for a prototype speed of 21 m/s in sea water,
(i) the residual drags of the model and prototype, and (ii) the
difference in displacement (m3) of the prototype boat between sta-
tionary and 21 m/s conditions. It may be assumed that the drag and
lift coefficients of the model hydrofoil apply to similar hydrofoils
up to Re = 108. For sea water p = 1025 kg/m? and for fresh water
p = 1000 kg/m°.
[105.5 N, 79 kN, 24.6 m9]


In chapter 1, the Reynolds experiments on flow in a circular pipe

were described and it was shown that flow is either laminar or turbu-
lent. The nature of the two kinds of flow was treated in more detail
in chapter 6 and boundary layer effects were discussed. It is now
necessary to consider how these basic concepts can be applied to flow
in ducts.


Reynolds deduced that flow is laminar when viscous forces predominate

and turbulent when inertia forces predominate. The ratio of these
forces gives the Reynolds number Re = ou D/p and this parameter can
be used to predict the nature of flow (i.e. laminar or turbulent)
for any fluid in any pipe. The value of Re at which the flow pattern
changes from laminar to turbulent is called the critical Reynolds
number and occurs at a nominal value of 2000.

The difference between laminar and turbulent flow is also apparent

in (a) the settling length, (b) the velocity profile for fully devel-
oped flow and (c) the shear stress. These differences are shown in
figure 7.1 for the same mean velocity of flow, u.

Entry length L

— Laminar

-—— Turbulent

it 2
| e Laminar To

Figure 7.1

(a) The velocity profile is uniform at entry to a pipe. A bound-

ary layer then forms and thickens in the flow direction. If Re < 2000
the boundary layer remains laminar in character until it occupies
the whole cross-section of flow. If Re > 2000 a laminar boundary
layer is formed initially, but transition to a turbulent boundary
layer occurs, similar to that on a flat plate (figure 6.6). The
length of pipe from inlet to the point at which the flow is fully
developed in called the entry or settling length. For laminar flow

156 r
the entry length is about 120 diameters and for turbulent flow about
50 diameters.

(b) For fully developed laminar flow, the velocity profile is

parabolic and upax = 2u. For turbulent flow, the vélocity profile
is much flatter in the centre zone due to the my¥xing motion (momentum
exchange) and u,., * 1.2u. Note that for turbf#lent flow the time
mean profile is shown.

(c) The shear stresses and rate of dissipation of mechanica}

energy are much greater in turbulent flow than they are in laminar
flow. For both types of flow, shear stress ae linearly from
zero at the pipe centre to Tyg at the pipe wall.


Experiments show that, for fully developed flow in a constant-area

duct, the dissipation or loss of mechanical energy is directly pro-
portional to duct length. The steady-flow energy equations 4.35
and 4.36, together with equation 4.37, give

—+ u)* + gz) =—+ Up 2 + gz2 + e (Te)

ie) p

The quantity, e;, is the dissipation or loss of mechanical energy

due to frictional effects. This dissipation may be expressed as a
head loss, H,, or a pressure drop, Apy, , and evaluated from the
Darcy-Weisbach equation

eb AP Lu2 (7.2)

The friction factor, f, is defined in terms of the mean shear stress

at the duct wall, t,, or the dimensionless parameters of flow (see
example 5.2).

f=—°-= k
o |e, a (75)
pu?/2 De,
The equivalent diameter, Ne, is defined
ee 4 x Cross-sectional area of duct _ 4A (7.4)
€ ~ Wetted perimeter of duct P ‘

(Note: Hydraulic radius Ry = A/P is sometimes used instead of De)

For flow in_a constant-area duct, the mean velocity is constant

and uj = u2 = u. Equation 7.1 may be simplified and written in
terms of specific energy, pressure or head units. In pressure units

Pee 9271." Pa + og22 + Ap, (7.5a)







Sq19 el



OF Gir. esPet*=)Apy (7.5b)

Therefore, the dissipation or loss of mechanical energy in a con-

stant-area duct expressed in pressure units is equal to the drop
in piezometric pressure.

Equation 7.5a is frequently used in terms of head units

Pl p2 ey)
See 4 25 +. Ces)
pg pg ee
7.2. Friction Factor for Constant Diameter Pipes

For circular pipes of diameter D, equation 7.4 given De = D and the

Reynolds number of flow is Re = puD/u. Friction factor values are
expressed in terms of Re.

For laminar flow (Re < 2000), the exact analysis of Poiseuille
is possible, leading to the relationship

For turbulent flow (2 x 10° < Re < 10°), the empirical relationship
of Blasius applies
oe 9
0.0791 7.7)

For turbulent flow (Re > 10°), the Karmdn-Prandtl empirical relation-
ship applies

Je1 = 4 log [Repco (7.8)

The value of f for laminar flow applies to pipes which are rough
or smooth but the values of f for turbulent flow are only applicable
to pipes which are mechanically smooth or which are hydraulically
smooth because the roughness elements are effectively submerged by
a laminar sub-layer. The values of f are more conveniently found
from the f-Re curve of figure 7.2. The heavy line applies to smooth

For rough pipes, f is a function of both Re and a relative rough-

ness factor k/N. The original experiments on rough pipes were car-
ried out by Nikuradse (1932) on pipes artificially roughened by sand
particles of uniform size k. However, this uniform roughness pat-
tern is rarely encountered in practice and Colebrook and White (1938)
carried out experiments on commercial pipes and obtained an empiri-
cal relationship using an effective sand roughness k.

1 B aea ai126
Beene 98 15 Rev (h) (7.9)
These results are superimposed on the f-Re diagram of figure 7.2
resulting in a composite graph sometimes referred to as the Moody

The f£-Re diagram shows that for high Re values f becomes constant
and is a function of k,/D alone. This region is known as the turbu-
lent rough zone for which the following empirical relationship

ibe os n
V(f) = 4 log [3.7 2 (7=ELO)

7.2.2 Flow in Non-circular Ducts

For non-circular ducts, the equivalent diameter, De, is calculated

from equation 7.4 and the Reynolds number of flow is (Re), = pude/u.
For turbulent flow, an approximate value of f may be calculated
substituting (Re)e in the above equations for flow in a circular
pipe. The accuracy improves as the shape of the duct tends towards
the circular. Note that A # (1/4) De*.

For laminar flow, it is inaccurate to evaluate f using equation

7.6 and (Re)g. The loss associated with laminar flow must be calcu-
lated from first principles for the particular shape of duct.
Information is given in reference 1.


Energy dissipation also occurs due to

local disturbances in the flow
such as entry to and exit from pipes,
bends, changes of section,
valves, etc. These 'fittings' losses are usually called minor
losses because in a long pipe they are small in comparison with pipe
friction losses. However, the significance of any loss is one of
relative magnitude and minor losses should always be accounted for
unless it can be shown that they can be neglected.

It is impossible to calculate the magnitude of the majority of

minor losses therefore reference must be made to empirical data
which expresses the loss in terms of a coefficient k, of the velocity
head [i.e. k,(u*/2g)] or in terms of an equivalent length of pipe
which would give a friction loss equal to the actual minor loss.

Some typical values of minor losses are quoted in the examples

and a comprehensive list is given in reference 2.


Pipe friction losses and minor losses may be evaluated if the flow
rate is known, In actual pipe systems, however, the flow rate is
determined by the resistance of the pipes and fittings and by the
form of the pipe combination (figure 7.3). The problem is evalua-
tion of the total flow rate, or the flow rate in the individual
pipes of a multiple pipe system.

Series Parallel Branched Network

Figure 7.3

In series and parallel systems, solution is possible by applica-

tion of the steady-flow energy and continuity equations, The energy
equation 7.1 may be applied in head units form, between points A
and B, giving

p au 2 p site
u e
ee: +2, + 2(4] (7.11)
px 2g pg ag :
2j—] = =
4 flu? ap
Ky? is the sum of pipe friction and
g 2gD 2g
minor losses for the flow path considered,

This equation must be applied for each possible flow path a fluid
particle can take between A and B. Note that this form of the energy
equation is frequently referred to as the Bernoulli equation (with
losses) in engineering literature.

For incompressible flow, the continuity equation may be applied

in the form

ye = (uA) Ges be)

It is useful to draw the energy and piezometric pressure (hyd-

raulic gradient) lines for flow in pipe systems,

Pipe systems involving branched pipes or networks are more com-

plex and require solution by trial-and-error or iterative techniques.


Because of the variation in velocity across a duct, in real flow,

it is necessary to reconsider the equations derived in chapters 3
and 4 and applied to one-dimensional flow using a mean velocity u.
The mass flow rate for flow through a duct is given by

m = fou dA = puA Cris)

A :
The momentum flux, M, is expressed in terms of a momentum correction
factor 8

M = fou dAju = BpuZA (7714)


The specific kinetic energy, e,, is expressed in terms of a kinetic
energy correction factor, a

fz(eu dA)u?2 ?
ene (7S
i pu dA

Example 7.1

Oil flows downwards through a 50 m length of 100 mm diameter pipe,

inclined at 30° to the horizontal. Working from first principles,
determine (i) the maximum flow rate for which the flow remains lami-
nar in character, and (ii) the corresponding pressure difference be-
tween the inlet and exit points. Assume y = 0.285 N s/m?,
0 = 950 kg/m3.

(a) Figure 7.4 (b)

The first step is to derive an expression for the pressure drop

in laminar flow. Consider the forces acting on a small cylindrical
element of radius r, and length dx (figure 7.4a). For steady flow,
the momentum equation 4.19 gives

ZF = prr2 - (p + dp)ar2 - 127r dx = 0

For fully developed flow, (dp/dx) = (-Ap/L), where Ap is the pre-

ssure drop (-ve) along a length of pipe, L, due to dissipation of
mechanical energy. Therefore

oe [22 r (i)
For laminar flow t = -p(du/dr). The negative sign is introduced
because u decreases with increasing r. Substituting for Tt in equa-
tion (i) we have

Treating (Ap/L) as a constant in the r direction and integrating with

respect to r we obtain

u Bete
au PAD)
| re 2.2 AeA

When r = D/2, u = O, therefore A = (Ap/L)D2/16y.

i= am (2 fee 423 ey
Thus the velocity profile for laminar flow in a pipe (axially symn-
etric Poiseuille flow) is a parabola in section and the true three-
dimensional velocity profile is a paraboloid. When r = O, u = umax.

p2 A
mmax = 16, I
From the properties of a paraboloid, or from the use of equations
7.13 and (ii), the mean velocity u is
eax Sypu dA Seb ee]
ie a 9 Bei ee)

Now consider the shear stress at the wall. When r = D/2, t = To.
Therefore from equations (i) and (iii)
book D
Miewurictton tactor, £, defined by equation 7.3, is
Aspihee Sswu/D > 16
pu2/2 = pu/2
(1) Consider flow through the pipe. For laminar flow, Re < 2000.
Therefore the maximum flow rate is determined by (puD/y) = 2000 and
pey2000u = 2000 x 05285 _ 6 a7,
Do 0.1 x 950 &
Vie= ul 1D = expel = 0.047 m3/s

(emmimempressuce drop, Ap, is given by: equation (i111).

Ap =
Sepia _ 32x 0.285 x 50 x 6 _ 274 kPa
De 0.1?
Im a horizontal pipe, Ap = 274 kPa, is the drop in static pres-
sure due to dissipation or loss of mechanical energy (equation 7.5a).
In an inclined pipe, the loss is given by the drop in piezometric
pRessure, Py" - Po* = Po, - Pg2 = 274 kPa, recorded by gauges moun-
ted on the same Roragontal line (figure 7.5b). The difference in
static pressures, pj - P2 = Pg] - Pg2, is given by gauges mounted in
line with points 1 and 2, respectivély. This difference can be a
drop or a rise in pressure. From equation 7.5a we obtain

Pr-- p2 = Ap, - pg(zy - Za)
274 x 103 - 950 x 9.81 x 50 sin 30 = 41 kPa

Fxample 7.2

Show that for steady parallel laminar flow of fluid, a force halance
on a small element of fluid yields the relationship
u(d?u/dy2) = dp/dx
A piston 100 mm diameter and 150 mm long has a mass of 10 kg.
The piston is placed in a vertical cylinder 102 mm diameter contain-
Ing OLU Oraviscosity Of25 ePaesi. Calculate the time taken for the
piston to fall 100 mm. It mav be assumed that the piston and cylin-
der are concentric throughout the piston motion.

Refer to figure 7.5 which shows laminar flow of fluid between two
parallel surfaces of infinite width normal to the plane of the dia-
gram. The lower surface is stationary and the upper surface moves
with velocity U.

FLeuren 7a

Consider a small rectangular element ABCD of unit width. The only

forces acting on the element are surface forces due to viscous
stresses and pressure. For steady flow, the momentum equation 4.19
gives ;

viscous pressure

(te dr)idxt= 1 dx =" (per dp)idy = prdys = 70

dt dp :
dys bind (i)
Newton's law of viscosity t = u(du/dy) may be applied to parallel
laminar flow. Substituting in (i) we obtain

dy ay
_ dp
due 124 +
or dy 7. u ae (11)

Now consider flow in the annular gap between a piston and a cylinder

(figure 7.6). If the gap is small compared with the diameter, the
flow can be treated as flow between parallel flat surfaces.

| b |

Poiseuille flow




Fipures7 6

Equation (ii) for flow in the y direction gives

dev 1 {d
dx2 ~ {dy

This equation may be integrated with respect to x, treating (dp/dy)

as a constant in the x direction. Hence
ie 2
v= ($e Keb A tab

The boundary conditions are v = 0 when x = 0, and v = -U when x = b.


v= _ oT (Cees
se) (x
xb) b

The velocity equation consists of two parts. The first term gives
Poiseuille flow upwards through the annular gap due to the pressure
gradient dp/dy. The second term gives Couette flow downwards due
to the piston motion. The velocity profiles for the individual and
combined flows are shown in figure 7.6b. The volumetric flow
through the annular gap of width m)D is given by
5 5 1_ {dp 2 ; x dx
V= fvap dx = 7) f + {| (x* - xb) dx - 7) re
0 0 0

ae edaS se ee
or) SD: 3 Ub

The volumetric flow rate through the annular gap and the pressure
gradient are determined by the displacement of the piston. There-

v = inD2u (v)

Gy 22 Shp a mel ae - . : 2 d
and yo || 7 (-ve in flow direction) (vi)

From equations (iv), (v) and (vi)

ries I 4mgb?
(1 + 2b/D) Syumb3L
1 A XVID XO BIO Re eee
~ iG. #22/ 100) 3 ¥10.25 <a x 12x D097) Oba
0.00109 m/s

The time, t, for the piston to fall a distance, y, is

U 0.900109

Note that if D) >> b the contribution of Couette flow is negligible

to a first approximation.

Example 7.3

Fluid of invariable density, p, and viscosity, u, flows through the

annular passage between two horizontal concentric pipes under steady,
laminar flow conditions. The inner and outer radii of the wetted
surfaces of the annular passages are R; and Ro, respectively.
Determine the radius at which the maximum velocity occurs.
t + dt

PL gUre 7a

Figure 7.7 shows flow through an annulus in which the clearance

between the two surfaces is too large for the assumption of simple
Poiseuille flow between parallel surfaces to apply. ‘Consider an
annular element of radius r, thickness dr and length dx. For steady
flow, the momentum equation 4.19 gives

ZFyiscous + 4Fpressure = 0
(t + dt)2m(r # dr)dx - t20r dx - (p + dp)2nr dr + p 2nr dr = O

Neglecting the product of small quantities this reduces to

pmedrectxe tes die dx ='r dprdr ="0

i | dp
at ee (3
ohare) d

For laminar flow, t = u(du/dr), therefore

dq}, guj _ 1 {dp

dr dr| ~ uw {dx} 7

u= Ber
a cp) re .2 +
($2 A in x + 8B

The boundary conditions are u = O at r = Rj andu =O at r=Rp.


O=Peau Riise 2
2)| pn, eee ne Ra ete

1 d Fig
and: 0 = x (el Ro* + A ln Ry +B (ii)

From equations (i) and (ii), we have

R ee R 2
» as dp) Sane er
4u dx} In(R2/R,)
D 2
mete (dp). Ry" - Ry dp ina et
was e Seo ti dx} Im(Ri/Ra ae i)
The constant B could be evaluated by substituting for A in equation
(1) or (11). However, in this problem we are asked to determine
the maximum value of u, which occurs when (du/dr) = 0. Differentia-
ting equation (iii) with respect to r, we obtain
yas Jae
#->(@- g 1 = 0
dir 251 4 r In(R,/R))

This gives the radius for maximum velocity as

2 2
Ad Rotor
(2 In(Ro/R))

Example 7.4

Fluid of constant density, p, flows upwards in a vertical pipe of

radius R. At entry to the pipe the velocity has a uniform value of
u, but at a distance, L, from entry the flow is fully developed
and the velocity distribution is of the form u = up(l - r/R)!/7,
where u is the velocity at any radius r and um is the velocity at

the pipe centre line. Derive an expression for the average wall
shear stress, to, in terms of p, g, R, u, L, and the pressure drop,

tf | I" Figure 7.9

a ogAL ||

AT Titan
Consider the control volume ABB'A' (figure 7.8). For steady flow,
the momentum equation 4.18 reduces to

LF = ie u(purdA) (i)

At section BB' the velocity profile is non-uniform and to take

account of this we must consider the flow through an annular element
of area 2nr dr. At any radius r, the velocity is given by
u = u,_(1 - r/R)1/7. Equation (i) gives

2Fpressure + 2Fviscous + *Fgravity = das u(pu dA) - ia u(pu dA)

(p + Ap) mR - ptR2 = to ZmRLE— pgmR2L

= ie pu,*(1. - r/R)2/7. 2ar dr - paR2u2

Making the substitution r = R - Be from which dr = -dy we obtain

PALI b -2u a
dp - => - eee
2 ie y2/7(R - y)dy- |

_ _ eV a
Ap R ‘al ogL x 144 PUp Su ipu (11)

It is now necessary to express Um in terms of u. From equation

7.12 we have m = Jaen dA = jah dA.

m ie pu dA = punR2 (iii)
and m= f uedAg= fr Um(1 - r/R)1/7 2ar dr =
A, ® pane ® be
720 Um mR2 (iv)

From equations (ii), (iii) and (iv) we obtain

2t ob =a =
Ap - + - pgh = 1.02pu* - put
_ RAp 0.Olpu*R _ pgR
"Oe. aT, L 2

Example 7.5

Fluid of constant density flows through an abrupt enlargement bet-

ween two concentric pipes. Stating any assumptions made, derive
an expression for the total head loss and express this in terms of
a loss coefficient ke

Fluid of constant density flows through two abrupt enlargements

between three concentric pipes of cross-sectional areas A,, A» and
A3 respectively. Show that for the overall pressure rise (p3 - pi)
to be a maximum the cross-sectional area of the intermediate pipe
must be given by

Ag = 2A1A3/(A, + A3)
Neglect frictional losses and interference effects due to the
intermediate pipe.

A R 1 2 3

— -1 S eee
a ee eae | |
a =~). 1 NS ae
—2 : | |
i ee |
A' net

fa) (b)
Figure 7.9

Consider the control volume ABB'A' (figure 7.9) and assume that
the pressure just after the enlargement is equal to that just before
i.e. py = py. For steady flow, the only forces acting on the con-
trol volume are pressure forces and viscous forces. Neglecting the
viscous forces over the short length of pipe and applving the mom-
entum equation 4.19 we have

EF = pjAz - p2Ao = puzAg (ug - uy)

Pl - P2 = pug(u2 - uj) (i)

Applying the energy equation 7.11

pe 2g pe m 2g ee
where k ya */2g) is the mechanical energy loss (head loss) due to
the enlargement based, by convention, on the kinetic energy in the
approach pipe. From equations (i) and (ii) we obtain
- 2
uy Ay 2 uy fyi
= (1 = aa (cid)

k= Gl = Ay/Ap)? (iv)
Note that for a pive discharging into a large tank Ay = © and kp = 1.

Consider now two expansions in series (figure 7.9h) and apply

equation (1) to each expansion

Pr - Po = p (uy? - uu) (v)

and pp - p3 =
9 (3% - Uguy) (vi)
The continuity equation gives

Y= Ay Uy = Ap Uy = A303 (vii)

From equations (v), (vi) and (vii)

P3 - Pp S| 1 , 1 elie Giaest))
28 EL SP Ek oe Sia Sie
The pressure rise (D3 - p,) is a maximum when d(p3 - p,)/dAy = 0.
fe )
d(p3 = Pp , as 72 a
dA ee Cie Fa oes
1 2 = pou) =

_ 2A1A3 :
A> = Ay * Ay (Gigs)

d2(p3of ee- lel

p;) =
2 -
6 + ———-
2 =
Ie {2
—_—_— eo
6 tH
dAy2 Ag3Ay Aoe An 3A3 Apo3 Ay Ao A3

Substitute for Aj from equation (ix)

d2(p3 =p)WO
Nie STi. se aesasl" eg
Cae Z
dA? ps AVA3 Loh Wy See tee
The pressure rise is a maximum.

Example 7.6

Air flows at 1.9 m3/s through a 50° conical diffuser from a 159 mm
diameter pipe to a 300 mm diameter pipe. The value of k in the
pressure loss term fou,2k{1 - (Ay/Ap)]% is 1.134. The velocity dis-
tribution may be assumed uniform at entrv to the diffuser and at
points downstream greater than six pipe diameters but at exit from
the diffuser the velocity profile is given by u = 2u (1 - r2/R2).
Determine (i) the diffuser efficiencv, and (ii) the friction head
loss between diffuser exit and the station downstream where the sta-
tic pressure is equal to the. static pressure at diffuser exae.
Assume incompressible flow with p = 1.2 kg/m.

For ideal (frictionless) flow the Bernoulli equation may be app-

lied between the diffuser inlet and exit


6) 50° 90° 1$§n°

(a) (h)
Figure 7.190

Rearranging and applying the continuity equation V = Au

= A, \?
Po Pl = pan’) | | (i)
Applying the Bernoulli equation with losses between inlet and exit

Pi + four* = po + $pun” + Apr 2

Rearranging and substituting AD, = jot ?k{1 - a

oot a| el— 5 i{ ah
P2 - 2PU) E e e fa
2 Peres
¥ Pil = Ae (ii)

eae ert = (P2" - pi) - Ap, (iii)

We may define a diffuser efficiency, Ny» and a pressure recovery
factor, Cpr, as follows

Roe Sept 12 12 ;
SEs”s 32)...
eth) (ota? /2)
Gouge [tes (Ai/Ag) 2 7] nv
i aaa
» ae (v)
pr =
t pu;*/2
Substituting values in equation (ii)

Lege 1 ALke 2 0.15" 0.152) 2

B2~ Pl“ axa 0.15% f Fie tk) ueo se yolks
= 576 Pa

ae 2 x 576 x w2 x 0.15" ae
D2 120% 42 (1, = 0.154/093")
Applying the Bernoulli equation with losses between stations 2
and 3 and including kinetic energy correction factors

P2.+ faz0u2* = pz + sa3puz? + Ade
or D3 - P2 = $puz*(az - 03) - Ape (vi)
For uniform flow at station 3, a3 = 1 and for a profile
u = 2u (1 - r2/R2) at station 2 we have from equation 7.15.

fi (eu dAju?
ee =
————————_ a
=_ 3.03swe
. if pu dA

Suf(1 - r2/R2)3 2nr dr
a =e


Substituting values in equation (vi) for the case p3 = po we have

1.2 x 12x 42

Example 7.7

(a) Describe the ideal and actual nature of flow through a 90° bend
in a rectangular duct.
_(b) A horizontal curved duct, 1.2 m square, has a mean radius of 4 m.
Determine the mass flow rate of air at 1.1 bar and 290 K if the diff-
erence in pressure between the inner and outer walls is 15 mm H90.
Assume frictionless, free vortex flow conditions with negligible
change in density. Ragir = 287 J/kg K.

(a) Refer to figure 7.1la. Motion along a curved streamline gives

an acceleration towards the centre of curvature and a radial pressure
gradient (section 4.3.1). Ideal flow round a bend conforms to a
free or irrotational vortex, with a velocity distribution ur = const.
Thus, between entry to the bend ard the mid-point of the bend, the
fluid close to the inner wall accelerates and the fluid close to the
outer wall decelerates. The reverse happens between mid-point and

In real flow, the velocity near the walls is reduced by viscous

action (figure 7.11b). As a result of this, the increase anepressure
between the inner and outer radii is smaller at the upper and lower
walls (PU and RS) than it is along the centre line QT. This causes
a secondary flow in the form of a double eddy which persists well
downstream of the bend. In addition to the secondary flow, separa-
tion occurs in the regions of adverse (positive) pressure gradient
AB and CD.

The losses in a bend are normally expressed in the form

Hy, = kpu?/2g, where km varies between 0.1 for a large bend and 1.1
for a right-angled bend. The losses due to separation and second-
ary flow in a right-angled bend can be reduced considerably by the
use of a cascade of vanes (figure 7.1lc).


Buoume s7. 11

Assuming frictionless, free vortex flow conditions (ur = C) and

applying the Bernoulli equation between the inner and outer radii,
R,; and Ro , we have

Pi-* tou,? re Rot Sou?

and pz - py = 2pC ie i | (i)

The pressure between the inner and outer walls is given by the mano-
meter reading, hy.

See = pyehy = 10° x 9.81 «15 x°1079 = 147.1 Pa (ii)

The density of the air is given by equation 1.25c

ee ee
= a7 300 = 1322 ke/m 3 43

Rearranging equation (i) and substituting (ii) and (iii) we have

pee (2(p2_ - pi) Wid 2 VAT A hire:
tie ci7R,2 - 17R2)} OG a Nh tae
Consider the mass flow rate through a small element of area B dr.
From equation 7.13 we obtain
Pe RD Ro
m= f puBdr = pBf Cr7!-dr = pBC In (R2/Rj)
Ry Ry

Pie? 2 lex Jonouin (4.0/5.4) = 56.1 kg/s

Example 7.8

Water flows from a tank A to a tank B through a 70 m length of 300 mm

diameter pipe, followed by a 35 m length of 150 mm diameter pipe
connected in series. The 300 mm pipe rises over a barrier at a
point 35 m along the pipe and the centre of the pipe at this point

lies 1 m~below the water level in tank A. The difference in water
levels between tanks A and B is 8 m. Determine (i) the volumetric
flow rate, and (ii) the absolute pressure at a point 35 m along the
300 mm diameter pipe. Sketch the energy line and hydraulic gradient
for the pipe system. Assume a roughness height, ky = 0.33, and com-
plete turbulence in both pipes. The minor losses, obtained from
reference 2, are as follows: pipe 1 entry 0.43 u,?/2g, sudden con-
traction 0.37 u,*/2g, pipe 2 exit u,*/2g. Atmospheric pressure is
I bax,

=) Gee i ee
—-—2 NE Ener gy line

\ Hydraulic gradient

! Datum 1

Figure 7.12

Assuming complete turbulence, the friction factor f is a function

of ks/D only and can be found from figure 7.2.

For the 300 mm pipe, k./D, 033/300) ="O0011 SS f4 0.005.

For the 150 mm pipe, ks/D»o O..53/ 150 OS0O22 amen 0.006.

(i) Applying the energy equation 7.11 between points on the water
surface in tanks A and B we have
=e ae = ay
Les + aes iA = rs + uB + Zp + 5S + a |
pe 261, ees 23D 2g
Pa Pa iy 4f,L,u,2
and) = 6 0 ine OR eee OL a +
pg Dg B 2g 2gD,
ae Te
Pa va ee ae aL (i)
28 2gD2 g
The continuity equation 7.12 gives

Vo = uyAy = ugAs

Up = Ayuy/Ag = 715020y/10.0752 = 40, (ii)

Substituting for uy in equation (i) and rearranging

u,7(0.43 + 4£)1L)/D, + 5.92.+ 64foL5/Dp + 16) = 2g(zp - 2p)

u,*(0.43 + 4 x 0.005 x 70/0.3 + 5.92 + 64 x 0.006 x 35/0.15 + 16)
= 2 9682-x 8

U,7(0.43 + 4.68 + 5.92 + 89.6 + 16) = 157

This equation clearly shows the relative magnitudes of major (pipe

friction) and minor (fittings) losses.

u, = 1.14 m/s
V = ujA, = 1.14 x 7 x 0.152 = 0.0805 m3/s
(ii) To determine the pressure at point C, 35 m along pipe
1, we must apply equation 7.11 between a point on the water surface
in tank A, and point C.

a Qt.
2A ees
os a
-u,2 t Zc + O2435
Sets AEs 28D,
VikaLy, tye
tO Wie)

Pc = pglzy - Zc) - $pu,2(0.43 + 4f)L)'/D] + 1) + pa

a ee a — fx [O° x 1.142(14S 4 4 x 02005 * 35/03) + 10°

LOZ. 50. Kea

Note that the absolute pressure, pc, falls as the elevation of the
crest increases. In extreme cases of low pressure (2.337 kPa at
20 °C) a vapour lock can form and prevent flow.

(411) The total energy head at any point in a fluid pipeline

is given by H = p/pg + u*/2g + z. Thus, an energy line may be drawn
on the pipeline system as shown in figure 7.12. Pipe friction losses
are shown by the slope of the energy line whereas minor losses are
shown by step changes in the energy line.

The hydraulic gradient, or piezometric line, is the line drawn

through points of (p/pg + Zz) and at any point it lies below the
energy line by the velocity head u2/2g.

The energy line must fall continuously due to the various losses
but the hydraulic gradient may rise at enlargements of section. The
‘usefulness of the hydraulic gradient is that it indicates the press-
ure variation in the pipeline and if the hydraulic gradient falls
below the pipe centre line at any point the pressure is below atmos-
pheric pressure. Thus, the hydraulic gradient can be used for
stressing purposes or to predict the formation of vapour locks.

Example 7.9

(a) Discuss the Nikuradse experiments on rough pipes and explain why
the rough pipe curves on the Moody diagram differ from those obtained
by Nikuradse.
(jetieeds required to AE! ventilation air through a 750 mm square
duct at the rate of 120 m’/min. The duct is 200 m long and includes

four mitred bends, each of which causes a head loss of 0.4u2/2g,
a butterfly valve which in the fully open position causes a head loss
of u*/g and an inlet filter which causes a head loss of 2u2/g. The
outlet point is 5 m above the inlet and the pressures at inlet and
outlet are equal. (i) Determine the power required to circulate the
air. (11) Due to faulty maintenance the inlet filter develops a
leak which reduces its head loss to u*/2g but which allows contamina-
ting particles to be drawn into the ducting system. These encrust
the inner surface of the duct and give an effective relative rough-
ness of k</D = 0.001. Determine the fan power required to maintain
the original air flow. For air assume p = 1.2 kg/m? and
uw = 18 x 107° N s/m?.
(a) Nikuradse carried out his work on pipes artificially roughen-
ed with sand grains of uniform size k. He obtained results for six
values of k/D ranging from 1/30 to 1/1014. The test data produced
a series of smooth curves on a f-Re graph as shown in figure 7.13a.
It should be noted that (i) the laminar portion is unaffected by
roughness, (ii) above a certain value of Re, for each k/D value, f
becomes independent of Re and (iii) as k/D increases, departure from
the smooth pipe curve occurs for decreasing Re values.

0.025 ———_——_ aaa

me Low Re values
ra Thick laminar sub-layer
ct eee Whee LOFT 7ZLhe
Smooth 1014 High Re values
pipe Thin laminar sub-layer
= curve
0.0025 —4 + =
103 10" 10° 10&
(a) (b)
Freures /215

The physical explanation for the effect of surface roughness is

connected with the fact that a laminar sub-layer always exists next
to the wall in turbulent flow and the thickness of this sub-layer
decreases with increasing Re (figure 7.13b). If the roughness elem-
ents are completely immersed in this laminar sub-layer the pipe is
said to be hydraulically smooth and the smooth pipe law is applic-
able. As Re increases and the sub-layer thickness decreases, the
roughness elements are progressively exposed to the main turbulent
flow and resistance is then partly due to form drag and the curve
departs from the smooth pipe curve. For high Re values the rough-
ness elements become completely exposed to the main flow and resist-
ance is due entirely to form drag.

Now in the Nikuradse experiments, all the roughness elements were
the same size and so they were exposed simultaneously to the main
stream flow. This produced a fairly sudden break away from the
smooth pipe curves and inflexion points occurred.

The Moody diagram (figure 7.2) is based on results for commercial

pipes where the roughness elements are irregular and exposure to the
Main stream is also irregular with increasing Re. Thus the rough
pipe curves deviate from the smooth pipe curve gradually.



Figure 7.14

(b) (i) For incompressible, adiabatic flow with work transfer, the
energy equation 4.32b gives, in head units

Pit. ee Be po. jin? + Z eases ie.) (i)

pg 2g piv vagy bg a Siney s*gar vl
Now (e2-e,)/g is the sum of pipe friction and minor losses and
W,/ mg = Hran is the increase in head across the fan. Applying the
convention that work done on a system is negative, equation (i) may
be written :
ane. we
ee 4fLuFe k,u
i eee
lee a 2
eee 1 fan 2g 22 * hep | 2g JOY
Applying equation (ii) between a point 1 sufficiently far from the
inlet filter for the velocity to be negligible, and a point 2 at
exit we obtain

Pa Lt Oe We 4fj)Lu2 202 | 1.6u* ima


Mee a Cg 2p 2 ep, og Cg gQ

Hfan = (22 - 21) + (8.6 + 4f)L/D,)u*/2g

and Wx = mgHgan = mg|(Z2 - 2,) + (8.6 + 4f\L/De)u2/2g} (iii)
Note that the fan work consists of two parts. The first part
g(Z» - Zi) is the work required to lift the fluid through an eleva-
tion (Z2 - Z1) and the second part, gHL, is the work required to

overcome the frictional resistance of the pipe and fittings.
Nig’ ptycethe ples Cry ba Oans =" OL 5s im
hehe ois Ax 0.15

Re = Pude _ pVDe _ 1.2 x 120 x 0.75 = ea 5

u Au i” GO.RPOSTS= KO 18 <EN076) aor

For a smooth duct, the f-Re chart (figure 7.2) gives f; = 0. 004.
The fan power P = Wx is obtained from equation (iii)

Py = oVgHean
"Ai? x 120
O88 of5 +
+ 4 IS
x 0.004
x 200/0.75)
60 (0.757)2 x 602 x 2 x 9.81
= 3135 W

(ii) The fittings' losses now change and in addition the friction
factor for the duct increases due to encrusting. From the f-Re
chart, for ks/D = 0.001 and Re = 1.78 x 10°, we obtain®f> =s0sQ0as.
P5 2 = pVg|
ue. 4flu* ———
“U2” 4 yO. 4ae ee
oV (22
Liane, 1) + ——
resis aeee wrens ORR a bee ley

_ 1.2 x 120 x 9.81f, , 120°(5.6 + 4 x 0.0053 x 200/#maam

60 “TO. 752)2 x Olan 2a Bad

= 288 W
Example 7.10

Two reservoirs having a difference in surface level of 100 m are

connected by a series pipe system which consists of an initial 800 m
length of 400 mm diameter pipe followed by a 200 m length of 200 mm
diameter pipe. Assuming a constant friction factor of 0.01, deter-
mine (i) the initial volumetric flow rate, and (ii) the percentage
change in the volumetric flow rate from the upper reservoir if the
downstream 200 mm diameter pipe is now tapped by side pipes so that
one-quarter of the water entering the pipe is withdrawn uniformly
over this length. Neglect all losses other than those due to pipe °
Ec EOn.

Frgure™ 7. 15

(i) Applying the energy equation 7.11 between points on the water
surfaces in tanks A and B we obtain

Pa Pa AfL,u;2 — 4£Lou52 .
— + 0+ Zpa = —+O0+ ZR+ ed Pee?
pg a pe BY Zed) 28D2 oy
Substituting u, = V/A, and uy = V/A» and rearranging

Nps 2g(Za - 2p) (1/4)? |": 2 x 9.81 x 100 x n2 x 0.252)?

4£(L,/D,5 + Lo/D25) 4 x 0.01(800/0.45 + 200/0.2>).

= 0.207 m3/s

(ii) Let q m?/s of water per metre of pipe be drawn off uniformly
frommeneesecond pipe. Let the flow in the first’pipe be V,. At a
point, P, distance x from entry to the second pipe, the water velo-
city is given by
se Niece Ox

From the Darcy equation 7.2 the head losses in pipe 2 are
Bea dx V - qx .
iL)dx = 26D, oe
Af — Roi
and Srey ea ea - qx)* dx

iF 2g(m/4)7D2°
See f Lo = qlo
25Vy uF

Substituting the given information q = (V,/4)/L»5 we have

pa, 1451, > 2x (37
L2 ~ 2g(1/4)2D>> x 48

Applying the energy equation 7.11 again between points on the water
surfaces in tanks A and B we obtain

Zp = Pa ) Zz 4fL1Vy" 4fLoV4* Me
Pa, O +
pg Seco 2g (0/4) °D1> * Ie(n/4)2D5> x 48
y= 28(0/4)?
((ZA_2 2B) 2
Di44(0,/D,> + 3715/4805)
2 KI

eee + (37 el!)

| x 0.01[800/0.4°
- (4 "= 0.232 m3/s
x 200)/(48 x 0.2°)]
(9.232 = 0.207}100-. 2.1%
Percentage increase in flow =
0.207 ae ke
Example 7.11

Two pipes, each 30 m long and 50 mm and 100 mm diameter, respectively,

are connected in parallel between two reservoirs whose difference of
water level is 8 m. Determine (i) the flow in m?/s for each pipe
and draw the corresponding hydraulic gradients, and (ii) the diamet-
er of a single pipe, 30 m long, which will give the same flow as the

two pipes in (i). Assume an entry loss of 0.5u2/2g and a friction
factor f = 0.008 in each case.

Fi cures ie ko

(1) In any problem on parallel flow it is necessary to apply the

energy equation 7.11 between points on the water surfaces in tanks
A and B for each possible flow path a fluid particle may take. In
this problem there are two possible flow paths ab and cd. The exit
loss for each pipe is u2/2g.

Path ab Pa
Pos 0+ zy= _ PaP+ 0+ 2p + 0.5 ag
So _ fa?
ZgDy +0 eae Cae
0) Fak a
Path cd = +OTe ZA e= ra TON zp ae Oo we AT + re (ii)

From equations (i) and (ii)

Big - 2B) i. ( 2 x 9.81 x 8 |}
le (0.6: e84tt/Dyosed 0.5 + 4x 0.008 x 30/0.1 + 1
= Sei. TV'S
= PES RIS tote 2
Hepa ie la-3 + 4 x 0.008 x 30/0.05 + , ates) ae
From the continuity equation 7.12

V = E(UA) = U,A;) + UpAy = 3.76 x tm x 0.1% + 2.760

iT] 0.0349 m3/s

(ii) Applying the energy equation 7.11 for flow through a single
pipe of diameter D
ae W pee?
Pa Pa U27) fle u3*
iets Une ei lee a TTT oe
ore) 0.5 +
Ds +
1 =224 oven

Substituting values and u3 = V/}nD32

fee) 008) x 350) 8 x 2 %.9.81 x 0.252 x 42 xD"
ce D; 0.03492
Sw ~ 10')2> =.1.5 Dz ~ 0.96 = 0

By successive approximations D3 = 0.107 m

Note that the head loss at entry is greater for the 100 mm diameter
pipe than for the 50 mm diameter pipe (u, > uy). Thus the hydraulic
gradients show that the friction loss must be greater for the small-
er pipe’.

Example 7.12

In example 7.11 a burst occurs in the 100 mm diameter pipe and in

OnGemEtOuerteciea repair the centre 0 m of this pipe is removed.
During repair the total flow is diverted over this length through
the 50 mm diameter pipe. Determine the reduction in flow due to the
diversion. Neglect minor losses and comment on the accuracy of the
end result.

Figure 7.17

Refer to figure 7.17 which shows the configuration during the di-
version. There are now four possible flow paths a fluid particle
may take, viz. aeb, aed, ced and ceb, of which aed and ceb are
essentially the same when minor losses are neglected. Applying the
energy equation 7.11 between points on the water surfaces in tanks
A and B for each possible flow path we obtain

Path aeb

4£(2L)u,2 , afb?)
2gD, 22, Aes 8
2u;2 . uz? _ g(za - zp) f
Dy D> 2£L (4)

Path aed

Aflu,? =
, 4flu32 ak 2
| 4flup* 5 _
2gD, 2gD>5 2gD5 A B

eee) (ii)
Det Ds a 2£L
uy? 5, Oye oe

Path ced
= z
4f(2L)uz* | 4fLug? _ ee
2gD> 2gD>

2u9f)., Ug" _ g(ZA -<zp)

D> D> 2
From equations (1) and (iii)

U,2 = DyUo2/D. (iv)

The continuity equation 7.12 gives

V3 = £(UA) = u,inD,2 + us!nDo? = ug) nD32

U,D12 + UpgD2* = u3D32 (v)

From equations (iv) and (v)

U2D,7V(D1/D2) + UgD2* = u3D2?

ae f UzDo2 ep 0.052
2 = (D,27(D,/D2) + Do*} ~ {0.12V7(0.1/0.05) + 0.052) °
= 0.15u3 (vi)
From equations (iii) and (vi)

20.1570, , Us? _ g(a - 2B)

D> D> 2L
= ey ( AQUSIee Bec 0s05 -
Us > |5°x 0,008 = 10(0/04S ort Ree
V3 = U3A3 = 4.84x tn x 0.052 = 0.0095 m9/s
Reduction in flow = 0.0349 - 0.0095 = 0.0254 m/s

In obtaining this solution, minor losses were neglected in order

to simplify the analysis. However, it was shown in example 7.11
that minor losses are significant (up to 10% of pipe friction losses)
and the flow during the diversion will be less than the value of
0.0093 m3/s obtained above.

Example 7.13

Three reservoirs A, B and C are interconnected as shown in figure

7.18. The pipe from A to a junction D is 300 mm diameter and 16 km
in length. The pipe from D to B is 225 mm diameter and 9.6 km long
and that from D to C is 150 mm diameter and 8 km long. The ends of
all pipes are submerged beneath the free water surfaces. Calculate

the flow in each pipe. Neglect minor losses and assume a friction
factor f = 0.01 for all pipes.

Fieures 7218
This problem may be solved by use of the energy line. Neglecting
minor losses, the head loss in each pipe is given by the Darcy equa-
tion y7 2.
DAfLut | 4£L
Hy, aap ee
2eD Ss |\72 = KV72
The value of K may be evaluated for each pipe.
_ {4 x 0.01 x 16 x 103 age 4y2
ats Ss 5 x 9.81 x (n/4)2 O75, Vitesse santo)? V
mela 0-01 x 9.6 x 102 em eyo
ie Be 9.81x (n/4)2 ee ae.
_ (4 x 0.01 x 8 x 103 Plea a 5 y2
i, . i x 9.81 x (1/4)? x sas] STE AE ei
Energy lines may be drawn for the three possible flow cases
and the energy and continuity equations applied. The junction of
the energy lines, denoted by 0, is at elevation Zp above datum. The
value of zo is determined by the flow case.

Cascmlem LOW eA. DB, DG (Energy line (1) ——--——— )

AD 2, - 2, = 2.176 x 10 v2 (i)
feta tp = 5.5 x 104 Vp2 (ii)
DC Zo - 2¢ = 3.48 x 105V32 (iii)

eV, + Vs (iv)
ascecmettow AD, DC. Zero flow an DB (Energy line (ii) —-—-— )

AD zp - 2 = 2-176 x 10%V,? (v)

DC Zo.- 2c = 3.48 x 105 V32 (vi)

Vie ws (vii)
Case 3. Flow AD, BD, DC (Energy line (iii) ———--—— -—)

AD Za, - Zp = 2.176 x 10*V,? (viii)

BD zp - Zo = 5.5 x 10% Vo" (ix)

DC z, - 2c = 3.48 x 105V3* (x)

Vi * Vv, = 1; (xi)
Consider case 2 (Zg = zp = 180 m). Equations (v) and (vi) give
V = 12708] TOR 2
0.0643 m3/s
LS WG see
(180 = 150 2
V3 in
= ee — 0.00928 3

Case 2 is not applicable because the calculated values of V, and V3

do not satisfy the continuity equation (vii). It may be deduced from
the energy lines that Case 1 is the only one that would produce the
desired effect of decreasing V,, diverting flow V, into B and also
increasing V3.

There are four equations, (i) to (iv), and four unknowns, V,, Vp,
V3 and z), but algebraic solution is very difficult. It is preferable
to use an iterative method in which a value is chosen for Zo and the
values of V,, Vy and V3 evaluated from equations (i) to (iv). Sub-
stituting values for z we obtain

270 = "25 = 2.176 % LO Vas

Zeer 1800 = 55s x. LO" Ve
Zo ~ 150 3 5.48 % LORY=

Ve 6a
When V, = Vy + V3 the correct value of zo has been assumed. It is
convenient to carry out the iterations in the form of the table given

Assumed Zo V1 Vo V3 Vo cf V3

200 0.0567 0.01907 0.012 0.031

240 0.0371 0.033 0.01608 0.0491
230 0.0429 0.0301 OROMS2 0.0453
228 0.0439 0.02954 0.015 0.0445
227 0.04445 0.02923 0.01487 0.0441
2275 0.04419 O 02939 0.01492 0.0443
The flows are V, = 0.0442 m3/s, Vp = 0.0294 m3/s, V3 = 0.0149 m3/s.

184 —

1 Glycerine is forced through the narrow space formed between two

plane glass plates. The distance between the plates is t and the
width of the space is b. .Assuming laminar two-dimensional and fully
developed flow, (i) derive an expression for the longitudinal press-
ure gradient dp/dx in terms of the volumetric flow rate V, the dyna-
mic viscosity u and the distances t and b, (ii) determine the maximum
velocity between the plates if u = 0.96 Pa s, b = 100 mm, t = 0.76 mm
and dp/dx = 836 kN/m?, and (iii) by use of the Laplace equation show
why this configuration can be used for the Hele-Shaw analogy for
ideal, incompressible two-dimensional flow.
[dp/dx = 12uV/t3b, 63 mm/s, for laminar flow V2p = 0]

2 <A centrifugal pump is used for pumping oil from a tank at the same
level as the pump inlet to the bottom of a header tank, whose liquid
level is 20 m above the pump inlet. The shaft driving the pump im-
peller is 20 mm diameter and is supported by the motor bearings. The
shaft passes through a simple metal-to-metal. seal, 40 mm long in the
pump casing, the clearance being 0.1 mm. Calculate the leakage rate
through the seal when the pump is not operating, there being a non-
return valve at the pump inlet. Assume the oil density is 900 kg/m?
and the viscosity is 10°2 N s/m@. When the above pump is running at
1500 rev/min the casing is so designed that the pressure at the gland
is the same as at the pump inlet. Calculate, from first principles,
the power lost in the gland.
(29S2e~ 107% m?/s, 0.62]

3 A piston 50 mm diameter and 75 mm long moves vertically in an oil

dashpot with a small uniform clearance of 1.25 mm. Under its own
weight the piston descends at uniform speed through 38 mm in 40 s.
When an additional mass of 100 g is placed on top of the piston,
it descends uniformly through the same distance in 25 s. Calculate
the dynamic viscosity of the oil.
[Osis sePars|

4 (a) A piston of diameter, D,, length, L, and radial clearance, C,

is moved concentrically along a cylinder of internal diameter, D,,
at constant velocity, U, by means of an external force F. The annu-
lar space between the piston and cylinder wall is filled with oil
having a coefficient of viscosity, nu. Assuming laminar flow, show
that F is given by the expression

F = 2npLU/1n(1 + 2C/D,)
(b) Show that the error involved in the value of F, by assuming
a linear velocity distribution across the annular space, is less than
1% when 2C/D, is less than 2%.
Weegee(i x)= x = x2/204 x2/3 e xt/4i4... ]

5 Show that the velocity distribution for fully developed laminar

flow in a horizontal annulus of outer radius Rj and inner radius R;
is given by

Pee Wee: ieee) em Ro
Wi Aid Ro Paar In(Rp/Rj) gh.

where x is the flow direction and r is any radius.

6 The velocity distribution for turbulent flow in a pipe is given by

Me Foe kl ae r/R)1/7, Working from first principles determine
(i) the mean velocity, (ii) the momentum correction factor, and (iii)
the kinetic energy correction factor.
[49 v_../60,
max B = 1.02, a = 1.06]
7 (a) Derive an expression for the velocity of flow at any radius
when a viscous fluid flows through a uniform circular pipe under lam-
inar conditions. Hence determine the radius at which a pitot tube
must be placed in order to record the mean velocity, u, in the pipe.

(b) Calculate the error involved if the kinetic energy per unit
mass in the above pipe is taken to be u2/2.
[u = (Ap/L)(D2 - 4r2)/16p, r = D/(272), a = 2, 50%]

8 Water flows through a horizontal 400 mm by 400 mm square duct at

the rate of 1 m3/s. There is a right-angle bend in the duct with
inner wall radius 200 mm. A mercury manometer is connected to tapp-
ings situated in the inner and outer walls of the bend. Determine
the pressure difference recorded by the manometer, assuming friction-
less flow and a free vortex velocity distribution.
[463 mn]

9 A diffuser is fitted between two pipes of diameters 100 mm and

150 mm respectively. Water flows at a rate of 0.05 m3/s through the
diffuser and it is found that the pressure recovery factor is 0.66.
Determine (i) the value of the factor k in the pressure loss term
ou, k (1 - Aj /Ao)2 and (ii) the diffuser efficiency.
[0.9, 83%]

10 The flow of water between two reservoirs is to be controlled by

a gate valve situated near to the lower reservoir.. If the diftexence
in reservoir water levels is 30 m and the pipe joining the reservoirs
is 1 m diameter, 1000 m long and with a mean friction factor of
0.007, obtain an expression for the volume flow rate V in terms of
k, the coefficient in the valve head loss term hy, = ku*/2g. Ignore
reservoir exit and entry losses.

By use of the values of k given below comment upon the valve's

sensitivity as a flow contrceller. What would be the effect of (i)
a similar valve in series and (ii) a similar or smaller valve in
parallel, as a means of improving the controllability of the flow
without reducing the maximum water flow rate?

Valve opening: full 2 n

4 k: ORZ Lei 0 24
[V = [30/(2.31 + 0.082k)], small valve in parallel required]

11 Fluid of constant density flows through an abrupt enlargement
from a horizontal pipe of radius R; to a concentric horizontal pipe
of radius Rp. At exit from the smaller pipe the velocity at a dis-
tance r from the axis is given by u = Upax(1 - r/R))!/7. At a down-
stream section 2, the velocity is given by u = umax(1 - r/R2).
Derive an expression for the head loss between the exit from the
smaller pipe and section 2. Neglect friction effects.
[H, = u,7[0.66(R,*/Ro*) - 2.04(R,*/Ro7) + 1.06]/2g]

12(a) Water is drawn off from a horizontal water main at a uniform

rate q m° s~! m1! along the length of the pipe. Obtain an expression
for the overall pressure head loss along the pipe of length L, dia-
meter d, friction factor f and volume flow rate at inlet V,. Hence
show that this loss is one-third that with a constant flow rate Vi-

(b) A horizontal ring aa 2000 m in perimeter, distributes water

ata fate of 250-x 10-© m? s-! m-!. The ring is supplied by a single
horizontal pipe, 1000 m long, from a pump. Calculate the pump pres-
sure if the minimum pressure level in the system is to be 40 m water
gauge. The diameter and friction factor of the ring main and supply
pipe are 0.5 m, 0.01, 1 m and 0.01 respectively.
[43.025 m]

13 Two reservoirs, whose water surface levels differ by 100 m, are

connected by a pipe system. A single pipe 200 mm diameter leaves
the upper reservoir and, after a straight run of 100 m, it branches
into two pipes, each 100 mm diameter. One pipe 50 m long runs
straight to the lower reservoir. The second pipe 100 m long rises
over a barrier at a point 60 m along the pipe and then runs to the
lower reservoir. The top of the barrier is 10 m above the water
surface in the lower reservoir. Determine the discharge between the
reservoirs and the minimum pressure in the pipe passing over the
barrier. Neglect minor losses in the pipe system and assume f = 0.01
[0.423 ws, 2.1 bar]

14 (a) Oil is to be pumped from a tank A to a higher tank B, with a

difference in surface level of 30 m, through 50 m of 100 mm diameter
rough pipe (ks/D = 0.002). Determine the pumping power required to
maintain a flow of 0.25 m3/s.

(b) The pump is now stopped and it is found that oil leaks back
through the pipe against the pump internal resistance which is equal
to 28 m head of oil. Assuming that leakage occurs under laminar flow
conditions for which f = 16/Re, determine the leakage rate in m3/s.
Voi = 300 mm2/s, Poi] = 950 kg/m?.
[2 MW, 0.0032 m3/s]
15 Determine the total ventilation pressure and the fan power re-
quired when air flows at the rate of 150 m3/s through the mine shown
in figure 7.19.(i) when the rectangular airway has steel girders on
timber legs and f = 0.031 (mining data), and (11) when the rectangu-
lar airway is smooth concrete lined and f = 0.0062 (mining data).
For case (ii), determine the percentage difference between the fan
power obtained using the friction factor, f, from mining data, and

that obtained using a value of f from figure 7.2 with k, = 1.3 mm
for concrete ducting. Assume a natural ventilation pressure of
25 mm H»0, assisting the flow, and a constant density 1.2 kg/m3,
paeril.8 2910 Sea ise
[889 kW, 162 kW, 89.6 kW, 45%]

Upcast shaft
800 m
8 m diam.
£2 =" OMO0rZS

10 000 m o6mx 4m
eaieyuas) (7/18) Figures7 20

16 (a) Two water storage reservoirs are to be linked together by

300 m of single pipeline. If the maximum flow between the reservoirs
is to be 0.1 m3/s when the difference in their water levels is 100 m,
calculate the size of pipe required, the pipe friction factor and
the velocity of the water. Neglect minor losses and assume turbulent
flow through the pipeline for which f = 0.079 Re~9-25. y = 107° m@/s.

\(b) The flow between the reservoirs is to be increased by 50%

by laying a second pipe in parallel with, and adjacent to, the origi-
nal pipe for part of the distance. If the second pipe is identical
in size and friction factor to the first pipe, calculate the length
of the new pipe.
[220 mm, 0.0051, 2.63 m/s; 2200 m]

17. Two reservoirs, having a constant difference in surface level of

40 m, are connected by two parallel pipes of diameters 500 mm and
250 mm, respectively. Both pipes are 1. km long. Due to a burst in
the 500 mm pipe, near the lower reservoir, the last 100 m section of
500 mm pipe is removed and the total flow over this length is divert-
ed through the 250 mm pipe. Determine the reduction in flow, in m/s,
resulting from the diversion. Neglect all losses other than pipe
friction and assume f = 0.01 throughout. 3
[2528ean sel! m?/s, 1.28 m/s]

18 Water is pumped at the rate of m3/s from a tank C to two

higher tanks A and B as shown in figure 7.20. ‘The pipes have
lengths and diameters as specified. Neglecting all losses other
than those due to pipe friction, determine (i) the pumping power,
and (ii) the discharge to or from each of the tanks A and B. Assume
f = 0.01. If the pump is now stopped, determine the flow in each
pipe. Neglect the resistance of the pump. |
Va = 0.0328 m3/s, Vg = 0.0628 m3/s, 22 kW
Va = 0.0383 m3/s, 0.01917 m3/s, 0.01913 m3/s


Gas flow in a closed duct is always bounded by the solid surfaces of

the duct but liquid flow may also take place when the uppermost
boundary is the free surface of the liquid itself. Flow with a free
surface usually implies flow in open channels which may be natural,
such as streams and rivers, or artificial, such as canals or irriga-
tion ditches. However, the principles are equally applicable to flow
in pipes, sewers and tunnels not running full. The common feature
of all these flows is the constant pressure (usually atmospheric)
exerted on all points of the free surface.


Flow in free surface situations occurs because of the influence of

gravity. Hence, the slope of the channel or duct is an important

Flow in an open channel may be uniform or non-uniform, steady or

unsteady. The various types of flow are shown in figure 8.1 in
which the slopes of the channel are greatly exaggerated.
Accelerating Rapid Decelerating a4
flow flow flow


ce Tranquil

Gradually Uniform Rapidly Gradually

varied flow varied | varied
dy/dg = 0 dy/dg > 0
Fisure 8.1
Uniform flow occurs if the depth does not change along the length
of a duct of constant cross-section. Thus, uniform flow is charac-
terised by the liquid surface being parallel to the channel bottom.

Non-uniform or varied flow occurs if the liquid surface is not

parallel to the channel bottom. The change in depth may occur rapid-
ly or gradually,

Steady flow occurs if the velocity and depth at a particular point

in the channel do not vary with time. Most channel flows are steady
apart from isolated phenomena such as the passage of a surge wave-

The flow can also be laminar or turbulent but it is almost in-
variably turbulent in cases of practical interest.

The final aspect of interest in channel flow is in connection

with the velocity of flow which can be greater or less than the pro-
pagation of a surface disturbance. Thus, the flow can be rapid or

Sel hes Bernoul lasEquatron

The Bernoulli equation for duct flow (equation 7.1) may be modified
for channel flow as shown in figure 8.2. In a channel, the water
surface coincides with the piezometric line. The energy line lies
one velocity head above the free surface, Sie and the slope of the
energy line is called the hydraulic slope, S = Hj/%, where Hj, is the
dissipation or loss of mechanical energy and & is the distance
measured along the channel bottom. Thus, between sections 1 and
2 in channel flow
uy 2 U2
abe oR cena ie Spe as 2) (8.1)
2g 2g

Because of the irregularities in the velocity profiles in channel

flow, it may be necessary to introduce values for the kinetic energy
correction factor, a, in certain flows. In straight, rectangular
channels, a = 1.

Contours of
constant velocity

Figure 8.2
The general expression for the profile of the water surface is

dy _ 5 aks
as We u2B

where S, is the slope of the channel bottom, B is the top width of

the flow cross-section and A is the cross-sectional area.

For the special case of uniform flow, dy/dg = O and Sg = S. Thus

the energy line, liquid surface and channel bottom are parallel for
uniform flow.


Flow in artificial channels is assumed to be steady and uniform if

the cross-section is constant in shape and area, and the liquid sur-
face is parallel to the channel bed. Flow in natural streams is
rarely uniform and the equations for uniform flow give results which
are only approximations.

S.2eteeuneschezy Equation

The basic formula for the determination of uniform (or normal) flow
is the Chezy equation

i= CY(R,S,) (8.3)

where Ry is the hydraulic radius or hydraulic mean depth

ge. Area of cross-section _ ——
A aX
h Wetted perimeter P fea?

and = Peeciceslope of the channel bed.

The Chezy constant C is a function of Ry, Reynolds number and

surface roughness. Note that C has dimensions L!/2T-!. A simple
formula for C is the Strickler formula

Cis n7 1p, 1/6 (8.5)

where n is a constant varying from 0.01 for very smooth channels to

0.035 for canals and rivers in bad condition.

8.2.2 Optimum Shape of Cross-section

The discharge V = Au and, from equation 8.3, u is a function of Rp.

It follows that for a channel of given roughness, slope and area the
maximum discharge occurs when Rp is a maximum and the wetted area a
minimum, For sections whose sides do not slope inwards the best
section is a semi-circle and the best trapezoidal section is half a
regular hexagon. Of sections whose sides do slope inwards, the circu-
lar duct is of special interest because drains and sewers frequently
run partly full. It is of interest to note that the maximum dis-
charge for a circular duct running nearly full is greater than one
which runs completely full.


Any temporary disturbance of a liquid free surface produces the pro-

pagation of waves from the point of disturbance. For gravity waves
in shallow water, the velocity of propagation in an irregular cross-
section channel is given by

c = Y(gy) (826)
Area of cross-section o A (8.7)
wherey = Width of liquid surface B


The concept of specific head, introduced by Bakhmeteff (1912) is use-

ful for the solution of many problems in open channel flow. The
specific head, Hs, (sometimes called specific energy) is referred to
the channel bottom as datum and should not be confused with total
head, H, which is referred to an arbitrary horizontal datum (figure
Thus H = y + ae Zz (8.8)
but Hs = Viet 2g (8.9)

These expressions are based on the fact that the hydrostatic law
for pressure variation applies i.e. the streamlines are straight and

The total head must always decrease in any real flow but the
specific head may increase or decrease in non-uniform flow. |In the
case of uniform flow Hs remains constant. Substituting u = V/A in
equation 8.9 we obtain
La 4
He =ayee Ig (8.10)

For a constant discharge, the minimum value of Hs occurs at a

critical velocity, u,, when H</dy = 0. Hence

Ug = v(gy) (8.11)

The critical condition is important because it separates two types

of flow. The super-critical or rapid type of flow occurs when
u > Uc and the sub-critical or tranquil type of flow occurs when
u <u,. From equations 8.6 and 8.11 it follows that the critical
velocity, Uc, corresponds to the velocity of propagation of a surface
wave. Thus, for rapid flow a surface disturbance cannot be propaga-
ted upstream against the flow whereas for tranquil flow it can. The
ratio u/V(gy) is a form of Froude number. Hence, for critical condi-
tions u = v(gy) and Fr = 1. For rapid flow Fr > 1 and for tranquil
flow Er <2,

If V is maintained constant for flow in a particular section

channel, H, may be plotted against y (figure 8.3a). At the minimum
value of He corresponding to the critical velocity, the depth has a
particular value called the critical depth ye. For any other value
of Hs there are two alternative depths: a value y.< Ye corresponding
to rapid flow and a value y > ye corresponding to tranquil flow.

If Hs is maintained constant for flow in a particular section

channel, V may be plotted against y (figure 8.3b). It can be shown
that Veo will correspond to the critical conditions of velocity Uc
and depth ye.


(Hs) Is . .
(a) Figure 8.3
(b) “max
Thus, at the critical depth, H, is minimum for a given discharge
and V is maximum for a given specific head. The actual relationship
between H, and y, depends upon the section shape.

8258" BED> SLOPE

Uniform flow at the critical velocity may be produced in a channel

having a critical slope evaluated from the Chezy formula

Uc = V(gyc) = CY(R}S,) (8.12)

A slope less than the critical is known as mild and a slope

greater than the critical is steep.

Flow can change from tranquil to rapid or vice versa by virtue of

a change in slope. The transition tranquil-rapid can be gradual but
the transition rapid-tranquil is always abrupt and called a hyd-
raulic jump (figure 8.1).


The form of the surface profile for varied flow is given by equation
CeecUniace protales are categorised in terms of bed slope, So, as
follows: Sa eo. esteep); 5, = S, (critical), S$, <\S, (mild),
So = O (horizontal), So < O (adverse). The profile also depends
upon the water depth relative to both normal (yg) and critical (yc)
depo Yq > yo, the profile is of type 1, if yo > y > Ye it
ismuypemezeand1t Yoi> Yo > y it is type 3. There are twelve possible
surface profiles, three of which, based on a mild slope, are illust-
rated in figure 8.4.

From equation 8.2 a special case occurs when dy/dg =. This is

the condition for flow at the critical depth, u2/gy = 1. Under this
condition a hydraulic jump occurs and the surface profile is steeply
inclined but not vertical. The discrepancy is due to the fact that
in a jump the flow is rapidly varied, not gradually varied as ass-
umed in the derivation of equation 8.2.
a Z


Mild slope
Figure 8.4

Example 8.1

The flow of rain-water down the inclined surface of a roof may be

treated as laminar flow in a wide, shallow, rectangular channel.
Derive expressions for the pressure, p, and velocity, u, at any dis-
tance, y, from the surface.

Assuming the shear stress at the water-air interface to be zero,

determine the volumetric flow rate of a 2 mm thick film of water
flowing down a 2 m wide surface inclined at 30° to the horizontal.
we IOS ese

Refer to figure 8.5 in which the x and y components of the flow

are taken parallel and perpendicular to the flow, respectively. The
flow is assumed to be steady, uniform and laminar with a shear stress
Ts at the liquid-air interface.

pg dx dy sin 6
AAS ty

pg dx dy cos 8

Figure 8.5

Consider the forces acting on a small, rectangular element ABCD.

For steady flow, the momentum equation 4.19, applied to forces in
the y direction, gives

tFy = p dx = -
[p+ By ay] dx
op =
og dx dy cos 6 =

a - pg cos 6

p = -Pgy cos 8 +A

The boundary conditions are p = pg, when y = b. Therefore

Bie Pg cos.0 (b - y) + Pa (i)

Applying the momentum equation to forces in the x direction we

: chs
IF, = pg dx dy sin 6 + : + ay] dx TST dx. = 0)

ChE :
dy -pg sin 6

m—e-ory sin 6 + B

The boundary conditions are Tt = -ts when y = b

t = pg(b - y) sin ® - tT, (Gia)

For laminar flow t = u(du/dy). Therefore

u :
May = eg(b - y) sin 0 - T.

= Pg (by - fy?) sine - =" wee ig

The boundary conditions are u = O when y = O. Therefore

u = = (by - fy?) sin 6 - = (iii)

The volumetric flow, V, in a channel of width, w, is given by

b b
v=wf u dy = wf [g(by - 4y*)/v sin 6 - tey/u] dy
0 0

Meaugesin © b° | Wts} :
7 3u Van (iv)

For zero shear stress at the liquid-air interface, equation (iv)

reduces to

iV Ye Sin. @ Geeeeee 0 Sts sin 302° <2 1072

x, 3 € Sax 10s

= 0.0262 m3/s

Exemple 8.2

Using the Chezy formula (a) show that for maximum discharge in a
trapezoidal channel the channel should be proportioned to give a
hydraulic mean depth equal to half the central depth of flow, and
(b) show that the most efficient of all trapezoidal sections is
half a regular hexagon.

Refer to figure 8.6 which

shows a trapezoidal section,
symmetrical about the centre
ianek j

Using the Chezy equation

8.25, the discharge ais

V iT) ACY(RpS,) Figure 8.6


Lie thesChezyaconsivanitnm Camancmtiens Loppers ns are constant and A is

a stated constant, the maximum discharge will occur when the depth,
y, 1S critical and P a minimun.

The area is given by

A = by + y? tan 6 (i)

bsvAy7! 2ey tani

2s Zaneet 2 ae
Now P
ara ar wan vl
ase ee = eRe? (x)

Wetted perimeter, P, will be a minimum when dP/dy = 0

dP A 2 “
ae son = re tan 0] @)

A aa 2 Ness2 ar tan 0 iste


Substituting for A from (i) and rearranging

1 :
b = oy lame 5 ~ tan q (iv)
2v 2
and P =b + ECE late tan s (v)

From equations (iii) and (v)

= = (vi).

Thus, for maximum efficiency, a trapezoidal channel. should be pro-
portioned to make the hydraulic mean depth equal to half the criti-
cal depth of flow, It should be noted that for a rectangular
section, @ = 0 and equation (iii) gives A = 2y%, But A = yb there-
fore b = 2y.

Equation (v) shows that P is a minimum when (2/cos 6 - tan 6) is a

minimum for all values of v. This condition occurs when dP/dé = 0.

ape 2.'Sin Cl ae
d6 cos26 cee are

Ou 50)

Substituting 6 = 30° in equation (iv) we obtain

ib = 2y Gos
1 30 - tan
30| = LL Sy

or we
ae= Ee) @

Referring to figure 8.6, it can be seen that for this condition

to be satisfied the trapezoidal section must be equal to half a
regular hexagon,

Example 8.3

(a) Show that for a circular duct of diameter, D, and fixed slope,
S, the velocity of flow will be a maximum when the depth of liquid,
y, in the duct is about 0.81D. Use the Chezy formula and assume a
constant value of C.

(b) A circular drain pipe has a diameter of 500 mm and a slope of

1 in 400. If the Chezy constant is 50, determine the maximum vel-:
ocity of flow and the corresponding discharge.

i (0)


(a) Figure 8.7 (b)
(a) Refer to figure 8.7a in which the liquid surface subtends
an angle 26 at the centre. For any depth, y, the area of the cross-
section of liquid is given by

(Dp D i D
‘k= lz] Ox 21 x > x sin 6 x z * cos 6
A =1D2(6 - } sin 26) (i)

The Wwettedeperimetciame ames

p=2x 20 = De (ii)
The Chezy formula gives

u = CV(R,S)

and u will be a maximum for the value of 8 which makes Ry @ maximum.

This occurs for dRp/dé = 0.
2 A 7. 2504(62— Or5esin 26) | sin 20} Ape
NOW gee = 0225) 75 | (iii)

dRy f :
and ‘ PAN 2 PR 2 (COS PA Pw UN |
Sag 2500 . qa2 |= 0

28 = tan 20

This equation may be solved by a variety of methods but a table

of 26 (radians) against tan 26 soon yields the solution @ = 128.75°.

From figure sso, thesdepth Of ilow,. sy, us) eiven) by,

y = 0.5) — OF5DEcos) 6) =..02 SD = cos" 6) (iv)

The maximum velocity occurs when 6 = 128.75°. Therefore

y = O-5DU - ‘cos 1285/75) ="0..815D

(b) For any depth, y, the velocity and discharge are

u I CY(RpS) = CY[0.25D(1 - sin 26/26)S]

V uA = CY[O.25D(1 - sin 20/26}S] x 0.25D2(@ - 0.5 sin 206)

The maximum value of u occurs when 6 = 128.75° giving

Umax = DOV[O.25. *.0.5(1 - sin 257.5/4.5)/400] =

iT} 0:97 samme

V = 0.975 x 0.25 x 0.52(2.25 - 0.5 sin 257.5) = 0.167 m/s

It should be noted that the maximum discharge does not occur at

the maximum velocity condition (figure 8.7b).

Example 8.4

Derive expressions for the critical velocity, ug, and the critical
depth, ye,
in a rectangular channel. Hence show that for critical
flow H, = 3y,/2.

Water flows at the rate of 1.5 m?/s in a channel 3 m wide. If

the depth of flow at a particular instant is 0.5 m, determine

whether the flow is rapid or tranquil and hence determine the alter-
native depth.

Consider a channel of width, y

B, and water depth, y. The
specific head, Hs is defined Nal
j 12
s wz :
OS Big 2g 2)

1 (v2 y
He Vere sali c
itecnecadischarge, V;, is a |
constant, critical flow occurs x
when Hg is a minimum i.e. when H = Sy /2 H
dH./dy = 0 4
Figure 8.8

Wl 3 ae
ve = | (ii)

Fromecontinurty, the critical velocity, Ue, is given by

eeiS BY

Substituting for V from equation (ii) we obtain

By 3/2 g1/2 u?
Ue ety. ° = (gy) (122)

This result is in accordance with equation 8.11, with ye = ye

for a rectangular channel. Substituting for ue in equation (1)

2 = Saf? Q.E.D.

Substituting the given values in equation (11)

s2 1/3
Vices Gals a = Oe2o4 mn

The actual depth of flow is 0.5 m which is greater than the cri-
tical depth. The flow is tranquil as confirmed by figure &.8. For
constant H,, there are two alternative depths, y, and yz. Therefore
any iY
Ya + eee
2¢ = ¥2 + oS g

y2 2

1.52 A A Te52
2x 32 x 0.52 x 9:81 72 2%. 32 x yoo = Suen
0.551 yo* = yo° ¥*.0.0127

By successive approximations, or by plotting a graph of 0.551 y2"

and y,? + 0.0127 versus yy, we obtain the solution

Y2 0.186 m

Example 8.5

(a) Show that the bed slope required to produce uniform flow at the
critical depth, yc, in a rectangular channel is given by
Sc = 9.8lygn?R,74/3, where the Chezy coefficient C = n~!R,//®
Hence determine the critical slope of a rectangular channel, of
width 1 m, to maintain a flow of 1.2 m3/s. Assume n = 0.02.

(b) Sketch the nature of flow (i) when a mild slope changes to a
steep slope, and (ii) when a steep slope changes to a mild slope.

_ (a) In example 8.4, it was established that the critical velocity,

uc, for flow in a rectangular channel is

Uc = V(g¥¢) (i)
The Chezy formula for critical flow conditions is

Ue = CY (RyS,) (ii)

Equations (i) and (ii), together with the given relationship

C=n!p,1/6, yield
Se = 9.8lygn2R,~4/3 Q.E.D.
In example 8.4, expressions for ye.and Ry were derived
yea yarn 1.22 ne
Ye = | = 9.81 x 121 = 0.525 m

and Ry, = Be
BYdye bbs
exonsaen: 0.256 m

Sc = 9.81 * 01528 x 0.022 *°0.2567-"/2 = 1/80

(b) (i) The transition from tranquil flow on a mild slope to rapid
flow on a steep slope is shown in figure 8.9a. For.a gradual change
in slope,.there is only a small loss in energy due to the disturbance
in the flow but for an abrupt change there is increased disturbance
and loss. The change in specific head follows the y-Hg curve.

(ii) The transition from rapid to tranquil flow is marked by a

highly turbulent region in which air entrainment occurs. The sur-
face rises rapidly and unevenly to the sub-critical depth and, on the
surface itself, rollers are formed which repeatedly dash themselves

against the oncoming current. A large amount of energy is dissipated.
This phenomenon is known as a hydraulic jump or standing wave. The
physical explanation for the hydraulic jump is that the change in
specific head from a super-critical depth y,; to a sub-critical depth
Yo cannot occur by following the y-Hs curve without the addition
of specific head from outside. This is not available due to the
uniform slope of the channel in the region of the jump and so a dis-
continuity occurs with the depth jumping from y, to y» as shown in
figure 8.9b. The loss in specific head due to turbulence is ulti-
mately dissipated to thermal energy. The hydraulic jump is a use-
ful energy dissipator and is used to reduce high flow velocities and
prevent excessive scouring of the channel walls.




Smooth change fo) c Sudden change

Nreritiea |


Figure 8.9

example 8.6

(a) Show that for a two-dimensional hydraulic jump formed on a hori-

zontal surface

yo/y, = 4[V(1 + gFr2) - 1]

where y; and y> are the depths of flow upstream and downstream of
the jump and Fr is the Froude number u/v(gy).

(b) In a particular jump, the depth increases from 0.5 m to 1.2 m.

Determine the loss in energy per unit mass of water.

(a) Refer to figure 8.10 which shows a section through a two-

dimensional jump. A section through a jump in a rectangular channel
of width, B, would look the same. Consider the control volume enc-
losing the jump. For steady flow, the only forces acting on the
control volume are wall viscous forces and hydrostatic pressure

forces. .It is reasonable to neglect wall viscous forces therefore
the momentum equation 4.19 gives

pg x 4y, x By, - pg x fyy x Byp = pV(uy - uj)

Figure 8.10

Substituting uy = V/Byy and u, = V/By, and rearranging, we obtain

VEO yee 2 (f° See ae
g |B) viy2

and” di Yo° 52 F yiyo ifn 2

gy] ah
cee2 V
5 Tr @)

The solution to this quadratic equation is

. 1
2 7)
2 {2
Ye DN |Yon
4 * ae
gy; t
Ae 2
or 22-= i) + we - 3
va 8Y)

But a Froude number using depth y as the characteristic length

is Fr = u,/V(gy,). Therefore we may state

yo/y, =. 4[V(1 + 8Fr2) - 1] Q.E.D

For yo/y,; > 1, Fr > 1 and u, > V(gyy). It follows that in a
hydraulic jump, u, is supercritical.

(b) The energy dissipated in the jump per unit mass of water, is
given by

Aes = g(Hsgi - Hs2) = gyi - yo) + $a)? - up)

or s
A@€c. = *08O'y ei
= Yad rage
spy ayo L3|
oA a eRe (Oe
(v)? (yo?
- 2)
Eliminating (V/ B)2 between equations (i) and (ii)

_ Og
= yy)?3 _san 9.81Fearn& (1.2 = 0.5)33 |
oP sa aan Avene
Note that yp > y,, otherwise Ae, is negative, implying an inc-
rease in Hg (and mechanical forms of energy) across the jump.

Example 8.7

A broad channel carries a flow of 2.75 m3/s per metre breadth, the
depth of flow being 1.5 m. Calculate the rise in floor level req-
uired to produce critical flow conditions. What is the correspond-
ing fall in the surface level?

Refer to figure 8.11 which shows

two-dimensional flow with a rise in PV eruvis = Yo. 2D:
floor level, D, produced (say) by a
rectangular section block. (This uy
configuration is used in a broad- iz sac
crested weir for flow measurement. )
The specific head upstream is

Hg = yy, + u,7/2g (i)

The specific head relative to the
upper face of the block is
Freure: S11
(5), = Hs - D = yo + Un*/2g

uy = v[2g(Hs - yo - D)] (ii)

Consider the flow through a rectangular channel of breadth B
with a discharge coefficient Cq

V = CgBugy2 = CgBy2 Y[2g(Hs - y2 - D)]

For critical flow conditions over the block yy = ye and, from
example 8.4, ye = 2(Hs)p/3 = 2(Hs - D)/3. Therefore

V = 2CgB(Hg - D)V[2g(H, - D)/3]/3 = 1.7CgB(Hs - p)3/2 (iii)

Now for unit breadth of channel, equation (i) gives

H =
py” en aS +
Ss Gl 2g Y1 2gy 12

a 2.752
ee ? eta

For two-dimensional flow and unit breadth, and Cg = 1, equation

(aii) Gives

V = 1.7(H, - D) 3/2
een. — (V/1.7) 2/32.= 1.671 - (2.75/1.7)
2/3 = 0:293 m
The fall in water level, Ay, is given by

fee Yo (ye 7 1D) = yy - [20s --D)/3>+ DI

pet 2Hs
es OD
ie 125) 2 x =L..071, - 0.293
3 = 0.288 m

Example 8.8

(a) Describe the action of a venturi flume, used for measuring the
discharge of a stream, with and without the formaticn of a hydraulic
jump. Derive an expression for the discharge in each case.

(b) A venturi flume with a level bed is 12 m wide and has a throat
width of 6 m. Calculate the free-flow discharge when the upstream
depth is 1.5 m. Assume Ca = 0.95 and solve by successive approxi-

(a) A venturi flume is an arti- Throat

ficial, streamlined contraction
in a channel which, by causing
a change in velocity and depth, Bo —
facilitates the measurement of
discharge. Only a small afflux
(difference in depth upstream
and downstream) is necessary.
The advantages of the venturi
flume are a robust construction
and a clear passage unlikely to
be clogged or damaged hy float-
ing debris.

Assuming no loss in specific

head between upstream and throat
uy? ie
if = Sh Vip
M Y1 * 35 2g

c N u
Y[2g (H. = yo)]
y= Boyoy [28 (H. - y9)]
Introducing a discharge coeffi- 4% § § 9) cee
cient Cy

V = BoyoC,/[28(H, - y2)] (4)

If the flow is sub-critical through- (c) Flume with hump
out, the flume operates in the
drowned condition and there is no .
hydraulic jump, At the throat Figure 8.12
the surface is unstable and
Vy, - Y2 cannot he accurately determined. A flume is therefore de-
signed to operate with super-critical or free flow, the proportions
being such that a hydraulic jump is formed just downstream with the
critical depth, ve = yg at the throat. Now in example 8.4 it was
shown that for critical flow in a rectangular channel

y= =H (ii)

and “c =] sas
We (aay)

Combining the continuity equation with equations (ii) and (iii)

and again introducing a discharge coefficient, Cas we obtain

a u o‘=I “<
By = 1.705C4B2H,°/* (iv)

In practice, for free flow to occur, the submergence ratio (y3/y)

must be appreciably less than unity. The upper limiting value of
this ratio is called the modular limit and is taken as about 9.75.
It is sometimes found impossible to obtain free flow with a level
bed flume and low discharges and so a streamlined hump is intro-
duced in the flume bed (figure 8.12c).

“ (b) As a first approximation the velocity of approach, u,, is neg-

lected. Therefore

V = 1.705CBoy;3/2 = 1.705 x 0.95 x 6 x 1.53/2 = 17.85 m3/s

The velocity of approach may now be estimated
V Me Ss
uy S, Biyi
ee wx
Se 1s 0.992
992 m/s

Substituting values in equation (iv) we obtain


Wet. 705 x 0.95 x 6 x(1.5 + 0.9922/2 x 9.81) 3/2 = 18.76 m3/s

A second correction gives

V = 18.85 m3/s
Example 8.9

Water flows at the rate of 8 m°/s in a channel of rectangular cross-

section, 5 m wide, with a slope of 1 in 4000. The Chezy constant
is 80. A dam is built across the channel with the result that the
depth just upstream of the dam is 3m. How far upstream will the
depth be within 50 mm of the normal depth? Solve (i) using the
assumption that the slope at the mean depth applies to the whole
backwater curve and (ii) by dividing the range of depth into three
equal parts and using a numerical integration,

The normal depth, y_, occurs when the flow is uniform. For uni-
form flow the Chezy equation 8.3 may be applied.

u = CY(R,S)
. ‘. S 5

or Pats.
si Cy
‘eae <4
B ai

ie oO

Sy 4
8 )
¥5 (5 + 2y_,) 4000

Solution by successive approximations gives y_ = 1.35 m. The re-

quired upstream depth is 1.35 + 0.05 = 1.4 m.

Slope at Backwater
" Pas
mean depth curve Ag

1 , |
1AM) 4 m 1.934 m

Fisure 8.13

(4) The mean depth of water is (1.4 + 3)/2 = 2.2 mo) Agethemmean
ae Ses ez
= 1.17 m
hi Saale

and u = V/By 8/5 x) 228 =s On acie nips

For non-uniform flow, from the Chezy equation

wuu ==ocy
¢ (RLS)

where S is the energy line slope

vest al = 10641075
BOS ice Ly
From equation 8.2

dy ©1 CY
S59. eae
222 a
¥ Qo .66 x10
ae 1.84 x 107+ m/m

Y= U2BY 1 #0272727 (9.8) en?)


Assuming that this slope is maintained constant from a depth of

3 m at the dam to 1.4 m upstream, the distance involved is given by
F a ce alae -
distance = ga 1075 ~ 8695 m

(ii) For numerical integration the range of depth 3 m to 1.4 is

divided into three equal parts. Starting at the dam and working
upstream, the calculations may be set out in tabular form

y(m) Average y(m) A(m2) P(m) R,(m) u(m/s) u2/gy

3-2.467 2.733 13.67 1047.11.31 0.585 0.0128

2eAb= G954 | 2,2 11 ed ead ae 27 oO). 245
1.934-1.4 1.667 8.34 8.33 1.0 0.959 0.0562
1-u*/gy =(u?/C?R, ) 10" (3 -s)10" di/dy Ay AL

0.9872 0.409 2.091 A720 30,553.’ 2516

0.9755 9.706 1.794 5438 0,533 2898
0.9438 1.437 1,063 CSTeMer 535") 4732
LAL = 10 146

Thus the total distance upstream is 10 146 m [cf. 8695 m obtained

by method (i)]. The accuracy can obviously be improved by dividing
the range of depth into a greater number of parts than the three


1 A roof sloping 20° from the horizontal is to be covered with a

layer of asphalt of thickness 3 mm. During hot weather there is a
tendency for the softened asphalt to flow down the slope. What must
be the effective kinematic viscosity of the asphalt in m?/s if the
top surface must not move more than 0.025 mm relative to the bottom
surface in a 10 h period of time?
[4.34 x 107 m3/s]

2 Water flows with a free surface through a conduit whose section

is shown in figure 8.14. Calculate the depth of flow for which the
velocity is a maximum.
[1.704 mw]

Figure 8.15
Figure 8.14

3 The cross-section of a river channel is to be modified in such

a way that the normal winter discharges are contained within a main
central channel, while exceptional flows spill over into a flood
plain on either side, bounded by banks constructed parallel with
the river. The central channel approximates to a circular segment,
as shown in figure 8.15, and is to carry water at the rate of
10 m?/s. The flood plain has banks 2 m high and 100 m apart. If
the bed slope is 1/1000 and the Chezy constant is 30, determine

(i) the radius of the central channel, and (ii) the approximate maxi-
mum flow rate that can be contained if the water level is to be
0.5 m below the top of the flood banks in order to allow for waves.
Determine also, from first principles, whether the flood flow is
sub-critical or super-critical.
[5.96 m, 172 m3/s, 0.67 m sub-critical]

4 Derive an expression for the volume flow rate of a fluid flowing

uniformly along an open channel, in terms of the cross-sectional area
of the flow A, the wetted perimeter of the channel P, the gradient
of the channel base S, the friction factor f, and the specific gra-
vitational force g.

A trapezoidal channel with sides at 45° to the base is to be dug

to carry a flow of 2.56 m3/s with a gradient of 1 in 50. The fric-
tion factor is 0.1. Determine the dimensions of the channel which
will have the minimum cross-sectional area capable of carrying the
given flow. .
[V = Av(2g/£)/(AS/P), y = 1 m, B = Opezeee

5 Derive an expression for the critical depth of flow in a triangu-

lar section channel of included angle 6, whose sides are equally,
inclined to the vertical axis, when the volumetric flow rate is V.

A channel of triangular section, with included angle 60°, carries

water at the rate of 25 m?/s. Determine the critical depth and the
value of the Chezy coefficient if the slope of the channel required
to maintain critical depth is 0.001.
ly = [V2/(g tan 0/2)]!/3, 4.8 m, 54.4]
6 A circular pipe of diameter 500 mm and length 20 m has a slope of
1 in 200. Assuming the Chezy formula v = 60/(RS) to apply for all
conditions of flow, determine the rate of energy dissipation (1)
when the flow in the pipe is running at 0.95D which is the optimum
depth for maximum discharge, and (ii) when the pipe is running full.
Determine also the pumping power required to increase the flow rate
in the pipe running full to the maximum discharge at condition (i).
[303 W, 289 W, 31.6 W]

7 For the same specific energy, calculate the alternative depths of

flow in a channel which is 6 m wide and the depth of stream 6 m.
The rate of flow 1s) 12.0008) s-
[6 m, 0.187 m]

8 A sluice is placed across a channel 5 m wide and the depth of dis-

charge under the sluice is 1 m. If the depth upstream of the sluice
is 5 m, determine the flow rate in the channel. An obstruction
downstream causes a hydraulic jump to be formed after the sluice
Working from first principles, derive an expression relating the
depths upstream and downstream of the jump to the Froude number.
Hence, determine the depth downstream of the jump and the power
dissipated in the jump. Neglect the loss of energy at the sluice.
[45.2 m, 3.61 m, 546 kW]

9 Water flows at 5 m3/s under a wide sluice gate into a long rect-
angular channel 3m wide. The slope of the channel is 0.001. A
hydraulic jump is formed with the ratio of upstream to downstream
depths 0.5. Determine the value of the constant n in the empirical
formula u = n7!R,2/3s1/2,

10 Water flows through a horizontal rectangular tunnel 2.5 m high

and 4 m wide. The flow is controlled by a sluice which is raised
to produce a depth and velocity of flow downstream of 1.25 m and
10 m/s, respectively. Further downstream a hydraulic jump is formed
which reaches the roof of the tunnel. Determine the absolute pres-
sure at the roof of the tunnel and the power dissipated in the jump.
Atmospheric pressure is 1 bar.
[Smee kPa, 473. kW]

11 A level channel 0.5 m wide has a block of wood fastened across it

to form
a broad-crested weir, the face being 75 mm above the bed.
The depth of water upstream from the weir is 150 mm. Determine the
rate of flow, making one approximation for the velocity of approach
in the channel, assuming critical conditions to exist over the weir.
Work from first principles.
[0.0185 m?/s]

12 A venturi flume witha level bed is 13 m wide and 1.6 m deep up-
stream and has a throat width of 6.5 m. Calculate the discharge if
Cg = 0.94. Successive approximations or any other suitable method
may be used to solve the equation.
[22712 me/s]

13. A venturi flume 1.3 m wide at the entrance and 0.6 m at the
throat has a horizontal bottom. Neglecting hydraulic losses in the
flume, calculate the flow if the depths are 0.6 m and 0.55 m at ent-
rance and throat respectively. A hump is now installed at the throat
of height 200 mm so that a standing wave is formed beyond the throat.
Assuming the same flow as before, show that the increase in upstream
depth is nearly 80 mm.
[0.355 m?/s]
14 The bed of a river 16 m wide has a uniform slope of 1 in 14 000
and the Chezy constant C = 90. A dam across the river has a spill-
way across the top in the form of a broad-crested weir, the height
of the sill being 4 m above the river bed. Assuming that the whole
of the river flow passes over the spillway, Cq = 0.9, find the afflux
at the dam (i.e. the increase in river depth caused by the dam),
when the depth of the river well upstream is 1.6 m. State fully the
assumptions made.
[Seoe mi

1S A rectangular channel 1.3 m wide has a uniform slope of 1 in

1600 and normal flow with a constant depth of 0.6 m occurs when
V = 0.6 m3/s. The lowering of a sluice when this quantity is flow-
megeinereases the depth just upstream of the sluice to 1m. Assu-
ming that S = u2/C2R, determine how far upstream from the sluice
the depth will be 0.8 nm.
[Example 8.9 method (i) 491 m, (ii) 498 m]


Previous chapters have been devoted to steady flow situations in

which properties such as velocity, pressure and density, at a parti-
cular point, do not vary with time. In this respect, turbulent flow
is treated as steady because the small-scale velocity fluctuations
involved do not change the time average bulk mean velocity at a
point. In unsteady flow, however, mean values do vary with time and
methods of solution of problems are more complex, frequently involv-
ing numerical solution. In this chapter some practical problems
amenable to simple analytical solution will be considered.


A special case of unsteady flow, known as pulsating flow, occurs if

there are periodic fluctuations in the mean velocity and pressure at
any point in the flow. Pulsating flow occurs most severely in the
inlet and exhaust ducts of reciprocating engines and the suction and
delivery pipes of reciprocating pumps and compressors. It is not
proposed to analyse pulsating flow in detail here but it is neces-
sary to point out an inherent error in the use of steady flow
measurement devices.

The true mass flow rate at any section of area A is, for in-
compressible flow

m = (pA/t) fu dt = pAd, (9.1)

where uy is the time mean average velocity.

The flow through a meter of the pressure differential type (e.g.

venturi meter) is determined from

m = Ky(Ap)

where K is a meter constant.

For turbulent, pulsating flow the pressure drop due to area

change is

(4p) true
= C(u,)? (9,2)
and the mean pressure drop across the flow meter, taken from the
manometer is

Bp = Cu,? (9.3)

Equations 9.2 and 9.3 do not give the same result therefore it
is inherently inaccurate to use the mean manometer reading to find
mass flow rate in a turbulent pulsating flow.

However, for laminar, pulsating flow the pressure drop due to area
change is

te rc x Cu, en (9.4)

and it is accurate to use the mean manometer reading.

This is the basis of viscous flow meters in which the original

turbulent flow in the pipe is changed to laminar flow in a large
number of small passages.


If the mean velocity at any point steadily increases or decreases

with time but the rate of change is low enough for acceleration
forces to be neglected then a quasi-steady analysis may be adopted.
This analysis assumes that, at any instant, steady flow exists and
steady flow equations may be used e.g. the Bernoulli equation. These
equations, together with the continuity equation, will yield ex-
pressions for the mass flow rate at any instant of time.

The flow between a reservoir and a sink, during a given time

interval, may be estimated if the manner of change of the pressure
difference is defined. This presents difficulty in the case of sub-
sonic flow of a gas but for the flow of a liquid, in which the change
of surface level is directly related to flow, a simple analytical
treatment is possible.


If a volume of liquid in a nipeline is accelerated at a moderate

rate due to the slow opening or closing of a valve then inertia
effects must be considered. In the simplest case, the volume of
liquid is assumed to be accelerated as a whole due to a net force
acting on the volume. The net force is the difference between the
net piezometric pressure force -(p}* - p2*) A. and the resisting force
due to pipe and fittings resistance. The use of piezometric press-
ure eliminates the need to consider the weight of the liquid column,

In some situations with a long pipe, the inertia head can be very
high and the actual value of py may fall below the vapour pressure
e.g. in the suction pipe of a reciprocating pump.


If changes in velocity occur extremely rapidly due to instantaneous

opening or closing of a valve then elastic forces in the fluid be-
come important for both liquids and gases, Changes in pressure and
velocity do not now take place instantaneously throughout the body
of fluid, as in section 9.3, but are propagated by pressure waves.

This phenomenon, which can lead to noise and vibration, is known as
water hammer, although its effects are not restricted to water; any
compressible fluid may be involved.

Consider a pipeline conveying fluid at velocity u. If a valve at

the end of the pipeline is suddenly closed, the fluid near the valve
is brought to rest, and the pressure increases above that of the
moving fluid. The junction between the stationary and moving fluid
then moves away from the valve with celerity c, leaving a high press-
ure region behind it.. Thus, a pressure wave moves along the pipe to
the open end, as the body of fluid in the pipe is brought to rest.
This pressure wave is repeatedly reflected from the open end of the
pipe, and then the valve, and each time the wave passes a particular
point the pressure changes to a new value of positive or negative
gauge pressure. Eventually, the pressure transient dies away due to
fluid friction. It is impossible in practice to close a valve in-
stantaneously, but if the closure time is less than the time taken
for a pressure wave to travel from the valve to the open end of the
pipe, and back, closure may be treated as instantaneous.

es p -, 4p

oo 0 b,O,0 0.0.8
DO 6 OO {bible

t=) bic Ge= Suc


Sr e2 hike tea Slice

u u

- —————_» ¢

——~ curve

Pressure transient at valve B

Rroure Dei

The pressure rise, Ap, associated with the water hammer effect is
Ap = puc (9.5)
This pressure rise can be large enough to fracture the pipe. In
hydro-electric installations, surge tanks are frequently used to
minimise the water hammer effect.

Example 9.1

(a) Derive expressions for the velocity distribution and the volu-
metric flow rate for two-dimensional laminar flow between parallel

(b) Air flows through a viscous flow meter which consists of 100
parallel rectangular ducts normal to the flow, each 150 mm by 1 mn,
The length of the meter is 200 mm. Neglecting end effects and
assuming laminar flow through each duct determine the mean pressure
difference recorded by an alcohol manometer (S.G. = 0.8) for a pul-
sating flow in which the volumetric flow rate varies between
0.15 m3/s and 0.175 m3/s. Assume p = 1.2 kg/s and
u =-1.8 x 10°75 N s/m2.

Sos soni aine

Section XX Flow through
individual passage

Figure 9,2
(a) The general expression for laminar flow between parallel sur-
faces was derived in example 7.2

u = + (| y2 + Ay +B (1)

The boundary conditions are u = O when y = 0 and u = 0 when y = b.


uae fa (y? - yb) (ii)

This type of flow is called Poiseuille or Hagen-Poiseuille flow and
the velocity distribution is parabolic. The volumetric flow rate
for a width, w, is given by
b )
A b d b3
V = Jwu dy = 2u {dx J G? -
se] yb) dy = (2 (Gest)
0 0

From the continuity equation

v = u(wb) (iv)

Therefore from equations (iii) and (iv)

v--4, (2 b2 | (v)
The negative sign in the expressions for velocity and volumetric
flow rate indicates that the pressure gradient dp/dx is negative
in the flow direction,

(b) The viscous flow meter consists of N rectangular ducts each

of width, w, and breadth, b. Assuming that dp/dx = Ap/L for flow
through a duct, equation (iii) gives

yy SS nes Ww dp b3
Neh Mia tak
dp _ _ 12uv
1 wb5N

~ HW
ee = :
The pressure drop across the meter fluctuates between Ap, and Apo
as the flow fluctuates between V; and Vo. Thus
129x128 10= bo Oneeon Ons
4P1 = 9.15% 13 x 10-9 ® 10 Sea
Apo = J8e ee = 504 Pa

In section 9,1 it was shown that for laminar flow the mean Ap gives
a correct mean V, Therefore, neglecting the response of the mano-
meter itself (i.e. wave action in the manometer connecting leads
and manometer liquid damping) the mean difference in liquid level
in the manometer is
aye= Ap. —= "(50402 4325/2 = 59.6mn
og 800% 9.81 abt
The assumption of laminar flow should be checked (i.e. Re < 2000).
Re = Bue _ p [Apb2) (4wb
u wy eae 2(w + b)y

1.2-%. 504% 12 0x 107° x4 x QS ee ee = 1545

1 82x On ee OO 2 ee OS I
Example 9.2

Water flows over a 60° triangular notch from a storage tank in which
the surface area is 20 m*. Find the time for the surface level to
fall from 500 mm to 100 mm above the bottom of the notch. Derive
any formulae used. Assume a constant discharge coefficient of 0.6.


Figure 9.3

The first step is to derive an expression for idealised flow
through the notch under steady conditions (refer to example 4.6).
At section 2, in the plane of the notch, the pressure is atmospheric
throughout and the velocity, u,, at any point is found by applying
the Bernoulli equation along a streamline.

Da u,? Pp
Sinker |
aan hy + ohne GN wpe oe nz)

Neglecting the velocity of approach, u,, substituting H = h, + 2

and z» = z, we obtain

ug =)¥[2g(H -z)]
From continuity, the discharge through an element of area
2z tan @ dz is given by

up dA = V(2g(H - ZNile2 Zaecan sO.1dZ

and the total discharge through the notch is

‘ H
VW = 2 tan 9 /(2g) [v(H - z)z dz = 2.35 tan 9 H#-5 (i)
inepractice, a discharge coefficient, Cg, must be introduced

V = 2.35C, tan eH” (ii)

Let the surface area of the tank be A. In a time, dt, the level
of water in the tank will fall by dH and the volume will reduce by
dV. From continuity

dV = -A dH

Also dV V dt = 2.35Cq tan @ H?-> dt

5 -A dH
Es. 35C4 tan oH
A Ho Faoe SD
i, = =
2.35Cq tan 6 f ‘ oe
20 Oss, 5 Soins
= Hila ems
DS, ES Oey Se ee aie) ae

Example 9.3

Two open vertical cylindrical tanks of diameters 3 m and 2 m are

mounted with their axes vertical. They are connected by a single
pipe 100 mm diameter and 50 m long. Minor losses in the pipe may
be taken as 2.5 times the velocity head and the friction factor as
0.01. If the water level in the 3 m diameter tank is initially 5 m
above that in the smaller tank, determine the drop in,level ina
tamesor }5 Min.

Applying the energy equation 7.11 between points on the water

surfaces in tanks A and B we obtain

4£L/D28 + 25 : (i)

Applying the continuity equation to flow in the pipe

V = = tn? 2g
4f#L/D + 2.5 pe (ii)

Applying the continuity equation to flow in tanks A and B

ven Cad] 4 fee




Also (iv)

Prom equations: (Gas), e (aa) mande(Gr)

11 WW
DEN 285.

| )
+ Ay/Ap) wD 2 2
4Ay 4fL/D 2S, e

(1 + Ay/Ag) nD?
1 i

ita, ta) 4Ay 4fL/D + 2.5 | (ton=-t)

(1 + 9/4)
4 x }T x 32
x 0.12
| 4% 0/01
i Be Slirsto3s
x4 50/ OMI So
x 300

Bigure 9 34

Refer to figure 9.4. As the level in tank A drops by an amount
y, the level in tank B rises by (A,/Ap)y-

Pip yt Hg + (A,7A5)y

Example 9.4

Water is discharged from a 25 mm diameter orifice in the vertical

side of the tank shown in figure 9.5. The tank has two parallel
sides 1.2 m apart and the base is rectangular. The water level above
tiewcenicere or the orifice is observed to—fall from 1.5 m to 0.5 m
in a time of 10 min. Determine the coefficient of discharge. The
free jet initially falls 250 mm to a flat surface in a horizontal
distance of 1.2 m from the vena contracta. Determine the discharge
from the tank as the point of impact with the flat surface moves
from its initial distance of 1.2 m to 1.0 m from the vena contracta.
Assume a coefficient of contraction of 0.67.
OS -


Geet EE

Paoume OR
At any surface level, z, relative to the centre line of the ori-
fice, the area of the water surface, As, is given by

Ber= 1.2(1- 2/3) (4)

and the discharge, V, from the tank is
. dz dz ahs
pete As i ie 2 (0.42.5 1.2) a (ii)

Applying the Bernoulli equation between a point on the water sur-

face and a point at exit from the orifice, we have

Pp pep nu.
ae QO Z = sy s + O
eg i es

u, = v¥(2gz) (iii)
Introducing a discharge coefficient, cae the actual discharge is

V = CgAguy = CgAoY(2gz) (iv)
From equations (ii) and (iv)

Ves CgAoY (2gz) = (0.4z - 1.2) 4

» (6:420"2 "Sz OS dz
ed ite Rov Cg)
1 2 x 0.421°5
3 , a 1 Beles
Ca ttoe wit lee V (2g)
oO Z1

: 0.5
Cg x 10 x 60 = Tx 0.0252v(2 * 9.81) [0.2672 Lae 2.42 0.5 iP

Cy = 0.65
From the coordinates of the water jet at the two points of impact,
velocities of the jet at the vena contracta are given by
\2 2
ec, 55 =e x [525s| = fae4 m/s

1 1

(Uy eS x28,
: =i “(55s
Cy ee =S445 m/s

From equation (iii) the theoretical velocity at the initial head

Of Zee De Ml, ees

Ee = ¥(Qgz,)= V¥(2)& 9.81 « 1S) = 5.45 m/s

The coefficient of velocity, Cy, is defined by

Cy = a 232 = 0.98

ae Ge a 4.52 m/s

0G) “2 sae = 1.04 m

From equation (i)

Ag, = 1,2(1 -21.04/3) =| 0,783

Ae = 1.2(1 —aS/a) = Gee

The volume of water discharged from the tank is

V= fsa+ *s] aie 2a) Oo ees (12S 04)


i jo) Ww ry co eS

Example 9.5

Water flows from a reservoir through a pipe 190 m long and 75 mm

diameter. A valve at the end of the pipe is slowly closed in such
a way that the water velocity is reduced uniformly to zero in a
time of 2 s. If the water level in the reservoir remains constant
at 8 m above the pipe outlet determine (i) the velocity of flow 1 s
after commencement of valve closure, and (ii) the maximum pressure
at the valve during closure. Assume f = 0.008 and neglect compress-
ibility of the water.

Esl inerey 19)616)

In this problem we are concerned with the deceleration of the

liquid column in the pipe from an initial steady velocity Uy:
Applying the energy equation 7.11 between the liquid surface and
exit from the valve, we obtain

an PAA ‘ 4flu,
=e Li P, /
ae: Aas

pg A 2gD eg . 2g 3

a 2¢Hl 2 {2 * 9.81 x 8 a
a aaa 4x 0.008 x 100, ,| ~ 1.9 m/s
D 0.07

The velocity is reduced uniformly to zero. Therefore after 1 s

Pt eotal-
2 t=... 1-* 1,9 = 0.95 m/s

At any instant during valve closure the net force which tends to
decelerate the liquid column is equal to the net piezometric force
(pi* - p2*)A and the resisting force due to pipe and fitting resist-
ance Ap, A.
du ,
(pPi* - p2*)A - Ap,A = pAL - ee (i)
AtiLa> du
[(P, + 9g21) - (Pg, + 9822)] - PE —oA- = -PL aE
Neglecting changes in pressure at entry to the pipe

= ve du if
[og (zy = 21) + pez, = oe = P8221 Piao = pers (ii)

Pao AfLU2 du
oot wit, Gh sleeieoen & dt

It is convenient to use head terms in conjunction with figure 4,6

— H- H+ Hy (iv)

The maximum pressure at the valve occurs at the instant of com-

plete closure when u = 0. From equation (iii)
Poy = pall + pl sca 103 x 9,81 x 8 + 103 x 100 x == = 174 kPa

It is possible to use a modified form of the Bernoulli equation

to obtain the same result. Avplying the Bernoulli equation between
the liquid surface and a point just before the valve and including
the inertia head

fee. ,,| 4.
ee B
Pp. u
iE, du
ce) itfe} D gq
| gq

ae (v)

Thus, the expression obtained is the same as equation (iii) with

the exception of the term u*/2g. This velocity term does not appear
in equation (iii) because it was assumed that the pressure acting
on the liquid column at the pipe entry is equal to the hydrostatic
pressure just outside. In fact, there is a drop in pressure equal
to u*/2g as liquid enters the pipe and to he strictly correct this
should have been included.

The Bernoulli approach to this type of problem is frequently

preferred because it appears simpler than the full momentum analysis
shown earlier. It must be emphasised, however, that, used in this
way, the Bernoulli equation is a true momentum equation rather than
an energy equation expressing mechanical energy dissipation,

Example 9.6

(a) Briefly explain the effects of fitting large air vessels on to

the suction and delivery pipes of a reciprocating pump.

(b) Determine the maximum speeds at which a double-acting recipro-

cating vump could be run with (i) no air vessels fitted, and (ii)
a large air vessel fitted to the suction side close to the pump,
The pump piston has .a diameter of 0.15 m and moves with simple
harmonic motion through a stroke of 90.45 m. The pump is situated
3.6 m above the lower reservoir, to which it is connected by a pipe

6 m long by 0.1 m diameter with a friction factor of 9.006. The
barometric pressure head is 9.8 m of water, and the minimum allow-
able water pressure head is 1.8 m,

Air vessel Pe levery

Figure 9.7 (b)

(a) The ideal cylinder pressure-volume diagram for a reciprocat-

ing pump is a rectangle ABCD (figure 9.7b). Due to the inertia
and friction of the liquid in the suction and delivery pipes, the
actual diagram is EFGH. The effect of liquid inertia in the suction
pipe is to reduce the pressure at inlet by AE and the speed of the
pump is limited hy the pressure at E. This pressure must not he
allowed to fall below the value at which dissolved gases are lib-
erated from the liquid.

Pulsations in either the suction or delivery pipes may be largely

eliminated hy connecting a large closed air vessel to the pipe at
a point close to the pump. The acceleration head and friction loss
are then restricted to the short length of pipe between the cylinder
anumenemvesse!., With an air vessel connected to the suction pipe,
as shown in figure 9.7a, a practically steady velocity is produced
im the pipe. This gives a constant friction loss, AE', much less
than the previous maximum value and, because E' corresponds to a
higher pressure value than E, the pump may operate at a much higher

(b) (i) Applying the Bernoulli equation between the reservoir surface
and the pipe connection to the pump we have

p =n!
4fLou, Ds -9 Ls
a - u , du :
ee +o) + O° aoeer = a + PS + Zs + oe ae ; (i)

For simple harmonic motion of the piston the displacement, x, is

x= 4S(1- cos wt) =} x 0.45(1-- cos wt)

The acceleration of the piston (area A) is

abe 2
aa 0,225w* cos wt
The acceleration of the water in a pipe of area a is

dy = 5A % 0.225u* 2 cos wt _= 0.225D2w2

ar cos wt
——————————— es

Combining equations (i) and (ii) we obtain

D Dp ae 4fL u.%-. 0.225 L_D2u* cos wt

: a
S + —————
Os » pg =) 2¢e Ss 2ed d2¢g

The minimum pressure occurs at the beginning of the suction stroke

when the flow and the friction loss are zero (t = 0). Therefore

Bayeg Rar 0.225L.D2w2
pg ean sae dg
0.225 x 6 x 0,152w?
ae ee eetee OEY
ON= oR LaLeass

(ii) When an air vessel is fitted, there is no acceleration of the

liquid in the pipe. Equation (1) reduces to

ie = Big 4%s 4£L s Shad
68 0g 92g i Pe | ae oo
For a double-acting pump the velocity of flow in the pipe is
= PG ne, OP 2a tose 2904s 2 :
Bets 25, a Ae reie eae a
Substituting values and combining equations (iii) and (iv)
‘a 0.3227w 4 x 0.006 x 6 z
9,8 = 1.8 + S20 | apne |+ 3.6

w = 18,47 rad/s

Example 9.7

A valve at the outlet of a pipe conveying water is suddenly closed.

If only the elasticity of the water is taken into account show that
the pressure rise produced by valve closure is given by Ap = puc,
where u is the initial mean velocity of flow in the pipe and c is
the velocity of propagation of a pressure wave in water.

A pipe 850 m long contains water flowing at 2 m/s. If a valve

at the outlet end of the pipe is closed in a time of 1 s determine
the pressure rise in the pipe. Show that the maximum pressure rise
depends upon the total time of closure and in this case is not aff-
ected by the momentary rate of closure. K Si ia GN/m2.

Figure 9.8

Consider the sudden closing of a valve in a pipeline (figure

9.8). The liquid near the valve is brought to rest and as the
pressure wave moves through the liquid with celerity c the pressure
and density increase to p + Ap and p + &p, respectively.

In unit time the pressure wave moves a distance c from the valve
and the increase in density of the stationary fluid of volume Ac
is due to an increase in mass due to fluid inflow pAu. Therefore

69 Ac = pAu (1)

From equation 1.22, the bulk modulus of the liquid is

K =

Substituting for 6p in (i)

uk pt
Ares (ii)

Now give the whole system a velocity c to the right (figure 9.8h)
so that the wave is stationary relative to coordinate axes moving
with the wave. Applying the momentum theorem to the control volume

tF = mus - u))

-Ap A = pA(u + c)[c - (u + c)]

Ape="pi( + c)u (33)

mesh oe
Substituting for c from equation (ii)

Now K has a very high value for liquids, therefore ae 1 and

Ap = Pas Ww = uv(pK) (iv)

From equations (ii) and (iv)

to ice)Ww
c = ¥(K/p) (v)
Thus the velocity with which a wave is propagated relative to the
pipe, c, is equal to the speed of sound in an infinite fluid. The
velocity relative to the liquid is (u + c) but since c >> u the
relative and absolute pressure wave celerities are virtually the
same. Combining equations (iv) and (v)

Ap = puc OF) 5510):

As the liquid is brought to rest, energy is stored in the compressed

liquid as strain energy. The strain energy per unit volume is

ee tee Be
Substituting for Ap from equation (iv) we have

Sark pu? /2 (vii)

But pu2/2 is the kinetic energy per unit volume of the liquid moving
with initial velocity u. Thus all of the original kinetic energy
of the liquid is transformed to strain energy and none is degraded
into heat by the pressure transient. In practice, however, some
degradation will occur due to pipe friction.

Strictly speaking, Ap = puc is obtained for instantaneous valve

closure. No valve may be closed instantaneously in practice but
if closure is completed hefore the initial pressure wave is reflect-
ed back to the valve (i.e. in a time less than 2L/c) then the whole
of the kinetic energy is converted into strain energv and closure
may be treated as instantaneous. In these circumstances only the
total time of closure is important and not the rate of closure. If,
however, t >> 2L/c then the method of examvle 9.5 must be adopted
to determine the pressure rise. For the given pipe

oe eo giniundos SaCeritelet retest’:

© (K/0) 10.14 x 109/103)
The actual closure time of 1 s is less than 2L/c therefore the clos-
ure may be treated as instantaneous. Substituting values in equa-
tion (iv)

Ap-= 27 (102 *.2.14 *% 10°) = 2/92 MPa

Example 9.8

Show that when a valve is closed at the end of a pipe conveying

liquid, the velocity at which a pressure wave is propagated is given

cl= d
o(1/K + D)xE

if circumferential strain in the pipe is taken account of. Hence,

determine the pressure rise in a straight steel pipe, 1000 m long,
300 mm diameter and 20 mm wall thickness, when a valve at the outlet
end) as closed in a time of 1.3 s. At the instant of valve closure,
water is passing through the pipe at a velocity of 2.5 m/s.
pe ie = 2.14 GPa, ey = 200 GPa.

Assume that as the water in the pipe is brought to rest by inst-

antaneous valve closure, the whole of the kinetic energy of the water
is converted into strain energy of the water and circumferential
strain energy of the pipe material (refer to example 9.7 for justi-

Strain energy Strain energy

: : ; Kinetic energy
in water per | in pipe per
: : = per unit mass i
unit mass of unit mass of P (i)
of water
water water

Now the circumferential stress in a pipe of diameter, D, and wall

thickness, x, is given by o = (4p)D/2x and the strain energy in the
pipe material is (9°/2E) <x volume. Thus, the strain energy in a
pipe of length L is given by
b ou 2: nDxL 1
(Ey [ee j BS (43)

The pipe length L occupied by unit mass of water is given by

Pov = plaD4.

b= 4 —4 (iii)

The strain energy in the pipe wall per unit mass of water is ob-
tained by substituting equation (iii) in (ii)
_ {ApD) wDx{ 4 ~ (Cap)
4D :
(Ey, , [see| oper ~ 20xE Cae,

From example 9.7, the strain energy in the liquid per unit mass
is (Ap)?*/2pK [equation (vi)] and the kinetic energy per unit mass of
liquid is u“/2 [equation (vii)]. Substituting in equation (1) we

(ip) (4p)? Dp . v2
20K 2oxE 2
i 2

BP 04 |SCi7K + D/xE) iy)

Comparing equation (v) with Ap = puc (equation 9.5) obtained for
the pressure rise when pipe expansion is neglected, it can be seen
that the pressure wave celerity in a pipe with circumferential ex-
pansion is effectively

E” Soleil Ree (vay
’ = 1 2 -

( 1 2
[ToT 14 x 107) + 0:37 (0.02 x200. x 107]| “ee mis

<1 = 5 = 1.47 s

The actual closure time of 1.3 s is less than 2L/c' therefore the
valve closure may be treated as instantaneous

Ap = gue! t=" 109 x 275 1 1360 = rere


1 Derive an expression for the pressure drop in a fluid flowing

through a circular pipe under laminar flow conditions.

It is required to measure the mass flow rate of air entering an

internal combustion engine under pulsating conditions. The flow is
known to be turbulent and therefore a viscous flow meter is construc-
ted, consisting of a number of parallel circular tubes. The flow
area of the meter is. to be equal to that of the intake pipe which is
100 mm diameter. Assuming that the mean Reynolds number of flow in
the intake pipe is 2 x 10% and that the mean velocity, density and
viscosity of air are maintained in the viscous flow meter, determine
(1) the number and diameter of tubes required for the meter to en-
sure the same flow and a mean meter Reynolds number of 10%, and (ii)
the actual mass flow rate of air entering the engine when the diff-
erence in level recorded by an alcohol manometer fluctuates between
O.8 mm and 1.2 mm alcohol. The manometer leads are connected to
tapping points 150 mm apart on the meter. Neglect the response of
the manometer and leads. Assume pair = 1.25 kg/m?,
wair = 18 x 10-© N s/m?, paicohol = 800 kg/m°.
: [400, 5 mm, 0.0225 kg/s]

2 Show that the discharge over a rectangular notch of width b is

given by V = (2/3) CgbV(2g)H 3/2, Water flows over a sharp-edged
rectangular notch 1 m wide from a reservoir in which the water sur-
face area is 100 m*. The original water level is 750 mm above the
sill of the notch. Determine the fall in level in a time of 5 min.
Assume Cq = 0.6.
[682 mm]
3 Water is discharged from an orifice, 60 mm diameter, in the base
of a vertical, conical tank. The tank is 10 m high and the base is
5 m diameter. Determine the time for the tank to empty if the ini-
tial water level is 6 m above the bottom. Assume a discharge co-
efficient of 0.65.

4 A horizontal, cylindrical tank is 3 m diameter and 4 m long. The

tank is initially half full of water. Determine the diameter of an

226 ~~
orifice, situated in the base of the tank, needed to empty the tank
in one hour. Assume Cg = 0.6.
[48.8 mn]
5 A vertical plate divides a tank of cross-sectional area 4.4 m?
into two compartments with an area ratio of 3 to 1. The water level
in the larger compartment is initially 5 m above that in the smaller
one. What time will be required to raise the level in the smaller
compartment by 3 m if flow between the compartments takes place
through a 50 mm diameter orifice in the base of the vertical plate?
Assume Cg = 0.6.
[391 s]

6 A tank of 4 m2 cross-sectional area, discharges water at the rate

Vo through an orifice 50 mm diameter and there is a steady inflow
of Vj = 0.01 m?/s. How long will it take for the water surface to
tiseeerom tom to 5 m above the centre of the orifice? What is the
maximum possible head of water above the orifice under these con-
ditions? Cg = 0.6.
[58226 min, 5/7) m}

7 A straight pipe 200 m long and 100 mm diameter is connected to a

reservoir in which the water level is 10 m above the pipe outlet.
If a valve at the pipe outlet is now opened determine the time taken
for the velocity in the pipe to reach one half of the maximum velo-
city. Neglect compressibility and minor losses and assume f = 0.01.
lvoe s

8 A vertical tank of rectangular cross-section is 3 m.high and has

two parallel sides 2 m apart and two sides whose distance apart
varies linearly from 4 m at the base to 2 m at the top. A pipe 10m
long is attached to the base of the tank and the outlet of the pipe
is 3 m below the bottom of the tank. If the depth of water in the
tank falls from 2.5 m to 1.5 m in 15 min, determine the diameter
Gietne pipe. If, at the instant that the water depth in the tank
is 1.5 m, a valve at the end of the pipe is closed in a time which
may be treated as instantaneous, determine the pressure rise just
before the valve. Assume a pipe entry loss equal to one velocity
head and a pipe friction factor of 0.008. The bulk modulus and
density of water may be assumed equal to 2.14 GN/m* and 1000 kg/m?
[48.8 mm, 4.7 MPa]

9 Derive a formula for the pressure rise in a fluid flowing in a

pipe when the valve at the end from which the fluid escapes is
closed (a) slowly, and (b) very quickly. Water flows through a
steel pipe 200 mm bore and 6 mm thick at 2.4 m/s, pipe length 120 m.
Calculate the maximum pressure if (a) flow is reduced uniformly to
zero in 5 s, and (b) valve is closed in a time which may be treated
as instantaneous. kK for water = 2.14 GN/m2; E for steel = 200 GN/m?.
[126.6 kPa, 3 MPa]


The author has included problems and ideas from a variety of sources
and it would be impossible to list them all here. The following
books have proved particularly useful in the preparation of this
text and the student is referred to them for further reading-and
derivation of the relationships quoted in the theory sections.

1 Engineering Sciences Data Unit, Internal Flow, Vols 1, 2, 4, 5

(E.S.D.U:. London)
Z. Chartered Institution of Building Services, CIBS Guide C4
3 Fox, J.A., Introduction to Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed.
(The Macmillan Press, London, 1977)
4 Lay, J.E., Thermodynamics (Pitman §& Sons Ltd., London, 1964)
5 Massey, B.S., Mechanics of Fluids, 3rd ed. (Van Nostrand Co. Ltd.
London, 1975)
6 Mayhew, Y.R. and Rogers, G.F.C., Thermodynamic and Transport
Properties of Fluids, SI units (Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1968)
u Rogers, G.F.C. and Mayhew, Y.R., Engineering Thermodynamics,
Work and Heat Transfer, 2nd ed. (Longmans, Green § Co., 1967)
8 Shepherd, D.G., Elements of Fluid Mechanics (Harcourt, Brace
& World, New York, 1965)
9 Vallentine, H.R., Applied Hydrodynamics, 2nd ed. (Butterworths,
London, 1967)
10 Vennard, J.K. and Street R.L., Elementary Fluid Mechanics, 5th
ed. (John Wiley & Sons Inc., London, 1976)
11 Webber, N.B., Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers, SI ed.
(Chapman §& Hall Ltd., London, 1971)

228 =
The purpose of this book is to present the fundamental laws of fluid mechanics
and illustrate them by application to a wide range of worked examples and
problems. &

The level is suitable for first- and some second-year work on degree and diploma
courses in mechanical, civil and aeronautical engineering. The book should also
be useful to students preparing for CE! examinations.

The presentation is based on a logical teaching order in preference to grouping

the examples under convenient topic headings. A feature of the book is the
rigorous treatment of fundamentals in the introductory theory to each chapter.
This is necessary because of the wide range of principles involved in fluid
mechanics and the author’s belief that the assumptions, on which the principles
are based, should be examined. It is also important to consider the range of
validity of derived relationships before they are applied to the worked examples.

The author attaches great importance to the link between certain topics covered
in both fluid mechanics and a parallel course in thermodynamics. For this reason,
thermodynamic concepts are summarised in chapter 1. The principle of conserva-
tion of energy is treated in chapter 4 and the important relationship between the
Bernoulli equation and the steady-flow energy equation is discussed in detail.

In some chapters, the general, three-dimensional flow case is treated, even though
the subsequent discussion and examples are restricted to one- or two-dimensional *
flow. This general treatment is deemed necessary for students who are proceeding
to an advanced study of fluid mechanics.

Vector methods are used in certain topics, particularly those in the chapter on
the dynamics of fluids. However, scalar equations are always given, in addition
to vector equations, and the majority of the examples are solved using scalars.

The inclusion of a final chapter on unsteady flow reflects the author’s view that
students should be able to deal with simple time-dependent flows, even at an
elementary level of study.

H. C. Lowe worked as a design engineer with the aero-engine division of Rolls-

Royce before taking up a career as a lecturer in the early 1960s. For many years
he has been involved with teaching and writing syllabuses for degree and Higher
National courses in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. He is a Principal
Lecturer at North Staffordshire Polytechnic, Stafford.


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