Plasma Atomic Physics 1St Edition Rosmej Frank B Astapenko Valery A Lisitsa Valery A 2 Online Ebook Texxtbook Full Chapter PDF
Plasma Atomic Physics 1St Edition Rosmej Frank B Astapenko Valery A Lisitsa Valery A 2 Online Ebook Texxtbook Full Chapter PDF
Plasma Atomic Physics 1St Edition Rosmej Frank B Astapenko Valery A Lisitsa Valery A 2 Online Ebook Texxtbook Full Chapter PDF
Unifying Physics of Accelerators Lasers and Plasma 2nd
Edition Andrei A. Seryi
Volume 104
Gordon W. F. Drake
Department of Physics, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
Series Editors
James Babb
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA
Andre D. Bandrauk
Faculté des Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Klaus Bartschat
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Drake University, Des Moines, IA,
Robert N. Compton
Knoxville, TN, USA
Tom Gallagher
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Charles J. Joachain
Faculty of Science, Université Libre Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
Michael Keidar
School of Engineering and Applied Science, George Washington
University, Washington, DC, USA
Peter Lambropoulos
FORTH, University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece
Gerd Leuchs
Institut für Theoretische Physik I, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Erlangen, Germany
Pierre Meystre
Optical Sciences Center, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Valery A. Astapenko
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Valery S. Lisitsa
National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the
advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate
at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the
editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the
material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have
been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Valery S. Lisitsa heads
the Laboratory of “Radiation Theory”
at the National Research Center
“Kurchatov Institute” in Moscow and
is a Professor at the Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology
MIPT in Dolgoprudny and the
National Research Nuclear
University “MEPhI” in Russia. He was
born in 1945 in Russia; he obtained
his Ph.D. in 1975 from the Moscow
State University and his Habilitation
thesis in 1979 from the Kurchatov
Institute of Atomic Energy. He has
been a member of the Scientific
Council of Spectroscopy of the
Russian Academy of Science and has
been a leading research scientist of
the Kurchatov Institute for more than 30 years. He has also been the
deputy editor of the International Journal of Experimental and
Theoretical Physics JETP and a managing director of several research
projects in the Kurchatov Institute. He was honored three times with
the Kurchatov Prize and the best publication prize of the International
Publishing Company “Nauka,” and he has been an invited professor at
the University of Bochum in Germany, the University Aix-Marseille,
the University Pierre and Marie Curie, the Meudon Observatory in
France and the National Research Center LHD in Japan. He is an author
of 3 monographs and 20 scientific reviews and has published more
than 200 research articles. His field of research is the theory of
radiation of plasmas and gases including atomic spectral line
broadening, interaction of intense laser radiation with matter, X-ray
spectra from hot dense plasmas, elementary collisional–radiative
processes in plasmas, radiation losses, nonlinear spectroscopy, and
radiation transport by electromagnetic and plasma waves
[email protected]
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
F. B. Rosmej et al., Plasma Atomic Physics, Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and
Plasma Physics 104
Valery A. Astapenko
Email: [email protected]
Valery A. Lisitsa
Email: [email protected]
This introductory chapter provides an overview on various elementary
atomic physics processes and the general characteristics of radiation
processes. The interrelation between radiation and matter is discussed
in the framework of radiation trapping and the radiation transport
theory. Simple, but efficient analytical approaches are presented to
discuss the main effects of opacity and differential plasma motion on
the spectral distribution. Particular attention is paid to autoionizing
states together with corresponding Fano theory and dielectronic
satellite emission. Novel properties like dielectronic satellite
accumulation, transient three-body recombination, Stark broadening,
nonlinear interference effects, and spatial properties are discussed
along with many experimental data and spectroscopic applications.
Finally, hollow ion X-ray emission of autoionizing states is presented
that is still a mystery in high-current Z-pinch plasmas and dense laser-
produced plasmas.
(10) charge exchange between neutral (or low ionized) atoms and
highly charged ions
1.1.1 General Characteristics of Radiation
Let us consider briefly a general picture for radiative–collisional
processes in plasmas. An analysis of such processes must include three
levels of description, that are connected with the three characteristics
of radiation emission, namely: (1) radiation intensity driven by an
elementary process; (2) spectral distribution of the emission, that is a
distribution over frequencies of photons emitted in a unit volume of
an optically thin plasma layer; and (3) the total radiation flow of a
plasma system with accounting for reabsorption (numerous acts of
emission and absorption) of the radiation in the volume (optically thick
Mechanisms of plasma radiation emission are determined both by
the individual properties of charged and neutral particles in the plasma
itself and by its collective properties that are oscillation wave
Plasma radiation connected with individual properties of particles
includes the following types: spectral line radiation (LR) arising in
electron radiative transitions in atoms or ions between two discrete
energy levels (bound–bound transitions); radiative recombination (RR)
radiation arising from radiative capture of a free electron on one atomic
discrete energy level (free–bound transition); bremsstrahlung radiation
(BrR) of an electron in an atomic potential (free–free transitions);
cyclotron radiation (CR) of the electron during its rotation in a
magnetic field with field strength B. All these types of radiation have
the same classical roots, namely the acceleration of the
electron in external fields both electrical and magnetic ones. The total
intensity of the radiation emission is determined by the value
(e is the electron charge, and c is the velocity of light). A
electron is periodical (as for LR and CR), the corresponding spectra are
discrete; in the opposite case, they are continuous. The presence of
jumps related to recombination on separate discrete atomic levels is
typical for RR spectra. The discrete nature of spectra may be violated
due to the broadening of separate spectral harmonics and lines leading
to mutual overlapping. It is the case for highly excited (Rydberg) atomic
spectral lines and high harmonics of CR .
Plasma radiation emission related to collective motion is due to
electron acceleration with phase correlated motion in the fields of
plasma oscillations and the corresponding radiation may be coherent.
Therefore, this radiation is connected with characteristics of plasma
oscillations and can be considered as resonances in wave–particle,
wave–wave, and wave–particle–wave interactions. This depends
strongly on the equilibrium plasma conditions and its stability with
respect to the excitation of specific waves. For stable plasmas close to
thermodynamic equilibrium, the collective radiation is usually
spontaneous and is determined by the plasma dielectric properties as
well as boundary conditions. The main types of radiation under such
conditions are:
(a) Cherenkov radiation of particles moving with a velocity close to
the phase velocity of electromagnetic waves (helicons); the
resonance condition in the particle–wave system (Landau
resonance) is written as ( is the frequency of
electromagnetic wave, and k is its wave vector) and in a magnetic
field as ( , and is the
cyclotron frequency);
(b) Transition radiation is also determined by a particle–wave
interaction and appears for transitions of a charged particle
through boundaries with strong changes of electromagnetic wave
properties (e.g., the plasma–vacuum boundary);
where Z is the nuclear charge, Te is the electron temperature, k is the
Boltzmann constant, and g is the Gaunt factor taking into account
quantum effects [note that the Gaunt factor is defined as the ratio of a
certain process – usually cross section – treated in the framework of the
classical and quantum theory (Sobelman et al. 1995; Sobelman 2006;
Griem 1964)], partially screenings of the nuclear charge by the electron
core, etc., for CR for large values of and n when the spectrum is
already continuous,
For BrR, RR as well as for LR, the RL in the coronal regime (typical also
for LR in optically transparent systems) are described by the universal
where is the cross section of the corresponding inelastic process
(bremsstrahlung, radiative recombination, and collisional excitation),
denotes averaging over velocities as well as the sum over
ionization stages and energy levels. RL for these three mechanisms are
usually expressed in the form of partial RL ,
Fig. 1.1 Total and partial radiation losses of argon plasma in a low-density
collisional–radiative approximation
Apart its fundamental interest in atomic physics, radiation emission
of matter has multiple interests for applications: (a) the spectral
distribution can be used for a unique characterization of the matter
(spectroscopy); (b) it constitutes an important energy loss that in turn
influences on the plasma evolution (hydrodynamics); and (c) radiation
sources, e.g., for lithography (Krü cken et al. 2004). Figure 1.2 shows the
radiation emission of a Xenon plasma in the EVU range obtained from a
hollow-cathode-triggered pinch plasma experiment designed to
optimize the radiation emission for lithography (Vieker and Bergmann
2017). Temperatures are of the order of 50 eV, and electron densities
are of the order of 1019 cm−3. Relativistic Hartree–Fock calculations
indicate that the bulk of emission is essentially due to 4d-4f and 4d-5p
transitions (Fig. 1.2) of Xenon IX, X, XI, XII, and XIII.
Fig. 1.2 Xenon EUV emission from a hollow-cathode-triggered pinch plasma for
applications in EUV lithography
where is the equilibrium radiation blackbody intensity
[energy/time/area/solid angle/angular frequency] given by:
In this case, the plasma radiates as a blackbody from the surface.
Surface radiation requests therefore a volume radiation under
imprisonment. On the opposite hand, in spectral domains where
(optically thin layer)
that corresponds to the non-imprisonment volume radiation emission.
In the case of LR, a contribution of an imprisoned spectral line
(reaching the universal Planck curve) with a central frequency into
the total radiation intensity is given by
where is the so-called equivalent line width:
For small opacities, the equivalent line width is smaller than the Full
Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the original line shape because the
emitted line intensity has not yet reached the Planck curve. In order to
obtain the correct asymptotic limit also for the optically thin case, we
obtain (V is the volume and F the surface)
and i.e., for a cylindrical plasma with radius R, . In the
spectral domain where , the intensity has dropped to
the value at frequency from the central frequency, i.e.,
(where is the collisional–radiative population matrix) the
equivalent line width is given by
and the following asymptotes pour large optical thickness:
It is interesting to note that the asymptotes (1.29)–(1.32) as well as
intermediate values deduced from the thermodynamical equilibrium
situation are in good and partially excellent agreement with exact non-
LTE radiation transport numerical calculations.
Due to these agreements, the concept of the equivalent line width
permits likewise to define a useful escape factor for bound–bound
transitions according to
if the scaling lengths Ls is much larger than the effective photon path
length L and line-overlapping effects are neglected. If also no
differential plasma motion is encountered (Vrel = 0, i.e., Δω = 0), we
obtain the well-known result for a constant source function and
complete frequency redistribution:
"No, sama tuo minusta on", virkkoi Vanhanen, otti tavarat, sanoi
jäähyväset ja astui kotiinsa, tapaamatta ketään matkalla.
"Mi mitä? Velkaako! Ei, saamista minulla pitäisi olla. Vai sanoitteko
erehdyksestä velaksi?"
"Nyt on välit selvillä. No niin, eikä tällä paperilla niin pahaa kiirettä
ole, vaikka se onkin tehty kuudeksi kuukaudeksi. Kunhan pidätte
mielessänne joskus, milloin sopii."
"Hakekaa vain."
"Ei tässä ole mikään leikin tekopaikka! Tiedä, että minä olen
virkatoimessani ja leikki voi tulla sinulle karvaaksi! — Neljä tuhatta
ensimmäinen kerta."
"Sittepähän nähdään."
Tosipohjalla kehitelty
Hän oli leskimies ja sinä ollut jo kauan, aina siitä asti, kuin kuusi
vuotta sitte Liina syntyi hänelle entisen, jo varttuneemman
lapsijoukon jatkoksi. Rovasti suri silloin suuresti puolisoansa, joka
hänelle oli rakkahin kaikesta maan päällä, ja käänsi sitte kaiken
rakkautensa Liina-lasta kohtaan, toivoen hänestä itselleen
yksinäisten vanhuuden päiväin suloa.
Vanha Kaisa oli ainoa, josta Liinan lapselliset oikut eivät ainakaan
alussa tuntuneet kiusallisilta. Hän, pappilan kaikkein lasten hoitaja,
osasikin tottumuksesta jo edeltä päin arvata Liinan tahdon ja täyttää
sen ennen, kuin lapsi ehti sitä lausuakaan. Sen tähden he pysyivät
hyvinä ystävinä niin kauan, kuin Kaisa viitsi leikitellä. Mutta kun Liina
viimein oli Kaisan mielestä jo siksi suuri, että oli suotta hänen vaivata
vanhaa ihmistä hevosekseen, loppui ystävyyskin. Sitä paitsi oli Kaisa
viime ajat, noin vuosikauden, kiusannut Liinaa lukemaan ja tehnyt
sitä omalla vanhanaikaisella tavallaan, niin että luku tuli Liinalle
työksi ja hän aivan rupesi kammomaan entistä rakasta hoitelijaansa.
"Isä, isä, Kaisa kiusaa minua!" valitti hän. Rovasti heti utelemaan,
mitä Kaisa sitte hänelle teki. "Pakottaa yhä jankuttamaan: ii, sano ii;
ässä ää, sää; iisää. Osaanhan minä sen jo ulkoakin."
"Mitkä kirjaimet?"
"No, ne puustavit."
"Tavaapas nyt!"
"Aa, sano aa; ällä uu ässä, lus; aalus; ässä aa, saa; aalussaa.
Mutta se on niin hirmuisen ikävää!"
"Ei Kaisan tarvitse enää vaivata sinua, kyllä sinä jo osaat lukea!"
todisti rovasti.