Disaster Management - Unacademy
Disaster Management - Unacademy
Disaster Management - Unacademy
03 10 14 16
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
Disaster and Earthquakes Tsunami Tropical Cyclone
19 22 25 27
chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8
Floods Drought Landslides Industrial and
Chemical Disasters
29 31 33 35
chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12
Biological Disasters Lightning Desert Locust Slow Onset
37 39 42 50
chapter 13 chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16
Urban Flooding Epidemic / Institutional International
Pandemic Framework Cooperation
chapter 17
Important aspects
of Disaster
1 Disaster and Disaster
Hazard Disaster
Floods, volcanic eruption, droughts etc. are It causes damage to property and loss of
called natural hazards before they cause life but it also disrupts the opportunities of
great loss of life and damage to property. employment.
Small number of people are effected A large number of people are effected
Classification of
Human-Made Disaster
• Disasterscan be natural disasters or
• Human Made disasters are disasters
human-made disasters.
that are caused as a direct result of
Natural Disaster human action.
• Natural disasters are large-scale • Fire, epidemics, road, air, rail accidents
geological or meteorological events and leakages of chemicals/ nuclear
that have the potential to cause loss of installations etc. fall under the category
life or property. of human-made disasters.
The High Power Committee on Disaster
• Earthquake, cyclone, hailstorm, cloud-
Management, constituted in 1999, has
burst, landslide, soil erosion, snow
identified 3 various disasters categorized
avalanche, flood etc. are the examples
into five major sub-groups.
of natural disasters.
Classification of Natural Disasters
− Tsunami − Boat
− Village fire
» Evacuation, rescue and relief. • Prevention: Activities aimed at trying
» Rehabilitation and reconstruction. to prevent future disasters occurring,
such as building dykes or a dam to
Disaster control flooding.
Vulnerability to individuals, communities and nations
The poor are usually more vulnerable
• India is one of the ten worst disaster compounded by increasing
prone countries of the world. vulnerabilities related to changing
• 58.6% landmass of Indiais prone to demographic and socio-economic
earthquakes of moderate to very high conditions, unplanned urbanization,
intensity; 12% land is prone to flood and development within high-risk zones,
river erosion; out of 7,516 km coastline, environmental degradation, climate
5,700 km is prone to cyclones and change, geological hazards, epidemics
tsunamis; 68% of the cultivable land is and pandemics.
vulnerable to drought, hilly areas are at • The management of disasters in
risk from landslides and avalanches, and India is governed legally by the
15% of landmass is prone to landslides. Disaster Management Act 2005 and
A total of 5,161 Urban Local Bodies the guidelines given by the National
(ULBs) are prone to urban flooding Disaster Management Authority (a
• The hazard vulnerability of the country statutory authority under the DM Act
finds a face when we look at the major 2005) which are specifically described
disasters of the country from 1980- in the subsequent sections.
2010. During this period of 30 years the
country has been hit by approximately
25 major disasters apart from the heat
Central Agencies
wave, cold wave and heavy winds
affecting some areas of the country.
designated for
• Disaster risks in India are further Natural Hazards
Hazard Agency
Nodal Ministries for
different disasters
Disaster Ministry
2 Earthquakes
» Zone III:
− The associated intensity is MSK VII.
Effects of
This is termed here as moderate
Damage Risk Zone.
Effects of Earthquakes
- Fissures
- Cracking
- Settlements
- Slidings - Waves
- Landslides
- Overturning - Hydro-Dynamic Pressure
- Liquefaction
- Buckling - Tsunami
- Earth Pressure
- Collapse
- Possible Chain-effects
Earthquake National Building Code (NBC)
• The National Building Code of India
Prevention and (NBC), a comprehensive building code,
3 Tsunami
4 Tropical Cyclone
on cyclone
are also prone to cyclones.
of multi-purpose cyclone shelters and shelterbelts and identification of
and cattle mounds, ensuring cyclone potential zones for expanding bio-
resistant design standards in rural and shield spread based on remote sensing.
urban housing. • Establishing a comprehensive ‘Cyclone
• Expand the warning dissemination Disaster Management Information
outreach by introducing ‘Last Mile System’ (CDMIS) covering all
Connectivity’, using VHF technology. • Set up a ‘National Cyclone Disaster
• Management of coastal zones to Management Institute’ in one of the
include mapping and delineation of coastal states to address.
coastal wetlands, patches of mangroves
5 Floods
• Twenty-three of the 35 states and union » Every year, floods deposit fertile silt
territories in the country are subject over agricultural fields which is good
to floods and RashtriyaBarhAyog for the crops.
(National Flood Commission) identified » Majuli (Assam), the largest riverine
40 million hectares of land as flood- island in the world, is the best example
prone in India. of good paddy crops after the annual
• Assam, West Bengal and Bihar are floods in Brahmaputra.
among the high flood-prone states of
• Control:
• Apart from these, most of the rivers » There should be a master plan for flood
in the northern states like Punjab and control and management for each
Uttar Pradesh, are also vulnerable to flood prone basin.
occasional floods. » Adequate flood-cushion should be
• It has been noticed that states like provided in water storage projects,
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and wherever feasible, to facilitate better
Punjab are also getting inundated in flood management.
recent decades due to flash floods. » In highly flood prone areas, flood
This is partly because of the pattern control should be given overriding
of the monsoon and partly because of consideration in reservoir regulation
blocking of most of the streams and policy even at the cost of sacrificing
river channels by human activities. some irrigation or power benefits.
• Sometimes, Tamil Nadu experiences » While physical flood protection works
flooding during November January due like embankments and dykes will
to the retreating monsoon. continue to be necessary, increased
settlements and economic activity in are in place to mobilise the resources
the flood plain zones along with flood and capability for relief, rehabilitation,
proofing, to minimise the loss of life and reconstruction and recovery from
property on account of floods. disasters besides creating awareness
» The flood forecasting activities among vulnerable communities.
should be modernised, value added • NDMA has been entrusted to prepare a
and extended to other uncovered Detailed Project Report (DPR) on Flood
areas. Inflow forecasting to reservoirs Risk Mitigation Project.
should be instituted for their effective
Flood Management Programme
• The FMP scheme was launched by the
Flood Prevention Ministry of Water Resources under the
6 Drought
monitoring their course and forecasting on droughts and carrying out impact
prognosis is a goal that needs to be evaluation studies of the drought
pursued speedily and systematically. management efforts.
This would require dovetailing remote
sensing into the routine framework of Drought Prevention
drought management.
• In extremely drought prone area, a and Mitigation
strategy for making people pursue • The Drought Prone Areas Programme
livelihoods compatible with their (DPAP) and Desert Development
ecosystems needs to be evolved. Some Programme (DDP) are being
concrete steps in this direction could implemented by the Government
be: of India since 1973-74 and 1977-78
» A multi-disciplinary team needs to
be immediately constituted by the • These programmes aim at drought
Ministry of Environment and Forests proofing and minimising desertification
to specifically identify villages where of fragile areas in the arid, semi-arid
soil and climatic conditions make and dry-sub humid regions often
‘conventional agriculture’ unsustainable. affected by severe drought conditions
and desertification.
» Alternate means of livelihood have
to be evolved in consultation with the • National Rainfed Area Authority in the
communities, in such areas. Ministry of Agriculture has been set up to
address the issue of drought mitigation
• A National Institute of Drought on a long term basis. It comprises
Management may be set up for experts who provide knowledge inputs
networking on multi-disciplinary, cross- regarding systematic upgradation and
sectoral research on various aspects of management of the country’s dry land
drought, acting as a resource centre and rainfed agriculture.
7 Landslides
8 Industrial and Chemical
9 Biological Disasters
10 Lightning
Lighting deaths PRIMARY CAUSES OF
Nooflighting strikes in thousands and no of deaths actual
Lighting strikes
(in thousands) 4
600 hit
400 71
Standing 25
undertree Direct hit
4% 96%
100 Urban Rural
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Tamil Nadu
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Andra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
65% 35%
Male Female
11 Desert Locust
multiplication and
Adults mature and L I TA RY
are ready to lay
eggs after at least The hopper moults
3 weeks 5-6 times and
becomes an adult in
about 4-6 weeks
12 Slow Onset Disasters
13 Urban Flooding
• Among the important cities of India, the • State-of-the-art automatic water level
average annual rainfall varies from 2932 recorders must be installed throughout
mm in Goa and 2401 mm in Mumbai on the drainage network of the watershed,
the higher side, to 669 mm in Jaipur which may sometimes extend beyond
on the lower side. The rainfall pattern the administrative boundary of the
and temporal duration is almost similar ULB.
in all these cities, which receive the • Efforts shall be made to restore water
maximum rainfall from the south-west bodies by de-silting and taking other
monsoons. measures. Efforts shall also be made to
• Storm water drainage systems in the revive water bodies that have been put
past were designed for rainfall intensity to other uses.
of 12 - 20 mm. These capacities have • Local scale emergency medical
been getting very easily overwhelmed response systems will be established
whenever rainfall of higher intensity to deal with medical preparedness,
has been experienced. emergency treatment, mortuary
• Ideally, the natural drains should have facilities and disposal of bodies and
been widened (similar to road widening carcasses, public health issues including
for increased traffic) to accommodate trauma and control of epidemics.
the higher flows of storm water. But • Encourage local residents to constitute
on the contrary, there have been large Community Level First Responder
scale encroachments on the natural Support consisting of ex-servicemen,
drains and the river flood plains. retired police personnel, paramilitary
• Improper disposal of solid waste, forces and RWAs.
including domestic, commercial and • Suitable hedging mechanism, like
industrial waste and dumping of insurance of life and property, need
construction debris into the drains also to be evolved to reduce urban flood
contributes significantly to reducing vulnerability.
their capacities. • Public awareness will be created about
the need to keep safety kits containing
NDMA Guidelines on medicines, torch, identity cards, ration
card, important documents and non-
Urban Flooding perishable eatables ready before
commencement of monsoon so that,
• CWC should maximize the real-time they can carry the same with them, in
hydro-meteorological network to cover case they have to be evacuated.
all the urban centres in support of the • Media companies shall be motivated to
emerging priorities in dealing with launch/expand awareness generation
urban flooding. programmes as a part of their CSR
14 Epidemic / Pandemic
emerging and re-emerging diseases, • All manufacturers of antibiotics,
and zoonotic diseases with potential to chemotherapeutics and anti-virals
cause human diseases, etc. shall be listed and their installed
• Important buildings and those housing capacity ascertained. The centre/state
vital installations need to be protected governments will ensure availability of
against biological agents wherever all such drugs and anti-toxins that are
deemed necessary. needed to combat a biological disaster.
15 Institutional Framework
Disaster Management Act 2005
Central MHA
Goverment (DM cell) Committee
Nodal Ministry NDMA Chair:HS
Goverment NIDM NDRF State
SDMA Committee
Administration DMD
involvement of the security forces and/ Radiological and Nuclear) weapon
or intelligence agencies such as systems, mine disasters, port and
• terrorism (counter-insurgency), harbour emergencies,
• law and order situations, serial bomb • forest fires, oilfield fires and oil spills
blasts, hijacking, air accidents, will continue to be handled by the
extant mechanism i.e., National Crisis
• CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Management Committee (NCMC).
• As per the information received from • Gujarat has constituted its SDMA under
the states and UTs, except Gujarat its Gujarat State Disaster Management
and Daman & Diu, all the rest have Act, 2003. Daman & Diu have also
constituted SDMAs under the DM Act, established SDMAs prior to enactment
2005. of DM Act 2005.
Central Disaster
Goverment Management
Ministries/ Authority
Departments (NDMA)
State Goverment
State Disaster
State Management
Disaster Authority
Response (SDMA)
Operation State
Centre Department/
(SEOC) Line District
Agencies Disaster
Executive Committee District level
• The Act envisages establishment of
State Executive Committee under District Disaster Management
Section 20 of the Act, to be headed by
Chief Secretary of the state Government
Authority (DDMA)
with four other Secretaries of such • Section 25 of the DM Act provides for
departments as the state Government constitution of DDMA for every district
may think fit. of a state.
• It has the responsibility for coordinating • The District Magistrate/ District
and monitoring the implementation of Collector/Deputy Commissioner heads
the National Policy, the National Plan the Authority as Chairperson besides
and the State Plan an elected representative of the local
authority as Co-Chairperson except
in the tribal areas where the Chief
Executive Member of the District Council
of Autonomous District is designated as
• The District Authority is responsible Cooperation under the Ministry of
for planning, coordination and Agriculture and Farmer Welfare
implementation of disaster monitors relief activities for calamities
management and to take such associated with drought, hailstorms,
measures for disaster management as pest attacks and cold wave/frost
provided in the guidelines. while rest of the natural calamities are
• The District Authority also has the monitored by the Ministry of Home
power to examine the construction in Affairs (MHA).
any area in the district to enforce the • NDRF is audited by Comptroller and
safety standards and also to arrange Auditor General (CAG).
for relief measures and respond to the • The main task of NDRF is to provide
disaster at the district level. specialist response in case of disasters
National Disaster Response which broadly covers:
Fund » Assistance to civil authorities in
• National Calamity Contingency Fund distribution of relief material
(NCCF) was renamed as National » First medical response to victims
Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) with the » Capacity building
enactment of the Disaster Management
Act in 2005. » To conduct mock exercises in
coordination with other stakeholders
• It is defined in Section 46 of the Disaster for well-coordinated response during
Management Act, 2005 (DM Act). disasters.
• It is placed in the “Public Account” of » To train State Disaster Response Force
Government of India under “reserve (SDRF), community and NGO’S in
funds not bearing interest”. disaster management.
• It is managed by the Central
Government for meeting the expenses
State Disaster Response Fund
for emergency response, relief and • Constituted under Section 48 (1) (a) of
rehabilitation due to any threatening the Disaster Management Act, 2005, is
disaster situation or disaster. the primary fund available with State
• It supplements the State Disaster Governments for responses to notified
Response Fund (SDRF) in case of a disasters.
disaster of severe nature, provided • The Central Government contributes
adequate funds are not available in the 75% of SDRF allocation for general
SDRF. category States/UTs and 90% for
• It is financed through the levy of a special category States/UTs (NE
cess on certain items, chargeable to States, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Himachal
excise and customs duty, and approved Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir).
annually through the Finance Bill. • The annual Central contribution is
• Recently, The Central Government has released in two equal instalments as
allowed contributions from any person per the recommendation of the Finance
or institution in the National Disaster Commission.
Response Fund (NDRF) as per Section • SDRF shall be used only for meeting the
46(1)(b) of the Disaster Management expenditure for providing immediate
(DM) Act, 2005. relief to the victims.
• Department of Agriculture and • Local Disaster: A State Government
may use up to 10 percent of the funds nominate three trustees to the Board of
available under the SDRF for providing Trustees who shall be eminent persons
immediate relief to the victims of natural in the field of research, health, science,
disasters that they consider to be social work, law, public administration
‘disasters’ within the local context in the and philanthropy.
State and which are not included in the • Any person appointed a Trustee shall
notified list of disasters of the Ministry act in a pro bono capacity.
of Home Affairs subject to the condition
that the State Government has listed Contribution to the Fund:
the State specific natural disasters and • The fund consists entirely of voluntary
notified clear and transparent norms contributions from individuals/
and guidelines for such disasters with organizations and does not get any
the approval of the State Authority, i.e., budgetary support. The fund will be
the State Executive Authority (SEC). utilised in meeting the objectives as
PM CARES Fund - Prime stated above.
Minister’s Citizen Assistance • Donations to PM CARES Fund would
qualify for 80G benefits for 100%
and Relief in Emergency exemption under the Income Tax Act,
Situations Fund 1961.
Objectives: • Donations to PM CARES Fund will also
qualify to be counted as Corporate
• To undertake and support relief or Social Responsibility (CSR) expenditure
assistance of any kind relating to a under the Companies Act, 2013
public health emergency or any other
kind of emergency, calamity or distress, • PM CARES Fund has also got exemption
either man-made or natural, including under the FCRA and a separate account
the creation or upgradation of for receiving foreign donations has been
healthcare or pharmaceutical facilities, opened. This enables PM CARES Fund
other necessary infrastructure, funding to accept donations and contributions
relevant research or any other type of from individuals and organizations
support. based in foreign countries.
• To render financial assistance, provide Prime Minister’s National Relief
grants of payments of money or take Fund (PMNRF)
such other steps as may be deemed
necessary by the Board of Trustees to Objectives:
the affected population. • The Prime Minister’s National Relief
• To undertake any other activity, which Fund (PMNRF) was established with
is not inconsistent with the above public contributions to assist displaced
Objects. persons from Pakistan.
Constitution of the Trust: • The resources of the PMNRF are now
utilized primarily to render immediate
• Prime Minister is the ex-officio Chairman relief to families of those killed in natural
of the PM CARES Fund and Minister of calamities like floods, cyclones and
Defence, Minister of Home Affairs and earthquakes, etc. and to the victims of
Minister of Finance, Government of the major accidents and riots.
India are ex-officio Trustees of the Fund.
• Assistance from PMNRF is also
• The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees rendered, to partially defray the
(Prime Minister) shall have the power to expenses for medical treatment like
heart surgeries, kidney transplantation, continue to be the primary responsibility
cancer treatment and acid attack etc. of the State Governments and the Union
Constitution of the Trust: Government should play a supportive
• The fund is recognized as a Trust under • The Act should provide categorization
the Income Tax Act and the same is of disasters (say, local, district, state
managed by the Prime Minister or or national level). This categorization
multiple delegates for national causes. along with intensity of each type of
Contribution to the Fund: disaster will help in determining the
level of authority primarily responsible
• The fund consists entirely of public for dealing with the disaster as well
contributions. Contributions flowing out
as the scale of response and relief -
of budgetary sources of Government or
detailed guidelines may be stipulated
from the balance sheets of the public
by the NDMA on this subject.
sector undertakings are not accepted.
• The task of implementation of
• Conditional contributions, where
mitigation/prevention and response
the donor specifically mentions that
measures may be left to the State
the amount is meant for a particular
Governments and the district and local
purpose, are not accepted in the Fund.
authorities with the line ministries/
• The corpus of the fund is invested departments of Government of India,
in various forms with scheduled playing a supportive role.
commercial banks and other agencies.
• The law should cast a duty on every
• All contributions towards PMNRF are public functionary, to promptly inform
exempt from Income Tax under section the concerned authority about any
80(G). crisis, if he/she feels that such authority
does not have such information.
2ndARC Recommendations on
The Disaster Management Act, • The law should make provisions for
stringent punishment for misutilization
2005 of funds meant for crisis/disaster
• The Disaster Management Act, 2005 management.
(Central Act) needs to be amended to • The role of the local governments
bring in the following features: should be brought to the forefront for
• Disaster/Crisis Management should crisis/disaster management.
16 International Cooperation
average per 100,000 global mortality order to promote resilient livelihoods,
rate in the decade 2020–2030 food production and ecosystems.
compared to the period 2005–2015;
• Goal 3: relates to strengthening early
» Substantially reduce the number of warning and risk reduction of national
affected people globally by 2030, and global health risks presents an
aiming to lower the average global opportunity to further actions to
figure per 100,000 in the decade 2020– promote resilient health etc.
2030 compared to the period 2005–
2015; United Nations
» Reduce direct disaster economic loss
in relation to global gross domestic International
product (GDP) by 2030;
» Substantially reduce disaster damage
Strategy for Disaster
to critical infrastructure and disruption
of basic services, among them health
Reduction (UNISDR)
and educational facilities, including • In December 1999, General Assembly
through developing their resilience by Resolution 54/219 created the UNISDR,
2030 as a successor of the secretariat of
» Substantially increase the number the International Decade for Natural
of countries with national and local Disaster Reduction, in 2001.
disaster risk reduction strategies by • It is mandated by UNISDR is to serve
2020; as the focal point in the United Nations
» Substantially enhance international System for the coordination of disaster
cooperation to developing countries reduction and to ensure synergies
through adequate and sustainable among the disaster reduction activities
support to complement their national of the United Nations Systems and
actions for implementation of the regional organizations and activities
present Framework by 2030 in socio-economic and humanitarian
» Substantially increase the availability
of and access to multi-hazard early • In order to build the resilience of
warning systems and disaster risk nations and communities to disasters
information and assessments to people through the implementation of the
by 2030. HFA, the UNISDR strives to catalyze,
facilitate and mobilise the commitment
Some Targets of SDG’s in line and resources of national, regional and
with the Sendai Framework: international stakeholders of the ISDR
• Goal 1: Target 1.5, which relates to
building the resilience of the poor, further
• The biennial Global Platform for
Disaster Risk Reduction (GFDRR) acts
strengthens the position of disaster
as the main global forum for continued
risk reduction as a core development
and concerted emphasis on disaster
strategy for ending extreme poverty.
• Goal 2: Target 2.4 supports the
immediate need to advance actions in
mainstreaming disaster risk reduction
and climate adaptation into agriculture
sector planning and investments in
• Each member country has to bear the
Global Facility annual contribution calculated on the
Sustainable Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure,
promote inclusive and sustainable
Development Goals industrialization and foster
(SDGs) with Targets • 9.1 - Develop quality, reliable, sustainable
related to Disaster and resilient infrastructure, including
regional and trans border infrastructure,
Risk to support economic development and
human well-being, with a focus on
Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms affordable and equitable access for all.
• 9.a - Facilitate sustainable and
• 1.5 - By 2030, build the resilience of the resilient infrastructure development
poor and those in vulnerable situations in developing countries through
and reduce their exposure and enhanced financial, technological and
vulnerability to climate-related extreme technical support to African countries,
events and other economic, social and least developed countries, landlocked
environmental shocks and disasters developing countries and small island
development states.
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition and Goal 11. Make cities and human
promote sustainable agriculture settlements inclusive, safe, resilient
and sustainable
• 2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food
production systems and implement • 11.5 - By 2030, significantly reduce the
resilient agricultural practices that number of deaths and the number
increase productivity and production, of people affected and substantially
that help maintain ecosystems, that decrease the direct economic losses
strengthen capacity for adaptation relative to global gross domestic
to climate change, extreme weather, product caused by disasters, including
drought, flooding and other disasters water-related disasters, with a focus
and that progressively improve land on protecting the poor and people in
and soil quality vulnerable situations.
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and • 11.b - By 2020, substantially increase the
promote well-being for all at all number of cities and human settlements
ages adopting and implementing integrated
policies and plans towards inclusion,
• 3.d - Strengthen the capacity of all resource efficiency, mitigation and
countries, in particular developing adaptation to climate change,
countries, for early warning, risk resilience to disasters, and develop
reduction and management of national and implement, in line with the Sendai
and global health risks. Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Goal 6. Ensure availability and 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk
sustainable management of water management at all levels.
and sanitation for all • 11.c - Support least developed
countries, including through financial
• 6.6 - By 2020, protect and restore
and technical assistance, in building
water-related ecosystems, including
sustainable and resilient buildings
mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers,
utilizing local materials.
aquifers and lakes.
Goal 13. Take urgent action to and halt biodiversity loss
combat climate change and its • 15.1 - By 2020, ensure the conservation,
impacts restoration and sustainable use of
• 13.1 - Strengthen resilience and adaptive terrestrial and inland freshwater
capacity to climate-related hazards ecosystems and their services, in
and natural disasters in all countries particular forests, wetlands, mountains
and drylands, in line with obligations
• 13.2 - Integrate climate change measures under international agreements.
into national policies, strategies and
planning. • 15.2 - By 2020, promote the
implementation of sustainable
• 13.3 - Improve education, awareness- management of all types of forests, halt
raising and human and institutional deforestation, restore degraded forests
capacity on climate change mitigation, and substantially increase afforestation
adaptation, impact reduction and early and reforestation globally
• 15.3 - By 2030, combat desertification,
• 13.a - Implement the commitment restore degraded land and soil, including
undertaken by developed-country land affected by desertification, drought
parties to the United Nations Framework and floods, and strive to achieve a land
Convention on Climate Change to a degradation-neutral world.
goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion
annually by 2020 from all sources
to address the needs of developing
Satellites in DM
countries in the context of meaningful International efforts
mitigation actions.
• Satellite communication and navigation
• 13.b - Promote mechanisms for raising systems also play an important role in
capacity for effective climate change- disaster management with improved
related planning and management in technological options
least developed countries, including
focusing on women, youth and local • ISRO as the signatory of International
and marginalized communities Charter “Space and Major Disasters”
supports various Authorised Users (AUs)
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably of the Charter during major disasters
use the oceans, seas and
• Under the framework of APRSAF
marine resources for sustainable initiative Sentinel Asia, ISRO supports
development the disaster management activities in
• 14.2 - By 2020, sustainably manage and Asia-Pacific region
protect marine and coastal ecosystems • In addition to the Charter and Sentinel
to avoid significant adverse impacts, Asia, ISRO also supports the Disaster
including by strengthening their Management activities of UNESCAP
resilience, and take action for their (Economic and Social Commission for
restoration in order to achieve healthy Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) under
and productive oceans regional co-operation.
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote
sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems, sustainably manage
forests, combat desertification, and
halt and reverse land degradation
International Charter “Space and Major GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo Augmented
Disasters” Navigation-GAGAN project)
• It is a non-binding charter which • The Indian Space Research
provides for the charitable and Organization (ISRO) and Airports
humanitarianretaskedacquisition of Authority of India (AAI) have
and transmission of space satellite implemented the GPS Aided Geo
data to relief organizations in the Augmented Navigation-GAGAN
event of major disasters project as a Satellite Based
Augmentation System (SBAS) for the
• Initiated by the European Space
Indian Airspace.
Agency and the French space agency
CNES it officially came into operation • The objective of GAGAN to establish,
on November 1, 2000 deploy and certify satellite based
augmentation system for safety-of-
APRSAF life civil aviation applications and
• The Asia-Pacific Regional Space weather predictions in India has been
Agency Forum (APRSAF) was successfully completed.
established in 1993 to enhance space • The system is interoperable with
activities in the Asia-Pacific region. other international SBAS systems
• Space agencies, governmental bodies, like US-WAAS, European EGNOS,
international organizations, private and Japanese MSAS etc. GAGAN
companies, universities, and research GEO footprint extends from Africa to
institutes from over 40 countriesand Australia and has expansion capability
regions take part in APRSAF, the for seamless navigation services across
largest space-related conference in the region.
the Asia-Pacific region
Gagan Enabled Mariner’s Instrument for
Indian efforts Navigation and Information (GEMINI)
• In India, RISAT 2BR1 and RISAT 2B in
the Low Earth Orbits (through Earth • For seamless and effective
Observation applications which dissemination of emergency
can help in prediction of detectable information and communication on
disasters) and INSAT 3DR and 3D in disaster warnings, Potential Fishing
theGeoStationary Orbits (For prediction Zones (PFZ) and Ocean States Forecasts
as well as communication during (OSF) to fishermen, the Government
and post disaster) help in disaster today launched the Gagan Enabled
management applications. Mariner’s Instrument for Navigation
and Information (GEMINI) device.
• Also, initiatives like GAGAN and GEMINI
initiatives can help in weather prediction • The satellite based communication
is the only suitable solution for the
and cyclone awareness applications
dissemination of such emergency
information and affordable satellite
based communication system should
be made part of the dissemination
chain to deal with cyclones, high waves
and tsunamis”.
17 Important aspects of Disaster
to people with disabilities when Disability Act (RPWDA) 2016 has to be
responding to disasters. institutionalised.
» Empower persons with disabilities and » Awareness of DRR planning and
their representative organization to services among people with disabilities
contribute to all aspects of DiDRR so has to be universalized.
that they are viewed not as passive » Adoption of universal design principle,
actors but as decision makers. facilitation of accessibility and access
» Targets: These guidelines are intended to assistive technology
primarily for the government. officials/ » Preparedness and mitigation strategies
administration working in the field such as national stockpiling of durable
of DRR at national, state and local medical equipment, life saving
level, international NGO, person devicesetc for reducing the chance of
with disability, disabled people’s increasing their disability.
» Early warning system mechanism for
informing people with intellectual
• Some of the guidelines are disability through repeated and
alternative formats such as audio and
» Centre should conduct census and sign languages.
survey of people with disabilities for » Centre should earmark specific
data & resource mapping budgetary allocation towards DiDRR
» Inclusion of issues of persons with and state should mobilize and utilize
disability and their organization in CSR fund and District mineral fund
disaster risk reduction activities as towards implementation of inclusive
stipulated in the Right of Person with actions.
Recent Guidelines for protection and safety of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan) in light of Pandemic Covid-19: Guidelines issued by the Department
of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) are as follows:
• All information about COVID 19, services offered and precautions to be taken should
be available in simple and local language in accessible formats; i.e. in Braille and
audible tapes for persons with visual impairment, video-graphic material with sub-
titles and sign language interpretation for persons with hearing impairment and
through accessible web sites.
• Sign language interpreters who work in emergency and health settings should be
given the same health and safety protection as other health care workers dealing
with COVID19.
• All persons responsible for handling emergency response services should be trained
on the rights of persons with disabilities, and on risks associated with additional
problems for persons having specific impairments.
• Relevant information on support to persons with disabilities should be a part of all
awareness campaigns.
• Caregivers of persons with disabilities should be allowed to reach Persons with
disabilities by exempting them from restrictions during lockdown or providing passes
in a simplified manner on priority.
• To ensure continuation of support services for persons with disabilities with minimum
human contact, due publicity needs to be given to ensuring personal protective
equipments for caregivers.
• The Resident Welfare Associations should be sensitized about the need of persons
with disabilities so as to allow entry of maid, caregiver and other support providers
to their residence after following due sanitizing procedure.
• Persons with disabilities should be given access to essential food, water, medicine,
and, to the extent possible, such items should be delivered at their residence or
place where they have been quarantined.
• The States/UTs may consider reserving specific opening hours in retail provision
stores including super markets for persons with disabilities and older persons for
ensuring easy availability of their daily requirements.
• 24X7 Helpline Number at State Level be set up exclusively for Divyangjan with
facilities of sign language interpretation and video calling.
• The States/UTs may consider involving Organisation of Persons with Disabilities in
preparation and dissemination of information material on COVID 19 for use of PwDs.
the gender disparities which exist in • Arrangements have to be made for
our society because of which women orphaned children on a long term basis.
have little say in decision making, NGOs should be encouraged to play a
particularly outside the household, they major role in their rehabilitation
are comparatively less literate, have
lesser mobility and are dependent on Role of technology
men folk in most matters. Consequently,
they are not adequately consulted in in Disaster
the decision making process in the
community and have a lesser role in all Management
activities. While technology cannot replace the vital
2nd ARC recommendations: resources people need in disaster – food,
water, shelter, or comfort from loved ones -
• The vulnerability analysis should it is transforming disaster relief efforts and
bring out the specific vulnerabilities of paving the way for an evolving approach
women and these should be addressed to international aid: one that can reach
in any mitigation effort. Disaster more people, faster, and help communities
mitigation plans should be prepared, in to develop resilience for when the next
consultation with women’s’ groups. disaster strikes.
• Rescue and relief operations should
focus on the most vulnerable groups
• Aerial robotics: Aerial robotics,
including unmanned aerial vehicles
- women, children, the elderly and the
(UAVs), show tremendous potential
physically challenged.
to transform humanitarian aid.
• Relief measures should take into Using this technology, organizations
account the special requirements of can map terrain more effectively,
women and other vulnerable groups. assess damage in real time, increase
Particular attention needs to be given situational awareness through high-
to their physical and mental well-being resolution mapping and deliver items
through health care and counselling. faster, cheaper and more efficiently.E.g.
• In the recovery phase, efforts should global non-profit WeRobotics’
focus on making women economically programme, AidRobotics, identifies
independent by offering them local humanitarian needs and incubates
opportunities of earning incomes, robotics solutions via regional Flying
providing training in new skills, forming Labs™
self-help groups, providing micro- • Modern Cameras: infrared cameras
finance, marketing facilities etc. and advanced listening systems enable
• The title of new assets created should UAVs to uncover survivors from rubble
be in the names of both husband and or among flames and live-stream night
wife. footage, increasing the success of
• Camp managing committees should critical rescue efforts.
have adequate number of women • Modern Communication: In times
representatives. of disaster, basic connectivity is a
• Trauma counselling and psychological form of aid that connects people to
care should be provided to widows and the resources critical for survival and
women and other persons in distress. enables humanitarian organizations to
These activities should form part of the quickly deliver life-saving information.
disaster management plan. For example,Cisco’s Tactical Operations
(TacOps) takes advantage of the
latest mobile networking technology, applied to develop a deeper and more
including cloud-controlled Meraki real-time understanding of both sector
technology, to establish connectivity and service user needs, leading to
when disaster strikes, often faster than faster, more efficient responses which
government or local providers can. ultimately supports beneficiaries. For
example, the World Food Programmes
• Social media solutions: Mobile
(WFP) Mobile Vulnerability Analysis
solutions, social media and digital
and Mapping (mVAM) uses mobile
communities provide a new way for
technology to address the barrier of
organizations and their beneficiaries
aggregate and manual data collection.
to communicate.This includes the
development of a feedback loop • Use of big data in disaster
through which information collected is management:
Revealing new
oportunities fo
relief and rescue
crop like rice by a disaster can trigger a
chain impact across several industries
and services, such as transportation,
rice-trading, packaging and retail.
and number of affected people due to disaster risk transfer instruments like
disasters. catastrophic bonds.
• Post Disaster Response - The • The “Build Back Better” principle must
public infrastructure sectors - energy, be followed not only for the structural
transportat ion, tele-communication design of the infrastructure but also in
terms of management systems around
• are also crucial to step up the overall
disaster response, thus making their
resilience critical for effective post- 2nd ARC recommendations
disaster response.
• Structural prevention measures
• Bring down the economic Loss- It should be a part of long term disaster
could bring down the economic cost management plan for an area.
of rebuilding the whole set up that the
nations face due to natural disasters. • Appropriate Zoning Regulations need
to be extended to all areas. Phasing of
Steps to be taken: the areas to be covered should be done
based on the intensity of the hazard
• States need to incorporate infrastructure
resilience in their national and local
disaster risk reduction strategies. • Building byelaws should incorporate the
disaster resistant features of buildings.
• Infrastructure regulations must be Since safety codes are complex and
strengthened. This is about developing
technical, it is necessary to issue
risk informed laws, regulations and
simplified guidelines which could be
public policies which prevent the
understood by the citizens.
creation of new risk and reduce existing
risk. • The existing system of enforcement
of building regulations needs to be
• The exposure of infrastructure
revised. It should be professionalised
investments to risk should be measured
by licensing architects and structural
and monitored with disclosure of
engineers for assessment of structures
disaster risks made mandatory.
and certification of safe buildings.
• Actively engage and create incentives • The standards prescribed by BIS for
for private sector to participate in the
disaster resistant buildings should be
quest for building sustainable and
available in the public domain, free of
resilient infrastructure. This is because
the vast majority of investment for
building infrastructure will be done • In so far as the rural areas are
by the private sector. Without their concerned, methods of dissemination
engagement, it is difficult to meet including setting up of Building
demands and fill the financing gap. Technology Demonstration Centres and
undertaking demonstrative disaster
• Enhance knowledge and build
constructions in severe hazard prone
capacity. Infrastructure development
areas should be taken up.
involves multiple stakeholders, and this
is why awareness-raising, advocacy Coalition for Disaster Resilient
and training programmes targeting Infrastructure (CDRI)
each category of stakeholder across a
range of national and local contexts is • It was launched by PM Modi in
necessary. September 2019 at the UN Secretary-
• Disaster Risk Financing strategy could General’s Climate Action Summit in
include budget reserve funds as well as New York, US.
• CDRI is a multi-stakeholder global Rationale for Community Based
partnership of national governments,
UN agencies and programmes, Disaster Management (CBDM):
multilateral development banks and • Disaster risk reduction measures are
financing mechanisms, the private most successful when they involve
sector, and academic and knowledge the direct participation of the people
institutions. At present, it is not an most likely to be exposed to hazards.
intergovernmental organization, Community is the first to respond to a
which are ordinarily treaty-based disaster.
• Investments in community- based
• The CDRI aims to promote the resilience preparedness and early warning
of infrastructure systems to climate systems have proved to save lives,
and disaster risks, thereby ensuring protect property, and reduce economic
sustainable development. losses.
• It seeks to rapidly expand the • Failure to understand the risk behaviour
development and retrofit of resilient and culture of local communities can
infrastructure to respond to the lead to badly designed preparedness
Sustainable Development Goals measures including early warning
imperatives of expanding universal systems.
access to basic services, enabling
prosperity and decent work.
• The involvement of local people
promotes self-reliance and ensures
• It brings together a multitude of that emergency management plans
stakeholders to create a mechanism meet local needs and circumstances.
to assist countries to upgrade their indigenous knowledge, wisdom and
capacities, systems, standards, innovation with respect to hazards and
regulations and practices with regard mitigation.
to infrastructure development in
accordance with their risk context and
• Disaster relief and recovery responses
that do not directly involve the affected
economic needs.
communities frequently provide
inappropriate and unsustainable forms
Community based of assistance.
• Organized communities are better able
disaster Manag to demand downward accountability.
– It facilitates community training and • Development of effective messaging
awareness programmes for prevention for inducing favourable community
of disaster or mitigation with support response to mitigation, preparedness,
of local authorities, governmental and warning communications
and non-governmental organisations. • Community Empowerment -
It encourages participation of non- Being at the forefronts, communities
governmental organizations and need to have capacity to respond to
voluntary social-welfare institutions threats themselves. It is for this reason
working at the grassroots level in the that communities should be involved in
district for disaster management. managing the risks that may threaten
• National Policy on Disaster their well-being. Provide technical and
Management 2009 (NPDM) - It legal advice to communities to help
lays special emphasis on community them to implement their own mitigation
based disaster preparedness. The projects and programmes, and to
policy recognizes community as the negotiate effectively with governments
bedrock of the process of disaster and agencies.
response. It also gives emphasize on • Time and Resource budgeting –
training, simulations and mock drills of It is important that we follow a process
vulnerable sections. and do it efficiently within a given time
• The National Disaster frame and resources (human, physical
and financial), further it needs to be
Management Plan (NDMP) 2019
ensured, that no step is left midway
– It reinforces the need for enhancing or incomplete without achieving the
the capacity of communities, as they desired result.
are the first responders to disasters
and this capacity building includes • Convergence - Convergence of
awareness, sensitization, orientation government schemes and programs
and developing skills of communities implemented by the national and
and community leaders. state governments is extremely crucial
in the context of community disaster
Steps to be taken: management. Programs for poverty
• Community Preparedness - alleviation, school education and
Community preparedness can be nutrition, maternal and child health,
thought of as the advance capacity drinking water and sanitation programs
of a community to respond to the etc., if implemented carefully, can go a
consequences of an adverse event by long way in empowering communities
having plans in place so that people • Gender sensitive CBDM - Working
know what to do and where to go with existing women's networks helps
if a warning is issued or a hazard is strengthening women's participation
observed. in the community's decision-
Key components of a community making processes. Working with
preparedness program include: existing women's networks helps
strengthening women's participation
• Raising public awareness and effecting in the community's decision-making
behavioural change in the areas of processes.
mitigation and preparedness
• Deployment of stable, reliable, and • Inclusion of other disadvantaged
effective warning systems groups - Most of the deaths and
injuries in the aftermath of a disaster
are generally of women, children, in training programmes for elected
disadvantaged groups such as leaders, civil servants, police personnel,
differently abled, socio-economically and personnel in critical sectors such as
disadvantaged groups such as SCs, STs, revenue, agriculture, irrigation, health
senior citizen, etc. Mandatory provision and public works.
of membership to include women • Orientation and sensitization
and other disadvantaged groups in programmes highlighting issues and
various resource groups / working concerns in disaster management
groups / standing committees gives should be taken up for legislators,
an opportunity to adequately voice policy makers, and elected leaders of
their concerns and plan inclusive DM urban local bodies and panchayati raj
interventions. institutions.
2nd ARC recommendations on • NIDM and NDMA would have to play a
building community resilience: vital role in working out the details of
these suggestions for implementation
• Location specific training programmes by different authorities.
for the community should be executed
through the panchayats. • Government and the insurance
companies should play a more pro-
• Crisis management awareness needs to active role in motivating citizens in
be mainstreamed in education. For the vulnerable areas to take insurance
purpose, an appropriate component cover.
of disaster awareness should be
introduced in school, college, university, • Disaster management plans should
professional and vocational education. attempt to integrate traditional
knowledge available with the
• Disaster awareness should be included communities
• In the flood-prone rural North-East, one
15th FC can find houses on bamboo stilts that
recommendations on allow flood waters to flow under them
rather than through or over!
Disaster Management • Native intelligence is significant and
technical expertise needs to treat this as
• The Commission recommended complementary. This intelligence needs
setting up National and State Disaster to be tapped for devising approaches
Management Funds (NDMF and to management of disasters. Further,
SDMF) for the promotion of local-level policies and laws for disaster
mitigation activities. The Commission management need to provide space for
has recommended retaining the such intelligence to be counted.
existing cost-sharing patterns between
the centre and states to fund the SDMF Public Address System Saves
(new) and the SDRF (existing). The cost- Lives in Pondicherry Villages
sharing pattern between centre and • In the coastal villages of Nallavadu and
states is (i) 75:25 for all states, and (ii) Veerampattinam in the Union Territory
90:10 for north-eastern and Himalayan of Pondicherry, a Public Address System
states. (PAS) installed in their ‘Rural Knowledge
• The terminology, “Disaster Risk Centres’ saved thousands of lives when
Management” instead of “Disaster the tsunami struck on 26th December,
Management” has been introduced 2004.
for the first time. This signals a move • One of the residents of Nallavadu, who
towards an advanced approach lived abroad, heard about the tsunami
of managing disaster risk, which is and informed his village on telephone.
proactive and preparedness based The villagers used the PAS to warn
rather than response centric. the residents who quickly vacated the
• The term ‘river erosion’ has been used for village and were saved.
the first time in the Finance Commission • In Veerampattinam, a fisherman was
report. This may mark the beginning of repairing his boat when he noticed
systematic efforts to address ‘riverine a dramatic increase in the sea level.
erosion’ as a significant hazard affecting He raised an alarm which alerted the
vulnerable communities. Panchayat leaders who used the PAS to
make the villagers vacate the area.
Some Case Studies Disaster Management in India:
Traditional Knowledge for Success stories
Disaster Management • The Indian government's "zero casualty"
policy for cyclones and the pinpoint
• If tribals in the Andamans could survive accuracy of the India Meteorological
the tsunami, it was because their
Department's (IMD) early warning
existing warning systems worked well in
system has helped reduce the possibility
comparison to our non-existent modern
of deaths from cyclone Fani in Odisha.
• India's policy of minimising fatalities
• The fact that traditional houses of from cyclones has been proven by past
wood and stone survived the Uttarkashi
performances as in cyclone Phailin in
earthquake not so long ago while
2013, when famously the casualty rate
modern buildings collapsed offered a
was kept to as low as 45 despite the
similar lesson.
intensity of the storm.
Disaster Management