India Lit Review

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(Bhatt and Bhatt, 2018) studied that Education should be both of the teaching and the fun.

Education should be both fun and useful, and the goal of education should be for students to

learn with joy and learn for joy. In Indian culture, the highest place is given to joy and it is

regarded as Reality. This chapter talks about the essence of happiness and the ways of learning


(He et al., 2017) examined that Joyful learning is a new method of learning, which results to a

learning environment that is filled with joy and helps the learners to increase their learning

motivation. The issue of whether this method of learning can be effective in improving learning

or not is still being discussed. In this research, we do a quasi-experiment involving some college

students. Theyy picked the "Hujiang Happy Word Games" application in order to find out if the

manner of joyful learning is effective. It can be seen that joyful learning can enhance students'

interest and confidence of learning, but has no significant impact on vocabulary learning. Thus,

we finally talk about the research findings and the other studies that are related to it.

(Wicaksono, 2020) conducted a Dealing with the elementary school students is the other hard

task for most teachers. On the contrary, to other kids as students kids seem to be hard in making

the good learning process, some researchers are trying to propose the joyful learning for students

in elementary school. Nevertheless, many obstacles are hindering the effort to create a genuine

learning environment. This chapter attempts to provide mobile learning as an alternative to joyful

learning. Mobile learning can be of many types of joyful learning components and it is familiar

to students, thus it implies that teachers should have no problem in implementing that. This

chapter also tries to give the reasons why teachers are able to easily create mobile learning and

hence, teachers are able to feel the joy of the learning process. Thus, when both teachers and
students already feel their happiness, they will also speak their enthusiasm as one of the most

important thing in creating joyful learning.

(Maming et al., 2023)suggested that Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, various methods were

adopted by schools to continue the learning process, and one of the preferred and enjoyable

approaches that are relevant and fun to the child's world is joyful Learning. SDIT Al-Furqan that

is in Enrekang regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, also experienced the Covid-19 pandemic.

The most obvious outcome is that their enthusiasm for Learning has declined since they have

been "sending home" for a long time. The researchers finally came to the conclusion that using

children's songs will be the easiest way to obtain the goal of the students' listening and at the

same time, the students will be more interested in learning English. For this reason, English for

beginners in the new normal era can be considered as a choice to restore the learning mood of

students through joyful Learning. The project Joyful Learning was taken as a valuable learning

activity in English. The researcher used a pre-experimental class design with one group pre-test

and post-test design. The population of this research was the fifth-graders of SDIT AL-Furqan,

Indonesia. The research showed that the joyful learning technique has a positive effect on the

students. It was the case that the students' mean score in pretest was higher than in the posttest. In

addition to that, the students also express their good views on applying the happy learning. In a

nutshell, the joyful learning activities are the ones which positively affect the English

achievement of the beginner elementary school students.

Traditional Approach

(Phajane, 2014) presented research that was done in South Africa in the past studied the high

dropout rate and the repetition in the Foundation Phase schools in African schools in the paper

“Traditional Method of Teaching Reading.”

The objective of this paper was “to explore the perspectives of first-grade teachers on teaching

beginning reading in Sesotho using traditional methods in South African Foundation Phase


The detailed description and simple explanation for the various methods of lengthening and

shortening a day are given in the paragraph. Teachers are unsure about the means of approach

they use to teach beginners of reading to begin with. They have discovered their own ways that

are much better than any of the ones that have been studied and sold on the market. Some

teachers were able to teach some ways better than the others, even in the classrooms that were

equitably arranged. This study explored the perspectives of first grade teachers on teaching

beginning reading in Sesotho by the traditional method which they used.

The researcher acquired the data from one Foundation Phase School, which is located in

Mothotlung Circuit of Brits District in North West Province of South Africa; she observed and

interviewed the teacher on the teaching of beginning reading. Differentiation in classroom

activities, lesson presentations using traditional method, activities and assessment standards were

employed to cater to all the students.

(Japitana, 2018)discussed in the paper “Traditional and Constructivist Teaching Approaches and

Student Academic Performance in Social Studies” that a great teacher is a teacher who has a

comprehensive repertoire of various teaching and learning models, strategies, and techniques and

knows how to create the right conditions for learning.

Objective of this paper was "To compare the effectiveness of the constructivist and traditional

approaches in teaching social studies concepts among grade seven students and provide

recommendations for educators and administrators."

The research was carried out to contrast the constructivist approach and the traditional approach

to teaching and to establish their effectiveness in teaching the social studies concepts. Two

subdivisions of the grade seven students of Saint Michael College of Caraga were involved. The

lesson plans and the checklist were created taking into consideration both the constructivist and

the traditional methods of teaching. The teachers’ academic performances were checked and the

meaning of the difference between them was found out with the help of the t ‐test. After the

research was completed, it was discovered that the two groups of students, those who were

exposed to the constructivist approach and the traditional approach to teaching, had no

significant difference in their academic performance after the first two grading periods.

The report revealed that there was not a single more effective way to teach social studies. The

educators and the administrators can stimulate their teachers to try the constructivism and the

traditional approaches in other subjects The administrators are suggested to give the training on

the traditional and the constructivism approaches to their teachers while planning activities in

social studies.

(Japitana, 2018) presented The article “Features of traditional and non-traditional approaches to

continuous educationis” which is about the slow introduction of non-traditional teaching

methods, the phased use of new pulmonary and information technologies based on the wide use

of interactive teaching methods, the fundamental principles of non-traditional forms of education

that are the key of the pedagogical process in all parts of the continuing education system, and

their knowledge has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training.

Objective of this research paper was “To study the extent of utilization and effectiveness of the

non-traditional teaching methods like interactive techniques and information technologies in

educators’ activities conducted by the Republic of Uzbekistan."

The teacher guides the activities of the students to attain these goals through their activities,

which means that a certain part of the learning materials is taken by them. Student performance

is related to the level of how much they are motivated to learn. Students, then, soak in the

learning material by the teacher-design or the independent, creative search. In traditional

educational settings, it would be better to equip students with more theoretical knowledge, to

teach them knowledge from a willing teacher, and to the way we were living at that time.

Nevertheless, in this present market economy, such a way of thinking is not suitable. The market

is in a constant state of fluctuation.

The introduction of teaching methods in Uzbekistan, which were developed and tested by the

leading scientists of the foreign countries, came after the independence of the Republic of

Uzbekistan, and thereby stimulating the pupils in the educational process. The great ancestors of

ours like Abu Nasir Farabi, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Yusuf Hosib, Abu Raihon Beruni, Ahmad

Yugnaki, Mahmud Kashgari, Alisher Navoi, Zakhriddin Muhammad Babur devoted a lot of time

and effort to the education and upbringing of the younger generation. Under these circumstances,

development has become a key concept in all parts of the system of continuous education that is

the driving force of the new pedagogical technology.

(Sharma and Joshi, 2024) emphasized that this study involves differentiation and comparison of

traditional and modern methodologies and also discussed the incidence and trend of using these
methods by English language educators in their paper “Traditional Vs Modern English Language

Teaching Methods: Study Based on a Survey”

Objective of this study was "To investigate English language teachers' adoption of traditional and

modern teaching methods, examining associations with teacher characteristics and gender

through regression and structural equation modeling."

The sub-sample includes 100 teachers of English who are teachers. The researchers are going to

employ OLS regression, binary logistic regession as well as structural equlization modelling in

order to come up with an association between an adoption of a specific language teaching

method and some features of a language teacher. Perhaps, that the most senior teachers are for

the social learning method, the bilingual, and experiential method, whereas, the junior teachers

are for the listening and observing method. It is going to be gendered in their response to these

language teaching methods. A female language teacher highlights the conversational and

observance approach, whereas a male teacher willingly attaches the bilingual and experiential

method. Regression analysis demonstrates that a higher proportion of bilingual translation

approach by non English language educated teachers. Teaching the experienced teachers who

adopt the Social Learning Method is different from that of less experienced teachers who prefer

experiential learning or the bilingual translation methods more. The outcomes of the vector

analysis technique using structural equation modelling (SEM) show that, a teacher’s gender acts

as a mediator between his/her educational background and the language teaching method.
Lecture Method Approach

(Abdulbaki et al., 2018) discussed about the relevance of the lecture method teaching in

university concerning students’ language and academic abilities in the essay The Impact Of

Using The Lecture Method On Teaching English At University.

Objective of this paper was "To find out the opinion of students toward the lecture method used

in English language and academic skill training in university). That includes the effectiveness

and limitations of this approach. "

Research at the universities and colleges for the language of English disclosed that a high

percentage of students who graduated from secondary schools and joined academic institutions

may face issues using these languages to communicate in their own, social, academic, and career

realms effectively and appropriately. Lectures are widely used in the sphere of university

learning for a number of reasons; they are cost effective to organize, they are versatile in terms of

subjects they can cover, and they are seamless to employ in the class. Contrary to critics'

arguments that lecturing is a monologue strongly preventing students’ significant participation in

the teaching-learning process, I would say that it is rather the other way round.

The research objectives of this piece of research are to understand students’ standpoints and

opinions towards using lectures as a teaching method in English and also its strengths and

weaknesses. The results demonstrated that those who mostly stated that they had grasped many

of the lecture materials acknowledged that the motivation to participate and the goal was not

there. Similarly, some said that learner interaction was restricted during a lecture when the

lecturer is the only one who decides what point of view to express in the classroom. It is an

implication which could be that some university lecturers may now conclude that actual
participation of students in their learning process plays an important role in fulfilling aims put by

their learning institutions. It indeed does not change a situation where the lecturer is the one who

educates and guides. While this might create a dynamic and welcoming learning environment for

skills acquisition and knowledge sharing, it would also be the reason for the freedom of the


(Ikhsan et al., 2019) employed a qualitative descriptive approach that is typified by the use of a

qualitative approach in the paper The Effectiveness of Using the Lecture Method at SMK Negeri

1 Parepare.

This research does achieve the goal of the use of lecture as one of teaching methods in class X

introductory subjects, especially administrative office administration department of SMK Negeri

1 Parepare.

One of the agents from this research, as many as five individuals. Data gathering is through the

triplet of interview technique, observation and documentation. The results showed that. The

teachers have used the learning process like they have done the preparation stage for the learning

process very well. The second was deploying the rehearsing phase from the beginning until the

completion step which has been done optimally and the third, was the ending phase by giving the

students the chance to conclude the material taught and evaluating the students which was done

efficiently. There is no choice but to implement classroom lessons for students MA IBCP

subjects administrative office administration department of SMK Negeri I Parepare in a useful

ABDULBAKI, K., SUHAIMI, M., ALSAQQAF, A. & JAWAD, W. 2018. The impact of using
the lecture method on teaching English at university. European Journal of Education
BHATT, S. R. & BHATT, S. R. 2018. Education and joyful learning. Philosophical
Foundations of Education: Lessons for India, 67-71.
HE, J., LEE, Y., YOUNG, B. & CHIANG, F.-K. A Study on the effect of joyful learning
application upon undergraduate English vocabulary learning. 2017 International
Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT), 2017. IEEE, 288-
IKHSAN, M. I., NISWATY, R., SALEH, S. & ARHAS, S. H. 2019. The Effectiveness of Using
the Lecture Method at SMK Negeri 1 Parepare. PINISI Discretion Review, 2, 151-156.
JAPITANA, R. A. 2018. Traditional and Constructivist Teaching Approaches and Student
Academic Performance in Social Studies. SMCC Higher Education Research Journal, 5.
MAMING, K., NASRULLAH, A. & ARSYAD, N. A. 2023. Joyful Learning as a Worthwhile
Instructional Activity for English Beginner Students in the Post Covid 19 Pandemic Era.
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature, 10.
PHAJANE, M. H. 2014. Traditional method of teaching reading. Mediterranean Journal of
Social Sciences, 213.
SHARMA, N. & JOSHI, H. 2024. Traditional Vs Modern English Language Teaching Methods:
Study Based on a Survey. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices,
WICAKSONO, S. R. 2020. Joyful learning in elementary school. International Journal of
Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary School Education, 2, 80-90.

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