Water Treatment Process D

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Water Treatment Process

In the food and beverage sector, water is an essential component in every aspect. Good water is
necessary for effective processing and production, from washing process equipment to adding it
to food and drink goods. Processing and distribution facilities are subject to strict water quality
regulations since food and beverage items have the potential to negatively impact consumers'
health. In order to comply with environmental requirements, used water that exits food and
beverage processing industries must also be treated before being released.
The way that water is treated in the food and beverage sector varies greatly according on the
application. Reverse osmosis, ultraviolet (UV) water treatment, filtration, and deionization are a
few of the most effective water treatment techniques.
Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is a water purification method that employs a semi-permeable membrane to
eliminate a range of chemical and microbiological impurities. Large particles cannot pass
through the membrane filter's incredibly tiny holes, leaving only pure, drinkable water suitable
for use in food and beverage goods.

Ultraviolet Water Purification

Water treated with ultraviolet light becomes pure because pathogens including bacteria, viruses,
and protozoa are eliminated. UV systems provide water purification without the use of harsh
chemicals, unlike more conventional water treatment methods. By doing this, the water's flavor
and purity are enhanced, and the risk of chemical contamination of finished goods and
wastewater runoff is decreased.

Filtration Method
Prior to reverse osmosis, UV treatment, or deionization, filtration is a basic water treatment
technique that uses a range of media to remove certain chemicals and solids from water. It is
perfect for use in food sector water treatment facilities, which frequently handle wastewater
from food preparation, which might include a range of solid and organic waste. Filtration is
frequently employed in conjunction with more involved treatment procedures because it is
unable to remove inorganic particles, salts, or minerals.

In industrial water purification systems, deionization is a typical water treatment procedure. To
extract undesirable minerals and ions and leave behind pure water, water is passed through an
electrically charged resin. It is a popular method for getting rid of calcium, iron, and other
minerals to create high-purity drinking and food processing water.
A settling system clears water of suspended particles using a tank. Due to their greater density
than the water, these particles sink to the bottom of the tank. Fats and greases, hair, sand, grit,
wood, bottles, and sludge are among the common pollutants that are eliminated by settling. The
latter needs to be routinely emptied since it accumulates on the bottom of suspension tanks.

Flowchart of Water Treatment Process

(120 ft, 140 ft, 290 ft)
(3 in numbers)

↓ (Chlorination 2-4 ppm)

Raw water storage tank
(550 KL)

Sand Filter Vessels (PSF)
(4 in number)

A Carbon Filler (ACF)
(5 tanks)

↓Anti Scalent (7%)

Micron Cartridge Filler (MCF)

Reverse Osmosis
(2 in number)
(R.O 1 is 36m³, R.O 2 is 32m³)

RO Product Storage Tank
(4 tank, 7kl each)

Micron Cartridge Filter (MCF)

UV System

Treated Water

Sand Filter Vessels

 Small solid particles are removed by each layer of PSF.
 It helps in physical contaminant removal.
 It does not separate dissolved salts from water, only separates suspended solids.
 Backwash is needed to reuse the vessel for other filtrations.

Activated Carbon Filter (ACF)

 Activated carbon adsorbs the impurities from water onto its surface.
 Impurities make bonds with carbon structure.
 Backwash is need to refresh the carbon or reactivate it.
 It separates total dissolved solids from water.

Cartridge Filter
 The cartridge filters must be provided and installed on or just prior to the NF skid.
 The cartridge filter housing must be constructed of 316L stainless steel.
 The filter housing must be rated for maximum expected operating pressure.
 The cartridge filter housing should meet the requirements of its intended use.
 Each cartridge housing must have the following:
i. Inlet and outlet pressure gauges
ii. Inlet and outlet isolation valves
iii. Inlet and outlet sanitary sample valves
iv. Drain and vent valves

Manufacture Control Point

1. Chlorine Testing: It is done in raw water and soft water. In raw water chlorine powder of 2
to 4ppm is added and in soft water 0.5 to 1ppm chlorine is added. Colour changes to pink
indicates chlorine level in water.
2. Total Dissolved Solids: Total dissolved solids refer to the total concentration of dissolved
substances in drinking water (organic and inorganic materials). Total dissolved solids (TDS)
comprise inorganic salts, principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates,
chlorides, and sulfates and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. It
is checked by conductivity meter. Standard TDS of RO water is 28.4 mg/L.
3. pH: The pH value of a water source is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. The pH level is a
measurement of the activity of the hydrogen atom, because the hydrogen activity is a good
representation of the acidity or alkalinity of the water. Water with a low pH is said to be acidic,
and water with a high pH is basic, or alkaline. Pure water would have a pH of 7.0, but water
sources and precipitation tend to be slightly acidic, due to contaminants that are in the water.
Standard pH of water is 6.5 – 7. It is checked by pH meter.
4. M alkalinity: Alkalinity is a measure of water’s ability to neutralize acids or resist changes
that cause acidity, maintaining stable pH. M is pH indicator methyl orange.
In 100ml water, add 2 drop phenolphthalein, 3-4 drop methyl orange and titrate with N/50
5. Total Hardness: Total hardness refers to sum of calcium and magnesium concentration in
In 100ml water, add 2 tablets of hardness. Then add ammonia buffer and titrate it with N/50
EDTA. Color change to sky blue indicates no hardness in water.
6. Turbidity: Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid. It is an optical
characteristic of water and is a measurement of the amount of light that is scattered by material
in the water when a light is shined through the water sample. Turbidity is commonly measured
in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). Turbidimeters is used to measure turbidity of water.
Advantages of using RO water treatment system
High Purity Water: RO systems can produce high purity water with low levels of contaminants.
This is important in the food and beverage industry as it ensures that products are safe for
consumption and meet regulatory standards.
Cost-Effective: RO systems are cost-effective compared to other water treatment methods
because they require minimal maintenance and have low operating costs.
Environmentally Friendly: RO systems do not use chemicals or produce wastewater, making
them environmentally friendly.
Versatile: RO systems can be used for various applications in the food and beverage industry
such as ingredient water, process water, boiler feedwater, cooling tower makeup water, and
wastewater treatment.
Easy Installation: RO systems are easy to install and can be customized to fit specific needs.
Improved Taste: Removing impurities from water can improve the taste of final products such
as drinks, soups, sauces, and other food items.

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