Manual Ethernet and Sequencer Programming SM3300 P0157 V201908

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DELTA ELEKTRONIKA B.V. Vissersdijk 4, 4301 ND www.DeltaPowerSupplies.

DC POWER SUPPLIES Zierikzee, the Netherlands Tel. +31 111 413656

Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

 General information

 Installation manual

 Command description

Firmware version P0157
1 – In General
2 – Installation
3 – Communication
4 – Conventions
5 – Command description
6 – Sequencer
7 – Command list TCP/IP
8 – Command list Sequencer
Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300


1 In General ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Features .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Analog ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Status ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 LEDs ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

2 Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Infrastructure .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 TCP/IP...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Conventions............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Query....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Space <sp> ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.4 Terminator <term> feed.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

5 Command description ........................................................................................................................... 8

5.1 General Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1.1 *IDN? ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.2 *PUD .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.3 *SAV .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.4 *RST .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Source Subsystem ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.2.2 Maximum Output Voltage ................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.3 Maximum Output Current ................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.4 Set Output Voltage ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.5 Set Output Current ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.6 Output Voltage Stepsize ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.7 Output Current Stepsize ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Measure Subsystem ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3.2 Measure Output Voltage................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3.3 Measure Output Current ................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3.4 Measure Output Power..................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Calibrate Subsystem ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
5.4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4.2 Calibrate Gain Source Current ......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.3 Calibrate Offset Source Current ....................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.4 Calibrate Gain Source Voltage ......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.5 Calibrate Offset Source Voltage ....................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.6 Calibrate Gain Measure Current ....................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.7 Calibrate Gain Measure Voltage....................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.8 Calibrate Offset Measure Current ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4.9 Calibrate Offset Measure Voltage ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Power Sink ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.5.2 Presence .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.5.3 Enable .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.5.4 RSD ................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.5.5 Interlock ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.5.6 Output On/Off ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.6 Interfaces .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.6.1 Digital User In-/Outputs (optional)..................................................................................................................................... 12
5.6.2 Isolated Contacts (optional) .............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.6.3 Isolated Analog (optional) ................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.6.4 Simulation Interface (optional) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
5.6.5 Master / Slave Interface (optional) .................................................................................................................................... 20
5.7 System Subsystem ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.7.1 Remote Shut Down (RSD) ............................................................................................................................................... 21
5.7.2 Limits ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.7.3 Front Panel Highlight ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.7.4 Front Panel Lock .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.7.5 Remote method ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.7.6 Error Message.................................................................................................................................................................. 22
5.7.7 Password ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.7.8 Watchdog ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.7.9 Watchdog Example .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.7.10 Terminator........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.8 Output ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.9 Register Structure ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
6 Sequencer .............................................................................................................................................25
6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

6.2 Commands ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25

6.2.1 Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25
6.2.2 Jumps .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
6.2.3 Arithmetic ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2.4 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
6.3 Sequence control by commands ......................................................................................................................................... 27
6.3.1 Read the Catalog ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
6.3.2 How to create or select a Sequence ................................................................................................................................. 27
6.3.3 Upload a Sequence to SM3300 (PC → PS)...................................................................................................................... 27
6.3.4 Download a Sequence from SM3300 (PS → PC) ............................................................................................................. 28
6.3.5 Delete a Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.6 Start a Sequence.............................................................................................................................................................. 28
6.3.7 Pause a Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.8 Step through a Sequence ................................................................................................................................................. 28
6.3.9 Stop a Sequence .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
6.3.10 Read Sequence mode ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.11 Trigger a Step .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
6.3.12 Add labels ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29
6.3.13 Delete labels .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.14 Building a Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
6.3.15 Select saving to non-volatile memory ............................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.16 Saving to non-volatile memory ......................................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.17 Selecting a Programming Source ..................................................................................................................................... 30
6.4 Sequence control by Web .................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.4.1 Read the Catalog ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.4.2 How to create a sequence ................................................................................................................................................ 31
6.4.3 How to select a sequence ................................................................................................................................................ 32
6.4.4 Upload a sequence to SM3300 (PC > PS)........................................................................................................................ 32
6.4.5 Download a Sequence from SM3300 (PS > PC) .............................................................................................................. 32
6.4.6 Delete a Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.4.7 Start a Sequence.............................................................................................................................................................. 32
6.4.8 Pause a Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.4.9 Step through a Sequence ................................................................................................................................................. 32
6.4.10 Stop a Sequence .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
6.4.11 Read Sequence mode ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.4.12 Trigger a Step .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
6.4.13 Add labels ........................................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.4.14 Delete labels .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.4.15 Building a Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.4.16 Saving a sequence to non-volatile memory ...................................................................................................................... 33
6.4.17 Selecting a Programming Source ..................................................................................................................................... 33
6.4.18 Sequence control by user inputs (optional) ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.5 Sequence control by user inputs (optional) ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.6 Sequence examples ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
6.6.1 Example 1: Generate waveform. ...................................................................................................................................... 35
6.6.2 Example 2: Test relays. .................................................................................................................................................... 36
7 Command list TCP/IP ...........................................................................................................................37
7.1 Index TCP / IP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37

8 Command list Sequencer ....................................................................................................................42

8.1 Index Sequencer ................................................................................................................................................................... 42

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

1 In General
1.1 Features
The Remote Ethernet programming function is an interface between a TCP/IP network and the Power
Supply. It allows the operator to create fully automated systems. The Ethernet interface can set and
measure the parameters of the power supply, read the status signals, set controls, interacts with digital I/O
and generate waveforms, stored in memory. It is even possible to take over tasks from a PLC. That makes
processes and test systems more powerful and less complex.

1.2 Analog
The power supplies of Delta Elektronika are very stable and accurate. The Ethernet interface is designed
especially for these kinds of power supplies. Therefore the programming and measuring resolution is 16
bits and all units are calibrated very precisely by the factory. To calculate the step size in (Voltage or
Ampere) use the equation below:

1.3 Status
The power supplies are equipped with a lot of signals which inform the user about the status of the supply.
Status like Limit, OverTemperature, DCF, etc. can be read to check the condition of the system. For
example, ACF-signal (which indicates an incorrect input voltage) can be monitored, so action can be taken
to avoid problems before a system is switched off.

1.4 LEDs
Next to the RJ45 connector are three LEDs, see picture below.
The lower Green LED is named "ERR". When this LED is ON, the Ethernet interface has generated an
error message as a result of a bad command or parameter.
The middle Yellow LED is named "LNK" (Link) and is ON when the Ethernet interface is connected to the
The upper Green LED is named "ACT", which stands for Activity. This LED indicates whether or not the
Ethernet interface communicates.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

2 Installation
2.1 Infrastructure
To control or program the power supply, the Ethernet interface should be connected to a TCP/IP network,
using the RJ45 connector at the rear (connector LAN). A standard RJ45 patch- or cross-link cable can be
used to connect the Ethernet interface to a network switch, or directly to a PC. The Ethernet interface of the
SM3300 is Auto-MDIX. This means that for example a patch cable can be used for a direct connection,
instead of using a cross-link cable. The "LNK"- LED of the Ethernet interface will be on when the
connection is okay.

Either Cross-Link or standard Ethernet cable can be used.

The command "PING <address>" of Windows can be used (via menu Start - RUN - CMD) to check the
connection. For example: PING

2.2 Settings
Each network has its own range of IP addresses. To be able to control the SM3300 via a particular
network, the IP address of the Ethernet interface must be within the address range of that network.

Recommended address ranges are:

Class A: to (mask:
Class B: to (mask:
Class C: to (mask:

With exception of all addresses ending with '0' or '255'.

Warning: Addresses above are not supported on several operating systems.

The TCP/IP settings of the SM3300 can be set using the front panel, the internal web page 1, or using the
DE Configurator program 2.

1) The PC has to be set to the IP range of the power supply to view the internal web page.

2) The DE Configurator program is available for download on

Please see the Downloads section under, Products, DE.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

3 Communication
3.1 Settings
There are two important settings to communicate properly with the SM3300, which are:
IP address: default DHCP. Can be freely configured by the user (refer to section 2.2).
Port number: fixed to 8462.

3.2 TCP/IP
Any programming language or application that can send and receive TCP/IP packages can be used for
communication with the SM3300. To show the user / programmer how to communicate with the SM3300, a
LabVIEW example is available for download on
 see the Downloads section under Products, SM3300.

This software is provided by Delta Elektronika BV “as is” without guarantee. The usage of this software is at own risk. In no event
shall Delta Elektronika BV be liable for any damage as a result from the use, misuse, inability to use, faulty operation, installation or
adjustments of the software. Delta Elektronika does not accept any responsibility with regards to losses of the owner or third party
users as a result of the usage of this software.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

4 Conventions
The SM3300 has a command set, which includes commands compatible with the SCPI language (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments).

4.1 Syntax
The command descriptions contain the syntax of the instructions and show the form in which these
commands can be sent to the SM3300.
It is allowed either to use the short form or the entire command.
For example : SOURce:VOLtage<sp>5<term> can be send as :
(Sending mixed upper- and lowercase is allowed).

4.2 Query
Commands ending with a question mark "?" (ASCII character 3FH, 63d) are interpreted as a
query. If it is a valid command, the unit will respond with an answer. Otherwise an error is

4.3 Space <sp>

Within the syntax spaces are used, indicated by <sp>, which is equal to ASCII character 20H (32d).

4.4 Terminator <term> feed

At the end of each command or query, a terminator character is required, indicated by <term>.
Each reply on a valid query will end with <term>.
Default terminator is a linefeed.
For other options see parapraph 5-7, sub-paragraph "Terminator".

4.5 Parameters
Within this document, parameters are used to indicate the form of data sent to or coming from the SM3300.

<NR1> = positive integers: 0,1,2,3,...

<NR2> = floating point : 3.22, 0.06, etc.
<boolean> = False or True parameter : 0 or 1, OFF or ON.
[ ] = It is allowed to use or to skip this part of the command.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

5 Command description
5.1 General Instructions
5.1.1 *IDN?
This command is used to read the identification string of the SM3300. The string contains the name, the
option number, the version of the firmware and the serial number of the Power Supply.
Syntax : *IDN?<term>

The response string has 4 fields, separated by commas.

For example :
The first field shows the manufacturer's name.
The second field shows the power supply type.
The third field shows the serial number of the Power Supply
The fourth field shows the Firmware version of the Power Supply
The last field is reserved for future implementations.

5.1.2 *PUD
PUD is an abbreviation for Protected User Data. This command allows the user to give the power supply
his own name for identification or to store relevant data.
For example names like "Motor Controller Setup 3", "Battery Simulator" or "Calibrated August 5 2014".
This information can be maximum 72 characters long and is stored into non-volatile memory (see
command *SAV).
Syntax : *PUD<sp><data><term> data = A-Z, a-z, 0-9, <sp>, _ and -, 72 maximum
To read the Protected User Data:
Syntax : *PUD?<term>

5.1.3 *SAV
To store all relevant settings, this command saves them into non-volatile memory.

A summary of the saved setting are shown below:

Calibration gain current setting : CALIbrate:CURrent:GAIn
Calibration offset current setting : CALIbrate:CURrent:OFFset
Calibration gain voltage setting : CALIbrate:VOLtage:GAIn
Calibration offset voltage setting : CALIbrate:VOLtage:OFFset
Calibration gain current measure : CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:GAIn
Calibration offset current measure : CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:OFFset
Calibration gain voltage measure : CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:GAIn
Calibration offset voltage measure : CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:OFFset
Protected User Data : *PUD
Password : SYSTem:PASsword

If an INT MOD ANA (optional) is installed:

Calibration gain current programming : CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn IPRG
Calibration offset current programming : CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset IPRG
Calibration gain voltage programming : CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn VPRG
Calibration offset voltage programming : CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset VPRG
Calibration gain current monitoring : CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn IMON
Calibration offset current monitoring : CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset IMON
Calibration gain voltage monitoring : CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn VMON
Calibration offset voltage monitoring : CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset VMON

Set range 0...5V or 0...10V : SYSTem:INTerface:IANalog<sp><slot>,RANGE,<state><term>

Syntax : *SAV<term>
When a password is used, the only way to store this relevant settings into memory is to use:
Syntax : *SAV<sp><password><term>

Warning! this command overrides the settings already stored in memory.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

5.1.4 *RST
This reset command sets the power supply in a save defined state. The table below gives an overview of
the settings made after sending this reset command or after power-on of the SM3300:

5.2 Source Subsystem

5.2.1 Introduction
Both parameters (output voltage and output current) have a working range from 0 to the maximum output
voltage / current of the power supply. The response strings contain integers (max. values) or floating point
values with 4 digits of precision (set values).

5.2.2 Maximum Output Voltage

To read the maximum output voltage, send the query:
Syntax : SOURce:VOLtage:MAXimum?<term>
For example the answer is: 18<term>

5.2.3 Maximum Output Current

To read the maximum output current, send the query:
Syntax : SOURce:CURrent:MAXimum?<term>

5.2.4 Set Output Voltage

To set the output voltage of the power supply:
Syntax : SOURce:VOLtage<sp><NR2><term>
To read the last settings, send the query:
Syntax : SOURce:VOLtage?<term>
For example the answer is: 14.0000<term>

5.2.5 Set Output Current

To set the output current of the power supply:
Syntax : SOURce:CURrent<sp><NR2><term>
To read the last settings, send the query:
Syntax : SOURce:CURrent?<term>

5.2.6 Output Voltage Stepsize

To read the programming stepsize of the output voltage, send the query:
Syntax : SOURce:VOLtage:STEpsize?<term>
The reply will be in scientific notation, with an accuracy of 15 decimals.
e.g.: 1.055924221873283e-03<term>
This represents the smallest Voltage programming step possible.

5.2.7 Output Current Stepsize

To read the programming stepsize of the output current, send the query:
Syntax : SOURce:CURrent:STEpsize?<term>

The reply will be in scientific notation, with an accuracy of 15 decimals.e.g.: 1.759365200996399e-

This represents the smallest Current programming step possible.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

5.3 Measure Subsystem

5.3.1 Introduction
To measure the power supply output parameters Voltage, Current and Power, three different queries are
These commands measure the actual output parameters, which are not necessarily the same as the output
settings SOURce:VOLtage and SOURre:CURrent.
If for example the output settings are 15 V and 5 A and the unit is in CC-mode (Constant Current), the
output voltage is not equal to the setting of 15 V, but less.

5.3.2 Measure Output Voltage

To measure the output voltage of the power supply:
Syntax : MEASure:VOLtage?<term>
The resolution of the answer is 16 bits, displayed with 4 digits of precision.

5.3.3 Measure Output Current

To measure the output current of the power supply:
Syntax : MEASure:CURrent?<term>
The resolution of the answer is 16 bits, displayed with 4 digits of precision.

5.3.4 Measure Output Power

To measure the output power of the power supply, send this query. (Actually this command executes
MEASure:VOLTage and MEASure:CURRent, multiplies the results and returns the output power in Watts)
Syntax : MEASure:POWer?<term>
The resolution of the answer is 16 bits, displayed with 2 digits of precision.

5.4 Calibrate Subsystem

5.4.1 Introduction
The calibration of the power supply is done during production. However, periodical check and calibration is
recommended. At power-on, the calibration settings are restored.
There are eight parameters to calibrate. Four related to the voltage settings / measurements and four
related to the current settings / measurements.

For proper calibration it is recommended to use the following order (SM66-AR-110 as example) :
- Set output voltage of the power supply to e.g. 1% of the maximum output voltage.
- Calibrate the source voltage offset, so the output voltage is as close as possible to 0.66 V
- Calibrate the measure voltage offset, so the result of the command MEASure:VOLtage? is as
close as possible to 0.66 V.
- Set the output voltage to maximum
- Calibrate the source voltage gain, so the output voltage is as close as possible to the
maximum voltage, 66 V.
- Calibrate the measure voltage gain, so the result of the command MEASure:VOLtage? is as
close as possible to the actual output voltage, 66 V.
Same principle is used for the current calibration.

Default settings for the offsets are 0, and default settings for the gains are 1. The resolution of both settings
and readings are 4 digits.
Notice: Both gain and offset changes influence the actual output parameter. After changing offset, check if
the gain has to change. And visa versa. To get a very accurate result, redo the calibration a few times.

For SOURCE offset calibration, use the equation:

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

For MEASURE offset calibration, use the equation:

To save the calibration settings to the non-volatile memory, refer to section 5.1

5.4.2 Calibrate Gain Source Current

To calibrate the programming gain of the current setting:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:GAIn<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:GAIn?<term>

5.4.3 Calibrate Offset Source Current

To calibrate the programming offset of the current setting:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:OFFset<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:OFFset?<term>

5.4.4 Calibrate Gain Source Voltage

To calibrate the programming gain of the voltage setting:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:GAIn<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:GAIn?<term>

5.4.5 Calibrate Offset Source Voltage

To calibrate the programming offset of the voltage setting:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:OFFset<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:OFFset?<term>

5.4.6 Calibrate Gain Measure Current

To calibrate the gain of the current measurement:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:GAIn<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:GAIn?<term>

5.4.7 Calibrate Gain Measure Voltage

To calibrate the gain of the voltage measurement:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:GAIn<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:GAIn?<term>

5.4.8 Calibrate Offset Measure Current

To calibrate the offset of the current measurement:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:OFFset<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:OFFset?<term>

5.4.9 Calibrate Offset Measure Voltage

To calibrate the offset of the voltage measurement:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:OFFset<sp><NR2><term>
To read the calibration settings:
Syntax : CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:OFFset?<term>

Range Offset : About 1/33 of the maximum output voltage/current
Range Gain : 0.9 to 1.1

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5.5 Power Sink

5.5.1 Introduction
The following commands are available to check the presence of an optional Power Sink, to read the
settings and to change them.

5.5.2 Presence
To see if there is an optional Power Sink present in this unit:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>present?<term> 1 = present

5.5.3 Enable
To enable or disable a Power Sink:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>enable,<boolean><term>
To check the setting:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>enable?<term> 1 = enabled

5.5.4 RSD
To set up the Power Sink that it reacts on RSD:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>rsd,<boolean><term>
To check the setting:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>rsd?<term> 1 = reacts on RSD

5.5.5 Interlock
To set up the Power Sink that it reacts on Interlock:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>interlock,<boolean><term>
To check the setting:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>interlock?<term> 1 = reacts on Interlock

5.5.6 Output On/Off

To set up the Power Sink that it reacts on Output On/Off:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>output,<boolean><term>
To check the setting:
Syntax: SYSTem:POWersink<sp>output?<term> 1 = reacts on Output On/Off

5.6 Interfaces
Up to a number of 4 different interfaces can be plugged in the sockets at the rear side of the unit.
All of these interfaces can easily be plugged in afterwards at the customer site.
The following types are available:

- Isolated analog programming& monitoring, logic status outputs.

- Serial, USB and differential programming.
- Digital User I/O for programming.
- Floating Contacts, floating Interlock and floating Enable.
- Simulation of a photovoltaic curve and other simulation modes.
- Master slave interface

Installed interfaces
To read which type of interface is installed for a specific slot, send the query:

To read the type of installed interface of all slots send the query:

The answer is separated by a semicolon, respectively for slot 1, 2, 3 and 4.

For example the answer is: DigIO;Serial;IsoAna;Ms

5.6.1 Digital User In-/Outputs (optional)

The optional Interface Digital I/O provides 8 user inputs and 8 users outputs. These can be controlled /
monitored by commands (explained below) or can be used to interact with the Sequencer (refer to
chapter6). A total of 4 Digital I/O Interfaces can be inserted and used.
The user inputs and user outputs are floating (maximum 60VDC) from earth.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

User Outputs
To program the user outputs, a decimal number can be send to the SM3300. This decimal number
represents the binary state of the 8 user outputs.

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp><slot>,<0+NR1><term> <0+NR1>= 0,1,2,3.....255

Output A = 1
Output B = 2
Output C = 4
Output D = 8
Output E = 16
Output F = 32
Output G = 64
Output H = 128

For example, to set output C and H of the Digital I/O Interface inserted in slot 1 (closest to the Ethernet
connector) send: SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp><1>,<132><term>
To reset all the user outputs of a specific Digital I/O Interface, send:
SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp><slot>,<0><term> (default setting after power-on).

To read the last setting of the user outputs of specific Digital I/O Interface:
Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp><slot>?

To read the last settings of all inserted Digital I/O Interfaces:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp>ALL?

User Inputs
To read the status of the 8 user inputs, the User Input Condition Register can be read:
Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:INPut<sp><slot>?

The SM3300 will return a decimal number, which represents the binary status of the 8 inputs.

Input A = 1
Input B = 2
Input C = 4
Input D = 8
Input E = 16
Input F = 32
Input G = 64
Input H = 128

For example, if only Input A and Input G are high, the condition will be : 65<term>. (=1+64)

To read the status of all insterted Digital I/O Interfaces :

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:INPut<sp>ALL?

Order code Digital I/O interface : INT MOD DIG

5.6.2 Isolated Contacts (optional)

The optional Interface Isolated Contacts provides 4 changeover Relay contacts, an Interlock (additional to
the standard SM3300 Interlock) and an Enable Input.
The Relay contacts can be controlled / monitored by commands (explained below). The Interlock and
Enable Input can be monitored by commands (explained below). A total of 4 Isolated Contacts Interfaces
can be inserted and used.

The Relay Contacts, the Interlock and the Enable Input are floating (maximum 60V DC) from earth.

Relay Contacts
To control the relays, decimal figures can be send to the SM3300 representing the slot number, relay
number and relay value.

Note: these commands will only work if Relay-Status-Linkage is not used.

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To set a specific Relay:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp><slot>,<relay>,<value><term>
slot = 1 - 4, relay = 1 - 4, value = 0 or 1

To read the status of a specific Relay:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp><slot>,<relay>?<term>

To read the status of all Relays in a specific slot:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp><slot>?<term>

To read the Relay status of all inserted Interfaces Isolated Contacts:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp>ALL?<term>

Several system statuses can be linked to a specific relay. If linkage is used, the Relay Contacts commands
will not function anymore.

To link a specific Relay to a system status:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:LINkrelay<sp><slot>,<relay>,<value><term>
slot=1 - 4, relay=1 - 4, value = ACF, DCF, INTERLOCK, OUTPUT, RSD, LIMIT, OT or DEFAULT.
(DEFAULT makes the Relay Contacts commands work again)

To read which system status is linked to a specific Relay:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:LINkrelay<sp><slot>,<relay>?<term>
slot = 1 - 4, relay = 1 - 4

To read which system statuses are linked to a specific slot:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts: LINkrelay<sp><slot>?<term>
Programmed linkage settings will be restored at power-up if the INT MOD CON remains in the same slot.

The Interlock is functionally parallel to the Interlock standard available in the SM3300 and therefore they
both need to have their own input pins (pin 1 and pin 3) linked for operation.
The difference is that the additional Interlock is floating (maximum 60VDC) from Earth, while the standard
Interlock is referenced to it.

To read the status of an Interlock in a particular slot:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:INTerlock<sp><slot>?<term>

To read the Interlock status of all inserted Interfaces Isolated Contacts:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:INTerlock<sp>all?<term>

Enable Input
The Enable input (pin 2) can be used to Enable the power supply output using a 24V DC signal from for
example a PLC. Use pin 3 as Return. Remove the additional Interlock link when using the Enable input.

To read the status of an Enable pin in a particular slot:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:ENAble<sp><slot>?<term>

To read the Enable status of all inserted Interfaces Isolated Contacts:

Syntax : SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:ENAble<sp>all?<term>
Order code Isolated Contacts interface : INT MOD CON.

5.6.3 Isolated Analog (optional)

The optional Interface Isolated Analog provides:
- 2 analog programming inputs + 2 analog monitoring outputs
- 6 digital status outputs
- Remote shutdown input
- Reference voltage of 5.1V
- 12V auxiliary output.
The analog inputs and outputs can be calibrated or configured for 0-5V or 0-10V range by the commands
explained below.

Analog input and output range

The selection of the range 0-5V or 0-10V applies to the inputs and outputs simultaneously.
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Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:IANalog<sp><slot>,RANGE,<state><term>
State = 0, LO (for 0-5V range) or 1, HI (for 0-10V range)

To read the range:

Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:IANalog<sp><slot>,RANGE?<term>

If calibration was done without saving to non-volatile memory first (see section 5.1), switching to another
range will restore the previous calibration values.

Calibration introduction:
The calibration of the INT MOD ANA is done during production. However, periodical check and calibration
is recommended. At power-on, the calibration settings are restored.
There are eight parameters to calibrate. Four related to the voltage programming / monitoring and four
related to the current programming / monitoring.

For proper calibration it is recommended to use the following order (an SM66-AR-110 + INT MOD ANA set
to 5V range is used as example) :
- Set output voltage of the power supply to e.g. 1% of the maximum output voltage by applying
50 mV.
- Calibrate the programming voltage offset, so the output voltage is as close as possible to 0.66 V.
- Calibrate the monitor voltage offset, so the voltage on the Vmonitor output is as close as possible
to 50 mV.
- Set the output voltage to maximum by applying 5V.
- Calibrate the programming voltage gain, so the output voltage is as close as possible to the
maximum voltage, 66 V.
- Calibrate the monitor voltage gain, so the voltage on the Vmonitor output is as
close as possible to 5V.

Same principle is used for the current calibration.

Default settings for the offsets are 0, and default settings for the gains are 1. The resolution of both settings
and readings are 4 digits.

Notice: Both gain and offset changes influence the actual output parameter. After changing offset, check if
the gain has to change. And visa versa. To get a very accurate result, redo the calibration a few times.

To save the calibration settings to the non-volatile memory, refer to section 5.1
Since the programming and monitoring is proportional to the output voltage / current, scaling should be
taken into account.

Situation: SM330-AR-22 with INT MOD ANA is configured for analog programming with 0-5V
range.Programming voltage is 5.001V, Vprg gain is 1.003 and the output voltage results in 329.85V

For PROGRAMMING offset voltage calibration, use the equation:

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New Vprg gain is:

Programmed voltage / actual voltage * old gain = 330.066 / 329.85 * 1.003 = 1.003657

Note1: the programmed voltage is not 5.001V, but the expected output voltage of the unit itself.

Note2: Range offset: About 1/33 of the maximum voltage / current. Range gain: 0.9 to 1.1

Calibrate Gain Current Programming

To calibrate the analog programming gain of the current setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IPRG,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IPRG?<term>

Calibrate Offset Current Programming

To calibrate the analog programming offset of the current setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IPRG,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IPRG?<term>

Calibrate Gain Voltage Programming

To calibrate the analog programming gain of the voltage setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VPRG,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VPRG?<term>

Calibrate Offset Voltage Programming

To calibrate the analog programming offset of the voltage setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VPRG,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VPRG?<term>

Calibrate Gain Current Monitoring

To calibrate the analog programming gain of the current monitoring:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IMON,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IMON?<term>

Calibrate Offset Current Monitoring

Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IMON,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IMON?<term>

Calibrate Gain Voltage Monitoring

To calibrate the analog programming gain of the voltage monitoring:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VMON,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VMON?<term>

Calibrate Offset Voltage Monitoring

To calibrate the analog programming offset of the voltage monitoring:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VMON,<NR2><term>
To read the calibration setting:
Syntax: CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VMON?<term>

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5.6.4 Simulation Interface (optional)

The optional Simulation Interface provides simulation of photovoltaic curves, internal resistance, leadless
sensing and foldback simulation. Also a custom table is possible. A total of 1 Simulation Interface can be
inserted and used. For a more detailed description about the Simulation interface, see the SM3300
Interfaces Manual.

The photovoltaic simulation and the internal resistance can be controlled via commands, also the table
values can be set by commands.

Simulation Control
Simulation Mode
To set the simulation mode of the simulation module, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_MODE,<value><term>

value = 0. None
1. Real-time Pv
2. Dynamic efficiency
3. Constant voltage
4. Calculate resistance
5. Measure voltage drop
6. Measure resistance
7. Internal resistance
8. Fold back limit
9. Fold forward limit
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_MODE?<term>

Simulation Type
To set the simulation type of the simulation module, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_TYPE,<value><term>

value = 0. None
1. Table Mode
2. Photovoltaic Simulation
3. Internal resistance
4. Leadless sensing
5. Fold current limiting
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_ TYPE?<term>

Direct Mode
Every time new settings are applied to the simulation module, the output of the power supply is switched
off. If you want to apply the changes of the simulation module directly without disabling the output power,
send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>DIRECT,<boolean><term>
boolean = 0, 1, OFF, ON
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>DIRECT?<term>

Enable dynamic efficiency test

If you want to start or stop the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>ENA_DYN,<boolean><term>
boolean = 0, 1, OFF, ON
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>ENA_DYN?<term>

PV Simulation Settings
Temperature at STC
To set the temperature (in degree Celsius) of the photovoltaic curve at STC, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TSTC,<value><term>
value = -120.0 to 120.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TSTC?<term>
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Irradiance at STC
To set the irradiance (in Watts per square meter) of the photovoltaic curve at STC, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GSTC,<value><term>
value = 0 to 10000
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GSTC?<term>

Maximum Power Pointvoltage at STC

To set the maximum power point voltage of the photovoltaic curve at STC, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VMPP_STC,<value><term>
value = 0 to maximum output voltage
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VMPP_STC?<term>

Maximum Power Pointcurrent at STC

To set the maximum power point current of the photovoltaic curve at STC, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>IMPP_STC,<value><term>
value = 0 to maximum output current
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>IMPP _STC?<term>

Open circuit voltage at STC

To set the open circuit voltage of the photovoltaic curve at STC, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VOC_STC,<value><term>
value = 0 to maximum output voltage
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VOC_STC?<term>

Short circuit current at STC

To set the short circuit current of the photovoltaic curve at STC, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ISC_STC,<value><term>
value = 0 to maximum output current
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ISC_STC?<term>

Current temperature coefficient

To set the temperature coefficient (in percent per degree Celsius) for the current, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ALPHA,<value><term>
value = -1.0 to 1.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ALPHA?<term>

Voltage temperature coefficient

To set the temperature coefficient (in percent per degree Celsius) for the voltage, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>BETA,<value><term>
value = -1.0 to 1.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>BETA?<term>

To set technology type of the photovoltaic panel, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TECHNOLOGY,<value><term>
value = cSi or Thin_Film, 0 or 1
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TECHNOLOGY?<term>

To set the temperature (in degree Celsius) of the photovoltaic curve, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TPV,<value><term>
value = -120.0 to 120.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TPV?<term>

To set the irradiance (in Watts per square meter) of the photovoltaic curve, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GPV,<value><term>
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value = 0 to 10000
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GPV?<term>

Irradiance at high level

To set the irradiance (in Watts per square meter) of the photovoltaic curve at high level for the dynamic
efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GHIGH,<value><term>
value = 0 to 10000
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GHIGH?<term>

Irradiance at low level

To set the irradiance (in Watts per square meter) of the photovoltaic curve at low level for the dynamic
efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GLOW,<value><term>
value = 0 to 10000
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GLOW?<term>

Start-up time
To set the start-up time (in seconds) for the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SETUPTIME,<value><term>
value = 0.0 to 16383.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SETUPTIME?<term>

Ramp up
To set the ramp up time (in seconds) for the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T1,<value><term>
value = 0.0 to 16383.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T1?<term>

Dwell high
To set the dwell high time (in seconds) for the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T2,<value><term>
value = 0.0 to 16383.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T2?<term>

Ramp down
To set the ramp down time (in seconds) for the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T3,<value><term>
value = 0.0 to 16383.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T3?<term>

Dwell low
To set the dwell low time (in seconds) for the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T4,<value><term>
value = 0.0 to 16383.0
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T4?<term>

To set the number of repetitions for the dynamic efficiency test, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>N,<value><term>
value = 1 to 65535
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>N?<term>

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Simulation Table
Write table entries to power supply
To set one entry value of the table in the simulation module, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:TABle<sp><index>,<voltage>,<current><term>
index = 1 to 128
voltage = 0 to maximum output voltage
current = 0 to maximum output current

Read table entries from power supply

To read one entry value from the simulation module, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:TABle<sp><index>?<term>
index = 1 to 128

Internal Resistance Settings

Internal resistance
To set the internal resistance (Ohms), send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>RI,<value><term>
value = 0.0 to the maximum Ri (see datasheet)
To read the last setting, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>RI?<term>

Slow Mode
To enable or disable the slow mode, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SLOW,<boolean><term>
boolean = 0, 1, OFF or ON
To read the state, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SLOW?<term>

To enable or disable the internal resistance, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ENABLE,<boolean><term>
boolean = 0, 1, OFF or ON
To read the state, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp> ENABLE?<term>

5.6.5 Master / Slave Interface (optional)

The optional Master Slave interface provides the ability to create larger systems with multiple power
supplies. The resulting combination of units, where each unit is equipped with one master slave interface,
behaves like one power supply and can be controlled or programmed on the master.
A maximum of one master slave interface can be inserted and used per power supply.

Master Slave State
To configure the state (off, slave or master) of one unit, send the command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>STATE,<value><term>
Value = OFF, SLAVE, MASTER or 0, 1, 2 respectively.
To read the current state, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>STATE?<term>
Answer = “0,Off”, “1,Slave” or “2,Master”

Units in parallel
To configure the number of units in parallel, send the following command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>PAR,<value><term> Value = 1 – 8
To read the number of units configured in parallel, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>PAR?<term>

Units in series
To configure the number of units in series, send the following command:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>SER,<value><term>
Value = 1 – 8
To read the number of units configured in series, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>SER?<term>

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Each unit in a master slave system has a unique ID number, to read this ID number send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>ID?<term>

To read the configuration status of one unit, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>CONFIG?<term>
Answer = “pending” for when the device is configuring the system, “done” for when the system is ready.

To read the number of units that are detected by the master, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>UNITS?<term>

To read an error from the master slave system, send the query:
Syntax: SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>ERROR?<term>

5.7 System Subsystem

5.7.1 Remote Shut Down (RSD)
Syntax : SYSTem:RSD[:STAtus]<sp><boolean><term>
Boolean = 0, 1, OFF (Unlocked), ON (Locked)
To read the last setting:
Syntax : SYSTem:RSD[:STAtus]?<term>

5.7.2 Limits
To set the limits of the voltage:
Syntax : SYSTem:LIMits:VOLtage<sp><NR2>,<boolean><term> Off = disabled, On = enabled
To read the last setting:
Syntax : SYSTem:LIMits:VOLtage?
To set the limits of the current:
Syntax : SYSTem:LIMits:CURrent<sp><NR2>,<boolean><term> Off = disabled, On = enabled
To read the last setting:
Syntax : SYSTem:LIMits:CURrent?

5.7.3 Front Panel Highlight

Syntax : SYSTem:FROntpanel:HIGhlight
- Display on front will blink, Buzzer on front is on.

5.7.4 Front Panel Lock

It is possible to lock either the Menu, or lock the Menu and the Controls:

Syntax : SYSTem:FROntpanel[:STAtus]<sp><boolean><term>
Boolean = 0, 1, OFF (Unlocked), ON (Locked)
To read the last setting:
Syntax : SYSTem:FROntpanel[:STAtus]?<term>

Both the Menu and the Controls can be locked. To set whether the Menu, or the Menu and the Controls will
be locked use the command:
Syntax : SYSTem:FROntpanel:CONtrols<sp><boolean><term>
To read the last setting:
Syntax : SYSTem:FROntpanel:CONtrols?
Boolean = 0 (Menu), 1 (Menu & controls), OFF (Menu), ON (Menu & Controls)

5.7.5 Remote method

The SM3300 allow the user to switch to either local or remote programming.
The programming of CV or CC can be done individually, so for example one or two can be controlled via
ethernet Interface and the other via the encoder on the frontpanel. Any combination is possible. Hence
there are two commands to set the programming source:

To set the CV programming source:

Syntax : SYSTem:REMote:CV[:STAtus]<sp><setting><term> setting = Remote or Local1
To read the last setting:
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Syntax : SYSTem:REMote:CV[:STAtus]?<term>

To set the CC programming source:

Syntax : SYSTem:REMote:CC[:STAtus]<sp><setting><term> setting = Remote or Local1
To read the last setting:
Syntax : SYSTem:REMote:CC[:STATus]?<term>
Possible settings are : Front (Local), Web, Sequencer, Ethernet (Remote) or Slot1 - Slot4
1) The settings Remote or Local are equal to the settings Ethernet and Front.

5.7.6 Error Message

If an unknown command, an invalid value or an illegal setting is received by the SM3300 an error is
generated. The user is prompted by the Error LED near the RJ45 connector and an error message is
stored in the error queue, which contains the error number and a description of the kind of error.

The error queue can contain maximum 10 errors; more error messages are ignored. The command to read
the queue line by line is:
Syntax : SYSTem:ERRor?<term>
The SM3300 returns the first error and clears it from the queue. If there are no errors (so the queue is
empty), the result of this query will be : 0,None<term>
So after 10 readings of SYSTem:ERRor? the queue is empty for sure.

5.7.7 Password
To protect the most essential settings of the system (calibration values, *PUD) a password can be used.
The default password is : "DEPOWER".
To apply a password, send the command:
Syntax : SYSTem:PASsword<sp><old_password>,<new_password><term>

If no password is used, <old_password> must be "DEFAULT" (case independent) and <new_password>

the password to be used.
To remove the password, <old_password> must be the current password and <new_password> must be
"DEFAULT" (case independent).
Maximum length of password is 9 characters.

Note: When a password is unknown or forgotten, the reset switch can be pressed for two seconds. This
will restore the factory default password. Note that the Network settings will also be set to factory default
"DHCP Enable".
In the SM3300 manual, see paragraph 6.2 (Web interface) for a detailed description about the reset switch.

To store the new password, refer to section 5.1(*SAV)

To read if a password is used, send the query
Syntax : SYSTem:PASsword:STAtus?<term>
If no password is used, the SM3300 will return 0<term>, otherwise it returns 1<term>.

5.7.8 Watchdog
The SM3300 provides a Watchdog timer on the Ethernet interface. The power supply monitors the Ethernet
communication when set and disables its power output when no Ethernet command is received within the
time set.

The Watchdog timer is disabled after a power-on event . Send the set command once to activate the
Watchdog timer and reset the timer by sending any valid Ethernet command at regular intervals.

To set the Watchdog timer (in ms):

Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>SET,<NR1><term> <NR1>= 20…10000

To read the last setting: (valid until Timeout)

Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>SET?<term>
To read the current state of the Watchdog timer:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term>

There are three possibilities:

20…10000<term> Current timer value in ms
0<term> Timeout. Clears indicator on Front panel and Web
-1<term> Clears Timeout, Watchdog is off

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To disable the Watchdog timer:

Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>STOP<term>
To test the Watchdog timer:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>TEST<term>
The Watchdog timer will be set to 2.5ms and expires very quickly. The indicator on the Front panel and
Web will be activated. Enable, disable or query the state of the Watchdog timer to clear the indicators.

5.7.9 Watchdog Example

A = Power on event, communication with the watchdog is off.

B = Gives -1, Indicates that the watchdog is still off.
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term>
C = This will set the times of the watchdog to 1000 ms, and enables it.
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,1000<term>
D = This indicates that the watchdog timer was at 823 ms when the command was received.
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> gives 823
To reset the watchdog timer, use the following command:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,1000<term>
To see in which period value of the watchdog timer is, use the following command, in this case is 1000 ms.
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set?<term>
E = Any valid command will reset the watchdog timer.
F = The watchdog timer expires and switches the output off.
G = To set the watchdog timer to 500 ms, use the command:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,500<term>
H = To set the watchdog timer to 700 ms, use the command:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,700<term>
I = To disable the watchdog timer use the command:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>stop<term>
J = Gives -1, Indicates that the watchdog is still off.
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term>
K = To test the watchdog timer use the following command, it loads the watchdog timer with 2.5 ms, so it
expires very quickly:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>test<term>
L = The watchdog timer expires and switches the output off.
M = To set the watchdog timer to 850 ms, use the command:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,850<term>
N = To test the watchdog timer, use the following command, it loads the watchdog timer with 2.5 ms, so it
expires very quickly:
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>test<term>
O = The watchdog timer expires and switches the output off.
Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term>
P = Gives 0, This will clear the watchdog timeout indicator on the front and webserver.

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Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term>
Q = Gives -1, Indicates that the watchdog is still off and makes the count -1.

5.7.10 Terminator
The terminator for the communication can be chosen.

To set the Terminator:

Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:TERminator<sp> <value> <term> value = CR, CRLF or LF
LF = Linefeed = 0AH = 10d
CR = Carriage Return = 0DH = 13d

To read the last setting:

Syntax : SYSTem:COMmunicate:TERminator?<term>

5.8 Output
The SM3300 provides a command to switch the output of a power supply ON or OFF.
Syntax : OUTPut<sp><boolean><term> boolean = 0, 1, OFF, ON
To read the last settings:
Syntax : OUTPut?<term>

5.9 Register Structure

The SM3300 provides two register structures which contain actual Power Supply status information.To
read the registers :

Syntax : STATus:REGister:A?<term>
Syntax : STATus:REGister:B?<term>

The SM3300 will return a decimal number which represents the binary status of the status signals.
For example, if the power supply is in CC-mode and signals DC-Fail, the register A condition will be :
66<term>. ( = 2 + 64 )

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6 Sequencer
6.1 Introduction
The SM3300 includes a subsystem called SEQUENCER. This system can contain max 25 free
programmable sequences of 2000 steps each. Sequences are identified by name (max 16 characters, case
Sequences can be started and stopped by commands (see section ) or by a user input (see section 6.5).
That makes it possible to run stand-alone, so no PC or network is required.

A sequence can set the output voltage / current, set or clear digital I/O, make (un)conditional jumps, etc. It
allows the user to generate arbitrary waveforms, interact with I/O like sensors, valves, motors, etc. It can
also contain subroutines. In short : it behaves like a PLC, without the bother of an extra rack unit or

Sequences are built with steps, see the examples in section 6.6. Each step contains a step number,
followed by a command with its required operand(s). Step numbers and commands are separated by a
<sp> (space).
For example : 12<sp>SV=5
The execution time of a step is approximately 125µs.

Step numbers must start at 1, then 2, 3, 4, etc. It is not allowed to skip step numbers. If void steps are
included for future implementations, they can be filled with the command NOP.

6.2 Commands
The commands available within a sequence are sorted in categories, such as Settings, Jumps, Arithmetic
and Miscellaneous. Next paragraphs describe the syntax : the commands and their operands.

6.2.1 Settings

SV stands for Source Volt. This command sets the output voltage of the power supply.
Syntax : SV=<NR2> <NR2> = 0 to Vmax

SC stands for Source Current. This command sets the output current of the power supply.
Syntax : SC=<NR2> <NR2> = 0 to Cmax

O stands for user Output. X can be A to H (output A to H). This command can set or reset a digital output.
Syntax : Ox<slot>=<boolean> <boolean> = 0 or 1 x = A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H
<slot> = 1,2,3 or 4 (slot1 is the one closest to the Ethernet connector)

# stands for Variable. x can be A to H. This command sets a value in a variable.
Syntax :#x=<NR1> <NR1> = 0 to 65535 x = A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H

Variable I (#I) is a timer of 1 ms. This command sets a value in the variable and the value decreases every
1 ms with 1 until it reaches zero.
Syntax : #I=<NR1> <NR1> = 0 to 65535

Variable J (#J) is a timer of 100msec. This command sets a value in the variable and the value decreases
every 100msec with 1 until it reaches zero.
Syntax : #J=<NR1> <NR1> = 0 to 65535

6.2.2 Jumps

JP stands for Jump. It's an unconditional jump to a step anywhere in the sequence.
Syntax : JP<sp><label> <label> = jump to step defined by label.
See section 6.3, Add labels for a description on labels.

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JS stands for Jump to Subroutine. RET stands for Return. These two commands (always used together)
allow to create subroutines within a sequence. JS <step> jumps to the subroutine located at <step>.
The commands in the subroutine will be executed until a step contains RET. Then the subroutine is
finished and the program returns to the step after the jump instruction JS. It's possible to nest up to 6

Warning! do not use RET without JS or visa versa. The sequencer will be in an undefined state.

Syntax : JS<sp><label> <label> = jump to step defined by label.

See section 6.3, Add labels for a description on labels.

CJE stands for Compare Jump if Equal. Can be used in combination with Inputs, Outputs and Variables.
CJE allows to create conditional jumps to any step within the sequence. It compares the first two operands
and branches if their value is equal to the step declared in the third operand.
Syntax : CJE<sp><Ix><slot>,<boolean>,<label> x = input A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H
CJE<sp><Ox><slot>,<boolean>,<label> x = output A,B,C,D,E, F,G or H
CJE<sp><#x>,<NR1>,<label> x = variable A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I or J

CJNE stands for Compare Jump if Not Equal. Can be used in combination with Inputs, Outputs and
Variables. CJNE allows to create conditional jumps to any step within the sequence. It compares the first
two operands and branches if their value is not equal to the step declared in the third operand.
Syntax : CJNE<sp><Ix><slot>,<boolean>,<label> x = input A,B,C,D,E,F,G or H
CJNE<sp><Ox><slot>,<boolean>,<label> x = output A,B,C,D,E or F
CJNE<sp><#x>,<NR2>,<label> x = variable A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I or J

CJG stands for Compare Jump if Greater. Can be used in combination with Source / Measure Voltage /
Current and the variables. CJG allows to create conditional jumps to any step within the sequence. It
compares the first two operands and branches (if the first value is greater then the second) to the step
declared in the third operand.
Syntax : CJG<sp><SV>,<NR2>,<label>
CJG<sp><#x>,<NR1>,<label> x = variable A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I or J
SV stands for Source Volt, which is the voltage setting.
SC stands for Source Current, which is the current setting.
MV stands for Measure Volt, which is the actual output voltage.
MC stands for Measure Current, which is the actual output current.
For example CJG<sp>MV,10,voltage ; When the actual output voltage is greater than 10V, the program
jumps to step define by the label voltage, otherwise it continues with the next step.

CJL stands for Compare Jump if Less. Can be used in combination with Source / Measure Voltage /
Current and the variables. CJG allows to create conditional jumps to any step within the sequence. It
compares the first two operands and branches if the first value is less then the second to the step declared
in the third operand.

Syntax : CJL<sp><SV>,<NR2>,<label>
CJL<sp><#x>,<NR1>,<label> x = variable A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I or J
For example CJL<sp>SC,10,increase ; When the current setting is less than 10A, the program jumps to
step defined by the label define increase, otherwise it continues with the next step.

6.2.3 Arithmetic

INC stands for Increment. Can be used in combination with Voltage, Current and Variables.

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Syntax : INC<sp><SV>,<NR2>
INC<sp><#x>,<NR1> x = A, B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I or J

DEC stands for Decrement. Can be used in combination with Voltage, Current and Variables.
Syntax : DEC<sp><SV>,<NR2>
DEC<sp><#x>,<NR1> x = A, B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I or J

6.2.4 Miscellaneous

NOP stands for No Operation. No actions are done when a step contains this command.
This command can be used to arrange step numbers for future implementations or to create some small
delays between two commands.
Syntax : NOP

W stands for Wait. Can be used to create an idle time. The operand declares the time (in seconds) the
program has to wait before it continues with the next step.
Syntax : W=<NR2> <NR2> = 0.001 ... 65535

TRG stands for Trigger. The program waits until a TRIGger:IMMediate command is received via TCP/IP.
After that it continues with the next step of the sequence. This command sets the "Wait For Trigger"-bit in
the Status:Register:B
Syntax : TRG

END stands for End of program. When the system reads this command, the program will stop. Every
program must have an END function included. (It's not necessary to have an END on the last step of the
sequence ; e.g. after an END the program can have subroutines).
Syntax : END
When a sequence without END function is executed the "Program Open End Error"-bit is set in the

6.3 Sequence control by commands

6.3.1 Read the Catalog
The catalog contains all the programmed sequences. To read the catalog send the query:
Syntax : PROGram:CATalog?<term>
The SM3300 returns a list of the names of all sequences, seperated by linefeeds.
The end of the catalog is indicated by an extra <nl>.
In case of no sequences available, the SM3300 only returns one <term>.
Example : PROG:CAT?<term> answer: WAVE1<nl>PROCESS4<nl>RAMP-UP<nl><term>

6.3.2 How to create or select a Sequence

To select an existing sequence or to create a new one, send the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:NAMe<sp><string><term> string may contain the characters A-Z, 0-9
and + (max. 16 characters) The first character of string has to be a A-Z, type character.

To read which sequence is selected, send the query:

Syntax : PROGram:SELected:NAMe?<term>
The SM3300 returns the name of the selected sequence, followed by a <term>. Or, in case of no selection,
only <term>.
Sequence names are not case-sensitive (during selection), but are stored in memory with upper case.

6.3.3 Upload a Sequence to SM3300 (PC → PS)

First select/create a sequence, then upload the new steps by the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STEp<sp><NR1><sp><command+operand(s)><term>
<NR1> = 1 to 2000. Steps do not have to be programmed in order, but already existing steps will be
overwritten when reselected.
For example : PROG:SEL:STEp<sp>21<sp>CJNE<sp>#A,3,15<term>

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6.3.4 Download a Sequence from SM3300 (PS → PC)

After a sequence is selected, the steps can be downloaded one by one, using the query:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STEp<sp><NR1>?<term>
The SM3300 returns <step number><sp><command+operand(s)><term>.
If the queried step doesn't exist, the SM3300 returns <term>.

The SM3300 returns the complete sequence when it receives the query:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STEp<sp>?<term>
The answer from the SM3300 will be:
<1><sp><command+operand(s)><nl><2><sp><command+operand(s)><nl> and so on.
After the last step the SM3300 sends <term> as a terminator.

6.3.5 Delete a Sequence

After a sequence is selected, it can be removed from the catalog by:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:DELete<term>
To clear the whole catalog and delete all the sequences, including their assignments, send:
Syntax : PROGram:CATalog:DELete<term>

6.3.6 Start a Sequence

If a sequence is selected, it can be started by the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>RUN<term>The sequence will start at step 1. The RUN
command will automatically initiate a sequence Build when the sequence is not yet build, or modified after
an earlier build.

6.3.7 Pause a Sequence

If a sequence runs, it can be paused by the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>PAUSe<term>
If the sequence is paused, it can be continued after sending the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>CONTinue<term>

6.3.8 Step through a Sequence

If a sequence is selected, it is possible to manually step through the program (during any mode) by:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>NEXT<term>
This command executes the next step and turns in mode PAUSE. If the current step contains a Wait
instruction and it is not finished yet, the sequencer ignores the Wait instruction.
For example :
6 oa2=1
7 w=100
8 ob4=1
If the program executes step 7 to wait 100 seconds, the sequencer goes to step 8 after the SM3300
received the command PROG:SEL:STA NEXT. Even when less than 100 seconds are passed.
If a step within the sequence contains a Jump instruction (CJNE,CJE, etc) which must check a certain
condition to be true before the next step can be executed, an extra step before this Jump instruction is
required. Otherwise the NEXT command will ignore the condition. E.g:
11 oa1=1
12 nop
13 cjne ia,1,1,12
14 oa1=0
Stepping through the sequence with NEXT from step 13 to step 14 is only possible when user input A is
high. This command will also start a selected sequence when it is in STOP mode.
For debugging the sequence this command can be used.

6.3.9 Stop a Sequence

If the sequence mode is RUN or PAUSE , it can be stopped by the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp><STOP><term>
The sequence will stop immediately, but is still selected. The SM3300 restores the setting for voltage and
current which were used before the sequence was started.

6.3.10 Read Sequence mode

By sending the query:

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Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte?<term>
The SM3300 will return the current mode. There are three possibilities:
PAUSE,<next step><term>
RUN,<next step><term>
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:STAte<SP> active?<term>
The SM3300 will return the current mode. There are three possibilities:
PAUSE,<active step><term>
RUN,<active step><term>

6.3.11 Trigger a Step

When a step contains TRG, the sequence waits for the command via TCP/IP:
Syntax : TRIGger:IMMediate<term>
After this command, the sequencer will proceed.

6.3.12 Add labels

Use the following command to include labels:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp><name>,<step><term> name = Label name
To query the active Labels, use the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp>?<term>
A maximum of 20 Labels can be defined.The maximum characters per Labelname is 10. Start with a A-Z
character, after which A-Z, 0-9 characters are allowed.

6.3.13 Delete labels

Delete a Label by sending the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp><NAMe>,DELETE<term>
Use the following command to delete all Labels:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp><*>,DELETE<term>

6.3.14 Building a Sequence

Before a sequence can be started it has to build. During a build the SM3300 will for example check if all
used Labels are defined.

If a sequence is edited, it can be build by the command:

Syntax : PROGram:SELected:BUIld<term>

To check if a selected sequence is build use the command:

Syntax : PROGram:SELected:BUIld?<term>

Note: executing a sequence by RUN or NEXT command without building it will automatically execute the
Build command.

6.3.15 Select saving to non-volatile memory

Initially a created and edited sequence is kept in volatile memory. This means that the sequence is lost
when the Power Supply is switched off.

When a sequence is meant to remain on the Power Supply it can be set to be saved to non-volatile
memory. Use the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SELected:NONvolatile<sp><boolean><term> <boolean> = 0 or 1

The setting can be queried by the command:

Syntax : PROGram:SELected:NONvolatile?<term>

6.3.16 Saving to non-volatile memory

Sequence set to be saved to non-volatile memory can be saved using the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SAVe<term>
A save takes approximately 15 seconds.
The setting can be queried by the command:
Syntax : PROGram:SAVe?<term>
The SM3300 will return the current state. There are three possibilities:
0<term> Sequence not saved yet.
1<term> Sequence is being saved
2<term> Sequence is saved

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6.3.17 Selecting a Programming Source

The programing source which is used by the sequencer can be selected.
This for example gives the opportunity to run a sequence with a fixed highspeed execution rate while
controlling the Power Supply through the ethernet connection.

Select the Programming Source using the command:

Syntax :PROGram:SOUrce<sp><volt>,<curr><term>
Possible settings are : - Front
- Web
- Sequencer
- Ethernet
- Slot1 - Slot4 (except isolated analog interface)

To Query the Programming Source set use the command:

Syntax : PROGram:SOUrce?<term>.

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6.4 Sequence control by Web

6.4.1 Read the Catalog
The catalog contains all the programmed sequences. To read the catalog browse to the IP address of the
power supply and click on Configuration > Sequences.

Sequencer Catalog

6.4.2 How to create a sequence

When Sequencer control by Web is used sequences have to be made in a test editor like for example
Microsoft® Notepad and saved with a *.seq extension.
Warning! do not save with a *.seq.txt extension.

The file name (excluding the start condition and the extension) defines the sequence name. It may contain
the characters A-Z, 0-9 and + (max. 16 characters). The first character of the filename has to be a A-Z,
type character. Sequence names must be unique, but are not case sensitive.

Build the actual sequence with step numbers, sequence commands and labels (one command per line).
Step numbers must be in ascending order, but may be left out for future use. The power supply will skip
unused sequence steps. See the example below.

Leave a space or a tab between the step number and the sequence command. Using a tab gives the
opportunity to prepare the sequence in a spreadsheet program before copying it to a text editor.

A Linefeed (Enter) is needed after each sequence step. The power supply uses this linefeed to distinguish
each command line. Make sure to add a linefeed after the last sequence step too.

Sequence example code: (Note. The unused steps 5 – 19 are skipped by the power supply)
1 sc=8
2 sv=100
3 #j=3
4 inc sv,5
20 cjne #j,0,4
21 sv=100

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6.4.3 How to select a sequence

Sequences available on the power supply can be selected using the Sequencer Console. Browse to the IP
address of the power supply and click on Console > Sequencer. The Console will display a selection box
with which a sequence can be selected. Select the required sequence and click on Load. The sequence is
now selected.

Note. If the selection box does not show the newly added sequence the Refresh button on the left side of the selection
can be clicked.

The unfold menu of a sequence in the sequence catalog also mentions whether a sequence is active or not.

6.4.4 Upload a sequence to SM3300 (PC > PS)

Click on Browse on the catalog page to browse to the sequence file. Select the file, click on Open and click
on upload to start uploading the file. When the sequence is uploaded the power supply checks its Syntax
and performs the Build command (section 6.3 Building a Sequence) Click on Back to find the sequence in
the catalog when the upload is accepted by the power supply.

6.4.5 Download a Sequence from SM3300 (PS > PC)

Unfold the sequence options by clicking on the sequence name in the catalog. Click on <sequence
name>.seq next to Download source to download the sequence and select a text editor to open the file.

6.4.6 Delete a Sequence

Unfold the sequence options by clicking on the sequence name in the catalog. Click on the Selection box
next to Delete and click on the button Apply settings. Use the Web password when required. Make sure
that the sequence is stopped before clicking on Apply settings, because a running or paused sequence
cannot be deleted. The Sequencer Console can be used to stop a running or paused sequence.

When the sequence has been saved to non-volatile memory (the checkbox Mark for Non-volatile will be
checked) the checkbox Mark for Non-volatile needs to be unchecked and applied as well. Additionally click
on Sync memory to update the non-volatile memory. Updating the non-volatile memory takes about 15
seconds in which the web will wait.

6.4.7 Start a Sequence

A selected sequence can be started by the Run/Pause button on the Sequencer Console. Unless Paused,
the sequence will start from step 1.

6.4.8 Pause a Sequence

A running sequence can be paused by clicking on the Run/Pause button on the Sequencer Console. Line
<next step> will visualize the next command to be executed.

6.4.9 Step through a Sequence

If a sequence is selected, it is possible to manually step through the program (during any mode).
Click on the Next button on the Sequencer Console to execute the next step.
Line <next step> will visualize the next command to be executed.

6.4.10 Stop a Sequence

If the sequence mode is Run or Pause, it can be stopped by the Stop button on the Sequencer
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6.4.11 Read Sequence mode

State <current state> on the Sequencer Console displays the current state. There are three possibilities:
Stop, Pause and Run.

6.4.12 Trigger a Step

When a sequence contains TRG, the sequence waits for the command via TCP/IP (section 6.3 Trigger a
step). Triggering a step by the Web Console is not implemented.

6.4.13 Add labels

Labels can be defined and used in a sequence file. During sequence upload the power supply checks if all
used labels are also defined in the file.

To define a label, type its name and add a : (colon) character to it. The sequencer will jump to the
sequence step directly below the label define. Use the label name in sequence steps without the colon

Label example code:

234 w=2
235 inc sv,0.5
236 w=0.2
237 cjl sv,14,increase
238 w=10

A maximum of 20 labels can be defined per sequence. The maximum characters per label name is 10. Start with a A-Z
character, after which A-Z, 0-9 type characters are allowed.

6.4.14 Delete labels

To delete a label, remove its define and the relevant jumps from the sequence file on the computer. It is not
possible to edit uploaded sequences using the browser.

6.4.15 Building a Sequence

Directly after sequence file upload the power supply automatically builds the sequence to usable core code.
No more manual action is required. Unfolding the sequence options displays the Built state of a sequence.
This can be No when the sequence is created using the commands mentioned in section 6.3 (Sequence
control by commands)

6.4.16 Saving a sequence to non-volatile memory

Unfold the sequence options by clicking on the sequence name in the catalog. Click on the Selection box
next to Mark for Non-volatile and click on the button Apply settings. Use the Web password when required.

Click on Sync memory to update the non-volatile memory with the new setting. Updating the non-volatile
memory takes about 15 seconds in which the web will wait.

6.4.17 Selecting a Programming Source

The programming source which is used by the sequencer can be selected. Refer to 6.3 (Sequence control
by commands) for the Ethernet command. Selecting the Sequencer programming source by Web is not

6.4.18 Sequence control by user inputs (optional)

Unfolding the sequence options displays Start conditions. When the power supply is equipped with one or
multiple Digital I/O interfaces it is possible to start and stop a sequence on a user input. Refer to section 6.5
(Sequence control by user inputs) for the description on the sequence control by user input settings.

6.5 Sequence control by user inputs (optional)

When a new sequence is created (by prog:sel:name), an assignment can be added to the sequence name
to give the sequence extra parameters.

Once sequences are uploaded, it is possible to start / stop them by user inputs. This gives the opportunity
to control the sequencer without the need of a computer. Even the network connection can be removed. To
do so it is necessary to insert 1 or multiple Digital I/O Interfaces (see section 5.6). The power supply will be

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able to work stand-alone in the field and control up to 251 different complex processes (one at a time).

There are some rules that must be followed:

1) To start a sequence, the related user input must change from "0" to "1".
2) To stop / finish a sequence, the related user input must change from "1" to "0".
3) To start another sequence, the other assigned user inputs must be "0".

The assignment of a user input to a sequence must be included within the sequence name. A sequence
name can be max 16 characters long. The last four characters can be used for assignment. First the
separator "+", followed by A,B,...,G or H (the name of a user input) and the slot number.

Character 3 and 4 allow to set some options:

3th: S (Stop) ; When the assigned user input changes from "1" to "0", the sequence will
stop immediately.
F (Finish) ; When the assigned user input changes from "1" to "0", the sequence
continues until the command END is executed.
4th: R (Restore); When the sequence stops, the SM3300 restores the voltage and current
settings that where valid before the sequence started.
H (Hold) ; When the sequence stops, the actual voltage and current settings remain
the same.

Assignment examples:
<seq name>+A1SR ; The sequence starts when user input A (slot 1) becomes "1", it stops
immediately when user input A (slot 1)becomes "0" and the voltage and
current settings are restored.
<seq name>+D3FH : The sequence starts when user input D (slot 3) becomes "1".
When D (Input slot 3)becomes "0", it finishes the steps until END is
executed and holds the actual setting for voltage and current.

Any combination of the user inputs and the options can be made. It is required to set every
character of the assignment. Refer to section 6.3 to find the command to program the sequence
name. The length of the sequence name + the assignment has a maximum of 16 characters.

1) When 4 Digital I/O Interfaces are inserted.

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

6.6 Sequence examples

In this paragraph a few examples are explained based on typical applications.
Every example contains a short description of the application, a flowchart, the list of the required sequence
steps and the commands how to upload the sequence into the SM3300.

6.6.1 Example 1: Generate waveform.

A rectangular waveform (10Hz) with an amplitude of 5V and an offset of 10V must be generated by the
power supply. If the output current of the power supply becomes below 26 Amperes, the output voltage
must drop to 0V and an alarm bell must indicate the fault. One push button restarts the system, and
another one stops the system.

Wiring diagram: Programming steps:

1 sv=0
2 sc=45
3 oa1=0
4 w=1
5 sv=10
6 w=0.05
7 sv=15
8 w=0.05
9 cje ib1,1,16
10 cjg mc,26,5
11 sc=0
12 sv=0
13 oa1=1
14 cjne ia1,1,14
15 jp 3
16 sv=0
17 sc=0
18 end

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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

6.6.2 Example 2: Test relays.

To test the double-pole contacts of relays and the working voltage of their coils (specified between 6 and
11.8V), the output voltage of the power supply ramps from 5 to 12 Volt. At 5V, the output current must be
higher than 10mA, otherwise the test doesn't start.

Contacts are tested open and closed. When the relay switches, the working voltage must be checked.
The results are indicated via a red or a green LED.

Wiring diagram: Programming steps:

1 oa1=0
2 ob1=0
3 js 21
4 nop
5 w=1
6 sv=5.9
7 cjne ia1,1,30
8 cjne ib1,0,30
9 cjne ic1,1,30
10 cjne id1,0,30
11 cjg sv,11.8,30
12 inc sv,0.05
13 w=0.1
14 cjne ia1,1,34
15 cjne ib1,0,34
16 cjne ic1,1,34
17 cjne id1,0,34
18 jp 11
19 end
20 nop
21 sv=5
22 sc=0.3
23 w=0.1
24 cjg mc,0.01,29
25 oa1=1
26 ob1=1
27 w=1
28 jp 19
29 ret
30 oa1=1
31 w=1
32 jp 19
33 nop
34 ob1=1
35 w=1
36 jp 19
37 nop

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7 Command list TCP/IP

7.1 Index TCP / IP
*IDN?<term> ................................................................................................................................................... 8
*PUD<sp><data><term> ................................................................................................................................ 8
*PUD?<term> .................................................................................................................................................. 8
*SAV<term> .................................................................................................................................................... 8
*SAV<sp><password><term> ....................................................................................................................... 8
SOURce:VOLtage:MAXimum?<term> ......................................................................................................... 9
SOURce:CURrent:MAXimum?<term> .......................................................................................................... 9
SOURce:VOLtage<sp><NR2><term> ........................................................................................................... 9
SOURce:VOLtage?<term> ............................................................................................................................ 9
SOURce:CURrent<sp><NR2><term> ........................................................................................................... 9
SOURce:CURrent?<term>............................................................................................................................. 9
SOURce:VOLtage:STEpsize?<term> ........................................................................................................... 9
SOURce:CURrent:STEpsize?<term> ........................................................................................................... 9
MEASure:VOLtage?<term> .........................................................................................................................10
MEASure:CURrent?<term> .........................................................................................................................10
CALIbrate:CURrent:GAIn<sp><NR2><term> ............................................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:GAIn?<term> ..............................................................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:OFFset<sp><NR2><term> ........................................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:OFFset?<term> ..........................................................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:GAIn<sp><NR2><term> ............................................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:GAIn?<term> ..............................................................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:OFFset<sp><NR2><term> ........................................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:OFFset?<term> ..........................................................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:GAIn<sp><NR2><term> ...........................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:GAIn?<term> .............................................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:GAIn<sp><NR2><term> ...........................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:GAIn?<term> .............................................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:OFFset<sp><NR2><term> .......................................................................11
CALIbrate:CURrent:MEAsure:OFFset?<term> .........................................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:OFFset<sp><NR2><term> .......................................................................11
CALIbrate:VOLtage:MEAsure:OFFset?<term> .........................................................................................11
SYSTem:POWersink<sp>rsd,<boolean><term> .......................................................................................12
SYSTem:POWersink<sp>rsd?<term> ........................................................................................................12
SYSTem:POWersink<sp>interlock,<boolean><term> .............................................................................12
SYSTem:POWersink<sp>interlock?<term> ..............................................................................................12
SYSTem:POWersink<sp>output,<boolean><term> .................................................................................12
SYSTem:POWersink<sp>output?<term> ..................................................................................................12
SYSTem:INTerface:TYPe<sp><slot>? .......................................................................................................12
SYSTem:INTerface:TYPe<sp>ALL? ...........................................................................................................12
SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp><slot>,<0+NR1><term> .................................................................13
SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp><slot>? ...........................................................................................13
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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:OUTput<sp>ALL? ...............................................................................................13
SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:INPut<sp><slot>? ...............................................................................................13
SYSTem:INTerface:DIO:INPut<sp>ALL? ...................................................................................................13
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp><slot>,<relay>,<value><term> .............................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp><slot>,<relay>?<term> .........................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp><slot>?<term> .......................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:RELay<sp>ALL?<term> ..........................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:LINkrelay<sp><slot>,<relay>,<value><term> ........................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:LINkrelay<sp><slot>,<relay>?<term> ....................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts: LINkrelay<sp><slot>?<term> .................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:INTerlock<sp><slot>?<term> .................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:INTerlock<sp>all?<term> ........................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:ENAble<sp><slot>?<term> .....................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:ICOntacts:ENAble<sp>all?<term> ............................................................................14
SYSTem:INTerface:IANalog<sp><slot>,RANGE,<state><term> .............................................................15
SYSTem:INTerface:IANalog<sp><slot>,RANGE?<term> ........................................................................15
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IPRG,<NR2><term> .....................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IPRG?<term> ...............................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IPRG,<NR2><term> .................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IPRG?<term> ...........................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VPRG,<NR2><term> ...................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VPRG?<term> ..............................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VPRG,<NR2><term> ................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VPRG?<term> ..........................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IMON,<NR2><term> ....................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,IMON?<term> ..............................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IMON,<NR2><term> ................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,IMON?<term> ...........................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VMON,<NR2><term> ...................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:GAIn<sp><slot>,VMON?<term> .............................................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VMON,<NR2><term> ...............................................................16
CALIbrate:INTerface:OFFset<sp><slot>,VMON?<term> .........................................................................16
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_MODE,<value><term> ..............................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_MODE?<term> ..........................................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_TYPE,<value><term> ...............................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>SIM_ TYPE?<term>...........................................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>DIRECT,<boolean><term> ...............................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>DIRECT?<term> ................................................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>ENA_DYN,<boolean><term> ...........................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:CONtrol<sp>ENA_DYN?<term> ............................................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TSTC,<value><term> ........................................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TSTC?<term> ....................................................................17
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GSTC,<value><term> .......................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GSTC?<term> ....................................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VMPP_STC,<value><term> ..............................................18
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SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VMPP_STC?<term> ..........................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>IMPP_STC,<value><term> ...............................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>IMPP _STC?<term>...........................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>VOC_STC,<value><term> ................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ISC_STC,<value><term> ..................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ISC_STC?<term> ..............................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ALPHA,<value><term> .....................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ALPHA?<term> .................................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>BETA?<term> ....................................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TECHNOLOGY,<value><term> ........................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TECHNOLOGY?<term> ....................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TPV,<value><term> ..........................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>TPV?<term> .......................................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GPV,<value><term> ..........................................................18
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GPV?<term> ......................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GHIGH,<value><term> .....................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GHIGH?<term> ..................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GLOW,<value><term> ......................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>GLOW?<term> ..................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SETUPTIME,<value><term> .............................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SETUPTIME?<term> .........................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T1,<value><term> .............................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T1?<term> .........................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T2,<value><term> .............................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T2?<term> .........................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T3,<value><term> .............................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T3?<term> .........................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T4,<value><term> .............................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>T4?<term> .........................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>N,<value><term> ...............................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>N?<term> ...........................................................................19
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:TABle<sp><index>,<voltage>,<current><term> ..................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:TABle<sp><index>?<term> ...................................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>RI,<value><term> ..............................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>RI?<term> ..........................................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SLOW,<boolean><term> ..................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>SLOW?<term> ...................................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp>ENABLE,<boolean><term> ..............................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:SIMulation:SETting<sp> ENABLE?<term> ..............................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>STATE,<value><term> ..................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>STATE?<term> ..............................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>PAR,<value><term> ......................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>PAR?<term> ...................................................................20
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Ethernet & Sequencer Programming SM3300

SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:SETting<sp>SER?<term> ...................................................................20
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>ID?<term> ........................................................................21
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>CONFIG?<term> .............................................................21
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>UNITS?<term> ................................................................21
SYSTem:INTerface:MASterslave:STAtus<sp>ERROR?<term> ..............................................................21
SYSTem:RSD[:STAtus]<sp><boolean><term> .........................................................................................21
SYSTem:RSD[:STAtus]?<term> .................................................................................................................21
SYSTem:LIMits:VOLtage<sp><NR2>,<boolean><term> ..........................................................................21
SYSTem:LIMits:CURrent<sp><NR2>,<boolean><term> ..........................................................................21
SYSTem:LIMits:CURrent? ...........................................................................................................................21
SYSTem:FROntpanel:HIGhlight .................................................................................................................21
SYSTem:FROntpanel[:STAtus]<sp><boolean><term> ............................................................................21
SYSTem:FROntpanel[:STAtus]?<term> ....................................................................................................21
SYSTem:FROntpanel:CONtrols<sp><boolean><term> ...........................................................................21
SYSTem:FROntpanel:CONtrols? ...............................................................................................................21
SYSTem:REMote:CV[:STAtus]<sp><setting><term> ...............................................................................21
SYSTem:REMote:CV[:STAtus]?<term> .....................................................................................................22
SYSTem:REMote:CC[:STAtus]<sp><setting><term> ..............................................................................22
SYSTem:REMote:CC[:STATus]?<term> ....................................................................................................22
SYSTem:ERRor?<term> ..............................................................................................................................22
SYSTem:PASsword<sp><old_password>,<new_password><term> .....................................................22
SYSTem:PASsword:STAtus?<term> .........................................................................................................22
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>SET,<NR1><term> ...................................................................22
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>SET?<term> .............................................................................22
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> ............................................................................................22
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>STOP<term> ............................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>TEST<term> .............................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> ............................................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,1000<term> ........................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> gives 823 ...........................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,1000<term> ........................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set?<term> ...............................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,500<term> ..........................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,700<term> ..........................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>stop<term> ..............................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> ............................................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>test<term> ................................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>set,850<term> ..........................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog<sp>test<term> ................................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> ............................................................................................23
SYSTem:COMmunicate:WATchdog?<term> ............................................................................................24
SYSTem:COMmunicate:TERminator<sp> <value> <term> .....................................................................24
SYSTem:COMmunicate:TERminator?<term> ...........................................................................................24
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OUTPut<sp><boolean><term> ...................................................................................................................24
OUTPut?<term> ...........................................................................................................................................24
STATus:REGister:A?<term> .......................................................................................................................24
STATus:REGister:B?<term> .......................................................................................................................24

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8 Command list Sequencer

8.1 Index Sequencer

SV=<NR2> .....................................................................................................................................................25
SC=<NR2> .....................................................................................................................................................25
#x=<NR1> ......................................................................................................................................................25
#I=<NR1> .......................................................................................................................................................25
#J=<NR1> ......................................................................................................................................................25
JP<sp><label> ..............................................................................................................................................25
JS<sp><label> ..............................................................................................................................................26
RET ................................................................................................................................................................26
CJE<sp><Ix><slot>,<boolean>,<label> .....................................................................................................26
CJE<sp><Ox><slot>,<boolean>,<label> ...................................................................................................26
CJNE<sp><Ix><slot>,<boolean>,<label> ...................................................................................................26
CJNE<sp><Ox><slot>,<boolean>,<label> .................................................................................................26
CJNE<sp><#x>,<NR2>,<label> ...................................................................................................................26
CJG<sp><SV>,<NR2>,<label> ....................................................................................................................26
CJG<sp><MV>,<NR2>,<label> ....................................................................................................................26
CJG<sp><SC>,<NR2>,<label> ....................................................................................................................26
CJG<sp><#x>,<NR1>,<label> .....................................................................................................................26
CJL<sp><SV>,<NR2>,<label> .....................................................................................................................26
CJL<sp><MV>,<NR2>,<label> ....................................................................................................................26
CJL<sp><SC>,<NR2>,<label> .....................................................................................................................26
CJL<sp><MC>,<NR2>,<label> ....................................................................................................................26
CJL<sp><#x>,<NR1>,<label> ......................................................................................................................26
INC<sp><SV>,<NR2> ...................................................................................................................................27
INC<sp><SC>,<NR2> ...................................................................................................................................27
INC<sp><#x>,<NR1> ....................................................................................................................................27
DEC<sp><SV>,<NR2> ..................................................................................................................................27
DEC<sp><SC>,<NR2> .................................................................................................................................27
DEC<sp><#x>,<NR1> ..................................................................................................................................27
NOP ...............................................................................................................................................................27
W=<NR2> ......................................................................................................................................................27
END ................................................................................................................................................................27
PROGram:SELected:NAMe<sp><string><term> ......................................................................................27
PROGram:SELected:NAMe?<term> ..........................................................................................................27
PROGram:SELected:STEp<sp><NR1><sp><command+operand(s)><term> .......................................27
PROGram:SELected:STEp<sp>?<term> ...................................................................................................28
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PROGram:SELected:DELete<term> ..........................................................................................................28
PROGram:CATalog:DELete<term> ............................................................................................................28
PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>RUN<term> ............................................................................................28
PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>PAUSe<term> ........................................................................................28
PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>CONTinue<term> ..................................................................................28
PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp>NEXT<term> ..........................................................................................28
PROGram:SELected:STAte<sp><STOP><term> ......................................................................................28
PROGram:SELected:STAte?<term> ..........................................................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:STAte<SP> active?<term> ......................................................................................29
TRIGger:IMMediate<term> ..........................................................................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp><name>,<step><term> ..........................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp>?<term> ..................................................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp><NAMe>,DELETE<term> ......................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:LABel<sp><*>,DELETE<term> ...............................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:BUIld<term> .............................................................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:BUIld?<term> ...........................................................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:NONvolatile<sp><boolean><term> ........................................................................29
PROGram:SELected:NONvolatile?<term> ................................................................................................29
PROGram:SAVe<term> ...............................................................................................................................29
PROGram:SAVe?<term> .............................................................................................................................29
PROGram:SOUrce<sp><volt>,<curr><term> ............................................................................................30
PROGram:SOUrce?<term>. ........................................................................................................................30

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