Will - Be Going To

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Future verb forms present learners with quite a few problems in English. There are two main reasons why students have problems with this area. Firstly, English has more forms to refer to future time than many other languages; and secondly, the choice of future form depends on aspect (that is, how the speaker sees the event) and collocation, and not on time, nearness to present, or certainty. Student may have some of the following problems. They over-use will, seeing it as the standard future tense. English doesnt have a standard future tense. They dont see that the pre-arranged nature of the verb action requires the Present Continuous or going to - What time will you meet your friend? - Will you go to the cinema tonight? - Well go on holiday to Greece? time. They resort to a ubiquitous Present Simple/ verb stem tense to refer to all I go to Paris this weekend What you do tonight? When you go on holiday?

This mistake is common in the spontaneous use of will - I open the door for you. - Its very nice. I buy it. Students need to perceive the relatively few common collocations of noun + Present simple. - The match/ term/ film starts at - The train/ plane bus leaves at - My birthday/ wedding/ party is on Sunday.

1. Will Be Going to
We use will and be going to to talk about the future. Will is used: Be Going to is used:

1. to talk about things we are not sure about or we havent decided yet. Ill probably buy a new car (Im not sure yet) 2. to express hopes, fears threats, on- the- spot decisions, offers, promises, warnings, predictions, comments, opinions, requests, suggestions (especially with words such as: think, expect, suppose, hope, believe, know, Im afraid, Im sure, doubt, probably) I think it will be sunny tomorrow (prediction). 3. to express a prediction or a future action or event which may or may not happen - I think you will pass the test (prediction) - He will be twenty next year (future event) - She will probably phone later (prediction)

1. to talk about things we are sure about or we have already decided to do in the near future - Im going to buy a new car (Ive decided it) 2. to express intention and plans. - Now that Ive got the money, Im going to buy a new dress. (intention) - Im going to get some more training so I can get a better job. (plan) 3. When we can see (evidence) that something is going to happen. - Watch out! Were going to have an accident (we can see a car coming). - Its going to rain (we can see dark clouds in the sky).

Time expressions used with will and be going to: Tomorrow, tonight, next week/ month/ year, in two days, the day after tomorrow, soon, later on, presently, etc.

Shall is used with I or We in questions, suggestions and offers or when asking for advice. - Shall we go by train? (suggestion) - Shall I help you with your bags? (offer) - What shall I do? (asking for advice) Exercise 1 Listen to the conversation, dramatize it. Mind the usage of the contracted form of will.

Monday morning
David What's the matter? Sue Oh, I don't know. David Oh, come on . . . it's something. What is it? Sue It's just life . . . it's so boring. David Oh, it's not so bad ... you've got Daniel! Sue But he's only a baby! It's all right for you. You'll leave the house in five minutes. I'll be here all day. When'll you come home? You won't come home till seven! David One of us must go to work, dear. Sue Yes, but your day'll be interesting. My day'll be the same as every day. David My work isn't always interesting. Sue I know, but you travel around, you meet different people and you do different things. Who'll I meet today? What'll I do? Eh? I'll wash up, feed the baby, do the washing, clean the house, bath the baby, take the dog for a walk. . . . David But. ,. but,. , dear. Sue Then I'll go to the supermarket, prepare dinner, meet you at the station, have dinner, wash up again... David But. .. but. . . dear. 2

Sue Then I'll feed the baby again, put the baby to bed . . .What a life! Today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this month, next month, next year. . . for ever! David It's just Monday, dear ... you'll be O.K. later. Sue Will

His Monday David Shaw, television interviewer 8.30 catch the train 9.30 arrive at the television studio 10.00 interview Miss World 12.00 have lunch with a film producer 3.00 meet Paul McCartney at London Airport 4.00 have cocktails at new discotheque 5.00 catch the train 7.30 have dinner 8.30 watch television What'll he do at 8.30? He'll catch the train. Write questions and answers about David. When will she wash up? She'll wash up at nine o'clock, Write questions and answers about

9.00 go to the pub Her Monday Sue Shaw, housewife 9.00 wash up 10.00 feed the baby 10.30 do the washing 12,00 clean the house 1.00 take the dog for a walk 2.30 go to the supermarket 4.00 prepare dinner 5.30 meet David at the station 7.30 have dinner 10.00 go to bed

Exercise 2 Fill in: will, wont or shall Larry: 1) Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Sue: Yes. Thats a good idea. I 2) make some sandwiches. Larry: Ok. And I 3) bring some lemonade. Sue: 4) I buy some cheese? Larry: I dont really like cheese. Sue: I 5) buy any cheese then. I 6) bring some fruit instead. Larry: I think it 7) be sunny tomorrow so I 8) probably wear my shorts. Sue: Well, I think I 10) take mine. It is still cold in the mornings. Larry: 11) I invite Bob and Linda? Sue: Thats a good idea. It 12) be nice if they come. Exercise 3 Write the speech situations as in the example: Prediction, offer, warning, promise, threat, request, on-the-spot decision, fear 1. Dont eat all the cake. You will be sick. warning. 2. Ill close the window. Its very windy. 3. Dont worry! Ill buy you a new one. 4. Shall I do the washing-up? 5. Will you help me? 6. Freeze or Ill shoot. 7. You will soon be rich. 8. Im afraid you will cut yourself. 9. I will marry you soon. 3

Exercise 4 This poem offers practice in the future tense with be going to. Listen carefully to the reduction of sound in the question, What are you going to ? What re you gonna ? Listen to the long stretched- out sound of leave. Practice the sounds of see, say, stay. What Are You Going to Do at Two? What are you going to do at two? What are you going to do? What are you going to be at three? What are you going to be? What are you going to see? What are you going to say? What are you going to go? What are you going to stay? What are you going to do? What are you going to see? What are you going to leave? What are you going to be? Exercise 5 will and be going to Bymore's is a big department store. It's quite an old store now. The management of Bymore's have decided to modernize the store. The manager of the store is explaining what they are going to do and what the result will be. Write down what the manager says. Computer to tell us what people are buying 1. New escalators to move people around move quickly. 2. More assistants to help our customers. 3. Cameras to stop people stealing things. 4. Music to produce the right atmosphere. 5. Televisions to inform customers about things in the store. 6. Childrens room for parents to leave their children. Example We're going to have a computer. It'll tell us what people are buying. 1 2 3 4 5 6 We're going to put in .... They'll ... ...e m p lo y ... ...put in.... ... p lay ... ... have ... ... have.........be able ... .

Exercise 6 This chant offers practice in command forms and the will/ wont response to commands. Notice the use of the future will to make a promise. 4

Departure Have a wonderful trip! Have a wonderful trip! Dont forget to call me When you get back. Have a wonderful trip! Have a wonderful trip! Dont forget to call me When you get back. Have a wonderful trip! Dont worry, I will. Have a wonderful trip! Dont worry, I will. Dont forget to call me Dont worry, I wont. Dont forget to call me Dont worry, I wont. Exercise 7 This chant illustrates the use of the future forms will/ wont. Students should note the expressions I hope/ doubt/ Im sure/ I dont think.

I Hope He Wont Be Homesick I hope he wont be homesick. I hope he wont feel bad. I hope he wont be lonely. I hope he wont feel sad. I dont think hell get homesick I doubt that hell feel bad. Im sure he wont feel lonely. I hope he wont feel sad. 2. Present Simple and Present Continuous with a future meaning. The Present Simple Tense denotes a future action for timetables, programmes, etc. (for example, for public transport, cinemas) E.g. Our plane leaves at 8.30 a.m. What time does the film begin? The football match starts at 8 oclock. Tomorrow is Wednesday. But we do not normally use the present simple for personal arrangements. E.g. What time are you meeting Pete? Present Continuous describes fixed arrangements in the near future, especially social and travel arrangement. A time reference is usually included. E.g. Sally is seeing her dentist this week. (Sally has fixed an appointment) We are having a party on Friday night. Would you like to come? It is also possible to use going to (do) in these sentences: 5


What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon? Tom is going to play tennis on Monday morning. But the present continuous is usually more natural when you are talking about arrangements. Alex is getting married next month.

Exercise 8 Ann is going on holidays. You have to write sentences about her holiday plans. Use the words in brackets to write your sentences. Example: (go/ Scotland) She is going to Scotland. 1. (leave/ next Friday) She _______________________ 2. (stay/ in Scotland for 5 week) ___________________ 3. (go/ with a friend of hers) ______________________ 4. (stay/ in a hotel) They _________________________ 5. (go/ by train) ________________________________

Exercise 9. Put the verb into the most suitable form, present continuous or present simple. Example: We are going (go) to the cinema this evening. Does the film begin (the film/ begin) at 3.50 or 4.50? 1. We ____________ (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 2. I _____________ (not/ go) away for my holidays next month because I havent got enough money _____________ (you/ go) away? 3. The concert this evening ____________ (start) at 7.30. 4. Goorge, is it true that you ____________ (get) married next week? 5. The art exhibition _____________ (open) on 3 May and ___________ (finish) on 15 July. 6. What time ______________ (the next train/ leave)? 7. Ann, we _____________ (go) to town. _____________ (you/ come) with us? Exercise 10 Zo (Z) and Sandy (S) share a flat. Zo comes home one evening to find Sandy looking miserable. Listen to and/ or read their conversation and why Sands unhappy. Find three different structures that refer to the future. Z: Hi! S: Oh, hello. Z: You dont look very happy. Whats the matter? S: David hasnt rung. Z: You only saw him yesterday. S: Yes, and the last thing he said was, Ill ring you tomorrow! Z: Well, tomorrow isnt finished yet. 6

S: No, but its eight oclock. What are you doing tonight? Do you fancy going for a drink? Z: Um, Id love to, but Johns coming round and were going for a meal. S: Well, Im not going to sit here waiting for the phone to ring. I know Ill phone Becky. Which form is used: a) At the moment of making a decision? b) To talk about your intentions what youve decided you want to do? c) To talk about fixed plans?

Exercise 11 Listen and check your answers. (Phone rings.) Becky: Sandy: Becky: Sandy: Becky: Sandy: Becky: Sandy: Becky: Sandy: Hello. Hi, Becky, it's Sandy. Hiya. Becky will you do/are you doing anything tonight? Yes. I'll meet/I'm meeting Alex and Suzy in about half an hour. Where will you go/are you going? To the cinema. Would you like to come with us? Yes. I'd love to. Where will you meet/are you meeting? At their house, but we could meet you in front of the cinema in George Street at half past eight. OK, thanks. See you later (Puts the phone down and calls out to Zo.) I'll go/I'm going to the cinema with Becky. Zo: Good idea. Sandy: And next time I see David, I'm telling/I'm going to tell him to get lost. Zo: Hmm. I'll believe/I'm believing that when I see it. (Phone rings.) Zo: David: Zo: Sandy: David: Sandy: David: Sandy: David: Sandy: David: Hello, Is Sandy there, please? Yes. Hold on a moment - I'll get/I'm going to get her for you. (Whispers.) It's David. (Coldly.) Oh, hello, David. Look, I'm really sorry I didn't call earlier, but I had to work late. Oh, that's all right - I forgot you were going to ring anyway. Listen, I'm afraid I can't see you tonight, I'll have/I'm having dinner with my parents, It doesn't matter - I'll go/I'm going to the cinema anyway. Oh, right. OK, well I'll call/I'm going to call you. When? I mean, all right. Bye. Bye.

(Sandy puts the phone down.) 7

Zo: You didn't tell him to get lost. Sandy: Well, he apologized - and he'll have/he's having dinner with his parents. Anyway, I must go. See you later: (Later, in front of the cinema.) Sandy: Hi, Alex. Hi, Becky. Where's Suzy? Becky: Oh, she changed her mind at the last minute. David phoned her and asked her to go for a meal at that new Japanese restaurant. Sandy: What?! Now I'm definitely telling/I'm definitely going to tell him to get lost!

Exercise 12 Work with a partner and complete the replies. Use will (lI), (be) going to or the present continuous. a) There's no food in the house. Don't worry ... b) Can we meet for a drink on Tuesday? I'd love to, but... c) Have you got your holiday organized? Yes, we booked it last week. We ... d) Are you ready to order, madam? Yes, 1 think ... e) The car needs a service. Yes, I know ... f) Is there an agenda for the conference yet? No, but... g) Your hair's getting long. Yes, I know... Exercise 13 Decide whether the pairs of sentences a) and b) could be equally acceptable in the context given, or whether one is more appropriate a) You cant leave early, A) Were having a meeting B) Were going to have a meeting. (Both acceptable, but A more appropriate) b) Were run out of fuel. A) What are we doing now? B) What are we going to do now? c) Oh, dear, Ive broken the vase. A) What will your mother say? B) What is your mother going to say? d) According to the weather forecast, A) Itll rain tomorrow 8

B) Its going to rain tomorrow e) Id like to call round and see you A) Whatll you be doing in the morning? B) What are you doing in the morning? f) Ive got nothing to do tomorrow A) Ill get up late. B) Im going to set up late g) Why dont you come with us? A) Itll be a great trip. B) Its going to be a great trip h) Shut up, will you! A) Im getting angry in a minute. B) Im going to get angry in a minute.

Time words with no Future forms.

1. We never use future forms after: when (time conjunction), while, before, until, by the time, if (conditional), as soon as, after, etc. Shell send us a letter when she has time But When will he meet us? I dont know if he will accept (whether) 2. With go and come we use Present Continuous rather than be going to Shes going to London next week. Rather than Shes going to go to London next week.

3. Time Clauses.
Time clauses are introduce with: after, as, as long as, as soon as, just as, since, before, by the time, when , while, until/ till, the moment (that), whenever (that), whenever etc. As soon as we are ready, Time clause well leave Main clause

Time clauses follow the rule of the sequence of tenses. This means that when the verb of the main sentence is in a present or future form, the verb of the time clause is in a present form. Shell come when she is ready. You can wait here until she comes. We never use will/ would (future forms) in time clauses; we normally use a present form. Hell go out after he has finished his job. Hell be a lawyer when he grows up. Note: When (time conjunction) + present Ill take you out to dinner when I get paid. 9

When (question word) + future or present Do you know when she will arrive/ is arriving? Exercise 14 Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Future. You 1) ll meet (meet) Agent 205 under the closck at the railway station. When she 2) _________ (arrive), she ________ (give) you an envelope. I dont know if you 4) _________ (recognise) her in her disquise but if she 5) ________ (not/ say) the secret code word, you 6) _________ (know) she is an enemy agent. You 7)_________ (take) the envelope and head for the train to Waterloo Station. When the train 8) __________ (come), you 9) _________ (get on) it and go to Waterloo. If you 10) _________ (miss) the 9.15 train, you 11) _________ (have to) get the next one. As soon as it 12) _________ (reach) Waterloo, leave the train and take a taxi to the Opera Hause. You 13) _________ (meet) Jenny there, although Im not sure exactly when she 14) _________ (get) there. Give her the envelope. Wait until she 15) _________ (drive) off and then go home. We 16) _________ (call) you there. Are there any question?

Exercise 15 Match the sentences and fill in the correct tense. 1. Shell call us a. un 2. I dont til it ________ (stop) raining know b. as 3. What soon as I _______ (can) ______ c. if _you/ you __________ (come) home do) late 4. Turn the d. as light off soon as she reaches (reach) 5. Dont London go out e. if 6. I you have an accident? ______( f. w write) to hat ________ (you/ buy) you g. w 7. He will hen he ________ (leave) be h. be angry fore you _________(go) to bed 8. If I give you $5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

__d___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

If is used for things which may possibly happen Ill help you if I have time. When is used for things which are sure to happen. Ill phone you when I get to my hotel. By the time means before, not later than. By the time he is thirty, he will have been playing in that team for twelve years. Until means up to the time when. It is also used with a negative verb. They wont take off until the weather improves.

4. Clauses of Reason

As and Since are normally used at the beginning of the sentence. Since/ As its your birthday, Ill let you borrow my best suit. Exercise 16 Join the sentences using the word in brackets. 1. Martin is away for Christmas. Hell miss the party. (since) __________

2. 3. 4. 5.

Its the end of term. Well play some games. (as) _________________ Hes lazy. Hell fail his exams. (because) ________________________ There is so much traffic. Ill be late for work (because) _____________ He really likes GunsnRoses. Ill buy him their latest album for the birthday. (since) _____________________

5. Clauses of Purpose
so that + will/ can/ may (present of future reference) shell save money so that she can buy a flat. In case + present (present/ future reference). Never followed by will/ would Ill buy some cake in case they come Compare: in case if. Shell buy some Coke if they come (Shell buy some Coke after they come). Shell buy some Coke in case they come. (Shell buy some Coke before they come, because they might come).

6. Conditionals and if Sentences.

Real situations: If + any present form (Present Simple, Present Continuous, or Present Perfect) Main clause: Future/ Imperative Can/ may/ might/ must/ should + bare Inf. Present Simple (for general truths). If he leaves early, hell be on time for the meeting. If youre tired, go to bed! If you have finished your work, we can go for a walk. If you heat water, it boils. Here we think that the outcome is really possible. If you keep driving like that, youll have an accident. When the if- clause is before the main Clause, we separate the two clauses with a comma. If you come early, we can go for a walk. But: We can go for a walk if you come early. We do not normally use will, would or should in an if- clause. If you hurry, you will catch the train. However, we can use will/ would in Type1 Conditionals to make a request or to express insistence or annoyance, and should when we are less sure about a possibility. (slight possibility) If you will give me a hand with the dishes, we can go out together. (Please, give me a hand with the dishes). If you will continue to go out every night, youll fail your exams. (Insistence, if you insist on going out). If I meet her, Ill ask her. (I may meet her). If I should meet her, Ill ask her. (I may meet her, but I doubt it). 11

Unless means if not. Unless she studies, she wont pass her test. (If she doesnt study, she wont pass her test). As long as, providing/ provided that, can be used instead of if. As long as hes on time, we wont be late for the meeting. (If hes on time we wont be late for the meeting). Ill do what you say provided the police are not informed. Even if describes how something will happen whatever the condition. Even if it rains, well go for a picnic. Going to can replace will: If you fall, youre going to hurt yourself. It can also be used to mean intend to after if. If youre going to make trouble, well call the police. Present Perfect can be used to emphasize completion after if. If youve finished, then well go. It is also possible in both parts of the sentence. If Ive told you once, Ive told you a hundred times. If so/ If not can refer to a sentence understood but not stated. There is a possibility that Jack will be late. If so, I will take his place. Colloquial omission of if. An imperative can be used instead of an if clause in everyday speech. Sit down, and Ill make us a cup of tea (If you sit down ...)

Exercise 17 Read this information and then answer the questions below Cats! In parts of Japan, people believe that if a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck. Some Chinese believe that if your cat washes its face, someone is going to visit you. There is a saying in Wales that if you always feed your cat and take good care of it, you will have a happy marriage. There is a French superstition that says if a girl steps on a cats tail, it will take her one more year to find a husband. Some Europeans used to believe that when a cat reached the age of twenty, it turned into a witch, and when the witch reached the age of a hundred, it turned back into a cat. In Brittany, France, people say that if you find a white hair on a black cats tail and pull it out without getting scratched, you will have good luck. Some people believe that if your neighbors cat visit you, it means the cats owner is gossiping about you. According to an old Chinese proverb, a light-colored cat will bring its owner silver and darkcolored cat will bring gold. An old Russian superstition says that if cat moves into a new house, it will bring the owners happiness. The Japanese say that a dog remembers three days of kindness for three years but cat will forget three years of kindness in three days. a) Which of the beliefs above are similar to beliefs in your country? b) Do you know another interesting belief or superstition about cats? Write it down. Exercise 18 12

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Choose the correct form of the verb. If I dont feel well tomorrow, Ill stay at home. (dont feel and Ill stay are right). If the weather is/ will be nice tomorrow, we can go to the beach. It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive/ well arrive late. The alarm will ring if there is/ will be a fire. Im/ Ill be surprised if they get/ theyll get married. Do you go/ will you go to the party if they invite/ theyll invite you?

7. Will and shall as modal auxiliaries.

1. Shall can be used with all persons to emphasize something which the speaker feels is certain to happen or wants to happen. I shall definitely give up smoking this year. We shall win! (Shall is stressed in this sentence) 2. Similarly, shall is used in formal rules and regulations. No player shall knowingly pick up or move the ball of another player. 3. Will can be used to express assumption. - The phones ringing. - Thatll be for me. 4. Will/ wont can be used emphatically to tell someone of the speakers intention, or to forbid an action, in response to a will expression. - Ill take the money anyway, so there! - You wont! - I will! Similarly I wont can mean I refuse, and I will can mean I insist. - I wont do it! - Yes, you will!

8. Future Continuous
1. This describes actions in progress at a stated future time Come round in the morning. Ill be painting the kitchen. Hell be sunbathing in Hawaii this time next week. 2. It can also describe events which are going to happen anyway, rather than events which we choose to make happen; which are the result of routine (instead of Present Cont.) Ill be seeing John tomorrow. (We work in the same office so well definitely meet). I wont bother to fix a time to see you, because Ill be calling into the office anyway several times next week. 3. In some contexts future continuous also sounds more polite than will, when we ask about peoples arrangements to see if they can do something for us or because we want to offer to do something for them. Will you be going to the supermarket? Can you buy me some tea? Will you be going to the shops later? If you go, could you get me some potatoes? 4. It can also be used to refer to fixed arrangements and plans. The band will be performing live in Paris this summer. Exercise 19 Complete the following dialogue using Future Simple or Future Continuous. Pete: Can I phone you tomorrow, Suzy? Suzy: What time? Pete: Well, Im not working tomorrow so I 1)ll phone (phone) you at 9 oclock in the morning. Suzy: Oh, no! I 2) ________ (sleep) then. Pete: Ok. I 3) ___________ (call) you at noon. 13

Suzy: Well, I 4) __________ (wash) my hair. Pete: Perhaps I 5) __________ (come) and visit you in the afternoon, then. What 6)__________ (you/ do) around 3 oclock? Suzy: I 7) __________ (get) ready for my aerobics class. Pete: Well, if I phone you at 5 8) __________ (you/ be) at home? Suzy: No, Im afraid not. I 9) ___________ (visit) my aunt in hospital. Pete: When can I see You, Suzy? Suzy: Phone me tomorrow evening. I 10) ___________ (not/ do) anything then. Exercise 20 Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future. Bob: 1) Will you be able (you/ be able) to go skiing with us next weekend? Graham: No, I 2)___________ (be) in London then. Bob: Really? Why 3) __________ (you/ go) there? Graham: Theres a very important meeting, 5) _________ (visit) a friend in Sussex. Bob: Before you 6) __________ (leave), 7) ___________ (you/ give) me a ring? There are a few things Id like you to buy while you 8) __________(be) there. Graham: Yes, of course. I 9) ___________ (ring) you on Friday. 5. Future Continuous can express a future action that will take place in the normal course of events. The focus is not on a decision or an arrangement or willingness. When the President goes to China next month, hell be taking his family with him. Captain: On this afternoons flight, we will be flying at 35000 feet.

9. Future Perfect.

1. This has both simple and continuous forms, and refers to time which we look back at from a future point. In two years time Ill have finished this book. By the end of the month, Ill have working for this firm for a year. 2. Future Perfect: actions will be finished before a stated future time. She will have come back by the end of July. Note: by or not ... until/ till are used with Future Perfect. Until/ till are normally used with Future Perfect only in negative sentences. She will have finished by 8 oclock. She wont have finished until 8 oclock. 3. Future Perfect Continuous: duration of an action up to a certain time in the future. 4. It can also be used to express an assumption on the part of the speaker You wont have heard the news, of course. This means that I assume you have not heard the news. Exercise 21 Fin in: by or until 1. What time will you have finished painting your room? I will have finished by 7 oclock, I hope. 2. Are you seeing Julie tonight? No, I will have left ______ the time she gets here. 3. Have they built their house yet? No, they wont have built it ________ the end of May. 14

4. Will you have done your homework _________ tomorrow? No, I wont have done it _______ Friday. 5. Shell have saved enough money to buy a car __________ Christmas. 6. Ill have worked here for ten years ___________ the end of this month. 7. We wont have built the shed __________ Friday. 8. Shell have finished cooking ___________ the time the guests arrive.

Exercise 22 Put the verbs in brackets into Future Perfect or Future Perfect-Continuous. 1. By 7.00 p.m. they will have been playing (play) cricket for eight hours. 2. I _________ (finish) painting your room by the time you get home. 3. By the end of next month I _________ (live) in London for exactly three years. 4. Tom _________ (write) his third novel by the end of this year. 5. By the time he arrives in London, John _________ (drive) for five hours. 6. This film _________ (probably/ not/ finish) until midnight. 7. How long _________ (you/ study) English by the end of this term? 8. Dont worry! You _________ (forget) all about it by this time next year. 9. By Friday I _________ (work) on this project for two months. 10. Hopefully, he _________ (cook) dinner for us by the time we get home.

Exercise 23 June Sanders (S), a young veterinarian, is visiting a fortuneteller (F) F: I see a big change in your life ... not immediately, perhaps, but five or six years from now. Yes, by then you will have been married for a couple of years. S: Married? F: Yes. To a musician a musician with green eyes and black hair. S: Not my friend Anton? You must be kidding! Why, the thought never crossed my mind. F: Well, its certainly crossed his. S: What about the big change in my life? The first thing you mentioned? F: Ah, yes. Youll have a lucky break in five or six years. Your financial worries will be a thing of the past. S: Thats nice to hear! If I hadnt opened that animal hospital, Id have a lot more money right now. Its used up all of my savings. F: (Flips cards) In the meantime, you must be very careful, though. Someone has a grudge against you. S: Against me? Who could it be? F: Its someone who knows your future husband. Apparently, youve offended him. If he werent so shy, he would have confronted you already. But he still wants to get even with you. S: What do you mean get even with me? F: I dont know. But dont get too alarmed. Youre not in any physical danger. Im only telling you about this because by this time next week, you will have received a letter from him. S: Are you serious? F: Yes, and its essential that you answer it very carefully....

Figure it out

A prediction is a statement someone makes about what he or she thinks will happen in the future. Based on the dialogue, say Prediction or Fact for each sentence below. 1. 2. 3. 4. In five or six years, June will have been married for a couple of years. June has a friend named Anton who is a musician with green eyes and black hair. June used up all of her savings to open an animal hospital. By this time next week, June will have received a letter from someone who knows her future husband. 5. June is visiting a fortuneteller in order to find out about her future. Exercise 24 Talk about plans 1. Tell your partner what you would like to do in the future. What are your plans for the future? o My dream is to open my own business someday. After I graduate, Ill get a job and work for five or ten years. By then, I will have gotten some experience and I can go off on my own. What kind of business would you like to start? o I think a clothing store might be nice. Ive always been interested in fashion. Id like open my own business. get a job as a _______. move to ___________ have children. Spend a year in an English-speaking country. By then I will have gotten some experience. finished school lived here for ________ years. saved more money been studying English for ________ years

Give reasons 2. Tell your partner about a decision you have made and explain your reasons for it. Ive decided to quit my job. o Youre kidding! Im surprised to her that. Well, by the end of this year, and I have been working for the company for four years, and I havent even had a promotion yet. In general, I feel that... Youve decided to quit your job because youve been working for the company for almost four years and havent had a promotion. stop studying English because youve been studying it for almost six years and are getting bored. Go back to your country/ hometown because youve been away for almost five years and getting homesick.

Exercise 25 Match the following sentences with the correct tense description. 1. Look out! That dog is going to bite you. 2. Ill be flying to Morocco this time tomorrow. 3. She is worried that hell be angry. 4. By 11 oclock shell have been waiting for five hours. 5. The London train arrives at 4.45. 6. Im seeing my bank manager this morning. 7. When Im older, Im going to learn to drive. 8. I think Ill make some tea. Do you want some? 16

9. Hell have finished by tomorrow afternoon. 10. Will you be going into town today? 11. Im sure hell pass the test. 12. Shell probably come early. 13. Im going to buy a new car tomorrow. a) fixed arrangement in the near future. b) action which will be finished before a stated future time. c) timetable d) fear about the future e) evidence that something will definitely happen in the near future. f) future intention g) action in progress at a stated future time h) duration of an action up to a certain time in the future i) action intended to be performed in the near future j) on-the-spot decision k) something we are not sure about yet l) polite enquiry about peoples arrangements. m) prediction 1. __e__ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. ______ 9. _____ 10. ______ 11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ________

Exercise 26 Complete the dialogue using the correct future form. A: What 1) are you doing (do) tonight? B: I 2) ___________ (try) to finish my homework because I 3)___________ (go) to my cousins wedding on Saturday and I 4) ___________ (not/ be able) to do it then A: What time 5) ___________ the wedding ___________(start) on Saturday. B: The ceremony 6) ___________ (begin) at 2 oclock, then I 7) ___________ (go) to the party in the evening. A: 8) ___________ any of your friend ___________ (be) there? B: Well, my cousin says I can bring a friend 9) ___________ (you/ do) anything on Saturday night? A: No, but I 10) ___________ (feel) shy if I dont know anyone. B: Never mind. It 11) ___________ (be) a big party and Im sure you 12)___________ (have) a great time. A: Ok, then. Thanks very much. Exercise 27. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense: the Present Simple, the Present Perfect, the Future Simple, or the Future Continuous. Sometimes more than one tense is possible. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome on board this British Airways flight to Rome. In a very short time, just as soon as we (a) ___________ (receive) permission, we (b) ___________ (take off). When we (c) ___________ (reach) our cruising speed of 550 miles an hour, we (d) ___________ (fly) at 35000 feet. Our flight time today is two and half hours, so we (e) ___________ (be) in Rome in time for lunch!


The cabin crew (f) ___________(serve) refreshments during the flight, so just sit back and relax. We hope you (g) ___________(enjoy) the flight. If you (h) ___________ (need) any assistance, just press the button and a flight attendant (i) ___________ (come) to help you (Later on during the flight) If you (j) ___________(look) out of the right-hand side of the plane, you (k) ___________(see) Mont Blanc. In a few moments time, the crew (l) ___________ (come) round with duty-free goods. We (m) ___________ also ___________ (give out) immigration forms. When you (n) ___________ (fill) them in, please place them in your passport. They (o) ___________ (collect) as you (p) ___________ (go) through passport control. In twenty minutes time we (q) ___________(land). Please put your seats into the upright position. You are requested to remain seated until the plane (r) ___________(come) to a complete standstill. Before you (s) ___________(leave) the plane, please look around to make sure you (t) ___________(not leave) any of your possessions behind you. We hope you (u) ___________(fly) again soon with British Airways. Listen and check your answers

10. Other ways of referring to the future.

1. Is/ are to be This is used to describe formal arrangements. All students are to assemble in the ball at 9.00 2. Be about to, be on the point of, be due to Be about to and be on the point of both refer to the next moment. I think the play is about to start now. Mary is on the point of resigning. Be due to refers to scheduled times. The play is due to start in five minutes. Anns flight is due at 6.20. 3. Present simple and present perfect Present simple is used to refer to future time in future time clauses. When we get there, well have dinner. Present perfect can also be used instead of present simple when the completion of the event is emphasized. When weve had a rest, well go out. 4. Present simple is also used to describe fixed events which are simply the wishes of the speaker. Tom retires in three years. Similarly, calendar references use the present simple. Christmas is on a Tuesday next year. Its all go next week I have my operation; then the week after that I go on holiday

11.Other future references.

1. Hope This can be followed by either present or future tenses. I hope it doesnt rain. I hope it wont rain. 2. Other verbs followed by will. Most verbs of thinking can be followed by will if there is future reference. These include: think, believe, expect, doubt. I expect the train will be late. I doubt whether United will win. 3. Just/ just about to Just can be used to describe something on the point of happening. 18

Hurry up! The train is just leaving/ just about to leave. 4. Shall The use of shall for first person in future reference is generally considered to be restricted in British English and possibly declining in use. Sometimes it is used in expressing obligation. For some speakers, shall is used in formal speech and in written language. Exercise 28 Put the verb in brackets in a suitable future form. Sometimes more than one form is possible. John and Anita (a) ___________ (get) married in two weeks time. The church ceremony (b) ___________ (start) at 3.00, so all the guests (c) ___________ (have) to be their seats by 2.50. Anita (d) ___________ (give) away by her brother, as her father died a few years ago, and Johns brother, Paul, (e) ___________ (be) his best man, so he (f) ___________(have) to make sure all the arrangements go smoothly. They (g) ___________(have) the reception in the Kings Head Hotel, and then the happy couple (h) ___________(go) to Italy for their honeymoon. They (i) ___________ (stay) in a hotel near Lake Como for two weeks, and when they come back Anita (j) ___________(start) looking for a job. By the time its all over, it (k) ___________(cost) them over two thousand pounds! What a lot of money! Exercise 29 Put the verb in brackets in a suitable future form A When (l) ___________ you ___________(get) changed? The taxi (m) ___________ (arrive) any minute, and you arent even ready yet! B Dont worry. Weve got ages. What time (n) ___________ the play ___________(start)? 7.00, isnt it? If the traffic isnt too bad, we (o) ___________ (get) to the theatre by 6.30, and then we (p) ___________(have) time for quick drink. A What (q) ___________(we)___________(do) about eating tonight? B Keith (r) ___________(take) us out to a Chinese restaurant afterwards. Had you forgotten? A Oh, yes. What time (s) ___________ we___________(get) back? I (t) ___________ (have) to tell the babysitter. B About midnight, I should think. Exercise 30 Underline the future form which is most appropriate. a. So youve sold your house? When will you move/ will you be moving? b. Darling, I love you. Are you going to/ will you marry me? c. I hear youve been offered a new job. Do you/ are you going to accept it or not? d. Do you think they will find/ will have found a way to stop people ageing by the time were old? e. Yes, Im sure one will have been found/ will be found soon. f. Hurry up and buy your ticket. The train will leave/ will be leaving soon, and I dont want to miss it. g. Which platform will it/ does it leave from? h. I forgot to ask a neighbour to look after the plants while were away on holidays! When we get home, they will all have died/ will all die. i. Damn! Were going to be late for the party. By the time we get there, all the other will be eating/ will have eaten, and therell be/ theres going to be nothing left for us. Exercise 31 Choose the most appropriate words underlined. a. Jack is/ is going to be sixty-five next month so he retires/ will be retiring. b. Quick, here comes a police car! What will we say/ are we going to say about the broken window? c. Helen and Andrew are due to separate/ are on the point of separating. d. Dont be so impatient! Ill just come/ Im just coming. e. I have to be back at 3.30 so Im leaving/ I leave before lunch. 19

f. g. h. i. j.

What do you think youll be doing/ youll do in five years time? Come on, get a move on, or well miss/ well have missed the plane! Will you be working/ Will you work the week after Christmas? I was thinking of visiting you. By the time Jean gets back, itll be/ it will have been too late. Dont phone after 11.00. Ill be/ Ill have been asleep.

Exercise 32 Put the verb in brackets into a suitable tense. a. In twenty four hours time Ill be relaxing (I relax) on my yacht. b. Theres someone at the door. That ___________ (be) the postman. c. By the time you get back Harry ___________(leave). d. Its only a short trip. I ___________(be) back in an hour. e. What___________(you do) this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out? f. By the end of the week we___________ (decide) what to do. g. It ___________(not be) long before Doctor Smith is here. h. Ive pressed the red button. Now what ___________ I do? i. Its very hot in here. I think I ___________ faint. j. What ___________(you give) Ann for her birthday? Have you decided yet? Exercise 33 Choose the most appropriate continuation for each sentence. a. Paulas flight is bound to be late although. A) it arrives at 6.00 B)its due at 6.00 C) its arriving at six b. Its no use phoning Bob at the office, he A) will be leaving B) is leaving C) will have left c. Everyone says that this year City A) are going to win B) are winning the Cup C) win the Cup d. I dont feel like visiting me relatives this year so A) I wont go B) Im not going C) I dont go e. According to the latest forecast, the tunnel A) will be finishing next year. B) will have been finished next year C) is finishing next year. f. You can borrow this calculator. I A) am not going to need it B) wont have been needing it C) am not needing it. g) Im sorry, dinner isnt ready yet, but it A) is going to be ready in a minute B) will have been ready in a minute C) will be ready in a minute h) Can you send me the results as soon as you A) hear anything? B) are hearing anything? C) will have heard anything? i) You can try asking Martin for help but A) it wont do you any good. B) its not doing you any good. C) it wont be doing you any good. j) Dont worry about the mistake you made, nobody A) will notice. B) is noticing C) will be noticing.

Exercise 34 Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase referring to future time. 20

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

By this time next year, the government will have resigned. Wait for me here until ___________ back. We are on ___________ clinching the deal. No one can predict what Card is ___________ next. This time next week I ___________ on the beach! Are ___________ on Wednesday evening? Ive got tickets for the match. Ive lost the key! How ___________ get in now? I wont be long. I ___________ just___________my hair. We only posted the invitations yesterday so you ___________ received yours yet. Goodbye for now. I _______ in touch with you later in the week.

Exercise 35 Choose the most appropriate word or phrase underlined. a) Ill be back after a few minute/ in a few minutes b) Im sure that everything will be all right at the end/ in the end. c) Please call me the moment/ exactly when you near the news. d) I should be back by the time/ at the time the film begins. e) Im sure Fiona will be here before long/ after a while. f) I cant leave on Tuesday. I wont be ready until then/ by then. g) By twenty four hours/ this time tomorrow Ill be in Bangkok. h) Diana will be retiring soon/ already. i) There will be no official announcements forthwith/ from now on. j) Bye for now. Ill see you in two weeks time/ two weeks later.


Contents Introduction 1. Will Be Going to a) Time expressions used with will and be going to b) Exercises 2. Present Simple and Present Continuous with a future meaning a) exercises and tasks b) Time words with no Future forms 3. Time Clauses a) exercises 4. Clauses of Reason a) exercises 5. Clauses of Purpose 6. Conditionals and if Sentences a) exercises 7. Will and Shall as modal auxiliaries 8. Future Continuous a) exercises 9. Future Perfect a) exercises and tasks 10. Other ways of referring to the future 11. Other future references a) exercises 4 4 6 11 12 16 17 17 19 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33


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