Bridge and Flyover Construction: A Review

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 9, May-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


Mohd. Sajid Ali1, Bipin Kumar Singh2
M.Tech Scholar, 2 Head of Department
Civil Engineering Department, NIMS University Rajasthan, India.

Abstract: This paper review the waste specially the solid construction methods for solid bridges: adjusted cantilever,
waste condition in India and focus on the process of waste incremental propelling, traverse by-traverse. These new
recycling and using the waste for the process of building construction procedures were likewise quickly received by
the roads. the steel bridges. At long last, as of now in the twentieth
Index Terms: Solid waste, waste recycling, and road from century, the utilization of the PC made moderate the precise
waste. count and, along these lines, the plan and construction of
exceptionally repetitive bridge sorts as link stayed bridges,
I. INTRODUCTION and to demonstrate extremely confuse construction
Infrastructures are a key component for economy. Among successions. From that point forward, it appears like bridge
them, transportation infrastructures are key for human life engineering identified with plan and construction of bridges
and economy. Also, inside the transportation systems, had achieved a stationary point and no further pertinent
bridges are key components for associating individuals and advances were visualized. Bridge history demonstrates to us
conveying merchandise. Hence, bridges have been worked that for any significant transformation (or let us say a
since numerous hundreds of years back, somehow, and the "preceding" and an "after") in the field, some pertinent truth
advances (and here and there land developments!!) of ought to happen. There has been a "preceding" and an "after"
antiquated societies everywhere throughout the world have in bridge outline and construction with respect to the come
been identified with their capacity of building permanent into scene of cement and steel. From that point forward, new
bridges. The most illustrative of this could be the Roman materials have not showed up. Just as of late, fiber
Empire. After numerous era of bridge construction, these strengthened plastics (FRP) were converted into bridge
days we confront a long history of encounters that enable us engineering from the aeronautical field. Be that as it may,
to look to the advancement of bridge engineering along years these new materials did not prompt applicable changes in
and, in view of that, to attempt to extrapolate what is the bridge typologies or bridge construction plans, being its
most practical to come in the following future. The principle include, their sturdiness and high quality to weight
development in bridge engineering has been firmly connected proportion. There has been likewise a "preceding" and an
to the key advances in the accompanying ranges: materials, "after" in-bridge construction since the presence of
construction procedures, and displaying. Construction prestressing. Also, at last, there has been a "preceding" and
systems and bridge typologies toward the start were an "after" in bridge plan and demonstrating since the
administered by the mechanical properties and execution of presence of displaying systems and moderate computational
accessible materials around then. Indeed, when the accessible techniques. No significant advances were found in
materials were stone and masonry (materials that function construction forms after the improvement of propelling,
admirably in compression however not in strain), the adjusted cantilever, or traverse by-traverse strategies. No
trademark bridge sort was the curve and the construction vital advances were seen too in bridge plan and auxiliary
procedure, the platform of the total structure, on the grounds setups after the appropriation of steel and concrete and the
that the curve activity needs the total structure to create. For a utilization of PC displaying. As new materials, new
considerable length of time, the curve was the main construction forms and new demonstrating systems are not
accessible bridge sort with respect to permanent bridges. anticipated in the years to come as well, it appears that no
Obviously, suspension and pillar designs were additionally "enormous unrests" must be normal in the ranges of bridge
accessible however regularly with brief use because of the plan and construction.
toughness confinements of materials working in strain
(vegetal strands) and bowing (timber). Just the appearance in II. FLYOVER TREND IN INDIA
the nineteenth century of new materials as iron and steel, Previously, a few flyovers were developed in various urban
with the capacity to oppose malleable anxieties permitted the areas in India. In Chennai, the Gemini flyover was worked in
introduction of permanent suspension and brace bridges. the mid-seventies. In Delhi, flyover construction was
Later on, the mix of another material, concrete (like a activated by the Asian Games. Generally various flyovers
counterfeit stone) and steel, framing fortified and prestressed have been developed all over India. Mumbai, Delhi,
concrete made workable for the "new stone" to oppose Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Bangalore represent more
ductile activities and to join fragments between them. than 300 flyovers. The speculation adds up to more than
Something that was unrealistic with the "old stone"!!. This about Rs 300 billion. What's more, the consumption on
come about on an essential transformation in the realm of construction of bridges and flyovers is required to touch
bridges. Indeed, segmental bridge construction was about Rs 2000 billion. With regards to such tremendous
conceived, connected to it, and another gathering of speculation, it is important to investigate the different parts Copyright 2017.All rights reserved. 1696

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 9, May-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

of arranging, plan, specifying and construction of flyovers. Pile foundations

Amid the developmental stages, ideas, for example, basic When piles are fully designed and detailed as per the
leadership, applied outline, plan organization, soil Standard Codes, there should be no further conditions on the
examination, extend administration office, minimum number of piles. Flyovers have been constructed
institutionalization, new construction materials ought to be with pier resting on a single pile or on two piles in Malaysia
solidified. All the accessible choices for a specific area are and Bangladesh. However, in India, three or four piles per
considered before settling on the flyovers. Present and future foundation is insisted upon which is not justified. The bottom
activity development design, area of transport stops, natural of pile cap should be above water level to facilitate
effect and so on ought to be considered. From that point, a construction and obtain better quality concrete.
nitty gritty activity study and future populace of movement is Piles generally transfer the loads both by friction and by end
led so as to decide the quantity of paths toward every path. bearing. This aspect should be recognized in the design.
The arranged format of the flyover is precisely maintained a Socketing of piles into hard rock may be justified in specific
strategic distance from aggravation to activity and augment cases and should not be universalized. The depth of
the decongestion potential. socketing if required should be judiciously chosen. Unduly
harsh specifications in this respect lead to delays in
construction and increased cost.

Urban flyovers are built over precious land. Hence the space
occupied by the pier should be kept to the minimum. Ideally,
circular piers of 1m to 2m diameter in high strength concrete
should be adequate for up to six lanes of traffic. This is also
aimed at providing a more durable concrete structure and
eliminates the need for any type of coating to reinforcement
and/or concrete surfaces.
The pier configuration can also be carefully chosen to
Fig 1. Thane Flyover Mumbai eliminate pier caps. This reduces construction time. The full
height of the pier is concreted in one lift to avoid
construction joints and also reduce construction time. It is
possible to precast the piers off-site, transport and erect them
causing minimum disturbance to the existing traffic at site.

Most of the urban flyovers are built on heavily congested
roads. Therefore in-situ work is reduced to the minimum.
Beams, segments etc. are precast off-site, transported and
erected during night. Precast pretensioned beams are
extensively used for spans upto 45m. Indian flyovers use
beams with conservative L/D ratio of 15-25 which will be
expensive. In USA, pretensioned beams of large spans to
Fig 2. AJC Bose Flyovers –Kolkata 45m are in vogue with slender L/D ratio of 25 to 35.
PERMISSIBLE STRESSES The span range directly results from the site conditions. The
The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) standards are appropriate span length influences the selection of cross sections and
to highway bridges. IRC loadings are conservative, not also the erection method of 20 m beam are easily erected
realized during the service life. Urban flyovers generally using a single 50 t crane. In order to improve the riding
cater to cars, LCVs and buses. Heavier vehicles may use quality and economics, continuous decking for several spans
roads at ground level. IRC 70R/ Class AA loadings are not without expansion joints is preferred. In case of flyovers in
appropriate for flyovers, but often adopted. The IRC codes India, deck continuity has been practiced with expansion
stipulate low permissible stresses, ignoring developments in joints spaced about 100-150 m and this could easily be
high strength concrete and high grades of reinforcement steel. stretched to full length of flyovers.
IRC codes specify minimum thickness for webs, deck slabs,
The individual spans should be transformed into a full
pier walls etc which leads to avoidable increase in quantities, continuous system by using diaphragms and continuous deck
whereas these should be derived from design. In the past, slab at the supports. By eliminating bearings under each
hundreds of bridges have been built with web thickness of individual girder, the width and thickness of the pier can be
150mm and are in satisfactory service for more than 40 years substantially reduced.
whereas the thickness now is more than 250mm. In the developed countries, integral bridges are being
realized with abutments integral with deck. Continuity of Copyright 2017.All rights reserved. 1697

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 9, May-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

deck results in a more economical profile with reduction in quality deficiencies. The design and construction
the cross section, thickness and dead weight of the organizations should get ISO: 9000 certification or should
superstructure. It is possible to eliminate the wearing coat atleast follow all the ISO: 9000 requirements in practice.
altogether with the use of high performance concrete.
Reinforcement detailing
Beam cross section The detailing should use a minimum number of diameters of
Many different types of cross sections have been used for bars. It is always a good practice to standardize the diameter
precast beams. Precast T beams placed at 0.6m to 4m centres of the reinforcement to be used. This should be done after
with in-situ concrete deck slab is common. In India, for a taking into account the easy availability of the respective
typical 30 m span, it was usual to provide four T beams for a diameters from the prime producers. Some diameters of
7.5 m carriageway. This was subsequently reduced to three TMT bars are either not being manufactured at all or not
beams and also two beams by many designers in order to readily available, should be avoided in the designs.
realize the minimum quantities of concrete and/or steel. This The specification should only give reference to IS Codes.
does not necessarily result in overall economy and ease of Phrases such as “Cold rolled, TMT, CRS” etc are not
construction. The deck slab construction is quite expensive appropriate. Complicated shapes and multiple leg stirrups
because of larger spans between the two beams. It is difficult should be avoided as they increase the cost of construction.
to contain all the reinforcements within the optimized cross The designer should always provide the bar bending
sections with consequent problems of difficulties in schedules to the construction team who will scrutinize and
placement and compaction of concrete. comment on the same if required, to facilitate construction.

High strength concrete Mineral admixtures

High strength concrete up to 80 MPa is now permitted in IS IS 456:2000 permits blending of mineral admixtures- flyash,
456 2000. The Euro Code allows strengths up to 115 MPa. In GGBS etc – to produce blended cements or in the concrete
India, the JJ flyover has been constructed with 75 MPa batching plants. Concrete is sourced from RMC plants or
concrete. The use of concrete strengths of up to 85 Mpa cube automated batching plant at site. The mineral admixtures can
strength allows longer span lengths and more economical easily be incorporated in the site mixed concrete without
structures for existing beam sections. difficulty. The minimum cement content specified in the
In India, compressive strength of 40-50 MPa is for codes is really meant to be “minimum cementitious materials
pretensioned beams. A shallow section with a high strength content”. Thus when a minimum content of say 400 kg /m3
concrete can be more cost effective than a deeper section of concrete is specified it means sum total of cement plus
with normal strength concrete. mineral admixtures.

Standardization IV. CONCLUSION

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH) Bridges and flyovers are connecting the various parts of a
has attempted to set up standard drawings for spans up to 40 city and even country. They are always the pillars for the
m in reinforced and prestressed concrete. These are not been growth of the country’s infrastructure. Our paper gives an
widely used as they are not economical. overview about the standards and bridges and flyovers in
In the absence of standardization in India, chaotic conditions india.
prevail. No two designs, even by the same organization are
identical. Formwork has to be manufactured for each flyover REFERENCES
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