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HR Cheat Sheet


Recruitment and HR Roles & Responsibilities Compensation & Performance Management HR KPIs

HR Manager: Manages HR Generalist: Broad
Benefits Goal Setting: Cascading organizational objectives to individual employees Employee Engagement and
SMART Goals: Defining Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives
Time to Fill: The time it takes to fill a job day-to-day HR activities knowledge of core HR Compensation Philosophy: Defining the 36. Employee Engagement Score: How
and supervises HR staff functions, handles organization's approach to pay (market
opening. HR Director: positioning, pay for performance, internal equity) Performance Criteria: Identifying key metrics and competencies to evaluate performance against engaged and motivated employees are.
Oversees HR employee relations
operations and issues Feedback: Providing regular, constructive input on employees' performance and
Cost per Hire: The total cost of hiring a ensures Compensation Analyst: Salary Structures: Creating a hierarchy of 37. Employee Satisfaction Score: How satisfied
new employee. Develops and administers pay ranges aligned with job levels and development areas employees are with their jobs and the company.
Chief Human compliance with HR Business Partner: market rates
Resources laws and policies employee compensation Strategic advisor 1:1 Meetings: Holding frequent check-in discussions between managers and direct reports
Applicant-to-Interview Ratio: The number of Officer (CHRO): plans aligning HR initiatives 38. Net Promoter Score (eNPS): How likely
applicants compared to the number of Job Evaluation: Assessing the relative employees are to recommend the company as a
Leads the HR with business goals value of jobs based on factors like skills, 360 Feedback: Gathering performance input from an employee's manager, peers, and place to work.
interviews. function and
Benefits Administrator: responsibility, and working conditions direct reports
aligns HR
Interview-to-Offer Ratio: The number of strategy with Manages employee Performance Reviews: Conducting formal evaluation discussions on a quarterly, bi-annual, or 39. Absenteeism Rate: The percentage of
interviews compared to the number of job
business benefits programs (health Recruiter: Sources, Market Pricing: Benchmarking pay rates annual basis time employees are absent from work.
offers. HRIS Analyst: screens, and interviews against industry surveys and competitor
objectives Manages HR insurance, retirement
plans, etc.) job candidates to fill data Ratings Scales: Using a numerical scale to assess employees' performance level (e.g. 1-5)
information open positions 0. Presenteeism Rate: The percentage of time
Offer Acceptance Rate: The percentage systems and 4

of job offers accepted by candidates. Merit Increases: Determining annual pay employees are at work but not fully productive.
maintains employee Learning & Development Calibration: Managers meeting to ensure performance ratings are applied fairly and consistently
data Manager: Designs and raises based on performance and budget
Source of Hire: Where the new hires implements employee Performance Improvement Plans: Defining clear objectives and timelines for 1. Employee Turnover Rate: The percentage of
training and development underperforming employees

come from (e.g., job boards, referrals). Variable Pay: Designing and employees who leave the company.
programs administering bonus, commission, and Succession Planning: Identifying and grooming high-potential employees for future
incentive plans leadership roles
Quality of Hire: How well new hires 42. Voluntary Turnover Rate: The percentage of
perform in their roles. Equity Compensation: Offering stock Talent Reviews: Discussing performance and potential of key employees with senior leadership employees who choose to leave the company.
options, restricted stock units, and
Talent Acquisition
Recruitment Funnel Effectiveness: How well employee stock purchase plans 43. Involuntary Turnover Rate: The percentage of
each stage of the hiring process works. employees who are asked to leave the company.
Executive Compensation: Creating pay

Recruitment Process Efficiency: How quickly

Workforce Planning: Analyzing future staffing needs based on business goals and growth projections packages for senior leaders including
base salary, incentives, and perquisites Employee Relations 44. Retention Rate: The percentage of
and smoothly the hiring process goes. Job Analysis: Gathering information about job duties, responsibilities, and requirements Employee Handbooks: Documenting and distributing key employment policies and employees who stay with the company.
Benefits Strategy: Selecting and procedures
managing cost-effective, competitive
10. Candidate Experience Score: How satisfied Job Descriptions: Documenting essential functions, qualifications, and expectations for each role employee benefits Codes of Conduct: Defining expected behavioral standards in areas like ethics, harassment, 45. Employee Loyalty Index: How loyal and
candidates are with the hiring process. and workplace violence committed employees are to the company.
Competency Modeling: Defining key skills and attributes needed for success in a role Health Insurance: Providing medical,
dental, and vision coverage to employees Disciplinary Actions: Addressing policy violations through verbal/written warnings and 6. Employee Advocacy Score: How likely
11. Diversity of Candidates: The range of Sourcing: Identifying and engaging passive and active candidate pools through various channels and dependents performance improvement plans 4

employees are to speak positively about the

candidate backgrounds and characteristics. company.
Employee Referrals: Leveraging current employees' networks to identify potential candidates Retirement Plans: Offering 401(k), Terminations: Managing voluntary and involuntary separations and off-boarding processes
12. Recruitment Conversion Rate: The pension, and other retirement savings 47. Employee Feedback Response Rate: The
percentage of candidates who move forward at
Candidate Assessment: Evaluating candidates' qualifications and fit through interviews, tests, and reference checks
vehicles Exit Interviews: Gathering feedback from departing employees about their experience at percentage of employees who provide feedback
each hiring stage. when asked.
the company
Wellness Programs: Promoting employee
13. Recruitment Channel Cost: The cost of using Behavioral Interviewing: Questioning candidates about past experiences to predict future performance health and well-being through various 4 8. Employee Recognition Participation Rate:
different hiring channels (e.g., job boards, initiatives Grievance Procedures: Formal channels for employees to raise concerns and complaints The percentage of employees who take part in
agencies). recognition programs.
Selection: Choosing the best candidate based on job requirements, cultural fit, and team dynamics
Paid Leave: Administering vacation, sick Layoffs: Conducting group terminations based on economic reasons or business
1 . Employee Referral Rate: The percentage of reorganization 9. Work-Life Balance Score: How well

new hires who were referred by current Offer Negotiation: Extending job offers and negotiating compensation and start date time, and personal day policies and 4

employees feel they can balance work and

employees. accruals Probationary Periods: Provisional period of employment to evaluate a new hire's personal life.
Background Checks: Conducting criminal history, credit, and employment verification checks performance
1 . Recruitment Yield Ratio: The number of hires Payroll Administration: Ensuring accurate 50. Job Satisfaction Score: How satisfied
and timely pay processing each cycle Privacy: Protecting employees' personal information (social security numbers, medical

compared to the number of candidates. Onboarding: Orienting new hires to the organization's policies, procedures, and culture employees are with their specific job roles.
records, etc.)

Training & HR Compliance & Risk Organizational HR KPIs

Compliance and Risk

Onboarding and
Training Development Management Effectiveness Management
Needs Assessment: Identifying gaps between Employment Laws: Ensuring compliance with 91. Compliance Training Completion Rate:
16. New Hire Retention Rate: The current skill levels and those required for current regulations governing discrimination, harassment, Turnover Rate: Percentage of employees who Organizational Design: Defining the optimal
leave the organization during a set time period reporting structure and allocation of roles and The percentage of employees who
percentage of new hires who stay with and future roles wages, overtime, leave, etc. complete required compliance training.
the company. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Prohibiting
Onboarding: Structured program to orient new
hires to their role, team, and the organization employment decisions based on protected Retention Rate: Percentage of employees who Job Design: Determining the tasks,
characteristics like age, race, gender, etc. remain at the organization over time responsibilities, and working relationships that
17. Onboarding Completion Rate: The make up each role 92. Compliance Audit Score: How well the
percentage of new hires who finish the On-the-Job Training: Learning through hands-on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Providing company performs in compliance audits.
onboarding process. experience in the actual work environment reasonable accommodations for employees with Terminations: Number of employee separations Span of Control: Assessing the appropriate
disabilities (voluntary and involuntary) number of employees each manager can
Job Shadowing: Following and observing an effectively oversee 93. Workplace Accident Frequency Rate:
18. Time to Productivity: How long it Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Providing The number of workplace accidents
experienced employee to learn about their role up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for
takes new hires to reach full Time-to-Fill: Average number of days from compared to the total number of hours
productivity. medical and family reasons Organizational Culture: Intentionally shaping the worked.
Mentoring: Pairing an experienced, knowledgeable posting a job to making a job offer values, norms, and behaviors of the organization
employee with a more junior one to provide guidance Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Governing
and support federal minimum wage, overtime pay, and other
19. Training Completion Rate: The wage standards Yield Ratio: Percentage of applicants who make it Mission/Vision/Values: Defining the 94. Workplace Accident Severity Rate: The
percentage of employees who finish Job Rotation: Moving employees between different to each stage of the selection process organization's purpose, aspirational future state, average severity of workplace accidents.
required training. roles and departments to build well-rounded skills Occupational Safety and Health Administration and core principles
(OSHA): Ensuring safe working conditions and
reporting workplace injuries Offer Acceptance Rate: Percentage of job offers Employee Surveys: Gathering anonymous
0. Training Effectiveness Score: Cross-Training: Teaching employees the skills to that are accepted by candidates feedback on employee engagement, satisfaction, 95. OSHA Recordable Incident Rate:

perform each others' roles to increase flexibility and concerns The number of incidents that must be
How well employees learn from Immigration Laws: Verifying employees' eligibility reported to OSHA.
training programs. to work in the country and maintaining I-9 forms
Focus Groups: Group discussions to gain
Continual Learning: Providing ongoing First-Year Attrition Rate: Percentage of new hires
opportunities to expand skills and knowledge that leave within their first year qualitative feedback on specific issues or
Labor Laws: Governing employees' rights to initiatives 96. Workers' Compensation Claim
1. Training Satisfaction Score: How Frequency: The number of workers'
organize and collectively bargain

satisfied employees are with training Tuition Reimbursement: Providing financial Cost-per-Hire: Average cost to fill an open Employee Recognition: Formal programs to compensation claims compared to the total
programs. assistance for employees' job-related coursework position ( job board fees, recruiter time, sign-on acknowledge and reward high performance and number of hours worked.
or degrees Workers' Compensation: Providing wage bonus, etc.) contributions
replacement benefits and medical coverage for
Conferences/Seminars: Supporting attendance at job-related injuries and illnesses 97. Employee Grievance Resolution Rate:
. Training Cost per Employee: The industry events for networking and knowledge Revenue-per-Employee: Amount of revenue Suggestion Programs: Soliciting ideas from The percentage of employee grievances

average cost of training per employee. Unemployment Insurance: Partial wage generated divided by total number of employees employees on improving products, services, and that are resolved.
replacement benefits for employees who lose operations
Leadership Development: Cultivating leadership
skills in high-potential employees through targeted their job through no fault of their own
programs Predictive Analytics: Creating models to forecast Change Management: Proactively managing the
people side of organizational changes and 98. Sexual Harassment Complaint
3. Training ROI: The return on Recordkeeping: Maintaining employee files, future trends and outcomes Resolution Rate: The percentage of sexual
payroll records, benefits enrollment forms, etc. transitions
investment for training programs. Coaching: One-on-one guidance to help employees harassment complaints that are resolved.
leverage strengths and overcome limitations Communications Planning: Strategizing key
Flight Risk: Predicting the likelihood that an
HR Metrics & Analytics (HR Data) employee will leave the organization messages, timing, and channels for organizational
24 . Learning and Development Succession Planning: Identifying and developing communications 99. Background Check Compliance Rate:
Participation Rate: The percentage of employees for future advancement into key roles The percentage of employees who have
employees who take part in learning and Town Hall Meetings: Sharing updates and completed required background checks.
development programs. Descriptive Analytics: Summarizing HR data Predictive Modeling: Identifying factors that facilitating dialogue between leaders and
Technical Skills Training: Developing skills in through key metrics and visualizations predict high-performing employees employees
specific tools, software, and job functions
25 . Onboarding Satisfaction Score: 100. Labor Law Violation Frequency: The
How satisfied new hires are with the Soft Skills Training: Building interpersonal and Headcount: Total number of employees at a given Data Mining: Extracting patterns, correlations, and Intranet: Internal website for sharing key number of labor law violations compared to
onboarding process. communication abilities (public speaking, point in time insights from HR data information, resources, and collaboration tools the total number of employees.
teamwork, etc.)


Performance Management Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Compensation and Benefits HR Service Delivery Workforce Planning and Analytics
6. Goal Completion Rate: The percentage of employees who 71. HR-to-Employee Ratio: The number of HR staff 81. Headcount by Department/Level:

61. Compensation Ratio (to market): How employee pay


meet their performance goals. 5 1. Diversity Representation: The percentage of employees compared to the total number of employees. The number of employees in each department or level.
from different backgrounds and characteristics. compares to market rates.
27. Performance Review Completion Rate: The percentage of 62. Benefits Participation Rate: The percentage of employees 72. HR Service Satisfaction Score: How satisfied 82. FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) Count: The number of
employees who receive performance reviews. 52 . Pay Equity Ratio: The comparison of pay between who use available benefits. employees are with HR services. full-time employees, accounting for part-time workers.
different employee groups.
28. Average Performance Rating: The average score 73. HR Case Resolution Time: The average time it takes 83. Span of Control: The number of employees each
employees receive on performance reviews. 3. Promotion Rate by Demographic Group: The percentage of 63. Benefits Satisfaction Score: How satisfied employees are

employees from different groups who are promoted. with their benefits. to resolve HR issues. manager oversees.
29. High Performer Retention Rate: The percentage of top- 54 . Diversity and Inclusion Training Participation Rate: The 64. Total Rewards Satisfaction Score: How satisfied employees 74. HR Case Volume by Category: The number of HR 84. Succession Planning Coverage Ratio: The
performing employees who stay with the company. percentage of employees who take part in diversity and are with their overall compensation and benefits package. cases in different categories (e.g., benefits, payroll). percentage of key roles with identified successors.
inclusion training.
30. Low Performer Turnover Rate: The percentage of low- . Employee Resource Group Participation Rate: The 75. HR Technology Adoption Rate: The percentage of 85. Critical Role Vacancy Rate:

performing employees who leave the company.


percentage of employees who take part in employee resource 65. Salary Increase Ratio: The average percentage of salary
increases. employees who use HR technology. The percentage of critical roles that are currently vacant.
31. 360-Degree Feedback Participation Rate: The percentage 76. Employee Self-Service Utilization Rate: The 86. Skills Gap Analysis Score: How well the company's
of employees who take part in 0-degree feedback. 56. Inclusion Survey Score: How included and valued 66. Bonus Payout Ratio: The percentage of employees who
employees feel at work. receive bonuses. percentage of employees who use self-service HR tools. workforce skills match its needs.
32. Succession Planning Readiness: How prepared the 7. Bias Incident Report Rate: The number of reported bias 67. Stock Option Participation Rate: The percentage of 77. Manager Self-Service Utilization Rate: The 87. Workforce Forecast Accuracy: How accurately the
company is for key employees to leave.

incidents compared to the total number of employees. employees who receive stock options. percentage of managers who use self-service HR tools. company predicts its future workforce needs.

33. Competency Assessment Score: How well employees 58. Accessibility Compliance Score: How well the 68. Compensation Equity Ratio: The comparison of 78. HR Portal Traffic: The number of visits to the HR 88. Labor Cost Ratio: The cost of labor compared to
demonstrate key skills and knowledge. company meets accessibility standards. compensation between different employee groups. portal. revenue.
34. Performance Improvement Plan Success Rate: The percentage of 9. Supplier Diversity Ratio: The percentage of suppliers 69. Benefits Cost per Employee: The average cost of benefits 89. Revenue per Employee: The amount of revenue
79. HR Data Accuracy Score: How accurate HR data is.
employees who successfully complete performance improvement plans. from diverse backgrounds. generated per employee.
per employee.

35. Coaching and Mentoring Participation Rate: The percentage of 60. Diversity Recruitment Ratio: The percentage of 70. Compensation and Benefits Competitiveness Score: How 80. HR Process Efficiency Score: How efficiently HR 90. Profit per Employee: The amount of profit generated
employees who take part in coaching and mentoring programs. diverse candidates in the recruitment process. well the company's compensation and benefits compare to per employee.
other companies. processes are run.

Wouter Durville

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