2nd Term j1 Basic Science
2nd Term j1 Basic Science
2nd Term j1 Basic Science
There are two testes. Each is oval in shape and is housed in a wrinkle sac called scrotum
which hangs out of the body behind the penis. The scrotum functions as a thermoregulator
that protects the sperm from high temperature.
1. What do you understand by the term’ thermoregulator’?
2. What is epididymis?
Primary sexual characteristics of women include the external genital (vulva) and the
internal organs that make it possible for a woman to produce ova (eggs) and become
pregnant. The vulva includes the mons pubis, the most visible part of the woman's external
genitalia, which is the pad of fatty tissue that covers the pubic bone and is commonly
covered by pubic hair; the outer labia, the large outer lips; and the inner labia, the smaller,
hairless inner lips that run along the edge of the vaginal opening and often fold over to
cover it. The inner labia come together in front to form the clitoral hood, which covers the
clitoris, a sensitive organ that is very important to the woman's sexual response. The
opening of the urethra, the tubular vessel through which urine passes, is located midway
between the clitoris and the vaginal opening. The area where the outer labia join behind the
vagina is called the frenlum of labia minora. The area of skin between the vaginal opening
and the anus is the perineum. The hymen is a thin membrane that partially covers the
vaginal opening. If the hymen is extensive and is still present at first intercourse, it may be
broken or stretched as the penis enters the vagina and some bleeding and pain may occur,
between the uterus and the opening in the vulva. Because during birth the baby travels
from the uterus through the vagina, the vagina is also known as the birth canal. The
woman's menstrual flow comes out of the uterus and through the vagina. When a man and
a woman engage in vaginal intercourse, the penis is inserted into the vagina.
The cervix is located at the bottom of the uterus and includes the opening between the
vagina and the uterus. The uterus is a muscular organ that has an inner lining
(endometrium) richly supplied with blood vessels and glands. During pregnancy, the uterus
holds and nourishes the developing foetus. Although the uterus is normally about the size of
a fist, during pregnancy it is capable of stretching to accommodate a fully developed foetus,
which is typically about 50 cm (about 20 in) long and weighs about 3.5 kg (about 7.5 lbs).
The uterine muscles also produce the strong contractions of labour.
At the top of the uterus are the pair of fallopian tubes that lead to the ovaries. The two
ovaries produce eggs, or ova (the female sex cells that can become fertilized), and female
sex hormones, primarily estrogens and progesterone. The fallopian tubes have finger like
projections at the ends near the ovaries that sweep the egg into the fallopian tube after it is
released from the ovaries. If sperm are present in the fallopian tube, fertilization
(conception) may occur and the fertilized egg will be swept into the uterus by cilia (hair like
projections inside the fallopian tube).
1. Where is the location of cervix?
2. What do you understand by the term ‘’ frenlum of labia minora’’?
1. Define epididymis
2. What are the internal sex organs of the female?
3. Where is the location of cervix?
4. What do you understand by the term ‘’ frenlum of labia minora’’?
1. The -------- is a flexible tube-shaped organ that is the passageway between the uterus
and the opening in the vulva. A. vagina B. penis vulva C. labor D. cervix
2. At the top of the uterus are the pair of -------- tubes that lead to the ovaries. A.
fallopian B. uterus C. endomentum C. fetus D. cilia
3. The fallopian tubes have --------- projections at the ends near the ovaries that sweep
the egg into the fallopian tube after it is released from the ovaries. A. fingerlike B.
needlelike C. babylike D. hairlike
4. If sperm are present in the fallopian tube, fertilization (conception) may occur and
the fertilized egg will be swept into the uterus by------- A. cilia B. fingerlike C. ovaries
D. cervix
5. The -------- muscles also produce the strong contractions of labour. A. uterine B.
uterus C. cilia D. fallopian
1. Mention the Primary sexual characteristics of women
2. Define epididymis
3. What are the internal sex organs of the female?
1. What is the meaning of menstruation?
2. State five menstrual hygiene and cleanliness
Ovulation is the release of egg from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the de
Graaf's follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells. After ovulation,
during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized by sperm. In addition, the
uterine lining (endometrium) is thickened to be able to receive a fertilized egg.
Signs of Ovulation
1. Check the calendar: Keep a menstrual calendar for a few months so you can get an idea of
what's normal for you — or use tools that can help you calculate ovulation. If your periods
are irregular, you'll need to be even more alert for other signs of ovulation, so read on.
2. Listen to your body: If you're like 20 percent of women, your body will send you a memo
when it's ovulating, in the form of a twinge of pain or a series of cramps in your lower
abdominal area (usually localized to one side — the side you're ovulating from. Pay close
attention, and you may be more likely to get the message.
3. Chart your temperature: That is, your basal body temperature, or BBT. Taken with a
special thermometer , your BBT is the baseline reading you get first thing in the morning,
after at least three to five hours of sleep and before you get out of bed, talk, or even sit up.
Your BBT will reach its lowest point at ovulation and then rise immediately and dramatically
(about a half a degree) as soon as ovulation occurs. Your BBT changes throughout your
cycle as fluctuations in hormone levels occur. During the first half of your
cycle, estrogen dominates. During the second half of your cycle (once ovulation has
occurred), there is a surge in progesterone. Progesterone increases your body temperature
as it gets your uterus ready for a fertilized, implantable egg. Which means that in the first
half of the month, your temperature will be lower than it is in the second half of the month,
after ovulation.
4. Get to know your cervix: One detectable sign of oncoming ovulation is the position of the
cervix itself. During the beginning of a cycle, your cervix — that neck-like passage between
your vagina and uterus that has to stretch during birth to accommodate your baby's head —
5. Buy an ovulation predictor kit: Ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are able to pinpoint your
date of ovulation 12 to 24 hours in advance by looking at levels of luteinizing hormone, or
LH, which is the last of the hormones to hit its peak before ovulation actually occurs. All you
have to do is pee on a stick and wait for the indicator to tell you whether you're about to
Another option is a saliva test, which takes a peek at levels of estrogen in your saliva as
ovulation nears. When you're ovulating, a look at your saliva under the test's eyepiece will
reveal a microscopic pattern that resembles the leaves of a fern plant or frost on a
windowpane. There are also devices that detect the numerous salts (chloride, sodium,
potassium) in a woman's sweat, which change during different times of the month. Called
the chloride ion surge, this shift happens even before the estrogen and the LH surge, so
these tests give a woman a four-day warning of when she may be ovulating, versus the 12-
to-24-hour one that the standard pee-on-a-stick OPKs provide.
No OPK can guarantee that you will get pregnant or that you're actually ovulating; they can
only indicate when ovulation may be occurring. So no matter which device or method you
choose, patience and persistence are key.
1. Define ovulation
2. State five signs of ovulation
READING ASSIGNMENT: Nigerian Basic Science Project Book Two page; 65-66
1. What is the meaning of menstruation?
2. State five menstrual hygiene and cleanliness
3. Define ovulation
4. State five signs of ovulation
1. After ovulation, the egg is swept into the fallopian tube and drifts along, brushed by
waves of ------ e cilia toward the womb A. hairlike B. noselike C. thinlike D. all of the
2. The ovum is covered by a protective field known as the------ A. zona pellucidal
B. zona C. pellucidal D. none
3. The start of pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period is called
the------- A. menstrual age B. menstrual thin C. menstrual stage D. menstruation.
4. After ovulation, during the luteal phase, the egg will be available to be fertilized
by------- A. sperm B. ovum C. egg D. all of the above
5. -------- is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of
the uterus through the vagina. A. Menstruation B. Menstrual stagnation
C. Discharging D. Blooding stage.
1. State five signs of ovulation
2. Mention four menstrual hygiene and cleanliness.
Two months pregnant; Your baby is now about the size of a kidney bean and is constantly
moving. He has distinct, slightly webbed fingers
Three months pregnant; By now your baby is around 7 to 8 centimeters (3 inches) long and
weighs about the same as a pea pod. Her tiny, unique fingerprints are now in place.
Four months pregnant; Your baby is now about 13cm (5.5in) long and weighs 140g (5oz).
His skeleton is starting to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone.
Five months pregnant; Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. Your baby would now be
more than 27cm (10.5in) long if you stretched out her legs.
Six months pregnant; Your baby weighs about a 660g (1.5lb). His wrinkled skin is starting to
smooth out as he puts on baby fat.
Seven months pregnant; By now, your baby is more than 40cm (15in) long. She can open
and close her eyes and probably see what's around her.
Eight months pregnant; Your baby now weighs about 2.2kg (4.7lb). His layers of fat are
filling him out, making him rounder, and his lungs are well developed.
Nine months pregnant; Your baby is almost due. At birth, the average baby is more than
51cm (20.5in) long from head to toe and weighs approximately 3.4kg (7.5lb), but babies vary
widely in size at this stage.
READING ASSIGNMENT: Nigerian Basic Science Project Book Two page; 65-66
1. State five signs of pregnancy
2. Explain the growth of the foetus.
3. Explain what happens when the pregnancy is five months old
1. State five signs of pregnancy
2. Explain the growth of the foetus.
3. Explain what happens when the pregnancy is five months old
4. State five early signs of pregnancy.
5. Explain what happened at 8th month old pregnancy.
1. State five early signs of pregnancy.
2. Explain what happened at 8th month old pregnancy.
1. State three causes of teenage pregnancy
2. State five reasons for abortion
Some of the potential street drugs birth defects include the following:
Reduced oxygen supply to the baby
Restricted growth
Small head size
Drug dependency at birth
Difficulty feeding
Drug withdrawal symptoms
Muscle spasms
Brain damage
Lack of muscle control
Learning disabilities
1. What are the effects of alcohol in pregnancy?
2. Mention causes and consequences of birth defect.
Myth: I can't get pregnant if he doesn't put his penis inside of me.
Fact: Pregnancy can occur when your partner ejaculates or pre-ejaculates near or on your
vulva. Even if you and your partner do not engage in vaginal sex, there is still a chance of
getting pregnant if there is naked body contact. So use birth control, like a condom, which
will also help to protect you from STI's.
As the incidence of substance use among women of reproductive age continues to increase,
substance abuse during pregnancy is a growing health issue because it affects the future
generations of our country. Because substance abuse during pregnancy is often difficult to
the physician should include a detailed substance abuse history in every new patient
encounter, with follow-up questions performed during subsequent visits.
Once detected, substance abuse during pregnancy confronts the physician with
issues regarding management, treatment, and potential maternal, fetal, and
pregnancy-related complications, yet also provides the physician with a unique
opportunity for intervention at a time when the woman may be most amenable to
Many management and treatment options exist with the ultimate goal of
abstinence and should be designed to meet the needs and address the concerns of
the individual.
By increasing the awareness of substance abuse during pregnancy among the
medical community, physicians may better recognize and address this problem, thus
improving the overall health of this population.
READING ASSIGNMENT: Nigerian Basic Science Project Book Two page: 3-4
1. --------- may arise when a teenager is pregnant. A. Depression B. Joy C. Education
D. complications
2. The fluctuating --------- that a pregnancy causes may also prompt depression.
A. hormones B. cell C. organ D. chromosomes
3. The effects of substance abuse during pregnancy may be classified into ----------
categories A. three B. two C. four D. five
4. A child that is exposed to the chemicals in prescribed drugs may have a greater
chance of being born with medicine --------- defects. A. birth B. coming C. discharging
D. procreation.
5. If alcohol is consumed during pregnancy, the fetus may develop adverse health
conditions, typically referred to as --------- alcohol spectrum disorder (FASDs). A. fetal
B. chemicals C. medicine D. embryonic
1. State five health complications exposing a child to alcohol during fetal development
can also lead to .
2. State five health defects of drugs during pregnancy.
Modes of transmission
use of unsterilized IV drug needles,
from mother to baby during childbirth or breastfeeding, and
blood transfusions.
When using unsterilized skill piercing instruments, e.g. needles, syringe razor blades,
circumcision and other skin piercing instruments.
1. What are STIs?
2. Mention four ways by which STIs can be transmitted.
Have "safe sex" - for each sexual act, use a new latex condom, whether it be oral, vaginal or
anal sex. Avoid using an oil-based lubricant, such as petroleum jelly when using a latex
condom. Non-barrier forms of contraception do nothing to protect people from sexually
transmitted infections. Examples include oral contraceptives or intrauterine devices.
Using a condom is one of the best methods of STI prevention.
Abstain - abstaining from any sexual act is probably the most effective way to avoid
becoming infected with an STI.
Be faithful to one uninfected partner - be in a long-term relationship with a person
who is not infected, and remain faithful.
Vaccinations - there are vaccinations which can protect from eventually developing
some types of cancer caused by two STIs - the HPV (human papilloma virus) and
Hepatitis B vaccines.
Check for infections - before sexual intercourse with a new partner, check that the
partner and yourself have no STIs.
Drink alcohol in moderation - people who are drunk are more likely to engage in
risky behavior. Avoid using some recreational drugs which may also affect judgment.
Explain you want safe sex - before engaging in any sexual act with a new partner,
make it clear that you would only consider safe sex.
Education - parents and schools need to teach children about the importance of safe
sex, and explain how to prevent becoming infected with an STI. This should also
include explaining that the safest protection is to wait to have sex.
1. Mention five ways by which STIs can be controlled
2. Explain education as a means of controlling STIs
BOOK 1 PAGE 96-108
1. One of the ways to avoid STI is --------
A. Abstain from sex B. Human immnodestroying virus C. Human immunodeficiency
virus D. keeping to sex.
2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is also known as ----------
A. Venereal Diseases B. plasmodium C. kissing D. Human immnodestroying virus
3. STI means -----------
A. Sexually Transmitted Infections B. acquired immune deficiency sickness C.
acquired immune deficiency system D. none
1. Mention three ways of preventing STIs.
2. Mention four ways through which STIs can be transmitted
1. State the full meaning of HIV and AIDS.
2. State the symptoms of AIDS.
3. State the difference between HIV and AIDS.
1. How can HIV positive be advised?
2. Mention four preventive measure against HIV
1. Mention four fluids through which HIV / AIDS can be transmitted.
2. Mention four ways through which HIV / AIDS can be transmitted.
3. Mention four counselling that can be given to an HIV / AIDS patient.
General Evaluation
1. State the full meaning of HIV and AIDS.
2. State the symptoms of AIDS.
3. State the difference between HIV and AIDS
4. How can HIV positive be advised?
5. Mention four preventive measures against HIV
1. What is the meaning of HIV?
A. Human immunodisease virus B. Human immno destroying virus C. Human
immunodeficiency virus D. all
1. Mention three symptoms of AIDS
2. Mention four ways through which HIV can be transmitted
Opportunistic Infections
1. What is the full meaning of VCT?
2. What is the meaning of VCT?
1. State five care and support for HIV?AIDS
2. Mention five ways by which HIV/AIDS are not transmitted.
General Evaluation
1. Mention five myths and facts about HIV/AIDS
2. State five care and support for HIV/AIDS.
3. Mention five ways by which HIV/AIDS are not transmitted?
4. What is the full meaning of VCT?
5. What is the meaning of VCT?
1. VCT stands for-------- A. voluntary counseling and testing B. vision complain test
C. ventilated capacitated test D. Vent cum tone.
2. --------sex presents the highest risk of transmission among sexual activity. A. Anal
B. Oral C. Canal D. Sucking.
3. ----------is a private conversation with a specially trained person aimed at helping you
to help yourself. A. Counseling B. Testing C. Observing D. Patient orientation
4. ---------are the kind of infections that your body would normally be able to control if
your immune system was strong. A. Opportunistic Infections B. HIV/AIDS C. Influenza
D. None
5. --------- is a drug available at a number of hospitals and clinics that lessens the chance
of a pregnant mother passing the virus onto her baby. A. Nevirapne. B. Nevadan
C. Neiva D. Nevira
1. Mention five ways by which HIV/AIDS are not transmitted.
2. What is the full meaning of VCT?
1. Solar Energy: Solar power harvests the energy of the sun through using collector panels
to create conditions that can then be turned into a kind of power. Large solar panel fields
are often used in desert to gather enough power to charge small substations, and many
homes use solar systems to provide for hot water, cooling and supplement their electricity.
The issue with solar is that while there is plentiful amounts of sun available, only certain
geographical ranges of the world get enough of the direct power of the sun for long enough
to generate usable power from this source.
2. Wind Energy: Wind power is becoming more and more common. The new innovations
that are allowing wind farms to appear are making them a more common sight. By using
large turbines to take available wind as the power to turn, the turbine can then turn a
generator to produce electricity. While this seemed like an ideal solution to many, the
reality of the wind farms is starting to reveal an unforeseen ecological impact that may not
make it an ideal choice.
3. Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy is the energy that is produced from beneath the
earth. It is clean, sustainable and environment friendly. High temperatures are produced
continuously inside the earth’s crust by the slow delay of radioactive particles. Hot rocks
present below the earth heats up the water that produces steam. The steam is then
captured that helps to move turbines. The rotating turbines then power the generators.
Geothermal energy can be used by a residential unit or on a large scale by a industrial
application. It was used during ancient times for bathing and space heating. The biggest
disadvantage with geothermal energy is that it can only be produced at selected sites
throughout the world. The largest group of geothermal power plants in the world is located
at The Geysers, a geothermal field in California, United States.
4. Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen is available with water (H2O) and is most common element
available on earth. Water contains two-thirds of hydrogen and can be found in combination
with other elements. Once it is separated, it can be used as a fuel for generating electricity.
Hydrogen is a tremendous source of energy and can be used as a source of fuel to power
ships, vehicles, homes, industries and rockets. It is completely renewable, can be produced
on demand and does not leave any toxic emissions in the atmosphere.
5. Tidal Energy: Tidal energy uses rise and fall of tides to convert kinetic energy of incoming
and outgoing tides into electrical energy. The generation of energy through tidal power is
mostly prevalent in coastal areas. Huge investment and limited availability of sites are few
of the drawbacks of tidal energy. When there is increased height of water levels in the
6. Wave Energy: Wave energy is produced from the waves that are produced in the oceans.
Wave energy is renewable, environment friendly and causes no harm to atmosphere. It can
be harnessed along coastal regions of many countries and can help a country to reduce its
dependence on foreign countries for fuel. Producing wave energy can damage marine
ecosystem and can also be a source of disturbance to private and commercial vessels. It is
highly dependent on wavelength and can also be a source of visual and noise pollution.
7. Hydroelectric Energy: What many people are not aware of is that most of the cities and
towns in the world rely on hydropower, and have for the past century. Every time you see a
major damn, it is providing hydropower to an electrical station somewhere. The power of
the water is used to turn generators to produce the electricity that is then used. The
problems faced with hydropower right now have to do with the aging of the dams. Many of
them need major restoration work to remain functional and safe, and that costs enormous
sums of money. The drain on the world’s drinkable water supply is also causing issues as
townships may wind up needing to consume the water that provides them power too.
8. Biomass Energy: Biomass energy is produced from organic material and is commonly
used throughout the world. Chlorophyll present in plants captures the sun’s energy by
converting carbon dioxide from the air and water from the ground into carbohydrates
through the process of photosynthesis. When the plants are burned, the water and carbon
dioxide is again released back into the atmosphere. Biomass energy is used for heating and
cooking in homes and as a fuel in industrial production.
9. Nuclear Power: While nuclear power remains a great subject of debate as to how safe it
is to use, and whether or not it is really energy efficient when you take into account the
waste it produces – the fact is it remains one of the major renewable sources of energy
available to the world. The energy is created through a specific nuclear reaction, which is
then collected and used to power generators.
10. Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Natural Gas); Fossil fuels provide the power for most of the
world, primarily using coal and oil. Oil is converted into many products, the most used of
which is gasoline. Natural gas is starting to become more common, but is used mostly for
heating applications. Although, there are more and more natural gas powered vehicles
appearing on the streets.. The fossil fuel reserves are also limited, expecting to last only
another 100 years given are basic rate of consumption.
1. What is energy?
2. State five sources of energy?
Although there are many specific types of energy, the two major forms are Kinetic Energy
and Potential Energy.
Kinetic energy is the energy in moving objects or mass. Wind energy is an example. The
molecules of gas within the air, are moving giving them kinetic energy.
Potential energy is any form of energy that has stored potential that can be put to future
use. For example, water stored in a dam for hydroelectricity generation is a form of
potential energy. When valves are opened the force of gravity cause water to begin to flow.
The gravitational potential energy of the water is converting to kinetic energy. The flowing
water can turn a turbine, which will further convert the kinetic energy of the water into
useable mechanical energy. An alternator or generator then converts the mechanical energy
from the turbine into electrical energy. This electricity is then sent to the electricity grid and
to our homes where it is converted into light energy (lights and televisions), sound energy
(televisions, stereos), heat energy (hot water, toasters, ovens), mechanical energy (fans,
vacuum cleaners, fridge and air conditioner compressors) and so on.
We meet energy conversions many times every day of our lives. The following are types of
energy conversion and their converters or converting devices.
1. State the law of conservation of energy.
2. List five forms of energy
3. List five examples of energy conversions and their converters in each case.
General Evaluation
1. State the law of conservation of energy.
2. List five forms of energy
1. The mainspring to all life activities is the A. energy B. power C. work D. force
2. The device which can convert solar energy to electricity is the A. electro magnet B.
photo voltaic solar panel C. turbine D. dynamic
3. The chlorophyll in plants use -------- to produce energy. A. light B. plant C. sun
D. atmosphere.
4. The energy directly from the sun is converted using ------- A. voltaic solar panel
B. generator C. photogenic machine D. none
5. The law of conservation of energy is also known as -------- A. First law of
thermodynamic B. law of mass action C. Pythagoras theorem D. Indosian theory.
1. State the law of conservation of energy
2. List five energy conversion and their converters
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is the energy which is generated from natural sources i.e. sun, wind, rain,
tides and can be generated again and again as and when required. They are available in
plenty and by far the most cleanest sources of energy available on this planet. E.g. energy
that we receive from the sun can be used to generate electricity. Similarly, energy from
wind, geothermal, biomass from plants, tides can be used to fulfill our daily energy
Here are some of the pros and cons of using renewable sources of energy.
1. What is energy?
2. State two ways by which energy is classified
It is not easy to set up a plant as the initial costs are quite steep.
Solar energy can be used during the day time and not during night or rainy season.
Geothermal energy which can be used to generate electricity has side effects too. It
can bring toxic chemicals beneath the earth surface onto the top and can create
environmental changes.
Hydroelectric provide pure form of energy but building dams across the river which
is quite expensive can affect natural flow and affect wildlife.
To use wind energy, you have to rely on strong winds therefore you have to choose
suitable site to operate them. Also, they can affect bird population as they are quite
1. State the meaning of renewable and non-renewable energy
2. Give two examples each of renewable and non-renewable energy.
3. State two each of pros and cons of energy.
Non-Renewable Energy
Non-Renewable energy is the energy which is taken from the sources that are available on
the earth in limited quantity and will vanish fifty-sixty years from now. Non-renewable
sources are not environmental friendly and can have serious affect on our health. They are
called non-renewable because they cannot be re-generated within a short span of time.
Non-renewable sources exist in the form of fossil fuels, natural gas, oil and coal
1. Give two uses and misuses of energy
2. What is the implication of misuse of petroleum
The world is strongly dependent on energy from finite supplies of fossil fuels. As
demand increases and supply becomes scarce, the problem becomes more acute,
with potentially severe economic and social consequences. A large-scale transition
away from fossil energy poses a great challenge for society.
These consequences come in the form of monetary cost in general and in the form of price
fluctuation and instability specifically.
People will be hungry, starvation will set in due to poor transportation in the country
Travelling, especially to overseas countries. It will not be easy because of lack of
aviation fuel
Transportation of goods and services will be very hard for lack of petrol and diesel.
Solar energy can be used during the day time and not during night or rainy season.
1. Mention four ways how energy generation affect quality of life
2. Give two ways how electrical energy has affected quality of life.
1. --------- is the energy that is restorable A. renewable energy B. kerosene C. petrol
D. wood
2. Hydroelectric provide pure form of energy but building dams across the river which
is quite expensive can affect -------- and affect wildlife. A. natural flow B. artificial flow
C. in and out flow D. none of the above
3. Renewable energy is one that
4. Using a set of generator instead of electricity will ---------
1. Describe the effects of energy generation on quality of society
2. Give three examples each of renewable and non-renewable energy
3. Explain the implications of unwise use of non-renewable energy