Sample Project Report
Sample Project Report
Academic management is when a group of people and resources work together to plan,
organize, strategize, and put in place structures to run an educational system, these all
categorized work help in minimizing efforts.
This application allows you to access the courses for teachers and students. The
information maintenance of student details, course details, fee structures, syllabus,
General Videos, Lectures, online fees, grades, assignments etc. as it is based on
firebase database (Framework).
In general, there are various platforms that provide uploading student assessment. This
application provides an additional feature which allows you to track the actual count
of students who access and outlook the assessment. In an application a teacher or
faculty can analyze every student of the department for that academic year.
The application is easily accessible for each and every end user Firebase Database
(Framework)Platform developed by Google.
It’s called a “STUDENT STUDY ANALYZER” and it has a lot of features, like apps,
student achievement assessments, and more.
B. Introduction:
An area for faculty posting of class materials such as course syllabus and
An area for student posting particular assignments or assessment.
C. Services used:
1.What is firebase:
Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps, grow
your user base, and earn more money. Firebase is made up of complementary features
that you can mix-and-match to fit your needs, with Google Analytics for Firebase at the
firebase is also known as Realtime database (In real-time data base, The user need
not hire any Query like SQL data base. Allows you to Store, sync and remove
data at a time).
The Realtime Database provides a flexible, expression-based rules language
called Firebase Realtime Database Security Rules, to define how your data should
be structured and when data can be read from or written to.
When integrated with Firebase Authentication, developers can define who has access
to what data, and how they can access it.
Firebase Authentication provides all the server-side stuff for authenticating the
user. Firebase Authentication becomes easy with SDK. It makes API easy to use.
We can ensure that they have no problems accessing their private data while using
our app from multiple devices.
Cloud Storage is built for application developers who need to store and serve
user-generated content, usually big files like photos or videos. It is mostly used or
developed for photos and videos, but we might use this for other things like text
A powerful, cost-effective, and simple object storage service built to scale:
Google security, when uploading or downloading files from our firebase apps.
We can store images, audio, video, or other user-generated content.
We can use Google Cloud Storage to access the same files on the server.
It is a technology which allows for storing and managing various media content
generated by mobile app users. It is a cloud computing model which stores data
on the internet through a cloud computing provider who manages and operates
data storage as a service.
It is delivered on-demand with just-in-time costs and capacity. It eliminates
buying and managing our own data storage infrastructure.
It provides us agility, durability, global scale with "anywhere, anytime" data
Razor pay APIs are completely RESTful and all our responses are returned in JSON. You
can use Razor pay APIs in two modes, Test and Live . The API key is different for each
mode. Know about generating API Keys. You can try out our APIs on the Razor pay
Postman Public Workspace.
Razorpay is the only converged payments solution company in India that allows your
business to accept, process, and disburse payments via its product suite. With Razorpay,
you have access to all payment modes, including credit and debit cards, UPI, and popular
mobile wallets.
Mobile plays a vital role in communication and we cannot deny the importance of SMS.
Short Messaging Service or SMS as it is popularly known as, has become an integral part
of our lives. Imagine having a phone without SMS feature. How we will communicate
with others, don’t you think our lives would become quite monotonous and boring. We
are totally dependent on messaging and for short and urgent talks we prefer messaging
rather than calling.
String myUrl="
4. Figure below displays the response we get after the execution of URL.
The responses of students who accessed the assessment gets stored in the firebase. Here,
teachers can easily classify between the students who viewed the assessment and the one
who uploaded the assessment .
Data analysis can be categorised into two parts which is :
Number of students who accessed the given Assessment.
Number of students who Submitted the given Assessment.
Jul System
Mar Testing
Department of Computer Engineering Page 14
IOT Based Parking System
1. Problem Statement -
2. Objectives
Software Requirements
The operating system used in this project are windows-XP operating system and android
Studio (for application) which will support our functions that we are going to build in our
2. Programming Language -
This project is based on Android application, so we chose Java Programming along with website to collect the data in our project.
3. Constraints –
Department of Computer Engineering Page 15
IOT Based Parking System
The main constraints of our project is the user can easily accessed and performed the
operations. In this way user can maintain the system using the internet.
Performance Analysis
The teacher can utilize the concept of data analysis and can track the records of
student assessments Students can upload and view the assessments. Students can get their
academic related updates via chat.
4. Technical Analysis
For developing the software we have used Java as programming language because the
functionalities for developing the modules of requirement as it can be done easily
using it. Firebase is used for data analysis and Real time database storage.
Analysis Modeling –
Login Portal
Login module:
Three login portals have been provided through which authorized users can log in
to the application As per their criteria like student, admin or teacher.
Admin: Admin can log in to his account by using authorized
username and password.
Teacher: Teachers can log in to their account using their email and
password provided by admin.
Student: Students can log in through student log in console using
their emails and password provided by admin.
Faculty details: All information related faculties is being created and stored
in faculty details tab.
Student details: All information related students are created and stored in
this tab.
Teacher console:
Uploads: Assignments, videos, links can be uploaded easily using this tab.
Send updates: This module allows you to send updates to students via chat
E-learn: Assignments, videos, links can be uploaded easily using this tab.
Functional Partitioning:
1. E-learn
2. Fee module
4. Uploads
Functional Description:
1) Name: E-Learn
Student assessment in E-learn
Number of students who accessed the assessment.
Number of students who submitted the assessment.
In the student console, e-learn is used to upload and view the assessment
provided by the faculty.Where as In the teacher console. E learn allows faculties
to track the record of students who accessed and submitted the assessment.
Fee module allows students to easily pay their fees online via razor pay. Named
of students who paid their fees is being displayed to the teacher.
Academic related updates provided by faculty via chat.
Updates received by students.
Makes communication easier between student and faculty.
This module provides a chat portal to improve communication.
4) Name: Uploads
Student assessment ,teacher assessment
View uploads
This module allows teachers to provide assessment to students. Similiarly students
can view those assessment and upload their work using upload module
Block Diagram:
Deployment Diagram-
Proposed Architecture:
This project is based on the Android Application, so we choose Java
Programming language, Firebase and Fast2SMS to do our project.
Tools used:
Android Studio
Software requirements
Android Studio
Overall Description
An area for faculty posting of class materials such as course syllabus and
An area for student posting particular assignments or assessment.
A chat tool allowing synchronous communication among class students and
In addition, This app is typically integrated with framework (Database) in the institute so
that students enrolled in a particular course are automatically registered in the
Faculty / Staff
Track each student in real time to ensure they are staying on task. Collaborative
tools to broadcast messages to students and support learning.
1. Unit Testing
Unit testing focuses each module individually, ensuring that if function properly
as unit. In this testing we have tested of our software to ensure maximum error detection.
It helps to remove bugs from sub modules & prevent arrival of huge bugs after words.
Functional Partitioning:
1. Vehicle entry exit sensing
Functional Description:
1) Name: Vehicle entry exit sensing
Sensing the vehicle for entry and exit
Message displayed on LCD screen
This module provides detection of vehicle entry and exit, detection message displayed
on the LCD screen.
2 .Integration Testing
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while
at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The
objective is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been
dictated by the design.
We prefer the Top-down integration testing as a testing approach for our project. The
Top-down integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of program
structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy,
beginning with the main control module
Modules subordinate to the main module are incorporated into the structure in
depth-first order.
Depth-first integration would integrate all components on a major control path of a
structure. Selection of a major path is somewhat arbitrary and depends on application-
specific characteristics.
3. Validation testing
The purpose of validation testing is to ensure that all expectations of the customer have
been satisfied. The testing is done by the project group members by inspecting the
requirements and validating each requirement.
We prefer the alpha testing technique for the validation purpose. In which case the a
group of students is called on to test the services of IoT. The group members will present
at the place and observing the working and collecting the bugs occurring at the site. The
changes are made according to the requirements and testing is done again to gather more
errors if present
4. System Testing
In the system testing system undergoes various exercises to fulfill the system
requirements. These tests include: a. Security Tests: these are designed to ensure no user
can access the other documents which are none of his business, b. Performance Tests:
The tests are conducted to check the performance of the system.
Figure below shows the student response to the notes uploaded by faculty.
Figure below shows the student response to the video uploaded by faculty.
Install Procedure for Client
Database option you can manage the accounts of faculties and students.
Profile option you will get the full details of the faculty.
•send updates:
In send update option the faculty can chat with each others and discuss about
the updates.
In e-learning option you will get the e-learnings documents which the
faculty have been given.
In upload option the faculty can upload the any files which he want to
distribute among the students.
Profile option you will get the full details of the faculty.
•send updates:
In send update option the faculty can chat with each others and discuss about
the updates.
In e-learning option you will get the e-learnings documents which the
faculty have been given.
•upload: In upload option the faculty can upload the any files which he want
to distribute among the students.
Fee console
Manage Account
Functional Partitioning:
1. Website
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IOT Based Parking System