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The Feast of Moshiach

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The Feast of

The Festival of the Future

A mystical Moshiach experience with suggested readings in which we

explore the notion of the ingathering of Jews from all over the world

As the final hours of Passover slip away, Jews in every part

of the world celebrate the Feast of Moshiach (Moshiach’s
Seudah in Yiddish), a custom of the Baal Shem Tov and
his students. Just as we enter Passover with a celebration
of the liberation from Egypt, so we sign off with a
celebration of a much greater liberation yet to come.

This rich and multifaceted custom was vigorously

encouraged by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M.
Schneerson, of righteous memory, who would personally
expound each year at great length about the messianic
spark inside each of us and how tapping into our
unlimited potential to do but one more act of goodness
holds the potential of global transformation.

In light of this year, 5783, being a Hakhel year, when Jews

gather together to gain inspiration, share Torah, and
revel in each other’s company, our focus is on the theme
of the ingathering of exiles, Jewish unity and how every
single Jew is of utmost significance.

Here’s a suggested program, comprising four readings

related to our theme, each of which may be followed by a
cup of wine or grape juice.

What You The Program
Will Need
to Prepare Pray the afternoon service on the final day
of Passover earlier than usual, so you have
in Advance enough time to set the table and wash for
matzah well before sunset. The program
is flexible, but we suggest you sing your
• Enough wine or grape juice for each favorite niggunim (Chassidic melodies)
participant to drink four cups. and read the following four articles, each
one followed by a l'chaim over another
• Wine glasses. (small) glass of wine or grape juice.

• Matzah (ideally shmurah matzah). As you sip your l'chaims, bless all those in
need of healing with a speedy recovery,
• Kosher for Passover refreshments.
accept mitzvah resolutions upon yourself,
• Reading material (such as this and pray for the arrival of the era Moshiach,
booklet), printed before the onset of which the world so desperately needs.
the holiday.
After night has fallen, don't forget to
• (Since it is customary to sing the Hopp include the Passover inserts in Grace
Cossack melody at this meal, you may After Meals (and give the rabbi some
want to practice in advance as well.) time to repurchase your chametz before
defrosting those bagels in the freezer).

Next Year In Jerusalem!

Cup 1:
A Jew in Curacao
• By Eli Groisman •
I grew up in Curacao, a Caribbean island that is My father gave me a choice: either give in and
part of the Netherlands Antilles. There were no do as all the other boys do, or leave school and
Jewish schools on the island at the time, and I go to work with him — and work hard — every
attended a Protestant school. day. I didn't need to think long. I walked into
the principal's office, put my textbooks on the
I had a very difficult time at school. Although I principal's desk, and ran back out to my father.
was brought up in a non-observant household,
I stubbornly refused to participate in the Warning letters started to arrive to our home
religious services and classes that were part stating the law that all minors must attend
of the school curriculum. Non-Jewish students school. My family's relations with the community
picked daily fights with me, and I even felt that also began to sour as a result.
my teachers and the school's principal were
taking their side. My father was terribly upset about my situation,
but he didn't know any way out. One night he
When I reached 7th grade, things were coming had a dream. He saw himself near the age
to a head. Life was not getting easier. On the of three, before his upshernish, sitting on his
contrary, fights were more prevalent than ever grandmother's lap. She was saying to him,
and more vicious. My relations with the school "Liuvu (Russian for 'my love'), anytime you are
principal became more and more hostile. I in trouble, the one who can help you is the
started skipping school. I spent my days playing Lubavitcher Rebbe." This was the first time he
golf at the nearby golf club, returning to the had ever heard of the Rebbe.
school grounds in time to meet my father, who
drove me home every day. The next morning my father went to his shul,
a small, unobtrusive building near his home.
One day, the principal called my father into his He asked the caretaker to unlock the door for
office to find out why I had not been in school him and went over to the Aron HaKodesh (ark),
the past few weeks. Meeting me as usual that poured his heart to G‑d, and turned to leave.On
day after school hours, my father asked, "How a January day in 1984, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky,
was school today?" I replied, "The same as assistant to Rabbi Hodakov, the Rebbe's senior
always." My father then asked me, "Did you go secretary, received a telephone call at home
to school today? Last week? Two weeks ago?" from Rabbi Hodakov. "Wash your hands,"
Not wanting to lie, I admitted that I had not. instructed Rabbi Hodakov, using a code term

clueing in Rabbi Kotlarsky that the Rebbe was their houses of prayer in Portugal with sand in
on the line, listening. "The Rebbe wants you to order to hide the sound of their footsteps.
go to Curacao immediately."
This taxi driver, however, took Rabbi Kotlarsky
When the Rebbe tells a chassid to act, he does not to Mikvah Israel Emanuel but to a small,
not ask questions; he acts. Rabbi Kotlarsky neighborhood shul. As the taxi pulled up to
chose a traveling companion, Levi Krinsky, a the door, Rabbi Kotlarsky saw a man leaving
17-year-old yeshivah student, and both took the building. Thinking that this man would be
the next flight to Curacao. Arriving at the airport a convenient source of information about
and not knowing where to go or what to do the local Jewish community, he approached
there, they hailed a taxi, requesting to be taken him and said: "We were sent here by the
to the synagogue. Lubavitcher Rebbe. We want to get to know the
Jewish people here. We are staying at the Plaza
Taxi drivers in Curacao are used to such Hotel. Can you come with us and tell us about
requests, and they usually comply by driving to the local community?" The man, who was none
the largest synagogue on the island, renowned other than my father, just walking out of the
as the oldest synagogue in the Western shul, nearly fainted.
Hemisphere, Mikvah Israel Emanuel. This
synagogue, in which services are conducted My father told Rabbi Kotlarsky about our
only on Shabbat, functions also as a museum family's plight, and introduced me to him.
throughout the week. It boasts a unique My first question to Rabbi Kotlarsky was: "Are
feature: the floor is covered with white sand, you allowed to defend yourself if someone
possibly because its founders, who escaped comes up and punches you?" I had formed an
the Inquisition, covered the steps leading to impression from the movies and TV shows I had

seen about the Holocaust
that Jews were weak and
did not fight back when
attacked. Rabbi Kotlarsky
responded, "You make sure
that you defend yourself, and
do such damage that they
won't come back to you!" I
thought this Rabbi was cool.

Rabbi Kotlarsky invited me to

go to New York and attend
Camp Gan Israel in the
Catskills that summer, and
later to Yeshivah that started
in September. This was
the answer to my prayers,
and I accepted the offer

I would like to thank the

Rebbe for caring for me and
my family. We should all take
his example on how one
should care for a fellow Jew.
It doesn't have to be a Jew in
far-off Curacao; it could be
someone right around the
corner. Surely, by following
the Rebbe's example we will
all merit the revelation of

When Moshiach comes, we will all look back at our erstwhile

homes, recognizing that there was purpose in our being there,
and that our presence there contributed to the global tidal wave
of goodness that is Moshiach.

Cup 2:
How Moses Saved Egyptian Civilization
• By Tzvi Freeman •

You can find Ramesses II today in a museum, Tradition is quite candid about these borrowings.
in a history book, or a college course. There he The Midrash of Rabbi Tanchuma notes that
lies, a perfectly still mummy, long dead and the first word of the Ten Commandments is
terribly irrelevant.
Exodus and Wilderness Traditions, chapter three of Did I
There is one place, however, where you can find
Not Bring Israel Out of Egypt, Penn State University Press
him alive and kicking: At a Passover Seder. So
alive, people are still celebrating their escape
from his clutches. Noonan also notes that a survey of other cultures in
the same region, such as Ammon and Moab, indicates
Let's start with his language. In the books negligible amounts of Egyptian loanwords—clear
of Exodus and Numbers, linguists count 381 evidence that the Hebrews were there in Egypt and
instances of words borrowed from Ancient brought these words with them.
Egyptian, with 450 more throughout the rest
of the Hebrew Bible. Words for such common
items as a cup, a pole, a box, linen, as well
as standard measurements. The suffixes of
several of these words indicate that they could
only have been from the era leading up to
Ramesses II, precisely where tradition would
place the Exodus.1

1. Benjamin Noonan, Egyptian Loanwords as Evidence

for the Authenticity of the

an Egyptian loanword: Anochi is a Hebraized So we find “every man whose heart inspired
adaptation of the Egyptian Anuch, meaning “I.” him”2 applying those same skills he learned
while crafting the palaces of the pharaohs to
What about technology and culture? fashion a sanctuary for the one invisible G-d
of heaven and earth, while the “wise-hearted
Well, in their sojourn through the Sinai peninsula,
women”3 are spinning yarn and goat-hair—
the Israelites were instructed to construct a
and perhaps taking part in the tapestries and
modular, dismountable, portable tabernacle.
embroidery as well.
The design appears quite ingenious even
today—a wooden framework, gold-plated, Yet some will ask: What is ancient Egypt
fitted together with tenons, external and doing in our holy books and sacred spaces?
internal rods, grounded and capped with Wouldn't you expect a divine teaching to be
socket joints. taught exclusively within the purity of a divine
The tapestry and furnishings were also
elaborate, intricate, and luxurious.
Obviously, such intricate work required skilled
and experienced craftsmanship. But then, what Two hundred years before Carl Jung and his
were they Israelites occupied in before leaving students composed Man and His Symbols,
Egypt? They were “building storage cities for Rabbi Dov Ber, the Magid of Mezritch (18th
Pharaoh.” century Ukraine), delved deep into the mystery
of metaphor and the human subconscious.
Indeed, Jung is quoted as stating that “the
Chasidic Rabbi Ber from Mezritch, whom they
called the Great Magid,” anticipated his entire

So that when the Magid looked at the Exodus

narrative, he saw in it the appropriation

2. Exodus 36:21.

3. Exodus 36:25.

4. Jung received knowledge of the Great Magid from

a student and colleague, Erich Neumann. Neumann
was fascinated with Martin Buber’s retelling of
Chassidic lore. He came to believe that Chassidism
held the key to the resolution of the Jewish spiritual
crisis and the “re-rooting” of the Jews. After emigrating
to what was then Palestine, he penned two volumes
entitled The Roots of Jewish Consciousness. Volume
one is subtitled Revelation and Apocalypse. Volume
two is subtitled Hasidism. Both were translated and
published only recently.

of Egyptian culture by none other than G-d A tradition, a commemoration, or a communal
Himself. He saw that especially in these lines: ritual is also an ot, carrying meaning and
significance from one generation to the next.
G-d said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh, for I have An event, an animal, or even a rock might also
hardened his heart and the hearts of his be an ot, if it carried with itself some reminder
servants in order that I may put these signs from the past or some indication of something
(“otot”) of Mine within his midst, and in order beyond.
that you tell into the ears of your child and
your child’s child how I made a mockery of the In English, we call these signs, symbols, or tokens,
Egyptians, and that you tell of My signs that I but none of these words entirely captures the
placed in them, and you will know that I am flavor of the word ot. In Hebrew, we say that you,
G-d.”5 along with every other person on the planet,
have your own otiot—meaning roughly, the
If you don't see what the Magid sees, that's way you express your inner person. Then there
understandable. It's lost in translation. As we are the otiot of each nation, as it speaks to itself
all know, you can’t translate a language into and knows itself. The symbology, the culture,
another language and expect to see the same the language, and the nuance of expression
thing because you can’t translate a culture into that only the insider understands.
another culture.
It is our otiot that allow us to master our
The Hebrew word ot (otot or otiot in plural) is environment to a degree inconceivable for any
a case in point. Despite the popularity of the other creature on the planet. Indeed, there is
above translation, ot does not correspond nothing of the human world that is constructed
to sign in English, or to any other word. It has by any individual alone or without the otiot of
its own meaning within the context of its own language that hold us together. As we build
language which exists within a certain culture words and sentences, so we build the world we
and way of thinking that defines the Jewish inhabit.
people from Ancient Israel until today, in its
various permutations. Indeed, when the Genesis narrative describes
how G-d blew into Adam of His own breath
Which is actually what an ot is all about. An “and the human being became a living soul,”
ot is anything that carries and conveys the the classic translation of Onkelos reads that as
significant meanings that are rooted within the “the human being became a speaking spirit.”
unique collective consciousness of a society With otiot, the human being becomes imitatio
and culture. Dei—in the image of G-d, a creator and master
of his own world.
For example, the 22 letters of the Hebrew
alphabet are called otiot, because you can
assemble them into words and sentences that
convey ideas, perspectives, and emotions from
one person’s inner self to another’s.

5. Exodus 10:1-2.

RETURNING LANGUAGE without its decoding key. Signal becomes noise,
TO ITS ORIGIN and the picture can get ugly. As it did in ancient
Egyptian culture.
From where does this astonishing power of otiot
emerge? The traditional narrative, upon which Here is the teaching of the Magid, as transcribed
the Maggid bases his commentary, is that the by his students and in rough translation:
universe is itself generated by a primordial
The Holy One desired to extract all the divine
form of otiot, intentional iterations of a wholly
sparks that had fallen into Egypt through
transcendent Creator. The complexity of the
the primordial shattering. These were all the
human network provides a kind of antenna
wasted talk of Pharaoh and of Egypt, their
for these primal iterations of sentience to re-
otiot, etc. How would this extraction occur? By
emerge on a different plane, inducting them
bringing these words and these otiot into the
into the context of human life. Only that now
Torah and rearranging them in the context of
they are words in translation, profoundly out
holiness. This would be their purification.
of context, and therefore no longer capable of
generating actual existence and life. So this is the meaning of “In order that I may
place these otiot of Mine.” These are the otiot
Instead, it is upon these otiot that civilizations
of the shattering that needed to be arranged
are built, empires reign, and societies organize
within the Torah. 6
themselves into their idiosyncratic structures.
Ancient Egypt, as well, was a construct of its And that was the purpose of planting the souls
symbols, language, culture…its otiot. It was the of Israel in Egypt for 210 years–as an investment,
seat of esoteric knowledge and hi-tech at its a means to rescue these sparks and otiot.7
time, a strikingly rich culture and advanced
civilization that continues to fascinate and The destiny of these souls was intimately
mystify us to this day. entangled with the redemption of these lost
sparks.8 Only once the sparks were released
But it was oppressive. If society had remained through the ten plagues could the Jewish
within the rigid hierarchical structure of ancient people become a nation, receive the Torah,
Egypt, with its cult of secret knowledge and and truly be free.
divine right of its pharaohs, humanity would be
enslaved forever, and the notion of progress To paraphrase, G‑d said, “These are my otiot,
and a better world would never emerge. fallen, shattered, and corrupted. And now I will
redeem them. I will make signs and wonders so
How did such oppression and corruption occur that the otiot of this civilization will be preserved
out of divine otiot? Because, as understood forever within the holiness of My Torah. And
from the teachings of the great kabbalist, Rabbi once these otiot have been rescued, returned
Yitzchak Luria (16th century Tzfat), along the to their place and transformed from darkness
route of translation from divine origin to human into light, then My children can be redeemed.”
devices, the otiot lost their original context and
rearranged themselves so that their meaning 6. Ohr Torah, beginning of parshat Bo.
became distorted and lost—somewhat akin 7. Bati Legani 5743, s’if 8.
to an encrypted file that arrives in your email
8. Tanya, chapter 37.

That is what G-d is telling Moses here, that, yes, In each land where Jews arrive, they assimilate
it would be simple to force Pharaoh’s hand at those elements of the local culture that do not
this point, and indeed much earlier. But that is conflict with Torah and bring them into Torah.
not the point. The objective is to rescue these In their everyday activities, in their interactions
signs, these otot, the “wasted otiot of Egypt,” with the rest of the population, in their study
and induct them into Torah, reconnecting of Torah, in their celebration of its holidays–in
them with their divine origin.And along with all this and more, they return the lost otiot of
the otiot came the gold, silver, bronze, and fine creation to their original context.9
garments of Egypt, along with the skills and
crafts we learned while working in their land. Each of us has our particular lost otiot which

That became a mishkan, a sanctuary for the our soul has come to this world to rescue. For

divine presence among the Children of Israel. one, they may be in the world of commerce, for
another in some form of music that can uplift
the soul, for another in drama, or technology,
TORAH TO HEAL THE WORLD or in the sciences, or in some other profession
or hobby.
It seems then that our original question
bespeaks a misconception of Torah. By now, its hard to imagine a land or nation
where Torah has not had its impact. We have
Torah is not an alien voice from beyond
gathered all the sparks necessary, and now it
beckoning us to abandon the suffering of our
is time for G-d to take us out of this final exile
earthly realm and rise towards a higher, more
along with all His lost sparks, and along with all
sublime and divine world. Rather, Torah is a
the inhabitants of the world.
voice of healing, of repair, of reconnection. It
says, “There is no need to leave your place, for The world will be the way it was meant to be,
G-d is everywhere. Stay where you are, and and we will know we have done our part in its
reveal that it is all truly divine—every culture, creation.
every work of art, every beautiful song, every
magnificent structure created by humankind
contains within it My divine voice.”
9. Sefer Hasichot 5752, pp. 174-186.

Cup 3:
You Matter
• By Aharon Loschak •

Norman Borlaug was a biologist and agricultural we do, the people we touch, have an outsized
scientist who is credited with saving millions impact—far more than we often know.
of lives through his work in developing special
wheat varieties.
In the 1940s, Borlaug began working in Mexico as LOST OF ISRAEL”
part of a program to improve wheat yields and
In the haftarah read on the final day of
help feed the country’s growing population.
Passover, the prophet Isaiah speaks glowingly
Borlaug and his team were eventually able to
of the future Redemption. One of the events
develop high-yield, disease-resistant varieties
he describes is the Ingathering of Exiles—that
that could grow in assorted conditions. These
moment when G-d will return every Jew to the
varieties were then introduced to farmers
land of Israel:
in other parts of the world, including India
and Pakistan, where they helped transform And it shall come to pass that on that day, G-d
agriculture and improve food security. shall . . . acquire the rest of His people, that will
remain from Assyria and from Egypt . . . And He
Borlaug’s work is credited with helping to
shall gather the lost of Israel, and the scattered
prevent famines in several countries and is
ones of Judah He shall gather from the four
estimated to have saved millions of lives. He
corners of the earth.1
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for
his contributions to global food security. In a 1997 It’s an exciting prospect. Imagine: every Jew, no
article in The Atlantic, “Forgotten Benefactor of matter where they live, no matter how remote
Humanity,” Gregg Easterbrook claims that the or disconnected, will be whooshed away in a
“form of agriculture that Borlaug preaches flash and brought to the Messianic utopia. How
may have prevented a billion deaths.” incredible will that be!

It’s not every day that what began as a small But what does that have to do with me and
experiment in a forgotten field somewhere you right now? What will happen in the future is
will yield results that eventually save a billion
lives. But it is every day that the small things

1. Isaiah 11:11-12.

lovely, but what are we to make of that today, and whatever you do has no consequence, but
in New York, Johannesburg, Malmo, and Lima? G-d begs to differ.

Remember the prophet’s clarion call: “You shall

NO JEW LEFT BEHIND be gathered one by one, O children of Israel.”
That includes you. Yes, tiny little you. Everyone
Here’s a thought: If you pause and think about
else in the world will have to wait until you’re
this idea for even half a second, it’s quite odd.
ready to come along. And then, you’ll wait for
Why, after all, would G-d bother to gather every
the next person.
single Jew? In another verse, Isaiah movingly
describes how, “You shall be gathered one by Go ahead and feel good about yourself, good
one, O children of Israel”—as if G-d will sweep about the fact that G-d is ready to put the
the globe and personally pluck out every last entire project on hold until you’re on board. And
member of the tribe. But why? What would be then go and spread the word.
so bad if Moshe in the Appalachian Mountains
or Naomi in Patagonia were left behind? Do you know another Jew living nearby? Do
you have a Jewish friend who also thinks
The simple answer is: Yes! It would be terrible. they’re the only one on their hilltop, island, or
In G-d’s eyes, every single Jewish person is neighborhood? Let them know that they’re
integral to the redemptive process. If it’s not special in G-d’s eye, and that the future
literally every member, Redemption cannot Redemption will come only when they sign up.
and will not take place. It’s as simple as that.
And while we’re at it, why not sign them up now?
“I will handpick each of you, one by one, and Tell them about a mitzvah, a unique opportunity
bring you back home” sends forth a dramatic to connect with the G-d Who believes in them
message: you matter. Regardless of how so much. Offer them the chance to study a
trivial, insignificant, or remote you may think Torah idea, to put on tefillin, to make a blessing
you are, you still matter. When the day of our over food, to light Shabbat candles, to pray.
nation’s long-awaited Redemption arrives, the Any of the above is a gateway, a thread that
entire process will hang in the balance until connects us with G-d Who bestows each of us
G-d knocks on your cabin, plucks you out and with meaning, purpose, and endless value.
brings you back to the Promised Land.
The future Redemption knocks at our door
every day. And it’s telling me, you, and everyone
YOU MATTER TOO MUCH else, “You’re too important to be left

The message of the Ingathering of Exiles,

for all of us, right here and right now, is
that we matter, and very much so. You
may think you’re on a remote island

Cup 4:
The Maggid and the Man
Without Matzah
• By Hillel Baron •

The evening before Passover is a busy one. Several hours later there the Maggid finally
Besides the countless tasks needed to prepare came out of his room and announced: “There
for the joyous Passover holiday, that evening is a Jew in our area who does not have matzah
is the time when Jews all over search their for Passover, and I cannot search for chametz
homes for any remnants of leaven (chametz), until we find him and take care of him!”
which are carefully collected and burned the
next morning. The chassidim immediately organized groups
and began a thorough search of the city. Alas,
On that night, the great Rabbi Dov Ber, the they returned empty-handed, having not
Maggid of Mezrich, would typically pray the found a single Jewish person without matzah.
evening service quickly so he could begin
the great mitzvah of cleansing his home of The Rebbe was quiet for a while and then

chametz as soon as possible. replied: “I cannot do the search until you find
that Jew! Look far and wide, even outside the
One year though, he prayed with great fervor city.”
for several hours, almost like it was Yom Kippur.
Afterward he secluded himself in his room for a Finally, they succeeded. Two Chassidim had

long time deep in thought. made their way to a tiny village and found the
only Jew in the hamlet. When they woke him up
The Maggid’s students were perplexed and and asked if he had matzah he let out a great
waited anxiously for the Maggid to leave his sigh and told them his story.
room to perform the mitzvah of the night.
Finally, some of the closest students ventured A tailor by trade, he would save his extra

to knock on his door to ask: “Rebbe, what is money to give to those in need. Every year

happening? It is already well past midnight!” before Pesach, he would come to the city and
contribute a respectable sum to the Maggid
The Rebbe then answered, “It is not good; the to distribute among the needy, and he would
Heavens are holding me back from doing the personally also distribute funds to help others
search.” obtain their needs for the holiday.

This year though, he was bedridden for many sum of money to buy holiday provisions for
months and all his savings disappeared, to the himself and to distribute to others as was his
extent that it was already the eve of Passover custom. Then at long last and with great joy,
and he had absolutely nothing with which to the Maggid proceeded to perform the search
celebrate Pesach, not even matzah. for chametz together with his students!

Much to his surprise, the chassidim began There are many acts that can contribute to

laughing with relief and insisted that he come hastening Mosiach’s arrival. Expressing genuine
care and concern for others, something we will do
with them to the Maggid.
naturally in the era of Moshiach, is one way in which
we can live on a Moshiach plane, anticipating the
As soon as the tailor arrived, the Maggid gave
goodness yet to come.
him a warm welcome and handed him a large

Compiled by: Menachem Posner
Art by: Sefira Ross & Rivka Korf
Design & Layout by: Shneor Cortez
© Copyright Chabad.org, all rights reserved.

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