DDE Restful API V1.5.4

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Digital Document Execution

V 1.5.4

Restful API Integration


National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

Digital Document Execution

This document has the details of the RESTful API implementation of the Digital Document
Execution (DDE) Platform for Demat of Loan agreements.

NeSL-IU provides a Digital Platform for execution of loan contracts. The Loans Appraisal and
Processing System of the Bank will be integrated with the DDE Module of NeSL, which will
be used by calling the RESTful API published by NeSL.

DDE API Request

Below are the request parameters that need to be passed as part of the https RESTful API
header as a POST call:

Sl API Request Field Type Mandatory Remarks

No Parameter
1 api-key Alpha Numeric Y API Key provided by NeSL needs to be
passed as part of the request parameter.

2 Authorization Alpha Numeric Y This is the basic Authentication. The

base 64 value of username and
password provided by NeSL needs to be
passed as part of the request parameter.
3 clientID Alpha Numeric Y Client ID value will be provided by NeSL
and needs to be passed as part of the
request parameter.
4 resp-url Alpha Numeric Y The URL on which the response needs to
be sent back to the Client (only in case
of face to face request). The resp-url
value needs to be provided by the client
and should be a https post request.
The request parameters that the
Response URL should be able to receive
are mentioned in the below table.

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

Response Parameters Details for “resp-url”

The below parameters will be passed by NeSL as part of the “resp-url” response:

Parameter Description

txnID The transaction ID passed as part of the request

status The status of the transaction. (SUCCESS, ERROR)

rspMsg In case of success, this will have the base-64 encoded value of
eSigned/eStamped document as applicable.

In case of failure, an appropriate Error Code will be passed.

The body of the RESTful API will just contain the encrypted value of the METADATA. Below are the details
of the METADATA.

metaData Alpha Numeric Y • A unique session id should be generated with

the length of 32 characters for every
transaction request, that should be a
combination of Initialization Vector (IV) as first
16 characters and Secret Key as other 16
characters [IV (16) + SKey (16)].
• The json request object is encrypted using
session id [IV (16) + SKey (16)] as the key
params and IV (16) characters as IV params
with AES 256 algorithms. The json field details
is described in the table below.
• The session id is encrypted using the client’s
private key with RSA as the algorithm.
• The encrypted session id and the encrypted
json object should be concatenated with colon
(:) as the separator as part of the metadata.

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

Success response :

"transid” : "1234”,
"statusCode” : "1”,
"statusMsg” : "Success.”

Failure response:

"transid” : "1234”,
"statusCode” : "ER003”,
"statusMsg” : "Invalid appKey.”

Synchronous Response Parameters Details

The below parameters will be passed by NeSL as part of the response:

Parameter Description

txnID The transaction ID passed as part of the request

statusCode In case of success, this will have the value 1.

In case of failure, an appropriate error code will be passed.
statusMsg The status of the transaction. (SUCCESS, ERROR)

JSON field details

Below are the details of the json request parameters that need to be passed as part of the METADATA request

Sl. Request Request Parameter

No Description Max Description of the
Parameter Data Type Mandatory
length field
Debt/Contract Conditional reference number or
1 loanno 30 Alphanumeric
reference number Mandatory sanction number is
Conditional reference number or
2 snctnno Sanction Number 30 Alphanumeric
Mandatory sanction number is
1 for Individual loan
3 regType Registration Type 1 Varchar M 2 for Non-Individual

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

A unique ID should be
generated for every
Alphanumeric + API request.
4 txnID Transaction ID 50 special M Except for the below
characters characters, all others
are allowed:
0 – If Esign is not
5 signFlag E-sign Flag 1 Varchar M required
1 – If Esign is required
Y – If Estamp required
6 estampFlag E-stamp Flag 1 Varchar M N – If Estamp Not
Y - For an online
7 f2f Face to Face Flag 1 Varchar M
N - For an offline
This will be a list of
8 state State 2 Varchar M State code values
provided by NeSL
This is the branch
name details of the
sanctioning bank. IFSC
9 brname branch name 50 Varchar O
code of the branch can
also be sent as part of
Branch address of the
10 braddr branch address 50 Varchar O
sanctioning bank.
E-stamp Section - This section needs to be passed only if eStamp facility is to be availed
This is the name of the
11 firstparty First Party Name 40 Alphanumeric M first party in the debt
This is the name of the
12 secondparty Second Party Name 40 Alphanumeric M second party in the
debt agreement
This is the value of the
stamp duty amount of
13 Stamp Duty Amount 19 Numeric (16,2) M the debt agreement.
This should be greater
than Rs.10/-
considerationPri The total value of the
14 Consideration Price 19 Numeric (16,2) M
ce debt/contract
descriptionofDo Description of This is the description
15 100 Alphanumeric M
cument Document of the document

This is the name of the

person who is paying
stampdutyPaidb the stamp duty. Ideally
16 Stamp duty Paid by 100 Alphanumeric M
y this should have the
name of the first party
or the second party

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

The article code based
on the type of the
debt needs to be
17 articleCode Article Code 4 Numeric M passed. The list of
article codes for each
state will be provided
by NeSL
This should have the
details of the
18 documentID Document ID 2 Numeric M document ID for which
eStamping needs to be
carried out
This is the pincode of
the first party in the
debt agreement,
19 firstPartyPin First Party pincode 6 Numeric currently mandatory
for West Bengal (WB)
& Madhya Pradesh
(MP) states.
This is the pincode of
the second party in
the debt agreement,
20 secondPartyPin Second Party pincode 6 Numeric currently mandatory
for West Bengal (WB)
& Madhya Pradesh
(MP) states.
This is the OVD type of
the first party in the
debt agreement,
currently mandatory
This will be a Conditional for West Bengal (WB)
firstPartyOVDTy Officially valid
21 20 pre-defined list Mandatory. Values
pe document type
of values. • panno
• driving license
• voter id
• passport
• others
The value of the
corresponding first
firstPartyOVDVa Officially valid Conditional party ovd type in the
22 30 Alphanumeric
lue document ID value Mandatory. debt agreement,
currently mandatory
for West Bengal (WB)
This is the OVD type of
the second party in
the debt agreement,
currently mandatory
This will be a Conditional for West Bengal (WB)
secondPartyOV Officially valid
23 20 pre-defined list Mandatory. Values
DType document type
of values. • panno
• driving license
• voter id
• passport
• others
National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document
The value of the
corresponding second
secondPartyOV Officially valid Conditional party ovd type in the
24 30 Alphanumeric
DValue document ID value Mandatory. debt agreement,
currently mandatory
for West Bengal (WB)
Participating Details Section
This will be a sequence
25 prtcptenttyId Participant ID 2 Numeric M
Party name or Entity This will be the name
26 fulnm Name in case of non- 100 Alphanumeric M of the party associated
individual loan with the debt
Contact Person Name or This will be the name
27 cntrprtycntnm Entity Name in case of 100 Alphanumeric O of the party associated
non- individual loan with the debt

Relationship of the • Debtor
This will be a
party with the • Guarantor
28 reltocntrct NA pre-defined list M
debt/contract reference • Co-Obligant
of values
number • Creditor
• Beneficiary

Primary email address Primary Email address

29 emlid 100 Alphanumeric O
of the party of the party
cntrprtycntmob Primary mobile number Primary mobile
30 10 Numeric M
no of the party number of the party
Alternate email address Alternate email
31 altemlid 100 Alphanumeric O
of the party address of the party
Alternate mobile Alternate mobile
32 altmobno 10 Numeric O
number of the party number of the party
(as Conditional
per the pattern Mandatory. First five characters
mentioned) If the ovdid should be alphabets,
PAN number of the and next 4 characters
33 panno 10
party ovdtype should be numeric and
values are the last character
provided, should be alphabet
panno will
be optional
Mandatory. Values
In absence • panno
This will be a
Officially valid of PAN • driving license
34 ovdtype 20 pre-defined list
document type number, • voter id
of values.
this field • passport
needs to be • others

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

In absence
The value of the
Officially valid of PAN
35 ovdid 30 Alphanumeric corresponding ovd id
document ID value number,
needs to be passed
this field
needs to be

Permanent/Registered Permanent/Registered
36 cntrprtyaddr 300 Alphanumeric O
address of the party address of the party

Permanent/Registered Permanent/Registered
37 regoffpin 6 Numeric O
address pin code address pin code
Contact Person’s Contact Person’s
38 cntrprtycntdsgn 50 alphabet O
Designation Designation
Communication address Communication
39 comaddr 300 Alphanumeric O
of the party address of the party
Communication Address Communication
40 pin 6 Numeric O
pin code Address pin code
Date of Birth of the
Date of Birth of the
signatory OR date of
signatory OR date of
incorporation of the
41 doi incorporation of the 10 yyyy-mm-dd M
company in case of
company in case of non-
individual loan
individual loan
• Resident Individual
• Public Ltd
• Private Ltd
• Proprietorship
• Partnership
• Entity Created by
This will be a
Legal Constitution of Statute
42 lglcnstn 50 pre-defined list M
the party • Trust
of values.
• Co-op Society
• Association of
• Government
• Self Help Group
• Non-Resident
• Foreign Company
• Indian Entity
• Resident Individual
43 partytyp Party Type value M • Foreign Entity
• NRI/Foreign

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

CIN of the entity in
CIN of the entity in case
44 cin 30 Text O case of non-individual
of non-individual loan
Gender of the
45 Gender of the Signatory 1 Text O Signatory Possible
values: “M”, “F”
46 kin CKYC KIN detail 30 Text O CKYC KIN detail
List of document IDs
that are passed for
This will be a
47 documentID Document ID details 50 Numeric (array) M
number provided in
the document details
section of the json
Sequence of the
contact person
(signatory) for carrying
48 seqno Sequence Number 10 Numeric M out the execution.
Report '9999' if the
party is not supposed
to sign
Loan Details Section
date of sanction of the Dateformat date of sanction of the
49 dtofsnctn 10 O
debt (yyyy-MM-dd) debt
Instalment amount Instalment amount
50 emiamt 19 Numeric (16,2) O
value value
51 rtofint Rate of interest 5 Alphanumeric M Rate of interest
52 snctnamt sanction amount 19 Numeric (16,2) M sanction amount
53 tenure tenure of the debt 10 Alphanumeric M tenure of the debt
This is a list of Values
54 ntrofcrdt Type of debt M
value Financial
This is a list of • Yes
55 isacctclosed Account Closed Flag M
value • No
• Assigned
This is a list of
56 fundtyp Funded Type M • Funded
• Non-fund
This is a list of Values
57 currofsanc Sanction Currency M
value INR
• Credit Facility
• Propertybuyer
Credit Subtype Facility This is a list of • GRNT
58 crdtsubtyp M
name of the debt value • MFNL
National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document
Free text of product
name as known to
Facility name of the debtor to facilitate
59 fcltynm 300 Text M
debt ease of recognition by
concerned party
during authentication
60 amtovrdue Amount Overdue 19 Numeric (16,2) O Amount Overdue
Other Charges amount Other Charges amount
61 chgamt 19 Numeric (16,2) O
of any of any

Date format
62 dtofdbrs debt start date 10 O Debt start date
(yyyy- MM-dd)

63 intamt Interest amount 19 Numeric (16,2) O Interest amount

Old Debt Reference
64 oldaccno Old Debt Reference No. 30 Alphanumeric O
65 priamt Principal Outstanding 19 Numeric (16,2) O Principal Outstanding
66 remarkparta Debt Remarks if any 50 Alphanumeric O Debt Remarks if any
Total Outstanding Total Outstanding
67 toutstndamt 19 Numeric (16,2) O
Amount Amount

68 bu Creditor Business Unit 15 Text O Creditor Business Unit

69 dp Drawing Power Numeric (16,2) O Drawing Power

70 dpd Days past due 5 Number O Days past due
Security section - This is an optional section and required only if there is a security to a loan

71 dscofscrty Description of security 300 Alphanumeric M Description of security

• Movable
This is a list of
72 asstyp Assets type M • Immovable
• Intangible
• Not Classified

• Mortgage
• Hypothecation
• Charge
• Assignment
This is a list of
73 typofchrg Type of Charge created M • Pledge
• Lien
• Negative Lien
• Guarantee
• Others
• Not Classified
74 assetid Asset ID 20 Alphanumeric M Asset ID
Date of creation of dateformat(yyy Date of creation of
75 dtofcrtn 10 O
Security Interest y-MM-dd) Security Interest
76 dtofvltn Date of valuation 10 O Date of valuation
y- MM-dd)

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

CERSAI Security Interest CERSAI Security
77 scrtyidcersai 20 Alphanumeric O
ID Interest ID
78 scrtyidroc ROC Charge ID 20 Alphanumeric O ROC Charge ID

79 vlofscrty Value of security 19 Numeric (16,2) O Value of security

eSign Co-ordinates Section - This is an optional section

participating ID as
mentioned in the
80 prtcptenttyId Participant ID Numeric M
participating details
Document ID as
mentioned in the
81 documentID Document ID Numeric M
document details
p = Page number
Coordinate Details
x = x co-ordinate of
coordinates[p,x, where the signature
82 Numeric M page
y] needs to be affixed in
y = y co-ordinate of
the document
Document Details Section
83 documentID Document ID Numeric M Sequence number
Base64 encoded value
84 docData Document data/value Alphanumeric M
of PDF document

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

DDE API End Point URL for Non Production

National E-Governance Services Limited Digital Document Execution – API Document

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