Family Disaster Plan
Family Disaster Plan
Family Disaster Plan
Family Last Name(s) or Household Address: Forbarel's Mansion Linao, Date: 01/13/24
Tuguegarao City
Family Member/Household Contact Info (If needed, additional space is provided in #10 below):
Pet(s) Info:
Plan of Action
3. If separated during an emergency, what is our meeting place near our home?
• In the event of an emergency leading to our separation, my family and I have a designated meeting place—the Apayao Brew Linao, a
coffee shop near our home. This choice is not arbitrary; it's a strategic decision based on safety considerations. Firstly, it is situated on
a high platform, making it a secure refuge during floods. The elevated position shields it from potential water damage, ensuring the
safety of those seeking shelter. Moreover, the location of Apayao Brew Linao provides resilience against earthquake risks. Positioned in
an open field with ample space, it minimizes the potential hazards associated with falling debris or structural damage during seismic
events. This open environment enhances the safety of the meeting place, allowing family members to reunite without undue exposure
to risks posed by earthquakes.
4. If we cannot return home or are asked to evacuate, what is our meeting place outside of our
• To reach Robinson Tuguegarao for evacuation, follow the main roads leading to the mall. If possible,
check for official evacuation routes provided by local authorities.
What is our route to get there and an alternate route, if the first route is impassible?
• From Linao, take a left near the market, following a scenic road south. You will see the
countryside before reaching a junction. Turn right, heading west, and follow signs
leading to Robinsons Tuguegarao. This straightforward alternative offers a safe and
quick drive.
5. In the event our household is separated or unable to communicate with each other, our emergency
contact outside of our immediate area is:
After a disaster, let your friends and family know you are okay by registering at “Safe and Well” at or by calling 1‐800‐733‐2767. You can also give them a
call, send a quick text or update your status on social networking sites.
7. Our plan for people in our household with a disability or special need is:
8. During certain emergencies local authorities may direct us to “shelter in place” in our home. An
accessible, safe room where we can go, seal windows, vents and doors and listen to emergency
broadcasts for instructions, is:
• Within our home, we've designated a specific room on the first floor as a safety haven during disasters. This room serves as a
secure retreat where we can take refuge, ensuring a heightened level of protection. The strategic features of this room include
the ability to close doors and seal windows, creating a fortified space that safeguards against external elements.
2 This design
element is particularly crucial during extreme weather conditions, such as typhoons and floods, providing a barrier against
potential damage and ensuring the safety of occupants.
9. Family Member Responsibilities in the Event of a Disaster
Task Description
Disaster Kit* Stock the disaster kit and take it if evacuation is necessary. Include
items you might want to take to an evacuation shelter. Remember Denise (Mom)
to include medications and eye glasses.
Be informed Maintain access to NOAA or local radio, TV, email or text alerts for
important and current information about disasters. Jansen (Child 1)
Financial Obtain copies of bank statements and cash in the event ATMs and
Information credit cards do not work due to power outages. Bring copies of
Hev Abi (Dad)
utility bills as proof of residence in applying for assistance.
Pet Evacuate our pet(s), keep a phone list of pet‐friendly motels and
Information animal shelters, and assemble and take the pet disaster kit. (Child 2)
Sharing and Share the completed plan with those who need to know. Meet
Maintaining with household members every 6 months or as needs change to Denise (Mom)
the Plan update household plan.
*What supplies and records should go in your disaster kit? Visit
Our Floorplan
Congratulations on completing your family disaster plan! Please tell others: “We’ve made a family disaster plan
and you can, too, with help from the American Red Cross.”
Get the facts about what you should do if an emergency or disaster occurs at
Forbarel's House