Guerra Et Al 2024 Evaluating The Effectiveness of Speed Cameras On Philadelphia S Roosevelt Boulevard

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Research Article

Transportation Research Record

Ó The Author(s) 2024
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Speed
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Cameras on Philadelphia’s Roosevelt
DOI: 10.1177/03611981241230320

Erick Guerra1 , Christopher Puchalsky2, Nata Kovalova1, Yihong Hu1 ,

Qi Si1, Jiamin Tan1, and Gillian Zhao1

This paper employs Bayesian negative binomial and Poisson models to examine the effectiveness of speed cameras at reducing
crashes, injuries, and fatalities on and immediately around Roosevelt Boulevard, a particularly dangerous urban arterial in
Philadelphia, PA. Camera installation also coincided with rapidly changing traffic safety outcomes throughout the summer
after COVID-19 lockdowns and protests against police violence. To find the most appropriate control segments for our anal-
ysis, we use k-means clustering to identify the five most similar roadways. Compared with these roadways and other geo-
graphic controls, the treated sections of Roosevelt Boulevard experienced decreased crashes, injuries, and fatalities after
camera installation. These decreases are on the high end of what is found in the academic literature on speed cameras. The
findings for total crashes, traffic injuries, fatalities, and pedestrian injuries are statistically different from zero with a high
degree of confidence. Differences in pedestrian fatalities are statistically different from zero with 90% confidence. Based on
our findings, we recommend that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia extend and expand the auto-
mated speed enforcement pilot. Estimates of the economic benefits of reduced crashes substantially exceed the total fines
paid by violators. Despite this positive safety effect, additional treatments will be required to make Roosevelt Boulevard sub-
stantially safer. The roadway still accounts for around 8% of all traffic fatalities in Philadelphia.

safety, automated enforcement, speeding, safety project, program evaluation

Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia frequently makes immigrants, Black households, Hispanic households, and
lists of the most dangerous US roadways. In a 2001 report, children. The road also has numerous at-grade intersections
State Farm Insurance listed two intersections of Roosevelt with local streets and connects to major high-speed high-
Boulevard as the second and third most dangerous inter- ways and arterials throughout Philadelphia. Built in the
sections in the country (1). For the last several decades, the early 20th century, Roosevelt Boulevard has design features
Boulevard has consistently accounted for a disproportion- that are something between a modern expressway and an
ate share of fatalities. Between 2016 and 2022, 100 people urban parkway. The Federal Bureau of Public Roads, the
died in car crashes on Roosevelt Boulevard (2). Another Federal Highway Administration’s predecessor, (3) noted
17 people died on the local roads immediately surrounding Roosevelt Boulevard as an early example of an urban high-
Roosevelt Boulevard. In total, around 12% of total traffic way that could be easily converted into a modern facility:
fatalities and around 6% of crashes involving injury, prop-
erty damage, or a towed vehicle in Philadelphia occurred
on Roosevelt Boulevard. 1
University of Pennsylvania, Department of City and Regional Planning,
Several factors make Roosevelt Boulevard so deadly. Philadelphia, PA
The arterial consists of 12 lanes with posted speed limits of City of Philadelphia, Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and
Sustainability, Philadelphia, PA
40 mph and 45 mph and passes through densely populated
neighborhoods in North Philadelphia with relatively low Corresponding Author:
car-ownership rates and relatively large shares of Erick Guerra, [email protected]
2 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

‘‘.and remarkable as an earlier, less daring venture, that immediately around Roosevelt Boulevard. In addition to
can be converted with relative ease into a highly modern providing guidance for policymakers, this analysis makes
efficient modern facility—the Roosevelt Boulevard in several broader contributions to the academic literature
Philadelphia. In its present form .a central artery for on speed camera effectiveness. First, the paper provides
through traffic, bordered at each side by local service lanes,
another example of the effects of speed cameras in a US
all set within a wide right-of-way. Depression of the central
artery to separate its grade from that of the intersecting
context. Of the papers reviewed for this analysis, just four
streets will be only a matter of construction, and is are from a US context, with two evaluating the same pro-
desirable.’’ gram in Charlotte, NC (5–8). The US has unusually high
traffic fatality rates for a high-income country and auto-
Instead, highway planners and engineers used fed- mated enforcement presents one opportunity to reduce
eral interstate funds to build additional highways and traffic deaths. Second, the paper also focuses on a partic-
connect them to Roosevelt Boulevard. The roadway ularly dangerous type of roadway, an urban arterial with
has long moved highway levels of traffic at grade 40-to-45 mph speed limit. Merlin et al. (9) identified
through densely populated neighborhoods at high arterials as one of the only feature of the built environ-
speeds and taken a steep toll in crashes, injuries, and ment consistently associated with worse traffic safety out-
traffic fatalities. comes across 54 studies examining linkages between the
In 2016, the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania built environment and traffic collisions and injuries.
Department of Transportation (DOT), and regional Most studies of speed camera effects examine placements
transit agency SEPTA partnered to develop a plan to along highways or on urban streets with lower speed lim-
improve safety, accessibility, and reliability for all users its. Third, our study also offers insight into the effects of
(4). This ongoing program led to the Pennsylvania legis- speed cameras during a period of rapid changes in travel
lature authorizing a five-year pilot project to use auto- behavior, enforcement, and safety. Finally, we provide
mated speed enforcement on the Boulevard in 2018. an example of using an unsupervised learning approach,
Automated speed enforcement is not legal in k-means clustering, to identify control segments in an
Pennsylvania without explicit approval from the state instance where the small number of treated cases does
legislature. The Philadelphia City Council approved the not allow for a wide enough array of predictors to effec-
automated enforcement program in 2019 and cameras tively apply a more commonly used supervised learning
began operating in June 2020. Cameras were installed at approach, such as propensity score matching.
eight locations initially based on existing crash locations The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
and a desire to provide spacing of 1-to-1.5 mi between We examine the related literature on the effects of speed
cameras. Two additional locations were installed in 2022 cameras on speeding, crashes, and injuries. We then
based on speed data. For two months, drivers going at describe our research approach, data, and models. A pre-
or above 11 mph over the speed limit received a warning sentation of our statistical findings is followed by our
in the mail. Beginning on August 1, 2020, drivers began conclusions and a summary, an overview of limitations,
receiving formal civil citations for $100 to $150, depend- and takeaways for public policy.
ing on speed. Speeding infractions decreased by over
90% with camera enforcement.
Automated speed enforcement on the Boulevard also
Effects of Speed Cameras on Crashes
coincided with major shifts in travel behavior, traffic Existing studies generally find that automated speed
enforcement, and traffic safety throughout Philadelphia. enforcement reduces traffic speeds, crashes, injuries, and
Despite decreased driving in the months following the fatalities (5, 7, 8, 10–28). Across studies, effect sizes vary
City of Philadelphia’s COVID-19 stay-at-home order in from around 5% to 70% reductions in speeding, crashes,
March 2020, traffic fatalities more than doubled from 22 and injuries (29–32). Most effects are statistically signifi-
in the summer of 2019 to 55 in the summer of 2020 (2). cantly different from zero with 95% confidence, although
Just three months earlier, COVID-19-related shutdowns this is not always the case (18, 19, 33). Differences in
dramatically influenced the geography of travel and traf- effects sizes may relate to differences in research design
fic safety. Collision rates and traffic fatalities skyrocketed (statistical method, controls, distance from camera con-
throughout the city, likely a result of a combination of sidered, direction of traffic considered, time span of pro-
decreased congestion, increased drunk driving, reduced gram, etc.) and context (road type, camera type,
adherence to social norms, and decreased traffic enforce- enforcement policies, etc.) (13, 34).
ment in the wake of protests for police reform after the The majority of studies examine the effects of speed
murder of George Floyd. cameras over time relative to other control locations (5–
This paper examines the effectiveness of speed cam- 8, 18, 21, 26, 28, 33, 35–37). Some studies also control
eras at reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities on and for time-related trends (11–13, 24, 38). The Empirical
Guerra et al 3

Bayes method is one commonly applied method (8, 11, models employ Bayesian negative binomial and Poisson
17, 19, 23, 27, 38). Control segment selection is particu- models with non-informed priors (44) using the rstanarm
larly important to avoid issues with regression to the package (45) in R version 4.3.2 (46). We tested which
mean, as well as systematic differences between treated estimator worked best using an overdispersion test, a
and control segments that may not be consistent over likelihood ratio test, and visualizations of which models
time. Li et al. (17, 39), for example, use propensity score predicted zero occurrences more effectively. Setting the
matching to determine the most similar controls that program start date to June 1, 2020, when the system
would have been likeliest to also have speed cameras began issuing warnings, or August 1, 2020, when the sys-
installed. Some research designs look only at before-and- tem began issuing citations, produced similar results.
after effects or do not carefully justify or estimate control The reported models predict the estimated crashes as
segments (30). follows:
The location and spacing of speed camera also appear
to matter. Camera effectiveness is highest within 200 to mi = exp(ln(ti ) + bk xki + bDk xki + bj xji )
300 m and dissipates after 1,000 m (13, 17, 19, 20, 32, 38,
40, 41). Li et al. (39) found that sites with multiple cam-
mi is the estimated number of crashes or injuries at
eras may be more effective than sites with single cameras.
street segment i during time period t,
Sites with multiple cameras within 200 to 300 m saw
ti is the monthly time period of exposure,
greater decreases in crashes than sites with only a single
bkxki is the vector of parameter estimates bk for each
camera. Researchers have hypothesized that speed cam-
geographic control unit xki,
eras might decrease safety by causing drivers to brake
bDkxki is the vector of parameter estimates bxki inter-
hard or accelerate after passing through camera loca-
acted with Dk which is an indicator variable for time peri-
tions but have generally not found a negative effect on
ods after camera installation, and
safety directly upstream or downstream of camera loca-
bjxji is the vector of indicator variables representing
tions (17, 19, 32). If anything, speed cameras appear to
the month of the year.
have a halo effect with reduced collisions in the areas
Traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities are reported by
surrounding camera sites (18, 22, 26).
Pennsylvania DOT’s online crash reporting system (47).
Finally, the presence of vulnerable road users also
A reported crash involves an injury, fatality, or the tow-
likely influences the effectiveness of automated speed
ing of a vehicle and therefore excludes minor collisions
enforcement. Several studies suggest that pedestrians and
or unreported incidents. A traffic fatality is reported if
motorcyclists may benefit most from speed cameras (13,
someone involved in the crash dies from injuries within
24, 42). Blais and Carnis (43), by contrast, found that
30 days. Serious injury involves ‘‘severe laceration, signif-
France’s automated speed enforcement program was
icant loss of blood, broken or distorted extremity, crush
particularly beneficial for passenger vehicle occupants.
injuries, suspected skull, chest, or abdominal injury, sig-
Context likely plays a role, with speed cameras having
nificant burns, unconsciousness, or paralysis’’ (48).
variable effects depending on speeds, traffic mix, and
roadway type. Automated enforcement of limited access
highways, for example, would likely do little to improve Treatment and Controls
pedestrian or bicyclist safety.
Figure 1 maps the speed camera locations, treated road-
As outlined in the introduction, there are no existing
way segments, control segments identified through k-
studies examining the effects of speed cameras on major
means clustering, and other roadway segments through-
arterials in the US. Most global studies, moreover, focus
out Philadelphia. We consider all segments along the
on either highways or local roads despite the dispropor-
main segment with speed cameras as treated. This
tionate number of fatalities and serious injuries that
includes roughly 1 km southwest and northwest of the
occur on arterials. last cameras on the Boulevard. We also extended the
treated area to side streets within 200 m of the treated
segments of the Boulevard. These nearby streets account
Research Design
for 20% to 30% of all traffic fatalities and crashes, but
Our final reported models examine whether traffic more than 50% of pedestrian injuries in the geography
crashes and injuries on Roosevelt Boulevard decreased that we consider the treated section of Roosevelt
after camera installation relative to crashes on the five Boulevard.
most similar roadway segments in Philadelphia from To identify the five most similar roadway segments,
2018 to 2022. We also test findings against all other we applied a k-means clustering approach to data on
arterials, untreated sections of Roosevelt Boulevard, and traffic volumes, roadway characteristics, and crashes and
remaining road segments in Philadelphia. The reported injuries from 2016 to 2017. To facilitate selecting similar
4 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

likeliest candidates to receive automated speed enforce-

ment if state legislation allows it. Propensity score
matching allowed for fewer inputs and tended to select
roadways with higher traffic volumes and crashes, such
as interstate highways, but to ignore segments with high
injury rates and pedestrian-involved collisions.
Interstates tend to have lower injury rates and are among
the least likely roadway segments to receive automated
enforcement. The City of Philadelphia, for example, does
not include crashes on Interstates in its traffic safety
reporting and evaluation efforts (49).
Our final model specifications also separate arterials
with three or more lanes, untreated sections of Roosevelt
Boulevard, and remaining local roads in Philadelphia.
Other model controls include categorical variables for
the month to account for changing seasonal trends. We
do not include roadway features as predictors because
these are constant across the time periods examined and
there is only one treated roadway segment. Finally, we
do not include measures of monthly traffic. These are
not available for most roadway segments. Moreover,
Figure 1. Location of Roosevelt Boulevard speed cameras and
annual estimates are based on modeling from a sample
control segments in Philadelphia.
of roadways. Many segments have the same estimated
traffic volumes from year to year or change proportion-
roadway segments, we merged crash and road network
data by state route number. This broke Roosevelt ally based on changes to traffic on other corridors. The
Boulevard into two main sections, each with four parallel traffic volume data are thus incomplete and artificially
three-lane roadway segments, which we included in the correlated across observations.
Table 2 presents the average monthly crashes and
clustering algorithm. Thus, the average roadway width is
fatalities (2018–2022) before and after installation in
reported as three instead of 12. Similarly, average annual
each of the geographies modeled. Reported crashes on
daily traffic (AADT) on the corridor is roughly four
times the listed numbers. The other selected roadways the treated section of the Boulevard decreased by 33%
tend to have two parallel segments. The selected section compared with an increase of 0.4% on the most similar
of N. Broadway, for example, has seven lanes on average roadways and 14% on other arterials. Monthly traffic
and 28,000 AADT. fatalities increased across all geographies except for the
The final clustering approach divides Philadelphia’s Boulevard which saw a 3% decrease. These increases
roadways into 10 different classes. One of the smallest were substantial (between 40% and 103%) and traffic
classes includes the two sections of Roosevelt Boulevard fatalities doubled on the five roadways that are most
and five additional state routes. Table 1 presents data on similar to Roosevelt Boulevard as described in Table 1.
traffic volumes, roadway characteristics, and average
annual crashes and injuries (2016–2017) for the treated
sections of Roosevelt Boulevard and five control seg-
ments. Controls segments tend to have lower speed lim- Table 3 presents estimates of the differences in crashes and
its, lower AADT, fewer fatal crashes, and much lower injuries on control geographies relative to differences on
fatality-per-crash rates. By contrast, the control segments treated sections of Roosevelt Boulevard after camera
have more minor pedestrian injuries, though the lower- installation on June 1, 2020. The models leave the treated
speed local roads within 200 m of the Boulevard have sections of Roosevelt Boulevard out of the model to facili-
similarly elevated rates of minor pedestrian injuries. tate simultaneous comparisons with all other geographies.
We also identified controls using propensity score Thus, parameter estimates indicate the change in crashes
matching and a qualitative approach of selecting the and injuries relative to the treated sections of the
most similar roadways by name. All three approaches Boulevard. After camera operations began, all measures of
produced similar results. We report the k-means traffic crashes and injuries increased on the five most simi-
approach over the propensity score matching approach lar roadways, untreated sections of the Boulevard, other
because it did a better job of selecting the kinds of non- arterials with three or more lanes, and other local roads.
highway arterials with high injury rates that are the We report leave-one-out cross validation information
Guerra et al 5

Table 1. Roadway Characteristics and Average Annual Crashes and Injuries (2016–2017) for Roosevelt Boulevard and Selected Control

Average Pedestrian
State Average Average annual Traffic Speed traffic Pedestrian
route no. Streets width (ft) lanes daily traffic Crashes fatalities limit fatalities minor injuries

1 Roosevelt Blvd 37 3.0 24,958 276 5.0 40 4 1

6001 Roosevelt Blvd 34 3.0 19,180 194 6.5 40 2 3
13 Baltimore Ave, 33rd St, 34 2.3 10,550 313 1.5 30 1.5 9.5
Hunting Park Ave
611 Broad St 35 3.5 13,857 356 2.0 30 1 18
2009 Aramingo Ave, 34 2.2 12,668 112 3.0 30 2 4.5
Harrison Ave
2014 Lehigh Ave 47 2.8 8,264 95 2.5 25 2.5 5
2016 Allegheny Ave 56 2.6 9,901 126 2.0 30 1.5 8

Table 2. Monthly Reported Crashes and Traffic Fatalities (2018–2022) Before and After Speed Camera Installation on 6/1/2020

Pre Post Percent change (%)

Reported collisions
Roosevelt Boulevard with cameras (200m) 50.2 33.5 233
Untreated sections of Boulevard 11.9 10.1 215
Most similar roadways 80.4 80.7 0.4
Other 3 + roadway segments 184.7 210.4 14
Rest of Philadelphia 569.3 484.4 215
Traffic fatalities
Roosevelt Boulevard with cameras (200m) 1.10 1.06 23
Untreated sections of Boulevard 0.07 0.10 40
Most similar roadways 1.21 2.45 103
Other 3 + roadway segments 1.62 2.81 73
Rest of Philadelphia 4.17 6.45 55

criterion (LOOIC) and provide visualizations of model fit Speed cameras are found to be most effective on the most
by plotting Bayesian posterior predictions against mea- dangerous streets (11, 16, 38). Multiple speed cameras
sured crashes and injuries in Appendix A. These plots may also be more effective than single speed camera
compare one hundred simulated predictions (y rep) of installations (39). Speed cameras are also likely to be
monthly incidents against the distribution of actual inci- most effective during time periods of worsening driver
dents (y) and show where predictions are most similar and behavior and reduced police enforcement as occurred in
different to actual crashes, injuries, and fatalities. Philadelphia after the COVID-19 lockdown.
Increases in crashes, injuries, and fatalities are statisti- The smaller difference in crashes and injuries relative
cally significant across most of the control geographies. to other untreated sections of the Boulevard suggests
After camera installation, the five most similar roadways that there may be some spillover safety effects outside of
experienced a strong and statistically significant increase the zone that we considered treated. The small sample
in crashes relative to Roosevelt Boulevard. The exponent and single treated segment, however, limited our ability
of the parameter estimate (0.405) indicates that the rate to test for halo safety effects more broadly. The overall
of incidents on the five most similar roadways (as defined results suggest that worsening traffic safety in
in Table 1) increased 1.5 times relative to the rate of inci- Philadelphia since the COVID-19 lockdown dispropor-
dents on the Boulevard after camera installation. The tionately stems from arterial roadways. Nevertheless,
non-fatal traffic injury rate was 1.71 (exponent of 0.539) even local roads experienced an increase in crashes and
times higher after camera installation. The strength of injuries relative to the treated sections of the Boulevard.
these safety effects is at the upper end of findings from Total fatalities also increased on all control segments
the existing literature. This particularly effective speed relative to the treated sections of the Boulevard. The
camera deployment may relate the high numbers of effect sizes are slightly larger than those for crashes and
speeding-related crashes and injuries on the Boulevard. injuries. Relative to the treated sections of the Boulevard,
6 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Table 3. Estimated Differences in Crashes and Injuries Relative to Treated Sections of Roosevelt Boulevard After Installation of Speed
Cameras using Bayesian Poisson and Negative Binomial Models

Total pedestrian
Total crashes Total injuries Total fatalities Total pedestrian injuries fatalities
(Negative binomial) (Negative binomial) (Poisson) (Negative binomial) (Poisson)

Five most similar 0.405*** 0.539*** 0.734** 0.603** 0.927*

(0.083) (0.149) (0.303) (0.238) (0.503)
Untreated sections 0.245** 0.405** 0.138 na na
of Boulevard
(0.110) (0.185) (0.867) na na
Other 3 + lane arterials 0.530*** 0.492*** 0.576** 0.497** 1.642***
(0.080) (0.146) (0.286) (0.248) (0.503)
Other Philadelphia roadways 0.240*** 0.405*** 0.461* 0.304 0.936**
(0.078) (0.144) (0.286) (0.225) (0.471)
LOOIC 2,573.1 2,501.1 921.0 1,383.8 591.8
(40.9) (42.2) (36.3) (48.9) (32.6)

Note: na = not applicable. All models include intercepts for all geography and dummy variables for each month.
Models use uninformed priors with 10,000 posterior predictions.
*p\0.1. ** p\0.05. *** p\0.01.

the rate of traffic fatalities doubled (exponent of 0.734 is towed in 2022, 2021, and the second half of 2020. While
2.08) on the five most similar roadways after camera the standard deviation of the differences in crashes does
instillation. Despite the low total number of fatalities per not cross zero, the plot also shows that the random var-
month (1.08 across all years in the sample) and high var- iance in crashes per month is substantial relative to the
iance (1.05), these differences are statistically significant effect size.
at the 95% confidence level. Figure 3 shows the same relationship but for total
Differences in pedestrian injuries and fatalities tend to traffic fatalities. The model results suggest that the
be slightly larger. The most similar roadways experienced Boulevard speed cameras saved an average of 0.9 to 1.4
1.83 higher rates of pedestrian injuries and 2.53 times lives per month, a total of around 36 people since cam-
higher rates of pedestrian fatalities relative to the eras were installed. However, the model results also show
Boulevard after speed cameras were installed. The differ- the wide variance in fatalities relative to this predictive
ence in pedestrian injuries is different from zero with difference. Across 10,000 posterior predictions, the
95% confidence, while the difference in pedestrian fatal-
ities is statistically significant with 90% confidence.
Given the small number of pedestrian fatalities and
resulting overfitting of data, we dropped the untreated
sections of Roosevelt Boulevard from the pedestrian
injury models.

Absolute Changes in Crashes and Fatalities

Figure 2 plots the difference in posterior predicted
crashes on Roosevelt Boulevard relative to the five most
similar roadways, with and without cameras installed.
We also plot one standard deviation above and below
the average difference to provide a sense of the underly-
ing data variance and model uncertainty. After the cam-
eras were installed (month 30), the treated sections of the
Boulevard had an average of 15 to 20 fewer reported col-
lisions than would have been expected without the cam- Figure 2. Mean and standard deviation difference in monthly
eras. In total, the cameras prevented an estimated 524 posterior predicted traffic crashes with and without speed camera
reported collisions that involved injury or a vehicle installation.
Guerra et al 7

collisions, injuries, and fatalities. First, unlike with most

studies of speed cameras, there is only a single treated
observation in this analysis: the corridor along which
cameras were installed and nearby local streets. With lim-
ited observations from just five years of collision data,
there is a greater potential for random variance in colli-
sions and injuries to outweigh any speed camera effects
and potentially lead to a false rejection of the null
hypothesis. Second, Roosevelt Boulevard is a somewhat
unique roadway. The most similar highways and arterials
all have substantial differences in capacity, infrastruc-
tural design, crashes, injuries, traffic volumes, or pedes-
trian activities as shown in Table 1. The Boulevard looks
most like freeways along some dimensions, but most like
high injury arterials along other dimensions. Third and
finally, the speed cameras were installed in a period of
Figure 3. Mean and standard deviation difference in monthly decreased traffic volumes, decreased traffic enforcement,
posterior predicted traffic fatalities with and without speed
worsening driver behavior, and increased traffic fatal-
camera installation.
ities. Although traffic levels have generally returned to
normal, enforcement remains sparse and injury rates
model estimated more fatalities with speed cameras than high across the City of Philadelphia. Automated enforce-
without about a third of the time. Nevertheless, the pre- ment is likely particularly effective in the absence of
dicted reduction in fatalities is high relative to the total other types of enforcement.
observed fatalities on the Boulevard over time. Nevertheless, several factors support the causal inter-
Additional years of crash data will be needed to deter- pretation that speed cameras reduced traffic collisions
mine whether and by how much speed cameras reduced and injuries on the Boulevard. Estimated effect sizes are
traffic fatalities on Roosevelt Boulevard during specific large and generally consistent across a range of different
times of day, months, or seasons of the year. controls and effect measures (crash, injury, etc.).
Although not always statistically significant, every mea-
sure of collision and injury decreased on the Boulevard
Conclusion relative to the most similar arterials, untreated sections
In this paper, we examined the effects of speed cameras of the Boulevard, other arterials, and remaining local
on crashes and injuries on Roosevelt Boulevard, a partic- roads. Using different approaches to selecting the most
ularly dangerous arterial running through dense neigh- similar roadways also produced consistent results.
borhoods in Northeast Philadelphia. After camera Moreover, findings are generally within the range and
installation, crashes and injuries decreased by around statistical significance of findings from other studies on
50% relative to the most similar arterials, all arterials, the effects of speed cameras on crashes and injuries.
and local roads in Philadelphia. Decreases in crashes, For public policy, we recommend the reauthorization
injuries, fatalities, and pedestrian injuries were statisti- and expansion of automated enforcement in
cally significant with a high degree of confidence. Philadelphia. Applying Pennsylvania DOT’s (50) esti-
Pedestrian fatalities also decreased relative to other road- mates of the economic costs of traffic collisions, injuries,
ways. These decreases were statistically different with and fatalities, the estimated annual safety benefits of
90% confidence. Additional years of data are likely enforcement are around six times higher than the $22
needed to reject the null hypothesis that cameras had no million in revenues generated in fiscal year 2021 (51).
effect on pedestrian fatalities with greater certainty. Residents of neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia
In any case, speed cameras on Roosevelt Boulevard have seen the results of automated speed enforcement
only issue citations at speeds above 50 or 55 mph and have requested expansion to other major arterials
(depending on the segment), well above speeds where throughout the city, including Henry Avenue, Lincoln
pedestrians have much of a chance of surviving a colli- Avenue, Delaware Avenue, Torresdale Avenue, Walnut
sion. Given the high share of pedestrian fatalities on the Street, Chestnut Street, and Cobbs Creek Parkway (51).
Boulevard (roughly 35% of total fatalities), slower Some residents of Northeast Philadelphia have expressed
speeds are likely needed for greater safety improvements. concern that the speed cameras have displaced traffic
Three main limitations affect interpretations of the volume and dangerous driving to parallel corridors such
effects of Roosevelt Boulevard’s speed cameras on traffic as Buslteton Avenue. Additionally, anecdotal evidence
8 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

shows some altering or obscuring of license plates as a Funding support was provided by the Safety21 (USDOT Award
strategy to avoid automated enforcement. Further study No. 69A3552344811 and No. 69A3552348316) and Mobility21
is required to evaluate both factors. National University Transportation Centers (USDOT Award
Despite the safety improvements, there remain impor- No. 69A3551747111). Marco Gorini (Philadelphia), Kevin
tant limits to the current speed enforcement program. Murphy (DVRPC), Adam Smith (Philadelphia), Kelley Yemen
(Philadelphia), Jason Duckworth (Arcadia Land Company) and
Roosevelt Boulevard remains and will likely continue to
Benjamin Manning (Duckworth Lab) provided data and inter-
remain Philadelphia’s most deadly arterial. In 2021 and pretation support.
2022, 19 people lost their lives on and around the treated
sections of Roosevelt Boulevard. That is just under 7%
of the city’s total traffic fatalities. The roadway remains a ORCID iDs
dangerous combination of high-speed highway that inter- Erick Guerra
sects with local streets in densely populated neighbor- Yihong Hu
hoods. Further safety improvements will likely require
one of three approaches. The first and least costly is to Supplemental Material
lower speed limits and ramp up enforcement to get traffic
speeds closer to 30 mph instead of 50 mph. The second Supplemental material for this article is available online.
would be to grade separate the Boulevard and turn it into
the type of limited access highway envisioned by early References
federal highway planners (3). This option would be 1. A.M. Best Newswire. State Farm Names 10 Most Danger-
expensive and is likely a political non-starter given the ous Intersections. https://go-gale-com.proxy.library.upenn.
negative effects of separating communities with highways edu/ps/
and contemporary efforts to reconnect and restore GALE|A76023283&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon. Accessed
highway-affected communities. The third option is to November 16, 2022.
redesign the Boulevard to operate as a lower speed and 2. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Pennsylvania
lower-capacity boulevard that looks and behaves more Crash Information Tool.
like Philadelphia’s other urban arterials. PCIT/. Accessed November 23, 2022.
3. Bureau of Public Roads. Toll Roads and Free Roads. U. S.
Based in part on the results of this study, the state leg-
Govt. print. off., Washington, D.C., 1939.
islature voted in December 2023 to allow expansion of 4. City of Philadelphia. Roosevelt Boulevard: Route for Change
the automated enforcement program to five additional Program. City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, 2021.
corridors and five school zones. These additional 5. Cunningham, C. M., J. E. Hummer, and J.-P. Moon.
enforcement zones are likely to reduce crashes, injuries, Analysis of Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras in
and fatalities. Additional enforcement areas will also Charlotte, North Carolina. Transportation Research
allow the relative effectiveness of speed cameras on dif- Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
ferent roadway types in different geographies in the city 2008. 2078: 127–134.
to be studied. 6. Moon, J.-P., and J. E. Hummer. Speed Enforcement Cam-
eras in Charlotte, North Carolina: Estimation of Longer-
Term Safety Effects. Transportation Research Record:
Author Contributions Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2010. 2182:
The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study 31–39.
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