The Self in Western and Eastern Thoughts
The Self in Western and Eastern Thoughts
The Self in Western and Eastern Thoughts
North and South America Asia
Europe Middle East
New Zealand
Strives to find and prove the truth Accepts the truth as given and is more
interested in finding the balance
Christianity, Rational, Scientific, Logical Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Integral
schools Yoga, Islam, Taoism, Zen
More focused on the individual events and the Holistic approach – all events in the universe
role of the person are interconnected
Searching outside yourself through research Searching inside yourself – by becoming a
and analysis part of the universe through meditation and
right living
Your future is unknown, it was predetermined Your future is determined by the past and
by God and is not much influenced by your your deeds today
A human being has an individualistic nature A human being is an integral part of the
and is an independent part of the universe and universe and the society
the society
Individualistic Self inevitable, he should make the most of this
- Through the process of introspection and life he was given
reflection, man begins to search for clues - He sees himself as being capable of living
as to the probable purpose of his existence his own life, doing the things that he would
and the role he plays in the general order of love to do, making his own mistakes and
the things of the world. As a result of his learning from his experiences.
introspection, he decides that since he has - He is aware of his rights and the
only one life to live and that death is limitations of his freedom in the extant
society; he sets goals and works hard to - They are bound by the customs, beliefs and
achieve them. traditions by the group.
TRAITS OF INDIVIDUALISTIC - Some examples of issues decided upon by
CULTURES the group are gender roles, marriage
Uniqueness practices and patriarchy. In such cases,
Autonomy individual freedom is sacrificed for the
Egoistical Individualism In contemporary society, both the
- the idea that individual freedom is individualistic and collective self may
- the idea that individual freedom is linked intermarriages between people of the
- He knows that he is the one who will suffer 2. Sharing of knowledge and the influx
the most if he wastes his chance to live a life of information from mass media and
making it better not only for himself but also Ecological self
- The identity of the individual is lost and - Human biological and environmental
does not exist except as a part of the group. characteristics like race, gender, social
- The family and the society control how the status, education and culture are factors that
Five relationships:
- Harmony in society is possible when people accept their place in society. Key relationships
include father to son, older brother to young brother, husband to wife, ruler to subject, and friend
to friend. Except for friendship, none of these relationship is equal.
Father/Son Filial piety
Ruler/Subject Loyalty
brother/Brother Brotherliness
Husband/Wife Love and obedience
Friend/Friend Faithfulness
Virtuous people
- According to Confucianism, result in a
well-rounded, civilized, humane society.