Tuần 2

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Exercise 1.

Verb form
1. Listen! My mother (sing)________________________a song.
2. Every night, We (go)________________________to bed at 10p.m
3. Giang (like)_______________Music but I (like)____________________Math
4. Now, they (stay)___________________________in Hue .
5. My father (read)__________________________a newspaper in the morning.
6. He _________________ (travel) through the Middle East last year.
7. We _________________ (buy) a new car last weekend.
8. Look! Ha (run)______________________.
9. Trang usually (listen)____ to the teacher in the class, but she (not listen)_____now.
10. She _________________ (watch) TV yesterday.
11. Where _____________________ your father(be)?
12. -He (be)________ living room. He (watch) ______TV.
13. ____________they (go) to school by bus today?
14. There(be)___________many flowers in our garden.
15. Everyday,Mr.Hung (not go)_______________________to work by car.
16. In the autumn, I rarely (go)_______ sailing and (go)________ to school.
17. I (write)_____________________ a letter to my friend now.
18. At 12 a.m every day, I (have)_______ lunch and (go)________ to bed.
19. On Monday, I (have)____________ math and Art.
20. ……… (be) he free all day yesterday?
21. On Friday, I (have)____________ English.
22. At the moment, I (eat)_______an orange and My sisters (Play) ___Tennis.
23. Now, He (look)_______ his cat . It (eat)______ a mouse in the garden.
24. Angela __________ (go)to the cinema last night.
25. My friends __________(have)a great time in Nha Trang last year.
26. Phong, An , Ha, Lan (be)__________________ close friend.
27. ___________your mother(walk)_________to market?
28. It (be)__________10.00.We (learn)___________________our lesson.
29. What___________you (do)____________now?
30. __________your mother (walk) to work every day?
31. He _________________ (not / study) for the exam so he failed.
32. ____________Hai(work)____________in the garden at the moment?
33. _______________________ (she / study) last night?
34. My brother (do)______________________his homework in his room now. He does it
35. _______________________ (you / go) to school yesterday?
36. James and his brother (play)__________________soccer at the moment. They (play)
37. Mom and Dad …………….(not be) at home yesterday. They …………..(be) at the
38. Where________________the old man (live)___________now?
39. Mr.Smith often (teach)____ class 4A,but this morning he (teach)_____class 4B.
40. It's 7.30 now. She (study)_______________ science in the classroom.

Exercise 2. Preposition

1. The price of electricity is going up _____ August.

2. They came to visit us _____ my birthday.

3. Did you have a good time _____ Christmas?

4. The children are really excited _____ their summer vacation.

7. Helen had said goodbye to everybody in the class _____ she left for the hometown.

8. My cat is very fond _____ fish.

9. I waited _____ 10 o’clock and then went home.

10. I can’t remember exactly when the accident happened. I think it was _____ nine and half
past nine.

14. The river Rhine flows _____ the North sea.

16. I always come _____ school _____ foot.

17. He had learned the whole poem _____ heart.

18. He has waited _____ her for a long time.

19. He’s not very keen _____ watching football, but his wife is.

Exercise 3. Stressed and Pronunciation

A.horror B.boring C. against D.action
A.fantasy B.become C.aventure D.exciting
A.comic B.between C.soldier D.movie
A.author B.title C.action D.animation
A.character B.mystery C.dislike D.wonderful
A.amazing B.musical C.terrible D.animated
Exercise 4.So/ because
1. ………………… she is always busy, she can’t spend time with her family.
2. I didn’t choose that dress ……………….. I didn’t like the color.
3. My younger brother doesn’t get enough sleep, ……………….. he always feels tired.
4. They live far from their school, ……………….. they have to get up early every day.
5. His elder sister feels exhausted now ……………….. she has swum for nearly 1 hour.
6. Her husband laughed too loudly, ……………….. the baby woke up and cried.
7. ……………….. I don’t like crowded places, I rarely go to coffee shops.
8. Two weeks ago, I bought lots of clothes, ……………….. I’m out of money now.
9. I don’t really like this city ……………….. it’s crowded and polluted.
10. I don’t really like this city, ……………….. I have decided to move to another.
Exercise 5.Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

1. The movie is at Saturday at three o'clock. ____________

2. This movie weren't very good. In fact, it was terrible. ____________

3. Quang Trung were a famous Vietnamese king. ____________

4. The movie is on in the evenings. It starts in seven o'clock. ____________

5. They was in the movie theater last night. ____________

6. Napoleon win forty-three battles and I think he was a great ____________



7. Did you see Flying Fantastic? How wasn't it?

Exercise 6. Read the movies review. Choose the correct answer.

Friday Review by Scott Kerry

I watched the movie Elizabeth I: The Golden Age last Thursday with a group of friends. We

watched it for a history project we're doing at school. It is a drama about Queen Elizabeth I.

She was born in 1533 and became Queen of England in 1558. She was a really strong leader.

Her ships won battles against Spanish ships in 1588. Before I watched it, I didn't know if I

would like it. I don't like many dramas but this was fantastic. The story of the movie was

really interesting and so many exciting things happened. It was great! All my friends loved it

too. You really should watch it!

0. When did Scott watch the movie? B. an English queen

A. Saturday C. a movie

B. Wednesday 3. Why didn't Scott want to watch the

C. Thursday

A. He was busy.
1. Why did Scott watch the movie?

B. He was with a group of friends.

A. His friends wanted to.

C. He doesn't like many dramas.

B. For a history project.

4. What did Scott think about movie?

C. He likes dramas.

A. It had an interesting story.

2. Who was Elizabeth I?

B. It was boring.
A. a Spanish queen

C. He didn't like it.

Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer

1. We are looking for _______ place to spend ________ night.
A. the/the B. a/the C. a/a D. the/a
2. Please turn off ________ lights when you leave ________ room.
A. the/the B. a/a C. the/a D. a/the
3. We are looking for people with ________experience.
A. the B. a C. an D. x
4. Would you pass me ________ salt, please?
A. a B. the C. an D. x
5. Can you show me ________way to ________station?
A. the/the B. a/a C. the/a D. a/the
6. She has read ________interesting book.
A. a B. an C. the D. x
7. You’ll get ________shock if you touch ________ live wire with that screwdriver.
A. an/the B. x/the C. a/a D. an/the
8. Mr. Smith is ________ old customer and ________ honest man.
A. An/the B. the/an C. an/an D. the/the
9. ________ youngest boy has just started going to ________ school.
A. a/x B. x/the C. an/x D. the/x
10. Do you go to ________ prison to visit him?
A. the B. a C. x D. an
11. ________eldest boy is at ________ college.
A. a/the B. the/x C. x/ a D. an/x
12. Are you going away next week? No, ________ week after next.
A. an B. a C. the D. x
13. Would you like to hear ________ story about ________ English scientist?
A. an/the B. the/the C. a/the D. a/ an
14. There’ll always be a conflict between ________ old and ________ young.
A. the/the B. an/a C. an/the D. the/a
15. There was ________ collision at ________ corner.
A. the/a B. an/the C. a/the D. the/the
16. My mother thinks that this is ________ expensive shop.
A. the B. an C. a D. x
17. Like many women, she loves ________ parties and ________gifts.
A. the/ a B. a/the C. a/a D. x/x
1. This morning I bought….newspaper and …….magazine. …….newspaper is in my bag but
I don’t know where I put…..magazine.

2. I saw ……accident this morning. ……car crashed into …..tree. ………driver of ……car
wasn’t hurt but …..car was badly damaged.

3. There are two cars parked outside:……..blue one and …….grey one. ……..blue one
belongs to my neighbors. I don’t know who ….. owner of…..grey one is.

4. My friends live in…….old house in……small village. There is …….beautiful garden

behind ……..house. I would like to have……garden like this.

5. This house is very nice. Has it got …….garden?

6. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in……..garden.

7. Can you recommend ……..good restaurant?

8. We had dinner in…….most expensive restaurant in town.

9. There isn’t ……….airport near where I live. …….nearest airport is 70 miles away.

10. “Are you going away next week?”

– “No, …..week after next”

Exercise 8.

8. What is _____________ (your/ you) father’s job?

- ___________________(He/ His) is an engineer.

9. How old _______________ (are/ is) ______________ (your/ you) sister?

- _______________ (She/ Her) is ten years old.

10. ____________ (The women’s bikes/ The womens’ bikes) are new but ___________ (the
men’s bikes/ the men’s bikes) are old.

11. The bird sang _____________ (its/ it/ it’s) happy tune.

12. Listen to _____________ (her/ hers/ her’s) carefully.

13. _____________ (His/ He/ She) uncle is a doctor. He is a nice person.

14. That old man is kind to_______________ (our/ us/ we).

15. William and Tracy love_____________ (their/ theirs/ they) dogs so much.

16. My car is new, but____________ (her/ hers/ she) is old.

17. The teacher told____________ (us/ our/ we) an interesting story.

18. I want to sit between you and______________ (he/ him/ his).

19. She has an apple in___________ (she/ her/ hers) hand.

20. Bob and Ted live near_____________ (them/ their/ they) school.
Exercise 9. Many/much/a little/ a few/ a lot of/lots of
3. Did you take …………….photographs when you were on holiday?
4. The museum was very crowded. There were too………..people.
7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……….advice.
8. Do you mind if I ask you……….questions?
9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …….tourists come here.
11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “yes, please. ………….”
Exercise 10.How much hoặc How many
1. ___________ beer is there in the fridge?
2. ___________ eggs do you want?
3. ___________ languages do you speak?
4. ___________ people are there in the class?
5. ___________ days are there in a week?
6. ___________ milk do you drink everyday?
7. ___________ kilos of rice do you want?
8. ___________ soda does she want?
9. We don’t have ___________ bananas, and we don’t have ___________ fruit juice.
10. How _____________ is this? It’s ten dollars.
11. How _________________ do you want? Six, please.
12. I wrote _________________ poems.
13. I visited _____________________ European cities.
14. She hasn’t got _________________ patience.
15. How ________ does the shirt cost ?
16. ________ is a bar of soap?
17. ________ books are there on the shelf?
18. How ________ oranges are there in the fridge?
19. ………………………..soup is there in the fridge?
20. ………………………..tomatoes do you want?
21. ………………………..languages does your sister speak?
22. ………………………..boys are there in her class?
23. ………………………..days are there in a month?
24. ………………………..coffee do you drink everyday?

Ex 11: Choose the best answer

1.________beef does she want?
A. How much B. how many C. how D. how long
2. ________apples do you want?
A. How often B. How many C. How much D. How
3. ________oranges do you want? – A dozen.
A. How much B. How many C. How D. What
4. There are ________ things to do here
A. many B. much C. a lot D. little
5. We haven’t got ________ time
A. much B. a lot C. many D. some
6. How much rice does she ________?
A. want B. wants C. wanting D. to want
7. How ________ apples are there on the table?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
8. How ________ does the T-shirt cost?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
9. How much ________ the shoes?
A. do B. does C. are D. is
10.________ much is a loaf of bread?
A. What B. Where C. When D. How
11. How ____glasses of water do you drink in the morning?
A. many B. much C. some D. any
12. This dictionary ________ 90,000 dong.
A. cost B. costs C. is costing D. costing
13. How much water ________ there in the glass?
A. be B. am C. is D. are
14. How much ________ a kilo of rice?
A. be B. am C. is D. are
15.________ books are there on the shelf?
A. Where B. What C. How much D. How many

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