IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide

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IBM COS FA Gateway

This edition applies to IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide and is valid until replaced by new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2020.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE IBM COS FA GATEWAY ............................................. 1

Accessing an IBM COS FA Gateway ................................................................................................................ 2
Navigating the IBM COS FA Gateway User Interface ..................................................................................... 4
Using the FILES Tab......................................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2. SETTING UP THE IBM COS FA GATEWAY....................................................... 11

Viewing IBM COS FA Gateway Details .......................................................................................................... 11
Setting a Name and Location to Identify the IBM COS FA Gateway............................................................. 12
Setting the IBM COS FA Gateway Time and Date......................................................................................... 13
Configuring the User Interface Language..................................................................................................... 15
Configuring Proxy Settings ........................................................................................................................... 16
Enabling Remote Access to the IBM COS FA Gateway ................................................................................. 18
Saving IBM COS FA Gateway Settings........................................................................................................... 20
Changing the IBM COS FA Gateway License................................................................................................. 21

CHAPTER 3. MANAGING IBM COS FA GATEWAY STORAGE .............................................. 22

Storage Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Managing Arrays........................................................................................................................................... 26
Managing Volumes....................................................................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER 4. MANAGING IBM COS FA GATEWAY USERS................................................... 31

Adding and Editing Users.............................................................................................................................. 31
Adding Users to User Groups ....................................................................................................................... 35
Viewing Users ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Exporting Users ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Allocating User Quotas ................................................................................................................................. 36
Deleting Users .............................................................................................................................................. 37
Managing User Groups................................................................................................................................. 37
Deleting User Groups ................................................................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER 5. USING CLOUD SERVICES ............................................................................... 40

Connecting to an IBM COS FA Portal............................................................................................................ 41
Viewing Cloud Services Status ...................................................................................................................... 43
Reconnecting and Disconnecting to an IBM COS FA Portal.......................................................................... 44
Accessing the IBM COS FA Portal From the IBM COS FA Gateway............................................................... 45
Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway For Caching........................................................................................ 45
Pinning Folders so that Files are Always Available Locally ........................................................................... 52
What the User Sees With an IBM COS FA Gateway ..................................................................................... 53
Managing the IBM COS FA Gateway ............................................................................................................ 55
Accessing Previous File Versions .................................................................................................................. 57
Searching for Files on a Mac Computer........................................................................................................ 59

CHAPTER 6. SHARING LOCAL FILES .................................................................................. 60

Network Sharing Protocols........................................................................................................................... 60
Managing Network Shares ........................................................................................................................... 65
Accessing Network Shares............................................................................................................................ 75
Modifying Advanced File Sharing Settings ................................................................................................... 76

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide iii

CHAPTER 7. ANTIVIRUS FILE SCANNING .......................................................................... 78
Setting up Antivirus File Scanning ................................................................................................................ 78
Updating the Antivirus DAT File ................................................................................................................... 80
Managing Quarantined Files ........................................................................................................................ 83
Antivirus Logs ............................................................................................................................................... 84

CHAPTER 8. MANAGING NETWORK SETTINGS................................................................. 85

Viewing Network and Port Settings.............................................................................................................. 85
Configuring Network Settings ...................................................................................................................... 86
Configuring Proxy Settings ........................................................................................................................... 87
Configuring Ethernet Port Settings............................................................................................................... 87
Renewing the DHCP Lease............................................................................................................................ 90
Network Diagnostics..................................................................................................................................... 90
Remotely Awakening Computers ................................................................................................................. 94

CHAPTER 9. MONITORING IBM COS FA GATEWAY LOGS ................................................. 96

Viewing the Status Dashboard ..................................................................................................................... 96
Viewing Hard Disk Drive Information ........................................................................................................... 98
Viewing the Activity Monitor........................................................................................................................ 98
Using SNMP Monitoring ............................................................................................................................. 100
Configuring Logging.................................................................................................................................... 102
Viewing Logs............................................................................................................................................... 105
Auditing File Access .................................................................................................................................... 107
Configuring Email Alerts ............................................................................................................................. 108
Generating a Support Report ..................................................................................................................... 110

CHAPTER 10. MAINTAINING THE IBM COS FA GATEWAY............................................... 111

Restarting the IBM COS FA Gateway .......................................................................................................... 111
Shutting Down the IBM COS FA Gateway................................................................................................... 111
Creating Redundancy Capabilities in the IBM COS FA Gateway................................................................. 111
Resetting the IBM COS FA Gateway to Its Default Settings........................................................................ 111
Increasing Storage On an IBM COS FA Gateway Volume ........................................................................... 112
Updating the Firmware .............................................................................................................................. 114

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide iv

Note: Features and functionality in the user interface that are not covered in this documentation are
not supported. For details about activating these features, contact IBM.
IBM Cloud Object Storage File Access (COS FA) is a software defined offering that provides SMB and
NFS protocol interfaces to applications to store, archive and retrieve infrequently accessed files on IBM
Cloud Object Storage.
The IBM COS FA Solution includes the following components:
• IBM COS FA Portal
• IBM COS FA Gateway
The IBM COS FA Portal is the management component of the offering, which enables the creation,
delivery and management of the services mentioned below. The IBM COS FA Portal interacts with the
IBM COS FA Gateways and efficiently handles file data exchange between these applications and users
and the private/public IBM Cloud Object Storage side. A centralized management console makes it
possible to effectively manage a very large number of connected IBM COS FA Gateways.
The IBM COS FA Gateway is the component that the application and other data sources are connected
to, and allows LAN speed writes via SMB and NFS protocols, and is in charge of onboarding the data
to IBM Cloud Object Storage instantly and seamlessly.
The IBM COS FA Gateway works in caching mode, which means that it has a dedicated local disk space
to allow local LAN speed ingestion. The main storage is on the IBM COS FA Portal in the cloud with
stubs saved on the IBM COS FA Gateway. A stub is a file with a tiny footprint that contains the metadata
about the file, such as the file name, size, and modification date. Only the folder and file metadata and
not the actual file content is saved locally. This results in the cost of storage being significantly lower.
Also, systems with many file changes, where only some of the files are required locally, don’t over use
bandwidth between the cloud and IBM COS FA Gateway. Only the required files are passed across the
When a user accesses a stub file, the file is downloaded. After the download has completed, the file is
unstubbed. Any changes to the file are synced back to the IBM COS FA Portal.
IBM COS FA Gateways are virtual appliances, which can be installed on any customer provided ESXi,
Hyper-V, or KVM/OpenStack environment.
The IBM COS FA Portal was designed to scale from tens to hundreds and thousands of connected IBM
COS FA Gateways and to support an easy to scale file system with PBs of data and more. The IBM COS
FA Portal it is capable of supporting both scale-up and scale-out deployment schemes: administrators
may deploy the IBM COS FA Portal software on increasingly more powerful compute platforms, thus
scaling the deployment up. Alternatively, they can distribute the IBM COS FA Portal processes on
multiple concurrent compute platforms, thus scaling the deployment out. In addition, the file system is
fully scalable by enlarging the database to accommodate data capacity growth.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 1

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway


IBM COS FA Gateways are managed via a web-based user interface.
To connect to an IBM COS FA Gateway:
1 Open a web browser. You can use any of the latest two releases of Google Chrome, Apple Safari
and Microsoft Edge.
2 Enter the IBM COS FA Gateway's IP address to navigate to the IBM COS FA Gateway.

Logging in
Each time you connect to the interface your browser displays the Log In page:

1 Enter your user name and password for accessing the IBM COS FA Gateway.
The admin user is defined as part of the initial setup immediately after installation. All other users
are added by the administrator, as described in Adding and Editing Users. For details of the initial
setup, see the IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide.
Note: When the IBM COS FA Gateway connected to Active Directory, the user name to log in can
be the user name or the Active Directory UPN (user principal name).
2 Click Log In.
As a member of the Administrators or Read Only Administrators user groups, the
CONFIGURATION tab's Main > Home page opens, displaying shortcuts to pages of the IBM COS
FA Gateway user interface.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 2

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

Details of logins and login attempts are displayed on each login.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 3

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway


The IBM COS FA Gateway user interface consists of the following elements:
• Across the top of the user interface the following tabs are available:
FILES tab – Enables you to view and manage the files and folders on the IBM COS FA Gateway.
CONFIGURATION tab – Enables you to perform configuration tasks.
• The central portion of the user interface displays the content for the selected tab.
• Across the bottom of the user interface the following information is displayed:
• The model number and name of the IBM COS FA Gateway is displayed on the left.
• Your user name. Clicking the user name displays a drop-down menu with the following
Log out – log out of the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Change Password – Change the password to access the IBM COS FA Gateway with the current
user. The password must be at least eight characters and must include at least a letter, digit and
special character, such as ~, @, #, $ , %, ^, & , (.
Help – Open the online help for the IBM COS FA Gateway in a new tab.
• Menu for restarting and shutting down the IBM COS FA Gateway.
• The firmware version.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 4

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

Use the FILES tab to manage folders and files on the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Note: You can also map to the folders and files from your file manager instead of using the FILES tab.

The tab includes the following:

• Show Shares or Show Volumes. Click the arrow to toggle between these views:
Show Shares – Displays all network shares and the folders they contain.
Show Volumes – Displays both volumes and network shares. In this view, you can see and manage
folders that are not included in any network share.
• A tree of the Shares or Volumes on the IBM COS FA Gateway and any folders they contain.
• View – The way the folders are displayed:
Details – The folders and files are displayed in a table with additional information such as the file
type, size and last modification date.
Large Icons – The folders and files are displayed as large icons. Selecting an icon displays the
information about the file or folder.
• Actions – Actions you can perform on a selected folder or file.
• Upload – Upload a file to a folder to the selected folder.
For more detailed information, see Using the FILES Tab.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 5

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

Use the CONFIGURATION tab to configure the IBM COS FA Gateway.

The tab includes the following:

• The left side of the user interface is the navigation pane.
• The central portion of the user interface, Main > Home, displays the content for the navigation pane
item. Under each main items are quick links to navigation pane items. For example, you can set up
remote access by selecting Cloud Services > Remote Access in the navigation pane or in Main >
Home, clicking Remote Access under the Cloud Services area.


The FILES tab enables you to manage the files stored on the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Note: You can also map to the folders and files from your file manager instead of using the FILES tab.

The FILES Tab Views

The Shares and Volumes views are supported:
Show Shares – Displays all network shares and the folders they contain.
Show Volumes – Displays both volumes and network shares. In this view, you can see and manage
folders that are not included in any network share.
Note: The Show Volumes view is available only to Administrators and Read Only Administrators
To change the tree pane view, click the Show Shares/Show Volume option and then select the desired

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 6

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

Viewing Folder or File Details

You can view the folder structure and view or download the contents.
To view the folder structure:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder or file.
The folder or file is displayed in the right pane.

When viewing the cloud drive synchronization folder (root/cloud), each file is marked with an icon
indicating its current synchronization status:
– Folders or files that are in sync.
– Files that are currently synchronizing.
– Files that are stubs.
In Details view, the icon is displayed in the Sync Status column. In Large view, the icon is
displayed over the file or folder.
2 In the right pane, select the file or folder.
The selected item's details appear at the bottom of the right pane.
If the right pane is in Details view, the file and folder details are displayed in the table, as well.
To view the folder structure from a file manager:
• Use the following address to access the folders and files from a file manager, for example, Windows
File Explorer or Mac Finder: \\IBM_COS_FA_Gateway_Ip\cloud.
where IBM_COS_FA_Gateway_Ip is the IP address of the IBM COS FA Gateway.
When accessing the IBM COS FA Gateway from a Mac machine you need to following the
procedure in Accessing an IBM COS FA Gateway From a Mac.
Note: The IBM COS FA Gateway user interface is case sensitive, so file and folder names with the
same characters, but different cases, such as MYFOLDER, MyFolder and myfolder are different
folders. When connecting to the IBM COS FA Gateway using Windows File Sharing, SMB
protocol, which is not case-sensitive, these folders or files are treated as having the same name.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 7

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

Creating Folder Usage Reports

You can create a folder usage report that displays detailed information about the folder. The report is
saved to your computer as a comma separated values (*.csv) spreadsheet file.
To create a folder usage report:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder.
2 In the right pane, right-click the folder and select Usage Report from the menu.
Note: You can also generate the report from the Actions option.

The generated usage report has the following columns:

• The size in kilobytes of the folder and subfolders.
• The number of files in the folder and subfolders.
• The path to the folder.
At the end of the report, the total size and number of files is displayed.

Downloading Files and Folders

To download an individual file:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder containing the file.
2 In the right pane right-click the file and select Download from the menu.
The file is downloaded to your computer.
Note: Double-clicking the file in Large view, or clicking the file in Details view either displays the file
for viewing, for example, a PDF file, or downloads it.
To download multiple files or entire folders:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder.
2 In the right pane, select the folders.
3 Right-click the file and select Download from the menu.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 8

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

The selected content is downloaded to your computer as a .ZIP file.

Note: The right-click options are also available from the Actions option.

Uploading Files
To upload files:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder.
2 In the right pane, click Upload.
The Upload files window is displayed.

3 Click Add files and browse to the file.

Note: File names are case-sensitive. For example, Getting Started.pdf is treated as a separate file to
getting started.pdf.
If you are using Chrome or FireFox as your browser, you can drag-and-drop a file from
your computer to the Upload files window.
4 If the file already exists, the following window is displayed.

To overwrite the file with the file on your computer, select the Overwrite option and click OK. Click
To clear the list of completed uploads:
• In the Upload files window, click Clear Completed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 9

Introduction to the IBM COS FA Gateway

To cancel an upload:
• In the Upload files window, select the upload you want to cancel, and click Cancel.

Creating New Folders

To create a new folder:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the parent folder.
2 Right-click the folder and select New Folder from the menu.
The Choose a name window is displayed.
3 Enter a name for the new folder.
4 Click OK.
Note: The right-click options are also available from the Actions option.

Renaming Files and Folders

To rename a file or folder:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder or file.
2 Right-click the folder or file and select Rename from the menu.
The Choose a name window is displayed.
3 Enter a new name.
4 Click OK.
Note: The right-click options are also available from the Actions option.

Copying and Moving Files and Folders

You can copy or move files and folders within the IBM COS FA Gateway to a different file location.
To copy or move files and folders:
1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder or file.
2 To copy a file or folder, right-click the folder or file and select Copy from the menu.
3 To move a file or folder, right-click the folder or file and select Cut from the menu.
4 Navigate to the target folder, right-click in the folder and select Paste.
Note: Both standard Windows keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl-C to copy a file or folder and Ctrl-V
to paste it, and Copy, Cut and Paste options from Actions can also be used.

Deleting Files and Folders

1 In the FILES tab, in the Show Shares view, navigate to the folder or file.
1 Right-click the file or folder to delete and click Delete.
2 Click Yes to confirm the delete.
Note: The right-click options are also available from the Actions option.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 10

Setting the IBM COS FA Gateway time and language, or enabling remote access from an IBM COS FA
Portal is performed from within the IBM COS FA Gateway user interface.

In this chapter
• Viewing IBM COS FA Gateway Details
• Setting a Name and Location to Identify the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Setting the IBM COS FA Gateway Time and Date
• Configuring the User Interface Language
• Configuring Proxy Settings
• Enabling Remote Access to the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Saving IBM COS FA Gateway Settings
• Changing the IBM COS FA Gateway License
Setting up the IBM COS FA Gateway storage and users is described in Storage Setup and Adding and
Editing Users, if this was not done during the initial IBM COS FA Gateway set up, as described in the
IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide. Configuring the IBM COS FA Gateway for caching is described in
Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway For Caching.


You can view general information about the IBM COS FA Gateway, including serial number, IBM COS
FA Gateway model, and installed firmware version:
• In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Main > This Device in the navigation pane.
The This Device page opens, displaying the product information.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 11

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway


You can configure the IBM COS FA Gateway's details, including its name and location. The IBM COS
FA Gateway name is used as a unique identifier of this IBM COS FA Gateway on your network. The
name must be different than any other IBM COS FA Gateway or PC on your network. The location field
enables you to document your IBM COS FA Gateway’s physical location, and is optional.
To configure the IBM COS FA Gateway name and location:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Main > This Device in the navigation pane.
The This Device page opens, displaying the product information.
2 To configure the IBM COS FA Gateway's name:
a Next to the Device Name field, click Edit.
The Edit Device Name window is displayed.
b Enter the name to represent the IBM COS FA Gateway in your network neighborhood.
c Click Save.
3 Configure the IBM COS FA Gateway's physical location.
a Next to the Physical Location field, click Edit.
The Edit Physical Location window is displayed.
b Enter the IBM COS FA Gateway's location.
For example: “Delaware Branch Office”.
c Click Save.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 12

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway


You can configure the IBM COS FA Gateway to obtain the time and date from a time server, or you
configure the time and date manually.
To configure the IBM COS FA Gateway time and date:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Regional Settings in the navigation pane.
The Regional Settings page opens, displaying the date, time, and time zone currently configured
for the IBM COS FA Gateway.

2 Click Change date and time settings.

The Time Setting Wizard opens, displaying the Select Your Time Zone window.

3 Select your time zone.

4 To synchronize the IBM COS FA Gateway with a time server, select the Synchronize with a Time
Server option.
If you want to manually configure the date and time, clear the Synchronize with a Time Server

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 13

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway

check box.
5 Click Next.
• If you chose to synchronize the IBM COS FA Gateway with a time server, the Time Server
Settings window is displayed with a list of time servers with which the IBM COS FA Gateway
will synchronize time and date settings.

To add a time server to the list, enter the server's URL in the provided field, and then click Add.

To remove a time server from the list, click for the server to remove.
• If you chose to manually configure time and date settings on the IBM COS FA Gateway, the
Adjust Date & Time window is displayed.

Do the following:
i In the Date field, type the current date, or click to select the date from a calendar.
ii In the Time drop-down list, select the current time.
iii Click Next and then Finish.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 14

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway


You can configure the language to be displayed in the IBM COS FA Gateway's user interface.
To configure the user interface language:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Regional Settings in the navigation pane.
The Regional Settings page opens, displaying the currently configured date, time, and time zone
for the IBM COS FA Gateway.

2 Click Change Language.

The Interface Language window is displayed.
3 Select the desired language from the Interface Language drop-down.
4 Click Save.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 15

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway


The IBM COS FA Gateway can be configured to connect to cloud services via a proxy server. HTTPS
proxies that support the CONNECT method may be used.
To configure proxy settings:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

2 Click Settings.
The Network Configuration window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 16

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway

3 Select the Proxy option.

4 Specify the proxy settings:

Proxy Settings – Select Use HTTP Proxy and configure the appropriate settings:
Address – The address of the proxy server.
Port – The proxy server port number.
Proxy server requires a password – Check to specify that the proxy server requires authentication
via a username and password.
Username – The username for authenticating to the proxy server.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 17

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway

Password – The password for authenticating to the proxy server.

5 Click Save.


When the IBM COS FA Gateway is connected to a IBM COS FA Portal, you can access the IBM COS FA
Gateway over the Internet by enabling Remote Access. Remote Access is a cloud service and when it is
enabled, your IBM COS FA Gateway is assigned a unique DNS name. You can then use this DNS name
to access the IBM COS FA Gateway anywhere, over the Internet.
You can always access the IBM COS FA Gateway from within the local network, regardless of the
Remote Access setting.
Note: You do not need to open any ports on your firewall in order to access the IBM COS FA Gateway
using the DNS name from a remote location.
To enable and disable remote access:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Services > Remote Access in the navigation pane.

2 Slide the on/off lever to the On position to turn on remote access, or to the Off position to disable
remote access.
A link to the remote management page is displayed. Use this URL for remote access to the IBM COS FA

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 18

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway

Allowing Single Sign-on from IBM COS FA Portal

The IBM COS FA Gateway user interface can be accessed by a logged in user from within the IBM COS
FA Portal user interface, without the user entering IBM COS FA Gateway credentials. The user signed
in to the IBM COS FA Portal must be the same user as the IBM COS FA Gateway user.
To enable single sign-on to the IBM COS FA Gateway:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Services > Remote Access in the navigation pane.
2 Click Settings.
The Remote Access Settings window is displayed.

3 Check Allow single sign on from IBM COS FA Portal.

4 Click Save.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 19

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway


You can manually export the IBM COS FA Gateway configuration to an XML file on your computer,
and use this file to restore the IBM COS FA Gateway settings as needed.

Exporting the Configuration

To export the IBM COS FA Gateway configuration to an XML file:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Configuration Tools in the navigation pane.
The Configuration Tools page is displayed.

2 Click Export.
The IBM COS FA Gateway configuration is exported to an XML file in your computer's download
Note: For security reasons, all passwords are stored in an encrypted format. However, the export
file information is sensitive and it is therefore recommended that you keep it in a safe place.

Importing the Configuration

To import a IBM COS FA Gateway configuration from an XML configuration file:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Configuration Tools in the navigation pane.
The Configuration Tools page is displayed.
2 Click Import.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 20

Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway

The Configuration Import wizard opens, displaying the Configuration Import window.

3 Click Upload and browse to the desired configuration file and click Open.
The configuration file is imported.
When the upload is complete, the Configuration Import Completed screen is displayed.
If any errors occurred during the import, they are displayed.
4 Click Finish.


An IBM COS FA Gateway receives a license from IBM COS FA Portal. You can change the license level
to another license level.
For details about activating this feature, contact IBM.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 21

IBM COS FA Gateways support NAS volumes. NAS volumes are accessible through file access
protocols. You can create folders on NAS volumes and store files in the folders. You can also define
folders as network shares and share them across the network, via several protocols.

You can create an array to combine your drives into a larger pool of storage, set up redundancy between
drives, and/or increase performance. Once you've set up an array, you can create volumes, which are
logical units of storage.
You can define additional virtual disks for an IBM COS FA Gateway and create RAIDs for these disks
using the ESXi software. The IBM COS FA Gateway supports the definition of up to 16 virtual disks.
Depending on your license, it is possible to enlarge the virtual disks.

How is Storage Allocation Controlled

Per share – You can limit the size of a shared folder by creating a specific volume to store that folder.
Per user – You can enforce quotas per user, as described in Allocating User Quotas, that limit how much
space on a volume each user can fill.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 22

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

In this chapter
• Storage Setup
• Managing Arrays
• Managing Volumes

You store the IBM COS FA Gateway data on volumes. You can create arrays to combine multiple disk
drives and then create volumes or create volumes per disk.

Which is the Right Type of Array

The following disk combinations are supported:
Linear Concatenation (JBOD) – A simple unifying of all the drives with the combined capacity of all
the drives. If you have one or more drives, this type of array lets you use a set of drives like one drive.
For example, one 500 GB drive and one 950 GB drive in such an array would act as a 1450 GB drive. You
can then create volumes of any size on the array adding up to a total of 1450 GB.
RAID0 (Striped) – If you have two or more drives, this type of array combines the capacity of the drives
and increases the read and write speed using striping. If you have two or more drives and you want to
maximize your drive speed, you can create a RAID0 array. In RAID0, data is striped across all the drives
in the array. A RAIDO array acts as one drive with the combined capacity of all the drives in the array
and faster performance. In striping, data is chopped up into data blocks, smaller pieces of data, and
blocks are written to all the drives in the array instead of all the data being written to one drive. This
means the writing is done in parallel and the performance is increased.
To detect the drives in your IBM COS FA Gateway and create the storage as Linear Concatenation
(JBOD) with one logical volume using the whole capacity of the array, use the Storage Setup Wizard
in either the Arrays or Volumes pages, described in Automatically Creating an Array and Volume
Using the Storage Setup Wizard.
If you want to create a RAID0 array, use the procedure described in Manually Creating an Array.

Automatically Creating an Array and Volume Using the Storage Setup Wizard
When automatically creating an array and volume, the array is simple unification of all the drives with
the combined capacity of all the drives (JBOD).
To setup the IBM COS FA Gateway storage using the Storage Setup Wizard:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Storage > Arrays or Storage > Volumes in the navigation
pane and click Storage Setup Wizard.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 23

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

A Format link is displayed if there is data on the drive. If there is no data on the drive, the drive's
status is Empty and the drive is formatted automatically. Clicking Format and then Yes to confirm,
formats the drive and erases all the data on the drive.
Warning: Formatting erases all data on the drive.
2 Click Next and then click Finish in the Wizard Completed screen.

Manually Creating an Array

To create an array:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Storage > Arrays in the navigation pane.
The Arrays page is displayed.

2 Click New.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 24

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

The Select drives to join this array wizard is displayed, which shows you all drives available and
asks you to select drives to join the new array.

For every drive, you can see the type of the drive and the capacity in GB.
3 Check the Member box for each drive you want to include in the array.
Note: You cannot include a hard drive that does not support SCT Error Recovery Control in the
4 Click Next and then select the type of array you want to create.
Linear Concatenation (JBOD) – A simple unifying of all the drives with the combined capacity of
all the drives.
RAID0 (Striped) – Combines the capacity of the drives and increases the read and write speed
using striping.
5 For RAID0, specify the RAID Stripe Size.
The size of blocks that data is divided into when it is written to the array and distributed across the
drives. Reading and writing large data files sequentially generally benefits from a large stripe size.
Small random reads and writes generally benefit from a smaller stripe size. The default value is 64K.
6 Click Next and enter a name for the array.
7 Click Next.
8 To immediately create a volume on the array, select the I wish to create a logical volume on this
storage array check box.
9 Click Finish.
If you checked the box in step 8, you can proceed to create a volume. For details, see Creating and
Editing Volumes.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 25

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

Modifying and Expanding Arrays
To make any changes to an array, for example, expanding the array after adding new disks, click its
name in the Arrays page and then proceed through the wizard, as for creating a new array. For details
see Increasing Storage On an IBM COS FA Gateway Volume.
After expanding an array, the added disk space can be used to increase volume sizes. For details, see
Enlarging a Volume.

Deleting Arrays
Warning: Deleting an array will result in the loss of all existing data on the array.
To delete an array, select the array, and then click Delete. Click Yes to confirm.

Volumes are logical partitions on your IBM COS FA Gateway that users can access. You create a NAS
volume and the IBM COS FA Gateway acts as a files server for NAS volumes which can be accessed
using any of the supported file sharing protocols.
The IBM COS FA Gateway supports XFS file systems. XFS volumes cannot be shrunk. IBM recommends
starting with the required storage and then increasing the storage when using XFS rather than starting
with a large storage which cannot be decreased.

Creating and Editing Volumes

To create or edit a volume:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Storage > Volumes in the navigation pane.
The Volumes page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 26

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

If a volume was not created when the IBM COS FA Gateway was installed, the page is empty.
2 Click New or select the volume to edit and click Edit.
The Specify Volume Details screen is displayed.

Storage Device – Either an array on which to create the volume or a drive that is not part of an array.
The size of each array and drive is shown in brackets.
Volume Size – You can either drag the slider or enter a number of GB. IBM recommends that the
volume is as large as possible.
Enforce storage quotas – For information about activating this feature, contact IBM.
3 Click Next.
For details about activating volume encryption, contact IBM.
4 Click Next and name the volume.

5 Click Next and then click Finish.

The volume you created is displayed in the Volumes page.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 27

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

Enlarging a Volume
When the volume defined in the IBM COS FA Gateway does not use all the available storage, you can
enlarge the volume size.
Note: When the volume defined in the IBM COS FA Gateway uses all the available storage, see
Increasing Storage On an IBM COS FA Gateway Volume.
To enlarge a volume:
1 Log on to the IBM COS FA Gateway as an administrator.
2 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Storage > Volumes in the navigation pane.
The Volumes page is displayed.
3 Select the volume and click Edit.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 28

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

The Specify Volume Details screen is displayed.

If the selected disk storage is fully used, the following screen is displayed:

4 Move the Volume Size slider to increase the volume storage.

Note: The volume size cannot be decreased.

Deleting Volumes
To delete a volume, select the volume and click Delete and then Yes to confirm.

Scanning and Repairing Volumes

You can scan the file system on a volume for errors. Any detected errors are automatically repaired, if
Warning: During the scanning process, the volume is taken off line. Do not turn off the IBM COS FA
Gateway while the volume is being scanned.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 29

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Storage

To scan and repair a volume:

1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Storage > Volumes in the navigation pane.
2 Select the volume and click Repair.
The Volume Repair Utility wizard is displayed.

Warning: During the scanning process, the volume is taken off line. Do not turn off the IBM COS FA
Gateway while the volume is being scanned.
3 Optionally, configure the settings for the repair operation.
4 Click Next.
While the files system on the volume is scanned for errors, the Scanning & Repairing screen
displays a progress bar, including what is being check, such as inodes, blocks and sizes and group
summary information.
When the process is complete, the Repair Complete screen displays a list of files system errors that
were corrected.

5 Click Finish.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 30

In order to enable administrators to manage shared folders, you must define the administrators in the
IBM COS FA Gateway. You can do the following:
• Grant the administrators access rights to network shares.
• Add a custom user group. The entire user group can then be granted access rights to network
shares, and the access rights will apply to all members of the user group.
Users can be grouped, as described in Managing User Groups.
• Add the administrators to the built-in Read Only Administrators user group, which includes
read-only access rights to view the settings in the CONFIGURATION tab.
• Add the administrators to the built-in Administrators user group, which includes read-write access
rights to view and modify settings in the CONFIGURATION tab.
Note: Users and user groups are granted access rights to network shares during share configuration.
See Sharing Local Files.
To enable sharing files, as described in Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway For Caching, both IBM
COS FA Portal users and IBM COS FA Gateway users must have matching names.

In this chapter
• Adding and Editing Users
• Adding Users to User Groups
• Viewing Users
• Exporting Users
• Exporting Users
• Allocating User Quotas
• Deleting Users
• Managing User Groups
• Deleting User Groups


You can add users to the IBM COS FA Gateway by connecting to Active Directory, or add local users.
• When connecting to Active Directory, you can add users from a domain or from an Active Directory
tree or forest: Defining Users From an Active Directory Domain, Tree or Forest.
• When adding local users to the IBM COS FA Gateway: Adding and Editing Local Users.
Note: The Active Directory domain controller must be read/write and not read-only.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 31

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

Defining Users From an Active Directory Domain, Tree or Forest

To define IBM COS FA Gateway users from an Active Directory domain:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Windows File Sharing in the navigation pane.
The Windows File Sharing page is displayed.

2 Click Connect to Domain/Workgroup.

The Windows File Sharing Wizard opens, displaying the Connect to Domain/Workgroup

3 Choose Domain and type the domain name.

4 Click Next.
The Join a Windows domain window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 32

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

5 In the Username and Password fields, type the domain administrator's username and password.
6 Optionally, In the Organizational Unit field, type the name of the organizational unit within the
Active Directory domain.
7 Click Next and then Finish.
To define IBM COS FA Gateway users from for an Active Directory tree or forest:
1 After setting up the Active Directory domain, in the Windows File Sharing page, in the
Domain/Workgroup area, click the Advanced Mappings link.
The UID/GID Mapping window is displayed.

2 For each domain in the tree/forest displayed in the list of domains, do the following:
a In the Add domain field, either type the desired domain's name, or select it from the
drop-down list.
b Click Add.
The domain is displayed in the table.
c Click in the UID/GID Start field, and type the starting number in the range of IBM COS FA
Gateway user and group IDs (UID/GID) that should be assigned to users and user groups from
this domain.
d Click in the UID/GID End field, and type the ending number in the range of IBM COS FA
Gateway user and group IDs (UID/GID) that should be assigned to users and user groups from

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 33

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

this domain.
3 To re-order the domains, do any of the following:
• To move a domain up in the table, click on the desired domain, then click Move Up.
• To move a domain down in the table, click on the desired domain, then click Move Down.
The order in which domains appear in the table represents the order in which the domains will
appear in drop-down lists throughout the IBM COS FA Gateway interface, for example, when
managing access rights to projects.

4 To remove a domain, in the domain row, click .

The domain is not displayed in the table.
5 Click Save.

Adding and Editing Local Users

You specify the local users who have access to the IBM COS FA Gateway.
To add or edit a user:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Users > Users in the navigation pane.
The Users page is displayed.

Note: After running a migration, a new Migration Tool Service Admin Account administrator
is automatically added: migration-service-n, where n is a unique identifier. You must
not delete this administrator.
2 To add a user, click New.
To edit a user, either click the user name or select the user row and click Edit.
The Specify User Details window is displayed. If you are editing an existing user, the window is
displayed with the user details.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 34

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

3 Specify the user details.

Username – A name for the user.
Password – A password for the user. The password must be at least eight characters and must
include at least a letter, digit and special character, such as ~, @, #, $ , %, ^, & , (. The password
cannot contain the Username as part or all of the password.
Retype password – The same password you entered in the Password field.
4 Click Next and optionally specify additional account information:

Full Name – The full name of the user.

Email Address – The email address of the user.
Numeric UID – A numeric user ID (UID) to assign the user.
5 Click Next and then Finish.
The new user is displayed on the Users page:


Users are added to user groups during user group configuration. See Managing User Groups.

To view existing users:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Users > Users in the navigation pane.
The Users page opens, displaying all local users.
2 To display domain users, in the Local Users drop-down list, select Domain domain Users, where

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 35

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

domain is the name of the domain.

All domain users are displayed.

You can export a list of users and their details to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file on your
computer. You can then view the file as a worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
To export a list of users:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Users > Users in the navigation pane.
The Users page is displayed.

2 Click Export to Excel. You are asked if you would like to save the file or open the file in Microsoft
Note: The Export to Excel option is in the line of options: New, Edit, Delete, User Quotas and
Export to Excel. If it is not displayed, click the three vertical dots or widen the browser
The users list is exported.


For information about activating this feature, contact IBM.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 36

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

Note: You cannot delete the main administrator account.
To delete a user:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Users > Users in the navigation pane.
2 Select the user row and click Delete.
Note: The Delete option is in the line of options: New, Edit, Delete, User Quotas and Export to
Excel. If it is not displayed, click the three vertical dots or widen the browser window.
3 Click Yes to confirm.
The user is deleted.


The IBM COS FA Gateway includes two built-in user groups: Administrators and Read Only
Administrators. You can create additional user groups to meet your organization's requirements. It is
possible to add each user to more than one group.
Note: IBM COS FA Gateway administrators can create local groups with nested AD groups. Nesting
AD groups within local groups is useful when addressing frequent changes in branch user
To add or edit a user group:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Users > Groups in the navigation pane.
The Groups page is displayed.

2 To add a group, click New.


IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 37

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users

To edit a group, either click the group name or select the group row and click Edit.
The Specify Group Name window is displayed. If you are editing an existing group, the window
is displayed with the group details.

Note: You cannot edit the Administrators and Read Only Administrators group names or
3 Specify the group name and optionally, other details.
4 Click Next and select the group members.

a Select the group whose member you want to include.

b Either start to enter a user name is the Quick Search text box or, click and select the user from
the list.
5 When you are done adding users, click Next and then Finish.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 38

Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users


To delete a user group, select the group row, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.
Note: Deleting a user group does not delete the group members.
The groups Read Only Administrators and Administrators are built-in. It is not possible to
delete the built-in user groups.
If the deleted user group had been granted access rights to network shares, the group members
will no longer have access rights to those network shares. To assign individual users access
rights to network shares, see Sharing Local Files.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 39

IBM COS FA Gateway cloud services include remote monitoring, cloud drive caching and
synchronization, and reporting.

In this chapter
• Connecting to an IBM COS FA Portal
• Viewing Cloud Services Status
• Reconnecting and Disconnecting to an IBM COS FA Portal
• Accessing the IBM COS FA Portal From the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Setting Up the IBM COS FA Gateway For Caching
• Pinning Folders so that Files are Always Available Locally
• What the User Sees With an IBM COS FA Gateway
• Managing the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Accessing Previous File Versions
• Searching for Files on a Mac Computer

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 40

Using Cloud Services


You connect the IBM COS FA Gateway to the IBM COS FA Portal using an administrator account.
During the initial setup of the IBM COS FA Gateway, described in the IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide,
you connect the IBM COS FA Gateway to the IBM COS FA Portal. This section describes the general
procedure of how to connect to an IBM COS FA Portal.
To connect the IBM COS FA Gateway to an IBM COS FA Portal:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Services > Status in the navigation pane.
The Cloud Services page is displayed.

2 Click Connect to Services.

The Account Details screen is displayed.

3 Enter the address of your IBM COS FA Portal, and then click Next.
The Sign In screen is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 41

Using Cloud Services

4 Enter the IBM COS FA Portal designated user username and password to access the IBM COS FA
Note: The designated user is the an owner of the cloud folders and data to manage the IBM COS
FA Gateway connection to the IBM COS FA Portal for all users and not just the current user.
This designated user has IBM COS FA Portal read/write administrator permissions.
5 Click Next.
The Select License screen is displayed.
6 If required, select the license.
7 Click Next.
Your IBM COS FA Gateway connects to the IBM COS FA Portal and is added to your IBM COS FA
Portal account.
A success screen is displayed.
8 Click Finish.
The IBM Cloud Object Storage File Access Portal page is displayed, showing that your IBM COS
FA Gateway is connected to the IBM COS FA Portal and displays OK next to the services to which
you are subscribed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 42

Using Cloud Services


The IBM Cloud Object Storage File Access Portal page displays the following information about the
IBM COS FA Gateway's connection to your IBM COS FA Portal account and your subscribed cloud

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 43

Using Cloud Services

After connecting to an IBM COS FA Portal the IBM COS FA Gateway status panel shows the following:
• The status of the connection to the IBM COS FA Portal can be one of the following:
Resolving the portal address – The IBM COS FA Gateway is resolving the IBM COS FA Portal
Connected to portalName – The IBM COS FA Gateway is connected to the IBM COS FA Portal
named portalName, and the connection is currently in use.
Connecting – The IBM COS FA Gateway is connecting to the IBM COS FA Portal.
Disconnected – The IBM COS FA Gateway is disconnected from the IBM COS FA Portal. You can
reconnect as described in Reconnecting and Disconnecting to an IBM COS FA Portal.
Authenticating – The IBM COS FA Gateway is authenticating to the IBM COS FA Portal.
Connection Failed – The connection to the IBM COS FA Portal failed.
• The amount of time that the IBM COS FA Gateway has been connected to the IBM COS FA Portal.
• The IP address of the IBM COS FA Portal.


If the connection to the IBM COS FA Portal is lost due to a connectivity failure, the IBM COS FA
Gateway automatically reconnects when it detects that the IBM COS FA Portal is available. To force the
IBM COS FA Gateway to immediately try to reconnect, click Reconnect. The connection status displays
whether the reconnection attempt is successful or not.
To disconnect from a IBM COS FA Portal:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Services > Status in the navigation pane.
The IBM Cloud Object Storage File Access Portal page is displayed.

2 Click Sign out and Yes when the confirmation message is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 44

Using Cloud Services

To access your IBM COS FA Portal account:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Services > Status in the navigation pane.
The IBM Cloud Object Storage File Access Portal page is displayed.

2 Click Access My Portal Account.

The IBM COS FA Portal sign in page is displayed in a new window, and you can sign in and access your
account. For details about using your IBM COS FA Portal account, refer to the IBM COS FA Portall


Content is synced between the IBM COS FA Portal and the IBM COS FA Gateways connected to the IBM
COS FA Portal. Whenever any change of any kind is made to any file in any of the synced folders, the
same change is made immediately in the other synced folders. For example, if a file is deleted from one
of the folders, the same file is deleted from the other synced folders. It makes no difference which user
made the change or in which of the synced folders the change was made.
Note: Each IBM COS FA Portal user accesses the content that was synced to the IBM COS FA Gateway
according to the permission set defined for their access on the IBM COS FA Portal.
When the IBM COS FA Portal is connected to the IBM COS FA Gateway, the folder structure defined in
the IBM COS FA Portal, as described in the IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide, is created automatically
on the IBM COS FA Gateway when the IBM COS FA Gateway syncs with the IBM COS FA Portal
Setting up the IBM COS FA Gateway to enable syncing is dependent on a number of considerations:
• Do you need to maintain the file structure and ACLs after migrating the data to an IBM COS FA
In this case, the setup should be done using nested shares.
Even if a folder is shared with a user but the folder has no ACL access permissions, when the user

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 45

Using Cloud Services

attempts to access the folder a message similar to the following is displayed: You have no
permission to view this folder.
• Do you need to maintain the file structure, but not the ACLs, after migrating the data to an IBM COS
FA Gateway?
In this case, the setup should be done using nested shares.
Access to files is determined by the authorization levels set in the IBM COS FA Portal, such as
Read/Write or Preview Only.
IBM recommends whenever possible to set up the IBM COS FA Gateway using nested shares.

Storage With an IBM COS FA Gateway

With an IBM COS FA Gateway, files are stored in cloud storage and only stored on the IBM COS FA
Gateway when required. However, all the metadata is downloaded to the IBM COS FA Gateway so
users have access to everything that they have permission to access on the IBM COS FA Portal. Changes
to the metadata in the IBM COS FA Portal are reflected in the IBM COS FA Gateway, but the content
itself is not stored on the IBM COS FA Gateway. Only what is being worked on at the moment is stored
on the IBM COS FA Gateway. The files that have not been downloaded to the IBM COS FA Gateway
are displayed in the IBM COS FA Gateway as stubs, which take up very little storage. When a user
accesses a stub file, the file is downloaded and the file is unstubbed. Any changes to the file are synced
back to the IBM COS FA Portal.
Files on the IBM COS FA Gateway are referred to as hot files. Less frequently accessed files, that remain
in the cloud managed by IBM COS FA Portal, are referred to as cold files. Files that have not been
accessed recently are evicted when the amount of storage used reaches a high watermark. The IBM COS
FA Gateway also has spare capacity to absorb common write bursts at LAN speed, so that users do not
require access to the cloud and the additional slowness that is implied with this access, during these
bursts. For more details about evicting files, see File Eviction from the IBM COS FA Gateway.

Writes: LAN speed Sync to cloud: WAN speed

In extreme scenarios writes might Portal
be throttled to WAN speed
Retrieve data: WAN
Hot data: LAN speed
Cold data: WAN speed

low watermark

Cache Additional
capacity for
Area write bursts
high watermark

Any file in the cache area is available at LAN speed.

Files that were updated in the IBM COS FA Portal and are defined as hot files, are downloaded
automatically to the IBM COS FA Gateway in background, so that when they are required, the user will
have access to the up-to-date version of the file at LAN speed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 46

Using Cloud Services

File Eviction from the IBM COS FA Gateway

As the IBM COS FA Gateway storage space gets used up, the IBM COS FA Gateway starts to remove,
evict, files leaving stubs on the IBM COS FA Gateway. Files start to be evicted only when the amount
of storage used reaches the high watermark, 75% of the total IBM COS FA Gateway storage. At this
point files are evicted until the amount of storage used is equal to, or less than, the low water mark, 65%
of the total IBM COS FA Gateway storage.
The following hot files are never evicted, so they are always available at LAN speed:
• Files that are currently open.
• Files that have not yet been synced to the IBM COS FA Portal. For example, a file that was edited
but not yet synced.
Other hot files can be evicted. These files are grouped according to the time since they were last
accessed. The files are evicted within these groups, the files in the oldest group first, followed by the
files in the next oldest group.
Note: Eviction is based on days and not file size. Also, there is no differentiation within a group of the
length of time since a file was accessed.
The eviction policy can be configured. For details, contact IBM support.
The following graph shows expected disk space usage in a normal scenario.


Additional capacity for write bursts

high watermark
low watermark


If the available free space does become too small, throttling is implemented so that users can continue
to write to their files, but the client's write speed is reduced to WAN speed so that the data being written
is not faster than the data that is evicted to the cloud.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 47

Using Cloud Services

This type of scenario is not usual, except during a migration or a large amount of data or a very heavy
write burst, using all the 25% storage space reserved for write bursts.

What Files are Not Synced From the IBM COS FA Portal?
Temporary files on the IBM COS FA Portal are not synced to the IBM COS FA Gateway. The following
are not synced:
• Files that begin with ~$,tmp or ._
• Files of type tmp, temp, swp, dwl, or dwl2
• Files named desktop.ini, Thumbs.db, .DS_Store, ._.DS_Store, CredDB.cef,
.AppleDouble, .AppleSingle or .Parent
• Files that end with Zone.Identifier
Note: Windows ACL enabled folders on the IBM COS FA Portal cannot be synced unless the share is
defined as Windows ACL Emulation Mode, as described in Configuring IBM COS FA
Gateway Shares.

Configuring IBM COS FA Gateway Shares

Files on a IBM COS FA Gateway can be shared by users both over a LAN and WAN and are synced to
each IBM COS FA Gateway using a IBM COS FA Portal.
Configuring FSS requires that first the IBM COS FA Portal is configured and then the IBM COS FA
Gateway. Configuring the IBM COS FA Portal and the initial IBM COS FA Gateway configuration is
described in the IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide.
To configure IBM COS FA Gateway shares:
1 Verify that the IBM COS FA Gateway is connected to Active Directory, or other LDAP-based
authentication service.
a Log on to the IBM COS FA Gateway as an administrator.
b In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Windows File Sharing in the navigation pane.
The Windows File Sharing page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 48

Using Cloud Services

c In the Domain/Group section, verify that the Operation Mode is Domain and that the Status
is OK, otherwise, click Connect to Domain/Workgroup to connect to an LDAP-based
authentication service such as an Active Directory domain.
To work with Windows ACL, you must change the sharing protocol to Windows ACL Emulation
Mode. Windows ACL enabled folders on the IBM COS FA Portal cannot be synced unless the cloud
share is defined as Windows ACL Emulation Mode.
To configuring IBM COS FA Gateway shares with ACL support:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Shares in the navigation pane.
2 Click the cloud share that was automatically created when it synced to the IBM COS FA Portal.
The Select a Folder to Share wizard opens, displaying the volumes and folders on the IBM COS FA

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 49

Using Cloud Services

3 Select the cloud folder to share and click Next.

The Specify the Network Share Name window is displayed.

4 Optionally, change the Network Share Name and click Next.

The Sharing Protocols window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 50

Using Cloud Services

Note: Windows File Sharing is checked by default and cannot be deselected.

5 From the drop-down, select Windows ACL Emulation Mode.

Users access the shared files and folders through standard Windows client computers; for example,
using Windows Explorer through the SMB access provided by the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Windows ACL Emulation Mode also allows you to block users from writing specific file types into
the IBM COS FA Gateway share or gaining control of the content located on it.
6 Click Next and in the Configure Permissions window specify the share permissions.
Note: These permissions are not inherited from the IBM COS FA Portal.
7 Click Next and then click Finish.
8 Repeat step 3 for all the shares you want to work with Windows ACLs.
The nested shares are displayed in the Network Shares page.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 51

Using Cloud Services

Users can access there files directly with SMB by mapping the share name from step 4 in the file
Note: The public share is a default share created by IBM COS FA Gateway. This share can be hidden
from end users by editing the share and adding a dollar ($) symbol at the end of the name. If
you want, you can delete the public share.
Another share, PreviousVersions, is also a default share created by IBM COS FA Gateway,
allowing access to cloud snapshots. To hide this share from end users you need to uncheck the
Allow users to browse previous versions of their files option in Share > Shares > Advanced.

You can achieve the nested sharing without imposing Windows ACLs.
To configuring IBM COS FA Gateway shares without ACL support:
1 When configuring the IBM COS FA Portal, on each cloud drive folder group that you do not want
ACL support, uncheck Enable Windows ACLs.
2 When configuring the IBM COS FA Gateway, described in To configuring IBM COS FA Gateway
shares with ACL support:, set Only Authenticated Users and not Windows ACL Emulation Mode,
set in step 5.


For details about activating this feature, contact IBM.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 52

Using Cloud Services


To access the IBM COS FA Gateway cloud drive:
1 Either:
Access the folders and files from a file manager, for example, Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder,
using the following address: \\IBM_COS_FA_Gateway_Ip\cloud, where
IBM_COS_FA_Gateway_Ip is the IP address of the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Folders and files that are cached on the IBM COS FA Gateway are represented in Windows File
Explorer by a gray X:

Note: When accessing the IBM COS FA Gateway from a Mac machine you need to following the
procedure in Accessing an IBM COS FA Gateway From a Mac.
a Log in to the IBM COS FA Gateway. Your user name must match your IBM COS FA Portal user
b Select the FILES tab and navigate to the cloud share. You can also access those files using any
of the file sharing protocols.
c The folders and files stored in the cloud share are synced from your IBM COS FA Portal cloud

Accessing an IBM COS FA Gateway From a Mac

Before connecting a Mac to an IBM COS FA Gateway, you have to configure the Mac:
• Icon previews and size details are not set.
• Hidden .DS_Store files are not enabled.
Note: Apple uses .DS_Store files to store the custom attributes of folders. By default, Finder
creates a .DS_Store file in every folder that it accesses. Disabling the .DS_Store setting is
required when connected to an IBM COS FA Gateway.
To configure the Mac when connecting to an IBM COS FA Gateway:
1 Update your Mac OS X to macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or higher.
Note: You can check the version by right-clicking the Apple icon, , in the right of the menu bar
and choosing About This Mac to display the version. If required you can also update the
software from this window.
2 In Finder select Desktop and then choose View > Show View Options in the menu bar.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 53

Using Cloud Services

Note: The display can be different, dependent on your starting point.

3 Clear the Calculate all sizes and Show icon preview options. Depending on your Mac version,
clearing Show icon preview also disables Calculate all sizes.
4 Click Use as Defaults and close the window.
5 Open the Terminal application, located under Applications > Utilities.
6 Execute the following command:
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

7 Restart the Mac.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 54

Using Cloud Services


When the IBM COS FA Gateway is connected to an IBM COS FA Portal, you can:
• Suspend and Unsuspend Cloud Sync
• Refresh the Folder List From the IBM COS FA Portal
• Control Cloud Sync Upload Speed
• Monitoring an IBM COS FA Gateway
These operations are performed from the Cloud Drive page in the user interface.
• In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Drive > Cloud Drive in the navigation pane.
The Cloud Drive page is displayed.

Suspend and Unsuspend Cloud Sync

You can suspend or unsuspend cloud syncing at any time.
• To suspend syncing, in the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Drive > Cloud Drive in the
navigation pane, and then click Suspend.
• To resume syncing, in the Cloud Drive page click Unsuspend.

Refresh the Folder List From the IBM COS FA Portal

You can refresh the folder list from the IBM COS FA Portal by clicking Refresh Folders from IBM COS
FA Portal in the Cloud Drive page, accessed by selecting the CONFIGURATION tab, and then
selecting Cloud Drive > Cloud Drive.

Control Cloud Sync Upload Speed

You can limit the cloud sync upload speed.
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Drive > Cloud Drive in the navigation pane.
2 Click Settings.
The Cloud Drive Settings window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 55

Using Cloud Services

When no throttling rules are defined, there is no speed restriction for uploading files to the Cloud
Drive for syncing.
3 Click Add throttling rule.
4 Define the following for the throttling rule:
Out Speed Limit (kb/s) – The maximum speed to use for cloud drive sync upload in Kbits per
Start at – Specify the time when the bandwidth limit used for cloud drive sync upload starts.
End at – Specify the time when the bandwidth limit used for cloud drive sync upload ends.
When the end time is before the start time, the end time is the next day.
Days – Specify that the bandwidth used for cloud drive sync upload should be restricted every
day (the default) or only on specified days.
Note: A maximum of 50 rules can be defined.
When the start and end times for more than one rule overlap, the order of the rules in the
list determines how they are implemented with the rule ate the top of the list implemented
first. Use Move Down and Move Up to change the order the rules are listed.

5 To remove a rule, select the rule row and click .

The rule is removed.
6 Click Save.

Monitoring an IBM COS FA Gateway

With an IBM COS FA Gateway, the following statistics are available:
• The number of files and amount of storage transferred between the IBM COS FA Gateway and the
IBM COS FA Portal.
• The rate of transfer of data over time between the IBM COS FA Gateway and the IBM COS FA
• The amount of data currently in the cache.
• The amount of data in the cache over time.
• The number of currently active clients and the read and write rates between these client and the IBM

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 56

Using Cloud Services

COS FA Gateway.
• The read and write rates between the clients and the IBM COS FA Gateway over time.
To display statistics:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Cloud Drive > Cloud Drive in the navigation pane.
2 Click Show Statistics.
A new browser window is displayed with the IBM COS FA Portal sign in page.
3 Login to the IBM COS FA Portal and the statistics are displayed.
The following shows the statistics for an IBM COS FA Gateway.

The graphs show the following:

Cloud I/O – Rate of transfer of data over time from the IBM COS FA Gateway to the IBM COS FA Portal
(Upload) and the IBM COS FA Portal to the IBM COS FA Gateway (Download).
Cache History – The amount of data in the cache over time.
Local I/O – The write rate from the client to the IBM COS FA Gateway and the read rate from the IBM
COS FA Gateway to the client, over time.


You can view and restore previous versions of the files and folders residing in the cloud on the IBM COS
FA Portal.
To view and restore previous versions:
1 In the FILES tab, navigate to the file.
2 Right-click the file and select Versions.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 57

Using Cloud Services

3 Click the desired version of the file.

4 Select the action for the file version. The options include:
Download – Download the file to your local machine.
Preview – If a preview of the file is possible, this option is displayed.
Restore – Restore the version. If a version of the file exists, the following screen is displayed:

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 58

Using Cloud Services

i Select the option you want.

A window is displayed when the restore has completed.
ii Click OK.


For details about activating this feature, contact IBM.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 59

Folders and files that are required locally can be stored on the IBM COS FA Gateway and not synced
with the IBM COS FA Portal. This content can be shared locally over the network. Files can be shared
in any of the following ways:
• Using Windows File sharing. Every share is exposed through Windows File Sharing, so that
Windows clients on the network can access the shares through Windows.
• Using NFS. You can use the IBM COS FA Gateway as an NFS server, enabling clients with specified
IP addresses to access network shares on the IBM COS FA Gateway, as if the shares were located
on the client's hard drive.

In this chapter
• Network Sharing Protocols
• Managing Network Shares
• Accessing Network Shares
• Modifying Advanced File Sharing Settings
To make any local folder accessible to other IBM COS FA Gateway requires the following basic steps:
1 Assign the user a IBM COS FA Gateway user account. See Managing IBM COS FA Gateway Users.
2 Configure the relevant protocol (Windows File Sharing, NFS) that you want your users to use to
access the files. See Network Sharing Protocols.
3 Make a network share on the folder you want to share. See Managing Network Shares.
4 Provide access to the share. See Accessing Network Shares.


IBM COS FA Gateways support the following protocols for sharing files and folders over the network:
Windows File Sharing – Enabled on all network shares and enables Windows clients on the network
to access the shares through Windows. For more details, see Configuring Windows File Sharing.
NFS (Network File System) – Clients with certain IP addresses can access network shares on the IBM
COS FA Gateway, as if the shares were located on the client's hard drive. See Configuring NFS Access.

Configuring Windows File Sharing

Windows files that you want to share via the IBM COS FA Gateway can be protected using one of the
following access levels:
• Only Authenticated Users
• Windows ACL Emulation Mode

Only Authenticated Users

Users are required to authenticate using their IBM COS FA Gateway user name and password, in order
to access the network share.

Windows ACL Emulation Mode

The share is a Windows ACL emulation mode share supporting a full Windows file system folder
structure and permissions, including enforcement and settings, known as NT ACLs, and extended
attributes such as read-only and hidden.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 60

Sharing Local Files

End users who are familiar with a given folder structure and shares, as well as a given permission
scheme, while using the Windows file server, continue to see the same folder structure, shares, and
permission scheme after migration to the IBM COS FA Gateway. This enables the migration from a
current Windows Server-based file system to a IBM COS FA Gateway, without the need to apply any
structural changes such as flattening the folder structure or simplifying the permissions scheme. The
migration is entirely transparent to the end user.
Transition of the mapped network drives and share names available on the Windows client from the
Windows file server location to the IBM COS FA Gateway location is performed seamlessly using AD
GPO capabilities.
File and folder access continue to be available following the migration in the same way they were in the
Windows Server-based file system. Access after the migration is through the SMB access provided by
the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Users continue to access the files and folders through standard Windows client computers; for example,
using Windows Explorer. You can manage and change permissions by right-clicking a file or folder and
selecting Properties and then the Security tab, just like over a Windows File server.

To set up shares in the IBM COS FA Gateway with NT ACL permissions, you need to do the following:
• Set up the users that will access the file system. IBM recommends taking the users from your Active
Directory. For more details, see Configuring Windows File Sharing for Active Directory.
• Set up the share with ACL emulation in the IBM COS FA Gateway. For more details, see Managing
Network Shares.
• Copy the files from the Windows File Server. For more details, see Copying Files From an External
File Server to the IBM COS FA Gateway.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 61

Sharing Local Files

To configure Windows File Sharing:

1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Windows File Sharing in the navigation pane.
The Windows File Sharing page is displayed.

Enable SMB (Windows File Sharing) – Enable or disable Windows file sharing. If Windows file
sharing is disabled, Windows shared folders, defined via Share > Shares, as described in Managing
Network Shares, are no longer accessible.
Packet Signing – Whether SMB packet signing is required or not, or whether it is dependent on the
agreement of the client.
Client Idle Disconnect Time (minutes) – The amount of time in minutes after which a client should
be disconnected, if the connection is idle. There is usually no need to change this setting. The default
is 10 minutes.
Use compatibility mode – Enable access by Windows versions 2000 or earlier. Enabling this option
reduces security.
Unix Extensions Mode – Enable clients running Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux and
Mac OS/X) to set permission masks for files using the chmod utility, over the SMB protocol.
Hide unreadable files and folders – Hide unreadable files or folders, or shares to which users do
not have access, when users access shares via Windows File Sharing.
2 Click Save to save the Windows File Sharing settings.
3 Specify the Domain/Workgroup information:
Assigned to – The name of an Active Directory domain or Windows workgroup to which the IBM
COS FA Gateway's Windows File Sharing service is connected.
Operation Mode – Whether the IBM COS FA Gateway's Windows File Sharing service is connected
to an Active Directory domain or to a Windows workgroup.
Status – The status of the connection to an Active Directory domain or Windows workgroup.
Advanced Mappings – When connected to an Active Directory domain. See Defining Users From
an Active Directory Domain, Tree or Forest.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 62

Sharing Local Files

4 Click Connect to Domain/Workgroup to join an Active Directory domain or Windows workgroup:

• For a network with a Active Directory with either a single domain or multi-domain
environment: a tree or forest, see Configuring Windows File Sharing for Active Directory.
• For a network with no domain controller, see Configuring Windows File Sharing for a
Workgroup for details.

Configuring Windows File Sharing for Active Directory

To configure Windows file sharing for an individual Active Directory domain and for an Active
Directory tree or forest, see Defining Users From an Active Directory Domain, Tree or Forest.

Configuring Windows File Sharing for a Workgroup

To configure Windows file sharing for a workgroup:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Windows File Sharing in the navigation pane.
The Windows File Sharing page is displayed.
2 Click Connect to Domain/Workgroup.
The Windows File Sharing Wizard opens, displaying the Connect to Domain/Workgroup

3 Choose Workgroup, and then select the workgroup you want or else type the name of the
workgroup in the empty field.
Note: You must assign this same workgroup name to all of the computers in the network.
In most Windows versions, the default workgroup name is WORKGROUP.
The IBM COS FA Gateway automatically scans for available workgroups in the LAN. The
results of these scans can be selected from the Workgroup list.
4 Click Next and then click Finish.

Configuring FTP Access

For information about activating this feature, contact IBM.

Configuring TFTP Access

For information about activating this feature, contact IBM.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 63

Sharing Local Files

Configuring NFS Access

When Network File System (NFS) access is enabled, clients with certain IP addresses can access network
shares on the IBM COS FA Gateway as if the shares were located on the client's hard drive. For
information, see Mounting Network Shares Using NFS.
To configure NFS access:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > NFS Settings in the navigation pane.
The NFS Settings page is displayed.

2 Check Enable NFS and specify the details.

Use asynchronous writes – Enable asynchronous writes. When a client attempts to write data to the
IBM COS FA Gateway, the IBM COS FA Gateway sends the client an acknowledgment of the write
request, before actually writing the data to the disk. This enables the client to post additional write
requests to the IBM COS FA Gateway, while the IBM COS FA Gateway is still writing data from the
first request to disk, thereby improving throughput.
Aggregate write requests – Write requests are aggregated and sent in a single batch, instead of one
at a time, to improve throughput.
3 Click Revert, if you made changes that you did not save, to revert to display the saved values.
4 Click Save.
Note: Unix permissions on the files, chmod, are not currently supported, except for the execute bit.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 64

Sharing Local Files


The Network Shares page allows you to manage all network shares on the IBM COS FA Gateway, both
for content that is synced with a IBM COS FA Portal and content that is only available locally.
To define a network share:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Shares in the navigation pane.
The Network Shares page is displayed.

2 Click New Share.

The Select a Folder to Share wizard opens, displaying the volumes and folders on the IBM COS FA

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 65

Sharing Local Files

3 Select the volume, folder, or subfolder on which you want to define the share.
• To create a new subfolder to select as a nested share, select the parent folder, click New Folder,
and then assign the subfolder a name.
• You can define nested shares based on subfolders within your own cloud drive, which are
available to users based on the permissions defined when creating the share. If the share has
NT ACL settings, these settings are applied to the nested share and to every share below this
4 Click Next and then assign the network share a name.

5 Click Next and choose through which sharing protocols to expose this share.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 66

Sharing Local Files

Windows File Sharing is checked by default and cannot be deselected. From the drop-down, select
one of these access levels for the share:
• Only Authenticated Users. Users will be required to authenticate using their IBM COS FA
Gateway user name and password, in order to access the network share.
• Windows ACL Emulation Mode. The share will be a Windows ACL emulation mode share.

Users access the shared files and folders through standard Windows client computers; for
example, using Windows Explorer through the SMB access provided by the IBM COS FA
Windows ACL Emulation Mode also allows you to block users from writing specific file types
into the IBM COS FA Gateway share or gaining control of the content located on it.
To copy the files with their ACLs to the IBM COS FA Gateway, see Copying Files From an
External File Server to the IBM COS FA Gateway.
For more information, see Configuring Windows File Sharing.
Client Side Caching. Server files are designated for off-line work so that a copy of the files is cached

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 67

Sharing Local Files

on the client computer and can be accessed when the client is off line in exactly the same way as if
they were stored on the Windows file server.
Manual caching for documents – Users must cache files manually.
Automatic caching for documents – A copy of the files is cached automatically.
Disabled – The client computer cannot cache files locally and the updated copy must be
retrieved from the file server.
6 Specify how you want to share the files.
FTP – For details about activating this feature, contact IBM.
Search – Users will be able to search for files in this share.
7 Click Next.
The NFS (UNIX File Sharing) window is displayed.

8 Check the Enable NFS Access option to enable NFS clients to access the share.
Either, click New to configure each client to which you want to grant access. A row is displayed in
the table:
a Enter the client's IP address and netmask in the appropriate fields.
b Select the permitted level of access to the network share via NFS. Options are None,
PreviewOnly, Read Only, or Read/Write.
Note: Preview Only permission prevents downloading, copying, or printing the file and
content cannot be synchronized for offline access. For full details, refer to the IBM COS
FA Portal Team Administrator Guide.
Click Remove and then select the client's IP address to remove the client from the list.
Note: The NFS mount path for the network share is specified at the top of the window.
9 Click Next and set which users can access this network share.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 68

Sharing Local Files

a In the Local Users drop-down list, select one of the following:

Local Users – Search the users defined locally on the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Domain domain Users – Search the users belonging to the domain called domain.
Local Groups – Search the user groups defined locally on the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Domain domain Groups – Search the user groups belonging to the domain called domain.
b In the Quick Search field, type a string that is displayed anywhere within the name of the user
or user group you want to add, or click ... to list the users.
A list of users or user groups matching the search string is displayed.
c Select the user or user group in the table.
The user or user group is added to the list of users and user groups who should have access to
the network share.
d For each user and user group, click in the Permission field, and then select the access level from
the drop-down list.
10 Click Next and then Finish to complete the wizard.

Blocking File Types from Network Shares

IBM COS FA Gateway administrators can block users from writing specific file types into the IBM COS
FA Gateway share or gaining control of the content located on it. The file types that are blocked are set
per network share.
When file types are blocked, share users cannot write or create files with a blocked extension or rename
a file to a forbidden extension. However, if you block extensions for a pre-existing share that already
contains files with the forbidden extension, the pre-existing files are not deleted.
To block files:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Shares in the navigation pane.
2 Click New Share to create a new share with blocked file type, or Edit Share to block file types on
an existing share.
3 Proceed through the Network Share creation wizard as described in Managing Network Shares. In
the Sharing Protocols window:
a Define the access level for Windows File Sharing as Windows ACL Emulation Mode. Users
will be able to access the share using the SMB protocol and configure permissions for files and

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 69

Sharing Local Files

folders in the same way they would on a Windows file server.

b Select the Block the following file extensions check box, and then define the file extensions for
the types of files you want to block.
You can block multiple file extensions, as shown in the image below. List only the letters of each
file extension, using a comma to separate between them. For example, to block EXE files, list the
exe file extension; to block PIF files, list the pif file extension. To block both EXE and PDF files,
list them as exe,pdf.
Blocked extensions are not case sensitive. Wildcards (for example, *.exe) are not supported.

4 Click Next and continue with the wizard to create the new share or edit the existing share.

Copying Files From an External File Server to the IBM COS FA Gateway
Note: To copy a complete Windows or NetApp File Server by migrating it to an IBM COS FA
Gateway requires in-depth planning and should be done in conjunction with IBM COS FA
Gateway support. For details, see the IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide.
To copy individual shares from a Windows or NetApp File Server, use the following procedure.
To migrate shares to the IBM COS FA Gateway:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab's Main > Home page, click File Server Migration.
The File Server Migration page is displayed.
2 Click + to create a new job.
The Create Job wizard is displayed showing the Task Type step.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 70

Sharing Local Files

The default job is a discovery job.

3 Click the Migration job to change the job to migrate a file server.

4 Click Next.
The Connect step is displayed.

5 Enter the IP address or DNS name for the file server and an administrator user name and password
to access this server.
6 Click Next.
The Select Shares step is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 71

Sharing Local Files

7 Select the shares to migrate and click Next.

The Select Options step is displayed.

8 You can select to migrate the data from the file server with the ACLs and specify when to start the
migration, either immediately or at a scheduled date and time.
If you are migrating during working hours, you can throttle the bandwidth used for the migration
so as not to adversely impact ongoing work.
9 Click Create.
After migrating all the shares, the job completes.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 72

Sharing Local Files

If needed, scroll to the end of the job for buttons to access the migration report and shares details.

10 Click to edit the migration job schedule and throttling.

11 Click to display the migration report.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 73

Sharing Local Files

• Optionally, click to export the migration log file to a .log text file.

12 Click to display the list of every time this job was run with the results of each run, including
the start and end times for the job, the number of files migrated and the total size of the migration,
access to the report and the ability to download the log, which provides information about the
migration and any errors that occurred during the migration.

13 Optionally, in the dashboard you can select a job and click to delete it.
After deleting a job, you can display all the jobs including the deleted jobs by clicking the Deleted
filter in the dashboard.

You can restore deleted jobs by selecting the deleted jobs to restore and clicking .
The share structure from the source is recreated on the IBM COS FA Gateway, including nested shares
and their permissions. If there are any recoverable errors during the copy process, retry the migration
for the failed shares.
Note: Only ACLs are migrated with the files. Extended attributes are not migrated. In the IBM COS
FA Gateway the shares are defined with Windows ACL Emulation Mode, as in the following

Modifying Shares
Select the share and click Edit Share. Proceed as for defining a new network share. See Managing
Network Shares.

Removing Shares
Select the share, click Remove Share and then Yes to confirm. This removes the share from the volume
or folder it was defined on.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 74

Sharing Local Files


This section includes the following topics:
• Viewing Network Shares Using Windows File Sharing
• Mounting Network Shares Using NFS
• Accessing the Volumes Share

Viewing Network Shares Using Windows File Sharing

Use this procedure to view network shares when Windows File Sharing is configured. For information,
see Configuring Windows File Sharing.
1 On a computer connected to the same switch as the IBM COS FA Gateway, view the network
neighborhood. The network neighborhood is accessed in different ways, dependent on the
operating system. For example, in Microsoft Windows 10, click Start > Settings and then click
Network & Internet.
2 Double-click the IBM COS FA Gateway icon.
A list of network shares is displayed.
Note: When accessing a network share, if your user name and password on the computer are
identical to a user name and password on the IBM COS FA Gateway, the computer
automatically logs in to the share using that user name and password. You will not be
prompted to authenticate. In all other cases, a pop-up window will appear, and you must
authenticate using a valid user name and password.

Mounting Network Shares Using NFS

When NFS access is configured, use the following procedure to access network shares from a
Linux/UNIX computer.
• Run the following command: mount deviceIP:mountPath localFolder
deviceIP – The IBM COS FA Gateway DNS namer or IP address.
mountPath – The network share's mount path.
localFolder – The name of the local folder.
Note: To view a network share's mount path, in the Share > Shares page, click the name of the
network share. The Network Share Wizard's NFS (UNIX File Sharing) window displays
the network share's mount path in title area.
For example, if the IBM COS FA Gateway IP address is, the mount path is
/shares/share9, and you want to mount this network share on the local folder
/var/mnt/share9, the relevant command would be:
mount /var/mnt/share9
For more information, see Configuring NFS Access.

Accessing the Volumes Share

Administrators can access a hidden administrative share called /volumes using Windows File Sharing.
Alternatively, they can access this share via the IBM COS FA Gateway user interface's FILES tab.
The administrative share allows direct access to the files on each of the IBM COS FA Gateway's volume.
To access the volumes share via Windows File Sharing:
• On a computer connected to the same switch as the IBM COS FA Gateway, browse to
where devicename is the name of your IBM COS FA Gateway.
For information on viewing your IBM COS FA Gateway's name, see Viewing IBM COS FA Gateway

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 75

Sharing Local Files

The administrative share is displayed.

Note: If your user name and password on the computer are identical to a user name and
password on the IBM COS FA Gateway, the computer automatically logs in to the share
using that user name and password. You will not be prompted to authenticate. In all other
cases, a pop-up window will appear, and you must authenticate using a valid user name
and password.
To access the volumes share via the FILES tab:
• In the FILES tab, change to the Volumes view.
The administrative share opens, displaying all volumes.


By default, only administrators can browse and retrieve previous file versions. You can enable
non-administrator users to browse and retrieve previous versions of files that they have permissions to
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Shares in the navigation pane.
The Network Shares page is displayed.

2 Click Advanced.
The Advanced file sharing settings window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 76

Sharing Local Files

3 Check Allow users to browse previous versions of their files.

4 Click Finish.
To prevent users from browsing previous versions of their files:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Share > Shares in the navigation pane.
The Network Shares page is displayed.
2 Click Advanced.
The Advanced file sharing settings window is displayed.
3 Uncheck Allow users to browse previous versions of their files.
4 Click Finish.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 77

Antivirus software is used to prevent malware from infecting files in the organization. IBM COS FA
Gateways integrate with McAfee Endpoint Security for Linux Threat Prevention to ensure data protection.
When antivirus is enabled, every file that is copied, moved, or edited on the IBM COS FA Gateway is
automatically and transparently scanned for malware before the user can access the file.
Note: Stub files are not scanned for viruses until the actual files are downloaded from the IBM COS
FA Portal.
If an infected file is found, it is quarantined so that it is no longer available and not synced to the IBM
COS FA Portal, and the administrator is informed so that any action that might be necessary can be

In this chapter
• Setting up Antivirus File Scanning
• Updating the Antivirus DAT File
• Managing Quarantined Files
• Antivirus Logs


To enable antivirus scanning:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Antivirus > Status in the navigation pane.
The Antivirus page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 78

Antivirus File Scanning

2 Click Enable to enable antivirus scanning.

Antivirus scanning is enabled. Scanning for malware will occur on every file that is accessed from the
IBM COS FA Gateway.
To disable antivirus scanning:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Antivirus > Status in the navigation pane.
The Antivirus page is displayed.

2 Click Disable to enable antivirus scanning.

Antivirus scanning is disabled.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 79

Antivirus File Scanning


Antivirus software is constantly being updated to be able to identify the new viruses. Virus definition
or DAT files contain virus signatures and other information used to protect the IBM COS FA Gateway
against existing and new potential threats. Generally, DAT files are released daily.
You can schedule the IBM COS FA Gateway to check for new DAT files which are then used when
scanning files for viruses. You can also manually check for updates, for example when you think a new
DAT file has been released before the scheduled update is set to run.
Note: To check for updates to DAT files, the IBM COS FA Gateway must be able to connect to
antivirus update site.
To schedule checking for DAT updates:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Antivirus > Status in the navigation pane.
The Antivirus page is displayed.

2 Click Settings.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 80

Antivirus File Scanning

The Antivirus Settings window is displayed.

3 Make sure Check for Updates is checked and then set the update details.
You can set the scheduler to check for new DAT files daily, weekly or monthly. IBM recommends
keeping the default daily check.
You set the scheduler to access the antivirus provider to use the latest DAT file from the relevant
server, specifying the server address and path.
4 Click Save.
When the selected time The system checks for the latest DAT file to use when scanning files.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 81

Antivirus File Scanning

To manually check for DAT updates:

1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Antivirus > Status in the navigation pane.
The Antivirus page is displayed.

2 Click Check for updates.

The system checks for the latest DAT file to use when scanning files.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 82

Antivirus File Scanning


Files that have been identified as a threat to the system are placed in quarantine and removed from their
source location. These files are also not synced to the IBM COS FA Portal.
An administrator is alerted when a file is quarantined. The administrator can check the list of
quarantined files and either delete files permanently or restore them. Quarantined files are only
displayed when antivirus has been enabled. If the signature for the file has not changed, it will
immediately be added back to quarantine, but a file that an updated DAT file recognizes as not being a
virus, can be restored.
Note: Rarely, a file that is not a virus can be
To manage quarantined files:
• Select Antivirus > Quarantine in the navigation pane.
The Quarantine page is displayed.

Each quarantined file is displayed with the following information:

Threat – The name of the threat.
Quarantine Time – The time the file was accessed and then moved to quarantine.
Alias – The virus alias recognized by the DAT file.
Original Path – The name and location of the file before it was quarantined.
To empty the quarantine of all files:

1 Without selecting any of the quarantined files, click .

2 Click Yes to confirm the delete.
All the quarantined files are permanently deleted. The quarantine folder is cleaned every 30 days.
To select one or more quarantined files to permanently delete:

1 Select the files to delete and click .

2 Click Yes to confirm the delete.
The quarantined files are permanently deleted.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 83

Antivirus File Scanning

To restore one or more quarantined files to their original location:

1 Select the files to restore and click .

2 Click Yes to confirm the restore.
The quarantined files are restored to their original location. If the signature for the file has not changed,
it will immediately be added back to quarantine.

Log entries for the antivirus are part of the system log. The system log shows whether a file is in
quarantine or has been restored from quarantine.
To view logs:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Log Viewer in the navigation pane,
The Event Log page is displayed.
2 Select System from the Select Topic drop-down list:
3 Optionally, change the minimum severity that is displayed. Ordered from most severe to least
– Error
– Warning
– Info
The System log displays the following details:
Date – The date and time at which the event occurred.
Details – A description of the event
More Info – Additional information about the event.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 84

In this chapter
• Viewing Network and Port Settings
• Configuring Network Settings
• Configuring Proxy Settings
• Configuring Ethernet Port Settings
• Renewing the DHCP Lease
• Network Diagnostics
• Remotely Awakening Computers


To view the IBM COS FA Gateway's network and port settings, in the CONFIGURATION tab select
System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

The Network page displays the following:

• The IBM COS FA Gateway's IP address.
• The IP address of the default IBM COS FA Gateway.
• The IP addresses of the primary and secondary DNS servers.
• The status of the IBM COS FA Gateway's network connection: Connected or Disconnected.
• The amount of time that the IBM COS FA Gateway has been connected to the network.
• The current Ethernet link speed, in Mbps, and duplex.
• The MAC address of this IBM COS FA Gateway.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 85

Managing Network Settings


By default, the IBM COS FA Gateway is automatically assigned an IP address and DNS settings by the
DHCP server. If your network uses static IP addresses instead of DHCP, you must configure the IBM
COS FA Gateway's network settings.
Note: If a DHCP server is not available, then, after one minute, the IBM COS FA Gateway uses IP
You can apply a custom DNS configuration to each IBM COS FA Gateway according to its
DHCP class identifier.
To configure network settings:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

2 Click Settings.
The Network Configuration window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 86

Managing Network Settings

3 Configure the settings.

Obtain an IP address automatically – The IBM COS FA Gateway obtains an IP address
automatically from the DHCP server in the network.
Use the following IP address – Assign the IBM COS FA Gateway a static IP address and specify
the IP address, netmask, and default IBM COS FA Gateway.
Obtain a DNS server address automatically – The IBM COS FA Gateway obtains DNS server
addresses automatically from the DHCP server in the network.
Use the following DNS server address – Specify DNS servers for the IBM COS FA Gateway and
specify the address of the primary and secondary DNS servers.
Note: If you configure these settings incorrectly, you may lose network connectivity to your IBM
COS FA Gateway.
4 Click Save.


The IBM COS FA Gateway can be configured to connect to the network via a proxy server. HTTPS
proxies that support the CONNECT method may be used. For details about setting proxy settings, see
Configuring Proxy Settings.


By default, the IBM COS FA Gateway automatically detects the Ethernet port's link speed and duplex.
If desired, you can manually restrict the Ethernet port to a specific link speed and duplex.
You can also configure IBM COS FA Gateway to use jumbo frames. While the standard Ethernet frame
is 1500 bytes, jumbo frames are larger, with the conventional jumbo frame size being 9000 bytes.
Warning: If you enable jumbo frames, you must configure all computers in the IBM COS FA Gateway's
network segment to use the same Ethernet frame size (maximum transmission unit, or MTU). If

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 87

Managing Network Settings

you do not set all computers to the same MTU, you may lose connectivity to the IBM COS FA
To configure the Ethernet port settings:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

2 Click Settings.
The Network Configuration window is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 88

Managing Network Settings

3 Select the Ethernet option.

4 Specify the Ethernet settings.

Manual MTU – Manually set the maximum transmission unit (MTU), for example for jumbo
MTU – The maximum transmission unit in bytes. The minimum MTU for jumbo frames is 1500.
5 Click Save.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 89

Managing Network Settings


The DHCP lease is renewed automatically as needed. However, you can manually renew the DHCP
lease, if necessary.
To manually renew the DHCP lease:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

2 Click Renew.

The IBM COS FA Gateway provides diagnostic tools directly through the user interface for network
ping – Tests the reachability of a host on the network.
DNS lookup – Queries the DNS.
traceroute – Displays the route packets across the network.
TCP Connect – Tests whether a specific TCP port is open.
Wake – Remotely awakens computers using the WoL (Wake on LAN) command.
To use network diagnostics:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 90

Managing Network Settings

2 Click Diagnostics.
The Network Diagnostics window is displayed.

3 In the Diagnostic Tool field, select the tool you want to use.
The window changes to reflect the diagnostic test requested.
Ping – Tests the reachability of a host on the network.
DNS Lookup – Queries the DNS.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 91

Managing Network Settings

Traceroute – Displays the route packets across the network.

TCP Connect – Tests whether a specific TCP port is open.

Wake – Remotely awakens computers using the WoL (Wake on LAN) command based on the MAC
address of the computer. For more details, see Remotely Awakening Computers.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 92

Managing Network Settings

iPerf – Measures the maximum achievable upload and download bandwidths using either TCP or

Address – The address of the computer to measure.
Port – The port to measure.
Threads – The number of threads to test the connection.
TCP or UDP – The protocol to measure.
Measure Upload or Measure Download – The direction to measure.
The following command is run: iperf -c {Address} -fM -m -i5 -t25 -p {Port}
if the number of threads is changed from the default, 1, the command is run with the -P flag with
the thread number. For example, iperf -c {Address} -fM -m -i5 -t25 -p {Port} -P 10
if UDP is specified, the command is run with the -u flag. For example:
iperf -c {Address} -fM -m -i5 -t25 -p {Port} -u
4 Enter the information required for the test, such as the IP address you want to ping.
5 Click Go.
The test results appear in the Network Diagnostics window.
6 Click Close when you have completed the diagnostic tests.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 93

Managing Network Settings


Administrators can remotely turn on or awaken computers in the branch via the IBM COS FA Gateway
using the WoL (Wake on LAN) command. This is useful, for example, when there is a need to release a
software update.
The command wakes up a single device.
To wake up a device:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Network in the navigation pane.
The Network page is displayed.

2 Click Diagnostics.
The Network Diagnostics window is displayed.
3 In the Network Diagnostics window, select Wake as the diagnostic tool.
4 Enter the device's MAC address.
5 Optionally, check Broadcast IP and enter an broadcast address for the broadcast.
6 Click Go.
7 An OK message is displayed when the device is awakened.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 94

Managing Network Settings

8 Click Close.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 95

This chapter describes how to cleanly restart or shutdown the IBM COS FA Gateway and the available
monitoring and logging options:
• Status dashboard. Viewing the Status Dashboard.
• Viewing hard disk drive information. See Viewing Hard Disk Drive Information.
• Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway activity. See Viewing the Activity Monitor.
• SNMP monitoring. See Using SNMP Monitoring.
• IBM COS FA Gateway logs. See Configuring Logging and Viewing Logs.
• Auditing file access. See Auditing File Access.
• Email alerts. See Configuring Email Alerts.
• Troubleshooting. See Generating a Support Report.


The IBM COS FA Gateway dashboard provides an overview of the IBM COS FA Gateway's current
status, including the following:
• Disk drive and volume information
• Resource utilization information
• Recent logged events
In addition, it provides shortcuts to configuring arrays, drives, and volumes.
To view the Status Dashboard:
• In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Main > Dashboard in the navigation pane,

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 96

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

The dashboard displays the following information:

Hard Disk Drives – All disk drives installed on the IBM COS FA Gateway. For each drive:
• The disk type. Click this link to view additional information about the drive.
• The disk size.
• The array to which the disk is assigned.
• The disk status:
Synchronized – This drive is in an array and is in optimal condition.
OK – The drive is not in an array and is in optimal condition.
FAIL – The drive has failed.
Unrecognized – The drive contains unrecognized data. You must format the drive before it can
be used.
Inactive – This drive is in an array, but is currently not in use.
Rebuilding – This drive is in an array that is currently being rebuilt.
In Use – The drive is currently in use.
Arrays – All arrays defined on the IBM COS FA Gateway. For each array:
• The array name. You can click this link to edit the array.
• The array size in GB.
• The array status:
Optimal – The array is in optimal condition.
Degraded – The array is accessible and there is no data loss; however, a disk failed or missing.
Performance and reliability may be reduced. Replace the failed drive as soon as possible.
Fail – The array is not accessible.
Recovering – A degraded array is being repaired. The IBM COS FA Gateway is currently
synchronizing out-of-sync members of the array, and performance of the IBM COS FA Gateway
may be reduced. Once the recovery is finished, the array will return to optimal state.
Volumes – All volumes defined on the IBM COS FA Gateway. For each volume:
• The volume name.
• The storage device on which the volume is located. Click on this link to edit the volume. See
Creating and Editing Volumes for further details.)
• The volume's status in the format: Mode [Status]. The mode can be Online or Offline. The
status can be:
Key required – Volume encryption. For details about activating this feature, contact IBM.
Contains errors – The file system needs to be repaired.
Read only – The file system is incompatible with current firmware.
Corrupted – Failed to read the file system status.
Unknown – No file system was found in the volume.
Ready – The volume is ready for use.
Recovering – The file system is being recovered after a non-clean shutdown.
Mounting – Routine cleanup is being performed after a non-clean shutdown.
Formatting – The volume is being formatted.
Resizing – The volume is being resized.
Repairing – The volume is being repaired.
Checking – The volume is being scanned for errors.
Checking Quota – The volume's storage quotas are being recalculated.
• A bar representing of the percentage of the volume currently in use, followed by the volume
size, followed by the percentage of the volume currently in use.
Last Events – The last five important events in the IBM COS FA Gateway Event Log. For information
on log fields, see Viewing Logs.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 97

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

Note: The data is refreshed automatically every few seconds.


To view hard disk information:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Main > Dashboard in the navigation pane.
2 In the Hard Disk Drives area, click the drive to investigate.
The Hard Drive Status window is displayed for the selected drive.

The window's Summary tab displays the following information:

Drive Status – The disk drive's current status.
Disk Health – The disk's health status. If the disk is healthy, this entry is not displayed.
Model – Virtual disk is displayed.
Capacity – The disk drive's capacity.
Warning: Formatting erases all data on the drive.
3 Click Close when you're done.


The Activity Monitor provides an overview of the IBM COS FA Gateway's recent activity, including:
• The disk read rate in KBps (kilobytes per second)
• The disk write rate in KBps (kilobytes per second)
• The percentage of CPU in use
• The percentage of memory in use
• A list of active user sessions
• Details about the top twenty processes running on the appliance

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 98

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

To view the Activity Monitor, in the CONFIGURATION tab, select Main > Activity in the navigation

Under Active Sessions, the following information is displayed:

Type – The session type:
• SMB (Windows File Sharing)
• Web Browser
User – The user connected to the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Source IP – The IP address from which the user connected to the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Duration – The amount of time that the user has been connected to the IBM COS FA Gateway.
More Info – Additional information about the session.
Note: The data is refreshed automatically every few seconds.
Click Processes... to access the Top Processes window. Top Processes provides information about the
top twenty processes currently running on the IBM COS FA Gateway; data about the processes, and
statistics about memory and processor performance.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 99

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

PID – The process identifier.
Name – The process name.
RAM – The percentage of the RAM used by this process.
CPU – The percentage of CPU used by this process.
Threads Count – The number of threads spawned by the process.


You can configure the IBM COS FA Gateway for monitoring using SNMP. This enables you to gather a
wide range of information about your devices.
SNMP can be used with all IBM COS FA Gateways. SNMP v1, v2c, and v3 are supported. SNMPv3
security level is set to Authentication and Privacy with SHA + AES algorithms.
IBM COS FA Gateway includes Net-SNMP. For details, refer to
Information is collected for the following MIBS:
• MIB-II (IF-MIB): Basic description of the monitored system, such as the system name, uptime, and
network interfaces. For details of this MIB, refer to and
• HOST-RESOURCES-MIB: Computer management information, hardware and software
configuration, such as information regarding system initialization, processes, storage, memory,
processors, and devices. For details of this MIB, refer to
• UCD-SNMP-MIB: System performance data, such as system statistics and performance. For details
of this MIB, refer to

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 100

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

The MIBs are stored on the SNMP server on the IBM COS FA Gateway. You can monitor the IBM COS
FA Gateway MIBs using a management tool, such as the tool from

Setting Up SNMP Monitoring on the IBM COS FA Gateway

To set up SNMP monitoring:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > SNMP in the navigation pane.
The SNMP configuration page is displayed.

2 Check the SNMP Enabled check box to activate SNMP, and then configure the following settings:
SNMP Port – The default is TCP 161.
Read Community – Configure as Read-Only. The SNMP Read-Only Community String is like a
password. It is sent along with each SNMP Get-Request and allows or denies access to device.
Note: SNMP Engine ID is defined automatically based on the MAC address and cannot be
If you are using SNMP v3, check the Enable SNMPV3 check box, and then enter a user name and
3 Click Save to save the settings and activate SNMP monitoring.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 101

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

The IBM COS FA Gateway contains an event log that displays the different actions on the IBM COS FA
Gateway. You can specify the location of the event log on the IBM COS FA Gateway. You can also
configure log settings, such as which types of logs to display in the user interface.
To view event logs, in the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Log Viewer in the navigation
pane. The Event Log page is displayed:

You can also configure the IBM COS FA Gateway to send logs to a syslog server. While the IBM COS
FA Gateway event log is limited by the amount of available storage space, a syslog server can store an
unlimited number of logs.
Note: Free syslog servers are available, such as Kiwi Syslog Daemon:

Configuring Event Log Settings

1 Either,
In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Log Settings in the navigation pane.
In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Log Viewer in the navigation pane and click
The Log Settings page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 102

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

2 Configuring the settings as required:

Keep logs for – The number of days that the IBM COS FA Gateway stores logs.
Store logs in – The volume where the IBM COS FA Gateway stores logs. If you choose Memory,
the logs are deleted each time you reboot the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Log Level – The minimum log level to display in the IBM COS FA Gateway user interface. For
example, if you select Critical, then only Critical, Alert, and Emergency logs are displayed in the
IBM COS FA Gateway user interface.
The logs are filtered accordingly.
3 Click Save.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 103

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

Configuring Syslog Logging

To configure syslog logging:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Syslog in the navigation pane,
The Syslog page is displayed.

2 Select the Use Syslog option to enable syslog logging.

3 Configure the syslog:
Minimum Event Severity – The minimum event level to send to the Syslog server. For example, if
you select Critical, then only Critical, Alert, and Emergency log entries are sent to the syslog server.
Server Address – The syslog server's IP address.
Syslog Port – The syslog server's port number. The default port is 514.
Protocol Type – The protocol to use for sending logs to the syslog server: TCP or UDP.
4 Click Save.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 104

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

To view logs:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Log Viewer in the navigation pane,
The Event Log page is displayed.

2 Select the category you want to view from the Select Topic drop-down list:
System – General IBM COS FA Gateway events, including starting up, connecting to the network
and the IBM COS FA Portal, disconnecting from the network and the IBM COS FA Portal, and so on.
Cloud Sync – Events related to cloud drive synchronization operations.
Access – Events related to user access to the IBM COS FA Gateway.
Audit – Changes to the IBM COS FA Gateway configuration.
3 Optionally, change the minimum severity that is displayed. Ordered from most severe to least
– Error
– Warning
– Info

System Logs
The System log displays the following details:
Date – The date and time at which the event occurred.
Details – A description of the event
More Info – Additional information about the event.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 105

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

Cloud Sync Logs

The Cloud Sync log displays the following details:
Operation – The synchronization operation performed.
Direction – The direction of the synchronization operation.
File Name – The name of the file transferred during the synchronization operation.
Folder Name – The name of the folder that contains the file.
Path – The path to the file transferred during the synchronization operation.
Start Time – The date and time at which the synchronization operation started.
Duration – The amount of time the synchronization operation took.
Size – The size of the synchronized file.
Transferred Size – The actual amount of data transferred.
Dedup – The deduplication ratio for the file transferred during the synchronization operation.
Result – The result of the synchronization operation.
More Info – Additional information about the event.

Access Logs
The Access log displays the following details:
Date – The date and time at which the event occurred.
User – The user who triggered the event.
Protocol – The protocol used when triggering the event:
SMB (Windows File Sharing)
Details – A description of the event.
Client IP – The IP address from which the user triggered the event.
More Info – Additional information about the event.

Audit Logs
The Audit log displays the following details regarding the IBM COS FA Gateway:
Action – The action type, such as:
Added ( ) – An object was added to the IBM COS FA Gateway user interface.

Deleted ( ) – An object was deleted from the IBM COS FA Gateway user interface.
Modified ( ) – An object was modified.
Formatted ( ) – A disk was formatted.
Date – The date and time at which the event occurred.
User – The user who performed the action.
Type – The type of setting that was affected by the action. For example, if user JohnS was deleted, this
column displays Users.
Target – The object that was affected by the action. For example, if user JohnS was deleted, this column
displays JohnS.
More Info – Additional information about the event.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 106

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

Filtering Logs
In any log category, you can filter the logs so that only those with a specific minimum log level are
Note: For information on configuring the default minimum log level to display in all log pages, see
Configuring Event Log Settings.
To filter logs:
1 View the log category.
2 Click Minimum Severity and select from the list the minimum log level to display in this category.
For example, if you select Critical, then only Critical, Alert, and Emergency logs are displayed.
The logs are filtered accordingly.

Exporting Logs
You can export logs or log details for a specific event in any category to a Comma-Separated Values
(CSV) file on your computer. You can then view the file as a worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
To export logs in a log category:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Event Log > Log Viewer in the navigation pane,
The Event Log page is displayed.
1 Select the log topic.
2 Click Export to Excel.


For details about activating this feature, contact IBM.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 107

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs


You can configure the IBM COS FA Gateway to send alerts upon important events. The alerts can be
sent to up to two email addresses.
To configure the IBM COS FA Gateway to send email alerts, configure mail server settings and email
alert settings.
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Alerts > Mail Server in the navigation pane.
The Messaging page is displayed.

2 Configure the settings according to your requirements:

Deliver email using a custom SMTP server – Enable email alerts.
SMTP Server – The SMTP server's IP address.
SMTP Port – The SMTP server's port number. The default is 25.
Server requires authentication – The SMTP server requires authentication.
Username – The user name when authenticating to the SMTP server.
Password – The password for the user.
Enable TLS – Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption for sending email messages from the
IBM COS FA Gateway.
3 Click Save.
4 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Alerts > Email Alerts in the navigation pane.
The Email Alerts page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 108

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs

5 Configure the settings according to your requirements:

Email Recipient 1 – An email address to which email alerts are sent.
Email Recipient 2 – A second email address to which email alerts are sent.
Sender Email – The email address for the From field of email alerts.
Log message of severity – The minimum event severity level for which to send email alerts. For
example, if you select Critical, then only Critical, Alert, and Emergency logs are sent to the email
Select each type of alert event for which you want emails to be sent:
No cloud connectivity – When there is no cloud connectivity for more than the specified
number of hours.
Last Cloud Sync was more than – When the last cloud synchronization operation was
performed more than the specified number of hours ago.
Volume Full – When a volume is more than the specified percentage full.
User near storage quota – When the specified percentage of a user's disk storage quota has been
Select each type of additional event for which you want emails to be sent:
Firmware Updated – When the IBM COS FA Gateway firmware has been updated.
Device shutdown/started – When the IBM COS FA Gateway starts up and shuts down.
6 Click Revert, if you made changes that you did not save, to revert to display the saved values.
7 Click Save.
8 To test the configuration, click Test.
A test email is sent to the specified email addresses.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 109

Monitoring IBM COS FA Gateway Logs


If a problem arises with your IBM COS FA Gateway you can generate a report for IBM support to use
to identify and resolve the problem.
To generate a support report:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Configuration Tools in the navigation pane.

2 Click Support Report.

The report is generated in ZIP file in your computer's download folder.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 110

In this chapter
• Restarting the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Shutting Down the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Creating Redundancy Capabilities in the IBM COS FA Gateway
• Resetting the IBM COS FA Gateway to Its Default Settings
• Increasing Storage On an IBM COS FA Gateway Volume
• Updating the Firmware


If you are experiencing problems with your IBM COS FA Gateway, restarting it may solve the problems.
To restart the IBM COS FA Gateway via the user interface:

1 In the status bar, click and then click Restart.

A confirmation message is displayed.
2 Click Yes.
The IBM COS FA Gateway restarts.


To shut down a IBM COS FA Gateway via the user interface:

1 In the status bar, click and then click Shutdown.

A confirmation message is displayed.
2 Click Yes.
The IBM COS FA Gateway shuts down.


The IBM COS FA Gateway redundancy capabilities should be handled by the storage infrastructure
upon which the virtual disks are defined.


You can reset the IBM COS FA Gateway to its factory default settings.
Warning: This action erases all of your passwords and settings, and you will need to reconfigure the IBM
COS FA Gateway. To reconfigure, run the setup wizard, described in the initial setup section of
the IBM COS FA Gateway Setup Guide.
To reset the IBM COS FA Gateway to its default settings via the user interface:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Configuration Tools in the navigation pane.
The Configuration Tools page is displayed.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 111

Maintaining the IBM COS FA Gateway

2 Click Reset to Defaults.

A confirmation message is displayed.
3 Click Yes.
The IBM COS FA Gateway is reset to its default settings, and the Login page is displayed.
To reconfigure the IBM COS FA Gateway, run the setup wizard, described in the initial setup section of
the IBM COS FA Gateway Installation and Maintenance.


You can increase the volume size when the volume defined in the IBM COS FA Gateway does not use
all the available storage, as described in Increasing a Volume Size When Additional Storage is Available
for the Volume.
IBM recommends that the maximum storage is defined as a single disk when the IBM COS FA Gateway
is created.
When the volume defined in the IBM COS FA Gateway does use all the available storage and the initial
storage allocated was not the maximum and needs to be increased up to the maximum, you can increase
the storage by either increasing the size of the disk or adding another existing disk. IBM recommends
increasing the size of the disk rather than adding another disk. See Increasing a Volume Size When
Additional Storage is Not Available For the Volume.
The amount of storage that can be used by a IBM COS FA Gateway is 8TB.

Increasing a Volume Size When Additional Storage is Available for the Volume
To enlarge a volume in the IBM COS FA Gateway:
1 Log on to the IBM COS FA Gateway as an administrator.
2 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select Storage > Volumes in the navigation pane.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 112

Maintaining the IBM COS FA Gateway

The Volumes page is displayed.

3 Select the volume and click Edit.
The Specify Volume Details screen is displayed.

4 Move the Volume Size slider to increase the volume storage.

Note: The volume size cannot be decreased.

Increasing a Volume Size When Additional Storage is Not Available For the Volume

For an IBM COS FA Gateway in ESXi

To enlarge a volume:
1 In the vSphere Client, power off the virtual machine.
Note: You must power off the virtual machine before continuing with the procedure.
2 Right-click the IBM COS FA Gateway VM and select Edit Settings.
The configuration is displayed for the IBM COS FA Gateway.
3 Specify the disk size greater than the current size. IBM COS FA Portal recommends storage at least
20% of the IBM COS FA Portal storage. The maximum disk size is 8TB.
4 Click OK.
5 Power on the virtual machine and follow the instructions in Increasing a Volume Size When
Additional Storage is Available for the Volume.

For an IBM COS FA Gateway in Hyper-V

To enlarge a volume:
Note: You can only expand a disk in Hyper-V if it was initially defined as Dynamically expanding.
If it was defined as Fixed size, you can add another disk but you cannot expand the existing
1 In the Hyper-V Manager, shut down the virtual machine.
Note: You must shut down the virtual machine before continuing with the procedure.
2 Right-click the IBM COS FA Gateway VM and select Settings.
The configuration is displayed for the Virtual Gateway.
3 Choose the hard disk and click Edit.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 113

Maintaining the IBM COS FA Gateway

The Edit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is displayed.

4 In the Choose Action page, select Expand and click Next.
5 Enter a new size greater than the current size. The maximum disk size is 8TB.
6 Click Finish.
7 Start the virtual machine and follow the instructions in Increasing a Volume Size When Additional
Storage is Available for the Volume.


You can configure your IBM COS FA Gateway to automatically download firmware updates from the
IBM COS FA Portal it is connected to and install this download. Alternatively, you can install firmware
updates manually.
Note: The recommended method to update the IBM COS FA Gateway firmware is by pushing new
firmware from the IBM COS FA Portal. For details refer to the IBM COS FA Portal

Configuring Automatic Firmware Updates

To configure automatic firmware updates:
1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Firmware in the navigation pane.
The Firmware Update page opens, displaying the following information:
• The currently installed firmware version
• The most recent available firmware version
• The amount of time remaining until the IBM COS FA Gateway restarts. This information is
displayed if a firmware has been downloaded, and the IBM COS FA Gateway is configured to
reboot automatically.

2 Click Settings.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 114

Maintaining the IBM COS FA Gateway

The Automatic Update Settings window is displayed.

3 To specify that the IBM COS FA Gateway should download and install firmware updates
automatically, click Download and install updates automatically.
If you do not select this option, you must perform firmware updates manually, as described in
Manually Upgrading the Firmware.
4 To specify that the IBM COS FA Gateway should automatically reboot after installing new
firmware updates, do the following:
a Click Restart automatically after installing new firmware.
b Specify when automatic rebooting should occur, by doing one of the following:
• To reboot as soon as possible after a firmware update, choose As soon as possible.
In this case, the IBM COS FA Gateway will reboot as soon as it is recommended to do so.
For example, the automatic reboot might be deferred, if the IBM COS FA Gateway is
undergoing system maintenance that should not be interrupted.
• To reboot only during specific hours, choose During these hours, then use the drop-down
lists to specify the desired time range.
If you do not enable automatic rebooting, then you will need to reboot the IBM COS FA Gateway
as described in Restarting the IBM COS FA Gateway, when this page indicates that a new update
has been installed.
5 Click Save.

Manually Upgrading the Firmware

1 In the CONFIGURATION tab, select System > Firmware in the navigation pane.
The Firmware page opens, displaying the currently installed firmware version, as well as the IBM
COS FA Gateway model.
2 Click Install from file.
The Firmware Update Wizard opens, displaying the Firmware Update window.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 115

Maintaining the IBM COS FA Gateway

3 Click Upload and browse to the required firmware (*.firm) file.

The firmware file is uploaded. and the Wizard Completed screen is displayed.
The IBM COS FA Gateway automatically reboots.

IBM COS FA Gateway Administrator Guide 116

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