23 - 3.1.Register-Chartered-Engineer-CEng-with-iMeche

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CEng Registration

(Registration Chartered Engineer)

Prepared by Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Nur Hidayat Mat


If you choose route two (2) to register your Professional

Engineer (PE) with BEM using Chartered Engineer
registration, joining a professional association relevant to
their field is a crucial step.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE): A UK-based organization

serving mechanical engineers around the world. IMechE provides a
structured path to achieving Chartered Engineer status, recognizing the
individual's professional competencies and dedication to continuous
professional development.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

Registration Details
1. Academic Requirements: Hold accredited academic qualifications.
2. Develop Competence: Through work experience, documented in a Development
Action Plan.
3. Professional Review Interview: Assess your competence.
4. Commitment to CPD: Maintain and enhance your competence.

- Membership Fee: Approximately £167 annually
- Registration Fee: About £220
- Total approximate cost in MYR: (Annual Fee + Registration) x Exchange rate.
Step by Step Register your Chartered
Engineer via IMechE
1. Open browser and login to imeche.org

2. Click Log in : My account

3. Click register now
4. Fill up your login
information and get
verify through email
5. Select become a member under the
Membership and Registration menu
6. Scroll down and click Chartered Engineer (Ceng)
7. Choose this one to start your application
8. Click Apply Online
9. Click Submitting your
10. Click Apply now
Read the
information and
click next
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and click next
Provide your education details
starting with the latest year here
Select up to three field for
your industry
Select virtual if you prefer
the interview to be online
Save progress and click next
Provide summary of your
responsibilities and
achievements here
Make sure all items are tick
for completion
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Competency Elements

What is competence?

Professional competence is the ability to carry out a task

to an effective standard. Its achievement requires the
right level of knowledge, understanding and skill, as well
as a professional attitude. It is part of the requirement
(along with commitment) that must be demonstrated in
order for an individual to be admitted to the Engineering
Council’s Register at the relevant category.
Competency Elements

A: Knowledge and understanding

A1 : How have you maintained and extended a sound theoretical

approach to enable you to develop your particular role

A2: How have you developed technological solutions to unusual

or challenging problems, using your knowledge and
understanding and/or dealing with complex technical issues or
situations with significant levels of risk?
Competency Elements

B : Design, development and solving engineering problems

B1 : How have you taken an active role in the identification and definition
of project requirements, problems and opportunities?

B2 : How have you identified the appropriate investigations and research

needed to undertake the design, development and analysis required to
complete an engineering task and conducted these activities effectively?

B3: How have you implemented engineering tasks and evaluated the
effectiveness of engineering solutions?
Competency Elements

C : Responsibility, management and leadership

C1 : How have you planned the work and resources needed to enable
effective implementation of a significant engineering task or project?

C2 : How have you managed (organised, directed and controlled)

programme or schedule, budget and resource elements of a significant
engineering task or project?

C3 : How have you led teams or technical specialists and assisted others
to meet changing technical and managerial needs?

C4 : How have you brought about continuous quality improvement and

promoted best practice?
Competency Elements

D : Communication and interpersonal skills

D1 : How have you communicated effectively with others, at all levels,

in English?

D2 : How have you clearly presented and discussed proposals,

justifications and conclusions?

D3 : How have you demonstrated personal and social skills and

awareness of diversity and inclusion issues?
Competency Elements

E: Personal and professional commitment

E1 : How have you understood and complied with relevant codes of


E2 : How have you understood the safety implications of your role, and
managed, applied and improved safe systems of work?

E3 : How have you understood the principles of sustainable

development and applied them in your work?

E4 : How have you carried out and recorded Continuing Professional

Development (CPD) necessary to maintain and enhance competence in
own area of practice?

E5 : How have you understood the ethical issues which may arise in
your role and carried out your responsibilities in an ethical manner?
Competency Elements

What level of competency required for each element?

Each of the competence statements has four possible levels,

where 1 is the lowest and 4 the highest.

To be successful you will need to demonstrate, as a minimum

requirement, that you can score level 2 in two of the
competences and level 3 in three of them.
Competency Levels

Performs the activity Performs the activity Performs the activity Performs the activity
with significant in a range of contexts; in some complex and in a wide range of
supervision and supervision required non-routine contexts; complex and non-
guidance; performs only in more complex significant routine contexts;
basic routine and circumstances; some responsibility and substantial personal
predictable tasks; little individual autonomy; can autonomy; can
or no individual responsibility or oversee the work of develop others in the
responsibility. autonomy. others. activity.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Example for A1

As a mechanical engineer, my role often involves tackling complex and non-routine

challenges within various projects. This demands a sound theoretical approach to
ensure efficient problem-solving and innovation.

To maintain and extend my theoretical understanding, I consistently engage in

continuing education and professional development activities. I seek out courses,
workshops, and seminars that delve into advanced concepts relevant to my field.

I actively participate in industry conferences, where I exchange ideas with peers and
learn about the latest advancements in mechanical engineering. Additionally, I
dedicate time to self-study, immersing myself in technical literature and research
papers to deepen my knowledge base.

Through these efforts, I have developed a robust theoretical foundation that enables
me to excel in my role. I am confident in tackling complex challenges and am often
entrusted with significant responsibilities. Moreover, I can effectively oversee the
work of others, providing guidance and mentorship when needed. This level of
competency not only ensures my effectiveness as a mechanical engineer but also
positions me as a valuable asset to my organization.

(172 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for A2

As a mechanical engineer in the aerospace industry, I was tasked with designing a

propulsion system for a new satellite launch vehicle.

The challenge lay in developing a propulsion system that could efficiently navigate
through varying atmospheric conditions and withstand the rigors of space travel, all
while minimizing weight and maximizing thrust.

I leveraged my expertise in fluid dynamics and thermodynamics to conduct

comprehensive simulations and analyses. Collaborating closely with a team of
engineers, I explored innovative materials and manufacturing techniques to enhance
the performance and durability of the propulsion system. Additionally, I led
discussions on risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address potential
technical hurdles and ensure mission success.

Through meticulous planning and execution, we successfully developed a propulsion

system that exceeded performance expectations while mitigating potential risks.
Our solution demonstrated Level 3 competency by navigating complex technical
challenges with autonomy and overseeing the work of others in the team. This
experience reinforced my ability to innovate in unconventional situations and
solidified my proficiency as a mechanical engineer in the aerospace domain.

(174 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for B1

As a mechanical engineer, I was tasked with a project requiring a thorough

understanding of project requirements and potential challenges.

Identify and define project requirements, problems, and opportunities to ensure

project success.

Conducted comprehensive research, held discussions with stakeholders, and

analyzed existing data. Actively participated in brainstorming sessions to identify
potential issues and opportunities. Took initiative in proposing innovative solutions
to address identified problems and capitalize on opportunities.

Through proactive involvement, contributed to the clear definition of project

requirements, including identifying potential pitfalls and opportunities for
improvement. This proactive approach enhanced project outcomes and
demonstrated Level 3 competency by operating effectively in complex and non-
routine contexts with significant responsibility and autonomy.

(111 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for B2

As a mechanical engineer tasked with designing a new cooling system for a high-
performance vehicle, I encountered the need for extensive investigations and
research to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Identifying the appropriate research avenues and methodologies was crucial to the
success of the project. This involved understanding fluid dynamics, thermodynamics,
and material properties relevant to cooling systems in automotive engineering.

I conducted thorough literature reviews, consulted with subject matter experts, and
utilized advanced computational tools for simulation and analysis. This enabled me
to explore various design options and assess their feasibility under different
operating conditions.

By effectively managing these research activities, I not only developed a

comprehensive understanding of the problem but also successfully proposed a novel
cooling system design that exceeded performance expectations. This level of
competency demonstrates my ability to navigate complex and non-routine contexts
autonomously, with significant responsibility for project outcomes.

(145 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for B3

As a mechanical engineer, I was tasked with optimizing the efficiency of a

manufacturing process in our facility.

I needed to implement engineering solutions to streamline production while

maintaining quality standards.

I conducted a thorough analysis of the current process, identifying areas for

improvement. Utilizing my expertise, I proposed and implemented changes such as
reconfiguring equipment layout and introducing automation where feasible.

These modifications resulted in a 20% increase in production output and a 15%

reduction in production costs. Additionally, by closely monitoring key performance
indicators, I ensured that quality standards were consistently met. This
demonstrates my ability to perform engineering tasks autonomously in complex
contexts, evaluate effectiveness, and drive tangible improvements.

(112 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for C1

As a mechanical engineer tasked with overseeing a significant project, I assessed the

scope and requirements to ensure successful execution.

Planning involved evaluating timelines, resource availability, and potential

challenges to create a comprehensive strategy.

I utilized project management tools to allocate resources efficiently, coordinated

with team members to delegate tasks effectively, and regularly reviewed progress to
address any deviations from the plan.

Through meticulous planning and proactive management, the project was executed
seamlessly, meeting objectives within stipulated timelines, demonstrating level 3

(82 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for C2

As a mechanical engineer, I led a team tasked with developing a prototype for a new
energy-efficient HVAC system for a commercial building.

I needed to organize, direct, and control the program's schedule, budget, and
resources effectively to ensure timely completion and within allocated funds.

I implemented project management software to track progress, set milestones, and

allocate resources efficiently. Regular team meetings were held to address any
issues promptly and adjust schedules accordingly.

Through diligent management, we completed the project ahead of schedule, within

budget, and met all performance targets. My ability to oversee complex tasks and
manage resources effectively demonstrated a Level 3 competency.

(105 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for C3

As a mechanical engineer, I led a team tasked with optimizing a manufacturing

process for a new product line.

The project demanded adaptation to evolving technical and managerial

requirements, including incorporating new machinery and adjusting workflow

I facilitated regular team meetings to discuss progress, identify challenges, and

strategize solutions. I delegated tasks according to team members' strengths and
provided guidance where necessary. Additionally, I sought out training opportunities
to enhance our collective skill set and foster innovation.

Through proactive leadership and collaboration, we successfully met changing

technical and managerial needs, achieving efficiency gains and ensuring the project's
timely completion.

(100 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for C4

As a mechanical engineer in a manufacturing firm, tasked with enhancing product

quality and implementing best practices.

Identify areas for improvement, develop strategies for quality enhancement, and
facilitate the adoption of best practices.

Conducted thorough analysis of production processes, implemented statistical

process control measures, and introduced lean manufacturing techniques.
Collaborated with cross-functional teams to standardize procedures and disseminate
best practices.

Achieved measurable improvements in product quality, reduced defects by 20%, and

enhanced overall efficiency. Recognized for leadership in promoting continuous
improvement and best practices, demonstrating competency at level 3.

(89 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for D1

As a mechanical engineer, effective communication in English is essential for

collaboration across diverse teams and stakeholders.

I was tasked with leading a multidisciplinary team to troubleshoot a complex

machinery issue, involving engineers from different departments and technicians.

I facilitated clear and concise communication through regular team meetings,

technical reports, and presentations. I encouraged open dialogue, ensuring
everyone's input was valued and understood. Additionally, I provided detailed
instructions and feedback, ensuring comprehension and alignment.

Through effective communication, we successfully identified and resolved the issue

within the expected timeframe, minimizing downtime and optimizing machinery
performance. My ability to communicate in English at a Level 3 competency level
enabled seamless coordination and collaboration, showcasing my capacity to lead in
complex and non-routine contexts.

(121 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for D2

As a mechanical engineer, I was tasked with optimizing the design of a heat

exchanger for a manufacturing plant.

I needed to present proposals for design modifications to improve efficiency and

justify these changes to stakeholders.

I conducted a thorough analysis of the current heat exchanger design, considering

fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and material properties. I then proposed several
modifications, outlining their potential benefits and providing supporting
calculations. During meetings with stakeholders, I clearly articulated the rationale
behind each proposal, addressing concerns and answering questions.

Through clear presentation and discussion, I successfully convinced stakeholders of

the effectiveness of the proposed modifications. The redesigned heat exchanger led
to a 15% increase in efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings for the plant. This
demonstrates my ability to present and discuss proposals, justifications, and
conclusions at level 3 competency.

(135 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for D3

As a mechanical engineer, I was tasked with leading a diverse team on a project

aimed at improving workplace safety in manufacturing.

To address personal and social skills, I needed to foster an inclusive environment

where diverse perspectives were valued and contribute to collective goals.

I facilitated open discussions, actively listened to team members' concerns, and

encouraged collaboration. I ensured everyone had a voice and respected varying
viewpoints. Additionally, I participated in diversity training sessions to enhance my
understanding of inclusion issues.

By promoting inclusivity and awareness of diversity, our team successfully

developed innovative safety solutions, showcasing level 3 competency in managing
diverse teams and fostering an inclusive workplace culture.

(110 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for E1

Working as a mechanical engineer, I frequently navigate projects requiring

adherence to codes of conduct and regulations.

Comprehending and complying with relevant codes of conduct is essential for

ethical and legal project execution.

I regularly review and adhere to the Institution's Code of Conduct, staying updated
on legislative frameworks. I lead my team, emphasizing compliance with these

My commitment to professional standards ensures ethical project execution and

societal obligations, reflecting a level 3 competency.

(75 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for E2

As a mechanical engineer, I oversee complex projects in potentially hazardous


I ensure compliance with safety regulations and develop robust hazard identification

Identifying potential hazards, I implement safety protocols adhering to HASAW

1974, CDM regulations, and ISO 45001. I foster a safety-first culture within the team.

Our team maintains a safe working environment, recognized for its adherence to
professional standards. Our protocols have garnered industry praise, reflecting a
commitment to safety and excellence.

(75 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for E3

As a mechanical engineer, I recognize the critical role of sustainable development

principles in shaping the future of engineering projects.

Understanding and applying these principles demands a proactive approach towards

environmental, social, and economic considerations.

Leveraging my Level 3 competency, I've actively incorporated sustainability into

project designs. By prioritizing resource efficiency and minimizing environmental
impact, I've spearheaded initiatives that align with the Engineering Council's
Guidance on Sustainability.

Through stakeholder engagement and responsible decision-making, I've contributed

to projects that not only meet financial objectives but also enhance environmental
and social outcomes, showcasing my personal commitment to professional
standards and societal obligations.

(100 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for E4

As a mechanical engineer, I strive for continuous professional development (CPD) to

maintain and enhance competence.

To ensure ongoing competence, I actively engage in CPD activities, including self-

reviews, goal-setting, and assisting colleagues in their development.

I meticulously plan CPD activities, both planned and unplanned, aligning them with
personal and organizational objectives. I document evidence of my competence
development and regularly evaluate outcomes against set plans.

This approach reflects my Level 3 competency, as I operate in complex and non-

routine contexts with significant responsibility and autonomy, overseeing others'
work while maintaining a commitment to professional standards and obligations to
society, the profession, and the environment.

(104 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
Example for E5

As a mechanical engineer, I encounter various ethical dilemmas in project execution.

Understand and address ethical issues inherent in engineering projects.

Applied Engineering Council's Statement of Ethical Principles, ensuring adherence to

professional standards. For instance, when tasked with a project involving potential
environmental impact, I led a comprehensive assessment to mitigate harm, aligning
with ethical guidelines.

Successfully upheld ethical principles, fostering a sustainable approach benefiting

society and the environment. This demonstrates Level 3 competency, as I navigated
complex ethical contexts autonomously, ensuring professional standards were met.

(86 words)

Essay Structure follow STAR - 1st : Situation, 2nd : Task, 3rd Action, 4th : Result
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