Tutorial Questions For 4th Year Applied Chemistry Students

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Tutorial Questions for 4th Year Applied Chemistry Students

Preparation for Exit Exam

Inorganic Chemistry I
Instruction: Choose the best answer for the following questions
1) Which of the following quantum numbers governs the spatial orientation of an
atomic orbital?
a) Spin quantum number c) Magnetic quantum number
b) Azimuthal quantum number d) Principal quantum number
2) Quantum Numbers are solutions of _____________
a) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle c) Einstein’s mass energy relation
b) Schrodinger’s Wave Equation d) Hamiltonian Operator
3) The number of 2p electrons having spin quantum number s = – ½ are
(a) 6 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) 3
4) Which statement about the four quantum numbers which describe electrons in
atoms is INCORRECT?
a. n = principle quantum number, n = 1,2,3,……∞.
b. ml = magnetic quantum number, ml = (−n) ….0….(+n) and tells you how many
orbitals there are in a major energy level.
c. ms (spin quantum number) = ±½ and refers to the orientation of an electron in
an orbital.
d. l = angular momentum (subsidiary or azimuthal) quantum number, l = 0,1,2,3,
5) How many orbitals have the quantum numbers n=4 and l = 2?
(a) 14 (b) 10 (c) 7 (d) 5 (e) 3

6) The geometry of unknown compound XY3 in which X and Y are group VIIA
elements is:
a) Trigonal bipyramidal b) Octahedral c) Square planar d) None
7) The basis of the VSEPR model of molecular bonding is __________.
a) regions of electron density on an atom will organize themselves so as to
maximize s-character
b) regions of electron density in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves
so as to maximize overlap
c) electron domains in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to
minimize repulsions
d) atomic orbitals of the bonding atoms must overlap for a bond to form

8) Consider the molecules of F2, F2+ and F2- which of the following is true?

a) F2 has strongest bond b) F2+ is more stable as compared to F2-
c) F2- has bond order of one d) none of the above
9) One of the drawbacks of Dalton’s atomic postulates when compared to Modern
Atomic Theory is:
a) Atoms are the smallest particle of an element that can take place in a chemical
b) Atoms of one element cannot be converted into atoms of another element.
c) Atoms of an element are identical in mass and other properties and are different
from atoms of any other element.
d) Compounds result from the chemical combination of a specific ratio of atoms of
different elements.
10) Of the following doesn’t show Rutherford’s experimental result for atom:
a) He expressed as most of the atom part is empty space.
b) He concluded that the majority of the mass is located in a small, dense region
c) He concluded that the rest parts of the atom contain the much smaller and
negatively charged electrons.
d) Electrons revolve around the nucleus in a fixed energy levels called orbits.
11) Which one of the following types of electromagnetic radiations will absorb highest
a) Uv-visible B. X-ray C. Infra-red D. radio wave
12) Among Quantum numbers which describes the orientation of the orbital in space is:
a) The principal quantum number (n)
b) The angular moment quantum number (l)
c) The magnetic quantum number (ml)
d) The spin quantum number (ms)

13) Which one of the following statements explains about Pauli Exclusion Principle

a) One atomic orbital can accommodate no more than two electrons, and these
electrons must have opposing spins.
b) Of a group of orbitals of identical energy, electrons enter empty orbitals
whenever possible.
c) In a given atom, two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers
(n, l, ml, ms).
d) In the ground state of poly electronic atoms, the electrons are filled in various
subshells in the increasing order of their energy.
14) For principal quantum level n = 6, the number of allowed value of subshells is:
a) 6 B. 10 C. 36 D. 72
15) An element with electronic configuration [X]ns2(n-1)d10 belongs:
a) Noble gas B. alkaline element C. Transition element D. s-block element
16)The equation: Atom (g) + Electron → Anion (g) + Energy; describes?
a) Electronegativity C. Metallic character
b) Electron affinity D. Ionization energy
17)Which one of the following statements is incorrect about periodic characters of an
a) Elements to the left have pronounced metallic character while to the right
nonmetallic character.
b) Electronpositievity is a tendency of an element to gain electrons and hence
decrease down a group.
c) Elements to the bottom have lower electron affinity since increment of atomic
d) Elements to the left have lower ionization energy due to decrease in nuclear
18) Which one of the following elements will have highest first ionization energy? (At
no: Na = 11, K = 19, Mg = 12, Al = 13)
a) Na B. K C. Mg D. Al

19) Which of the following is not true about Hydrogen?

a) It is a non-metal
b) It forms hydrides with metals
c) It exists in three isotopic forms
d) It has strong oxidizing properties like alkali metals
20) The type of hydride that many transition metals form, in which H 2 molecules and H
atoms occupy the holes in the crystal structure of the metal is ____________.
a) Covalent hydride b) Network hydride c) ionic hydride d) interstial hydride
21) Which of the following is not true?
a) Alkali metals have high ionization energy
b) Alkali Metals are never found free in nature
c) Alkali metals have lower heat of atomization than any other group of metals.
d) Alkali metals have lower densities than most metals.
22) Which of the following ores could be used for extraction of Magnesium?
a) Beryl b) Dolomite c) Celestite d) B and C
23) Which statement describes the reactivity of Alkaline earth metals?
a) The metals reduce O2 to form the oxide
b) Members of this group reacts with halogen to form ionic halides
c) Most of the metals reacts with nitrogen to form ionic nitrides
d) All of the above are correct

24) The correct statement regarding group III elements is:

a) The elements of this group react strongly with water
b) Members of this group react with halogen forming trihalides
c) They react with O2 under normal conditions
d) All of the above are correct

25) Cassiterite is ore for mining of

a) Tin b) Lead c) Carbon d) Germanium

26) Carbon differs from other members of the group due to:
a) Its ability to form multiple bonds
b) Its ability to form chain compounds
c) Its limited coordination number of four
d) All of the above
27) Which of the following elements shows the maximum catenation property?
a) Sulfur b) Selenium c) Tellurium d) Oxygen

28) Which is TRUE about the Halogens?

a) form negative ions of charge -2
b) a less reactive halogen can displace a more reactive one from its ionic salt
c) form covalent compounds with other non-metallic elements
d) form ionic compounds with hydrogen
29) According to Rutherford’s the α-particle scattering experiment an atom is
a) Composed of positive sphere in which electrons are embedded

b) Composed of large and dense positive nucleus
c) Composed of light positive nucleus with empty spaces
d) None of the above
30) Which of the following is incorrect?
a) Energy is always released when an electron is dropped from a higher energy
level to a lower one
b) Continuous spectra are usually produced when atoms are energized
c) The energy of hydrogen atom electron depends only on the principal quantum
d) All of the above

31) The wavelength of the spectral line in the visible spectrum of hydrogen for which
the electron drops from the fourth Bohr’s orbit is:
a) 585nm b) 865nm c) 486nm d) 436nm
32) A (π) pi bond is the result of
a) overlap of two p orbitals along their axis
b) Sideways overlap of two parallel p orbitals
c) overlap of an s and a p orbital
d) overlap of two s orbitals
33) According to the valence bond theory:
a) There is formation of new molecular orbital
b) Covalent bond formation is due to overlap of atomic orbitals
c) Hybridization of the surrounding atoms usually occur
d) All of the above
34) Choose the set of quantum numbers that correctly describes an electron in an atom.
a) {3, 2, -3, +1/2} b) {1, 1, 1, -1/2} c) {4, 3, 3, +1/2} d) None

35) Choose the molecule that is incorrectly matched with the molecular geometry about
the central atom?
a) CF4-tetrahedral b) H2O- tetrahedral c) BeCl2-linear d) NH3- pyramidal

36) Which of the following statements is not true?

a) Adding an electron to bonding MO destabilizes the molecule
b) Removal of electron from anti-bonding MO stabilizes the molecule
c) Bonding MO is lower in energy than the anti-bonding MO
d) All of the above
37) According to quantum mechanical theory:
a) The maximum number of electron that a shell can accommodate is two
b) Electron has no well-defined position
c) The spin quantum number depends on the energy of the electron
d) All subshells of a given shell are degenerate

38) According to Bronsted-Lowry concept an acid is:

a) A substance that increase hydronium ion concentration

b) A substance that accepts a proton
c) A substance that donates a proton
d) A substance that increase hydroxide ion concentration

39)Which one of the following is the strongest acid?


40) In Bronsted-Lowry acid-base theory, an acid is defined as a substance which

_________ and a base as one which _________.
a) generates H3O+ ions in aqueous solution; generates OH- ions in aqueous solution
b) accepts a proton; generates OH- ions in aqueous solution
c) generates OH- in aqueous solution; generates H3O+ ion in aqueous solution
d) generates H3O+ ions in aqueous solution; donates a proton e. donates a proton;
accepts a proton
41) The reaction between acetic acid (CH3COOH)and water is written as

42)In the following reaction in aqueous solution, the acid reactant is __________ and its
conjugate base product is __________.

43) Which one of the following is a conjugate acid–base pair?

44) The stronger the acid, __________

a) the stronger its conjugate base. d) the less concentrated the conjugate base.
b) the weaker its conjugate base. e) the more concentrated the conjugate base.
c) the more concentrated the acid.
45) An electron-pair acceptor is a
a) Brønsted-Lowry base b) Lewis acid c) Lewis base d) traditional acid

46) Which molecule has a linear arrangement of all component atoms?

(a) CH4 (b) H2O (c) CO2 (d) NH3

47) What kind of hybrid orbitals are utilized by the carbon atom in CF4 molecules?
(a) sp (b) sp2 (c) sp3 (d) sp3d

48) Which of the following terms accurately describes the energy associated
with the process:
Li(g) Li+(g) + e-
(a) electron affinity
(b) binding energy
(c) ionization energy
(d) electronegativity

49) Which of the following is the correct electron configuration for C2?
(a) 1s 2s2 2py2 *1s2 *2s2 *2py2

(b) 1s2 *1s2 2s2 *2s2 2py2 *2pz1 2p1

(c) 1s2 *1s2 2s2 *2s2 2py2 2pz2
(d) 1s2 *1s2 2s2 *2s2 2py1 2pz1
(e) 1s2 *1s2 2s2 *2s2 2py1 *2py1 2pz1 *2pz1
50) What is the bond order in O2+?
(a) 3.5 (b) 2.0 (c) 1.5 (d) 2.5
51) Antibonding molecular orbitals are produced by
(a) constructive interaction of atomic orbitals.
(b) destructive interaction of atomic orbitals.
(c) the overlap of the atomic orbitals of two negative ions
(d) all of these

52) (BeH2)n is a ______________

a) covalent hydride b) polymeric hydride
c) ionic hydride d) metallic hydride


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