Chapter 2 - PLC Hardware Components

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Lecture 2’s sequence

2.1 The I/O Section

2.2 Discrete I/O Modules

2.3 Analog I/O Modules

2.4 Special I/O Modules

2.5 I/O Specifications

2.6 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Lecture 2’s sequence
2.7 Memory Design

2.8 Memory Types

2.9 Programming Terminal Devices

2.10 Recording and Retrieving Data

2.11 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

2.1. The I/O Section

 The input/output (I/O) section of a PLC is Inputs

the section to which all field devices are
connected and provides the interface
between them and the CPU.

Modular types use external Outputs

I/O modules that plug into
the PLC. Input/output arrangements
are built into a fixed PLC.

I/O Modules
2.1. The I/O Section

 Rack-based I/O section made up of

individual I/O modules
 Input interface modules accept
signals from the machine or
process devices and convert
them into signals that can be
used by the controller.
 Output interface modules convert
controller signals into external signals
used to control the machine or process.
2.1. The I/O Section

 The hardware assembly that houses

I/O modules, processor modules,
and power supplies is referred to as
the chassis.

 A logical rack is an addressable unit

consisting of 128 input points and
128 output points.
2.1. The I/O Section

 The ability to locate The remote rack is linked to the

the I/O modules near local rack through a pair of
the field devices communications modules. A rack is referred to
as a remote rack
minimizes the when it is located
amount of wiring away from the
processor module.
2.1. The I/O Section

 The PLC’s memory system stores information about the status of all the
inputs and outputs. To keep track of all this information, it uses a system
called addressing.
 An address is a label or number that indicates where a certain piece of
information is in a PLC’s memory.
2.1. The I/O Section

 Every input and output device connected to a discrete I/O module is

addressed to a specific bit in the PLC’s memory.

A bit is a binary digit that can be either 1 or 0.

2.1. The I/O Section

 Analog I/O modules use a word

addressing format.

The bit part of the address

is usually not used but can
be addressed by the
programmer if necessary.
2.1. The I/O Section

 I/O modules can be 8-,

16-, 32-, or 64-point

 The points refers to the

number of inputs or
outputs available.

 A high-density 64-point card provides a

greater space saving but with less rated
current output per output.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.1 The I/O Section

2.2 Discrete I/O Modules

2.3 Analog I/O Modules

2.4 Special I/O Modules

2.5 I/O Specifications

2.6 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

2.2. The I/O Section

 The discrete I/O interface module

connects field input devices of the
ON/OFF nature.

The classification of
discrete I/O covers
bit-oriented inputs
and outputs.
2.2. The I/O Section

 Each discrete I/O module is powered by

some field supplied voltage source.

Since these voltages can

be of different magnitude
or type, I/O modules are
available at various AC
and DC voltage ratings.
2.2. The I/O Section

 AC discrete input module block diagram

 The circuit is made up of a power section and a logic section.

 An optical isolator is used to provide electrical isolation between the power and
logic circuitry.
 The input LED turns on or off, indicating the status of the input device.
2.2. The I/O Section

 AC discrete input module schematic diagram

 When the pushbutton is closed, AC is applied to the bridge rectifier input.

 This results in a low-level DC output voltage that is applied across the LED of the
optical isolator.
 When light from
the LED strikes the
phototransistor, it
switches it into
2.2. The I/O Section

 AC discrete output module block diagram

 The module is composed of the power section and the logic section, coupled by
an isolation circuit.
 The power output interface can be thought of as an electronic switch that turns
the output load device on and off.
2.2. The I/O Section

 AC discrete output module schematic diagram

 When the processor calls for the output load to be energized, a voltage is applied
across the LED of the opto-isolator.

 This in turn triggers the

triac AC semiconductor
switch into conduction
allowing current to flow
to the output load.
2.2. The I/O Section

 Discrete output
modules are
used to turn
field output
devices either
on or off.

 Output modules can be purchased with

transistor, triac, or relay output.
2.2. The I/O Section

 Certain DC I/O modules specify whether the module is designed for

interfacing with current-source or current-sink devices.
 If the module is a
module, then the
input or output
devices must be a
2.2. The I/O Section

 Certain DC I/O modules specify whether the module is designed for

interfacing with current-source or current-sink devices.
 If the module is a
module, then the
input or output
devices must be a
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.1 The I/O Section

2.2 Discrete I/O Modules

2.3 Analog I/O Modules

2.4 Special I/O Modules

2.5 I/O Specifications

2.6 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

2.3. Analog I/O Modules

 Analog input and output devices have an infinite number of values

 Typical analog inputs and
outputs vary from 0 to 20
mA, 4 to 20 mA, or 0 to 10 V.
 The analog input interface
module accepts an analog
signal and converts it to a
digital signal.
 The analog output module accepts a digital signal and converts it to an analog
signal that operates the output.
2.3. Analog I/O Modules

 The main element of the analog input module is an analog-to-digital

(A/D) converter
 Bipolar input modules can accept signals that swing between a negative
and positive value
 Unipolar input modules can
accept an input signal that varies
in the positive direction only
 Resolution refers to the smallest
change in input signal value that
can be sensed
2.3. Analog I/O Modules

 Field devices that provide an analog output connected to transmitters,

which in turn send the analog signal to the module.
 A transducer converts a field device’s variable (e.g., pressure, temperature
etc.) into a very low-level electric signal (current or voltage).

 A transmitter is used to amplify

the electric signal and then send
it to the analog module
2.3. Analog I/O Modules

 The main element of the analog output

module is a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter
 The analog output module receives from the
processor digital data, which are converted into a
proportional voltage or current to control an analog
field device.

 The analog output signal is varied under the control

of the PLC program and can be used for control of an
analog control valve.
2.3. Analog I/O Modules

 Analog I/O control system

The PLC controls the amount of
fluid placed in a holding tank by
adjusting the percentage of the
valve opening.

 The valve is initially opened 100%.

 As the fluid level in the tank approaches the

preset point, the processor modifies the output,
which adjusts the valve to maintain a set point.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.1 The I/O Section

2.2 Discrete I/O Modules

2.3 Analog I/O Modules

2.4 Special I/O Modules

2.5 I/O Specifications

2.6 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

2.4. Special I/O Modules

 High-speed counter modules are used to count

pulses from sensors, encoders, and switches
that operate at very high speeds.

They have the electronics needed to

count independently of the processor.

A typical count rate available is 0 to 100 kHz,

which means the module would be able to
count 100,000 pulses per second.
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 The stepper-motor module provides pulse trains to a stepper-motor

translator, which enables control of a stepper motor.

The commands for the module are determined by the control program in the PLC
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 The proportional-
(PID) module is used
in process control
applications that
incorporate PID

This arrangement prevents the CPU

from being burdened with complex
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 Motion and position

control modules are used
in applications involving
accurate high-speed
machining and packaging

Intelligent position and motion control

modules permit PLCs to control stepper
and servo motors.
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 The BCD-output module enables a PLC to operate devices that require

BCD-coded signals such as seven-segment displays
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 The thumbwheel module allows

the use of thumbwheel switches
for feeding information to the
PLC to be used in the control
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 The TTL module allows the transmitting and

receiving of TTL (Transistor-Transistor-Logic)

 This module allows devices that produce TTL-

level signals to communicate with the PLC’s
2.4. Special I/O Modules

 Serial communications modules are

used to establish point-to-point
connections with other intelligent
devices for the exchange of data.

Communication modules
provide for connection to
PLC networks.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.1 The I/O Section

2.2 Discrete I/O Modules

2.3 Analog I/O Modules

2.4 Special I/O Modules

2.5 I/O Specifications

2.6 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

2.5. I/O Specifications

 Discrete I/O Module Specifications

 Nominal Input Voltage - Specifies the magnitude (e.g., 5 V, 24 V, 230 V) and
type (AC or DC) of user-supplied voltage that a module is designed to accept.
 Input Threshold Voltages - Specifies the minimum ON-state voltage at which
logic 1 is recognized and the maximum OFF-state voltage at which logic 0 is
 Nominal Current Per Input - Specifies the minimum input current that the
discrete input devices must be capable of driving to operate the input
2.5. I/O Specifications

 Discrete I/O Module Specifications

 Ambient Temperature Rating - Specifies what the maximum temperature of
the air surrounding the I/O modules should be for best operating conditions.
 Input ON/OFF Delay (response time) - Specifies the maximum time duration
required by an input module’s circuitry to recognize that a field device has
switched ON (input ON-delay) or switched OFF (input OFF-delay).
 Output Voltage - This AC or DC value specifies the magnitude (e.g., 5 V, 115
V, 230 V) and type (AC or DC) of user-supplied voltage at which a discrete
output module is designed to operate.
2.5. I/O Specifications

 Discrete I/O Module Specifications

 Output Current (maximum continuous current or maximum load current) -
Specifies the maximum current that a single output and the module can
safely carry under load (at rated voltage).
 Inrush Current - Specifies the maximum inrush current and duration (e.g., 20
A for 0.1 s) for which an output circuit can exceed its maximum continuous
current rating.
 Short Circuit Protection - Specifies whether the output module’s design has
individual protection for each circuit or if fuse protection is provided for
groups (e.g., 4 or 8) of outputs.
2.5. I/O Specifications

 Discrete I/O Module Specifications

 Leakage Current - This value specifies the amount of current still conducting
through an output circuit even after the output has been turned off.

 Electrical Isolation - The specification for electrical

isolation, typically 1500- or 2500-volts AC, rates the
module’s capacity for sustaining an excessive voltage
at its input or output terminals.

 Points Per Module - This specification defines the number of field inputs or
outputs that can be connected to a single module.
2.5. I/O Specifications

 Discrete I/O Module Specifications

 Backplane Current Draw - This value indicates the amount of current the
module requires from the backplane. The sum of the backplane current
drawn for all modules in a chassis is used to select the appropriate chassis
power supply rating.


2.5. I/O Specifications

 Analog I/O Module Specifications

 Channels Per Module - Whereas individual circuits on discrete I/O modules
are specified as points per module, circuits on analog I/O modules are
specified as channels per module.
 Input Current/Voltage Range(s) - These are the voltage or current signal
ranges that an analog input module is designed to accept.
 Output Current/Voltage Range(s) - This specification defines the current or
voltage signal ranges that a particular analog output module is designed to
output under program control.
2.5. I/O Specifications

 Analog I/O Module Specifications

 Input Protection - Analog input circuits are usually protected against
accidentally connecting a voltage that exceeds the specified input voltage
 Resolution - The resolution specifies how accurately an analog value can be
represented digitally. This will determine the smallest measurable unit of
current or voltage change that can be detected.
 Input Impedance and Capacitance - For analog I/Os, these values must be
matched to the external device connected to the module. Typical ratings
are in the Megohm and Picofarad range.
2.5. I/O Specifications

 Analog I/O Module Specifications

 Common-Mode Rejection - Noise is
generally caused by electromagnetic
interference, radio frequency
interference, and ground loops.

Noise that is picked up equally in

parallel wires is rejected because
the difference is zero. Twisted pair
wires are used to ensure that this
type of noise is equal on both wires.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.1 The I/O Section

2.2 Discrete I/O Modules

2.3 Analog I/O Modules

2.4 Special I/O Modules

2.5 I/O Specifications

2.6 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

2.6. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 The central processing unit (CPU) is built

into fixed PLCs while modular types
typically use a plug-in module.

CPU, controller, and processor are all terms used by different manufacturers to
denote the same module that performs basically the same functions.
2.6. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 A processor module can be

divided into two sections:
the CPU section and the
memory section

The CPU executes

the program.

The memory stores the

program along with
other retrievable data.
2.6. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 The CPU of a PLC system may

contain more than one processor.

Fault-tolerant PLC systems support

dual processors for critical processes.
These systems allow the user to
configure the system with redundant
(two) processors, which allows transfer
of control to the second processor in
the event of a processor fault.
2.6. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Many electronic components

found in processors and other
types of PLC modules are sensitive
to electrostatic voltages that can
degrade their performance or
damage them.

When not in use, store modules

in a static-shield bag.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.7 Memory Design

2.8 Memory Types

2.9 Programming Terminal Devices

2.10 Recording and Retrieving Data

2.11 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

2.7. Memory Design

 Memory is the element that stores

information, programs, and data in
a PLC.

The complexity of the

program determines
the amount of memory
2.7. Memory Design

 Memory location refers to an address in the CPU’s memory where a

binary word can be stored. Each binary piece of data is a bit and eight
bits make up one byte.

The program is stored in the memory as 1s and 0s,

which are typically assembled in the form of 16-bit
2.7. Memory Design

 Sections of memory
used to store the
status of inputs are
called input status
files or tables.
2.7. Memory Design

 Sections of memory used to store the status of outputs are called output
status files or tables.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.7 Memory Design

2.8 Memory Types

2.9 Programming Terminal Devices

2.10 Recording and Retrieving Data

2.11 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

2.8. Memory Types

 Memory types can be placed into two general categories: volatile and
 Nonvolatile memory can retain stored information when power is
removed accidentally or intentionally.
 Volatile memory will lose its stored information if all operating power is
lost or removed.
 PLCs have programmable memory that allows users to develop and modify
control programs. This memory is made nonvolatile so that if power is lost,
the PLC holds its programming.
2.8. Memory Types

 Nonvolatile Read Only Memory (ROM) stores programs, and data that
cannot be changed after the memory chip has been manufactured.

 ROM is used by the PLC

for the operating system
and controls the system
software that the user
uses to program the PLC.
2.8. Memory Types

 Random Access Memory (RAM) is designed so that information can be

written into or read from the memory.
 PLCs use RAM as a temporary
storage area of data that may
need to be quickly changed.
 RAM is volatile so battery
backup is required for it to
avoid losing data in the event
of a power loss.
2.8. Memory Types

 Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) provides some

level of security against unauthorized or unwanted changes in a
 EPROMs are designed so
that data stored in them
can be read, but not easily
altered without special

UV EPROM memory can only be

erased with an ultraviolet light.
2.8. Memory Types

 Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) is a

nonvolatile memory that offers the same programming flexibility as
does RAM.
 The EEPROM can be electrically
overwritten with new data instead of
being erased with ultraviolet light.

Because the EEPROM is nonvolatile

memory, it does not require battery
2.8. Memory Types

 Flash EEPROMs are like EEPROMs in that they can only be used for
backup storage.
 Flash memory is extremely fast
at saving and retrieving files.
 Flash memory is also sometimes
built into the processor module,
where it automatically backs up
parts of RAM.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.7 Memory Design

2.8 Memory Types

2.9 Programming Terminal Devices

2.10 Recording and Retrieving Data

2.11 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

2.9. Programming Terminal Devices

 A programming terminal device is needed to enter, modify, and

troubleshoot the PLC program.

 The hand-held proprietary

programming terminal has a
connecting cable so that it can
be plugged into a PLC’s
programming port.

 Hand-held programmers are

compact and inexpensive but
have limited display capabilities.
2.9. Programming Terminal Devices

 The most popular method

of PLC programming is to
use a personal computer
in conjunction with the
programming software.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.7 Memory Design

2.8 Memory Types

2.9 Programming Terminal Devices

2.10 Recording and Retrieving Data

2.11 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

2.10. Recording and Retrieving Data

 Printers are used to provide

hard-copy printouts of the
processor’s memory in ladder
program format.

A printout can show programs

of any length and analyze the
complete program.
2.10. Recording and Retrieving Data

 The program in the PLC is

entered directly from the
keyboard or downloaded
from the computer hard drive
or thumb drive.
2.10. Recording and Retrieving Data

 Some CPUs support the

use of a memory cartridge
that provides portable
EEPROM storage for the
user program.

The cartridge can be used to copy a program

from one PLC to another similar type PLC.
Lecture 2’s sequence
2.7 Memory Design

2.8 Memory Types

2.9 Programming Terminal Devices

2.10 Recording and Retrieving Data

2.11 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

2.11. Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

 A human machine interface (HMI) can be connected to communicate

with a PLC and to replace pushbuttons, selector switches, pilot lights,
thumbwheels, and other operator control panel devices.
2.11. Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

 Human machine interfaces allow you to view the operation in real time.
 You can configure display
screens to:
 Replace hardwired pushbuttons
and pilot lights with realistic-
looking icons.
 Allow the operator to change
timer and counter presets.
 Show alarms, complete with
time of occurrence.
2.11. Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

 Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) provide a means of controlling,

monitoring, managing, and/or visualizing device processes.
 Set up the communication with the PLC to configure all necessary software and hardware
 Create the tag database to import tags
from the PLC programming software.
 Insert the graphical objects on the
 Animate the objects to allow an
operator to change tag values or
display animation.

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