CBSE Class 7 English Conjunctions Worksheet

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CBSE Class 7 English Conjunctions Worksheet

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Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 English Conjunctions Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 English can get free printable Worksheets for
Class 7 English Conjunctions in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice
questions and answers given here for English in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should
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Worksheet for Class 7 English Conjunctions

Class 7 English students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf for Conjunctions in Class 7. This test paper with questions and answers for Class
7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 7 English Worksheet for Conjunctions

Fill in the blanks with correct conjunctions.

1. One of the most popular rhymes is about a girl called Mary.................................. her little lamb.
2. I enjoy playing badminton .................................. I don’t like football.
3. We all were very tired .................................. we went to bed.
4. .................................. you don’t work hard, you may fail in your test.
5. Piyush and Aditya were late .................................. the tyre of the car was punctured.
6. I am sure .................................. you will like the pudding.
7. .................................. we were getting late but we still waited for Neerja.
8. People ran for shelter .................................. it started raining.
9. Do you want an ice cream ................................ a cold drink?
10. She is .......................... a dancer ........................ a musician.
1. and 2. but 3. so
4. if 5. because 6. that
7. though 8. as 9. or
10. not only, but also

Use the following conjunctions to make the sentences of your own.

1. and
Answer. I like mangoes and apples.

2. but
Answer. We tried hard but could not win the match.

3. because
Answer. She is not coming to office because she is not well.

4. until
Answer. Until you tell me the truth, you will not go.

5. either ...... or
Answer. Either Amit or Sumit will come to your house.
6. though
Answer. Though we were getting late but we still managed to reach on time.

7. that
Answer. Tell them that I am not well.

8. for
Answer. Justin and Mark could not see, for they were blind.

9. since
Answer. Since it was Earth Day, I planted a sapling.

10. not only ...... but also

Answer. We went not only to the park but also to the zoo.

Conjunctions: and, but, or, so Questions for Class 7 English

Question. We will visit Australia ....... New Zealand during our next vacation.
(a) and
(b) but
(c) so
Answer. A

Question. My teeth were hurting ....... I made an appointment to go the dentist.

(a) or
(b) so
(c) but
Answer. B

Question. Have you seen ....... heard the latest musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber?
(a) but
(b) so
(c) or
Answer. C

Question. I wanted to go to the rock concert ....... all the tickets were already sold out.
(a) so
(b) but
(c) and
Answer. B

Question. I wanted to eat sushi for dinner ....... I went to a Japanese restaurant.
(a) but
(b) so
(c) or
Answer. B

Question. I wanted to eat fish for lunch ....... the fish and chip shop had closed for the day.
(a) or
(b) but
(c) so
Answer. B

Question. I am going to do my homework ....... take a shower when I get home from school.
(a) and
(b) but
(c) so
Answer. A

Question. My father wanted to watch a soccer match on television ....... my mother was already watching another program.
(a) but
(b) so
(c) or
Answer. A

Question. My brother wanted to buy a novel ....... I went to the book store after I finished work.
(a) so
(b) or
(c) but
Answer. A

Question. I wanted to visit my grandmother last week ....... she had an accident and had to be taken to hospital.
(a) but
(b) or
(c) so
Answer. A

Common subordinating conjunctions Questions for Class 7 English

Question. Builders use plywood in the construction of small boats ....... it is easy to shape.
(a) although
(b) because
(c) after
(d) while
Answer. B

Question. I haven't spoken with Jane ....... she moved.

(a) unless
(b) while
(c) since
(d) although
Answer. C

Question. Airplanes sometimes fly to unscheduled cities ....... the weather is bad.
(a) when
(b) where
(c) wherever
(d) whereas
Answer. A

Question. Please read the book ....... it's still available from the library.
(a) before
(b) although
(c) since
(d) while
Answer. D

Question. Everybody had dessert ....... they finished eating the main course.
(a) while
(b) because
(c) until
(d) after
Answer. D

Question. The pep rally won't begin ....... the last class of the day has ended.
(a) until
(b) so that
(c) since
(d) than
Answer. A

Question. Elena will groom the horse in the morning ....... she can ride it in the afternoon.
(a) until
(b) unless
(c) so that
(d) when
Answer. C

Question. You will receive extra credit ....... you turn in your project early.
(a) although
(b) than
(c) if
(d) unless
Answer. C

Question. The concert will end at 10.30 p.m. ....... the audience insists on several encores.
(a) while
(b) unless
(c) though
(d) as
Answer. B

Question. ....... they feel threatened, dogs sometimes display aggressive behavior.
(a) Until
(b) Where
(c) When
(d) Before
Answer. C


Spinning Round and Round

North of the equator, hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons spin in a counterclockwise direction. South of the equator, storms spin in the opposite direction.
Why is this so?
To answer the question, fi nd the interjection in each sentence below. In the parentheses after each sentence, a letter is called for. Find this letter in the
interjection, and write the letter in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. The fi rst one is done for you. You will need to divide the letters
into words.

1. I haven’t started my report about the Earth for science. Good grief! (ninth letter)
Answer. F (good grief)

2. Yikes! I also have a book report due on the same day. (second letter)
Answer. I (yikes)
3. Oh, no! I just remembered I have a history assignment, too. (third letter)
Answer. N (oh, no)

4. Hey, things could be worse. (second letter)

Answer. E (hey)

5. At least I have no other assignments. Phew! (second letter)

Answer. H (phew)

6. Oops, I forgot about math. (fi rst letter)

Answer. O (oops)

7. That is one more thing to do. Great! (fi fth letter)

Answer. T (great)

8. Ah, if I start right now, I’ll be able to fi nish everything. (fi rst letter)
Answer. A (ah)

9. Hooray! I’m done. (fourth letter)

Answer. R (hooray)

Unusual Bird

Although this bird cannot fl y, it is an excellent swimmer. What is it?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Determine whether all of the underlined words make up prepositional phrases. If all of the underlined words
are prepositional phrases, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If any underlined words in the sentence
are not a part of a prepositional phrase, or if a prepositional phrase is not entirely underlined, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to divide the letters into

1. Annie enjoys going to wilderness areas with her mother.

U. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. U

2. While in these places, they observe birds and other wildlife.

D. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. E

3. Annie’s mother is a biologist who studies animals in their natural environment.

R. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. A

4. Annie would like to be a biologist someday and help her mother with her work.
S. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. N

5. While working together, they have observed many interesting animals in many surroundings.
E. Correct
P. Incorrect
Answer. P

6. Although her mother is most interested in mammals, Annie is more interested in birds.
I. Correct
K. Incorrect
Answer. I

7. Along with eagles, Annie is especially interested in hawks and falcons.

N. Correct
H. Incorrect
Answer. N

8. In Annie’s opinion, being a biologist is the best job in the world.

G. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. G

Fresh Water

Nearly 20 percent of the world’s fresh water is found in these bodies of water. What are they called?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. Determine whether the underlined prepositional phrase is used as an adjective or adverb. If the phrase is used
as an adjective, write the letter for “adjective” in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the phrase is used as an adverb, write the letter
for “adverb.” You will need to reverse and divide the letters into words.

1. About 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water.

Z. Adjective
T. Adverb
Answer. T

2. Most of the world’s water is contained in the oceans.

R. Adjective
L. Adverb
Answer. L
3. Water is essential for life.
M. Adjective
R. Adverb
Answer. R

4. Many different kinds of animals require fresh water to survive.

S. Adjective
N. Adverb
Answer. S

5. Fresh water is found in ponds, rivers, and lakes.

A. Adjective
E. Adverb
Answer. E

6. Great amounts of fresh water are trapped in ice at the Earth’s poles.
K. Adjective
L. Adverb
Answer. K

7. If the ice at the poles melted, sea levels would rise hundreds of feet.
G. Adjective
A. Adverb
Answer. G

8. Some of the world’s biggest cities would be fl ooded.

A. Adjective
O. Adverb
Answer. A

Very Old Fish

Scientists consider the paddlefi sh to be a living fossil. It has been around for about 230 million years. It is found in two places today. One of these places is
China. What is the other?
To answer the question, match the words and phrases that follow with their most accurate label. Choose your answers from the terms below the words. Write the
letter of each answer in the space above its number at the bottom of the page. If there is no match, write the letter for “no match.” You will need to divide the
letters into words.
1. while 2. of 3. although 4. to
5. during school 6. as soon as 7. and 8. unless
9. because 10. oh, no 11. for 12. at
13. but 14. in the garden 15. evening 16. either . . . or
S. Preposition
R. Coordinating conjunction
I. Subordinating conjunction
E. Interjection
V. Correlative conjunction
P. Prepositional phrase
M. No match
1. I 2. S 3. I 4. S 5. P 6. I 7. R 8. I 9. I 10. E 11. S 12. S 13. R 14. P 15. M 16. V

Making Waves

An earthquake is a shaking of the Earth’s crust. When an earthquake occurs beneath the sea, powerful waves may result. What is the Japanese name for these
great waves?
To answer the question, name the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence below. Choose your answers from the parts of speech that follow the
sentences. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. One answer is not used.

1. Wind causes most waves on the ocean.

Answer. preposition

2. When winds blow lightly, waves are small and gentle.

Answer. adverb

3. Powerful winds can cause great storms and waves.

Answer. adjective

4. Victoria lives on the East Coast, close to the sea.

Answer. verb

5. She enjoys swimming and surfi ng.

Answer. conjunction

6. She and her friends love the beach.

Answer. pronoun

7. Victoria is always sad when the summer ends.

Answer. noun

Fill in the blanks with correct Conjunctions from the list given below:

[and, but, or, therefore, otherwise, so, still, as well as]

1. The box was heavy_____________ he could not lift it.
2. He failed_____________ he tried again.
3. Rashi is quite rich_____________ she is not happy.
4. She has passed_____________ her brother has failed.
5. Walk fast_____________ you will miss the train.
6. The sun rose_____________ the fog disappeared.
7. He_____________ his brother are very good players.
8. Tom worked very hard_____________ he didn’t stand first.
9. He is slow____________ steady.
10. Work hard_____________ you will fail.
11. Mohan is poor _____________ he is honest.
12. Varun came_____________ sat by my side.

Fill in the blanks with suitable Subordinate Conjunctions:

1. We waited_____________ our friend arrived.

2. This is the boy_____________ has stood first.
3. I returned home _____________ he had gone.
4. He found his watch _____________ he had left it.
5. _____________ it is raining, I cannot go to school.
6. He reached home_____________ the sun had set.
7. Make hay_____________ the sun shines.
8. Hurry up_____________ you are getting late.
9. This is the place_____________ the accident took place.
10. _____________ you sow, so shall you reap.

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 Tenses Worksheet for Class 7 English

CBSE Class 7 English Tenses Worksheet Set A (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-tense-217133.html)

CBSE Class 7 English Tenses Worksheet Set B (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-practice-worksheet-tenses-201132.html)

CBSE Class 7 English Tenses Worksheet Set C (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-prose-worksheet-b-tenses-173182.html)

CBSE Class 7 English Tenses Worksheet Set D (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-tense-217140.html)

 Writing Grammar Worksheet for Class 7 English

CBSE Class 7 English Writing Grammar Worksheet Set A (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-writing-grammer-217152.html)

CBSE Class 7 English Writing Grammar Worksheet Set B (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-writing-217153.html)

CBSE Class 7 English Writing Grammar Worksheet Set C (/printable-worksheet-english-cbse-class-7-english-writing-1-217151.html)

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NCERT Class 7 English Worksheets (/tags/ncert-class-7-english-worksheets-13171.html)

CBSE Class 7 English Conjunctions Worksheet

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Conjunctions designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 7 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 7
should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 7 English on a daily basis. All the latest
worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and
practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Studiestoday ( is the best portal for Class 7 students to get all
the latest study material free of cost.

Worksheet for English CBSE Class 7 Conjunctions

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 7 English ( to
develop the English Class 7 worksheet. If you download the practice worksheet for one chapter daily, you will get higher and better marks in Class 7 exams this
year as you will have stronger concepts. Daily questions practice of English worksheet and its study material will help students to have a stronger understanding
of all concepts and also make them experts on all scoring topics. You can easily download and save all revision worksheet for Class 7 English also from ( without paying anything in Pdf format. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have
been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 English (
solution/86/english.html) designed by our teachers

Conjunctions worksheet English CBSE Class 7

All worksheets given above for Class 7 English have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of Class
7 can be rest assured that the answers have been also provided by our teachers for all worksheet of English so that you are able to solve the questions and then
compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 English
( in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each
chapter. All study material for Class 7 English students have been given on studiestoday.

Conjunctions CBSE Class 7 English Worksheet

Regular worksheet practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Conjunctions concepts.
Worksheets play an important role in developing an understanding of Conjunctions in CBSE Class 7. Students can download and save or print all the worksheets,
printable assignments, and practice sheets of the above chapter in Class 7 English in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your
computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to Class 7 English MCQ Test (
test/86/english.html) for the same chapter.

Worksheet for CBSE English Class 7 Conjunctions

CBSE Class 7 English best textbooks have been used for writing the problems given in the above worksheet. If you have tests coming up then you should revise all
concepts relating to Conjunctions and then take out a print of the above worksheet and attempt all problems. We have also provided a lot of other Worksheets for
Class 7 English ( which you can use to further make yourself better in English

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 7 English Conjunctions

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 7 English Conjunctions for latest session from

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Are the Class 7 English Conjunctions Printable worksheets available for the latest session

How can I download the Class 7 English Conjunctions Printable worksheets

Is there any charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 7 English Conjunctions

How can I improve my scores by solving questions given in Printable worksheets in Class 7 English Conjunctions

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Can test papers for Class 7 English Conjunctions be accessed on mobile devices

Are worksheets for Conjunctions Class 7 English available in multiple languages

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Online Test (/online-test/67/cbse.html)

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Latest NCERT & CBSE News

Pariksha Pe Charcha (/blog-entry-pariksha-pe-charcha-479029.html)

 The 7th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC), an interactive program of Hon’ble Prime Minister with students, teachers and parents, will be held
in a town-hall format at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi in January/February 2024. In order to register and select…

CBSE Exams Conselling (/blog-entry-cbse-exams-conselling-479030.html)

 The CBSE will provide psychological counselling facility to students and parents from 1st January, 2024. The exam schedule for practical and
theory papers has already been announced from 1st January, 2024 and 15th February, 2024 respectively. The psychological…

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