Link Canal (Inchampalli To Nagarjunasagar)

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Journal of Geology and Mining Research Vol. 4(4), pp.

75-85, May 2012

Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/JGMR11.045
ISSN 2006-9766 ©2012 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Geological and environmental issues of the proposed

link canal (Inchampalli to Nagarjunasagar) of Godavari
to Krishna Rivers adopting remote sensing and
geographical information system (GIS)
B. Surya Prakasa Rao*, N. Srinivas, N. Bhaskara Rao, S. V. J. S. S. Rajesh and
P. Pernaidu
Department of Geo-Engineering, College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530 003, India.
Accepted 8 March, 2012

Extremely erratic rainfall, unevenly distributed and very heavy precipitation in short time resulting in
flash floods and inundation in India became a usual phenomena in recent years. At every event, a huge
quantity of water is being wasted into the sea as run-off quite frequently due to inadequate harvesting
structures. This huge run-off / surplus water can be harvested through the proposed linking of river
basins envisaged by National Water Development Agency (NWDA). Out of the total mega projects, the
NWDA suggested three link canals from Godvari to Krishna basin, to harvest the surplus water as well
as to transfer flood water from Godavari. The Godavari (Inchampalli) - Krishna (Nagarjunasagar) link
canal and its possible impact on the socio-economic and infrastructural forms the present study. The
link canal of length 299 km (including a tunnel of 9.150 km) is proposed in the upper reaches
connecting Godavari and Krishna basins succeeded by two other links towards their downstream. It
takes off from the foreshore of the Inchampalli reservoir and joins the existing Nagarjunasagar via Musi
reservoir. IRS-1D, LISS-III data is analysed for morphological, geological and land use/land cover
information. Geology, geomorphology and soil base maps were obtained and updated with remote
sensing data and their aerial distribution in the study area was discussed. The study includes 10 km
buffer area on either side of the alignment and the proposed canal command area (5157.48 Sq km)
spread in Warangal and Nalgonda districts. The canal command area is occupied by dry land and
wasteland classes. Pediplain weathered is the main landform that occupied major part of the study
area. The study area in Warangal district is mostly occupied by unclassified crystalline rocks of
Archean age. Fine to medium grained, granite gneisses and migmatities of older metamorphics from
chainage 102 km to the end point of the canal. Deep loamy soil, deep clayey soil, deep clayey
calcareous soil and gravelly clay soils are dominant in the canal study area. Clayey and loamy soils are
suitable for wet / dry crops and gravely calcareous for plantations and dry crops. The study revealed
that 23 villages are to be rehabilitated while executing the canal and about 816 villages would benefit
from it by way of drinking water / groundwater in addition to crop requirements.

Key words: Link canal, donor basin, command area, geomorphology.


Our planet is facing a water crisis in public health: more safe drinking water, and more than 2 billion lack proper
than a billion people in developing nations lack access to sanitation. And in the near future, water shortages are
likely to spread into other key sectors — notably
agriculture and energy (Nature, 2008). The resulting
pressures on water supplies are unrelenting. Global
energy demand is projected to increase 57% by 2030,
*Corresponding author Email: [email protected]. and water demand for food production might easily double.
76 J. Geol. Min. Res.

Unless policy-makers want water resources to be out many curses of poverty. The study so far conducted
constantly squabbled and fought over, with farmers pitted on the proposed links connecting Mahanadi with Andhra
against city dwellers, upstream users against downstream Pradesh and Tamilnadu shows the possibility of bringing
users, and region against region, every nation needs to nearly 7000 Sq km area of an un-irrigated, wasteland
think about water strategically. The Inchampalli - come under irrigation in Andhra Pradesh alone. Many
Nagarjunasagar link forms a part of the scheme of earlier reviewers (Radhakrishna, 2003, 2004; Reddy,
transfer of surplus waters of Mahanadi and Godavari 2003; Ranjit, 2004; Rajamani, 2005; Govindaswamy,
rivers to the deficit basins of Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery and 2007) have discussed the pros and cons of linking of river
Vaighai in the south. basins in India. Even though the problem seems to raise
Linking of basins through canals is not a new concept, many controversies, the country is now going ahead at
but has been in practice since times immemorial. Inter- intra-state level with projects like Buckingham canal in
basin water transfer was primarily envisaged by Rao Taminadu and Eleru in Andhra Pradesh and inter-state
(1973). The National Water Development Authority project like Almatti and Telugu Ganga which are in
(NWDA-2003) after a thorough study indicated that successful operation adopting methods to reduce losses
Himalayan rivers, especially, Brahmaputra and Ganga in social sector.
have exceedingly surplus quantum of water, and hence,
proposed transfer of water from these surplus basins to
deficit basins in peninsular region (Vidyasagar, 2003; GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA
Reddy, 2003). The present Telugu Ganga project
supplying Krishna river waters to Chennai city, Yeleru The link canal of length 299 km is taking off from the
reservoir water in East Godavari district to foreshore of the Inchampalli reservoir and out-falling into
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, etc., have been successfully the existing Nagarjunasagar reservoir. The canal passes
implemented. The Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghua basins through Kharimnagar, Warangal and Khammam districts.
with an area of 33% in the total river basin area in the The water received at the tail end of the link canal will be
country, contribute 62% of water resources (Patel, 2003). stored in the existing Nagarjunasagar reservoir on the
These basins, rich in both groundwater and surface water Krishna River. The total study area is 8820.13 sq km and
resources are the potential water resource-donor basins ’ ’
it is bounded by 79°5 55’’ - 80°6 49’’ E longitude and
to the water resource deficit basins. Shivaji (2003) 16°33’17” - 18°51’1” N latitude. It covers 40 topographic
strongly recommends that interlinking of river is inevitable maps surveyed in India (SOI) which are connected in a
to prevent the water and food famines by 2025. Kesava mosaic to study the area. Since most of the information
(2003) also appealed for a careful full-length study by used for impact assessment has some form of spatial
engineers and scientists before implementing the river content, we extensively use geographic information
linking project. In the year 2009 the rainfall is quite erratic system (GIS) in this study.
and recorded only 30% of annual rainfall in 280 districts From the topo-sheet mosaic prepared earlier, all
in India. The agricultural drought is declared in 280 settlements are extracted in GIS environment and district
districts out of 593 in India in the year 2009. The boundary, mandal boundary and villages of each mandal
recurrence of drought almost every year has resulted in are integrated as shown in Figure 1.
severe scarcity of drinking and irrigation water leading to The canal originates from Kudurapalli village of
starvation, deaths and suicides of nearly 1500 farmers. Mahadevpur mandal and passes through many mandals
The drought-affected area would be nearly 50% in the and villages of karimnagar district. After Karimnagar, it
country every year. The situation demands an efficient enters Warangal and Nalgonda districts, where the
and judicious management of available water resources command area is located. It has a plain land occupying
for optimum utilization and their sustainability for the food large numbers of villages. In Warangal district canal
and observed security of posterity. Rainfall and floods passes through many villages of different mandals. The
being natural phenomena, their occurrence cannot be village density is considered to be high in this part of the
changed, linking of frequently flood-prone high rainfall canal study area. The canal joins Nagarjunasagar in
and surplus river basins with the seasonal rivers in the Peddavara mandal.
drought prone areas is to be considered from all aspects, One kilometer buffer is created in Arc GIS on either
hydrological, economic environmental, socioeconomic side of canal alignment and it was found that 23 villages
and political, predicting and weighing the individual and fall within the buffer area and these are to be rehabilitated
integrated impacts. The present study has to do with the during the construction of link canal.
peninsular links and its environmental impact on
execution. It was found on the field that an increase in
irrigated land after the linking of canals in local area
increased the productivity of land in Tribal areas Topography along the link canal
(Vasudeva, 2004). Jain et al. (2008) visualized this project
and decided that, it will be the ambitious scheme in the The link canal originates from Inchampalli reservoir and
history of India. Successful completion will rapidly wipe passes through Mahadevpur, Kataram and Mutharam
Rao et al. 77

Figure 1. Location of the study area with district and mandals.

Mahadevpur mandals of undulating elevated terrain, Venkatapur mandals, where it is traversing through forest
which is characterized by wastelands. After Mutharam plantations and hilly region. Beyond Bupalpalli mandal
mandal, the link canal passes through Bupalapalli and the canal traverses the plain areas of Warangal district.
78 J. Geol. Min. Res.

Figure 2. Geology map of the study area.

Beyond Jagireddigudem, the link crosses Musi River and studied to evaluate the environmental issues resulting from the
it traverses through plain madals of Kaligowdaram, alignment. Link canal alignment, study area buffer coverages were
created in the Arc GIS. Each layer is taken in the Arc map and
Kethepalli, etc. From Nalgonda district, the link passes overlaid alignment, and study area, buffers and quantifications are
through a chain of tanks and drainage system of various made and discussed with illustrations. IRS-1D LISS-III data is
streams up to Kanakar mandal. Next to this mandal, the analysed to evaluate the state of art land use / land cover pattern
link crosses another river and through many tanks and supported by ground truth.
natural drains of the area near Paddhahra mandal, and
finally, joins Nagarjunasagar reservoir in Padhahar
Geological setting

MATERIALS AND METHODS The study area of the link canal is a part of Eastern Ghats super
group. Broadly, the Inchampalli – Nagarjunasagar link canal passes
The method of the study consists of four main steps. In the first through three major geological domains, Gondwana super group,
step, digital GIS database were generated on different thematic peninsular gneissic complex and medium grained granite gneisses
maps such as surface lineaments, drainage, point data, geology, (Figure 2). The study area in the Karimnagar district is occupied
geomorphology and soils. The second, third and fourth steps with lower Gondwana system of rocks and a small part by upper
involve GIS integration of several data sets, and finally, they bring Gondwana. Gondwana super group of rocks comprises pebbly/
out the environmental impact in the study area. Geological setting, feldspathic sandstones, ferruginous sandstones, siltstones, shales
morphological features, various soils and land use land cover were and dolomitic limestones; and sandstones belonging to Penganga
Rao et al. 79

Table 1. Aerial extent of various rocks in the study area.

Type of rock Alignment length (km) Area occupied (Sq km)

Upper Gondwana system 14.75 331.93
Lower Gondwana system 50.39 1023.97
Unclassified crystalline 216.76 6823.47
Kurnool super group 6.94 181.98
Deccan traps 6.31 171.70
Lower Gondwana system - 29.29
Total 295.15 8562.34

group of rocks, collectively occupying the initial reach from coverages were created. The alignment and the study area
chainage 0 to 55 km in Karimnagar district. The rock formations boundaries are super-imposed on the digitized soil map to
strike NE-SW in this part of the area. All the formations are cutting demarcate various soils along the alignment and their spread in the
across the canal alignment. study area, (Table 3). The alignment traverses about 4 km in
The study area in Warangal district is mostly occupied by gravelly clay soils, 16 km clayey loamy soil and 7 km in loamy soils
unclassified crystalline rocks of Archean age. A small area is in Karimnagar district. The Command area along the alignment is
occupied by Kurnool super group of rocks and Deccan traps. Grey mostly occupied with loamy soils, clayey soils and gravelly clay. In
to dark grey, coarse to very coarse-grained Granodiorite of Warangal district, about 61 km of canal is in clayey soils, 43 km in
Peninsular gneissic complex occurs between chainage 55 and 102 calcareous soils and 32 km in loamy soils. About 123 km length of
km. These rocks show similar trend as mentioned previously, but the canal is covered in Nalgonda district, where 70 km is through
only seen in the northern part. The area in Nalgonda district is gravelly loam, 40 km in calcareous soil and 13 km in clayey soils.
traversed by Archean group of unclassified crystalline rocks. Gravelly loams are comparatively more permeable than clayey and
Generally, fine to medium grained granite gneisses and migmatities calcareous soils, and hence, the length of the canal in the gravelly
which contain xenoliths of older metamorphics, from chainage 102 loam would be lined to minimize seepage losses (Figure 4).
km to the end point of the canal 299 km. Rock exposures are seen
only in very few locations. Dolerite, pegmatite and quartz intrusive
bodies were observed only at a few places, mostly in this granitic
suite of peninsular gneissic complex.
Rock types and their aerial distribution are given in the Table 1.
Beyond 90 km there are no rock formations except scattered The relevant SOI topographical maps on 1:50,000 scale
outcrops. and the base maps surveyed in 1972 were used in geo-
referencing the IRS-1D satellite data (Table 4). The IRS-
1D digital data was geo-referenced to geographic latitude
Surface morphology
and longitudes, using ground control points derived from
The study area polygon is taken and canal alignment is overlaid on the SOI topo-sheets and the mosaics were created in
the digitized geomorphology map to demarcate various land forms ERDAS Imagine 9.1. The study area buffer, the
pertaining to the study area (Figure 3). alignment and the command area are overlaid on the
The alignment length from 0 to 32 km is in Karimnagar district. LISS-III mosaic data of two scenes which covers the
The study area in this district is occupied by pediplain weathered
study area (Figure 5).
and a small area by alluvial plain. The canal which is 32 to 142 km
in length is covered in Warangal district where it passes through 4 The satellite image of the area and forest boundary
types of landforms; pediplain weathered pediment inselberg AOI, extracted from topographic maps, is overlaid and
complex, residual hill and flood plain. Out of the total 142 km in the status of the forest is examined. The image shows
Warangal district, 109 km has weathered padiplain landform and that there is hardly any forest seen from the image,
the remaining part traverses through pediment inselberg and flood though there was forest marked in SOI maps. Most of this
pains. In Nalgonda district, the canal covers 121 km and about 94
km is in weathered padiplain. Pediplain inselberg occurs here and
area is noted as deforested. Through, the canal
there for a length of 12 km and Flood plain landform for a length of alignment passes through the reserved forest area, yet
15 km. The weathered pediplain is the dominant landform covering there would be hardly any forest loss, but 30 sq km of this
major areas (6458 sq km) in all the 3 districts of the study area and area would be disturbed while the canal construction.
occurs at a distance of 235 km. Pediplain inselburg, flood plain and
residual hills occupy 1277,358 and 266 Sq km respectively. District
wise areal extent of all the above landforms and canal length in
each are given in the Table 2. Land use land cover

Studies on land use/land cover changes using satellite

data, have gained lot of importance within the last two
In order to study soils along the alignment and the Command area, decades. Many investigations were done with remote
a soil map is geo-referenced with the help of topo-sheets in Arc sensing and GIS inputs for studying various land features
GIS. After geo-referencing, all soil layers are digitized manually and (Civco, 1993; Rao et al., 1996, Murthy and Venkateswara,
80 J. Geol. Min. Res.

Figure 3. Geomorphology of the study area.

Table 2. Aerial extent of various landforms in the study area.

District Landform name Alignment (km) Area (sq km)

Pediplain weatherd 31.64 582.83
Karimnagar Pediment inselberg complex 2.52
Alluvial plain (old) 15.80
31.64 601.15

Pediment inselberg complex 15.33 643.47

Flood plain 5.44 129.70
Warangal Structural hill (large) 2.58
Pediplain weathered 109.34 2684.81
Residual hill 12.06 273.53
142.17 3734.09

Structural hill (large) 4.69

Pediplain weathered 94.39 3154.96
Nalgonda Pediment inselbeg complex 12.37 615.04
Alluvial plain (old) 53.27
Flood plain 14.47 234.38
121.23 4062.34
Rao et al. 81

Table 3. Occurrence of soils in the alignment and aerial extent.

District Soil name Length (km) Area (sq km)

Karimnagar Moderately deep gravelly clay soil 5.25 65.99
Deep calcareous soil 2.16 27.48
Deep clayey soil 10.68 154.58
Very shallow loamy soil 8.00 120.85
Deep loamy soil 5.16 258.21
(31.25) (646.82)

Warangal Deep clayey soil 59.20 1142.55

Very deep clayey soil 1.62 64.15
Very shallow loamy soil 3.25 125.59
Deep clayey calcareous soil 29.25 561.67
Gravelly clay soil 3.98 47.69
Deep loamy soil 22.81 361.09
Moderately deep gravelly loam soil 9.41 764.25
Very deep clay calcareous soil 12.68 268.19
(142.20) (3482.93)

Nalgonda Moderately deep gravelly loam soil 42.22 1251.97

Deep clayey calcareous soil 9.08 944.76
Moderately deep gravelly clay soil 3.24 137.94
Gravelly loam soil 8.70 278.88
Deep clayey soil 11.65 426.01
Moderately deep clayey soil 17.78 218.40
Gravelly clayey soil 15.63 449.11
Deep loamy soil 11.03 511.88
Deep calcareous soil 4.04 84.49
(123.37) (4461.19)

1997; Weicheng et al., 2002). Radiometric correction is villages. After 175 km about 60 km length, the Command
applied to images to remove noise present in the image. area is spread on either side of the canal in Warangal
A 3*3 Median filter is applied to all bands of IRS-1D, and Nalgonda districts. The command area mostly comes
LISS-III satellite images and maintain the output values under the class of dry land and wasteland category and
which are not affected by the actual values of outlier cells this area would be developed due to the link canal. The
within the filter window. The median filter is particularly canal crosses the Musi River and passes through
good for removing isolated random noise. The study area irrigated lands of river for a length of 30 km. From 265
is classified into 8 land use / land cover classes; water km, the canal passes through wasteland, dry land and
bodies, cropland, gullied land, scrub land, settlements, partly irrigated lands till it joins Nagarjunasagar reservoir.
sand, forest and others. The study area AOI is overlaid All this land can be developed with the canal water.
on the classified map and discussed below (Figure 5). Besides this, the right hand side of the area and beyond
First 20 km of the link passes through forest and hilly is classified under waste lands and they may be brought
area. From 22 to 31 km the study area consists of stony into irrigation under the canal water in future. The crop
waste / wasteland on either side of the canal. From 31 to land is only 27%, but gullied land and scrub land amounts
57 km length, it goes through hilly area of Venkatapur to 44% of the study area (Table 5 and Figure 6). Hence a
and Ghanapur mandal. The canal passes through mostly huge extent of land will be developed by the canal in
waste land and irrigated area with a length of 16 km, addition to drinking water needs of the population in the
where the area on either side of the canal water would be area.
useful for land development. From 80 to 175 km length,
the area on either side is characterized by wastelands Surface lineaments extraction
and irrigated lands. The canal water would be utilized
extensively throughout this area for the purpose of The satellite images due to its many capabilities such as
second crop and drinking water needs of the surrounding the synoptic aerial coverage, multi spectral captivity of
82 J. Geol. Min. Res.

Figure 4. Soil map of the study area.

Table 4. Satellite, sensor and image particulars.

Date Satellite/sensor Path/row Spatial resolution/radiometric

23-Jan-2010 IRS-1D/ LISS-III Path: 101 Row: 059 23 m/8 bit
12-Mar-2010 IRS-1D/ LISS-III Path: 101 Row: 060 23 m/8 bit
Rao et al. 83

Figure 5. IRS-1D, LISS-III image and lineaments.

Table 5. Land use and land cover.

S/N Class name Area (sq km) Percentage

1 Water bodies 208.39 2.36
2 Crop land 2405.00 27.26
3 Gullied land 2174.00 24.64
4 Scrub land 1739.78 19.73
5 Settlements 639.51 7.25
6 Sand 421.83 4.78
7 Forest 1070.00 12.14
8 Others 161.62 1.84
Total 8820.13 100.00
84 J. Geol. Min. Res.

Figure 6. Land use land cover.

data, temporal resolution, etc., produce better information them are intersecting canal alignment at different
than conventional aerial photographs (Lillesand and locations as shown in the Figure 5. Most of the
Kiefer, 1999), so the same was selected for the task of lineaments are parallel to regional strike. Study area in
extracting surface lineaments. With the help of image Nalgonda district has indicated 6 lineaments and 4 of
interpretation keys and elements, lineaments are them cut across the canal alignment. The locations of
interpreted for the entire study area. As the digital image lineament crossings with the alignment are weak zones
enhancement techniques can contribute significantly in where necessary precautions are to be taken for seepage
extracting lineaments, the same has been attempted losses of water in the canal.
using the software ERDAS 9.1. Geological lineaments /
faults zones are identified and drawn through screen
digitization of image mosaic. 5 lineaments were ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
demarcated in the study area in Karimnagar district and 3
of them are cut across the canal alignment. In Warangal The proposed reservoir at Inchampalli would submerge
district study area, 13 lineaments are identified and 9 of areas in all the three states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh
Rao et al. 85

and Andhra Pradesh. The total submergence area in canal surroundings and all 816 villages would benefit
these three states is about 94620 ha. The submergence from protected water supply permanently besides land
area consists of 31.9% of forest, 38.3% of cultivable irrigation in the study area.
lands, 23.3% of open water bodies, 5.8% of shrubs,
fallows and rock out crops and 0.7% of other varieties
To estimates forest loss due to the alignment of the
canal in the study area, an attempt was made by The first author acknowledges MoEF for awarding
considering a width of 0.5 km on earthier side of the research Project on River linking in Peninsular India. He
canal. The maximum loss of forest area was about 30 sq also extends his thanks to AICTE for awarding Emeritus
km reserved forest area in Mutharam Mahadevpur, Fellowship for the period 2010 to 2012.
Bhupalpalle and Venkatapur mandals.
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