Sportsmanship SS Issue 133

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David Dellenbaugh’s

The newsletter of how-to tips for racing sailors Jan/Feb 2015

ISSUE #133 Be a good sport!

THEME Be a good sport .....................1
G ood sportsmanship might be much more evident at regattas
if winning didn’t seem so important. Without the expectation
and pressure to perform at a high level over and over, competitors
VIEW Good sportsmanship ..............2 would be much more relaxed. They could devote a lot more time
THEORY Sportsmanship defined .....3 and energy to the many other reasons why most people race sail-
IDEAS Promote sportsmanship .......4 boats – to have fun, make friends, enjoy the outdoors, keep learn-
ing and to see improvement in their sailing skills.
RULES Fair Sailing, Misconduct ......7
But the reality is that winning is important. It’s the object of
QUIZ Appropriate penalty? ..............8 every sailboat race and the goal of most sailors who strive to be the
THEORY Should you protest?.........10 best they can be. So if good sportsmanship is to flourish among
RULES Two-Turns Penalty ..............12 racing sailors, it must do so in conjunction with the urge to win
RULES One-Turn Penalty ................14 that most sailors possess.
TACTICS What’s fair? .......................16 When you think about it, sportsmanship and winning are not
mutually exclusive. In fact, many of the qualities that make some-
one a good sport are the same attributes needed to win races. This
From the rulebook: includes sound judgment, respect for competitors, a commitment
to fairness, a graciousness in losing (made easier with the realiza-
Sportsmanship and the Rules tion that losing is just a step toward winning) and a recognition
that winning races is the result of hard, honest work rather than
Competitors in the sport of sailing doing anything that could be even remotely perceived as cheating.
are governed by a body of rules There are many reasons to be a good sport, but most of all it is
that they are expected to follow just the right thing to do. That’s what the rest of this issue is about.
and enforce. A fundamental
principle of sportsmanship is that
when competitors break a rule
they will promptly take a penalty
or retire. – Basic Principle

From three champion sailors:

‘You have not won the race if, in

winning the race, you have lost
the respect of your competitors.’
– Paul Elvstrom Four-time Olympic gold medalist
JH Peterson photo

‘Although winning is the object

of the game, it is not the object
of playing the game.’
In most sports the rules are enforced by referees or umpires, who
– Dr. Stuart Walker Author, champion sailor impose penalties and legislate fair play. Breaking a rule often doesn’t
matter unless the officials see it, and good sportsmanship doesn’t
seem very important to many of the athletes.
‘A good sport is someone who The sport of sailing is completely different. Except for certain
adheres to a code of ethics and specialized events like match racing (above), we don’t have referees
doesn’t compromise the quality or umpires. The racing rules are enforced by the competitors them-
selves, and breaking a rule is a big deal even if no one else sees it.
of the game.’ Sportsmanship and fair play are valued attributes that are expected
– Dave Perry Author, champion sailor, rules guru to come naturally from within each sailor.

Speed & Smarts #133 1

A sailor’s thoughts on ‘good sportsmanship’
Before you read this page, think for a minute about how you other’s aid when necessary. We
would define a ‘good sport’ in sailing. Then compare your agree to sail fairly. And we agree
to take penalties when we know
thoughts to those of Dave Perry. According to Dave: we’ve infringed a rule.

G ood sportsmanship is an atti-

tude of respect for the game,
the rules, the people you’re racing
needs sailors to take their penal-
ties. When you do that, people
really trust you. And that’s part
Other sports don’t have a code
like this because they use referees
or umpires. But in sailing every-
against and the officials. Respect of having respect. one is expected to follow the rules,
means you go about your job of Some people think the term be respectful, help each other,
competing fairly within the rules ‘sportsmanship’ means being a thank the race committee, be
and try your hardest to win, with- perfect, goody-goody nice person. appreciative of the host club and
out doing anything that is unfair But that’s not what I’m saying at so on. Those are the things the
to others. Sometimes you’ll win all. A good sport is someone who sport stands for, and they’re
and sometimes you won’t, but adheres to a code of ethics and universally agreed upon.
people will always have a good doesn’t compromise the quality of My philosophy is that every-
feeling about racing against you. the game. If you subscribe to that, one should try their hardest to
In addition to sailing within you can’t help but have other win, but you have to do this within
the rules, another strong signal sailors respect you. a respectable code of ethics. Oth-
that you respect the game is tak- Sailing is a game, a sport, and erwise you will do whatever you
ing your penalties when you break when you choose to play a sport can get away with. I don’t believe
a rule. Part of sportsmanship is what you’re really saying is, ‘Let’s sportsmanship is more important
knowing that, since there are no all start from an equal place and than winning, and I don’t think
referees or umpires, the game see who can do it better.’ When the two are mutually exclusive. I
everyone is playing the same think winning just means you’re
Poor sportsmanship game, it’s exciting and challenging. trying to out-perform your com-
But when some people try to win petition. Good sportsmanship
Three things I see that reflect without regard for the rules, that means you’re competing in a way
poor sportsmanship at regattas compromises the game. Since where you maintain respect for
are the following: sportsmanship is about respecting your competitors and the game.
1) Not taking a penalty when a the game, I think it’s important to I think the two go hand in hand.
sailor knows that he or she be a good sport; otherwise sailing I think sailing is great because
has broken a rule; won’t be very pleasurable, and sportsmanship must come from
2) Lying (or stretching the truth) people will stop doing it. within yourself. Referees can’t
in a protest hearing; and People may have slightly dif- make you be a good sport. It has
3) Acrimonious communication ferent opinions on manners, but to come from within. Our sport
with other boats. the sport of sailing has one basic teaches an intrinsic respect for
code of behavior or conduct. For ethics. If you can control yourself,
Regarding the last point, I then you can play the game at a
example, we all go out there and
don’t mind hearing the word
agree to race by the rules without high level, and you’ve learned a
‘Protest.’ Protesting is not poor
referees. We agree to go to each great life lesson.
sportsmanship because it’s a
key part of the game we play.
Dave Perry is (and has been for a long time)
But if you choose a mean or
one of the most respected people in the sport
nasty tone of voice, that is of sailing. He was a college All-American, a
unsportsmanlike and, in my champion match racer and an Olympic cam-
opinion, unnecessary. paigner. He has entertained and educated
If another boat breaks a rule thousands of sailors with seminars and books
near you, avoid a collision and for many years. He has served on the US
protest. You don’t have to yell in Sailing Appeals Committee since 1986 and
a way that makes them feel bad has been its chairman since 2007. As chair of
or stupid. They probably didn’t the US Sailing Match Racing Committee, he
try to foul you on purpose, so has been an avid and tireless promoter of
why treat them in a manner match racing in the U.S. His willingness to
that is disrespectful? help anyone at almost any time is a great
example of good sportsmanship.

2 Speed & Smarts #133

A closer look at the defining
qualities of sportsmanship
W hy is good sportsmanship important in sailing?
Because no matter how hard we compete, most
of us still want to have fun. And almost all of us feel
it’s critical to have a fair playing field. If we want to
attract more racers to the sport and continue getting
good race management, sportsmanship is the only
way to go. On top of all that, it makes us feel good.
Sportsmanship is a theme that runs through all Go for the
competitive events, but what’s considered ‘good’ or gun, or be a
‘bad’ sportsmanship is different with every sport. good sport?
That’s because the notion of what’s ‘fair’ is based on Fortunately, you
traditions and recognized principles. Many actions don’t have to make that
that are acceptable on the football field, for example, choice. While the pressure to
would be completely unacceptable on a golf course. win occasionally leads to poor
As you can see from the following definitions and sportsmanship, there are many champion sailors who stand
comments, however, sailors share a lot with other out as examples of good sportsmanship. For them, playing
athletes when it comes to good sportsmanship. fair is a prerequisite for success in the sport and for the re-
wards that come from competing with respect and integrity.
Good sportsmanship is:
– Fair play, respect for opponents, and polite behavior Don’t be a sore loser or a bad winner!
by someone who is competing in a sport. Sportsmanship is an ethos that a sport will be enjoyed
– Conduct becoming to anyone who is participating for its own sake, with proper consideration for fair-
in a sport; e.g. fairness, respect for your opponent, ness, ethics, respect and a sense of fellowship with
graciousness in winning or losing. one’s competitors.
A poor sport is a person who doesn’t take defeat
– Ethical, appropriate, polite and fair behavior while well, while a good sport is someone who is a ‘good
participating in a game or athletic event. winner’ as well as a ‘good loser.’
– The quality of showing fairness, respect, and Sportsmanship refers to virtues such as fairness,
generosity toward the opposing team or player and self-control, courage and persistence and includes
for the sport itself when competing. the concept of treating others fairly, maintaining
self-control while dealing with others, and respect
Synonyms for ‘Sportsmanship’ for both authority and opponents.
fairness honesty sincerity virtue forthrightness A sore loser is a competitor who exhibits poor
goodness honor principle righteousness sportsmanship after losing a game or contest. His or
From various online dictionaries and thesauruses her behavior might include:
- blaming others for the loss,
- not accepting responsibility for personal actions
A set of sportsmanship guidelines: that contributed to a defeat,
Apply the golden rule: Do unto others as you would - an immature or improper reaction to the loss,
have them do unto you. - making excuses for the defeat,
Understand and appreciate the rules. - not giving their opponent(s) credit for the win,
Enjoy yourself and encourage enjoyment of others. - citing unfavorable conditions, poor officiating
Take responsibility for your actions. or other petty issues as reasons for the defeat.
Exhibit respect for the officials. A bad winner is a competitor who shows poor
Do not tolerate bad behavior from your teammates. sportsmanship after winning. This person acts in a
Cheer in a positive manner. shallow fashion after his or her victory; his or her
Accept all decisions by officials without question. behavior might include:
Applaud good plays by teammates and competitors. - gloating about the victory,
Applaud at the end of the contest for the performance - rubbing the win in the face of the opponent,
of all participants. - failing to show respect for the opponent,
Encourage all surrounding people (fans included) to - trying to lower the opponent's self-esteem by
display sportsmanlike behavior. reminding the opponent of poor performance (even
Win with class, lose with dignity. if the opponent competed well).
From the Hawaii Amateur Softball Association Paraphrased from the online entry for ‘Sportsmanship’ at Wikipedia.

Play Fair! 3
Ten ways to promote good sportsmanship
I have two favorite quotes that express the essence
of what it means to be a good sport in sailing. The
first is from Paul Elvstrom, the Great Dane who won
“The number one rule in my book is honor,” said
Steele. “What’s most important to me in sailboat
racing is that the competition is fair – that everyone
four Olympic gold medals. Elvstrom once said some- is given an equal chance to win. I hope everyone sails
thing to the effect of, “You haven’t won the race if in with this feeling.”
winning the race you have lost the respect of your Steele is one of the vast majority of racing sailors
competitors.” In other words, Paul would rather lose who, like Elvstrom and Walker, do not believe in
a race than win it but behave in a way that his com- ‘winning at any cost.’ They try their hardest to win
petitors did not respect. This commitment to do what each race because that’s the goal (as Dr. Walker
is right and respectable, win or lose, is the essence of reminds us), but they remember and value all the
good sportsmanship. other reasons why they go sailing.
The second quote is from Dr. Stuart Walker, a To me, sportsmanship includes fairness, courtesy,
long-time competitive sailor and author who wrote, friendliness and many more qualities that are impor-
“Although winning is the object of the game, it is not tant both on the water and ashore. The bottom line on
the object of playing the game.” The reasons for play- good sportsmanship in sailing, as in most other parts
ing the game are typically to have fun, learn a lot and of life, is the Golden Rule. In other words, ‘Do unto
challenge ourselves to perform at the highest level others as you would have others do unto you.’
possible. It’s important to remember this whenever If you always treat your teammates, your competi-
it feels like winning is the only thing that matters. tors and everyone else involved with the sport (e.g.
Fortunately, we frequently see or hear about race committee members, judges, administrators) as
sailors being good sports, and these examples are you would like to be treated yourself, then you won’t
inspirational. I remember one year, quite a while ago, have to worry about sportsmanship. Here are some
when the US Sailing Sportsmanship Award went to practical ideas on how you and your teammates can
Scott Steele, one of America’s top boardsailors at the be good sports and encourage a more positive atmos-
time. During the Goodwill Games (an event similar phere in your fleet, club and class.
to the Olympics), Scott helped his closest competitor,
Grzegorz Myszkowski of Poland, get reinstated after 1. Abide by and enforce the rules. It’s clear
being incorrectly scored OCS. As a result, that winning is a major objective of sailboat racing.
Myszkowski won the gold Unfortunately, some sailors are tempted to overstep
medal and Steele the boundaries of the rules to attain this end. That’s
got silver. why it’s important to commit ourselves to sailing
Can you within the rules. When you play fair and square, you
help tune will likely win just as many races, and the respect you
my rig? get from your competitors will be much greater.
Another part of being a good sport is taking
responsibility for enforcing the rules. We all want to
be nice guys who don’t make waves. But our sport is
a self-policing one. If we don’t enforce the rules out
there, no one will. I’m not suggesting you become a
sea lawyer – but encouraging rule compliance will
make the game better for everyone.

2. Share your knowledge. Almost every sailor

wants to learn more about the sport, so if you can help
your competitors understand how to sail their boats
faster and smarter, they’ll find the sport more reward-
ing and you will both ‘win’!
You don’t have to be a rock star in order to help
other people become better sailors. No matter what
Any sailor who shares his expertise with other members your skill level, there is always something you can
of his club, fleet or class is a ‘good sport.’ The most
respected sailors are often those who are willing to share with other sailors. In fact, you may be more
talk tuning or tactics at almost any time. Knowledge effective at this if you’re not the class champion
is extremely valuable and means a lot to sailors who because you’ll be less intimidating.
don’t have so much experience. Sharing your secrets is
a great way to show respect for these people and to 3. Don’t ever yell at people (like your crew or
help support the sport in general. competitors). This doesn’t mean you can’t raise your

4 Speed & Smarts #133

JH Peterson photo
Good thoughts on
being a good sport
T he history of sailboat racing is filled
with the tradition of exciting compe-
tition played out with honor and respect
among the competitors and officials.
In keeping with that tradition, when we
race we agree to be fair and honest, to
be good sports and to attempt to win
using our own superior boat speed and
racing skills.
At the heart of what makes our sport
so fulfilling is the principle that we have
a competitor-enforced, ‘no-referee’
rules system; that is, we have the re-
sponsibility to follow the rules on our

JH Peterson photo
own, to self-penalize ourselves when
we break a rule, and to protest when
we believe another boat has broken a
rule. In this regard, our sport is unique
A big part of sportsmanship is appreciating the effort of all the people compared with a lot of other sports.
who (in most cases) volunteer their time to make our racing possible. – Dave Perry
International author, sailor, rules expert
voice if that is essential for communication. On a windy day, for
example, you may have to shout pretty loud to be heard by other boats
or even your own teammates. But it’s not necessary to make your hail
with a tone that is angry, condescending or intimidating. That just
O ur sport, like golf and a few others,
is different . . . we rely on the com-
petitors to know and follow the rules of
increases the tension level and makes the sport less fun for everyone. our game. In the typical sport where
No one likes, or respects, a yeller. many people compete at the same
time, the prevailing attitude is often,
4. Thank the race committee and volunteers. This may seem ‘It’s OK so long as I don’t get caught.’
like a very obvious thing to do, but if we took a survey of all the race That attitude doesn’t work in sailing.
officers around the world, I bet a majority would say they feel under- We depend on the sailors themselves
appreciated by the sailors. Volunteer race committees, regatta helpers to decide when they’ve broken a rule
and juries are the backbone of racing, and it’s almost impossible to and to voluntarily take a penalty.
give these hard-working people too much credit. A basic principle of the rules is that,
I recommend something more than a token ‘thank-you’ at the ‘. . . when competitors break a rule they
awards ceremony. Talk to them personally during the regatta and offer will promptly take a penalty or retire.’
words of support and appreciation. Get on the RC’s radio channel after This basic principle is often described
the last race of the day and say thanks. You may not agree with every as ‘Corinthian,’ but no matter what
action of a race committee or decision of the jury, but you can always word you use to describe this concept,
thank the members for volunteering their time and working hard. it is central to how our sport operates.
Another good idea is writing a letter of thanks to the membership We as competitors need to abide
by this basic principle for the good of
of the club where you’ve just sailed a regatta. Thank them for a good
our sport . . . When you break a rule (as
time and for all the sacrifices they made to help insure that your re-
we all do from time to time) take your
gatta was a success. Send your letter to the regatta chairperson (with
penalty. The Two-Turns Penalty was
a note of thanks to him or her as well), and say you wouldn’t mind if introduced some years ago specifically
your letter was posted on their bulletin board or in their newsletter. so competitors could take a penalty
and still either win the race or finish
5. Recognize good sportsmanship. I’m not a huge fan of giving well enough in a single race to win the
prizes for sportsmanship because I think the motivation for this kind regatta. Remember, if in finishing first
of behavior must be internal, not external. However, I do think that you have lost your self-respect or the
recognizing acts of good sportsmanship is a great way of creating a respect of your competitors then you
positive climate. This can be done at regattas, or by one-design classes have lost more than you have won.
and sailing clubs. One idea is to create an award for sportsmanlike
behavior that is voted on by competitors at a regatta or awarded by – Dave Rosekrans
members of a club or fleet at the end of the year. But impromptu ☛ Former president of US Sailing

Play Fair! 5
One of the best reasons
for being a good sport
is because all of us are
role models for new and
younger sailors. When a
person starts racing sail-
boats, they look to the
people who are older
and more experienced
for guidance on how
to behave. If they often
see races where there
are many collisions and
few penalty turns, for
example, that’s how
they will likely behave.
Prevent this by setting
a consistent example of
good sportsmanship.

recognition can often be just as effective, or even 8. Be a good role model. One of the best ways
more meaningful. A simple mention of sportsmanlike for young or less experienced sailors to learn about
behavior at an awards ceremony or at your fleet’s final what’s sportsmanlike in sailboat racing is from experi-
banquet is usually more than enough recognition for enced sailors they respect – like you! People who are
the person involved, and it works well to get everyone new to the sport tend to emulate the behavior of those
thinking about this topic in the future. who have been racing longer. If they see boats break-
When you are recognizing good sportsmanship, ing rules and getting away with it, they will likely act
look for ethical behavior that includes qualities such the same way. So set a good example!
as respect, fairness and integrity. Be careful of reward-
ing behavior that is simply required by the rules. It is 9. Commend your teammates. Unfortunately,
nice, for example, when a sailor takes a Two-Turns it’s not uncommon for skippers to be critical of their
Penalty rather than ignoring an obvious foul, but this crews while racing. But this is neither sportsmanlike
behavior should be the norm so you may not want to nor conducive to winning races. So think positively.
treat it as something exceptional. If you’re a skipper, look for ways to compliment
your crew: ‘Hey, that was a great roll tack.’ ‘Nice job
6. Congratulate your competitors when they with the pole.’ ‘Good call on the layline.” If you’re a
make a good move or sail a great race. Nothing feels crew, find ways to appreciate your skipper: ‘Great
better than being acknowledged and appreciated by start!’ ‘Good job steering the waves.’ And so on.
fellow sailors. But don’t just talk to the first few This type of encouragement will help everyone
boats – they will get congratulations from many other feel more confident and better about themselves.
sailors and they aren’t usually the ones who need en- It also makes it easier to handle a little constructive
couragement. You’ll have a much bigger impact if you criticism once in a while. This will improve not only
focus on the middle or back of the fleet. Try to notice your performance on the race course, but your
specific things that some of those sailors did well, and relationship after the race as well.
appreciate them. For example, you could commend a
team for getting one of the best starts in the fleet even 10. Don’t be a ‘sore loser.’ No one respects or
if that didn’t translate into a great finish. likes a competitor who is always bitter when they
don’t finish first. You can’t win every race, so focus on
7. Give other boats the benefit of the doubt. the other reasons why you compete. Try to give each
One of the best things you can do while racing is to race your very best effort and learn as much as you
treat your competitors as you would like to have them can – this way you will be a ‘winner’ no matter how
treat you. For example, let’s say you’re approaching you cross the finish line. A big part of being a good
the jibe mark and a boat that’s overtaking you from sport is respecting your competitors, especially when
behind is pressing for an inside overlap. When you’re they win – but that’s difficult for a bad loser.
not sure if they got an overlap in time or not, don’t
automatically yell ‘No room.’ Instead, give the other Sailing is a great sport because it puts the question
boat a break by saying ‘Go ahead,’ and then provide of sportsmanship into the sailors’ hands. If you treat
mark-room. This may cost you a boat or two in that other people with respect on the race course, they’ll
race, but it’s an admirable action that will earn you treat you the same way. And that will make the sport
respect as a good sport in the long run. much more fun and rewarding. •

6 Speed & Smarts #133

What the rules say about sportsmanship
I n the sport of sailing,
there’s almost nothing
more important than
person. It’s not something you can
typically legislate externally or force
people to accept.
complying with the rac- It is helpful, however, for athletes
RULES ing rules. That’s because in any sport to have a common un-
rules make racing safe and fair. They derstanding about what behavior is
help sailors maneuver in close situa- (or is not) expected of them. In sail-
tions without contact, and ensure that ing, this comes primarily from two
all competitors ‘play the same game.’ racing rules – Fundamental Rule 2
If you want to play fair, you have (Fair Sailing), and rule 69 (Allega-
to understand the rules, abide by them tions of Gross Misconduct) – and
and take the appropriate penalty when their associated appeals and cases.
you happen to break a rule. However, These rules explain generally
doing this does not necessarily make how sailors are supposed to behave,
you a ‘good sport.’ Since all sailors are and what penalties can be imposed
expected to follow the rules, there is if they don’t behave properly. Note Good sportsmanship starts
nothing particularly sportsmanlike that the range of acceptable behav- from within each sailor’s own
about doing so. iors depends on ‘recognized princi- mind and heart. It is not usually
To be a good sport, you have to go ples of sportsmanship and fair play,’ something that can be legis-
beyond just complying with the rules. which means these could change lated, though in sailing there
Sportsmanship involves an attitude or depending on where and with whom are certain rules that describe
spirit that usually comes from inside a you are sailing. what is expected of sailors.

RULE 2 – Fair Sailing RULE 69.1 –

A boat and her owner shall compete in compliance with Obligation not to Commit Gross Misconduct
recognized principles of sportsmanship and fair play . . . (a) A competitor shall not commit gross misconduct,
including a gross breach of a rule, good manners or sports-
The basic premise of the Fair Sailing Rule is that while manship, or conduct bringing the sport into disrepute . . .
you are competing you must comply with ‘recognized
principles of sportsmanship and fair play.’ In other Rule 69 (Allegations of Gross Misconduct) is a rule that
words, you must be a good sport and play fair. This broadly covers all the things that sailors should not do
may vary slightly from regatta to regatta depending on while they are participating in a sailing event. Rule 2
the ‘recognized principles’ of the group (e.g. country, (Fair Sailing) applies to any breach of fair play or sports-
age group, one-design class) in which you are racing. manship, while rule 69 applies to ‘gross’ breaches; i.e.
One example of an action that is prohibited by the ones that are offensive, repugnant, etc.
Fair Sailing Rule is teaming up with another boat to Rule 2 applies to rule infringements when sailors are
advance your (or their) position in a fleet race. Other ‘competing,’ while rule 69 covers the entire time period
examples can be found in the ISAF Appeals Book. while competitors are participating in an event. That is,
You break rule 2 (Fair Sailing) if: competitors are subject to the limitations of rule 69 on
Case 47 When you are on port tack, you deliberately the race course while they are racing, and also in the
hail ‘Starboard’ to an inexperienced sailor. boat park, sailing club, etc. at any time of day or night.
Here are examples of actions that would likely be
Case 73 While you are hiking, you reach out with your considered gross misconduct and would therefore be
arm over your head to touch a windward boat (W) punishable under rule 69:
when the only purpose is to cause W to foul.
- Cheating on boat measurement
Case 78 You intentionally break a rule to facilitate the - Punching someone in the parking lot after a race
tactic of pushing a competitor back in the fleet; e.g.
you purposely start OCS to make sure you are ahead - Lying in a protest hearing
of the other boat when the race begins. - Using foul language toward a race official
All of these are punishable under the Fair Sailing Rule. - Excessive carousing at the host club during an event
In addition, many actions that break the Fair Sailing An allegation of gross misconduct under rule 69 is
Rule might also be considered gross misconduct and very serious. Possible penalties include a warning, DSQ
would therefore be subject to penalties under rule 69. from a race or series, and suspension of a competitor’s
Note that in a series you cannot exclude (discard) a eligibility for years. Penalties must be reported to the
score of DSQ for breaking rule 2 (see rule 90.3b). sailor’s national authority and, in some cases, to ISAF.

Play Fair! 7
When you break a rule, play fair by . . .

Taking the appropriate penalty

J ust because you break a rule every now and then doesn’t mean you aren’t sportsmanlike. All sailors make
mistakes, and sometimes these errors include rule infringements. This is not a problem as long as you take
an appropriate penalty for each breach. But do you know which penalty is appropriate?
Below are 12 race-course scenarios where you (the Red boat) break a rule. In each situation, which penalty,
if any, should you take to comply with the rulebook and be a good sport? Your choices are:

A) No penalty B) One-Turn Penalty C) Two-Turns Penalty D) Some other penalty E) Retire

Scenario 1: A few seconds after the warning signal for your start,
you fail to keep clear of a leeward boat. The resulting contact causes
damage to the other boat in the form of a broken hiking stick. Just after the
1a: What if this happened just after the preparatory signal? warning signal

Was Scenario 2: You are racing upwind on port tack and a starboard
OCS tacker has to change course to avoid you. However, they do not hail
‘Protest’ and you know they were OCS at the start and didn’t go back.

Scenarios 3, 4, 5 You are sailing closehauled on starboard tack, but

you haven’t been keeping a very good lookout. As a result, you run into P
a port tacker (P) that fails to keep clear of you. P does her penalty
turns. What, if anything, must you do in each case?
Scenario 3: Your contact with P did not cause any damage or injury.
Scenario 4: Your collision with P caused damage that is not ‘serious.’
Scenario 5: Your collision caused serious damage to one of the boats. Oops!

Scenario 6: On a windy reach, you and your crew are ooching

on the waves. A nearby sailor yells at you to stop and explains
that this kinetic technique has been illegal for many years.

Scenarios 7, 8, 9 You approach the windward mark on the port-tack layline

and tack around the mark very close in front of a boat on starboard tack (S).
Scenario 7: You hit the mark without fouling the starboard tacker.
Scenario 8: You hit the mark and foul the starboard tacker at the same time. S
Scenario 9: You hit the mark without fouling any boats, but this allows you
to round ahead of 10 starboard tackers that were lined up on the layline.
After taking your penalty you are still ahead of five of those boats.
Scenario 10: While rounding a mark with no other boats around,
you touch it gently with your hull. You are the only one who sees this.

Scenario 11: At a leeward mark, you fail

to provide mark-room to a boat overlapped
inside of you (A). However, the reason was
C that a boat overlapped outside of you (C) Finish line
did not give you mark-room.

Scenario 12: Just after you finish the race, you are talking
with your crew and you inadvertently interfere with a boat In each scenario,
in the class behind you that is still racing toward the finish. Hey! ‘You’ are the Red boat.

8 Speed & Smarts #133

A description of the correct penalty to take in each scenario
The previous page describes 12 scenarios in which you (the Red boat) broke a rule.
Here are explanations of the appropriate penalty, if any, that you must take in each case.

Scenario 1 A) No penalty. The racing rules apply when you are sailing in the race area, but you can’t be
penalized (in most cases) unless you are actually ‘racing,’ which begins at your preparatory signal. This is true
even if you break a rule and cause damage to the other boat (though you could be liable for this damage). The
other boat may request redress (see rule 62.1b), but it would be sportsmanlike of you to offer them your hiking
stick to use for the race. They can accept your help until the prep signal (see rule 41).
Scenario 1a: C) Two-Turns Penalty (but if the broken hiking stick is considered ‘serious damage’ you would
have to Retire). Since your foul occurred after the preparatory signal (i.e. while you were ‘racing’), you have to
take a penalty. You are permitted (and, in fact, required) to take your penalty promptly, before the start.
Scenario 2 C) Two-Turns Penalty. A boat that was OCS maintains all her rights until she turns back and
sails toward the pre-start side of the starting line. Until then you have to treat her like any other boat. It does
not matter if another boat hails ‘Protest’ or not – when you know you broke a rule, you must take a penalty as
stipulated in the Basic Principle (Sportsmanship and the Rules).
Scenario 3 A) No penalty. You did break rule 14 (Avoiding Contact) because you failed to avoid contact
when doing so was ‘reasonably possible’ (all you had to do was keep a good lookout and bear off behind P).
However, rule 14(b) says that a right-of-way boat ‘shall be exonerated if she breaks this rule and the contact
does not cause damage or injury.’
Scenario 4 C) Two-Turns Penalty. You broke rule 14 (Avoiding Contact) because you failed to avoid
contact when it was ‘reasonably possible.’ Even though you were the right-of-way boat, you must take a penalty
because you caused damage. Since rule 14 is in Part 2 of the rulebook, you are allowed to exonerate yourself by
taking a Two-Turns Penalty.
Scenario 5 E) Retire from the race. The answer is similar to Scenario 4 above, except the damage you
caused was ‘serious.’ Rule 44.1 (Taking a Penalty) does not allow you to take a Two-Turns Penalty when you
cause serious damage, so your only option is to retire. This is true no matter which boat was damaged.
Scenario 6 E) Retire from the race. The Propulsion rule (42) specifically prohibits ooching. If you realize
that you broke this rule, you must take a penalty, even if the other boat did not say they were going to protest
you. Since rule 42 is not in Part 2 of the rulebook, you cannot take a Two-Turns Penalty for your infraction,
so your only option is to retire.
Scenario 7 B) One-Turn Penalty. You broke rule 31 (Touching a Mark), which says you shall not touch a
mark while racing. Rule 44.1 (Taking a Penalty) says that when you touch a mark you may exonerate yourself
by taking a One-Turn Penalty.
Scenario 8 C) Two-Turns Penalty. In this incident, you broke two rules – one for hitting the mark and
another for breaking rule 10 (Port-Starboard). However, rule 44.1b says, “when a boat may have broken a rule
of Part 2 and rule 31 in the same incident she need not take the penalty for breaking rule 31.” In other words,
you only have to take the penalty for breaking the right-of-way rule, which is a Two-Turns Penalty.
Scenario 9 E) Retire from the race. Though you didn’t foul any boats, by hitting the mark you were able
to round ahead of 10 boats that you would otherwise have had to duck. Since you were still ahead of some of
these boats after taking your penalty, you gained a ‘significant advantage’ in the race, so you must retire.
Scenario 10 B) One-Turn Penalty. It doesn’t matter whether anyone else saw this or hailed ‘Protest’ –
when you know you broke a rule you must take the appropriate penalty.
Scenario 11 A) No penalty. Since you failed to provide mark-room to A, you broke rule 18.2a (Giving
Mark-Room). However, the reason you broke this rule was because C failed to give you mark-room as
required. Therefore, you will be exonerated for your breach (rule 64.1a), so you don’t have to take a penalty.
Scenario 12 E) Retire from the most recent race. If you are not racing and you interfere with a boat that
is racing, you break rule 24.1 (Interfering with Another Boat). Though this rule is in Part 2, you can’t take a
Two-Turns Penalty (rule 44) because that applies only to incidents while you are racing. So you must retire.

Play Fair! 9
Should you file a protest? DIAGRAM
of the incident

I n the sport of sail-

ing, the racing rules
are enforced primarily
sailors are ‘governed by a body of
rules that they are expected to fol-
low and enforce.’ According to the
by the competitors. dictionary, the meaning of ‘enforce’
When you think that is ‘to compel observance of or obe-
another boat broke a rule, ideally dience to.’ One of the best ways to
you should file a protest and ask compel other boats to observe and
the jury to make a decision. But in obey the rules is to protest them if
real life it’s not always that simple. they do not. If you don’t protest
When you are considering when you see a rule being broken,
whether or not to file a protest, you aren’t enforcing that rule. protest you either win, or you lose.
there are many things to consider. On the other hand, there is no It doesn’t matter whether you are
For example, are you actually rule that specifically requires you the protestor or protestee, or how
required to file a protest? Is there to file a protest. Protesting may rock-solid you think your case is –
any risk in protesting? Why would be a good way to seek justice and if you go to a hearing there is al-
you protest in one instance but encourage other boats to follow the most always a chance of losing.
not in all others? Is protesting part rules, but it is not mandatory. This risk of being disqualified
of being a good sport? Here are Rule 60 (Right to Protest . . .) is is one factor that should influence
some thoughts on those subjects. the rule that gives a boat the right every sailor’s choice about whether
to protest other boats. It says that a to protest or not. Usually the best
Protests and sportsmanship boat ‘may’ protest another boat. It strategy is to sail clean and avoid
When you are involved in an inci- doesn’t say you shall protest, only the ‘room.’ As Buddy Melges is
dent and you realize you broke a that you may. In other words, the fond of saying, your goal should
rule, you must either retire or ac- choice is totally up to you. be to ‘start first and increase your
cept another appropriate penalty. lead.’ He always tries to sail clean
This is not just the sportsmanlike Protests and risk and win on the water, and he
thing to do – it is required by the Many years ago I heard some good hardly ever ends up in a protest.
rulebook’s Basic Principle (page 1). advice from a very accomplished It’s difficult, however, to avoid
A good sport will always take a sailor. He said, ‘Whenever you go every possible protest situation.
penalty when they break a rule. into a protest hearing, your odds And when you are involved in an
If you feel the other boat is the are 50-50.’ That’s because in a incident, deciding whether or not
one who broke the rule, however,
then you must decide whether or
JH Peterson photo

not to initiate a protest. Are you a

good sport if you protest? Sure.
In sailing we don’t normally use
referees or umpires, so the sailors
have a responsibility to enforce
the rules themselves. If a sailor
never protests when he or she sees
rules being broken, he or she is not
helping create a fair playing field
Few people want to be the
cause of another boat’s DSQ, but
almost everyone has experienced
the frustration of racing in a fleet
where boats often break rules but
few do penalties and fewer file
protests. ‘Fair sailing’ means that
the rules apply equally to all, and
protesting is often the only way to
ensure that certain sailors don’t
get unfair advantages.
The first step in protesting is to hail ‘Protest’ and fly a red flag (on boats
Are protests required? longer than six meters). This gives the other boat a chance to do the right
The rulebook’s Basic Principle says thing (i.e. take a penalty) if they think they broke a rule.

10 Speed & Smarts #133

Ingredients of a ‘Protest philosophy’ Below is a spectrum of incidents where another
boat has broken a rule (in your opinion). For each
“To protest or not to protest?” – that is the question. of these situations, would you file a protest?
Here are some thoughts to help you develop a strategy Pick one of these answers: Always,
about when you would take a protest ‘to the room.’ Never or ‘It depends’? If your
answer is the last, on what does Protest!
U nless you spend all your evenings in the protest
room, you probably don’t file a protest every time
you see another boat break a rule. Under what circum-
your protest depend? This is where
some sort of protest strategy can
be helpful as a guide during a regatta or season.
stances do you actually follow through with a protest?
These factors may influence your decision: A boat breaks a rule and causes injury to your
Nature of the regatta – Is it a Wednesday night crew or damage to your boat.
beer can race or a world championship? It’s much easier
A boat breaks a rule and as a result causes you
to overlook rule infringements in casual local races than
to hit a mark or foul a third boat.
in serious big-time events.
Seriousness of the ‘crime’ – Did the other boat A boat breaks a rule and has contact with your
crash into you and cause damage, or was their rules boat (but doesn’t cause damage).
breach minor with no contact?
Effect on the race outcome – Did the rules A boat breaks a rule but there is no contact and
infraction significantly change the race results, or was this foul has no effect on the race outcome.
there no impact at all? Ideally this should not affect rule
You witness a collision between two other boats
enforcement, but in practice it usually does.
and neither takes a penalty.
Experience/intent of the other sailor – Most
sailors are more likely to forgive (i.e. not protest) a less- You witness a minor foul without contact between
experienced sailor who made a mistake than a veteran two other boats and neither takes a penalty.
racer who should have known better.
Risk of losing the protest – What is At a mark rounding, you see another boat have
the chance that you might lose the protest? minor contact with the mark.
Any risk of DSQ is often a protest deterrent. In your opinion a nearby boat sailing downwind
It’s valuable to think about these factors before you is breaking the kinetics (Propulsion) rule.
actually get into a protest situation. That way you can
devise a philosophy of protesting that is consistent with You are aware of a boat that breaks a sailing
your own regatta goals, fair to your competitors and instruction or a class rule in a minor way but this
supportive of racing rules enforcement. has no effect on the outcome of the race/series.

to protest can be a tough decision. For example, you might decide More thoughts about protesting
What if the other boat’s infraction that you will always protest when When you hail ‘Protest’ during a
was minor? What if the skipper is you think another boat has broken race, you are notifying another
your friend? Or enemy? Many fac- a rule. Or maybe you will protest boat that you believe they broke a
tors affect your decision of whether only when there is: a) contact; b) rule. If they agree, they must take a
or not to hail ‘Protest.’ damage; or c) a change of position penalty (usually they can exonerate
in the race. Or perhaps you choose themselves by taking a Two-Turns
A protesting philosophy never to protest. (See box above Penalty). If they don’t agree with
When you’re trying to decide for much more about this.) you they can risk a protest hearing.
whether or not to protest in the Ideally, this protest philosophy Even if you hail ‘Protest’ on the
middle of a hectic race, it’s helpful will serve as your guide regardless water, you can drop your protest
to have a protest philosophy or of your personal feelings (positive later by not delivering it in writing
strategy already in mind. This or negative) for the sailor that to the jury. However, I think this
might be something you develop broke a rule. And you could think is a bad habit and not especially
with your crew at the beginning of of guidelines for when you won’t sportsmanlike. If you aren’t serious
each season, or a few guidelines file a protest too. For example, you about protesting, don’t pretend to
you considered before the start of might choose to avoid protests that be that way on the water – you will
a particular regatta. The goal is to seek primarily to a) advance your just force your competitor to take
take a consistent, fair approach to own position in the race or series; an insurance penalty. If you were
protesting that doesn’t require a or b) punish someone you don’t serious on the water because you
lot of thought each time you are like. These reasons are not consis- felt they really broke a rule, follow
considering a hail of ‘Protest.’ tent with the purpose of the rules. through with your conviction. •

Play Fair! 11

Taking a Two-Turns Penalty

A big part of good sportsmanship
is taking a penalty when you
break a rule. In the old days sailors
4) Keep clear of other boats while
you are making your penalty turns.
5) If it’s required by the sailing
JH Peterson photo

had no choice except to retire from instructions, report your TTP to

the race for rule breaches; now we the RC boat at the finish or to the
have the Two-Turns Penalty (TTP) protest committee ashore.
which is much less severe and
makes it easier for sailors to ‘do Don’t delay your penalty
the right thing’ after fouling. The Two-Turns Penalty is usually
Because a TTP is the default a much better option than retiring
rulebook penalty, it’s critical to from the race, but it also requires
understand exactly how it works if that you make a quicker decision
you want to play fair. Many sailors, about what to do. According to US
even some with lots of experience, Appeal 60, ‘Rule 44.1 does not pro-
don’t know all the requirements of vide time for a boat to deliberate
rule 44 (Penalties at the Time of an whether she has broken a rule. If a
Incident). Here are some tips on boat decides too late that she has
when and how you can (and can’t) broken a rule, the penalty provided
take a legal TTP. by rule 44 is not available to her.’
In other words, when you are
Penalty turn requirements considering a TTP you can’t take a
When you break a racing rule you lot of time to think about whether If you want to exonerate yourself
can usually exonerate yourself by you were right or wrong. You have by taking a Two-Turns Penalty, you
making two turns in accordance a short window of opportunity must do it as soon as possible. You
with rule 44 (see below). Here are right after the incident – if you fail can’t delay, even if it’s windy and you
five steps you should follow to to get clear of other boats as soon are flying a spinnaker.
make sure your TTP is legal: after the incident as possible, you
1) As soon after the incident as lose the option to take a TTP. In other words, you can’t break
possible, get well clear of other rule 44. If your TTP is improper or
boats so you won’t be in their way You can’t break this rule too late, it’s just as if you didn’t
when you start your penalty turns. According to US Sailing Appeal 46, make any penalty turns at all.
2) Promptly take your penalty. a boat’s “failure to take a proper Likewise, you cannot protest
3) Make two consecutive turns in and timely Two-Turns Penalty another boat under rule 44 for
the same direction; each one must broke no rule. It meant only that failing to do a proper TTP. If a boat
include one tack and one jibe. she failed to take a penalty . . .” fouls you and takes an improper or
delayed penalty, you should protest
them for the right-of-way rule they
broke in the original incident.
44.1 Taking a Penalty Once you take a TTP you can
A boat may take a Two-Turns Penalty when she may have broken one or no longer be protested for that in-
more rules of Part 2 in an incident while racing. She may take a One-Turn cident (unless you caused injury
Penalty when she may have broken rule 31 . . . However, or serious damage or gained a
a) when a boat may have broken a rule of Part 2 and rule 31 in the same significant advantage). So taking
incident she need not take the penalty for breaking rule 31; a penalty is like buying insurance.
b) if the boat caused injury or serious damage or, despite taking a A TTP is not necessarily an
penalty, gained a significant advantage in the race or series by her breach admission of guilt. For example, if
her penalty shall be to retire. you’re involved in an incident and
44.2 One-Turn and Two-Turns Penalties you think you’re right but don’t
After getting well clear of other boats as soon after the incident as possible, want to take any chance of a DSQ
a boat takes a One-Turn or Two-Turns Penalty by promptly making the in the protest room, a TTP can be
required number of turns in the same direction, each turn including one tack a strategic decision to reduce risk.
and one jibe. When a boat takes the penalty at or near the finishing line, she Even if you do penalty turns, you
shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing. can still protest another boat for
that same incident.

12 Speed & Smarts #133

Anatomy of a legal Two-Turns Penalty
When you want to exonerate yourself by taking a Two- As long as you make 2 tacks and 2 jibes,
Turns Penalty, make sure you follow all the requirements you do not have to complete a full 720°
of rule 44 – if you don’t it’s like you never took a penalty turn. In other words, you don’t have to end
at all, and then you’d have to retire from the race. the penalty by returning to the exact same
course you were on when you started it
(though usually it happens that you do).
As soon as you You can begin your
are clear of other penalty by jibing
boats, you must first (as shown here) WIND

If you wish to take a do your penalty or by tacking first.

Two-Turns Penalty, turns ‘promptly.’
you must get ‘well
clear of other boats
as soon after the
Once you finish
incident as possible.’
your final tack or
jibe, you regain all

your rights relative

TURN 1 to other boats.




‘Sorry, doing
my turns.’
Your penalty turns
can be clockwise or
counter-clockwise, but
While you are making your both must be made in
The X penalty turns you must keep the same direction.
‘Incident’ clear of all boats (e.g. Boat X)
that are not making penalty
turns (see Rule 22.2).

When you cannot take a Two-Turns Penalty

There are certain times when a Two-Turns Penalty is not sufficient to exonerate yourself for breaking
a rule. Here are five such situations:
You broke a rule when you weren’t racing (e.g. you interfered with a boat that was racing
and therefore broke rule 24.1). The Two-Turns Penalty is available only when you break a rule while
you are racing. If you break certain rules while not racing, you must retire from the race sailed nearest
in time to the incident (rule 64.1).
The rule you broke was not in Part 2 of the rulebook. If you break a class rule, a sailing
instruction or a racing rule such as rule 42 (Propulsion), for example, you must retire. The Two-Turns
Penalty is only for breaking rules in Part 2 (‘When Boats Meet’).
You caused injury or serious damage during the incident. Rule 44 says clearly that the
Two-Turns Penalty is not available for serious incidents where there is injury or ‘serious damage.’ In
those cases you must retire from the race.
You gained a ‘significant advantage’ in the race or series by breaking a rule, despite
taking a Two-Turns Penalty. For example, let’s say you come in to the leeward mark behind a pack of
boats, force an inside overlap and round ahead of them all by fouling the leader of that pack. If you are
still ahead of some of those boats after taking a Two-Turns Penalty, you gained a ‘significant advantage’
by your breach and you must retire.
The sailing instructions specify a different penalty. Note that rule 44 can be changed by
the sailing instructions. The SIs might say, for example, that the Two-Turns Penalty does not apply at
all, or they could specify the use of the Scoring Penalty (see rule 44.3).

Play Fair! 13

Taking a One-Turn Penalty

R ule 31 (Touching a Mark) says
you are not permitted to touch
a mark while you are racing (see
It depends on when you touch the
mark. Note that rule 31 (Touching
a Mark) specifically says, ‘a boat
same incident she need not take
the penalty for breaking rule 31.’
In other words, you have to do
text of rule on next page). If you do shall not touch a starting mark only a Two-Turns Penalty.
hit a mark, rule 44 (Penalties at the before starting.’ However, rule 31 Note that both rule infringe-
Time of an Incident) describes the applies only while boats are racing ments have to occur in the ‘same
appropriate penalty and how you (see first two words of rule 31). incident,’ which means essentially
must take it (see page 12). Since a boat begins racing at simultaneously. If you break a
The penalty for touching a her preparatory signal (which is right-of-way rule and hit a mark
mark is very similar to the penalty normally four minutes before the five seconds later, you’ll probably
for breaking a right-of-way rule, start), the prohibition on touching need to make three penalty turns.
except you must do only one turn a starting mark commences at that
(including one tack and one jibe) point. So if you touch a starting If I hit a mark, can I do my
instead of two. You still have to get mark before your prep signal, you penalty turn around the mark?
clear of other boats as soon as pos- haven’t broken any rule. If you Yes. Rule 31 does not limit where
sible after the ‘incident’ (touching touch it after the prep signal, you you can do your penalty turn, so
the mark) and then you must do must take a penalty. going around the mark is OK. In
your turn promptly. While taking fact, this is what the rules required
your penalty you must keep clear If I hit a starting mark before before 1989. Of course, if you re-
of all other boats that are not tak- the start, do I have to wait until round the mark you must be sure
ing penalties. Here are a bunch of after the start to take a penalty? to comply with all the require-
common questions and answers No! You can (and in fact you must) ments of rule 31.2, like taking the
about hitting marks. get ‘well clear of other boats as penalty promptly and keeping clear
soon after the incident as possible’ of other boats (see ISAF Case 108).
Do I have to take a penalty if and then promptly take your One-
no other boat protests me? Turn Penalty. If I finish the race and then hit a
Yes! When you know that you finishing mark, do I have to take
broke a rule (e.g. touched a mark), If I hit the mark and foul another a penalty?
the Basic Principle requires you to boat at the same time, do I have That depends on when you hit the
get clear of other boats and take a to make three penalty turns? mark. Rule 31 (Touching a Mark)
penalty promptly. It doesn’t matter No. Rule 44.1a (see page 12) says, applies as long as you are still rac-
whether anyone else saw you hit ‘when a boat may have broken a ing. According to the definition of
the mark or protested – you must rule of part 2 and rule 31 in the racing, a boat doesn’t stop racing
take a One-Turn Penalty (or retire).

Must I take a penalty if I touch

only the mark’s anchor line?
No. According to the definition of
Mark, ‘An anchor line or an object
attached accidentally to a mark is
not part of it.’ Therefore, if you
touch only the mark’s anchor line
you are not considered to have
touched the mark itself, so you
don’t have to take a penalty. How-
ever, if you catch the anchorline on
your keel and this drags the mark
into contact with your hull (or any
other part of your boat or crew),
then you do have to take a penalty.

Do I have to take a penalty if I

hit one of the starting marks
before the start of the race? JH Peterson photo

14 Speed & Smarts #133

until she ‘finishes and clears the Anatomy of a legal One-Turn Penalty
finishing line and marks ...’ So if the WIND
front half of your boat crosses the While you are making your penalty
finish line and then you slide into a turn you must keep clear of all boats
finish mark, you have broken rule 31 (e.g. Boat X) that are not making You can make your turn
and must take a penalty. penalty turns (see rule 22.2) until you clockwise or counterclock-
But if you cross the finish line have completed your tack and jibe. wise and you can begin
completely, sail around for 30 sec- by tacking first (as shown
onds and then touch a finish mark, here) or by jibing first.
you probably didn’t break rule 31.

If I touch a finish mark, do I have

to take my penalty on the course
side of the finish line? As soon as you TURN
are clear of other Before taking a
No. You can make your penalty turn One-Turn Penalty,

boats, you must
anywhere you want (as long as you you must get ‘well
do your penalty
meet the requirements of rule 44). clear of other boats
turn ‘promptly.’
However, as rule 44.2 explains, you as soon after the
must ‘sail completely to the course incident as possible.’
side of the line before finishing.’

Are there any times when doing a Oops!

One-Turn Penalty won’t exonerate ‘Incident’
me for hitting a mark?
Yes. If you touch a mark and take a
penalty but still gain a ‘significant X
advantage’ in the race or series by
your breach, your only option is to mark
retire. This could happen if you hit
the mark while trying to sneak in
front of a pack of boats. Also, if hit-
ting the mark causes injury or serious
damage you must retire.

Do I always have to take a penalty As long as you do a tack and a jibe, you don’t have to
after touching a mark? complete a full 360° turn (i.e. you don’t have to end the
No. No penalty is required when: penalty by returning to the same exact course you were
• You hit a mark while you are not on when you started it). In this example at a windward
racing (i.e. before your prep signal mark, the Red boat needs to turn only about 270°.
or after you finish and clear the line);

• You touch a mark that does not
begin, bound or end the leg you are ™
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Play Fair! 15
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Is it fair to slow a competitor

intentionally during a race?
I s it legal, and sportsmanlike, to tack
on another boat and give them bad
air? Can you luff a competitor above and
beyond your proper course? Can you push
TACTICS someone to the back of the fleet?
In most cases, the answer is yes. Sailboat racing is not
like ski racing where you race only against the clock. You
compete on a race course with many other boats, and your main
goal is to beat them. It is certainly within the rules, and within
accepted norms of sportsmanship, to slow the boats behind you A
in order to have a better chance of beating them.
Tacking or jibing on other boats (and giving them bad air) is In this fleet race, Boat A
hard to avoid completely in a large fleet. You could argue that it’s is relentlessly tacking on
smart to minimize the number of times you intentionally slow B Boat B to push B to the
other boats (so they are less likely to do the same to you), but this back of the fleet. This
is certainly an accepted and effective tactical option. tactic is permitted as
A more interesting question is whether it’s sportsmanlike and long as A is doing this
fair to match-race another competitor in the middle of a fleet race. only to improve her own
This happens occasionally near the end of regattas when one boat position in the series.
is trying to get a result that will put them ahead of the other boat A cannot do this simply
in the series. Is this tactic legal? because she doesn’t like
The best guidance comes from Case 78 in the ISAF Appeals B. Case 78 explains that
Book (see below). The short answer is that it’s OK to interfere with this tactic is legal, but it
and hinder another boat as long as this is done to benefit your final probably wouldn’t be
ranking in the regatta or your chances of winning selection for viewed as sportsmanlike
another event. But if you intentionally break any rule in the process in many less-serious
of slowing the other boat, then you also break rule 2 (Fair Sailing). classes or events.


‘In a fleet race either for one-design boats or for boats racing under a handicap or rating system,
a boat may use tactics that clearly interfere with and hinder another boat’s progress in the race,
provided that, if she is protested under rule 2 for doing so, the protest committee finds that there
was a reasonable chance of her tactics benefiting either her final ranking in the event or her chances
of gaining selection for another event or for her national team. However, she breaks rule 2, and
possibly rule 69.1(a), if while using those tactics she intentionally breaks a rule.’

16 Speed & Smarts #133

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