Guarding Eris: Brotherhood Protectors World (Team Wolf Book 3) 1st Edition Reina Torres & Brotherhood Protectors World

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Guarding Eris: Brotherhood Protectors

World (Team Wolf Book 3) 1st Edition

Reina Torres & Brotherhood Protectors
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Brotherhood Protectors
Brotherhood Protectors World
Guarding Eris

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Team Wolf Series

About Reina Torres

Also by Reina Torres
Brotherhood Protectors
About Elle James
Copyright © 2022, Reina Torres

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

© 2022 Twisted Page Press, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

No part of this book may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from the publisher except for brief
quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.
This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to
share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not
purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy.

Brotherhood Protectors Yellowstone

Saving Kyla (#1)
Saving Chelsea (#2)
Saving Amanda (#3)
Saving Liliana (#4)
Saving Breely (#5)
Saving Savvie (#6)

Brotherhood Protectors Colorado

SEAL Salvation (#1)
Rocky Mountain Rescue (#2)
Ranger Redemption (#3)
Tactical Takeover (#4)
Colorado Conspiracy (#5)
Rocky Mountain Madness (#6)
Free Fall (#7)
Colorado Cold Case (#8)
Fool’s Folly (#9)

Brotherhood Protectors Series

Montana SEAL (#1)
Bride Protector SEAL (#2)
Montana D-Force (#3)
Cowboy D-Force (#4)
Montana Ranger (#5)
Montana Dog Soldier (#6)
Montana SEAL Daddy (#7)
Montana Ranger’s Wedding Vow (#8)
Montana SEAL Undercover Daddy (#9)
Cape Cod SEAL Rescue (#10)
Montana SEAL Friendly Fire (#11)
Montana SEAL’s Mail-Order Bride (#12)
SEAL Justice (#13)
Ranger Creed (#14)
Delta Force Rescue (#15)
Dog Days of Christmas (#16)
Montana Rescue (#17)
Montana Ranger Returns (#18)

Brotherhood Protectors Yellowstone World

Team Wolf
Guarding Harper - Desiree Holt
Guarding Hannah - Delilah Devlin
Guarding Eris - Reina Torres
Guarding Payton - Jen Talty
Guarding Leah - Regan Black

Brotherhood Protectors Colorado World

Athena Project
Beck’s Six - Desiree Holt
Victoria’s Six - Delilah Devlin
Cygny’s Six - Reina Torres
Fay’s Six - Jen Talty
Melody’s Six - Regan Black

Team Trojan
Defending Sophie - Desiree Holt
Defending Evangeline - Delilah Devlin
Defending Casey - Reina Torres
Defending Sparrow - Jen Talty
Defending Avery - Regan Black

Reina Torres


THE BUFFALO BAR and Grill wasn’t exactly where he wanted to end up that night, but he’d fucked
around until most of everything was closed so, there he was pushing open the door and bracing
himself for whatever he’d find.
The place was just bright enough that he wouldn’t stumble into anyone or trip over an unfortunate
foot, but it was also dark enough that he could probably manage to get a drink and a bite to eat and
make his way out without really being noticed.
This would work.
The man at the bar looked up when Alex stepped up and offered a friendly smile. “Welcome to the
Buffalo Bar, I’m Ron.”
Alex put his hands on the polished bar top. “Nice to meet you, Ron.”
Ron’s smile didn’t falter when he didn’t offer his name and Alex gave the other man points for
leaving it at that.
“What can I get you?”
Alex drew in a breath through his closed teeth and looked around. He didn’t have any trouble
seeing in the dimly lit interior. He’d always had great night vision, so bars weren’t a problem.
People were.
And as he stood there, the front doors opened up and half a dozen people walked in.
Turning back to Ron, Alex had to ask. “Is it gonna be crowded tonight?”
Ron shrugged. “Small town so we get the ones that come in like clockwork, but we also get the
ones who decide to stop in for whatever reason.”
A couple came to a stop beside him at the bar and the woman set her fancy camera down on the
bar top.
Grimacing at the implications of her camera, he looked up at Ron and saw the knowing look that
the man gave to the pair.
Yeah… maybe not.
“Can I get food here at the bar?”
Ron slid another look at the tourist couple standing beside him before he turned back. “Sure, but
maybe you’d rather get a table? Or a booth?”
The man on Alex’s left set down a couple of bills and stepped away from the bar.
That’s when Alex saw her.
The woman at the end of the bar.
Her body language was easy to read.

I’ M ALONE . I like it this way.

HE SHOULD LISTEN to that language.

He really should.
But standing there, looking at the woman, he knew a few things outright.
She was beautiful.
She was a loner.
And she was packing.
That’s why he was going to stay.
He wasn’t afraid of her. Nor did he think she was there to cause trouble.
If anything, he had a feeling she could handle anything that came her way.
She hadn’t just caught his attention,
She’d captured his attention and curiosity, and-
“Hey, mister.”
Alex turned to look at Ron. “Hmm?”
“Now,” he exhaled, “I’m not gonna tell you what you should do.”
“But?” Alex couldn’t help but smile at the older man’s attempt at tact.
Ron blew out a breath and slowly shook his head. “Around these parts they tell you to keep a
healthy distance away from the wildlife.”
The other man’s words were apt, although Alex doubted that the barman would have said anything
like that to the woman’s face. Likely he’d end up hobbling afterward or tending bar with one hand.
Alex smiled at the older man. “I’ve come face to face with my share of wildlife. I know how to
take care of myself.”
Ron’s eyebrows raised, not in surprise, but more of a ‘we’ll see’ look. “Well, before you sit,
maybe you ought to have a drink.” Ron turned his back and when he came back around, he had a glass
in one hand and a bottle of Roughstock Whiskey. He poured Alex a healthy splash of the liquor and
set it down.
When Alex started to reach for his wallet, Ron shook his head. “Consider this one on the house.”
Alex tipped his head to the side. “Well, thanks.”
When the glass touched his bottom lip, Ron’s smile became a grin. “It might be your last.”
The whiskey burned all the way down to his stomach, but at least he didn’t choke on it.
Ron’s look said he might have been hoping that Alex would have. At least it would have been a
good story.
Instead, it gave Alex a little clarity.
Yeah, going to sit down beside the woman at the end of the bar might leave him with a few scars
on his skin and under it, but hey, he’d already lived through what felt like a lifetime in the military,
deployed with his team from Ft. Drum.
He’d lived dangerously before.
He wasn’t averse to taking a chance with life and limb.
There was something about her.
Before he started to move, Ron pressed another class into his hand. “Here. You might need that.”
Alex gave him a pointed look. “Thanks, I think.”
Ron gave him a mock salute. “Carry on, soldier.”
Yeah, Alex hadn’t said a word about being in the service, and he liked to keep his hair close
cropped just because he liked it like that, but he’d been told that it didn’t take much more than a look
to peg him as being in the service.
It didn’t make sense to him. He thought he looked like pretty much everyone else in the room. A
man. Wearing jeans. A flannel long sleeved shirt. Boots and-
“Where are you from?”
He stopped just shy of the empty barstool beside her. “Sacramento.”
She nodded and hummed a little.
“Do you have another question for me?”
She shook her head. “Nope.” She took a drink from her glass.
Not a sip.
A drink.
It was his turn to, “Hmm.”
She was still for a moment before she turned on the bar stool and faced him. “How much of a
glutton for punishment are you?”
Heaven help him, he perked up at that.
She gave him a searching look and then her lips curved up into a little smile. “You’re not like the
Yeah, he didn’t know what to do with that.
“There are three types of men that walk up to me in a bar.”
Oh, this, he had to hear.
“One. Drunk tourists. Two. Drunk locals.”
Silence fell between them, and he leaned his elbow on the bar waiting for her to continue. “And
“You.” She looked at him with a coy look in her eyes, a look that made his skin hot under his
collar. “You’re the third type. And I don’t know what to make of you. You’re not drunk.”
“No.” He shook his head.
“And while I know you don’t live around here, you’re still not drunk.”
“Why would men approach you drunk?”
She laughed and the sound seemed to surprise her enough that she lifted a hand toward her mouth
but lowered it again.
“Well, most men around these parts call me prickly, so they’d only come up to me pretty sloshed.”
Okay. Glad to know that men in West Yellowstone didn’t have much in the way of balls.
“And tourists? If they come up, they’re likely drunk and someone’s dared them to come and talk to
“A dare, huh?” He smiled. “They have eyes, don’t they?”
She picked up her drink and touched the edge of the glass to her lower lip.
While he watched, she let the liquor slide over her lip and into her mouth.
Alex had to keep himself still. He wrapped his fingers around his glass and held it tightly against
his palm.
When she finished the drink and moved the glass away, she licked at her lips, and he sat himself
down on the stool beside her.
She didn’t comment on the movement, nor did she warn him away, so he took it as a small victory.
Besides, it was more comfortable to sit down and give his dick some room in his jeans. It also
kept her from seeing how fucking hard he was just from watching her take a drink from her glass.
“What are you drinking?”
He almost missed the question, but he’d caught her look at his glass and figured it out. “Uh,” it
took him a moment to remember what Ron had said. “Whiskey,” He smiled at remembering that much.
“Roughstock,” he added, pleased with that recall.
That earned him a smile. “Nice.”
He’d take nice.
“You’re not a regular here.”
He shook his head. “Just visiting for a week or so. I used to come here summers while I was
growing up.”
Her eyebrows rose but he couldn’t tell if it was surprise or curiosity.
“My grandfather had a place along the river.”
She leaned closer, setting her elbow on the bar top. “Really? That sounds amazing.”
He had to smile at that. “Yeah, it was. Those were the best. You from around here?”
She seemed a little taken aback by the question, but she didn’t shy away from answering it.
“Nope. I grew up in Arizona down about Many Farms. I’ve lived here almost a year but I’m not sure
this is the place for me.”
Alex felt a pang of sadness at her words, although he wasn’t sure why. “Why not?”
Again, she paused as if she hadn’t expected a question directed at her.
“I’m not all that sure it feels like home.”
He heard something empty in her words, but it was something he felt too. He just hadn’t put a
name to it until she’d answered him.
He’d been unsettled for the better part of a year, anxious. The leave of absence his unit had been
given from Iraq was the reason he’d found time to come to Yellowstone.
It wouldn’t be long before his time in the military was up. He knew he wasn’t going to reup when
his time ran out.
He just didn’t know where he’d end up.
That’s what he’d been looking for when he’d hopped on a train and a bus to get here. He just
didn’t know what he was looking for. How he would know when he found it.
“What’s does home feel like?”
Her brow furrowed at his question and a few wrinkles pinched at the bridge of her nose. “I’m not
quite sure. I’m just not sure it’s here.”
He nodded.
He wasn’t going to argue. Why should he? He didn’t know what it felt like either.
“What about you,” she asked, and he found himself leaning in to hear her better with the building
crowd in the bar. “You must have some great memories about this place to come and visit. Maybe I’m
just not seeing it through the right lens.”
Smiling, he nodded. “The first time I came out here as a kid I hated it. No TV. Not even a decent
radio station.” He shook his head and laughed. “Then again, I was a kid. Cartoons were my life.
Looking back on it now, it wasn’t the tortuous experience I thought it was. Spartan, maybe, but my
grandfather was a real man of the land.
“We fished and ate the fish. He always tried to start a garden, but never quite got the hang of it. He
traded fish with a couple of families that had decent gardens closer to town. I’m just… looking back
it was better than I thought it was. What I saw as suffering away from the world…”
“Was actually much better than what you thought the world was?”
He smiled and she followed suit.
It felt good.
It felt damn good.
“Yeah,” he nodded and lifted a hand to his head. It was a gesture that he’d never outgrown.
Although, back when he was younger, he had a full head of glossy hair. Now he just cut it close all the
time because of the military. All he felt against his palm were the spiky ends of his recent touch-up.
Realizing that he might look a little silly, not that he normally cared, he dropped his hand down
and set it on the rail of the bar.
“Funny how time and perspective can change things.”
She nodded, but there was a faraway look in her eyes.
And while she probably didn’t notice how intently he was staring at her. He took advantage of the
moment to admire her face.
She was tanned, a warm tone that said she was at home out of doors. Her dark hair looked like
ebony in the interior of the bar and his hand itched to touch it.
He bet it would feel thick and glossy in his hand.
Yeah, sitting down was a damn good idea.
If he hadn’t, she’d get an eyeful if she looked his way. He hadn’t been with a woman for what
seemed like forever, but he didn’t miss it all that much.
Just a few moments with this woman and he wanted to feel her body under his… over his… any
way he could have her.
He fucking needed to get inside of her.
And it wasn’t just because of the way her eyelashes cast shadows against her high cheekbones
when she lowered her eyes.
It wasn’t just the way her lips looked like sin, perfectly curved and full.
It was all of that and the way her body drew him closer. The pensive way she held herself on the
barstool and the elegant curve of her back as she turned her head to look at him.
When she lifted her eyes to look at his face, he was suddenly short of breath, his chest tight and
fighting for air.
“Maybe you could show me.”
Her words put his thoughts into overdrive, but he knew that’s not what she was talking about.
“Show you?”
Her smile dimmed a little. “No, never mind. Sorry.” She lifted her hand and made a vague gesture
with it. “It was a stupid thought.”
Her hand dropped down on to the old bar top and put a smile on her face. A smile that wasn’t all
that happy.
“No, really.” He reached out a hand and set it down just shy of hers.
He wanted to touch her.
It was crazy, but that’s what he wanted to do.
He wanted to reassure her that he’d meant his words and it had been a long time since he’d
wanted to connect with someone else outside of the men in his unit.
Alex just didn’t want to fuck it up and he had a feeling he was dangerously close to crossing that
“Look,” he swallowed his nerves down and turned his hand over in what he hoped was a gesture
she wouldn’t see as aggressive or over the top, “I’m not joking with you or making light either. I know
I’m just some guy who walked up to you in a bar...”
They both gave a few involuntary chuckles at that, and her smile brightened again. “That sounds
like the start of a bad joke.”
He nodded thoughtfully.
It did.
It really did.
He lifted his hand and held it out to her. “I’m Alex. Alex Ridgely. Nice to meet you.”
He stood there, with his hand held out. Hopefully she wouldn’t leave him standing there like an
“Alex,” she said his name and nodded slowly. “Alexander? Or Alex?”
He fixed his eyes on hers. “Alex.”
She nodded and reached out her hand, taking his in a firm shake. “Eris. Eris Lange.”
“Eris,” his eyes narrowed as he said her name, “I like it. It’s-”
“Silly,” she scoffed, her shoulders rising in a reflexive shrug.
“Unique,” he countered and slowly withdrew his hand from her. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
His question threw her off balance. “What’s tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” he gestured back at her barstool, and she sat back comfortably, “I’m taking you to
see where my grandpa had this cabin on Duck Creek.”
He sat down a moment later and watched as her thoughts played across her features.
She wasn’t a woman who did things lightly.
He had a feeling that Eris Lange was a woman who put a lot of thought into everything she did.
And he was hoping that she’d decide to spend some time with him the next day.
Maybe a day or two after that if he could postpone his flight back to Fort Drum.
He held his glass lightly with his fingers touching the edge of the glass.
Alex hoped to hell that he didn’t look as anxious as he felt.
Eris Lange was a force of nature. Gravity, pulling him in.
And the last thing he wanted was to pull away.

THE RIDE OUT to Duck Creek had been a relaxed one and Eris had to admit it wasn’t all that hard to
have Alex in her Jeep. Normally she drove alone and enjoyed it, but from the moment she picked him
up at the motel on the edge of West Yellowstone, they’d fallen into easy conversation.
The fact that he’d mentioned fishing as part of the day’s activities had really been the cherry on
top of the handsome sundae in her passenger seat.
Most guys, and yes, there had been a few, who’d asked her out after she moved to West
Yellowstone either thought she was joking about going fishing or found it a rather ‘manly’ thing to do.
Like a woman couldn’t fish or ride or hunt as good as any man or enjoy it as much.
Those troubling thoughts had fallen by the wayside easily enough, and he didn’t gripe about her
music. He even sang under his breath on a few of the older country songs that had popped up in her
She loved the warm bass tone of his voice and held back her own urge to sing along to the songs
just to hear his voice.
That alone had kept her attention until they’d pulled onto the private road that led down to the
Eris had slowed her Jeep almost to a crawl as they descended the gentle slope toward the river.
She’d never seen such a view.
“Wow. This is where you spent your summers?”
Alex’s laughter wasn’t teasing, but she could hear the smile in his tone. “Yeah. Just down there,
where those trees are planted.”
She was at a crawl and pulled over to the side of the road where he was pointing at the foliage
through the windshield. Putting the Jeep in park she sat back and sighed. “Where was the house?”
When he didn’t immediately reply she hesitated, thinking she might have accidentally opened an
old wound.
Lifting her chin a little she turned to look at him. “Alex?”
His gaze was still at the same place it had been a few seconds ago, but the look on his face said
that he was probably in the past.
What was it about this man that had her breath catching in her throat and her body acting like it
had a mind of its own?
No, that wasn’t true.
Her body didn’t have a mind of its own, but maybe it had a magnet.
And Alex Ridgely was all iron.
Muscles for days.
She normally didn’t care what a guy wore around her, but he wore his t-shirt and cargo shorts like
he knew how it would show off the muscles and veins in his arms. She’d barely had a glimpse of his
calves but what she’d seen had her swallowing hard to get the knot out of her throat.
Alex was built like the marble statue of a god.
But he was warm instead of cool like a statue.
His head turned at about the same moment that her addled brain realized that she’d put her hand on
his arm, her palm against his warm flesh.
“Oh, ah… Sorry.”
She took it away and dropped it back onto the console between them and she saw his head turn to
look her in the eye.
Not a coward, nor wanting to appear to be one, she lifted her chin and met his gaze.
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No,” she saw a muscle tick in his jaw, “you should, if that’s what you wanted to do, Eris.”
The whole world seemed to grind to a halt as she heard the slight hiss of the s at the end of her
Unbidden came the fantasy of his voice in her ear, as he held her against him, her back against his
“It’s not like I do that all the time,” she mentally shook herself for speaking at all. “In fact I’m not
big on touching anyone. I just… I guess I thought I said something that made you sad… or upset. And I
wanted to know if that’s what happened and ugh,” she tipped her head back until the back of her head
hit the headrest on the seat, “I should stop talking now before I sound too much like… like…”
The day was sunny, but there were enough clouds above their heads to keep things relatively cool
to the touch. However, the heat she felt on the back of her hand wasn’t just any heat.
It was Alex.
She didn’t even have to lift her head to know what had happened.
She could feel it.
His hand on top of hers.
Again, her mind was clouded with ideas of what it would be like to have him pressed against her,
his heat warming her skin.
Eris had a feeling that if they stayed in the Jeep she just might climb over the center console and
straddle his lap. The tingling sensation that she’d felt the night before at the bar hadn’t really gone
Apparently, it had just been dormant.
Having him touch her.
Having him near and in a relatively private place made her heart race with the possibilities.
She wasn’t someone who had a lot of casual sex.
Okay, not a lot was actually never. Not casually.
She’d been with a total of two men in her life and both times they’d gone out for a month or two
before she’d even wanted to try to extend their relationship into a sexual one.
But somehow Alex made her want to be a little bolder than she’d been before.
He made her body hum with some kind of unfamiliar need.
The voice inside of her head sounded a little panicked when it blurted out a warning in her ear.
Get out of the car, dummy.
“Wow. That really is a great view.” Eris pulled her hand from under Alex’s and while she gave
him a quick side-long glance, he didn’t seem all that upset about her sudden movement. “We should
go down to the water and see what conditions are like today.”
Before she finished speaking, she was out of the Jeep and needlessly moving her hands over her
hair as if it needed a check.
The plain ponytail she usually wore when she wasn’t on duty at the corrections center, was pretty
well behaved.
She didn’t have any curls or waves in her hair. It was pretty much boring and straight no matter
how long it was or even if there was a lick of humidity in the air.
Still, it was something to do with her hands, so she didn’t feel like a complete idiot.
Alex walked around the front of the Jeep and extended his arm toward her.
Instinct wanted her to move closer, take the hand he was offering, but the voice in her head gasped
in mortification.
Girlie things just weren’t her bag.
But the way her body leaned in toward him and wanted his touch was likely to take that poor
voice and drive her over the edge.
Alex curled his fingers, beckoning her to follow him and started walking through the scrub brush
at the edge of the property. “Come on. You wanted to see the view on the river, right?”
“Yeah.” Her smile was easy, and she quickened her steps to walk by his side.
The brush wasn’t that thick, and she could almost see the ghost of a path through the brush.
“Was that a path?”
Alex stopped and turned to look in the direction she was pointing in. He smiled and the honest
expression hit her in the gut. He was gorgeous. Rugged.
And the realizations weren’t doing anything to slow the deep attraction building for the man she
just met.
His answer caught her attention. She felt her cheeks heat and she wondered if he could guess
where her thoughts had gone in that moment.
“The cabin was right about there.” He pointed at the center of the open space. “It was just big
enough for a couple of people and a couple of dogs without everyone climbing on top of each other.”
She joined him in laughing at his words, knowing that he probably wasn’t expecting ‘that’ image
to pop up in her head.
Without waiting for him to say anything else she caught up to him on the old, faded path and they
easily picked their way to the banks of Duck Creek.
The whole world seemed to quiet a little as she took in their surroundings. They were, for all
intents and purposes, alone at that moment. The water moving along just a couple of feet from where
they were standing.
Even in her well-worn boots, her toes wiggled, wanting to feel the cool water on her toes.
“It’s a little low at the moment.” His voice drew her attention to his face, and she studied his
profile, enjoying the view especially with the background of Yellowstone’s majestic beauty all in
one. “We’ll be able to fish, but I’m not sure we’ll get to catch anything with where the water level is.”
The look he turned in her direction was a little hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure if that was a deal
Smiling she leaned in and gave him a nudge with her shoulder. “My granddad always said that it’s
called fishing, not catching. I’m just happy to enjoy the time outdoors if you do.”
The look he turned on her was stunning.
He wasn’t smiling but his eyes fixed on her and made her feel like the world around them was
suddenly gone, disappeared.
“Yeah.” his voice was deeper than it had been, a little gruff. “I want the time with you.”
Maybe it was the sun on her skin or the late night they’d had at the bar, but she was suddenly
feeling a little off kilter.
Like the walls she normally held tightly around her had shifted, crumbling a bit.
And damn, she even felt a little more feminine.
It had been a while since that had happened.
Being around Alex was just that… unnerving.
That didn’t stop her from smiling.
It just added to the strangeness of the moment.
“Okay then,” she stood a little taller and just might have put her shoulders back a bit too…
improve her posture, “should we go back to the Jeep and grab your pole? Oh, shit. I meant grab the
She almost cringed at the words after they came out of her mouth.
Eris wasn’t normally someone who bandied about with double entendres like the guys did at the
detention center where she worked. Encouraging that felt wrong to her, but just normal conversation
with Alex seemed to give words extra meaning.
And that was why her life, in a word, sucked.
He was visiting.
Coming to Yellowstone to relive childhood memories before going back to the military and back
to his deployment.
He wasn’t sticking around.
Which was probably a good thing given how much he’d already turned her world sideways, and
they’d known each other less than twenty-four hours.
Oh god.
She’d zoned out on him. Hadn’t she?
“Sorry,” she shook her head and didn’t have to try to smile, she was already embarrassed enough
that a smile wasn’t even voluntary, “I was a little lost in thought.”
His smile looked sinful, although that was probably just her imagination.
“Oh, I thought you were thinking about my pole.”
Before her mind could wrap itself around his loaded words, she saw something in the river and
her training kicked in.
“What are they doing?”
She didn’t wait for an answer, it was more rhetorical than anything else.
Eris ran a little way up the creek and stared at the canoe coming toward them. “Sir? Sir!”
The man only sent her a quick side-ways glare, but he didn’t call back to her.
She felt Alex at her shoulder.
“Sir, the creek isn’t deep enough right now.” She pointed toward the area behind them, where
they’d just been looking into the water.
The man didn’t get what she was saying. He dug his oar into the water and pulled with a grunt.
The little boy in front of him held a toy oar that didn’t even touch the water when he made a similar
pull on the side of the canoe.
If it hadn’t been dangerous, Eris would have thought it was cute.
Well maybe not cute, since neither of them was wearing a safety vest.
“Sir.” Eris stepped up to the edge of the creek bed and stretched out an arm, waving to get his
attention. “Sir, please, move over to the side and stop.”
The man swung his head around to stare at her, his eyes blazing with frustration. “I’m spending
time with my son.”
“I see that, sir, but it gets pretty shallow up ahead and I’m not sure the bottom of that canoe-”
As she spoke some part of the bottom of the canoe hit and bumped over a hard surface, probably a
“We just need to get over this.” The man shoved the oar into the water and grunted.
The canoe lurched forward, and Alex stepped forward, putting his boot in the water.
Eris grabbed his arm to hold him back.
The bow of the canoe swung and nearly clipped him.
Instead of arguing with her, Alex covered her hand with his and gave her hand a squeeze.
Together they moved along with the canoe as the man forced it over rocks.
The sudden movements rocked the canoe and pitched them side to side. His son’s white-knuckled
grasp on the oar was about the same shade as his face.
“Sir, stop. You’re not going to be able to handle this.”
The man turned his head to flash a look at her. His eyes were sharp, and his brow was pushed
down over his eyes. “Leave us alone. You’re not in charge here.”
She wanted to roll her eyes at his sharp and condescending tone, but she had other worries.
“Look!” He scoffed as he pointed his oar ahead. “The water’s flowing really good up there.”
Alex’s hand tightened around hers and broke away as they walked quickly downstream to get
ahead of the canoe.
The river was moving well ahead but that’s just because it was spilling into a faster moving part
of the river. The man and his son weren’t going to have to worry about rocks anymore, but with the
way they were pitching back and forth, they’d likely flip before they righted themselves and regained
She had a feeling that Alex wasn’t going to be content to follow alongside the canoe and she
understood the feeling, but she’d had some experience with the new ‘brand’ of tourists that were
coming into Yellowstone, and they certainly weren’t what Alex would remember from his time in the
Help wasn’t something they wanted unless it was on their terms.
Alex splashed into the water and took a few steps forward.
Eris saw him stop at the edge of the rocks that were easily visible. The man’s thrashing
movements with his oar had stirred up the bottom of the creek and muddied the water.
It wasn’t safe to go any further under normal conditions, but with the erratic movements of the
canoe, even that was too far.
“Just a few more-”
“Daddy, stop!”
“-bumps and-”
“Alex! Watch out!”
Eris watched the situation unfold as if it was in slow motion.
One herculean push of an oar and the bow of the canoe pitched upward at an odd angle, tipping
the father and son backward.
If she hadn’t seen it, she wouldn’t have believed it, but the canoe suddenly looked like it was
standing up in the water on its back end.
It splashed into the water upside down making both father and son disappear.
Eris wasn’t sure if she’d said the word or if it was Alex, but she was already bending over to
yank at her bootlaces.
She’d tied them loosely when she’d put them on which was a good decision. She had one boot off
and the other pulling free when she saw the little boy’s head pop up out of the water.
He was pulled swiftly away by the current which was free of all of the rocky intrusions. She was
already on the run when she heard Alex’s voice.
“I’ll get the dad.”
She didn’t nod or reply, she dove in, keeping the dive shallow. Once she came up, she was just a
few feet shy of the boy.
He wasn’t trying to swim, and she wondered if he had any skill in the area. It wasn’t a judgement,
but the way the child was flapping his arms in the water she was sure she was going to have a fight on
her hands.
As she cut through the water, she hoped that Alex was having better luck with the father behind
“Give me your hand!”
The child was spun around in the water and when he saw her, his eyes flashed wide. “Where’s my
“My friend is getting your dad. Give me your hand.”
She pushed forward in the water and reached out to the boy.
He moved sideways, his hand slapping at her arm.
“Go ‘way!”
“I can help you, give me your hand.”
She moved closer and he slapped at her but only hit the water, splashing it into her face.
The water didn’t hurt but it was a little disorienting.
“I said go ‘way!” The child was almost screaming and when she managed to get a hand on his
shoulder he ducked under the water and away from her.
Damn it.
She ducked under the surface of the water and felt like she was going to be pulled further under. It
was irrational, but she couldn’t ignore the feeling.
Reaching out blindly she got her hand around something.
Arm or leg, she didn’t know.
The hold didn’t last long.
Whatever she was holding was torn from her grasp and something, probably one of his feet,
connected with her jaw.
Panic gave the kid some serious strength, but she couldn’t give up.
She popped up, her head above water and quickly swam down stream of the boy.
He breached from the water his head looking back upstream. “Daddy!”
That’s when she pushed closer, reached her arm down over his shoulder and managed to hook her
finger in a belt loop on the boy’s shorts.
Turning so she was almost on her back she started moving toward the side of the creek.
Eris caught sight of Alex and the boy’s father on the bank. Both of them were pissed. Alex’s shirt
was torn, but they were both alive and on dry land.
She couldn’t have asked for a better… well, she could have, but she had a feeling neither the boy
trying to elbow her in her ribs, nor his father would have been at all willing to help keep themselves
out of the water.
Nature or nurture didn’t really matter when in situations like this. People were people.
Sadly, some just couldn’t see beyond their own myopic views.
The boy landed a good sharp jab just under her ribs on her right side and air pushed out of her
lungs a moment before she took in some water.
She heard Alex’s voice and the deep bass tone calmed her, easing the tension that had her strung
“Keep coming! I’m coming out to get you.”
It was okay.
It was going to be okay.
Right as her foot hit the ground, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She eased her hold on the boy and he lurched away, almost pushing her under water.
Alex’s hold on her shoulder was rock solid and he helped her to her feet.
By the time she was upright, the father and son were already walking back along the creek. The
boy was sobbing, his father disturbing the peace with his grouchy demeanor and half-grumbled, half-
shouted complaints.
Turning back to Alex, she stopped short. “Wow, did you fight a bear or something?”
Alex dropped his gaze to the shirt he had been wearing but was currently hanging from his
shoulders. “No, a bear would probably be more grateful than that jerk.”
Before she could stop herself, she reached out and tried to right the torn shirt on his body. It
brought her hand into contact with too much skin and swallowing hard, she looked into his eyes. “I’m
not going to complain about the view, but maybe we should get back to the car.”
He tilted his head and gave her a curious look. “Do you want to head back into town?”
That brought her up short. “Leave? No! I was… I have some towels in the back of the Jeep. I
thought we could dry off and clear a space for a fire. Warm up?”
Her gaze was so fixed on his that she didn’t see his hand move.
She felt it though.
His hand over hers, her knuckles curled against his chest, his torn, wet shirt grasped in her hand.
“I’m all for getting you warm. A fire works.”
Eris grinned at him, feeling something inside cracking wide open. “For now.”

BY THE TIME the sky was filled with violet, pink, and blue hues, they’d managed to dry off and catch a
few pickerel stirred up by the canoe. As Alex minded the pan over the fire, he tried to look his fill of
Eris, hoping she wouldn’t think he was being a creep staring at her.
She looked good by the fire.
Shaking his head, Alex knew it was an understatement.
Eris Lange looked good in any light.
Wrapped up in a light blanket to keep her warm from the chilly night, she looked comfortable and
He liked that look on her.
He liked her in his space and while he hadn’t talked about it, he was starting to really consider
moving to West Yellowstone when he got out of the Army. The rumblings in the service said that the
military would be pulling out of the Middle East in short order, and he found himself approaching a
new crossroads in his life.
The other men in his unit were younger than him by a few years.
How many, he couldn’t… or wouldn’t number. It wasn’t vanity.
Not in the general sense.
He just didn’t want to think about the way his hide had been marked up by the years of his service.
He was still in his prime, but he was on the far end of it, unlike the others.
The others were younger. Outside of the military, they’d likely have more years to live than he
would, but that didn’t mean he wanted anything less than anyone else.
As the fire crackled under the pan, he couldn’t help but think about his summers with his grandpa,
doing pretty much the same thing that he was doing right at that moment. Sitting under the expansive
sky and enjoying his life.
“Mmm, that smells delicious.”
He shrugged, but he couldn’t hide his smile. “It’s almost ready. I hope you’re hungry.”
Her laugh was a tangible thing that he felt all over.
“Oh, I’m hungry. After taking that unexpected swim, I’ve shed enough calories today.”
He gave her a side-long look. “You don’t need to worry about calories.”
The look she gave him was a lifted brow. “I never stop worrying. I have a utility belt I need to fit
around my hips.” She treated the statement like some kind of admission, shrinking a little after she
said it. He didn’t want her to do that. Not around him.
He decided to wade into the conversation instead.
“Law enforcement?”
She tilted her head to the side. “It could be construction. Why did you go to law right away?”
He shrugged and reached for a plate.
Eris put one of the plates in his hand and he spoke as he put a fried fish on the plate.
“You had a gun in a belly band at the bar. The way you wore it said it wasn’t the first time you’d
worn it out. Your ease with it and then your utility belt comment made it almost a sure thing, unless
you were Bat Girl and then I would not be completely off base, but I’d also be living in a fantasy.”
She was blushing. Or at least that’s what he thought. Her cheeks had darkened and her eyes were
sparkling bright.
“I always liked Bat Girl from the original show. Barbara Gordon was all kinds of bad ass. She
was smart, straight-forward and super sexy.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “When did you manage to see those?” Alex handed her the plate he’d
just finished and took an empty one from her, waiting for an answer.
She shrugged. “My grandparents, I think. Grandma liked those shows but grandpa was a true fan.
He’d point to Barbara and say that she was the real hero of the show. I guess I wanted to be like Bat
Girl for that reason alone, but it’s also because…”
“She was a beautiful bad ass.”
Eris’ smile made his chest feel too tight. He’d known her for about twenty-four hours, but he felt
like they got each other in ways that no one else did.
It was a silly thought, since he knew next to nothing about her, but the feeling was still there.
And if she kept smiling at him like that, he was tempted to put the food aside and kiss her
Another stupid thought, but that one felt even more real.
So real that he swore he could already feel her on his lips.
“So, what kind of LEO are you?”
Her smile twisted a little, the light in her eyes dimmed too. “Detention Center Guard.”
The change in her demeanor made him feel bad about asking the question. He sat back, folding his
legs in front of him so he could put his plate down in his lap. “You don’t like it?”
Eris laid her fork down on her plate and her lips pursed for a moment before she spoke. “The job
is great. I like the people I work with. The people in holding, most of them are okay. There’s always
the tough guys too. I guess I don’t like being cooped up inside all the time.”
She looked up into the sky and he looked too, for a moment, before he lowered his gaze to her
face, not wanting to waste the opportunity.
“I guess I like this view a little too much.” Smiling she turned and saw him looking at her. She
didn’t look away but the color in her cheeks deepened and her breathing quickened a little.
Alex smiled, knowing that she was affected by him too.
Did he want to try anything long distance? No.
But likely she didn’t want to either.
That didn’t stop him from wanting her.
For wanting these moments not to end.
“What about you?” she asked. “I bet you get your fair share of outdoors.”
He almost choked on the bite he had in his mouth.
She grimaced and muttered an apology.
Alex waved it off. “Yeah. Sometimes more than that. Still, there’s not a lot of opportunity to just
look up and stare at the stars or doze off. Out in the field, even at the base, you’ve got to be aware.”
Eris nodded. “I’ve heard people talking about having your head on a swivel.”
“Oh yeah?” He noticed she didn’t say men, but damn it, he didn’t like the thought. Stupid much?
His thoughts liked to mess with him. “Who do you hear that from?”
“The Park Rangers that I know.” She leaned a little closer and smiled. “It’s not the same as what
you have to worry about, but around here, you have to keep your eyes on the whole world so you
don’t have a bear or a wolf… or a dozen other things sneaking up behind you.”
Nodding, he smiled at her words. “Sounds like they do have to watch out.” He loaded up another
fork. “You sound like you’re a fan of the outdoors. Why don’t you get a job with the Park Service? I
bet you’d be great at it.”
She hesitated before she said anything but she didn’t look upset at the idea.
“Yeah,” she hesitated, “I dunno. I just started working here a couple of years ago and I hope I can
advance up the ladder, maybe a more permanent job than the detention center. Somewhere I feel like I
can make a difference. Where I am, I just make sure people are held safely as they wait for transit to
other facilities.”
He nodded. “I’ve been in the service for a while and it’s coming up to another deadline to re-up
in a little over a year.”
She looked at him and furrowed her brow. “You sound like you might not stay in.”
“Well, it’s a consideration. I’m not as young as I used to be and sometimes the other men in my
unit like to joke about me being the ‘dad’ or ‘pops.’”
“Really?” Eris set her plate down on the crate that she’d turned over to use as a table and then
moved a little closer to him. “I don’t see it.”
He felt something catch in his throat when she leaned in, her gaze fixed on his face.
“It’s just their joke about me. I don’t mind.”
“Well, it’s dumb,” she pouted a little and he wanted to reach out and smooth his thumb over her
full lip just to see how she’d react. “Or is it like one of those boys club things where you’re all
assholes to each other just for fun?”
He chuckled at that. “I don’t know about the asshole part, but we do rib each other from time to
time. I think I’m just a little sensitive about it because I do feel my aches and pains a little more than
the others do. And yes, because of my age.”
Alex lifted his hand before he realized he was doing it and touched the hair at his temples.
“It’s not like I can hide the gray.”
“That’s not gray, that’s silver.” Eris touched her fingers to the same place, and it felt like flames
against his skin. Good flames, burning him just the right way. “Silver is hot.”
“You have a thing for older guys?”
“It’s not about the age,” she replied, “or the color. It’s about the man, Alex. And you,” her fingers
trailed down the side of his face, coming within an inch of the lobe of his ear, “wear it well.”
He ground his back teeth together, holding in his hunger.
The rest of his dinner sat on his plate, all but forgotten, but still between them.
Her eyes were half-lidded and she was close enough that he could feel her breath on the edge of
his ear.
If she was meaning to turn him on, she was doing a damn good job. Not that it took her doing
anything for him to want her, but her proximity and her touch was pushing him toward the edge.
“Tell me, Alex,” her eyes met his again, “do you have one of those military nicknames that I hear
so much about?”
He swallowed, not because he was nervous, but because he was afraid that he might groan out
loud if he didn’t. The air in his lungs was already screaming for release. “Yeah.”
Her smile was almost playful when she took the plate from his hand and set it on the crate beside
hers. “You going to tell me? Or do I have to guess?”
For a moment he thought about being polite and asking her if this was what she wanted. If he
could touch her like he wanted to.
But those words froze in his chest when she got up on her knees beside him and reached for the
elastic holding her hair up in a ponytail.
She pulled it loose, but before she raked her hands through it, he did it for her.
He pushed his fingers through her sun-dried hair and felt the strands slide through his fingers.
When his hand reached the back of her head, he cradled her in his palm and unfolded his legs so
he could get up on his knees in front of her.
She looked a little stunned, her eyes meeting his as her lips parted gently. “Alex?”
“Tell me you want this, Eris.” His voice scratched in his throat. “Or tell me you don’t. I’m okay
with that, but I feel like we’re both on the same page. Like we both want each other.”
She nodded, and when she spoke her voice was softer than before. “I want you, Alex.”
It made her sound sad and he didn’t want that.
“You don’t have to say it if you don’t mean it.” He shook his head with a single resolute motion.
“I’m not here to pressure you, Eris. I just feel like… like-”
“I meant it, Alex. From last night when you walked up to me like I wasn’t trying to be left alone.
It’s crazy easy to talk to you when I usually get by with one or two word answers for most people.
I’ve never… done this with anyone else.”
“This?” His voice deepened a little more. “Sex?”
Her smile made his heart pound in his chest.
“No, I’ve… uh, done that before, but this first date thing? Nope. Not that I keep track, but I feel
like… I feel like…”
Her cheeks were dark in color, affected by the light from the fire he’d made before cooking the
fish that they’d caught earlier in the day.
“I feel like I know you.” Her expression was a little sheepish. “And I want to know more.”
“Me too.”
He leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him just shy of her lips.
“Your name, Alex. What do the others call you?”
He huffed out a laugh and then a sigh. “It’s pretty straightforward. Ridge.”
“Ridge?” A thoughtful look settled on her face. “Because of Ridgely?”
What could he say to that but the truth. “Yeah. It’s just-”
He stopped talking.
Hell, he stopped breathing when Eris shifted, and he felt her hands on him.
One hand on his chest, splayed over his heart which was going a mile a minute, and the other
which couldn’t quite cover the entire length of his cock.
He’d already been hard, but having her hand against him, he felt like he might just be able to break
free of his jeans with just the pressure straining the zipper.
“Ridge,” she breathed, “works for me.”
He kissed her.
No, that seems too simple for what happened between them.
He covered her mouth with his and swallowed her soft gasp of surprise.
Alex could have used his hand in her hair to hold her still while he explored her mouth with his
tongue, but Eris didn’t need him to do that.
She gave as good as she got, and he found that their two tongues delving into each other was
hotter than if she’d given in to his kiss.
Her hand on his chest worked its way down to meet the other at his waistband and together they
had his button fly open in seconds.
It was hard for him to admit it, but he liked what was happening between them more than he
should. He’d always been with women who liked him to take charge. It never ended well because it
was one thing to take charge and another to do all of the work, but at first it always seemed good.
But Eris was blowing his mind.
She kissed him back like she really needed to taste him on her tongue and then she nearly tumbled
him to the ground when she pushed his pants down to his hips and nudged him onto his back.
Still clothed, Eris straddled his thighs and her hair fell forward, shadowing her face from him.
She laid her palms on his abdomen, he could feel her heat through their connection.
“Bet you weren’t expecting that,” she gave him a wink.
“No.” He shook his head but had a hard time taking in another breath.
“Then I bet this is going to shock you a little bit more.”
Her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and she leaned down, her eyes locked on his.
She opened her lips just a moment before he felt her tongue and the sensation crawled up his spine
like lightning. When she leaned in, taking more and more of him into her mouth, he was only able to
groan deep in his throat. No words would form.
And when he felt her breath on the tender skin just above his sex, he felt his breath leave his body.
She took him deep into her mouth, her tongue caressing his shaft with eager strokes.
It was quickly becoming impossible to think, let alone move.
So, he turned the tables on her, moving his hands down to her shoulders to pull her away.
Her hair was wild around her face and in his mind flashed a memory of his hands tugging on her
wavy hair, holding her close.
Smiling with some measure of smug satisfaction, Alex brought her up, and kicking off his shorts,
he had the freedom of movement to bring her closer and lay her on the blanket they’d laid near the fire
just a little while ago.
He reached for the waist band of her pants and she smiled. As he worked the first button free, she
pulled the hem of the tank free and then off, laying it down behind her.
When she lifted her hips for him, he tugged her shorts down to her hips and saw the plain cotton
bikini style panties against her tanned skin and he felt like he might burst.
“It’s not fancy,” she started to apologize when he leaned down and took the edge of it in his teeth.
She was left staring at him when he sat back up and tugged her panties down with the waistband
of her shorts.
With a slightly raised brow she braced her arms and lifted her butt off the blanket. He didn’t
spend much time pulling them down her legs, but she helped at the end, kicking one leg free. Once
he’d kicked them off, they ended up somewhere nearby.
When he looked up at her, he was mesmerized.
Eris Lange looked like a dream.
He was seated at her feet, with her gorgeous legs between them. Her hips gilded by the firelight
called for his hands on them and he couldn’t wait to touch her. Couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her,
much like she’d done to him. And her breasts…
As he sat there, she opened the clasp nestled between her breasts and shrugged the garment off of
her shoulders. Like her panties, it was made of plain white cotton, but that added to the appeal.
She didn’t need bows and lace to look like sin.
All she had to do was breathe.
And for a long moment he sat there wondering if she might still be around when he finished his
time in the military.
“I want to know,” she spoke softly, “what you’re thinking about.”
She braced her arms on the blanket and he could only stare.
“You.” It was the truth and he felt it deep down inside. “I came here to remember one of the best
times in my life; I never expected to find you.”
He saw that his words had some kind of effect on her, but he didn’t know what it was.
Alex had never really invested himself in the thoughts of the women he’d had sex with. It was the
mutual satisfaction he kept his focus on.
It just wasn’t the same with Eris.
He wasn’t the same.
She rolled onto her elbow and treated him to a devastatingly gorgeous view of her ass. Full,
rounded, he wanted to get his hands on it as well as his mouth, but as he crawled toward her, she
turned back, setting his wallet aside and holding the pair of condoms she pulled free between her
fingers. “Two?”
He reached out and plucked them from her fingers, tossing one on the edge of the blanket and
opening the other with his fingers.
Alex looked over at a cabin across the creek and set back in a copse of trees. “You worried
someone might see?”
She laid down on the blanket, her hair spread on the dark fabric, and her hand reaching for him.
“I’m worried you’re going to decide not to put that thing on and come here.”
He shook his head. “No way.” He lowered the condom and slipped it over the head of his cock.
“Not a chance in hell.”
Once he had it on, he had to tighten his hand around the base of it, he was on the edge and he felt
like he might burst before he really got started. And that, he’d never live down.
Not with her.
Not with the way she made him feel.
Once he had himself somewhat under control, he reached for her.

ERIS LAY ON HER BACK, staring up at the stars. The fire had burned down and was barely glowing on
the far side of the blanket. The endless night above their heads gave her a moment of distraction but it
didn’t take long for her thoughts to drift back to the man sleeping beside her.
It was crazy, really.
She barely knew the man, but that hadn’t stopped her from agreeing to spend time with him and
letting him inside of her body.
She could count on a few scant fingers the men she’d had sex with over the years, but none had
pulled at her heart.
Alex shouldn’t have either.
He was passing through.
Coming back to West Yellowstone to steep himself in old memories. He’d be gone in the morning.
Eris lifted her hand and placed it over her heart, hating the way her heartrate had increased with
the thought of him going.
She wasn’t a woman who longed for love. She liked doing a job. Being useful.
She didn’t need a man or a family to feel complete.
She wore that belief like body armor, eager to disavow any man who thought he could turn her
into a domestic drudge.
And yet, there was something different here.
Something different with this man.
It made her heart skip a beat.
It also made her stomach twist in her middle.
Beside her, Alex shifted in his sleep and let out a soft exhale.
That was all it took for her to become aroused again.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
No, they’d stripped bare beside the fire and she’d barely spared a thought that someone might be
able to see them. Her eyes had been fixed on the naked beauty of his body. The scars that he bore
didn’t bother her. They actually gave him a rugged look that made her even more attracted to him, but
her fingers hadn’t explored the raised and scarred flesh until they’d both had their fun.
Laying on top of him, she’d asked him about each scar before she’d touched and kissed them in
turn. It had felt more intimate than any other interaction she’d had with a man.
That scared her, but she ignored the feelings, unwilling to waste another minute.
They’d fallen asleep beside the fire, too exhausted to move apart.
The wind blew through the trees and she wrapped her arms around herself.
Eris could have tugged on the blanket that only covered half of her body, but she wasn’t sure she
wanted Alex awake again.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have him inside her again, but the more time they had around each
other awake, there was more of a chance that they’d talk about tomorrow.
Or beyond tomorrow.
And she knew that there wouldn’t be a beyond.
She certainly had no interest in trying anything long distance and Alex was heading back to the
Middle East with his unit.
This weekend.
This night was all they had.
So far it had been amazing.
The last time, she’d been on top, seated like she would be on a horse, her eyes were fixed on the
starry heavens. All the while he’d thrust up into her body, and his hands were on her breasts, her hips,
and yes, thank heavens, between her legs.
It had been incredible.
Almost cosmic with the stars overhead and Alex beneath her.
Laying there on the blanket staring up at the stars again, Eris felt her body heating up with desire.
The ache she felt between her legs increased as she felt heat kindling there again.
“You’re ‘wake.”
She turned toward his voice and saw him looking at her, his eyes half-hidden with the darkness
overhead. “So are you.”
His smile was lazy, his eyes sharpening with every passing second. “I reached for you and you
weren’t there.”
The timbre of his voice vibrated through her and before she realized she was doing it, she reached
out and took his hand.
“You’re cold.”
She half-shrugged, still staring up at the night sky. “I didn’t want to wake you to take back half of
the covers.”
“There are other ways to keep warm.”
Just hearing his voice was enough to heat her up.
Feeling his arms wrap around her and his muscled body pressed up against her side, Eris felt no
need to pull away or ask him to stop.
He brought the blanket along with him and covered them both. They may have ended up further
from the fire, but she wasn’t cold.
Alex’s hands easily moved the blanket out of the way as his hand moved from her hip down
between her legs. She turned toward him, needing more contact.
She parted her legs and gave him room to fill her with his fingers.
“You’re so damn wet.”
Eris grinned at the gruff tone of his voice as she reached for him under the blanket. “And you’re
so damn hard, Alex.”
He moved so that he was partly hovering over her, his eyes glittering in the darkness blending into
the star-studded canopy overhead.
“Don’t make me wait, Alex. We don’t have much time.”
His whole body tensed for a moment before his fingers pulled free.
“Then you choose.” He pushed the blanket aside. “Top or bottom. Lady’s choice.”
“I don’t want to think all that much, Alex. I want to feel.”
“And the stars,” he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her neck, “do you want to see them dance
She shifted on the blanket, her body aching even more from his question and the image it brought
up in her mind.
“Can we have both?”
Eris regretted the question, almost immediately.
As short as their time was, she didn’t want to demand anything beyond what he could offer. She
would soon be disappointed enough when he left. She didn’t want to have that empty feeling start so
When he moved again, she realized she shouldn’t have doubted Alex.
He pressed up against her back, his hand grasping the sensitive and tender flesh on the inside of
her thigh, opening her to the point where her foot lifted up and over his legs.
She looked down and watched as his long, dark fingers swept through her curls and her wet folds
until his fingertips had found her clit, stroking it gently before he lifted his hand. He flattened his palm
against the soft flesh below her bellybutton and pressed down enough to cant her hips back toward
As she breathed shallowly, he slipped inside of her from behind.
Eris lifted her arm, wrapping it up and around his neck, to scratch her fingers through his short
cropped hair and against his scalp.
He loved that, she could tell. Her nails, as short as they were, scratching against his skin, made
his body tense. She could hear his breathing deepen, feel the reflexive thrust of his hips when she dug
her nails in at the nape of his neck.
“The stars,” she breathed as he thrust inside of her, “the stars…”
Alex closed his mouth over the pulse at her throat, his tongue making her gasp aloud. “You’ll see
them after I leave.”
He started moving in earnest then, almost as if he was determined to make some kind of indelible
impression on her.
She was caught up in the moment, her lips parting on a silent sigh as his hands roamed over her
body, stirring up more passion that she’d ever felt before.
Eris wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to try so hard to get her to remember him.
She doubted that would ever be a problem.
As he thrust into her, over and over, she held him close with both her hand and her body, clasping
him tightly inside of her as they rose higher and higher in the night sky, driven by their physical needs
and something she couldn’t… wouldn’t name.
Eris felt herself rising, lifting over the edge of reason, and tumbling down into the darkness of the
night surrounding them.
She wasn’t afraid of the fall.
Didn’t need to reach out and grasp for anything to stop it.
She felt Alex’s body behind her and his arms around her.
She’d never admit it out loud, but she wondered if she would be happy to rest like this for days
and days.
Could she?
Could she be enough?
Those thoughts drifted off as she drifted to sleep in his arms, his talented hands tucking the blanket
around them as the stars sparkled on over their heads.

THE MORNING ARRIVED before he was ready for it. He’d barely slept at all since the early hour
wakeup when she’d welcomed his touch a third time.
He knew that she didn’t think this was a thing between them.
He wasn’t sure either, but that didn’t stop the instinct he had to move closer to her and hold her
against him once again.
Something in the water moved and flitted along in the creek.
He enjoyed the sound and smiled, rolling onto his back.
The darkness of night was lifting almost as if the sky was stretching itself awake at the same time
he was.
Beside him, Eris sighed and rolled toward him. Her hair was mussed, but it looked good on her.
Doubtless everything would.
She was beautiful in anything.
Although he might just prefer her naked like she’d spent most of the night.
It wasn’t a stretch. Eris Lange filled out her clothes beautifully, but naked? She made his chest
tighten and his heart pound.
Gazing at him through half-lidded eyes?
Fuck. He was hard again.
He’d been so long without sex that he couldn’t believe how many times he’d become aroused.
For her. Maybe that was the difference.
She made him aroused, by breathing.
“You look ridiculously awake.”
He smiled at the grumbling tone of her voice.
The deeper tone sounded sexy to him.
“I don’t usually sleep in. It’s a military thing.”
She shifted and lifted an arm over her head. “I think maybe it’s just a you thing,” she sighed. “You
smile a lot.”
He heard her exasperated tone and smiled in response.
“See?” The hand above her head lowered to nudge him in the shoulder. “You’re smiling again.”
And he was.
He just didn’t think that she wanted to hear that she was the reason.
Shaking her head, she braced her elbows under her and looked around in the lightening darkness.
“We didn’t throw our clothes in the fire, did we?”
“No, but we didn’t put them back on after the second time.”
The look she swung in his direction was heated, but not in anger.
“I’d go for another one if we didn’t have to worry about people coming around.” She dropped her
head back and took another look at the stars still visible in the sky overhead. “I’ve warned a few
people about indecent exposure, but I’ve never been in the situation myself.”
“Oh?” Just the idea of it sounded good to him. Not the trouble part, but seeing her again, naked?
He could go for that. “Is that the most fun you’ve had on the job?”
Alex thought he saw her blush.
“It wasn’t really part of the job for me. I’m in law enforcement, but I work at the detention center.
I’m not in the field as the others are.”
“You’re working with the prisoners?”
She turned to look at him and he wondered what thought crossed her mind when she heard the
“They aren’t prisoners when I see them. The detention center only takes in those who are being
detained or arrested. We handle intake but no one we have has been convicted or sentenced to jail
Alex hissed in a breath when she sat up and reached over for something at the edge of their
blankets. He couldn’t help the way he physically reacted to the bare expanse of her back. He was
grateful for the blanket covering his lap. “You get the drunks?”
She nodded and he watched her turn her top right side out. “Drunks. And we get a lot of those. We
do get a fair amount of hunters. Poachers, really. They’re the ones who get on my nerves. They’re
some of the worst when they come in.”
“Do they get rough?”
She hesitated and his hands fisted in the blanket covering them.
When she answered, she didn’t look up at him right away.
“Most, no. The ones that are, are both probably drunk and hunting without a license or
trespassing. At that point, it comes down to just having a plain disregard for the law. At that point,
they don’t care who they hurt. They certainly don’t care if they offend anyone.
“And putting hands on public servants isn’t a problem for them either, but I can handle myself.”
He smiled and she answered him with a smile of her own.
“I bet you can.” He reached out and rubbed his hand up and down her bare arm. “I know how
strong you are.”
“We know I can take you down to the ground.”
Fuck. She knew just what to say to make his blood heat up in his veins.
“If I could stay, I’d go for a few rounds in the gym with you.” And the bedroom, he added in his
She nodded. “You’re still going right?”
He agreed, nodding his head, but he also wondered if she was eager for him to confirm that he
was leaving… and soon.
“I’ve got to catch a flight tonight and get back to base.”
She pulled her shirt on over her head. “So, I guess we should get you back to town then.”
It was almost like a wall had come up between them on her end.
“Yeah, eventually, but we don’t have to rush.”
Eris darted a glance in his direction. “You don’t sound so eager to go.”
Again, he wasn’t sure in what way she meant it, but he wasn’t about to ask.
“I like my job. The guys that I work with are the best. It’ll be good to get back, back to work.”
“I agree.” She said the words, but the tone of her voice said she wasn’t all that sure. “No.” She
gave her head a definitive shake. “I like the people I work with at the center. The police and rangers
are great. Some of the people who come in aren’t there because they’re bad people. Everyone makes
He smiled at her strident defense.
“Why aren’t you a ranger?” He looked around at the land surrounding them. “You care about the
land and the animals here, right?”
She drew back, a startled look on her face, but she didn’t push back at his words. “Of course I do.
It’s the best part of Yellowstone.”
A wry smile touched his lips. “Not the people?”
Her reflexive expression spoke volumes, but her words confirmed it. “More than most people.”
“So, if you like the land and the animals more than most people,” he gave her a wink that made
her cheeks darken, “maybe you should consider a change.”
She drew back again. “I’m just settling into the job I have, Alex. I’m not sure you have any idea
what that means.”
He offered a bit of a shrug.
“I joined the service later in life. Before that, I was a mechanic. Those skills helped me in the
military. Our unit has more than our share of experience flying helicopters. Learning how to keep them
up and running was easy enough with my experience. I’m not saying that you should give up your
work. I don’t know enough about you or what you do to make that kind of suggestion. All I can tell
you is what my grandfather offered me in the way of advice.”
He saw resistance warring with curiosity on her face before he continued.
“It was back when he started to add a room onto the back of the cabin. Some of the newer
residents thought he was crazy. They’d catch up to him at the store or the diner and tell him the old
place didn’t just need a coat of paint, it needed to be razed to the ground.”
“Was it that bad?” Eris’ eyes were fixed on him, concern easy to read in their depths.
He shook his head, his mouth turning to a thoughtful momentary pout. “He didn’t think so. He
thought too many people wanted to spend their money. He knew that the bones of the house were
good.” Turning around, he looked over the land behind him. Narrowing his eyes, he could almost see
the cabin the way it used to look when he’d last seen it. “He didn’t want to erase what was there, just
make it better.”
He felt her hand on his arm and turned to look at her.
Again, he could see the care in her eyes, feel the warmth of her touch in more than just a physical
“I think it could be the same for you.”
Eris startled, drawing her hand back and settling it in her lap. “What are you talking about?”
“You.” He reached out his hand to touch her in the same way she’d touched him, but she looked at
his hand as it if might bite her and he lowered it back to his knee. “You have a job and I bet you’re
great at it, but I think you’d probably enjoy a job with the Park Rangers. It would suit you more. Give
you a chance to be more involved in nature. That’s what you want right?”
She tilted her head in one direction and then the other as if his words settled on her and she
wasn’t quite sure if she liked the feel of them.
He was sure he could tell when she’d made a decision and it wasn’t the one he hoped.
Her shoulders tensed and her lips pursed, making her expression a little sad.
Before she could voice it, he took a chance, thinking this might be the only lasting influence he
might have on her.
“It wouldn’t be a complete change. You wouldn’t have to start over. I don’t know exactly how it
would work, but I bet if you asked you’d find that the change wouldn’t be all that hard. But in the long
“Why are you pushing this?”
He saw her brow furrowed in consternation. “Me? I don’t think I’m pushing.”
She blew out a sigh. “Well, you might not think it, but it feels like you’re pushing. I just don’t
know why.” Eris shook her head and reached for her pants, turning her face away from him.
“You don’t?” Alex wanted to reach out his hand and trail his fingers across her skin. “I can tell
you if you want to know. It’s not a secret.”
She sat back, her pants held in her hand. “I don’t know, to be honest. I’m a little afraid of what
you’re going to say.”
“It’s nothing to be afraid of, Eris.” He leaned in and reached out his hand. He traced his thumb
across the rise of her cheekbone. “The last thing I’d do is hurt you.”
For a moment, just a moment, he thought she’d lean into his touch, but she held herself back.
He almost admired her resolve, but he wished that she wanted his touch as much as he wanted to
give it to her.
“I trust you.” It sounded like the admission took quite a bit from her. “I have since the moment I
met you, Alex. It’s crazy, for me at least, but it’s true.” She paused, taking in a breath and letting it out
again. “But, why, Alex? Why is this a thing?”
“Why do I want to help you?”
She started to shake her head and then nodded. “I guess that’s the question. It’s not like we’re…
it’s not like-”
“Whatever we are or aren’t, I want to help you.”
He touched his hand to her shoulder and then let it drift down her arm until his hand cupped her
elbow in what he hoped was a reassuring touch.
“I don’t know where I’ll end up after my deployment ends,” the breath he took into his lungs was
hot, stifling, “but I want to believe that you’re going to make a move and put yourself in a better place
than you are now.”
He watched her swallow and her lips part in a hesitant motion.
When she finally spoke, he swore he heard the effort it took for her to speak and it hit him square
in the chest.
“You sound like you’re not… you make it sound like you’re not-”
She sucked in a breath and dropped her eyes to the blanket. With stilted movements she pushed
her pants under the blanket and started pulling them on.
“We should get going. I know you have to check out at ten.”
And just like that, the wall snapped up between them.
Any attempt he made after that…
Well, it bounced right off of that wall and he felt the impact somewhere deep in his chest.
When she drove away from the motel less than an hour later, he was left there, standing by the
Watching her go.
Hoping that what he’d told her had helped and not hurt.
Because that’s the last thing he wanted to do.
No, the last thing was leaving her behind.

IT HAD BEEN LESS than a week since Alex left West Yellowstone to go back to his unit in the military
and everything for Eris felt… off.
Always someone to get up on time, a few minutes before her alarm, she was leaning on her alarm
and the snooze button.
Her thoughts while she was at her apartment would drift off and wonder about a man who was
likely thousands of miles away.
It wasn’t like her.
Not. At. All.
And she wanted it to stop.
Needed it to stop.
She’d never been the kind of woman to moon over things, but it seemed that in the space of a few
days she’d changed.
And she wasn’t sure if the change was a good one, but that didn’t stop the change from happening.
It left her feeling like there was something that she needed to do.
She just had to figure out what it was.
The best part of her day was working.
Life at Yellowstone’s Temporary Detention Center wasn’t somewhere she could daydream or
even let her mind wander. She kept herself busy.
When she wasn’t working the desk and checking in new detainees, she had a whole list of things
to keep herself busy, but she also had some down time to do a little investigating of her own. It was
amazing what you could find on social media. People made and posted all kinds of pictures and
information. They loved to make videos bragging about things.
Some of them were even illegal.
And it was those posts that she’d been sending into the Park Rangers when the information put
their crimes within park boundaries.
So far there hadn’t been any posts for the day that needed her attention beyond the possibly
criminally stupid news stories and video of a tourist who had decided that the bison standing along
side the road wanted to be in his selfie.
She was sure she’d hear about it later from one of the rangers.
The front door to the Detention Center buzzed and clicked, telling her that they had incoming. Eris
got up from her chair at the reception desk and managed not to roll her eyes when Park Ranger Evan
Haskins walked in with Caleb Pruitt and his brother Hal.
“Morning, Evan. How are things?”
The ranger shook his head. “It would have been a great morning if these two hadn’t taken a shot at
an elk.”
Hal scoffed at his words. “Shows how much you know, Ranger Ass-licker. We was shootin’ at the
Eris held back her words, but even with her lips pressed together, her thoughts must have been
plain to see on her face.
Evan’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Well, thanks for that confession, Hal.” He darted a look at
the camera in the corner before meeting Eris’ wide eyes.
Caleb had seen the subtle look and took his turn to laugh. “Well, unless you got one of them deaf
folks who can read our lips, it don’t matter what you can see.”
Seeing that Evan was on the verge of a good old fashioned gut laugh, Eris explained. “First, you
don’t have to be deaf to read lips,”
She saw Caleb shrug at her words.
“But we don’t need to worry about that, because that camera has a damn good microphone too.
It’s called ‘VIDEO RECORDING.’”
Caleb’s brow furrowed leaving him a deep rut between his brows. “You ain’t got permission to
record us! It’s against our damn first ammonite rights.”
She looked at Evan. She already knew the answer to the question that she was posing to him, but
she just wanted to get through Caleb’s granite like skull. “You Miranda’d them, right?”
Hal looked interested. “Who’s she?”
Evan’s eyes were tearing up but managed to keep his voice relatively even when he spoke.
“Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.”
Wide-eyed, Hal whirled on Evan. “We ain’t in no court of law!”
Eris reached across the desk and grabbed Hal’s arm. “I’m sure your brother can explain it to you
later. But,” she sighed and wondered when idiots like this would learn their lessons, “you’ve been in
here enough that you should know.”
As she walked Hal toward the empty holding cell, he pulled on his arm. “Lemme go, you uppity
She gripped him a little tighter as she opened the cell door. She’d had a detainee in the past
who’d popped her in the face with his elbow. It had taken over a week for the bruise to die down, but
she’d felt twinges of pain almost a month later.
When she tried to move him into the cell, he glared at her.
“You don’t have to dig your nails into my arm!”
She lifted her free hand and showed him that all her nails were trimmed close. There weren’t any
nails to dig into his arm. “Step on in, Hal.”
As he moved past, she gave Evan a glance. “Transport to the jail will be here in an hour or so.
Good timing.”
Evan winked at her behind Caleb’s back.
Caleb was a good head taller than his brother, but he was only a few inches taller than her.
She heard the wet suction sound and turned her head. Caleb’s spit landed on her temple, and she
felt it on the shell of her ear.
Evan gave the man a good shove, making him stumble into the cell.
Opening one eye, Eris closed the cell door and locked it before heading back to her desk.
Following her for a moment, Evan jogged on ahead and opened one of the drawers. He pulled out
the wet wipes and opened the lid. He’d already pulled two out when Eris reached for it.
She methodically wiped her face while keeping a stoic look on her face.
“Asshole,” Evan groused and handed her another wipe which she used on her ear, “he’s going to
catch additional charges on that.”
“I don’t think he cares how many charges he gets, for him it’s like a badge of honor or something
like that.”
“Well, he is something.” Evan scoffed at the idea. “You want to let him know I went out after him
and his brother because of you?”
“I hope you’re joking about that.” She threw the last wipe into the trash can. “The last thing we
want them to know is that we’re tracking their social media.”
“You’ve got a sharp mind, Eris.”
“Well, I just want to do what I can to protect the park and those two dweebs back there are
habitual offenders and damn proud of it. I had a feeling that they couldn’t help but incriminate
When she’d checked the local posts during her shift the day before, their post had popped right up.
Caleb had posted a picture with his brother that had a GPS tag on it. Their post?
Given that the GPS put them within the border of the National Park, she’d immediately contacted
Ranger Headquarters. The brothers liked to spend a few days in the park at a time, with or without
Evan leaned his elbow against the counter, leaving him almost eye to eye with her. “Oscar
Knightly is retiring in a few months.”
“Oh? Huh. That’s a shame. He’s like Old Man Time around the park.”
Nodding, Evan continued. “So, they’re looking to hire some new blood.”
That got her interest.
“Yep.” Evan gave her another wink. “I mention this because when I asked him if he knew you, he
smiled and said you’d be a perfect choice to hire on as a ranger.”
Her face went numb.
Her hands went cold.
“Don’t fuck with me, Evan.”
“You know I’d be perfectly happy to fuck you, Eris. Fuck with you? Hell no. You’d kick my ass.”
She nodded. She didn’t like what he’d said at first. She’d already turned him down more than
“Considering I don’t get involved with people I work with, yeah, I’d kick your ass. But, I’d kill to
get the job.”
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a card.
Printed on it was Oscar Knightly’s contact information.
“He said to give him a call and you guys can talk. I think if he gave you the thumbs up, you’d be a
shoe in for the job.”
She was so busy staring at the card, she didn’t notice that Evan was leaving until she heard the
automatic doors slide open.
She raised her hand to wave goodbye, and he gave her another wink as he disappeared out of
Eris schooled her features and turned to look at Caleb in his cell. “Yes?”
He had one hand wrapped around one of the bars and his face pushed as far as it could go
between. “Since you said we got some time before the transport gets here, how about you suck on
these.” His second hand appeared and grabbed a hold of his crotch.
She hoped that her face didn’t heat from his comments. The last thing she wanted was for him to
think he was getting to her.
A drunk from the other side of the holding area slurred his response, making hers unnecessary.
“Even if she wanted some shriveled berries in her mouth,” he groused, “I doubt she’d pick you.”
Looking down at the card in her hand, Eris decided that she’d call the retiring ranger on her next
She needed to get out of this building and into the park.


MOVING to West Yellowstone had seemed to be a good thing… at first.

For Alex Ridgely it had been easy as far as the move was considered. He had little in the way of
things that needed to be packed up. A few boxes of books, some clothes, and his personal collection
of firearms and sporting equipment. He traveled light as far as items were concerned.
His emotional baggage, well, that was another case.
Hearing that his team would have jobs in West Yellowstone had been strangely fortuitous, or at
least he’d thought it would be, until he got there.
And found that Eris wasn’t at her old apartment.
Asking the people who were there didn’t get him far.
It did get him a few narrow-eyed, suspicious looks, but no information.
Before he could do much more than that, they were busy working.
And like some of the team that had started up at the local office before they arrived, his friend
Gabe had fallen headfirst in love and was ridiculously happy.
Alex wasn’t the kind of guy to be jealous of his friends for much but seeing the way Harper and
Gabe just clicked together reminded him of the short time he’d had with Eris.
He just had to find her first. West Yellowstone was suddenly a lot larger than he remembered and
finding one woman might just be a little more difficult than he thought.
Alex found his way into the mess at the lodge and gave a little wave to Cookie who always
seemed to be at the stove or the cutting board.
Even though he wasn’t serving thousands aboard a warship, he worked with the same efficiency
which had gotten him through years of service.
Cookie turned back to the stove and used a large spoon to stir what was in the enormous stew pot.
“You look like shit, son.”
The plainly stated opinion didn’t shock Alex in the least. Even with the short time that he’d been
staying at the lodge he’d learned that John’s employees treated him like family. And his family had
always been outspoken.
“Thanks, Cookie. Nice to be back after a long day.”
The older man gave him a little look over his shoulder and huffed. “If you’re gonna stay here and
talk, you better come on over here or you’ll give me a crick in my neck.”
With a soft chuckle, Alex made his way around one of the long prep tables and came to a stop a
couple feet shy of the stove. “This better?”
Cookie slid him a look out of the corner of his eye and took a hesitant sniff. “Glad you cleaned
yourself up after the fishing trip.”
“I wasn’t raised in a barn.”
The corner of Cookie’s mouth turned up in a grin. “Well you work in one now.”
Alex nodded his head. The Brotherhood Protectors had renovated the old and unused barn at the
lodge and turned it into their headquarters. It was hard to believe if you just looked at the barn from
the outside. It looked like any country barn, well kept and painted a bright and cheery color. Inside it
was contemporary in design and filled with current high-tech equipment, enough to monitor and direct
a number of operations at the same time.
“Fair enough,” Alex met the older man’s eyes with a solid look. “Still, even if it was just my
military training,” he explained, “I know enough not to tromp dirt and grass through your spotless
kitchen. I wouldn’t want to get in a fight with you.”
“Hmph.” Cookie lifted his chin and arched an eyebrow at him. “That’s because you know you’d
be no match for a Navy man.”
Alex knew it was said in good humor, but after years of rivalry between branches of the military
had taught him a number of potent zingers to lob back in a verbal battle like this. Instead of repeating
any of the patent phrases that were perched on his tongue, he gave the man a shrug. “I dunno about
that, Cookie, but I’m a man who values a good meal, so I’ll just keep mostly quiet.”
The older man thought through his answer and nodded in appreciation.
“Smart. Even if you’re an Army man.”
“Uh… thanks?”
Cookie withdrew the spoon from the pot and tapped the long wooden neck on the lip before
setting it on a nearby stand. “It’s the best you’ll get from me for now.”
“Okay then,” Alex turned to the coffee urn set on a table along the far wall, “would I put myself in
danger if I poured myself a cup of coffee?”
“Go ahead, Ridge.”
The familiar use of his team name made him smile.
Cookie might be gruff, but he’d all but shown him that he’d been accepted as far as the mess went
at the lodge.
And really, that was fine with him. He liked to eat on the regular.
The door at the end of the table swung open and John Jacobs, the owner and operator of the lodge
walked in with a smile for them both. “How are things, Cookie?”
“Going. Dinner will be ready on time.”
John shrugged and picked up a mug to pour himself coffee from the urn, turning for a moment to
look at Alex. “How did the day go out on the river?”
Alex felt a smile touch his lips as he looked at the other man. “Good. Really good. At least half of
the guests caught some fish in the creek.”
Cookie gave him a look. “Where’d you put the fish?”
John glanced between them both and Alex saw more than a hint of humor in the other man’s eyes.
“The men cooked them over a fire out at my grandfather’s property. Don’t worry, they’ll still be
hungry when it’s time for dinner.”
Cookie sniffed. “As long as you didn’t poison them, I don’t mind either way.”
John almost choked on his coffee.
Alex shook his head. “I’ve been cooking over an open fire most of my life. But don’t worry. It
was an easy prep. The men let me prepare the fish for the pan and while they recounted their outdoor
prowess, I cooked the fish with some butter and herbs. There wasn’t anything left when they were
done besides their ear-to-ear grins.”
Lowering his cup, John gave him a satisfied smile. “It’s good to have a man join the group who
has more than a passing knowledge of the area.”
Alex paused with his coffee cup almost up to his lips. “Not the whole area. I know the land up
there at the creek because of the summers I spent with my grandfather. Anything outside of that area
and I’d likely need a map and compass, or a decent GPS like anyone else who didn’t grow up here.”
John and Cookie shared a look before John spoke. “Fair enough.” John set his coffee cup down on
the table and gave Alex a curious side-eyed stare. “Is that why you’ve been asking around about Eris
Alex felt the coffee in his mouth suddenly lose its flavor. He swallowed it down with some effort.
The simple reply had Cookie and John exchanging not-so-subtle looks.
He heard John’s tone and knew that the man wasn’t been harsh or judgmental.
It didn’t make the invasive questioning any easier.
“I’m sorry to ask this, but… why are you looking for her?”
Uncomfortable with the inquisitive looks on the other men’s faces. Alex kept his face as bland as
he could. “It’s personal.”
Again, the other men shared a look.
Before they could ask another question, Alex started to walk toward the sink to empty his cup.
The door at the far side of the room opened up again and Alex felt the mood in the room shift. It
lifted the tension in the room and changed it to something like anticipation.
Feeling a moment of unease, Alex turned around and watched the group that entered the room.
John’s son, Stone and his wife, Kyla were the first through the door, followed by another of
Stone’s team, Bubba Yates came in followed by two women. The first, he recognized as Chelsea
As he started forward, Stone made the introductions and Alex was only half listening since he
knew that she worked with wolves in the area and was heavily involved in their preservation. He’d
done quite a bit of reading on the wildlife in the area as they’d traveled to Yellowstone as a team.
It was going to be a pleasure to work with Chelsea if the opportunity presented itself.
Bubba clapped a hand down on Alex’s shoulder. “You should also meet someone else that’ll be
working with Chelsea and your team from time to time around Yellowstone. Ridge, meet Park Ranger
Eris Lange.”
The next few moments felt almost comical in a way. His hand held out, he stared at the woman he
hadn’t been able to get out of his mind for months. “Ranger?”
She stared back at him with her eyes wider than he remembered, her cheeks flushing with color.
He took her hand and felt like his heart might beat its way out of his chest.
She looked… fantastic.
And confused.
But then again, so was he.
He was only vaguely aware that he held her hand in his grasp, but their hands weren’t moving.
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