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4 This standard also applies to buildings or other

structures during erection/construction and the same
shall be considered carefully during various stages of
erection/construction. In locations where the strongest
winds and icing may occur simultaneously, loads on
structural members, cables and ropes shall be
calculated by assuming an ice covering based on
climatic and local experience.
1.5 In the design of special structures, such as
chimneys, overhead transmission line towers, etc,
specific requirements as specified in the respective
Codes shall be adopted in conjunction with the
provisions of this Code as far as they are applicable.
Some of the Indian Standards available for the design
of special structures are:
IS No. Title
4998 : 2015 Criteria for design of reinforced
concrete chimneys : Part 1
Assessment of loads (third revision)
(under print)
6533 Code of practice for design and
construction of steel chimneys
(Part 1) : 1989 Mechanical aspects
(Part 2) : 1989 Structural aspects
5613 (Part 2/ Code of practice for design,
Sec 1) :1985 installation and maintenance of
overhead power lines : Part 2 Lines
above 11 kV, and up to and including
220 kV, Section 1 Design
802 (Part 1/ Code of practice for use of structural
Sec 1) : 201* steel in overhead transmission line
towers: Part 1 Materials, Loads and
permissible stresses, Section 1
Materials and Loads (fourth revision)
(under print)
11504 : 1985 Criteria for structural design of
reinforced concrete natural draught
cooling towers
14732 : 2000 Guidelines for the evaluation of the
response of occupants of fixed
structures, especially buildings and
off-shore structures, to lowfrequency
horizontal motion (0.063
to 1 Hz)
1 This standard does not apply to buildings or structures with
unconventional shapes, unusual locations, and abnormal
environmental conditions that have not been covered in this
Code. Special investigations are necessary in such cases to
establish wind loads and their effects. Wind tunnel studies may
also be required in such situations.
2 In the case of tall structures with unsymmetrical geometry,
the designs may have to be checked for torsional effects due to
wind pressure.

effects of imposed loads and wind loads on vertical

surfaces, roofs and other part of the building above
general roof level.
5.7 Buildings shall also be designed with due attention
to the effects of wind on the comfort of people inside
and outside the buildings.
6.1 Nature of Wind in Atmosphere
In general, wind speed in the atmospheric boundary
layer increases with height from zero at ground level
to maximum at a height called the gradient height.
There is usually a slight change in direction (Ekman
effect) but this is ignored in this standard. The
variation with height depends primarily on the terrain
conditions. However, the wind speed at any height
never remains constant and it has been found
convenient to resolve its instantaneous magnitude into
an average or mean value and a fluctuating component
around this average value. The average value depends
on the average time employed in analyzing the
meteorological data and this averaging time varies
from few seconds to several minutes. The magnitude
of fluctuating component of the wind speed which is
called gust, depends on the averaging time. In general,
smaller the averaging interval, more is the magnitude
of the gust speed.
Figure 1 gives basic wind speed map of India, as
applicable to 10 m height above mean ground level
for different zones of the country. Basic wind speed is
based on peak gust velocity averaged over a short time
interval of about 3 s and corresponds to mean heights
above ground level in an open terrain (Category 2).
Basic wind speeds presented in Fig. 1 have been
worked out for a 50 year return period. Basic wind
speed for some important cities/towns is also given in
Annex A.
6.3 Design Wind Speed (Vz)
The basic wind speed (Vb) for any site shall be obtained
from Fig. 1 and shall be modified to include the
following effects to get design wind speed, Vz at any
height z, for the chosen structure:
a) Risk level,
b) Terrain roughness and height of structure,
c) Local topography, and
d) Importance factor for the cyclonic region.
It can be mathematically expressed as follows:
Vz = Vb k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4
Vz = design wind speed at height z, in m/s;
k1 = probability factor (risk coefficient) (see
k2 = terrain roughness and height factor (see
k3 = topography factor (see 6.3.3); and
k4 = importance factor for the cyclonic region
(see 6.3.4).
NOTE — Wind speed may be taken as constant up to a height
of 10 m. However, pressures for buildings less than 10 m high
may be reduced by 20 percent for evaluating stability and
design of the framing.
6.3.1 Risk Coefficient (k1 Factor) — Figure 1 gives
basic wind speeds for terrain Category 2 as applicable
at 10 m above ground level based on 50 years mean
return period. The suggested life period to be assumed
in design and the corresponding k1 factors for different
class of structures for the purpose of design are given
in Table 1. In the design of buildings and structures, a
regional basic wind speed having a mean return period
of 50 years shall be used except as specified in the
note of Table 1.
6.3.2 Terrain, Height Factor (k2 Factor) Terrain
Selection of terrain categories shall be made with due
regard to the effect of obstructions which constitute
the ground surface roughness. The terrain category
used in the design of a structure may vary depending
on the direction of wind under consideration. Wherever
sufficient meteorological information is available about
the nature of wind direction, the orientation of any
building or structure may be suitably planned.
Terrain in which a specific structure stands shall be
assessed as being one of the following terrain
a) Category 1 — Exposed open terrain with few
or no obstructions and in which the average

The following standard contains provisions, which
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication, the edition
indicated was valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent edition of the standard
IS No. Title
15498 : 2004 Guidelines for improving the
cyclonic resistance of low rise houses
and other buildings/structures
3.1 The following notations shall be followed unless
otherwise specified in relevant clauses. Notations have
been defined in the text at their first appearance. A few
of the notations have more than one definition, having
been used for denoting different variables:
A = surface area of a structure or part of a
Ae = effective frontal area;
Az = the effective frontal area of the building at
height z;
b = breadth of a structure or structural member
normal to the wind stream in the horizontal
Bs = background factor;
Cd = drag coefficient;
Cfd' = force coefficient;
Cfn = normal force coefficient;
Cft = transverse force coefficient;
Cf' = frictional drag coefficient;
Cp = pressure coefficient;
Cpe = external pressure coefficient;
Cpi = internal pressure coefficient;
Cfs = cross-wind force spectrum coefficient;
Cf, z = drag force coefficient of the building
corresponding to the area Az;
C = coefficient, which depends on s, used in the
evaluation of k3 factor;
d = depth of a structure or structural member
parallel to wind stream in the horizontal
dw = wake width;
D = diameter of cylinder or sphere;
E = wind energy factor;
Fz = along wind load on the building/structure at
any height z;
F = force normal to the surface;
fa = first mode natural frequency of the building/
structure in along wind direction in Hz;
fc = first mode natural frequency of the building/
structure in across wind direction in Hz;
fs = vortex shedding frequency;
Fn = normal force;
Ft = transverse force;
F' = frictional force;
G = gust factor;
gR = peak factor for resonant response;
gv = peak factor for upwind velocity fluctuations;
h = height of structure above mean ground level;
hx = height of development of a velocity profile
at a distance x down wind from a change in
terrain category;
Hs = height factor for resonant response;
H = height above mean ground level on the
topography feature;
I = turbulence intensity;
Ih,i = turbulence intensity at height h in terrain
category i;
Iz,i = turbulence intensity at height z in terrain
category i;
IF = interference factor;
k = mode shape power exponent;
k1, k2, = wind speed modification factors;
k3, k4
2,i k = hourly mean wind speed factor;
K = force coefficient multiplication factor for
individual members of finite length;
Ka = area averaging factor;
Kc = combination factor;
Kd = wind directionality factor;
l = length of the member or larger horizontal
dimension of a building;
L = actual length of upwind slope;
Le = effective length of upwind slope;
Lh = integral turbulence length scale at the height
m0 = average mass per unit height of the structure;
Ma = design peak along wind base bending
Mc = design peak across wind base bending
N = effective reduced frequency;
pd = design wind pressure;

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