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Developmental Cell


Biochemical Membrane Lipidomics

during Drosophila Development
Xue Li Guan,1,* Gianluca Cestra,2 Guanghou Shui,4 Antje Kuhrs,5 Ralf B. Schittenhelm,6,10 Ernst Hafen,6
F. Gisou van der Goot,7 Carmen C. Robinett,8 Maurizio Gatti,2,3 Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan,5 and Markus R. Wenk1,4,9,*
1Department of Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, 4002 Basel, Switzerland
2Istituto di Biologia e Patologia Molecolari del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
3Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie C. Darwin, Istituto Pasteur-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti

Sapienza Università di Roma, 00185 Rome, Italy

4Life Sciences Institute, National University of Singapore, 28 Medical Drive, Singapore 117456
5Department of Biochemistry, University of Geneva, Sciences II, 30 quai E. Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
6Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 16, ETH Hönggerberg, HPT E75, Zurich 8093, Switzerland
7Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Global Health Institute, Station 19, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
8Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA 20147 USA
9Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore,

Block MD4, 5 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117597

10Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia

*Correspondence: [email protected] (X.L.G.), [email protected] (M.R.W.)

SUMMARY a glycerol backbone), and are not uniformly distributed within

cellular membranes (van Meer et al., 2008). Instead, tissue
Lipids play critical roles in energy homeostasis, enrichment (e.g., sphingolipids in brain, ether-linked lipids in
membrane structure, and signaling. Using liquid heart), subcellular organization (e.g., cardiolipin in mitochondria),
chromatography and mass spectrometry, we pro- lateral segregation (membrane microdomains), and asymmetric
vide a comprehensive semiquantification of lipids distributions across the bilayers add to the aforementioned
during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster complexities. One class of membrane lipid which stands out in
structural diversity between biological organisms is the SPL.
(230 glycerophospholipids, 210 sphingolipids, 6
SPL are formed from the condensation of serine/amino acids
sterols and sterol esters, and 60 glycerolipids) and
and fatty acyl-CoA which leads to generation of sphingoid bases
obtain biological insights through this biochemical (Pruett et al., 2008), and, ultimately after several biosynthetic
resource. First, we find a high and constant triacyl- steps yields ceramides, the portion of SPL which is anchored
glycerol-to-membrane lipid ratio during pupal stage, in the membrane. In Saccharomyces cerevisae, the ceramides
which is nonobvious in the absence of nutrient occur with phosphoinositol and mannosyl residues (Becker
uptake and tissue remodeling. Second, sphingoli- and Lester, 1980). In mammalian cells, the headgroup is deco-
pids undergo specific changes in headgroup (glyco- rated instead with phosphocholine (sphingomyelin) or a complex
sylation) and tail configurations (unsaturation and carbohydrate portion (glycosphingolipids) (Merrill, 2011). In
hydroxylation on sphingoid base and fatty acyls, Drosophila, complex glycosphingolipids and phosphoethanol-
respectively), which correlate with gene expression amine-ceramide (PECer) have been described (Rietveld et al.,
1999; Seppo et al., 2000).
of known (GlcT/CG6437; FA2H/ CG30502) and puta-
SPL play critical roles in many cellular and developmental
tive (Cyt-b5-r/CG13279) enzymes. Third, we identify processes (Stiban et al., 2010; Hannich et al., 2011). SPL are
a gender bias in phosphoethanolamine-ceramides increasingly recognized as key regulators of cell cycle progres-
as a lead for future investigation into sexual matura- sion/apoptosis as well as growth and cellular metabolism in
tion. Finally, we partially characterize ghiberti, vertebrates (Bartke and Hannun, 2009). Drosophila genetics
required for male meiotic cytokinesis, as a homolog and developmental biology has provided important insights for
of mammalian serine palmitoyltransferase. SPL in this multicellular organism (Acharya and Acharya, 2005).
For example, disruption of SPL biosynthesis has been implicated
in the regulation of energy homeostasis and body fat metabolism
INTRODUCTION (Bauer, 2010; Kohyama-Koganeya et al., 2011). The diverse
functions of this class of lipids further extend to their regulatory
Biological membranes, in a first approximation, are bilayer role in phototransduction, brain development, and behavior in
arrangements of lipids with embedded and associated proteins. the fruit fly (Chen et al., 2007; Acharya et al., 2008; Dasgupta
The main classes of lipids found in eukaryotic cells are glycero- et al., 2009; Kraut, 2011).
phospholipids (GPL), sphingolipids (SPL), and sterols (ST). Indi- Despite the increased appreciation of SPL functions, there are
vidual lipids species are determined by specific (stereo)chemical many open questions regarding SPL. In fact, the putative func-
composition (e.g., fatty acyl combination and positioning on tions of SPL in the regulation of cellular physiology are likely to

98 Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
Developmental Cell
Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

go far beyond our current understanding of genetic interactions of two biological replicates were measured for each stage, and
and developmental traits/phenotypes. Lipid-lipid and lipid- the time course was repeated three times with different groups
protein interactions are critically controlled by SPL (Simons and of parental flies which were raised separately. The final average
Gerl, 2010). Functional interactions between sphingolipids and values of the major lipid classes (sum of individual species for
sterols regulate cellular physiology in yeast (Guan et al., 2009), each class) are represented as mol% of total membrane lipid
possibly mediated by specific interactions in a region that is (i.e., normalized to the sum of GPL + SPL + ST). The levels of
referred to as an ‘‘interface,’’ as it falls between the hydrophobic the most abundant GPL (PE and PC) are relatively constant
portion and hydrated surface of the membrane (Bithell et al., during all developmental stages (Figure 1). Less abundant
2008). Indeed, small changes in the orientation of lipids in this GPL, e.g., phosphatidic acids (PA), display distinct changes
region can affect protein function (Lingwood et al., 2011). Further- during entry into and exit from the adjacent stages. The levels
more, it has recently been demonstrated that structural unique- of membrane-bound SPL with none (Cer), one (HexCer), or two
ness is an important factor in mediating the recognition of a single (Hex2Cer) hexosyl moieties in their headgroups rise drastically
SPL species by a transmembrane protein involved in membrane at the end of the embryonic stage and at the early pupal stage.
dynamics and traffic corroborating the findings that specific and To reveal the dynamics of lipid remodeling during develop-
relatively small differences in chemical composition of lipids ment, the abundance of individual lipid species at each time
(such as a single double bond), i.e., ‘‘fine chemical details,’’ point is calculated against its moving average (i.e., the average
may serve different functions (Contreras et al., 2012). value of all time points; Figure 2A). This differential map illustrates
Analytical biochemistry of Drosophila lipids has been the heterogeneity in lipid species that is not apparent in absolute
described in previous studies (Gamo et al., 1999; Fyrst et al., levels of entire classes (Figure 1), nicely demonstrating the
2004, 2008; Masood et al., 2010; Hammad et al., 2011; Parisi power of MS for high resolution lipid analysis. For instance, the
et al., 2011), but very few comprehensive studies have so far levels of some PC species with short fatty acyl chains (# in Fig-
been published (Carvalho et al., 2012). The main aim of this ure 2A) are much higher at the larval stage than the moving
work was to establish such a comprehensive, systematic average, and this is not the case for PC species with longer
description of membrane lipids found in Drosophila with an and more unsaturated fatty acyls (## in Figures 2A and S3B).
emphasis on SPL for the reasons mentioned earlier. We focus This suggests that fatty acyl remodeling may be particularly
on analysis of membrane and storage lipids from extracts of prominent during development. Additionally, levels of many, if
whole animals during the life cycle to establish the dynamics of not most, SPL species (Cer, HexCer, Hex2Cer, PECer) are very
lipid metabolism during the natural process of organismal devel- low (10-fold or less abundant than the average over all stages)
opment. We further combine genetics with this biochemical at early embryonic stages (0 hr). We have also determined the
resource for identification and partial in vivo characterization of number of lipid species that change 1.5-fold or more in their
an SPL regulator in Drosophila melanogaster. abundances between adjacent time points (Figure 2B). With
the exception of SPL (which undergo dramatic changes within
RESULTS the first 18 hr; Figure 1), a roughly corresponding number of
GPL and SPL are affected between adjacent stages, with the
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry largest differences of 30% or more (Figure 2C) at boundaries
Approaches for Drosophila Lipids between embryos, larvae, pupae, and adult flies (Figure 2B;
Synchronized developmental stages of embryos, larvae, pupae, red brackets). In contrast, some of the changes within larva,
and adult flies were raised and harvested using standard proto- pupa, and adult fly stages are limited to a relatively small number
cols. Samples were then processed for chromatographic separa- of individual lipid species (e.g., # in Figure 2A; as little as 24 of 454
tion and mass spectrometry (MS). The extraction method based species between 168 and 192 hr of pupal development;
on two-step liquid-liquid partitioning yields an organic phase con- Figure 2B).
taining a complex mixture of lipids present in the starting material Careful examination of this high-density lipidomic information
that are not covalently attached to the nonsoluble residue. of the developing fly reveals an intricate level of specificity in lipid
A combination of single-stage MS and tandem MS (MS/MS), metabolism. This is particularly overt for: (1) fatty acyl distribu-
i.e., product ion analysis, neutral loss, and precursor scanning, tions between membrane and nonpolar lipids during develop-
was used to characterize ion responses (Figure S1 and Table ment (Figure 3); (2) chemical compositions of SPL in all four
S1 available online). In third instar larvae, approximately 90% developmental stages (Figure 4), and, (3) gender-dependent
of membrane lipid is composed of GPL (Figure S2). This is in differences of adult flies (Figure 5).
contrast to the lipid compositions of yeast (Ejsing et al., 2009)
or mammalian cell systems (Dennis et al., 2010), which have Fatty Acyl Distribution between Membrane and Storage
been recently determined using MS. The predominant GPL in Lipids during Development
mammalian cells are phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phos- Fatty acyls are building blocks in membrane lipids (GPL and SPL)
phatidylcholine (PC), whereas in Drosophila, PE alone represents as well as nonpolar lipids with important storage functions (tria-
2/3 of GPL (Figure S2; Table 1) (Jones et al., 1992; Dobrosot- cylglycerols [TAG] and sterol esters [SE]). These two forms of
skaya et al., 2002). lipid pools are expected to be highly dynamic during periods of
high feeding (embryos and larvae), low feeding, and morphogen-
Lipid Changes during Developmental Stages esis (pupae), as well as motion (larvae and adult flies). We find
We next applied our targeted workflow to systematically high levels of SE in early embryos suggesting that the ST
measure lipidomic variations during fly development. A minimum (and/or SE) content plays important roles in early development.

Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 99
100 Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.

Table 1. Previous Biochemical Lipid Analyses of Drosophila and Comparison with This Study
Analysis Results for Developmental Stages in Previous Studies
Stark Rietveld Gamo Fyrst Fyrst Overgaard Masood Parisi Hammad Carvalho
et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al.
Jones et al. (1992) (1993) (1999) (1999) (2004) (2008) (2005) (2010) (2011) (2011) (2012) This Study
Embryo, Embryo, Embryo, Embryo,
Larva, Larva, Larva, Larva,
Adult Pupa, Pupa, Pupa, Pupa,
Lipids Analyzed Larva Prepupa (Head) Embryo Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
PE 50%–60% 50%–60% +  +   + +  + + +
PC 20%–25% 20%–25% +  +   + +  + + +
PI 7.5%–8.5% 8%–9% +  +      + + +
PS 5%–6% 10% +  +    +  + + +
PA 8%–10% 6%–8% +         + +
PG           + + +
CL         +  + + +
Long chain bases      + +      
Ceramides    +   +   + + + +
PECer    +      + + + +
Glycosylated    +        + +

Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

ST –   +     +   + +
TAG         +  + + +
staining and TLC
Resolution of    + + + + + + + + + +
molecular species

Developmental Cell
Quantification     + + + + + + + + +
Number of molecular     22 4  22 400 60 28 250 >500
species quantified
TLC, thin layer chromatography; FAB-MSMS, fast atom bombardment tandem MS; +, achieved in the study; , not achieved in the study. See also Figure S2.
Developmental Cell
Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

75 PE 25 PC 5.0 PG 5.0 PS
* *
* * 20 4.0 4.0
50 * * * *
15 * * 3.0 * 3.0
2.0 *
10 * 2.0
25 *
5 1.0 1.0

0 0 0.0 0.0

0.6 PA 15 PI 1.2 CL
* *
Mol % of Total Membrane Lipids Measured

* * *
0.4 * 10 0.8
* *
0.2 5 0.4

0.0 0 0.0

1.5 Ceramide 1.0 Monohexosyl- 0.20 DihexosylCeramide 10.0 Phosphoethanolamine

* * Ceramide Ceramide
0.8 8.0 *

1.0 * *
0.6 * * 6.0 * * *
* * 0.10 * *
0.4 * * * 4.0
0.5 *
0.2 2.0

0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0





























6.0 Sterol
* * *










Figure 1. Temporal Changes in Membrane Lipid Classes during Drosophila Development

Twelve membrane lipid classes are analyzed in this study using multiple LC-MS/MS approaches. The data are a representative set (of three) containing duplicate
samples per time point (n = 2). Mean values and average deviations are presented. Significance of difference between two adjacent time points is calculated by
Student’s t test, and *p < 0.05. Abbreviations: A, adult; CL, cardiolipin; E, embryo; L, larva; PA, phosphatidic acid; PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphati-
dylethanolamine; PI, phosphatidylinositol, PG, phosphatidylglycerol, PS, phosphatidylserine. P, pupa. The solid gray line in the HexCer panel represents the
changes in expression level of GlcT involved in HexCer formation.
See also Figure S1 and Table S1.

Lipid components in eggs are largely determined by lipoproteins yeast [note, ‘‘d’’ and ‘‘t’’ stand for ‘‘di’’ and ‘‘tri’’ in this commonly
(Schonbaum et al., 1995); thus, we would expect high levels of used abbreviation to indicate the number of hydroxyls; thus, d18
SE in hemolymph of female flies. We next calculated the TAG/ and t18 refer to sphingoid bases (C18) with two and three
membrane lipid (GPL + SPL + ST) ratio as a rough proxy for hydroxyls, respectively (Chen et al., 2010)]; (2) sphingodienes,
the overall distribution of fatty acyl mass (Figure 3). As expected, i.e., sphingoid bases with an additional double bond (for ex-
the TAG/membrane lipid ratio rises sharply as the larvae grow ample, d16:2, Figure 4A); and (3) hydroxylated fatty acyls have
and enter the pupal stage. However, it remains at this high level been reported (for example, OH-22:0; Figure 4A; Fyrst et al.,
throughout all pupal stages, i.e., several days, in the absence of 2008; Carvalho et al., 2010). These characteristics add sub-
nutrient uptake. Together with the observation that the major stantial chemical complexity that is likely to be biologically rele-
membrane lipids are also largely unchanged in pupal stages (Fig- vant (Guan et al., 2009; Hannun and Obeid, 2011; Merrill, 2011).
ure 1), this suggests that TAG is not utilized as a source of energy Figure 4 shows the relative proportions of the various forms of
via beta oxidation. Instead, the constant ratio might reflect a ceramides (Figure 4C), HexCer (Figure 4D), and PECer (Figure 4E)
tight, albeit nonobvious, metabolic link of membrane to storage over the course of development. The main changes in HexCer
lipids that could be required for tissue remodeling during pupal during Drosophila development are the following: (1) a high rela-
development. tive abundance of d16 sphingoid base (approximately 50% of all
HexCer contain d16; yellow shaded bars in Figure 4D) and
Stage-Dependent Variations in SPL Chemistry hydroxylated fatty acyls during larval stages (striped bars in Fig-
A prominent feature of Drosophila lipids lies in the chemistry of its ure 4D; (2) the dominance of d14 sphingoid base and nonhy-
SPL, which are unique when compared with yeast and mam- droxylated fatty acyls in pupal stages (blue bars in Figure 4D);
malian cells: (1) The sphingoid base is mainly d14 and d16, as and (3) SPL with hydroxylated d14:1 ceramide backbones (light
opposed to d18 and d20, in mammalian and d/t18 and d/t20 in blue striped bars in Figures 4C and 4D) are largely restricted to

Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 101
Developmental Cell
Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

E L P A Figure 2. Survey Map for Relative Changes

A in Membrane Lipid Species between Devel-
0h 18h 24h 48h 72h 96h 120h 144h 168h 192h 216h 1d 5d 20d
opmental Stages
(A) Heatmap representation of changes of indi-
≥1 vidual species of membrane lipids. Mole percent
(Mol%) of individual lipid species was averaged
across time to obtain the moving average value.
0.8 The log10 ratio is then calculated for signals of each
#- lipid species for each time point normalized to the

log10(Mol% of Lipid Speciestime/Mol% of Lipid Speciesmoving average)

moving average. #, cluster of PC species at larval
##- 0.6 stages that are much higher than the moving
average; ##, cluster of PC species that are not
changing temporally.
PI 0.4 (B) Number of lipid species that are regulated at
least 1.5-fold between two adjacent time points.
(C) Percentage of lipids species as a function of
PS the total GPL or SPL detected that are regulated
1.5-fold between two adjacent time points. The
PA entire detailed data set of this heatmap is listed in
PG 0 Table S2.
See also Figure S3.


and its gene expression profile follows
-0.4 the observed trends in hydroxylated
forms of SPL (e.g., HexCer) in larval
HexCer stages but not in pupae and adult flies
(Figure 4D).
Hex2Cer Ceramides with d16 sphingoid bases
-0.8 are much more abundant in HexCer
than in PECer (compare the sizes of
PECer yellow bars in Figures 4D and 4E). This
probably reflects substantial selective
substrate preference at the level of the
ceramide precursor pool (Figure 4B).
ST Therefore, the data presented in this
B study may represent a starting point for
No. of lipid species 176 114 179 68 35 73 171 27 24 55 146 62 39
with >1.5X difference the characterization of SPL enzymes
C combining mass spectrometry with
% Distribution of
Drosophila genetics (Keays et al., 2011).
lipid class for
species with
>1.5X difference 50 Gender-Specific Differences in
between adjacent Lipidome
time points SPL
Sexual maturation and high energy
requirements are most obvious charac-
HexCer in adult flies (Figure 4D) and are almost absent in other teristics of the winged imago and both are expected to have
developmental stages (Figures 4C–4E). Note that (1) hexose profound effects on lipid metabolism. Phosphatidylglycerol
identity and (2) the precise location of double bonds and hydrox- (PG) and cardiolipin levels rise sharply during early adulthood,
ylations cannot be derived from our analytical approach. which is consistent with their abundance and roles in mitochon-
We propose that one possible way to mine such biochemical dria (Figure 1). While we do not cover all lipids that have been
information is to correlate the lipidomic observations with gene described in sexual differentiation, oogenesis, and spermato-
expression analysis of characterized (and putative) lipid meta- genesis (Terashima and Bownes, 2005), we applied our lipido-
bolic enzymes and their regulators. We curated the expression mics approach to identify gender differences. Fatty acyl satura-
data reported by Graveley et al. for GC6437 that encodes gluco- tion has previously been described as a subtle gender bias
syltransferase (GlcT), an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of in adult flies (Parisi et al., 2011). Consistent with that observation,
HexCer. The trend of GlcT expression is consistent with the over- we find elevated levels of lipid species with polyunsaturated
all levels of HexCer from early embryonic to early pupal stages fatty acyls (e.g., 38:4 forms of PC, PS, phosphatidylinositol [PI])
but deviates in later developmental stages (Figure 1), suggesting and concomitantly lowered levels of GPL with monounsaturated
that additional factors are required at later stages in develop- fatty acyls (Figure 5B), most prominently 40:1 PS (Figure S5)
ment. Similary, fatty acid hydroxlase (FA2H/CG30502) is an in 5- and 20-day-old females in comparison to males (Fig-
SPL-specific hydroxylase in Drosophila (Carvalho et al., 2010), ure 5B). Another major difference between male and female flies

102 Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
Developmental Cell
Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

A 0.3 * B 4.0 Figure 3. Stage- and Gender-Dependent

3.0 Changes in Storage Lipids
2.0 (A) Sterol ester:total membrane lipid ratio during
(B) Triacylglycerol:total membrane ratio during
development. Insets show the profiles of these











lipids in adult female and male flies. The data are
a representative set (out of three sets) containing

TAG: Total Membrane Lipid Ratio

1d 5d 20d 1d 5d 20d
Sterol Ester:Total Membrane Lipid Ratio

0.6 * 3.5
* duplicate samples per time point (n = 2). Mean
* values and average deviations are presented.
2.5 *
Significance of difference between two adjacent
* *
1.5 time points and between male and female is
0.2 * * * calculated by Student’s t test, and *p < 0.05.
1.0 *
0.0 0.0















throughout the first 20 days of adulthood is a profound the serine palmitoyltransferase (ssSPTs) (Figure 6A), an enzyme
inverse relationship in hydroxylation of PECer. Hydroxylated that catalyzes the first step in SPL biosynthesis.
PECer are much more abundant in female flies, and nonhydroxy- Using the methods described here, we found that the ghiz0287
lated forms are less abundant, compared to male flies of the mutation affects the d16/d14 ratio of SPLs in both third instar
same age (Figure 5B). Males, on the contrary, have more larvae (Figures 6B–6D) and adult testes (Figures 6E–6G). A shift
unsaturated fatty acids in their SPL (e.g., d14:1/24:1 PECer; toward increased formation of d16-containing SPL (Cer, HexCer,
Figure 5C), as well as odd chain fatty acyls (Figure S4). While and PECer) was observed in ghiz0287. Importantly, a similar trend
not expected to make a strong contribution to lipid profiles was observed in testes, where SPL with the d16 sphingoid base
(Parisi et al., 2011), we cannot exclude direct germline effects are very low abundant in wild-type and dramatically elevated in
as gonads were included in the preparation procedure of adult the ghi mutant (Figures 6E–6G). Therefore, together with the
flies. (albeit) low sequence similarity to human ssSPT, this partial
(biochemical) characterization provides strong experimental
ghiberti, a Gene Required for Male Meiotic Cytokinesis, evidence for a role of ghi in early steps of SPL biosynthesis.
Encodes a Protein Homologous to the Mammalian Small
Subunit of Serine Palmitoyltransferase DISCUSSION
We next applied our analytical tool for biochemical characteriza-
tion of ghiberti (ghi; previously called frodo), which was isolated We document in a systematic fashion the levels of more than 500
during a screen for genes required for meiotic cytokinesis in (mainly membrane and some storage) lipids that are, to a large
Drosophila males (Giansanti et al., 2004). Two mutant alleles extent, identified species, i.e., chemical entities with a defined
were isolated: ghiz0287, which causes cytokinesis failures in headgroup and hydrophobic chain configuration based on
most meiotic divisions, and ghiz1497, which disrupts cytokinesis mass-to-charge (m/z) values in the mass spectrometric readout,
in less than 20% of divisions. ghiz0287 mutant spermatocytes although some values remain conflicted with anticipated isobaric
assemble a regular actomyosin ring, but the ring fails to constrict overlap (particularly for PE and PC species, which harbor many
to completion and the furrow regresses, leading to cytokinesis ether-linked representatives; Table S2).
failure (Giansanti et al., 2004). The same phenotype is caused Several limitations of this resource that should be noted
by mutations in several genes that encode membrane traffic include (1) absolute quantification and lipidomic coverage, (2)
proteins, including the Cog5 subunit of the conserved oligomeric variations that result from growth conditions and genetic back-
Golgi complex encoded by four wheel stop (fws) (Farkas et al., ground, and (3) spatial resolution. First, we acknowledge that
2003); the TRAPPII subunit specified by brunelleschi (bru) matrix effects are not fully controlled for. Synthetic standards
(Robinett et al., 2009); the Rab11 and ARF6 GTPases (Dyer representing the 14 classes of lipids analyzed were used (see
et al., 2007; Giansanti et al., 2007); the PI transfer protein Experimental Procedures for the list of standards used; see
encoded by giotto (gio) (Gatt and Glover, 2006; Giansanti et al., Tables S1 and S2 for analytical conditions such as collision ener-
2006); and the PI 4-kinase-beta (PI4Kbeta) encoded by four gies and transitions). However, it is difficult to judge how the
wheel drive (fwd) (Brill et al., 2000). properties of the different developmental stages (e.g., cuticular
We cloned ghi by fine mapping followed by DNA sequencing, components, nonpolar-to-polar lipid ratios, water and salt
which showed that ghiz0287 carries an A/C transversion that content, etc.) will affect lipid recovery and analytical detection.
changes the stop codon of CG32038 into a tyrosine codon, Additional efforts will be required to include lipid mediators,
leading to a 44 amino acid (aa) extension of the predicted 81 e.g., SPL metabolites, which, as many genetic studies have
aa CG32038 protein. Transformation with a rescue construct shown, play critical roles in brain development and neuronal
and complementation experiments confirmed that ghi is indeed function in Drosophila (Kraut, 2011). Nonpolar compounds
CG32038 (see Experimental Procedures). ghi encodes a product such as wax esters and hydrocarbons (important in cuticular
that shares low homology with the small regulatory subunits of and mating functions) may demand alternative extraction

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Drosophila Lipidomics during Development


Figure 4. Changes in SPL Chemistries during Drosophila Development

(A) General structures of SPL and sites of modifications: (a) headgroup, (b) desaturation, (c) sphingoid base chain length, (d) fatty acyl chain length, and (e) fatty
acyl hydroxylation (-OH). Resolution of these chemical details is achieved in this study by multiple LC-MS/MS approaches.
(B) Scheme of SPL metabolism in D. melanogaster.
(C) Temporal changes in sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of ceramides.
(D) Temporal changes in sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of HexCer. E. Temporal changes in sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl
hydroxylation of PECer. Genes responsible for SPL desaturation/hydroxylations (FA2H/CG30502 and Cyt-b5-r/CG13279) are curated from FlyBase (Graveley
et al., 2011) and superimposed with the changes in lipid profiles. Abbreviations: FA, fatty acyl; OH-FA, hydroxylated fatty acyls.
See also Figure S4.

protocols as well as different analytical conditions such as atmo- regulators of lipid flux (Yuan et al., 2011) including cell-nonau-
spheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). Second, it is well tomomous enzymes (Acharya et al., 2008).
known that lipid compositions in Drosophila are highly depen- In addition to a technical resource, this report represents
dent on the diet, temperature, and light conditions (Stark et al., a biochemical resource for research in Drosophila development.
1993; Overgaard et al., 2005; Carvalho et al., 2010), but under- The entire data set, i.e., values for all lipids across all time points,
standing these variables was not the major aim of this study. is provided in Table S2. Furthermore, the 200 SPLs reported
Instead, the effect of diet of Drosophila lipidomes were recently here have been deposited into the LIPID MAPS structural data-
reported in a study using shotgun lipidomics, i.e., direct profiling base, where they are publicly available (http://www.lipidmaps.
of lipids in complex mixtures without the use of LC (Carvalho org; see also Table S2, LipidMaps ID).
et al., 2012). Third, as we chose to use extracts of entire organ- Our study revealed particularly interesting insights on SPL
isms (rather than dissected organs, except for SPL contents of diversity and biochemistry during fly development as well as
testis, Figures 6E–6G), information on tissue distribution of lipids gender differences. In Drosophila, the desaturase gene family
(Carvalho et al., 2012) is not resolved in this study. Tissue exhibits sex-specific expression (Keays et al., 2011). For
imaging via MS, an upcoming new discipline in lipidomics instance, Des1 (ifc1/ CG9078) is a sphingolipid delta-4 desatur-
(Sullards et al., 2011; Murphy and Merrill, 2011) will therefore ase (Ternes et al., 2002) required for spermatogenesis but not
be complementary to our description to provide spatial informa- oogenesis (Castrillon et al., 1993). Sxe1, a member of the cyto-
tion. Such approaches, together with turnover experiments chrome P450 enzyme family, affects fatty acyl metabolism and
using organs rather than whole organisms, will be very powerful is required for efficient male mating, although its precise enzy-
future avenues to study the relationships of (diffusible) lipid medi- matic activities remain to be determined (Fujii et al., 2008). Our
ators in connection to expression of bona fide lipid enzymes and results shown in Figure 5 provide experimental evidence for

104 Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
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Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

Aembrane Lipids 80 8 female

Mol % of Total

60 6

40 4

20 2

0 0








Sterol ester
Q1 Q3
B 1d 5d 20d C CID
24:0 PE d14:1/20:0
25:0 PE/ 26:0 ePE
26:0 PE 661.5 d14:1/22:0 625-725 208
26:1 PE 689.5 d14:1/24:0
28:2 PE 717.5
31:1 PE/ 32:1 ePE/ 32:0 pPE
32:3 PE
33:0 PE/ 34:0 ePE
33:2 PE/ 34:2 ePE/ 34:1 pPE
38:3 PE 2 d14:1/18:0
39:1 PE/ 40:1 ePE/ 40:0 pPE
40:1 PE 633.5
24:0 PC
24:1 PC
25:0 PC/ 26:0 ePC m/z
26:1 PC
28:2 PC 15
31:2 PC/ 32:2 ePC/ 32:1 pPC
31:3 PC/ 32:3 ePC/ 32:2 pPC
33:2 PC/ 34:2 ePC/ 34:1 pPC
33:3 PC/ 34:3 ePC/ 34:2 pPC
33:4 PC/ 34:4 ePC/ 34:3 pPC

35:4 PC/ 36:4 ePC/ 36:3 pPC 1

35:5 PC/ 36:5 ePC/ 36:4 pPC
37:3 PC/ 38:3 ePC/ 38:2 pPC
37:4 PC/ 38:4 ePC/ 38:3 pPC d14:1/24:1
38:1 PC
38:4 PC 715.5
28:0 PI
33:2 PI/ 34:2 ePI/ 34:1 pPI 0.5 D Fatty acyl and long
38:4 PI Putative
38:3 PS 4 chain base


38:4 PS Hydroxylases
40:1 PS desaturases
40:2 PS
40:4 PS 0
d14:1/ 20:0 cer 3
d14:1/ 24:1 cer
d14:2/ 24:0 cer
d14:2/ 24:1 cer
d16:2/ 22:0-OH cer 2
d14:1/ 24:1 glucer -0.5
d16:1/ 18:0 glucer
d14:1/ 22:0-OH glucer
d14:2/ 20:0-OH glucer
d14:2/ 22:0-OH glucer 1
d16:2/ 18:0-OH glucer
d16 2/ 20
d16:2/ 20:0-OH
0 OH glucer
l -1
d16:2/ 22:0-OH glucer
d16:2/ 24:0-OH glucer 0
d14:1/ 18:0 PEcer
d14:1/ 22:1 PEcer
d14:1/ 24:1 PEcer
d14:1/ 26:0 PEcer
d14:1/ 21:0 PEcer -1.5 -1
d14:1/ 23:0 PEcer
d14:2/ 22:1 PEcer
d14:2/ 24:1 PEcer
d16:1/ 22:1 PEcer -2
d16:1/ 24:1 PEcer
d16:1/ 21:0 PEcer -2
putative oxido-reducttase






d16:1/ 23:0 PEcer



d16:2/ 20:1 PEcer



d14:2/ 18:0-OH PEcer


d14:2/ 20:0-OH PEcer

d14:2/ 20:1-OH PEcer
d14:2/ 22:0-OH PEcer
d14:2/ 22:1-OH PEcer
d14:2/ 24:0-OH PEcer
d15:2/ 20:0-OH PEcer
d16:1/ 18:1-OH PEcer
d16:1/ 20:0-OH PEcer 1 day
d16:1/ 20:1-OH PEcer
d16:1/ 22:0-OH PEcer
d16:2/ 20:0-OH PEcer 5 days
d16:2/ 22:0-OH PEcer
30 days

Figure 5. Gender-Specific Differences in Lipid Composition

(A) Lipid classes distribution between adult female and male flies (5 days old). Mean values and average deviations are presented.
(B) Heatmap representation of lipid species that are regulated at least 1.5-fold between males and females. The data are a representative set (out of three)
containing duplicate samples. Mean values are obtained for the mole percent of individual lipids species, and the log10 ratio of the values for female to males are
then computed.
(C) Precursor ion scans profiles of d14:1-containing PECer reveal (and confirm) an increase in fatty acid desaturation in SPL of male adult flies.
(D) Curation of genes responsible for lipid desaturation/hydroxylations in adult flies (FlyBase; Graveley et al., 2011). Abbreviations: ePC, ether PC; pPC, plas-
malogen PC; ePE, ether PE; pPE, plasmalogen PE.
See also Figure S5.

Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 105
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Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

B Ceramide C HexCer D PECer

100% 100% 100%


d16 d16:2/FA


50% 50% 50%


d14 d15:2/OH-FA
d15 d15:2/FA

d14 d14:1/FA

0% 0% 0%
100% 100% 100%

50% 50% 50%

0% 0% 0%
wild type ghi wild type ghi wild type ghi

Figure 6. ghiberti Is a Modulator of SPL and Homolog of Mammalian ssSPT

(A) Homology alignment of ssSPT amino acid sequences. The aa sequences of human ssSPTA and ssSPTB, rat ssSPTA, mouse ssSPTA, chicken ssSPTA, the
closest homolog of ssSPTA in zebrafish, and fly ssSPTA (ghiberti) are aligned. Note that the major conservation among human ssSPTA and ssSPTB is
concentrated in the central region proximal to the NH terminus, which is also the only region quite conserved in Drosophila ssSPTA. Identical residues are shaded
with black boxes, and light gray boxes indicate similar residues. Multiple protein alignment was done with online tool MUltiple (S)equence (C)omparison by
(L)og-(E)xpectation (EMBL-EBI) and shading using the online Boxshade program.
(B) Sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of ceramides of wild-type and ghi third instar larvae.
(legend continued on next page)
106 Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
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Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

a putative role of PECer (as opposed to other SPL) in such would affect membrane structure and physical properties,
gender-specific effects. impairing the very specialized membrane-related events essen-
Hydroxylated PECer are highly enriched in female flies, which tial for cytokinesis. However, given the likely role of ghi in the very
raises the possibility that they play a role in reproductive initial stages of SPL biosynthesis, our current results do not
processes such as egg production. Hydroxylated forms of diene exclude that other downstream effects of ghi mutations would
PECer are highly specific in the gut, whereas other PECer are also affect cytokinesis. For example, ghi may disrupt cytokinesis by
present in the fat body or brain (Carvalho et al., 2010). The precise affecting the levels and/or the hydroxylation patterns of many
cellular localization and possible contribution to barrier functions SPLs (PECer, Hex-Cer, soluble sphingoid base mediators,
(Hama, 2010), e.g., via intermolecular hydrogen bonding (Lundén etc.). Third, ghi and related modulators of SPL might play more
et al., 1977), in epithelial layers (Sampaio et al., 2011) remain to be general roles as molecular links between membrane homeo-
determined. The gender differences in hydroxylated PECer stasis and cellular metabolism (Roelants et al., 2011).
reported here may affect the uptake of nutrients including sterols, It will be interesting to include and evaluate the effects of other
which is particularly relevant since Drosophila is a sterol auxo- (related) lipid enzymes in spermatogenesis (Wang and Huang,
troph and is therefore dependent on dietary sterols (Carvalho 2012), such as bond, a fatty acyl elongase required for spermato-
et al., 2012). In female adults, this could be critical for egg devel- cyte cytokinesis (Szafer-Glusman et al., 2008) that could lead
opment, since sterol esters are enriched in early embryos (Fig- to chain length modifications in glycerophospholipids and
ure 3A). The gender differences reported here will furthermore sphingolipids and therefore might act in concert with ghi.
be of interest to studies that aim at understanding the fundamen- Taken together, the combination of the biochemical approach
tals of chemical communication underlying courtship where described here with complementary genetics-driven systems
lipids have been shown to play a key role in regulating attractive- biology in Drosophila (Pospisilik et al., 2010) is a promising
ness during mating (Yew et al., 2009). avenue to yield valuable insights into the role of lipids in biolog-
The biochemical information as described here will help future ical systems.
studies investigating the regulation of membrane lipid homeo- In summary, we report the development of a lipidomics tool for
stasis. For example, in mammals, processing of ST regulatory probing lipid functions in Drosophila melanogaster. The rele-
element-binding protein (SREBP) is controlled largely by sterols vance and importance of our work is further emphasized by
(Goldstein et al., 2006), whereas PE lipids seem to be key regu- a related study that was published during manuscript revision
lators in Drosophila (Dobrosotskaya et al., 2002). In nematodes for this article (Carvalho et al., 2012). Common to both studies
(Caenorhabditis elegans), a circuit between PC and SREBP regu- is the use of MS, albeit with some notable differences. We
lates lipogenesis (Walker et al., 2011). The study of SPL metab- used liquid chromatography-multiple reaction monitoring
olism in very early biosynthetic events where amino acid and (MRM) and focused primarily on membrane lipids with coverage
fatty acid metabolism merge (Pruett et al., 2008; Breslow et al., of >500 lipid species and a particular emphasis on SPL (which
2010) or the characterization of mutations that affect this stage alone covered 210 species). Carvalho et al. (2012) instead
(Momin et al., 2009) are other examples. covered 250 lipids species by direct infusion (i.e., without the
SPT is involved in the first step of SPL biosynthesis. The use of LC) high resolution MS. While detailed direct comparison
subunits of the heteromeric enyzme are highly regulated, and is difficult due to differences in lipid coverage and data normali-
mutations of this enzyme have been implicated in human hered- zation, both studies report similar trends (e.g., in TAG/membrane
itary sensory neuropathy type I disease (Dawkins et al., 2001; lipid time course). Another major difference between the two
Bejaoui et al., 2002), in part due to generation of 1-deoxysphin- studies clearly lies in the applications of the lipidomics tools.
ganine, a novel sphingoid base (Gable et al., 2010; Penno et al., We illustrated how to use our informational resource for data
2010). Understanding the precise details that govern substrate mining (within the lipidomics data set as well as in comparison
recognition and specificity (Han et al., 2009) and control of SPL with publicly available gene expression studies) and as a tech-
homeostasis overall (Breslow et al., 2010) are therefore very nical tool for characterization of a modulator of SPL identified
intense areas of current research. The difficulty to predict SPT by genetics. Carvalho et al. (2012) carefully studied the variations
regulators solely on sequence homology between organisms of tissue lipidomes as a function of different diets in one labora-
has been proven to be one critical challenge in such endeavors. tory strain. Therefore, it can be expected that these two refer-
Here, we combined genetics with the technical resource for ence works will be highly complementary.
identification and partial characterization of a SPT regulator in
Drosophila melanogaster uncovered in this study. Second, the
finding that mutations in ghi cause a drastic change d14/d16
sphingoid bases ratio provides a possible explanation for the Analytical Reagents
cytokinesis defect caused by ghi mutations. One can envisage All organic solvents and additives were of LC or LC-MS grade and were
that the altered d14/d16 balance observed in ghi mutant testes obtained from Sigma-Adrich. Other chemicals were of analytical grades.

(C) Sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of HexCer of wild-type and ghi third instar larvae.
(D) Sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of PECer of wild-type and ghi third instar larvae.
(E) Sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of ceramides of wild-type and ghi adult testes.
(F) Sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of HexCer of wild-type and ghi adult testes.
(G) Sphingoid base chemistry and fatty acyl hydroxylation of PECer of wild-type and ghi adult testes. The data are represented as the mean values from three
independent experimental preparations per genotype (n = 3 with two larvae and 50 testes per condition).

Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc. 107
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Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

Drosophila Sample Collection 200 ml of chloroform and 250 ml of water to the mixture, which was vortexed for
All developmental samples were prepared using the Oregon R wild-type strain 1 min. The phases were separated by centrifugation at 9,000 rpm for 2 min, and
and were reared on a standard yeast-based medium (for 15 l: 90 g Agar, the lower organic phase was collected. We added 400 ml of chloroform to the
525 g yeast, 1,200 g corn flour, 1,050 g sugar, 30 ml nipagine solution [15% aqueous phase, and phase separation was repeated. The two organic extracts
in ethanol], 150 ml propionic acid) at 25 C. Embryos were collected as 6 hr were pooled and concentrated by drying under vacuum using a Centrivap
egg lays, which were allowed to develop to the desired intervals. At least (Labconco Corporation, Kansas City, MO, USA). The dried lipid film was resus-
two prelays of 1 hr were performed before each collection. pended in 100 ml of chloroform-methanol (1:1, v/v). These lipid extracts were
For embryonic stages, samples were collected at 0 hr and 18 hr after egg spiked with internal standards and analyzed using LC-MS as described previ-
laying (AEL) and washed three times with PBS to remove debris and yeast. ously (Shui et al., 2010a, 2010b).
The embryos were then dechorionated in 20% bleach and washed three times
with PBS before snap freezing in liquid nitrogen. Typically, 30 embryos were Analysis of Lipids using LC-MS
used for each time point. A range of different platforms were used for qualitative (Thermo Orbitrap) and
Larvae and pupae were raised from 6 hr embryonic egg lays and collected at semiquantitative (ABI 4000QT and Agilent 6460) analyses. Results between
24 hr intervals, starting at 24 hr after egg laying. In total, five larval (24, 28, 72, these platforms are comparable once analytical instrument conditions are
96, and 120 hr AEL) and four pupal (144, 168, 192, and 216 hr AEL) collections optimized. Here, we provide the analytical parameters for one of the systems,
were taken. Typically, 25 larvae were collected per replicate for the early namely, a high-performance liquid chromatography system (Agilent 1260)
stages (24 and 48 hr), five larvae for 72 hr AEL, and two larvae or pupae for coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Agilent 6460), which
the later stages (96–216 hr). Larvae and pupae were washed in PBS to remove was used for characterization and quantification of lipids. GPL and SPL
debris and yeast and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. were separated using normal phase chromatography (Shui et al., 2010a), while
Adult flies were synchronized by collection within the first 6 hr of eclosion neutral lipids (TAG and ST) were separated using reverse phase chromatog-
and allowed to develop for 1, 5, and 20 days. The adults were harvested by raphy as described previously (Shui et al., 2010b). The MS conditions were
shaking into tubes and immediately snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. The animals as follows. For ESI: gas temperature, 300 C; gas flow, 10 l/min; sheath gas
were then sorted by gender on a plastic sheet over dry ice. Two adults were temperature, 350 C; sheath gas flow, 8 l/min; and capillary voltage, 3,500 V.
collected for each replicate. The animals were rinsed with PBS prior to lipid For APCI: gas temperature, 300 C; vaporizer, 450 C; gas flow, 5 l/min; capil-
extraction. Each series of experiments comprised at least duplicates for lary voltage, 4,000 V; and corona current, 4 mA.
each condition, and the time course was repeated three times with a different Precursor ion or neutral loss scans of GPL headgroup fragments were used
group of parents raised separately. to obtain information on Drosophila GPL compositions, while SPL were
resolved using precursor scans of dehydrated sphingoid bases (Table S1)
Cloning of ghi (Sullards and Merrill, 2001; Han and Gross, 2005). Based on this information,
ghiberti (ghi; previously called frodo) is an ethyl methane sulfonate-induced, a list of MRM transitions was set up to follow GPL and SPL (Tables S1 and
male sterile mutation uncovered by the 1Mb deficiency Df(3L)AC1 that S2). For ST (ergosterol, cholesterol, and desmosterol) and their esters, TAG
removes region 67A2-D13 (Giansanti et al., 2004). To restrict ghi map posi- analyses were performed using MRM and selected ion monitoring, respec-
tion, we performed Delta 2-3 transposase-induced P element-mediated tively. Each individual ion dissociation pathway was optimized with regard to
male recombination (Chen et al., 1998). Examination of recombinant males collison energy and fragmentor voltage to minimize variations in relative ion
for male fertility placed ghi between the P element insertions EP3710 and abundance due to differences in dissociations (Sullards and Merrill, 2001;
EP559. Using bulk PCR products, we then sequenced the 10 kb interval Merrill et al., 2005).
between the two P element insertion sites in both ghi/Df(3L)AC1 and the Data processing, including peak smoothing and integration of areas under
wild-type isogenic stock used for mutagenesis. We found that ghiz0287 carries the curves for each ions measured, was performed using the MassHunter
an A/C transversion that changes the stop codon of CG32038 to a tyrosine Quantification Software (Agilent). The final representations of the data were
codon adding an additional 44 aa stretch to the predicted CG32038 protein of obtained through further computation using the following formulae:
81 aa. To confirm that CG32038 is ghi, we generated a genomic rescue
construct of 1.7 kb by PCR using the 50 AGCGGCCGCgaacgctggtttttcgaca Mol% of lipid species 1 as a function of total membrane lipids
tcttcc30 and 50 AGCGGCCGCtagagcattgaagtacggatttagc30 primers, both lipid 1ðmolÞ
containing a NotI site. This construct contains less than half of the CG3448 sum of all membrane lipid speciesðmolÞ
coding sequence (the gene upstream of CG32038) and none of the coding
sequence of CG3445/phol (the gene downstream of CG32038). The rescue Mol% of lipid class as a function of total membrane lipids
construct was then inserted in pCaSpeR4 using the NotI sites and injected sum of lipid species of a classðe:g:; all PA species; in molÞ
in embryos for germline transformation. Three insertions on the second chro- =
sum of all membrane lipid speciesðmolÞ
mosome were recovered, and each was able to rescue the meiotic cytoki-
nesis defect in ghi mutant males. Lipid extracts were prepared from two third Mol%moving average of lipid species 1 = average mol%of lipid
instar larvae and 50 testes dissected from adult males, per genotype per
species 1 across time
mol% time
Lipid Standards Relative deviation from moving average = log10 ratio
mol% moving average
We obtained 34:1 D31-PA, 34:1 D31-PC, 34:1 D31-PE, 34:1 D31-PI, 34:1 D31-
PS, 34:1 D31-PG, 28:0 PC, 28:0 PE, 28:0 PS, 12:0/d17:1 PE-Ceramide, 8:0/
d18:1 Glucosylceramide, 8:0/d18:1 Lactosylceramide, 17:0/d18:1 Ceramide, Comparisons of the means of lipids were performed between develop-
Tetramyristoyl cardiolipin from Avanti Polar Lipids (Alabaster, AL, USA). mental times, as well as between male and female flies. Data are expressed
Cholesterol-D6, Cholesterol-D6-stearate, and 48:0 D5-TAG were obtained as means with average deviations as indicated by the error bars (Table S2).
from CDN Isotopes Inc. (Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada). Dioctanoyl PI was The differences between developmental times as well as for genders were
purchased from Echelon Biosciences, Inc. (Salt Lake City, UT, USA). determined statistically using Student’s t test, and p < 0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
Lipid Extraction
Samples were homogenized in 100 ml of PBS using a handheld motorized SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION
pestle, and lipids were extracted by modified Bligh and Dyer’s method (Bligh
and Dyer, 1959). Briefly, 600 ml of chloroform:methanol (1:2, v/v) was added to Supplemental Information includes five figures and two tables and can
the homogenate, and the mixture was vortexed for 1 min. The samples were be found with this article online at
placed on a thermomixer and shaken at 1,000 rpm for 2 hr at 4 C. We added 11.012.

108 Developmental Cell 24, 98–111, January 14, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.
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Drosophila Lipidomics during Development

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Chen, B., Chu, T., Harms, E., Gergen, J.P., and Strickland, S. (1998). Mapping
of Drosophila mutations using site-specific male recombination. Genetics 149,
This work is supported by grants from the National University of Singapore, the 157–163.
Singapore National Research Foundation under CRP Award No. 2007-04 (to
Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Sullards, M.C., and Merrill, A.H., Jr. (2010). An introduction to
M.R.W., G.S., and X.L.G.), the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (to
sphingolipid metabolism and analysis by new technologies. Neuromolecular
M.R.W. and X.L.G.), the Swiss initiative evaluated by the Swiss
Med. 12, 306–319.
National Science Foundation (SNSF) (LipidX to F.G.v.d.G., M.R.W., X.L.G.,
M.G.-G., and A.K. and WingX to E.H. and R.B.S.), the SNSF Ambizione Award Chen, Y.W., Pedersen, J.W., Wandall, H.H., Levery, S.B., Pizette, S., Clausen,
(to X.L.G.), the Geneva University, the Polish-Swiss Research Program, the H., and Cohen, S.M. (2007). Glycosphingolipids with extended sugar chain
European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant (SARA), the SNSF, have specialized functions in development and behavior of Drosophila. Dev.
the National Centre of Competence in Research–Chemical Biology and Fron- Biol. 306, 736–749.
tiers in Genetics and R’equip (to M.G.-G. and A.K.), and PRIN (Research Contreras, F.X., Ernst, A.M., Haberkant, P., Björkholm, P., Lindahl, E., Gönen,
Projects of National Interest; to M.G.). We thank Drs. Edward Dennis and B., Tischer, C., Elofsson, A., von Heijne, G., Thiele, C., et al. (2012). Molecular
Eoin Fahy for making the fly sphingolipid structures available on the LIPID recognition of a single sphingolipid species by a protein’s transmembrane
MAPS Structural Database and Dr. Joanne Yew for critical review of the domain. Nature 481, 525–529.
Dasgupta, U., Bamba, T., Chiantia, S., Karim, P., Tayoun, A.N., Yonamine, I.,
Rawat, S.S., Rao, R.P., Nagashima, K., Fukusaki, E., et al. (2009). Ceramide
Received: February 28, 2012
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