Module 3

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CS303 System Software Module 3

Assembler Design Options: Machine Independent Assembler Features –
Program Blocks, Control Sections, Assembler Design Options- Algorithm for
Single Pass Assembler, Multi pass Assembler, Implementation Example of
MASM Assembler


The features which are NOT closely dependent to machine architecture are called
machine independent assembler features. The machine independent assembler features

1. Literals
2. Symbol Defining Statements
3. Expressions
4. Program Blocks
5. Control Sections and Program Linking


 It is convenient for the programmer to be able to write the value of a constant operand as
part of the instruction that uses it.
 This avoids having to define the constant elsewhere in the program and make a label for it.
 Such an operand is called a Literal because the value is literally in the instruction.
 A literal is defined with a prefix '=' followed by a specification of the literal value.
 Consider the following example:

Using the concept of literal we can rewrite the above code as:
LDA =X’05’

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Difference between literal operands and immediate operands

 For literals prefix is =, and for immediate addressing prefix is #.
 In immediate addressing, the operand value is assembled as part of the machine instruction,
ie there is no memory reference.
Line no Location Counter
55 0020 LDA #03 010003
In the above example the last 12 bits of the machine code corresponds to 003 which is equal
to the immediate value.
 With a literal, the assembler generates the specified value as a constant at some other
memory location. The address of this generated constant is used as the target address (TA)
for the machine instruction ( using PC-relative or base-relative addressing with memory

Literal Pool
 All the literal operands used in a program are gathered together into one or more literal
pools. This is usually placed at the end of the program.
 In some cases, it is desirable to place literals into a pool at some other location in the
object program. To allow this an assembler directive LTORG is used.
 When the assembler encounters a LTORG statement, it generates a literal pool containing
all literal operands used since previous LTORG or the beginning of the program
 Literals placed in a pool by LTORG will not be repeated in a pool at the end of the
 Reason for using LTORG is to keep the literal operand close to the instruction (otherwise
PC-relative addressing may not be allowed)

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Literal Table (LITTAB)

 A literal table(LITTAB) is created for storing the literals which are used in the program.
 The literal table contains the literal name, operand value and length.
 The literal table is usually created as a hash table on the literal name.
Duplicate literals
 The same literal used more than once in the program, then it can be consider as a duplicate
 In such cases, only one copy of the specified value needs to be stored
 To recognize the duplicate literals, two methods are there
1. Compare the character strings defining them
Easier to implement e.g. =X’05’. But not possible to handle the literals like
=C’EOF’ and =X’454F46’.
Here both literals are same in the form of their data value.
2. Compare the generated data value
Possible to handle the literals like =C’EOF’ and =X’454F46’. Here both literals are same
in the form of their generated data value. So comparison based on generated data value is
needed to identify duplicate literals or not. But this is difficult to implement compared to
the first method.

Implementation of Literals
During Pass-1:
The literal encountered is searched in the literal table. If the literal already exists, no
action is taken; if it is not present, the literal is added to the LITTAB and for the address
value it waits till it encounters LTORG or END statement for literal definition.
When Pass 1 encounters a LTORG statement or the end of the program, the
assembler makes a scan of the literal table. At this time each literal currently in the table
is assigned an address. As addresses are assigned, the location counter is updated to reflect
the number of bytes occupied by each literal.
During Pass-2:
The assembler searches the LITTAB for each literal encountered in the instruction
and replaces it with its equivalent value as if these values are generated by BYTE or WORD.
The following figure shows the difference between the SYMTAB and LITTAB

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EQU Statement:
 Most assemblers provide an assembler directive that allows the programmer to define
symbols and specify their values.
 The directive used for this EQU (Equate).
 The general form of the statement is
Symbol EQU value
 This statement defines the given symbol (i.e., entering in the SYMTAB) and assigns the
value specified to that symbol.
 The value can be a constant or an expression involving constants and any other symbol
which is already defined.
 One common usage is to define symbolic names that can be used to improve readability
in place of numeric values. For example
LDA #100
This loads the register A with immediate value 100, this does not clearly mention what
exactly this value indicates. If a statement is included as:
and then LDA #MAXLEN then it clearly indicates that the value of MAXLEN is some
maximum length value and it is to be loaded in A register .

 When the assembler encounters EQU statement, it enters the symbol MAXLEN along
with its value in the symbol table. During LDA the assembler searches the SYMTAB for
its entry and its equivalent value as the operand in the instruction.

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 The object code generated is the same for both the options discussed, but is easier to
 If the maximum length is changed from 100 to 500, it is difficult to change if it is
mentioned as an immediate value wherever required in the instructions. We have to scan
the whole program and make changes wherever 100 is used.
 If we mention this value in the instruction through the symbol defined by EQU, we may
not have to search the whole program but change only the value of MAXLENGTH in the
EQU statement.

ORG Statement:
 This directive can be used to indirectly assign values to the symbols. The directive is
usually called ORG (means origin).
 Its general format is:
ORG value
where value is a constant or an expression involving constants and previously defined
 When this statement is encountered during assembly of a program, the assembler resets its
location counter (LOCCTR) to the specified value.
 Since the values of symbols used as labels are taken from LOCCTR, the ORG statement
will affect the values of all labels defined until the next ORG is encountered.
When this statement is encountered during assembly of a program, the assembler resets its
location counter (LOCCTR) to the value of ALPHA.

 The assemblers allow the use of expressions as operand
 The assembler evaluates the expressions and produces a single operand address or value.
 Assemblers generally allow arithmetic expressions as operands formed according to the
normal rules using arithmetic operators +, - *, /. (Division is usually defined to produce an
integer result.)
 Individual terms may be constants, user-defined symbols, or special terms.
 The only special term used is * ( the current value of location counter) which indicates the
value of the next unassigned memory location.

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Thus the statement

Assigns the value of LOCCTR to BUFFEND, which is the address of the next byte
following the buffer area.
 Some values in the object program are relative to the beginning of the program and some
are absolute (independent of the program location, like constants). Hence, expressions are
classified as either absolute expression or relative expressions depending on the type of
value they produce.
 Absolute Expressions:
 The expression that uses only absolute terms is absolute expression. Absolute
expression may contain relative term provided the relative terms occur in pairs with
opposite signs for each pair.
 Example:
In the above instruction the difference in the expression BUFEND-BUFFER gives a
value that does not depend on the location of the program and hence gives an
absolute value
 Relative Expressions:
 The expression that uses the values relative to the program are called relative
 Absolute expression may contain relative term provided the relative terms occur in
pairs with opposite signs for each pair.
 Example:
In the above instruction the difference in the expression BUFEND-BUFFER gives
a value that does not depend on the location of the program but it is added to the
value of ALPHA which is program relative. Hence this expression is relative.


 Program blocks allow the generated machine instructions and data to appear in the
object program in a different order by separating blocks for storing code, data, stack,
and larger data block.
 To implement the program block the Assembler Directive used is USE

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 Syntax is
USE [block name]
 At the beginning, statements are assumed to be part of the unnamed (or default) block.
 Whenever a USE CDATA statement is encountered, statements upto next USE belongs
to the program block named CDATA.
 If no USE statements are included, the entire program belongs to this single block.
 Each program block may actually contain several separate segments of the source
program. Assemblers rearrange these segments to gather together the pieces of each
block and assign address.
 Consider the following example:
//Subroutine to read record into buffer
//Subroutine to write record from buffer

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 In the example give above three program blocks are used :

DEFAULT: executable instructions.
CDATA: all data areas that are less in length.
CBLOCKS: all data areas that consists of larger blocks of memory.




Arranging code into program blocks:

During Pass 1 assembler performs the following operations:
 A separate location counter for each program block is maintained.
 At the beginning of a block, LOCCTR is set to 0.
 Save and restore LOCCTR when switching between blocks.
 Assign each label an address relative to the start of the block.
 Store the block name or number in the SYMTAB along with the assigned relative
address of the label
 Indicate the block length as the latest value of LOCCTR for each block at the end of
 Assign to each block a starting address in the object program by concatenating the
program blocks in a particular order
 At the end of pass 1 a block table is generated.
Block Table

Block Starting Ending Length of

Block Name
Number Address Address Block
Default 0 0000 0065 0066
CDATA 1 0066 0070 000B
CBLKS 2 0071 1070 1000

During Pass 2 assembler performs the following operations:

 Calculate the address for each symbol relative to the start of the object program by
o The location of the symbol relative to the start of its block
o The starting address of this block
Program Blocks Loaded in Memory
Separation of program into blocks results in the movement of the large buffer
(CBLKS) to the end of the object program. As a result extended format, base register

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addressing etc are no longer needed. Modification records are also not needed. This improves
program readability.


 A control section is a part of the program that maintains its identity after assembly;
each control section can be loaded and relocated independently of the others.
Different control sections are most often used for subroutines or other logical
 The programmer can assemble, load, and manipulate each of these control sections
separately. Because of this, there should be some means for linking control sections
 For example, instructions in one control section may refer to the data or instructions
of other control sections. Since control sections are independently loaded and
relocated, the assembler is unable to process these references in the usual way. Such
references between different control sections are called external references.
 The assembler generates the information about each of the external references that
will allow the loader to perform the required linking. When a program is written

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using multiple control sections, the beginning of each of the control section is
indicated by an assembler directive: CSECT
 The syntax
secname CSECT
 The assembler maintain separate LOCCTR beginning at 0 for each control sections.
 Control sections differ from program blocks in that they are handled separately by the
Handling of External References

Instructions in one control section may need to refer to instructions or data located in
another section. This is called as external references. The external references are indicated
by two assembler directives: EXTDEF and EXTREF

EXTDEF (External Definition)

 It defines the symbols that are defined in this control section and may be used by
other sections
 Syntax - EXTDEF name [, name]
 Ex: EXTDEF BUFFER, BUFEND, LENGTH which means the symbols BUFFER,
BUFFEND and LENGTH are defined in this control section and may be used by
some other control sections.

EXTREF (External Reference)

 It names symbols that are used in this section but are defined in some other control
 Syntax - EXTREF name [,name]
 Ex: EXTREF A,B which means the symbols A and B are used in this control section
but are defined in some other control section.

The assembler must include information in the object program that will cause the loader to
handle external references properly. For this three types of records are used in object
program: Define, Refer and Modification Record.

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The format of modification record which we studied in Module 2 is revised to support

the handling of external references.

Consider the following code segments:




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The object program generated for the above code segment is:

H^ COPY ^ 000000^001033
R^A ^B


In this section, two alternatives to the standard two-pass assembler logic is discussed.
They are:
Single Pass Assembler
Multipass Assembler


These assemblers are used when it is necessary or desirable to avoid a second pass
over the source program. The main problem in designing the assembler using single pass was
to resolve forward references.
One-pass assemblers could produce object codes either in memory or to external
storage. One-pass assemblers usually need to modify object code already generated, so
whether object code is stored in memory or external storage imposes different considerations
on assembler design. Based on this one-pass assemblers can be classified into two types:

1. One that produces object code directly in memory for immediate execution (Load-
and-go assemblers).
2. One pass assembler generating object code for later execution.

1. Load-and-Go Assembler
Load-and-go assembler generates their object code in memory for immediate
execution. Since no object program is written out, no loader is needed. It is useful in a system
with frequent program development and testing. Since the object program is produced in
memory, the handling of forward references becomes less difficult.

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Working of One pass assembler (Load and Go Assembler)

In load-and-Go assemblers when a forward reference is encountered :
 Omits the operand address if the symbol has not yet been defined(placess 000 at the
operand addresses position)
 Enters this undefined symbol into SYMTAB and indicates that it is undefined
 Adds the location at which the operand is referenced to a list of forward references
associated with the SYMTAB entry
 When the definition for the symbol is encountered, scans the reference list and inserts
the address.
 At the end of the program, reports the error if there are still SYMTAB entries
indicated undefined symbols(* indicates undefined).
 When the END statement is encountered, search SYMTAB for the symbol named in
the END statement and jumps to this location to begin execution if there is no error.

In short, whenever any undefined symbol is encountered it will insert into SYMTAB as
a new entry and indicate that it is undefined and also adds the location at which the
operand is referenced as a linked list associated with that SYMTAB entry. When the
definition for the symbol is encountered, scans the reference list and inserts the address
in proper location.

Algorithm for Single Pass Assembler (Load and Go Assembler)


read first input line

if OPCODE = ‘START’ then

{ save #[OPERAND] as starting address

initialize LOCCTR as starting address

} //end of if OPCODE = ‘START’


initialize LOCCTR to 0

write Header record to object program

read next input line

while OPCODE ≠ ‘END’

{ if this is not a comment line

{ if there is a symbol in the LABEL field

{ search SYMTAB for LABEL

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if found

{ if symbol value as null

{ set symbol value as LOCCTR

search the attached forward reference list(if exist) and the address
of the symbol is inserted into any instructions previously generated

delete the forward reference list attached to that symbol


insert (LABEL, LOCCTR) into SYMTAB

} //end of if there is a symbol in the LABEL field

search OPTAB for OPCODE

if found


if found

{ if symbol value not equal to null

store symbol value as operand address


insert a node with address LOCCTR at the end of the

forward reference list of that symbol


{ insert (symbol name, null)

insert a node with address LOCCTR at the end of the forward

reference list of that symbol

add 3 to LOCCTR

else if OPCODE =’WORD’

add 3 to LOCCTR

else if OPCODE =’RESW’

add 3 #[OPERAND] to LOCCTR

else if OPCODE =’RESB’


else if OPCODE = ‘BYTE’

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{ find length of constant in bytes

add length to LOCCTR

convert constant to object code

if object code will not fit into current text record

{ write Text record to object program

initialize new text record

add object code to Text record

read next input line

}//end of while OPCODE ≠ ‘END’

write last Text record to object program

write End record to object program


The following figure shows the status upto this point. The symbol RREC is referred once at
location 2013, ENDFIL at 201C and WRREC at location 201F. None of these symbols are
defined. The figure shows that how the pending definitions along with their addresses are
included in the symbol table.

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When the definition for the symbols RDREC and ENDFILL are encountered, the
reference list associated with the symbols is scanned and the address is inserted at proper
location. It is gioven in following figure:

2. One pass assembler generating object code for later execution.

In this type of one pass assembler, the generated object program is stored in external
storage (e.g.,files on disks). So random updates to operands target addresses(as in load-and-
go load-and- assemblers do) are not permitted.
For any symbol involved in forward references, once the target address of the symbol
is identified, additional text records must be generated to overwrite those previously omitted
target addresses. Records must be loaded in the same order as they appear in the object
program. Actually, the handling of forward references are jointly done by the assembler and
the linking loader.
One pass assembler which generates object code unlike load and go assembler
operates in the following fashion:
 If the operand contains an undefined symbol, use 0 as the address and write the Text
record to the object program.
 Forward references are entered into lists as in the load-and-go assembler.

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 When the definition of a symbol is encountered, the assembler generates another Text
record with the correct operand address of each entry in the reference list.
 When loaded, the incorrect address 0 will be updated by the latter Text record
containing the symbol definition.



 For a two pass assembler, forward references in symbol definition are not allowed:
 Here the problem is, the symbol BETA cannot be assigned a value when it is encountered
during Pass 1 because DELTA has not yet been defined. Hence ALPHA cannot be
evaluated during Pass 2. So that the symbol definition must be completed in pass 1.
 The general solution for this type of forward references is to use a multi-pass assembler
that can make as many passes as are needed to process the definitions of symbols.
 It is not necessary for such an assembler to make more than 2 passes over the entire
 The portions of the program that involve forward references in symbol definition are
saved during Pass 1.Additional passes through these stored definitions are made as the
assembly progresses. This process is followed by a normal Pass 2.

Implementation of Multipass Assembler

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 For a forward reference in symbol definition, we store in the SYMTAB:

o The symbol name
o The defining expression
o The number of undefined symbols in the defining expression
 The undefined symbol (marked as *) associated with a list of symbols depend on this
undefined symbol.
 When a symbol is defined, we can recursively evaluate the symbol expressions
depending on the newly defined symbol.
 The portions of the program that involve forward references in symbol definition are
saved during Pass 1.Additional passes through these stored definitions are made as the
assembly progresses. This process is followed by a normal Pass 2.

 Consider the symbol table entries from Pass 1 processing of the statement.
 Since MAXLEN has not yet been defined, no value for HALFS2 can be computed.
The defining expression for HALFS2 is stored in the symbol table in place of its
 The entry &1 indicates that 1 symbol in the defining expression undefined.
 SYMTAB simply contain a pointer to the defining expression.
 The symbol MAXLEN is also entered in the symbol table, with the flag * identifying
it as undefined. Associated with this entry is a list of the symbols whose values
depend on MAXLEN.

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If possible study the portion given below

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