Impact of Online Journalism (Newsportals) On Media Proffessional

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A Research Report On Impact Of Online Journalism(newsportals) on Media Proffessional A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Degree

of Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication By-: Gaurav Aggarwal Enrolment NoUnder the Supervision of Mr. Sunny Gupta (Lecturer) Department of Journalism and Mass Communication BLSITM Bahadurgarh

DECLARATION This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any

degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree diploma. Signed: .. Date: .. Statement 1 This project is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for BJ (MC) from GGSIP University. Signed: .. Date: .. Statement 2 This project is the result of my own independent work/investigation, except where otherwise stated. Other sources are acknowledged by giving explicit references. A bibliography is appended. Signed: .. Date:

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Dissertation title Impact Of Online Journalism(nesportals) on Media Proffessional'is bonafide & original research work done by Gaurav Aggarwal, student of BLSITM, GGSIP University, New Delhi, under my supervision and guidance.

This subject on which this dissertation has been written, is a original contribution towards the discipline of Mass communication and Journalism and it has not previously formed the basis for the award of the Degree, Diploma, Associated ship & fellowship or other similar title to any candidate. This Dissertation represents entirely an independent research work of the candidate under my guidance. Date Place (Mr. Sunny Gupta) Signature of guide

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project work has been a great experience in assessing the impact of on Impact of NewsPortals on Media Proffessionals. This work would not have been possible without the help, cooperation, constructive suggestion and well wishes of many people. I would

like to thank all of them, as I mention a few here. I owe my profound respect to Mr. Sunny Gupta of B.L.S.I.T.M, Bahadurgarh, my project guide and express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness for their inspirations, valuable and scholarly guidance, imperative suggestions and personal attention at each stage of the Work. Finally, I am most grateful to my parents and friends for their moral support and blessings and for being an immense source of inspiration for me all through my life. Gaurav Aggarwal INDEX 4. INTRODUCTION Importance of the Study Objectives of the Study Review of the Literature Hypothesis Research Method 5. Online Journalism

What is Online Journalism What are Newsportals What is Online Newspaper 6. Data Collection and Analysis 7. Conclusion and Suggestion Bibliography Annexure (QUESTIONNAIRE) IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY Earlier many researches have done research on this subject, but my research is to update the previous data collected in the researches. Therefore my research is important because it highlights the impact of online journalism on media proffessionals. Nowadays ,when every single person is living a fast food life and doesnt have much time to sit and wait for something created the demand of portable and easily accesible devices and ways of getting information.How much a person busy is he needs to get himself updated with the happening around him and around the world but being always in hastle watching news on television has become uncomfortable for many. We see it everyday around us that the world is getting smarter even the devices we use these days those are connected via world through internet making our tasks easier.Online Journalism is only result of the fast growing portable devices and internet accessiblity around us. Online Journalism is just like opening a site (newsportal)on your device connected

through internet and is the most portable form of getting news around the world.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY As new technologies evolve and brings evolution in every sector like internet in has brought up in many sectors.the objective of our study is to study the success of onine journalism in India and its effects on the media organisations and media proffessionals. The major objectives of the project are to answer the following: Is online journalism(newsportals) successful in India? Do media proffessionals are in its favour? Are media organisations accepting online journalism as threat? Does online journalism helps rural india?

REVIEW OF LITERATURE In earlier studies on online journalism and publishing, some scholars predicted at the macro level that rules would be rewritten and news media were to be transformed in online journalism and publishing (see Pavlik, 1999) while others observed that at the micro level different skills would be employed in gathering and distributing on the part of online journalists (see Phipps, 1999).

And in general they foresaw that more and more distinctive features of online journalism would be identified and put into practice (see Pavlik, 1999; Phipps, 1999). In reality, however, there is a long way away from what has been predicted. As a major online feature, interactivity is almost nonexistent in news websites. As some scholars (Riley et al., 1998; Schultz, 1999) found, there was hardly any interaction with online readers in the early stage of online journalism. Even more than six years after the finding of lack of interactivity, the issue remains largely unchanged (see Oblak, 2005). To explain the absence or lack of interactivity, Massey and Levy (1999) found that interactivity was not correlated with economic development center-periphery, in other words, interactivity can exist in less developed or developing countries while developed countries do not necessarily have higher interactivity in their online newspapers. It is found that US-based online newspapers are not more interactive than others and that interactivity does not necessarily lead to more profits (Kenny, Gorelik, & Mwangi, 2000). Online journalism is supposed to possess more interactivity, more user involvement (Shyam, 2000), but the previous studies show that interactivity and involvement remain limited and that use of multimediality was largely handicapped by bandwidth and copyright (Deuze, 2001; Nerone & Barnhurst, 2001). And even hypertextuality is also limited in online newspapers (Oblak, 2005). Despite the limited presence of interactivity, hypertexuality, and multimediality, more online journalists believe in empowering the audiences as active participants in the daily news (Deuze & Dimoudi, 2002 ) so readers can tell their own versions of an event and decide what articles to be appear in the next edition (Platon & Deuze, 2003). The previous studies are largely country-specific, feature-specific and medium-specific. Few studies have investigated how different

online features have been employed and how news is designed and delivered online by different media in different countries. The earlier investigations focused on dominant features such as interactivity, hypertextuality and multimediality, leaving other features untouched or inadequately examined, such as customization, involvement, delivery, and services.

HYPOTHESIS For now in todays scenario online journalism in India is successful,at great extent. Online journalism is supposed to possess more interactivity Online Journalism has generated many new employment opportunities. Online journalism works more likely as a news organisations does.

RESEARCH DESIGN A considerable amount of work has been done in this field and several articles are available on the internet about Online Journalism. So first we carried out a literature survey of the available data for collection of secondary information. Topic of study : Online Journalism: Area of study :

Age Group


Online Journalism Online journalism is defined as the reporting of facts when produced and distributed via the Internet. As of 2009, audiences for online journalism continue to grow. In 2008, for the first time, more Indians reported getting their national and international news from the internet, rather than newspapers,and audiences to news sites continued to grow due to the launch of new news sites, continued investment in news online by conventional news organizations, and the continued growth in internet audiences overall, with new people discovering the internet's advantages for convenience, speed and depth. However, the professional online news industry is increasingly gloomy about its financial future. Prior to 2008, the industry had hoped that publishing news online would prove lucrative enough to fund the costs of conventional newsgathering.In 2008, however, online advertising began to slow down, and little progress was made towards development of new business models. The Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism describes its 2008 report on the State of the News Media, its sixth, as its bleakest ever. Despite the uncertainty, online journalists are cautiously optimistic, reporting expanding newsrooms. They believe advertising is likely to be the best revenue model supporting the production of online news. Many news organizations based in other media also distribute news online, but the amount they use of the new medium varies. Some news organizations use the Web exclusively or as a secondary outlet for their content. The Internet challenges traditional news organizations in several ways. Newspapers may lose classified advertising to websites, which are often targeted by interest instead of geography. These organizations are concerned about real and perceived loss of viewers and circulation to the Internet.

NewsPortals are defined as the reporting of facts when produced and distributed via the Internet.Newsportals are one of the most favourable practices amongst the other practices of online journalism.Newsportals are just like the other sites on the world of internet and are easily accessible through devices having an internet connection.newsportals collects their news and facts through their own reporters and from both electronic and print media. Online newspapers An online newspaper, also known as a web newspaper, is a newspaper that exists on the World Wide Web or Internet, either separately or as an online version of a printed periodical. Going online created more opportunities for newspapers, such as competing with broadcast journalism in presenting breaking news in a more timely manner. The credibility and strong brand recognition of well-established newspapers, and the close relationships they have with advertisers, are also seen by many in the newspaper industry as strengthening their chances of survival.The movement away from the printing process can also help decrease costs.


Data analysis




Questionnaire Research on Impact of News Portals on Media Proffessionals 1) Are you Aware of increasing trend of News Portals these days? Yes No 2)Do you follow Newsportals? Yes No Regularily Sometimes

3)Do you preffer newportals rather then electronic meda in daily life?? Yes No 4) With the increasing literacy rate of India are people moving towards newsportals? Yes No

5) Do you follow newsportals of your competitor organization?? Yes No Sometimes

6)Are Newsportals generating new job opportunites in media industries.?



7) Are newsportals becoming platform for promoting a product or service?? Yes No Maybe

8)Do you think newsportals are successful in India? Yes No Maybe

9)Is Media industry promoting newsportals in rural Indi? Yes No Maybe

10)Likewise electronic media how newsportal will play a role for rural India? ................................................................................................



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