De Dau Tien Co Cho Day

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Bài tập luyện thì tương lai đơn

Bài 1. Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc
1. If it rains, he (stay)____ at home
2. In two days, I (know)_____ my results
3. I think he (not come)____________back his hometown
4. I (finish)______ my report in 2 days.
5. We believe that she (recover) from her illness soon
Bài 2. Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh
1. If/ you/ not/ study/ hard/,/ you/ not/ pass/ final/ exam
2. they / come/ tomorrow?
3. rains/ it/ he/ home/ if/ stay.
4. I’m/ she /able/ afraid/ to/ be/ come/ to/ party/ the/ not.
5. You/ look/ tired,/ so/ I/ bring/ you/ something/ eat
Bài 3. Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng những từ trong bảng sau để hoàn thành một bài Speaking Part 2
hoàn chỉnh
Question: How would you think the modern technology will change the workplace in the next 100
are going to feel are likely to lead to will have

will find is likely to become will develop

are predicted to work are likely to occur will be

will continue are going to happen will result

Thanks to modern technology, there have been enormous changes in the workplace over the past 100 years.
So now let us consider the changes that (1)……………… in the next 100 years. Unfortunately, I believe that
not all changes (2)…………for the better. For example, more people (3)………… … from home and so
they (4)………… more isolated from their colleagues. On the other hand they (5)………… greater freedom
to choose their working hours.
A further possible change is that handwriting (6)…………… obsolete. We are already so used to using a
keyboard that today’s children are losing the ability to spell without the aid of a word processor.
Without a doubt, even greater changes (7)…………… in technology used in the workplace. Computers (8)
……………… to grow even more powerful and this (9) …………………… in an even faster pace of life
than we have now. Let us hope that our employers (10)……………… way to reduce the stress on worker’s
this fast pace can bring.
I also think these improvements in technology (11)……………… even more globalization than now and
companies (12)………………… very strong international links.
Bài 4. Chia động từ ở các câu sau (ở thì tương lai đơn hoặc be going to V)
1. I’m afraid I……………… (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
2. Because of the train strike, the meeting ……………… (not/ take) place at 9 o’clock.
3. A: “Go and tidy your room.”
B: “Okay. I ……………… (do) it now!”
4. If it rains, we ……………… (not/ go) to the beach.
5. In my opinion, she ……………… (not/ pass) the exam.
6. A: “I’m driving to the party, would you like a lift?”
B: “Thank you but I ……………… (take) the bus.”
7. Look at the sky! It………………(rain) very heavily!
8. The company (hold)………………a very important meeting next month.
9. According to the weather forecast, it ……………… (not/ snow) tomorrow.
10. I think I (go)…………………study abroad.

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BÀI 1: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu ở thể khẳng định(+), thể phủ định, thể nghi vấn(+) với động từ
khuyết thuyết “will”
1. Jim/arrive/here/tomorrow.
2. There/ be/ many driverless cars/on the street/in the future.
3. Maria/ travel/to Berlin/ on the metro.
4. High-speed trains/ be/ very/ popular/in the next years.
5. There/ be/ gridlock/between 5:30 and 7:00
6. They/build/an overpass/here/next year.
7. Peter/ learn/to ride/a monowheel.
8. People/ travel/flying cars/ in the future.

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Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đấy sử dung động từ khuyết thiếu “ will” và động từ trong ngoặc.
1. In the future, buildings (be) _________________taller and moderner.
2. I think that people (drive)______________to work by flying vehicles and in the future.
3. People (not use)___________ox or horse carts any more.
4. I think public transportation (develop)____________and people (use)______________less private vehicles.
5.___________ (they/accept) my invitations?
6.____________ (many workers/ choose) to work from home?
7. Jim thinks that life (be) ________________easier in the future thanks to the help of robots.
8. Astronomers believe that they (find) __________________a living planet like the earth.
9. When _________________ (living in Mars/ be) possible?
10. Which means of transportation (take)_________the major role in the next 20 years?
11. It is predicted that there ( be)___________hail and snow tomorrow.
12. I’m afraid that my parents ( not allow)________me to go out too late.
13. Who (make)___________the last decision?
14._______________(robots /replace) all human workers in factories? No, they _____________
15. Jane expects that her mother (come)_______________home early today.
16. Future vehicles (run)______________on biofuel and other green energy.
17. My grandfather doesn’t believe that cars (fly)_________________like planes in the future.
18. There (not be)____________________gridlock in the future because people ( travel)____________by
flying cars.
19. I think that countryside (disappear)______________in the future due to urbanization.
20. Solar-powered equipment ( be)___________________very popular in the future.
Bài 3: Nối câu cột A sao cho câu trả lời cột B sao cho thích hợp


1.What will they do to reduce traffic jam a. solar and wind energy

2. Will it be possible for people to live on the Moon b. I think train will be more popular
in the future?

3. What will be the sources of energy we use in the c. No, they won’t

4. What will the authorities do to protect the d. They will widen to the roads and build overpasses.

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5. Will it rain tomorrow? e. I think it will be the bullet train.

6. Will all the forest be destroyed in the future? f. yes, it will

7. Which one will be more popular in the future- g. They will enact laws to protect the environment.
planes or high-speed trains?

8. What will be the most promising means of h. No, it won’t There’s a good weather forecast
transportation in the future? tomorrow.

1_____ 2_________ 3__________ 4___________

5______ 6________ 7__________ 8___________

Bài 4: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. They /think/their team/ be/ champion.

2. I/ not think/ Jim/ buy/ a new car.

3. More people/ live/work/ in the cities.

4. What/ you/ do/ if/ you/be/ the winner?

5. People/ afraid/ non-renewable sources of energy/ run out/in the future.

6. Many people/ believe/ there/ be/ life/in other planets.

7. People all over the world/speak/ the same language/in the future?

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8. More and more people/ travel/ airplanes/in the future.


Bài 5: Hãy sử dụng đại từ sở hữu thay thế cho các cụm từ trong ngoặc trong các câu sau:
1. My brother’s bike is blue. (My bike)_____ is blue, too
2. This is my house and that is (her house)_________.
3. My brother ate not only his cake but also (my cake)___________
4. Please move to another table. This is (our table)_______________
5. They mistook our car for( their car)_________
6. Give this book to Jim. It’s ( his book)_________________
7. My laptop didn’t work, so I used ( her laptop)_________________
8. My house is not as modern as ( your house)________________________.
9. The last decision will be ( my decision)_________________________________
10. Is it your suitcase or ( his suitcase)______________?
11. Their garden is smaller than ( my garden)___________
12. It used to be my car. Now it’s ( her car)_______.
13. I found my keys. Have you found ( your keys)_______?
14. Their team beat ( our team)______________
15. This is not your money but it is ( my money)_______.
Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.
1. Have you got _______pen, or would you like to borrow _________?
A. your-mine B. yours-my C. yours-mine
2. Jane’s voice is good. ______is good, too.
A.I B. my C. mine
3.______ cat is adorable.______is adorable too.
A. Your-Mine B. Your-Mine C. yours-mine
4. My face looks like _______face.
A. she B. her C. her
5. it’s not _____fault. It’s _______
A. your-mine B. yours-mine C. yours-mine
6. Jim’s car was parked here. _______parked _______car here too.
A.I-mine B.I –mine
7. I know Louis is _________friend. He’s also a friend of_________
A. your-my B. your- I C. your-mine
8. I lost my pencil. Can I have one of ______?

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A. your B. you C. yours
9. This is not _______car. __________is black.
A. my- my –I
10. Has the cat had ______food?
A. its C .his
Bài 7: Điền đại từ sở hữu thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau.
1. Peter: Hi Tom, you look happy today
Tom: Oh, hi Peter. I am so excited. My father’s bought me a new bike.
Peter: Really, I’ve got a new bike too. My bike is blue. How about(1) ________?
Tom (2)_________is green. I’ve heard that Jim has a bike too (3)_______has the same color.
Peter: Yes, I saw his bike but I haven’t seen ( 4)__________How about going cycling together this weekend?
Tom: That a good idea. Let’s invite Jim to join us.
2. Jim: Hello, this is Jim.
Tom: Oh, hi Jim, this is Peter. Peter and I are going cycling this weekend because we’ve got new bikes. Do you
want to join us?
Jim: It sounds nice.
Tom: My bike is green. It has the same color with (5)__________I hope that I won’t mistake your for
Jim: Don’t worry, my bike must look older than (7)_______Oh, wait a minute. I’ve remembered that my
bike’s broken.
Tom: It’s such a pity. Can you borrow a bike?
Jim: Uhm, let see. My sister has a bike. I will borrow (8)________ I will call you if she agrees to lend me her
Tom: Okay
Bài 8:Đánh dấu …… trước câu trả lời đúng, dấu ……………trước câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng.
_____1.Excuse me. We came here first so this table is our.
_____2.Tom is a friend of me.
_____3.Jim house is as big as mine house.
_____4. My cat doesn’t sleep with me. It’s bed is in another room.
_____5.My answer for this question is different from his.
_____6.Do you have another umbrella? I forgot my at home.
_____7.Her hat is very expensive. Mine have a beautiful hat too.
_____8.Theirs restaurant is not as famous as ours.

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Nouns Độ an toàn 2.system Hệ thống Không gian 4.fuel Nhiên liệu
5.skytrain Tàu trên khôn 6.invention Phát minh
1.exist Tồn tại 2.disappeart Biến mất
3.crash Đâm vào 4.avoid Né tránh
5.float Nổi Thiết kế
1.imaginative Tưởng tượng 2.environmental Thuộc về môi trường
3.electric Chạy bằng điện 4.serious Nghiêm trọng

Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

1. A. transport B second C. sport D. horse

2. A. avoid B. choice C. tortoise D. coin
3. A. weather B. teacher C. helicopter D. everything
4. A. space B. car C. crack D. crash
5. A. underwater B. bus C future D. much
6. A. driver B. easily C. negative D. minute
7. A. favorite B. solar C. today D. station
8. A. valued B. powered C. renewed D. replaced
9. A. sources B. advantages C. shoes D. brushes
Ex II: Odd one out

1. A. airplane B. electric B. sheep D. helicopter

2. A. pilot B. driver C. transport D. captain
3. A. environment B. fly C. carry D. float
4. A. solar B. wind C. hydro D. speed
5. A. convenient B. dangerous C. fuel D. expensive
6. A. system B. crash C. traffic D. program
7. A. friendly B. clean C. cheap D. motorbike
8. A. weather B. believe C. think D. agree
9. A. pollution B. rubbish C. planet D. theft
10.A. personal B. push C. favorite C. private

Ex III: Put the words in the correct columns

a hot air balloon, a car, a space ship, a bicycle, a horse, a boat, a motorbike, a bus, a plane,
a ship, a train, a taxi

Drive Ride Fly Sail pedal

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Ex IV: Add more words to each group

1. Means of transport: bike, …………………………………………………………………

Types of energy: wind,………………………………………………………………………

Ex V: Match the means of transport with their descriptions

1.bullet train ship air balloon 4.train

a. This type of transport is made of strong material that is filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air,
usually carrying a basket for passengers.
b. This type of transport can carry passengers at high speeds.
c. This type of transport can travel in space and carry people.
d. This type of transport has a number of coaches of trucks pulled by an engine or powered by a motor in
each one, taking people or goods from one place to another.
Ex VI: Match

1.check a. a bicycle

2.sail b. lots of space

3.worry about c.public transport

4.ride d. the weather forecast

5.use e. traffic jams

6.take f.a boat

7.avoid g. a car h.the exam

Ex VII: Choose the best answer

1. What will our transport ……………..look like in the future?

A. system B. benefit C. problem D. part
2. One day I will travel to the Moon in a big …………………..that travels faster than the speed of sound.
A. car B. train C. boat D. space ship
3. It’s …………to fly and more convenient than a helicopter.
A. Fast B. cheap C. easier D. expensive
4. Look at the boy! He is ………………….a horse.

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A. sailing B. riding C. driving D. taking
5. My father is a frequent …………….of Vietnam Airline because he has to fly every month for work.
A. flight attendant B. pilot C. actor D. customer
6. He doesn’t need to …………… the car because it is automated.
A. take B. ride C. drive D. pedal
7. …………………a bicycle is eco-friendly but sometimes it’s quite slow.
A. Using B. Taking C. Doing D. Making
8. Which ……………… you think will be popular in the future? Cars.
A. traffic B. transport C. job D. system
9. Elderly and disabled ………….…are not able to use this type of transport.
A. woman B. man C. children D. people
10. If you take a taxi, you will have to ……………….more money.

A. have B. make C. spend D. do

Ex VIII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box

crowded faster planes rainy

bus expensive future space

1. The …………… this time of the day are sometimes delayed.

2. There will not be enough …………………….for trees, lakes and buildings in the city.
3. Trains in Japan are always ………………….with passengers.
4. They prefer not to go by air plane because it is …………………
5. We went to the stadium to see our favorite football match by ………………. this morning.
6. Now, let’s talk about ………..….road transport with slide walks, sky cycling and bicycles.
7. Intelligent bikes have foldable roof for ………………
8. It’s much …………………if you want to go from one place to another in the city center.
Ex IX: Write the correct form of the word given

1. He is a …………………student because he goes to class every day. REGULARLY

2. We participate in a lot of activities to help the ……………………people in the countryside. OLD
3. Do you like………………. by plane or by coach? TRAVEL
4. The teachers is giving ……………………to the difficult question. EXPLAIN
5. ……………………has become a hot trend in this city nowadays. CYCLE
6. This type of transport is powered by ……………..motors. ELECTRICITY
7. You should ask an …………………….driver for help. EXPERIENCE
8. Intelligent bikes will never be …………………because they use fingerprint lock. STEAL
9. The man has ………………….and I can’t find him anywhere. APPEAR
10.Using biogas is an environmentally - ………………source of energy. FRIEND

Ex X: Circle the best answer

1. I can’t believe/agree that driverless cars already exist.

2. People can use a jetpack to drive/fly anywhere easily.

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3. How much fuel does this type of transport use/cost?
4. What forms/means of transport do you often use to go to work?
5. Wonderland is the planets’ big/biggest city without a metro system.
6. There are fewer/less bicycles than there used to be in this area.
7. We will use more/less solar energy in the future.
8. My group is talking/having about future road traffic.
9. Do you think this way of transport will appear/carry in Vietnam?
10.Big cities will have to find a problem/solution to reduce traffic jams during rush hour.


I - Read the passage and complete the following sentences with ONE or TWO words.
The re-occurrence of new technology over the years has helped us change the way we live and do daily
activities. Most of this development is as a result of inventing and creating new ways to reduce our daily stress
and live an improved life. The transportation industry is one of the important areas where new technological
advancement takes place. We now see cars that drive themselves along predetermined routes. Trains that will
use new magnetic rail systems. An amazing new “hyperloop” train that will speed 800 miles per hour. All these
innovations are not just a form of illusion, they are set to happen within the next coming years or have already
started transporting us. This has increased the level of some industries like vehicle transport companies and car
shipping carriers. It has also made truck production company, and fleet management more efficient.
1. Most of new technologies over the years are to reduce our_________and ensure an improved life.
2. New technological advancement takes place in the_________as well.
3. A new “hyperloop” train can run at the speed of_________per hour.
4. Some of these innovations have already support our_________.
5. The level of vehicle transport companies and car shipping carriers has been_________.
II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Flying cars aren’t just science fiction anymore. Terrafugia, based in the United States, is developing a readable
aircraft called the Transition. The vehicle has two seats, four wheels and wings that fold up, so it can be driven
like a car. Terrafugia first began to work on the Transition in 2006 and has come closer than anyone to making
the flying car a reality. The company uses special tires and glass that are lighter than normal automotive ones,
which makes it easier for the vehicle to fly. An owner needs to pass a test and complete 20 hours of flying time
to be able to fly the Transition. The Transition can reach around 70 miles per hour (mph) on the road and 115
mph in the air. On the ground, it gets 35 miles per gallon.
1. The Transition has room for four passengers. 
2. Terrafugia has worked on the Transition since 2006. 
3. The flying car uses special tires and glass. 
4. All drivers of the Transition will only have to pass a test to get a license. 
5. The Transition will go faster in the air than on the road. 
I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other
words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Modern/ means of transport/ be/ very strange/ me.
→ ________________________________________________________
2. I/ be/ most interested/ hyperloop/ skytrain.
→ ________________________________________________________
3. It/ be/ wonderful/ travel/ such/ modern/ means of transport.
→ ________________________________________________________
4. These/ modern/ means of transport/ help/ save/ much time/ travelling.
→ ________________________________________________________
5. It/ be/ fantastic/ if/ these/ means of transport/ be/ available/ future.
→ ________________________________________________________

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