Visual Arts

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Visual Arts: Foundation – Level 10

Foundation Level Levels 1 and 2 Levels 3 and 4 Levels 5 and 6 Levels 7 and 8 Levels 9 and 10
Explore and Express Ideas
Explore ideas, experiences, observations and Explore ideas, experiences, observations and Explore ideas and artworks from different Explore visual arts practices as inspiration to Explore visual arts practices as inspiration to Explore the visual arts practices and styles as
imagination to create visual artworks imagination and express them through subject cultures and times as inspiration to create visual create artworks that express different ideas and explore and develop themes, concepts or ideas inspiration to develop a personal style, explore,
matter in visual artworks they create artworks beliefs in artworks express ideas, concepts and themes in art works
Explore how artists use materials, techniques, Explore how artists manipulate materials,
technologies and processes to realise their techniques, technologies and processes to
intentions in art works develop and express their intentions in art works
Visual Arts Practices
Experiment with different materials and Experiment different materials, techniques and Explore visual conventions and use materials, Select and apply visual conventions, materials, Experiment with materials, techniques, Select and manipulate materials, techniques, and
techniques to make artworks processes to make artworks in a range of art techniques, technologies and processes specific techniques, technologies and processes specific technologies and processes in a range of art technologies and processes in a range of art
forms to particular art forms, and to make artworks to different art forms when making artworks forms to express ideas, concepts and themes in forms to express ideas, concepts and themes
Develop skills in planning and designing art Conceptualise, plan and design art works that
works and documenting artistic practice express ideas, concepts and artistic intentions
Present and Perform
Create and display artworks Create and display artworks to express ideas to Explore different ways of displaying artworks to Create and display art work considering how Create and display artworks, describing how Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays
an audience enhance their meaning for an audience ideas can be expressed to an audience ideas are expressed to an audience of artwork considering how ideas can be
conveyed to an audience
Respond and Interpret
Respond to visual artworks and consider where Respond to visual artworks, including artworks Identify and discuss how ideas are expressed in Identify and describe how ideas are expressed in Analyse how ideas and viewpoints are expressed Analyse and interpret artworks to explore the
and why people make visual artworks by local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks from a range of places, times and artworks by comparing artworks from different in art works and how they are viewed by different forms of expression, intentions and
peoples, by describing subject matter and ideas cultures, including artworks by Aboriginal and contemporary, historical and cultural contexts, audiences viewpoints of artists and how they are viewed by
Torres Strait Islander peoples including artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait audiences
Islander peoples
Identify and connect specific features of visual Analyse, interpret and evaluate a range of visual
artworks from different cultures, historical and artworks from different cultures, historical and
contemporary times, including artworks by contemporary contexts, including artworks by
Aborignal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to
explore differing viewpoints
Achievement Standard
By the end of Foundation, students By the end of Level 2, students make By the end of Level 4, students plan and By the end of Level 6, students explain By the end of Level 8, students identify, By the end of Level 10, students
make artworks using different materials artworks using different materials, make artworks that are inspired by how ideas are expressed in artworks analyse and evaluate how other artists analyse and evaluate how artists
and techniques that express their ideas, techniques and processes to express artworks they experience. They use they make and view. They demonstrate use materials, techniques, technologies, communicate ideas and convey
observations and imagination. their ideas, observations and materials, visual conventions, the use of different techniques and processes and visual conventions to meaning in artworks.
Students identify and describe the imagination. techniques and processes to express processes in planning and making express ideas and convey meaning. Students identify the influences of other
subject matter and ideas in artworks Students describe artworks they make their ideas in artworks. artworks .They use visual conventions Students plan and make their art works artists and analyse connections
they make and view. and view, including where and why Students discuss how artists express and visual arts practices to express in response to exploration of between techniques, processes and
artworks are made and viewed. ideas and use materials, techniques and ideas, themes and concepts in their techniques, technologies and processes visual conventions in artworks to
visual conventions in artworks from a artworks. used in the work of other artists. They develop their own art practice. They
range of places, times and cultures. Students describe the influences of demonstrate the use of materials, select, and manipulate materials,
They discuss and evaluate the art artworks and practices places on their techniques, processes, visual techniques, processes, visual
making processes, materials and art making. They describe how artworks conventions and technologies to conventions and technologies to
techniques they use to express their that they make and view can be express ideas and convey meaning in express ideas and viewpoints in their
ideas. displayed to express and enhance their artworks. artworks.
meaning. Students identify and describe artworks Students analyse and evaluate artworks
Students describe and identify how and exhibitions from different cultures, and exhibitions from different cultures,
ideas are expressed in artworks from times and places and how ideas are times and places, and discuss how
different contemporary, historical and interpreted by audiences. ideas and beliefs are interpreted by
cultural contexts. audiences.

© VCAA September 2017

Visual Arts: Foundation – Level 10

Foundation Level Levels 1 and 2 Levels 3 and 4 Levels 5 and 6 Levels 7 and 8 Levels 9 and 10

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