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No. 28
Bruce Shawyer
All communications about this column should be sent to Bruce
Shawyer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University
of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. A1C 5S7

A Trial Balloon
Vedula N. Murty
The following problem on heights and distances was set in the I.I.T.
Entrance Exam in 1979.
A balloon is observed simultaneously from three points, A, B
and C , on a straight road directly beneath it. The angular ele-
vation at B is twice that at A, and the angular elevation at C is
three times that at A. If the distance between A and B is a, and
the distance between B and C is b, nd the height of the balloon
in terms of a and b.
Subsequently, this problem appeared in many textbooks in India with a so-
lution which is straightforward. The height of the balloon is
a p3b2 + 2ab , a2
y= 2b .
The conditions on a and b under which this solution is valid are not given in
any of the solutions printed in the textbooks.
Professor M. Perisastry, a retired Professor of Mathematics at M.R.
College, Viziahagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, noted that
y > 0 =) 3b2 + 2ab , a2 > 0
=) 4b2 , (a , b)2 > 0
=) ja , bj < 2b
=) 0 < a < 3b .
Moreover, it is easily seen that
a = sin(3 ) = 3 , 4 sin2 ,
b sin

where is the angle of elevation at A.

Since the angle of elevation at C is 3 < =2, this implies that
0 < < 6 =) 0 < sin < 21
=) a >2
=) a > 2b .
a < b < a.
3 2
Readers of CRUX with MAYHEM may be interested in the above prob-
lem, and teachers should pay attention to the conditions under which a given
solution is valid.

tan,1 2n+1  n3=2 = 2
tan,1 (2n ) (n + 1)3=2

The year 1796 was the turning point in a (future) mathematician's
career. Who was he?
And which mathematician was born in 1796?
What do Wilhelm Ackermann, Pavel Sergeevich Aleksandrov, Lester R.
Ford, Ronald Martin Foster, Valerii Ivanovich Glivenko, Kazimierz
Kurtowski, and Carl Ludwig Seigel have in common?
What is the di erence between Gustav Magnus Mittag-Leer and
Gaspard Monge?


No. 201
R.E. Woodrow
All communications about this column should be sent to Professor R.E.
Woodrow, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. T2N 1N4.
As a rst contest this number we give the Thirty- rst Canadian Math-
ematical Olympiad 1999. The contest was held March 31, 1999 with 81 com-
petitors from 48 schools in ve Canadian provinces participating. Competi-
tors are invited on the basis of their performance on other contests. Each
question was marked out of 7 marks for a total possible score of 35.
First prize went to Jimmy Chui, Second to Adrian Chan, Third to David
Pritchard, and Honourable Mentions go to Edmond Choi, Masoud
Kamgarpour, Jessie Lei, Pierre LeVan, Dave Nicholson, and Yannick Solari.
My thanks go to Daryl Tingley, Chair of the Canadian Mathematical
Olympiad Committee for furnishing us with the contest as well as selected
solutions by the contestants, which appear at the end of this number of the
Corner. But try them rst!
March 31, 1999
1. Find all real solutions to the equation 4x2 , 40[x] + 51 = 0. Here,
if x is a real number, then [x] denotes the greatest integer that is less than
or equal to x.
2. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle of altitude 1. A circle with
radius 1 and centre on the same side of AB as C rolls along the segment
AB. Prove that the arc of the circle that is inside the triangle always has the
same length.
3. Determine all positive integers n with the property that n = (d(n))2.
Here d(n) denotes the number of positive divisors of n.
4. Suppose a1, a2, : : : , a8 are eight distinct integers from f1, 2,
: : : , 16, 17g. Show that there is an integer k > 0 such that the equation
ai , aj = k has at least three di erent solutions. Also, nd a speci c set of 7
distinct integers from f1, 2, : : : , 16, 17g such that the equation ai , aj = k
does not have three distinct solutions for any k > 0.

5. Let x, y, and z be non-negative real numbers satisfying

x + y + z = 1. Show that
x2y + y2z + z2x  27
and nd when equality occurs.

Next we give the 28th United States of America Mathematical Olympiad.

These problems are copyrighted by the committee on the American Mathe-
matical Competitions of the Mathematical Association of America and may
not be reproduced without permission. Solutions, and additional copies of
the problems may be obtained from Professor Titu Andreescu, AMC
Director, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA 68588{0658. As always,
we welcome your original, \nice" solutions and generalizations which di er
from the published solutions.
Part I 9 a.m. | 12 noon
April 27, 1999

1. Some checkers placed on an n  n checkerboard satisfy the following

(a) every square that does not contain a checker shares a side with one that
(b) given any pair of squares that contain checkers, there is a sequence of
squares containing checkers, starting and ending with the given squares, such
that every two consecutive squares of the sequence share a side.
Prove that at least (n2 , 2)=3 checkers have been placed on the board.
2. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Prove that
jAB , CDj + jAD , BC j  2jAC , BDj .
3. Let p > 2 be a prime and let a, b, c, d be integers not divisible by p,
such that
fra=pg + frb=pg + frc=pg + frd=pg = 2
for any integer r not divisible by p. Prove that at least two of the numbers
a + b, a + c, a + d, b + c, b + d, c + d are divisible by p. (Note: fxg = x ,bxc
denotes the fractional part of x.)

Part II 1 p.m. | 4 p.m.

April 27, 1999
4. Let a1, a2, : : : , an (n > 3) be real numbers such that
a1 + a2 +    + an  n and a21 + a22 +    + a2n  n2 .
Prove that max(a1 , a2 , : : : , an )  2.
5. The Y2K Game is played on a 1  2000 grid as follows. Two players
in turn write either an S or an O in an empty square. The rst player who
produces three consecutive boxes that spell SOS wins. If all boxes are lled
without producing SOS then the game is a draw. Prove that the second
player has a winning strategy.
6. Let ABCD be an isosceles trapezoid with AB k CD. The inscribed
circle ! of triangle BCD meets CD at E . Let F be a point on the (internal)
angle bisector of \DAC such that EF ? CD. Let the circumscribed circle
of triangle ACF meet line CD at C and G. Prove that the triangle AFG is

We next give selected problems of the Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad

of March 26{27, 1996. My thanks go to J.P. Grossman, Team Leader of
the Canadian International Olympiad Team at Mumbai, India, for collect-
ing these problems.
March 26{27, 1996
Selected Problems
1. (8th grade) A regular polygon with 1996 vertices is given. What
minimal number of vertices can we delete so that we do not have four vertices
remaining, which form: (a) a square? (b) a rectangle?
2. (9th grade) Ivan has made the models of all triangles with integer
lengths of sides and perimeters 1993 cm. Peter has made the models of all
triangles with integer lengths of sides and perimeters 1996 cm. Who has
more models?
3. (10th grade) Prove that sin(=20)+sin(2=20)+ +sin(9=20) <
99=10,(2=) arcsin(1=10),(2= ) arcsin(2=10),  ,(2=) arcsin(9=10).
4. (10th grade) Let S be the set of all points of the coordinate plane
with integer coordinates. We shall say that a one-to-one correspondence of S
preserves a distance x if any two points in S at distance x have the images at
distance x. Is it true that a one-to-one correspondence necessarily preserves
all positive distances if:

(a) it preserves the distance 1?

(b) it preserves the distance 2?
(c) it preserves the distance 2 and the distance 3?
5. (10th grade) Let O be the centre of the parallelogram ABCD with
\AOB > =2. We take the points A1 , B1 on the half-lines OA, OB ,
respectively so that A1 B1 k AB and \A1 B1 C = \ABC=2. Prove that
A1D ? B1C .
6. (11th grade) The sequence fang, n  0, is such that a0 = 1,
a499 = 0 and for n  1, an+1 = 2a1an , an,1 .
(a) Prove that ja1 j  1.
(b) Find a1996.
7. (11th grade) Does a function f : R ! R exist which is not a poly-
nomial and such that for all real x
(x , 1)f (x + 1) , (x + 1)f (x , 1) = 4x(x2 , 1) ?
8. (11th grade) Let M be the number of all positive integers which have
n digits 1, n digits 2 and no other digits in their decimal representations. Let
N be the number of all n{digit positive integers with only digits 1, 2, 3, 4 in
the representation where the number of 1's equals the number of 2's. Prove
that M = N .

As another problem set we give the problems of the XII Italian Mathe-
matical Olympiad, Cesenatico, 3 May, 1996. Again thanks for collecting these
go to J.P. Grossman, Team Leader of the Canadian International Olympiad
Team at Mumbai, India.
Cesenatico, 3 May, 1996
1. Among the triangles with an assigned side l and with given area S,
determine all those for which the product of the three altitudes is maximum.
2. Prove that the equation a2 + b2 = c2 +3 has in nitely many integer
solutions (a; b; c).
3. Let A and B be opposite vertices of a cube with side 1. Find the
radius of the sphere with centre interior to the cube, tangent to the three
faces meeting in A and tangent to the three edges meeting in B .
4. Given an alphabet with three letters a, b, c, nd the number of
words of n letters which contain an even number of a's.

5. Let a circle C and a point A exterior to C be given. For each point P

on C construct the square APQR, with anticlockwise ordering of the letters
A, P , Q, R. Find the locus of the point Q when P runs over C .
6. What is the minimum number of squares that one needs to draw on
a white sheet in order to obtain a full grid of size n? (The picture shows a full
grid of size 6).

As a relative newcomer to the Corner, we next give the problems of

the South African Mathematics Olympiad, Third Round, 7 September 1995,
Section A and B. Again thanks go to J.P. Grossman for collecting these while
at the IMO at Mumbai, India as Canadian Team Leader.
Third Round | 7 September 1995
1. Prove that there are no integers m and n such that
419m2 + 95mn + 2000n2 = 1995 .
2. ABC is a triangle with \A > \C , and D is the point on BC such
that \BAD = \ACB . The perpendicular bisectors of AD and AC intersect
in the point E . Prove that \BAE = 90 .
3. Suppose that a1, a2 , a3, : : : , an are the numbers 1, 2, 3, : : : , n but
written in any order. Prove that
(a1 , 1)2 + (a2 , 2)2 + (a3 , 3)2 +    + (an , n)2
is always even.
4. Three circles, with radii p, q, r, and centres A, B, C , respectively,
touch one another externally at points D, E , F . Prove that the ratio of the
areas of 4DEF and 4ABC equals
(p + q )(q + r)(r + p) .

1. The convex quadrilateral ABCD has area 1, and AB is produced
to E , BC to F , CD to G and DA to H , such that AB = BE , BC = CF ,
CD = DG and DA = AH . Find the area of the quadrilateral EFGH .
2. Find all pairs (m;n) of natural numbers with m < n such that
m2 + 1 is a multiple of n and n2 + 1 is a multiple of m.
3. The circumcircle of 4ABC has radius 1 and centre O, and P is a
point inside the triangle such that OP = x. Prove that
AP  BP  CP  (1 + x)2(1 , x) ,
with equality only if P = O.

The next problems are those of the Taiwan Olympiad, 1996. Thanks go
to J.P. Grossman, Team Leader for Canada at the IMO at Mumbai, India, for
collecting them.
1. Let the angles , , be such that 0 < , , < 2 and
+ + = 4 . Suppose that
tan = a1 ; tan = 1b , tan = 1c ,
where a, b, c are positive integers. Determine the values of a, b, c.
2. Let a be a real number such that 0 < a  1 and a  aj  a1 , for
j = 1, 2, : : : , 1996. Show that for any non-negative real numbers j (j = 1,
2, : : : , 1996), with
j = 1 ,
j =1
one has
1996 ! 01996
1  2
iai @ j a,j 1A  41 a + a1 .
i=1 j =1
3. Let A and B be two xed points on a xed circle. Let a point P
move on this circle and let M be a corresponding point such that either M
is on the segment PA with AM = MP + PB or M is on the segment PB
with AP + MP = PB . Determine the locus of such points P .

4. Show that for any real numbers a3, a4, : : : , a85, the roots of the
a85x85 + a84x84 +    + a3x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 1 = 0
are not all real.
5. Find 99 integers a1, a2, : : : , a99 = a0 , satisfying
jak,1 , akj  1996 for all k = 1, 2, : : : , 99,
so that the number
m = maxfjak,1 , akj; k = 1, 2, : : : , 99g
is as small as possible, and determine the minimum value m of m.
6. Let q0, q1, q2, : : : be a sequence of integers such that
(a) for any m > n, m , n is a factor of qm , qn, and
(b) jqn j  n10 for all integers n  0.
Show that there exists a polynomial Q(x) satisfying Q(n) = qn for all n.

The next problems are those of the Croatian National Mathematics

Competition, Kraljevica, May 16{19, 1996, IV Class and IMO Team Selec-
tion Competition problems. Thanks go to J.P. Grossman, Team Leader for
Canada at the IMO at Mumbai, India, for collecting the problem set.


Kraljevica, May 16{19, 1996
1. Is there any solution of the equation
[x] + [2x] + [4x] + [8x] + [16x] + [32x] = 12345?
([x] denotes the greatest integer which does not exceed x.)
2. Determine all pairs of numbers 1, 2 2 R for which every solution
of the equation (x + i1 )n + (x + i2 )n = 0 is real. Find the solutions.
3. Determine all functions f : R ,! R continuous at 0, which satisfy
the following relation f (x) , 2f (tx)+ f (t2x) = x2 for all x 2 R , where
t 2 (0; 1) is a given number.

4. Let and be positive irrational numbers such that 1 + 1 = 1

and A = f[n ] j n 2 Ng, B = f[n ] j n 2 Ng. Prove that A [ B = N and
A \ B = ;.
Remark: You can prove the following equivalent assertion: For a function
 : N ! N de ned by
(m) = Cardfk j k 2 N, k  m, k 2 Ag + Cardfk j k 2 N, k  m, k 2 Bg
one has  (m) = m, 8m 2 N. ([x] denotes the greatest integer which does
not exceed x.)
May 18, 1996
1. (a) n = 2k + 1 points are given in the plane. Construct an n{gon
such that these points are mid-points of its sides.
(b) Arbitrary n = 2k, k > 1, points are given in the plane. Prove that
it is impossible to construct an n{gon, in each case, such that these points
are mid-points of its sides.
2. The side-length of the square ABCD equals a. Two points E and F
are given on sides BC and AB such that the perimeter of the triangle BEF
equals 2a. Determine \EDF .
3. Find all pairs of consecutive integers the di erence of whose cubes
is a full square.
4. Let A1, A2, : : : , An be a regular n{gon inscribed in the circle of
radius 1 with the centre at O. A point M is given on the ray OA1 outside
the n{gon. Prove that
n 1  n .
k=1 j MA kj jOM j

We next turn to solutions. First an alternative solution to that given

earlier this year to problem 5 of the Iranian Olympiad (1994) [1999: 142{
5. [1998: 6{7] [1999: 142{143] Iranian Mathematical Olympiad (1994).
Show that if D1 and D2 are two skew lines, then there are in nitely
many straight lines such that their points have equal distance from D1 and D2 .
Comments by J. Chris Fisher, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatche-
wan; with alternative solution by Aart Blokhuis, Mathematics Department,
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.

Rename the lines l and m. Fix points A and B on l a unit distance

apart. For each A0 on m there are two points B 0 and B 00 on m that are a
unit distance from A0 . There is a unique rotation that takes A and B to A0
and B 0 , and another taking them to A0 and B 00 ; the points of the axes of these
two rotations are equidistant from l and m since the perpendicular from an
axis point to l is taken by the rotation to the perpendicular from that point to
m. Each A0 leads to a di erent pair of lines. (To see that the rotation exists0
as claimed, take as mirror 1 the plane of points equidistant from A and A ;
if B  is the image of B under re ection in mirror 1 then take mirror 2 to be
the perpendicular bisector (necessarily through A0 ) of B  and either B 0 or
B00. The product of re ections in these two mirrors is a rotation about their
line of intersection.)
Comments. (1) The locus of points equidistant from the skew lines l and
m is a ruled surface, namely the hyperbolic paraboloid. To see the parabolas,
take the section of the surface by a plane through l: the locus of points in
that plane that are equidistant from the point where it meets m and from
the line l is a parabola.
(2) A slight generalization of the problem provides a simple construction
of a spread (which is a collection of skew lines that completely cover the three
dimensional space in the sense that every point of space is on exactly one of
the lines of the spread): the locus of points whose distances from l and m are
in the ratio 1 : k is a ruled quadratic. The proof of the original problem can
be modi ed to a proof of the claim by taking B 0 and B 00 to be k units from
A0 , and using a dilative rotation to take A and B to their primed mates.

To nish this number of the Corner we give participant or \ocial" so-

lutions to the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad given at the beginning of
this number. My thanks go to Daryl Tingley, Chair of the Canadian Mathe-
matical Olympiad Committee for furnishing the following:


Most of the solutions to the problems of the 1999 CMO presented be-
low are taken from students' papers. Some minor editing has been done |
unnecessary steps have been eliminated and some wording has been changed
to make the proofs clearer. But for the most part, the proofs are as submit-
1. Solution | Adrian Chan, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario.
Rearranging the equation we get 4x2 + 51 = 40[x]. It is known that

x  [x] > x , 1, so
4x2 + 51 = 40[x] > 40(x , 1) ,
4x2 , 40x + 91 > 0 ,
(2x , 13)(2x , 7) > 0 .
Hence x > 13=2 or x < 7=2. Also,
4x2 + 51 = 40[x]  40x ,
4x2 , 40x + 51  0 ,
(2x , 17)(2x , 3)  0 .
Hence 3=2  x  17=2. Combining these inequalities gives 3=2  x < 7=2
or 13=2 < x  17=2 .
Case 1: 3=2  x < 7=2.
For this case, the possible values for [x] are 1, 2 and 3.
If [x] = 1 then 4x2 + 51 = 40  1 so 4x2 = ,11, which has no real
2 thenp 4x2 + 51 = 40  2 so 4x2 = 29 and x = 229 . Notice
pIf16[x] =p29
that 2 < 2 < 236 so 2 < x < 3 and [x] = 2.
p p p
If [x] = 3 then 4x2 +51 = 40  3 and x = 69=2. But 269 > 264 = 4.
So, this solution is rejected.
Case 2: 13=2 < x  17=2.
For this case, the possible values for [x] are 6, 7 and 8.
2 + 51 = 40  6, so that x = 189 . Notice that
If [ x] =
p144 p189 p196 6 then 4 x 2
2 < 2 < 2 , so that 6 < x < 7 and [ x] = 6 .
2 + 51 = 40  7, so that x = 229 . Notice that
If [ x ] =
p196 p229 p256 7 then 4 x 2
2 < 2 < 2 , so that 7 < x < 8 and [x] = 7.
2 + 51 = 40  8, so that x = 269 . Notice that
If [ x ] =
p256 p269 p324 8 then 4 x 2
2 < 2 < 2 , so that 8 < x < 9 and [ x] = 8 .
p29 p189 p229 p269
The solutions are x =
2 , 2 , 2 , 2 .
(Editor: Adrian then checks these four solutions.)

2. Solution 1 | Keon Choi, A.Y. Jackson SS, North York, Ontario.



Let D and E be the intersections of BC and extended AC , respectively,
with the circle.
Since CO k AB (because both the altitude and the radius are 1)
\BCO = 60 and therefore \ECO = 180 , \ACB , \BCO = 60 .
Since a circle is always symmetric about its diameter and line CE is a
re ection of line CB in CO, line segment CE is a re ection of line segment
Therefore CE = CD.
Therefore 4CED is an isosceles triangle.
Therefore \CED = \CDE and \CED + \CDE = \ACB = 60 .
\CED = 30 regardless of the position of centre O. Since \CED is
also the angle subtended from the arc inside the triangle, if CED is constant,
the arc length is also constant.
Editor's Note: This proof has had no editing.
Solution 2 | Jimmy Chui, Earl Haig SS, North York, Ontario.
B 6y A
B0 A0

C O (a; 0)

Place C at the origin, point A at p13 ; 1 and point B at , p13 ; 1 .
Then 4ABC is equilateral with altitude of length 1.

Let O be the centre of the circle. Because the circle has radius 1, and
since it touches line AB , the locus of O is on the line through C parallel to
AB (since C is length 1 away from AB); that is, the locus of O is on the
Let point O be at (a; 0). Then , p13  a  p13 since we have the
restriction that the circle rolls along AB .
Now, let A0 and B 0 be the intersectionpof the circle with CA and CB ,
respectively. The equation of CA is y = 3 x; 0  x  p13 , of CB is
y = ,p3 x, , p13  x  0, and of the circle is (x , a)2 + y2 = 1.
We solvepfor A0 by substituting y = 3 x into (x , a)2 + y 2 = 1 to
get x =
a  4 , 3a2 .
Visually, we can see that solutions represent the intersection of AC
extended and the circle, but we are only concerned with the greater x{value
| this is the solution that is on AC , not on AC extended. Therefore
a + p 4 , 3a2 p a + p4 , 3a2 !
x= 4 , y= 3 4 .
Likewise we solve for B 0 , but we take the lesser x{value to get
p p p4 , 3a2 !
x = a , 44 , 3a , a ,
y=, 3 4 .
Let us nd the length of A0 B 0 :
jA0B0 j2 = a + p4 , 3a2 , a , p4 , 3a2
4 4
p3 a + p4 , 3a2 ! , , p3 a , p4 , 3a2 !!2
4 4
= 4 ,43a + 3 a4 = 1 ,
2 2

which is independent of a.
Consider the points O, A0 and B 0 . 4OA0 B 0 is an equilateral triangle
(because A0 B 0 = OA0 = OB 0 = 1).
Therefore \A0 OB 0 = 3 and arc A0 B 0 = 3 , a constant.
3. Solution | Masoud Kamgarpour, Carson SS, North Vancouver, BC.
Note that n = 1 is a solution. For n > 1 write n in the form
n = P1 1 P2 2 : : : Pmm where the Pi's, 1  i  m, are distinct prime num-
bers and i > 0. Since d(n) is an integer, n is a perfect square, so i = 2 i
for integers i > 0.

Using the formula for the number of divisors of n,

d(n) = (2 1 + 1)(2 2 + 1) : : : (2 m + 1) ,
which is an odd number. Now because d(n) is odd, (d(n))2 is odd, therefore
n is odd as well, so Pi  3; 1  i  m. We get
P1 1  P2 2 : : : Pmm = [( 1 + 1)( 2 + 1) : : : ( m + 1)]2
or using i = 2 i
P1 1 P2 2 : : : Pmm = (2 1 + 1)(2 2 + 1) : : : (2 m + 1) .
Now we prove a lemma:
Lemma: P t  2t + 1 for positive integers t and P  3, with equality only
when P = 3 and t = 1.
Proof: We use mathematical induction on t. The statement is true for t = 1
because P  3. Now suppose P k  2k + 1, k  1; then we have
P k+1 = P k  P  P k(1+2) > P k +2  (2k +1)+2 = 2(k +1)+1 .
Thus P t  2t + 1 and equality occurs only when P = 3 and t = 1.
Let us say n has a prime factor Pk > 3; then (by the lemma)
Pk k > 2 k + 1 and we have P1 1 : : : Pmm > (2 1 + 1) : : : (2 m + 1), a
Therefore, the only prime factor of n is P = 3 and we have 3 = 2 +1.
By the lemma = 1.
The only positive integer solutions are 1 and 9.
4. Solution 1 | David Nicholson, Fenelon Falls SS, Fenelon Falls,
Without loss of generality let a1 < a2 < a3 : : : < a8 .
Assume that there is no such integer k. Let us just look at the seven
di erences di = ai+1 , ai . Then amongst the di there can be at most two
1s, two 2s, and two 3s, which totals to 12.
Now 16 = 17 , 1  a8 , a1 = d1 + d2 + : : : + d7 so the seven
di erences must be 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4.
Now let us think of arranging the di erences 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4. Note
that the sum of consecutive di erences is another di erence. (For example,
d1 + d2 = a3 , a1, d1 + d2 + d3 = a4 , a1)
We cannot place the two 1s side by side because that will give us another
di erence of 2. The 1s cannot be beside a 2 because then we have three 3s.
They cannot both be beside a 3 because then we have three 4s! So we must
have either 1, 4, ,, ,, ,, 3, 1 or 1, 4, 1, 3, ,, ,, , (or their re ections).

In either case we have a 3, 1 giving a di erence of 4 so we cannot put

the 2s beside each other. Also we cannot have 2, 3, 2 because then (with the
1, 4) we will have three 5s. So all cases give a contradiction.
Therefore there will always be three di erences equal.
One set of seven numbers satisfying the criteria is f1, 2, 4, 7, 11,
16, 17g. [Editor: There are many such sets.]
Solution 2 | The CMO committee.
Consider all the consecutive di erences (that is, di above) as well as
the di erences bi = ai+2 , ai , i = 1, : : : , 6. Then the sum of these thirteen
di erences is 2  (a8 , a1 ) + (a7 , a2 )  2(17 , 1) + (16 , 2) = 46. Now
if no di erence occurs more than twice, the smallest the sum of the thirteen
di erences can be is 2  (1+2+3+4+5+6)+7 = 49, giving a contradiction.
5. Solution 1 | The CMO committee.
Let f (x; y;z ) = x2 y + y 2z + z 2x. We wish to determine where f is
maximal. Since f is cyclic, without loss of generality we may assume that
x  y, z. Since
f (x; y;z) , f (x;z; y) = x2y + y2z + z2x , x2z , z2y , y2x
= (y , z )(x , y)(x , z) ,
we may also assume y  z . Then
f (x + z; y; 0) , f (x;y; z) = (x + z)2y , x2y , y2z , z2x
= z 2 y + yz(x , y ) + xz(y , z )  0 ,
so we may now assume z = 0. The rest follows from the arithmetic-geometric
mean inequality:
2x 2y 1  x + x + 2y 3 4
f (x;y; 0) = 2  2 3 = 27 .
Equality occurs when x = 2y , hence at ( x; y;z ) = ( 2 ; 1 ; 0). ,As well

as (0; 23 ; 13 ) and ( 31 ; 0; 23 ) .
3 3

Solution 2 | The CMO committee.

With f as above, and x  y , z
f x + 2z , y + z2 , 0 , f (x;y; z) = yz(x , y) + xz2 ( x , z ) + z2y + z3 ,
4 8
so we may assume that z = 0. The rest follows as for solution 1.

That completes this number of the Corner. Send me your nice solutions
as well as Olympiad materials for use in future issues.

Calculus, The Dynamics of Change edited by A. Wayne Roberts,
published by The Mathematical Association of America, 1996.
ISBN # 0-88385-098-2, softcover, 166+ pages, $34.95 (U.S.).
Reviewed by Jack W. Macki, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
This volume is number 39 in the outstanding Mathematical Association
of America series on mathematics education, with the emphasis on calculus
and calculus reform. There are four main sections: I. Visions; II. Planning;
III. Assessment; IV. Connections, each of which has a number of articles by
various authors. In addition, there is a prefatory section on how to think
about and plan a modern calculus course and three nal sections on, respec-
tively, resources, calculus on the Internet, and a historical and philosophical
section \Calculus for a New Century". A total of 17 di erent authors were
involved in the various articles.
The prefatory section is a good \how to" guide to e ective organization
of a course in calculus|every beginning instructor (and all old fogeys) should
read it. There are ideas you may not accept, but overall any instructor will
get a refreshingly succinct and useful guide to preparing an interesting and
useful course.
There are six articles in the Visions section. Sharon Cutler Ross in \Vi-
sions of Calculus" gives a historical discussion of the development of reform,
with a very balanced discussion of the most important issues. This is a good
way to bring yourself to an understanding of what are the issues, what has
worked, and which ideas are still in question. A short article by Thomas
Tucker shows, with one simple example, how one can solve calculus prob-
lems using numerical or verbal techniques. Mai Gehrke and David Pengelley
report on their programs at New Mexico State University, and give practi-
cal advice for conducting reform courses, and for getting colleagues on side.
Deborah Hughes Hallett contributes a very personal essay on her experiences
with calculus teaching and calculus reform. David A. Smith contributes an
essay which emphasizes 10 active verbs which characterize his ideas about
There are four articles in the Planning section. Martin Flashman's arti-
cle reports on the full history of the introduction of reform at six institutions.
Morton Brown reports on the Michigan program. The last two articles are
in fact an outline for change followed by a checklist.
Part III, Assessment, has an introductory article by David Bressoud,
followed by a large set of nal examinations for each of Calculus I, II and
III. Each examination had at least one pleasant surprise for me. Bressoud's
article has lots of good thoughts, and begins with an apocryphal quote of

Richard Feynman, The biggest problem with being a student is that you're
always too busy getting an education to learn anything, and the rest of the
article is just as interesting in its insights. Assessment is probably the weak-
est area of most mathematics courses, and this section will help most of us
learn to think more deeply about the problem.
Part IV, Connections, is concerned with what in many ways is the most
overlooked area in Mathematics departments. The degree to which we think
of our individual courses in isolation, rather than as an integrated whole, is
almost criminal. I am not thinking of the \analysis sequence" or the \algebra
sequence", but of how all of our courses t (or rather, do not) into some kind
of integrated system. John Dossey's article on secondary school mathematics
reform is not terribly relevant to Canada|this nation is quite far ahead of the
U.S. in designing e ective high school mathematics programs|whether stu-
dents take them and are attracted to the subject by them is another matter!
Robert Borrelli and Courtney Coleman of Harvey Mudd report on their ex-
periments with modifying the introductory di erential equations course. The
article gives four examples to emphasize how modern ideas can be brought
into a rst course. David Carlson and Wayne Roberts give a very brief report
on their experiences with post-calculus linear algebra and analysis. Sheldon
Gordon recorded a round-table discussion between mathematicians, electri-
cal engineers, ecologists, physicists, biologists, chemists and chemical engi-
Martin Flashman's article on the Internet gives a couple of key, central,
sites. Since this book appeared in 1996, there are by now hordes of other rst
class sites.
Recent reports from colleagues indicate that at many schools the math-
ematics department is more or less completely isolated from its clients, in
particular from the faculty of engineering and the department of physics. At
many schools these faculties and departments keep their students away from
the mathematics department as much as possible. The reports indicate an
arrogance and lack of respect for other disciplines which is truly amazing.
These mathematics departments are recognized as leaders in our profession,
yet they have no research in teaching, learning, or assessment, nor would
they be valued if they did. This book and others like it show that in our pro-
fession there is a large group of committed professionals trying to get us all
to think about the teaching and learning side of our work. Thank goodness.
And thank the MAA.


No. 41
R.E. Woodrow
This issue we give the Final Round Parts A and B of the 1998 British
Columbia Colleges Senior High School Mathematics Contest. My thanks go
to Jim Totten, University College of the Cariboo, one of the organizers, for
forwarding the materials for use in the Corner.


Final Round 1998
Part A
1. If ,r + 1r 2 = 3, then r3 + r13 =
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2
(d) 2 3
(e) 4 3
2. Kevin has ve pairs of socks in his drawer, all of di erent colours and
patterns and, being a typical teenage boy, they are not folded and have been
thoroughly mixed up. On the rst day of school Kevin reaches into his sock
drawer without looking and pulls out three socks. What is the probability
that two of the socks match?
(a) 103 (b) 53 (c) 13 (d) 241 (e) 151
3. A small circle is drawn within a 16 sector of a circle of radius r, as
shown. The small circle is tangent to the two radii and the arc of the sector.
The radius of the small circle is:

(a) r2 (b) r3 2p3 r
(c) 3
(d) 22 r (e) none of these

4. In the accompanying diagram,
the circle has radius one, the central
angle AOB is a right angle and AC and
BC are of equal length. The shaded
area is: O
p p p
(a) 2 (b) 22 (c) ,2 2 (d) 2+1
2 (e) 21
5. The side, front and bottom faces of a rectangular solid have areas
2x, y2 , and xy square centimetres, respectively. The volume of the solid is:
impossible to de-
(a) xy (b) 2xy (c) x2 y 2 (d) 4xy (e) termine from the
given information
6. The numbers from 1 to 25 are each written on separate slips of paper
which are placed in a pile. You draw slips from the pile without replacing
any slip you have chosen. You can continue drawing until the product of
two numbers on any pair of slips you have chosen is a perfect square. The
maximum number of slips you can choose before you will be forced to quit
(a) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 16 (e) 17
7. A container is completely lled from a tap running at a constant
rate. The accompanying graph shows the level of the water in the container
at any time while the container is being lled. The segment PQ is a straight
line. The shape of the container which corresponds with the graph is:
Full q Q



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


8. The accompanying diagram is a road plan of a small city. All the

roads go east-west or north-south, with the exception of the one short diag-
onal road shown. Due to repairs one road is impassable at the point X . Of
all the possible routes from P to Q, there are several shortest routes. The
total number of shortest routes is:

(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 14 (e) 16
9. Four pieces of timber with the lengths shown are placed in the
parallel positions shown. A single cut is made along the line L perpendicular
to the lengths of timber so that the total length of timber on each side of L
is the same. The length, in metres, of the longest piece of timber remaining


 m - 3 3m

 m - 4 5m

: m-
15 m 4

(a) 4:85 (b) 4:50 (c) 4:75 (d) 3:75 (e) none of the above
10. The positive integers are written in order with one appearing once,
two appearing twice, three appearing three times, : : : , ten appearing ten
times, and so on, so that the beginning of the sequence looks like this:
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4
The number of 9's appearing in the rst 1998 digits of the sequence is:
(a) 57 (b) 96 (c) 113 (d) 145 (e) 204

Part B

1. A right triangle has an area of 5 and its hypotenuse has length 5.

Determine the lengths of the other two sides.
2. Find a set of three consecutive positive integers such that the small-
est is a multiple of 5, the second is a multiple of 7 and the largest is a multiple
of 9.
3. In the diagram, BD = 2, BC = 8 and A
the marked angles are all equal; that is,
\ABC = \BCA = \CDE = \DEC .
Find AB .
B 8 C
4. The ratio of male to female voters in an election was a : b. If c
fewer men and d fewer women had voted, then the ratio would have been
e : f . Determine the total number of voters who cast ballots in the election
in terms of a, b, c, d, e and f .
5. Three neighbours named Penny, Quincy and Rosa took part in a local
recycling drive. Each spent a Saturday afternoon collecting all the aluminum
cans and glass bottles he or she could. At the end of the afternoon each
person counted up what he or she had gathered, and they discovered that
even though Penny had collected three times as many cans as Quincy, and
Quincy had collected four times as many bottles as Rosa, each had collected
exactly the same number of items, and the three as a group had collected
exactly as many cans as bottles. In total, the three collected fewer than 200
items in all. Assuming that each person collected at least one can and one
bottle, how many cans and bottles did each person collect?

Last issue we gave the Final Round Parts A and B of the 1998 British
Columbia Colleges Junior High School Mathematics Contest. My thanks go
to Jim Totten, University College of the Cariboo, one of the organizers, for
forwarding the \ocial solutions" which follow.


Final Round 1998
Part A

1. Each edge of a cube is coloured either red or black. If every face of

the cube has at least one black edge, the smallest possible number of black
edges is:
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3 (e) 2
Answer: The correct answer is (d).
Suppose that every face of a cube has at
least one black edge. Since every edge
belongs to exactly two faces, and there
are six faces, the cube has at least three
black edges. On the other hand, three
black edges suce to satisfy the require-
ment, as we can see on the diagram.
The black edges are represented by the
thicker lines.
2. Line AE is divided into four equal parts by the points B, C and D.
Semicircles are drawn on segments AC , CE , AD and DE creating semicir-
cular regions as shown. The ratio of the area enclosed above the line AE to
the area enclosed below the line is:

r r r r r

(a) 4 : 5 (b) 5 : 4 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 8 : 9 (e) 9 : 8

Answer: The correct answer is (a).
Suppose that AB has length 1. Then both semicircles lying above AE
have radii of 1, while the semicircles below AE have radii of 1 21 and 12 . The
ratio of the enclosed areas is [ 21  (1)2 + 12  (1)2]  [ 21  (1 21 )2 + 21  ( 21 )2] = 45 .
3. A container is completely lled from a tap running at a uniform rate.
The accompanying graph shows the level of the water in the container at any
time while the container is being lled. The segment PQ is a straight line.
The shape of the container which corresponds with the graph is:

Full q Q



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Readers may have noticed that this is the same as problem 7 in part A
of the British Columbia Colleges Senior High School Mathematics Contest
Final Round 1998, printed above. For this reason, we delay publishing this
ocial solution until the next issue.
4. The digits 1, 9, 9, and 8 are placed on four cards. Two of the cards
are selected at random. The probability that the sum of the numbers on the
cards selected is a multiple of 3 is:
(a) 41 (b) 13 (c) 21 (d) 23 (e) 34
Answer: The correct answer is (b).
Let a, b, c, d denote the cards with digits 1, 9, 9, and 8, respectively.
There are six possible choices of two cards from the set of four: fa; bg, fa; cg,
fa; dg, fb; cg, fb;dg, fc; dg. For exactly two of these, fb; cg and fa; dg, the
corresponding sums, 9 + 9 and 1 + 8, are divisible by 3. This gives the
probability of 26 = 31 .
5. The surface areas of the six faces of a rectangular solid are 4, 4, 8, 8,
18 and 18 square centimetres. The volume of the solid, in cubic centimetres
(a) 24 (b) 48 (c) 60 (d) 324 (e) 576
Answer: The correct answer is (a).
If the edges of a rectangular solid have lengths a, b, andpc, then the areas
of its nonparallelpfaces are ab, bc, and ac. Its volume abc = (ab)(bc)(ac) .In
our case abc = 4  8  18 = 24.

6. The area of the small triangle in the diagram is 8 square units. The
area of the large triangle, in square units, is:
(a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 24 (d) 28 (e) 30
Answer: The correct answer is (e).
The length of the base of the larger tri-
angle is 5b, while the length of the a
base of the smaller triangle is 2b. This H
gives the ratio of 52 . Similarly, the ra- 2a
tio of the corresponding perpendicular h
heights, H : h, is 3a : 2a = 23 . 2b 3b
Hence, the area of the larger triangle is
5 ( 3 )(8) = 30.
2 2
7. At 6:15 the hands of the clock form two positive angles with a sum
of 360. The di erence of the degree measures of these two angles is:
(a) 165 (b) 170 (c) 175 (d) 180 (e) 185
Answer: The correct answer is (a).
At 6:15 the minute hand points at 3, while the hour hand is 14 of the way
from 6 to 7. The smaller angle between the hands is [90 + 14 ( 360
  12 )] = 97:5 ,
while the larger is (360 , 97:5) = 262:5 . This gives the di erence of
(262:5 , 97:5) = 165 .
8. The last digit of the number 826 is:
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6 (e) 8
Answer: The correct answer is (c).
By inspecting the last digit of the numbers in the sequence 81 , 82 , 83 ,
8 , : : : , we discover a repeating pattern of length four: 8, 4, 2, 6. Since
826 = 84(6)+2, we conclude that the last digit of 826 is the same as the last
digit of 82 , that is 4.
9. For the equation x+3 A + B = ,2x+9 to be true for all values of x
x,3 x ,9
for which the expressions in the equation make sense, the value of AB is:
(a) 2 (b) ,1 (c) ,2 (d) ,3 (e) ,6
Answer: The correct answer is (c).
The expression makes sense for all values of x, except 3. By mul-
tiplying both sides of the equation by the common denominator x2 , 9 =
(x , 3)(x + 3), we get A(x , 3) + B (x + 3) = ,x + 9. After multiplying
out and collecting the like terms on the left hand side of this equation we get
(A + B)x + 3B , 3A = ,x + 9. Clearly, the polynomials on both sides
must be identical; therefore A + B = ,1 and 3B , 3A = 9. This system of
two equations can be solved in any standard way. For example, we can nd
B = 3 + A from the second equation and substitute this for B in the rst
equation. In that way we nd A = ,2 and B = 1.

10. A hungry hunter came upon two shepherds, Joe and Frank. Joe had
three small loaves of bread and Frank ve loaves of the same size. The loaves
were divided equally among the three people, and the hunter paid $8 for his
share. If the shepherds divide the money so that each gets an equitable share
based on the amount of bread given to the hunter, the amount of money that
Joe receives is:
(a) $1 (b) $1:50 (c) $2 (d) $2:50 (e) $3
Answer: The correct answer is (a).
Divide each loaf into 3 parts and distribute equally to each of the three
persons. Each person receives 8 parts. The two shepherds start with 9 and
15 parts each, so (after removing their own 8 parts) they contribute 1 and
7 parts, respectively, to the hunter and should receive compensation from
the hunter in that ratio. Thus the hunter who originally had 3 loaves should
receive $1.
Part B
1. Four positive integers sum to 125. If the rst of these numbers is
increased by 4, the second is decreased by 4, the third is multiplied by 4 and
the fourth is divided by 4, you produce four equal numbers. What are the
four original numbers?
Solution. The numbers are 16, 24, 5 and 80.
If x, y , z , and w are the numbers then x + y + z + w = 125 and
x + 4 = y , 4 = 4z = w4 . Hence, y = x + 8, z = x+4 4 , w = 4(x + 4).
By substituting these expressions to the rst equation, we get x + (x + 8) +
x+4 + 4(x + 4) = 125. Thus, x = 16, and consequently, y = 24, z = 5,
w4= 80.
2. A semi-circular piece of paper of radius 10 cm is formed into a conical
paper cup as shown (the cup is inverted in the diagram):
10 cm

V 10 cm

Find the height of the paper cup, that is, the depth of water in the cup
when it is full.
Solution. The height of the paper cup is 5 3 cm.
The base of the conical paper cup is a circle with circumference equal
to the length of the given semicircle. Thus, if r is the radius of the base then
2r = 12 (210). Hence, r = 5 cm. The side length of the cone s is the same
as the radius of the semicircle; thus s = 10 cm. Finally, the height of the
cone is p p p
h = s2 , r2 = 102 , 52 = 5 3 cm .

3. In the diagram a quarter circle is inscribed in a square with side

length 4, as shown. Find the radius of the small circle that is tangent to the
quarter circle and two sides of the square.
Solution. The radius of the small circle is 12 , 8 2.
The Pythagorean Theorem implies that
the diagonal pof a square with side a r
has length a 2. Thus, the diagonal p r
of the larger square has length 4 2.
It is equal to the sum of the radius 4
of the larger circle, 4, the radius of 4

the smaller circle, r, and pthe diagonal

p r 2. Hence,
ofpthe smaller square,
4 2 = 4 + r + r 2. This gives

p2 , 4 4p2 , 4 1 , p2 ! p
r = 1 + p2 = 1 + p2 1 , p2 = 12 , 8 2 .
4. Using the digits 1, 9, 9 and 8 in that order create expressions equal
to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. You may p
use any of the four basic operations
(+, ,, , ), the square root symbol ( ) and parentheses, as necessary.
For example, valid expressions for 25 and 36 would be

25 = ,1 + 9 +p9 + 8 ,
36 = 1 + 9  9 + 8 .
Note: You may place a negative sign in front of 1 to create ,1 if you wish.
Solution. One of several possible solutions is:

1 = ,1 +pp9 , 9 + 8 ,
2 = 1 p 9 ,9 +8,
3 = ,1 +p 9 + 9 , 8 ,
4 = 1  p9 + 9 , 8 ,
5 = 1 + 9 +9 ,8,
6 = ,1 , 9  9 + 8 ,
7 = ,1 + 9 , 9 + 8 ,
8 = ,1 + 9  9 + 8 ,
9 = ,1 + 9 + 9 , 8 ,
10 = 1 +9 9 + 8.

5. At 6 am one Saturday, you and a friend begin a recreational climb of

Mt. Mystic. Two hours into your climb, you are overtaken by some scouts.
As they pass, they inform you that they are attempting to set a record for
ascending and descending the mountain. At 10 am they pass you again on
their way down, crowing that they had not stopped once to rest, not even at
the top.
You nally reach the summit at noon. Assuming that both you and the
scouts travelled at a constant vertical rate, both climbing and descending,
when did the scouts reach the top of Mt. Mystic?
Solution. The scouts reached the top of Mt. Mystic at 9:20 am.
Suppose that during the time period from 8:00 am to 10:00 am you have
travelled from point A to point B and you climbed a distance of x kilometres.
Then, since you have been climbing at a uniform rate and reached the top at
noon, the distance from B to the top is also x kilometres. During the two
hours you climbed x kilometres from A to B , the scouts climbed the distance
of 3x kilometres: x from A to B , x from B to the top, and x on the way back
to B from the top. Since their pace was uniform, they needed 32 of an hour,
that is 40 minutes, to get from the top to point B , where they met you at
10:00 am. This implies that they must have reached the top at 9:20 am.

That completes the Corner for this number. Send me contest materials
and suggestions for the evolution of the Skoliad Corner.

Mathematical Mayhem began in 1988 as a Mathematical Journal for and by
High School and University Students. It continues, with the same emphasis,
as an integral part of Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem.
All material intended for inclusion in this section should be sent to
Mathematical Mayhem, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto,
100 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5S 3G3. The electronic
address is still
[email protected]
The Assistant Mayhem Editor is Cyrus Hsia (University of Western On-
tario). The rest of the sta consists of Adrian Chan (Upper Canada College),
Jimmy Chui (University of Toronto), David Savitt (Harvard University) and
Wai Ling Yee (University of Waterloo).

Shreds and Slices

A Combinatorial Proof of a Trigonometric Identity

Douglass Grant
A friend who attended university in Germany once told me that his
course in rst year calculus was made memorable by the fact that the basic
de nition of the sine and cosine functions used by his professor were the
Maclaurin series for the two functions. At the time, I made the ippant
remark that such an approach would make it a challenge even to prove that
sin2 x +cos2 x = 1. The details of that proof, in fact, involve some identities
more commonly encountered in discrete mathematics or combinatorics than
in calculus.
X1 (,1)k
sin x = x2k+1 ,
k=0 (2k + 1)!
squaring the series and shifting the index by one on the inner series yields

0 1
X1B X (, 1) n (, 1) m CA x2k+2
sin2 x = @ (2 n + 1)!(2 m + 1)!
k=0 nn;m
0 0 1
1 (,1) k ,1 CA x2k
= @ (2 n + 1)!(2 m + 1)!
k=1 n+n;m
1 k, 1 !
= ( , 1) k,1
x2k .
k=1 n=0 (2n + 1)!(2 k , 2 n , 1)!
1 X
k !
cos2 x
= (,1)k x2k .
k=0 n=0 (2 n)!(2 k , 2 n)!
Since the constant term in the series for cos2 x is clearly unity, it suces
to show that the sum of the coecients of x2k for sin2 x and cos2 x is zero for
k  1. Note that the integers whose factorials appear in the denominators
of both inner summations sum to 2k.
For k  1, let
kX,1 (,1)k,1 Xk (,1)k
Sk = + .
n=0 (2n + 1)!(2k , 2n , 1)! n=0 (2n)!(2k , 2n)!
X2k (,1)n(2k)! X
(2k)!Sk = = ( , 1) n 2k .
n=0 (2n)!(2k , 2n)! n=0 n
But by the Binomial Theorem,
2k 2k
(a , b)2k = (,1)n
n a2k,n bn ,
so letting a = b = 1, we obtain
0 = (,1)n 2nk = (2k)!Sk ,
whence Sk = 0 for k  1, as required.
Douglass L. Grant <[email protected]>
University College of Cape Breton
Box 5300, Sydney, Nova Scotia
Canada B1P 6L2

Mayhem Problems
The Mayhem Problems editors are:
Adrian Chan Mayhem High School Problems Editor,
Donny Cheung Mayhem Advanced Problems Editor,
David Savitt Mayhem Challenge Board Problems Editor.
Note that all correspondence should be sent to the appropriate editor |
see the relevant section. In this issue, you will nd only problems | the
next issue will feature only solutions.
We warmly welcome proposals for problems and solutions. With the
schedule of eight issues per year, we request that solutions from this issue
be submitted in time for issue 8 of 2000.

High School Problems

Editor: Adrian Chan, 229 Old Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
M2P 1R5 <[email protected]>
We correct problem H253 again, which we tried to correct in Issue 5.
H253. Find all real solutions to the equation
p 2 p p
3x , 18x + 52 + 2x2 , 12x + 162 = ,x2 + 6x + 280 .
H261. Solve for x:
q p x q p x
7 , 48 + 7 + 48 = 14 .

H262. Proposed by Mohammed Aassila, CRM, Montreal, Quebec.

Solve the equation
x , px2x, 1 = 91
60 .
H263. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle such that a = 14,
sin B = 12=13, and c, a, b form an arithmetic sequence (in that order).
Find tan A + tan B + tan C .
H264. Find all values of a such that x3 , 6x2 + 11x + a , 6 = 0 has
exactly three integer solutions.

Advanced Problems
Editor: Donny Cheung, c/o Conrad Grebel College, University of Wa-
terloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. N2L 3G6 <[email protected]>
A237. Show that for any sequence of decimal digits that does not be-
gin with 0, there is a Fibonacci number whose decimal representation begins
with this sequence. (The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence Fn generated
by the initial conditions F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and Fn = Fn,1 + Fn,2 for n  2.)
A238. Two circles C1 and C2 intersect at P and Q. A line through P
intersects C1 and C2 again at A and B , respectively, and X is the mid-point
of AB . The line through Q and X intersects C1 and C2 again at Y and Z ,
respectively. Prove that X is the mid-point of Y Z .
(1997 Baltic Way)
A239. Proposed by Mohammed Aassila, CRM, Montreal, Quebec.
Let a1 , a2 , : : : , an be n distinct numbers, n  3. Prove that
0 1
@ai  Y 1 A = 0.
i=1 j 6=i ai , aj

A240. Proposed by Mohammed Aassila, CRM, Montreal, Quebec.

Let a, b, and c be integers, not all equal to 0. Show that
4a2 + 3b2 + 2c2  p3 4a + p3 2b + c .

Challenge Board Problems

Editor: David Savitt, Department of Mathematics, Harvard University,
1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA, USA 02138 <[email protected]>
C89. Proposed by Tal Kubo, Brown University.
Show that the formal power series (in x and y ) (xy )n cannot be
expressed as a nite sum fi(x)gi(y ) , where fi(x) and gi(y ) are formal
power series in x and y , respectively, 1  i  m.

C90. Proposed by Noam Elkies, Harvard University.

Let S1 , S2, and S3 be three spheres in R whose centres are not collinear.
Let k  8 be the number of planes which are tangent to all three spheres. Let
Ai, Bi, and Ci be the point of tangency between the ith such tangent plane,
1  i  k, and S1, S2 , and S3, respectively, and let Oi be the circumcentre
of triangle Ai Bi Ci. Prove that all the Oi are collinear. (If k = 0, then this
statement is vacuously true.)

Problem of the Month

Jimmy Chui, student, University of Toronto
Problem. The point P (a;b) is on the parabola x2 = 4y . The tangent
at P meets the line y = ,1 at the point A. For the point F (0; 1), prove that
\AFP = 90 for all positions of P , except (0; 0).
(Descartes 1998, C3)
Solution. This question can be done using calculus; however, here we
show a clever method that makes the problem fall apart quite easily.

A P0
First we note that the point F is the focus and the line y = ,1 is the
directrix of the given parabola.

Drop the perpendicular from P to the line y = ,1, and call that point
P 0. Now, let , , and be the angles as in the diagram; that is, let =
\APF , let = APP 0 , and let represent the angle opposite \APP 0 .
Observe that PF = PP 0 , because any point on a parabola is equidis-
tant to both the focus and directrix.
From the opposite angle theorem we get = .
Now, it is known that a ray, parallel to the axis of symmetry in a
parabola, will pass through the focus when it re ects o the interior of the
parabola. The line P 0 P extended is parallel to the line x = 0 (the axis of
symmetry) and can be taken as the ray of incidence. The ray PF is then the
ray of re ection. The line AP extended is the tangent at the point P of the
parabola, and the angle of incidence equals the angle of re ection, or = .
So we have = .
Hence, from SAS congruency, we have that 4APF  4APP 0 . This
implies that \AFP = \AP 0 P = 90 , QED.

J.I.R. McKnight Problems Contest 1991

1. (a) The vertices of a right-angled triangle ABC are A(4; 6), B (3; ,3)
and C (8;y ). Find all possible values of y .
(b) Simplify:
53x+1 , 53x,1 + 24 .
(2:4)5 + 12

2. (a) A rectangle has been inscribed in a circle and semi-circles have been
drawn on its sides (as shown in the diagram). Determine the ratio
of the sum of the area of the four lunes (shaded regions) to the area
of the rectangle.

(b) Find the value of (220 + 1)(221 + 1)(222 + 1)    (2250 + 1).

3. (a) Find the sum of the rst one thousand terms for the series:
1  4 + 2  7 + 3  10 +    .
(b) Solve for x, y 2 R:
x + y + pxy = 19
x2 + y2 + xy = 133
4. The two equations a2 x2 + 192bx + 1991a = 0 and bx2 + 192a2 x +
1991b = 0 have a common root. If a2 6= b, determine all possible
values of the common root.
5. A metal cone of height 12 cm
and radius 4 cm just ts into
a cylinder of radius 4 cm and
height 100 cm which is lled
with water to a depth of 50
cm. The cone is lowered at a
constant rate of 4 cm per sec-
ond (with respect to the walls
of the cylinder). At what rate
is the water in the cylinder ris-
ing when the vertex of the cone
is immersed to a depth of 6 cm?

6. A semi-circle has centre C and diameter AB . The point N is on CB

and AB is produced to T so that AT : AC = AN : CN . The tangent
from T meets the semi-circle at P . Prove that \CNP = 90 .

7. (a) Prove that the product of 4 consecutive positive integers cannot be
a perfect square.
(b) What must be added to the product of 4 consecutive terms of any
arithmetic sequence to produce a perfect square?
(c) What must be added to the product of 4 consecutive terms of any
geometric sequence to produce a perfect square?

8. Triangle ABC has sides AB = 6, AC = 4 and BC = 5. Point P is

on AB and point Q is on AC such that PQ bisects the area of triangle
ABC . Prove that the minimum length of PQ is p42=2.
9. Given b > 0, b 6= 1, nd the set of values of k for which the equation
logb2 (x2 , b2) = logb(x , bk) has real solutions.
10. Six points are chosen in space such that no three are collinear and no
four are coplanar. The 15 line segments joining the points in pairs are
drawn then painted, some red and some blue. Prove that some triangle
has all its sides the same colour.

IMO Report
Jimmy Chui
student, University of Toronto
The 1999 Canadian IMO team members commenced their summer with
one and a half weeks of training at the University of Waterloo. During this
time, they managed to hike twice, and it was a shame that no one was lost
this year. On the 13th of July, after an exhausting full day of travel, the
team found itself in Bucharest, Romania, ready for the 40th International
Mathematical Olympiad.
The members of this year's team were David \Pippy" Arthur, Jimmy
\The Squeeze" Chui, James \Roadkill" Lee, Jessie \Pyromaniac" Lei, David
\Monkey Matrix" Nicholson, and David \23 Across" Pritchard. Team leader
Dr. Ed \81" Barbeau gave incessant lectures on continuity while deputy leader
Dr. Arthur \Put down that math and deal!" Baragar could be found playing
Tetris on some particular portable game machine. Meanwhile, the deputy
leader observer, Dr. Dorette \Maybe this works..." Pronk, dutifully took
pictures of the other team members while they were not looking. The team
is also grateful to Dr. Ed Wang and Richard Hoshino for their wise words in
combinatorics and inequalities, and to Dr. Christopher Small for sharing his
functional equations knowledge, as well as for his outstanding hospitality in
This year's contest was immensely challenging, and it continued the low
medal cut-o scores the last few IMOs have seen. Considering the diculty
of the questions, Canada performed respectably and brought home 3 bronzes.
The scores were as follows:
CAN 1 David Arthur 18 Bronze Medal
CAN 2 Jimmy Chui 16 Bronze Medal
CAN 3 James Lee 6
CAN 4 Jessie Lei 9
CAN 5 David Nicholson 8
CAN 6 David Pritchard 17 Bronze Medal

Unocially, Canada's total score of 74 was enough for 32nd place out
of the 83 competing countries. Best of luck to CAN 3 and 5 as they pursue
their university studies at the University of Waterloo, and to CAN 2 and 4 as
they move on to the University of Toronto. The remaining two members are
still eligible for next year's team. Hopefully there will be shouts of \We like
to party!" after the competition next year!
Special thanks must also go to Dr. Graham Wright of the Canadian
Mathematical Society for once again supplying the funds for the team, and
again to team leader Dr. Ed Barbeau for his continual e orts training IMO
potentials through the CMS's correspondence program.
It was the rst ight to Europe for many of us, and quite an experience it
turned out to be. We were surprised at the endless supply of cheese that the
cafeteria managed to put on our plates. We found it a great object to ward o
stray dogs. Visits to several museums, including the infamous Transylvania
Castle, were a real treat to the competitors, but it was a shame that Dracula
was nowhere to be found. However, the cheese did nd its way along with
us. With all that said and done, the IMO was once again a success. We wish
the best of luck to all hopefuls for the 2000 Canadian IMO team, bound for
the Republic of Korea for the 41st IMO.

Stan Wagon's e{mail problem of the week

For the bene t of those readers of CRUX with MAYHEM who make
use of Stan Wagon's e-mail Problem of the Week, and for the information of
those who do not know about it, the Math Forum at Swarthmore has just
taken over the handling of the e-list. The instructions for subscribing are:
to subscribe to the Problem of the Week send a message to
<<[email protected]>>. Body of message should
read simply SUBSCRIBE MACPOW. Macalester students should
NOT subscribe to the e{list, but get printed postings instead.
Here is a sample of the type of problem that you can expect:
Problem 887 Square Division
Show how to divide a unit square into two rectangles so that the smaller
rectangle can be placed on the larger with every vertex of the smaller on
exactly one of the edges of the larger.
Source: 1994 Dutch Mathematical Olympiad; as reported in Crux Mathe-
maticorum, Sept 1998, Vol. 24, No. 5, p. 264.

An Identity of a Tetrahedron
Murat Aygen

Problem. Let ABCD be a tetrahedron with sides a = BC , b = AC ,

c = AB, a1 = AD, b1 = BD, and c1 = CD (see Figure 1(a)). Let V and R
denote the volume and circumradius of the tetrahedron, respectively. Show
that 6V R equals the area of the triangle with sides aa1 , bb1, and cc1 .
Solution. Consider the plane of triangle ABC and the parallel plane
through D. These intersect the circumsphere of ABCD in two circles; let
their radii be r1 and r2, respectively (see Figure 1(b)). Let h be the distance
between the two planes.

D 6 r2
c1 B b1 a1
C a c ? r1
b A

Figure 1(a). Figure 1(b).

Let O be the circumcentre of triangle ABC , let D0 be the projection of
D onto the plane of triangle ABC , and let 2 = \D0 OC (see Figure 2).
By the Cosine Law on triangle D0 OC ,
(CD0)2 = r12 + r22 , 2r1 r2 cos 2
= r12 + r22 , 2r1r2(1 , 2 sin2 )
= (r1 , r2 )2 + 4r1r2 sin2  .
Since DD0 = h, we obtain similarly that
a21 = AD2 = (DD0 )2 + (AD0 )2
= h2 + (r1 , r2)2 + 4r1r2 sin2 (B , ) ,
b21 = BD2 = (DD0 )2 + (BD0)2
= h2 + (r1 , r2)2 + 4r1r2 sin2 (A + ) ,
c1 = CD2 = (DD0)2 + (CD0)2
= h2 + (r1 , r2)2 + 4r1r2 sin2  .
Copyright c 1999 Canadian Mathematical Society

c b
2C B , ) D0
2A 2 r2

Figure 2.

We now present a geometrical derivation of these lengths. Let K and

K1 denote the area of the triangle with sides a, b, and c, and the triangle with
sides aa1 , bb1, and cc1 , respectively. We will derive a relationship between
K and K1.
Let P0 be the plane containing triangle ABC . Consider another plane
P1, passing through A, and meeting P0 at an angle of . Let be the angle
between AB and the intersection of P0 and P1 (see Figure 3), where  and
are angles that will be speci ed later.

C0 P1

a P0
b c
Figure 3.

Let B 0 and C 0 be the points in P1 that project to B and C in P0, re-

spectively. Then by some elementary trigonometry,
(B 0C 0)2 = a2 + a2 tan2  sin2 (B , ) ,
(AC 0)2 = b2 + b2 tan2  sin2(A + ) ,
(AB 0)2 = c2 + c2 tan2  sin2 .

Now, assign and  such that

=  and tan2  = h2 + 4(rr1r,2 r )2 .
1 2
Then the equations above become
(B0 C 0 )2 = a2 (1 + tan2  sin2 )
= a [h + (hr12 , r2)2 + 4r1r2 sin2 ]
2 2
+ (r , r )2
1 2
= a2 a21
h + (r1 , r2)2 ,
(AC 0)2 = b2[1 + tan2  sin2(B , )]
= b2b21
h2 + (r1 , r2)2 ,
(AB 0)2 = c2[1 + tan2  sin2(A + )]
= c2 c21
h2 + (r1 , r2)2 .
Hence, AB 0 C 0 is proportional to the triangle with sides aa1 , bb1, and
cc1 , with ratio of areas
h + (r1 , r2)
2 2.
Projecting from P1 to P0 scales the area by a further factor of 1= cos . Hence,
K = h2 +K(1rcos,r )2 . (1)
1 2
We also know that
V = 13 Kh , (2)
q q
h = R2 , r12 + R2 , r22 . (3)
Squaring both sides of (3), we obtain
h2 + r12 + r22 , 2R2 = 2 (R2 , r12 )(R2 , r22) .

(h2 + r12 + r22 )2 , 4R2h2 , 4R2r12 , 4R2 r22 + 4R4
= 4R4 , 4R2 r12 , 4R2 r22 + 4r12 r22 ,
4R2h2 = h4 + r14 + r24 + 2h2r12 + 2h2r22 , 2r12r22
= h4 + r14 + r24 + 2h2r12 + 2h2r22 + 2r12r22 , 4r12r22
= (h2 + r12 + r22 )2 , (2r1r2)2
= [h2 + (r1 + r2)2][h2 + (r1 , r2)2] . (4)
Finally, note that
cos2  = 1 + tan h2 + (r1 , r2)2
2  = h2 + (r1 + r2)2 . (5)
(6V R)2 = 4K 2R2 h2 (from (2))
= [h4K 1 R h cos 
2 2 2 2
2 + (r1 , r2 )2 ]2 (from (1))
2 2 1 + r2 )2 ][h2 + (r1 , r2 )2]2
= K[1h[2h++(r(r+ (from (4) and (5))
1 r2 )2 ][h2 + (r1 , r2 )2]2
= K1 ,

so that
6V R = K1 .
Murat Aygen <[email protected]>
Cinnah Cad., Alacam Sok., No. 3/4
06690 Ankara TURKEY

A Simple Proof of a Pentagram Theorem

Geo rey A. Kandall

We will give a short, transparent proof of Eiji Konishi's pentagram the-

orem, which was communicated by Hiroshi Kotera [1]. The proof is really
just an exercise in the Law of Sines.
Theorem. Let A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 be a pentagram with pentagon
B1B2B3B4B5 as shown in the gure. Let Ck be the intersection of line
segment Ak Bk and side Bk+2 Bk+3 , for k = 1, 2, : : : , 5. Then
B3C1  B4C2  B5C3  B1C4  B2C5 = 1 .
C1B4 C2B5 C3B1 C4B2 C5B3

A5 B3 C1 B4
10 2
3 A2
B2 8
5 B5


Copyright c 1999 Canadian Mathematical Society

Proof. Let [P ] denote the area of polygon P . Then we have that

B3C1 = [A1B3B1]
C1B4 [A1B4B1]
= A 1 B3  B3 B1  sin \A1 B3B1
A1B4  B4B1  sin \A1B4B1
= sin   B3B1  sin 10 .
sin  B4B1  sin 3
B4C2 sin   B4B2  sin 2 ,
= sin
C2B5   B5B2  sin 5
C3B1 = sin   BB5BB3  sin
sin sin 4 ,
1 3
B1C4 sin  1 B 4 
= sin  B B  sin 6 ,
B sin
C4B2 2 4 9
B2C5 sin  B 2 B 5 
= sin  B B  sin  .sin 8
C5B3 3 5 1

Multiplying these ve equations together, we obtain

B3C1  B4C2  B5C3  B1C4  B2C5
C1B4 C2B5 C3B1 C4B2 C5B3
= sin 10  sin 2  sin 4  sin 6  sin 8
sin 7  sin 9  sin 1  sin 3  sin 5
= BB1B2  B2B3  B3B4  B4B5  B5B1
2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 2
= 1.
[1] H. Kotera, The Pentagram Theorem, CRUX with MAYHEM 24:5 (1998),
Geo rey A. Kandall
230 Hill Street
Hamden, CT 06514{1522 USA

Problem proposals and solutions should be sent to Bruce Shawyer, Department
of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada. A1C 5S7. Proposals should be accompanied by a solution,
together with references and other insights which are likely to be of help to the edi-
tor. When a submission is submitted without a solution, the proposer must include
sucient information on why a solution is likely. An asterisk (?) after a number
indicates that a problem was submitted without a solution.
In particular, original problems are solicited. However, other interesting prob-
lems may also be acceptable provided that they are not too well known, and refer-
ences are given as to their provenance. Ordinarily, if the originator of a problem can
be located, it should not be submitted without the originator's permission.
To facilitate their consideration, please send your proposals and solutions
on signed and separate standard 8 21 "11" or A4 sheets of paper. These may
be typewritten or neatly hand-written, and should be mailed to the Editor-in-
Chief, to arrive no later than 1 April 2000. They may also be sent by email to
[email protected]. (It would be appreciated if email proposals and solu-
tions were written in LATEX). Graphics les should be in epic format, or encapsulated
postscript. Solutions received after the above date will also be considered if there
is sucient time before the date of publication. Please note that we do not accept
submissions sent by FAX.

Last month's problem section asked, in error, for solutions by 1 January 2000.
That was a Y2K bug! It should have read 1 March 2000.

2452. Correction. Proposed by Antal E. Fekete, Memorial University

of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Establish the following equalities:
X1 (2n + 1)2 X
1 (2n + 2)2
(a) = .
n=0 (2n + 1)! n=0 (2n + 2)!
(b) and (c) are correct as originally printed.
2453. Correction. Proposed by Antal E. Fekete, Memorial Univer-
sity of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Establish the following equalities:
X1 X1
(,1)n (2n + 1) = ,3 (,1)n 1 .
n=0 (2n + 1)! n=0 (2n + 1)!
X1 n) = ,3 X (,1)n 1 .
3 1
(b) (,1)n (2
(2n)! (2n)!
n=0 ! n=0
1 (2 n + 1)2 2 X1 (2 n) 2 !2
(c) n
(,1) (2n + 1)! + n
(,1) (2n)! = 2 .
n=0 n=0

2476. Proposed by Mohammed Aassila, CRM, Universite de

Montreal, Montreal, Quebec.
Let n be a positive integer and consider the set f1, 2, 3, : : : , 2ng. Give
a combinatorial proof that the number of subsets A such that
1. A has exactly n elements, and
2. the sum of all elements in A is divisible by n,
is equal to
1 X(,1)n+d  n   d  ,
n djn d 2d
where  is the Euler function.
Note: When n is prime, proving the formula is problem 6 of the 1995
IMO. A non-combinatorial proof of the formula is due to Roberto Dvornicich
and Nikolay Nikolov.
2477. Proposed by Walther Janous, Ursulinengymnasium, Inns-
bruck, Austria.
Given a non-degenerate 4ABC with circumcircle ,, let rA be the in-
radius of the region bounded by BA, AC and arc(CB ) (so that the region
includes the triangle).

Similarly, de ne rB and rC . As usual, r and R are the inradius and circum-

radius of 4ABC .
Prove that
(a) r3  rA rB rC  Rr2 ;
27 27
16 8
(b) r2  rB rC + rC rA + rA rB  Rr ;
3 3
(c) 4r  rA + rB + rC  (R + r) ,
with equality occurring in all cases if and only if 4ABC is equilateral.
2478. Proposed by Joaqun Gomez  Rey, IES Luis Bu~nuel, Alcorcon,
Spain. n n , k 2k2n , 2k
For n 2 N, evaluate .
k=0 k + 1 k n,k

2479. Proposed by Joaqun Gomez  Rey, IES Luis Bu~nuel, Alcorcon,

Writing  (n) for the number of divisors of n, and ! (n) for the number
of distinct prime factors of n, prove that
n X
n Xc  bn=kc 
( (k))2 = 2!(k) j .
k=1 k=1 j =1

2480. Proposed by Joaqun Gomez  Rey, IES Luis Bu~nuel, Alcorcon,

Writing (n) for Euler's totient function, evaluate
X X (k)(d=k)
d k .
djn kjd

2481. Proposed by Mih a ly Bencze, Brasov, Romania.

Suppose that A, B , C are 2  2 commutative matrices. Prove that
det (A + B + C )(A3 + B 3 + C 3 , 3ABC )  0 .

2482. Proposed by Mih a ly Bencze, Brasov, Romania.

Suppose that p, q , r are complex numbers. Prove that
jp + qj + jq + rj + jr + pj  jpj + jqj + jrj + jp + q + rj .
2483. Proposed by Vaclav Konecny, Ferris State University, Big
Rapids, MI, USA.
Suppose that 0  A, B , C and A + B + C   . Show that
0  A , sin A , sin B , sin C + sin(A + B ) + sin(A + C )   .
There are, of course, similar inequalities with the angles permuted cyclically.
[The proposer notes that this came up during an attempt to generalise
problem 2383.]
2484. Proposed by Toshio Seimiya, Kawasaki, Japan.
Given a square ABCD, suppose that E is a point on AB produced be-
yond B , that F is a point on AD produced beyond D, and that EF = 2AB .
Let P and Q be the intersections of EF with BC and CD, respectively.
Prove that
(a) 4APQ is acute-angled;
(b) \PAQ  45.

2485. Proposed by Toshio Seimiya, Kawasaki, Japan.

ABCD is a convex quadrilateral with AB = BC = CD. Let P be
the intersection of the diagonals AC and BD. Suppose that
AP : BD = DP : AC .
Prove that either BC k AD or AB ? CD.
2486. Proposed by Joe Howard, New Mexico Highlands University,
Las Vegas, NM, USA.
It is well-known that cos(20 ) cos(40 ) cos(80) = 81 .
Show that sin(20 ) sin(40) sin(80 ) = 83 .
2487. Proposed by Jose Luis Daz, Universitat Politecnicade Catalunya,
Terrassa, Spain.
If a, b, c, d are distinct real numbers, prove that
a4 + 1 + b4 + 1
(a , b)(a , c)(a , d) (b , a)(b , c)(b , d)
+ (c , a)(cc ,+b1)(c , d) + (d , a)(dd ,+ b1)(d , c) = a + b + c + d .
4 4

2488. Proposed by G. Tsintsifas, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Let Sn = A1 A2 : : : An+1 be a simplex in En , and M a point in Sn . It
is known that there are real positive numbers 1 , 2 , : : : , n+1 such that
nX+1 nX+1
j = 1 and M = j Aj (here, by a point P, we mean the position
j =1 j =1
vector OP). Suppose also that 1  2      n , and let Bk =
k Aj . j =1
Prove that
M 2 convex cover of fB1, B2, : : : , Bn+1g ;
that is, there are real positive numbers 1 , 2 , : : : , n+1 such that
M = k Bk .

No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor is always pleased to
consider for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.
2370. [1998: 364] Proposed by Walther Janous, Ursulinengymnas-
ium, Innsbruck, Austria.
Determine the exact values of the roots of the polynomial equation
x5 , 55x4 + 330x3 , 462x2 + 165x , 11 = 0 .
Solution by Joe Howard, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas,
Let c = cos , s = sin , where  = k
11 , k = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Then, by
DeMoivre's formula, we have
(c + is)11 = ,ei 11 = e11i = eki = ,1 .
Equating the imaginary parts, we get
11 11 11 11 11 11
1 c s, 3 c s + 5 c s , 7 c s + 9 c s , 11 s = 0 .
10 8 3 6 5 4 7 2 9 11

Since s 6= 0, we obtain
s10 , 55s8c2 + 330s6c4 , 462s4c6 + 165s2c8 , 11c10 = 0 .
6 0, dividing the last equation by c10 yields
Since c =
tan10  , 55 tan8  + 330 tan6  , 462 tan4  + 165 tan2  , 11 = 0 .
Therefore,, the
, kroots of the given polynomial equation are given by
x = tan2 k11 = 1 , 3 , 5, 7, 9.
I.B. Sagasta, Logro~no, Spain; C. FESTRAETS-HAMOIR, Brussels, Belgium; DOUGLASS
L. GRANT, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Nova Scotia; RICHARD I. HESS,
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece
(2 solutions); GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England; KEE-WAI LAU, Hong
Kong; VEDULA N. MURTY, Visakhapatnam, India; HEINZ-JURGEN  SEIFFERT, Berlin, Ger-
many; ARAM TANGBOONDOUANGJIT, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA;
JEREMY YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham, UK; and the proposer.
All the submitted solutions are more or less equivalent to the one given above. Almost
all the solvers gave the answers x = tan2 k 11 , k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Benito and Fernandez gave
2  k 
the answer x = cot 22 , k = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. It is easy to see that all these expressions are
the same as the one obtained by Howard.

2371. [1998: 364] Proposed by Bill Sands, University of Calgary,

Calgary, Alberta.
For n an integer greater than 4, let f (n) be the number of ve-element
subsets, S , of f1, 2, : : : , ng which have no isolated points, that is, such that
if s 2 S , then either s , 1 or s + 1 (not taken modulo n) is in S .
Find a \nice" formula for f (n).
I. Solution by Manuel Benito and Emilio Fernandez, I.B. Praxedes Ma-
teo Sagasta, Logro~no, Spain.
Let us represent any such subset S as [a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 ; a5 ], where
a1 < a2 < a3 < a4 < a5. It is clear that the number a3 can take on
each of the n , 4 values from 3 to n , 2, but let us ask: how many times can
it take on each one of these values?
Well, a1 is not isolated, so that a2 = a1 +1, and a5 is not isolated either
so a4 = a5 , 1. Then, for each xed k from 3 to n , 2 we can enumerate the
subsets Sk for which a3 = k, in the following manner:
 type [k , 2; k , 1; k; k + 1; k + 2] ........................... 1 subset;
 from a1 = 1 to a1 = k , 3, type [a1 ; a2 ; k; k + 1; k + 2]
......................................................... k , 3 subsets;
 from a5 = k + 3 to a5 = n, type [k , 2; k , 1; k; a5 , 1; a5 ]
.............................................. n , (k + 3) + 1 subsets;
which gives a total of n , 4 subsets Sk for each k. Since there are n , 4
values of k, this gives
f (n) = (n , 4)2 .
II. Solution by Kathleen E. Lewis, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY, USA.
The characteristic function for such a subset will contain n , 5 zeros
and ve ones. To be non-isolated, the ones must either consist of a single
block or be broken into a block of size two and a block of size three (in either
order). Looking at the case of two blocks, we can think of this as a problem
of placing two distinct items plus n , 5 indistinguishable items (the zeros)
in a sequence, which can be done in (n , 3)(n , 4) ways. But if the two
blocks of ones end up adjacent to each other, we get the case of all ve ones
together. Since it does not matter in this case which block of ones is rst, we
have double-counted these arrangements. There are n , 4 ways to put all
the ones together among the n , 5 zeros. Therefore, when we compensate
for double-counting this case earlier, we get a nal answer of
(n , 3)(n , 4) , (n , 4) = (n , 4)2 .
III. Solution by Jeremy Young, student, Nottingham High School, Not-
tingham, UK.
Given f (n), consider f (n +1) and every corresponding subset S . There
are by de nition f (n) subsets S with n + 1 62 S . If n + 1 2 S , n 2 S too.

Consider subsets of this form. Now if n , 1 2 S , the remaining two elements

must be adjacent; that is, k and k + 1 with 1  k  n , 3, and there are
n , 3 such subsets. If n , 1 62 S, the three remaining elements must be
adjacent; that is, k; k + 1; k + 2 with 1  k  n , 4, and there are n , 4
such subsets.
We have thus established the recurrence
f (n + 1) = f (n) + (n , 3) + (n , 4) = f (n) + 2n , 7 ,
with f (5) = 1 (obviously) giving f (6) = 4, f (7) = 9, f (8) = 16, : : : . Note
that f (k) = (k , 4)2 is true for k = 5 and gives
f (k + 1) = (k , 4)2 + 2k , 7 = k2 , 6k + 9 = (k , 3)2 .
Therefore f (n) = (n , 4)2 by induction, for all integers n  5.
Clifton College, Bristol, UK; C. FESTRAETS-HAMOIR, Brussels, Belgium; RICHARD I. HESS,
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece;
KEE-WAI LAU, Hong Kong, China; GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England;
GOTTFRIED PERZ, Pestalozzigymnasium, Graz, Austria; EDWARD T.H. WANG, Wilfrid Laurier
University, Waterloo, Ontario; and the proposer. One incorrect solution was received.
Bradley's solution was the same as Lewis's, and Lau, Leversha and Perz all had solutions
similar to Young's.

2372. [1998: 365] Proposed by Bill Sands, University of Calgary,

Calgary, Alberta.
For n and k positive integers, let f (n;k) be the number of k{element
subsets S of f1, 2, : : : , ng satisfying:
(i) 1 2 S and n 2 S ; and
(ii) whenever s 2 S with s < n , 1, then either s + 2 2 S or s + 3 2 S .
Prove that f (n;k) = f (4k , 2 , n;k) for all n and k; that is, the sequence
f (k;k) , f (k + 1; k) , f (k + 2; k) , : : : , f (3k , 2; k)
of non-zero values of ff (n;k)g1 n=1 is a palindrome for every k.
Solution by Gerry Leversha, St. Paul's School, London, England.
I shall call sets which satisfy the condition permissible.
In general, it is clear that f (k;k) = 1. Also f (3k , 2; k) = 1, since the
only possible set is f1, 4, 7, : : : , 3k , 5, 3k , 2g, an arithmetic progression
with common di erence 3 and k terms. Since this is the \sparsest" possi-
ble k{element permissible set, it is clear that f (n;k) = 0 for n  3k , 1.
Equally obviously f (n;k) = 0 for n < k. So we need only consider n such
that k < n < 3k , 2. For n = 2k , 1, we have 4k , 2 , n = 2k , 1, so

the palindromic condition is trivial here. It remains to show that for

k < n < 2k , 1, f (n;k) = f (4k , 2 , n;k).
Consider a permissible set S  f1, 2, 3, : : : , ng which has k elements.
Let T be the sequence of di erences between successive elements of S ; then
 T is an ordered (k,1){tuple each of whose elements is either 1, 2 or 3;

 The sum of the elements of T is n , 1;

 T cannot contain the elements 1, 3 in that order.

Any such T will yield a permissible set S . The restriction on subsequences

of the form 1, 3 ensures that we cannot have a, a + 1, a + 4 appearing in S ,
which would contravene the condition since neither a + 2 nor a + 3 would
be in S . Hence
f (n;k) is equal to the number of such sequences T .
Now from any such sequence T construct a sequence T  as follows:
 Replace every element x of T by 4 , x;

 Reverse the sequence so formed.

Then the new sequence T  has the following properties:
 It is an ordered (k,1){tuple formed from the elements 1, 2 and 3;

 The sum of the elements is 4(k , 1) , (n , 1) = 4k , n , 3;

 It cannot contain a subsequence 1, 3 (since there would have to have

been such a subsequence in T in the rst place).
Thus there is a one-to-one correspondence between sequences of type
T and those of type T . But sequences of type T  correspond in turn to
permissible k{element sets S  f1, 2, : : : , 4k , n , 2g. Hence we have
shown that
f (n;k) = f (4k , n , 2; k) .
I shall illustrate this process in the case of f (7; 5) and f (11; 5). The
four columns below show, respectively,
 a permissible 5{element subset of f1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7g,

 the corresponding T sequence,

 the corresponding T  sequence,

 the permissible 5{element subset of f1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11g.


f1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,7g (1; 1; 2; 2) (2; 2; 3; 3) f1 ,3 ,5 ,8 ,11g

f1 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,7g (1; 2; 1; 2) (2; 3; 2; 3) f1 ,3 ,6 ,8 ,11g
f1 ,2 ,4 ,6 ,7g (1; 2; 2; 1) (3; 2; 2; 3) f1 ,4 ,6 ,8 ,11g
f1 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,7g (2; 1; 1; 2) (2; 3; 3; 2) f1 ,3 ,6 ,9 ,11g
f1 ,3 ,4 ,6 ,7g (2; 1; 2; 1) (3; 2; 3; 2) f1 ,4 ,6 ,9 ,11g
f1 ,3 ,5 ,6 ,7g (2; 2; 1; 1) (3; 3; 2; 2) f1 ,4 ,7 ,9 ,11g
f1 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7g (3; 1; 1; 1) (3; 3; 3; 1) f1 ,4 ,7 ,10 ,11g
Also solved by MANUEL BENITO and EMILIO FERNANDEZ, I.B. Praxedes Ma-
teo Sagasta, Logro~no, Spain; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria;
MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; KATHLEEN E. LEWIS, SUNY Os-
wego, Oswego, NY, USA; JEREMY YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham,
UK; and the proposer.
Lambrou, Lewis and Young gave \combinatorial" solutions similar to Leversha's.

2375. [1998: 365] Proposed by Toshio Seimiya, Kawasaki, Japan.

Let D be a point on side AC of triangle ABC . Let E and F be points
on the segments BD and BC , respectively, such that \BAE = \CAF . Let
P and Q be points on BC and BD, respectively, such that EP k DC and
FQ k CD.
Prove that \BAP = \CAQ.
Solution by the proposer.
A Let PE and FQ meet AB at X and
Y , respectively.
Y Since PX k FY and FP , QE and
Y X concur at B, we have
D XE = Y Q . (1)
Let the line through F parallel to
B P F C AB meet AC and AQ at G and H ,
Since AY k FH and QF k AG, we get
Y Q = AQ = GF . (2)
From (1) and (2), we now have
XE = GF . (3)
Since XE k AG and AX k GF , we have
\AXP = 180 , \XAG = \AGF . (4)

Since \XAE = \BAE = \CAF = \GAF , we get from (4) that

4AXE  4AGF . (5)
From (3) and (5), we have that
4AXP  4AGH .
Therefore, we obtain that \XAP = \GAH , and this implies that
\BAP = \CAQ.
Also solved by FRANCISCO BELLOT ROSADO, I.B. Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid, Spain;
loniki, Greece; C. FESTRAETS-HAMOIR, Brussels, Belgium; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinen-
gymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; and
D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands.
No-one other than the proposer used pure geometric methods. Lambrou made use of
vectors, and all the other solvers made use of trigonometry.

2376. [1998: 424] Proposed by Albert White, St. Bonaventure Uni-

versity, St. Bonaventure, NY, USA.
Suppose that ABC is a right-angled triangle with the right angle at C .
Let D be a point on hypotenuse AB , and let M be the mid-point of CD.
Suppose that \AMD = \BMD. Prove that
1. AC 2 MC 2 + 4[ABC ] [BCD] = AC 2 MB 2 ;
2. 4AC 2 MC 2 , AC 2 BD 2 = 4[ACD]2 , 4[BCD]2 ,
where [XY Z ] denotes the area of 4XY Z .
(This is a continuation of problem 1812, [1993: 48].)
Solution by Gerry Leversha, St. Paul's School, London, England.
We do not make use of the assumption that \AMD = \BMD. Let
AB = c; BC = a; CA = b;BD = c; \BCD = , and let X be the foot
of the perpendicular from D to BC .
MB2 , MC 2 = BC 2 , 2MC  BC cos 
= a2 , CD  a cos 
= a2 , a  CX = a  BX .
But by similar triangles BX = a and so MB 2 , MC 2 = a2 . Now
[ABC ] = 21 ab and [BCD] = 12 ab and so
4[ABC ][BCD] = a2b2 = AC 2(MB2 , MC 2 ) ,

which is part 1 of the problem. In a similar vein

AC 2(4MC 2 , BD2) = AC 2(CD2 , BD2)
= b2(BC 2 , 2BC  BD cos B)
= b2(a2 , 2a  c cos B ) = a2 b2(1 , 2)
= 4((1 , )2 , 2)[ABC ]2
= 4[ACD]2 , 4[BCD]2 ,
as required for part 2.
Also solved by FRANCISCO BELLOT ROSADO, I.B. Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid, Spain;
NIKOLAOS DERGIADES, Thessaloniki, Greece; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium,
Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; D.J. SMEENK,
Zaltbommel, the Netherlands; PARAGIOU THEOKLITOS, Limassol, Cyprus; and the proposer.
Smeenk's solution is virtually identical to our featured solution, while that of Lambrou
is quite similar although he avoids the cosine law by using Cartesian coordinates. All submitted
solutions avoided the unnecessary condition involving the pair of angles at M ; the proposer
evidently arrived at his problem while investigating problem 1812 [1993: 48, 1994: 20-22], and
he failed to notice that his result is valid for any choice of D on AB .

2377. [1998: 425] Proposed by Nikolaos Dergiades, Thessaloniki,

Let ABC be a triangle and P a point inside it. Let BC = a, CA = b,
AB = c, PA = x, PB = y, PC = z, \BPC = , \CPA = and
\APB = .
Prove that ax = by = cz if and only if , A = , B = , C = 3 .
Solution by Jun-hua Huang, the Middle School Attached To Hunan
Normal University, Changsha, China.
Let M , N , L be the feet of the perpendiculars from P to CA, AB ,
BC , respectively.
Thus ax = 2R sin A  x = 2R  MN , where R is the circumradius of
4ABC . Similarly by = 2R  NL and cz = 2R  ML. So ax = by = cz ()
MN = NL = ML. Now , A = \ABP + \ACP = \NLP + \MLP =
\NLM and , B = \LMN: , C = \MNL. So
MN = NL = ML (==) , A = , B = , C = 3 ,
which completes the proof.
Also solved by WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL
LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; TOSHIO SEIMIYA, Kawasaki, Japan;
D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands; G. TSINTSIFAS, Thessaloniki, Greece; JEREMY
YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham, UK; and the proposer.

2380. [1998: 425] Proposed by Bill Sands, University of Calgary,

Calgary, Alberta.
When the price of a certain book in a store is reduced by 1=3 and
rounded to the nearest cent, the cents and dollars are switched. For ex-
ample, if the original price was $43.21, the new price would be $21.43 (this
does not satisfy the \reduced by 1=3" condition, of course). What was the
original price of the book? [For the bene t of readers unfamiliar with North
American currency, there are 100 cents in one dollar.]
Solution by Gerry Leversha, St. Paul's School, London, England.
Let the price be a dollars and b cents. Then
2 x
3 (100a + b) = 100b + a + 3 ,
where x 2 f,1; 0; 1g is included to deal with any possible rounding. This
simpli es to
197a = 298b + x .
Now 197 and 298 are coprime, so the smallest solution in the case x = 0
is a = 298, b = 197, which is impossible since 0  b  99. The usual
Euclidean algorithm procedure yields
59  197 , 39  298 = 1 ,
and this shows that we should take a = 59, b = 39 and x = 1. Hence the
price of the book was $59.39.
Also solved by CHARLES ASHBACHER, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA; MIGUEL
 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; NIKOLAOS DERGIADES,
Thessaloniki, Greece; CHARLES R. DIMINNIE, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX,
USA; SHAWN GODIN, Cairine Wilson S.S., Orleans, Ontario; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho
Palos Verdes, CA, USA; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; V 
ACLAV KONECN  Y, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, USA; MICHAEL LAMBROU,
University of Crete, Crete, Greece; KATHLEEN E. LEWIS, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY, USA;
J.A. McCALLUM, Medicine Hat, Alberta; GOTTFRIED PERZ, Pestalozzigymnasium, Graz,
Austria; D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands; DIGBY SMITH, Mount Royal College,
Calgary, Alberta; JEREMY YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham, UK;
and the proposer. Two incorrect solutions were received, at least one of which was due to
misunderstanding the problem.
Many solvers noted that the answer is unique, as can be seen from the above solution.
Diminnie opines that \in the U.S. there would be no nontrivial solution to this problem,
since U.S. stores seem to insist on rounding up in all circumstances!".

2381. [1998: 425] Proposed by Angel Dorito, Geld, Ontario.

Solve the equation log2 x = log4 (x + 1).
Solution by Chris Cappadocia, student, St. Joseph Scollard Hall SS,
North Bay, Ontario.
Let both of them equal y . Then
2y = x and 4y = 22y = x + 1 .

And so
2y = 22y = x + x
Comparing, we get x = (x + 1)=x, and solving for x and throwing away the
negative value, we get a nal answer of
x = 1 +2 5 .

Also solved by SEFKET ARSLANAGIC,  University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and
Herzegovina; MICHEL BATAILLE, Rouen, France; FRANK P. BATTLES, Massachusetts Mar-
itime Academy, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA; FRANCISCO BELLOT ROSADO, I.B.
Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid, Spain; BOOKERY PROBLEM GROUP, Walla Walla, Washington,
 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; NIKOLAOS
DERGIADES, Thessaloniki, Greece; RUSSELL EULER and JAWAD SADEK, NW Missouri State
University, Maryville, MO, USA; C. FESTRAETS-HAMOIR, Brussels, Belgium; SHAWN GODIN,
Cairine Wilson S. S., Orleans, Ontario; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; JOHN
G. HEUVER, Grande Prairie Composite High School, Grande Prairie, Alberta; JOE HOWARD,
New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM, USA; JUN-HUA HUANG, the Middle School
Attached To Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengym-
nasium, Innsbruck, Austria; ANGEL JOVAL ROQUET, Instituto Espa~nol de Andorra, Andorra;

VACLAV KONECN  Y, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, USA; MICHAEL LAMBROU,
University of Crete, Crete, Greece; GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England;
KATHLEEN E. LEWIS, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY, USA; J.A. McCALLUM, Medicine Hat, Al-
berta; JOHN GRANT McLOUGHLIN, Faculty of Education, Memorial University, St. John's,
Newfoundland; HENRY J. RICARDO, Medger Evers College (CUNY), Brooklyn, New York,
USA; JUAN-BOSCO ROMERO MARQUEZ,  Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain; HEINZ-

Tucson, Arizona, USA; SKIDMORE COLLEGE PROBLEM GROUP, Saratoga Springs, New York,
USA; D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands; DIGBY SMITH, Mount Royal College, Cal-
gary, Alberta; ARAM TANGBOONDOUANGJIT, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham, UK; and the proposer.
Joval's solution must be the rst one ever received by this journal from Andorra!
Welcome | and can we now hear from Liechtenstein and Monaco?

2382. [1998: 425] Proposed by Mohammed Aassila, Universite

Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.
If 4ABC has inradius r and circumradius R, show that
B , C 
cos2 2  2Rr .
Solution by Vedula N. Murty, Dover, PA, USA.
We have  
cos B ,2 C , 2 sin A2

B , C 
cos2 2  4 cos B ,2 C sin A2 , 4 sin2 A2
A  B,C B + C 
= 4 sin cos 2 2 , cos 2
= 8 sin A2 sin B2 sin C2 = 2Rr ,
since r = 4R sin A2 sin B2 sin C2 [see for example, Roger A. Johnson, Modern
Geometry (1929) 298a].

Also solved by SEFKET ARSLANAGIC,  University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia
and Herzegovina; FRANCISCO BELLOT ROSADO, I.B. Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid, Spain;
NIKOLAOS DERGIADES, Thessaloniki, Greece; JUN-HUA HUANG, the Middle School At-
tached To Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengym-
nasium, Innsbruck, Austria; VACLAV KONECN Y, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI,
USA; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's
School, London, England; ISAO NAOI and HIDETOSHI FUKAGAWA, Gifu, Japan; ISTV AN 
REIMAN, Budapest, Hungary; JUAN-BOSCO ROMERO MARQUEZ,  Universidad de Valladolid,

Valladolid, Spain; HEINZ-JURGEN SEIFFERT, Berlin, Germany; TOSHIO SEIMIYA, Kawa-
saki, Japan; D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands; ARAM TANGBOONDOUANGJIT,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; PANOS E. TSAOUSSOGLOU, Athens, Greece;
G. TSINTSIFAS, Thessaloniki, Greece; PAUL YIU, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL,
USA; and the proposer.
Arslanagic, Bellot Rosado, Janous, Naoi and Fukagawa, and Sei ert all note that we
have equality precisely when 2a = b + c. Konecny, Smeenk and Yiu provide the equivalent
condition, tan B2 tan C2 = 13 .
Iftimie Simion (Math Teacher, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY, USA) points out that this
problem appears in a 10th grade textbook [Matematica: Geometrie si trigonometrie, A. Cota
et al., p. 106] used in Romania.
Bellot Rosado refers us to two notes on this inequality by Dan Plaesu (Iasi) and Gheorge
Marchidan (Suceava) in the Romanian journal Gazeta matematica (1991) nos. 6 and 7. In the
second note the authors prove the related inequality
2 B , C  a2 bc .
2 R2 (b + c)2
Bellot Rosado also shows that
a2 bc 2r
R2 (b + c)2 > R
precisely when as 2 (3 , p5; 1).

2383. [1998: 425] Proposed by Mohammed Aassila, Universite

Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.
Suppose that three circles, each of radius 1, pass through the same point
in the plane. Let A be the set of points which lie inside at least two of the
circles. What is the least area that A can have?
Solution by Kathleen E. Lewis, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY, USA.
Let the point of intersection of the circles be labelled O and the centres
be C1 , C2 and C3 . Consider rst the area of intersection of the rst two

circles as a function of the angle C1 OC2 , which we will call . If D is the other
point of intersection of these circles, then the area of intersection is twice the
di erence between the area of the sector created by the angle OC1 D and the
area of the triangle OC1D. The angle OC1 D has measure  , , so the sector
has area ( , )=2 and the triangle has area sin(=2) cos(=2) = (1=2) sin .
Therefore the area of overlap of the two circles is  ,  , sin , which we call
f (). Since f 0() = ,1 , cos , which is never positive, the area decreases
as  increases from 0 to  .
Suppose that the circles with centres at C1 and C2 are in xed position,
with an angle of    between them, and we wish to place the third circle
in a way that minimizes the total area of overlap. Since we want large angles
between the centres of the circles, we want to put the third circle so that the
new angles formed at O divide the angle 2 ,  rather than . If we call
these angles  and , then the total area of overlap is
( ,  , sin ) + ( ,  , sin ) + ( ,  , sin ) .
Since  is xed and  is constant, we need to minimize
, , sin  ,  , sin  = , , sin  , (2 ,  , ) , sin(2 ,  , )
=  , 2 , sin  , sin(2 ,  , )
as a function of . Taking the derivative, we get , cos  + cos(2 ,  , ),
which is zero if and only if cos  = cos(2 ,  , ). Since the sum of
these two angles is strictly less than 2 , the cosines can only be equal if the
angles are. Thus, the minimum area occurs when  = . This argument
could equally well be used to argue that if any two of the angles are unequal,
then the area could be reduced by moving the circle between those angles
to equalize them (leaving the other two circles xed). The minimum area
p are equal to 2=3, giving an overlap
therefore occurs when all three angles
area of 3[=3 , sin(2=3)] =  , 3 3=2.

Also solved by WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; VACLAV
KONECN  Y, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, USA; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of
PROBLEM SOLVING GROUP, Tuscon, AZ, USA; JEREMY YOUNG, student, Nottingham High
School, Nottingham, UK; and the proposer. There were one incomplete and three incorrect

2384. [1998: 425] Proposed by Paul Bracken, CRM, Universite de

Montreal, Quebec.
Prove that 2(3n , 1)n  (3n + 1)n for all n 2 N.
Solution by Michel Bataille, Rouen, France.
The inequality is obvious for n = 0, so we may assume n  1. We
have to prove  3n , 1 n 1
3n + 1 2

or, equivalently,
, 1  ln 1 .
n ln 33nn + (1)
1 2
To this aim, we introduce the function
f (x) = x ln 33xx ,

de ned on [1; 1). We compute

f 0(x) = ln 33xx + , 1 + 6x and f 00 (x) =
,12 .
1 9x , 1 2 (9x2 , 1)2
Since f 00 (x) < 0, f 0 (x) is strictly decreasing on [1; 1). Moreover,
!1 f (x) = 0 ,
so f 0 (x) > 0 for all x 2 [1; 1). Hence f is increasing on [1; 1) and, since
f (1) = ln 12 , the inequality (1) follows.
 Universidad Complutense de Madrid,

Spain; SEFKET ARSLANAGIC , University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; JAMES
T. BRUENING, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO, USA; NIKOLAOS
DERGIADES, Thessaloniki, Greece; CHARLES R. DIMINNIE, Angelo State University, San An-
NW Missouri State University, Maryville, MO, USA; C. FESTRAETS-HAMOIR, Brussels, Bel-
gium; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; JUN-HUA HUANG, the Middle
School Attached To Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursu-
linengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece
(three solutions); NORVALD MIDTTUN, Royal Norwegian Navy Academy, Norway; VEDULA
N. MURTY, Visakhapatnam, India; VICTOR OXMAN, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel; HEINZ-

Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta; PANOS E. TSAOUSSOGLOU, Athens, Greece; JEREMY
YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham, UK; and the proposer. There were
also three incorrect solutions submitted.
Janous and Sei ert have proved the more general inequality
a , b (ax , b)  (ax + b)
x x

for all real x 2 [1; 1) and real a and b such that a > b > 0.

2385. [1998: 426] Proposed by Joaqun Gomez  Rey, IES Luis Bu~nuel,
Alcorcon, Spain.
A die is thrown n  3 consecutive times. Find the probability that the
sum of its n outcomes is greater than or equal to n +6 and less than or equal
to 6n , 6.
Solution by Jeremy Young, student, Nottingham High School, Notting-
ham, UK, modi ed by the editor.

Consider the number of ways of scoring a sum of n + k for some k such

that 0  k  5. This is the number of ways of expressing n + k as a sum of
n positive integers, where
, the order of the summands matters. This number
is well-known to be n+n,k,1 1 . [Ed.: see Theorem 1.5.3 on p. 142 of [1].]
Furthermore, the number of ways of scoring a sum of 6n , k for some k such
that 0  k  5 is the same as that of scoring a sum of n + k. This can
be seen by replacing each outcome j by 7 , j for j = 1, 2, : : : , n, since
Xn Xn
n  j  n + 5 if and only if 6n , 5  (7 , j )  6n.
j =1 j =1
The total number of possible scoring sequences is 6n. Hence, the re-
quired probability is
X5 n + k , 1 !
pn = 6n 6 , 2 n
k=0 n , 1
2 X5 n + k , 1
 2 n + 5
= 1 , 6n = 1 , 6n n
k=0 n , 1
n m
X n + 1
by the well-known combinatorial identity = r + 1 , where
m=r r
0  r  n. [Ed.: See Theorem 1.6.4 on p. 156 of [1].]
[1]. H. Joseph Straight, Combinatorics, An Invitation, Brooks/Cole, 1993.
Also solved by RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; WALTHER JANOUS,
Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete,
Greece; GERRY LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England; NORVALD MIDTTUN, Royal
Norwegian Navy Academy, Norway; HEINZ-JURGEN  SEIFFERT, Berlin, Germany; and the pro-
poser. There were two partially incorrect solutions.
X5  5 n
Janous, Leversha and Midttun all obtained the answer 1 , 62n 5,k k
X5  5 n n + 5
and then stated or showed that , which, of course, is just a
k=0 5 , k k
special case of the well-known and easy-to-prove Vandermonde's Identity:
Xl m n  m + n
for integers l, m, n such that 0  l  m, n.
k=0 k l , k l

[Ed.: See Ex. 26 on p. 167 of [1].]

Janous remarked that, in general, for t 2 f0, 1, 2, : : : , b5n=2cg, we have
p(n + t  X  6n , t) = 1 , 62n n +t ,t +1 1 ,
where X is the random variable denoting the sum of the n outcomes.
Leversha based his solution on the fact that the probability generating function for X is
G(t) = 1 ,t + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 n .

2388 [1998, 503; Correction 1999, 171]. Proposed by Daniel Kupper,

Bullingen, Belgium.
Suppose that n  1 2 N is given and that, for each integer
k 2 f0, 1, : : : , n , 1g, the numbers ak, bk, zk 2 C are given, with the zk2
distinct. Suppose that the polynomials
nX ,1
An(z) = zn + ak zk and Bn(z) = zn + bk zk
k=0 k=0

satisfy An (zj ) = Bn (zj2) = 0 for all j 2 f0, 1, : : : , n , 1g.

Find an expression for b0 , b1, : : : , bn,1 in terms of a0 , a1 , : : : , an,1 .
Solution by Kee-Wai Lau, Hong Kong.
n Y
n ,
We have An (z )  (z , zk) and Bn(z ) = z , zk2.
k=1 k=1
,  Yn
Hence, Bn z 2 = (z , zk) (z + zk )  (,1)nAn(z )An(,z ).
n X
n ! X
n !
Thus, bkz2k  (,1)n ak zk (,1)kak z k .
k=0 k=0 k=0
It follows that, for k = 0, 1, 2, : : : , n,
bk = (,1)n,j aj a2k,j .
j =maxf0;2k,ng

Also solved by MICHAEL LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; GERRY

LEVERSHA, St. Paul's School, London, England; JOSE LUIS DIAZ, Universidad Politecnica de

Catalu~na, Terrassa, Spain; HEINZ-JURGEN SEIFFERT, Berlin, Germany; and the proposer.
There was one incorrect solution.
We thank Michael Lambrou for the correction to the statement of this problem.
The answer obtained by Sei ert is the same as the one given above, while those given
by Lambrou, Leversha and the proposer are minor variations thereof. On the other hand, the
answer obtained by Luis has a di erent \appearance":
0 n,X
bk = (,1)n,k @a2
k+2 (,1)j ak,j ak+j A , k = 0, 1, : : : , n
j =1

with aj =0 if j < 0 or j > n.


2392. [1998: 504] Proposed by G. Tsintsifas, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Suppose that xi , yi, (1  i  n) are positive real numbers. Let
Xn xi yi ,Pn x  ,Pn y 
An = x + y , Bn = Pi=1n i(x +i=1
y )
i ,
i=1 i i i=1 i i
,Pn x 2 + ,Pn y 2 Xn 2 + y2
Cn = i=1Pni (x + yi=1) i , Dn = xxi + y
i=1 i i i=1 i i
Prove that
1. An  Cn ,
2. Bn  Dn ,
3. 2An  2Bn  Cn  Dn .`
Solution by Heinz-Jurgen Sei ert, Berlin, Germany.
It is sucient to prove the inequalities in the third part.
n X
n X n (xj , yj )2
Xn = xj , Yn = yj , and Zn = .
j =1 j =1 j =1 xj + yj
The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality gives
0n 12 0n 12
@ (xj , yj )A = @ X p x j , y j
xj + yj px + y A
j =1 j j
0j=1 1 0 1
Xn X n (xj , yj )2
 @ (xj + yj )A @ x + y A ,
j =1 j =1 j j
,X , Y 2  ,X + Y  Z . (1)
n n n n n
Using the easily veri ed identities
4An = Xn + Yn , Zn , Bn = XXn+YnY ,
n n
Cn = X n2 + Yn2 , and 2Dn = Xn + Yn + Zn ,
Xn + Yn
we see that the inequalities An  Bn and Cn  Dn both follow from (1),
while the inequality 2Bn  Cn is an immediate consequence of the
AM{GM Inequality.

Also solved by MICHEL BATAILLE, Rouen, France; NIKOLAOS DERGIADES, Thessa-

loniki, Greece; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL LAM-
BROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; PANOS E. TSAOUSSOGLOU, Athens, Greece; JEREMY
YOUNG, student, Nottingham High School, Nottingham, UK; and the proposer.
All the solvers, except Tsaoussoglou and the proposer, had solutions similar to the one
given above. Tsaoussoglou proved stronger inequalities than the proposed 1. and 2., to obtain
his solution.

2393. [1998: 504] Proposed by G. Tsintsifas, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Suppose that a, b, c and d are positive real numbers. Prove that
1. (a + b)(b + c)(c + d)(d + a)  4abcd(a + b + c + d)2;
 3 Y
2. (a + b)(b + c)(c + d)(d + a)  16(abcd)2 (2a + b + c).
a; b; c; d

Solution by Jun-hua Huang, the Middle School Attached To Hunan Normal

University, Changsha, China.
1. The inequality is equivalent to
[(a + b)(b + c)(c + d)(d + a)]3  16(abcd)2(a + b + c + d)4 ,
or, dividing by (abcd)6 ,
 1 1   1 1  1 1   1 1 3
a+b b+c  c+d d+a 4
1 1 1
 16 bcd + acd + abd + abc . 1

Let x = a,1 , y = b,1 , z = c,1 , and w = d,1 . The inequality becomes

[(x + y)(y + z)(z + w)(w + x)]3  16(xyz + yzw + zwx + wxy )4 .
We prove it as follows. Applying the Geometric Mean{Arithmetic Mean In-
equality, we obtain
4(xyz + yzw + zwx + wxy )2
= 4 [xw(y + z ) + yz (x + w)]2
= 4 pxwpxw(y + z ) + pyzpyz(x + w)2
 pxw(x + w)(y +pz) + pyz(y + z)(x + w)2
= (x + w)2(y + z )2( xw + pyz)2
= (x + w)2(y + z )2(xw + yz + 2pxwyz)
 (x + w)2(y + z)2(xw + yz + xy + wz)
= (x + w)2(y + z )2(x + z )(w + y) .

4(xyz + yzw + zwx + wxy)2  (x + w)2(y + z )2(x + z )(w + y) .
4(xyz + yzw + zwx + wxy)2  (x + w)(y + z )(x + z )2(w + y )2 .
The result follows by multiplying the last two inequalities.
2. The inequality follows easily from the rst one, because
0 14
Y 1 X
(2a + b + c)  @ 4 (2a + b + c)A = (a + b + c + d)4 ,
cyclic cyclic
by the Geometric Mean{Arithmetic Mean Inequality.
Also solved by WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; MICHAEL
LAMBROU, University of Crete, Crete, Greece; PANOS E. TSAOUSSOGLOU, Athens, Greece; and
the proposer.

Crux Mathematicorum
Founding Editors / Redacteurs-fondateurs: Leopold Sauve & Frederick G.B. Maskell
Editors emeriti / Redacteur-emeriti: G.W. Sands, R.E. Woodrow, Bruce L.R. Shawyer
Mathematical Mayhem
Founding Editors / Redacteurs-fondateurs: Patrick Surry & Ravi Vakil
Editors emeriti / Redacteurs-emeriti: Philip Jong, Je Higham,
J.P. Grossman, Andre Chang, Naoki Sato, Cyrus Hsia

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