XII STD Maths Holiday Assignment

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1. Construct a 2 × 2 matrix, A = [a ij], whose elements are given by:


2. Construct a 3 × 4 matrix, whose elements are given by:


3. Find the value of x, y, z from following equation

4.Find the value of a,b,c and, d from this equation

5. If A=. and B =. Then find the matrix X. Such that2A+3X=5B

6. Find X and Y ,if X+Y =. and X-Y =

7. Find the values of X and Y from the following equation


GFC School Page no : (2)

9. AB not equal to BA.




A(BC),(AB)C and show that (AB)C =A(BC)




GFC School Page no : (3)








GFC School Page no : (4)









GFC School Page no : (5)

Skew symmetric matrix









38. Express the following matrix as the sum of a symmetric and a skew
symmetric matrix.


GFC School Page no : (6)









48. Find equation of line joining (1, 2)and (3,6) using determinants

49. Differentiate the function with respect to x. sin (x²+5)

50. Differentiate the function with respect to x. cos(sin x)

51. Differentiate the function with respect to x. sin (ax+b)

52. Differentiate the function with respect to x. sec(tan(√x))

53. Differentiate the function with respect to x. sin(ax+b)/cos(cx+d)

54. Differentiate the function with respect to x. cos x³. sin²(xµ)

55. Differentiate the function with respect to x. 2√cot(x²)

GFC School Page no : (7)

56. Differentiate the function with respect to x. cos(√x)

57. Differentiate the function with respect to X. ex/sin x

58. Differentiate the function with respect to X. esin-1x

59. Differentiate the function with respect to X. ex³

60. Differentiate the function with respect to X. sin(tan-1 e-x)

61. Differentiate the function with respect to X. log(cos ex)

62. Differentiate the function with respect to X. ex + ex²+ ....+exµ

63. Differentiate the function with respect to X. . √e√x, x greater than 0

64. Differentiate the function with respect to X. log(log x) ,x greater than 1.

65. Differentiate the function with respect to X. cos x/log x. x greater than 0

66. Differentiate the function with respect to X. cos (log x+ex) x greater than 0.

67. Differentiate the function with respect to X. cos x. cos 2x. cos 3x

68. Differentiate the function with respect to X. √(x-1)(x-2)/√(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)

69. Differentiate the function with respect to X. ( log x)cos x

70. Differentiate the function with respect to X. x²-2sin x

71. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (x+3)².(x+4)³.(x+5)´

72. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (x+1/x)x+x(1+1/x)

73. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (log x)x+xlog x

74. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (sin x)x+sin-1√x

75. Differentiate the function with respect to X. Xsin x +(sin X)cos x

76. Differentiate the function with respect to X. X x cosx+x²+1/x²-1

77. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (x cos x)x+(x sin x)

78. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (3x²-9x+5)⁹

79. Differentiate the function with respect to X. sin³ x+cos¶ x

80. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (5x)3cos2x

81. Differentiate the function with respect to X. sin-1(x√x)

82. Differentiate the function with respect to X.

GFC School Page no : (8)

83. Differentiate the function with respect to X. (log x) logx. x greater than 1.

84. Differentiate the function with respect to X.cos(a cos x+ b sin x) for some constant a and b.

85. Differentiate the function with respect to X.

86. Differentiate the function with respect to X. Xx+Xa+ax+aa for some fixed a and x greater than 0

87. Differentiate the function with respect to X. Xx²-3+(x-3)x² for x greater than 3.

Find dx/dy

88. 2x+3y=sin x

89. 2x+3y =sin y

90. ax+by=cos y

91. xy+y²=tan x+y

92. x²+xy+y²=100

93. x³+x²y+xy²+y³= 81

94. sin ²y +cos xy =k

95. sin ²x + cos ² y = 1

96. Xy+yx=1

97. yx=Xy

98. (cos x)Y=(cos y)x

99. xy= e(x-y)

100.x=2at², y=at´

101. x = a cosθ,y=b cosθ

102. x=sin t,y=cos 2t

103. x=4t, y=4/t

104. x=cosθ-cos2θ,y=sinθ-sin2θ

105. x=a(θ-sinθ), y=a(1+cos θ)

106. x=sin³t/√cos2t, y= cos³t/√cos2t

107. x=a(cos t+log tan t/2) y= a sin t

108. x=a sec θ, y = b tan θ

GFC School Page no : (9)
109. x= a(cosθ+θsinθ), y=a(sinθ-θcosθ)

110. If x= √asin-1t, y= √acos-1t , show that dy/dx=-y/x

111. Find dx/dy ,if y=12(1-cost) ,x=10(t-sint) -π/2 <t<π/2

112. If , x√1+y+ y√ 1+x=0, for ,-1<x<1, prove that dy/dx =-1/(1+x)²


113. (4e³x+ 1) dx

114. x²(1-1/x²)dx

115. (ax²+bx+c)dx

116. (2x²+ex) dx

117. (√x-1/√x)² dx

118. x³+5x²-4/x² dx

119. x³+3x+4/√x dx

120. x³-x²+x-1/x-1 dx

121. (1-x)√x dx

122. √x(3x²+2x+3) dx

123. (2x-3cos x+ ex) dx

124. (2x²-3sin x+5√x) dx

125. sec x(sec x+tan x) dx

126. sec²x/ cosecA² x. dx

127. 2-3 sin x/cos²x dx

128. 2x/1+x²

129. (log x)²/x

130. 1/x+x log x

131. sin xsin(cosx)

132. sin(ax+b) cos (ax+b)

133. √ax+b

134. x√x+2

135. x√1+2x²

GFC School Page no : (10)

136. (4x+2)√ x²+x+1

137. 1/x-√x

138. x/√x+4, x greater than 0

139. (x³-1)1/3 xµ

140. x²/(2+3x³)³

141. 1/ x(log x)m

142. x/9-4x²

143. e2x+3

144. x/ex²

145. e tan-1 x/ 1+ x²

146. e²x-1/e2x+1

147. e2x-e-2x/ e2x+ e-2x

148. tan²(2x-3)

149. sec²(7-4x)

150. sin-1 x/√1-x²

151. 2 cos x-3 sin x/6 cos x+4 sin x

152. 1/cos²x(1-tanx)²

153. cos√x√x

154. √sin2x cos2x

155. cosx/√1+sin x

156. cotx log sin x

157. sinx /1+ cosx

158. (sinx /1+ cosx)²

159. 1/1+ cot x

160. 1/1- tan x

161 . √tan x/sinx cosx

162. (1+log x)²/x

163. (X+1)(x+log x)²/x

GFC School Page no : (11)

164. x³sin (tan-1x4)/1+x⁸

165. sin²(2x+5)

166. sin3x cos 4x

167. cos 2x cos4x cos 6x

168. sin³(2x+1)

169. sin³x cos³x

170. sin x sin3x sin 3x

171. sin3x sin 8x

172. 1-cos x/1+cos x

173. Cos x/1+ cos x

174. sin´x

175. cos´ 2x

176. sin²x/1+cosx

177. cos 2x- cos2α/ cos x-cos α

178. cos x-sin x/1+ sin2x

179. tan³ 2x sec 2x

180. tan ´x

181. sin³x+cos³x/sin²xcos²x

182. cos2x+2 sin² x/cos²x

183. 1/sinx cos ³x

184. cos 2x/ (cosx+sinx)²

185. sin-1(cos x)

186. 1/ cos(x-a) cos (x-b)

187. 3x²/x¶+1

188. 1/√1+4x²

189. 1/√(2-x)²+1

190. 1/√9-25x².

191. 3x/1+2x´

GFC School Page no : (12)

192. x²/1-x¶

193. x-1/√x²-1

194. x²/√x¶+a¶

195. sec²x/√tan²x +4

196. 1/√x²+2x+2

197. 1/9x²+6x+5

198. 1/√7-6x-x²

199. 1/√(x-1)(x-2)

200. 1/√8+3x-x²

201. 1/√(x-a)(x-b)

202. 4x+1/√ 2x²+x-3


204. 5x-2/1+2x+3x²

205. 6x+7/√(x-5)(x-4)

206. x+2/√x²+2x+3

207. x+3/x²-2x-5

208. 5x+3/√x²+4x+10

209. X/(x+1)(x+2)

210. 1/x²-9

211. 3x-1/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)

212. x/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)

213. 2x/x²+3x+2

214. 1-x²/x(1-2x)

215. x/(x²+1)(2x+3)

216. 5x/(x+1)(x²-4)

217. x³+x+1/x²-1

218. 2/(1-x)(1+x²)

219. 3x-1/(x+2)²

GFC School Page no : (13)

220. 1/x´-1

221. 1/x(xn+1)

222. cos x/(1-sinx)(2- sinx)

223. (x²+1)(x²+2)/(x²+3)(x²+4)

224. 2x/(x²+1)(x²+3)

225. 1/x(x´-1)

226. 1/(ex-1)

227. x sin x

228. x sin 3x

229. x²ex

230. x log x

231. x log 2x

232. X²log x

233. X sin-1x

234. X tan-1x

235. X cos -1 x

236. (sin-1x)²

237. X cos-1x/√1-x²

238. x sec² x

239. tan-1x

240. x(log x)²

241. (x²+1) log x

242. ex(sinx+ cosx)

243. x ex/(1+x)²

244. ex(1+ sin x/1+cos x)

245. ex(1/x-1/x²)

246. (x-3)ex/(x-1)³

247. e2x sin x

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248. sin-1(2x/1+x²)

249. √4-x²

250. √1-4x²

251. √x²+4x+6

252. √x²+4x+1

253. √1-4x-x²

254. √x²+4x-5

255. √1+3x-x²

256. √x²+3

257. √1+x²/9

GFC School Page no : (15)

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