Lyrical Ballads and Biographia Litereria Notes

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Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

The Lyrical Ballads was a collection of poems by William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge that
was first published in 1798 with a short foreword (Beginning of the Romantic Age).

The final volume of The Lyrical Ballads was published in 1802 with a revised and expanded preface.

‘The Preface’ is a critical statement by William Wordsworth who wanted to free poetry from an
artificial style of writing & bring it nearer to life, to the common people.

The Preface is divided into 4 parts:

1. What is Poetry?
a. “Spontaneous overflow of Powerful Feelings, recollected in tranquility”
b. Poetry can refine & regenerate mankind.
c. Poetry is the fruit & flower of human knowledge.
d. Poetry is the image of man and Nature.
2. Characteristics of a poet:
a. A good poet is exceptionally sensitive: He has a more comprehensive soul than other
human beings that allows him to feel & empathize deeply.
b. Spontaneous expression is a must. Emotions/powerful feelings are the raw materials
needed to create a poem. A good poet experiences the beauty of ordinary life &
captures his powerful feelings. Then, the poet sits in a peaceful place & recollects those
powerful feelings. Then, with the help of his imagination, he writes a wonderful poem.
The poet should write after long reflection in peace when the emotions have become
c. A good poet is “A man speaking to men”: A good poet can uplift and enlighten other
human beings. Every great poet is a teacher. William Wordsworth believed that every
poet has the social responsibility of strengthening & promoting human culture through
his poetry.
d. A good poet has an extraordinarily strong imagination.
3. Value of Poetry: The universal function of poetry is to make readers sensitive & humane. Poetry
does not merely provide pleasure, but teaches moral & philosophical values to readers.
4. Poetic Diction/Language:
a. Wordsworth criticized Neo classical writers such as Dryden & Pope for using artificial
poetic language.
b. He believed that figures of speech should be organic to a poem.
c. They should not be added like ornaments.
d. Wordsworth said that he will use the language of common men in his poetry (especially
rustics) as their language is most natural.
e. Wordsworth also said that there cannot be any essential difference between the
language of prose and poem.
Biographia Litereria

Biographia Literaria was published in 1817 in 2 volumes of 23 chapters.

Full Name: Biographia Literaria or Biographical Sketches of my literary life and opinions.

Coleridge's poetical criticism revolves around the theory of Creative Imagination. The three influence

(1) William Wordsworth's theory of imagination

(2) German Transcendentalist thinkers like Kant & Schelling
(3) David Hartley & the Associationist psychology

Matters discussed:

 Fancy & Imagination:

o Coleridge said that Fancy & Imagination are 2 distinct and widely different faculties.
o Fancy merely assembles and juxtaposes images without transforming them.
o Imagination is a Modifying power. It can transform the images into a new whole
o In contrast to Fancy, Imagination is Creative.
o Fancy sees the outside or exterior. Imagination sees the heart and inner Nature.
 Primary Imagination & Secondary Imagination:
o Primary Imagination is the essential power of basic human perception - how we
perceive or interpret the world. It allows us to identify, discriminate, synthesize, and
produce order out of chaos. Primary Imagination is unconscious. This faculty is
present in all human beings.
o Secondary Imagination is a magical, synthetic power. It is an active agent that
Dissolves, Diffuses, Dissipates in order to re-create. The secondary imagination
works on the raw material of the primary imagination and even goes beyond it. This
magical faculty is enjoyed exclusively by artists. Secondary Imagination occurs in
harmony with Primary Imagination but it can coexist only with conscious will.
Secondary Imagination makes artistic creation possible.
 Poetic Talent & Poetic Genius:
o Poetic Talent is the skill and knowledge required for writing poetry. It can be
acquired & cultivated.
o Poetic Genius is characterized by 3 factors:
(1) Power of Imagination
(2) Depth of thought and emotion
(3) Instinct for Musical Delight
 Willing Suspension of Disbelief:
o Coleridge talked about 'Willing Suspension Of Disbelief' in Chapter 14 of Biographia
Literaria. Coleridge said that if a writer could infuse a ‘Human Interest and a
Resemblance to Truth’ into a tale of Fantasy, the reader would suspend judgment
about whether the plot is reasonable or not.
o The reader suspends his/her disbelief in ghosts & supernatural elements to enjoy
the literary work. (examples: Christabel, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
o The concept is also called ‘poetic faith’.
o The reader surrenders to the author’s vision in order to enjoy the poem.

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