F4ict (Unit3 & 4)

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Unit three: Programming

Basics of programming

What is programming?

The process of creating software is called programming.

Programming languages

Programming language is a code for writing down to tell the computer the
instructions it will follow.

In fact, programmers often define their programs as to a computer code, and the
process of writing an algorithm in a programming language is referred to as coding.

There are many different types of programming languages .But they all have
the ability to:

 Input data from external input device such as a keyboard.

 Output data to external output device such as a screen.

 .Process decisions according to certain conditions being met.

 Process repetition for a certain number of times while a condition is met , or

until a condition is met.

Languages are defined as human-readable (high -level languages) or machine

readable (low-level languages).

In high -level languages, the instructions are encoded in a language that humans
can use and language that computers understand, and are in binary code.

Two types of programs are used to process high level languages into low level
languages :

1. An interpreter: This translates the code into machine code, instruction by

instruction, the machine executes each instruction before the interpreter moves on
to the next instruction.
2. A compiler : This translates the entire program into machine code before the
program is executed.

An IDE( integrated development environment) is used to write code, test for errors
and compile or interpret a program.


An integrated development environment (IDE) is an application used to create

programs .

The common tools of IDEs are:

1. Code editor. 2. Translator. 3. Debugger.

Three types of errors can occur in a program: syntax errors, runtime errors
and semantic errors .


Stepping is a process of debugging which executes one line of code at a time to

check for errors.

Most popular programming languages

The five most popular programming languages are:

1. Python. 2. Java. 3. C and C++ 4. C# 5. Java script.

Introduction to programming using python.

Getting python

To run python programs, you need a python interpreter.

Installing python on windows

Follow these steps to install python 3 and open python interpreter on windows.

Step1: Download the python3 installer.

 Open a browser window and navigate to the download page for windows at
 Under the heading of the top : python releases for windows.

 Click on the link latest python 3 release - python 3.x.x, as this writing. The
latest version in python3.8.3

 The scroll to the bottom of the page, under the files heading select windows
x86-64 executable installer .

Step2: Run the installer.

ICT security and ethics

Digital security risks

A digital security risk is any event or action that could cause hardware,
software ,data information or processing capability to lose or damage computing.

Common risks of digital security include:

a. Internet and network attacks.

b. Unauthorized access and use.

c. Theft of hardware .

d. Software theft

e. Theft of information

f. System failure.


Computer crime is any illegal act involving the use of computer or devices
connected to it.

The term cybercrime refers to illegal acts online or on the internet, such as
malware distribution or identity theft .

1. Hacker: is someone illegally accessing a computer or network . Some hackers

claim their security breaches are intended to improve protection .
2 . Cracker : refers to someone who illegally accesses a computer or network
with the sole purpose of destroying data and stealing information.

Hackers and crackers are often well equipped with necessary information
technology skills .

Internet and network attacks

The security risk on the internet is a greater risk because there is no central
administrator. Internet and network security attacks include

1. Malware ( virus, worm, Trajan horse, spyware and adware) . 2 Botnets.

3. Denial of service attacks. 4.Back doors 5. Spoofing.

User name and passwords

Username is a unique combination of characters, such as letters of the alphabet or

numbers that identifies one specific user .

A password is a private combination of characters associated with the user name

that allows access to certain computer resources.

Computer Ethics

What are ethics?

Ethics is a set of procedures and guidelines that affect how people lead their lives.

Computer ethics

Computer ethics are a set of moral standards governing that use of computers.

Free software

A software that allows users to run, copy , share and change the software without


A software that has a copyright but the owner of the software chooses to away a
copy for free .

This refers to a software that is distributed for free, but if users are interested with
the product, the owner will often request a fixed fee.

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