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Earlier in the course, we examined databases,

data warehouses, and big data stores. Now we’ll go a little deeper in our
exploration of data warehouses, data marts, and data lakes; and also learn about
the ETL process and data pipelines. A data warehouse works like a multi-purpose
storage for different use cases. By the time the data comes into the warehouse, it
has already been modeled and structured for a specific purpose, meaning it is
analysis ready. As an organization, you would opt for a data warehouse when you
have massive amounts of data from your operational systems that needs to be readily
available for reporting and analysis. Data warehouses serve as the single source of
truth—storing current and historical data that has been cleansed, conformed, and
categorized. A data warehouse is a multi-purpose enabler
of operational and performance analytics. A data mart is a sub-section of the data
built specifically for a particular business function, purpose, or community of
users. The idea is to provide stakeholders data that is most relevant to them, when
they need it. For example, the sales or finance teams accessing data for their
quarterly reporting and projections. Since a data mart offers analytical
capabilities for a restricted area of the data warehouse, it offers isolated
security and isolated performance. The most important role of a data mart is
business-specific reporting and analytics. A Data Lake is a storage repository that
can store large amounts of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in
their native format, classified and tagged with metadata. So, while a data
warehouse stores data processed
for a specific need, a data lake is a pool of raw data where each data element is
given a unique identifier and is tagged with metatags for further use. You would
opt for a data lake if you generate, or have access to, large volumes of data on an
ongoing basis, but don’t want to be restricted
to specific or pre-defined use cases. Unlike data warehouses, a data lake would
retain all source data, without any exclusions. And the data could include all
types of data sources and types. Data lakes are sometimes also used as a staging
area of a data warehouse. The most important role of a data lake is
in predictive and advanced analytics. Now we come to the process that is at the
heart of gaining value from data—the Extract, Transform, and Load process, or ETL.
ETL is how raw data is converted into analysis-ready data. It is an automated
process in which you gather
raw data from identified sources, extract the information that aligns with your
reporting and analysis needs, clean, standardize, and transform that data
into a format that is usable in the context of your organization; and load it into
a data repository. While ETL is a generic process, the actual
job can be very different in usage, utility, and complexity. Extract is the step
where data from source
locations is collected for transformation. Data extraction could be through: Batch
processing, meaning source data, is moved in large chunks from the source to the
target system at scheduled intervals. Tools for batch processing include Stitch
and Blendo. Stream processing, which means source data
is pulled in real-time from the source and transformed while it is in transit and
it is loaded into the data repository. Tools for stream processing include Apache
Samza, Apache Storm, and Apache Kafka. Transform involves the execution of rules
and functions that converts raw data into data that can be used for analysis. For
example, making date formats and units of measurement
consistent across all sourced data, removing duplicate data, filtering out data
that you do not need, enriching data, for example, splitting full
name to first, middle, and last names, establishing key relationships across
tables, applying business rules and data validations. Load is the step where
processed data is transported to a destination system or data repository. It could
be: Initial loading, that is, populating all the
data in the repository, Incremental loading, that is, applying ongoing updates and
modifications as needed periodically; or Full refresh, that is, erasing contents of
one or more tables and reloading with fresh data. Load verification, which includes
data checks for missing or null values, server performance, and monitoring load
failures, are important parts of this process step. It is vital to keep an eye on
load failures
and ensure the right recovery mechanisms are in place. ETL has historically been
used for batch workloads on a large scale. However, with the emergence of streaming
tools, they are increasingly being used for real-time streaming event data as well.
It’s common to see the terms ETL and data pipelines used interchangeably. And
although both move data from source to destination, data pipeline is a broader term
that encompasses the entire journey of moving data from one system to another, of
which ETL is a subset. Data pipelines can be architected for batch processing, for
streaming data, and a combination of batch and streaming data. In the case of
streaming data, data processing or transformation, happens in a continuous flow.
This is particularly useful for data that
needs constant updating, such as data from a sensor monitoring traffic. A data
pipeline is a high performing system that supports both long-running batch queries
and smaller interactive queries. The destination for a data pipeline is typically a
data lake, although the data may also be loaded to different target destinations,
as another application or a visualization tool. There are a number of data pipeline
solutions available, most popular among them being Apache Beam and DataFlow.

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