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Paper To Improve Speaking Skill

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Arranged by :

Dio Anindio

Delia Rizki Rahmadianti


Yuyun Hendrety, S.Pd, M.Pd








Language is an absolute necessity in formal education because it is used To

communicate with others. The students can communicate with one another By
using language. English is both international and a foreign language. It is Critical
to be fluent in this language. English, as an international language, has Long
played an important role in many aspects of life, including the trade, Education,
international relations, and so on. Learning English as early as Possible can help
Indonesians compete on a global scale. English is required The subject in
senior/junior high school in Indonesia. Listening, speaking, Reading, and writing
are the four skills.

Furthermore, Betram (2020) states that oral language is a Very important link in
the process of students’ learning and thinking Development. The oral language
serves as a foundation for the development of Other language skills. Children
learn to organize their thoughts and focus their Ideas as they talk about themselves
and their experiences. Betram (2013) also Adds that it is important to provide
opportunities for oral language to continue To grow in the classroom from those
foundations. Oral language is an Important means of learning and acquiring
knowledge before the students Achieve proficiency in reading and writing. In fact,
oral language skills areessential for communicating ideas and having intelligent
conversations Throughout one’s life.

Speaking is an important skill for communication students to master;The ability to

speak or communicate with others is essential. People should be Able to express
their thoughts, opinions, feelings, and ideas through language. Brown (2021)
points out that “speaking is an interactive Process of constructive meaning that
involves producing and receiving and Processing information”. In speaking, the
students learn how to organize Ideas, arrange sentences, and express language in
spoken form with good Pronunciation and comprehensible language.

According to Fulcher (2019) Speaking is the verbal use of language to

Communicate with others, the purposes for which we wish to communicate With
others are so large that they are innumerable, and as not just a book about Human

needs and desires we will not even attempt to provide examples. It Means that
speaking is distinct from the other four skills in language learning Because the
other three language skills can be performed independently. As a Result, if people
want to be competent in English, they must be confident in Their ability to convey
their ideas effectively. To help students improve their Speaking skills, the teacher
should have them practice speaking English every Day or as often as possible.
The teacher can manage the students’ speaking Practice, or the teacher can simply
ask the class leader to manage the students’speaking English practice.

Based on the Curriculum 2013, speaking has purposes to make the Students be
able to communicate in interpersonal, transactional, and functional About self,
family, people, animals and things, concretely and imaginatively With their life
and their daily activities at home, school and society.

Based on the syllabus in curriculum 2013, The students should be able to know
and understand about social function, Generic structures, and the language
features of the text or genre. It means in Speaking, the students have to be able to
perform with correct language feature of appropriate expressions of ability and
will in which the students are able to Use of nominal and plural or without (e.g.: a,
the, this, those, my, those, etc), And modal (e.g.: can, will).

However, not only the subject that the students have to be mastered but Also the
components of speaking. That is why learning English (the students Have to speak
to be able of English) and also learning the other subject is very Difficult for
them. Because of these phenomena, the students are unable to Meet the minimum
learning achievement, resulting in failure. This case is being caused by a slew of
factors. The writter concludes that students' problems make it difficult for them to
master speaking skills and to achieve the schools’ minimum learning
achievement. Many factors that made the students difficult to speak English.
According to Ur (1996) many factors made students difficult in speaking such as
inhibition, nothing to say, low participation and mother tongue used. Based on the
background mention above, the writter wants to know the students’ problem and
solution in English speaking skills and the researcher is Interested in writing a


2.1 Definition of Speaking skill

Speaking is a language skill or as a mean of communication in which one can

express his ideas or information to others in spoken form. It is a complex
language skill,because someone needs to find ideas or information then it is
arranged in a good order. According to Chomsky (in Brown, 2008: 33), speaking
skill is the capability to other the articulation to express, to state or deliver though,
opinion and wish to the other person. The People who know a language are called
as speakers of the language. Many activities of foreign language learners are
primary interest to speak. Chaney (1998:13) defines speaking skill as “the process
of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal
symbols, in a variety of context”. When attempting to speak, learners must master
their thoughts and encode those ideas in the vocabulary and Syntactic structures of
the target language.

Another definition of speaking skill is “using language for purpose” (Baker,

Watsrup, 2003:7). It is involving some kinds of production on the part of language
user. It means that it is an ability of producing a language orally. Speaking is a
complex set of abilities that involves many components, including pronunciation,
listening, and Grammar skills. By mastering the components involved in
speaking. Speakers can produce a good spoken language.

Moreover, speaking is the active use of language to express meanings so that

other people can make sense of them (Cameron, 2001). Similarly, it is active,
productive, and makes use of the oral medium. In speaking activities, the speaker
and interlocutor have to understand with each other.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that speaking skill is a language
skill or a mean of communication in which one can express his ideas or
information in a good logical order and master the convention mechanics of
speaking (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension).

2.3 Types of Speaking

According to Brown in Ilham et al. (2020) there are f,ive types of speaking:

1) Imitative
Immitative performance is simply the ability to parrot (imitate) words or

2) Intensive
This type of speaking emphasizes students’ linguistic skills, such as the mastery
of Grammar and phonology (including intonation, stress, rhythm, and juncture).

3) Responsive
Responsive speaking is a type of speaking that emphasizes students’ ability to
speak English spontaneously, such as engaging in conversations, greeting others,
and Engaging in small talk.

4) Interactive
Interactive speaking is a type of speaking where the speaker and listener actively
Interact either directly or indirectly. Some examples of interactive speaking are
face To face conversation, daily dialogue.

5) Extensive
Extensive speaking is monologue speaking. Some of the extensive speaking
Includes speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling.

2.4 Some Problem Related student speaking skill

According to Brown (2001: 270-271) there are some problem which make
Speaking difficult such as Clustering means that not word by word but easy
speech is Phrasal. Through such clustering, students can categorize their output
both physicallyand cognitively (in breath groups). Next is Redundancy, The orator
has a chance to Make meaning more understandable through the Redundancy of
language and the Students can take advantage of the feature of spoken language.
Performance Variables means that one of the benefits of spoken language is the

method of thinking As you converse lets you to obvious a certain number of

pauses, corrections Performance hesitation and backtracking. Learners can be
taught how to hesitate and Pause for example we put certain “fillers” such as well,
I mean, like, you know, um, Etc. In those hesitation phenomena which make the
difference between nonnative and Native speakers. Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation
is the most essential of English Pronunciation. Its intonation patterns and stress-
timed rhythm in spoken English Express important messages. Colloquial
Language means that make your students are Sensibly well familiar with phrases,
idioms, words of colloquial language and obtain Practice in creating those forms.
According to Hosni (2014: 123) identifies some Factors which cause speaking
difficulties as: students does not have motivation to Convey themselves, they are
worried making mistake and get criticism or get shy. They have limited time or
only a few participant can speak at the time because of Large classes and some
students will dominate speak in the class and others will speak Not at all or very
little. Students tend to use their mother tongue because it is easier And if they use
mother tongue, they will less exposed.

So from the explanation above, we know that some of students usually fell Shy
when they speak in front of their friends because they afraid of making mistakes
And their friends will insult them. So from those problems many students choose
to Silent than speak or speak by using mother tongue.

2.5 Factor influencing of speaking skill

Based on the English teacher educator, the students have the factors that
influence students in learning speaking skills were: pertinent factor, affective
factor, listening factor, topical knowledge factor, linguistics factor, motivation
factor, feedback factor, culture factor, and identity factor. It happens because
students prefer to work under pressure, not confident, do not understand what they
are talking about, and are not given input from their friends, so they are not
optimal when practicing in front of the class. then they are required to understand
the topic being discussed, because that is what makes their speaking skills
increase besides they have mastered grammar, pronunciation, and semantics. then
it doesn't matter that they speak using accents according to where they live as long
as the spelling is appropriate. then learning to speak in various cities will add
insight into vocabulary and topics of conversation.

The researcher interested in examining the factors influencing students'

learning to speak for several reasons. First, every student has a different
personality when studying; therefore, the factors influencing them when learning
to speak are also different. The second is to assist students in overcoming their
difficulties in learning to speak because each student must have different
difficulties when learning to speak.

the research about the factors that influence students' speaking skills. The
title is "An Analysis of Factors Influencing Student Speaking Skill at Tenth Grade
of State Senior High School 2 Kampar" by Ari Yulizar (2020). This research used
tenth grade of state senior high school 2 Kampar as the research subject. He states
that this research investigates the factors influencing students' speaking skills in
the tenth grade of State Islamic Senior High School 2 Kampar. The analysis
results show that the students' speaking skill in learning English is low, and many
factors influence it:

1.) The students do not have a big passion and a strong incentive to learn English.

2.) The students are not confident when they must present the material in English
in front of the class.

3.) The students feel they cannot speak English fluently.

4.) Most students do not have much vocabulary when speaking English.

5.) Most students feel they cannot speak English like native speakers.

6.) The teacher does not always. speak English when delivering English lessons,
which is not very interesting

7.) The student's families do not always give their support to learning English.

8.) The students do not have many friends that can speak English
in the classroom.

The journal from Nisreen Basem Yaseen (2018) entitled "Factors

Negatively Affecting EFL Students' Speaking Skills at Jordanian Private Schools"

this research aims at examining factors affecting grade 10 EFL Students in

Jordanian Private schools. This researcher selected a representative sample of 150
grade 10 male and female students from two private schools in Jordan, in addition
to six grade-ten English teachers and six English language supervisors. The
findings revealed that students encountered many difficulties that caused these
factors, such as anxiety, lack of motivation, encouragement, fear of peer criticism,
and the intense use of Arabic in class.

3.1 Some tips to improve to student speaking skill

The Factors that influenced the improvement of students' speaking skill by

using Think- Pair-Share strategy. Using Think-Pair-Share as the strategy in
solving the teaching and learning problems in speaking had proved that there were
significant improvements on students speaking skill during two cycles. The
improvement was concluded through the data gathered from the result of the
speaking tests, observation, and interview. This research also revealed that there
were some factors that influenced the improvement of students' speaking through
Think-Pair-Share strategy. The factors involved the students motivation,
material, activity.

a. Students' motivation
The first factor that influenced the changes of students speaking skill
was students' motivation. It was found that the students were
enthusiastic and interested in teaching and learning process. It
indicated that they were motivated through the activities that brought
through the strategy used. The students motivation in learning
improved from one meeting to others. The field notes results noted that
the students asked some question related to the lecturer's explanation.
They participated in their pair discussion. It could be seen that they
paid attention to the lecturer's explanation, responded while being
asked, provided their ideas about the topic given, and perform
their performance. Those activities happened since they were
motivated and interested in learning process. As a result, because of

their high motivation in learning and teaching process, their speaking

skill was better.
b. Material
The second factor that influenced the changes of students' speaking
skill was the materials used during the teaching. The materials were
interesting to be used in teaching speaking skill. The class became
comfortable and the students feel confident where the lecturer
motivated them to communicate each other which an
interesting material.
c. The last factor that influenced the improvement of students' speaking
skill was the classroom activities. The variation activities done by the
researcher could lead the students to become more active in the
classroom. They did not feel bored during the teaching and learning
process. The variations of activities also made the classroom
atmosphere more effective in improving the students' ability
in speaking skill.

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