Unit 1 The Simple Present, Frequency Word
Unit 1 The Simple Present, Frequency Word
Read the following article. Pay special attention to the words in bold. a ID
They are our friends. We play wíth them. We Pets are great for your health. Contact wíth an
talk to them. We spend a lot of money on them. affectionate dog or cat can lower a person's blood
We love them. Who are they? Our pets, of course. pressure. Also, pets are a comfort to lonely people.
Pet ownership isn't cheap. Americans spend more • Is this a good animal for children?
than $69 billion a year on their pets. There are schools, • Are pets aJlowed where you live?
toys, hotels, clothes, and cemeteries for pets. The • Are you or your family members a1lergic to pets?
average dog owner spends over $257 a y e ar o n vet bilis.
It's irnportant to understand that a pet is a long-
For many Americans, pets are part of the family. term responsibility-and a long-terrn friend.
people travel wíth their pets. (The average cost to fly vet: short for veterinarian; an a n i m a l doctor
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4 Unit 1
COMPREHENSION Based on the reading, write T for true or F for false.
l. The most popular pets in the U.S. are dogs and cats.
l. Do you have a pet? If so, what kind? If not, what kind do you think you would like?
2. In addition. to lmve!ing a person's blood pressure, what other ways can a pet make a person's life better?
1.1 Be S i m p l e Present-Form
1 1
The c h i l d responsible. We use is with he, she, it, this, that, and s i n g u l a r subjects
She lonely.
lt cute.
We hard working. We use are with we, you, they, these, those, a n d p l u r a l subjects
Pets fun.
They good friends. We use there are with a p l u r a l n o u n .
Sheis She's happy. We can make a contraction with the subject pronoun a n d
lt is lt's necessary.
There is There's a pet store near my house. We can make a contraction with there is, here is, and that is.
cat is The cat's hungry. We can make a contraction with most s i n g u l a r n o u n s and is.
A fo� is a relative of a dog. We don't make a contraction with is if the word befare
A: I want a dog. My friend has a dog with new puppies. There ---�ª�r�e�--- nine puppies, and they
need a home. The puppies two months old. They so cute. I want
2. 3.
A: Mom, I -----��- nine years old now, and I responsible. I love dogs.
6. 7.
________ fun.
EXERCISE 2 F i l l i n the b l a n k s with the correct form of be to fi n i s h the conversation from Exercise 1 .
Use co n t r a c t i o n s wherever p o s s i b l e .
A: Vet bills?
B: Yes. A vet an animal doctor. Dogs need doctors just like we do. It _
2. 3.
B: You healthy, too. But sometimes you sick and you need a
5. 6.
A: Please, Mom.
B: Let me think about it. I have to talk to D ad . We your parents, and we want to make
A: Thanks, Mom.
6 Unit 1
1.3 Be-Use
This dog is from Alaska. With a place of origin
The dog is co l d . With a reaction fo the temperature (hot, cold, warm) and with
lt is co l d outside.
- weather. The subject for sentences about weather is it.
The cat is hungry. With a physical or emotional state: hungry, thirsty, afraid
1 am a fr a i d of dogs.
There are toys for dogs. With there, to show that something exists
lt is ten o ' cl o c k now. With time. The subject for sentences about time is it.
S o rn e words that end in -ed are adjectives: tired, married, worried, interested, bored, excited, crowded, /ocated.
EXERCISE 3 Fill in the blanks with the co r r e c t fo r m of be. Then write D fo r description, C for
TH for there, T fo r time, or I fo r expressions beginning with it. Use co n t r a c t i o n s wherever possible.
6. It hot today. _
9. It 7 a.m. _
The dog owner is not h o m e now. To make a negative statement with be, we put not after a
She isn't home d u r i n g the day. form of be. The negative contractions are isn't and aren't.
We can make contractions in negative statements with most subject pronouns + a form of be or
The dog is not friendly. = The dog's not friendly. = The dog isn't friendly.
2. Remember: We cannot make a contraction with certain words + is. (See 1.2.)
This is n o t a good pet. = This isn't a good pet. (not: This's not)
EXERCISE 4 F i ll in the first b l a n k with the correct form of be. Then fill in the second b l a n k with a
negative form. Use contractions wherever p o s sible. I n sorne cases, more t h a n one answer is p o s s i b l e .
1 a. b.
8 Unit 1
EXERCISE 5 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. In sorne cases, both answers are
l. My dog@are) sick. 10. There ('s/are) many dogs in the waiting room.
2. (She's not/She isn't) young. 11. (They aren't/They're not) all sick.
3. She (is/'s) 15 years old. 12. There (are/is) one cat in the waiting room.
4. She (isn't/not) hungry. 13. (It's/It) in a box.
6. My dog and I (am/are) at the vet. 15. There (are/'re) pet magazines in the waiting room.
7. (I'm not/I amn't) happy. 16. (Is/It's) important to have a healthy pet.
8. We (is/are) worried about the dog. 17. (It's/It) my turn with the vet now.
1.5 Yes/No Q u e s t i o n s a n d S h o r t Answers with Be
You are happy. Are you h a p p y with the new dog? Yes, 1 a m .
lt is i mp o rt a n t to take the dog to the vet. Is it i mportant to give the dog exercise? Yes, it is.
They are interested in a pet. Are they interested in a bird? No, they aren't.
There are dogs at the vet. Are there birds at the vet? No, there aren't.
2. We use a contraction far a short no answer. We don't use a contraction far a s h o r t yes answer.
4. W h e n the question co n t a i n s this ar that, the answer uses it, even far p e o p l e .
EXERCISE 6 Fill in the b l a n k s to complete each ítem. Use contractions wherever p o ssib le.
l. A: -�-
l s_a_b__,_,�
i �d�- a good pet?
3. A: interested in birds?
10 Unit 1
5. A: in the yard?
B: Yes, it is
A: He beautiful.
A: friendly?
B: Yes, she
B: No, it
A: home a lot?
A: I love dogs, but I ________ home very much, and I live alone. So that a
15. 16.
B: Cats ________ good pets, too. With a cat, it necessary to be home a lot. I
17. 18.
1 A F F I R M A T I V E WH- Q U E S T I O N S
1 am lost.
Where am I?
1 . Most question words can co n t r a c t with is. The exceptions are which is and how much is.
What's a vet?
how long, how hard, how old, how big, how much, how many
What kind · for a description A: What kind of book is that? B: lt's an English book.
12 Unitl
EXERCISE 8 F i l l i n the b l a n k s with the words you hear. lflll
A: --�
sl �t�h=a�t__ your dog?
A: --------'---,- a mutt?
3. '
A: _______________ expensive?
B: Because you can get a mutt at an animal shelter. Dogs aren't expensive there.
B: It's a place for unwanted pets. Those animals need a loving family.
A: _______________ healthy?
B: There are a lot of unwanted pets because sorne people aren't responsible. They get a pet and then realize
it's too much trouble to take care of it. What about your daughter? _
A: Yes, _
_______________ ?
1 1.
B: I love dogs , but it's not a good idea for our family.
A: Hello?
B: Where ?
A: �luffy.
B: ________ ?
B: ________ alone?
B: Why at school?
B: Why worried?
A: Fluffy is tired all the time. Oh, I have to go. The vet is ready to see us now.
A B O U T YOU F i n d a partner. Ask each other these q u e s t i o n s and share your answers.
Race your classmates. Form two or three teams. Your teacher will write a statement on the board. Each team writes
a yes/no question and a wh- question for the statement. The team to write two correct questions first w i n s a point.
14 Unit 1