Bioactive Phytochemicals Paper-Dec23

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Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation

Review Article Open Access

Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance &

advancement of herbal medicine
Abstract Volume 11 Issue 5 - 2023
The Indian traditional system of conventional medication includes an enormous lexis
of herbal preparations and medicinal plants. They are optional nutrients that are mostly
Charu Gupta
Amity Institute of Herbal Research & Studies, Amity University
produced by plants as a form of defence. These items may include isolated nutrients, Uttar Pradesh, India
nutritional supplements, particular diets, herbal products, processed foods, and drinks.
They may also include genetically modified designer foods. Phytochemicals are naturally Correspondence: Charu Gupta, Amity Institute of Herbal
occurring compounds that can be found in a variety of foods, including legumes, fruits, Research & Studies, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector-125,
vegetables, whole grains, and herbs. These substances include polyphenols, flavonoids, Noida-201313 (UP), India, Tel +91-120-4392549,
isoflavonoids, anthocyanidins, phytoestrogens, terpenoids, carotenoids, limonoids, Email
phytosterols, glucosinolates, and fibers. Phytochemicals are known to have a significant
impact on human health, with potential medical benefits that can help prevent and treat a Received: December 12, 2023 | Published: December 15,
range of illnesses and physiological abnormalities. 2023

Phytochemicals have been shown to have various pharmacological effects on human

health, including acting as powerful antioxidants, antibacterial and antifungal agents, anti-
inflammatory and anti-allergic compounds, antispasmodic agents, chemo preventive agents,
hepatoprotective agents, neuroprotective agents, as well as hypolipidemic and hypotensive
agents. Therefore, these compounds are of great interest in the fields of medicine, nutrition,
and health science. They also induce apoptosis, act as a diuretic, stimulate the central
nervous system, modulate the immune response, and act as a carminative, analgesic. It
is necessary for herbal products to undergo quality control, thorough testing to determine
their efficacy and safety, and reliable clinical trials. To give improved health care services
to the public, the meticulous and scientific integration of India’s traditional system of
herbal medicine into evidence-based clinical illness management is crucial. Thus, this
chapter focuses on the integration and advancement of herbal-based medicines through the
scientific validation of some clinically important bioactive phytochemicals.

Keywords: phytochemicals, nutraceutical, traditional medicine, herbal drug, antioxidants,


Introduction widespread belief and acceptance of herbal remedies by the general

public. This in turn has created great scope for India to utilize its
India possesses the richest biodiversity and accounts for 8% of traditional knowledge of herbal medicine and repository of medicinal
global biodiversity, with around 49,000 plant species of which plants in the service of the world population and for the economic
5,150 species are endemic.1 The Himalayan range, Western Ghats, growth of India.5,6
North-Eastern Indian hills (Khasi and Mizo hills), and Vindhya and
Satpura mountains of Northern India host a rich diversity of higher The recent notion of ‘customized’ or ‘personalized’ medicine and
plant species. This abundance of flora is noteworthy and indicative diet is comprehensive to the field of nutrition and can be used to delay
of the region’s unique ecological characteristics. It is important to the onset of disease and to sustain optimum human health.7
recognize the significance of this diversity and to study and conserve The word nutraceuticals, coined by Dr. Stephen de Felice, derived
these ecosystems to ensure their preservation for future generations. from the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, is a food or food
Herbal medicine has special importance in the society, culture, and product that provides health and medical benefits, including the
traditional medicine of India.2 Plant-based medicines are at the root prevention and treatment of disease.8 A potential nutraceutical is one
of the modern healthcare system and are acknowledged for their that holds a promise of a particular health or medical benefit; such a
economic importance.3 In biological research and drug development, potential nutraceutical only becomes an established one after there is
traditional medical knowledge and botanicals are crucial components. sufficient clinical data to demonstrate such a benefit.9 A nutraceutical
In addition to being utilized directly as therapeutic agents, herbal demonstrates physiological benefits or offers protection from chronic
medicines and their phytoconstituents are also used as lead molecules disease as a result. The assortment of goods in question encompasses a
in the development of novel drugs. Current research and understanding diverse array of items, including but not limited to, singular nutrients,
suggest that the use of phytochemicals or crude drugs can confer real dietary supplements, specialized regimens, genetically modified
benefits on health when used long-term.4 sustenance, herbal products, as well as processed comestibles such
The prevalence of synthetic drug adverse effects and the rising as cereals, soups, and beverages. The phytochemicals, which are their
population both contribute to the rise in popularity of alternative bioactive components, support or promote health and are found where
therapies. According to the World Health Organization, achieving the food and pharmaceutical sectors converge. Such substances may
the goal of “Health for All” is impossible without the use of herbal range from isolated nutrients, dietary supplements, and specific diets
medicines. This highlights the increasing demand for various herbal to genetically engineered designer foods, herbal products, processed
products such as medicinal plants, health products, pharmaceuticals, foods, and beverages.7
food supplements, and cosmetics worldwide, indicating the

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Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 126

Nutraceuticals are chemically classified into three distinct groups, The consumption of dietary phytochemicals, which are present
namely isoprenoid derivatives (which include terpenoids, carotenoids, in whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, and herbs, can potentially
saponins, tocotrienols, tocopherols, and terpenes), phenolic prevent the onset of chronic degenerative illnesses such as cancer,
compounds (such as coumarins, tannins, lignins, anthocyanins, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders. This dietary
isoflavones, flavanones, and flavonoids), and carbohydrate derivatives practice may provide substantial health benefits to individuals.
(including ascorbic acid and oligosaccharides). They are essential for Table 1. Among these, fruits and vegetables make up a considerable
maintaining a healthy immune system, thus inadequate or excessive portion of the phytochemical sources. Phytochemicals present in
intakes might have a detrimental effect on health. In the mainstream of food possess a significant value in the treatment of various diseases,
medical education and health, regulating authorities all over the world either as standalone therapies or in combination with other treatments.
have recognized nutraceuticals as potential nutraceutical therapies. These compounds exhibit a positive impact on human health by
The healthcare sector showed how a growing population was moving providing protection against a diverse range of ailments, including
away from prescription drugs for cancer treatment and toward over- cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, inflammation,
the-counter nutraceuticals for cancer management and prevention. The microbial, viral, and parasitic infections, psychotic disorders,
growing awareness of nutraceutical benefits and the shift of healthcare spasmodic conditions, ulcers, and more. The nutraceutical properties
economics in favour of nutraceuticals brought nutraceutical medicine of phytochemicals render them indispensable for maintaining optimal
into the spotlight of government health policy on the systematic use health. The National Cancer Institute has recently made efforts to
of nutraceuticals in the prevention and/or control of various chronic raise public knowledge about alternative cancer prevention methods,
diseases.8 focusing on lifestyle, preventative, and controllable health measures,
eating habits, and dangerous toxins with a number of successful
This chapter delves into the impact of the abundance of information
attempts using antioxidants, garlic, and vitamins. The major
available on the development and utilization of phytochemicals
nutraceuticals were reviewed and reported as vitamins and minerals,
as nutraceuticals. The focus will be on providing a comprehensive
phytochemicals. The vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E, and folate have been
overview of the supporting evidence that underscores the protective
reported as anti -cancer, immune-protective, and reducing cancer risk
and health-promoting effects of phytochemicals. These substances
in the population at risk of cancer and individuals who used self-
may be incorporated into food or supplements as nutraceuticals, or
used in the production of pharmaceuticals. It would also focus on
the integration and advancement of herbal-based medicines through Epidemiological and animal research has shown that regular
the scientific validation of some clinically important bioactive consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can effectively
phytochemicals. reduce the risk of chronic diseases caused by oxidative damage
(Cieslik et al., 2006). It is widely recommended that individuals
Herbal medication and modernism: Can Indian incorporate these foods into their diets as a preventative measure
customary medicinal methods demonstrate the route against such health issues. The natural antioxidants carotenoids,
advancing? tocopherols, ascorbates, lipoic acids, and polyphenols are potent and
Many rural and ethnic communities preserve ancient plant-based can scavenge free radicals. There are a variety of natural antioxidants
medicine through active participation. A renaissance of herbal medicine that work synergistically to eliminate free radicals within the body.
is overdue. Achieving modern safety and efficacy requirements while These antioxidants include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase,
integrating herbal medicine into the actual mainstream of modern glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, minerals such as
healthcare is a difficult undertaking. selenium, manganese, copper, and zinc, in addition to vitamins A, C,
and E, carotenoids, limonoids, and polyphenols.
Table 1 Phytochemical power: A closer look at their health benefits

Phytochemicals Source Plant Health Benefits

α−linolenic acid (ALA) Flax seeds Preventing cancer and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease.
These are some of the beneficial properties associated with certain
substances: they may be antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, anti-inflammatory,
Allicin Garlic, onion
chemo-preventive, hepato-protective, hypolipidemic, hypotensive, or
Blackberry, cherry, orange, purple corn, This item has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pigment
raspberry, red grapes properties.
These are the potential benefits of the substance: anti-inflammatory,
Apple, artichoke, basil, celery, cherry,
Apigenin antioxidant, antispasmodic, chemo-preventive, ability to induce apoptosis, and
grapes, nuts, parsley
inhibition of breast and ovarian cancers.
This product has properties that can help with inflammation, fatigue, and
Caffeic acid Artichoke, pear, basil, oregano
Anti-carcinogenic compounds stimulate the release of immunogenic
Carrots, Leafy greens, red, orange, and
Carotene cytokines, IL-1 and TNF-alpha, provide protection to the cornea against UV
yellow vegetables, pumpkin
light, and enhance DNA repair enzymes.
Catechins Tea Antioxidant, CNS stimulant, and Diuretic
This substance has properties that help lower blood pressure, reduce
Curcumin Turmeric
inflammation, provide antioxidants, and may help prevent cancer.
Diosgenin Fenugreek seeds Hypolipidemic

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 127

Table 1 Continued...
Phytochemicals Source Plant Health Benefits
Cranberry, grapes, pecans, pomegranates,
Ellagic acid Anticancer, and antioxidant
raspberry, strawberry, walnuts
To safeguard against cancer, bone degeneration, and menopausal symptoms
Ferulic acid Oats, rice, orange, pineapple, peanut
like hot flashes, take necessary precautions.
The following are some noteworthy activities of the substance: cytotoxic
Gallic acid Tea, mango, strawberries, soy and antioxidative, anti-leukemic, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-neoplastic, anti-
inflammatory, and anti-diabetic.
It has various health benefits such as functioning as a phytoestrogen,
Alpha-alfa sprouts, red clover, chickpeas,
Genistein antioxidant, anti-cancer agent, and promoting heart health. Additionally, it can
aid those with metabolic syndrome.
Kale, spinach, red pepper, mango, papaya,
This product absorbs harmful blue light and provides protection against
Lutein kiwi, peaches, squash, honeydew melon,
colon cancer.
plum, avocado
Apricots, papaya, pink guava, tomato,
Lycopene Reduced risk of developing atherosclerosis and prostate cancer.
Momorbicin Karela (Bitter gourd) Anti-diabetic medication or treatment for diabetes.
Hypolipidemic (Note: This word refers to a substance that reduces lipid
Myristicin Nutmeg
levels in the blood.)

This substance possesses properties such as being aromatic, analgesic,

Piperine Pepper
hepato-protective, and stomachic.
Red onions, buckwheat, red grapes, This substance is a potent antioxidant that can reduce LDL oxidation, as well
green tea, apple skin as act as a vasodilator and blood thinner.
Blueberry, peanuts, red grapes, and red This substance is an antioxidant that can help prevent the onset of aging,
wine cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Rutin Asparagus, buckwheat, and citrus fruits This helps to strengthen the walls of your capillaries.
This helps to guard against UVB-induced cancer and provides protection for
Silymarin Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)
the liver.
This pertains to the prevention of cancer, lowering of lipid levels, and
Stigmasterol Soybean
preventing osteoporosis.
Broccoli sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower,
Consuming antioxidants can help prevent damage to DNA, which in turn
Sulforaphane, Glucosinolates collards, cruciferous vegetables, kale,
lowers the risk of developing breast and prostate cancers.
radish, turnip
Apple, basil, cranberry, lavender, Oregano,
Ursolic acid The substance has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antitumor properties.
This substance has properties that can combat cancer and also modify the
Withaferin, Withanolides Withania somnifera
immune system.
The substance has antibacterial, antifungal, carminative properties, and also
Zingiberene Ginger
useful in treatment of dizziness

The food and pharmaceutical industries can benefit from synthetic studies and epidemiological studies have demonstrated an inverse
antioxidants such butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA) and butylated relationship between the consumption of a diet high in polyphenols
hydroxy toluene (BHT) (Kondratyuk and Pezzuto, 2004). In-vitro and the risk of degenerative illnesses. A diet high in antioxidants is
antioxidants and in-vivo antioxidants are the two primary divisions of linked to a lower prevalence of degenerative diseases, according to
the natural antioxidant system. epidemiological studies. There are a variety of foods that are rich in
dietary polyphenols, including cereals, legumes (like barley, corn,
The success of nutraceuticals is largely reliant on self-prescription
nuts, oats, rice, sorghum, wheat, beans, and pulses), oilseeds (such
and personal experiences. However, it is far to realize the phenomenal
as rapeseed, canola, flaxseed, and olive seeds), fruits, vegetables, and
benefits of nutraceuticals unless controlled clinical trials support the
beverages (like fruit juices, tea, coffee, cocoa, beer, and wine). Some
evidence and facts of nutraceutical preventive therapeutic efficacy.8
fruits, such as apples, grapes, pears, cherries, and different types of
Phytochemicals in plants: A key to optimal health berries, contain 200-300mg of polyphenols for every 100g of fresh
weight. Like this, 100 mg of polyphenols are present in a cup of
Polyphenols coffee, tea, or a glass of red wine. Their total dietary intake may be
Polyphenols, which are natural substances, can be found primarily about 1g per day, which is about 10 times higher than that of vitamin
in fruits, vegetables, cereals, and various drinks. The consumption C and 100 times higher than those of vitamin E and carotenoids.11
of polyphenols is also increased by legumes and chocolate. These Secondary metabolites known as plant polyphenols are widely
compounds are produced by plants as secondary metabolites and found in higher plants. Their special qualities include intermolecular
are typically used in pathogen or UV radiation defence. Basic complexation, water solubility, and antioxidant capacities. They are

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 128

categorized as tannins, galloyl and hexahydroxydiphenoyl esters and flavonols constitute a subclass of plant phenols known as
and derivatives, or condensed proanthocyanidins. Nutritionists flavonoids. The most common flavonoids in foods are flavonols. The
have traditionally seen polyphenols as anti-nutrients since some two primary members of this category are quercetin and kaempferol.
polyphenols, like tannins, have detrimental effects such as lowering They are typically present at 15–30 mg/kg of fresh weight, which
the activities of digestive enzymes, energy, protein and amino acid is a relatively low concentration. Flavonols are abundant in onions,
availability, mineral uptake, and having other adverse repercussions. curly kale, leeks, broccoli, and blueberries. Tomatoes and several
The discovery of numerous polyphenols’ antioxidant properties has other fragrant plants, like mint (Mentha piperita), contain flavanones,
united opinion on the health advantages that many of these substances but only citrus fruits have them in significant quantities. The primary
offer. The most important dietary phenolics are the hydroxybenzoic flavanones include eriodictyol in lemons, hesperetin in oranges, and
and hydroxycinnamic acids, polyphenols (hydrolyzable and naringenin in grapefruit. A vast amount of recent literature proposes
condensed tannins), and flavonoids, the latter of which is the subject of that the stilbenes provide beneficial health effects.14 According to
the greatest investigation. Plants are shielded from oxidative damage recent research, stilbenes exhibit direct antioxidant action much like
by phenols. They have also been studied extensively as antioxidant other polyphenols do. However, because to their relative dynamic
protectants for human beings and play beneficial role in reducing the health benefits, stilbenes outperform other polyphenols. Resveratrol
risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and some types (3, 4’, 5-trihydroxystilbene) is one of the most well-studied naturally
of cancer.11 occurring polyphenols. Red wine, which is created from these grapes,
contains the most resveratrol of any food. The anti-carcinogenic
The major components of tea polyphenols are flavonols (catechin,
and anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol are well recognized.
epicatechin, catechingallate, and epigallocatechingallate), flavanols
Recently, evidence suggests that stilbenes may act as a signalling
(quercetin, kaempferol, and their glycosides), flavones (vitexin,
molecule within tissues and cells to modulate the expression of genes
isovintexin), and phenolic acids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid). They
and proteins.15
can make up up to 30% of the dry weight of the green leaves and
9–10% of the dry weight of the black tea leaves, respectively. Ferulic Most plant tissues contain flavonoids, which are frequently found
acid is related to dietary fiber that is connected to the cell wall’s in vacuoles. Because they have a higher concentration of phenolic
hemicellulose via ester bonds. Apples, pears, and grapes frequently acids in the outer layers of the kernel that make up the bran, products
contain coumaric acids and caffeoyl esters, which are forms of manufactured from grains are especially important in human diets.
caffeine. In addition, apples, pears, and grapes are high in gallic acid In addition to acting as direct chemical protectors, the proposed
and chlorogenic acid, respectively. Among fruits, apples have the mechanisms for their health advantages include modulatory effects
highest concentrations of quercetin. Products made from grains are on a number of metabolic and signaling enzymes. It has been
particularly essential in the diet of humans because they have a higher demonstrated that flavonoids suppress the cyclooxygenase, which
concentration of phenolic acids in the outer layers of the kernel that produces prostaglandins, the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE),
make up the bran. The majority of phenolic acid derivatives are tannins which raises blood pressure, and the estrogen-producing enzymes.
that can be hydrolyzed and are typically esterified with glucose. Citrus
In addition to inhibiting estrogen synthase, which binds estrogen to
fruits are a significant source of flavonoids, and orange juice contains
receptors in a variety of tissues, these in vitro inhibitory effects have
large amounts of hesperidin (120–250 mg/liter).
the potential to prevent platelet aggregation, which would reduce the
Quercetin occurs in its glycosylated form as rutin in fruits, risk of heart disease and thrombosis and also lower the risk of cancers
vegetables, and particularly onions are its rich source.12 The pigments associated with estrogen. It is well known that flavonoids possess
anthocyanins range in quantity in fresh berries from 0.15 to 4.5 mg/g bioactive properties such as the ability to scavenge free radicals,
and are found in fruits like cherries, plums, strawberries, raspberries, inhibit hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes, and have anti-inflammatory
blackberries, and red currants (Table 1). Some flavonoids are only and antiviral effects. Dietary flavonoids have been shown to have anti-
found in a few foods, but soy, which has genistein and daidzein proliferative effects on disorders like cancer, cardiovascular disease,
concentrations of about 1 mg/g, is the largest source of isoflavonoids. and inflammatory diseases. The ability of flavonoids to scavenge
These compounds have drawn a lot of interest because of their hydroxyl, superoxide anion, and lipid peroxy radicals is a sign of their
potential to fight cancer and osteoporosis. Prostate, breast, and uterine potential for health benefits. The top three sources of flavonoids are
cancer are uncommon in people who follow traditional diets heavy in tea (61%) onions (13%) and apples (10) with cherry, tomato, broccoli,
soy and tea. black grapes, and blueberries rounding out the top ten.
Although there are a range of potentially anti-mutagenic fruits, Consumption of flavonoids and death from coronary heart disease
vegetables, and cereals their intake is generally below the level are inversely correlated. Consuming foods high in flavonoids seems
essential to protect from various mutagens.13 Since ancient times, to lower the chance of dying from coronary heart disease. Some
Silybum marianum extracts have been utilized to treat liver diseases flavonoids have also been reported to be mutagenic, despite the fact
in folk medicine. The major flavonoid in this plant’s silymarin that flavonoid intake has been linked to a lower risk of death from
combination, silibinin, has demonstrated beneficial effects on the coronary heart disease. The potency of flavonoids as antioxidants
liver. In addition to being hepatoprotective, silibinin has been amply depends on their chemical structure. The position of hydroxyl groups
demonstrated in human lung, bladder, and prostate cancer models and other features of the chemical structure of flavonoids are critical
to induce apoptosis, decrease and/or inhibit cell proliferation, and for the antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties of these
promote tumor angiogenesis. Kolaviron from seeds of the Garcinia substances.
kolu and hispidulin from Buccuris frimeru have also been reported as
Quercetin, the most abundant dietary flavonol, is a potent
antioxidant because it has all the right structural features for free
Flavonoids radical scavenging activity.11 Luteolin possesses anti-bacterial,
anti-mutagenic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Similar to
The most prevalent class of plant polyphenols are flavonoids.
the dietary pigmented polyphenol curcumin, apigenin inhibited
The minor flavonoids (flavanones and dihydroflavonols), flavones,

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 129

12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-3-acetate (TPA)-mediated tumor and antimutagenic properties in vivo. In the ferric-reducing ability
development of mouse skin, perhaps by inhibiting protein kinase experiment, they were discovered to have strong antioxidant activity
C activity and nuclear oncogene expression. In addition to relaxing for isolated anthocyanidins (aglycons and glycosides) and complex
smooth muscle, apigenin has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, plant samples; however, in HT29 clone 19A cells, these compounds
diuretic, and hypotensive properties. Hexahydroxyflavone myricetin were unable to prevent the hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidation of
possesses anti-gonadotropic and antibacterial properties, although DNA bases.
it does not appear to be mutagenic. The widely consumed flavonol
In leaf cells, anthocyanins frequently appear red, but depending on
kaempferol is directly mutagenic and has anti-inflammatory and
their chemical composition, vacuole pH, and interactions with other
antibacterial properties. The most common flavonoid in higher plants,
pigments, they can also generate pink, purple, blue, orange, brown,
quercetin, appears to contribute to kaempferol’s mutagenicity in the
or even black leaf colours. Many of the published articles on plant
presence of microsomal metabolizing systems.
defensive colouration have assumed red foliage to be the outcome
Numerous enzymes, smooth muscle contraction, and rat lymphocyte of the production of anthocyanins, even though other pigments–
proliferation are all inhibited by quercetin. Despite having anti- carotenoids, apocarotenoids, betalains, condensed tannins, quinones
inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-hepatotoxic effects, it and phytomelanins– can also contribute to plant vermilion.16
is also mutagenic and allergic. Major sources of catechins and gallic
acids include grapes, berries, chocolate, and green tea. Gallic acid
esters like epicatechin, epicatechingallate, and epigallocatechingallate These non-steroidal phytochemicals share structural and
(EGCG) are abundant in tea. Numerous investigations have revealed physiological similarities with gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
that these substances offer protective advantages by their capacity to They offer a hormone replacement treatment (HRT) alternative
scavenge free radicals and by inhibiting the generation of eicosanoids that has positive benefits on the cardiovascular system and might
and platelet aggregation. Prostate cancer is prevented by drinking possibly help with menopausal symptoms. In hormone replacement
green tea.15 Wine has an astringent flavor because to catechins and treatment (HRT), they can take the place of synthetic selective
procyanidins. Red wine’s potential to guard against atherosclerotic estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). They have antioxidant effects
cardiovascular disease is assumed to be in part due to catechin, one of due to their polyphenolic nature, anti-carcinogenic, modulation of
the principal phenolics present in red wine and grapes. steroid metabolism or of detoxification enzymes, interference with
calcium-transport and favourable effects on lipid and lipoprotein
profiles.17 According to chemical composition, Flavonoids,
They belong to the phenolic phytonutrients subclass. Fabaceae isoflavonoids, coumestans, stilbenes, and lignans are different types
(Leguminosae) family members virtually exclusively produce of phytoestrogens. Either plants or their seeds contain them. While the
isoflavonoids. Tofu, soy flour, soybeans, and soy cheese are their soy sprout is a powerful source of coumestrol, the main coumestan,
primary food sources. Dietary isoflavones, such as genistein and the soybean is high in isoflavones.
daidzein, are primarily obtained from soy, and soybeans are an
Due to their structural resemblance to estrogen, flavonoids can
incredibly concentrated source of these substances. Soy isoflavones
have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. They may also offer
constitute an activity of numerous phytochemicals known as
some protection against heart disease and bone loss. The precursors
phytoestrogens and have attracted a lot of research because they bind
to these compounds are widely distributed across the plant world but
to the estrogen receptor class of molecules. Most hormone-dependent
are primarily found in the family Leguminosae. They are particularly
and hormone-independent cancer cells, including colon cancer cells,
prevalent in soybean and its products, legumes, berries, whole grains,
are inhibited by genistein from growing in culture.
and cereals. They are structurally similar to estrogen in that they include
Isoflavones have received considerable attention as potentially specific hydroxyl groups that can be arranged in a stereochemical
preventing and treating cancer and osteoporosis.8 Consuming soybean alignment that is almost identical to estrogen. According to
products in mice prevented the development of experimental prostate estimations, women in China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea consume
cancer and changed tumor biomarkers linked to angiogenesis. Even more isoflavones than women elsewhere, and as a result, they report
while epidemiological statistics indicate that soy may reduce the lower incidences of osteoporosis and associated health problems such
risk of breast and prostate cancer, there isn’t much proof that it also hot flushes, cardiovascular disorders, and hormone-dependent breast
protects against colon cancer. and uterine malignancies. Red wine and peanuts, both of which contain
Antioxidant and anti–proliferative properties of isoflavones resveratrol, are the main dietary sources of phytoestrogenic stilbenes.
offer additional, important mechanisms for their protection against Both the cis and trans isomers of resveratrol exhibit estrogenic effects,
many prevalent chronic diseases.14 Cellular damage resulting from although only the trans isomer has been identified. Trans-resveratrol
oxidative stress is believed to be a major contributor to the etiology is only present in the skin of red grapes; very small levels can also be
of cardiovascular disease through the oxidation of LDL, and cancer found in white wine and green grapes. Sprouting legumes like soy
by causing DNA strand breaks that may lead to mutations.11 The soy and alfalfa are the main dietary sources of cumestans; however, small
isoflavone genistein selectively engaged the beta-oestrogen receptor amounts have also been found in brussel sprouts and spinach. The
and reduced binding to the alpha-receptor by a factor of 20 according largest quantities are reportedly found in clover and soybean sprouts.
to recent interesting mechanistic studies. A broad class of phenylpropanoid dimers and oligomers are referred
to as lignans. Secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol are two lignan
Anthocyanidins dimers that, while not naturally estrogenic, easily transform into the
oestrogenic mammalian lignans enterodiol and enterolactone. These
These are aglycones of anthocyanins, which are water-soluble
are of great interest because of their estrogenic, anti-carcinogenic,
flavonoids. One of the main pigments in fruits and flowers is made
antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant activities.18
up of these substances.16 These pigments’ colors are affected by
pH and metal ion complexes. Anthocyanidins, a kind of flavonoid, In large quantities, the Phyto lignans are present in flaxseed,
have antioxidant effects in vitro and may also have antioxidative asparagus, whole grains, vegetables, and tea. Apart from strawberries

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 130

and cranberries, fruits also have modest levels. In humans, after studies. Carotene and lycopene have been shown to be inversely
consumption of plants rich in isoflavones and lignans, enzymatic related to the risk of cardiovascular diseases and a number of cancers,
metabolic conversions occur in the gut, by microflora, and the in contrast to lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been associated
mammalian lignans are readily absorbed.18 with eye problems. Lutein can guard against cancers of the lungs,
prostate, breast, colorectal, and uterine. Additionally, they may protect
against the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. The xanthophyll forms of
The greatest class of phytonutrients found in grains and green carotenoids shield additional antioxidants, and these shields may
vegetables are terpenes, sometimes referred to as isoprenoids. Higher also be tissue-specific. Zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin and astaxanthin
plants, mosses, liverworts, algae, and lichens, as well as insects, are members of the xanthophyll group.21 It has been proposed that
microorganisms, and sea organisms, all contain these substances. the primary mechanism by which carotenoids provide their positive
Terpenoids are derived from a common biosynthetic pathway based effects is through their antioxidant capabilities. Recent studies are
on mevalonate as parent, and are named terpenoids, terpenes or also showing that carotenoids may mediate their effects via other
isoprenoids with the subgroup of steroids among them as a class.19 mechanisms such as gap junction communication, cell growth
Their significance to plants stems from the need for them to use regulation, modulating gene expression, immune response and as
photosensitizing pigments in photosynthetic reactions to fix carbon. modulators of Phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes.22 Extensive
It is now understood that the presence of these molecules in animal research has been conducted on the antioxidant properties of certain
tissues also provides a degree of defence against some illnesses, carotenoids. Other processes, such as their pro-vitamin A activity,
particularly those linked to chronic damage and growth dysregulation. immunological, endocrine, and metabolic activities, as well as their
Animals have evolved to use these compounds for hormonal and regulation of cell cycle, apoptosis, and cell differentiation, are being
growth regulatory functions (vitamin A). investigated in ongoing studies. Future research will delve into their
bioavailability, metabolism, mechanisms of action, and safety.
Gibberellins, among other terpenoids, are classified as hormones
(as are carotenoids and phytol), photosynthetic pigments (as are Limonoids
ubiquinone and plastoquinone), electron carriers (as are ubiquinone Limonoids, which are terpenes found in citrus fruits, have gained
and plastoquinone), mediators of polysaccharide assembly, as well as the attention of natural product and synthesis chemists due to their
communication and defence processes. Diterpenes have been linked diverse structures and wide range of bioactivities. Citrus juice and
to several biological processes, such as antibacterial, antifungal, anti- tissues both contain significant concentrations of these highly
inflammatory, anti-leishmanial, cytotoxic, and antitumor properties. oxygenated triterpenoid chemicals, which are known as important
Currently, a variety of terpenoids that are useful for human health care physiologically active natural substances. They can be found in
can elicit in humans a wide range of biological responses. the form of water-soluble limonoid glucosides or water-insoluble
Different terpenoid molecules have antimicrobial, antifungal, limonoid aglycones in seeds. Recent studies have shown that certain
antiparasitic, antiviral, antiallergenic, antispasmodic, anti- citrus limonoids possess noteworthy anticancer properties. In fact,
hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, chemotherapeutic, and it was shown that five limonoid aglycones significantly increased
immunomodulatory properties [20]. Terpenes can be employed as glutathione-S-transferase levels in mice, a crucial detoxifying enzyme
natural pesticides, skin penetration enhancers, and storage protection system that catalyzes the conjugation of glutathione with several
agents for agricultural products. Terpenes interact with free radicals carcinogenic substances. Furthermore, two limonoid aglycones
to produce an unusual antioxidant function. Because of their lengthy were shown to reduce the incidence of tumours in mice by more
carbon side chains, they react with free radicals by dividing into fatty than 50% at a dose of 10mg. These promising findings suggest that
membranes. Tocotrienols and tocopherols are the terpene antioxidants citrus limonoids may have substantial anticancer effects and are safe
that have been investigated the most. They affect cancer cells and for animal models. Natural fruit, citrus enriched with limonoids,
are naturally present in whole grains. Tocotrienols effectively induce and purified forms of limonoids can all be utilized to fight human
apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. The impact of a diet of fruits, cancer. By suppressing Phase I enzymes and activating Phase II
vegetables and grains on reduction of cancer risk may be explained by detoxifying enzymes in the liver, they operate as chemotherapeutic
the actions of terpenes in vivo.20 agents. D-Limonene, the commonest monocyclic monoterpene, found
within orange peel oil, inhibits pancreatic carcinogenesis induced in
Carotenoids experimental models and also provides protection to lung tissue.23
They are prevalent in fruits and vegetables and are highly Though the preliminary studies are encouraging, they have primarily
pigmented in the colors of yellow, orange, and red. When taken by been carried out on cell cultures and animal subjects. To ascertain the
birds, they are also absorbed into the yolk of their eggs. Carotenes and efficacy of limonoids in cancer prevention or treatment in humans,
xanthophylls are the two types of molecules that make up carotenoids. additional research is required. The primary step involves assessing
All carotenoids share a poly-isoprenoid structure, a long-conjugated the compounds’ bioavailability for humans, encompassing factors
chain of double bonds, and approximately bilateral symmetry around such as absorption rates following ingestion, their distribution in blood
the central double bond as common chemical traits. Carotenoids can and tissues, and the duration of their presence therein. If limonoid
be converted to cis-trans isomers through isomerization because compounds are found to be bioavailable, further human studies will
they contain conjugated double bonds. The biological importance be needed to assess the effects of limonoid ingestion on biomarkers
of carotenoid isomerization in relation to human health is little related to cancer.24
understood, even though the trans-isomers are more prevalent in Phytosterols
foods and more stable.
This information is about an important subclass of terpenes. Most
Beta-carotene contains vitamin A activity, but carotenes have commonly, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables contain phytosterols.
biological activities that are tissue specific. An association between On average, seeds have 120 mg of plant sterols per 100g of wet
increased food intake and tissue concentrations of carotenoids and weight, compared to 20 mg for vegetables and 15 mg for fruit. The
a reduced risk of chronic illnesses is suggested by epidemiological most abundant phytosterols in nature are sitosterol, campesterol, and

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 131

stigmasterol, which make up 65%, 30%, and 3% of dietary phytosterol Fibres

intake, respectively. Animals respond well to the anti-inflammatory,
Numerous plant-based foods are rich in indigestible residues that
anti-neoplastic, anti-pyretic, and immuno-modulating effects of beta-
were once labelled as crude fibre. However, they are now recognized
sitosterol and its glycoside, which are produced by plants. According to
as dietary fibre (DF) and non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). DF is
research, phytosterols inhibit inflammatory enzymes and outcompete
a collection of intricate polysaccharides such as cellulose, gums,
cholesterol for absorption in the intestine, assisting with the body’s
mucilage, hemicellulose, and lignin, each with distinct chemical,
removal of cholesterol. In the colon, plant sterols are first solubilized
physiochemical, and physiological characteristics. According to
into micelles before being delivered to enterocytes. They are made
research, these dietary fibers help manage cardiovascular disease,
into chylomicrons, esterified inside the enterocyte, and then secreted
lower blood cholesterol levels, control blood glucose levels in
into the lymphatics before being eliminated by the biliary system. The
diabetics, and prevent colon cancer. The disease-preventing potential
sterolin pumps made up of the ATP-binding cassette proteins ABCG5
of DF will depend upon the proportion and actual quantities of
and ABCG8 convey un-esterified phytosterols back into the intestinal
different polysaccharide components present in each food.29 The
lumen. These are expressed in the mucosal cells and the canalicular
positive impact of dietary fiber components stems largely from their
membrane, and they re-secrete sterols, especially absorbed plant
ability to expand and prolong transit time in the small intestine. They
sterols, back into the intestinal lumen and from the liver into bile.25
are therefore beneficial as a treatment technique for some types of
Studies show that saturated phytosterols are more effective than
diabetes (such as non-insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus) since
unsaturated compounds in reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
the release and absorption of glucose are slowed down as a result.
This is due to their ability to decrease both total cholesterol and LDL
Additionally, these ingredients work with bile salts to encourage the
cholesterol in the blood. It’s not surprising that they compete with
body’s elimination of cholesterol and lower blood cholesterol levels.
cholesterol for absorption in the intestine, as their structure is similar.
They also connect with food toxins in the gut, lessening their toxicity.
However, in mammals, phytosterols are not as easily absorbed and
They can also have some adverse nutritional effects by binding
are more quickly excreted from the liver and metabolized to bile
dietary calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, thereby reducing their
acids compared to cholesterol. While animal studies suggest that
phytosterols can reduce atherosclerosis, human studies have mixed
results and do not definitively link serum phytosterol levels with an Consuming a diet high in meat and fat has been associated with
increase in atherosclerotic risk. It is reassuring that vegetarians who an increased risk of colon cancer. However, the consumption of
consume considerable plant sterols are at decreased risk of ASCVD, dietary fibre can provide protection against colorectal diseases. This
but it is impossible to separate the effects of phytosterol excess from is because fibre can alter the colon’s environment, making it less
animal fat reduction in this population.26 conducive to cancer growth. Moreover, fibre can increase the bulk of
faeces, reducing bile acid concentrations that are elevated by high-fat
diets. Studies have shown that dietary sugar beet fibre and short-chain
Cruciferous vegetables contain chemicals that activate liver fatty acids like butyric acid can reduce cholesterol production in rat
detoxification enzymes, which contribute to their pungent aroma and livers and intestines. Due to how different dietary fibres are digested
bitter taste. Eating these vegetables can provide a natural defence into short-chain fatty acids, particularly butyric acid, in the colon,
against cancer, mutagens, and other harmful substances. Some sprouts they may have different effects on cancer risk. Butyric acid has been
of crucifers, such as broccoli and cauliflower, have higher levels of shown to inhibit the growth of colonic epithelial and tumour cells, as
glucoraphanin (a type of glucosinolate) than mature plants. Crucifer well as induce apoptosis (cell death) in vitro. Butyric acid may help to
sprouts may protect against the risk of cancer more effectively control the apoptotic process in the mucosa of the colon. An intriguing
than the same quantity of mature vegetables of the same variety.27 topic of study is how butyric acid and its derivatives may be produced
Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates that break down into by the fermentation of fiber. Its enrichment through food products,
biologically active compounds like indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates, and such as fibre and starch, may emerge as a molecular-based strategy
isothiocyanates when prepared, chewed, and digested. Two of the that provides significant health.30
most commonly studied compounds for their anticancer properties
are indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane. It has been demonstrated
through research that eating brassica vegetables lowers the risk of Polysaccharides are essential biomolecules found in a variety of
malignancies of the rectum, colon, stomach, and lungs. It is thought organisms, including plants, microorganisms, algae, and animals.
that the thioglucosides present in these plants are responsible for They play crucial roles in many life processes, including cell
this. These dietary glucosinolates are known to block the formation communication, adhesion, and molecular recognition in the immune
of carcinogens, both endogenous and exogenous, which can prevent system. Biochemistry and pharmacology have recently begun to
the initiation of carcinogenesis. Through the induction of Phase 2 pay more attention to natural sources of bioactive polysaccharides.
detoxification enzymes and the inhibition of Phase 1 carcinogen- Particularly plant polysaccharides have shown a variety of biological
activating enzymes, which can affect several processes related to actions, including improving wound healing and enhancing the
chemical carcinogenesis, including metabolism, DNA binding, immune system. They have also been used in traditional medicine
and mutagenic activity of promutagens, the protective effects are as hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory agents. While traditionally
achieved. According to studies, indoles and brassica vegetables have used as thickening, emulsifying, and stabilizing agents, there is now
a good impact on human health when consumed in realistic levels a growing market for healthy compounds produced from controlled
by rats, mice, and humans alike. In mouse models, the glucosinolate enzymatic degradation of polysaccharides, such as starch, to create
metabolite indole-3-carbinol has also been shown to prevent organ- oligo- or monosaccharide syrups. Some of them possess interesting
site carcinogenesis. Its preventive effect on human mammary biological properties e.g., oligodextrins (anti-ulcer agents, lowering
carcinogenesis may be due in part to its ability to regulate cell cycle serum cholesterol in low saturated fat diet), fructooligosaccharides
progression, increase the formation of anti-proliferative estradiol (prebiotics, dietary fibre, stimulate mineral absorption, enhance
metabolite and induce cellular apoptosis.28 defense mechanism).32

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 132

Saponins plants, can help treat osteoporosis and related conditions while also
helping postmenopausal women retain their bone mineral density.
Saponins are a type of compound that can be found in various plant
According to evidence from numerous human research, dietary
species as a natural defense mechanism against pathogens and pests.
phytoestrogens can have estrogenic effects on postmenopausal
These compounds are initially stored in the plant cells as inactive
women’s vaginal cytology and hot flushes, among other things.
precursors, but can be activated by plant enzymes when under attack.
Cardiovascular illnesses are the main killers of postmenopausal
Interestingly, saponins are widely used across various industries
women in the US and Europe. Isoflavonoids have been discovered to
including the production of drugs, foaming agents, sweeteners,
lower total and LDL cholesterol and boost HDL cholesterol, lowering
taste modifiers, and cosmetics. Saponins are glycosylated and can
the risk of cardiovascular illnesses. They can be found in soy products,
be classified into three groups: triterpenoid, steroid, or steroidal
soy protein, and flaxseed. There is evidence to support the hypothesis
glycoalkaloid. Triterpenoid saponins are predominantly found in
that phytoestrogen consumption contributes to the lower incidence of
dicotyledonous plants, while steroid saponins are mainly found
CVDs in Asian countries and in vegetarians and that they may also be
in monocots. However, oats contain both triterpenoid and steroid
saponins. Finally, it’s important to note that steroidal glycoalkaloids
are primarily found in members of the Solanaceae family, such According to numerous scientific research, those who consume more
as potatoes and tomatoes. Among these, α-tomatine is the major isoflavonoids (phytoestrogens) in their diet have decreased incidences
saponin found in tomatoes and is present even in healthy plants with a of various cancers, including breast, prostate, and colon cancer. Breast
concentration of approximately 1 mM in tomato leaves. This saponin cancer risk is associated with enterolactone, a mammalian lignan,
is potent enough to inhibit the growth of several non-pathogens of levels in the circulation. Like this, there are associations between
tomato. Therefore, it would be expected that this molecule could isoflavonoids and lignans in the diet and breast, thyroid, and ovarian
protect the tomato leaves from fungal pathogens.34 malignancies in both pre-and postmenopausal women. In Asia and
Eastern Europe, where the use of phytoestrogens is higher than in
The importance of phytochemicals for health and Western countries and among vegetarians, hormone-dependent
disease prevention cancers are less frequent. Breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancer
According to epidemiological evidence, it is widely believed show a negative link with phytoestrogen intake when compared to
that phytochemicals may serve as a key factor in safeguarding cancer mortality rates. According to the information gathered from
against cancer and cardiovascular disease. This inference is based epidemiological, animal, and cell-line studies, phytoestrogens may
on the observation that individuals who consume a higher number act as a preventative measure against the occurrence of prostate and
of fruits and vegetables have a lower chance of developing these breast cancer. It has been reported that increased consumption of
illnesses. As a result, nutritionists are actively researching the specific beans, lentils and peas, tomatoes, and dried fruits was associated with
phytochemicals present in these foods that offer such protective significantly decreased prostate cancer risk.36
benefits. Experimental evidence that phytochemicals influence many
Consuming diets that are high in phytonutrients can provide
cellular mechanisms which may optimize health has highlighted
various phytoestrogens like isoflavones, resveratrol, and lignans,
the need to identify clearly which effects may be of greater health
which can produce a range of pharmacological effects. The overall
quality of life can be negatively impacted by several estrogen-related
The emergence of nutraceuticals, or foods that offer potential illnesses that affect women, including osteoporosis, cardiovascular
health benefits, has had a significant impact on consumer behavior. and cognitive decline, higher risk of breast cancer, and other
The efficacy of these functional foods hinges on their health claims symptoms. The strongest evidence for the physiological effects of
and the presence of specific phytochemicals, which are natural phytoestrogens on humans comes from studies on the effects of soy
compounds found in plants with medicinal properties that can help protein supplements on lipids, lipoproteins, and vascular function.
to treat a range of disorders. For years, pharmaceutical companies Therefore, postmenopausal women who have the greatest breast
have explored natural plant products in their quest for new drugs. cancer risk should be encouraged to increase their phytoestrogen
Phytochemicals play important role in human health as antioxidants, intake (Figure 1).35
antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic,
antispasmodic, chemopreventive, hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic,
neuroprotective, hypotensive agents, and help in preventing aging,
diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer and heart diseases, induce apoptosis,
diuretic, CNS stimulant, analgesic, protects from UVB-induced
carcinogenesis, immuno-modulator and carminative.36
Red pepper and ginger contain capsaicin, which has been found
to have anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic properties. Curcumin,
another phytochemical found in plants, has been shown to be an
effective anti-inflammatory and cancer preventative. In a study on
mice, dietary soy phytochemical concentrate, genistein, decreased
tumor volumes by 40% to 48%, while dietary soy protein isolate
decreased them by 37%. Major isoflavonoid genistein, which is Figure 1 Plan for advancing and incorporating conventional herbal medicine
present in soy, has been shown to have anti-proliferative effects on into contemporary medicine.
mitogen-stimulated proliferation in cultured human breast cancer
cells. Carcinogen-induced rat models of breast cancer have shown Challenges facing the resurgence of traditional herbal
that soy isoflavonoid conjugates have chemopreventive activity. medicine in India and the role of Indian organizations
Osteoporosis can be caused by aging, hormone deficiency, and The use of phytochemicals from traditional Indian medicine,
diet. Studies have indicated that phytoestrogens, which are present in specifically Ayurveda, is gaining global attention. Significant efforts

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 133

are being made to integrate these herbal remedies into modern Customary therapeutic preparations comprising
medicine. India has ample resources for research in this area, with medicinal plants
institutions such as the Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI),
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Central Institute A clinical trial of a well-known classical Ayurvedic formulation,
of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), National Botanical “triphala”, which is prepared by combining the fruits (without seeds)
Research Institute (NBRI), Regional Research Laboratories (RRL), of Terminalia chebula Retz., Terminalia bellerica Roxb., and Emblica
and National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) all playing important officinalis Gaertn., showed potent effects against constipation and
roles. Several government and non-governmental organizations other gastric problems.46
from different countries have actively started researching plants and A standardized formulation prepared with purified extract of
formulations described in Ayurveda.38 ashwagandha (W. somnifera), guggulu (B. serrata), and haldi
Products from Ayurveda have been successfully evaluated in (Curcuma longa) was effective in improving a joint swelling condition
clinical trials for the treatment of bronchial asthma, rheumatoid and has a good safely profile when given to people suffering from
arthritis, ischemic heart disease and cancer; amongst other illnesses.39 rheumatoid arthritis.7
Indian medicinal herbs (e.g., Ashwagandha, Guggulu, Haridra, Kutki, Prostalyn, a herbal formulation for treating benign prostate
Shatavari, Atmaupta, Amruta, Brahmi, Guduchi, Amla, Ginger) and hyperplasia, contains two traditional Indian medicinal plants -
complex herbal formulations (Rasagenthi Lehyam, Brahma Rasayana, Murraya koeniggi and Tribulus terrestris.
Semecarpus Lehyam, Triphala, and other Rasayanas) were evaluated
through preclinical studies and reported to possess positive effect.40 A short-term clinical trial demonstrated that “tarika”, an
Ayurvedic pimple remover herbal powder (containing T. chebula
The US National Center for Complementary and Alternative fruit, T. bellerica fruit, Santalum album heartwood powder, Curcuma
Medicine has funded several research works based on Ayurvedic aromatica rhizome, Embelia ribes fruit, Berberis aristata dried stem,
medicine, for example, use of curcuminoids in cardiovascular Acorus calamus rhizome, Embelica officinalis fruit, Taxus baccata
diseases; a compound from M. pruriens (L.) used against the side leaf, Myristica officinalis fruit endosperm, and Cyperus rotundus
effects of anti-Parkinson’s drugs; use of three plants (ginger, turmeric, rhizome) has good effect in patients suffering from moderate to severe
and Boswellia) to cure arthritis and asthma, and to validate the effect degrees of acne vulgaris.48
of Centella asiatica (L.) against Alzheimer’s disease.41
“Guduchyadi ghrita medhya rasayana”, clinical trials have shown
The effectiveness of Withania somnifera (L.) and Asparagus promising outcomes for a combination of Indian medicinal plants,
racemosus wild as vaccine adjuvants has been evaluated in including guduchi, apamarga, vidanga, shankhapushpi, vacha,
experimental systems, indicating their potential in immunobiological haritaki, kushtha, and shatavari. It has been found to enhance mental
preparations. However, it is crucial to conduct controlled clinical health, memory, and alleviate stress and depression, making it a
trials to establish the effects of these drugs and compare their potency possible solution for slowing down the aging process.
with allopathic medicines. While encouraging clinical trials have been
conducted on Indian traditional medicines, more trials are necessary. “Amalki rasayana”, an Ayurvedic herbal product, has showed
For instance, clinical studies have been successful in evaluating promising effects in patients suffering from age related macular
piperine, a bio-enhancer from pippali. According to a multi-center degeneration.49
investigation, Vijaya Sar (an aqueous decoction of Pterocarpus The CSIR has developed several traditional plant-based
marsupium Roxb) works well as an anti-diabetic and hypoglycemic formulations. Some of these are α, β arteether (E-mal – which
medication. A US patent for the creation of a herbal anti-psoriatic was included in India’s National Malaria Control Programme) and
medication including Argemone mexicana (L.) has been approved, elubaquine (Aablaquin) as antimalarial drugs; Asmon® to cure
and Lupin Ltd (Mumbai, India) has submitted an Investigational New asthma; Sallaki® of B. serrata to treat rheumatoid arthritis and
Drug (IND) application. The CDRI has also created a product for osteoarthritis; Livzon poly-herbal formulation, which has been
the treatment of hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis that contains a evaluated as a hepatoprotective agent; and immines, a multi-herbal
portion of Gugu lipid from Commiphora weightii. drug to provide immunomodulatory activity.50
Boswellia serrata Roxb. gum resin has been commercialized Several Siddha herbal formulations like Gly Cyn Neu ointment
by Regional Research Laboratories (Jammu) as a non-steroidal against diabetic neuropathic symptoms, combination of amukkara
anti-inflammatory drug, which also demonstrates hypolipidemic choornam and linga chenduram, and two other poly-herbal (for
effect.42,43 A double-blinded clinical trial has been carried out with internal and external use) formulations against rheumatoid arthritis
“arogyawardhini” (an Ayurvedic product containing Amla, Bahera, have also undergone successful clinical trials.51,52
Harar, Guggulu, Kutki, Neem, Chitrak Mool) in viral hepatitis, while
effects of M. pruriens, Phyllanthus amarus, and Tinospora cordifolia Throughout history, ISMs have utilized various herbal remedies
have been investigated in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, to treat jaundice and viral hepatitis. Currently, there are more than
hepatitis, and obstructive jaundice, respectively.44 6,000 herbal medicines available worldwide that are used to manage
liver disorders. Of these, approximately 40% are composed of poly-
A standardized Bacopa monnieri L. plant extract that has been herbal formulations, which include extracts from Silybum marianum
enhanced with bacoside has been created by the CSIR and CDRI. The L. Gaertn. seed, Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth, and various
extract is used to improve memory and learning and is marketed under Phyllanthus sp. plants, as well as glycyrrhizin preparation. These
various brand names in Asia and Europe. Brahmi is described in the formulations consist of a combination of ninety-three Indian herbs
Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita and has been used as a brain and are available in the Indian market.53
tonic for 3,000 years.45

Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400
Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine ©2023 Gupta 134

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motivation and research facilities.
19. Bergman ME, Davis B, Phillips MA. Medically useful plant terpenoids:
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Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
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Citation: Gupta C. Bioactive phytochemicals on humanoid endurance & advancement of herbal medicine. J microbial Exp. 2023;11(5):125‒135.
DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00400

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