Class XII - Informatics Practices

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Max Marks: 70 Time: 3 hrs

General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
2. Both Part A and Part B have choices.
3. Part-A has 2 sections:
a. Section – I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line.
b. Section – II has two case studies questions. Each case study has
4 case-based sub- parts. An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of
the 5 subparts.
4. Part - B is Descriptive Paper.
5. Part- B has three sections
a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two
questions have internal options.
b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two
questions have internal options.
c. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question
has question has internal option.

Section - I
Attempt any 15 questions from questions 1 to 21
The char() function in MySql is an example of ___________________.
1. 1
a. Math function
b. Text function
c. Date Function
d. Aggregate Function

The practice of secretly listening someone else information is known as

2. 1
In Pandas the function used to check for null values in a DataFrame is
3. 1

I can keep you signed in.

4. 1
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I can remember your site preferences.
I can give you locally relevant content.
Who am I ?
Which amongst the following is not an example of browser ?
5. 1
a. Chrome
b. Firefox
c. Norton
d. Edge
A mail or message sent to a large number of people indiscriminately
6. 1
without their consent is called____________

According to a survey, one of the major asian country generates

7. 1
approximately about 2 million tonnes of electronic waste per year. Only
1.5 % of the total e-waste gets recycled. Suggest a method to manage e-
waste .
The ____________command can be used to add column in a table in
8. 1
Write the SQL command that will display the current time and date .
9. 1
_________________ network device is known as an intelligent hub .
10. 1

Expand the following term.

11. 1
(ii) MODEM

Fill in the blanks :

12. 1
The command used to give a heading to a graph is _________
b. plt.plot()
c. plt.xlabel()
d. plt.title()
Write the output of the following SQL command.
13. 1
select round(85.86);
a. 85.00
b. 85.87
c. 85.0
d. 86
Given a Pandas series called Sequences, the command which will display
14. 1
the first 5 rows is __________________.
a. print(Sequences.head())
b. print(Sequences.Head(5))
c. print(Sequences.heads(5)
d. print(Sequences.Heads(5))
To get bottom 5 rows of a dataFrame you may use ________ function.
15. 1
(a) tail() (b) Tails(5) (c ) bottom() (d) bottom(5)

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Using Python Matplotlib _________ can be used to count how
16. 1
many values fall into each interval
a. line plot
b. bar graph
c. histogram

To prevent unauthorized access to and / or from the network, a system

17. 1
known as ____________, can be implemented by hardware and / or
In a DataFrame, Axis= 0 represents the_____________ elements.
18. 1
Which of the following is not a network topology :
19. 1
Star, Mesh , Tree, Gateway , Bus
Al Stealing someone else intellectual work and representing it as own ,is 1

(a) intellectual steal b) Pluckism c) Plagiarism d) Pickism

21. WAN stands for--------------------------------------- 1

Section -II
Both the case study based questions (22 & 23) are compulsory.
Attempt any four sub parts from each question. Each sub question
carries 1 mark.
Consider the following DataFrame df and answer any four questions from
rollno name UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4
1 Prerna Singh 24 24 20 22
2 Manish Arora 18 17 19 22
3 Tanish Goel 20 22 18 24
4 Falguni Jain 22 20 24 20
5 Kanika Bhatnagar 15 20 18 22
6 Ramandeep Kaur 20 15 22 24
(i) Write down the command that will give the following output.

a. print(df.max)
b. print(df.max())
c. print(df.max(axis=1))
d. print(df.max, axis=1)
(ii) The teacher needs to know the marks scored by the student with roll
number 4. Help her to identify the correct set of statement/s from the

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given options :
a. df1=df[df[‘rollno’]==4]
b. df1=df[rollno==4]
c. df1=df[df.rollno=4]
d. df1=df[df.rollno==4]
(iii) Which of the following statement/s will give the exact number of values in
each column of the dataframe?
i. print(df.count())
ii. print(df.count(0))
iii. print(df.count)
iv. print(df.count(axis=’index’))
Choose the correct option:
a. both (i) and (ii)
b. only (ii)
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. (i), (ii) and (iv)
(iv) Which of the following command will display the column labels of the
a. print(df.columns())
b. print(df.column())
c. print(df.column)
d. print(df.columns)
(v) Ms. Sharma, the class teacher wants to add a new column, the scores of
Grade with the values, ‘ A’, ‘B’, ‘A’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘A’ ,to the DataFrame. Help her
choose the command to do so:
a. df.column=[’A’,’B’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’]
b. df [‘Grade’]=[’A’,’B’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’]
c. df.loc[‘Grade’]= [’A’,’B’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’]
d. Both (b) and (c) are correct
23. Consider the Person table given below and write SQL queries for (i) to (iii) 1x5
and output for (iv) and (v)
Roll Name Age salary Address DOB
1 Anupam 20 5000 Pawan puri 1990/01/20
2 Mahesh 25 2500 Mansarovar 1999/12/13
3 Dinesh 40 2700 Church Gate 2005/01/01
4 Kailash 15 4000 Civil Lines 2008/08/24
5 Ram Kishore 30 3300 Sadul 2000/03/07
(i) Display all the names in uppercase letters
(ii) Display Name and total characters in Name
(iii) Display 3rd, 4th and 5th characters of all names

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(iv) Select INSTR(Name,”sh”) from Person;
(v) Select SUM(salary) from Person where DOB>=’2001-01-01’;

Consider the following code and predict the
24. 2
output import pandas as pd
s1=pd.Series(range(1,8,2), index=list(“abcd”)
State any two differences between single row functions and multiple row
25. 2
What is the difference between the order by and group by clause when
used along with the select statement. Explain with an example.
Consider the decimal number x with value 8459.2654. Write commands in
26. 2
SQL to:
i. round it off to a whole number
ii. round it to 2 places before the decimal.
27. Define the term DataFrame? Which module we need to import to create 2
A DataFrame student consist 10 records of students that
28. 2
include rollno,name,gender and age
i. How many elements in student
ii. What is the shape of student
A dictionay dic contains
29. 2
{‘name’:[‘aaa’,’bbb’,’ccc’], ‘age’:[40,42,30],’gender’:[‘M’,’F’,’M’]} and a
list rollno = [101,102,10,3]
(i) Write Python code that create DataFram where name, age and
gender are columns and rollno are index using dic and rollno
(ii) Write Python code to print maximum age
Write full form of following abbrevations
30. 2
(i) DDL
(ii) DML
What will be the output of the following command
31. 2
(i) select power(10,2)
(ii) select round(14.4743, 1)
Consider the decimal number x with value 8459.2654. Write commands 2
in SQL to:
i. round it off to a whole number
ii. round it to 2 places before the decimal.

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33. Expand the following terms related to Computer Networks:
b. POP
c. FTP
d. VoIP
Section II
34. Consider two objects x and y. x is a list whereas y is a Series. Both have
values 20, 40,90, 110.
What will be the output of the following two statements considering that
the above objects have been created already
a. print (x*2) b. print(y*2)
Justify your answer.
35. What do you mean by Identity theft? Explain with the help of an example.
What do you understand by Net Ettiquetes? Explain any two such
36. Explain phishing and how to prevent it?
What do mean by network Topology? Write different type of topologies. 3
38. Write the code in pandas to create the following dataframes :
df1 df2
bal1 bal2 bal1 bal2
0 10 15 0 30 20
1 40 45 1 20 25
2 15 30 2 20 30

Write the commands to do the following operations on the dataframes

given above :
(i) To add dataframes df1 and df2.
(ii) To subtract df1 from df2
(ii) To print df1 and df2
39. Write sql queries for the following:
Table : Employee
Eno Ename Job Salary Dept
101 Anupam Programmer 5000 10
102 Mahesh kumar Editor 2500 20
103 Dinesh Programmer 2700 10
104 Kailash Manager 4000 30
105 Ram Kishor Editor 3300 20

(i) Display Eno, name and job in descending order of Eno.

(ii) Display all details of employees in the ascending order of
name and descending order of dept
(iii) Count the total number of employees
(iv) Find the maximum salary of dept 10
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(v) Count the total employees working in each department

(a) Name the most suitable wing where the Server should be
installed. Justify your answer.
(b)Draw the cable layout to efficiently connect various wings
JNV, HYDERABAD and also write the topology.
(c) Suggest a device/software and its placement that would
provide data security for the entire network of the School.
(d)(i) Which device will you suggest to be placed/installed in
each of these wings to efficiently connect all the computers
within these wings.
(ii) Suggest the placement of a Repeater in the network with
(e) Suggest a device and the protocol that shall be needed to
provide wireless Internet access to all smartphone/laptop
users in the campus of JNV, Hyderabad


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