CP 1
CP 1
(25 Marks)
1.a) What is the size of the double data type? Which conversion specifier is used? [2]
b) Write program in C to interchange the two values without using third variable. [3]
c) Distinguish between built – in and user – defined functions. [2]
d) How one dimensional arrays are initialized? Give example. [3]
e) List the dynamic memory handling functions used in ‘C’. [2]
f) List the advantages and disadvantages of using pointers. [3]
g) Write the syntax for enumerated data type. Give example. [2]
h) Give brief information about self referential structures. [3]
i) Write the syntax for opening a file. Give example. [2]
j) List the advantages of using files. [3]
(50 Marks)
4.a) What is a function? What are its advantages? Explain various parameter passing
b) Write a ‘C’ program to search for an element by using Linear Search. [5+5]
5. Why we need storage classes? List and explain the various storage classes present in
language ‘C’. [10]
6. With the help of syntax and example program explain the various string handling
functions. [10]
7.a) Write in detail about the various dynamic memory allocation functions.
b) Write a program to accept a set of names and display them by using array of pointers.
8.a) Write a ‘C’ program using functions to return the sum of two complex numbers passed as
b) Write short notes on typedef. [5+5]
9.a) Create a structure called student and the members of the structure are Stu_Name,
Stu_Rno, M1, M2, M3. Create a pointer variable for the structure, store the values and
fetch the values present in the structure student.
b) In what way a Union differs from structures. [5+5]