Inflation Targeting Turns 20

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Turns 20
Scott Roger

wo decades ago, New Zealand adopted a new
approach to monetary policy, based on achiev-
ing a specific target for inflation. What made
this approach new was the explicit public com-
mitment to controlling inflation as the primary policy
objective and the emphasis on policy transparency and
Today 26 countries use inflation targeting, about half
of them emerging market or low-income economies (see
table). Moreover, a number of central banks in more
advanced economies—including the European Central
Bank, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the
Swiss National Bank—have adopted many of the main
elements of inflation targeting, and several others are in
the process of moving toward it.­
A growing This article examines how inflation targeters have performed over the past 20 years—includ-
ing during the commodity price shocks of 2006–08 and the global financial crisis that began in
number of 2007. The article also highlights some especially important issues inflation targeters are likely to
countries face in the next few years.­

are making The inflation-targeting framework

a specific From the outset, inflation-targeting frameworks have included four main elements (Mishkin,
2004; and Heenan, Peter, and Roger, 2006):
inflation • an explicit central bank mandate to pursue price stability as the primary objective of mon-
rate the etary policy and a high degree of operational autonomy;
• explicit quantitative targets for inflation;
primary goal • central bank accountability for performance in achieving the inflation objective, mainly
of monetary through high-transparency requirements for policy strategy and implementation; and
• a policy approach based on a forward-looking assessment of inflation pressures, taking
policy, with into account a wide array of information.­
success These elements reflect both theory and experience that suggest central banks cannot consis-
tently pursue and achieve multiple goals, such as low inflation and low unemployment, with
only one basic instrument—the policy interest rate (for example, the federal funds rate in the
United States or the bank rate in the United Kingdom). These elements also recognize that over
the long term monetary policy can influence nominal but not real (inflation-adjusted) vari-
ables; high inflation harms growth and the equitable distribution of income; and expectations
and credibility significantly influence the effectiveness of monetary policy.­
With experience, and as the inflation-targeting framework has been adopted by emerging mar-
ket economies, it has tended to evolve in two particularly important respects. First, there has been a
progressive increase in policy transparency and communication as the key means of providing public

46   Finance & Development March 2010

accountability, which underpins the operational independence rectly one country’s performance under two different policy
of central banks and helps anchor inflation expectations. The regimes over the same period, comparisons have to be made
main ways central banks communicate their targets include between similar countries with different approaches.­
inflation or monetary policy reports two to four times a year, Charts 1 and 2 compare inflation and output performance
public statements following policy meetings, and, sometimes, in inflation-targeting countries before and after they adopted
publication of the minutes of policymaking meetings. Senior inflation targeting with non-inflation-targeting countries
central bank officials also testify before legislatures. In general, over the same period. For inflation-targeting countries, the
central banks have become increasingly active in a much broader median inflation targeting adoption date was the begin-
range of public communication activities than in the past.­ ning of 2001, so the comparison periods for non-inflation-
Second, central banks have generally pursued a flexible form targeting countries are set at 1991–2000 and 2001–09.­
of inflation targeting. Rather than focusing on achieving the
inflation target at all times, the approach has emphasized
Chart 1
achieving the target over the medium term—typically over
Inflation and growth performance
a two- to three-year horizon. This allows policy to address
other objectives—notably, smoothing output—over the Although inflation and growth rates improved in most countries
short term. The central bank’s ability to be flexible, however, between the periods 1991–2000 and 2001–09, inflation-
targeting (IT) countries improved more.
depends on keeping medium-term inflation expectations
(consumer price inflation, percent)
well anchored. And this depends, at least in part, on its track
record in keeping inflation under control.
What about the alternatives? Non-IT low-income
IT low-income
A natural question is whether macroeconomic performance 12 IT high-income
under inflation targeting has been as good as or better than Non-IT high-income
under alternative policy approaches, such as targeting money
growth, exchange rate pegs, or “eclectic” frameworks with
6 1991–2000
multiple objectives. Because it is not possible to compare di-
4 2001-09
Inflation targeters 2

There are 26 countries that use inflation targeting, fixing the 0

0 1 2 3 4 5
consumer price index as their monetary policy goal. Three other Growth in real gross domestic product
countries—Finland, the Slovak Republic, and Spain—adopted Source: Author’s calculations.
Note: Hollow symbols represent period 1991–2000; filled-in symbols represent period
inflation targeting, but abandoned it when they began to use the 2001–09. The straight lines represent direction of movement between the periods for the four
euro as their currency. groups of countries.
Inflation targeting Inflation rate at 2009 average Target
Country adoption date adoption date inflation rate inflation rate
New Zealand 1990 3.3 0.8 1–3 Chart 2
Canada 1991 6.9 0.3 2 +/– 1
United Kingdom 1992 4.0 2.2 2 +/– 1
Output and inflation smooth
Sweden 1993 1.8 -0.3 2 +/– 1 Swings in both inflation and growth were less volatile in the
Australia 1993 2.0 1.9 2–3 period 2001–09 than in 1991–2000, but the decline was
Czech Republic 1997 6.8 1.0 3 +/– 1 greater in inflation-targeting (IT) countries.
Israel 1997 8.1 3.3 2 +/– 1 (inflation variability, percent)
Poland 1998 10.6 3.8 2.5 +/– 1
Brazil 1999 3.3 4.9 4.5 +/– 2
Chile 1999 3.2 1.5 3 +/– 1 Non-IT low-income
Colombia 1999 9.3 4.2 2–4 IT low-income 1991–2000
South Africa 2000 2.6 7.1 3–6 IT high-income
10 Non-IT high-income
Thailand 2000 0.8 –0.9 0.5 – 3
Korea 2001 2.9 2.8 3 +/– 1 8
Mexico 2001 9.0 5.3 3 +/– 1
Iceland 2001 4.1 12.0 2.5 +/– 1.5 6 2001–09
Norway 2001 3.6 2.2 2.5 +/– 1
Hungary 2001 10.8 4.2 3 +/– 1 4
Peru 2002 –0.1 2.9 2 +/– 1 1991–2000
Philippines 2002 4.5 1.6 4.5 +/– 1 2
Guatemala 2005 9.2 1.8 5 +/– 1 2001–09
Indonesia 2005 7.4 4.6 4–6 0
0 1 2 3 4
Romania 2005 9.3 5.6 3.5 +/– 1 Variability of growth in real gross domestic product
Turkey 2006 7.7 6.3 6.5 +/– 1 Source: Author’s calculations.
Serbia 2006 10.8 7.8 4–8 Note: Hollow symbols represent period 1991–2000; filled-in symbols represent period
Ghana 2007 10.5 19.3 14.5 +/– 1 2001–09. The straight lines represent direction of movement of variability between the periods
for the four groups of countries.
Source: Author’s compilation.

Finance & Development March 2010   47

The evidence shows the following: These results are consistent with the notion that inflation
• Both inflation-targeting and non-inflation-targeting expectations are better anchored in countries that adopt
low-income economies experienced major reductions in inflation targeting and that authorities in those countries
inflation rates and improvements in average growth rates. place a greater emphasis on keeping inflation from surging.
Although the non-inflation-targeting countries continued But more detailed analysis will be needed to disentangle these
to have lower inflation and higher growth than the inflation- effects from other influences on growth and inflation before
targeting countries, those that adopted inflation targeting any solid conclusions can be reached.­
saw larger improvements in performance. ­ The global financial crisis that began in mid-2007 is still
• Both inflation-targeting and non-inflation-targeting unfolding, so it is premature to judge whether inflation tar-
low-income economies also experienced large reductions in geters have coped better than others with the worst global
the volatility of inflation and output, with the countries that economic and financial downturn since the Great Depression.
adopted inflation targeting registering bigger declines, espe- To be sure, several inflation-targeting countries have been
cially in inflation volatility.­ among the hardest hit by the crisis, and some have entered
• Among high-income economies, inflation-targeting coun- into IMF-supported programs—including Hungary, Iceland,
tries showed little change in performance, on average, between Romania, and Serbia. However, it is not clear that inflation
the two periods, whereas the non-inflation-targeting countries targeting made these countries more susceptible to crises or
typically experienced a decline in growth. Similarly, inflation- that their downturns are more severe than in comparable
targeting countries saw little change in output or inflation vol- countries with other policy approaches.­
atility between the two periods, but the non-inflation-targeting Macroeconomic forecasts suggest that inflation-targeting
countries experienced greater output volatility.­ economies may be less adversely affected by the finan-
Of course, adoption of inflation targeting may not fully cial crisis (see Chart 3). According to Consensus Forecasts
explain the improvement in relative performance, since many (Consensus Economics) in January 2010, average growth for
countries adopting inflation targeting did so as part of broader all countries during 2009–10 is expected to fall well below the
structural and policy reforms. Nonetheless, more detailed stud- typical growth experienced during 2001–08. Among emerg-
ies also generally suggest that when otherwise similar emerging ing market economies, however, non-inflation-targeting
market economies are compared over the same time periods, countries are generally expected to experience a larger
key economic macroeconomic variables such as inflation and decline than inflation-targeting countries in growth relative
output performed better in countries that adopted inflation to precrisis averages. Among the high-income economies, the
targeting compared with those that did not. For example, a opposite is expected, with a bigger decline in growth among
study in the IMF’s September 2005 World Economic Outlook inflation-targeting than non-inflation-targeting countries.
found adoption of inflation targeting to be associated with a 4.8 All inflation-targeting countries are expected to experience a
percentage point reduction in average inflation relative to other decline in inflation. By contrast, inflation is expected to rise
monetary policy regimes between 1990 and 2004. Inflation tar- above precrisis levels in non-inflation-targeting countries.­
geting was also associated with a 3.6 percentage point reduc-
tion in the variability of inflation relative to other strategies.­
Chart 3
The resilience of inflation targeting
Buffering the financial crisis
Of particular relevance, in the wake of the global commod-
Macroeconomic forecasts suggest that inflation-targeting
ity price spikes and financial shocks of the past three years,
economies are less adversely affected by the global economic
is whether inflation targeting is more resilient to shocks crisis than other countries.
than are other policy frameworks. Throughout most of the (consumer price inflation, percent)
period since inflation targeting was widely adopted, global 10
macroeconomic conditions were benign compared with ear- Non-IT low-income IT high-income
IT low-income Non-IT high-income
lier periods. As a result, there was limited evidence that the 8
inflation-targeting approach could absorb major shocks.­
Inflation-targeting countries appear to have done bet- 6 2009–10
ter than others in minimizing the inflationary impact of the 2001–08
2007 surge in commodity prices (Habermeier and others, 4
2009). That price shock led to a rise in inflation and declines
in growth in most countries between 2006 and 2008. Among 2 2009–10 2001–08
low-income economies, however, non-inflation-targeting
countries experienced bigger increases in inflation than 0
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
inflation-targeting countries, although their gross domes- Growth in real gross domestic product
tic product growth rates fell by similar amounts. Among Source: Consensus Economics, Consensus Forecasts, January 2010.
high-income economies, inflation-targeting countries had a Note: Hollow symbols represent actual performance in the period 2001–08. Filled-in
symbols represent forecasts for period 2009–10. The straight lines represent direction of the
smaller growth decline than non-inflation-targeting coun- change between actual performance and forecasts for the four groups of countries.
tries and slightly less of an increase in inflation.­

48   Finance & Development March 2010

The future of inflation targeting will be important if financial developments are to be better
The evidence indicates that inflation targeting has worked integrated into policy analysis and forecasting.
well in a broad range of countries and circumstances. In this A key issue is whether central banks should use monetary
context, the concerns expressed by several major central banks policy, in addition to prudential policies, to react directly and
about a recent proposal by IMF Chief Economist Olivier systematically to financial stability indicators such as house
Blanchard to raise inflation targets, as a way to give central prices. As with their response to exchange rate movements,
banks more room to lower interest rates in severe downturns, this might be beneficial in some circumstances but not others
suggest that key features of inflation targeting will remain and, by adding to the central bank’s objectives, could under-
intact. But the framework is bound to evolve as lessons are mine the credibility of their commitment to the inflation
drawn from experience with inflation targeting, particularly target. Research is needed in this area, including determining
as it is adapted to the needs of developing countries. Two the appropriate financial indicators to take into account and
issues stand out in particular. how the central bank should respond to them.­
• For many open economies that have adopted or are con- Another possibility is to extend the inflation-targeting
sidering adopting inflation targeting, there is debate over the horizon to take into account the longer-term inflation risks
appropriate role of the exchange rate in an inflation-targeting associated with asset price cycles (Borio and Lowe, 2002). An
framework.­ advantage of this approach is that it would be less mechanical
• For all central banks, including inflation targeters, than responding directly to asset prices or other financial sta-
there is the question of how to reconcile their monetary bility indicators. Still, there are practical challenges. In partic-
policy responsibilities and objectives with their responsibil- ular, a lengthening of the forecast horizon would also require
ity to promote and maintain the stability of the financial improving central banks’ medium- to long-term forecasting
system.­ capabilities. In addition, there would be issues to sort out in
The conventional wisdom has been that inflation-targeting terms of the appropriate timing of actions to counter devel-
central banks should react to exchange rate movements only opment of asset price bubbles (Bean, 2004). Stronger policy
insofar as they affect the outlook for inflation and output— communication would also be needed to ensure continued
depreciation of the currency may, for example, make exports credibility of the central bank’s long-term commitment to
cheaper, stimulating output, but at the same time exacerbate low and stable inflation. n
inflation—rather than systematically dampening exchange
rate changes. More recent analysis, however, suggests that Scott Roger is a Senior Economist in the IMF’s Monetary and
systematic leaning against exchange rate movements may be Capital Markets Department.­
warranted in some circumstances. For example, in econo-
mies with high foreign currency debt, exchange rate move- References:
ments will have strong effects on debtors’ financial balance Bean, Charles, 2004, “Asset Prices, Financial Instability, and Monetary
sheet positions. So dampening exchange rate changes may Policy,” American Economic Review, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 14–18.­
help stabilize output and inflation (Morón and Winkelried,
Borio, Claudio, and Philip Lowe, 2002, “Asset Prices, Financial and
2005; and Roger, Restrepo, and Garcia, 2009). The challenge
Monetary Stability: Exploring the Nexus,” BIS Working Paper 114 (Basel:
for policymakers is to ensure that the exchange rate remains
Bank for International Settlements).­
subordinate to the inflation objective and that dampening
Consensus Economics, 2010, Consensus Forecasts (January).
exchange rate movements does not undermine the credibility
Habermeier, Karl, and others, 2009, “Inflation Pressures and Monetary
of the inflation-targeting framework.
Policy Options in Emerging and Developing Countries: A Cross Regional
The global financial crisis is also forcing a reassessment of
Perspective,” IMF Working Paper 09/1 (Washington: International
the relationship between monetary policy and policies aimed
Monetary Fund).­
at financial stability. In particular, a question arises analogous
Heenan, Geoffrey, Marcel Peter, and Scott Roger, 2006, “Implementing
to that of the role of the exchange rate: should monetary pol-
Inflation Targeting: Institutional Arrangements, Target Design, and
icy respond directly to potential risks to financial stability—
Communication,” IMF Working Paper 06/278 (Washington: International
such as rapid increases in credit, property prices, or stock
Monetary Fund).­
market values—or only insofar as these affect the outlook for
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2005, World Economic Outlook
inflation and growth?
At a minimum, the crisis has highlighted the need to pay (Washington, September).­
greater attention to the interaction between the real economy Mishkin, Frederic, 2004, “Can Inflation Targeting Work in Emerging
of goods and services and the financial economy. The work- Market Countries?” NBER Working Paper 10646 (Cambridge,
horse macroeconomic models central banks use in monetary Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research).­
policy analysis and forecasting lack substantial representation Morón, Eduardo, and Diego Winkelried, 2005, “Monetary Policy
of the financial sector, the determination of key asset prices Rules for Financially Vulnerable Economies,” Journal of Development
such as equity and property prices, and the interaction between Economics, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 23–51.­
the financial sector and household and corporate sector behav- Roger, Scott, Jorge Restrepo, and Carlos Garcia, 2009, “Hybrid
ior. Nor do the models take account of interactions within the Inflation Targeting Regimes,” IMF Working Paper 09/234 (Washington:
financial sector. Fixing such weaknesses will not be easy, but International Monetary Fund).­

Finance & Development March 2010   49

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