Letter and CDoT Booklet For IPDR Options

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Government of India
Department of Telecommunications
(Data Services Cell)

No. 820-1/98-LR/Vol(X)(Part-II) Dated: 16-06-2022

Subject: Compliance of revised IPDR format notified vide DOT letter no 8520-01/98-
LR/Vol.(IX) Pt. I dated 16.11.2021.

Kindly refer to the revised IPDR format notified vide DoT le er no. 8520-01/98-
LR/Vol.(IX) Pt. I dated 16.11.2021 and minutes of meeting dated 12.04.2022.

2. In this regard, only issue raised by operators wrt compliance of said le er of DOT
dated 16.11.21 was relating to destination IP, destination port.

3. In order to facilitate ISPs w.r.t. issues in para 2 above, few options have been
suggested by C-DOT (copy enclosed) for your information / consideration. In case of
any query, you may contact to CDoT: Sh. Pramod Kumar, e-mail id [email protected]

4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(U.C. Meena)
Tel: 9868131311
1. All ISPs.

Copy to,

1. PPS to Secretary (T)

2. PPS to Member (T)
3. PPS to DGT, DoT HQ
Overview of
IPDR (Internet Protocol
Detail Record) generation

Prepared by: C-DOT


1. Introduction:..................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Mapping of OSI Model with TCP/IP Stack ....................................................................................... 2
3. IPDR Generation methods: .............................................................................................................. 3
4. C-DOT IPFIX Probe: ........................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 IPFIX Flow Collection .................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Reading Flows: NFCAPD ............................................................................................................... 5
4.3 ProcessingNetFlow / IPFIX Flows: ................................................................................................ 5
5. Implementation Scenario- 1: ISP sites installed with C-DOT Internet Monitoring System (IMS) . 6
5.1. IPDR Parameters (for IPv4/IPv6) available with IPFIX .................................................................... 6
6. Implementation Scenario2: ISP sites not installed with Internet Monitoring System (IMS) ........ 7
7. Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Annexure: 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Annexure: 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 11

1. Introduction:

ISP (Internet Service Provider) needs to maintain IPDR (Internet Protocol Detail record) as per mandate
requirement of License conditions. IPDR provides information about IP based service usage. DoT had
issued guidelines in this regard on 01-10-2013 (Annexure 1) for IPDR parameters to be stored in respect
of Internet & GPRS services (like user details, IP address, Static / Dynamic IP address allocation, Source
port of Public IP address in case of NATing, IP address allocation start & End time etc.) and modified
guidelines were issued on in which some additional parameters like
Destination IP, Destination ports& Source Port were mentioned (for IPv4 and IPv6) which are to be
stored in respect of Wireless / Wireline Internet services.

1.1 Anatomy of a TCP/IP Packet:

2. Mapping of OSI Model with TCP/IP Stack

7 Application layer
SSL, Telnet, DNS,, IMAP/IMAP4, RADIUS, TOR, etc.

4 Transport layer OSPF, SCTP, TCP, UDP, etc.

3 Network/Internet layer IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, ARP, IGMP, IPSEC, NAT etc

Ethernet, Wireless (WAP, CDPD, 802.11, Wi-Fi), Token ring, FDDI, PPP,
1, Physical/ Data
ISDN, Frame Relay, ATM, SONET/SDH, xDSL, SLIP etc.
2 Link layer
RS-232, EIA-422, RS-449, EIA-485 etc.

3. IPDR Generation methods:

Generally used methods for IPDR generation are described below:

i) NetFlow/IPFIX Technology: NetFlow Network Protocol is used to generate IPDR

information (Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port, Flow Start time,
Flow end time etc.) on IP network device like Router / Firewall. A NetFlow-enabled
device generates metadata at the interface level and sends this information to a flow
collector(a separate server), where the flow records are stored to carry out network
traffic analytics. NetFlow can be generated on almost all managed network devices.
However, Flow generation sampling rate varies from devices to device. Many of the
enterprise class network devices have capability to generate flow in 1:1 ratio. If flow
generation is on 1:1 ratio, then this method can be used for generating required IPDR

ii) IPDR information (Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port, Flow Start
time, Flow end time etc.) is also available in Syslog generated in Firewall or Integrated
Router / Firewall which can be transferred to a separate log server. Logs of network
devices thus transferred to log server can be stored at some defined interval. These logs
provide the IPDR information. Customized scripts can be used to retrieve required
information from logs. So syslog generation method is another method for IPDR
generation. This method is also referred to as NATing.

iii) IPFIX (Internet Protocol Flow Information Export) can also be generated from RAW
traffic passively without any impact of device performance and pushed to Collector
(separate server). C-DOT has also developed an IPFIX probe which can be deployed in
such a way that it does not have any effect on device utilization. Therefore, this method
can also be used for IPDR generation for the scenarios of higher volume of Internet

4. C-DOT IPFIX Probe:

C-DoT’s IPFIX probe can generate flows with Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination
Port, Flow Start Time, Flow End Time, Byte Counts, Packet Count, TCP Flags etc. for IPv4 and IPv6
which can be collected by an ISP on a separate collector server and required filed can be

retrieved by invoking customized scripts as per requirement. Assuming that other required logs
and sufficient storage space are available with ISP, these logs can provide IPDR access records.

IPDR logs can be generated by C-DOT IPFIX probe as shown in sample schematic below:

4.1 IPFIX Flow Collection

Netflow / IPFIX Flows are exported from network device / C-DOT IPFIX probe and can be collected on
someserver called IPFIX Collector wherein Daemon “nfcapd” listens on specific UDP Port to collect and
save exported flows data into files as per defined intervals.

Flows are collected on collector by invoking following command (Interval and destination directory can
be defined)

# nfcapd -p 3000 -M flowname -D

4.2 Reading Flows: NFCAPD

• NFCAPD receives the IPFIX Flow data from the network and stores the data into files.
Automatically rotate files at defined interval.

• Needs one nfcapd process for each flow stream.

• Sample data is shown below for reference.

4.3 –ProcessingNetFlow / IPFIX Flows:

Process Flows: NFDUMP

• Process NFDUMP Processes collected records.

• View the desired fields like Source IP, SourcePort, Destination IP, Destination Port, Flow
Start Time, Flow End Time etc, from the stored NetFlow/ IPFIX data files.
• Output of this process are IPDR records.
• Sample records are shown below for reference.

5. Implementation Scenario- 1: ISP sites installed with C-DOT Internet Monitoring
System (IMS)

(i) IPDR data(Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port, Flow Start time, Flow
end time etc.) can be generated by deploying C-DOT IPFIX probes at ISP gateway
(ii) These flows can be collected on a separate server installed locally / remotely and can be
saved in some directory on server based on some pre-defined interval by the ISP.
(iii) It will require appropriately sized server(s) to collect and save the flows.
(iv) Required IPDR records can be retrieved from saved flows by applying customized filters
as and when required.
(v) This method will provide Source IP, SourcePort, Destination IP, Destination Port, Flow
Start Time, Flow End Time, Byte Counts, Packet Count, TCP Flags etc. for IPv4 and IPv6.
(vi) No NAT logs are available in this method as IPFIX flows are generated on traffic TAPed at
(vii) Correlation with subscriber databasemay be done with the help of existing solution.

5.1. IPDR Parameters (for IPv4/IPv6) available with IPFIX

S.N. Parameters Remarks

8 Source IP address with source port YES

9 Static/ Dynamic IP address allocation ISP has the


10 Destination IP with destination port YES

11 IST Start Time of IP address allocation (hh:mm:ss) Communication

Start Time

12 IST End Time of IP address allocation (hh:mm:ss) Communication End


6. Implementation Scenario2: ISP sites not installed with Internet Monitoring System

Option (i)

Netflow can be configured on Network devices. However, Flow generation sampling rate varies from
devices to device. The device capabilities for NetFlow generation can be confirmed by respective OEM.
Many of enterprise grade devices now support 1:1 Netflow generation. This will provide IP access
metadata including destination IP and destination port. Other related subscriber database(s) may be
used to generate IPDR in required format as is being done currently to provide IPDR as per guidelines
issued in 2013.

Option (ii)

Syslog can be configured on Firewall or Integrated Router network devices. These logs can be
transferred to a separate log server and then customized scripts can be used to retrieve required
information from logs. Logs can be stored / transferred at some defined internal on a log server as per
requirements. Other related subscriber database(s) may be used to generate IPDR in required format.

Option (iii)

C-DOT IPFIX probe: This will require installation of TAP device for getting a copy of traffic and Load
balancer for aggregation of traffic. IPFIX probes will generate the IPDR using IPFIX flows. These flows
can be collected on a separate server installed locally / remotely and can be saved in some directory on
server based on some pre-defined interval. It will also require appropriately sized server(s) to collect and
save the flows. Required IPDR records can be retrieved from saved flows by applying customized filters
as and when required. This method will provide Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port,
Flow Start Time, Flow End Time, Byte Counts, Packet Count, TCP Flags etc. for IPv4 and IPv6.

No NAT logs are available in this method as IPFIX flows are generated on traffic TAPed at gateway. Any
NAT logs may be correlated with logs of actual NATing device. Other related subscriber database(s) may
be used to generate IPDR in required format as is being done currently to provide IPDR.

7. Conclusion:

ISPs can use any of the method like syslog generation in Network Device , NetFlow generation (after
confirmation from OEM about flow generation sampling rate) , CDOT IPFIX probe to generate IPFIX flow.
The logs/flows may be collected on a separate server and necessary information may be retrieved using
customized scripts for IPDR generation.

However other logs like NAT / AAA / IP address allocation etc. are also required to be correlated with
the relevant databases as is being done currently for generation of IPDR format issued in year 2013. The
Licensees may consider the solutions based on their own assessment to timely implement the revised
IPDR format issued by DoT vide letter dated

Annexure: 1

Annexure: 2


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