The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements On Brand Equ

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The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Article in Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja · January 2005

DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2009.11517392 · Source: OAI


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1 author:

Edo Rajh
Ekonomski institut, Zagreb


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3 The Effects of
Marketing Mix Elements
on Brand Equity*

Edo Rajh**

The structural model of the effects of marketing mix elements on brand equity is
defined in line with the existing theoretical findings. Research hypotheses are
defined according to the identified structural model. In order to test the defined
structural model and research hypotheses empirical research was conducted on the
sample of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business in
Zagreb. Research results indicate that the structural model has an acceptable level
of fit to the empirical data. The estimated structural coefficients and indirect effect
coefficients indicate the direction and intensity of effects of each analysed element
of marketing mix on brand equity. Finally, implications of research results for the
theory and practice of brand management are analysed and discussed.

Keywords: brand equity, brand, strategic brand management, marketing mix

JEL classification: M31

This paper was originally published in Privredna kretanja i eknomska politika (Economic Trends and
Economic Policy) No. 102, 2005, pp. 30-59.
Edo Rajh, Research Associate, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 53

1 Introduction
The concept of brand equity was first introduced in marketing literature in the
1980’s. During the 90’s this topic received significant attention from both
scientists and marketing practice, which resulted in a large number of articles and
books on the subject (e.g. Aaker and Keller, 1990; Aaker, 1991; Keller and Aaker,
1992; Aaker and Biel, 1993; Keller, 1993; Aaker, 1996; Agarwal and Rao, 1996;
Kapferer, 1998; Keller, 1998). The interest in brand equity is still active (e.g. Yoo et
al., 2000; van Osselaer and Alba, 2000; Dillon et al., 2001; Keller, 2001; Yoo and
Donthu, 2001; Moore et al., 2002).

The importance of brand equity consists in numerous benefits for companies that
own brands. Brand equity has positive relationship with brand loyalty. More
precisely, brand equity increases the probability of brand selection, leading to
customer loyalty to a specific brand (Pitta and Katsanis, 1995). One of the benefits
provided by high brand equity is the possibility of brand extension to other
product categories. Generally, brand extension is defined as the use of an existing
brand name for entry into a new product category (Aaker and Keller, 1990). When
compared to new brand names, brand extensions have lower advertising costs and
higher sales (Smith and Park, 1992). Successful brand extensions contribute to
higher brand equity of the original brand (Dacin and Smith, 1994; Keller and
Aaker, 1992), however, unsuccessful extensions may reduce the brand equity of the
parent brand (Aaker, 1993; Loken and John, 1993). Aaker and Keller (1990)
developed a model for consumer evaluation of brand extensions, and a number of
authors worked on generalization of this model (Barrett et al., 1999; Bottomley
and Doyle, 1996; Sunde and Brodie, 1993).

In addition, brand equity increases (1) willingness of consumers to pay premium

prices, (2) possibility of brand licensing, (3) efficiency of marketing
communication, (4) willingness of stores to collaborate and provide support, (5)
elasticity of consumers to price reductions, and (6) inelasticity of consumers to
prices increases, and reduces the company vulnerability to marketing activities of
the competition and their vulnerability to crises (Barwise, 1993; Farquhar et al.,
1991; Keller, 1993; Keller, 1998; Pitta and Katsanis, 1995; Simon and Sullivan,
1993; Smith and Park, 1992; Yoo et al., 2000). In general, we can say that brand
equity represents a source of sustainable competitive advantage (Bharadwaj et al.,

54 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

1993; Hoffman, 2000). Also, literature identifies an impact of brand equity on the
stock market reactions (Lane and Jacobson, 1995; Simon and Sullivan, 1993).

Currently, there are a large number of different definitions of brand equity, which
may lead to conceptual misunderstandings when researching this phenomenon.
An attempt to classify the different approaches to the definition of brand equity
(Feldwick, 1996) could be useful in clarifying different approaches to and
relationships involved in the complex concept of brand equity. Feldwick (1996) has
identified three different approaches to brand equity: (1) brand value (the total
value of the brand as a company’s intangible asset – financial approach), (2) brand
strength (the strength of consumer commitment to a particular brand –
behavioristic approach) and (3) brand description (associations and beliefs
consumers have about particular brands – cognitive approach). Brand strength and
brand description are customer-based aspects of brand equity, whereas brand value
is a financial aspect of brand equity.

This paper will adopt a behavioristic approach to brand equity, and brand equity
will be taken to mean the difference in consumer choice between a branded and an
unbranded product given the same level of product features (Yoo et al., 2000).

Despite the fact that brand equity attracts attention of both marketing scientists
and marketing practitioners, the way in which, and how intensively, individual
marketing mix elements affect the creation of brand equity has remained
unstudied, with the exception of a paper by Yoo et al. (2000). Given the
importance that brand equity has for companies operating under contemporary
conditions, it seems fully justified to explore how and with what intensity
individual marketing mix elements impact brand equity, with individual brand
equity dimensions used as mediator variables. Such findings may serve as guidance
to managers on the Croatian market as to how they can build and maintain the
brand equity of Croatian brand names, and certainly represent a scientific
contribution to a better understanding of the mechanisms, ways and intensity of
influence of individual marketing mix elements on brand equity.

The objective of the present paper is to explore how marketing mix elements affect
brand equity. Based on literature review and analysis of findings so far, Part 2 of
the paper defines a structural model of impact of marketing mix elements on

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 55

brand equity. Part 3 and Part 4 deal with the survey conducted with the aim to test
the defined structural model. Part 5 brings a summary of conclusions.

2 Structural Model of Impact of Marketing Mix

Elements on Brand Equity
The structural model of impact of marketing mix elements on brand equity will
consist of a set of exogenous variables (those variables whose causes are not
represented in the model) and a set of endogenous variables (those variables whose
causes are specified in the model). Exogenous variables will include all of the
analysed marketing mix variables: (1) price level, (2) store image, (3) distribution
intensity, (4) advertising, (5) price deals, and (6) sponsorships. It should be pointed
out here that a preliminary statistical analysis of collected data, using an
exploratory factor analysis, has shown that variables: distribution intensity,
advertising, and sponsorships represent a single factor that can be tentatively called
“intensity of marketing activities”. In the structural model, distribution intensity,
advertising, and sponsorships will hence be viewed as one exogenous variable. The
results of exploratory factor analysis will be presented in more detail in Part 4.

Endogenous variables will be the different brand equity dimensions and brand
equity itself. Variables that will be observed as brand equity dimensions will
include: (1) brand awareness and (2) brand image. Brand equity dimensions will be
viewed as mediator variables in the model. Mediator variables are those
endogenous variables that cause some other endogenous variables (in this case
brand equity).

All variables will be viewed as latent variables, whereas individual items from the
measurement scales measuring specific latent variables will be viewed as manifest

Figure 1 shows a diagram of the structural model of impact of marketing mix

elements on brand equity. The model diagram was made using the standard
elements applied in the structural equation modelling method (Kline, 1998).

56 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Figure 1. Structural Model of Impact of Marketing Mix Elements
on Brand Equity
BA ···
· Price
δ γ1 ε
Awareness BE ···
γ2 β1
· Intensity of
· market activities ζ
δ γ3 Brand
ε Equity
SI BI ···
· Image
· ζ
· γ4 β2
Brand Image

· Deals γ5
· ζ
Meaning of diagram elements:

Manifest variable Latent variable:

Measurement error in exogenous variable:
Measurement error in endogenous variable:
Structural error: Direct causal influence:
Structural coefficient of influence of exogenous variable on endogenous variable:
Structural coefficient of influence of one endogenous variable on another:

The above structural model has been defined on the basis of theoretical and
empirical findings and the exploratory factor analysis of data collected in a survey
(the survey will be presented in more details in the following chapters).

Based on the illustrated structural model, the following hypotheses on the

relationships between marketing mix elements and brand equity dimensions can be

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 57

H1 – the higher the brand price, the more positive the brand image (parameter
H2 – the higher the intensity of marketing activities, the greater the brand
awareness (parameter γ2);
H3 – the higher the intensity of marketing activities, the more positive the
brand image (parameter γ3);
H4 – the more positive the image of stores in which the brand is sold, the
more positive the brand image (parameter γ4);
H5 – the more frequent the price deals, the more negative the brand image
(parameter γ5).

Also, the following hypotheses can be defined on the relationships between brand
equity dimensions and brand equity itself:

H6 – the higher the brand awareness, the greater the brand equity (parameter
H7 – the more positive the brand image, the greater the brand equity
(parameter β2).

Additionally, based on defined hypotheses, the following hypotheses on the

relationships between marketing mix elements and brand equity can be defined:

H8 – the higher the brand price, the greater the brand market value (parameter
H9 – the higher the intensity of marketing activities, the greater the brand
equity (parameter α2);
H10 – the more positive the image of stores in which the brand is sold, the
greater the brand equity (parameter α3);
H11 – the more frequent the price deals, the lower the brand equity (parameter

Hypotheses H1–H7 will be tested by evaluating parameters γ1-γ5, and β1 and β2.

Hypotheses H8 - H11 will be tested by applying the analysis of indirect influence

of a given marketing mix element on brand equity. The direction and intensity of
influence of each marketing mix element will be calculated on the basis of all

58 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

causal influences between marketing mix elements and brand equity. For instance,
the influence of the intensity of marketing activities on brand equity (parameter
α2) will be calculated as follows: intensity of influence of the intensity of marketing
activities on brand awareness x intensity of influence of brand awareness on brand equity +
intensity of influence of the intensity of marketing activities on brand image x intensity of
influence of brand image on brand equity (Kline, 1998). Or, using the symbols of each

α2 = γ2 × β1 + γ3 × β2

3 Research Methodology
3.1 Measurement Instrument

The exogenous and endogenous variables of the defined structural model have
been measured using measurement scales that contained items with which
respondents expressed their agreement/disagreement. For expressing respondents’
agreement/disagreement with the items, the five-point Linkert scale was used.

Shown below are exogenous and endogenous variables with the corresponding
items. It should be stressed here that this is an initial set of items that will be
additionally filtered through reliability and validity assessment methods.

• The price of this brand is high (pc1).
• This brand is expensive (pc2).
• The price of this brand is low (r)1 (pc3).

Store Image:
• The stores in which I can buy this brand sell well-known brands (si1).
• This brand can be bought only in high-quality stores (si2).
• The stores in which I can buy this brand carry products of high quality

“ r” denotes negative items that will be recoded before analysis.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 59

Distribution Intensity:
• Compared to competing brands, this brand is stocked in more stores
• The number of stores selling this brand is higher than the number of
stores selling competing brands (di2).
• This brand is distributed through the largest possible number of stores

• Advertising campaigns for this brand are frequent (ad1).
• This brand is intensively advertised (ad2).
• Advertising campaigns for this brand are more expensive than advertising
campaigns for competing brands (ad3).

Price Deals:
• This brand is frequently promoted through price deals (pd1).
• This brand can often be bought at promotional prices (pd2).
• Frequent price deals are offered for this brand (pd3).

• This brand seems to invest more in sponsorship of various events than
competing brands (sp1).
• This brand frequently sponsors various events (sp2).
• Compared to competing brands, this brand sponsors various events more
frequently (sp3).
• I often notice this brand as a sponsor of various events (sp4).
• Compared to competing brands, I notice this brand more often as a
sponsor of various events (sp5).

Brand Awareness:
• This brand is very well known to me (ba1).
• I know this brand very well (ba2).
• This brand is not known to me (r) (ba3).
• I am acquainted with this brand (ba4).

60 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Brand Image:
• This brand completely satisfies my needs (bi1).
• The characteristics of this brand completely satisfy my needs (bi2).
• This brand is best able to satisfy my needs (bi3).

Brand Equity:
• It makes sense to buy this brand instead of some other brand even if
these two brands are the same (be1).
• If another brand is not different from this brand in any way, it would
still seem smarter to buy this brand (be2).
• Even if another brand had the same characteristics as this brand, I would
rather buy this brand (be3).
• If there was another brand of the same quality as this brand, I would
rather buy this brand (be4).

3.2 Surveyed Brands

The survey covered three categories of products (non-alcoholic carbonated

beverages, chocolate and entertainment electronics) from which 10 brand names
were selected (Coca-Cola, Cockta, Pepsi, Fanta, Dorina, Milka, Toblerone, Philips,
Samsung and Sony).

The selection of individual product categories and associated brands is conditioned

by the structure of the survey sample (students). Therefore, in order to select
individual product categories, 10 in-depth interviews were conducted among the
students of the Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business. During the interviews,
the students were asked to name the products they currently use or have used or
bought for themselves or others. Based on the results of in-depth interviews the
above product categories were selected.

Also, during the final selection of product categories attention was paid to
differences in products based on various criteria (e.g. price, frequency of purchase,
duration of use, situations of use, risk) so as to increase the possibility for
generalization of survey results through inclusion of different categories.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 61

With the same goal in mind, in selecting individual brands we also tried to include
varied brands that differ according to different criteria (e.g. price, quality, market
share, country of origin).

3.3 Survey Sample

The survey was conducted among a sample of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year
undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, in
May and June 2003. The survey included a sample of 424 respondents.

The sample size issue is essential when applying the structural equation modelling
method. When using this method, two criteria need to be met in defining the
sample size (Kline, 1998):

1. Structural equation modelling is a large-sample method. As a general

rule, those samples are considered large that contain more than 200
sample units.
2. In structural equation modelling, it is not enough to just select a large
sample (N > 200), but in selecting the sample size the complexity of the
structural model must be taken into consideration; the recommended
ratio between the number of units in the sample and the number of
parameters in the model is at least 10:1; if this ratio is less than 5:1, the
results cannot be considered statistically stable nor can the parameter
assessment and test statistics be considered valid.

In determining the sample for this survey both criteria were met. The sample
belongs to the group of large samples (N > 200) and the ratio between the number
of units and model parameters is larger than 10:1 (the ratio is 11:1).

3.4 Data Analysis

The collected data have been analysed using different statistical methods. The data
analysis process in this survey was conducted in three stages: (1) assessment of
psychometric characteristics of applied measurement scales; (2) preparation and

62 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

checking of data for application of the structural equation modelling method; and
(3) data analysis using the structural equation modelling method. Throughout the
entire data analysis process no consideration was made of which brands the
respondents expressed their opinions on in order to increase the possibility for
generalization of obtained results. Statistical data analysis was entirely conducted
using the programme package Statistica 6.0.

The methods used for assessing the reliability and convergent and discriminant
validity of the applied measurement instruments were Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
and exploratory factor analysis.

For the purposes of preparation and data checking for application of the structural
equation modelling method the following analyses were made (Kline, 1998):

1. Data were checked for the existence of univariate outliers – outliers were
identified with the value of individual manifest variables outside the
range of ± 3 standard deviation from the respective mean;
2. Data were checked for the existence of multivariate outliers by calculating
Mahalanobis distances in relevant multiple regressions (three multiple
regression analyses were conducted – 1. brand image as a dependent
variable, brand price, intensity of marketing activities, store image, and
price deals as independent variables, 2. brand awareness as a dependent
variable, marketing activities as an independent variable, 3. brand equity
as a dependent variable, brand awareness and brand image as
independent variables); squared Mahalanobis distances are interpreted as
hi-square statistics, with the number of variables viewed as the level of
freedom; it is recommended to use a conservative significance level
(p<0,001); a multivariate outlier is a case in which the value of squared
Mahalanobis distance is greater than the critical hi-square distribution
value (with the corresponding level of freedom);
3. Univariate normality of distribution of manifest variables was tested by
checking their kurtosis and skewness, whereby the kurtosis index and
skewness index were calculated for each manifest variable, with the aim
to identify manifest variables with leptokurtic or platykurtic
distributions, and those with positively or negatively skewed
distributions; absolute skewness index values lower than 3 and absolute

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 63

kurtosis index values lower than 10 are considered acceptable for
application of the structural equation modelling method;
4. Multivariate normality was tested by calculating two multivariate
normality indicators: (1) Mardia-based kappa indicator, and (2) relative
multivariate kurtosis indicator; for data possessing the multivariate
normality characteristic, the Mardia-based kappa indicator must have a
value around 0, while the indicator of relative multivariate kurtosis must
have a value of around 1;
5. Bivariate multicollinearity among manifest variables was tested using
correlation analysis; absolute values of correlation coefficients higher
than 0.85 indicate a bivariate multicollinearity;
6. Multivariate multicollinearity was tested through multiple regression of
each individual manifest variable with other manifest variables;
coefficients of multiple determination higher than 0.9 indicate
multivariate multicollinearity;
7. Levene’s homogeneity of variances test was used to test homoscedasticity
of relationships among variables for which a direct causal link is assumed
in the structural model; if Levene’s test is non-significant, the hypothesis
of homoscedasticity is not rejected.

In order to test the defined structural models of the effect of marketing mix
elements on brand equity, the collected data were analysed using the structural
equation modelling method. The general aim of the structural equation modelling
method is to determine causal aspects of analysed correlations. This method was
used to analyse the covariance matrix of analysed manifest variables.

4 Survey Results
4.1 Assessment of Psychometric Characteristics
of Applied Measurement Scales

The reliability of used measurement scales was tested using Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient, while convergent and discriminant validity of measurement
instruments was tested using exploratory factor analyses.

64 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Table 1 shows the results of reliability testing of measurement scales used for
measuring exogenous and endogenous variables of the defined structural model.

Table 1. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient for the Used Measurement Scales

Variable Cronbach Alpha
Price 0.87
Store Image 0.71
Distribution Intensity 0.75
Advertising 0.83
Price Deals 0.83
Sponsorships 0.90
Brand Awareness 0.65
Brand Image 0.85
Brand Equity 0.85

Cronbach’s alpha coefficients lead us to the conclusion that the applied

measurement scales exhibit satisfactory levels of reliability, ranging from acceptable
to excellent. The measurement scale for measuring brand awareness has the lowest
reliability level, while the highest level of reliability is exhibited by the
measurement scale for intensity of sponsorships.

Also, the impact of specific items on Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the respective
measurement scale was analysed in order to eliminate from further analysis those
items that result in the reduction of the reliability of respective measurement
scales. Based on such analyses, the following items were eliminated from further

pc3 – The price of this brand is low (r).
Distribution Intensity:
di3 – This brand is distributed through the largest possible number of stores.
ad3 - Advertising campaigns for this brand are more expensive than
advertising campaigns for competing brands.
sp1 - This brand seems to invest more in sponsorship of various events than
competing brands.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 65

Brand Equity:
be1 - It makes sense to buy this brand instead of some other brand even if
these two brands are the same.

The remaining items were subjected to an exploratory factor analysis in order to

test convergent and discriminant validity of measurement scales. Table 2 shows the
resulting factor structure with varimax factor rotation.

Table 2. Factor Structure after Varimax Factor Rotation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
bi1 0.06 0.74 -0.19 0.19 0.12 0.27 0.14
bi2 0.03 0.84 -0.11 0.05 0.08 0.21 0.09
pd1 0.12 -0.07 0.78 0.09 0.01 0.05 -0.17
ba1 0.10 0.18 0.24 -0.13 0.64 0.00 0.23
ad1 0.75 0.12 0.28 -0.08 0.15 -0.00 0.12
bi3 0.17 0.73 -0.00 0.06 0.14 0.38 -0.02
si1 -0.09 0.10 0.19 0.77 0.18 -0.02 -0.00
ba2 0.03 0.18 0.23 -0.17 0.72 0.13 0.12
di1 0.65 -0.28 -0.05 0.05 0.09 0.34 0.12
ba3 0.05 -0.01 -0.18 0.21 0.72 0.10 -0.13
be2 0.07 0.19 -0.02 0.10 0.01 0.82 0.06
pc1 0.10 0.07 -0.16 0.10 0.09 0.04 0.89
si2 0.08 0.08 -0.17 0.69 -0.17 0.19 0.33
pc2 0.13 0.07 -0.13 0.07 0.06 -0.05 0.91
di2 0.66 -0.26 -0.09 0.12 0.09 0.27 0.11
ad2 0.75 0.03 0.29 -0.08 0.23 0.01 0.14
pd2 0.29 -0.19 0.72 0.09 -0.02 0.10 -0.12
sp2 0.85 0.13 0.14 0.00 0.12 -0.09 0.05
sp3 0.80 0.23 0.11 -0.06 -0.06 -0.04 -0.06
si3 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.84 -0.10 0.13 -0.01
sp4 0.88 0.09 0.19 0.05 0.00 0.04 -0.00
ba4 0.22 0.02 -0.25 0.02 0.60 0.05 0.02
be3 0.10 0.21 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.85 0.01
be4 0.05 0.27 0.07 0.05 0.13 0.79 -0.09
sp5 0.83 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.02
pd3 0.31 -0.02 0.82 0.05 -0.02 -0.01 -0.06

pc – price; di –distribution intensity; si – store image; ad – advertising; pd – price deals; sp – sponsorships; ba– brand
awareness; bi –brand image; be –brand equity.

66 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Seven factors were selected, with the Kaiser-Guttman rule used as the criterion
for selection of the number of factors. The seven factors explain 71.02 per cent of
total variance.

The results of the factor analysis indicate that measurement scales used for
measuring price, store image, price deals, brand awareness, brand image, and brand
equity exhibit features of convergent validity (the respective items have high factor
loading on the given factors) and discriminant validity (respective items have low
factor loadings on other factors).

Measurement scales for measuring distribution intensity, advertising, and

sponsorships do not mutually exhibit a discriminant validity feature. Namely,
based on the factor structure we can conclude that these three measurement scales
are measuring the same variable, which can tentatively be called intensity of
marketing activities, and represent parts of a single measurement scale that
measures such a variable. If these three measurement scales are viewed like this,
then we can say that the measurement scale for measuring intensity of marketing
activities exhibits features of convergent and discriminant validity. In the further
analysis, the variables of distribution intensity, advertising and sponsorship will
not be viewed as separate variables, but as a single variable to be called “intensity
of marketing activities”.

4.2 Data Preparation and Checking

Five univariate outliers were identified with values of individual manifest variables
outside the range of 3 ± standard deviation from the respective mean. All five
outliers were excluded from further analysis.

Also, two multivariate outliers were identified both of which were excluded from
further analysis.

A total of seven outliers were excluded from further analysis. After exclusion of
outliers, the sample for further analysis is N = 417.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 67

To test the univariate normality of distributions of individual manifest variables,
kurtosis index and skewness index were computed for each manifest variable. The
resulting indices are shown in Table 3.

From the results we can infer that both indices are within acceptability limits
(absolute values lower than 10 for kurtosis index, and absolute values lower than 3
for skewness index), and that collected data demonstrate an acceptable level of
univariate normality.

Table 3. Kurtosis Index and Skewness Index

Kurtosis Index Skewness Index
bi1 -0.153 -0.218
bi2 -0.003 -0.262
pd1 -0.169 0.223
ba1 1.016 -0.608
ad1 -0.280 -0.645
bi3 0.049 0.075
si1 -0.583 -0.313
ba2 0.081 -0.332
di1 -0.644 -0.027
ba3 1.257 -1.113
be2 -0.647 0.038
pc1 -0.440 0.294
si2 -0.404 0.364
pc2 -0.481 0.246
di2 0.272 0.249
o2 -0.945 -0.197
pd2 0.027 0.129
sp2 -0.357 0.162
sp3 -0.208 0.238
si3 -0.198 -0.214
sp4 -0.512 -0.120
ba4 0.283 0.004
be3 -0.731 -0.029
be4 -0.597 -0.261
sp5 -0.618 0.170
pd3 -0.247 0.112

68 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Multivariate normality was tested by calculating the Mardia-based kappa indicator
and the relative multivariate kurtosis indicator. Mardia-based kappa has a value of
0.053, and relative multivariate kurtosis indicator a value of 1.053. Both results
indicate that the data have an acceptable level of multivariate normality (Mardia-
based kappa indicator has a value of around 0, and the relative multivariate kurtosis
indicator a value of around 1).

Bivariate multicollinearity among manifest variables has been tested using

correlation analysis. The results of correlation analysis lead to the conclusion that
there is no unacceptable level of bivariate multicollinearity among manifest
variables because absolute values of all correlation coefficients are lower than 0.85.

Table 4. Coefficients of Multiple Determination

Dependent Variable Coefficient of Multiple
Significance Level (p)
bi1 0.66 0.00
bi2 0.65 0.00
pd1 0.52 0.00
ba1 0.47 0.00
ad1 0.72 0.00
bi3 0.62 0.00
si1 0.41 0.00
ba2 0.51 0.00
di1 0.58 0.00
ba3 0.34 0.00
be2 0.58 0.00
pc1 0.77 0.00
si2 0.53 0.00
pc2 0.78 0.00
di2 0.59 0.00
ad2 0.74 0.00
pd2 0.72 0.00
sp2 0.75 0.00
sp3 0.64 0.00
si3 0.55 0.00
sp4 0.81 0.00
ba4 0.41 0.00
be3 0.71 0.00
be4 0.66 0.00
sp5 0.66 0.00
pd3 0.69 0.00

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 69

Multivariate multicollinearity has been tested using multiple regression of each
individual manifest variable with the remaining manifest variables. Table 4 shows
the resulting coefficients of multiple determination.

The table above shows that none of the multiple determination coefficients exceeds
a value of 0.9, which leads to the conclusion that there is no unacceptable level of
multivariate multicollinearity in collected data.

Homoscedasticity of individual relationships between variables for which a direct

causal link is assumed in the structural model has been tested using Levene’s test
for homogeneity of variances. Individual variables were calculated as mean values
of respondents’ replies to specific items. Non-significance of Levene’s test indicates
that the hypotheses of homoscedasticity cannot be rejected, i.e. that the
relationship between the tested variables is homoscedastic. Table 5 shows the
significance of Levene’s test for specific variable pairs.

Table 5. Significance of Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variances

Variable Pairs Significance of Levene’s Test (p)
price – brand image 0.18
intensity of marketing activities – brand image 0.08
store image – brand image 0.07
price deals – brand image 0.13
intensity of marketing activities – brand awareness 0.52
brand image – brand equity 0.09
brand awareness – brand equity 0.23

Levene’s test is non-significant for all tested variable pairs, which indicates that the
hypothesis on homoscedasticity of specific relationships is not to be rejected, i.e.
that the relationships between tested variables are homoscedastic.

All analyses conducted in the course of preparing and testing the collected data
indicate that the collected data meet all the basic preconditions for application of
the structural equation modelling method. Namely, (1) univariate and multivariate
outliers have been excluded from further analysis, (2) data shows a satisfactory level
of univariate and multivariate normality, (3) data shows no unacceptable level of

70 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

bivariate and multivariate multicollinearity, and (4) data shows a satisfactory level
of homoscedasticity.

4.3 Data Analysis Using Structural Equation Modelling Method

In order to test the structural model of impact of marketing mix elements on

brand equity, as defined in Part 2 of this paper, the collected data were analysed
using the structural equation modelling method.

Since the relationship between sample size and number of parameters in the
structural model is one of the factors in successful implementation of the
structural equation modelling method, we first proceeded to define the possible
number of parameters in the model in relation to sample size (N=417). The ratio
between the number of units in the sample and the number of parameters in the
model should be at least 10:1. In this survey, the target for this ratio was set at 11:1
so as to exceed the recommended minimum threshold. The set target presupposes
a structural model with a maximum number of 38 parameters (417/11=37.91).
Since the model consists of seven latent variables, and also having in mind
measurement errors and disturbance parameters, it follows that each latent variable
could be assigned to maximum two manifest variables (this produces 14
parameters assessing the connection between manifest and latent variables, 7
parameters assessing the causal link among latent variables, 14 parameters assessing
the measurement error in specific manifest variables, and 3 parameters assessing
structural errors – a part of variance of endogenous variables not explained by
exogenous variables, making a total of 38 parameters). For each latent variable
those manifest variables were selected that have the highest correlation to the total
value of the respective measurement scale as a whole.

Figure 2 shows the above described structural model that was tested in this survey.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 71

Figure 2. Structural Model of Impact of Marketing Mix Elements
on Brand Equity
ε1 ε2


BA 2

Price ε5 ε6

δ3 γ1

BE 3

BE 4
δ4 γ2 β1
Intensity of
Mark. Activities
ε3 ζ1
δ5 γ3
BI 1

BI 2
Store Image
SI3 ζ3
γ4 β2
δ7 Brand Image

δ8 Price Deals
PD3 ζ2

The next step is to determine whether the defined structural model can be
identified. In hybrid models (the defined model belongs to the group of hybrid
models), there are three criteria for model identification:

1. The number of parameters must be lower or equal to the number of

unique fields in the covariance matrix; the number of unique fields in
the covariance matrix is computed according to the following formula:
v*(v+1)/2, where v is the number of manifest variables; the defined
model has 14 manifest variables, and the number of unique fields in the
covariance matrix is equal to 105 (v*(v+1)/2 = 14*15/2 = 210/2 = 105);
given that the defined model has 38 parameters, we may conclude that
the first criterion for model identification is met (38 < 105);
2. The latent factors must have their own metric; this criterion will be met
by fixing the variance of all latent variables to the value of 1;
3. If the model contains only one latent variable, at least 3 manifest
variables must be included; if the model contains two or more latent

72 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

variables, to each latent variable at least two manifest variables must be
assigned; as the defined model contains more than two latent variables,
and each has two manifest variables attached to it, we conclude that this
model identification criterion is met too.

Since all three model identification criteria have been satisfied, we may conclude
that the defined model can be identified.

After having established this, we proceeded to analyse the data by structural

equations modelling. This method was used to analyse the covariance matrix of
analysed manifest variables.

Following the analysis using structural equation modelling, we first sought to

determine the level of fit between the defined model and the analysed data. Table 6
shows the indices measuring the level of fit of the model to the analysed data.

Table 6. Fit Indices

Index Index Value
Goodness-of-Fit Index (GFI) 0.877
Adjusted Goodness-of-Fit Index (AGFI) 0.815
Normed Fit Index (NFI) 0.831
Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI) 0.808
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) 0.853

The values of analysed indices indicate that the level of fit of defined model to
data is satisfactory and that the defined model is acceptable for further analysis
(Hu and Bentler, 1999).

The next step in application of the structural equation modelling method is the
analysis of the structural model itself aimed at testing the set of hypotheses. Table
7 shows standardized structural coefficients that evaluate direct causal links among
latent variables, specified in the defined structural model (Figure 2).

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 73

Table 7. Standardized Structural Coefficients
Hypothesis Parameter
Structural Coefficients
H1: price → brand image (+) γ1 0.16*
H2: intensity of marketing activities → brand awareness (+) γ2 0.45*
H3: intensity of marketing activities → brand image (+) γ3 0.10**
H4: store image → brand image (+) γ4 0.28*
H5: price deals → brand image (-) γ5 -0.20*
H6: brand awareness → brand equity (+) β1 0.23*
H7: brand image → brand equity (+) β2 0.45*

* standardized structural coefficients are statistically significant at a level p<0.001.

** standardized structural coefficients are statistically significant at a level p<0.05.

The resulting standardized structural coefficients indicate that hypotheses H1

through H7 can be considered confirmed. All structural coefficients are statistically
significant and have the expected direction.

Accordingly, the following relationships apply:

• the higher the brand price, the more positive the brand image,
• the higher the intensity of marketing activities, the higher the brand
• the higher the intensity of marketing activities, the more positive the
brand image,
• the more positive the image of stores in which the brand is sold, the
more positive the brand image,
• the more frequent the price deals, the more negative the brand image,
• the higher the brand awareness, the higher the brand equity,
• the more positive the brand image, the higher the brand equity.

After having identified and analysed the direct causal impacts in the analysed
structural model, we may proceed to identify and analyse the indirect causal
impacts of marketing mix elements on brand equity. This will allow us to test the
hypotheses H8 through H11.

74 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

Indicators of indirect causal impacts have been computed by multiplying
respective structural coefficients, which are placed between an individual marketing
mix element and brand equity. If there is more than one direction of indirect
impact of an individual marketing mix element on brand equity, then individual
products of multiplication are added up. As this is the case only with the intensity
of marketing activities, the indicator of indirect impact of this marketing mix
element on brand equity is calculated according to the following formula:

α2 = γ2 × β1 + γ3 × β2

Table 8 shows the calculated indicators of indirect impacts with corresponding

significance evaluation.

Table 8. Indicators of Indirect Causal Impact

Indicator of Indirect
Hypothesis Parameter
H8: price → brand equity (+) α1 0.07*
H9: intensity of marketing activities → brand equity (+) α2 0.15*
H10: store image → brand equity (+) α3 0.12*
H11: price deals → brand equity (-) α4 -0.09*

* indicators of indirect impact are statistically significant at a level p<0,05.

The resulting indicators of indirect causal impact indicate that hypotheses H8

through H11 may be considered confirmed. All structural coefficients are
statistical significant, and have the expected direction.

Accordingly, the following relationships apply:

• the higher the brand price, the higher the brand equity,
• the higher the intensity of marketing activities, the higher the brand
• the more positive the image of stores in which the brand is sold, the
higher the brand equity,
• the more frequent the price deals, the lower the brand equity.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 75

5 Conclusion
The research results indicate that different marketing mix elements impact the
creation of brand equity with different levels of intensity, as well as that some
elements of marketing mix can negatively affect the creation of brand equity.

This conclusion has several important implications for strategic brand

management. First, the obtained research results point out very clearly to the
importance of a strategic approach for brand management, with creation of brand
equity, and not just brand sales, being a criterion for deciding on the application
of specific marketing mix elements. If the focus of brand management is placed
exclusively on sales, it may easily happen that those marketing activities are chosen
(e.g. price reduction activities) which are likely to increase sales in the short run,
but may deteriorate the brand equity in the long run.

The research results also implicate that when allocating marketing budgets to
individual marketing mix elements attention must necessarily be paid to the
potential impact of a specific marketing mix element on the creation of brand
equity. This further means that the potential impact of individual marketing mix
elements on brand equity must be included as criterion in deciding on the
allocation of marketing budgets to individual marketing mix elements.

The research results point out to the need for careful selection of individual
marketing mix elements in order to avoid deterioration of the achieved brand
equity. This additionally emphasizes the importance of a strategic approach to
brand management as a means of avoiding that fulfilment of certain short-term
goals (e.g. short-term increase in sales) disrupts the possibility for long-term sales
growth and achievement of sustainable competitive advantages, undoubtedly
resulting from high brand equity.

Furthermore, the research results indicate that managers, in their efforts to build
the equity of the brands they are managing, should primarily focus on the creation
of brand awareness and a positive brand image. In the tested model, the said two
variables have been viewed as mediator variables that are affected by managers
through marketing mix elements, and these two variables have a direct impact on
brand equity. All activities aimed at positively impacting the brand equity should

76 The Effects of Marketing Mix Elements on Brand Equity

be focused either on increasing the brand awareness or on improving the brand
image, or both.

The research results lead us to the conclusion that managers who are engaged in
strategic brand management may use the price level as an instrument for
improving the brand image. Namely, as supported by theoretical findings, this
research has shown that a higher brand price communicates a better brand image,
and through a more positive brand image indirectly leads to an increase in brand
equity. Furthermore, a particularly interesting finding is that managers may
contribute to an increase in brand equity through the very intensity of marketing
activities. Namely, the intensity of marketing activities, without considering their
quality, positively affects the creation of brand awareness and building of a more
positive brand image, which in turn results in an increased brand equity.
Presenting especially important implication for the practice of strategic brand
management is the fact that the image of stores in which a brand is sold has the
strongest positive impact on brand image, and through this variable also on brand
equity. This result underlines the importance of the brand manager’s active
approach in selecting and designing the distribution channels. In doing this,
special heed should be paid to the effect of the selected stores on brand image, as
well as that, when selecting the distribution channel members, the image of the
potential channel members and the potential impact of their image on brand
image, and thus the brand equity, is included as a criterion in the decision-making
process. The research results indicate that brand managers should be very careful
when applying price deals as a marketing mix element. Even though price deals
may lead to certain short-term financial gains resulting from a short-term sales
increase, in the long run a frequent use of this marketing mix element may cause a
reduction in brand equity because of the negative influence of price deals on brand
image, and thus may eliminate the short-term benefits that may arise from the use
of this method.

The research findings underline the importance of a long-term approach to brand

management. Companies using brand sales as the only indicator of the
successfulness of brand management may be in danger of reducing the equity of
their brands.

Croatian Economic Survey 2005 77


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