Self Care

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Self-care is any activity you do to take care of your physical, mental & emotional health. Self-care
is important in order to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom.

Tips to Practice Self-Care

EAT – Refuel. We all need to eat. But often our habits change when we’re stressed – either we
overeat or we don't eat at all. Hence, it is important to understand the importance of specific
food items that would provide you with the nutrients required by your body.

*Tip: Always keep a healthy snack handy and eat as soon as you feel hungry.

SLEEP- Stress can derail our sleep. Irregular sleeping patterns, disturbed sleep, sleeping during
odd times, not getting enough sleep are a few symptoms of stress. Disciplined and specific hours
of sleep each night helps you to deal with stress you face in your everyday life.

* Tip: At home, follow a disciplined sleep routine. Plan to go to bed and wake up at the same
time every day. Keep away distractions like TV or mobile during this time.

HYDRATE- While you increase your water intake remember to decrease your caffeine intake.
While water helps to detoxify, Caffeine creates a stress reaction in your body and cause you to
feel nervous, irritable or restless.

* Tip: A warm glass of milk before bed will help you sleep. Drink water if you must but not too
much because a full bladder will definitely disturb your sleep.

MOVE- Physical activity has many positive effects on your health. Not only it keeps your body fit,
but increases your energy, enhances your immune system, reduces insomnia and stimulates
brain growth. Exercise pumps up your endorphins.

* Tip- 4 hours of work out is not a must, you can reap health benefits by being physically active
from just a 30-minute walk. Online videos from professionals are a good way to help you guide
through yoga or at-home workouts. You can ask a friend to accompany you for a walk, it will not
only help tracking your steps but a great company can makes it fun.

ENJOY- If you look into yourself and around, you will discover things you enjoy. Make time to do
things that make you feel good as often as you can. What you find fun need not be enjoyed by
others, but that’s fine. If you need company to enjoy, find like minded people and it will help.

* Tip: Read a book that you like. Watch a movie or listen to the music you like. Painting, dancing,
learning a new language are some other activities that you may pursue. Seek what makes you
happy and try to enjoy it.
CONNECT-Man is not an island. Social connections create powerful influences on our mood,
physical and mental health. Spending time with friends, family and like minded people help to
increase your levels of happiness and decrease stress.

* Tip: Getting involved in something bigger than yourself like some charity or doing nice things
for others can boost your mental health. If people you care about are far off, send them a text or
make a phone call. A light hearted conversation can make their day and yours too.

PAUSE-Remember, life is not a job. If you don’t know how to pause and take time for yourself ,
then learn to take a pause. Try ways to make yourself happy maybe listen to music, do yoga,
meditate, do breathing exercise, write in the gratitude journal or just sit still and watch the
setting sun or birds.

* Tip: There are lots of different apps, sites, professionals out there who can help. Check them
out: ‘How to calm down when you’re stressed’

RECOGNIZE -Be mindful. Your thoughts and feelings, positive or negative, can be your greatest
friends or your worst foe. A healthy outlet to process your emotions and positive self-talk is
always important, especially during stressful times.

* Tip: Whenever thoughts pop up, ask yourself, Is this helpful? Is fear helpful ? true? If not,
challenge yourself to find a positive and true alternative. Everyone has good and bad days, so
speak kindly to yourself. Never be too hard on yourself! Love yourself and that’s the way to
nurture your health.

REFLECT- Ask yourself what’s important to you. It is easy to be burdened by negative messages,
so, look inside yourself and others for kindness and positivity. For example being influenced
by people doing good things for others or optimistic posts on social media.

* Tip: Practice gratitude regularly. it can improve your sense of well-being and happiness! Keep
a journal about gratitude: write down three good things about your day every night. It need
not be something major or life changing but even small activities like a good dinner, a fulfilling
friendly chat or completing a task.
REPEAT- it is a proven fact that trying a new skill, habit, or routine for 21 days in a row will
increase the likelihood of maintaining this new practice? Something that makes you happy.

* Tip: Find a friend or partner to hold you accountable during the first few days; this strategy has
been shown to enhance your success rate of maintaining your new practice.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, suggest them to reach out to counsellor.

Preeti Taneja
Counsellor’s Desk

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